#polska ludowa
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Ale te rosyjskie, komunistyczne blokowiska wyglądają paskudnie. Nie mówiąc już o Pałacu Stalina. Co to za rosyjski kurwidołek 🤢 #brzydota
#brzydota#co to ma być#zburzyć to#przemyślenia#polski blog#polski tumblr#po polsku#polska#komunizm#prl#polska ludowa
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I wonder if there is anything to add to such a page 🤔
What if when we were born we were each assigned a Wikipedia page like a social security number would that be fucked up or what
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Elliott Erwitt. Czestochowa, Poland. 1964
I Am Collective Memories • Follow me, — says Visual Ratatosk
#BW#Black and White#黒と白#Schwarz und weiß#Noir et blanc#Preto e branco#vintage#retro#retrô#millésime#rétro#antik#ヴィンテージ、レトロ#Elliott Erwitt#Czestochowa#Poland#1964#1960s#60s#religion#Catholicism#Polska#Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa#PRL#street photography#Photographie de rue#Strassenfotografie#fotografia de rua#ストリートフォトグラフィー#cities
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PRL / NBP- POLAND (socialist) - notes design / with cities. Below => a concept for other higher values.

#fantasy#banknot#banknote#Polonia#Polska#Poland#fantazyjny#Polonaise#design#projekt#project#not circulated#nieobiegowy#fancy#note#concept#NBP#PRL#Rzeczpospolita#ludowa
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Piosneka na dzień Babci i dziadka.♥️ Światło Babci 👍🏻#dzieńbabci #piosenkadlababci #słowianie #ludowapiosenka #mysłpwianie #polandfolk #polishart #kurpie #górale #artmusic #art
#babcia#dzień babci#dziadek#dziadkowie#artists on tumblr#polska muzyka#ludowe piosenki#folk polski#ludowa piosneka#poland art
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Marianna Wiśnios (ur. 6 października 1909 w Ratajach, zm. 24 października 1996 w Wąchocku) – artystka malarka "nieprofesjonalna" / polska malarka ludowa. Via Wikipedia | @abwwia

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Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa miku (sketch)
shes dressed for standing in line in winter
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Hanko (mentioned) belongs to @noa-de-cajou
I turn on the camera.
"So, mama, baba, did you understand the concept?"
"I'm not sure I understand why school asks you for that", baba answers immediately. "What do they teach you these days?"
"It's a project and it's not for school", I say as I'm putting everything in place for the video. "Since Czcibor won't be back anytime soon... I want to film the family. I've already recorded mamie-Roz and gramps, I'm doing my cousins next week." I look at my mum. "I've been thinking about including Idalia in that but I know baba and she aren't on the best terms..."
"To hell with that woman", baba scoffs. "But I think you should include Hanko, you know, with the adoption procedure and all..."
I go back at my place, behind the lens, and smile at my mother, who looks more aloof than usual.
"Is everything fine, mama?"
"Oh, hm..." She takes a few seconds to gather her words. "Yes. I'm just wondering if you're fine about discovering things you haven't been told about yet..."
"It's fiiiiine. Baba, you begin! Remember, no filter, it's for posterity."
They both share a silent giggle. I clap in from of my camera to signify the beginning of the clip, and make my life easier when I'll do the editing. My grandma seizes grapes and puts them into the huge bowl I've in front of them.
"I am Danuta Piaseckiya, your grandmother, Agatka, and my mother, Zorza - whose name inspired your mother's by the way - disappeared when I was 13, in 1967, and I got put in an orphanage until I got into medical school. I've learnt in 1989 that she was suspected of being a spy and a traitor to Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa and got executed for it. And I'm putting grapes!"
"Oh I remember when we learnt. We were packing our belongings and waiting for the paperwork..."
"You remember, Zushka?" baba exclaims, surprised.
"Well, yes? Hm. I suppose it's my turn now..." My poor mother seems so nervous. She grabs pomegranate seeds and tosses them in the bowl. "My name is Zuza Majak, née Czacka, your mother, and when I was five, almost six, in 1982 I wasn't talking yet. So my teacher tried to talk my mother into putting me in an institution as I was considered highly intellectually impaired. And I'm adding pomegranate."
"You remember that too?"
"Yes? I remember mister Andrejski and you arguing in the kitchen. It was seven days before my sixth birthday, and literally the day martial law was suspended", my mother replies.
"My turn then..." Baba pauses to think. "When I was pregnant with your mother, abortion was legal and free in Polska, so everyone was trying to talk me into terminating my pregnancy. Mostly the biological father. And I'm adding... This sliced apple."
"Whaaaat", I exclaim. "Really?"
"I learnt it when I was a bit older than you", my mother chuckles. "When I tried to reconnect with him, through MSN Messenger... My turn, then!" She grabs raisins and pours the whole bag in the bowl. "When I was ten or eleven, prices were so high that your grandmother didn't eat if I hadn't done so."
"Oh yes, that happened", baba smiles. "Aaaah, I tell you, Agatushka, we had places in kindergartens and higher education was free, but life under the People's Republic was tough, I tell you, I tell you!"
"Yet mama's still talking about how the Soviet days weren't that bad."
"I am joking when I say that!"
"It wasn't that bad", my grandmother cuts. "At least there was money in healthcare. So, my turn. When we arrived in France, your mother was put in special need's section because I disclosed her autism diagnosis to the school. I harassed the principal until she got put into European section, as she was fluent in three languages and a brilliant pupil."
My mother looks embarrassed for a minute, as baba throws orange slices in the salad. Eh. She's like that. They're like that. Mama is shy while baba is quite opinionated.
"Hm... I'll add a last anecdote about my childhood then... It must be a lot to unpack already..."
"It is, mama", I reply with a slight amusement in my voice. "But y'know, I got to archive that. Before it's forgotten, you know. I'll have everyone do happy anecdotes after that."
"So...when I was seven, and still non-verbal, I decided to run away from home to find my biological father who was living quite far away. I remember taking the Warsaw Metro... I had looked up his address in the Yellow Pages. When I found him, he was already married with other children, and he just brought me to the police station. And I had my first words in front of the officer, which were "My dad doesn't want me as his daughter". The poor man wasn't looking great when your grandmother came to pick me up."
"I was absolutely frantic! Do you imagine? A little girl, who couldn't speak!" my grandmother shouts before patting my mother's head. "And your mother decided to start talking at that moment! It was... It was a rich day, to say the least!"
I record them chatting in Polish after this remark. It sounds happy. Relaxed even. I don't speak Polish. I understand it, when mama talks, but they're talking together so fast I can't follow. I turn off the camera, and baba starts serving the salad.
#lysara#modern au#writing#oc#they're funny#i really love the mother/daughter dynamic between Danuta and Zuza#Danuta isn't the best mom ever but she tries and she's devoted to her daughter#(zuza didn't turn out so bad)
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Hej, od Krakowa jadę - Polska piosenka ludowa - Polish folk song
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śmieszne głupie len'en polska au
AU rozgrywa się w małej miejscowości Mugenrowice Senryckie na zadupiu zwanym Polska Rzecz Ludowa w latach 80-tych..
akcja kręci się wokół młodego naukowca z depresją i dosyć sporym problemem alkoholicznym. nikt w mieście tak na prawdę nie ma pojęcia jak ma na imię więc nazywają ich dr. Jaskółczyk. Jaskółczyk jest bardzo szanowane przez wszystkich którzy ich znają więc pomimo tego że nikt nie zna ich biologicznej płci, wszyscy zwracają się do dr. Jaskółczyk z pełnym szacunku zwrotem “wy/państwo”. (tsuba w tym AU jest agender)
drugą z głównych postaci jest Yabusame Houlen, który niedawno przeprowadził się do Mugenrowic z Japonii. Przyjeżdżając do polski, wszyscy wzięli ją za chłopaka lecz ku zdziwieniu mieszkańców, często jest widziana w sukienkach i makijażu. Po jakimś czasie wszyscy zaakceptowali że on/ona po prostu jest z wschodu i oni tam tak mają. (Yabu w tym AU jest bigender)
kolejną postacią jest Zuzanna “Zuźka” Wróblewska. Jest asystentką Dr. Jaskółczyk i ma chora obsesje na nich. Jaskółczyk ma tego zdecydowanie dosyć.
#to wystarczająco długo siedziało w moich notatkach#więc czas wsadzić to na mój blog#okulki's writing#polishposting#len'en project#len'en au#yes another one#au#polska au#poland au#i'm delusional
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Tego chamskiego skurwysyna wychodowała Polska Ludowa Seweryn spadł na dno jak #PO szambo 🚽 🥵 #ścieki #fekalia
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My first visit in a bar mleczny (milk bar) and I loved every second of it. The bars are remnants of the Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa, Communist Poland. They are government-subsidized traditional cuisines with low costs.
I tried to order bean soup and cheese pancakes. I got cabbage soup and pirogi and was fine with it. The lady probably knew what was best for me. The simplicity of the interior and vigorousness of the workers reminded me of my grandmother and I wondered why – if everyone would think of their grandmother with a hefty dish in front of them. But Charly who sat next to me didn’t.
To me everything just made a lot of sense: the plain tinged cutlery, the chequered tablecloth. The fact that a broken cap on a salt shaker is no reason to replace it because it is still functional. That it's spotlessly clean but spider webs collect in the plastic flowers. The self-service.
I guess what touched me strangely and reminded me of my Oma was the obvious attempt to make something run-down look cared for (cheesy but not as cheesy as my Pirogi).
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Nasz polski lesie, Dlaczego tak kochamy ciebie, A w twoim gąszczu Czujemy się jak gdyby w niebie. Pod twoim skrzydłem Bezpiecznie swą szykujem na lewicowy broń, A z głębi lasów, naszych szałasów, Pieśń zemsty płynie w dal. Przyjdzie kiedyś odwetu czas, Przyjdzie wir, co porwie nas. Wtedy będą nam steny grały, Wtedy będą się serca rwały, Wtedy porzucim las. Wolności zabłyśnie nam jutrzenka, Popłynie w dal piosenka, W szeroki świat, Wtedy porzucim las.
- Polska pieśń ludowa
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Katarzyna Gawłowa - painter brought up in accordance with folk traditions.
Katarzyna Gawłowa (ur. 14 grudnia 1896 w Zielonkach, zm. 17 maja 1982 tamże) – polska artystka ludowa, malarka. Via Wikipedia | @abwwia
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Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa w kolorze - 60-te urodziny Bolesława Bierut...
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Żadna władza w historii Polski nie zrobiła więcej dla kobiet, niż samozwańczy, wywrotowy rząd lubelski Ignacego Daszyńskiego (2018)

Działaczka ludowa Irena Kosmowska została wiceministrem propagandy (mającym zajmować się agitacją wśród chłopów), a jednocześnie także – wiceszefem resortu opieki społecznej. Jeszcze żadna polityczka w Polsce nie zaszła równie wysoko co ona. Nie chodziło zresztą tylko o pusty gest.
🇵🇱 Irena Kosmowska (ur. 20 grudnia 1879 w Warszawie, zm. 21 sierpnia 1945 w Berlinie) – polska działaczka niepodległościowa, ludowa i oświatowa, posłanka na Sejm Ustawodawczy oraz I i II kadencji w II RP. Jej matką była Irena W. Kosmowska, również znana działaczka społeczna. Via Wikipedia
Irena Kosmowska (20 December 1879 – 21 August 1945) was a Polish educator and politician. She was one of the first group of women elected to the Legislative Sejm in 1919, serving in parliament until 1930. Via Wikipedia
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