kyeomniscient · 7 months
seventeen ao3 fic recs pt. 2
pt. 1 (completed longer fics, >10k words)
pt. 3 (incomplete fics)
compiled a list of shorter fics for those looking for quick reads! all fics here are completed and should be under 10k words, and i'll also be updating this as i go~
written in order of descending word count
Cowabunga Baby (verkyeom, 10k, completed)
it's a super rare pairing but the fic's really good! actor!dk x lifeguard!hansol dynamics work surprisingly well, and all in all it was a warm and fluffy summer beach romance filled with lots of love and laughs hehe
This Invisible String (Tying You to Me) (seoksoo, 9k, completed)
this might just be my favourite seoksoo fic ever, especially in terms of characterisation bc prince!jisoo x baker!seokmin fits them so well :"") so soft so sweet i loved it
Green (With Leaves) (soonhoon, 9k, completed)
super cute soonhoon fic :) really love it when the mcs have interesting professions and jihoon works at a flower shop in this one! their personalities fit the soonhoon dynamic so well and it was a vv enjoyable read
Sunflower, Vol. 6 (jeongcheol, 9k, completed)
coups is the sweetest here!! and jeonghan is so oblivious it's adorable
splinters of time (wonhui, 7k, completed)
and yet again, another post-apocalyptic fic has left me in an absolute wreck... BEAUTIFUL tears incoming read at your own risk
red ripe heart (cheolsoo, 7k, completed)
svt in the test kitchen was something i never knew i needed but alas, here we are :") the banter!! the tension!! the innuendoes!! i'd kill to see this actually happen, manifesting this as a gose ep asap
liar liar pants on fire (minwon, 6k, completed)
How to Attract a Bad Boy (The Kind of Guy Who Sucks at Everything) (seoksoo, 6k, completed)
this was hilarious and also joshua is as unhinged here as he is in gose
소나기 (minwon, 6k, completed)
historical au - this reminded me of 'til kingdom come by lightningbend, loved how the class difference played into their dynamics! really cute really wholesome
rites of spring (soonwoo, 6k, completed)
super cute soonwoo high school au! it's a mix of goofiness and tenderness that is so reflective of their dynamics - geguri writes the best soonwoo fics and that is a hill i will die on
treat me well (seokgyu, 5k, completed)
all flowers in time bend towards the sun (soonwoo, 4k, completed)
sweet, brief glimpses of soonwoo moments
enigma (minwon, 4k words, completed)
written by the same author who wrote love stuck! in essence, this was a uni au written for the nerds lmao and i loved it so much... super cute and creative and what better way to ask someone out than to use matrix cryptography?? there is NONE
smoking roses (jeongcheol, 3k, completed)
how op manages to encapsulate the yearning built over 10 years of history so succinctly within 3k words i'll never know
愁 (gyuhan, 3k words, completed)
calypso writes the best gyuhan fics!! this was beautiful omf
it's a date (verhan, 2k words, completed)
super adorable aquarium meet-cute - verhan isn't a common pairing so their dynamics were v refreshing!
sisyphean (soonwoo, 1k words, completed)
super cool fic about necromancy!
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jeongtokkie · 8 months
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no thoughts, just verhan
bonus squish:
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politikwatch · 1 year
#Klimakrise Weniger Tempo bedeutet mehr #Katastrophen
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Jeonghan:Time for plan G.
Joshua:Don’t you mean plan B?
Jeonghan:No,we tried plan B a long time ago.I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Jun:What about plan D?
Jeonghan:Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Mingyu:What about plan E?
Jeonghan:I’m hoping not to use it.Vernon dies in plan E.
Dino:I like plan E.
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tntdoodled · 2 years
oo verhan end game sorry joshua mahal kita mahal ko rin jihan pero ayaw namin masaktan si hannie
HSFIDHGJHS this one was spicy (pucha napa-english ako)
expected na unexpected to para sakin
ginusto ko talaga jihan end game kc baka naman charcater development si shua
ndi mali ako pero nagimprove sya onti sa huli like SOBRANG huli
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broken-colours · 4 years
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Ahaha Pride Icons for Rainbow gods Pretty fitting huh?
Might do some for the human gang next
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kristian-do · 5 years
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[MK스포츠] 190106 The 33rd GDA Red Carpet - Jeonghan & Vernon
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swmv-team-blog · 6 years
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181214 MAMA in Hong Kong Cr: VERNONA l do not crop or edit logo (🐣) (🐣)
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vicsbasement · 6 years
Just posted a new SVT fic on my ao3
Rating: General Audiences
Category: M/M
Fandom: SEVENTEEN (Band)
Relationship: Chwe Hansol | Vernon/Yoon Jeonghan
Chwe Hansol | Vernon
Yoon Jeonghan
Choi Seungcheol | S.Coups
Lee Jihoon | Woozi
Boo Seungkwan
Hong Jisoo | Joshua
Additional Tags:
First Kiss
Jicheol is briefly hinted at
Language: English
Summary: The first time it had happened, Hansol hadn't been the first one to figure it out. Three times Hansol thought he had a crush on Jeonghan, two times it turned out to be true.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15427227
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zouchu · 7 years
Vernon: I screwed up big time.
Jeonghan: Vernon, given your daily life experiences, you're gonna have to be more specific.
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fangirlingtrashbin · 7 years
Thanks for made me slipped into the diamond life Yoon Jeonghan💖 This FMV dedicated for our angel, cause he’s just too sweet but so evil, just soo damn irresistible💃🏻 I hope he will keep spoiling member with love and take a good care of all the member no matter what happen in the future :) once again Happy Birthday Angel!😇
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uservernon · 3 years
this is how all of verhan’s interactions are like from the research i’ve done
jeonghan: *says something weird*
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jeongtokkie · 1 year
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no reason just verhan holding pinkies like that
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kpop-wallpaperss · 7 years
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Seventeen - Jeongcheol / Verhan (Aesthetic)
reblog if you save/use please!!  
open them to get a full hd lockscreen  
do NOT repost,edit or remove logo!!!
Copyright to the rightful owners
Cr: Kah
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
Dating JeongSol~
Anon asked: hey~!! could you maybe do poly!jeongsol/verhan (vernon and jeonghan) as boyfriends? i’m highkey in my feels for them rn :”) ✨❤️ (also thank you in advance~!!)
A/N: I’ve been in my Vernon feels recently and I’m always in Jeonghan feels lmao visual gods
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☆ they really are visual kings wow
☆ ok so overall this is a chill relationship 
☆ like playful but chill
☆ they lowkey tease you a lot
☆ especially Han
☆ they do it out of love tho
☆ Han is super protective of you two
☆ y’all his babies
☆ nugu aegi? Jeonghannie’s aegi
☆ that’s you and Sol
☆ Han is a cuddler for sure
☆ he loves being in the middle of you and Sol
☆ Sol loves to hold someone while cuddling
☆ lowkey likes to be held too but you didn’t hear that from me
☆ I can imagine y’all having so many inside jokes
☆ like things you guys have said that just stuck
☆ that always get you into laughing fits when brought up
☆ when they go on tour
☆ Han texts you frequently to make sure you’re taking care of yourself
☆ Sol calls you a lot
☆ they video chat with you during their off days
☆ or after concerts 
☆ if Han isn’t asleep, that is
☆ poor baby let him rest
☆ Sol likes to make music with you two
☆ even if you have no experience
☆ he wants your input and may even put you in a song or two
☆ has definitely written a few songs for you two
☆ i have this image in my head of Han wearing one of Sol’s tie dye sweatshirts 
☆ and I’m living for it
☆ y’all would def have matching necklaces or phone cases
☆ I can’t decide
☆ but like imagine a cute little necklace that suits Han and Sol
☆ ugh
☆ but also imagine meme phone cases that you all have
☆ and it’s some inside joke 
☆ overall, these boys are sweethearts
☆ and are very fun
☆ wow
☆ ok now for smut, hoes~
☆ so ok 
☆ this is one i really had to think about
☆ Han - switch 
☆ Sol - switch leaning towards dom
☆ I feel like Han would dom Sol but not all the time
☆ Sol would sub for Han too 
☆ he’s so chill he’s down for almost anything
☆ ok so Sol isn’t very kinky
☆ but he’s willing to experiment 
☆ which is why there’s a good number of kinks with this relationship
☆ because Han is kinky lmao
☆ bondage, sensory deprivation, voyeurism/exhibitionsim, marking
☆ marking is a big one 
☆ phone sex, teasing, praising, degrading, mutual masturbation
☆ we all know Han is a big tease
☆ and definitely teases you in public 
☆ but so does Sol but he’s more lowkey with it at first
☆ his teasing is a slow buildup
☆ Sol wants to be blindfolded but doesn’t know how to ask 
☆ ok imma stop before I write a whole smut right here lmao
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tntdoodled · 2 years
ito. ito yung rason na otp ko boochan. masakit? oo. regret? wala
verkwan who? i only know boochan CHAR pero onga mahal ko boochan sobra DI MO ALAM KUNG GAANO KO MAHA- 
ok pero nakakarelate din ako kay kwan kc skeptical sa pagmahal di naniniwala haha asan na kaya yung chan ko baka naman dejk unless
i will die on this hill called boochan UHGJK
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