where heaven and hell meet
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watashinodatenshi · 2 years ago
January 28, 2023
As Noah fell backwards onto his hotel mattress for the night, he let out a groan that could be attributed to any one of a number of sources. Realistically, his head was in a million different places and the combination of intoxicants running through his bloodstream did nothing to lessen the blow. It was 4:37 in the morning, and he’d just stumbled back to the room he’d booked for his brief time in Nashville. Sure, he didn’t need to stay the night following his layover in the city. In fact, going through Nashville was one of the more out of the way routes to get back to Los Angeles that were made available to him. After a six day cruise where he had two sets and countless events to attend, he honestly would have rather been on his way back to the west coast if Sam Kiszka hadn’t been home.
But his preemptive text asking as such was responded to with a typical “yeah, and what are you suggesting?” Noah could always count on Sam to bring him attitude in excess. He could count on Sam for a lot of things, but there was a rather large list that he wasn’t willing to admit to. The younger boy had a way of making his heart beat out of his chest the second he opened his mouth and that absolutely terrified him. No one did that to him. He was Noah Sebastian for fuck sakes. He had anyone he was even remotely attracted to on their knees in front of him in the blink of an eye. It was something he prided himself on after years of not catching so much as a second glance all through his school years. He took the time, and he was proud of the way he presented himself these days. But something about Sam turned him back into that shy kid on the inside. Sam made him trip over his words and force him to hide his blushing cheeks. When he caused that sort of reaction, the last thing Noah was going to do was allow him to know that.
The night they’d just spent together was proof enough of just how intensely Sam affected Noah. After arriving in the city around four in the afternoon, that gave plenty of time for him to make his way over for a long night of debauchery. The pregaming began almost immediately after he walked in the door, several bottles of liquor at the ready. It was almost as if Sam knew what Noah needed to get through the night without metaphorically spilling his guts. Literally, on the other hand, wasn’t yet out of the question.
With more drinks than he could count on one hand already flowing through his system, the pair got in an Uber and took to the Nashville streets, getting to Sam’s favorite local bar. The atmosphere could not have been more Nashville, or more Sam. It was clear immediately just why he liked this spot so much. Luckily for Noah, there was a decent array of beers on tap, some decent whiskey behind the bar, and he soon found out that the bathroom had a steady outpour of cocaine making its way out of it. It was all he needed to maintain a casual demeanor in front of Sam without embarrassing himself. Maybe this could be done after all.
Already having consumed a sufficient amount of alcohol by his standards, Noah knew the next course of action would be to acquire at least an 8-ball. Normally he wasn’t one to share his drugs with anyone. His friends knew well enough to take care of themselves, and that included being responsible for their own substance acquisition. On one of their first nights out however, Sam had asked him if he’d be willing to split the last of his ketamine. He was entirely prepared to say no, but then he saw his eyes. Fuck, those gleaming caramel brown eyes had caught the light in just the right way and Noah knew he was a goner. This was simply round one of being unable to deny Sam Kiszka anything he asked, the first of many. Now, when the two were together, he made sure to get enough of whatever it was for two.
The transaction went as smooth as he could have anticipated in the bathroom of a semi-respectable Nashville bar. It always made him leery at how cheap the drugs were here, but they just simply weren’t as inflated as the Los Angeles prices he was used to. He made his way back to Sam sat near the bar, not even taking the time to sit down. All he did was flash his open palm with the small ziplock bag in hand and he knew what to do from there. He led the now stood up Sam toward the bathroom, free hand on the small of his back. If he wasn’t mistaken, he could have sworn Sam’s face had just a touch of pink to it. The idea was quickly shaken, knowing it could have come from any one of a number of sources. Maybe he flushed with the alcohol, or maybe it was a trick of the light, or hell, maybe Noah was just seeing things with how far gone he already was. There was no chance that he made Sam blush the same way Sam made him blush.
There was an open bathroom stall at the end of the line, and Noah brought them within its walls. From his pocket, he fished out two cards: his drivers license and one of his credit cards. The identification laid more flat, causing him to pour some of the white powder onto it. He handed Sam the other card, allowing him to cut the lines while he held his still. One for each. Had it not been such a small surface, he would have encouraged them to both snort theirs at the same time. He offered the display to Sam to allow him first choice. The small smile he gave him could have made his heart stop. The younger man inhaled smoothly, sniffling a bit afterward. That left Noah to follow, imitating his actions near exactly. The rush took little time to hit, but really just began to bring him to a more aware state with counteracting the booze.
The pair returned to the bar, dancing through another couple of drinks. As he finished what would be his last beer, Sam leaned into whisper, “D’you think it’s about time we got back to mine?” Noah knew all too well what he was truly asking, and pulled out his phone to call for yet another Uber. He simply couldn’t help himself on the ride, placing quiet kisses to Sam’s neck. Other than some heavier than average breathing, he stayed silent during the ministrations and the driver barely acknowledged them.
In around ten minutes, they made it back to Sam’s secluded home. Noah know it quite well at this point, particularly their current fevered route from the front door to Sam’s bedroom. Their lips clashed messily as they tried their best, and nearly failed, to make it to the mattress without falling to the floor in a passionate heap. The balance was finally lost as he laid the bassist back, hands roaming every inch of his body that they could reach. He simply could not get enough of this man, and he could not for the life of him understand why. What was it about him that made Noah so weak, so desperate for him? No woman or man had ever done this to him. He had resigned himself to a life spent hopping from fling to fling, never staying in one place for too long. Now, he kept returning to the same place. Something about Sam Kiszka kept him coming back and he had no idea what it was. And that scared him as much as he excited him.
Clothes were quickly and sloppily shed. The pair were by no means committal, but Noah would be lying if he said that sex with Sam wasn’t the best he’d ever had. Their bodies fit together so well, and he was always not just willing to take what he was given; he was just as into everything Noah threw at him as he was. It was a perfect pairing sexually. There was something else, though. There was something in the way that Sam curled up in his arms when they were finished. Something that made him want to stay put, maybe even watch him as he slept.
His instinct started to kick in after Sam had started to softly snore. He didn’t belong here. He needed to get out, and fast. As swiftly as he could without waking the peacefully resting, beautiful-
Fuck, focus Noah, focus.
Once safely out of the bed, clothes were swept off the floor and slid on. A brief tap and a wait later and he was in the back of a white Corolla, on his way back to his hotel. Now, here he laid, 4:43 AM, and he couldn’t get Sam fucking Kiszka out of his head. He smeared his face in his hands, seeing if maybe physical sensation could help pull his head straight.
He absolutely was not drunk enough for this.
July 14th, 2023
It’d been tough, but they had done it. Every last box that Noah had brought with him to Nashville had been brought into Sam’s - no, their home. He’d known for quite some time just how badly he wanted to be as close to Sam as possible at any given moment, and now they’d turned that into living together. Anyone who knew them for any length of time probably saw this coming a mile away, but might have been surprised by which location the couple decided upon. Living in Nashville would definitely be an adjustment, but it was one that excited him. Sam would be with him through it all, so he knew he’d be okay. They were together, and that was really all that mattered.
So much had changed for them over the last few months. They’d finally given in and admitted their feelings for one another. The intoxicated wild nights out started to turn into passionate nights in. Noah wasn’t using anything anymore, because he didn’t need to. Hell, he didn’t want to. He wanted to be in the moment with Sam at all times. His boyfriend thrilled him to no end, and he still couldn’t quite understand entirely why. It was something beyond him, beyond them both. But it somehow just made sense.
“C’mon, let’s have a last nap in the bed before I kick you out until it’s done,” Sam teased, tugging Noah toward what was now their bedroom. Fuck, he’d never get tired of saying that. He pulled back the all too familiar covers, thinking about exactly what the new ones might look like as he allowed his boyfriend to slide in first. He knew the general idea of what Sam was going for in the new decor, and he knew whatever it looked like, he would love it. They were on the exact same page when they’d discussed it, but he’d let him have his fun when it came to actually putting it all together. He knew that it brought Sam joy, so he was more than happy to relinquish his control on this one particular thing to him. He laid down behind him, sliding into position just as he had so many times before. Arms were wrapped around Sam, holding him close up against his chest. It was so strange to think how just a few months ago, this would have absolutely terrified him. Now, he couldn’t imagine falling asleep any other way. His face nuzzled into Sam’s neck, pressing sweet, lazy kisses along it as he started to fall asleep.
Yeah, he belonged here.
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watashinodatenshi · 2 years ago
“To have someone understand your mind is a different kind of intimacy.”
— Unknown
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watashinodatenshi · 2 years ago
“The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.”
— Unknown
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