#poor descriptions of pokemon
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persephone-rue · 1 year ago
So I don't actually know much about Pokémon, and have never played an official game, BUT I know that Pokedéx entries are fuckin wild, so I decided to read some of them. So now here's my personal SparkNotes of every Pokédex entry from Gen I ig--
Bulbasaur #001- Photosynthesis turtle
Ivysaur #002- Photosynthesis turtle, part two
Venusaur #003- Photosynthesis turtle, part three, this time with flower :D
Charmander #004- If that flame ever goes out it dies.
Chameleon #005- A big mean lizard that can definitely kill you
Charizard #006- A dragon. Those flames really should kill any Pokémon in its path…
Squirtle #007- Turtle x archerfish
Wartortle #008- Turtle with furry tail. Also will outlive you by about 9 millennia
Blastoise #09- Who in their right mind thought it was a good idea to tape a fire hose on a turtle?
Caterpie #010- Big ass caterpillar
Metapod #011- A useless iron cocoon
Butterfree #012- A poisonous butterfly that likes honey
Weedle #013- Poison caterpillar
Kakuna #014- A useless iron cocoon but poisonous 
Beedrill #015- Giant wasp with multiple stingers and is even more territorial
Pidgey #016- Birb.
Pidgeotto #017- Hawk.
Pidgeot #018- An osprey if it was also a jet
Rattata #019- Rat.
Raticate #020- Rat, but with iron teeth
Spearow #021- Birb. Again.
Fearow #022- Birb, but it likes to fly even more
Ekans #023- Snek
Arbok #024- Whose main powers include... being a snake???
Pikachu #025- It will electrocute you. And itself. And other Pikachus.
Raichu #026- Same as Pikachu, but will kill you, if it decides to not use the ground
Sandshrew #027- Armadillas keep diggin…
Sandslash #028- An armadillo porcupine that chose violence
Nidoran ♀ #029- Fatally toxic mouse
Nidorina #030- Docile toxic mouse with mild separation anxiety
Nidoqueen #031- Armor covered mama bear
Nidoran ♂ #032- The female one, but less docile and with bigger ears
Nidorino #033- Very dangerous toxic mouse. You will die
Nidoking #034- The definition of violence
Clefairy #035- A friendly little fairy buddy
Clefable #036- An even shier fairy buddy
Vulpix #037- A six tailed fox with pyrokinesis 
Ninetails #038- If you grab one of its tails it’ll curse you for the rest of its life. So a millennia
Jigglypuff #039- Sings a little lullaby :)
Wigglytuff #040- Really soft, and will inflate itself to beat you up better when angry
Zubat #041- A bat.
Golbat #042- A vampire bat that won’t stop drinking until you’re nearly dead
Oddish #043- A living nocturnal clump of weeds
Gloom #044- A walking corpse flower
Vileplume #045- A komodo dragon if it was a flower. My god is it scary
Paras #046- It’s got parasites on its back that steal most of its food. So it becomes a tree parasite
Parasect #047- Yeah that parasite’s taken over the poor Pokemon now :(
Venonat #048- Bug.
Venomoth #049- Poison moth
Diglett #050- A weird little mole that hates the sun and sometimes helps farmers
Dugtrio #051- Triplets that dig real deep underground. Yes they create earthquakes sometimes
Meowth #052- A cat that really likes shiny things. Give me back my change
Persian #053- A feral cat with a jewel forehead
Psyduck #054- A duck with psychic powers that give it migraines and memory loss
Golduck #055- A real good swimmer. Also it was almost hunted to extinction for one of its body parts
Mankey #056- A perpetually pissed primate
Primeape #057- A perpetually pissed primate 2, somehow angrier
Growlithe #058- A loyal dog that otherwise will bite strangers. And probably set them on fire.
Arcanine #059- Fast pretty boi
Poliwag #060- Tadpole. Also that swirl is just their organs
Poliwhirl #061- A frog that hypnotizes things with it’s skin
Poliwrath #062- Frog can now swim across an ocean
Abra #063- Just a sweepy guy that likes to teleport away from everyone always
Kadabra #064- Really strong psychic powers, that cause weird shit to happen, and the spoons help channel it ig. Also might be a kid????
Alakazam #065- REEEAAAAL smart, like brain is always growing smart. Also physically can’t move it’s own body without it’s powers, so if it ever lost those powers… uh oh (spoons still help btw)
Machop #066- Baby muscle builder
Machoke #067- It has infinite power, but don’t worry! This weird belt holds it back. Can still kill you with a finger. Be glad it's nice.
Machamp #068- Can now be as infinitely powerful twice as efficiently. Don’t ask it to do needlework
Bellsprout #069- Just a fly eating plant that can move at terrifying speeds
Weepinbell #070- A plant that poisons then eats anything that moves
Victreebell #071- Same as previous, but it definitely eats people
Tentacool #072- Jellyfish with magic eyes
Tentacruel #073- Man-of-war if it could emit ultrasonic waves
Geodude #074- It’s not a rock, but it gets mad of you step on it thinking it is
Graveler #075- Rolls down mountains to move, and like a boulder, will not care if you’re in the way. Also it’s favorite food is rocks
Golem #076- An indestructible boulder
Ponyta #077- A fire horsie that has indestructible hooves?
Rapidash #078- I AM SPEEEEEED
Slowpoke #079- It is constantly zonked out. I am surprised it wasn’t in the weed section of the Perfect Pokerap for that reason alone
Slowbro #080- The literal only difference from Slowpoke is that another Pokemon is eating its tail
Magnemite #081- A flying magnite
Magneton #082- Magnemine x3, now with the power to mildly fuck with everything around it
Farfetch’d #083- A duck that obsesses over a leek that it uses like a paper towel roll sword. Also what they’re holding changes names every other entry even though it is clearly either a leek or scallion. Oh and they’re endangered.
Doduo #084- Two headed roadrunner. The heads talk to each other :)
Dodrio #085- Mitosis spawned three headed roadrunner. It is now too smart
Seel #086- Seal. What did you expect.
Dewgong #087- Seal 2
Grimer #088- ACTUAL living sludge brought to life by the bullshitest of sciences
Muk #089- All of them should be put away in quarantine. How many ten year olds has this thing killed by being near them??
Shellder #090- Clam with a nigh indestructible shell
Cloyster #091- Clam that can fight back. Why does it look like a vagina..?
Gastly #092- It’s near invisible and just kinda suffocates you like that one scene from The Legend of Korra. It’s 95% gas and 5% victim soul too so have fun with that
Haunter #093- If fear of this thing in the dark doesn’t kill you first, it will actually lick the life force out of you
Gengar #094- A shadow that wants to kill you. Guess I’ll never go outside at night again
Hypno #097- STOP EATING MY DREAMS GOD DAMMIT, this time with a stolen kid
Krabby #098- Crab
Kingler #099- New method of execution just dropped. Two words: Hippo Claw.
Voltorb #100- A grenade.
Electrode #101- A large bomb.
Exeggcute #102- Eggs that travel in packs that are actually seeds?
Exeggutor #103- A yelling tree
Cubone #104- An orphan wearing the skull of its dead mom. It… it cries a lot…
Marowak #105- It’s overcome the death of its mom, and now uses the bones of it’s fallen brethren as a weapon
Hitmonlee #106- 100% is that kid that won’t stop kicking the back of your plane seat
Hitmonchan #107- Won the award for most likely to beat someone to death in less than 10 seconds
Likitung #108- It’s got a big tongue and licks things. And it’s saliva might be an irritant
Koffing #109- Mustard gas balloon
Weezing #110- Double mustard gas balloon
Rhyhorn #111- An indestructible rhino that can’t drift and is really stupid
Rhydon #112- The Nemean Rhino
Chansey #113- A very nice chicken that can make anyone happy and well fed. Stardew Valley chicken <3 <3
Tangela #114- A blue tumbleweed in Jordans
Kangaskhan #115- Kangaroo!! Also might’ve raised a human once so that’s pretty neat
Horsea #116- Seahorse, but also an octopus
Seadra #117- Seahorse, but also a lionfish
Goldeen #118- Just a really pretty fish. I want 7
Seaking #119- Another fish. Don’t touch their eggs. I’ll take another 7
Staryu #120- Starfish with an emphasis on star
Starmie #121- Uses the rainbow it makes from its body to talk to space. Probably an alien
Mr. Mime #122- A mime that looks for any excuse to smack you, especially with that invisible fish he was “holding” that’s now real
Scyther #123- A bug with scythe hands that moves way too fast and will probably kill you
Jynx #124- It uses dancing to talk because we don’t know what it’s saying
Electabuzz #125- The Energy Monster from Wordgirl
Magmar #126- Fire duck
Pinsir #127- A large insect with the hunting/killing strategy of a fucking crocodile
Tauros #128- A really violent bull with whip tails
Magikarp #129- A fucking useless fish that shouldn’t still be alive
Gyarados #130- A giant fucking sea monster that will kill us all. I’m sorry for calling you useless when you were a fish
Lapras #131- A very nice boat turtle that nearly went extinct
Ditto #132- A shapeshifter
Eevee #133- It’s genetic code is so fucking strange it can turn into 9 different things
Vaporeon #134- Hey guys, did you know- Mermaid cat that can melt into a puddle
Jolteon #135- A very sensitive bolt of lightning. It will kill you if startled
Flareon #136- A fire breathing puppy. You might wanna have a Vaporeon around if you get one…
Porygon #137- A piece of code in corporeal form
Omanyte #138- I guess we can just bring ammonites back now idk
Omastar #139- An ammonite with the Achilles heel of the irish elk
Kabuto #140- A trilobite too, why not
Kabutops #141- Scyther but underwater
Aerodactyl #142- Fuck it, pterosaurs, one of the scariest prehistoric creatures, they’re back now
Snorlax #143-  A giant sleeping teddy bear that can’t get sick. And is a nightmare to feed
Articuno #144- I’m pretty sure this bird’s just the god of winter
Zapdos #145- This is just Zeus minus the horny
Moltres #146- Again, this is a god. This bird is the god of fire and spring fuckin-
Dratini #147- A giant sea snake that people barely knew existed for awhile
Dragonair #148- Bigger sea snake that can kinda control the weather
Dragonite #149- Really kind water dragons that can fly too fast. I don’t know how we got here from Dragonair.
Mewtwo #150- A genetically fucked up stronger Mew, because humanity doesn’t understand the Greek concept of hubris
Mew #151- It’s rare, way too magical, and has the whole pure of heart thing goin on. So a unicorn.
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drrealityslenderverse · 5 days ago
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Marble Hornets Pokemon Teams Round 1!
Teams & my reasoning for picking them below the cut:
1. Pawmot- a Pokémon Brian had pre-MH. Mostly picked because of the "that's some nice hair" line lol. However, Pawmot is also great to have around because he can charge devices like the camera while out living in the woods!
2. Umbreon- originally an eevee he had pre-MH. The color scheme just matches Hoody well & the whole night-theme seems fitting. His specifically is easily aggitated ever since things starting going downhill.
3. Banette- Brian took it in just before things fell apart after finding it at one of Alex's film locations. Banette has prove to be a loyal companion, usually easy going and the one to sooth frayed nerves, but fully willing to curse its enemies. I thought it'd be cool to have a megastone in place of one of its eyes, although Hoody doesn't mega evolve it often. Again, color pallet seemed fitting, but Banette's Pokédex entries also seem fitting for his character.
4. Mimikyu- brought onto the team shortly after he took up the mask and acted as Hoody. His is rather shy and likes to mimic him. Picked mostly because I thought the cloth disguise fit nicely with his cloth mask and the mentions of loneliness in the Pokédex.
5. Yamask- the worrier of the team who showed up one day. I wasn't going to give him a yamask, but the color scheme is so perfect lol. I suppose the whole, 'the mask it carries is of its old face' lore could refer to Brian's life pre-MH.
6. Nickit- Hoody specifically caught one just to steal things like Tim's medicine. This one has a rather childish personality but is always eager to cause trouble by following Hoody's orders. I feel like this one is obvious; I picked it for the team because of its thief skills. I kept it unevolved because it seems cuter and I liked the 'cautious and cunning' description more than Thievul's.
1. Growlithe- Given to him as a child to alert for seizures! Tim worries the poor pup when he goes into the Masky state. This well-trained Growlithe is his closest companion. I had to give him a friendly loyal dog Pokémon and like to think this one's mane has that well-loved stuffed animal texture.
2. Absol- he added this one to his team around the time Alex's project crumbled. Absol came to him in rough shape already and is often grumpy due to years of no one heeding his warnings. I wanted to add one to the team because I feel like Tim's character does warn Jay often of the dangers to stop, but keeps investigating & helping Jay anyway. Absol's colors also match Masky's mask well.
3. Mimikyu- found it one day and it followed him home. This one is curious about things and often helps Masky and Tim find items to help their goals. I wasn't going to add this to his team, but shiny Mimikyu reassembles his mask so I tossed it in.
4. Yamask- haunted him since childhood but Masky didn't add it to his team until the project fell apart. It's friendly and also likes to find tapes to bring back for its trainer. I specifically put yamask on the team for the mask item it carries around, and made it shiny to get it closer to the white mask color.
5. Pangoro- a powerful Pokémon that Masky exclusively tends to use. It's the muscle power to the team. Tim is... wary of Pangoro's aggressive nature but wouldn't feel good about abandoning it. I had to give him something that was a strong hitter since Masky is usually the one to attack. Pangoro's color scheme works well for Masky's mask too.
I didn't give him a 6th Pokémon because I felt like this was a nice line-up. I did consider and espeon or other eeveelution to play off Hoody's umbreon, but decided none really vibed well for me to add.
I also didn't plan on giving them duplicate Pokémon, but I liked yamask & mimikyu for each for different reasons, so there they are. If anything, they could reflect how the two seemed to work together for a time.
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rhythmantics · 2 months ago
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A selection of some of my favorite regional variants and fakemon from my RP server. Dex descriptions below:
Vlahian chinglings resemble Arceus's symbol, and are treated as wards against misfortune and the restless dead as a result. Modern research has discovered that they may have developed the shape in order to benefit from the protection of humans, and not the other way around. It's said that they can easily become desecrated with poor treatment.
It's believed that skanters are the result of mutualism between two pokemon - a normal horse and some type of beetle - taken to an extreme. They roam in herds, and while their primary diet is grass, they apparently love to eat ghosts, according to several local folktales. They're sometimes seen chewing on what appears to be thin air.
Prigs are incredibly haughty and difficult. They're prone to ignoring their trainers, and their moods are capricious; what makes them happy one day will make them refuse to fight the next. As such, it's common for people to give up on raising one. Prigs that were released are the most likely to join a new trainer, just to start the cycle over again.
Initially thought to be a regional goomy variant, goopies are actually parasites that infest and control a goomy's body, like the mushrooms on a parasect. They're known for their hypnotic, pulsing colors, which they use to entice prey. They will sometimes latch onto a human host and temporarily puppet them around. They understand the concept of money.
Scrappy and belligerent, Vlahian drifloons delight in combat. Unfortunately, their bodies are extremely elastic and they're very light, so their body slams usually result in the drifloon bouncing comically far. They also strike out with their hands, but they're too short to reach past their long bodies. They are filled with rage for existence itself.
Vlahian elgyems can fly over short distances and to great heights, but only in short bursts. They're pranksters, and enjoy abducting anything that appears precious - including living beings - and taking them as far away as they can. They appear to have a childlike lack of empathy - luckily, like children, they tire easily.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year ago
Could you please do a fic where Steven and Mike from strangled red meet a reader from another region (preferably one with fairy type pokemon) and the two are either terrified or confused about the reader's pokemon, leading to them asking the reader questions like: "why does your pokemon look like that?" "What even is a fairy type?" And all that jazz
The moment I saw this request, the first fairy pokemon that came to mind was Klefki! So that'll be the chosen one <3
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"Dude, why is your keyring so-?"
"Huh?!!" Mike took a huge step back, eyes widening as the large keyring hanging beside your door suddenly came to life. It lifted itself off the hook and did a little twirl, smiling at the dumbfounded brunette in front of it.
"Klefki! What did I say about pranking our guests, hm?"
Hearing your voice, Klefki perked up and flew away from Mike, floating over to where you and Steven stood in the living room. You had just finished showing him your collection of badges, but the sight of your partner Pokémon startled him.
"What did you say that was..?" The longhaired trainer blinked.
"Klefki. The Keyring Pokémon." You introduced, turning to see it raise one appendage and hand you a key. "Thank you very much. You know, you're less stingy than usual today. I'll get you some pokepuffs after-"
"Wait, that's a Pokémon??"
"....is it really that shocking to you guys? Your region has Pokémon who look like eggs and pokeballs." Chuckling, you turned back to the two brothers who seemed so fixated on the levitating keyring--before they suddenly began scrambling to open their pokedexes, hoping there wasn't a sudden update they needed to catch up on.
"No. You two aren't missing anything."
They paused, now staring up at you.
"Klefki is originally from Kalos. You won't find them in those regional Kanto pokedexes."
Both of them blinked in realization, as though lightbulbs have simultaneously turned on upstairs before they bashfully put away their dexes. "Right, I forgot.." Steven awkwardly mumbled. "That's cool, though."
"Here. I got my regional Kalos dex." You decided to show them both Klefki's entry, letting the former champion take it into his hands while Mike leaned in closer to take a look.
All the while, you stood there patiently, amused at how their eyebrows furrowed as they read its description. They were acting like Pokémon researchers who just made a phenomenal discovery.
Then finally, after a long silence, Steven looked up at you.
"There's a "fairy" type? Is that a new thing?"
"It was the most recently-discovered type, but that was..........wait, you've never heard of them?" You blinked, seeing that his older brother had an equally confused expression. "Don't tell me that you, Kanto's first recorded champions, have never seen or battled a fairy type Pokémon in your life."
"What about Clefairy?"
"....that's a normal type according to our pokedexes." Mike frowned. "Is it a regional thing or-?"
"No, I...I'm working on my national dex. And it clearly states it's a fairy type." You huffed, realizing that these two poor uncultured souls didn't have a clue what you were talking about.
With a small sigh, you decided to sit on the couch, patting either side of you. "Come here, boys. I'm about to teach you allllll about fairy types. Because there's a lot you two need to catch up on if you wanna be "pokemon masters".
They both nodded and sat down, listening to your explanations about what fairy type Pokémon were, what they typically looked like, their weaknesses/strengths, etc.. You even presented them with the fairy feather you let Klefki hang onto.
Steven's eyes periodically wandered to your partner, who was noisily jingling its keys and grinning at him.
"So Steven...do you have any questions?"
"H-Huh? Oh, uh...yeah.." Snapping his attention back to you, he fidgeted with his hat. "You're saying its type advantages and disadvantages are all.....based off of fairytale stories?"
"Precisely." You nodded. "Fairies are strong against dark because they're typically good, and like the fighting type they triumph over evil."
"But they're also weak to fire because....?"
"Fire typically burns down their forests, but it's not one of their weaknesses. Fire Pokémon just resist Fairy Pokémon." Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Mike sheepishly raising his hand. "Yes, Mikey?"
"....you lost me on why steel types are supereffective against them.." He admitted with a nervous chuckle.
"In most myths, iron harms fairies because they're manmade material."
"....gotcha...wow.." Flopping back onto the couch, he sighed dramatically, trying to absorb all this information you've told them. "I mean, it's awesome that more Pokémon types are being discovered, but....dang...it's gotten more complicated, too."
"Yeah." Steven nodded, mimicking his posture. Although a moment later, he sat up and looked at you. "[Y/n]...you said fairies were supereffective against dragon types, right?"
"Correct." You nodded, wondering where he was going with this.
"...is Miki secretly a fire/dragon instead of fire/flying?" His eyes narrowed in suspicion and worry. "Because if I ever battle your Klefki, that might be a-"
"No, I can assure you that in every region Charizard is fire/flying....although some trainers have the mega stone called Charizardite X that could turn theirs into a fire and dragon type instead-"
"The Charizardwhat???" He gawked.
To that, all you could do was sigh and shake your head, becoming more amused by the second at how much the brothers didn't know. You felt like a Pokémon Professor at this rate.
'Oh jeez..I'll be here for a while..'
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napswithwolfie · 1 year ago
LU Pokemon AU
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So Time my fairy boy... It wasn't until the end that I noticed Time's team is smol™️ I didn't intend for his team to be fairy themed but here we are and I couldn't be happier
🔂Time Sky Warriors Twilight Wild Legend Hyrule Four Wind
Team descriptions below the cut 👋👀
🔂 Eevee: Masks Eevee? Time's eevee can transform into any of the evelutions at will.
🔂 Celebi: His time travelling fairy companion. Poor man just wants to age normally
🔂 Charcadet: Shade angst Shade angst crisobmelt. Deadass couldn't choose which was sadder, so I picked both. Just like his Eevee, charcadet can form change at will.
The parallels to Time's ability to switch being a child or an adult - oh ho ho the flavourrrrr
🔂 Phantump: I can't explain it but it makes sense
🔂 Ursaring: Picture this - Time’s retired and grizzled, spending his days at Lon Lon Ranch, a worn-out old bear of a man.
🔂 Rapidash: Epona neighing in the bg*
🔴 Partner pokemon: Eevee
⚪ Smaller team: Eevee, Celebi, Charcadet
They are team baby
Notes: Was on the fence whether to include skull kid or fierce deity. I mean that new mon Orgepon looks pretty interesting
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dandysolace · 1 year ago
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[Image Description: A screenshot of text messages. Sender message 1: A photo of a dog bed with a digitally drawn baby Chikorita, a green quadruped Pokemon with a leaf coming out of its head. In a second text bubble is written “Mumma”. Receiver message 1 reads: So fat. Sender message 2 reads: He was just born not his fault: Receiver message 2 reads: Oh poor thang.]
Watching Zen Mode’s fixing Chikorita video with a friend and we started quoting this meme.
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anoteofcalcium · 1 year ago
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Someone get this poor frog boy transferred to Naranja / Uva and away from the overly competitive nature of Blueberry Academy please-
>HC "'"Elaboration'"" and minor spoilers (for Kieran's Indigo Disk Team, mostly, but some plot points) below;
*And for Christ's sake give him his furret back GameFreak!!
*Unrelated, but does anyone else find Kieran's team going from Poliwrath -> Politoed to be adorable? Like, First big team has Poliwrath - a not quite full frog - and Second definitive team has full froggy Politoad?? Love that Kieran is not only designed frog-like, but gets emphasized with them, A+ character design choices, very *chef's kiss* 🤌🤌
*Anyway so...
• "<player> has everything I've ever wanted!...She’s/He’s got strong Pokémon! She/He can go anywhere she/he wants, and she/he can be friends with anyone!...I loved Ogerpon since forever ago! But even Ogerpon chose her/him over me!...Even YOU, Sis! You were being all nasty toward her/him at first, but then boom! You were like best friends in no time
...The kid obviously has insecurity issues strengthened by an abrasive relationship with his sister, minimal positive outlets to let himself flourish in a healthier way, and an inferiority complex he falsely believes strength will compensate for,, like, a school (Blueberry) whose main (whole? tbh) shtick is to make their trainers good at battling and centers the majority of its social AND curricular (that the player as an exchange student can observe, anyway) interactions around competitive Pokémon battles is NOT helping to do anything but strengthen any unhealthy thoughts and feelings about such concepts he has
•Note: when confronted with the reality that he's not as strong as he *perceives* he should be / earned the right to be (i.e. player beats him despite him being the "top" trainer at Blueberry), the cognitive dissonance it creates sends him into a panic attack....and the Blueberry kids just. scoff?? Immediately throw out their favor?? Very healthy mindsets and social hierarchy at Blueberry Academy, perfectly conducive to friendly and healthy competition, clearly (/sarcasm)
•Compare it to the variety of tracks of Naranja / Uva (2 of which - STEM and Humanities - have nothing to do with battling) and the Treasure Hunt, which encourages *independent* study into a variety of topics: i.e., allowing one to explore and experience a variety of things of personal interest in order to learn about one's self at one's own pace, bound by nothing but their own personalized limits...can you imagine how much that atmosphere would improve and expand Kieran's mental framework and ideas?? He can get everything he his desire "to be like [player] so, so badly" emphasized in his quote above - Strong Pokemon, going anywhere [he] wants, being friends with anyone (Carmine included)...and probably whatever attracted Ogerpon, for that matter - by being like the player and going to the Academy that the game emphasizes as being what gave the player opportunity and experience to have BECOME what Kieran admires / envies.
•Also, him transfering would give him some freedom / independence from Carmine - and nothing against her (...much), but I genuinely think Kieran would benefit a lot in an environment where he didn't have (to be forced) to rely on and compare himself to his sister's ideals and prowess...which Kieran very much mimics and absorbs when "stronger"...not a coincidence - they're seem pretty co-dependent in the Teal Mask at times, if not have a very neglect / enable type feedback aspect to their relationship. BUT that's a story for another post never
*Sprigatito would be Kieran's starter choice (or more like it would choose him, tbh) - and not just because it makes sense in my cannon (i.e. Florian w/ Quaxly, Juliana w/ Fuecoco) lol; sprigatitio is legitimately perfect for him:
•It desires attention and companionship, to the point it's first description was how it's, "capricious and attention-seeking, and it tends to sulk if ignored by people" and the trait continues all the way throughout it's evolution (/i.e. growth "phases"), with Meowscarada being described as, "sensitive and prone to jealousy. It can often be very attached to its Trainer, and it will become upset if its Trainer gives attention to other Pokémon". Sounds like Kieran towards both the player and Ogerpon, lol (Kieran: . Somewhat unrelated, but Florgato's being the edgy teenager (as Carmine referred to Kieran's "mood swings") phase of Sprigatito's line involved it's *mood* effecting its "edge" / "hardness" ...of it's fur, but still - Kierans a "moody teen", right? Anyway, imagine Kieran with a Pokémon that would be as obsessed with him as he was with Ogerpon, lol (/jk)
•It's a grass type, which tend to suit Kieran, and he seems to have an affinity for (Ogerpon, Dipplin line, Shiftry, etc.). It developing a dark type as it evolves reflects Kieran's arc - it's final evolution is also both MASKED (reflecting Ogerpan hyperfixation and Kieran's family's history), and Jester / Mardi Gras themed, which goes along with the festival theme Kieran exhibited during the Teal Mask DLC ( like with his Dipplin). Both Kieran and Meowscarada have those cute droopy eyes too, which is a fun design element to connect the too, if nothing else, lol
•Getting further out with the idea, though: It's lines shiny is, fubckin' oURPLE!! Purple cat for the ourple boy, thank you,, (and how shiny!Meowscarada has a purple cuff and an invisible "leash" [its flower bud] around its neck is vaguely similar to the purple chain of the Loyal three...okay I'm really reaching now but still. teehee... ). Hey, anyone notice how purple is a complementary color for yellow, which happens to be Kieran's eye and main acccesory (headband / bag) color and -- I'm going anywhere with this, I just think its neat 👍
•Honestly just replace his current cat (Incineroar) with Meowscarada - Incineroar suits Carmine a lot better imo...which is why it's my theory it's on his final team, but that's. Also a different post I'll probably never make :^)
•Like, I get why they wouldn't have given Kieran a Paldaen starter for his team (for a variety of reasons, honestly), but,, Think about it •Sprigatito using its kneading on Kieran's (fluffy, sowwy ponytail!Kieran fans) hair for impromptu aromatherapy would probably be good for this kids anxiety tbh
*IMAGINE Kieran picking up mask-making in Hassel's art class - IMAGINE the positive energy and outlet art (not battling) and a professor like Hassel would provide this kid!!
TL;DR: DLC where Kieran transfers to Naranja / Uva Academy when GameFreak.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. The more you know 🌈
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belamew · 6 months ago
hey, i was directed here by one of my mates in the ranger union. name's anya, i've been working with the union for years mostly in helping relocate pokemon from illegal breeding practices and the like.
my problem here is with one of the ones we weren't able to rehome; from what we could get off of her files, she was bred to be a "flower" sylveon, and neglected pretty badly. poor girl got really attached to me, and while she's been with me for several years now, she's never expressed any interest in evolving. she's gotten a hell of a lot better since working with her, though i keep her on me at all times. safest for her, and safe for me too. girl's become a hell of a partner, and she's really bloomed in personality over the years
anyway, thing is, she's been trying to nudge me toward evolving her for a while, and while i know a fair bit about normal eevee and their evolutions, i'm worried that with the breeding practices at play...well. i just don't wanna give her more problems than she's already got, you know?
i guess the main question is this: are there any forms that might be safe for someone like her to take on? figured you might know, working with 'em for so long. i already know she wants nothing to do with being a sylveon, if that helps. and i'm stationed primarily in sinnoh.
Special line sylveon my beloathed :,)
Ig the main concern is that if the eevee has inherited the "flower" gene, it can manifest in other ways in non-sylveon veevees. I'd personally avoid espeon and vaporeon! In espeon the flower gene can show as a very deformed tail split in ways its not supposed to be.
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: a fairly standard looking pinkish espeon, but the tail has multiple, uneven splits]
This weirdly effects their psychic abilities? And also tends to cause balance issues.
In vaporeon, it often forms in their fins splitting in spots they're not supposed to. They makes it VERY hard for them to swim.
Flower gene tends not to effect flareon and jolteon or show in any visible way! And non-problematically effects the others (Umbreons rings often end up in odd, uneven patterns, leafeon is unbothered by extra splits in their leaves, and similar with glaceon the splits in their ribbons don't seem to cause any harm).
So! It's up to a matter of preference and personality of the eevee, my only strong suggestion otherwise is to avoid espeon or vaporeon.
Even then, the flower gene might not manifest at all, but just things to consider 🙏
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vickyvicarious · 8 months ago
I so badly need to play this hack rom of pokemon where you play through a pokemon version of the story of the dracula novel and where you kill him with the power of love and violence
Pfft, it would be really fun I admit.
okay now we got to pick the pokemon the other characters would be
Admittedly I'm not the best at this. Also confining it to the first couple generations (mostly 1-3), as that was what my dream was set in and also the ones I know best (though I still heavily consulted Serebii for this). But here's kind of what I'm thinking for the team...
Jonathan (THE): already assigned, with art and everything! Shiny Magikarp, later evolves into a white Gyarados. As a bonus, the Sapphire description reminds me of him in the castle too: "MAGIKARP is virtually useless in battle as it can only splash around. As a result, it is considered to be weak. However, it is actually a very hardy POKéMON that can survive in any body of water no matter how polluted it is."
Mina (POWER): Despite the name suggesting Fighting-type, I really wanted to do Psychic because that's what makes sense for her. I thought about the Gothita line but not only are they not present until Gen 5, but the descriptions don't fit her as well. I also liked the idea of the Ralts line particularly as Gardevoir has text about knowing the future and sacrificing itself for its trainer. But I think overall I prefer Eevee at the start (super adaptable and interested in lots of things)... and then teetering on the edge between Umbreon and Espeon near the later stages before finally evolving into Espeon just in time. We get the affection+daytime evolution which seems fitting for her, and again the description emphasizes Espeon's loyalty which also works well.
Jack (OF): Got so stuck on this one. I was drawn to mostly Electric or Bug types, but nothing stuck out to me as perfect. Venonat line is kind of fun. Nocturnal is a nod to his poor sleeping habits, big eyes because he's always looking and noticing stuff... Still not so sure on for him.
Arthur (LOVE): So I obviously want a dog. And I think Normal-type fits him. But there are no Normal-type dogs until gen 5. I thought about going with either a different type or an earlier dog pokemon, but honestly I think the Lillipup line works for Arthur too well so I'll break pattern and pick that. The whole line is about herding dogs who want to help keep other pokemon safe and I think that really suits him. Plus, moves such as Helping Hand where he boosts another pokemon's abilities, or Odor Sleuth that allow a Ghost-type to be hit with Normal/Fighting moves are perfect for him. That said, my second choice is Growlithe because they're also dogs who can have those moves, and are friendly/loyal with a good sense of smell that can pick up emotions. I just think the Fire-type and the Arcanine are a little less of an overall match.
Quincey (AND): He's generally quick to act and observant, so I was thinking some kind of bird for him, maybe. I like Ground-types for cowboy vibes but I think overall Pidgey line fits best for him. Quick, alert, large territory, beautiful plumage, a classic. I kind of feel like both he and Arthur would already be on their second evolution when you catch them, so he'd be a Pidgeotto already.
Van Helsing (VIOLENCE): The first thing I did was look up who can use Confusion or Supersonic, haha. I did consider Abra line but other than the super high intellect of Alakazam I don't think it fits best. And honestly... I know it's kind of a weird choice but weirdness itself feels fitting for him: I almost picked Lickitung. Abilities being Oblivious or Own Tempo works, the whole 'licking everything new to memorize it' kinda could go along with him having a million degress, and some of the moves work pretty well. Supersonic, Knock Off, Wrap, Disable, Refresh... I think overall I might lean towards Mr. Mime, though. Also an odd one, but the description mentions its ability to convince people of imaginary things which then become real and that seems fitting for him. Also the various Barrier/Light Screen type moves make sense for him always warding away vampires, and he's got Confusion and Double Slap too. Him being personally weak to Dark/Ghost types might make sense in some parts and make others more difficult, admittedly.
That's the best I've got for them all, at least! Feel free to suggest others if you like.
When you get them:
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At the end:
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koobop · 9 months ago
Leon x psychic reader headcannons
this is my first request, submitted by @toku-red19! i'd like to thank you so so much for your request. and i'd like to apologize for how long it took to post this.
the request: Can you so some headcanons of leon dating a gn/male reader who has psychic abilities and has a mewtwo,deoxys and a shiney genesect as their Guardian who were given to them as a gift from their grandfather
content includes: gn!reader, they/them pronouns, no y/n, no reader body description, might be ooc since it's been a while since I played swsh
Leon would meet psychic!reader after losing his title as champion of the Galar region. 
I like to think he eventually settles down a bit. Moving back to Postwick to be by his mom and Hop again. But that in no way means he stops his training. He’s still just as impassioned by pokemon. He’s just taking a bit more time to spend doing other things.
And that’s how he meets psychic!reader! He’d be out helping his mom with her shopping. (I like to think he’s a mama’s boy.) And he’d accidentally bump into you. He’d apologize, and you’d ask for directions to Spikemuth. (Though he accidentally gives you incorrect directions.)
After your brief first encounter with the former champ, the two of you just keep bumping into each other. Sometimes it's on the occasion you travel back to Postwick and he’s home, but it mostly happens when you’re both out on the road. Mostly at the poke centers, the two of you making polite conversation as you wait for your pokemon to get patched up. (Ignore how fast healing pokemon is in game, we’re going by anime rules for this bit.)
It doesn’t take long for Leon to notice your psychic abilities, you don’t really try to hide it. At first he’d just stand there, wide eyed as he sees you levitating an item your hands were too full to carry. Once he snaps out of it, he’d ask some questions. LIke, what's the heaviest thing you can levitate, can you read minds, can you see the future, and so on and so forth. If you chuckle at any of his questions and tell him no, you can’t see the future. He’ll blush and apologize if his questions were stupid.
After that, he starts making more of an effort to talk to you. Afterall, it’s not every day you meet a psychic. 
And that’s how he learns about your family’s legacy. A long line of people honing their psychic abilities alongside their pokemon. And how some of the pokemon on your team were given to you by your grandfather. A very strong pokemon master who had spent years training these powerful and rare pokemon, and gave them to you to keep you safe on your travels. 
After learning this, Leon immediately asks you for a pokemon battle. Jumping at the opportunity to go against such a formidable opponent.
The battle lasts a long time, ending in a tie. The sting of defeat leaves Leon with a burning determination to best you. To claim victory, against his new rival.
After that, Leon starts to seek you out. Challenging you to another pokemon battle, only for it to end in a tie again and again. Then the two of you head to the nearest poke center to heal your pokemon and let them rest. Then ending the day by camping with each other. Laughing by the fire as the curry cooks, and both your pokemon playing with each other. 
Soon the line between rivals and….. something else starts to blur. You two start training side by side. Giving advice on how to strengthen your pokemon, and encouraging each other to keep going even when you get tired. Soon it becomes every night that you two camp together. The space between you as you sit by the fire becomes smaller and smaller. But you still never close the space. Still leaving just that little bit of room between you. So close yet not quite touching.
Then fate decides to intervene. Or more accurately, mother nature decides that you two only need one tent. Blowing away Leon’s tent after he forgot to anchor it down with the metal stakes. So instead of leaving the poor fool to sleep outside, you let him sleep in your tent. Afterall, it's big enough for two people to sleep in without touching….. right?
And that is how things started. Sharing a quiet goodnight before going to bed on opposite ends of the hard cold floor of the tent. But you wake up feeling warm, your cheek pressed something soft. Obviously, your sleeping self has far less inhibitions than normal you. So you wake up in Leon’s arms, your head resting on his chest. And needless to say, you two officially crossed the line from rivals, to something so much better.
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wvbaandtheboys · 1 year ago
hi folks!! happy new year!! I’m Impatient ™️ so here, as a new years delight, have all the rest of the Branch A Pokemon descriptions/Pokedex entries I made :3
CW for graphic desc later on down the line!
Kaiser - Pumphund (The Firearms Pokemon)
Name derived from pump, the pumping motion of racking a gun’s slide (referencing the sfx in Kaiser’s contender fight) and the German word hund, meaning dog. A pure Steel type.
The second evolution of Kleinkuter, this Pokémon’s body rebuilds itself to create the form necessary for Pumphund. It is always billowing dark smoke from its mouth and ears as its body constantly burns fuel it acquires from its nutrition. The tail of a Pumphund is what allows it to utilize the storage of artillery within its body; when necessary, a Pumphund will wind up its tail to ready the mechanism, making a clicking sound. In one swift motion, it will move its tail downwards and open its mouth, unleashing a blast that will severely injure whatever is struck by it. If not eating or firing off its shells, a Pumphund will never open its jaws.
Despite the ferocious nature of Pumphund being quite frightening, this Pokemon can be surprisingly timid when not in battle. Trainers who own a Pumphund have said that the Pokemon tends to stay away from other Pokemon in their trainer’s care and refusing to interact with them, almost as if it were scared.
Disco - Frenzwatt (The Fluid Pokemon)
Derived from the word frenzy, periods of extreme excitement, and the term watt from electricity. A pure Electric type.
The second stage evolution of Groovolt, this Pokemon is renowned for its ability to dance. A graceful and animated creature, it loves to perform for and dance with other Pokemon. Even the most aggressive Pokemon can’t resist its infectious positive energy, hence wanting to and more often than not proceeding to follow suit with the dancing. When dancing, Frenzwatt’s curly fur on top of its head begins to progressively glow brighter and create sparks that fizzle as it moves. When threatened or needed to fight, Frenzwatt will weave through its opponent’s attacks and discharge the full force of the electricity stored in its fur that is powerful enough to shut down entire power plants.
This Pokemon is a positive influence for baby Pokemon and humans alike. As such, Frenzwatt is a decently popular Pokemon amongst older trainers with young siblings or children.
Hippo - Thalapota (Bearing Forme) (The Prosperity Pokemon)
Derived from thalassic, anything to do with the sea, and -pota from hippopotamus. A Water-Fighting type.
Thalapota is a Mythical Pokémon worshiped as a deity in the eyes of several adjacent islands in the South Pacific. It is said that it provided the islanders with conditions to survive, including sunlight, food and fire. Though it has rarely been seen in person by the residents, it is depicted to be adorned with different types of nourishment including fruits, marine life and protein. It is also said that though Thalapota appears to possess a cold expression and an air of royalty, it is incredibly merciful and will readily help any poor Pokémon or humans it finds. However, should any person bring disrespect or foul intent to the paradise Thalapota worked to prosper, it is rumored that it will swiftly punish them, and they shall become one with the land.
Thalapota allegedly possesses another form referred to as its Isle Forme. This form has been attested to existence by a group of islanders who set sail on a small boat one day on a fishing trip. In the midst of their trip, a fierce thunderstorm capsized their vessel. They claim that a mysterious mass of land suddenly rose up beneath them and lifted them out of the water, high above the vicious waves, carrying them back to their home. When one dared to peer over the side of the mass, they saw the face of Thalapota staring straight ahead.
Hondo - Lupushi (The Guarding Pokemon)
Derived from canis lupus, the scientific name for a wolf, and senshi, the Japanese word for warrior. A pure Fighting type Pokémon.
The evolution of the baby Pokemon named Koinution. The only known way for a wild Koinution to evolve into a Lupushi is for it to have its makeshift weapon, a thick branch, grow sharper through battles and training. However, it is also said that some Koinutions have been seen with a shadowy figure, resembling that of a much larger Pokemon than itself, waiting as the Pokemon sharpens their weapon for them.
Lupushi is said to be a wise and helpful Pokemon. It is spoken highly of by those who have traveled through woodlands. It is said that trainers and civilians alike who have encountered a Lupushi are always followed by it as long as they are in the woods, with the Pokemon politely leaving as soon as it has seen the person out. It possesses a frightening gaze beneath its headband that deters other Pokemon from attacking.
But, as docile as it typically is, it should be known that Lupushi are far more experienced sword users than their previous evolution. Its willpower prevents it from submitting to defeat, instead continuously and strategically attacking. Trainers who have attempted to capture a Lupushi have ended up having to flee after the Pokemon defeated their teams. However, those that have succeeded in capturing Lupushi say that it is quick to adapt to its new surroundings and grow bonds with its trainer.
Hugger - Mossardian (The Gentle Giant Pokemon)
Derived from moss and guardian. A Ground and Grass type Pokémon.
This Pokemon is said to be the reincarnated spirit of a kindly lumberjack that met an untimely demise in the forest. It is an overseer of all that goes on in the woods and a guardian of forest life. It is rather warm-hearted and friendly, known to assist lost people at night by comforting them with the voice of a loved one while guiding them through the forest. But, should one incur its wrath by bringing harm to the forest or its inhabitants, Mossardian will transform the offender into a small, defenseless Pokemon and leave it to perish.
The markings on Mossardian’s body emit a gentle glow that brings serenity to life around it. This Pokemon has never once been attacked before in the wild, having easily quelled the aggression of its foes. Mossardian is able to blend in with forest scenery thanks to the moss on its body, staying out of the sight of Trainers wanting to capture it. This Pokemon is hesitant to join a trainer on their adventure as they do not want to leave other Pokemon to potential harm in their absence.
Tiger - Dhundhather (The Astral Pokemon)
Derived from dhundhala, misty in Hindi, and ether, referring to the sky’s boundaries beyond the clouds. A Psychic and Ghost type.
This Mythical Pokémon is renowned for its immense power, being a common folktale shared amongst those who live in rural areas. It is said to only emerge during dawn and dusk, gracefully floating down from the clouds above. Those who are fortunate enough to witness Dhundhather gliding through their area are left with a sense of courage that lasts for hours, even days. However, those who have a face-to-face encounter with this Pokemon are blessed with good luck for an extensive period of time.
Dhundhather is especially revered in those places that are struck with natural disasters, as the fortune it brings along with it allows villages to recover swiftly. The empty hole on its forehead holds a plethora of different gems that marks the large artillery of power Dhundhather has. Being a misty animal-like apparition, the markings on its body begin to glow brightly with the selected gem color if it is on alert. Its spine and tail are adorned with jewels. Dhundhather itself does not seem to particularly show much emotion, being a rather poised Pokemon to encounter. Its regal like aura prevents other Pokemon from trying to attack it or steal the jewels on its back.
Don - Ferfuego (The Compassionate Pokemon)
Derived from fervent, displaying a strong passion, and fuego, the Spanish term for fire. (Literally means like “flames of passion.”)
Ferfuego is a Legendary Pokémon that has supposedly existed for over a millennium. History speaks of it preventing a series of world endangering events at the hands of human conflict and corruption. A tale that is often quoted said that when two forces were at odds with each other with hours remaining before a catastrophic war could be put into motion, a mighty chirrup was heard from the sky, from which Ferfuego fluttered down to the Earth for the first time. It radiated an aura of such intensity and compassion that it caused the congregation of fighters to weep uncontrollably.
Ferfuego is depicted as extremely loving and beloved by all living things. The few times Ferfuego was in battle, if it lost, though it would be upset for a while, would ultimately move on and strive to perform better. It is said to emerge in times of need, when humans become hostile towards other humans or other lifeforms such as Pokemon. As such, it has not been seen in decades. Its well cared for and vibrant plumage, while tempting to feel, is rather hot. Although Ferfuego is known to be very compassionate, breaking its heart has been observed to come with dire consequences. There was only one such occurrence in history where the effects of Ferfuego’s presence did not prevent a tragedy. In the end of such period, it is said that the Pokemon scorched the entirety of the settlement it took place in.
Aran - Gabbra (Buck Forme) (The Feared Pokemon)
Derived from gabhar, the Irish term for goat, and umbra, meaning the inner dark part of a shadow. A Dark and Fairy type.
Gabbra prances about the lands in search of trouble to cause. You will know when a Gabbra is near when you hear the chattering of its teeth, like chilling laughter. It takes a liking to frequenting hilly areas, targeting plantations and their farmers. Once it spots a plot of land, it will trample and uproot the crops, leaving it for the farmers to find. The soil Gabbra steps on allegedly becomes infertile, turning a desaturated hue and hardening like stone. Farmers have been forced to abandon from their old homes both in search of a new plantation and in fear of Gabbra attacking them, as there have been stories about the Pokemon doing so before in the dead of night.
This Pokemon always wears a smile on its face no matter the situation. It can also appear as other animal-like apparitions, altering its appearance for the sake of assisting itself in its mischievous agenda. Most commonly, it is seen in its Buck Forme. Beware a face-to-face encounter with Gabbra. If you have valuables on you, it will steal it and try to lure you into chasing it to get it back. Its arguably favorite thing to steal are Pokeballs. As such, Trainers who live in such areas where Gabbras roam are advised to stay away from the wooded areas, and if they need to go outside, to release a Pokemon from its Pokeball and take it with them.
Gabbra has 3 other forms: Jack Forme (a hare), Tom Forme (a cat), and Stal Forme (a horse). It is rumored to have an evolution, but none have been able to confirm this.
Soda - Slushzver (The Saccharine Pokemon)
Derived from slush, the term for slightly melted snow, and zver, Russian for beast. An Ice/Poison type.
Slushzver lives in the cold regions of the world. This Pokemon is made of a hardened material comparable to that of crushed ice used for slushies, one that requires the frigid conditions to properly flourish. It spends most of its day to day in solitude, as its large stature greatly frightens most that encounter it. The times that it emerges, it spends it helping those that have been trapped by the harsh elements of the cold, often digging lost Trainers and their Pokemon out of the deep snow.
Should any Pokemon decide to try and harm Slushzver, it has a defense mechanism: when attacked, this Pokemon will partially melt the part of its body being targeted. A chunk of its flesh easily comes off into a Pokémon’s mouth, or on its hand. The Pokemon will feel compelled to swallow it thanks to the sweet scent it gives off. However, this substance is extremely toxic: once it is ingested, the aggressor Pokemon will perish, bombarded with an overly sweet taste in their throat and their insides being frozen over.
Bull - Bruhaya (The Ruthless Pokemon)
(pronounced “brooh-hai-ya” lol)
Derived from brutish, and hayalet, Turkish for phantom. A Fighting/Ghost type.
Bruhaya is the reincarnation of a human who died long ago in a tragic event. This Pokemon is forever plagued with an intense rage, rising from the ground every night in restlessness. It is drawn to strong negative emotions, especially vengeance and grief. As such, Bruhaya may be spotted in places of tragic occurrences and graveyards. Its presence instills a horrible sense of dread into any near it. Despite its anger, Bruhaya does not attack unless provoked, seeing no need to commit unnecessary violence.
Bruhaya possesses fearsome horns on its head which it uses to fight. Once it is aggravated, it loses any sense of control and won’t stop its onslaught of attacks until it has violently ravaged its opponent. When wandering, any human or Pokemon that looks into its eye is immediately paralyzed with horrifying hallucinations, and is unable to move until Bruhaya retreats at sunrise.
However, it is said that Bruhaya has been spotted interacting peacefully with other Ghost Pokemon. It seems to feel a connection to them.
Macho - Peladraco (The Champion Pokemon)
Derived from pelagic, anything to do with the open sea, and draco, a word meaning dragon. (So basically, sea dragon)
Peladraco is a Legendary Pokemon revered for its countless victories in battle, as it has never once lost to any foe. It rides on sea currents at high speeds, using the motion to propel itself out of the water in order to fly. Once in the air, the scale-like markings on its body shimmer brightly in the light of the elements to bewilder its opponent. It is able to strike most foes down with a single, fierce blast of water from its mouth. Once its foe is defeated, Peladraco has been witnessed repeatedly emerging and submerging from the sea, doing various tricks while making a high pitched cry to celebrate its victory.
Peladraco seems to be acutely aware of its immense power, and even appears to be rather cocky. Its confidence in its power has even led it to stop mid-battle to taunt its opponent while leaving itself completely open to harm. Expectedly, this has led to Peledraco more than occasionally giving its opponents a free hit. This angers the Pokemon, who immediately dives back into the sea only to launch itself back out and spear directly into its foe, more often than not sending them and itself crashing into the water. Or also, sometimes, impale them with the sharp protrusions from its head.
However, it seems that Peledraco may have a lurking foe awaiting a rematch.
Sandman - Yanmare (Crib Forme) (The Vengeful Pokemon)
Derived from yawn, in this case meaning expansive or deep, and mare from nightmare. (Basically deep nightmares.) A Ground/Ghost type.
Yanmare is a dreaded Legendary Pokémon that has not been seen in decades much like Ferfuego. Once a prodigal hero-like Pokemon of immense power and adoration, it held the title of being undefeated with great pride. It was flattered when people dreamt about it, as it could tell when they were. The sand that fell from its body was said to bring restful sleep to those that spread it on their pillows. All this was until it fought a fierce and extensive battle with the challenging Peladraco before being defeated. After that day, no one had seen the Pokemon until long afterwards. And something was deeply, deeply wrong.
The loss against Peladraco brought Yanmare unspeakable amounts of anger that slowly boiled within it over a period of time as it watched them find its new idolized Pokemon. Trainers and all others forgot about it overtime, until the only one they admired was Peladraco. This anger eventually overflowed and caused its form to morph from it, developing into its Terror Forme. It emerged into the place it was once known, and caused a string of hysteria, which started from it tormenting a Pokemon professor to the point of near death with its horrid screeching and loud rattling noises of its cage-like container.
This Pokemon makes anyone it sees asleep have vivid nightmares of failing in their lives, most often at their greatest aspiration. A handful of Trainers have quit pursuing success as the nightmares were too intense, leaving them uncertain and afraid.
Mac - Minicidae (The Headstrong Pokemon)
Derived from mini and cercophithecidae, the scientific name for monkey. A Normal/Grass Mythical Pokemon.
Minicidae’s existence was questioned by much of the world even in ancient times, as it had only been sighted once scaling up a massive cliff side. In modern times, it had become a sort of urban legend as some had been able to supply a few blurry but decently readable photos of this Pokemon. It had been seen quickly swinging through trees in deep rainforests and battling Pokemon much larger than itself.
Minicidae is said to be extremely tough despite its lacking stature. It would fight those who seemed impossible for it to beat and actually put up an amazing fight. Seeking to grow bigger and stronger than it already is appears to be this Pokémon’s main goal. Though it looked to be training its arms so it could swing high into the air. Its reason for wanting to do this is unknown.
However, Minicidae was fully proven to exist when it was captured by Yanmare. It encountered the Legendary Pokemon when it was well above the stratosphere. Threatened by it, Minicidae attempted to stand its ground. However, Yanmare’s new form quickly ensnared the Pokemon in its trap, causing Minicidae to undergo a frightening transformation where its body became overrun with shadows, turning it into a wispy, black creature. It rattles the bars of the cage its in, screeching for help that will never seem to come.
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rising-volteccers · 2 years ago
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Heya! Thank you so much for reading and enjoying my fics! I wasn't sure how to show the submission so I decided to break it into images like this. Out of all the prompts, I decided to go with the first one! The premise is there but the plot certainly derailed so I hope it'll still be an enjoyable read!
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Friede, Orla
Mild warning for descriptions of a character experiencing a panic attack and injuries.
Friede woke up to total darkness and a frantic voice uttering gibberish. He had no idea where he was or how he had ended up there. All he knew was he hurt all over, from the top of his head all the way to his toes–or he would, if not for the fact that one of his legs was absolutely throbbing.
Panic instinctively swelled within him but he swiftly showed it down with a heavy swallow. Panicking during an unknown situation often spelled disaster–or it already struck and he was now experiencing the aftermath. Right now, he bemoaned the slight memory loss, as if his working memory wasn’t already poor. 
Friede tried to move his legs. It yielded mixed results. He could only move one leg while the other didn’t move–and it hurt, so much so that he gasped out loud.
“Friede!? Friede are you awake? Can you hear me?” That frantic voice had since lost the gibberish quality. It sounded familiar but he couldn’t put a finger on a face right now in account of the panic that resurfaced, speeding up his breathing.
He took back what he said about panic. It was good. Great even. It was such a perfect reaction right now that he couldn’t possibly not panic.
“Friede please, try to calm down!” the voice pleaded. Friede felt a hand probing his arm, trailing down from his shoulder till it found his clenched fists. He felt fingers slowly prying it open so he wasn’t digging crescent moons into his palm. The warm hand that slipped into his had an oddly calming effect, and he grasped back like his life depended on it.
“That’s it, you’re not alone. I’m here. Do you remember how Mollie taught you those breathing exercises? In for four, hold for seven and out for eight? Can you do that together with me?”
Well, seeing that he somehow found himself submerged deep in an ocean where the light didn’t shine and pressure was caving his ribs in, this voice was making quite the impossible request. Yet the part of his brain that didn’t fully dissolve into senseless panic felt like he should give it a shot, if only because the voice dripped with worry. 
So Friede tried to follow the rhythm set by the voice. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight. He coughed initially from getting a lungful of dust but he forced himself to continue on through ragged breaths. Against all odds, Friede eventually realized he wasn’t drowning on air. He still didn’t know where he was, only that he laid down on something hard with sharp bits digging into his spine, and that the voice belonged to someone he knew all too well.
“Orla…?” he gasped, eyes sliding shut once the panic receded, leaving behind a bone deep exhaustion that he didn’t need on top of the full body hurt. 
“Yes, it’s me. Oh thank goodness you woke up…” Orla’s voice sounded watery. Friede wished he could see her expression but their surroundings still remained dark.
“Ugh,” came his very eloquent response. Friede hesitantly tried to move his arms. He knew that the one connected to the hand that Orla grasped was functioning but it relieved him that both responded to the command. With his free hand, he reached up and touched his aching head. Something warm and sticky met his fingertips, and his hair felt matted down.
Ah, that probably caused the memory loss.
Next, he tried to move his legs again. With more neurons connecting in his brain, he felt something heavy pressing down on his… right leg. He couldn’t move that leg, only feel them even if it was just a lot of pain. 
Distantly he recalled that feeling something was better than nothing when it came to one’s limbs getting trapped in some shape or form. By no means was it a good something, but still something.
His cautious experimentation still made him gasp in pain. The hand that Orla held squeezed in response.
“Don’t move! Y-Your leg, I think it’s pinned down by one of the rocks and I’m not strong enough to move it without risking it–just I don’t want to make things worse for you.” Orla’s voice gained a frantic edge to it. Seeing that he somehow caused it, Friede squeezed her hand back. That made her fall silent.
“I won’t. Don’t worry.” Despite feeling a slight metallic taste in his mouth, the assurance came easily. “Gotta be honest, don’t remember much. Think I can plead a head injury this time so no getting on my case about it.”
Orla wheezed out a cross between a chuckle and a sigh. “Of course you’d joke around about that,” she murmured, giving his hand another squeeze. “We were tasked in finding materials to repair the ship with. We eventually found a cave, and I wanted to see if there were any nice stones to use. Then…” A soft, shuddery breath. “The ground started shaking. You said it wasn’t natural and we were heading back out when…”
She fell deathly silent after that. While her retelling didn’t loosen the cobwebs for him, Friede had enough facts to work on to deduce that they got caught in a cave-in. That explained the total darkness, musty scent and his trapped leg. 
“Man, this is rough,” was the only response he could give right now. Friede had plenty of choice words to say about this situation that wasn’t family friendly. The only reason why he held his tongue was because he didn’t want to stress Orla out by his uncharacteristic cursing. “Then the reason why my leg’s pinned is…”
In the darkened silence, the soft sniffle might as well have been lightning with how quickly it struck Friede. Suddenly his pain felt insignificant. He wanted nothing more to assure Orla, to wipe the hot tears sliding down her cheeks. Small droplets hit his exposed cheek, and Friede saw the vague outline of her body hovering above his.
“Y-You… you pulled me back when the ceiling collapsed. You weren’t fast enough to get away and… I’m so sorry Friede. You got hurt because of me.” 
Her quiet sobs tore his heart to pieces. It hurt more at that moment to hear the usually cheery, confident Orla cry. Friede hated hearing it back when they were kids and he spooked her by falling out of tree. That feeling never changed, and now he despised the fact that she cried because of him. Because he chose to protect her, as it would always be his choice to do so regardless of the situation. 
“Hey Oreo, don’t cry,” he murmured, using an old childhood nickname. Friede gently freed his hand from Orla’s grasp, mimicking her prior action but in reverse by running his hand up the side of her arm till his hand gently cupped her cold cheek. By feeling alone, he gently brushed the wetness with his thumb.
“Don’t blame yourself for what happened. I chose to protect you. I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“Not buts, ifs or anything that’ll feed whatever nasty thoughts your brain is telling you.”
That drew out a short, watery chuckle. Her soft breath warmed his palm. “Isn’t that what I said to you once? Using my words against me now?”
“Yep, no regrets.” A brief pause, where he adopted a slightly more serious tone. “Trust me, I know it’s hard but I want you to not feel guilty about this. It’s my choice, I don’t regret it.”
Several beats of silence passed before she released a soft sigh. “I’ll consider it when we get out of here and you get treated. I tried my best but it’s hard to do much when I can barely see. All I really know is that your leg is trapped and you’ve got a head wound.”
“Yeah, I guessed as much. If it makes you feel better I still feel something. That something’s a boat load of pain, and I’m guessing adrenaline’s taking the worst of the edge of but it’s better than nothing.”
Vaguely he spotted light movement, likely shaking her head. “In a strange way, yeah it kind of does.” Another pause. “Just… hang tight, alright? I’m sure help’s coming soon enough. Metagross was waiting outside when the cave collapsed so knowing it, I’m sure it would alert everyone else.”
As if the universe took pity on them or decided that the timing was absurdly funny, gravel slowly shifted from the pile of rocks separating them from the opening. The pair held their breath, worried that it’d collapse inwards but instead, they heard faint voices. 
“...iede? Orla? Are you in there?” Murdock’s voice sounded muffled but close. Real close. 
“Murdock! Murdock we’re in here!” Orla shouted back. Friede felt hope surging within him at the prospect of getting rescued. 
“Orla? Are you alright? Is Friede with you?” This time, Mollie’s voice came through. 
“I’m doing alright but Friede… he’s hurt and trapped. We need help!”
“Alright, stay put. We’ll get you two out of there soon.” After that, Friede heard no more voices. Knowing that help finally arrived made Orla weak with relief. He heard her heaved out a deep sigh that shook around the edges.
“Guess I didn’t have to hang tight for long,” Friede quipped, trying his best to keep pain from seeping into his voice. It seemed that his body decided he no longer needed distraction so he was really feeling the effects of having one leg be trapped underneath rubble.
Orla’s hand found his again, this time holding it with both of hers. She gave it a brief but firm squeeze.
“We’re going to free you and get you treated. Just hang on a little longer.”
A shaky breath escaped his lips. “I’ll try.”
The first beam of light that filtered through from a hole that appeared was like watching the sunrise; instilling a whole lot of emotions within him. Slowly, the hole got larger as more of the rubble were carefully cleared away. Friede guessed that Orla’s Metagross was using its powerful psychic abilities to speed up the process.
Mollie didn’t waste time in squeezing through once the opening was big enough. She quickly reached their side, a sharp exhale the only indication of her surprise before she fell into her usual cool, professional demeanor. 
“I’m going to need Metagross’s help in lifting this. What can you immediately tell me?” Mollie asked, gingerly inspecting his head wound.
“Head hurts. Leg hurts more,��� was Friede’s straightforward response through gritted teeth. 
Mollie nodded. She did some treatment that Friede slowly lost track off seeing that his attention laid solely in keeping himself calm from the steadily rising pain. At some point, Murdock had crouched by his side too. Guess that meant the rubble was cleared up enough that Metagross could now enter.
“Alright, have Metagross slowly lift this from his leg Orla,” Mollie instructed, then turned to him. “This is going to hurt.”
Like it’d hurt worse than what he was experiencing right now. Still, Friede severely underestimated the effects of having his leg finally be freed. The vague numbness that had been creeping up for the past however long disappeared. Sharp, stabbing pain rushed through his leg, moving up his entire body before stopping to do a drum roll right in the middle of his head.
A sharp hiss slipped out. Mollie started to say something but his vision was greying out and he thought it was Orla that squeezed his hand and–
The next time he regained consciousness, Friede found it to be much pleasant than before. A distant part of his brain pointed out the infirmary’s ceiling after some solid blinking. He took his sweet time to make some observations, namely that the pain was at a manageable level and that one of his legs felt like they were encased in concrete.
Oh, and that Orla was apparently asleep by his bedside, head resting atop folded arms. He spotted bandages covering her hands and what peeked out from the sleeves. His memory returned in startling clarity, which was a first for him.
Both of them were caught in a cave-in where he protected her from getting hurt but wound up getting one of his legs trapped. He carefully tested stuff out by wiggling his toes, mildly relieved that it responded to the command. The sigh that he exhaled must have been louder than expected or Orla wasn’t as deep asleep as he thought.
She shifted, eyes slowly fluttering open. When her gaze wandered to him, her eyes snapped open as she sat up with a, “Friede, you’re up!”
“Mmhm, just about,” he replied, managing a small smile. “Guess I passed out, huh?”
“Yeah. Not surprising considering…” Her eyes darted to his leg underneath the blanket covering his lower half. “Well, good news is that miraculously, it’s not broken. Bad news is that it’s still a fracture, so you’re going to have to take it easy for at least a month or two.”
Friede couldn’t help but groan out loud. He really wasn’t looking forward to using crutches to get around, not to mention he’d be unable to fly on Charizard throughout the healing process. Sensing what appeared to be bandages on his forehead, he asked, “Right, and what’s the damage to my face?”
“Probably a light scar but you can easily hide it with your bangs. All things considered, we honestly were lucky to get out of that with only a fractured leg as the worst of the injuries.”
He heaved out a deep sigh but no more complaints passed his lips. Friede knew Orla was correct. The fact that he received an injury he could recover from (albeit slowly) was leagues better than something permanent.
Friede quietly took her in after that. “What about you?”
“Just some cuts and bruises. Nothing as bad as yours.” Her light smile dropped, and Friede could almost hear the guilt running rampant in her mind.
“We’re out and I got treatment. Time for you to consider not to feel guilty about this.”
Orla briefly looked surprised, the she sighed, her lips lifting up slightly. “That easy to tell, huh?”
“How long have we known each other for?” Then he added in a quieter voice. “I know you as well as you know me. I don’t regret my action, Orla. I’ll always choose to protect you cause you’re precious to me.”
Silence briefly enveloped them. Orla eventually broke it with a whispered, “You’re precious to me too Friede. I was scared I’d lose you.”
He pulled off one of his confident smirks, which would have been more convincing if he wasn’t laid up on the infirmary bed. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Orla.”
A soft exhale. “I suppose I’m not. You’re far too stubborn.”
“And you love me for it.”
Friede and Orla gazed at each other after that. Slowly their smiles grew softer, and Orla leaned down to softly press her lips against Friede’s. 
“I do.” 
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goldenearthgame · 5 days ago
Last week, we went to see Nòtt music in concert!🤩🎶!  Here is a very small video (sorry for the poor quality that doesn't do them justice!)🤳
Nòtt is working on a song for GoldenEarth that we can’t wait to share with you!!💛
In the meantime, you can see the list of their upcoming concerts as a description on their profile! Consider supporting them!🌟
(“Nott_Music” on Instagram and “Nótt” on Youtube)
Similar videogames: Don't Starve, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Digimon World, Spiritfarer, Minecraft, TheSims, Cult of the Lamb, …
🔗All links: https://goldenearth.carrd.co/
🔗Official site ENG: https://goldenearth-official.blogspot.com/p/cozy-farming-and-exploration-game.html
-----(c) GoldenEarth 🏞️ indie cozy exploration/farming game, 🖍️all sprites handmade by a traditional artist //🚫NO AI ! // 🐾alternative don't starve, stardew valley, pokemon, spiritfarer, palia
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napswithwolfie · 1 year ago
LU Pokemon AU
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Looking for pokemon with multiple concinesses to build four’s team was very fun ngl, tough it did get op quickly what with the empahise on steel types for his team. Anyhoot enjoy the hc’s :))))
(lord forgive me for the horrible names i’ve given some of these poor mons. I promise to give them proper names in the futures…)
Time Sky Warriors Twilight Wild Legend Hyrule 🧩Four Wind 
Team descriptions under the cut 👋👀
🧩Minccino: Smol. Mousey. Adorable - a sweet minish native. I originally wanted to make mincinno Four’s main mon but that felt a little underwhelming (no hate minny babes sobs). 
Mincinno has an easygoing personality, letting the wind take them where it wants, enjoying all the opportunities that comes its way. They are able to find the small joys in the mundane that most others may misinterpret as childish naivety. They insist on keeping junk they find, puzzling over items trying to figure out how to recycle what it finds.
🧩Mawile: (so i know the pokedex strongly insists mawiles jaw is just a set of horns, but we’re gonna ignore all that and say its a second head. Okay cool sweet nice) 
Their two consciousness are at odds with one another most times, often with the jaw snapping in odd directions trying to tug mawile away from whatever they’re doing. It can be annoying relying on someone else to get everything done but Maws trusts Smiles to listen to them. But eh, its not so bad being in the passenger seat, much simpler in fact not having to worry about much.     
🧩Magnezone: Its endearing seeing someone as large and bulky as Magnezone hovering over a flower its curious over. Similar to Four they’re housing multiple personalities that they will swap between.
1: shy careful   2: easily distracted clumsy   3: bold insistent Each on of their personality will let their curiosity drag them away
🧩Leavanny: Infinite patience - This is a team with 13 consciousness - They will pull on their motherly instincts to wangle each and every present mind into line. You bet when they blow a gasket everyone suffers. 
🧩Aegislash: (similar to mawile we’re gonna tweak actual cannon to suit my needs, in my case the blade and shield are separate entities and have a symbiotic relationship.) 
Sword (gods i promise i’ll give them proper names, mercy i cri) is a timid creature unsure of their own strength. They get overwhelmed easily and constantly beg to hide behind Sheild. This frustrates Sheild to no end, adding to its complex over its passive form. 
They hate seeing Sword belittle themselves, that they can’t understand their own strength, and their potential to be a powerful duo. Though they don’t know how to show Sword this and their attempts at ‘encouragement’ often come across as bullying. 
🧩Hydreigon: Iirc dink is a big part of four’s story so we’re gonna try and squeeze him in here.
I really have no idea what im doing here so gonna leave it be and work on it later when i learn more about fours dink.
Notes: I reeeeeeeeally wanted to include metagross in four’s team with each cores’ colour matching his spirits’. Tho the 1-2-3 pattern had to stay with four tying it all together nicely.
Honorable mention to spida tho. I thought of a them having a chameleon like affect with their spot arrangement switching whenever a different persona took the wheel.
I actually havent played that many zelda games, and surprisingly of the few i did play four swords and minish were some of them. But that was forever ago when they literally first released, so i remember next to nothing about those games.
🔴 Partner Pokemon: Mawile ⚪ Smaller team: Minccino, Mawile, Magnezone
🔂Time 🐥Sky 🌹Warriors 🐶Twilight 🏹Wild ✌️Legend 🍃Hyrule 🧩Four 🌊Wind
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nyaagolor · 2 years ago
I saw a fun theory about how the "titans" in the scarlet book share a type with the Elite 4 because the titans ARE the Elite Four: the professor was warning her colleagues about them because she feared them and their ability to shut down her research. The fact that the giant pokemon happened to match the descriptions was a coincidence: in reality the professor was referring to the might of the league. That got me thinking about how resident cute old man Hassel could actually balance being adorable and scary so I wrote a lil smth
When the locked door explodes outwards like it was made of stage glass and not solid steel, Violeta starts to worry. As the dust clears, she inches further to the ground, hoping that the gutted machine she’s ducked behind is enough to save her from whatever beast just walked in the door. Their heels clack on the floor, the unmistakable sound of dress shoes against the cracked tile echoing through the empty room. And as they approach, some massive pokemon whose footsteps she can’t place trailing behind them, she can see it: this trainer, this so-called Titan that had scared the professor witless. 
He looks very different than in school. The shadows put his sharp cheekbones in stark relief, his wrinkles making him look less like a sweet old man and more like a villain, all sharp angles and scowls. His golden eyes glow in the light, and when his lip curls and she can see the glint of fangs, he seems more predator than person, each click of his dress shoes like the claws of a great beast about to corner their prey. Violeta’s mouth goes dry. Academy standing aside, Hassel is still a member of the League, he’s still a dragon tamer, he’s still a titan— and when she finally snaps out of her horrified stupor and sees his shadow looming over her, she has to bite back a scream. 
“Evacuate the premises immediately,” he says, his voice a low growl. “This is not a request.”
And then, feeling the ice of a Baxcalibur curling over the back of the machinery, all of Violeta’s primal fear bursts from her like a flashbang. Screeching and scuttling back against the walls, she fights off the tears that threaten to spill and tries to will her jellied legs to run, to fight, to do *something*. Her back smacks against the wall, hands clawing at the metal to try and keep herself upright, and suddenly Hassel melts into something far more familiar. Rushing towards her with a strangled gasp, he immediately falls to his knees and holds shaking arms to his chest. 
“Oh oh sweetheart, I’m sorry,” he says, his voice wavering. “No I didn’t mean to scare you, it’s alright! You’re not hurt, are you?” 
Hassel’s hands hover just above her, hesitant to touch or get too close as his gaze sweeps her up and down. She watches his expression melt further, eyes welling up with tears and lip quivering as the trembling seems to overtake his whole body. 
“Oh no no… oh you poor thing, I, I…” he says, before bursting out into sobs. “I AMB SO SOWRRYYY…” he all but wails, collapsing inwards in front of her. Violeta tries to calm her breathing, unsure how to feel about the mix of paralyzing fear and laughter that’s bubbling in her stomach. Perhaps False Dragon was more of an appropriate title than she had anticipated.
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nell0-0 · 2 years ago
Ah, Drayton. Ever since a post from Khu(a famous cryptic riddle leaker for Pokémon stuff), everyone thought that dude would be related to Unova stuff somehow. His hair and eyes are the same color as Drayden’s and even the streak in his hair and pants are the color of Drayden’s suspenders. His outfit also has marks for dark and dragon type, which was the typing for the Gen 5 pseudo. And given Gamefreak been sprinkling Pokémon in their work, it just made sense. Now we see his name only a couple letters different from Mr. Logic Defying Beard and he owns a dragon type that resembles the bridge in Unova. At this point Pokémon is shouting “UNOVA” through a megaphone lol
Pokémon did give him a description that’s been translated and it’s interesting: "Drayton may act lackadaisical, but apparently he’s a force to be reckoned with in battle. He doesn’t seem to go to class often, and rumor has it he’s had to repeat a year thrice already."
Poor guy is so into battling he forgets about the rest, lmao.
That was a great analysis for Drayton already, but you're right. There are no confirmed ways the pokemon characters are related to each other, but it's gonna be fun how people try to add Drayton to their already established structure.
The guy spells Unova in capital letters, so I'll patiently wait for the announcement of gamefreak doing something for that region, even if it takes months or more.
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