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jeparletoutesleslangues · 8 years ago
Everything I Use to Make Learning French Fun (Reading & Listening)
[[one of my followers asked how I immerse myself in French and the culture. all my favorites are starred. add your own and i’m open to specify more on certain categories. and i’m considering doing a post on listening and speaking]]
Books *Le petit prince *Petit nicolas *L'etranger Asterix Alice au pays des merveilles *Classic fairy tales! (I recommend that you read comics…lots of them)
Movies *A la folie…pas du tout Le petit prince *Amelie Les Choristes *Les Intouchables *Oss 117 *bienvenue à marly-gomont *il a déjà tes yeux *Une femme est une femme Paris je t'aime (this is barely in French but good for culture) *Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis LOL *Ratatouille
Music Anything by: *Stromae Indila *MHD Maitre Gims Coeur de pirate *Edith piaf *Zaho Zaz RIDSA *Tal Djany
TV Miraculous ladybug Lazytown Nina *T'choupi Disney movies *The get down (i usually just watch netflix series in french…they’re usually available) *The long long holiday *C'est mon choix *Extra french Parks and recreation Recherche appartement ou maison
Youtube Sananas Damon and jo Comme une française *Antastesia So andy *Cyprien 7jours *(In general lyric prank videos!)
Francaisfacile.com as well
Also don’t sleep on duolingo or memrise
And don’t neglect getting writing and speaking (including conversation–irl and/or online) practice!
Check the french tag on my blog as well
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languagemadness · 7 years ago
25 Most Common Polish-English False Friends
I only listed some of the most commonly confused false friends; of course there are more! I helped myself with this list.
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Polish - English
akademik / academic
akademik (m.) = dorm
akademicki = academic
akord / accord
akord (m.) = chord
porozumienie (n.) = accord
aktualnie / actually
aktualnie = currently
właściwie = actually
audycja / audition
audycja (f.) = broadcast
przesłuchanie (n.) = audition
ordynarny / ordinary
ordynarny = offensive
zwyczajny = ordinary
lunatyk / lunatic
lunatyk (m.) = sleepwalker
szaleniec (m.) = lunatic
patetyczny / pathetic
patetyczny = turgid
żałosny = pathetic
frekwencja / frequency
frekwencja (f.) = attendance
częstotliwość (f.) = frequency
cenzura / censure
cenzura (f.) = censorship
potępienie (n.) = censure
ewentualnie / eventually
ewentualnie = alternatively
ostatecznie = eventually
wagary / vagaries
wagary (f.,pl.,un.) = truancy
dziwactwa (f.,pl.) = vagaries
sympatia / sympathy
sympatia (f.) = affection
współczucie (n.) = sympathy
smak / smack
smak (m.) = flavor
klaps (m.) = smack
ropa / rope
ropa (f.) = pus
lina (f.) = rope
prezerwatywa / preservative
prezerwatywa (f.) = condom
konserwant (m.) = preservative
dywan / divan
dywan (m.) = carpet
sofa (f.) = divan
dom publiczny / public house
dom publiczny (m.) = brothel
bar (m.) = public house
sad / sad
sad (m.) = orchard
smutny = sad
transparent / transparent
transparent (m.) = banner
przezroczysty = transparent
pole / pole
pole (n.) = field
biegun (m.) = pole (as in e.g. the North Pole)
fart / fart
fart (m.) = luck
pierdzieć = to fart
data / data
data (f.) = date
dane (f.,pl.,un.) = data
brat / brat
brat (m.) = brother
bachor (m.) = brat
but / but
but (m.) = shoe
ale = but
paw / paw
paw (m.) = peacock
łapa (f.) = paw
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languagemadness · 7 years ago
All About Adjective Comparison in Polish
In Polish, there are 3 types of adjective comparison: simple, irregular, and descriptive*. Keep in mind that all adjectives keep their genderized endings ("-a" for feminine, "-y"/"-i" for masculine, "-e" for neuter, "-i" for plural masculine, "-e" for plural feminine), no matter if they're in their positive, comparative, or superlative form.
Funny enough, the simple comparison type is the most complicated one. Don't get scared with all the rules I'm about to show you here; I promise once you get through the 1st type, you'll be relieved to see how simple the remaining two are.
1st type: simple (stopniowanie proste)
comparative degree
You simply add suffixes "-szy"/"-ejszy" to the adjective stem, depending on the gender and number, of course. So for masculine adjectives, it's "-szy"/"-ejszy", for feminine -- "-sza"/"-ejsza", etc.
> for adjective stems ending with only one consonant (consonant before a gender letter)
e.g. weak - słaby (m.) => "b" is our consonant, "y" is our gender letter (tells us the adjective is masculine and singular)
masculine: słaby -> słabszy feminine: słaba -> słabsza neuter: słabe -> słabsze
Of course, Polish loves irregularities, so there are a few catches. Adjective stems ending with g, ł, n change: g->ż, ł->l, n->ń.
e.g. drogi (m.) - expensive drogi -> droższy miła (f.) - nice miła -> milsza tanie (n.) - cheap tanie -> tańsze
If g/ł/n ends the stem and it's proceeded by either "a" or "o", the vowel changes into an "e":
e.g. biały (m.) - white biały -> bielszy wesoła (f.) - cheerful wesoła -> weselsza
Schematically, "ą" will change into "ę" and "t" into "c":
e.g. gorące (n.) - hot gorące -> gorętsze
> if the stem ends with more than one consonant
e.g. serious - poważny (m.) => 2 consonants before the gender letter, so we know this adjective falls into the "-ejszy" category
fajny (m.) - cool fajny -> fajniejszy luźna (f.) - loose luźna -> luźniejsza zabawne (n.) - funny zabawne -> zabawniejsze
Thankfully, there's only one irregularity rule here. Just like g/ł/n in the other suffix, "-ejszy" has three magical letters as well. They are: s, r, n that change into: s->ś, r->rz, n->ni.
e.g. mądry (m.) - smart mądry - mądrzejszy ładna (f.) - pretty ładna -> ładniejsza jasne (n.) - bright jasne -> jaśniejsze
WATCH OUT! There are few adjectives that still apply to the first comparison group, even though their stems end in two consonants.
e.g. prosty -> prostszy twardy -> twardszy
superlative degree
Apart from adding the adequate suffix, your adjective also needs a "naj-" prefix. This one's pretty simple, there are no irregularities and it's a neutral prefix for every adjective.
e.g. długi (m.) - long długi -> dłuższy -> najdłuższy wysoka (f.) - tall wysoka -> wyższa -> najwyższa stare (n.) - old stare -> starsze -> najstarsze
2nd type: irregular (stopniowanie nieregularne)
Just like in English, there are some adjectives that have a weird comparative form. There's no other way than just to learn them by heart, but worry not -- there are only like 5 common adjectives like that.
duży -> większy -> największy mały -> mniejszy -> najmniejszy dobry -> lepszy -> najlepszy zły -> gorszy -> najgorszy lekki -> lżejszy -> najlżejszy
3rd type: descriptive (stopniowanie opisowe)
Some adjectives' comparative and superlative forms can be created not by changing the adjectives, but by putting an extra word in front of it. What's interesting in this type of adjective comparison is that you can use this type to create the comparative of every adjective. Sometimes, however, it won't sound natural.
e.g. szybki (m.) - fast it would sound natural if you said "szybki->szybszy" (1st type), but technically it is correct to use "szybki->bardziej szybki" (but it sounds weird). There are also adjectives that would sound weird in the 1st type. e.g. niebieski (m.) - blue "niebieski->bardziej niebieski"(3rd type) is natural and okay, but "niebieski->niebieściejszy" (1st type) is wrong.
comparative degree
Simply put "bardziej" (more) in front of the adjective and voilà!
e.g. chciwy (m.) - greedy chciwy -> bardziej chciwy wygodna (f.) - comfortable wygodna -> bardziej wygodna zniszczone (n.) - destroyed zniszczone -> bardziej zniszczone
superlative degree
Instead of "bardziej", place "najbardziej" (the most) before your adjective.
e.g. chciwy -> bardziej chciwy -> najbardziej chciwy wygodna -> bardziej wygodna -> najbardziej wygodna zniszczone -> bardziej zniszczone -> najbardziej zniszczone
Incomparable adjectives
There are some adjectives in Polish that don't have a comparative or superlative form. Those are all the adjectives that tell us about what something is made of and where it comes from. In colloquial Polish, however, every adjective can be compared in the 3rd form.
e.g. warszawski (m.) - from Warsaw warszawski -> bardziej warszawski -> najbardziej warszawski It's not grammatically correct because a thing or a person simply can't be more from Warsaw that something or someone else. If you hear someone say "bardziej warszawski", though, they probably mean that the thing they're talking about resembles/reminds them of Warsaw more than the other thing. drewniana (f.) - wooden Again -- in colloquial Polish "bardziej drewniana lalka" would mean "more wooden doll" and someone who said it probably meant that more wood was used to make the doll than it was used to make the other thing they're comparing the doll to.
Reverse comparison
It is possible in Polish to compare things that are less *adjective*. It very much resembles the 3rd type of comparison, except that instead of "bardziej" you use "mniej" (less), and "najbardziej" turns into "najmniej" (the least).
e.g. chciwy (m.) - greedy chciwy -> mniej chciwy -> najmniej chciwy wygodna (f.) - comfortable wygodna -> mniej wygodna -> najmniej wygodna zniszczone (n.) - destroyed zniszczone -> mniej zniszczone -> najmniej zniszczone
And I believe that would be all about adjective comparison in Polish. I realize it's a lot of information and some probably complicated things, so don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions or don't understand something. I'll be more than glad to help.
Have fun learning!
*I'm not sure if those are their correct English names. In Polish they're called: proste, nieregularne, opisowe (respectively), and I translated them literally.
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languagemadness · 8 years ago
Punctuation in Polish ⁉️
spacja (f.) - space
. kropka (f.) - period
, przecinek (m.) - comma
; średnik (m.) - semicolon
: dwukropek (m.) - colon
… wielokropek (m.) - ellipsis
- łącznik (m.) / pauza (f.) - hyphen
— myślnik (m.) - dash
? znak zapytania (m.) / pytajnik (m.) - question mark
! wykrzyknik (m.) - exclamation mark
/ ukośnik (m.) - slash
() nawias (m.) - round bracket / parentheses
' apostrof (m.) - apostrophe
" cudzysłów (m.) - quotation marks
@ małpa (f.) - at sign
* gwiazdka (f.) - asterisk
× znak mnożenia (m.) - multiplication sign
- znak odejmowania (m.) - minus sign
+ znak dodawania (m.) - plus sign
÷ znak dzielenia (m.) - obelus
= równik (m.) / znak równości (m.) - equals sign
% procent (m.) - percent sign
§ paragraf (m.) - section sign
_ podkreślenie (m.) / podkreślnik (m.) - underscore
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languagemadness · 8 years ago
Character Traits in Polish
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All the words listed below are adjectives. Remember that in Polish, adjectives inflect by gender. As always, I listed the words in their masculine form.
agresywny - aggressive
chamski - offensive
samolubny - selfish
głupi - stupid
leniwy - lazy
naiwny - naive
niecierpliwy - impatient
tajemniczy - mysterious
tchórzliwy - coward
uparty - stubborn
zazdrosny - jealous
dziki - wild
cierpliwy - patient
ambitny - ambitious
ciekawski - curious
dobry - good
gościnny - hospitable
grzeczny - polite
inteligentny - intelligent
lojalny - loyal
mądry - smart
odpowiedzialny - responsible
odważny - brave
poważny - serious
skromny - modest
sprytny - clever
szczery - honest
uczciwy - sincere
wrażliwy / czuły - sensitive
zabawny - funny
pewny siebie - self-confident
dziecinny - childish
szalony - crazy
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arogancki / bezczelny - arrogant
bezmyślny - thoughtless
chytry - tricky
cyniczny - cynical
egoistyczny - egoistic
lekkomyślny - frivolous
beztroski - carefree
nieuczciwy - unfair
niewierny - unfaithful
okrutny - cruel
podejrzliwy - suspicious
podły - vicious
próżny - vain
brutalny - brutal
skąpy - stingy
kłótliwy - argumentative
marudny - fussy
nikczemny - evil
chciwy - greedy
gadatliwy - talkative
bezinteresowny - selfless
małomówny - quiet
niewinny - innocent
ostrożny - careful
oszczędny - thrifty
pobożny - devout
punktualny - punctual
rozsądny - reasonable
sprawiedliwy - fair
utalentowany - talented
uprzejmy - kind
wyrozumiały - charitable
łagodny - gentle
życzliwy / przyjacielski - friendly
bystry - smart
dowcipny - witty
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charakter (m.) - character
cecha charakteru (f.) - character trait
introwertyk (m.) - introvert
ekstrawertyk (m.) - extrovert
cham (m.) - lout
samolub (m.) / egoista (m.) - egoist
głupek (m.) - fool
naiwniak (m.) - a naive person
tchórz (m.) - coward
zazdrośnik (m.) - envier
chwalipięta (f./m.) - cracker
arogant (m.) - an arrogant person
konformista (m.) - conformist
maruda (f./m.) - complainer
cwaniak (m.) - angler
mądrala (f./m.) - know-it-all
pesymista (m.) - pessimist
optymista (m.) - optimist
szaleniec (m.) - madman
spryciarz (m.) - smarty-pants
gaduła (f./m.) - talker
* words that have “(f./m.)” can be used to describe both a male and a female. For the rest of them, there’s usually a female equivalent.
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jeparletoutesleslangues · 8 years ago
Basic Internet/Computer Vocabulary (Esperanto)
inspired by the Duolingo “Conditional Verb” Skill
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Interreto: Internet Retumilo: a web browser Retpaĝo: a webpage Retejo: a website Retpoŝtadreso: an e-mail address Retmesaĝo: an e-mail message Ligilo: a link Tujmesaĝilo: an instant messenger Dosiero: a file Dosierujo: a folder, a directory Babilejo: a chat room
Retumi: to surf internet Ensaluti: to log in Elsaluti: to log out Babili: to chat Tajpi: to type Erari: to make a mistake, to be wrong Meti: to put Alŝuti: to upload Elŝuti: to download Povus: could Devus: should -us: [conditional verbs]
Kaŝnomo: a nickname Uzantnomo: a username Pasvorto: a password
Ludanto: a player [occasionally] Trompanto: a cheater [occasionally cheats people] Trompisto: a cheater [someone who lives by cheating] Trompulo: a cheater [characterised by an inclination to cheat]
Komputilo: a computer Klavaro: a keyboard Muso: a mouse
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languagemadness · 8 years ago
Question Words in Polish
inspired by this post
Please remember that some of these words inflect by gender and/or case, depending on the context.
Who? Kto?
When? Kiedy?
Where? Gdzie?
Where to? Dokąd?
Where from? Skąd?
Why? Dlaczego? / Czemu?
How? Jak?
What? Co?
Which? Który? (m.) Która? (f.) Które? (n.)
How much? / How many? Ile?
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languagemadness · 8 years ago
Perfective 🆚 Imperfective Aspects in Polish
Most of Polish verbs (but not every one) have two grammatical aspects — perfective and imperfective. Online dictionaries usually use only the perfective version of a verb (unless it’s a really good dictionary), simply because they’re usually shorter and easier to remember or pronounce. Don’t worry, though, that you’ll have to learn two verbs at once — in most cases the perfective aspect can be made by adding a prefix to the imperfective one.
We use the perfective aspect for actions that are (or will be) completed, have been done once. The imperfective one - for uncompleted or habitual actions.
please notice: perfective verbs cannot be used in present tense.
Here are some examples of such verbs in both their aspects:
pomóc/pomagać - to help
rozczarować/rozczarowywać - to disappoint
stworzyć/stwarzać - to create
zmienić/zmieniać - to change
iść/chodzić - to go/to walk
otworzyć/otwierać - to open
napisać/pisać - to write
zrobić/robić - to do
Zrobić means to do something and finish the action. You’ve done something, completed it, you can now forget about it and go do another thing. It has no present tense, it only exists in the future and the past.
Zrobiłam pranie. - I did the laundry.
Zrobicie mi zdjęcie? - Will you take a photo of me?
Robić, however, implies a habitual or continuous action. It exists in all three tenses.
Robię pranie. - I’m doing the laundry. (right now) / I do the laundry. (habitually)
Robiliście mi zdjęcie? - Were you taking a photo of me?
Będą robić obiad? - Will they be making dinner?
How do you conjugate zrobić/robić?
ja zrobiłem/zrobiłam
ty zrobiłeś/zrobiłaś
on zrobił
ona zrobiła
ono zrobiło
my zrobiliśmy/zrobiłyśmy
wy zrobiliście/zrobiłyście
oni zrobili
one zrobiły
ja zrobię
ty zrobisz
on/ona/ono zrobi
my zrobimy
wy zrobicie
oni/one zrobią
ja robię
ty robisz
on/ona/ono robi
my robimy
wy robicie
oni/one robią
ja robiłem/robiłam
ty robiłeś/robiłaś
on robił
ona robiła
ono robiło
my robiliśmy/robiłyśmy
wy robiliście/robiłyście
oni robili
one robiły
ja będę robić
ty będziesz robić
on/ona/ono będzie robić
my będziemy robić
wy będziecie robić
oni/one będą robić
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Aspects in the imperative:
Sometimes, when it comes to imperfective/perfective aspects, you have to be careful using the imperative mood. It’s considered very rude to use the imperative of an imperfective verb, especially when you’re addressing people older than you or someone you’re bound to respect (e.g. your boss). In this case, the imperfective aspect shows your impatience and irritation with the person you’re talking to.
In imperfective:
Otwieraj okno! - Open the window!
Pisz ten list! - Write the letter!
> makes you seem annoyed, impatient, a hastener
In perfective:
Otwórz okno! - Open the window!
Napisz ten list! - Write the letter!
> makes the demand more polite, even softer
When you want to tell someone not to do something, however, the imperfective form is the one you want to use.
Nie zamykaj okna. - Don’t close the window.
Nie pisz tego listu. - Don’t write that letter.
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I helped myself with these websites as resources to make this post: 1 & 2
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languagemadness · 8 years ago
Pirate Vocabulary in Polish ⚓️
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Ahoj! - Ahoy!
pirat (m.) - pirate
piratka (f.) - woman pirate
statek (m.) - ship
kapitan (m.) - captain
załoga (f.) - crew
łup (m.) - prize
atak (m.) - attack
armata (f.) - cannon
pistolet (m.) - gun
skrzynia (f.) - chest
zdrada (f.) - treachery
kurs (m.) - course
morze (n.) - sea
ocean (m.) - ocean
wybrzeże (n.) - coast
wyspa (f.) - island
żagiel (m., pl.: żagle) - sail
pokład (m.) - deck
ster (m.) - rudder
maszt (m.) - mast
bandera (f.) - Jolly Roger
kotwica (f.) - anchor
żeglować - to sail
pływać / płynąć - to swim*
okradać - to rob
strzelać - to fire/to pistol
porywać - to hijack/to kidnap
opuszczać - to abandon
uciekać - to escape
opuszczony - abandoned
nieuczciwy - unfair
bezprawny - unlawful
*you can say "płynę/pływam łodzią", what would indicate you’re a passenger on the ship
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kwatermistrz (m.) - quatermaster
bosman (m.) - boatswain
korsarz (m.) - raider
okręt (m.) - vessel
abordaż (m.) - boarding (when pirates enter another ship)
podbój (m.) - conquest
zawieszenie broni (n.) - truce
rewolwerowiec (m.) - gun
proch (strzelniczy) (m.) - gunpowder
ładunek (m.) - cargo
pełne morze (n.) - high seas
kadłub (m.) - hull
bocianie gniazdo (n., lit. "stork’s nest") - crow's nest
sterburta (f.) - starboard
bakburta (f.) - larboard
szalupa (f.) - jolly
nabywać - to aquire
pojmać - to capture
opuszczać żagle - to drop the sails
nieuczciwie nabyty - ill-gotten
nikczemny - vile
bez skrupułów - unscrupulous
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languagemadness · 8 years ago
Astrology and Horoscope in Polish 🌞
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astrologia (f., un.) - astrology
astrolog (m.) - astrologist
pseudonauka (f.) - pseudoscience
narodziny (f.,pl.,un.) - birth
wróżenie (n.) - divination
horoskop (m.) - horoscope
zodiak (m.) - zodiac
mapa nieba (f.) - star chart
gwiazda (f.) - star
konstelacja (f.) - constellation
skupisko gwiazd (n.) - asterism
słońce (n.) - sun
księżyc (m.) - moon
planeta (f.) - planet
Ziemia (f.) - Earth
znak zodiaku (m.) - star sign
wodnik (m.) - Aquarius
ryby (f.,pl.) - Pisces
baran (m.)  - Aries
byk (m.) - Taurus
bliźnięta (f.,pl.) - Gemini
rak (m.) - Cancer
lew (m.) - Leo
panna (f.) - Virgo
waga (f.) - Libra
skorpion (m.) - Scorpio
strzelec (m.) - Sagittarius
koziorożec (m.) - Capricorn
żywioł (m.) - element
ogień (m.) - fire
ziemia (f.) - earth
powietrze (n.,un.) - air
woda (f.) - water
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languagemadness · 8 years ago
Magic Vocabulary in Polish 🎩
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czary-mary - hocus-pocus
abrakadabra - abracadabra
magia (f.) - magic
czar (m.) / urok (m.) - charm, enchantment
czary (f.,pl.,un.) - wizardy
czarnoksięstwo (n.) - witchcraft
zaklęcie (n.) - spell
klątwa (f.) - curse
moc (f.) - power
supermoc (f.) - superpower
różdżka (f.) - wand
sztuczka (f.) - trick
iluzja (f.) - illusion
trans (m.) - trance
eliksir (m.) - potion
wywar (m.) / napar (m.) - brew
jednorożec (m.) - unicorn
dżin (m.) - genie
skrzat (m.) - brownie
wampir (m.) - vampire
wilkołak (m.) - werewolf
czarodziej (m.) - wizard
czarodziejka (f.) - sorceress
magik (m.) - magician
wróżka (f.) - fairy
chochlik (m.) - pixie
wiedźma (f.) - witch
duch (m.) - ghost
wyczarować - to magic up
zaczarować - to enchant
oczarować - to charm someone (with attractiveness)
odczarować - to undo a spell
rozczarować - to disappoint
rzucać zaklęcie - to cast a spell
uprawiać magię - to practice magic
przeklinać - to curse
magiczny / czarodziejski - magical
dziwaczny - bizarre
fantastyczny / bajeczny - fabulous
czarujący - enchanting
mistyczny - mystical
niewiarygodny - unbelievable
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languagemadness · 8 years ago
Sea and Beach Vocabulary in Polish 🌊
list inspired by @deseamber ‘s Norwegian list
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kostium kąpielowy (m.) - swimsuit
fala (f.) - wave
łódka (f.) - boat
molo (n.) - pier
prom (m.) - ferry
latarnia morska (f.) - lighthouse
ocean (m.) - ocean
port (m.) - port
przystań (f.) - harbor
nabrzeże (n.) - quay
wybrzeże (n.) - coast
mewa (f.) - seagull
bursztyn (m.) - amber
piasek (m.) - sand
żeglówka (f.) - sailboat
łódź (f.) - ship
muszla (more common: muszelka) (f.) - shell
piana (f.) - foam
okulary przeciwsłoneczne (f., un.) - sunglasses
krem z filtrem (m.) - sunscreen
plaża (f.) - beach
morze (n.) - sea
woda (f.) - water
powierzchnia wody (f.) - water surface
topić się (imperf.) / utopić się (perf.) - to drown
unosić się - to float
leżeć na plaży - to lie on a beach
opalać się - to sunbathe
żeglować - to sail
pływać / płynąć - to swim*
tonąć - to sink
opalony - tanned
zimny - cold
chłodny - cool
słony - salty
suchy - dry
gorący - hot
ciepły - warm
mokry - wet
podwodny - underwater
*you can say "pływam/płynę statkiem", which would indicate you’re a passenger on the ship
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languagemadness · 8 years ago
Dog Commands in Polish 🐶
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KOMENDY (f.) - commands
Siad - Sit!
Leżeć - Lie down!
Waruj - Charge!
Łapa - Shake paw
Daj głos - Speak!
Zdechł pies - Play dead!
Aport - Fetch!
Zostań - Stay!
Do nogi - Heel!
Dobry pies - Good dog
Zły pies - Bad dog
CZASOWNIKI (m.) - verbs
szczekać - to bark
adoptować - to adopt
aportować - to fetch
nagradzać - to praise
uczyć - to teach
warczeć - to snarl
wyć - to howl
zakładać smycz - to leash
spuszczać ze smyczy - to take off leash
głaskać - to pet
iść na spacer - to go for a walk
RZECZOWNIKI (m.) - nouns
pies (m.) - dog
suka (f.) - female dog*
nagroda (f.) / pochwała (f.) - praise
smycz (f.) - leash
szczeniak (m.) - puppy
zabawka (f.) - toy
futro (n.) - fur
ogon (m.) - tail
łapa (f.) - paw
*in everyday speech, female dogs are called "pies" as well
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