#poor cow 1967
sesiondemadrugada · 1 year
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Poor Cow (Ken Loach, 1967).
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cannedbluesblog · 1 year
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Carol White and Terence Stamp in Poor Cow (1967)
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thislovintime · 11 months
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Peter Tork and Micky Dolenz with William James Metzelaar (of the radio station KFRO) in San Francisco, January 1967; and the poster advertising the sold out show at the Cow Palace on January 22, 1967.
From a review of the Cow Palace show:
“Finally Davy Jones, [Micky] Dolenz, Peter Tork and Mike Nesmith — the Monkees — came on… in vivid technicolor, each leaping onstage in a wild display of psychedelic lighting with a recording of an unintelligible Monkees hit blaring in the background. Screams of thousands sounded like millions as Davy Jones — resembling a cross between Dorian Gray and Little Lord Fauntleroy — led off the first number, which was drowned in the inevitable ocean of screams. […] Shortly after this, the fruit began to fly. Peter Tork was soloing as half an orange — with citrus strands bristling in the flashing lights — caught poor Peter right in the eye. It didn’t hurt him but settled, once and for all, the big question. The Monkees did their own singing. Peter stopped, and so did the sound of his voice.” - Peggy King, Oakland Tribune, January 25, 1967
And, in 1995, Peter recalled...
“We were just doing the Cow Palace — I remember that concert, I got hit in the face with a banana [laughs].” - Mike & Maty, November 1995
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georgefairbrother · 2 years
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Remembering British-South African actress, model and dancer, Anna Karen, who passed away February 22nd, 2022, as a result of a fire at her home, aged 85.
She worked as an exotic dancer and model to pay her way through drama school, appeared in Ken Loach's first feature, Poor Cow (1967), and alongside Barbara Windsor in Carry On Camping (1969), with whom she remained lifelong friends.
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As a result of a role in a short-lived sitcom, Wild Wild Women, Anna Karen was cast as Olive in On the Buses in 1969. In a later interview, she recalled that the brief she was given for the character was simply 'always ill and sex mad'. She came up with the look herself, apparently based on a relative.
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She appeared in all 74 episodes and three feature films. In an interview with Rabbit and Snail Films for On The Buses at the Movies, she said, leading up to the first film, the producers told the cast, "There's no money, the entire cast budget is 7 500 pounds, so don't be stroppy about it!"
The first On the Buses movie was brought in for well under 100 000 pounds and made back around 28 times its production budget. She also recalled that her favourite of the three feature films was Holiday on the Buses, with happy memories of filming at Pontin's holiday camp, Prestatyn, in amongst the camp's guests.
She later revived Olive for a reboot of The Rag Trade, appeared in The Bill, and as Aunt Sal in 54 episodes of Eastenders between 1996 and 2017.
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Anna Karen was married to variety comedian, actor and stuntman, Terry Duggan (below left), from 1967 until his death in 2008.
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She was the last surviving principal cast-member of On the Buses, after Stephen Lewis (Blakey) passed away in 2015.
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pacingmusings · 5 months
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Seen in 2024:
Poor Cow (Ken Loach), 1967
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hymnsofheresy · 2 years
Bobbie Gentry "I Wonder As I Wander" on The Ed Sullivan Show on December 24, 1967
I wonder as I wander out under the sky, How Jesus the Savior did come for to die. For poor on'ry people like you and like I... I wonder as I wander out under the sky.
When Mary birthed Jesus, all in a cow's stall, Came wise men and farmers and shepherds and all, And high from the heavens a star's light did fall; The promise of the ages it then did recall.
If Jesus had wanted for any wee thing, A star in the sky or a bird on the wing, Or all of God's angels in heaven for to sing, He surely could have had it, 'cause he was the king
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70s80sandbeyond · 1 year
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Carol White in Poor Cow (1967)
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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imoim36news · 1 year
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Đạo diễn 87 tuổi từng đoạt hai Cành Cọ Vàng - Ken Loach - nói tác phẩm "The Old Oak" có thể là bộ phim cuối cùng của ông. Tác phẩm mới nhất của đạo diễn người Anh tranh giải Cành Cọ Vàng tại Liên hoan phim Cannes 2023. Trong cuộc phỏng vấn với Hollywood Reporter, Loach cho biết ông gặp khó khăn trong việc làm phim, khi đã gần 90 tuổi. Bối cảnh trong phim "The Old Oak". Ảnh: StudioCanal Loach nói tác phẩm gặp một số trục trặc vì ông phải làm việc trong khoảng thời gian dài, quá trình sản xuất trở nên phức tạp khiến cơ thể khó thích nghi. "Các bộ phim thường mất vài năm để thực hiện. Cơ thể của tôi dần suy giảm, trí nhớ ngắn hạn và thị lực đang khá tệ", đạo diễn cho biết.Tuy vậy, biên kịch Paul Laverty tin Ken Loach có thể chuẩn bị thực hiện một dự án phim tài liệu. "Tôi sẽ rất ngạc nhiên nếu Loach không làm gì. Làm phim là đam mê của anh ấy, Loach vẫn còn nhiều điều để kể với khán giả", Laverty nói.Trước đó, ông nhiều lần tuyên bố nghỉ làm phim nhưng vẫn tiếp tục thực hiện. Năm 2013, nhà sản xuất Rebecca O'Brien từng nói Jimmy's Hall là tác phẩm cuối trong sự nghiệp Loach. Năm 2015, cuộc bầu cử của Đảng Bảo thủ diễn ra, dẫn đến việc cắt giảm trợ cấp chăm sóc xã hội đã thôi thúc Loach thực hiện I, Daniel Blake (2016). Tác phẩm mang về giải Cành Cọ Vàng thứ hai trong sự nghiệp điện ảnh, sau The Wind That Shakes the Barley năm 2006. Guardian nhận định phim đã trở thành lời kêu gọi sự công bằng xã hội trên khắp thế giới.Với Sorry We Missed You (2019), Loach lên án gig economy (xu hướng thuê lao động tự do thay cho nhân công dài hạn), thông qua câu chuyện về người đàn ông làm việc cho một công ty giao hàng. Khi tác phẩm ra mắt tại Cannes, Loach cũng nói đây sẽ là bộ phim cuối của ông. Đạo diễn Ken Loach tại Liên hoan phim Cannes 2019. Ảnh: Reuters Ken Loach sinh ngày 17/6/1936 tại Warwickshire, Anh. Sự nghiệp đạo diễn của ông kéo dài gần 60 năm. Năm 1967, ông ra mắt phim điện ảnh đầu tay Poor Cow. Một số tác phẩm nổi tiếng thuộc trào lưu hiện thực xã hội của nghệ sĩ gồm Kes (1969), Land and Freedom (1995), Raining...
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falsenote · 2 years
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Poor Cow (1967)
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terre-des-h0mmes · 7 years
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Poor Cow (1967), directed by Ken Loach
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asinglemanpdf · 2 years
Poor Cow, Ken Loach, 1967
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clarabowlover · 3 years
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Happy Birthday To Gorgeous British Actress Carol White
(Born 1st April 1943)
Pics Sources: Listal.com - Getty Images - Bing Images
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20th-century-man · 5 years
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Carol White / publicity photo for Ken Loach’s Poor Cow (1967)
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pixiedeadbeat · 5 years
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Carol White in Poor Cow (1967)
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