kpoppwriter · 4 years
Dating JeongSol~
Anon asked: hey~!! could you maybe do poly!jeongsol/verhan (vernon and jeonghan) as boyfriends? i’m highkey in my feels for them rn :”) ✨❤️ (also thank you in advance~!!)
A/N: I’ve been in my Vernon feels recently and I’m always in Jeonghan feels lmao visual gods
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☆ they really are visual kings wow
☆ ok so overall this is a chill relationship 
☆ like playful but chill
☆ they lowkey tease you a lot
☆ especially Han
☆ they do it out of love tho
☆ Han is super protective of you two
☆ y’all his babies
☆ nugu aegi? Jeonghannie’s aegi
☆ that’s you and Sol
☆ Han is a cuddler for sure
☆ he loves being in the middle of you and Sol
☆ Sol loves to hold someone while cuddling
☆ lowkey likes to be held too but you didn’t hear that from me
☆ I can imagine y’all having so many inside jokes
☆ like things you guys have said that just stuck
☆ that always get you into laughing fits when brought up
☆ when they go on tour
☆ Han texts you frequently to make sure you’re taking care of yourself
☆ Sol calls you a lot
☆ they video chat with you during their off days
☆ or after concerts 
☆ if Han isn’t asleep, that is
☆ poor baby let him rest
☆ Sol likes to make music with you two
☆ even if you have no experience
☆ he wants your input and may even put you in a song or two
☆ has definitely written a few songs for you two
☆ i have this image in my head of Han wearing one of Sol’s tie dye sweatshirts 
☆ and I’m living for it
☆ y’all would def have matching necklaces or phone cases
☆ I can’t decide
☆ but like imagine a cute little necklace that suits Han and Sol
☆ ugh
☆ but also imagine meme phone cases that you all have
☆ and it’s some inside joke 
☆ overall, these boys are sweethearts
☆ and are very fun
☆ wow
☆ ok now for smut, hoes~
☆ so ok 
☆ this is one i really had to think about
☆ Han - switch 
☆ Sol - switch leaning towards dom
☆ I feel like Han would dom Sol but not all the time
☆ Sol would sub for Han too 
☆ he’s so chill he’s down for almost anything
☆ ok so Sol isn’t very kinky
☆ but he’s willing to experiment 
☆ which is why there’s a good number of kinks with this relationship
☆ because Han is kinky lmao
☆ bondage, sensory deprivation, voyeurism/exhibitionsim, marking
☆ marking is a big one 
☆ phone sex, teasing, praising, degrading, mutual masturbation
☆ we all know Han is a big tease
☆ and definitely teases you in public 
☆ but so does Sol but he’s more lowkey with it at first
☆ his teasing is a slow buildup
☆ Sol wants to be blindfolded but doesn’t know how to ask 
☆ ok imma stop before I write a whole smut right here lmao
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
hey~!! could you maybe do poly!jeongsol/verhan (vernon and jeonghan) as boyfriends? i’m highkey in my feels for them rn :”) ✨❤️ (also thank you in advance~!!)
Here you go, my love! You can find your request here!!
Thank you for requesting!! 💗💖
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