philoursmars · 9 months
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Marseille, Musée Regards de Provence. Une expo sur Jean-Pierre Blanche. Années algériennes et aixoises. De moins en moins d'humains, de plus en plus d'arbres...
"La Chambre, Pont-Rout"
"Orangerie de Pont-Rout"
"Les Bains d'Alger"
"Automne, Pont-Rout"
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Le Pont (Quelque part, Suède)
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brilag · 10 months
Vue du Pont Bleu par brigitte lagravaire Via Flickr : 2018-12-11-Donnefort (1n)
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PRIMA PAGINA The Guardian di Oggi mercoledì, 04 settembre 2024
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conatic · 6 months
Un bus chute d'un pont en Afrique du Sud: 45 morts
Source: lessentiel.lu
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2t2r · 9 years
Øresundsbron - un incroyable pont qui finit en tunnel
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/oresundsbron-un-incroyable-pont-qui-finit-en-tunnel/
Øresundsbron - un incroyable pont qui finit en tunnel
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dailyoverview · 2 months
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The 2024 Paris Olympics kick off today with a unique opening ceremony on the River Seine. In the first ever ceremony not held inside a stadium, athletes from around the world will float on boats along a 3.7-mile (6-km) east-west route across Paris, from the Pont d’Austerlitz to the Trocadero. Earlier today, three coordinated arson attacks to France’s high-speed rail network disrupted travel for about a million people, including some Olympic athletes.
48.865797°, 2.330882°
Source imagery: Maxar
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johnwickb1tsch · 8 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 11 all chapters
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-You fly into Rome on a beautiful June day with an ache in your heart you can’t quite shake. You throw yourself into the sights, visiting museums, soaking up the beautiful art and the Mediterranean sunshine. You see things in person that you’d only seen in art history books before, and as an artist you know you are forever changed. You meet plenty of interesting travelers in your hostel, but no one who quite holds your attention, or your imagination, the way the memory of Mr. Wick does.
Italy is beautiful, but the men are exhausting. Not all the men. Just the continual stream of the ones who find you on the street, see a young lady traveling alone and take it as license to bother you. Constantly. More than once, when you turn down their offers of whatever, as politely as you can in your broken Italian, they get nasty.
It’s a relief in a way when you pair up with a kind young man from Argentina to go see the Vatican. No one bothers you, and you have fun, but it’s not exactly what you want.
You actually like being alone, and in others casual company you find that you itch to steal away to a quiet corner to read or sketch or write in your journal. You revel in this special kind of solitude, being a solo traveler in a strange land, not needing to cater to the wants and whims of anyone else for once.
When Javier tries to kiss you on the Ponte Sant’Angelo, you cannot help but feel as though you are being watched. He’s a good-looking young man, funny and sweet and you enjoy his company. At any other time in your life you would have happily lost yourself in a fling. But you know you wish you were looking into a very different pair of dark eyes, and you turn your head at the last minute, receiving soft lips on the cheek.
“Javi…” you sigh with regret, holding distance between you with a hand on his chest.
“Sorry,” he apologizes, clearly crestfallen.
“It’s ok.”
You’re not mad. You’re just…sad—and you’re not sure why you can’t kick this melancholy longing and enjoy yourself in this beautiful place. You feel like you’re walking around with a hole in your heart, and it’s all Mr. Wick’s fault, the big idiot.   
After a week you move on to Florence, and the museums there fill your days. You see so many wonderful things, from the statue of David in the Galleria dell’Accademia, the wonderful paintings in the Uffizi gallery, the splendor of the Duemo... You fall in love all over again with Botticelli, Bellini, Lippi and Uccello and Tiziano and so many others.
You also see a sun-bronzed old man masturbating unabashedly on a blanket in the park, but that’s Italy for you, apparently.
You still feel as though you are being watched, but you never find the source of this weird feeling between your shoulder blades. You try to shrug it off, going for long walks along the Arno between snacks and visits to this galleria or that.
Before you leave the city you go to a book binder’s shop Mr. Wick told you about that has been in business for literal centuries. They have such wonderful things, books with leather covers and gilded arabesques, ornate handmade papers and parchment. You pick up a blank journal for Mr. Wick. It’s small, but its all you can afford. It’s beautifully made, and you hope he’ll like it.
Venice is beautiful, but so very infuriating.
You manage in a blunder on the very first day to drop your phone, cracking the screen into a thousand spiderwebs. It renders the maps you downloaded utterly useless, and you try to go the paper route, but you are lost for the umpteenth time in the maze of small side streets and canals when a seemingly helpful middle-aged construction worker takes pity on you and offers to lead you back to a main road.
At least you think that’s what he says, but after five minutes you realize you read the situation so very wrong, when you find yourself in a dead-ended alley and the older man is puckering his lips at you. It would have been comical on screen, perhaps, but in real life you are not amused. He’s big, but not fast. You’re glad for your flat sandals as you duck under his outstretched arms and dash away down the street, thinking you can’t possibly get yourself any more lost than you already are.
You look over your shoulder to check if he’s pursuing you, and run into something immoveable. You hit so hard you bounce, and you might have ended up in the canal, had strong arms not wrapped around you.
Oh no.
 Fearing you may have landed yourself out of the frying pan and into the fire, you try to squirm away.
Recognizing that voice, you freeze for a moment, before actually bothering to look up at who has you in hand.
It’s none other than Mr. John Wick.
A nearly unbearable flood of surprise and excitement fills you from your hair follicles to the tips of your toes.    
“What are you doing here?” you demand, and maybe it sounds more like an accusation than it should.
“Tying up some loose ends,” he answers vaguely. “Is he bothering you?”
You look over your shoulder to see the construction worker has emerged from the alley, and is stumping your way.
The worker airs some dramatic-sounding complaint with John, waving his hands animatedly. John’s answer is much less musical, but perfectly pronounced, and you’re pretty sure he told the guy to get the fuck out of here.  
Grumbling, your suitor goes in the opposite direction, talking to himself as he does and gesturing with his arms to no one but the audience in his own mind.
So melodramatic.
You cannot help but notice Mr. Wick still has his arms around you, glaring at the man until he disappears around a corner. You are still breathing heavily from your little mad dash, steadying yourself with hands on the flat plane of his chest. John finally looks back down to you, his eyes fixating on your lips before valiantly rising back to meet your gaze, his fingertips digging slightly into your sides. 
You rack your brains for something to say, when all you really want to do is grab the lapels of his beautiful suit jacket, stand on tiptoe and press your lips to his. 
“I…thought you were retired?”
It seems he only reluctantly lets you go after that, the tips of his fingers sliding from your ribcage. Immediately you feel the loss of his strong hands.
“I try to be,” he quips, almost evasively. “Why aren’t you in Rome?” He asks this as if you are the one who is in a place you’re not supposed to be.
“I…saw everything I wanted to see?”
Only then does he finally offer you a smile. It’s almost boyish, and it pulls at your heartstrings with a vengeance. You look him over. It might be the first time you’ve seen him wearing anything but all black, in a light grey summer weight suit with an airy white button down open at the throat.
He looks, if you may be frank, utterly edible.
“It's good to see you,” he says almost shyly, as though he's afraid you might not feel the same.
If only you could tell him that you've thought about him every day since you've been gone. 
“I’m very glad to see you,” you dare to admit. “It's a small world, I guess.”
You decide not to think about what a strange coincidence it is, running into this man in a back alley in Venice. At the moment, you simply don’t care. It’s as though for once the Universe was paying attention to your heart’s yearnings and delivered on it in the flesh.
“Yeah. So...where are you headed?”
You sigh, and very sorely wish you could hang your head on the solid plane that is his chest again. Your desire to be held by this man is an ache in your very bones.
“I don't even know. I'm so lost.”
Usually you have a decent sense of direction, but this fucking city has you walking in circles. Usually that's fine too, but you've never felt so hunted in your life. 
“Would you... like to come to lunch with me? I'm on my way to meet an old friend. He would love to meet you.” 
For a moment you are dumbfounded to receive such an invitation. But then, you look down at yourself in your colorfully cute but obviously cheap sundress, then look at him in his smart suit that probably cost more than your car.
“That's so sweet, John, but I'm sure I'm not dressed to go wherever you're going.” 
“What do you mean? You look beautiful.” 
You look back up to him, open mouthed. He's never really said anything outright like that to you. It feels ridiculously good to hear it. Warmth floods you from head to toe. You know you are blushing, maybe even glowing, but it’s hard to feel too embarrassed when he looks at you like that.
He reaches up very slowly, just barely brushing your chin with his knuckle. “Come with me.” His voice is low, soft even, yet somehow adamant. It induces a flutter in your heart—and an ache in your loins. You like to think you are not easily led, but you wouldn't have dreamed of arguing with him now. 
His pleased smile is a balm to your earlier frustration. For the first time since you got off the train and promptly got lost trying to find your hostel, you feel like you can relax in this maze of a city. You didn’t realize it before, but you haven’t felt safe for weeks.
He offers you his arm.
The gesture is sweet, and gallant, and maybe you lean against him a little more than you need to. His arm is dizzyingly solid beneath your fingers, and you can’t help but feel a little giddy as you stroll together towards your destination.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Another Desmond reborn as X, but this one is as Uberto Alberti's kid. Who we don't know anything about but "family" is the reason he betrayed his friend supposedly so I'd be interesting if Desmond could try and avoid it this time around.
According to the transcription of Uberto’s database in ACII:
Now, I found a backdoor into the Templars' database server, I've been combing it for some kind of smoking gun. I found it. Apparently, Uberto's family was evicted by the Medici bank. Uberto's been aching for revenge ever since, and the Templars promised him support. Ezio's father was standing in the way AND Uberto was jealous of his influence over the Florentine government. Two birds with one stone, isn't it? It looks like Uberto used his election to the Signoria as his opportunity to strike.
Apparently, he joined the Templars because the Medici evicted his family.
If he is part of the real House Alberti, there is no mentions of any evictions in wiki nor any mention of an Uberto. The Albertis were allies of the Medici as far as I read.
Returned to Florence, in the 15th century they were first allied to the Medici against the Albizzi. Main members of the period include writer Antonio Alberti, cardinal Alberto di Giovanni Alberti and architect and Renaissance theorist Leon Battista Alberti.
But wiki did say that they “divided into different lines, who owned several houses and towers near the modern Ponte alle Grazie” and “Some of them were admitted in the Venetian nobility late in the century” so maybe Uberto’s family wasn’t one of those few fortunate Albertis to gain nobility.
So, really…
Giovanni died and dragged his two sons with him because of his ties to the Medicis.
And Desmond would point that out.
In this setup, Desmond would probably think of Uberto as a good father as he did stress he did it for his family (although another setup is that Uberto is using the whole “I’m doing it for my family” to hide his greed and thirst for power but that would be a bit boring so we’ll go down the ‘a good man wishing to avenge his family’s misfortunes’ route instead).
So Desmond would want to protect his new family (especially if he has younger siblings). When they get evicted, Desmond understood why Uberto did what he did. Maybe add in the drama of the eviction being all of a sudden or not given any warning before they were evicted during a time when Firenze was having ‘money problems’.
Desmond knew that the Templars would contact Uberto then and tried to stop Uberto from saying yes to the Templars but he’d say that this was their only choice if they wish to protect their family.
(If you really wanna drive in a conundrum, one of Desmond’s siblings or his mother falls ill during this time and the financial support the Templars gave them is what kept them from dying or maybe said mother/sibling was already ill and almost died had it not been for the Templars’ money)
In the end, Desmond tries to leave the Auditores alone but, instead, Ezio found him and started to talk to him. Desmond couldn’t help but form a bond with Ezio anyway, maybe become a close friend who doesn’t really like to be seen with others.
Ezio knows Desmond spend most of his time caring for his ailing sibling/mother, and he remembers Petruccio so he has a soft spot for Desmond.
Uberto still becomes a Templar and Desmond tries to undermine him, first by trying to save the decoded message that Giovanni needed but that failed because Uberto knew that Desmond was trying to stop him so he’s become more ‘suspicious’. He never scolds Desmond though and he understands what his son is doing so he tells Desmond to continue to try and stop him…
“This way… no matter which sides wins, our family will be safe.”
And Desmond realized then and there that Uberto was ready to die if it meant their family would be safe and financially secured.
In the end…
Desmond helped Giovanni, Federico and Petruccio escape by unlocking their cage and telling them that Uberto’s a Templar. Desmond begs Giovanni to not kill Uberto, that he’ll be able to make Uberto understand that they have failed and they’ll leave Firenze, hell, they’ll leave all of Italia, just…
“Please… don’t kill padre.”
Giovanni promises not to kill Uberto if they leave Firenze as soon as possible.
And Desmond is able to persuade Uberto to do just that, telling him that revenge means nothing if it would lead to his death.
The happy ending would be that Desmond and Ezio would see each other and there will be this strain in their friendship because of Uberto’s betrayal that they will slowly get past.
The more angst-filled route would be…
Lorenzo wants all the conspirators of the Pazzi conspiracy to be killed and Uberto was one of them. He orders Giovanni to kill Uberto and Giovanni tried to say no, at first, only to acquiesce once Lorenzo reminded him who he was ‘allies’ with.
Desmond finds an Assassin standing in front of his father’s bleeding corpse and the darkness and his shock made it hard for him to see the Assassin clearly.
All he knows…
… was that the Assassin was wearing Ezio’s robes…
In this setup, Desmond would be torn between wanting to take vengeance or being the person to cut the noose of revenge that keeps looping and looping around all of them.
His trust in the Auditores would be destroyed and Desmond would want to believe that it wasn’t Ezio, that maybe it was Giovanni or even Federico but a part of him would whisper that it could have been Ezio. Ezio wasn’t there when Desmond begged for his father’s life.
Last time he saw Ezio, he was wearing those robes…
And Desmond can’t…
… will not kill Ezio even if a part of him wished to avenge Uberto’s death.
They had no reason to kill him.
His family had exiled themselves away from Firenze, living as normal farmers of all things.
He needed to know the truth.
And, once he knows it…
That’s when he’ll decide how to end this chain of vengeance.
With blood spilled… or not.
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grandboute · 5 months
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Pont-Croix - le vieux pont, route d'Audierne
Hello Pierrot !
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Vers 2328, environ 300 ans après la mort de César, le « Moïse » du peuple des singes, plusieurs clans de primates se partagent désormais le havre de paix où leur chef historique les a conduits. À l'extérieur, les humains ont régressé à l'état sauvage.
Noa est un chimpanzé d'un clan de singes dresseurs d'aigles. Koro, le père de Noa, est l’un des anciens et le chef du village. Avec ses amis Anaya et Soona, Noa se prépare à un rite de passage à l'âge adulte. Pour cette cérémonie très importante, ils doivent collecter des œufs d'aigle en prenant d'énormes risques pour accéder aux nids. La nuit précédant la cérémonie, Noa repère un humain à la recherche de nourriture. Un bref contact entre les deux casse par inadvertance l'œuf de Noa. Il est obligé d'aller rapidement dans la nuit chercher un œuf de remplacement. En chemin, Noa rencontre un groupe de singes guerriers se disant être au service de César et utilisant des armes à la technologie étrange. Les guerriers, masqués, ont tué l’éclaireur du village de Noa. Ils découvrent ensuite son cheval, alors que Noa reste caché. Ils utilisent le cheval pour retrouver l'emplacement du clan. Quand Noa rentre chez lui, à pied, il trouve le village en feu. Il aide son père à libérer les aigles et tente de riposter, mais le général singe Sylva tue Koro. Noa, inconscient après une grosse chute, est laissé pour mort.
Noa se réveille le lendemain et découvre que sa famille et son clan ont été enlevés. Noa enterre le corps de son père et se lance à la recherche des siens, suivi de loin par l'aigle de son père, Aigle-Soleil. Dans les ruines de l'aéroport international de Los Angeles, il rencontre un orang-outan nommé Raka. Ce dernier explique que la bande de pillards a perverti les idées de César et raconte à Noa les véritables enseignements de l'ancien. Il décide finalement d'accompagner Noa. Ils remarquent rapidement qu'ils sont suivis par une humaine. Raka lui offre de la nourriture et une couverture, malgré les réticences de Noa, et la nomme « Nova ». Dans un observatoire abandonné, Noa est subjugué par ce qu'il voit dans l'immense télescope. Au cours de leur voyage, ils rencontrent un groupe d'humains primitifs avant que les singes masqués les attaquent soudainement. Noa et Raka sauvent Nova, qui, à leur grande surprise, sait parler. Elle leur révèle que son vrai nom est Mae et que les singes ont détruit son village. Elle explique également à Noa où ont été emmenés les membres de son clan : dans une colonie autour d'un ancien bunker humain.
En route vers cette colonie, ils tombent dans une embuscade tendue par Sylva, alors qu'ils tentaient de traverser un pont au-dessus d'une rivière. Dans le combat qui s'ensuit, Raka sauve Mae de la noyade mais est emporté par le courant. Noa et Mae sont capturés et emmenés dans l'immense camp des singes sur une plage. Noa y retrouve son clan dont sa mère, Dar, et ses amis Anaya et Soona. On le mène ensuite devant le roi des singes, Proximus Caesar. Ce dernier cherche à « évoluer » en utilisant la technologie humaine apparemment enfermée dans le bunker situé sur la plage. Chaque jour, Proximus pousse ses singes essayer d'ouvrir les portes blindées du bunker, en vain. Proximus invite Noa à dîner avec Mae ainsi que Trevathan, un humain qui s'est allié aux singes et qui divertit le roi chaque jour. Proximus pense que Noa est utile et exige de savoir quel est le plan de Mae et comment ouvrir le bunker, informant Noa qu'elle veut seulement en profiter pour elle-même.
Noa s'oppose à Mae et exige de connaître la vérité et ses réelles motivations, en échange de son aide. La jeune femme révèle qu'elle connaît une entrée secrète pour pénétrer dans le bunker et qu'elle recherche un livre qui pourrait ramener la parole à l'Humanité. Noa espère détruire le bunker à la suite de cela et ramener son clan chez lui. Noa, Mae, Soona et Anaya placent alors des explosifs autour d'un barrage devant le bunker. Trevathan les interrompt et veut avertir Proximus, mais Mae le tue et jette son corps à la mer, à la grande stupeur des trois singes. Le groupe escalade ensuite une falaise verticale vers l'entrée cachée. À l'intérieur, Mae découvre une réserve d'armes et récupère son « livre », qui est en réalité une clé de déchiffrement d'un satellite. Pendant ce temps, les singes découvrent des livres d'images dans le bunker, qui décrivent les humains comme l'espèce autrefois dominante avant les singes, ce qui les amène à se méfier de Mae.
Alors qu'ils sortent du bunker, le groupe est confronté à Proximus et ses sbires. Il menace de tuer Soona, mais Mae tire et tue Lightning, le singe qui tenait Soona en otage. Proximus accepte de laisser partir Noa si elle leur dit où se trouvent les autres armes dans le bunker. Mae refuse et déclenche les explosifs, inondant le bunker avec Noa et les autres singes toujours à l'intérieur. Alors que l'eau monte rapidement dans l'édifice, les singes grimpent le plus vite possible vers la sortie. Noa affronte Sylva. Il parvient finalement à le piéger et le regarde se noyer. Lorsque Noa s'en sort, il est attaqué par Proximus. Alors que Proximus ordonne à Noa de s'agenouiller devant lui, le chimpanzé maîtrise enfin les chants d'aigle de son père et parvient à leur faire attaquer Proximus. Les aigles l'assaillent et le font tomber de la falaise.
Le clan des aigles revient ensuite sur ses terres et y reconstruit son foyer. Mae fait ses adieux à Noa, en cachant derrière elle une arme à feu, au cas où. Elle explique qu'elle pense que les Humains méritent à nouveau leur chance car ils étaient à l'origine l'espèce dominante sur Terre. Noa lui demande quelle liberté auront alors les singes dans ce monde. Au lieu de tirer sur Noa, elle s'en va. Elle se dirige ensuite vers un établissement humain situé dans une base satellite, où elle livre la clé de déchiffrement, permettant à son groupe de réactiver les satellites et de reprendre contact avec d'autres humains. Alors que l'établissement humain rétablit une connexion satellite, Noa et Soona regardent à travers un télescope fixant avec inquiétude un objet invisible dans le ciel.
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Nouveau retour à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 55500 photos (et des brouettes).  Plus trop loin du présent….  
2016. A l’arrière du Cap Canaille, dans le parc National des Calanques, d’étranges érosions dans les poudingues, parcourues par la Route des Crêtes.
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
Thinking about it. People have discussed to death and debated over whether Chara was ‘good’ or ‘evil’, and talked about their feelings on fandom’s early tendency to cast them as a villain. But now I’m wondering why a lot of fanworks cast them as a hyperactive little shit who swears a lot, gets mad easily, argues with everyone, and is sassy as hell. 
Sassy and sarcastic I can see if you’re going by Narra Chara. But rude, hyperactive, yandere-esque, and especially the swear words... not so much? 
And yeah, I could make arguments about how hiding their face paints a very shy and quiet image. But I’m not going to grasp at straws from still images. I’m going to use dialogue very few ‘Chara is evil’ believers are willing to argue DIDN’T come from them. 
In No Mercy, which is the one route basically everyone agrees they narrate, they’re direct and to the point and usually distant and unemotional. They’re not yelling that you’re a fucking donkey for believing you’re above consequences and can take back control, or heartlessly ripping into the monsters for being so foolishly naive and weak, or gloating over their victory. They calmly explain who and what they are, and what they want. The few times they do insult you, they use sophisticated words like ‘perverse sentimentality’. When they dismiss the monsters they’ve met until now, they don’t go out of their way to be really cruel and insulting. They remain direct and to the point, and are usually cold and harsh statements of fact. 
Toriel’s check in No Mercy is ‘Not worth talking to.’ They’re not wrong. In every other route, talking does nothing, only persistently sparing her lets you make progress. 
Papyrus gets ‘Forgettable’. Again, they’re not wrong. Very few monsters really take notice of him, most only remembering him in relation to other people. As ‘Sans’ brother’ or ‘Undyne’s trainee’. 
Monster Kid is just ‘in my way’. Cruel, but objectively not wrong. It’s less of a ponted insult, and more how little they think of them. 
For Undyne, the narrator isn’t even particularly cold or disrespectful. In two out of three possible flavor texts, they refer to Undyne as ‘the heroine’. Quite a compliment, and one that isn’t wrong, considering how she’s standing up to a mass murderer and protects Monster Kid. 
Mettaton, in No Mercy, gets similarly positive or neutral remarks. ‘Dr Alphys’ greatest invention’ and ‘Mettaton NEO blocks your way’. He sure is blocking your way. And most of the Underground sure does know him as Dr Alphys’ greatest invention. I guess it could be read as sarcastic, but with the tone of all these other bits of flavor text, it feels more like a neutral statement...? 
And of course. Sans. He probably has the absolute biggest variety of No Mercy flavor text. ‘The easiest enemy’ could be read as insulting, but this is corrected to a more objective statement of encouragement. ‘He can’t keep dodging forever. Just keep attacking.’ Other bits of flavor text are objective assessments of how tired Sans is, how YOU feel, and how dwelling on the flavor text isn’t a great use of time. At no point do they call him smiley trashbag, that comedian, or...anything really insulting. 
At no point do they call ANYONE anything especially insulting. They’re not like Flowey, calling everyone idiots. If anything, a villainous and murderous Chara comes off as more cold and distant. Even the Save Points don’t tell you ‘5 more idiot babies to slaughter’ or specifically demand that you finish everyone off before moving on. Until you reach Sans, Chara makes no effort to discourage or persuade you. They just state objectively ‘x left’ or ‘but nobody came’. 
They just... don’t care. They don’t care about any of these people anymore, not even enough to waste energy on insulting them. All they care about is reaching ‘the end’. (Or one could argue they’re at least trying to act like they don’t care.)
Chara states that they were confused upon awakening and chose to follow your lead. Personally I’m inclined to believe that they’re not lying. They choose to follow our orders to the utmost, even when they do not understand those orders, even when those orders lead them to the edge of annihilation. 
On a final note. It’s kinda sad how Chara’s systematic completionist mentality is cold and horrifying in No Mercy... but in the Winter Alarm Clock dialogue, it’s a funny anecdote of a more lighthearted time which both Asgore and Toriel remember fondly, and a behavior Asriel still continues to emulate even after he stops idolizing Chara. 
Any trait, when taken to the extreme, can become nightmarish. 
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copperbadge · 2 years
I’ve been working a little each day on the Europe trip in April, slowly assembling a document with my agenda -- lodgings, restaurants, museums, how I’m getting from place to place. After I leave Paris, I head for the southern coast; it turns out to be the most expedient to stop in Nice overnight and then go east. The ultimate goal is Rome, but the reason I’m taking my time getting there is that Ponte San Ludovico, on the French-Italian border, is where I situated Askazer-Shivadlakia.
I didn’t do much research on the region because I was writing a series of romance novels in an imaginary country, but I am planning to leave Nice in the morning for Ponte San Ludovico, spend the day in the region, and then leave for Rome from Ventimiglia that evening. I wanted to make sure it was walkable and check out the route, so I was looking at Maps and Street View, and holy shit you guys. “Askazer-Shivadlakia” is gorgeous.
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No wonder outsiders who arrive there tend to stay. If I disappear in Ponte San Ludovico next April, don’t look too hard for me, I was clearly meant to live in this green, sun-kissed beach resort on the Riviera. 
Oh look, there’s the One Highland. 
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[ID: Three images of the region between Menton and Ventimiglia on the French-Italian border, on the coast; the first image shows sparkling blue water, palm trees, and green-topped hills. The second image shows a street with a low wall, a view of a bay, and a city leading down to the bay. The third image shows the city of Ponte San Ludovico, made up of pink and cream buildings on a waterfront, with a mountain looming in the background.]
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empirearchives · 9 months
Scenes of Napoleonic Switzerland and France by Jean-Antoine Linck
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Vue de St. Gervais, de l'Aiguille blance, & du bon homme, 1805 (source)
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Vue du Mont-Blanc prise près de Salanche (source)
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Vue de l'Aiguille de Varens de la Cascade de Chêde, & du Village de ce même nom, prise Sur la route de Chêde au pont des Chèvres, 1800 (source)
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Vue du Lac de Genève, 1801 (source)
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Vue de l'Entrée de Cluse, du Mont Vergi, & de l'Aiguille de Varens, 1806 (source)
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Vue de Clée, pays de Vaud, 1803 (source)
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Vue de Viû en Salas et du Môle, 1802 (source)
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Vue de la ville de St. J[e]oire à 5. lieus de Genève, et des Montagnes de Machily, et Fausigny, 1802 (source)
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L'Aiguille du Veron, 1805 (source)
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Vue du Brezon, pris près de Bonneville, 1806 (source)
All paintings are from Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main.
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🤔🤔🤔. En une heure à chaque fois ils nous disent l’inverse de ce que vous devriez savoir.
- Notre Dame ce n’était pas terroriste
- Le Covid était un pangolin
- Le vaccin était la panacée
- Brigitte est une femme voir Balkany
- Le 11/09 c est Ben Laden
- On a marché sur la Lune mais on y a laissé le photographe
- Butcha c est les russes
- Nord Stream ce sont les ukrainiens
- Crocus ce sont les musulmans
Tout ce qui précède est faux avec 99,99% de certitude. Et bien ils disent que ce n’est pas un acte voulu … ils se trompent … peut être. La chasse au vampires a t’elle commencé ?
Par deux fois, les lumières s’éteignent au bon moment, comme s’il s’agissait d’une cyberattaque délibérée. Le moment était venu avant qu’il n’atteigne le pont. Cela s’est produit tard dans la nuit, alors que tout le monde dormait. Le port est l'un des plus fréquentés du pays et une plaque tournante importante pour le transport maritime sur la côte est des États-Unis, notamment pour le transport de véhicules routiers. Elle gère également des machines agricoles, des machines de construction et du charbon. Cet effondrement entraînera d'énormes perturbations dans le transport maritime dans l'un des ports les plus fréquentés de la côte est des États-Unis et sur les routes. Le pont permet aux navires commerciaux d'entrer dans le port de Baltimore, l'un des principaux ports des États-Unis en termes de volume et de valeur des cargaisons. Il s’agit du plus grand port américain de manutention de voitures et de camions légers. Le FBI a déjà déclaré qu'il ne s'agissait pas d'une attaque terroriste. Pouvons-nous vraiment faire confiance au FBI pour une enquête ? »
Merci Shadow !
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