#polyfire fanfic
And we’re back with another installment of everyone’s favorite messes! Mwahahaha.
I think this is an installment that people had hoped for or even requested, so I hope that it lives up to expectations. I had a lot of fun writing it.
Title: Both Bermuda and Golden (Lost but Doing Just Fine)
Rating: E
Pairing: Buck/Eddie/Tommy and variations thereupon
Chapters: 8/11
Entry Summary: Eddie's sparring with Tommy takes an interesting turn.
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xunandran · 5 months
Home (Firepilot/Queerplatonic Polyfire)
Got thinking about one of my recent posts, and an idea just nagged at me. so here you go, some Firepilot/queerplatonic Polyfire fluff.
Home (837 words)
Sometimes, the job sucked. Sometimes it took you away from the ones you loved for far too long. This had been such a time. After spending the last week holed up in a tent in the California mountains as part of a wildfire response team, Tommy was happy to be back in Los Angeles proper. He’d be even happier once he was in his own bed rather than a cot with twenty snoring firefighters. One was enough for him, and he couldn’t wait to see him. 
He turned off his headlights before pulling into the drive to Eddie’s house. As expected, Buck’s Jeep was parked alongside Eddie’s truck. He shut off the engine and hopped out of his own truck. The house was dark, save for a flickering from the living room windows. He checked the time, 11:24pm. He had hoped to make better time. Couldn’t be helped. 
He thumbed through his ever expanding keyring. Car. His. Buck’s. Eddie’s. It had felt strange adding the last key to the jumpring, but Eddie had insisted. 
“Buck trusts you, and I trust you,” he had said all those months ago. 
He slid the key in the lock and pulled the door open. The flickering he witnessed from outside was from Eddie’s TV. More accurately, it was from the looping menu screen of a DVD playing on Eddie’s TV. 
Love Actually.
Tommy smiled fondly as he quietly pushed the door closed, not that the door would be heard over Buck’s snoring from what he presumed was the couch. As he rounded into the living room, the sight before him brought the tenderest of smiles to his lips. He pulled his phone from his pocket and quietly snapped a few photos to capture the memory. 
Eddie leaned against the end of the couch, one arm draped over the side, the other wrapped around Buck, who was currently passed out, curled up on the couch like a cat, head in Eddie’s lap. A string of drool glistened along his lips and his cheek, pooling in a dark stain on Eddie’s jeans. Somehow, possibly due to how lanky he was, Christopher had found enough room to join the snuggle pile, and he leaned against Buck, his sleeping slack mouthed face a near carbon copy of his father’s. 
The coffee table had two beer bottles, a juice box, an empty pizza box and a half-filled bowl of popcorn. 
“Eddie.” Tommy was quiet as he lightly tapped on the man’s shoulder to wake him.
Warm brown eyes fluttered opened tiredly, first one, then the other. “Tommy?”
“I came by for Evan,” Tommy whispered, kneeling at the outside of the arm of the couch Eddie was leaning against. 
The other man yawned and looked across the couch at the two forms sprawled over him. “Good luck with that,” he said with a sleepy, sincere grin. “Buck’s a bear to wake up. I’d help but…” He gestured to the current situation. 
“I’m aware.” Tommy’s laugh caused Buck to stir in Eddie’s lap, but he didn’t wake up. “Let me get Christopher to bed for you first. Do we need to wake him to brush his teeth?” Tommy lifted Christopher off of Buck and carefully draped the teen against his chest. Christopher fidgeted briefly before settling against Tommy’s strong form. 
“Probably, but he’s just been to the dentist. I’ll make sure he brushes extra long tomorrow morning. Would rather not deal with two grouches.” While Tommy carried Christopher to his room, Eddie lightly jostled Buck’s shoulder. “Wake up, sleepyhead. Tommy’s home.”
Buck groaned and snuggled in deeper, an endearing sight. “Tommy…” he muttered, as if the word had filtered through into whatever dreamscape he currently found himself. Even in sleep, the mention of the other man’s name twisted his lips into the smallest of fond smiles. 
Tommy wandered back in from the back hall. “Package secured.” He smiled down at Buck, who was still just as asleep as when he left. “What about this one?”
“Out like a light,” Eddie mused, stretching as much as he was able to with Buck’s head in his lap. “Why don’t you two take my bed. No sense in trying to pour him into your truck tonight.” 
“Are you sure, Eddie?” Tommy had already started gathering the empty bottles and the box of pizza to relocate them to the kitchen. “I don’t want to put you out.”
“I’m sure. Just bring me the pillow and spare blanket from that closet over there.” 
Tommy moved the empties and retrieved the blanket and pillow, setting them on the coffee table. “Okay, Evan. Let’s get you to bed.” He scooped up the other man, barely needing to exert himself to lift almost two hundred pounds of sleeping muscle. Eddie stretched his released legs and curled up on the couch and pulled the blanket over him, mimicking Buck only moments ago. “Thanks for looking out for him, Eddie.”
“Always,” Eddie said with a yawn as he settled in. “I’m glad you’re home, Tommy. Sleep well.”
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jackmichaela · 3 months
Tumblr media
911 fandom dancing the devils dance (multishipping) let’s goooooooo
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watchyourbuck · 1 month
six of hands, three of souls
day 3/7 for @buddietommy-week | soulmates
buddietommy | 6,2k | explicit
And Buck was happy, he really was.
Finding your soulmate was a privilege. A luxury, if you will.
Finding your soulmate twice was, however, a bit unexpected.
OR: a buddietommy soulmate AU (Includes established buddie + the soulmate talk + Tommy sucking them both off at the end of the night).
Read on ao3
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diazsdimples · 3 months
We built this family together - Buddietommy, 6.9k | General
Evan Buckley knows he is one of the luckiest men alive. It’s taken him a long time to get to this point. After years of feeling as though he was stumbling through life, just barely managing to keep up with any blows the universe aimed at him, he finally feels confident about knowing exactly what his place in the world is. He is a firefighter. He is a partner. He is a father. And today, a mild day in the middle of June, he gets to celebrate being the latter. OR Buck, Eddie, and Tommy celebrate their first Father's Day with their babies.
Read the rest on AO3!
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911varietyposts · 2 months
Spoil That Man
BuddieTommy | 1,655 words | Explicit
Part of @buddietommy-week (Monday Prompts Used: Hurt/Comfort/(Over)Protectiveness, Size Queen and “X! I swear to god, put me DOWN!”)
“C’mon Eddie. Chris is gone to a friend’s house tonight and you’ve been stressed for weeks now baby. Not to mention, you had that knee injury that was bothering you. Let us spoil you for once.” Evan cooed against Eddie’s ear, causing the man to shiver, goosebumps appearing on his neck.
OR: Eddie is spoiled by his boyfriends.
Ao3 Link: Spoil That Man - brittwrites - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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titanlord231 · 4 months
Fic Idea:
Buck, Tommy, and Eddie are all dating and haven’t told anyone yet. While out going bowling or something with Albert, Chimney sees Eddie and Tommy out on a date. Next shift he tells Hen about it who mentions she saw Buck and Tommy the other night when her and Karen went out to dinner. Antics ensue as Chimney and Hen try to figure out what’s going on to because they think Tommy is two timing Buck and Eddie.
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babygirl-diaz · 1 month
I Waited Ages
Hmmm... I don't know if I should make this a long fic and do more of Alex and Eddie and a slow burn of BuddieTommy... Lemme know your thoughts!
Summary: Eddie goes to a gay bar and meets someone
Eddie didn't know what he was doing here on his own. He always considered himself an ally but none of his LGBT friends ever asked him to accompany them to a gay bar. But he was recently exploring more of himself, discovering new things, and that's how he ended up here.
"Hey handsome, what can I get you?" The bartender, a big burly guy with a 10000-watt smile asked him. "Digging your pornstache, by the way."
Eddie blushed at the compliment and ran his pointer finger and thumb across his mustache to groom it. "Thanks," he said. "And can I get a whiskey? Neat."
"Coming right up," the bartender replied and walked away to presumably get his drink.
Eddie looked around nervously. Part of him was regretting coming here because he felt like all eyes were on him.
"Relax, no one is looking at you..."
Eddie turned around in his stool and almost punched the guy who had said that in his ear. But the guy had good reflexes and ducked, dodging his blow. "Shit!" Eddie hissed. "I am so sorry! You just scared me!"
The man chuckled and shook his head. "It's all good. I shouldn't have whispered in your ear like a creep."
There were definitely people looking at him now and probably thinking he was some kind of gay basher. Great.
"Oh god, just go back to your flirting, gentlemen! There is nothing to see here!" The man said loudly before taking a seat next to Eddie.
"You have good reflexes," Eddie commented.
"Thanks, learned it in the Army," the man replied with an exasperated tone. Eddie could tell he wasn't proud of that, but he didn't push.
"Alex, you good?" The bartender returned and gave Eddie a glare. "Listen, man, if you're gonna do that then I'll have to kick you out."
"Chill, Billy. I'm good," Alex replied. "It was just a misunderstanding. Can I get my usual?"
"Your disgusting Sapphire Martini?" Billy scrunched up his nose. "Coming right up."
"Why do you have to make it so good if you don't want me drinking it?" Alex laughed and shook his head. "Well, I'm Alex. As you can probably tell," he said coming back to Eddie.
"I'm Edmundo... Eddie," Eddie introduced himself and gave the man a smile.
"I kinda like Edmundo..." Alex replied and gave him a smile. He picked up Eddie's drink, took a sip without asking, and coughed. "Jesus Christ! Are you trying to kill me?"
"I didn't ask you to drink it," Eddie reminded him.
"Fair," Alex said with a roll of his eyes.
Eddie chuckled and took in his neighbor. Alex was tall but about an inch or two shorter than Eddie, he was on the skinnier side but had a broad chest and thick biceps, and warm beige skin with the brightest blue eyes. Okay, maybe not as bright as Buck's, but they were beautiful. Wait... Holy shit... Did he just admit that a guy, who wasn't Buck or Tommy, had beautiful eyes? That was new.
"You're staring," Alex told him in that rich voice of his as he took a sip of the blue martini that Eddie hadn't even noticed the bartender bringing to him.
Eddie blushed and looked down.
"Not that I mind," Alex added. "Kinda like being the center of someone's attention."
Eddie cleared his throat and changed the subject. "So what are you drinking?"
"You wanna try?" Alex offered the glass to him.
Eddie took it and took a sip, doing a double take. "That is... Surprisingly good."
"Right?" Alex asked. "Everyone always just brushes it off because of its color. Do you want one? Much better than that... poison you're drinking."
"It's just whiskey!" Eddie said defensively.
"Potato, potaato." Alex laughed once again and Eddie found himself drawn to that laugh. "Hey, Billy! Can you get my friend over here a Blue Sapphire? Put it on my tab!"
"You don't have a tab!" Billy replied. "And god, are you trying to scare away my patrons with that shitty drink?"
"Edmundo likes it!" Alex replied.
Eddie found that he didn't mind Alex calling him Edmundo.
Billy brought over the drink and gave it to Eddie, “It’s your funeral, my friend.” 
Eddie smiled and shook his head. "It's not that bad."
"Just because Alex is objectively hot doesn't mean you have to agree with him," Billy told Eddie, leaning in close to him. He patted his hand before walking away.
"He's just jealous," Alex replied and childishly blew Billy a kiss when the man flipped him off.
"So... Edmundo... what brings you here?" Alex asked.
"You've been itching to ask that, haven't you?" Eddie asked him.
"No, I've been itching to ask about that pornstache actually," Alex replied and winked at him. "The 70s called, they want their stache back, but I say don't give it to them because it really suits you."
Eddie laughed and shook his head. He hadn't laughed this much since Christopher left for Texas. "Thank you," he said appreciatively. "My friends just tease me about it, but I'm glad someone appreciates it."
"Well, they don't know how to appreciate beauty then." Alex was clearly flirting and Eddie found that he didn't really mind it.
After a couple more of Sapphire Martini, Eddie had let loose and was leaning closer to Alex as Alex talked about random things. There was something about him that reminded Eddie of Buck.
"So what do you do?" Alex finally asked. "I think now is a good point to ask that."
"I'm a firefighter," Eddie replied.
"Could you be any more stereotypical?" Alex teased as he finished off his third or maybe his fourth martini.
"Why? What do you do? Actually, lemme guess... You're a model slash actor."
"Close enough... I'm a Human Rights Lawyer, so I'm starving either way," Alex joked, smirking at him.
"I like your sense of humor. Reminds me of someone..."
"Oh no... You're not one of those, are you?" Alex asked scrunching his nose.
"One of who?" Eddie asked furrowing his eyebrows.
"Those guys who realize they are gay after falling in love with their straight best friend?"
"My best friend is anything but straight," Eddie huffed.
"But he's in a relationship?" Alex asked.
"Are you a mind reader?" Eddie asked surprised. "But yeah, he is."
"So how long have you known that you've been in love with him?"
"I'm not," Eddie replied, but when Alex raised an eyebrow, he added, "Like a month ago, maybe. My son left to go live with his grandparents and I've been lonely so Buck and his boyfriend have been coming over every day to keep me company."
"Both of them? That's nice," Alex commented. "That must be hard for you, though."
"That's the thing... It's not. I am genuinely happy for them. If anything I am just jealous of their relationship. I look at it and I'm thinking I want that!" Eddie tried to explain.
"Hmmmm...." Alex hummed like he was thinking something. "Do you wish it was you with Buck instead of this other guy?"
"Not really. Tommy is a great guy. He makes Buck really happy and I could never imagine breaking them up... I just-" Eddie sighed defeated. "It's hard to explain."
"Okay... Edmundo... Lemme ask you this... Do you wish you were a part of that relationship?" Alex asked.
"What?" Eddie let out a surprised sound. "No! How would that be even possible?"
"Polyamory relationships are a thing you know," Alex pointed out.
"Like Sister Wives?" Eddie asked confused and tilted his head to the side.
Alex looked like he was holding back a laugh. "Yes, Edmundo, exactly like that. You and Tommy can be sister wives."
Eddie frowned. "I feel like you are making fun of me."
"I would never!" Alex let out a fake gasp. "No, but I think you should tell them how you feel."
"Are you crazy? They're gonna think I've lost my mind! They already think I'm being weird. That's why I came here today. To take my mind off them," Eddie explained.
"And you found me! Trust me, I am great at making people forget about the love or loves of their life," Alex said, winking at him. "You wanna come back to mine?"
"No, he wouldn't," a familiar stern voice said from behind them.
Eddie turned around and saw Buck and Tommy standing there with identical frowns on their faces.
"How did you find me?" Eddie asked confused. "Are you two tracking me or something?"
"No, we just came by to have a drink... and found you," Buck said confused. "What are you doing here, Eddie?"
"Having a drink?" Eddie lamely supplied.
"Out of all the bars in L.A. A gay bar is the one you decided to come to?" Tommy asked.
Eddie shrugged. "It's close to my place and I heard good things about it."
Buck sighed and rubbed his forehead like he had a headache coming on. "You-"
"Come on, let's go, we can talk about this back at your place," Tommy quickly chimed in.
"NO!" Eddie said adamantly. "I wanna go back to Alex's place."
"You what?!" Buck exclaimed. "How drunk are you?"
"I am perfectly sober, thank you very much," Eddie huffed.
"Well, you're obviously not if you wanna go home with some random guy!" Buck replied.
"Evan, calm down," Tommy said grabbing his boyfriend's arm.
"I don't get why you're so mad?" Eddie asked. "I was so supportive of you when you came out!"
Alex leaned in close to Eddie and whispered, "He's jealous," in his ear. He then took Eddie's earlobe between his teeth and started kissing behind his ear.
"Hey! Get away from him!" Buck yelled and tried to lunge at Alex, only to have Tommy pull him back.
"Whoa... Easy there, tiger," Tommy said. "Eddie, do you really wanna go home with Alex?"
"He said he does, didn't he?" Alex chimed in.
Tommy glared at him in return. "I wasn't asking you."
"Okay, you know what? I don't have to stand here and listen to this guy." Buck made his way over to Eddie with a dark look in his usually bright eyes that kind of turned Eddie on.
Before Eddie knew it, Buck scooped him up and threw him over his shoulder. Eddie yelped and kicked his feet. "Hey! Let me down!"
"No, you're coming home," Buck replied.
Tommy looked at them amused and he looked like he was proud of Buck.
When Buck started walking, Eddie looked at Alex over his shoulder and found the other man smirking.
"You're welcome!" Alex called out.
"I'll see you around!" Eddie replied. "Find me on Instagram... It's EddieDiazLAFD"
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sugarpenchant · 23 days
a sister's conscience is no match for a brother's throuple
part 4 of my buddietommy series now i know what i'm running towards now ready for human consumption!
1.6k words | T, buddietommy, complete
includes mistaken/presumed infidelity but absolutely zero actual infidelity
It was easy for Maddie to promise herself she'd never keep anything from Buck ever again. It was really, really hard to knock on her little brother's door to tell him something that would break his heart. Or, Maddie gets the wrong idea and Buck tells her the right answer.
Maddie knocked on Buck’s apartment door, too early for sane people but she’d left sanity behind at around two a.m. after worrying herself into a spiral about her baby brother. She’d thought that Buck getting back together with Tommy a few weeks ago would be the end of heartache for him, but a certain image was burned to the back of eyelids, and she couldn’t unsee it, or un-know it, and Buck deserved the truth from her. After everything they’d been through together, Maddie had sworn to herself that she would never keep another secret.
Buck pulled the door open and the expectant grin faltered when he saw her, probably due to the ‘trying not to cry’ vibe Maddie knew she was giving off.
“Maddie, hey. Is everything ok?” Buck asked slowly.
keep reading on ao3
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Happy birthday to the United States, which I am using as an excuse to post breeding kink smut!
Because y’know someone has to be conceived in order to be born, and... have a birthd... oh forget it.
Title: Both Bermuda and Golden (Lost but Doing Just Fine)
Rating: E
Pairing: Buck/Eddie/Tommy and variations thereupon
Chapters: 9/11
Entry Summary: A kink Eddie's long kept hidden is revealed.
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xunandran · 4 months
Tease (more than a) Tidbit Tuesday - PolyFire Edition
Extra bit since I don't think I posted anything last week. Here's the first part of some PolyFire smut I'm working on. some of the prompts for the piece include:
Buck and Tommy want to fold Eddie into their dynamic.
Tommy shows Eddie all the different things that he's found that drives Buck crazy.
-- Your body, my only lesson (3054 Words - Unfinished) --
Every two weeks, the television at the Diaz household is taken over by, as Buck puts it ‘half naked men pummeling each other.’ Back in the beginning, it was Eddie and Tommy. Marisol usually took Christopher out for ice cream or pizza or to the movies. After Buck and Tommy started dating, the dynamic gradually shifted. It was still Eddie and Tommy watching the fights, but Marisol became less and less of a fixture, instead replaced by Buck and Christopher in the teen’s room, often playing some video game or another. 
Tonight’s fight isn’t one for the record books. It’s slow and uninteresting, affording Eddie and Tommy more time to talk than usual. They’re already on their third beer in rather quick succession, Buck already agreeing to get him and Tommy back to their places at the end of the night. 
One of the things Eddie’s noticed about Tommy in their months of hanging out is how honest he gets when he’s had a few too many. When Tommy and Buck had first started officially dating, outside the tragic pizza parlor incident, it was on this very couch that an inebriated Tommy had spilled the beans as to how quick a study Buck was in the bedroom. 
Eddie wants to claim that he is scandalized by this knowledge. If anyone asked, Tommy included, he’d surely hem and haw and make some show of being thoroughly disinterested in the fact. But in truth, since he’s admitting it to himself and nobody else, knowing Buck’s sexual prowess secondhand is somehow more enticing than hearing it from Buck himself. He tucks Tommy’s stories into a small box in the back of his mind to revisit behind his bedroom’s closed doors. 
Over time, he’s come to expect and enjoy these little confessions from Tommy. He pretends that he’s not hanging on the older man’s every word or storing the way Tommy demonstrates some new trick Buck’s learned on the bottle of beer in his hands. He always makes sure the fridge is stocked, making a special trip every two weeks to make sure Tommy has his favorites. 
Periodically throughout the evening, Buck passes through, padding to the kitchen for more pizza, more popcorn, more juice for himself and Christopher. At first, he’d comment toward them as he walked back, but as time and familiarity with their relationship bloomed, words turned to looks, looks turned to touches, and touches turned to gentle kisses as he carried whatever snackfood he had in his hands toward the back of the house. If he’s ever heard Tommy’s confessions, he’s never said or acted bothered. 
Tonight’s confession comes four beers in, and it’s a doozy. They’re between matches when Tommy slides closer to Eddie and whispers “You know I was interested in you too, right?”
Eddie swallows dryly, both from the words and from the way Tommy’s hot breath ghosts against his skin. “What?” His single word is higher pitched than he’d like. He doesn’t want to turn to the right. That’s not true. He wants to turn to the right because Tommy’s not moved back to his neutral and safe spot at the other end of the couch. He’s still leaned in, strong hand clapping on Eddie’s shoulder like he’s said the most casual thing a friend can say to another. 
“When?” Eddie risks a glance to the right. Steel blue globes are still trained on him, scouring over his eyes, his cheeks…
His lips. He needs to swallow again. He settles for another drink of his beer to coat his suddenly dry throat. 
“You know…” Tommy’s voice is smooth and sure. His thumb massages along the strip of muscle north of Eddie’s collar bone, occasionally daring to trace the rough digit against the skin under his collar. “Vegas… Muay Thai… The Chevelle.” The light strokes are mesmerizing, and they’ve barely noticed that the next fight has started. 
Eddie dryly swallows a second time, brooding eyes tracing over wide, sharply angled lips. He could kiss him, kiss Tommy. They’re so close. He reads the permission in the other man’s stance and eyes. It’s been weeks since he separated with Marisol. That’s enough time right? It’s not like it’s a relationship. It’s not like he’s moving too fast again, right? His breath is sharp, in through the nose, out through the nose. “What about Buck?”
Tommy’s lips lift into an effortless smile. “I’ve told Evan, god, what, about a month after we started dating. He… understood the interest.”
Eddie laughs, using the levity to break the hold that Tommy’s lips have on him. “I honestly had no idea. When Buck told me that you two were on a date that night, I was clueless.” And he was. Thinking back on it, it didn’t really surprise him that Buck could be into guys, but Tommy? And apparently into him? It was flattering. He clinks their bottles together. “Another?” Tommy nods and Eddie gathers their empties and stands to go to the kitchen. Logic would dictate that it’d be easier to circle around the back of the couch to get to the kitchen. Instead, Eddie lifts his leg and straddles Tommy for the briefest of moments as he steps over the other man to get into the open area of the living room. Tommy’s blue eyes track the line of Eddie’s waist through the entire movement. 
Eddie makes a detour to check on Buck and Christopher. They’re singularly focused on their video game. Eddie hovers in the doorway and watches the way the pink tip of Buck’s tongue slides along the side of his mouth as he concentrates. A brief lull, a loading screen, and Buck looks up from his spot on the floor, teeth flashing in the brightest smile Eddie’s seen. Should he tell Buck about what Tommy’s said? What if Tommy hadn’t actually told Buck anything. He didn’t want to be the reason that anything happened between them. 
“You okay?” Buck’s voice is concerned, quiet.
Eddie shakes off the thoughts of kissing Tommy, of even kissing Buck. “Yeah. Just checking in on my guys.”
“Aww…” Buck teasingly draws a small heart with his index fingers. “How are the fights tonight?”
“Boring. Tommy and I have been chatting mostly.”
Eddie doesn’t know if it’s the single syllable, the tone that Buck uses on it, or the unreadable glint in his bright blue eyes, but something about their interactions seems heavier and more stout than a second before. He walks to the kitchen and discards their empties before grabbing two more from the fridge. He cracks the bottles and tosses the caps, trying to decide on his next course of action. He can’t exactly hide in the kitchen. Tommy’s expecting him. He pads back to the living room, this time opting to walk behind the couch. He hands Tommy his beer as he sits down. The brief brush of the other man’s fingers against his is electric. They clink the bottles together and start on number five. 
“I’ve dreamt about you, you know,” Eddie admits. He doesn’t know why it’s his turn to confess, but the words slip from his lips before he’s properly thought of them. 
Tommy chokes on the potato chip that he has just stuck in his mouth. “Uh, what?”
“You heard me.” Eddie fixes his gaze forward, focusing on the fight on the screen. He pulls a deep swig from the bottle of beer between his hands before setting it on the coaster in front of him. 
Tommy coughs, throat still a bit raw from the sudden sharp fried projectile. “What kind of dreams?” His voice is slightly raspy from the incident. It sounds great on him. Eddie fixes him with a look that needs no explanation or elaboration. “Oh,” Tommy smirks, nodding and taking a large pull of his own beer.
“It’s not just you,” Eddie supplies to fill the space between them. “There’s plenty of people.” Buck chief among them, but he doesn’t say that one. 
Tommy breaks into a jovial laugh. “Someone’s mind is working overtime.”
Eddie sips on his beer. “I don’t know why. I’m in my thirties. I’m not some randy teenager. Hell, I wasn’t even this bad when I was a randy teenager.” Now that it’s out in the air, he likes that he can admit these things to Tommy, risking little more than some gentle teasing but overwhelming support. It should be Buck though. The thought plays in his forefront of his mind, the steady mantra continuously pounding through him like a second heartbeat.
They sit in silence, eyes fixed on the fight. Eddie doesn’t know if it’s awkward or not. He steals glances to his right, furtive sightlines sliding over Tommy before flitting back forward. His fingers drum against his leg nervously as he tries to only pay attention to the screen in front of him. 
Tommy’s noticed the shift, and he’s turned and about to comment when Eddie looks at him. “Did you mean it… that Buck knows?” The words are fast, breathless.
Tommy nods slowly. “I can text him right now if you don’t believe me. Yes, I know he’s in the back with Christopher, and we could just go ask him, but I’d imagine that’d be awkward.”
Eddie palms his hand over his face and groans. When his fingers slip from in front of his eyes, he glances right. Tommy’s bemused expression is endearing. 
Tommy sets his bottle on the coffee table and slides closer to the center of the couch. Not too close, like he’s trying to give Eddie enough time to make some sort of decision. “We’ve talked about it,” He says, almost matter-of-factly. 
“It?” Eddie swallows. He knows what Tommy’s talking about. He’d be lying if he said that recently he hadn’t thought about it, even outside the admitted dreams. But Buck’s his best friend. He knows that argument’s weak. Shannon was his best friend too, before everything. 
“You.” Tommy says as he slides his phone out of his pocket. “Us.” He opens a conversation between Evan and himself and hands the phone over to Eddie. 
>> Hey! I have a question, and I hope you
>> don't take offense.
I doubt I can take offense to a simple <<
question. What’s on your mind? <<
>> Have you had a threesome?
A couple. Why? <<
>> Did you like them?
They were alright. Where’s this coming <<
from, Evan? <<
Evan: >> Would you have another?
>> I’ve never had one.
Really? <<
With all the stories about Buck 1.0 <<
I would have assumed a threesome <<
or two would have been par for the <<
course <<
>> You never answered the question.
Do you want to have a threesome? <<
>> I kinda do. Not that I’m not extremely
>> happy with things how they are. I’m 
>> just curious. 
Do you have anybody in mind? <<
>> You’ll laugh.
>> Or maybe not. 
>> Maybe I shouldn’t say.
>> It’s probably weird. 
Is it Eddie? <<
>> It’s weird, right?
>> He’s my best friend.
>> And all I can think about
>> is what he’s like in bed. 
That’s not weird, Evan <<
It’s natural. I told you I <<
thought Eddie was hot, <<
right? I mean, after we <<
started dating. <<
>> I wonder if that’s what’s put
>> it in my mind. 
I’m up for it. Would you like me to <<
test the waters and see if Eddie’s <<
interested? <<
>> You’d do that?
Sure, Evan. Plenty of couples have <<
threesomes. I’d rather it be with me and <<
someone you trust. <<
Eddie licks his lips as he reads the message string twice. Buck wants to have a threesome? Buck wants to have a threesome with him and Tommy? He hands the phone back to Tommy and takes a shuddering breath. “Well…” he says airily, not quite knowing what to say. His brown eyes dart around Tommy’s still too close features. Did the man scoot closer while he was reading? 
“So what do you think?” Tommy’s voice is measured and clear, casual. How is he not as nervous as Eddie is right now? All he has to do is say yes and he can know the answers to the questions that have nagged at him for the last couple months. He can know for certain if the feelings he’s been harboring for Buck and Tommy are just his mind trying to understand a new dynamic, or if the ache in the back of his throat is one that can be salved with their touch. 
“You’ll show me… I mean… I’ve never…” Eddie trips over his words, his cheeks blazing with a fiery red blush. Tommy closes the distance and tenderly slides his lips against Eddie’s. Eddie breathes their connection with a shudder. For as rough as the man should be from his occupation and his build, his lips are soft and taste of a lingering belgium stout and barbecue from their wings. When Tommy pulls away, Eddie’s body tries to follow, his dazed form captured in Tommy’s magnetic pull. 
Tommy chuckles as Eddie’s mind catches up to the rest of him. “Somehow I’m not surprised that you both had the exact same look. You okay?”
If Eddie were capable of currently making sounds, he’d tell Tommy that yes, he was in fact okay. He tries to form his traitorous voice around numerous different words before simply nodding and smiling dopily. 
“Good.” Tommy strokes his fingers through Eddie’s hair and watches in real time as the redness in his cheeks and neck fade to a comfortable tan. “We’ll show you everything you need to know.” His fingers slide down Eddie’s cheek, and Eddie wants to kiss him again. He leans into the caress, lips pressing against Tommy’s palm. 
“Can you get a sitter for tomorrow evening?” Tommy asks nonchalantly as he strokes Eddie’s cheek. “Does tomorrow work for you? Not too fast?”
Eddie huffs and vigorously shakes his head. “Not too fast. I can find a sitter.”
“Okay then,” Tommy says, lips brushing lightly against Eddie’s again. “Tomorrow.”
Buck has spent the following day texting Eddie throughout. It’s little things mostly, some memes, random bullshit. Eddie’s aware of what he’s doing. He’s trying to keep things as normal as possible. Eddie doesn’t know if the texts are helping, or rather serving to make him more nervous. He wonders if Buck’s just as hyped and/or nervous as Eddie’s been feeling all day. Thankfully, Tommy’s been a bit more muted in his communication. He checked in around lunch to confirm that Eddie was still up for the evening. 
He’s showered twice today, thoroughly cleaning himself in preparation for the evening. Though he’s never been with a man, he’s somewhat familiar with some of the logistics, by virtue of his time as a medic. Should he text and ask what role they are expecting of him? He opts to message Tommy, who says not to worry, he’ll be alright. By the time that Carla shows up to take care of Christopher, Eddie’s wound pretty tight, a solid 50% nerves, 50% excitement. 
They’ve agreed to meet at Tommy’s. Eddie swears he catches every red light on his way there. Tommy texts him along the way to just go ahead and come on in and lock up behind him. Tommy’s place is dark and quiet, save for the low murmur of Buck’s voice from the back. Eddie latches the locks before rubbing his sweaty palms against his jeans. With his hands in his pockets, he pads back to Tommy’s bedroom, not entirely sure what he’s going to walk into. 
Buck is sitting cross-legged in the center of Tommy’s king bed. At present, Tommy’s mostly sat on the edge, but he’s laid back so that his head is in Buck’s lap. The younger man absently slides his fingers through Tommy’s hair as he looks up at Eddie. “Hi.” The word is thick, Buck’s own voice a worried and somewhat raspy mess. Eddie watches as he presses his tongue nervously against the back of his slightly parted lips, the barest hint of pink briefly flicking into view. 
Tommy looks up at Buck before sitting up. “Hey.” Eddie pulls his hand from his pocket and sheepishly waves. He’s not sure what the protocol is, so he’s thankful when Tommy stands up and walks near him. The large man’s presence is strangely comforting as well as exciting. “Evan and I talked while we were waiting.” Tommy’s voice is low in Eddie’s ear and firing through his bloodstream as he circles him. 
“And?” Eddie’s own voice is dry, and he swallows in a vain attempt to moisten the desert behind his lips. 
“So Evan thinks, since you’re new to all this, that I teach you what he likes.” Tommy’s lips brush against the back of Eddie’s neck, and Eddie focuses on Buck.
Buck’s blue eyes are already dark and intense with desire. He pulls himself off the bed and closes with Eddie. Eddie groans as he’s sandwiched between the two lovers. Tommy’s hands drift lazily over Eddie, fingertips tracing their way down his arms. They slide over his hands, interlacing with his own fingers. Buck’s cologne, or maybe it’s just the way he smells sears its way into olfactory memory. He stares at the other man’s lips, so pink and plumped, begging to be kissed, to be nipped and greedily sucked on. Tommy’s strong hands nudge, pulling Eddie’s fingers across Buck’s midsection. The two friends hiss a low groan, eyes locked with each other. Buck’s gaze never wavers as Tommy guides Eddie’s hands under Buck’s shirt and across his hot skin. 
“He’s very sensitive,” Tommy whispers, lips still tracing along Eddie’s neckline. As if on cue, Buck’s stomach ripples underneath Eddie’s light touch. Tommy shifts, lips sliding against Eddie’s ear. His steel blue gaze locks onto his boyfriend. “Evan? Tell Eddie what you want.” Eddie shivers as Tommy’s breath ghosts against his earlobe. 
Eddie can see the trepidation in Buck’s features. It’s not something he can miss, having known the man for so long. Buck’s lips part and Eddie focuses on the image of his lips on Buck’s. Buck’s eyes slide from Eddie’s to Tommy’s. Eddie can’t help but wonder at the look that the other man is giving Buck right now. 
“Undress me, Eddie.” Buck’s voice is small, near afraid. 
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spectrecowboy · 4 months
Fic WIP ✨️
(tommy kinard/evan "buck" buckley/eddie diaz)
Rated T (as of writing right now)
General summary of the whole fic; buck, tommy, and eddie are navigating polyamory and they aren't hiding their relationship, but they're just enjoying eachother, not feeling the need to tell anyone who this doesnt immediately pertain to (ie. christopher). 118 fam keeps coming to (or through) doors and eventually someone's going to put the last bit of the puzzle together.
Thought I'd share a bit of the 5+1-ish things I'm working on, based on what was in this poll. Apparently writing poly ships is my thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
comments (esp. if anyone seems ooc or oddly written) are greatly appreciated!!!
here's a snippet of Maddie giving the boys an eyebrow raise:
Buck can't help but occasionally smile to himself that he has two boyfriends. It's late afternoon, the sun streaming into the loft and him and Eddie have just gotten off shift, exhausted but on time for once. They don't have to pick Chris up from Tía Pepa's until tomorrow morning. He's cooking them a late lunch and enough for 3, hoping that Tommy will eventually make it through LA afternoon traffic to join them. Eddie's currently showering and Buck is setting the table while the food cooks when there's a knock at the door, and Buck jogs to answer.
"Maddie? Hey," he stands aside. "W-what are you doing here?"
"Hey Buck," she smiles, "Sorry to bother you, Jee left toys here and of course those are the ones she's crying for right now," gesturing exasperatedly, she comes inside and goes to his living room.
She scoops up the basket of toys left from Jee-Yun staying with Buck earlier in the week.
"Whatever you're cooking smells amazing," she notices the three plates set out as she comes back to the kitchen, "But I don't want to intrude, looks like you've got plans," and gestures to the table.
"Y-yeah yeah, Tommy's on his way over, Eddie and I came here after our shift,"
"Well tell them I said hello, I have a crying toddler to soothe!" she heads for the door.
Eddie comes out of the bathroom and headed for the table as Maddie's on her way out, "Hey Maddie,"
"Hi Eddie," she turns, smiling and waving at the boys once she's in the hall.
Eddie's already turned away, headed to the table. He's wearing a shirt that's looser than his normal fitted shirts, but what catches Maddie's attention is the 'KINARD' in yellow LAFD font across Eddie's shoulders.
She raises an eyebrow but leaves smiling "See you later boys!"
---- (end, for now 🙂)
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screaming-universe · 5 days
Let's get you home
polyfire, teen, 4k
written for @eddiediaz-week Day 1: Sick Eddie/Taken Care Of, also fulfilling Common Cold for @badthingshappenbingo
Buck has been eyeing Eddie all day, short glances for the most part. He accepted Eddie’s I’m fine, Buck, really with a sigh and grabbed the car keys before Eddie could. Tommy was still sleeping then; he’d just gotten off a shift and into bed a few hours ago, immediately falling asleep. He didn’t even stir when their alarm clock went off and Buck had wordlessly complained about it to the back of Eddie’s neck before rolling around and shutting the alarm up with more force than necessary. “You’re kind of hot, sweetheart,” Buck said once they’d stumbled into the bathroom to get dressed. “Only kind of?” Eddie complained, but only half-heartedly. He sure was not feeling good, even then. But the tiredness and at least some of the aches could be explained by what Buck and he had been up to before falling asleep, and everybody had headaches from time to time. Right? So he thought nothing of it, thought he could get through this. As it turned out he was wrong.
Eddie has trouble admitting he's sick but his boyfriends are there to take care of him.
On ao3!
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diazsdimples · 1 month
(Remember how much I love you 💕)
Apparently I love you so much that you're getting extra sentences with this one. Please enjoy roughly 35 ballet sentences
“So, Evan, what brought you to the New York City Ballet?” Tommy asks. Buck’s stomach does a funny kind of flip when Tommy says his name. He doesn’t usually care for people using his given name, but there’s something about the way Tommy articulates it, like it’s caressing his tongue and effortlessly falling from his lips. He’s never heard it said quite like that before. Buck licks his lips and wills himself not to sound like a total dick in front of the most experienced dancers in the company. “Well, I trained at SAB when I was a teenager because it was the closest to home, and I wanted to give Los Angeles a try but it ended up not being for me.” Eddie arches an eyebrow. Not many people turn down an opportunity to dance in Los Angeles. “Hollywood’s too gaudy,” Buck explains, and Eddie snorts out a laugh. It’s not contemptuous, though, more of an agreement. “And you think New York isn’t?” “At least the people in New York know they’re fake. In Los Angeles they’re all so busy trying to prove they’re authentic that they become delusional and lose themselves completely.” Eddie turns to Tommy, looking positively delighted by Buck’s response. “I like him,” he grins. “Me too. I think we’ll keep you around, kid” Buck flushes from head to toe, his face burning from the praise.
He doesn’t get to enjoy it long, because Tommy snap his fingers and makes a twirling motion with his forefinger. “Well, if you’re here to stay, let’s see what you���re made of! Show us what you’ve got.” Buck stands there, unsure of what to do, until Eddie gives him a sympathetic look. He comes up behind Buck and places his hands on his hips, turning him so they’re both facing the mirror. “Just follow my lead,” Eddie murmurs in Buck’s ear, and Buck swallows hard. Eddie’s body moves fluidly as he pulls into an arabesque, his arm extended gracefully in front of him. Buck follows, enjoying the feeling of his muscles bunching and tensing as he holds the position. Tommy circles him, gently correcting parts of his stance. His hands are gentle as he lifts Buck’s arm slightly. A hand under his chin tilts his head up and he meets Tommy’s eyes. “You’ve got excellent lines Evan. I wonder, can you go as high as Eddie can?” Buck barely has a moment to process what Tommy means before there’s a hand on his belly and another on his knee, and he feels his muscles stretch as Tommy lifts his leg. “Keep those muscles tight,” Tommy instructs as he taps Buck’s abs, and Buck vaguely wonders if he’d set a new record by passing out 15 minutes into his first day. Tommy steps away – Buck almost loses his balance at the sudden lack of solid body against his – and hums appreciatively. “He might give you a run for your money, Eddie,” Tommy grins.
Eddie pulls out of his arabesque and comes to stand next to Tommy, allowing the dancer to loop an arm around his waist and brush a kiss against the back of his neck. That, at least, answers one of Buck’s questions, even if it makes at least 100 more appear in it’s place.
Tagging friends who asked/ showed interest in this wip:
@underwaterninja13 @theotherbuckley @spotsandsocks @monsterrae1 @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
@bigfootsmom @buffaluff @weewootruck
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911varietyposts · 1 month
Heat of the Moment
BuddieTommy | 1,201 words | Explicit
Part of @buddietommy-week (Thursday Prompts Used: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics)
“Maybe if I didn’t have you two prancing around here all the time in all your alpha glory, it wouldn’t have happened early!” Eddie shot back, only to fold forward and lean his forehead against Tommy’s chest, his fingers clutching at the fabric of Tommy’s clothing as he felt his skin go warm. “Sorry. Just…stressing a bit.” He murmured, relaxing a bit as Tommy’s fingers began to card through his hair.
OR: Eddie's heat arrives earlier than expected, so Tommy and Evan take care of their omega.
Ao3 Link: Heat of the Moment - brittwrites - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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callofthecurlew · 2 months
Christopher is back from El Paso with a heartbreaking request for Eddie.
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