mcatmemoranda · 2 years
Reviewing questions:
Preeclampsia is diagnosed with new-onset hypertension occurring after 20 weeks' gestation with proteinuria. The combination of hypertension and proteinuria during pregnancy is diagnostic for preeclampsia until proven otherwise. Diagnostic criteria:
Systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg on 2 occasions at least 4 hours apart after 20 weeks of gestation in a previously normotensive patient, or
If systolic blood pressure is ≥160 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure is ≥110 mmHg, confirmation within minutes is sufficient
Proteinuria ≥0.3 g in a 24-hour urine specimen or protein (mg/dL)/creatinine (mg/dL) ratio ≥0.3 or dipstick 1+ if a quantitative measurement is unavailable
In patients with new-onset hypertension without proteinuria, the new onset of any of the following is diagnostic of preeclampsia:
-Platelet count 1.1 mg/dL or doubling of serum creatinine in the absence of other renal disease -Liver transaminases at least twice the normal concentrations -Pulmonary edema -Cerebral or visual symptoms
Preeclampsia usually occurs in the third trimester. If preeclampsia occurs before the third trimester, you should think of gestational trophoblastic disease. Preexisting hypertension increases the risk for intrauterine growth retardation and preeclampsia. Risk factors for preeclampsia include chronic renal disease, chronic hypertension, family history, multiple gestations, nulliparity, a very young woman with her first child, diabetes, and being African American. If the neonate is at term, definitive treatment is delivery. If the neonate is at preterm, the hypertension can be treated with hydralazine, methyldopa, or labetalol. Then, bedrest and observing the patient are advised.
Bottom Line: New-onset hypertension with proteinuria after 20 weeks' gestation is diagnosed as preeclampsia.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and most other organizations worldwide continue to recommend magnesium sulfate for seizure prophylaxis and prevention of eclampsia, especially in patients with severe preeclampsia.
ACOG recommends that the decision of whether to use magnesium sulfate for seizure prophylaxis in patients with preeclampsia without severe features be determined using shared decision-making on a patient-by-patient basis. Magnesium sulfate has been shown to be superior to other medical interventions for pregnant women with eclampsia in multiple trials.
Neuromuscular toxicity is the most consistently observed complication of hypermagnesemia. Magnesium is contraindicated in women with myasthenia gravis, as it has been shown to precipitate severe myasthenic crisis. Increased magnesium decreases impulse transmission across the neuromuscular junction. Decreased deep tendon reflexes are usually the first sign of magnesium toxicity and can be seen when the plasma magnesium concentration reaches 7 to 10 mEq/L.
If there is a magnesium drip, it should be stopped at this point. Other side effects of magnesium include respiratory paralysis (10–13 mEq/L), pulmonary edema, hypocalcemia, hyperkalemia, and cardiac arrest (greater than 25 mEq/L). Intravenous calcium gluconate can be administered to reverse severe magnesium sulfate toxicity.
Preeclampsia with severe features requires any one or more of the following factors:
1. Symptoms of central nervous system dysfunction:
New-onset cerebral or visual disturbance, such as:
Photopsia, scotomata, cortical blindness, retinal vasospasm Severe headache (ie, incapacitating, "the worst headache I've ever had") or headache that persists and progresses despite analgesics Altered mental status
2. Hepatic abnormality:
Severe, persistent, right upper quadrant or epigastric pain unresponsive to medication and not accounted for by an alternative diagnosis or serum transaminase concentration ≥ twice normal, or both
3. Severe blood pressure elevation:
Systolic blood pressure ≥160 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥110 mmHg on 2 occasions at least 4 hours apart while the patient is on bedrest (unless the patient is on antihypertensive therapy)
4. Thrombocytopenia:
Less than 100,000 platelets/μL
5. Renal abnormality:
Progressive renal insufficiency (serum creatinine greater than 1.1 mg/dL or doubling of serum creatinine concentration in the absence of other renal disease)
6. Pulmonary edema
Patients may also have HELLP syndrome, which stands for hemolysis, elevated liver function tests, and low platelets. Definitive treatment is delivery if the patient is at term. If preterm, delivery of the neonate is advised once the mother is stabilized to prevent the death of both mother and neonate.
The diagnosis of polyhydramnios is based upon sonographic visualization of increased amniotic fluid volume (AFV). It is diagnosed when there is a single deepest pocket ≥ 8 cm and an amniotic fluid index (AFI) ≥ 24 cm.
The most common cause of severe polyhydramnios are fetal anomalies (often associated with an underlying genetic abnormality or syndrome), while maternal diabetes, multiple gestation, and idiopathic factors are more often associated with milder cases. Polyhydramnios has been associated with fetal anomalies in most organ systems.
Vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom of a complete molar pregnancy and occurs when the molar tissue separates from the decidua. The uterus may also become distended by large pooling of blood, which can overflow into the vaginal vault. This symptom occurs in greater than 95% of cases. Other common symptoms of complete molar pregnancy include hyperemesis, nausea, and signs of hyperthyroidism such as tachycardia, tremor, and warm skin. These findings are a result of markedly elevated beta hCG associated with complete hydatidiform moles. Physical examination typically reveals a uterine size inconsistent with gestational age. Ultrasonography is the gold standard for diagnosis of both complete and partial molar pregnancies and elicits a classic “snowstorm pattern,” or "bunch of grapes" which is simply a mass of heterogenous echogenic material.
Bottom Line: Findings consistent of preeclampsia before 20 weeks, uterine enlargement, disproportional fundal height, and “snowstorm pattern” on ultrasound with no gestational sac all point to the diagnosis of complete molar pregnancy.
There are several key differences between complete and partial hydatidiform mole to be aware of when evaluating a patient with a potential molar pregnancy. Genetically, partial hydatidiform moles are triploid, usually as a result of two sperm fertilizing a normal ovum. Thus, you will see 69 chromosomes (for example, 69XXX or 69XXY) as opposed to a normal 46XY or 46XX in complete hydatidiform mole. Symptomatically, partial molar pregnancies will have fewer sequelae, such as hyperemesis, uterine enlargement or vaginal bleeding, as a result of lower hCG levels than complete molar pregnancies. Finally, a fetus, amniotic fluid and gestational sac can be seen on ultrasound with partial molar pregnancies (sometimes even with fetal heartbeat), whereas no fetus is seen in complete molar pregnancy.
Molar pregnancy tx: It is important to remember that hydatidiform moles are capable of developing into a malignant disease called gestational trophoblastic neoplasm. As such, evacuation of the uterus by dilatation and curettage (D+C) or dilation and evacuation (D+E) is always necessary following this diagnosis.
Clinical chorioamnionitis is an acute ascending, polymicrobial infection of the membranes and chorion of the placenta that can occur in women with prolonged rupture of membranes (defined as greater than 18 hours). Intraamniotic infection occurs in 15-25% of PPROM cases, with a higher incidence occurring at earlier gestational ages. Diagnostic criteria include maternal fever, maternal tachycardia, fetal tachycardia (fetal heart rate > 160/min), leukocytosis, or presence of purulent vaginal discharge. When chorioamnionitis is diagnosed, then IV antibiotics should be started and delivery should occur. In the absence of maternal decompensation or fetal distress, then prompt induction or augmentation of labor is recommended, with a c-section reserved for standard obstetric indications (history of prior CS, fetal distress, fetal malposition, labor dystocia, etc.).
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome occurs in monozygotic monochorionic twins and is the result of intrauterine blood transfusion from one twin to another. The donor twin will be small for gestational age; will develop hypovolemia, anemia, and oligohydramnios; and will be oliguric. The recipient twin will be large for gestational age, plethoric, and ruddy and have hypervolemia, polyhydramnios, jaundice, hypertension, and congestive heart failure. This is due to hypoperfusion of the donor twin and hyperperfusion of the recipient twin. Hemoglobin differences are typically greater than 5 g/dL. Hydrops fetalis can present in both twins. Treatment is a reduction amniocentesis.
Radiation exposure less than 50mGy (5 rads) in pregnancy provides negligible risk to the fetus. Radiographic, fluoroscopic, and CT examinations in areas of the body other than the abdomen and pelvis deliver minimal radiation doses to the fetus. Fetal radiation doses from radiographic, fluoroscopic, and CT examinations of the abdomen and pelvis and from nuclear medicine studies rarely exceed 25 mGy. The absolute risks of fetal effects, including childhood cancer induction, are small at conceptus doses of 100 mGy and negligible at doses of less than 50 mGy.
After giving methotrexate to treat an ectopic pregnancy, patients must be carefully followed. The day the methotrexate is given is considered day 1. The β-human chorionic gonadotropin (bHCG) will be checked again on day number 4 and day number 7. It is typical for the bHCG to increase between day 1 and day 4. If it rises during this point, nothing needs to be done. However, between day number 4 and day number 7, the bHCG must decrease by at least 15%. If the bHCG decreases by at least this much, then the bHCG will be checked every week until the level reaches 0. If the bHCG does not decrease by 15%, then another dose of methotrexate is warranted if the patient remains stable and there are no signs of rupture.
Bottom Line: Patients given methotrexate must have bHCG levels followed. From day 4 until day 7, the level must drop by 15%. If it does not, then a second dose of methotrexate is warranted.
COMBANK Insight: There is a single-dose and a two-dose regimen for methotrexate. In the two-dose regimen, a second dose of methotrexate is automatically administered on day 4; otherwise, the regimen steps are the same.
Primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) occurs in 1-3% of pregnancies and is defined as 1000 mL of blood loss along with signs of hypovolemia. Causes include uterine atony (most common), bleeding disorders, trauma, and retained placental tissue. Uterine atony can be suspected when there is a history of overdistension (multiple gestations, grand multiparty) or prolonged labor.
Initial treatment includes bimanual or fundic massage. If that fails, uterotonic medications should be given. Oxytocin is usually first-line with the addition of either methylergonovine or carboprost if needed. If that fails, balloon tamponade can be attempted. It is important to assess vitals, hemoglobin/hematocrit, platelets, and coagulation status and initiate volume resuscitation as needed.
When conservative measures fail, the best first approach is uterine artery embolization. This is minimally invasive and has less risk than surgical measures. Conservative surgical options include arterial ligations and compression sutures. Hysterectomy should only be performed if all other measures fail or are unavailable or if there is massive hemorrhage/hemodynamic instability.
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drneelima · 1 month
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greatbigbellies · 10 months
So you're REALLY into polyhydroaminos... I'd google it but fetish logic and real conditions don't overlap, so what does that mean to you?
👀It's funny cause at first I was like "I mean I'm into it but I'm not THAT into it, I'm about as into it as I am into anything else that makes a pregnant tummy bigger" and then I took two seconds to consider just HOW into pregnant bellies I am and... yeah I'm pretty into it lol. It's good flavor for making a pregnancy even larger and more cumbersome (It helps that everyone ordering off of the McPreggo menu lately has been getting the sandwich that gives you polyhydramnios so like... I've been able to bring it up a lot).
I mean for me, my understanding is pretty much that google definition of "medical condition which causes increased/too much amniotic fluid in the womb" and like... I like that. It makes a belly not just larger but tighter, too. And you can really tell! I can't find her any more but there was one woman whos pregnancy pictures were circulating around and she had developed a really intense case of it and straight up, this sounds fake but I'm not making this up, her treatment actually included draining some of the excess fluid out of her. And in the progression, you can tell when they did it, because there's a bandage on her tummy and she's visibly smaller. She had so much extra fluid that when they took it out you could VISIBLY TELL. Maybe I'm just weird but that shit's hot.
Like, if you want a great example of what polyhydramnios does to a pregnant belly, one really good recent example (which if you've been around this circle of tumblr in the last few months you've probably seen her) is THIS LADY HERE. She had the triple threat of being quite short (like 5"1' if not less), getting pregnant with twins, and then of course polyhydramnios on top of it. In that last link especially, you can SEE how tightly stretched she is. Her belly is downright SHINY because of how full she is. That's not oiled up, that's just dry, bare skin. That's just what she looked like. And while she would have definitely been huge with just twins and being short, the extra fluid really pushed her over the top. There's tons of footage of her cause she's an influencer and there's a bit where someone asks if she can squeeze her thighs together while sitting down with her belly so big and she attempts it... and quickly fails. You see her belly shift up as she tries but she's so big and heavy that she had to keep her legs apart just to sit.
Anyway, probably more text than you expected off of a short ask but... I have THOUGHTS on that condition and my thoughts are it's very sexy.
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lilwifeynextdoor · 2 months
Reflecting on my hardest pregnancy so far, which was my 3rd. My fatigue symptoms were so severe it felt like I could hardly stay awake. I developed polyhydramnios, it didn't cause any complications. But, my legs and feet were so swollen and my stomach was so stretched tight and full of amniotic fluid that it ached and itched all the time. I was so packed tight that I was breathless when doing anything but laying down, just sitting up even felt like it was squishing my lungs. And the heartburn sucked so bad. I was non stop eating yogurt and bananas just to soothe the burning. Towards the end I was on bed rest to reduce the pressure on my cervix, and to help prevent him from being a preemie. I relied so much on others to help take care of my other two boys during that time, it was hard.
I'll never forget the different shocked looks on my friends and families faces when I announced that I was pregnant again after that. I'm sure most of them thought the tribulations of my third pregnancy would have me stop there instead of going on to have more. But they can't understand the beautiful peace and purpose I felt when being handed Silas for the first time as Grant kissed me on the forehead and told me he wanted another.
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obscenely-overdue · 9 months
how many are you carrying? and would you ever want to carry again?
Two very big, healthy twins, with some moderate polyhydramnios which the doctors keep a close eye on (extra amniotic fluid, to save you the google search). It explains why I'm so big despite my height.
I think after these two are born, after my body as recovered and we're all settled... I could definitely go for round two. It's very straining, and has a lot of hassles, but I have a great support network to help, and honestly, I love how I feel when I'm pregnant. I'm gonna miss this when I give birth, and I'll need to remind myself not to rush back into it immediately, even if I'd like to...
Gotta get my money's worth out of my maternity clothes, though, right?
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metamorphosisme · 2 years
My goal for today was to shower and do my hair to take a pregnancy pic but I feel like the only thing I'm actually gonna get done is moving my safe food meal pictures to a separate folder 📂 🙃
1 more week to go before babys here! So scared to see what the scale end result is. 😕 I ended up having polyhydramnios so im absolutely, grossly, full of water / overweight -.-
Really hoping my skin will love me :c if anyone has some tricks to help get shape back and to treat skin after pregnancy feel free to comment!!
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addonhealthcare · 10 days
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Is excessive amniotic fluid affecting your pregnancy? 🤰💧
At add-on Scans & Labs, our amnioreduction procedure offers a safe and effective solution to manage this condition. 🌟
What Does It Help With? ✅ Manage Polyhydramnios (excessive amniotic fluid) ✅ Alleviate maternal discomfort in late pregnancy ✅ Reduce the risk of complications, such as preterm labor or fetal distress
📞 +91 9900811118
Schedule your consultation today and begin your journey towards a healthier pregnancy with us!
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examexpert · 1 month
Chapter 26 Concurrent Disorders during Pregnancy
Chapter 26  Concurrent Disorders during Pregnancy     Complete Chapter Questions And Answers   Sample Questions   MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Preconception counseling is critical to the outcome of diabetic pregnancies because poor glycemic control before and during early pregnancy is associated with a. frequent episodes of maternal hypoglycemia. b. congenital anomalies in the fetus. c. polyhydramnios. d.…
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norwestobstetrics · 1 month
The Role of Ultrasound in Antenatal Care: What Your Obstetrician Will Check
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Ultrasound is a pivotal tool in antenatal care, providing crucial insights into the health and development of both the mother and the fetus. This non-invasive imaging technique uses high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of the baby and the reproductive organs, helping obstetricians monitor pregnancy progress and detect potential issues.
Here’s a look at the role of ultrasound in antenatal care and what your obstetrician will check during these essential scans.
1. Confirming Pregnancy and Estimating Due Date
Early in pregnancy, ultrasound is used to confirm the presence of a fetal heartbeat and establish the due date. This is typically done through a transvaginal ultrasound in the first trimester, which provides clear images of the early developing fetus and helps verify the gestational age. Accurate dating of the pregnancy is crucial for planning and monitoring subsequent care.
2. Assessing Fetal Development
Ultrasound scans are essential for evaluating fetal development throughout pregnancy. Your obstetrician will use ultrasound to monitor the baby’s growth, check the development of major organs, and assess overall well-being. A detailed anatomy scan is performed in the second trimester, typically between 18 and 22 weeks, to examine the baby’s structure and ensure that organs and limbs are developing typically.
3. Monitoring Amniotic Fluid Levels
The amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus is an important indicator of fetal health. Ultrasound helps measure the amniotic fluid levels, revealing conditions such as oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid) or polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid). Proper fluid levels are essential for cushioning the baby and facilitating normal development and movement.
4. Evaluating Placental Position
The position of the placenta is another critical aspect monitored through ultrasound. Your obstetrician will check for placental abnormalities, such as placenta previa (the placenta covering the cervix) or placental abruption (the placenta detaching from the uterine wall). Monitoring the placenta’s location and condition ensures safe delivery and avoids complications.
5. Detecting Multiple Pregnancies
Ultrasound is also used to determine whether you carry more than one baby. Multiple pregnancies, such as twins or triplets, require special monitoring and management to ensure the health of both the mother and the babies. Ultrasound helps assess the number of fetuses, their positions, and the presence of any shared placentas or amniotic sacs.
6. Identifying Fetal Position and Presentation
In the later stages of pregnancy, ultrasound helps determine the baby’s position and presentation, such as whether the baby is head-down or breech. This information is valuable for planning the mode of delivery and preparing for any necessary interventions if the baby is in a non-optimal position for a vaginal birth.
Ultrasound is crucial in antenatal care Sydney obstetrician, offering valuable insights into fetal development, placental health, and overall pregnancy progress. By providing detailed images and essential measurements, ultrasound helps obstetricians monitor and manage pregnancy effectively, ensuring the best possible outcomes for both mother and baby. Regular ultrasound scans are integral to comprehensive antenatal care, helping identify potential issues early and provide timely interventions.
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How Ultrasound Diagnostics Enhance Prenatal Care
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Introduction: Ultrasound diagnostics have become an indispensable tool in prenatal care, offering invaluable insights into the health and development of the fetus and the well-being of the mother. This non-invasive imaging technique uses sound waves to create real-time images of the developing baby, allowing healthcare providers to monitor progress and detect potential issues early. This article explores the many ways ultrasound diagnostics enhance prenatal care.
1. Confirming Pregnancy and Estimating Due Date
One of the first uses of ultrasound in prenatal care is to confirm pregnancy. An early ultrasound can verify the presence of a gestational sac and fetal heartbeat, providing reassurance to expectant parents.
Ultrasound is also used to estimate the due date. By measuring the crown-rump length of the fetus in the first trimester, healthcare providers can predict the delivery date with greater accuracy than using the last menstrual period alone.
2. Monitoring Fetal Growth and Development
Regular ultrasounds throughout pregnancy allow healthcare providers to monitor the growth and development of the fetus. Measurements of the head, abdomen, and femur length help ensure the baby is growing at a healthy rate.
Any deviations from the expected growth patterns can be detected early, allowing for timely interventions if necessary.
3. Assessing Fetal Anatomy and Detecting Anomalies
Detailed anatomical scans, typically performed between 18 and 22 weeks, assess the development of the fetus’s organs and structures. This comprehensive check helps detect congenital anomalies such as heart defects, neural tube defects, and limb abnormalities.
Early detection of these conditions allows parents and healthcare providers to plan for any necessary medical care or interventions after birth.
4. Evaluating Placental Position and Function
Ultrasound diagnostics are crucial for assessing the position and function of the placenta. Placenta previa, a condition where the placenta covers the cervix, can be identified early, allowing for careful monitoring and planning for delivery.
The health and function of the placenta can also be assessed, ensuring it is providing adequate nutrients and oxygen to the growing fetus.
5. Monitoring Amniotic Fluid Levels
Adequate levels of amniotic fluid are essential for fetal development. Ultrasound can measure the amniotic fluid index (AFI) or the deepest pocket of fluid to ensure levels are within the normal range.
Abnormal levels, either too high (polyhydramnios) or too low (oligohydramnios), can indicate potential complications and require further monitoring and management.
6. Guiding Prenatal Diagnostic Procedures
Ultrasound is often used to guide invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS). These procedures involve taking samples of amniotic fluid or placental tissue to test for genetic conditions.
Real-time ultrasound guidance ensures the safety and accuracy of these procedures, minimizing risks to both the mother and fetus.
7. Assessing Fetal Well-being in High-Risk Pregnancies
In high-risk pregnancies, such as those involving diabetes, hypertension, or multiple gestations, frequent ultrasounds are essential for monitoring fetal well-being.
Biophysical profiles, which combine ultrasound with non-stress tests, assess fetal movements, tone, breathing, and amniotic fluid levels to provide a comprehensive picture of the fetus’s health.
8. Detecting Ectopic Pregnancies
Early ultrasounds can detect ectopic pregnancies, where the embryo implants outside the uterus, often in a fallopian tube. This condition can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.
Early detection through ultrasound allows for timely medical intervention, reducing the risk of complications for the mother.
9. Providing Reassurance to Expectant Parents
Ultrasound scans provide visual confirmation of the baby’s development, offering reassurance to expectant parents. Seeing the baby’s heartbeat, movements, and growth fosters a stronger emotional bond and reduces anxiety.
Regular ultrasounds and the ability to track the baby’s progress can enhance the overall pregnancy experience, providing peace of mind.
10. Preparing for Labor and Delivery - Ultrasound plays a critical role in planning for labor and delivery. Late-term ultrasounds can assess the baby’s position, helping to determine if a vaginal delivery or cesarean section is more appropriate. - They also help in monitoring the cervix and checking for signs of preterm labor, ensuring timely and appropriate medical care.
Conclusion: Ultrasound diagnostics have revolutionized prenatal care, providing critical information that enhances the health and well-being of both the mother and the developing fetus. From confirming pregnancy and estimating due dates to detecting anomalies and guiding prenatal procedures, ultrasound is an invaluable tool in modern obstetrics. Its ability to provide real-time, detailed images allows for early detection and intervention, ensuring the best possible outcomes for expectant parents and their babies. By incorporating regular ultrasounds into prenatal care, healthcare providers can monitor progress, manage potential complications, and provide reassurance throughout the pregnancy journey. Read more
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storelatina · 4 months
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Polyhydramnios: what it is, how to identify it, causes and treatment - https://storelatina.com/?p=130335
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greatbigbellies · 4 months
The McPreggo Menu (6/09/24 update)
While I by no means came up with the McPreggo concept, I am a very big fan of it, so I wrote up a hypothetical menu for fun! This menu got a surprising amount of attention and I received a bunch of suggestions for future items. So here, I’ve implemented more of them and given the menu another content update! I tried to fit as many ideas as I could, but if I missed yours, send another anon and I’ll work it in next time! Full menu under the cut!
Every item can be ordered individually or in a combo! Numbered combos come with your choice of a side, and a drink! Different sides have different effects, try them all! [Items suggested anonymously have a ~ with a link to their originating ask]
#1 The McPreggo Burger
The original filler-upper! Carry a singleton in minutes with this mouth watering single quarter pound patty cheeseburger, with tomatoes, lettuce, diced onion, pickles, and your choice of sauces!
#2 The Twinner
Twice as filling, twice as heavy, go full term with twins with TWO quarter pound patties, with cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, diced onion, pickles, and your choice of sauces!
#3 The Triple Stack
Sensing a pattern? Go big with triplets, with three whole quarter pound patties (That’s 12 oz of meat!) with cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, diced onion, pickles, and your choice of sauces! (Warning, Doctor’s note required for purchase)
#4 The Breaded Babymaker
A mouth watering crispy chicken sandwich topped with lettuce and mayo, on a sesame seed bun! 50/50 odds for a singleton or twins!
#5 The Labor-Inducer
Well… not QUITE real labor, but this breaded chicken sandwich packs a spicy kick with pepper sauce, knocks you up with one, and causes regular braxton-hicks for the duration of the food-induced pregnancy! Those those who enjoy a more intense experience!
#6 The Twinner Chicken Dinner
Three breaded and fried chicken strips, worth a trimester each! Each strip takes you up one trimester with twins, with each basket linked to a set of twins, so no fear going overdue by eating more than one serving! 
#7 The Fish Filet Sandwich~
A tasty fish filet with light breading, with cheese and tartar sauce! Induces a singleton pregnancy with safe-but-noticeable polyhydramnios, giving extra amniotic fluid!
#8 The Quad Pod
A meal for the truly brave, comes with a double cheeseburger (The Twinner) and three chicken strips (The Twinner Chicken Dinner) to land you full of quadruplets at 40 weeks if fully consumed! (Warning, Doctor’s note required for purchase)
#9 The Family Feast Not a feast for a family, but a feast to help you MAKE one! A Triple Stack, A Breaded Babywaker, and a Twinner Chicken Dinner, to land you full of 6-7 babies, all at full term! Not for the feint of heart! (Warning, Doctor’s note and signed waiver required for purchase)
The Preggo Pizza (suggested by @mybigbellyluvrz) A new way to enjoy a McPreggo food induced pregnancy, and a great way to share the experience with friends! Each slice will induce a quantum pregnancy at 20 weeks along, with a second slice bringing it to term. Odd slices add additional babies, and even slices bring them to term. Pairs well with mozzarella sticks with marinara for a nice long Italian-food-centric impregnation session! Toppings give additional effects which increase in strength with more slices eaten! Enjoy a pregnant pizza party, or indulge yourself with high order multiples for one!
Pepperoni - +5% movement per slice
Sausage - +4% weight per slice
Canadian bacon - +4% belly width per slice
Bbq chicken - +10% stretchmark visibility per slice
Pineapple - +15% stronger cravings per slice
Peppers - +5% belly length per slice
Olives - +7.5% amniotic fluid per slice
Mushrooms - 3% lower belly per slice
Extra cheese - +5% thicker thighs, hips, and ass per slice
Breakfast (ALL DAY!)
Hash Brown
Crispy outside, soft potato-y inside. Warm morning goodness! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will make a belly drop as if full term and close to birth! 
Ready-To-Pop Tarts~ 
Our most versatile product, each Ready-To-Pop Tart is named after the quantum baby it induces, and results in a 1-to-1 pregnancy experience as if you were carrying that baby at full term! Each name has its effects listed on the box, such as extra size, carrying low, specific cravings, and so on! Mix and match to carry multiples and craft your perfect pregnancy! Or, try a mystery unlabeled one and see who YOU get pregnant with!
Each location has a unique selection, but here are some of our franchise-wide staples~:
Carry low and wide with extra baby weight, belly width, and a dropped baby! You’ll want to unbutton pants if you’re wearing them…
Enjoy some asymmetry with a pronounced, lopsided torpedo belly! 50/50 odds if she picks left or right, but she’ll stick to it for the whole ordeal!
Clear your pantry with cravings for sweet and salty flavors, increased taste sensation, and extra movement to enjoy while eating!
Stretch your skin to the limit with polyhydramnios, extra baby weight, extra stretchmarks, and extra veins for good measure! Be the waddling definition of “drum tight”!
Sausage Egg Muffin
A toasted english muffin housing a breakfast sausage patty, and a folded scrambled egg! A morning classic! If eaten before other McPreggo products, will delay the onset of those products by 1 hour per breakfast sandwich. Additional sandwiches will increase the duration of the delay. Delay timer begins after full consumption of the breakfast sandwich.
Bacon Egg Griddle
Crispy strips of bacon, folded scrambled egg, between two delicious maple flavored griddles! If eaten before other McPreggo products, will cause effects of those products to onset over time instead of instantly. Each sandwich consumed causes effects to onset over the course of 30 minutes, with additional griddles slowing the onset further. Cannot slow an onset to be longer than the base pregnancy duration.
The Baby Burrito
A breakfast burrito for those who are early-risers, this morning meal has scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, melted cheese, and tater tots, wrapped in a warm flour tortilla. Gives you a singleton at 20 weeks along!
These items are only available for small windows of time, and don't interact with our other products due to their unique nature. They’re a big commitment, but provide a very genuine experience. For customers looking for something that takes more dedication than a standard combo meal.
The McCrib~
A special BBQ rib sandwich, only available during the first month of even numbered years. Slow cooked rib meat slathered in BBQ sauce, the McCrib answers the question of “what if humans could properly fully develop in the womb, rather than being born at just 9 months?”. Comparative to most other species, humans give birth very prematurely so that the baby can be safely delivered. McPreggo quantum babies aren’t ever birthed, allowing us to see what life would be like otherwise. Upon consuming a full McCrib, the customer starts on a 21 month pregnancy, spanning 7 trimesters, and allowing the quantum baby to grow to the size and weight of a one year old, with all the challenges and experiences that come with that. A slow burn experience, this pregnancy will include increased weight, size, and strength of the baby inside, finally reaching its apex after almost 2 years of uninterrupted pregnancy. It should be noted that McCrib pregnancies do not stack with each other, so only a singleton may be carried for 21 months. However, other McPreggo products will still function independently, meaning that additional temporary babies may be added, though baby altering effects from items such as the chicken nuggets, will have no effect on the McCrib baby.
The Beastly Burger
An extra large McPreggo burger stacked high with toppings, slathered in a unique “Monster Sauce”, and only sold annually during october. Initiates a 9 month long “anomalous pregnancy”, where the eater becomes pregnant with a mysterious, monstrous entity! Featuring many mouths, eyes, tentacles, and other fun additions that can be felt on the inner walls of the womb! Squirmy and active, it’ll make for a highly engaging and invigorating pregnancy! Will not interact with other McPreggo products, though they can be enjoyed in tandem. (Warning: unusual belly blemishes and strange cravings may occur)
The Festive Feast (Concept By @caitdrawsstuff2)
A unique seasonal item, sold annually during the month of december! A platter of roasted ham, sides of green beans, mashed potatoes, stuffing (with cranberry sauce), a warm roll, and a tall glass of sparkling apple cider (available in a limited time McPreggo branded reusable holiday cup)! Upon completion, initiates a singleton pregnancy which, for the next 12 days, every 24 hours, adds another baby to the consumer’s womb, resulting in full sized DUODECAPLETS by the end. If carrying twelve babies at once wasn’t enough, beginning with the first baby and repeating with each addition, the pregnancy will also incur one of 12 effects. The order of these effects is completely random, meaning only extraordinary lucky patrons will experience the same Festive Feast pregnancy twice.
The possible effects include: +15% extra baby weight, +20% stronger baby activity, +35% brighter stretchmark visibility, +12.5% additional belly length, +12.5% additional belly width, +75% craving and appetite strength, noticeable polyhydramnios, +25% vein visibility, +25% belly skin sensitivity, +12.5% hip width, Popped bellybutton, and 35% darker linea nigra. Effects cannot repeat during a single Festive Feast pregnancy. Will fully stack effects with other McPreggo products, but will continue to progress even after other items wear off. Whole Festive Feasts cannot stack. Festive Feasts are also sold frozen upon request, allowing them to be taken and enjoyed at home! It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
Crispy, salty yukon gold fries! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will make a belly lower and longer, resulting in a torpedo belly! Watch where you point that thing! (Small: +5% belly length, Medium: +7.5% belly length, Large: +10% belly length. Belly height will vary. Percentages are approximate.)
Tater Tots
Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will make a belly wider at the sides, resulting in a beach ball belly. Look pregnant from behind too! (Small: +5% belly width, Medium: +7.5% belly width, Large: +10% belly width. Roundness will vary. Percentages are approximate.)
Onion Rings
Ring segments of onion, battered and fried! What’s not to love? If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will make a belly’s skin a little tighter, resulting in more stretchmarks and visible veins! Look at those tiger stripes! (Small: +15% stretchmark visibility, Medium: +25% stretchmark visibility, Large: +35% stretchmark visibility. Percentages are approximate.)
Mozzarella Sticks
Breaded and deep fried sticks of mozzarella cheese! Warm and soft, with a great cheese pull! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will extend the effects of an active food-based pregnancy by 90 minutes per stick eaten! Comes in a 4 piece, 6 piece, or 8 piece!
Fried Pickle Chips
A staple with pregnant people, breaded slices of pickle, salted and fried to perfection. If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase the strength of pregnancy cravings when consumed! (Small: +20% craving strength, Medium: +40% craving strength, Large: +60% craving strength. Percentages are approximate.)
Chicken Nuggets~
A staple, back and heavier than ever! A 6 piece nugget with your choice of dipping sauce! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase the weight of babies by 2% per nugget! Careful! That adds up faster than you’d expect!
Spicy Chicken Nuggets
Made with a breading that brings the heat, rile up your cargo with this delicious side! A 6 piece spicy nugget comes with your choice of dipping sauce! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase the activity and energy of quantum babies by 4% per nugget!
Curly Fries~
Perfect for the pregnant patron who wants to show off! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will Increase the interactivity and responsiveness of the quantum babies to external pressure. A small grants a moderate increase, medium a considerable amount, and large an intense increase! Perfect for filming baby kicking videos or entertaining a handsy partner!
Chili Cheese Fries~ 
Enjoy a platter of chili covered fries, topped with melted cheese! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will induce light bloating and gassiness, which may cause increased burping.
Sweet Potato Fries~
Bright orange and delightfully sweet! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause the consumer to become sleepy and potentially nap prone, perfect for winding down after a long day of pregnancy. A small helps the consumer relax, a medium makes them nap prone, and a large will make them very sleepy! (Do not operate a motor vehicle while or shortly after consuming)
Side Salad (Suggested by @zaloog81)
A classic salad that gives you a healthy boost! A small salad that goes with any of our fine salad dressings (see dips, dressings, and sauces). If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase energy and lower fatigue of the eater by a noticeable amount! Combo with your favorite dressing to specialize for your next activity!
Hand Mixed Sodas!
Our Hand Mixed Sodas are made with a carbonated base, and are customizable with shots of flavor, each with their own effects! Combine your favorites for a delightful, refreshing augmentation to your pregnancy experience!
A summertime classic with all the Red No. 40 you know and love!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will darken the visible linea nigra line on the belly by 20% per shot of flavoring!
Tangy, tropical, and uniquely sweet!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause stretchmarks to spread of places other than the belly, traveling across the hips, thighs, and arms too! More shots means more coverage!
The classic artificial cough syrup variety you grew up with, now with a twist!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase blood flow to belly skin, giving it extra visible “blush”. Increases belly blush by 25% per shot.
Unique and refreshing, goes with most other tropical fruits!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause the belly to glow with a safe, heatless light from within! Starts with a soft glow and grows brighter with more shots, though will never go above that of a laval lamp. Use Pineapple, Peach, and Blue Raspberry shots to color the glow!
Includes that tingling sensation from the pineapple enzymes eating you back!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will tint any glow effects from the orange syrup a bright yellow color! 3 shots reaches full color saturation.
Ripe and juicy, tastes like it’s straight form Georgia!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will tint any glow effects from the orange syrup a vibrant red color! 3 shots reaches full color saturation.
Blue Raspberry
Why is it blue? Who cares? Still tastes great!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will tint any glow effects from the orange syrup a cool blue color! 3 shots reaches full color saturation.
Tart opener with a sweet finish, and pairs with pretty much every other option! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase belly skin sensitivity to touch by 20% per shot. 
Citrusy and a little sour! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will simulate the sensation of hiccups from your quantum babies with increasing strength per shot.
Dips, Dressings, and Sauces!
Caesar Salad Dressing
A mix of dijon mustard, lemon juice, and worcestershire sauce perfect for anyone craving a classic caesar salad! If drizzled over a McPreggo side salad and eaten, will increase nesting drive by 40% for the duration of the McPreggo pregnancy. The energy given by the salad will be put toward this nesting instinct.
Tangy Vinaigrette
An old favorite with a bite, this vinaigrette goes great on our side salad! If drizzled over a McPreggo side salad and eaten, will increase joint flexibility and ease of movement by a noticeable amount. Make your maternity yoga class a breeze with our lovely dressing!
Thousand Island Dressing
An american classic, thousand island is a great topper to our side salad. If drizzled over a McPreggo side salad and eaten, will increase sense of smell and taste substantially, making your craving foods taste even better!
Ranch Dressing
Classic thick, creamy ranch, good for nuggets and salads alike! When combined with any McPreggo food, will increase the visibility of veins on the belly by 60%!
Marinara Sauce
Take the routine out of your usual McPreggo order with out tomato-y marinara sauce! When eaten with our mozzarella sticks, will increase the duration of the pregnancy by a random amount, varying from 10-40%! 
BBQ sauce
Tangy and a little sweet, our BBQ sauce can’t be beat! If pregnant with a McPreggo product and fully aware of this sauce’s effects before eating, will induce a slightly hazy, forgetful “pregnancy brain” sensation for the duration of the food pregnancy! 
Fry sauce
A thick fry sauce for an even thicker patron! Enjoy this northwestern classic and round out a little! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause thighs and buttocks to grow visibly thicker, with increasing effects the more is eaten.
We don’t need to pitch ketchup to you. It’s ketchup. You know you like it. If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will shift the distribution of babies within the womb to make it visibly lopsided. Will never push babies into an unsafe or painful position for either party.
Classic yellow mustard with a tummy-altering twist! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will shift the distribution of babies within the womb to make it visibly oblong, causing a tummy that’s considerably wider than it is “tall”. Will never push babies into an unsafe or painful position for either party.
Hot Mustard (Concept By @wannabemumma)
A familiar favorite with heat that sneaks up on you! If eaten with a McPreggo Product, will hasten the onset of the effect of that food item, reducing the growth or change duration by about 90%! (Takes the usual 45 second duration down to just under 5!) Really put the rapid back in rapid pregnancy!
Honey Mustard (Concept By @wannabemumma)
A sweeter version of an old favorite! If eaten with a McPreggo product, will cause the effects to onset more slowly, over approximately 5 minutes. Stacks additively with other onset-lengthening effects
Smoothies and Frozen Drinks
Tropical Mist Smoothie
Featuring peach, guava, and passionfruit, this tropical smoothie makes you feel like you just spent an afternoon on the beach! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will give the drinker the visual effects of healthy sun exposure, with no UV ray-based downsides! Enjoy a subtle tan and occasional freckles! Visual effects will be most strongly concentrated on the midriff.
Strawberry Smoothie
Elegant in its simplicity, the Strawberry Smoothie tastes exactly how it says on the tin! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will soften the skin by a noticeable degree, lasting until the end of the quantum pregnancy. Effect will be most noticeable on the midriff.
Pineapple Mango Smoothie 
A tangy and refreshing combo, complete with the enzymes that eat you back! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause tightening of the womb and ab muscles. Not enough to feel like a contraction to the drinker, but will “pull in” and tighten the belly, as well as make it considerably more firm to the touch. A great middle ground between being in the third trimester, and experiencing braxton hicks.
Acai Blueberry Smoothie
Both tasty and health conscious! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will shift the womb up, allowing the drinker to carry higher. May cause mild chest tightness from the internal shifting, but will never reach a level that is alarmingly uncomfortable or dangerous.
Kale Smoothie
Get your daily greens in smoothie form! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause cravings for veggies, legumes, grains, and other foliage. Is a great start to one of our salads!
Mixed Berry Smoothie
Enjoy a mix of strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, AND blackberry, all in one vitamin C packed cup! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause cravings for fruit of all varieties.
Dragonfruit Smoothie
A mix of dragonfruit with some supporting orange and mango, this pink drink is makes a fantastic pairing with any of our entrees. If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause cravings for proteins, animal or plant based, meaning vegetarians can enjoy its effects too!
Carmel Frappe Decaf (induce dessert cravings)
A sweet carmel opening with a bitter coffee finish, without any caffeine for safe pregnant consumption! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause cravings for sweets, with particular preference for baked goods and ice creams! A fantastic combo drink if you plan to stay for dessert.
Chocolate Chip Cookie~
A classic treat with a cute twist! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cycle through belly button types, with each cookie going to the next one in the cycle. Starts with an innie, then pops into an outie, then flattens out as though your navel was too stretched to even pop! If stretched, the next cookie reverts you back to an innie!
Ice Cream Sundae
Comes in hot fudge or carmel! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will lower the visibility of blemishes like stretchmarks or visible veins, resulting in a smoother, softer skinned tummy!
Ice Cream Sandwich
A classic straight from the ice cream truck! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will relieve back pain and contractions brought on by late-stage food-based pregnancy!
Cool, creamy soft serve blended with your choice of twix or reeses peanut butter cups! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will reset all other side and desert item effects. Will not hasten a McPreggo food pregnancy!
Cookies and Crème
A thick and creamy milkshake that’s loaded with blended chocolate cookie bits! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase milk production and potentially even breast size! (Small: +100% milk production, Medium: +175% milk production, Large: +250% milk production. Percentages are approximate, breast size increase will vary)
Apple Pie Delight
A whole slice of apple pie dumped right into our vanilla milkshake mix and blended until thick! It still counts as A La Mode, right? If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase sex drive in those who drink it and are fully aware of its effects before consuming. (Small: +75% libido, Medium: +125% libido, Large: +175% libido. Percentages are approximate and based on starting sex drive. Does not function without awareness)
Maternal Marionberry
Oregon marionberries, in a milkshake, served so thick you probably need a spoon. Need we say more? If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will widen and soften hips, and give you that pregnancy glow! (Small: +5% hip width, Medium: +7.5% hip width, Large: +10% hip width. Percentages are approximate)
Marshmallow Plush
A McPreggo specialty, a delightful blend of marshmallow cream with cool vanilla makes for a surprisingly heavy drink! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, soften the exterior of a pregnant belly, making you plush and plump! (Small: +15% belly fat, Medium: +25% belly fat, Large: +35% belly fat. Percentages are approximate)
At McPreggo, we strive to create a genuinely enjoyable dining experience, with a special twist! Our food has the unique, distinct, and trademarked ability to create a simulated pregnancy in anyone who eats it! Combine any number of pregnancy-inducing entrees with pregnancy affecting sides and desserts, and you can custom tailor your McPreggo experience to exactly your desires! Experience anything from a singleton to a septuplet pregnancy with our professionally prepared meals, and shape your belly and pregnancy experience however you wish. As a subsidiary of Quantum Yum LLC, we guarantee our food and quantem-multiversal pregnancies are safe, ethically sourced, and best of all, enjoyable!
Please note that pregnancies from our food will never result in labor and will revert after 6 hours. However, a pregnancy is still a pregnancy, so expect back pain, swelling, internal movement, and cravings, among other side effects, from our meals. We hope you enjoy your food and have a fun and safe time trying out pregnancy! Sincerely, the R&D team at Quantum Yum LLC.
Oh… you’re still reading? You must be here for the secret menu then…
I won’t be coy or keep you waiting, you’ve been patient enough. ;)
The McPreggo Secret Menu
Overdue Strip Basket
A logical extension of an existing menu item, enjoy a 4 or 5 piece chicken basket with your choice of sauce! When ordered off of the secret menu, the twins continue to grow at a rate of 1 trimester per strip, meaning a basket will land you with twins in their 4th or 5th trimester based on the size you ordered. Enjoy carrying twins at multiple months overdue!
The Octomom ~
Simple but effective, an 8 patty burger (that’s 2 lbs of meat) with all the usual fixings. A slog to eat, a joy to carry. Nadya Suleman walked so we could waddle. 
Carnivore’s Craving (Suggested by @wannabemumma)
Every meat on the lunch menu, on one gargantuan sandwich, granting one gargantuan pregnancy! Comes topped with fry sauce drizzle (yes, the stuff that makes your thighs and ass thicker), and an optional free small Marshmallow plush shake!
The sandwich in question includes: 1 beef patty, 1 chicken patty, 1 fish patty, 2 chicken strips, 2 chicken nuggets, and 2 spicy nuggets. This, when fully consumed, grants the consumer either full term triplets or quadruplets (50/50 odds), second trimester twins, with all babies 4% heavier and 8% more active, with polyhydramnios to top it off. Meatlovers, eat your heart out!
Maternal Masochist
For customers who want to push their pregnancy toward a more intense route, enjoy a Labor Inducer with spicy nuggets and ketchup, to get pregnant with one, enjoy strong braxton hicks contractions with an active baby, who’s also lopsided in your belly. About as uncomfortable as it gets, add additional quantum babies at your own risk.
“Has Pregnancy Increased Your Sex Drive?”
Includes a Baby Burrito, side salad with vinaigrette, triple-shot lemonade soda, and large apple pie delight! Get just pregnant enough to reap the effects. The side salad gives energy while the vinaigrette gives flexibility, the lemonade soda makes belly more sensitive, and the apple pie delight ramps up sex drive. Pair with other entrees for more belly, or mozz sticks for more longevity.
The Bottomless Belly
Includes a McPreggo single burger with a large side of fried pickle chips, with thousand island dressing for dipping. Pushes cravings into overdrive, making anything taste good. Go home and polish off every leftover in the house. Enjoy the food coma!
Model Mommy
Enjoy a Triple stack, with onion rings on the burger, cherry mango grape soda, and tater tots and ranch dressing on the side! All of the possible markings, stretch marks spread everywhere, veins, blush, linea nigra, and an extra wide triplet belly to display it all on! The ideal tummy for a pre-pregnancy try on challenge!
Gravid Gambler
Chicken nuggets, slathered in bbq sauce, with 2 Breaded babymaker patties as buns, with a side of mozz sticks, and marinara sauce! Roll the dice on twins to quads, add random extra duration, and throw in extra weight and some forgetfulness to keep it interesting!
Extra Thicc!
Enjoy a Twinner, 2 large tots with fry sauce, and an exclusive Marionberry Marshmallow Milkshake! Go for twins, go wide with the belly, then enjoy wide hips, soft ass, thick thighs, and squishy tummy. Be the pregnant cuddle buddy your friends deserve!
Sisters From Different Misters Sandwich~
Like the Land, Sea, and Air from an unnamed competitor, but with a pregnant twist! Enjoy a double burger, a chicken sandwich patty, and a fish filet all the same sandwich. End up with, 4-5 babies, with a garnish of polyhydramnios to boot!
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rebuildingrob · 10 months
Feeling like the Geto Boys
Daily writing promptTell us about your first day at something — school, work, as a parent, etc. View all responses I’m going to talk about my first day as a parent. Near the end of the pregnancy, we were told that X1 had polyhydramnios. For those of you who didn’t bother clicking on the link, polyhydramnios is a condition where there is too much amniotic fluid during the pregnancy. In the case…
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nklanhngo447 · 1 year
Chỉ số nước ối AFI là gì và có ý nghĩa như thế nào?
Chỉ số nước ối AFI là gì và có ý nghĩa như thế nào?
Chỉ số nước ối AFI (Amniotic Fluid Index) là một phần của quá trình đánh giá nước ối trong tử cung của một bà bầu. Nước ối là chất lỏng trong túi nước ối bao bọc thai nhi trong tử cung và có vai trò quan trọng trong việc bảo vệ và cung cấp môi trường cho sự phát triển của thai nhi. Chỉ số AFI được tính dựa trên kết quả siêu âm thai kỳ.
Cụ thể, để tính chỉ số nước ối AFI, bác sĩ sử dụng siêu âm thai để đo chiều sâu của túi nước ối ở nhiều vị trí khác nhau trong tử cung của bà bầu. Sau đó, các giá trị đo được tổng hợp lại để tạo thành chỉ số tổng lượng nước ối. Chỉ số AFI thường được tính bằng cm hoặc được đánh giá dưới dạng số.
Ý nghĩa của chỉ số nước ối AFI là đánh giá mức lượng nước ối có sẵn trong tử cung của một bà bầu. Mức nước ối có thể thay đổi theo thời gian trong suốt thai kỳ. Mức nước ối thấp (oligohydramnios) hoặc mức nước ối cao (polyhydramnios) có thể gây ra các vấn đề sức khỏe cho thai nhi và mẹ.
Oligohydramnios (nước ối thiếu): Có thể gây ra vấn đề về phát triển của thai nhi, vấn đề về hệ tiết niệu của thai nhi, hoặc nguy cơ sinh non tăng lên.
Polyhydramnios (nước ối quá nhiều): Có thể gây ra vấn đề về tiền sản giật, khó đặt thai, hoặc vấn đề về dây rốn.
Chỉ số nước ối AFI giúp bác sĩ theo dõi và đánh giá mức nước ối trong tử cung của bà bầu và có thể giúp trong việc xác định xem cần thực hiện các xét nghiệm hay can thiệp y tế nào để bảo vệ sức khỏe của thai nhi và mẹ.
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metamorphosisme · 1 year
To prove to the doctors that your not just some fat pig, that they are assholes for calling you obese when you actually had polyhydramnios
That you actually know what your talking about when you say you restrict and count calories
To loose so much more weight my belly sag gets even worse, bad enough to have the surgery partially paid for! Could have been prevented but no im just fucking obese!
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#volume 1 #volume 2 #CPT #hcpcs #alphabeticalindex #ICD #ICD 10CM #medicalbilling #medicalcoding #insurance #medicalcodingtraining #healthcareindustry #rcmbusiness #coding #drram #drramasubbu This video discusses human placenta and its layers – decidua, chorion, amnion and the fluid which is amniotic fluid. Conditions like polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios are gone over together with the goal treatment which is amniocentesis done…
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