#polska mentioned
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kasztanek86 · 2 months ago
I made a little Jonmartin playlist!! :>
(I'd love it if you guys gave it a listen <3)
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likopinina · 8 months ago
@milkforbones @jagalart
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kazisonline · 11 months ago
Fun fact! Did you know that Vlad Oglimsky from the cult classic game Pathologic is on the Polish 200 zł bill?????????
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hubrq · 11 months ago
Polska Spotted 🥳🥳🥳
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I hope drinking this won't infect me with the digital soul of a terrorist rocker boy who will slowly take over my brain.
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terrorslice · 1 month ago
real talk, dlaczego ludzie na Polblr tak nie lubią Warszawy? Naprawdę szczere pytanie, sama mam mieszane uczucia i chciałabym znać perspektywę innych ludzi - Warszawiaków, nie-Warszawiaków, przyjezdnych, ogółem wszystkich. Czemu Warszawa ssie? (A może jak ktoś ma inne zdanie, to czemu Warszawa jest super?)
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candycane969 · 1 year ago
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Shitpost
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reality--breaker · 8 months ago
GAHHH people hate me for watching polish cabarets
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captainblux3 · 11 months ago
polish is my native language & i struggle with it daily 💯
I wonder if suffering with polish will be easier or harder than suffering with lithuanian,,
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anxious4ever · 1 year ago
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i need people to know that the oficial youtube livestream from the polish goverment has chat on and as far as i can tell its not modereted like at all
42k people are cyrently waching politicians argue about rasing saleres for nurses
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prostayaeza · 10 months ago
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Polish tradition food
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dipetschmot · 2 months ago
Naszferatu? Nie. WASZferatu. To nie mój problem
nosferatu? non. VOSferatu. c'est pas mon problème
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batri-jopa · 4 months ago
Requiem for oneself
Nothing happened actually, a funny little thing My self, the closest to me A vague something that is in everyone Back from the years when the word "friendship" still had content and meaning When love was a simple twinge of hearts
That self of mine on one ordinary day Like the stupidest thing it got lost somewhere That self of mine on one ordinary day It left me
It's still seemingly the same world outside the windows And there's only a little less of me Something is gone, something that weighs less than a gram And yet it didn't get any easier Goodbye to you, old shadow who went to sleep Welcome to you, new face who has learned to play
As long as I know it, as long as I want to know it Let me take a look at you to see if I know you well As long as I know it, as long as I want to know it Let me take a look at you to see if I know you well As long as I know it...
Requiem dla samej siebie
Właściwie nic nie stało się, mała śmieszna rzecz Moje ja, najbliższe mi Niejasne coś, co w każdym tkwi Z lat, gdy słowo "przyjaźń" miało jeszcze treść i sens Kiedy miłość była prostym drgnieniem serc
Tamto moje ja w jeden zwykły dzień Jak najgłupsza rzecz zginęło mi gdzieś Tamto moje ja w jeden zwykły dzień Opuściło mnie
Za oknami wciąż na pozór ten sam świat I tylko mnie troszeczkę mniej Coś odeszło, coś, co waży mniej niż gram A jednak się nie stało lżej Żegnaj stary cieniu, co poszedłeś spać Witaj nowa twarzy nauczona grać
Póki o tym wiem, póki wiedzieć chcę Niech Ci przyjrzę się, czy dobrze Cię znam Póki o tym wiem, póki wiedzieć chcę Niech Ci przyjrzę się, czy dobrze Cię znam Póki o tym wiem...
Tekst polski pochodzi z https://www.tekstowo.pl/piosenka,dwa_plus_jeden,requiem_dla_samej_siebie.html
Translation by me with large help of Google Translate
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anastasiavixens · 8 months ago
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🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱POLSKA MENTIONED🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
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everythingisconstant · 11 months ago
Sobiesław "Gromsko" Kościuszko <headcanons p.1>
some headcanons about my polish fella, because he's so underrated!!!
! this part's about his pre-army life
tw: drugs, mention of relative's death, slight angst?? i dunno
Gromsko has been raised in a traditional polish household, around 90's.
He didn't have the best grades at school, I would even say that he was barely passing.
But anytime his mom gave him that worried look he promised her that his grades will get better. And they did. For a while.
Because, look, he was way much insterested in playing football with his frends and drinking beer and smoking cheap russian cigarettes in some abandoned places so his parents wouldn't find out.
Last thing on Earth he wanted was his mom to find out about smoking, really. And not because of the punishment.
"Sławciu! Why do I smell cigarettes on you, boy? Oh God, I already told you about how this is..."
Gromsko loved that woman so much, that he didn't want to dissappoint her. He didn't want to see that sadden look in her eyes.
"I know, I know. We were at that one friend's house and you know how much his dad is smoking. The smell got all over me."
"Mr. Ziemianowicz? Ah, right... I heard that he got diagnosed with lung cancer, no wonder why..."
"Baby, I found this lighter in your loundry, please don't tell me that..."
"Mamo, don't worry about that. We've been just making a campfire with the boys after school."
"Ah, right. Just be carefull out there, okay?"
Gromsko loved that woman so much, that when she died, his whole world fell into tiny pieces.
He was 17 at that time and without any support from his alcoholic father, or from anyone else, young Gromsko found comfort in drugs.
In result, he never graduated high school. He was an empty human shell, feeling nothing but numb.
At some point, Gromsko forgot about everything, even about his mom that he loved so much. Especially about mom.
One time, when he has been high as f^ck, almost uncontious, he was hallucinating. What he saw that day was a great hussar, a soldier with wings.
He don't remember much from that night, but one thing for sure: he cried a lot.
That hussar influenced him so much, Gromsko don't even know why, but he decided to change his life.
He went to rehab, quit drugs and joined the army.
He even got some tattoos for his first paycheck. Some patriotic stuff ("Polska Walcząca" tattoo!) and that hussar on a horse as a symbol of his change, inner healing.
And most important, his favourite piece, even it's the most simple. Gromsko got in in memory for someone special, to never ever forget about them again.
To never forget about his mama, not again.
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czuly-defenestrator · 4 months ago
yessss I ride these guys to uni every day, they're great ❤️
Train of the day:
This one
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koi-koi-fish · 9 months ago
March 15th, 2011.
Fury sits in his office staring at the monitor watching Captain America sitting in medical after his earlier escape attempt. He sighs. It's not every day a living legend comes back from the dead, beats dozens of your men, escapes a maximum security facility, and makes a scene in one of the most populous cities in the world. But the world finding out about Captain America's return is the least of his worries.
Just as Fury starts to get up, Agent Coulson enters the room holding a binder. "Ah, you're still in. Perfect." Agent Coulson says as he sets down the binder on Fury's desk. "Here's what we have so far on the 0-8-4 we fished up alongside the Captain."
Fury picks up the binder "Has she said anything since waking up?" he asks as he starts flipping through the pages. "Only her name, rank, serial number, and that she wants a lawyer," Agent Coulson says as he sits across from Fury.
The 0-8-4 identifies as 14 year old lieutenant colonel Tanya Von Degurachaff of the Polska-Prussian Union Empire. Her uniform resembles that of a Bavarian Chevaulegers cavalry uniform with rank insignia on the shoulders. Her ruby necklaces are likely rank and or noble regalia.
"She's too young for her rank. Since she's a noble perhaps she's an honorary officer. Purely ceremonial." Fury wonders outloud.
"I thought so too until her X-Rays came back." Agent Coulson says as he leans over and turns some pages on the binder.
"Her skeleton shows signs of several healed fractures. Some are estimated to be several years old. There were also metal fragments found in her body. Even if she was only a political appointment, she's tough enough to survive a battlefield and return for more," Agent Coulson says.
"Not to mention being frozen for over 60 years and surviving like Captain America," Fury thinks to himself.
Fury reads further. The alphabet on the documents and correspondence recovered from her person are closer to Scandinavian runes but essentially German grammatically. The most recent date found was correspondence dated February 5th, 1928, addressed to a Lieutenant Serebryakov wishing her a happy 21st birthday. The letter contained some chocolate. The medals on her person with the exception of the Iron Cross don't resemble any officially recognized medals of any nation past or present. Most of the medals are heavy with Norse mythological symbolism with the exception of the aforementioned Iron Cross and another with silver wings.
February 5th is the same day Captain America became frozen. "Just how likely is this to be a Hydra plot by the Red Skull?" Fury asks himself. Red Skull was overly obsessed with the occult, mythology, and the tesseract. It's possible that Tanya is one of his more fanatical followers that took after that motif. But that doesn't explain her DNA being different to regular humans.
Did Red Skull successfully create his own super soldier? That would explain her injuries. It's possible that there were others and that she was the only one to survive the process. But analysis shows no signs of a super soldier serum within her system like Captain America. Nothing about her adds up. Too much is unknown about her.
"Keep her under maximum surveillance for now. There is still too much we don't know about her." Fury says with a scowl.
"Understood boss," Agent Coulson says then leaves, closing the door behind him.
Fury leans back in his chair and rereads the binder. There's not enough information to go on and making assumptions gets people killed. Perhaps he should have the Captain interrogate her. He has the most experience with Hydra operatives of that time period.
Mulling that thought he sets down the binder and brings up the camera feed of Tanya's room only to be met with her looking directly at him sending a shiver down his spine.
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