#pony named emma
galerymod · 10 days
‘In a convent, the mother superior was dying. The other nuns wanted to offer her something to drink. But the mother superior refused a glass of water. Now they tried a glass of milk, with the same result. A nun then suggested adding a little whiskey to the milk, perhaps that would help. The dying woman actually drank the glass. Shortly afterwards, she was approaching death and her subordinates asked her what her last wish was. She replied: ‘Whatever you do, never sell this cow’.’
Now her groom* has recounted a hilarious joke that Elizabeth II told him during a ride with her beloved pony Emma.
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New of today 09/11/25
*Well, does the man have to market his podcast now, or is he back to being the groom of Emma, the late Queen's favourite pony?
In the Rosebud podcast, Terry Pendry tells how the Queen, now 96 and frail, could not resist riding her favourite pony, Emma.
Well you old and frail normal citizens, if you can afford a place in a nursing home at all, always dream of how the super rich nice queen paid by the people was put frail by the nice staff on her favourite pony Emma while you lie in bed and nobody comes round to take you to the toilet.
What a beautiful performance while you wet yourself.
At least it touched me deeply, but please not a bit ... the lambs are always given the illusion of participation, even though they are only kept in line with nice sentimental stories of the royals.
Hats off to the best marketing with a deceased queen.
Let's put it nicely, we are pro-royalist unless of course we are not of blue blood ourselves with the appropriate privilege.
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werepuppy-steve · 4 months
G | 753 words
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles' prompt: graduation tags: emma verse, modern au, famous corroded coffin, steddie being over the top parents
tagging some of the emma fans: @steves-strapcollection @tboygareth @patchworkgargoyle @steddieas-shegoes @theheadlessphilosopher
@worstsequence @hammity-hammer
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"Does she know where we're sitting?" Eddie asks as they shuffle down the rows of plastic seats, his bulky digital camera hanging around his neck by the strap.
(Eddie wanted to bring their tour photographer, Cody, but Steve had to gently remind him that the school already had one hired. Eddie only sulked for an hour.)
Steve levels him a look. "If she doesn't see us, then she'll spot one of these goons and follow the line." He points over his shoulder to their accompanying party.
Wayne is directly behind him, followed by Robin and Chrissy. Jeff, Gareth, Freak, and the kids shuffle in behind them. As much as Eddie doesn’t like flaunting his celebrity status around, he had to call ahead the week before to request an entire row to be reserved just to fit all of them.
His baby is graduating kindergarten, he'll be damned if he doesn't pull out all the stops. They’re even having a little graduation party for her at the house afterwards—a backyard BBQ with everyone and the rest of the tour crew and family who couldn't make it to the ceremony.
Not long after everyone is seated, Pomp and Circumstance crackles out of the loudspeakers and the kids start to walk down the aisle in pairs. It's definitely not perfect, some kids take too-eager steps and some stop to hug their parents, but the teachers do their best to guide them.
Steve starts recording with his phone the second they spot Emma, the digital chime of Eddie's camera shutter clicking away beside him. Her curls are barely tamed in the side pony she asked Eddie to put it in, but it matches the whole 'rocker' vibe she's got going on.
Amongst the sea of summer dresses and pressed toddler slacks, their little girl is wearing her black denim battle vest over a light purple Hannah Montana shirt Steve had gotten at a yard sale, with a pale blue frilly tutu and a pair of silver glitter leggings and her black boots.
She looks nervous, though. Tense. Her shoulders are drawn up and her hands are clasped in front of her. Brown eyes dart this way and that around the room trying to spot a familiar face in the crowd and it breaks Steve's heart to watch his kid be so anxious. Her teacher said she did great at practice yesterday, but that was without the fifty pairs of eyes on her.
Mike is sitting on the end and she finds him easily, her eyes lighting up in recognition, but there's still a worried crease between her eyebrows that doesn't smooth out until she's locking eyes with her dads. She gives them a tiny wave as she walks by.
They both give her encouraging thumbs up and Eddie wishes he could just snatch her up and run out of the building with her.
They eventually get all the kids filed in and the principal stands behind the podium on the stage to welcome everyone. She goes through the awards first (Emma receives one for reading above her grade level, something that Eddie is very proud of) before the kids line back up to receive their little diplomas.
Halfway through the list, Eddie suddenly elbows Steve. "Shit, I didn't hear her name, did we miss her?"
His phone is still recording. "Dude, her last name is M, we're still in the J's."
"Oh, right."
Emma's class is only about 50 or so kids so it doesn't really take that long to get to her name, but Steve and Eddie are still vibrating with the anticipation.
"Emma Munson."
Immediately, their entire entourage is up on their feet and cheering and yelling. It's way too loud for the cafeteria setting they're in, and it echos, and you can definitely tell which of them are in the famous metal band.
Emma's little cheeks turn the same color as her glasses but her grin is big and wide as she holds her certificate in front of her for the picture. Both Steve and Eddie are rapid fire pressing the shutter buttons on their cameras.
Once she's off the stage, the principal clears her throat. "A reminder to please hold all applause until the end of the ceremony, thank you." She gives them a not-so-subtle glare over the rims of her own glasses.
Sheepishly, their group sits back down and is quiet once more.
"We're gonna be worse during her eighth grade graduation, right?" Steve whispers to Eddie.
"Oh, absolutely. She'll want to kill us afterwards."
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understandingbimbos · 7 months
Bimbo Types, or Neapolitan Bimbo
(This is something I've previously gone over in my My Little Pony post but wanted to reiterate here.)
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Bimbo can most easily be divided into three distinct archetypes. The Clown, The Innocent, and The Debutante. These archetypes are not absolute, they come in many variations and their traits can and will overlap.
The Clown, also known as The Free Spirit or The Wildcard, usually shows up as the comedic relief. They can be loud, showy, excessive, and obnoxious. Their sexuality is very self-assured, self-aware, and playful. The Clown's main concern (if any) is having or spreading fun, "fun" in this context being completely up to their individual style and personality. To give a very stereotypical example, a goth clown may have the most fun watching very violent horror movies or playing with spiders. Another clown could have the most fun (Incidentally) causing a ruckus or being mischievous, it's all about perspective, the possibilities are pretty much endless.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Jeannie (IDOJ), Pinkie Pie (MLP:FIM), Harley Quinn (BTAS), Synclaire James (Living Single), Jayne Mansfield (films and public persona), Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
The Innocent, also known as The Ingenue, is just as the name suggests. Not only helpless but often unaware and wholly out of her depth. Her inexperience and or meekness makes her prone to being taken advantage of. Despite this, she (usually) remains positive, kind, and happy to help. Unlike The Clown, The Innocent's sexuality is typically portrayed as natural, uncomplicated, and unintended.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Marilyn Monroe (films and public persona), Weena (The Time Machine), Lorelei Lee (in the novel), Elissa Megan Powers (Empowered)
The Debutante, who could also be called The Alpha Bitch, is probably the most popular in the modern era and who you're most likely to come across in real life or on social media. Her sexuality is mainly a means of control. She puts a lot of time, work, and effort into her appearance because beauty is both her business and capital. While she may, at times, enjoy and indulge in carnal pleasure it's far from her main concern. Being the most or unattainably desirable is how she knows she's better than others, how she's able to acquire and maintain control. The Debutante values social standing above all else, to her it's a matter of life or death, she would die without overwhelmingly positive attention.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Regina George (Mean Girls), Heather Chandler (Heathers), Courtney Shayne (Jawbreaker), Heather (Total Drama Island), Cleopatra Smith (Clone High), Jeannie II (IDOJ), Emma Frost (X-Men), Panty Anarchy (PSG), Ginger (Gilligan's Island), Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany's), Kim Kardashian, Rarity (MLP:FIM)
These archetypes are combined, remixed, and subverted so often it's hard to find pure examples (I tried my best, and even then this is just reducing them to their base archetypes and do not accurately describe every single one of these characters), but this is a good thing. It leads to nuance and diversity, and many of the most popular bimbo characters are mixed or subversions. Chrissy Snow (Three's Company) is a Clown and an Innocent. Elle Woods (Legally Blonde) arguably includes elements of all three. Romy and Michele's High School Reunion follows two clownish Innocents who realize they were bullied by debutantes. As far as I know, all bimbos exist somewhere along these lines (or perhaps on an axis) but we shouldn't view this as limiting, when you think about it the combinations are really seemingly endless, and I didn't even cover sub-archetypes! Many Debutantes are mean but they don't have to be. Innocents don't have to be completely pliable, you can do (or be) whatever you like, even moving from one archetype to another.
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fencecollapsed · 6 months
I think if Paul was a my little pony his name would be Cookie Cutter and his cutie mark would be a pony-shaped cookie cutter. he's not a baker though his talent/destiny is being The Most Average Stallion Alive
and Emma's mark would be a weed leaf of course, she's a farm pony <3 and her name? why it's Perky Bud 😌
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razorblade-richards26 · 2 months
a new story I made for the outsiders:
I will be outside of Broadway and I noticed a new character ace and I noticed she was the only female greaser that didn’t have a story so I thought maybe it would be nice to give her one so here’s a pic.
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Ace: played by Tilly evans Krueger
ponyboy: played by Brody grant
Johnny: played by sky Lakota lynch
Dallas: played by Joshua boone
sodapop: played by Jason schmidt
two bit: played by Daryl tofa
Darrel: played by Brent comer
cherry valence: played by Emma pittman
Marcia: played by Sarah Grace Mariani
bob sheldon: played by Kevin William Paul
Paul Holden: played by Dan Berry
trip: played by Kevin csolak
Chet: played by r higton.
brill: played by Barton Cowperthwaite
chapter one.
[Scene 1: Abandoned lot – Morning]
The Greasers are hanging out in their usual spot, talking and joking around. Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally are sitting on a broken-down car, while Sodapop and Two-Bit are playfully wrestling nearby. The sun is shining brightly, and the sound of birds chirping can be heard in the background.
Ponyboy: (laughing) Two-Bit, you're gonna break Soda’s arm if you keep that up.
Two-Bit: (grinning) Nah, he’s tougher than he looks.
Sodapop manages to flip Two-Bit over, pinning him to the ground. They both laugh as they catch their breath. Suddenly, a shadow falls over them. The group looks up to see Ace standing with a confident smirk on her face.
Ace: Well, well, well, what do we have here? A bunch of Greasers causing trouble?
Dally: (grinning) You could say that. Who’s asking?
Ace: Name’s Ace. Just moved into town. Figured I’d see what the local scene’s like.
Ace’s posture is relaxed but ready for anything, her eyes scanning the group with interest. She has a tough, yet approachable demeanor, her playful energy palpable.
Sodapop: (eyes widening) Nice to meet you, Ace. I’m Sodapop. This is Ponyboy, Johnny, Two-Bit, and Dally.
Ponyboy: (smiling) Welcome to the gang.
Ace: (playfully) Don’t I get a grand tour or something?
Two-Bit: (laughing) Sure, why not? Come on, let’s show her around.
The group gets up and begins to walk, Ace falling in step beside them. Two-Bit starts explaining their usual hangouts and some of their inside jokes.
Two-Bit: So, this is where we hang out most of the time. We call it the lot. It's not much, but it's ours.
Johnny: (smiling shyly) We spend a lot of time here. It’s a good place to get away from everything.
Ace: (nodding) I get that. Sometimes you just need a place to chill.
As they walk, Dally and Ace start talking about their favorite spots around town. Dally is impressed by Ace’s knowledge of cool places, even though she’s new in town.
Dally: You seem to know your way around pretty well for a newcomer.
Ace: (grinning) I’ve got a knack for finding the best spots. Plus, I’ve been on my own for a while, so you learn quickly.
Sodapop keeps sneaking glances at Ace, clearly smitten. Ponyboy notices and nudges him with a grin.
Ponyboy: (whispering) You’re staring, Soda.
Sodapop: (blushing) Shut up, Pony.
They continue walking and talking, getting to know Ace better. 
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welcome-to-goldy-pond · 2 months
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EMMA , GOLDY // SHE , HER // 17 // FICTKIN !
. Kin/IRL/Fictive requests! . Willing to do any media, even ones I don't know :] . Feel free to just come in and chat if you'd like! I don't bite <3
Five Night's at Freddy's + Dayshift at Freddy's, Omori, The Promised Neverland, In Stars and Time, Most MCYT SMPs, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel*, Your Turn to Die, Most Roblox Games, My Little Pony + Other Kids Shows, Pokemon, Murder Drones, The Amazing Digitual Circus, Studio Ghibli [More TBA?] * Please do not harass kins/irls/fictives of the shows just for who they are! Not liking the show is valid, but they cannot choose their medias/sources
Stimboards, Moodboards, PFPs/Profile Themes, Names, Pronouns, Canoncalls, Care Kits, Positivity, Themed Pride Flags, Kin Tips, and anything else!
💜⭐️ anon
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ladylooch · 9 months
The Spiral [Lio Meier]- Part 2 
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ICYMI, Part 1 is here. 
Word count: 2.4k
Emma Meier sits alone on the dock of her and Timo’s house in Switzerland. Her feet are curled up under her thighs as she looks out at the glassy water. It is early. Their teenage twins are still asleep and Timo had gone out for a quick run before she made her escape down here. She enjoys the stillness of the morning here. It reminds her of how lucky they are to live in Switzerland. 
Weight of another person makes the dock creak. She knows those footsteps belong to the love of her life.
“Coffee?” Timo asks, holding a cup down, over her shoulder. She grabs it without her eyes leaving the lake. His fingers smooth over her pony tail then he sits beside her. His feet go into the lake, a shiver trailing up his body at how cold the water is for the end of summer. 
Gentle slurps of coffee are the only disturbance to the quiet lake morning. Emma and Timo have spent thousands of mornings here together in content silence. Timo wishes he could have another morning like that with her, but there is something his wife needs to know. 
“Em.” Timo calls softly. She turns to face him. He looks extremely uncomfortable. “I really don’t want to tell you this, but…” He sighs, running a hand over his hair. He glances out at the glassy, lake surface, having a difficult time focusing on her face. “I ran by Lee’s place earlier and he is gone. His place is empty. There is a rental sign on the window. His car is gone… I think he went back to Jersey.” 
“No.” It comes sputtering out of her mouth. Her coffee cup slams down onto the dock, brown liquid sloshing over. It drips into the lake below. “No.” She begins to stand up. Timo quickly follows. “He did not leave here without speaking to us! No, he did not!” She slaps his chest. “Fix this! You have to fix this!” 
“Baby, he is grown up.” Timo sighs, gathering her into his arms when she begins to sob into her hands. “I can’t make him come back here. I can’t make him pick up the phone. We have to hope he is listening to our messages.” He sighs. 
“He is not!” She screams, shoving away from him. “If he was, he would not be on that fucking plane!” Timo purses his lips. These outbursts of anger have been common since Lio walked out of their home weeks ago. “Timo.” She wails, hunching over as she begins to sob harder. He rubs her back as she struggles to breathe through her tears. 
“What if he never talks to us again? What if..” Emma closes her eyes, rocked by the pain. “What if he never wants to see us again? What if he has an entire life we never get to be a part of!?” Tears fill Timo’s eyes at how devastated his wife is. IT wasn’t long ago he had these same concerns about him and Liv. It kills him that he can’t fix this. That he can’t get through to Lio, even when he visited him at training a few days ago. Emma doesn’t know. He didn’t tell her because he thought it would be a moot point. But Timo also thought he made it really fucking clear with Lio what needed to be done before he left.
“Lio here?” Timo asks as he walks into the gym. The trainer nods.
“Out back.” He tosses a thumb over this shoulder. Timo rounds the corner, seeing his son flipping a big, tractor tire down the back alley. 
“Lio.” The frustration in his voice is evident. Timo is over this pout fest from his oldest. He isn’t sure he can handle any more tears from Emma over what has been happening. It’s bad enough he missed their anniversary party. Now, Lio is missing from all their family pictures and Emma is beside herself at not having a shot of the entire family for their Christmas card. Lio looks over his shoulder at the sound of his name, then rolls his eyes. The tire smacks the ground aggressively with a final flip.
“Gee dad, only you would think me avoiding your calls means show up here.”
Timo laughs sarcastically as he approaches his son. He reaches a large hand out, balling up Lio’s sweaty shirt and launching him into the concrete wall. Lio’s strong back hits with a heavy thud that knocks the breath from him. Timo pins him up against the wall, getting right in his face. 
“Cut the shit right now.” Lio gulps. His dad is pissed. “If anyone else was treating your mother this way, they’d be smeared into the road like a dead animal.” Timo releases Lio’s shirt, smoothing it out. “But you’re our kid, so you get to live another day.” He motions for Lio to go to the bench off to his right. Lio plops down forcefully. Timo sits down with a shake of his head. “Lee, mama and I deserve a chance to speak our truth here.”
“You could have in the 15 years before now. Or in our conversation. But mama kicked me out of the house.” Lio snaps. “And you were going to beat my ass in two more seconds if I didn’t leave. More stellar parenting from you two.”
“Not our best moments, no. But also not yours.” Timo responds. Lio scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. He looks straight out in front of him, over the buildings to the tall mountains North of them. Silence settles over the two men.  A few cars pass along the road, breaking up the quiet mountain air. Lio’s leg begins to bounce anxiously. Timo sighs, leaning back into the brick building, spreading his feet wider apart to relax into the bench. 
“12:43pm on December 21st, 2023.” Timo begins softly. Lio feels his throat tighten. “The moment my life started having meaning.” Lio’s bottom lip shakes. He turns his face completely away from his dad again. “Mama showed up at my apartment and she blurted out we were pregnant and life finally had meaning. Was I scared? Yeah. Did I not want you? No. Not for even one millisecond, kid.” Tears race down Lio’s cheeks. His whole mouth quivers trying to hold back a sob. “Before mama, I’ll admit, I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a father. But then mama picked me. And so did you. And it was the only thing I wanted. Everything started to matter more. Life wasn’t defined by hockey- goals, assists, TOI. I was measured instead by being the best husband and father. I finally had purpose.” 
Lio brings his hand up, wiping his tears, still not looking at his dad.
“Mama had things harder than me though. Her road was difficult before and after your were born. She was judged, very publicly for getting pregnant. Called awful things. Right or wrong, she wanted to protect you from how badly that hurt. So, we fudged a bit of the truth.” Timo shrugs. “We didn’t think it would hurt you like it clearly has. But we were not ashamed of you. You were not a mistake. You were not an obligation. You were everything good about us wrapped up in a perfect, 8 pound baby. We loved being your parents and because of that we had three more babies. You created our entire family, Lee.” Timo puts a heavy hand on Lio’s sweaty head.
“I’m not going to sugar coat to you how hurt Mama is about what happened. You said things to her that cut deep. She is never going to forget them.” Lio leans forward to put his head into his hands. He cries harder, shoulders shaking. He hates himself for what he said to her. He didn’t mean it. He was so upset, lashing out at the deep pain and shame he felt in his bones. “The longer you take to start making repairs with her, the more we all hurt.” He rubs at his son’s back. “You need to start taking ownership of your choices. Be accountable for your words and actions and how they effect the people who care about you. Otherwise, you’re going to lose a lot of what makes life good.”
Lio feels like he already has. His dad’s advice is coming a little too late. Timo can sense that Lio won’t be speaking any words back to him today, which is fine by him. As long as Lio has been listening; its enough for Timo.
“I love you. More than any words can express.” Timo pats Lio’s back, checking the time on his watch. “I gotta get going. Mama is having a hard day. I don’t want to be gone from her too long.” 
“Dad?” Lio chokes out, trying to breathe. Timo turns back. “I’m really sorry I hurt you and mama.” 
“We forgive you, buddy. Come home and see mama before you leave.” 
Lio nods, seemingly in agreement.
Now, while consoling his sobbing wife on the dock, Timo replays the conversation. He had been so sure Lio would show. The pang in his chest cracks deeper than before. His throat begins to clog with tears of his own. He wraps Emma deeper into him.
“I’m so sorry, babe.”
For the first time, Timo Meier has no fix for what is happening to his family.
- - -
Lio skates his slow circles around the ice on the Prudential Center before their first battle against the Rangers in the regular season. During pre-season, Lio and/or Connor were sitting out with the rest of the starters and have yet to face each other. Tonight, Lio can’t deny the butterflies in his stomach at playing against his former best friend.
Lio glances over to the Ranger’s side of the ice, seeing Connor ripping a snap shot into the top right corner. Usually, the two would meet at center ice to stretch and bullshit before going to battle. Lio knows that tradition won’t continue tonight. Neither will Lucie and Stell coming down to give him knuckles at the glass after visiting Connor. 
Fuck, he already wants this game to be over. All the distractions and tension have his focus off the ice. He thinks about how nobody is in this arena for him tonight. Liv moved to California with Luca. He ghosted his parents before he left for Switzerland and now hasn’t heard from them. Lucie won’t pick up the phone when he calls, then he gets threatening messages from Connor to leave them alone. At least he still gets to see Savannah. She has maintained a very professional relationship with him though. It’s almost like they never had a connection before he fucked things up with her. She’s polite. But so polite that it makes Lio’s throat close up at her obvious dismissal of any future together. The old Lio didn’t care. But this version of him is in love with her and it fucking sucks having to see her every day, knowing he lost her.
The only thing Lio has in his life from a year ago is hockey. And his season has started off abysmally this year. Fans are calling for him to be traded. They jokingly chant his name in his home arena after he makes a bad play. The local reporters talk about how washed up he is. 
There is nothing left in the tank for Lio Meier. 
He plays with no heart. 
Are we sure he has any Hischier blood in him?
The Devils need to buy out his deal and move on from this orange cone.
Noise, noise, and more noise. 
Lio closes his eyes, going down to one knee by a neutral zone face off dot. He leans forward, stretching out his hip flexers. He glances again at the Ranger’s side. Connor is down close to the corner. Lio’s heart leaps when he sees Stella and Lucie there. He looks away to the Devil’s bench where Savannah is taking pictures. Usually, this isn’t her role, but someone must have called in sick. He watches as she moves her camera, scanning for someone else to take a picture of. She lands on him. He drops his gaze, focusing back on his stretch, trying to get his head into the game. 
Halfway into the second period, Lio is still waiting for his head to get where it needs to be.
“Come on, superstar.” Ralph, his right wing, encourages as he pats Lio’s breezers. “Plenty of game left for us.” The Devils are down 1-0 and the team needs a push. Their third line is out now, creating chaos in the Ranger’s end, hoping to set the stage for Lio’s line to go out next and put one in the back of the net.
“Meier!” Coach bellows as the Rangers send a puck down for icing. Lio and his line mates hop the boards. Lio skates to the face-off dot, ignoring Connor to his right, in front of the net. Lio is going to win the face off back to his D and go right there to fight for position in front of the goalie. This exact scenario happens, but Connor shifts off to defend the boards, so Lio is stuck in front with his defensive partner, David Carlson. Lio likes David okay, but not right now with the cross checks digging into his back and ribs.
“Fuck off.” Lio grits out, shoving at David after the goalie freezes the puck.
“You fuck off, pussy.” David snarls back. Connor comes into the scuffle, pushing David away from Lio. 
“Focus. Need a big play here.” Connor mutters to his D partner. 
Lio skates back to the face-off dot. This time he loses. He bursts forward to go to the corner to chase the puck, hunting David. Lio lines him up, but David raises his shoulder and knocks Lio straight in the face. The huge blow slams Lio straight back onto the ice. He is unable to brace himself for impact and his helmet hits the ice hard. The whole arena gasps. Lio tries to suck in air, feeling like he is suffocating from the force of the hit. Eventually he is able to gasp, slowly opening his eyes.
The rafters and lights of the arena morph together. Lio does a long blink, trying to make the world righten again. He feels his body becoming gelatin, fluidly losing his bearings.
“Lee? Lio!” Connor’s voice calls to him. Lio feels a glove tap the logo on his chest. “Lee, you okay, bud?” Lio looks down, seeing Connor holding his chest with his red and blue glove. “Hey! Keith!” He calls to the ref. “Lio is hurt!”
Lio groans. 
And there goes hockey too.
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every-single-day · 3 months
Outsiders 6/2 Recap Yap!
Probably spoilers
- I quite literally cannot get over how INSANE the sound design and lighting design are. Like, I can’t even express my thoughts about it. I wish they could have gotten 5 of each of those Tony’s. Absolutely insane.
- idk if this is how it normally plays out, but Brody didn’t catch two-bit’s keys in Grease Got a Hold and started hitting the floor in anger I was crying
- I was not prepared for how FUNNY this show is !!!!! Every single joke lands and my god there are so many
- Pony and Johnny’s Danny Zuko ass walks when they go to sit with Cherri and Marcia took me OUTTTTTTT
- “I’m quite an artistic person actually.”
- Darry still my favorite character idc
- it would be easier to count the actual similarities between the book and the musical than it would be to count the differences atp but y’know I’m not really mad about them. Adam Rapp ate.
- the only change I don’t like is that Pony doesn’t miss his curfew because he and Johnny fell asleep in the lot :( I feel like that’s a pretty essential scene for understanding the depth of their friendship / Johnny’s mental state
- Brody’s mic got FUCKED after the fountain scene he didn’t have full sound until his last 3 words in Run Run Brother
- I see what Jason meant now when he said they changed everything to match the language of the rumble. Wow.
- they really went in on the whole “everything is Ponyboy’s fault” thing damn let my baby breathe
- the way it goes AHHHHH FIRE PONY JOHNNY DALLY NOOOOOO 🔥🔥 and then very abruptly to “Well I woke up this morning 😁” is kinda jarring ngl
- no Curtis brothers reunion 😠
- the applause after the rumble was CRAZY. 30 seconds of cheering and clapping in pitch black darkness.
- Cherri went to visit Johnny in the hospital??? The musical really saves her character I love that for her
- Joshua fucking Boone. I sat there unmoving (was I breathing?) for a solid 5 minutes after Little Brother. I didn’t know what to do.
- I didn’t cry???? Like at all???? I think I was, and lowkey still am, in a state of shock
- met the whole cast at SD 😀 (except Emma, Sky, and Renni they were out)
- Brent’s sharpie ran out of ink and the lady next to me offered to give him hers and he went “😏 i meannnnn I’m not gonna say NO”
- told Jason Schmidt he changed my life when he dropped “chilling in the dressing room” and he started dying laughing and said it changed his life too
- KWP’s teeth are so perfect but he actually terrifies me
- Josh and Rj are so so sweet
- I was the only person in my section who knew Rj (at least by name) and he was so honored and started asking about my day and stuff 😭 then I ran into him again after SD and we talked more and took a super cute pic ugh I love him
- Joshua Boone and I had a spiritual “only black people in the room” connection and when I tell yall we had a MOMENT !!!! I love that man
- I literally saw Brodington Grantifer. With my own two eyes. 10 feet away from me. We made eye contact for half a second. (And then he got manhandled because people are shit and don’t understand how to respect boundaries.)
I probably have more thoughts but those can be posted later when/if I remember them
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mariagreenwoodart · 7 months
Pinned post, introduction, f/o list, DNI list
Hi! My name is Maria! I'm 17 years old and I do digital (and sometimes traditional) art! My main platform is YouTube, so if you like my art on here, please consider subbing to my YouTube channel!
My yt channel: https://youtube.com/@MariaGreenwoodArt?si=Nfi78I3dTd0639Im
My special interests:
Genshin impact
Five nights at Freddy's
The owl house
Marvel Cinematic Universe (though I'm kinda losing interest)
My Little Pony: friendship is magic (DON'T JUDGE OKAY)
Star Wars
Six the musical
Welcome home (I have a separate blog for that- @maria-greenwood-neighbour!)
The amazing digital circus (again, separate blog- @maria-greenwood-digital-circus)
Taylor Swift
Amulet book series
Literally anything historical, but especially the victorian era
My hero academia
Hazbin hotel
Stardew valley
Pokemon (especially scarlet and violet)
Super Mario
DC comics
Scratchin' Melodii
Poppy playtime (blame my brother)
Epic: the musical
I'll be adding more. Mark my words.
Do not interact if:
Furry hater
NSFW blog
You judge people based on religion
It's fine if you don't like something that I do, but please don't hate.
By the way I AM A MINOR.
Walmart my puffy friends- a greeting I say in all of my yt videos
:3- :3
Malarkey :3- CHAOSSSS
Art- duh
Not my art- when I post fanart of my characters/persona that I get on yt/insta (doesn't happen a lot)
My wife- basically anything with Antonia (fortnite).
Father/my girlfriend- anything with arlecchino (genshin impact). (she's not my father that's just what her title is)
Ramblings of a Swiftie- basically when I start rambling about the most random stuff about taylor Swift
My favourite moots
My birthday is April 15th for anyone who wants to give me a gift of some sort!
Oh and I'm british
My f/os:
My main f/o(s):
Antonia (fortnite)
Ship name: maritonia
Emoji combo: 💜💰/💰💜 (purple heart is me, money bag is Antonia)
Relationship status: Married
Nisha (fortnite) (ship name: amelisha) 💍
Montague (fortnite)
Valeria (fortnite) 💍
Aphrodite (fortnite) (ship name: aphronelope)
Midas (fortnite)
Marigold (fortnite)
Jules (fortnite)
Doctor Slone (fortnite) (ship name: echoslone) 💍
Ga ming (genshin impact)
Neuvillette (genshin impact) (ship name: chevalette) 💍
Venti (genshin impact) (ship name: aeriven)
Lisa (genshin impact) (ship name: marilisa)
Raiden Shogun/Ei (genshin impact) (ship name: blossomblade/sakurei)💍
Arlecchino (Genshin Impact) (ship name: arlerosa)
Wally Darling (Welcome Home) (ship name: walleve)
Nemona (pokemon scarlet and violet)
Vinnie (Ramshackle) (ship name: vinnivy)
Mavuika (Genshin Impact)
Lyney (Genshin Impact) (ship name: lynesme)
Golden Queen/Aurea (Skylanders)
Beidou (Genshin Impact) (ship name: beiriana)
Emma Frost (X-men/Fortnite)
Rensa (Scratchin' Melodii)
Alastor (hazbin hotel) (father-daughter)
Rosie (hazbin hotel) (aunt-niece)
Lilith Clawthorne (the owl house) (mother-daughter)
Ford Pines (gravity falls) (grunkle-niece)
Jamtine (Scratchin' Melodii) (sisters)
Ballister Boldheart (nimona)
Angel Dust (hazbin hotel)
Glamrock Freddy (FNaF security breach)
Roxanne Wolf (FNaF security breach)
Vanessa (FNaF security breach)
Artemis (specifically the fortnite version)
I am fine with sharing f/os!
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fic idea if you feel like writing any <3
dad Matty is left in charge of getting his little ones ready for school. his eldest daughter can get herself ready but he still checks on her and she helps him get the little ones ready. just some cute shit like making breakfast, doing their hair, driving them to school??
Gave them names cuz it gets clunky constantly referring to them by their ages, though i can't possibly imagine what Matty would name his children.
Warnings: None
Matty tiptoed towards his eldest's room, grinning to himself. His heart fluttered at the prospect of seeing her excited face once he hands her the coffee he'd gone out to get her. He cracked the door open as delicately as possible, wincing when it creaked. It didn't seem to bother her though. He smiled softly at the sight of his first baby girl, sleeping soundly, and thought to himself that she almost looks the same as she did back when he used to set her down in her crib, over a decade ago.
"Alice, honey, wake up." He whispered, nudging her gently with one hand, holding the coffee cup in the other.
Alice stirred slightly but seemed, on the whole, unaware of his presence. "Baby, I'm sorry cuz you look so comfortable, but- it's time to get up now."
She groaned and mumbled something Matty couldn't quite make out, pulling the covers over her head.
"what was that?" He laughed.
"I said you stink." she mumbled from behind the duvet.
"Just got back from the gym. Didn't have time to shower cuz I wanted to get you this." he stuck his coffee-carrying hand into the tent she'd made herself with the bedding. "Does that help at all?" he giggled. "It's full of that sugar and cream and gross shit that you like."
Slowly, she accepted his sacrificial offering, peeking her head out to look at him with squinty eyes.
"Wait, where's Ellie?" She sipped on her beverage, letting the saturated sweetness warm up her body.
Matty noticed that she held her coffee with both hands, exactly as he always does, and smiled to himself. "Oh, she's in the baby chair in the living room."
"You took her to the gym with you? you crazy?"
"'Course not, dropped her off at Hann and Carly's."
"hmm." she crossed her eyebrows, taking another sip.
"what? I wasn't pawning her off, I promise! went to pick up Hann anyway cuz he wanted to come with me."
"I just feel bad for Carly. Every time she thinks she's done with the infant phase, one of you lot has a baby and asks for her help."
Matty chuckled and shook his head. "She knew what she was in for all those years ago when she married Hann. It's a deal. You marry one of us, you've married into the whole band. Besides, I'd watch their kids in return....one day. When they're old enough to-"
"to not need your help? yeah."
Matty laughed, in awe of her. "Warning: im going to kiss your head now."
"Don't you dare- ewww you're gross." she squirmed away to maintain the grumpy teenager facade. Secretly, she liked when he was sweet with her.
"Count your blessings, kid." he smiled. " You think my dad ever brought me coffee in bed? He banged on the door twice, if I didn't wake up, then it was all my fault."
"Grandpa Tim's too sweet for that."
"Finish your coffee and get dressed, alright? I've got the other two to take care of." Matty walked away from her, heading for the door.
"Make sure you shower first!"
"Piss off!"
"Right, so what're we feeling today? pig tails? bun? what's the vibe?" Matty ran the comb through his 5 year old's hair, looking into her eyes through the mirror they were both facing.
Emma sighed loudly, looking away from his reflection.
"hey, what is it, darlin'?"
"Well, I want small braids in my hair, but you always make them too loose and they end up falling off. So...I'll take a pony tail, I suppose." She rolled her eyes.
"Excuse me! I'll have you know, I've been practicing my technique!"
"no, you haven't!" She crossed her arms over her chest.
"Yes, I have! Your uncle George's been showing me. You want me to call him so he can tell you?"
"I guess you can just prove it by doing my hair. Tightly this time!"
"Yes, m'am!"
"Okay, I've got all three of you, my car keys, my head hasn't exploded, yet. So, off we go, i guess...c'mon."
"Not so fast." Alice tapped his shoulder. "Em refuses to wear the right shoes."
Matty frowned, looking down at his 5 year old's feet. "she's got shoes on. What's the issue."
Emma pulled her sister's arm and whispered something about not telling dad the situation, but Alice simply shrugged her off.
"well....you see those butterflies with the glittery wings?"
"They violate the dress-code.
"She's 5! why does she need a dress code?"
"Hey, I'm just the messenger."
C'mon Em, you're not changing out of these shoes. If anyone says anything to you, tell them to give me a call." She grinned, wide and toothy, just like her dad, hopping and skipping over to him to take his hand as they walked out the door. "these....fuckin' tyrants squashing out a kid's sense of self with their oppressive conformity." He mumbled all the way to the car.
"Hey, if you're so anti-establishment, you shouldn't have put her in that school."
"It's the best there is!" Matty shrugged, unlocking the car door and setting his infant down in her car seat. "Though I'm gonna have to have a talk with your mother about this tonight...a school with strict rules for kids? Can't be the best there is..."
"Whose turn is it to pick the music?" Matty asked.
"NOT yours!" Emma yelled out from the backseat, making her dad burst out laughing.
"So much for democracy." Matty muttered and handed his phone to Alice in the front seat. "Well, we're dropping you off first, so you pick for the first half, and then Emma can change it after."
"Best dad ever."
"fuck yeah I am. And don't you two forget it!"
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forlornea · 2 months
it's been a few years since I've been on tumblr but I really miss the sense of community that I used to have here so please follow me so we can be mutuals!!!
My name is Lorna, I'm 19 and I'm in university. I speak fluent English, Irish and French.
Edit: I am Irish, I'm from Galway but I'm studying in France next year so anyone from Ireland or France (particularly Brittany) please be my mutual!
Some books and book series I like: Everything Jane Austen (particularly Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey and Emma). Everything Henry James. Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro... Jane Eyre, Villette, Wuthering Heights. A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF). The Wheel of Time (though just starting out with this one). The Secret History, My Brilliant Friend and the rest of the Neapolitan books by Elena Ferrante. All the Sally Rooney books!!! I also really like George Saunders' "Tenth of December". Eva Luna and House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende... Why have I forgotten every book I've ever read just now?
Movies I like: Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Adaptation, Dog Day Afternoon, The Godfather 1 and 2 (can you tell I like Al Pacino), Aftersun, Before Sunrise, the Holdovers, The Remains of the Day, Being John Malkovich, The Truman Show, Amélie
Poets I like; Mary Oliver, Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Frost, ... not a massive poetry person but aspiring to be. Mostly I read random poems I stumble upon, rather than collections.
Some TV Series I like: Severance! (Have been obsessed since I first watched it in June). Silo (currently watching). Game of Thrones (up until season 4ish... I'm a book purist and a hater past that), The Good Place, FLEABAG!!!! Wheel of Time. Girls (the Lena Dunham one because I presume there's others by the same name?). Gilmore Girls (but I also have a lot of gripes about it? Also; the creator is a zionist)
Music: Chappell Roan (who is finally getting her flowers); I particularly love "California" and "Pink Pony Club". Tracy Chapman. Phoebe Bridgers. Carole King. Joni Mitchell. Florence and the Machine. Johnny Cash. Mitski. etc etc. I listen to a lot of film soundtrack as well; Lately, I really like the Eternal Sunshine soundtrack by Jon Brion, the Severance soundtrack by Theodore Shapiro, the Amelie soundtrack (La Valse d'Amélie has been in my Spotify top 5 for 3 years or something)...
Anyways! follow me so we may be friends!
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lovelivelaughve · 4 months
Nijigasaki pony club au that I’ll definitely write properly at some point
Yuu: doesn’t actually ride, is more like a stable hand and helps everyone tack up and helps out around the club
Kasumi: grey welsh pony named Margaret. mainly likes lead showing classes, dressing herself and her horse up to be cute and pretty. Lots of ribbons and grooming and she loves her pony a lot. Also likes riding in general, she’s a bit nervous to try jumping but gives it a go through spite
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Rina: silver bay riding pony named Magnet. didn’t really have an interest in showing or competing initially, she just loves horses and likes how she doesn’t have to try to mask around them. But as she makes friends at pony club, she starts going to shows with them and has a lot of fun with like minded people
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Shizuku: black warmblood named Audrey, joins to improve her technique and abilities. Mainly does showjumping and three day events, likes trying to best her skills. Joins the pony club for more coaching and to spend more time with her horse
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Ai: leapard spot Appaloosa named Diabolical, western rider and gymkhana enthusiast, also really likes polocross and showjumping, anything fast paced and intense is a lot of fun for her and her horse. Joins the pony club to find more friends to ride with and for good hearted competition
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Setsuna: black thoroughbred horse named Cherry, mainly showing and eventing. Joins the pony club for more serious training and making friends with like minded people
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Ayumu: palomino quarter horse named Dream, beginner rider who wants to learn the very basics. Really enjoys showjumping and showing similar to kasumi
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Emma: Belgian draught bay named Evergreen, has been riding her whole life as part of her farm work, does a lot of stock work and cart pulling, but loves riding for fun too, joins pony club to bond with her horse more and connect with others. Surprises everyone when she really enjoys Polocross
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Karin: blue roan Tennessee walking horse named Starlight, mainly ridden showing classes and showjumping, but her competitiveness comes through with Ai and she joins pony club to hang out with friends (she swears it’s to improve her skills tho)
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Kanata: buckskin quarter horse named Butterfly, honestly joined for the funsies of it all. Mainly likes all the novelty games and hanging out hehe
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ocd-character-polls · 2 years
The bracket!
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Here it is! the bracket!
Polls are out
Well I don't know if anyone WANTS to do propaganda, you are totally allowed to if you do, just tag me in it hehe
Names and show/media they are from under cut
We have Death the kid from soul eater vs Hunter from the owl house
N from Pokémon vs Pearl from Steaven Universe
Bruno from Encanto vs Katsuya Serizawa from Mob pyscho 100
Emma Pillsbury from Glee vs Charles Eyler from Hello Charlotte
Twilight from My little pony vs Charlie Spring from Heartstopper
Hamlet fom Hamlet vs Teru Mikami from Death note
Javert from Les Mis vs Artemis Fowl II from Artimis Fowl
Dirk Strider from homestuck vs Sasha Nein from psychonauts
Miles Edgeworth from ace attorney vs Lan Wangji from Mo dao zu shi
Gudio Mista from Jojo vs Mcgucket from gravity falls
Charlie Winshaw from The charm Offensive vs The rich Texan from Simpsons
Jonathan sims from the Magnus Archives vs Sir Damien from the Penumbra podcast
Elsa from frozen vs Kurogiri by BNHA
Aki from chainsaw man vs vs Senju Tobirama from Naruto
First Aid from transformers vs Ariel from The little Mermaid
Aziraphale from good omens vs Papyrus from Undertale
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Check out the Red/Blue Ships List here X
Continuation of my attempt to create a tierlist for every color scheme, here is the Orange/Black tierlist, which also includes Orange/Purple and Orange/Blue pairings due to the amount of overlap I was seeing in the color schemes. I was a lot more lenient here than the Red/Blue one on what counts as I figured there would be less, though I ended up with a lot more than I thought.
I don't know all the pairings here personally and just tried to include all I could find - If I left any of your favorites out let me know and I can retroactively add them (This goes for the other lists too).
Ships featured (In order of appearance):
-Sunati\Austen from Always Human
-Aki Hayakawa\Angel Devil from Chainsaw Man
-Allison Argent \Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf
-Aang\Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender
-Wanderer (Scaramouche)\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Hermes\Charon from Hades (Supergiant)
-Zhongli\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Giyu Tomioka\Sabito from Demon Slayer
-Subaru Akehoshi\Hokuto Hidaka from Ensemble Stars
-Rue Kuroha\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Fakir\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Hubert von Vestra\Ferdinand von Aieger from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Felix Hugo Fraldarius\Annette Fantine Dominic from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Lorenz Hellman Gloucester\Leonie Pinelli from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Papika\Cocona Cocomine from Flip Flappers
-Philip J. Fry\Turanga Leela from Futurama
-Son Goku\Chi-Chi from Dragon Ball
-Kamisato Ayaka\Naganohara Yoimiya from Genshin Impact
-Sansa Stark\Margaery Tyrell from Game of Thrones
-Harrowhark Nonagesimus\Gideon Nav from The Locked Tomb Series
-Kyouko Hori\Izumi Miyamura from Horimiya
-Hercules\Megara from Disney's Hercules
-Benery\Gordon Freeman from Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware*
-Retsuko\Haida from Aggretsuko
-Vriska Serket\Tavros Nitram from Homestuck
-Rukia Kuchiki\Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach
-Jade Harley\Davesprite from Homestuck
-Jotaro Kujo\Noriaki Kakyoin from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
-James "Logan" Howlett (Wolverine)\Jean Elaine Grey (Phoenix) from X-Men
-Shoyo Hinata\Tobio Kageyama from Haikyu!!
-Katarina Claes\Mary Hunt from My Next Life as a Villainess
-Calvin "Freckle" Mcmurry\Ivy Pepper from Lackadaisy
-Honoka Kosaka\Umi Sonoda from Love Live!
-Thorin Oakenshield\Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
-Heath Burns\Abbey Bominable from Monster High
-Zelda\Midna from The Legend of Zelda Franchise
-Twilight Sparkle\Sunset Shimmer from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
-Rainbow Dash\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Rarity\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Mondo Owada\Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa
-Sho Suzuki\Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100
-Jack Skellington\Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas
-Umetarou Nozaki\Chiyo Sakura from Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun
-Nobara Kugisaki\Maki Zenin from Jujutsu Kaisen
-Nozomi Tojo\Rin Hoshizora from Love Live!
-Nami\Nico Robin from One Piece
-Yoo Sangah\Han Sooyoung from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
-Phineas Flynn\Isabella Garcia-Shapiro from Phineas and Ferb
-Puss in Boots\Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots
-Ray\Emma from The Promised Neverland
-Leon\Raihan from Pokemon
-Sonia\Nessa from Pokemon
-Professor Sada\Professor Turo from Pokemon
-Chloe Beale\Beca Mitchell from Pitch Perfect
-Popuko\Pipimi from Pop Team Epic
-Raeliana McMillan\Noah Volstaire Wynknight from Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
-Alfredo Linguini\Colette Tatou from Ratatouille
-Kanaya Maryam\Rose Lalonde from Homestuck
-Kazuto Kirigaya (Kirito)\Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online
-Naruto Uzumaki\Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
-Kyoko Mogami\Ren Tsuruga from Skip Beat!
-Akira Okudaira\Fumi Manjōme from Sweet Blue Flowers
-Daphne Blake\Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo
-Clary Fray\Isabelle Lightwood from Shadowhunters
-Sun Wukong (The Monkey King)\Liu Er Mihou (Six-eared Macaque)
-Juri Arisugawa\Shiori Takatsuki from Revolutionary Girl Utena
-Osamu Dazai\Chūya Nakahara from Bungo Stray Dogs
-Jasper\Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe
-He Tian\Mo Guanshan from 19 Days
-Sonic the Hedgehog\Miles Prower (Tails) from the Sonic Franchise
-Hijirikawa Masato\Jinguji Ren from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Ichinose Tokiya from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Hijirikawa Masato from Uta no Prince-sama
-Ash Ketchum\Misty from Pokemon
-Akira Takizawa\Saki Morimi from Eden of the East
-Fox Mulder\Dana Scully from X-Files
-Futaba Sakura\Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5
-Angel\Gaige from Borderlands
-Judy Hopps\Nick Wilde from Zootopia
-Riko Kurahashi\Natsuo Maki from Love Lab
*As a rule I use official art or personal edits for these but since that was not possible for Benrey/Gordon Freeman I used a fanart found here: X by Giaru-Orihidero - They are very talented so please check them out!
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amandacastroworld · 9 months
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Child (After)
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Child (Before)
Monica Adult/Woman Godmother/Jorel's Sister
Feature films
Monica Adult x Miraculous
Monica Adult 2: Monica's Gang x My Little Pony
Monica Adult 3: meets Special Agent Oso
Monica Adult 4: Special Friend Pen Pal
Monica Adult 5: meets Pokémon
Monica Adult 6: Big Nate meet Pixie Girl
Monica Adult 7: Monica Adult x WALL-E
Monica Adult 8: Little Flower Save the Day
Monica Adult 9: meets Ant Man
Monica Adult x Jorel's Brother
Monica Adult: Jorel's Brother and Big Nate stay the House at Party
Monica Adult: Miraculous Heroes vs Queen Bully
Monica Adult 10: meet Papa Louie and Friends
Monica Adult vs Evil Jorel's Brother
Monica Adult: meets Sonic and his Friends
Monica Adult: The Sonic and Amy Games
Monica Adult: meets Totally Spies
Monica Adult: Disneyland Paris
Monica Adult: Miraculous Heroes saves Mothers and Fathers
Monica Adult: Spies meets Pinocchio
Short films:
Monica Adult: Jorel's Brother saves the day
Monica Adult: Little Flower and the Best Friends
Monica Adult: Wedding of Nina and Carlos
Monica Adult the Series (Seasons 1, 2 and 3)
Monica Adult and Jorel's Brother (1, and 2)
Monica Adult: Team Godmother and Godfather
Emma Stone (Adult/speaking)
Jill Scott (singing)
America Young (Teen)
Cassidy Naber (Child)
Monica's Gang
Manolo Sánchez
Marc Anciel
María Posada
Pixie Girl
Fairy Godmother
Character information
Full Name
Mônica de Sousa
Other names
Bucktoothed Shorty (all insults by the bad boys)
Goat (by Nathaniel)
Aunt (by Toodler Marc)
Mommy (by Monique, Walter and Jimmy Six)
Miss Sousa (by Mailman)
Queen Monica (by Sabrine Chang)
Woman Godmother (by Jorel's Brother, Jorel, Lara and Nico)
Woman Rich (by Raindow Dash)
Jorel's Sister (by Betterfly)
Miss Monica (by Jorel's Brother, Lara, Betterfly and Pinocchio)
9 Years 13 Years 19 Years 24 Years 25 Years Years 26
Godmother Work
Worker of Cafeland
Fashion designer
Maggy/Captian Godmother's boss
Owner of Jimmy Five
Cocoplay School Adult and Teens
Monica's Giga Mansion
Fighting crime, red dresses, Maggy, Jimmy Five the hero, Smudge, her friends, her powers, Nina, Marc Anciel, Miraculous Heroes, Nathaniel, Raindow Dash, Dotty, Pikachu, Pokemon, help friends healing Nina, Good Gabriel, Marinette and Adrien (Cat Noir and Ladybug), her kids, Magic Rings, Video Games, her pupil Jorel's Brother, Cafeland, Playing a Little Flower, Her Adoptive Sister, Jorel's Brother, Dreams, going to balls, dancing, singing, animals, romance, flowers, money, youtubers, games, French Miraculous superhero team, Flower Miraculous, Dance, Singing, Totally Spies, Pinocchio
Jimmy Five the villain, being teased, Jimmy Five stealing Samson from her Nina is died, Snakes, Monicuda, Lila Rossi, Jorel's Brother a trouble, Bullying, Wall-Monicuda, Mother and Father's Death, Haters, Her hater, Bullies, Dr. Eggman, Tails' Bullies
Powers and abilities
Super-human strength
Immense strength
Immense surability Leaping Craftiness Agility
Size Manipulation
Control Size Addition Superhuman Strength Superhuman Durability
Cryokinesis Life creation Extract water memories
Communication with animals
Communication with Jorel's Brother
Superhuman Strength
Elasticity Shape-shifting Metamorphosis Hand-to hand combat Density alteration
Invisibility Force field generation
See below
Depending on the character she interprets it has various powers
Samson (Bunny)
Magic Wand
Magic Pen
First Aid
Magic Rings
Gold Boots
Flower Miraculous
Gold, Money, Diamond and Crystal Headband
Glow-Up Tiara
Magic Headband
Card Gifts
Nina's Music Box
Family information
Mr. Sousa †  (father)
Luísa Sousa † (mother)
Jimmy Five (husband)
Nina (Crush/girlfriend)
Other relatives:
Mary Angela (Sister-in-law)
Mr. Five (father-in-law)
Ms. Five (mother-in-law)
Eve-Maggy (Sister-in-law)
Alan (Co Brother-in-law)
Alice and Elena (Nieces)
Alan Jr. (Nephew)
Angel Boy (Adoptive Brother-in-law)
Emma (Niece)
Wall-Monica (Twin Sister)
Bibi (Adoptive Sister)
Monique (daughter)
Walter (adoptive son)
Jimmy Six (son)
Jimmy Five Jr. (son)
Jônica and Cenourinha (twins son and daughter)
Jorel's Brother and Lara (Guardians)
Ditto (pet dog)
Sky (Pegasus)
Friends / Allies
Cebolinha (rival and love interest; later husband)
Cascão Magali (best friend) Doreen Jeremiah Franklin Sunny Denise Marina Milena Angel/Angelo The River Mermaid
Mrs. Johnson
Doctor Isabel
Her Teacher
Mrs. Anciel
Mr. Anciel
Nathaniel's Mother
Nathaniel's Father
Lily Anciel
Evil Monicuda
Evil Magaluda
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir
Ivan Bruel/Minotaurox
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
Lê Chiến Kim/King Monkey
Max Kanté/Pegasus
Zoé Lee/Vesperia
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
Rose Lavillant/Pigella
Mylène Haprèle/Polymouse
Juleka Couffaine/Purple Tigress
Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid
Luka Couffaine/Viperion Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
Sabrina Raincomprix/Miss Hound
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Félix Fathom/Argos
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Re Verse)/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Paw Noir
Socqueline Wang/Caterpillar
Gabriel Agreste/Re-Verse
Aurore Beauréal
Mireille Caquet
The Forgotten
Sabine Cheng
My Little Pony
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Sunset Shimmer
Twilight Sparkle
Starlight Glimmer
Trixie Lulamoon
Fuchsia Blush
Lavender Lace
Spike the Dragon
Special Agent Oso
Marie Mouse
Nicole Sims
Nina Castro (Fan/Best Friend/Girlfriend)
Carlos de Castro Oliveira
Ash Ketchum
Isabelle Stone
Pixie Girl
Teacher Games
Suzy Willows
Nate Wright
Ellen Wright 
Francis Pope
Teddy Ortiz Jenny Jenkins Mr. Rosa Artur Pashkov (sometimes) Dee Dee Holloway Chad Applewhite Daphne Ruby Dinsmore
EVE M-O Captain B. McCrea Hal VN-GO VAQ-M PR-T L-T BR-LA D-FIB HAN-S WALL-A John Mary
Bibble (Helper/Maid)
Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
Jorel's Brother
Ana Catarina
Danuza Edson 
Rovena Fabinho Marcelinho
Marc Anciel's Aunt
Marc Anciel's Uncle
Marc Anciel's Cousins
Doctor Isadora
Sofia (Girlfriend)
Shadow the Hedgehog
Rouge the Bat
Sonic the Hedgehog
Miles "Tails" Prower
Knuckles the Echidna
Amy Rose
Cream the Rabbit
Big the Cat
Totally Spies
Alexandra Huang
Sam Sullivan
Clover Andersson Jerry Lewis Britney Tang
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
Donald Duck
Daisy Duck
Chip and Dale
Disney Heroes and Princesses
Amanda de Brown
Forgotten de Brown
Sofi/Guardian the Robot (Timm's Girlfriend/Fan/Best Friend)
Rosie's Mother (Angel)
Rosie Flower
Blue Fairy
Jiminy Cricket
Honest John (formerly)
Gideon (formerly)
Lucky the Cat
Momo the Cat
Kenny the Cat
Angelo and Julia
Vivica's Twin Sons
Queen Monique
Sophia (Nathaniel's Sister)
Hazel's Teacher
Penha (archenemy)
Captain Fray Agnes Agnes's Parents Sofia Viviane, the Witch Dr. Spam Yuka Cebolinha (everytime he tries to steal her bunny) Cascão (everytime he helps Jimmy' plans)
Lila Rossi
Lila's Clones
Evil Monica† 
Angel (Tekken)
Bibble (formerly)
Evil Fuleco
Lucky the Cat (formerly)
Momo the Cat (formerly)
Kenny the Cat (formerly)
The three Rich Angel Girls
Angel's Three Sisters
Team Rocket (sometimes)
Jessie (archenemy)
James (second archenemy)
Meowth (third archenemy)
Gina Hemphill-Toms
Mrs. Godfrey (adult archenemy)
GO-4 † SECUR-T units
WALL-E's Rival
Queen Lady †
Monicuda's Mother†
The Witch†
Evil Jorel's Brother†
Scooter's Bullies
Evil Hair Salon†
Queen Bully†
Dr. Eggman
Shelly (Shadow's Rival)
Mandy Dominique Caitlin Mindy
3 Pinocchio's Rivals
Honest John Gideon Stromboli Coachman Coachman's Minions
Monica is a genius, billionaire, rich, playboy, and philanthropist.
Jimmy Five then decides to send her away to study with the all boys in Paris (Miraculous) in order to curb her rebellious New Face and become a proper adult. When she is sent off, Jimmy Five cries and excuses himself.
Monica, and Maggy returns to Lemon Tree Street ten years later having grown into two beautiful young womans adults (24 years), Marc Anciel, Nathaniel, Mylene and Marinette's Friends becomes Teenages and Lily Anciel (Marc Anciel's Sister) becomes Hair adult
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bellhopmomo · 1 month
Most important ocs and stories masterlist with the tag for each character (not all characters have been drawn recently so a lot of those tags are empty)
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CJK: This Is a Horror Story | #CJK: This Is A Horror Story ↳ Cody Campbell | #ymmv cody ↳ June Campbell | #ymmv june ↳ Kate Campbell | #ymmv kate ↳ Luna Campbell | #ymmv luna ↳ Emma Campbell | #ymmv emma (more to be added)
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Dead On Arrival | #H&H Dead on Arrival ↳ Harry Kirkland | #ymmv harry ↳ Henry Kirkland | #ymmv henry (more to be added)
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The Goldenfeather Family | #The Goldenfeather Family ↳ Timothy Goldenfeather | #ymmv timothy ↳ Aaron Goldenfeather | #ymmv aaron ↳ Dimitri Goldenfeather | #ymmv dimitri ↳ Chandler Goldenfeather | #ymmv chandler ↳ Prince Goldenfeather | #ymmv prince ↳ Satoshi Goldenfeather | #ymmv satoshi ↳ Kaga & Mi Goldenfeather | #ymmv kaga #ymmv mi ↳ Shunyuan Goldenfeather | #ymmv shunyuan ↳ Alexa Goldenfeather | #ymmv alexa ↳ Tolyasha Goldenfeather | #ymmv tolyasha ↳ Sebastian Goldenfeather | #ymmv sebastian ↳ Teresa Goldenfeather | #ymmv teresa ↳ Cedric Goldenfeather | #ymmv cedric ↳ Varinka Goldenfeather | #ymmv varinka ↳ Solange Goldenfeather | #ymmv solange (more to be added)
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Yume Momo: When It Rains | #Yume Momo: When It Rains ↳ Hikki Kon | #ymmv hikki ↳ Miko Shoda | #ymmv miko (more to be added)
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Top 10: Sunny days | #Top 10: Sunny days ↳ Sunny Hills | #ymmv sunny ↳ Tom Weathley | #ymmv tom ↳ Williams Wielemans | #ymmv williams (more to be added)
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Story not named yet ↳ William | #ymmv william ↳ Morticia Machida | #ymmv morticia ↳ Simon | #ymmv simon ↳ Sigewine | #ymmv sigewine ↳ Raymond | #ymmv raymond (more to be added)
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Tasty | #MLP:Friendship is Tasty ↳ Twilight Sprinkle | #ymmv twilight ↳ Vanilla Skies | #ymmv vanilla ↳ Royal Jelly | #ymmv royal ↳ Cheesecake Twist | #ymmv cheesecake ↳ Raindrop Cake | #ymmv raindrop ↳ Bubblepeach Tea | #ymmv bubblepeach ↳ Belwaffle Recipe | #ymmv belwaffle (more to be added)
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Ghostly Grand Hotel | #Ghostly Grand Hotel ↳ Jake Foster | #ymmv jake ↳ Miracle Dubord| #ymmv miracle ↳ Veronica Hyde | #ymmv veronica ↳ Adam Achterberg | #ymmv adam ↳ Mathieu Boulanger| #ymmv mathieu ↳ Lucie Lumiere | #ymmv lucie ↳ Mikolaj Kowalski | #ymmv mikolaj ↳ Otto Ito | #ymmv ggh otto ↳ Charlotte Couloir | #ymmv charlotte
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BS: Bubblegum Situation | #BS: Bubblegum Situation ↳ Torutoru Satoru | #ymmv torutoru ↳ Haruko Watanabe | #ymmv haruko ↳ Kami | #ymmv kami ↳ Oni | #ymmv oni
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Revolutionalice: Idol in wonderland | #Revolutionalice ↳ Cheshire cat | #ymmv cheshire cat ↳ Alice | #ymmv alice ↳ Ransom Money | #ymmv ransom ↳ Kuroba Toranpu | #ymmv kuroba (more to be added)
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Mister Wintringham's Help and Service Bureau | #Mister Wintringham's Help and Service Bureau ↳ Skibidi Wintringham | #ymmv wintringham ↳ Kid | #ymmv kid ↳ Menace | #ymmv menace ↳ Birthday boy | #ymmv birthday ↳ Hisao Tachibana| #ymmv hisao ↳ Isam Abad | #ymmv isam ↳ Ieronim Morozov | #ymmv ieronim
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Angelic Mess: I'm the only normal one here... | #AM: I'm the only normal one here… ↳ Michael | #ymmv michael ↳ Raphael | #ymmv raphael ↳ Lucifer | #ymmv lucifer ↳ Gabriel | #ymmv gabriel ↳ Metatron | #ymmv metatron (more to be added)
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Just Another Day In Outer Space... | #Just Another Day In Outer Space ↳ Canned Beans | #ymmv beans ↳ John Doe | #ymmv john ↳ Ni4n | #ymmv nian (more to be added)
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Misc Ocs! ↳ Tapionaka | #ymmv tapionaka ↳ Elisabeth | #ymmv elizabeth ↳ Marcus Marigold | #ymmv marcus ↳ Jonathan Shy | #ymmv shy
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Feel free to draw them if you want, i love getting fanart :33
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