#pones will come
ashuribbon · 1 year
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A little warmup of a certain French candle before I speedrun on more Art Fight stuff!
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puppyyboyy · 1 month
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DJ PON3!! 🎶🎵
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gnzma · 8 months
[ returning to my roots for carnival hehe ]
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diah-the-demon · 10 months
i just realised my package from graveweaver should be here soonish
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¿La Web del Surrealismo? Oscar Domínguez (1906-1958)
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Oscar Domínguez nació en San Cristóbal de La Laguna en la isla de Tenerife. Pasó gran parte de su juventud con su abuela en Tacoronte y comenzó a pintar a una edad temprana después de sufrir un grave trastorno de crecimiento que le provocó una deformación progresiva de los huesos de la cara y las extremidades. A mediados de la década de 1920, la familia se mudó a París, donde conoció a Picasso e Yves Tanguy y, por lo tanto, a algunos de los primeros artistas surrealistas. En 1933 había entrado en los círculos de André Breton, Paul Eluard y otras figuras del movimiento surrealista y fue invitado a contribuir con obras a la exposición Surrealista de Copenhague de 1934 y a las de Londres y Tenerife en 1936. A mediados de la década de 1930 empezó a utilizar decalomanía e introdujo a Max Ernst en esta técnica.
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baked-hylian · 2 years
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As soon as I saw this leak I got real excited I had already suspected we'd be getting flashbacks to 10,000 years ago, to the first calamity, as it would only make sense to flesh that part out more now that whatever kept the calamity sealed away has been broken, or lifted, and this pretty much confirms that suspicion for me.
I have two competing ideas on who this mysterious woman could be
my first thought was that she is the physical representation of the goddess Hylia, which she very well could be by this point, if the lines on her skin are not simply painted on. My second and more likely thought, is that this is an incarnation of Zelda, a version of her from 10,000 years ago—the Zelda who seals the calamity away that we see in the ancient mural.
I highly suspect we will have at least one cut scene depicting the past, but I have a feeling that for each temple/dungeon (or whatever equivalent they receive in game) there will be a cut scene unlocked showing the history of what unfolded 10,000 years ago, and that these visions will be what Link and Zelda need to see in order to figure out how to stop the next coming of the calamity.
We may even get to see her journey alongside botw-Zelda's (i.e. if we get playable Zelda segments, I can see the ancient-Zelda cutscenes being placed during those segments,) as they both ascend to a point strong enough to seal away the calamity at different points in time.
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seariii · 11 months
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kittycatcock · 1 year
and so i return to jack off to your pone images :3 came again kitty
hehe welcome back good girl -w- the allure of pone images is irresistible it seems.... (making her think about pony porn) hhold on ill be right back
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rockinmuffin · 2 months
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dantelovesvirgil · 3 months
Io odio sto periodo
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ashuribbon · 2 years
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A small Second Watcher doodle dump to end the year and as some self-care!
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cinhomi · 1 year
Can you write about a female reader giving Han a blowjob under a desk and then ALMOST getting caught by changbin? (Make han spit in her mouth too😍) I’ve read something like this before and I can’t find it anymore so can you write it? 😭 I will literally love you forever if u write this😭💕
I debated with myself for a few days about writing this or not because I actually don't take requests but... you asked nicely and the idea is hot, so I'll elaborate a bit, yeah? (spoiler: I got carried away) maybe try to pone it differently next time!! 🩷 you could start with "imagine giving Han a blowjob under a desk and..." nonetheless, thank you for thinking of me when asking for this delicious scenario, I had a lot of fun!! now you have to love me forever :)
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He can't stop thinking about it... from the way creamy toothpaste was all around your lips this morning, how they delicately rested on your mug to sip your preferred beverage for breakfast, how they pronounced his name and pursed to kiss him when he left to work... Jisung does try to wrap a hand around his cock when he's finally alone but he specifically needs your mouth to do it today.
And it was so frustrating having people continuously asking him if he was alright all morning, with his face flushed, sweating, adjusting his clothes every two seconds, and the day goes on and he can't stop the patting and tugging between his legs as if to shoo away his rock hard erection.
So he just... calls you, in the end. He doesn't know what else to do. And he kind of fools you into thinking that he's his not so uncommon soft and pleading kind of needy self, making you feel guilty for not being there with him, taking care of the little problem that poor clueless you caused, so you decide to help. There's nothing more important than your sweet boyfriend, right? It's just that when you get there and knock on the door of his studio he rushes to forcefully grab your arm to pull you onto him, while he shuts the door with a hard slam. Where is the cutie you left behind the phone few minutes before?
Jisung reaches your hand and directs it to his crotch, making you feel him, guiding you in a up-and-down motion as he hisses and buries his face in the crook of your neck.
"Where the fuck were you?" he whispers near your ear, hot breath making your skin rise with goosebumps, light grazing of his teeth accompanying his smooth tongue, cause of the gasp coming from you. He starts to move against your hand, grinding on it as you squeeze a little bit, fingers playing around there and tugging at his waistband.
"Sorry baby... I'm here to help now," you kiss his cheek and stop yourself from moaning when he returns his sharp gaze to you. "What do you need?" you ask him in a whisper.
"On your knees." and you start to go down, but he stops you and takes your chin to guide your head dowards the desk, "Under there, baby. Go under there."
It's a little tight and uncomfy at first, but when you adjust your knees on the fluffy carpet and he spreads his legs once sitted you magically fit perfectly. Jisung has his sweats lowered just enough for his hard, leaky lenght to be exposed, and your mouth waters at the sight, just like always. His breath is heavy and his eyes can't stay open for too long because your pretty face with the shadow of his cock across it could make him cum on the spot.
Jisung carefully spreads precum on his tip trying to not jump from how sensitive he is. For as much as he's excited, it's not enough to reach the base yet, so he detaches from the back of the expensive work chair and spits on himself, saliva lingering on his plump bottom lip, making it shine like when he wears gloss. You whimper. He notices.
He spits again, it lands on his dark bush and it slides down slowly. You shift in place to close your thighs as much as you can, afraid of your wetness seeping through your panties. Jisung notices that too. The gears in his head start to move... and his thought sounds just right. His light touch makes you lean against his hand as he delicately tucks some stray hair behind your ears, before slowly gripping the ones on your nape to pull you a bit closer, mere centimeters away from where he wanted you for hours.
With the other hand he makes his thumb travel over your lips, parting them until he's holding your jaw open, and without a warning his spit lands inside your mouth, making you flinch from the surprise. When you look at him again his tongue is still lolled out and he's smiling. Oh, you're clenching. And it just comes so natural to swallow it, the action making him hiss and throw his head back while he chuckles, "I'm so glad that you're as disgusting as me."
That's how you spend a good amount of time taking his saliva in your mouth, patienty waiting for him to gather some to give to you, being scolded because you let it slide from the corners of your mouth, having to collect some more because Jisung smears it all over your face. He did spurt a bit while watching you like this, doing something so gross... but he called you for a reason after all, no?
And god, the way the shiny trasparent fluid overflows and drips on the floor when you take his cock, some going down him too staining his sweats, he has to hold the armrests to gather enough strenght to not immediately cum and possibly appear like a poor virgin boy. Who needs lube when you can spit into your girlfriend's mouth? This is his new obsession, this might be the best blowjob of his life.
Your hands grip his clothed thighs, holding the fabric of his pants as you try to take him whole, nose nuzzling against his wet hair as you feel the tip hitting the back of your throat. He loves the way you squeeze around him when you choke, Jisung fucking loves how you swirl your tongue, how you hold him up and leave long licks from his balls to his frenulum where you pay sweet attention. Little things that his hand can't do.
"God you're so fucking perfect baby," he wipes some tears from your eyes before one hand gently closes around your throat and the other leaves little pats at the top of your head, "keep going like that, yeah..."
The sound of his notification makes him groan in annoyance. Jisung leaves you without his touch and you whine around him lacking the opportunity to pout, vibrations making him moan, but he still hushes you while he tries to adjust to the brightness of the screen.
His eyes winden. A hand is back on top of your head and if you're happy at first, you get confused a second after when you feel him push you away.
"Babe we gotta stop, Bin is coming here."
But you don't move. He tries to make you, but you look up at him with your big beautiful eyes and you feel him twitch.
"He's down the fucking isle- for- for fuck's sake move from- here!" he tries to keep his voice in a whisper but it cracks with a moan when you start sucking him harder. He's close, he's so fucking close. The idea of getting caught by one of his best friends is making you dizzy... so risky and wrong and embarassing but oh if it's tempting, letting Changbin see how you're so pretty for Jisung and take all of him even if you gag and your knees burn... and he thinks the same. His belly starts to contract and his breath is frantic and panicked. What if Changbin enters now? What if he sees him about to cum on the chair everyone uses? Jisung's cheeks become so hot and red and he can imagine his head exploding before he feels your smooth fingers trace his abs with featherlight touches, then taking all of him once again.
He lets out a strangled moan, knuckles whitening from how hard he's holding the backrest above his head, thick white cum all down your throat and you start to swallow even before him finishing his release.
The doorknob clicks. His cock is still inside your mouth but he's quick to reach for the jacket near him and place it on his lap, moving a bit closer to the desk to cover you too.
"Ji? Are you alright?" Changbin's voice isn't as loud as always, probably worried about his friend that was grumpy and easily irritable all day, and obviously physically unwell.
Jisung is still coming down from his high and it doesn't help that you keep on licking him clean, making him jolt and soak in sweat.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright Bin, 's all good." he tries to ressure him to make him leave faster.
"You're... so red Ji, and you're sweating and panting, I don't think you're alright..." he approaches, and Jisung adjusts the jacket before an idea comes to mind.
"Can you do me a favor?" he asks, Changbin immediately listening and ready to help his friend, "Can you go ask if I can leave early? And maybe ask for a fever thermometer too, I might have a flu, to be honest."
Changbin nods, finally satisfied with his sincerity. If only he knew the real reason why he's like this...
"You have to stop being a workaholic Ji, I say it because I care!"
"Bin just... I know. Thank you. Can you please go now?"
"And y/n? Where did she go?"
Oh, shit.
"She went to the bathroom."
There's a bit of tension that fills the air for a few seconds, while you try to stay as silent as possible, not really resisting the urge to kiss Jisung's tip.
"Oh, okay. Hope I'll be able to say goodbye later, haven't seen her in a while." and with that Changbin exits the room without a suspect.
You two make sure he's far enaugh before you come out of the crampled space and he adjusts his pants to let you sit on his lap. Laughter spontaneously comes from both of you and he hugs you tight, your chest flat on his. Jisung kisses you and he can still feel a bit of saltiness in your mouth, but he doesn't care.
"It was,"
"So hot." he finishes. "Risky. We never did something so risky..." his hands wander until they find the soft curves of your ass and rest there. You nod and clutch your arms around his neck and get comfy, as close as possible.
"Thank you, I really needed this baby." another tender kiss is set on your forehead now, while he caresses your back, "But I guess I'll have to punish you at home, hm? Bin could have seen us, and you didn't listen to me. Bad girl, bad bad girl..." dirty smile spreading on his lips, plans of what he wants to do to you playing in his head nonstop like a creative flow.
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megalony · 4 months
A Family Gathering- Prequel
After a lot of amazing requests and messages about this little series, I've come up with a prequel, as requested. I hope you will all like this Eddie Diaz imagine.
I had so much fun writing this one and would love to do more like this if anyone is interested/ has any suggestions. Let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @itshamleth
Part 1
Part 2
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) and Eddie are just getting over a recent loss, and agree to a family meal when the Buckley parents come to town. But when her parents speak out of line, Eddie loses his temper.
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"You know we can just go home, right?" Eddie's words tickled the shell of (Y/n)'s ear and they were so enticing.
It was so tempting to turn around and go home.
The idea of walking into her brother's flat and enduring this stupid dinner was curdling (Y/n)'s blood like spoilt milk. She wanted to go home already. She wanted to grab Eddie's hand and spin them around and guide him back to the car before either of them had to go through any interogation tonight.
But she couldn't. They were already here now, and she had made a pact. (Y/n) promised her twin and their big sister that they would all be here tonight because their parents had come into town. They all had to be here together and support each other through this, they couldn't leave the others to fend for themselves around their parents.
Eddie was now included in this pact, he couldn't go and leave his fiancee or his best friend to deal with their parents alone.
"Buck would just come and pick us up." Defeat laced through (Y/n)'s words but she found herself slowing down as they approached the front door.
Three feet away from the door, (Y/n) turned to the left and latched her hands around Eddie's shoulders. She took him by surprise, slowly nudging him back until his shoulders hit the wall and his eyes blew wide in their sockets. His hands paused at his sides, unsure where to put them when he didn't know what she was doing.
He held his breath, waiting until (Y/n) flopped forward against his chest and buried her face in his neck before he dared move. His hand cradled the back of her head and his other arm bound around her waist, feathering his fingers up and down her lower back. He felt her shallow breaths tickling the side of his neck and he could practically feel the unease radiating off of her.
"Okay?" He wasn't sure whether this was the start of a panic attack or if this was (Y/n)'s way of post-poning the inevitable meal with her family.
"Just need a minute."
He hummed against her hair, tilting his head down enough to be able to plant wet kisses against her temple while he braced himself a bit better against the wall.
She couldn't go inside until she willed herself to do this, until she put up a mental wall that her parents wouldn't be able to break through. She had to let their comments wash over her head, she had to pretend their words didn't cut her like knives and let them favour the eldest Buckley sibling and treat the twins like they were disposable.
Fighting with them never worked because their parents didn't think they were doing anything wrong. They thought they were giving constructive advice or little tips or making plain comments rather than putting their children down and cutting them deep enough to give them scars.
"Baby, is this gonna be one of those dinners Buck was telling me about?"
Up to now, Eddie hadn't been to a family meal with the Buckley parents. He and (Y/n) had been together for three years and over that time, Eddie had met her parents, briefly spoken to them when they came down for Maddie's birthday and when they stopped by around the twin's birthday. But he didn't have a sit down meal with them.
The most Eddie had spoken to them was at his and (Y/n)'s engagement party and that hadn't been a fun conversation. He knew her parents well enough to know they weren't the paternal type, they weren't caring or loving or supportive and they didn't approve of most things in Buck and (Y/n)'s lives.
He had a gut feeling this meal wasn't going to go well and Eddie had already been warned by the twins that he needed to let their parent's comments wash over his head.
But he didn't think he would be able to do that.
"Probably… let's get this over with. If I say I feel sick, that's our cue to leave." (Y/n) tilted her head back so she could look up at Eddie who broke out into a soft smile and nodded.
He would gladly take her home now if she said those words and meant them. If she said she didn't want to do this they could just go home, but he knew she wouldn't. He knew she was doing this for Maddie and Buck as much as for herself to try and make bridges with her parents.
She and Eddie were getting married in a few weeks and she wanted to be on good terms with her parents so the wedding went smoothly.
Eddie's hand moved round from her neck to cup her chin, bringing her close so he could claim her lips and steal her breath away. He kept the kiss light and trailed his lips over the corner of her mouth, making a trail down her neck until (Y/n) groaned and gave his shoulder a nudge.
She felt better when they headed towards the door and Eddie curved his arms around her waist. His lips attached to the back of her head, his lips pressed against hers and his chest moulded down around her like a protective layer trying to shield her from what awaited them inside.
His hands feathered up and down her waist until (Y/n) reached down to cup his wrists, squeezing tightly to try and get rid of her panic and adrenaline.
"Here we go." Eddie murmured into her hair when he knocked on the door.
(Y/n) dragged her eyes up and down her frame, suddenly self-conscious at the prospect of her mother seeing what she was wearing.
Whenever she had dinner with her parents, (Y/n) tried to make an effort because it wasn't worth her mother telling her she could try harder or wear more appealing clothes that suited her. There was always some little jibe her mother made.
But (Y/n) hadn't been bothered about her clothes today. She wanted to feel comfortable and that meant wearing Eddie's clothes. She chose one of his thin cotton jumpers, it was a plain leaf green colour and smelled of Eddie and his cologne which was a natural calmer for (Y/n). It hung off her frame and made her feel concealed and protected and she loved to pull the cuffs down over her hands whenever she got nervous.
The jumper looked good on her, she didn't look like she was lounging about the house or scruffy or unwell since it was two sizes too big for her. It almost looked fashionable, but (Y/n) knew what her mother was like.
"Hey, there you are. Come in." Buck's raised brow and locked jaw told them he wasn't coping very well and it made (Y/n) wonder how long their parents had been here.
They were staying in a hotel, they never stayed over with any of them. Buck only had one bedroom which counted him out, Maddie and Chimney's spare room was a study with no bed or sofa bed, so that put them out. And (Y/n) and Eddie's spare room was a nursery, something they wouldn't be using for a while. And their parents wouldn't stay with them on their sofa bed because they knew (Y/n) was still not herself and it would be too imposing to stay.
For that reason, it wasn't (Y/n) or Eddie hosting dinner tonight. Neither of them were in the right frame of mind to host her parents and they all knew if it went wrong, they would end up having to kick her parents out which wouldn't do them any good.
Buck had offered to host because his twin couldn't and Maddie hosted their parents last time they were in town, so it was his turn. And he could busy himself with cooking and leave Maddie to entertain them.
"Want something to drink?"
They followed Buck into the apartment and straight into the kitchen. (Y/n) pressed her hands down on the counter and leaned across to see what her brother was cooking.
Carbonara. She would take a guess that Bobby had either showed him how to make this or sent him the recipe to follow. Either way, it smelt good and (Y/n) was starving.
"Something non-alcoholic, I'm driving and I'm on shift tomorrow." Eddie looped his arm around the front of (Y/n)'s chest and neck and smothered his lips against the back of her head. He wanted a drink, God, he wanted a few of them to get him through tonight. He had been halfway drunk at the engagement party and that hadn't been enough to get him through the conversations with his soon to be in-laws.
But if he wanted to drive home tonight, he couldn't drink and Eddie knew they would be needing a quick getaway at some point tonight.
"Sure." Buck found a non-alcoholic beer in the fridge and handed it over before he looked at his twin with a raised brow. His lips quirked into a wide grin when she noticed the bottle of red wine Maddie had brought over. Chimney had dropped Maddie off earlier on his way to work so she didn't have to drive and could have a drink or five.
Chimney was lucky, he was on shift and couldn't get out of it. He didn't have to suffer through this meal tonight and he kept saying that since he and Maddie were only dating and weren't engaged that he didn't count as family.
Reaching out, (Y/n) grabbed the bottle and handed it over to her brother, she could have a drink and she was going to drink as much as she needed to get herself through tonight.
Once a large wine glass was in her hand, (Y/n) took a few sips to brave herself up before she turned round and tried to mentally prepare herself to head over to the dining table. Hiding away in the kitchen felt like a good idea, but her parents would only come in here to see them if they didn't go in there soon.
Her free hand reached behind her to lace her fingers with Eddie, keeping him pressed up against her side as if she thought she might lose him or he might try and hang back out the way. She needed back up.
"Oh, there you two are."
(Y/n) set her drink down on the table and took a deep breath when her parents walked over. She forced a smile onto her face and let her mum reel her in for a hug and felt her dad's arm loop around her shoulders so he could kiss her temple.
"How are you both?" Margaret gave (Y/n)'s shoulders a squeeze and smiled at her before she leaned back to look (Y/n) up and down, clearly taking note of what she was wearing.
"We're good." She nodded, reaching behind her for Eddie's hand again while her dad leaned round to pat Eddie's shoulder and mutter a quiet but encouraging 'how are you' to him.
She wasn't technically lying, her and Eddie were doing much better than they had been two months ago. They seemed to be getting back on track and finding a new sense of normality together with Chris, but (Y/n) knew being around her parents was going to shift that balance.
Her mother would pry and be insensitive and her father would either dismiss everything, not take an interest or just plough through and expect everything to be fine.
Being here tonight wasn't something (Y/n) was extremely happy about, but she was here. Their parents had made the trip down to see all three of them and the least (Y/n) could do was be here in support of her siblings, if for no other reason.
"You look… nice."
(Y/n) could feel her smile dampening already and she noted the way Eddie slipped his hand from hers so his arm could deadlock around her waist instead. He pulled her back against his chest and kissed the back of her head while (Y/n) looked down at her jumper- or rather, Eddie's jumper. It didn't look bad on her, sure it looked a little baggy, but that was what (Y/n) wanted. She didn't want anything tight or uncomfortable, she wanted to hide away in Eddie's clothes and he had no objections.
She forced a smile onto her face while she reached across the table and picked up her glass, downing half the wine that left a tang in the back of her throat.
She was somewhat glad when her mum's attention turned on Maddie who sat down at the end of the table near the balcony doors. (Y/n) could feel her teeth clanking against the rim of her glass that she was hovering between her lips, but her lips curled and something sparked in her stomach when she looked at her mum and sister.
Why was her mum so sincere when she told Maddie she looked lovely, but all she could fathom to say about (Y/n) was she looked nice? Why was it so hard to compliment both daughters rather than favour one for the other?
What had (Y/n) done to make her parents so disappointed in her? Why could she never be in their favour, even for a day?
Her free hand moved down to clamp around Eddie's wrist and she tilted her head back, downing the last of her drink. That bottle Maddie brought was going to be finished before the night was out. If (Y/n) and Buck were going to endure being left out, then the pair of them would be getting drunk.
She slowly uncurled from Eddie's hold, suddenly feeling like she was stepping out of her armour, leaving herself bare and unprotected against an attack.
And three steps towards the kitchen where Buck was adding the finishing touches, (Y/n) could sense that attack looming over her.
"Slow down honey, there's no rush."
A chill tore down (Y/n)'s spine and her steps faltered, but she didn't turn around. She knew all the different tones her mother would use and that was a condescending tone with a hint of false worry. She would be more embarrassed than worried if (Y/n) got drunk too quickly.
When their parents had friends over for a party once, the twins had taken two bottles of wine from the kitchen and got themselves into a right state. They had only been sixteen at the time and they truly showed their parents up, especially when both of them turned up hungover at school the next day and had to get seen by the nurse.
"Why, I'm not driving." She didn't look over her shoulder as she spoke, her eyes remained firmly on her brother she was aiming for.
'I'm not pregnant anymore.'
Those were the words (Y/n) could feel on the tip of her tongue, but something held her back. Self-depravating jokes wouldn't do her any favours and it would only start the waterworks. (Y/n) didn't want her parents referring or talking about the miscarriage because she knew they wouldn't be fair or considerate.
She headed into the kitchen and poured herself another glass before she moved over to Buck's side and helped him start to plate up.
"You good?" Buck nudged their elbows together and snook a quick glance down at his twin. He noticed the way her hands were shaking as she scattered the plates around the counter. And he could feel how close she was standing beside him, like she wanted shelter and protection.
"I hope you have more wine in the fridge."
Buck nodded and a small smile played on his lips as the pair of them turned and headed out to put the plates on the table. He had stocked up on wine for both his sisters, a load of beer for him and their dad, and non-alcoholic for Eddie. Because Buck knew Eddie would be driving. There was no way they would get a taxi here because if things went south tonight, the couple wanted and would need a quick getaway.
A timid smile graced (Y/n)'s lips when she walked over to the table with the last plates. Eddie knew her well.
Since both parents were sat together on one side of the table, Eddie had taken the opportunity to sit opposite Margaret. That meant (Y/n) could sit on Eddie's right and be opposite her dad. Being close to her mum wasn't something (Y/n) wanted to do tonight and this way, she would have Buck on her right at the end of the table and Maddie was already seated at the other end of the table next to Eddie and Margaret.
Her head fell on Eddie's shoulder and her hand moved beneath the table to grip his thigh. All the energy (Y/n) had tried to stock up for tonight had depleted. She was empty and they hadn't even been here an hour yet.
But the feeling of Eddie's arm looping around the back of her shoulders and his lips against the top of her head made (Y/n) relax. And her twin was on her other side, steering and striking up the conversation. Buck was a master at conversation topics, he had a whole load of random facts that were enough to strike up conversations and steer them in the right direction. He knew what subjects to avoid when talking to their parents.
Most of the conversation went in one ear and out the other with Eddie. He wasn't all that keen on engaging (Y/n)'s parents in conversation when they had hardly said one nice thing to her so far.
He wasn't stupid. He knew why they were here; one of the Buckley siblings had called them. He would guess that Maddie or Buck had said something because their parents hadn't called (Y/n) once to check in with her after the miscarriage.
Eddie didn't want to be here talking to people who didn't have the decency to look out for their own daughter.
Eddie's parents had been in touch every day after the miscarriage. They came down to stay with them for a week, they brought (Y/n) back out of her shell and made sure the couple were okay before they went back to Texas. Eddie didn't see (Y/n)'s parents making that kind of effort, he didn't see them sending her a text or giving one call to see how she was.
If they couldn't be bothered to put in the effort with her, then Eddie wasn't going to put that effort in with them.
He kept his arm looped around the back of (Y/n)'s shoulders, feathering his fingers up and down her arm and across her shoulder while he ate.
It was a relief to see (Y/n) actually hungry for once. Eddie was no chef in the kitchen and he wouldn't have known what to do if Buck, Maddie and Bobby hadn't come round bringing homemade goods with them. They had al perked (Y/n) back up and got her eating and made sure she didn't become sick after what happened.
And since cooking was something Buck took a lot of pride in, (Y/n) always felt that pride radiating off of him. She would never turn down her twin's food unless she felt sick to her stomach.
When he was done, Eddie leaned back and slouched in his chair and let his head flop to the right until his cheek was resting on top of (Y/n)'s head.
Every now and then he glanced across at his soon to be in-laws, but he only saw them genuinely smile when they were looking or talking to Maddie. It infuriated him, but Eddie couldn't say anything. What was he supposed to say? He settled for smiling down at (Y/n) or nodding when Buck went on one of his tangents about one of his favoured topics.
A grin spread across Eddie's lips when he looked across at Buck who changed, yet again, to a new topic.
"Don't worry about the bachelor party, I've got it all covered."
Eddie tilted his head back, closing his eyes as he couldn't fight off the smile that broke out on his lips. He wasn't opposed to a bachelor party, mainly because when he got married to Shannon, Eddie didn't have one. Their wedding had been rushed and sorted out by Eddie's mum and his friends back in Texas weren't as keen on partying as the guys over here.
It would be a fun night, Eddie always enjoyed a night out with the team and if Buck was organising then it was going to be scheduled fun. They usually left Buck in charge of organising the station parties and the Christmas meal they always went out on. He was regimented and liked to stick to black and white plans, but it was still always a good night when Buck was in charge.
"Do not plan that the night before the wedding, I mean it." (Y/n) nudged her brother's foot under the table.
She knew what he and Eddie were like when they got drunk and if Hen and Chimney were going to be at the party too, then all Hell would break loose. They would all be hungover in the morning and the wedding was at lunchtime, not late in the afternoon. There wouldn't be enough time for them all to sober up in time for the ceremony.
"I won't, don't worry. I'll plan the hen night too-"
"Um, excuse me, that's what I'm planning." Maddie rose a brow from the other end of the table, her lips curling into a frown before she took a large swig of her drink.
She was the big sister, she was the one who would be planning a party for (Y/n) while Buck planned one for Eddie. That was the way this was supposed to go.
"Well don't plan it the same night as the bachelor's party."
"Why?" Eddie's nose crinkled and he let out a chuckle. Wouldn't it be better to have both parties on the same night? Get them both over and done with at the same time? Then (Y/n) wouldn't be stuck home while Eddie was out getting drink, and likewise, Eddie wouldn't be moping around at home while (Y/n) was out.
"How can I be in two places at once?" The smart retort came with Buck holding his hands out at his sides and shaking his head in a mocking manner. But he looked towards their parents when their dad huffed and gave him a certain look.
"I think hen nights are typically for the girls, Evan." He patted Buck's shoulder like he was a teenager being told how the real world works.
"But I'm the twin, I need to be there, right?" He batted his hand against (Y/n)'s shoulder and beamed triumphantly when she nodded, murmuring a soft 'of course'.
(Y/n) wanted her twin there. She knew it wasn't strictly traditional, but this was her wedding and it was about what she and Eddie wanted. (Y/n) couldn't have a proper night out and enjoy herself if her brother wasn't there. She wanted both siblings to be there on her night out and only a few close friends, not a large group of people she rarely knew or distant friends getting drunk and ruining the night.
She wanted her twin there so she could celebrate and dance and drink and enjoy herself. She would let Maddie organise the night because that was what her big sister wanted to do, and Buck was already organising the party for Eddie. But Buck would be there with her, no doubt about it.
"Just think, one more month and you won't be a Buckley anymore."
A soft pout formed on Maddie's lips as she looked across at her little sister who grinned around her wine glass.
That was true. (Y/n) has already been thinking about how her name would look and how she was going to have to change her signature and officially change her name at work. She was no longer going to be one of the Buckley siblings by name, or 'the Buckley twins'. She was going to be a Diaz soon.
She felt Eddie murmur "You'll be Mrs Diaz," against the side of her head and it made a spark of adrenaline flood through her stomach. The low, gritty tone of Eddie's voice made shivers crawl up and down (Y/n)'s spine and she grinned, turning her head to the side to peck his cheek.
"Well, there's no rush, is there?" Margaret's words caught them all by surprise and each of them turned to face her, unsure what she was implying by that. "I mean, now there's no baby to speed things up."
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
Dread took the place of adrenaline and love in (Y/n)'s stomach and she cowered down into Eddie's side when she felt him begin to tremor.
His arm retracted from around her shoulders and made (Y/n) suddenly feel cold and uneasy and she chased after his touch. Her shoulder bumped into his side and she inched closer until she was almost sat on Eddie's chair. But Eddie sat forward. His elbows dug down into the table almost harsh enough to leave indents in the wood and his hands curled into fists.
(Y/n) dared to reach her hands out and she curled them around Eddie's bicep that seemed to expand and bulge like he was gearing up for a fight. Maybe he was.
Were they really going to be this petty, inconsiderate and vile? Were they going to upset (Y/n) like this when they should be supporting and trying to look out for her? What kind of parent said something like that? If Margaret met Eddie's mother, she would be in for a shock because Eddie's mother would never allow her to say something like that to (Y/n), not after all (Y/n) had been through.
"Oh my God, mum. Eddie proposed before (Y/n) got pregnant and you know it. They're getting married in four weeks whether you approve or not so quit probing for once, please?"
Buck clasped his hands together beneath his chin that was becoming taut and tense. His upper lip curled like he was going to snarl and his eyes, although full of anger and resentment, pleaded with his parents. He was pleading for them to stop. They couldn't do this now, not tonight. They couldn't upset (Y/n) when she didn't need or deserve it. She had been through enough without them making it worse.
Eddie had proposed before (Y/n) found out she was pregnant and even if she hadn't ever got pregnant, they would still be getting married next month. It had all been planned out and the plans had changed twice already.
First, they had prepared for (Y/n) to be seven months pregnant when they got married. Then after losing the baby, Eddie tried to postpone the wedding but (Y/n) wouldn't have that. She wasn't having anything else in her life go wrong, she was marrying Eddie if it was the last thing she did. So, plans changed again and (Y/n)'s dress had been altered twice.
"Is that why you're here, to try and talk us into putting off the wedding?" Pain and exhaustion flooded (Y/n)'s voice as she leaned her cheek onto Eddie's hunched shoulder.
She had been sceptical when her parents said they were coming down and wanted to see all three of them. She wondered what the occasion was, because they always had a reason or occasion for coming down. They never visited on a whim. Had they come down with the intention of asking (Y/n) and Eddie to postpone or cancel the wedding?
"Maddie told us you were coping a little better now and thought we should all support you."
"You asked them to come down?" (Y/n) couldn't help the hurt that crept into her voice and she tried to keep it at bay, but she couldn't.
Why? Why had Maddie asked them to come down? She knew (Y/n) would rather talk to them over the phone than in person. She knew they never helped (Y/n) or made her feel better, they only put her down and caused arguments.
Maddie had clearly told them to come down and support their daughter and the fact that they had to be asked to come down here made (Y/n) feel worse. Was she that much of a burden that her parents had to be forced into visiting? They had to be told to show her comfort and support, and they couldn't even do that.
"You say that like you don't want to see us."
"Why would I want you to come down and berrate me? You never make us feel better, you just make things worse."
(Y/n) swung her right hand out in their direction before she pressed her face back into Eddie's shoulder. She felt his hand move to cup the back of her neck and he smothered his lips against her temple, breathing so harshly (Y/n) wondered if his lungs were going to pop.
"Will you even be at the wedding?"
Say no. Say no. Say no!
She didn't want them there. Eddie didn't want them there. Even Buck wasn't sure he wanted their parents at the wedding if they were going to cause nothing but misery and resentment. Staying away might be the best option for everyone involved.
"Of course we're going to be there." Margaret looked hurt for the first time, as if she had been nothing but flowers and roses and (Y/n) was the one berrating and belittling her, not the other way around.
"Why, you never came to Maddie's wedding." Buck spoke around the rim of his beer bottle with one brow arched up. He had never forgiven their parents for that.
He and (Y/n) both had big doubts about Doug when they first met him. They didn't like him. They saw how his temper flared and how Maddie would never be her usual self around him, she seemed to deflate and give in and never stand up around him. But they still went to the wedding. They were there for their big sister, they attended and put on brave faces and smiled. Their parents didn't even bother to make the effort.
"Evan, don't start that again. We want to be there, I may not have walked Maddie down the aisle but-"
"No, you didn't, and you won't be walking me down the aisle either. I want Buck to walk with me." (Y/n) unravelled herself from Eddie's arm and twisted to sit up taller in her seat. She looked towards her twin, waiting to try and gauge his reaction.
This was something she had talked about with Eddie and Maddie, but hadn't had the chance to ask Buck yet.
She didn't want their dad walking her down the aisle. (Y/n) didn't want that honour going to someone who didn't truly understand her or make the effort to love and connect with her. Buck was always there for her. He understood her, he loved and looked after her and he would do anything for her. (Y/n) wanted her brother walking down the aisle with her, be damned what anyone else had to say.
Eddie could feel himself calming down just a little when he glanced to the right and saw the proud, beaming smile that lit up Buck's face.
He sat straighter in his chair and tears welled in his eyes as he reached across to take his sister's hand, nodding silently. He couldn't help how proud it made him feel and the tinge of pride that swelled in his chest when he saw his father's disgruntled expression. He wasn't happy about being pushed out, and something about that made Buck happier. Like the twins were finally getting their own back for the years of mistreatment they had experienced.
"You two always have done things your own way." Margaret looked down at her hands with pursed lips and a crinkled nose that gave away how displeased she was. This wasn't proper. This wasn't traditional and this wasn't what she or Phillip wanted, but they didn't have a choice.
For such a brief, fleeting moment, the Buckley siblings- and Eddie- thought that was the end to the arguing tonight.
Maddie pushed up from the table, taking the empty plates into the kitchen while Buck grabbed the empty beer bottles and (Y/n)'s glass, going for refills. They could all use some liquid courage to get them through the rest of this night and refuel after the rough battle they'd just endured.
(Y/n) leaned her head back on Eddie's shoulder, taking a moment to pepper a few wet, open-mouthed kisses up and down his neck. She felt his hand slide under the table to squeeze her thigh while her dad got up from the table and stood between the table and the kitchen.
She heard her mother mutter 'well,' under her breath which was always a sign that something else was coming. Her head turned in her mother's direction, watching as she pushed up from the table and cradled her untouched glass of wine in her hands.
"At least you'll look better in your wedding photos now, without the bump or the baby weight."
She'd been stabbed.
It felt like a knife to the heart. (Y/n) could feel her dinner crawling up her throat and her heart was suddenly thumping and pounding against her ribs with such force that she doubled forward.
She didn't realise she was crying until she felt Eddie's thumb swiping over her cheek, catching at least three tears that fell. And when Eddie noticed (Y/n) had her arms bound around her stomach, his upper lip curled and his body set alight.
"Why would you even say something like that? What the Hell is wrong with you?!"
Whatever calming composure Eddie came here with tonight, it had well and truly burned to cinders. He wasn't sitting here listening to this anymore. He wasn't staying here if she was going to be so rude and uncaring towards (Y/n) like that. Who did she think she was? How on Earth did she believe saying something like that was in any way okay or justified.
It wasn't like (Y/n) had lost the baby months and months ago. It had barely been two months since the miscarriage. She was still recovering and trying her best to move forward after something so traumatic like that. Margaret was out of line and Eddie wouldn't let this continue.
They hadn't come here for (Y/n) to be victimised and attacked by her own mother. They were here for a family meal and for support and understanding, but the Buckley parents were never going to give that. They were never going to understand or feign love and compassion.
And Eddie was through with them.
"Oh fuck." Buck sank his teeth down into his lower lip, setting the bottle of wine down with a clink before he made a beeline for his parents.
He heard that last comment and he wasn't best pleased with his mother, but he knew Eddie like the back of his hand. He knew Eddie was about to flip and he wasn't the kind to back down or hold his tongue.
He could feel Maddie hot on his heels and the pair of them skidded into the dining area just as Eddie rounded the side of the table.
For a split second, Buck thought Eddie was going to throw a punch at his mother and he wasn't sure how to think about that. He wouldn't want his family throwing punches, but he didn't want his mother to get away with what she had just said that had his twin in tears.
He watched with panicked eyes as Eddie stood one foot away from Margaret, both hands clenched into fists at his sides. His height made him look down on her and Buck could see the artery throbbing in Eddie's neck like it was about to burst. His shoulders were quaking, his chest was heaving and straining against his shirt and the one thing holding him back was (Y/n).
She had one arm around her waist like she was trying to hug herself, and her other hand was gripping Eddie's bicep, but she couldn't bring herself to stand out of his shadow. She stayed behind him, hidden by his frame with her temple pressing into his back.
She wanted to pull him away but she didn't have the energy or the nerve. She wanted them both to back down, but she couldn't voice it. She wanted to go home, but she was rooted to the spot. Eddie was sticking up for her. No one other than Maddie or Buck had ever stood up to their parents in (Y/n)'s defence.
"I don't usually hit women, but if you say one more spiteful word to (Y/n), I might just rethink my morals."
Another bout of dread crept up in (Y/n)'s stomach and she moulded herself against Eddie's back, silently willing him not to. It would only cause more problems. She had never heard his voice become so low and gritty before like there was a raw, cut edge to his throat that sliced through his words.
Maddie clutched Buck's arm, both to gather some strength and to stop him from trying to interfere just yet. Someone was standing up to their parents, Eddie was fighting this alone and he didn't need their help.
They both watched Margaret straighten her shoulders but when she looked up at Eddie, she looked unusually meek and small.
"Don't raise your voice with me-"
"If you didn't disrespect your daughter like that then I wouldn't have to. Don't stand there and preach at me, lady, when you don't know the first thing about respect."
If the situation were any different, Buck would have given Eddie a thumbs up or a round of applause for that. His words were true. Margaret hadn't shown (Y/n) one ounce of respect tonight, all she had done was make her uncomfortable and had now reduced her to tears.
It seemed they had come to a stalemate, neither Eddie nor Margaret moving, twitching or even blinking. She had nothing to retort to that but she didn't want to back down and lose the little ounce of pride she had left.
(Y/n) finally shifted from standing behind Eddie to stand at his side, but still somehow tucked into his side like he was her armour. Her arms wrapped around his bicep that she pinned to her chest and she glanced her eyes over her parents before she looked at her siblings.
She wanted to go, but at the same time she didn't want to have to leave. They hadn't started this argument. Their parents had done this, they should be the ones to leave the apartment and let the siblings all cool off together. But she knew their parents weren't going to go unless Buck kicked them out. They would want to stay and talk to him and Maddie, to try and win them round and make Maddie play referee like she always did when they were younger.
"Are you done?" There was so much more (Y/n) wanted to say to them.
Are you done belittling me? Are you finished making a mockery of my pain? Will you stop proving that I was never the favourite daughter? Can you stop hurting me, for once, please?
She almost found it strange that her father hadn't said anything to Eddie to stand up for Margaret, he would never let (Y/n) or Buck argue with their mother the way Eddie just did. He always told them off. Maybe he was put off by the idea that Eddie was ready to throw punches. Maybe he knew defending her wasn't right. Perhaps he knew Eddie was right even if he was being rude about it, and Phillip didn't want to risk a fight with someone stronger and more capable than him.
She watched her mother turn to face Maddie who wouldn't even look at her parents. But Phillip turned in (Y/n)'s direction, shaking his head and holding his hands out at his sides like he didn't understand what was going on.
"Are you really going to follow your sister's footsteps and marry a wrong-un? A brute?"
His words should have insulted Eddie, but all he could do was toss his head back and cackle. His laugh was almost evil and it made (Y/n) shake at his side.
"That's funny. You had no problem with one daughter marrying an abusive bastard, but you have an issue with me because… what? I respect your daughter more than you do? Because I love her and you don't? God knows how the three of them put up with either of you."
Eddie's arm that was pinned against (Y/n)'s chest moved just a little so he could curl his hand around her hip, trying to give her some kind of comfort and understanding.
With a deep breath, she tugged on Eddie's arm, about to walk past her parents and aim for the door, but she stopped when Phillip leaned in their path. His eyes swept over her before they settled on Eddie who waited, unabashed, for the snide remark he was clearly about to get because Phillip wanted the last word here.
And if they had been any other words, Eddie would have let him have this moment. He would of stood down and let Phillip have his way, if the choice words he spoke hadn't been so damning and intrusive.
"You know, we had a feeling this shotgun wedding was because she was pregnant. That's your style though, isn't it? Evan told us you married your first wife because you got her pregnant. I guess this time you didn't count on (Y/n) losing it."
A strangled sound left (Y/n)'s lips when Eddie moved. She tripped, twisting to the left so her chest meshed up against Eddie's and both her hands let go of his arm to clutch his shirt in her fists so tightly she started to tear the material. Her forehead pushed into his chest, her face meshing in his shirt as her feet tangled with his when he tried to move. But he couldn't get far with (Y/n) stood in front of him, clinging to him like a protective bullet-proof vest.
His fist had been less than an inch away from Phillip before (Y/n) was in front of him.
Both fists grabbed Phillip by the shoulders, shaking so hard that the older man was shuddering back and forth on the spot. Eddie wanted to yank him close enough to either throw him down or throw a punch, but (Y/n) was in the way. She was pinning herself to his chest, knowing he couldn't start a fight with her there. If she were behind him, Eddie could easily lay into his father in law, but like this, he couldn't do anything without hurting (Y/n) in the process.
"Eddie no." (Y/n) tilted her head up enough to look at him through tears, shrinking closer when she felt her dad's hands on her shoulders to try and steady himself in Eddie's grip.
With a rough shove, Eddie all but threw Phillip back causing him to stumble and lose his footing, barely regaining his balance by leaning into the kitchen counter.
"Go fuck yourself." The words spat like venom on his tongue before he looked down at the girl clinging to his chest.
His trembling hands moved, one hand cupping the back of her neck while the other bound around her waist. He tilted his head down and smothered his lips into her hair, breathing so harsh and heavy that he felt like he was going to pass out. He felt Buck's hands on his shoulders, pulling him back while Maddie stood to one side, hand covering her mouth, tears falling down her face.
Both Buck's hands dug into Eddie's shoulders for a few moments before he moved his hand down to his sister's arm, giving a light squeeze. When his eyes darted over to his parents who had taken a few steps back, all he could see was red.
"Get out. You've done enough damage tonight, you shouldn't have come down after all."
Twisting to the side, Buck curved himself around (Y/n)'s back so neither of them were looking at their parents. He and Maddie were wrong to talk to them and see if they would try and show some kindness and concern towards (Y/n). They should have left things how they were and let their parents keep the distance and make mistakes.
(Y/n) shuddered when she felt Eddie's chest rumble as he growled "What are you waiting for?" and she was sure he added "Fuck off." at the end while he pointed towards the door.
She didn't open her eyes or attempt to move until the apartment echoed with the sound of the front door slamming shut. Her hands stayed deadlocked in Eddie's shirt and she tilted her head up just enough to look into his enraged eyes.
"Are you okay?"
She couldn't find her voice, all she managed to do was nod, although she wasn't sure if she was being truthful or not. She wanted to sit down. She wanted to curl up on the sofa and pretend tonight had never happened.
The tears finally stopped falling as she felt Eddie's hand glide up the back of her neck to cradle her head and he peppered wet kisses against her temple, his breathing finally starting to mellow out. And she could feel her brother stood at her side, still gripping her shoulder while Maddie advanced over and squeezed her arm.
(Y/n) knew one thing for certain. If Eddie hadn't been here tonight to stand up for her, that would have gone a whole lot worse.
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aanon04 · 8 months
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“Se que yo no voy a volver, pero está bien, estoy tranquilo. Estoy preparado para lo que viene. Los dos lo estamos. Y me pone muy feliz saber que ustedes si lo van a lograr. Eso me pone contento, Nando.”
“I know I'm not coming back, but it's okay, I'm calm. I'm ready for what's coming. We both are. And it makes me very happy to know that you are all going to make it. That makes me happy, Nando.”
society of the snow (2023)
numa turcatti: on tragic heroes.
the gods show up - michael kinnucan | the truth about grief - fortesa latifi | the invisible life of addie larue - v.e. schwab | strangers - ethel cain | dear layal - hala alyan | ??? | o’death - frances molina | icarus - the crane wives
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¿La Web del Surrealismo? Oscar Domínguez (1906-1958)
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Oscar Domínguez nació en San Cristóbal de La Laguna en la isla de Tenerife. Pasó gran parte de su juventud con su abuela en Tacoronte y comenzó a pintar a una edad temprana después de sufrir un grave trastorno de crecimiento que le provocó una deformación progresiva de los huesos de la cara y las extremidades. A mediados de la década de 1920, la familia se mudó a París, donde conoció a Picasso e Yves Tanguy y, por lo tanto, a algunos de los primeros artistas surrealistas. En 1933 había entrado en los círculos de André Breton, Paul Eluard y otras figuras del movimiento surrealista y fue invitado a contribuir con obras a la exposición Surrealista de Copenhague de 1934 y a las de Londres y Tenerife en 1936. A mediados de la década de 1930 empezó a utilizar decalomanía e introdujo a Max Ernst en esta técnica.
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regularcitrus · 11 months
Part 6: Pone Ocean 🦋 (2/3)
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- Moon Mantra does magic through chants and spoken spells mostly
- also i made him a psychologist instead of a priest since religion isn’t rlly a thing in the mlpverse, he’s very philosophical and psychoanalyzes a lot
- DIO’s original plan was to have someone rule by his side (cause yknow, you gotta have a right hand man), and that pony happened to be Mantra. Unfortunately since he was a pegasus they had to come up with some other way to make him into an alicorn instead of vampirification
- so then after DIO’s defeat, Mantra’s main goal is to become an alicorn first, then find a way to bring him back
1 / 2 / 3
Phantom Blood / Battle Tendency / Stardust Crusaders / Diamond is Unbreakable / Golden Wind / Stone Ocean
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