#polyamory problems
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catboynutsack · 8 months ago
My therapist has started referring to my partners and I as a Threesome during our sessions I'm gonna lose it
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tangenkanashrine · 5 months ago
How they got married [Crack version]
*At a cute restaurant*
Tanjiro: Guys.... I need to ask you something. *gets down on the ground on one knee*
Kanao: Hm?
Genya: *Was just about to finish his food* Yeah Tanjiro?
Tanjiro: *Pulls out ring box with two rings* Will you both marry me? :<
*Awkward silence, everyone is now watching them*
Genya: *puts his food down* I can't, I'm sorry...
Tanjiro: Oh I understand- I'm sorry for-
Genya: Because I need you two... to marry me. *gets down on one knee and pulls out with two rings*
*Everyone gasps in shock, waiting for the girl's answer. Tanjiro is shocked, Kanao is even more shocked.*
Kanao: No I can't... I'm guys but....
Kanao: *Gets down on one knee and holds up a box with two rings inside*
*Everyone in the restaurant is flipping and screaming.*
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polyamorouspunk · 9 months ago
Is anyone else just:
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gornwen · 1 year ago
Polyamory Problems: Holiday Edition
And then, all of a sudden, you have five office holiday parties to attend over ten days.
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kimchicuddles · 2 years ago
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Triangulation Couples Counseling!!!! (is generally a bad idea for everyone involved)... Thank you so much for supporting my work! PATREON patreon.com/kimchicuddles COMMISSIONS TikvaWolf.com/services BOOKS TikvaWolf.com/books DONATE venmo.com/tikvawolf
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acelessthan3 · 2 years ago
So when introducing metas for the first time, is it like cats? Should I lock the wife in the bathroom while I have the new guy over so they can smell each other through the door first?
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dinosaursgowoof · 7 months ago
Being polyamorous but too introverted to do anything about it kills me inside sometimes
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pommedepersephone · 7 months ago
I have zero regrets for the glorious results of a misspent youth. I had FUN being a cocky little bitch and sidling up to people at bars and saying shit like "So, we can share a drink and talk philosophy or you can come on the floor and show me why I should take you home." I learned a lot about myself, and I learned about what I wanted in a relationship, and I learned how to be IN a relationship.
But now... I have kids. And a primary partner. My time is precious and my actions have repercussions for others. Besides, I don't WANT to be picking up randos and I don't have the tolerance for bad sex that came with my wild ways. Dating apps make it easier in some ways, but the point is that building connections worth having takes TIME and patience is NOT one of my virtues.
I just need to whine pitifully into the void.
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polyamorousmisanthrope · 1 year ago
A swing and a miss for Dear Abby today.
She assumes an open marriage will "Soon be over" and she was "pressured into it."
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pommedepersephone · 4 days ago
Wanting to fuck God is actually just the bi poly norm.
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All I'm saying is Jayce Talis is a bisexual polyamorous man who has a type and that type is just, Higher Beings. His type is just Jesus Christ. Bro straight up wants to fuck God
Edit: damn bisexuals found this post hello y'all hope you have a nice day the post reached its target audience
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peopleareaproblem · 3 months ago
Colourblind Fiyero
I'm sure I'm not the first person to have this idea but I thought of this literally half-asleep at 1 AM and bolted up to note it down.
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Anyway what if movie!Fiyero is red/green colourblind and when he and Feldspar almost run over Elphaba, he doesn't see the Elphaba on the left, but the one on the right? reblog if u think the girl on the left is j-
And the reason he looks like this when he sees her face:
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... is not because he is realising it's too late to stop himself from saying the words "blended in with the foliage" to the green girl, but because he has two eyes and a heart and just saw Cynthia Erivo in the woods. (And Feldspar sure as shit doesn't notice anything either because horses cannot see red and he is used to people looking kinda green.)
Fiyero arrives at Shiz well after everyone sings a song about how green and annyoing Elphaba is, and the day after he arrives Galinda has taken her under her wing and made her popular, causing people to stop talking shit. So, what if Fiyero just does not find out Elphaba is green until like 2/3rds through the movie? He just straight up misses it, does not know she is an outcast, and just thinks she isn't into him for some bizarre reason. And only when he finds out she has green skin does he realise that he said the foliage thing, which she would definitely have taken as a jab, and actually he was incredibly rude to her. ... Oh no.
LOOK. Obviously I love that Fiyero just is not Fantasy Racist™ and doesn't think there's anything wrong with Elphaba being green. HOWEVER, wouldn't it be funny if-
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polyamorouspunk · 8 months ago
By the way, no one wants to hear “as long as everyone involved is consenting” tacked on to the end of “polyamorous acceptance”.
Do you tack on “as long as everyone involved is consenting” when talking about marriage? When talking about same-sex couples? When talking about interracial relationships? No? Okay then don’t tack it on when talking about polyamory. It’s not polyamory if “not everyone involved is consenting”. So you don’t need to tack it on.
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polyamorousmood · 1 month ago
The 3am search history of a polyam in denial
How to tell romantic from platonic love
Romantic vs platonic love differences between
Am I in love with my friend
Can you be in love with two people at once
Advice in love with friend
Advice in love with friend reddit
Advice in love with friend reddit already have a girlfriend
In love with two people how to choose
in love with two people what is wrong with me
how to stop falling in love
how to be content in a relationship
How to delete search history
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polyanarchist · 9 months ago
What does oppression mean to people, that they think polyamory isn't oppressed? Our family courts, schools, medical systems and insurance, housing stock and rental procedures, public welfare programs, immigration laws, and so much more, are built to accommodate monogamous pairings only. Failure to conform can result in not only social rejection but loss of jobs, denial of housing, loss of custody of children, geographic division of families, being kicked off of welfare, being turned away from resources for survivors of sexual assault or intimate partner violence, and then at the end of it all being told that it's your fault for having a sinful lifestyle.
As I was kinda spit balling last night, I find the "you don't come out as polyamorous" and "you're not oppressed for being polyamorous" such weird trains of thought. We definitely come out as poly. And maybe polyamory isnt "oppressed" but being that it goes against the societal norm and is often misrepresented in media or portrayed as bad dumb and cringe by every popular person online, it's certainly not always easy to be poly. Idk these are #thoughts and not the spinning of some big text about oppression or whatever but it's like. Idk feels like the world shits on polyamory far more than supports it.
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acelessthan3 · 2 years ago
My east coast boyfriend JUST NOW told me about his semi-secret femmeboi selfie alt insta and I'm like big mad I didn't know about this months ago.
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sporesgalaxy · 4 months ago
listen man the deadpool movies have this annoying running theme that he is allowed to act gay and shit for laughs and a few heartfelt storybeats but the gay attraction is always secondary in serious narrative weight to his girl love interest Vanessa (problem because this is a narrative and choices like that send a message that gay shit is just a joke or temporary and only het romance can be really serious or "real"). And if that wasnt annoying enough, the storybeats about Wade and Vanessa's relationship mostly focus on Wade's side of things and Vanessa is usually largely absent due to being kidnapped or dead or some shit! Plus, to add insult to injury the whole "het pairing prioritization" thing irt story weight of the romantic commitment, literally doesn't even have to be a problem. Its completely in character and never explicitly disproven that Wade and Vanessa are in an open relationship to some degree. You could just make it a fucking polycule!! and no movie ending has been more conducive to a Wade/Vanessa/Wade's buddy he flirts with polycule than the end of DP&W. But the movie didn't have the balls to do that. and Im not really INTO the fan stuff so maybe I missed it but during the time I looked at fanworks for that movie with any frequency, all the postcanon Wade and Logan content I saw acted like Vanessa didn't exist. Like whatever man . WHATEVER!!!! Im just saying the throuple dynamic would be fun too. if you even care.
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