#poor Sportacus
izayamoriarty · 5 months
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You can shove those disgusting fish away, you fashion disaster! Best far away, where you can stay with it and never show your old face again!
You're not helping, Robbie!
In other words
Robbie is brave enough to fight Íþró because he can use Sport as a shield from a potential threat.
Sportacus would like to help solve their problem, but at the same time he would like to be anywhere else just to avoid them.
Íþró's already planning how to get into Robbie's home. Preferably through his tv... as Robbie would sitting in his recliner and watching his favourite show. The kind of visit that will make Robbie question the use of tv for a few weeks.
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ghoulishtomato · 5 months
I like ONE Sportacus x Robbie Rotten fanart and now they're all over my dash
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retrobr · 3 months
Yes hello it's me again with another fic idea. The angsty one this time :3
I've been thinking about all this idea of Robbie using sugar apples to defeat Sportacus and wondering what would happen if he accidentally hurt him while doing that
Like Sport grabs a sugar apple in some way and then maybe performs something silly, for example, doing a flip while taking a bite of that apple, and then he just collapses right on the move. Robbie watches all this happening, of course, and then, when Sport hits the ground, he hears a crack. It was a nasty crack, and it was obviously the sound of a broken bone
And then, after all this happens, Robbie hears muffled sounds of crying from pain. This is the moment when he thinks that he's a goddamn monster and then speeds off to Sport so he could help at least in any way 
He tries to feed him a real apple, and when Sport comes back from his sugar meltdown the very first thing that he says is:
'Why do you hate me this much?..'
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bananaphone---t · 2 years
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The way Sportacus nervously fidgets with his cloth after telling Ziggy he doesn't remember anything in Sportacus Who? never fails to be both adorable, and also make me feel sorry for him. 💕💔 It's probably a mix of (possibly) trying to get his energy out (since earlier he was doing push-ups), but also anxiety since he doesn't know who he is or what he's supposed to do. 💔
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bededebop · 2 months
I've been listening to the lazytown podcast (created by Mark Valenti), and man when I tell you they have interesting behind the scene stories. I'm gonna list some of the things i remembered from each interview:
Magnus Scheving:
-Magnus is aware that people prefer LazyTown season 1, but he himself prefer LazyTown season 3-4,. Because he said the background in season 1 is shit, and he always talks about it with his team on how can we fix this.
-Magnus is aware that he is a 'Pain in the ass' for the crew, but Mark Valenti objects tho.
-Magnus once ride the same car Madonna rides in back then, he was in Mexico I think. The driver had guns he said. Once he was passing a poor Neighborhood, he saw a bunch of people dressed up as the whole cast of LazyTown. He told the driver to stop there, and the driver said that the area is kinda sketchy and they never go there, but Magnus insisted. Turns out it was someone's birthday party, and they were gonna do a whole play. He said the costume was actually well made, so he goes there and told them he was sportacus. And he ends up doing the play as well.
-The Latin America dub of Sportacus has a very deep voice, he said they might have been confused on his voice because Magnus's voice is very high pitched and Squeaky? (I don't how to spell that sorry) . (Also he said 'Hi guys! ' in a high pitched voice you guys need to hear that lmaoo)
-His favorite episode is literally every episode, but if he has to pick it would be "Robby's dream Team" because Stefan was just amazing in it. (Wait I think this is true I forgot what episode it is exactly, but it has something to do with stefan being amazing in it)
Jonathan Judge Interview:
-They gave Jonathan Judge a few weeks to try produce/direct lazytown (I forgot which one). And jonathan said Magnus made him in charge when they were filming a scene where sportacus is Buggy Jumping. He said Magnus's face was very purple from hanging upside down. After that, they loved him and would not let him leave.
-Stefan and his wife was very sweet and would invite them to his house to hang out, watch TV, and fishing! Jonathan and Mark went fishing with stefan, right next to his salmon farm. They fished cods, and Jonathan asked what Stefan's father does for a living and he said "Oh he's a whale killer".
-And on the final shooting, Magnus picked Jonathan up with his car and drive him around town. Magnus pointed at a KFC and said "I built that" (Because he was a carpenter).
-Magnus said the people of icelandic belives in elf, Jonathan once asked a crew member if he believes in elf or not. The crew member said yes, he doesnt touch a certain part of his house because that's where the 'invisible people' lives (he meant elfs)
-Jonathan asked, "well are you an elf? ". Magnus was silent for a strange amount of time, Jonathan said it was like this one scene in twilight where this one guy reveal to bella he was a vampire (idk which scene that is lmao). And he was like 'is he gonna suddenly reveal that he's an elf?? '
Mark (Another Writer from LazyTown, also i forgot his last name im sorry)
-He said Magnus was very respectfull when it comes to writing. Unnamed crew once read his writing and told him it was crap, but Magnus never does that and only told him his vision of a certain things and that's it, he never really gave Mark a note.
-There was a director from Canada that Magnus have invited to dinner. She said the writing of LazyTown is very crappy and is ln the wrong track. And when she was rambling about how lazytown writing was crappy, Magnus just stayed quiet. But the he said something to catch her off guard, something about that at the end of the day LazyTown was his show that HE created and write, shoot on a studio that HE and his team build.
-Magnus likes to take his writing team on trips
-The crew member likes to have this activities together, they hike together and exercise together. But not all of them (including Mark Valenti) participates tho.
Ok so this part I wasnt from the lazytown podcast, it was from Chris Crow's interview from GetLazy.
So he interviewed David (The Voice Actor of Mayor Meanswell) and he was there when they shot the Lazy Dance episode. And there was this one scene where they're on the dance floor, and sportacus just lean on the wall like a sadsack (bc he doesnt know how to dance). And Stephanie was right beside him and she was very excited for the dance party, she was like 'oh! Oh! Sportacus hold my purse'. So sportacus did, and now he's sitting there with Stephanie's purse on his lap. David said it was funny because he looked like a husband waiting for his wife to finish her shopping. But David said Magnus didn't like that scene, and said this is not how he wants this character (Sportacus) to go. So Mark Valenti and the other writers set up some rule. Rule number one is to never show sportacus being weak.
Also one last thing, from the laytown podcast in stefan karl's interview
They won the BAFTA award because of the episode "Robbies Greatest Misses". And they we're quite suprised with the rising popularity of Robbie Rotten, and Stefan said they tried to 'die down' Robbie's popularity a little (Because you know, he's a villain you're support to make an example out of).
Also, Robbie Rottens make up quite literally ruins stefan's skin. And he have a specific step of skin care routine, so that his skin doesnt get ruined. But there were times where his body disagreed with him, the chin of Robbie won't stick to Stefan.
Man I am so going to draw a comic about that one scene in Lazy Dance episode
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wendigoruble · 3 months
Lazytown, Soccor Sucker:
My thots and feels on one of my favorite episodes. Mostly pertaining to Robbie and Sportacus ofc. [Long post]
The episode opens with Pixel and Ziggy playing a soccer video game when Stephanie invites them to actually play outside. This leads the kids into kicking their soccer ball so hard that it flies into the hatch to Robbies lair.
Meanwhile, Robbie is just trying to eat cake, drink soda, and watch the shopping channel... Then his cake gets splooted.
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I'd be upset as well. This leads Robbie to realize what the kids are doing when he gets a convenient ad for the Soccer Bot.
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I can't get over his stance as he leans on the railing. He looks like a crab 😭
So Robbie orders a robot, and his mission is to stop the kids from playing soccer. This is really important. Enter Sportacus. He sees the kids are playing, and he needs to warm up before joining them, obviously.
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This is really important for soccer. After a banger of the musical number, Sportacus finally joins the kids. They're playing together, and it's really sweet and cute, then Robbie gets punished for lurking on them the entire time
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His poor fingies! After a little rant, he decides to confront Sportacus and once again has the ball kicked at him. Further punishment for lurking.
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Okay for one look at the way Sportacus was running the heck are his arms doing.
But also I just really like their interaction in this section of the episode. Robbie pops out from behind the wall with a "Hello Sportacus!" As catching the ball. Sportacus returns the greeting with a very chipper "Hi Robbie!"
For some reason, that just sits so softly in my heart. It's so precious. Not to mention, when Robbie challenges them to a game, Sportacus is quick to invite Robbie to join their team. He wants to include Robbie, and that's just 😭💜🩵💜🩵💜🩵 Plus. Stephanie and Ziggie are also willing to have Robbie on their team, so thats just extra!!! AHH
Anyways, Robbie challenges Sportacus to a one on one game. All the while, Sportacus is smiling and looking back for approval to let Robbie play. And it's so precious!!!!
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Look how happy he is to play with Robbie!! (Hah) Now I know Robbie told Sportacus he wouldn't be playing him, but you can't tell me Sport didn't know Robbie was in the soccer robot. Just a couple scenes later through a speaker in the robot Robbie calls him "Sportaloser". He has to know its Robbie then.
Also.... Notice something really important.
ROBBIE DIDN'T CHALLENGE WITH THE USUAL "SPORTACUS MUST LEAVE IF I WIN!" Robbie just wanted to win! (All be it to get the kids to stop playing, but still!)
Sportacus is slightly intimidated by the robot, but he doesn't back down, of course. He happily takes on the challenge, and when they get down to actually playing, Sportacus is having fun.
Robbie is tripping him, pushing him, and overall playing extremely rough (inside a giant metal suit, no less). But literally the entire time, Sportacus is smiling. He even gets up after being pushed down, and he shakes his head with a most gleeful smile. During this entire thing, Robbie yells, "I love sports!!" And Sportacus loses 7 to 1.
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Their game closes with Stephanie concerned that Sportacus lost and Sportacus just happily stating "I did it best!" And I honestly think he's just happy he finally got to play a game with Robbie
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sugaroto · 2 years
Since I have polls, that means GREEK SEXYMAN OF TUMBLR can begin
If you're not greek don't worry! You can vote too, I plan on putting photos next to each person so you can vote based on the vibes and their descriptions
First of all, here they are, the candidates
Gabriel vs Hermes (TV show: Ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος/ You can't take from the one who doesn't have)
Christopher Papakaliatis (actor/screenwriter) vs Lazaros (TV show: Είσαι το ταίρι μου/You are my match)
Deligiannis (old politician) Vs Aris Pavrinos (Fictional politician TV show: Πάρα πέντε/At the nick of time)
Andreas (TV show: Πάρα πέντε/At the nick of time) vs Gerasimos Skiaderesis (actor)
Jose (Σάββατογεννημένες /Women-born -on-Saturday) vs Menippos (Ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος/ You can't take from the one who doesn't have)
2J (YouTuber) Vs Mpezos (actor)
Antonis (Maestro in blue) vs Evaggelatos (News)
Venizelos (old politician) vs Konstantinos Emmanuel (influencer?)
George Theofanous (musician?idk someone recommended him) vs Sakis Tanimanidis(presenter)
Sakis Rouvas (singer) vs Manthos Foustanos (Konstantinou and Eleni's)
Thiramenes (ancient politician) vs Antonis Kanakis (presenter)
Ntanos (old survivor player) vs Paris Skartsolias (actor)
Charos(Ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος/ You can't take from the one who doesn't have) vs Eponimos (YouTuber)
Marios (survivor player) Charis Romas (actor)
Periandros Popotas (Το καφέ της Χαράς/Charas's Cafe) vs Socrates (Philosopher)
Fotis (Ευτυχισμένοι μαζί/ Happy together) Vs Alexis Kostalas (art presenter? Idk)
Fatseas (Tο καφέ της Χαράς/Charas's Cafe) vs Sportacus (Lazy town)
Trikoupis (old politician) vs Sotiris (Eίσαι το ταίρι μου/You are my match)
Giannis Chatzigeorgiou (actor) vs Spyros (Ευτυχισμένοι μαζί/ Happy together)
Dionysis Atzarakis (comedian) vs Aristotle (philosopher)
Konstantinos Katakouzinos (Konstantinou and Eleni's) vs Maraveyias (singer)
Lambros Fisfis (Comedian) vs Samuel Toci (influencer)
Platon (Philosopher) vs Makis (Ευτυχισμένοι μαζί/ Happy together)
Ex King Of Greece Konstantinos vs Mouzourakis (singer)
Giorgos Kapoutzidis (GodActor) vs Petretzikis (chef)
Karagiozis (Main character, barbie but poor) vs Mitsotakis (president)
Tsipras (ex president) vs Kolokotronis (commander/soldier idk)
The posts with each poll will have more descriptions
I'll pin this post, and update it each time with the results
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LazyTown characters when they’re sick: headcanons
Sportacus can never seem to stay still for long, even on his very rare sick days. On these days, he tries to hide it as much as he can, but just focuses on gentler exercises and eats a lot of fruit to try and get himself better. But usually he ends up overworking himself, and when this happens he just tries to rest. But he always feels SO BAD ABOUT IT OMG- Cause he’s a superhero he holds exceptionally high expectations on himself and feels even more awful if he can’t save people. 
Robbie is used to getting sick because of his lifestyle, so he’s pretty much all set, but he still can’t stand being sick. He gets pretty grumpy as he’s trying to rest it off but the kids are playing outside and making a lot of noise. Somehow he always manages to get Sportacus to get the kids to play quietly as Robbie is sick and needs to rest. And, whenever Robbie is sick, he mostly just sleeps. 
When Stephanie gets sick, she’ll spend the day in her pyjamas writing in her journal, reading books or watching TV in bed while her uncle makes her soup. While being sick does get boring for her, she tries to keep herself entertained by listening to music as she wants to get better as soon as she can. 
Ziggy often becomes sick from eating too much sugar, so he gets pretty sad when he has to stay in bed and can’t go outside or eat any sweets/candy, but during these times Sportacus advises him to drink lots of water and get a lot of rest. Also, Ziggy would wrap himself up in blankets and watch cartoons while he gets better. 
Trixie gets really cranky and irritable when she’s sick, but mostly because she feels awful and drowsy, and because being sick is boring. But to pass the time, she reads books or comics (she doesn’t tell anyone that she does though), watches TV or sits up in her bed and plays with her dartboard. Or she just wraps herself up in blankets and sleeps a bunch. 
Pixel is all set when he gets ill, because, like Robbie, he’s pretty used to getting sick because of his poor sleeping habits. However because of this, it takes longer for him to get better. He mostly just stays inside and plays video games, until his friends eventually get him to go to sleep. 
When Stingy is sick, he is usually a lot more demanding and needy, and can at times be dramatic, often making his situation out to be worse than it actually is. He spends his sick days in bed reading or watching the TV, and he always keeps a bell at the side of his bed to ring when he needs something. (He probably has a butler or maid or something)
Mayor Meanswell
The mayor tends to overwork himself, even when he's sick. Running the town, helping Bessie, taking care of Stephanie, etc, even when he's ill. Stephanie usually notices this and tries to get her uncle to take a break and rest. When he eventually gives in and does rest, he would make himself soup, read the newspaper, knit, sleep, etc. He always feels a little guilty, however, considering he is the mayor and wants to be able to meet the town's needs. Poor guy needs a break.
Miss Busybody
Now if you think Miss Bessie Busybody was demanding enough when she's not sick, then hunny you've got a big storm coming (if you get the reference I love you). When Miss Busybody is sick, she becomes a total hot mess. What I mean by this is that her hair is a mess, and so is her mood, and her neediness is amplified by about ten times.
(Tell me your character sick!headcanons in the comments/reblogs !)
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lazyrants · 3 months
Rockin' Robbie (prod 201)
Original airdate: September 25, 2006
Story by Magnus Scheving
Written by Magnus Scheving, Mani Svavarrson, Noah Zachary
Directed by Magnus Scheving
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stalling
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess, Ronald Binion,
Mmm, a new season! Smells like a new book.
The episode begins with a CGI shot of Sportacus' airship. Not gonna lie, but it looked better in the first season.. Anyways, Sportacus calls for some Sportscandy. He says he loves sportscandy, and also loves to move. So he throws the apple to the wall and it bounces. Then he does a handstand.
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In an attempt to do a one-handed handstand, he lifts his hand up, whacking the apple against the wall again. Then he gets up, flips and kicks the apple to the camera. Then he does some more cartwheels and jumps, then he does a handstand and kicks the apple again!THEN he kicks it trying to stand up! And he does another handstand, kicking the poor apple. THEN he does backwards cartwheels, kicking the apple as he lifts up his feet. Sportacus starts to jump on the white circle mats, then starts shuffling from mat to mat. He does another cartwheel, hitting and kicking the apple. Then he does a backflip, a pushup, jumps up, puts his hand up, and bam!
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The apple is in his hand. He says that Sportscandy and moving is super cool. What a great way to start a season, giving us the action we expect from LazyTown. Anyways, the main episode starts with a song - 'King of the Town'. A song the kids are performing in the Town Hall.
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Stingy is on vocals, Trixie is on mixing, Stephanie is on guitar, Pixel is on piano and Ziggy is on drums. They sound wonderful until Stephanie accidentally gets caught up in her dancing and kicks the cord to her boombox. Then they sound bad enough for Sportacus to check on them to see if anyone is in trouble. Then Sportacus checks on them to see if anyone is in trouble. Stephanie shows Stingy the unplugged cord and he tells her to plug it in before someone discovers they can't play.
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Too late. Sportacus insults them indirectly by saying he heard a terrible noise. They tell him it was them playing and he apologizes (not meaning it because that was awful!!). Then Ziggy demonstrates his epik drum skilz!!!1!111! and he almost falls down swinging the sticks.
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Luckily, Sportacus catches him and the drum-sticks. Sportacus thinks it is great the kids are starting a band and Ziggy asks if he can play the drums and he can. I love this scene because other than exercise, sportscandy and jumping in muddy puddles, we know a bit more about Sporty's interests, hobbies and skills. Anyways, the drums are so loud Robbie's lair shakes and he comes falling to the ground from his chair. He is pretty annoyed but Bessie and Milford have a more positive reaction - he runs to the town hall. After Sportacus has finished, Milford asks him if that is a beat from a recognizable song, and Sportacus confirms it.
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The drum beat is from 'Rock n roll, dude!' by Johnny B. Badd. (This reminds me of when my mother told me about Makoma, a religious DRC family who performed from 1993-2012.) Milford says Badd was his favourite artist as a kid and none of the kids have ever heard of him. Surprised Pixel hasn't because all he does is use the computer. He must've stumbled across some B. Badd fan site on Geocities at least once. Anyways, Milford tells the kids that everyone copied him as a kid. He demonstrates with a photo of Johnny B. Badd's concert poster and a photo of him.. with hair.
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Anyways, he asks the kids if they wanna hear his music and they say yes. They go back to his house and play 'Rock your socks off' on vinyl. Everyone is dancing to the (super cool) song. Mani composed it which is great, because he's so talented he can write songs that sound like they're from the 60s! (Not to mention he actually co-wrote this episode.) Meanwhile, Robbie looks at them through his periscope and questions if they have ants in their pants. By the request of Bessie (this is her favorite of Johnny's songs), he turns the volume up. Robbie is still looking and is even more horrified when he figures out they're dancing!
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Stephanie (despite this being an instrumental song) loves Johnny's songs and wishes she could hear him sing in person. Milford stops the vinyl and says that is a wonderful idea (it isn't. Johnny could possibly be dead or retired). They are going to award him with a trophy for being their favourite singer. Robbie says that everyone will listen to him and do as he says. Then he comes up with the great idea (shouldn't have taken him seven seconds to come up with) to disguise himself as Johnny B. Badd!
We find out Milford is such a fan he knows Badd's phone number. (He asks how he looks before calling him, XD!) So he dials 555-2-BAD, and the phone line that the Badd's phone is inside is literally miles away from LazyTown. Robbie climbs up to the phone line and answers the call.
Milford asks if this is Johhny, and Robbie says yes. Before agreeing to come to the town, he asks Milford if kids still think he is cool and will obey his every word. Milford says that if Johnny told him to bark like a dog, he'd bark like a dog. Then Robbie tells him to bark like a dog. Much to Bessie's shock, he barks like a dog. The noise startles Robbie and he falls off the phone line with a really loud yell.
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The funniest part is it wasn't even that loud - he said it with no effort like 'Woof. Woof.' Anyways, Milford hangs up and he tells them that Johnny sang to him. The kids decide to go practice THEIR music - performing 'Play in a Band'. After the song ends, Milford goes to his office looking for something, then Robbie turns his chair around.
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In a reference to 'Robbie Rotten's Greatest Misses' which is a reference to 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas', Milford stutters until Robbie tells him to 'spit it out!' and he does. Bessie faints.
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In a @lazytownpoint interview with Mani from 2007, he says he tried to add humor to the episodes. And boy, oh boy, did he succeed amazingly! Milford tells him the kids want to meet him and he does 'the WOW move'. Twice. By the second time, MILFORD faints!
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Robbie asks 'Grandpa' if he is okay, then he stands up. Robbie tells him to pull himself together. The kids are drinking water [Ziggy is drinking soda, durr] after their practice and Milford makes a loud-speaker announcement to tell the kids to come meet Johnny. Robbie walks up on stage and he wants to play a super fun game - ''Catch a Rockstar!' How to play?
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Well, you might not know and apparently neither did the kids.. I thought the name was very straight forward! Then comes a more cartoony moment where there are stars flying around his head after he gets up and sits on stage. Then he signs autographs.
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He signs Stingy's notepad as from 'Robbie' which confuses the kids for a second (that alone should've revealed it was Robbie!!!). He says Robbie is just a rotten friend of his. Milford tells the kids to give him some space because he needs to prepare for the concert. Once everyone leaves, he says to himself that nobody needs to worry about a concert because there won't be one. Meanwhile, Robbie is in his dressing room chillaxing when Milford knocks on the door and he lets him in. Milford is for some reason, in the exact same clothing as Johnny.
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Robbie tells him his hair looks terrible then Milford says it's a JBB wig. Then he smiles and does 'the wow move'. He tells him he looks cool, and Milford asks him if he needs anything. Robbie says he needs white towels with blue stripes, assuming it'll take him a long time to find them.
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It doesn't. Then he asks for twenty chocolate cookies. He gets them, alongside with a rubber ducky. He tests Milford by asking for a golden trophy, which nearly tricks the Mayor, but he says after the show. Then Robbie asks to get rid of Sportacus, as all the jumping and flipping gets on his nerves. Milford is not too sure about it until Robbie threatens to sing somewhere else. So he sends Sporty a letter.
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Sportacus assumes it's his invitation to the concert. And boy, oh boy, does he get a doozy. It's the COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF HIS INVITATION TO THE CONCERT. Also, his confused face is hilarious. Maggi rocks.
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Sportacus doesn't go to the concert - he even makes it official with a response letter to the mayor. (I lied - he decides to check up on them 'just in case' (he really wants to go)). Anyways, Milford gives Sportacus' response letter to Robbie who dances of excitement, then switches to the air guitar to avoid suspicion. Then he shuts the door in an attempt to get Milford to shut up about the show starting in three minutes and Milford's wig gets stuck. So, Milford knocks, Robbie opens the door.. and..
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He puts on the wig. IT'S A WIGCEPTION!! Until he notices and gives it back to him. Robbie talks to himself about how the concert won't go, then he steps on the rubber ducky (nooo11!!!!), picks it up and carries it, telling it to 'go finish our hair!' XD. The kids who are in the audience are waiting for Johnny then Milford makes an announcement. The show's starting in one minute, and he tells everyone (Pixel) to turn off all devices. Milford sees Robbie trying to take the trophy, and then he pulls the curtain! The kids are confused to see him stealing, but he lies and says he is just polishing it.
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Then he puts it back, and just stands on stage. Then the kids tell him he should be singing and once he realizes, he grabs a guitar and hides behind the curtains. He turns on the boombox and performs (undeniably super awesome and amazing masterpiece) 'Rock your socks off'. If only we got a full version, as the song was supposed to last as long until he tripped over the boombox cord. So, anyways, he grabs the trophy and makes a run for it.. then he trips over the guitar and has the trophy stuck on his head.
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Sportacus' crystal beeps, and he sees Robbie (who ran outside the door) with the trophy on his head. Using a new vehicle, he travels to LazyTown and sees Robbie who has tripped over Stingy's car and is now on a swing. Sportacus is smiling until he falls off, so he kicks a wheelbarrow. He falls into it, and he's having a ride until the wheelbarrow drives over a rock and he runs into the hall. He closes the door and the handle falls off. Not a problem for Sportacus, who uses his Yoyo to take the door off it's hinges (and put them back on). Then he does a frontflip and snatches the trophy off of Robbie's head.
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The disguise is revealed as he also snatches off his wig. (LOL, weave snatch in a Nick. Jr show!) Milford says you can admire people but shouldn't copy them, which is what he has been doing the entire episode. Bessie's sad because they couldn't have a concert, but the kids say they can and perform 'Bing Bang' - the rock version!! Epic.
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Robbie declares the plan the dumbest thing he's ever done. Out of anger, he smacks a plate with a cake slice on it while yelling 'ROCK AND ROLL??!!' Then the cake flings on him. Then he says THAT was the dumbest thing he's ever done.
10/10 - Three songs and I love them all - no flaws in this episode.
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afoxysunny · 2 years
Do you think of Sportacus had shapeshifting powers he’d use them. Like hop up to Robbie as a blue kangaroo.
I'm always in favor of making characters less just-a-normal-human so i would wanna say yes immediately!
If he could do it as drastically as you suggest i think it'd be hilarious if he'd only use it to mess with people. As in, only turn into an animal or another person in front of one person so nobody else would believe it. You know, actually mean elf shit, which is why he so rarely deos it
But the first thing i thought of was actually something else
What if he can do it but doesn't realize? It's just a reflex of his body and is so natural to him that no elf ever broight it up and he never paid enough attention to realize the small but regular changes to himself. Like, when he goes swimming he gets webbed feet and for basketball his ankles shift higher so he can jump better. Small but very much not human traits that you can overlook if you don't pay attention but once you notice you can never unsee it.
Robbie once saw Sportacus' teeth change and his jaw shift just slightly to easily bite a piece off of a watermelon and the poor guy slept even less for the next two days. What an unsettling realization to have after living so close to someone for a long time
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sportatiddy · 7 years
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Part 4 Chapter 19
“Robbie,” Sportacus croaked, “I can’t - I can’t move-”
Their arms may have been held down, but not their teeth.
Not their teeth.
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sportacusisgay · 7 years
The First Time Robbie Cracks His Neck In Front Of Sportacus:
Sportacus: *sinks down to his knees in horror* Robbie: wut. Sportacus: *ready to take Robbie to the hospital* Why would you do that to yourself!? Also Sportacus: *sobbing in fear and concern* Robbie: i hate you.
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lidioliveir · 4 years
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Subtlety is not your strong point Robbie
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retrobr · 4 months
GAHDAMMIT I've been thinking about one idea for a potential fic for quite a while, but since I'm a lazy ass and probably won't write it I decided to share it with y'all (because if I don't share it I'll definitely explode)
This post is a little bit long but AHHHHH WHATEVER JUST-
Imagine: Chef Pablo stays in Lazytown under any circumstances; maybe he grew fond of the kids and the citizens and decided to stay there; or maybe he has nothing much to do in his hometown. He becomes nice friends with Sportacus since they both like healthy food, and after a while they found out that they have quite a lot in common. Due to Pablo's expressive and sort of passionate nature, he doesn't keep himself from making nice comments towards the hero and even flirting friendly with him—it's just the way he is. 
And oops, one day Robbie, being the sneaky and kind of nosy guy he is, "accidentally" stumbles upon one of their cute conversations (mostly led by Pablo because I already mentioned why), and for some unexplainable reason he feels an odd sort of anger about it, only to realize a little bit later that the aforementioned anger was a simple jealousy: someone who's way more charming and successful than him gains a lot of trust from the hero and even seems to try being sweet on him? An unpleasant discovery, like a nasty slap in the face.
Since Robbie just couldn't sit still and do absolutely nothing after that, he thinks about all that situation for some time and decides to do something bad and even risky: he could disguise himself as Pablo and take his position, and then, after he's gained enough of Sport's trust, get rid of him by cruelly breaking his heart and make him leave the town forever.
Robbie kidnaps Pablo once again, keeps him in his lair, and, after that, disguises himself as a popular chef. It takes him some time to get used to his new role because from now on he has to behave like Pablo, not for one day but for a longer time.
This time, wearing his disguise, Robbie's actually trying to be nice towards Sportacus and stay in character as neatly as possible; he mimics Pablo's behavior, accent and intonations of his voice, characteristic phrases, and even some of his flirty lines and side-comments, which he happened to hear that unfortunate day. The hero, on his part, doesn't seem to mind it all or notice something odd about it: he keeps being kind as ever to "Pablo" and spending his free hours with him.
But there appears to be one very unexpected thing: Robbie notices himself liking his new role more and more with each passing day (even though it means that he has to cook healthy meals and be kind to those brats). And, even more surprising, he begins to actually enjoy Sport's company; making him smile by telling some amusing made-up stories from Pablo's life and even complimenting him from time to time became one of his favorite pastimes.
As a result, he doesn't want Sport to leave the town anymore. Robbie doesn't even want to go home some days (where, I should point out, Pablo still remains and complains about his kidnapping) because his company urges his chest to bubble with happiness and affection, which never ever happened before, and it makes him feel sort of giddy. 
And then comes the day when Robbie decides to finally push their friendship to a new level. But — oh, what an unfortunate plot twist — the hero doesn't reciprocate his initiative because, surprise-surprise, his heart already longs for some other person. And then there is some sort of dialogue like:
'W-wait, but for who?!' Robbie is incredibly disappointed and left heartbroken himself (what an irony); his facade of his new role shatters, and his voice unintentionally breaks into his characteristic hysterical intonation.
'Well, his name is Robbie, and he's actually a very amusing and smart person. I feel like I could trust you, so that's why-'
And that is the moment when Robbie's poor brain just goes completely numb and dumb, and then he does something unbelievably stupid: he takes off his disguise and reveals his true identity.
What happens next? Who knows. Probably something good, but, you know, since I've shared this idea with y'all, it's up to you guys to interpret its ending 🤭
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bananaphone---t · 2 years
I was rewatching The First Day of Summer, and because I've been reading a lot of Sportarobbie fics recently, I couldn't stop imagining the dating montage of Robbie and the fly, but with Sportacus there instead. Now I want to write this.
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radioscientist · 3 years
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