#polly gray fanfic
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zablife · 2 years ago
Drinks with Polly in the Parlor
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Requested by @notyour-valentine for my 2K celebration An Evening at Arrow House. Warning: This is a dark fic 💀
"Would you care for a glass of champagne, Aunt Polly?" you asked sweetly. You wanted to impress your husband's aunt with your hospitality, but you needed a glass of liquid courage yourself after being left alone with the imposing Shelby matriarch. The silence which had already grown between you was terrifying and made you feel like a failure.
She turned from the mirror where she was checking her crimson lipstick, one perfectly manicured eyebrow arched in your direction as she replied coldly, "Champagne is for celebrations, my dear. I'm afraid a toast seems woefully late considering your nuptials took place weeks ago. Wouldn't you agree?"
You could only blink in shock. It was true you and Tommy had eloped without a single family member present to witness your vows, but he assured you it was the done thing. This was his third marriage after all and you agreed a lavish affair would be inappropriate, especially given the fact that he divorced his second wife less than a year ago. Surely Polly understood all this? Then again, the withering glance she gave, proved otherwise.
"I'm sorry if we've offended you..." you began.
Polly waved off your apology before you could finish, crossing to the bar to pour her own drink. Like Tommy she preferred Irish whisky, neat and she sipped it slowly as she looked you up and down carefully. A small smile began to form on her lips as she noticed the abundance of diamonds caressing your delicate neck.
"It's not you or I who should be apologizing. My nephew can be a careless man," she hummed, smile quickly fading as she stared at her own reflection once more, seeing something which obviously displeased her. "I always thought he favored his mother, but he is so like his father at times the way he treats the women in this family."
"Excuse me?" you asked, twisting your fingers and wondering what could be keeping Tommy. You were beginning to feel uncomfortable with the turn in conversation.
She chuckled darkly as she stopped in front of you, her hazel eyes dancing with a manic energy that made your stomach drop in anticipation of her next words. "I died for him once. Did you know that?"
You swallowed thickly and shook your head, fingers now clutching the cool metal at your throat as if it might make your husband appear more quickly to save you.
"It's alright, I escaped the noose," she assured you, lowering the volume of her voice to that relegated for the telling of secrets. "Climbed through it like a window to the other side. And I found you can do anything you want cause there are no rules, cause there are no risks. When you’re dead already, you’re free," she whispered as though she was imparting wisdom you might find useful one day.
"He did me a favor really," she mused. "Now I'm the one protecting this family because I'm the only one who can see it all clearly. My second sight keeps us safe, you know." However, you only heard the rantings of a madwoman and your body began to tremble involuntarily.
"Oh, darling. You're shaking," she noted, reaching a hand out to steady you. Her fingers grasped your forearm, nails digging in like talons, and anchoring you to the spot. With saccharine sweetness she cooed, "That's a beautiful necklace," drawing out the vowels in beautiful until it sounded like a taunt. "What does a woman like you have to do to earn a bauble like that?"
"T-tommy chose it on our honeymoon because he loves me," you stuttered, eyes searching hers for a sign she would release you from this trap you'd unwittingly fallen into.
"Diamonds," she said reverentially. "Goodness, you are special then, aren't you?" she couldn't help but add sarcastically.
"I should hope so," you answered in a defiant tone you could no longer hold back given her blatant disrespect.
Her hand slipped from you and you took two steps backward as she smirked. "You know it was sapphires for Grace. They represent wealth and abundance so that suited her I suppose. Rubies for Lizzie, all vitality and passion. But here you stand wearing diamonds," she pronounced.
Feeling the clasp of the necklace dig into your skin in the same painful way Polly's nails had clawed against your arm, your irritation grew. "And what does that mean?" you demanded. Your unease caused the gems to weigh down upon you like bricks. You tried to inhale deeply, but found it difficult to draw breath.
"Some say eternity," she answered in amusement before turning her concentration to your neck. A cackle erupted from her lips as though the idea of your union was a complete joke. Your anger mounted along with the suffocating feeling, closing your throat so you couldn't scream or reply.
"Others say invincibility," she added. "But that's not what you two have. I can see it in the air around you. I know what you are," she proclaimed, eyes narrowing at you hatefully. She closed her fists tightly by her side, knuckles white from the force. And that's when you felt the crushing grip at your windpipe. You fell to your knees, hands flying to your throat, ripping at the necklace or whatever phantom force seemed to be cutting off your air supply. As you rocked back and forth spluttering and choking, Polly stood over you triumphantly.
When Tommy came looking for you in the parlor, Polly sat sipping her whisky calmly on the sofa. His eyes immediately darted to your tear stained face as he heard your hiccuped sobs coming fast between uneven breaths. "Y/n?" he called to you in panic, crossing the room in quick strides before Polly held up a hand for him to stop.
"She has something to say, Tommy," she announced, looking to you expectantly.
Tommy furrowed his brow in confusion as his foot came to rest over something small and hard. Stooping to retrieve the object, the hurt became evident on his face as he surveyed the floor where your beautiful necklace lay in ruins, a constellation of diamonds cast over the carpet.
As the jewel winked up at him, he looked from his palm and back to you as you stood, wobbling slightly from lightheadedness. "I've made a terrible mistake," you sobbed, brushing past him and running from the room with the urgency of someone fleeing their own execution.
Before he could turn to follow, Polly's eyes flicked up to Tommy's, holding him motionless within her hypnotic gaze as she promised answers. "Perhaps now she'll tell you what she really wanted here because it was never you, my boy."
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darklydeliciousdesires · 5 months ago
The Theatre - A Vampire!John Shelby/Polly Gray One Shot Story.
I wanted to have this finished last night, guys, but I wasn't really up to writing by the time I'd finally sat down. So, here it is now. Enjoy.
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Words - 1,647
Warnings - None. Though John is a vampire, there is nothing gory, just sadness from both sides as he and Polly meet again.
Polly knew the building she carefully entered of old, even though the once grand theatre had long been abandoned. It was the place where fastidiously saved shillings would be spent, best clothes donned, holding her father’s tobacco-scented hand as she trotted up the steps excitedly, ready to see whatever play was being held there.  
“Holy shit!” Her startled exclamation cut through the desolate quiet, a pigeon low flying in its bid for freedom through the door she’d just pulled open. There had certainly been none of those flying around when she’d visited there as a child. Scanning around, she was filled with a sense of nostalgia tinged with sadness, the beautiful building now lain to waste, a lack of care and upkeep over time as well as the obvious desecration performed by hoodlums adding to the overall decay of a once splendorous venue. 
It smelled of death, too. However, such an odour had nothing to do with the theatre itself. 
“I know you’re here.”  
Her words echoed through the grand hall, the high ceiling ripped open upon the huge dome, a blueish silver beam of moonlight pouring in through the hole. “You can’t hide from me forever, our John.” 
He’d been missing for months, the family worried sick for him, accusations thrown in every direction over who the perpetrator of his demise truly was. Because John wouldn’t simply vanish without a trace unless something nerfarious had happened to him. It wasn’t, Polly realised – and sooner than her nephews – any of the usual suspects, though. 
“Love, you’ve got to show yourself eventually,” she called, dusting off one of the seats, its velvet still plush beneath the gathering of fine debris. “I’m not leaving until you come out.”  
Resolute as always, she took a seat, crossing her legs. “Ain’t the same without you around, you know. I never thought I’d speak the words, but I miss the noise. Never one for being quiet, were you?” She hummed a chuckle, remembering all the times she’d had to see him into the house on shaky feet, drunk as a lord, singing. Without deviation, his song was always out of tune, but delivered with the kind of infectious mirth that never failed to warm her.  
The space remained veiled in silence, but she knew he was there, knew he heard every word. Hell, she could have been standing at the corner of the street outside the green grocers, whispering every one, and he still would have heard her.  
“I know what you are, John boy. I know why it is, that you went missing and never returned. If you want to stay away from us, that’s up to you. At least show your face to me once now I’m here.” Her sigh was borne upon a tremored breath, looking around the shabby surroundings once more with eyes that glassed. “I don’t want you to become a memory.”  
Whatever left within him that was human couldn’t quite harden to those words, the plea of an aunt broken by it, the love she carried for him so very clear. Polly was rarely soft, her grit and tenacity, her strength and fortitude pouring with the love she felt for her boys. She’d been more like a mother to them and Ada for a long, long time.  
“Maybe I should be.”  
She blinked, and it was in that single shutter of her eyes that he appeared, down by the stage, the moonlight bathing him. He was even paler than he’d always been. “Come here, John. Let me see you properly.” 
He walked to her, moving at the pace of a human, of what he’d once been. Of what he’d never be ever again. “How’d ya find me?” 
She almost hadn’t, had it not been for her intuition. The theatre, it hadn’t solely been her special place as a child; John had loved it too. Alas, his trips there had ended at just six years old when it had finally closed its doors, Polly unable to spend that special time with her little nephew of a Saturday afternoon. 
It was a fond memory, remembering watching him leaning over the brass guard rails in the upper mezzanine, his eyes sparkling with wonder at the scenes below. He’d laugh until his little belly ached at the antics of the actors; the slapstick comedy plays he treasured so much. Tommy and Arthur were always too rambunctious to sit still for more than five minutes, but John had been different.  
Of course, he’d still tear through the streets of Small Heath like a little freckled tornado of chaos, eagerly chasing a football or trundling a hoop, but if something made the child laugh until he cried, his attention could be caught and his little legs slowed down. 
“Because I know you, our John,” she smiled, “and I’ll never not know you either. I should have just bloody come straight here when you vanished, should have known instantly you’d be hiding here.” 
He nodded, but his face still showed he sought more. “And how’d ya know what I am now?” 
It was time. She had to reveal the secret she’d kept for so many years, only half believing it, not wanting to think such could ever befall one of her precious nephews. “You’ve heard me speak of your great aunt before, haven’t you?” she began, taking out her cigarettes and lighting one up, the air perfumed by the scent of cloves. 
“Ar, Lorna Boswell, weren’t she?” 
“Correct,” she confirmed, drawing fiercely on her smoke. “She read my tea leaves for me, used to do it a lot. Everything she saw, it came true. One evening, she told me of a creature that would come and take away a boy who was precious to me, one with hair like fire and a temperament to match. Ain’t gotta do much work putting two and two together there, eh?” 
He laughed softly through his nose, Polly continuing. “She said the creature would be living death, and take the boy away, make him the same, condemn him to the night.” Her breath clouded in the cold, shuddered, her heart fracturing a little further. “Nobody talks of the vampires, but our family, we always knew what they were. Our origins are the same, because we’re Roma people, John, and that’s where they sprung up from all those years ago.” 
His brow furrowed a little, but Polly knew there was no real indignance behind it. “And why didn’t you warn me, try and stop it from happening?” 
She scoffed softly, standing, walking to where he stood. “Because Lorna also told me that the boy with the hair like fire would seek it willingly, so tell me, who am I to stand in the way of fate?” She had him there, and he knew it. “Ain’t no fucking way a mere mortal can stop something that powerful either, fate aside.” 
It was true, but still, standing there in the presence of the one he’d truly ached to leave behind, John hated himself even more for the decision he’d made. “She said I couldn’t come home, Ena, the one who made me like this. Said it’d be too dangerous, with me urges an’ all that.” His eyes saddened, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I can’t come home with you cos’ of that, Pol.” 
The weight of it sank in her chest like a stone, a tear slipping from her kohl-blackened eyes. “The blood cravings, I know.” A loving hand touched his cheek, life meeting death, her warmth spreading over his chill. “Whatever you were, you still are to me. Never forget that.” 
His hand, chilled and deathly pale, covered hers. “What you gonna tell the family?” 
“Whatever you want me to, love.”  
“Say you ain’t seen me, just let me be gone for a bit, until I get it under control. Then I’ll come back. Until then, I’ve got this place, ain’t I? All the memories.” He looked up, pointing, the brass rails shining in the moonlight despite the tarnish. “Right there is where we used to sit, watching people clobbering one another, falling over things. Never laughed like I did when I was here with you in me whole life, Pol.” 
And he never would again.  
“I know, our John. I know.” She clasped his face, pulling him to her level, pressing a kiss of unbreakable love to his forehead. “Want me to come back and see you again, or...” 
He shook his head. “Not for a bit.” His hands grasped her shoulders, her human closeness stirring him, but not in the same way it always did. He still had love in his cold, dead heart for her, but the vampiric urges outweighed anything else. His body tingled, the hunger beginning to grow. He couldn’t, though. He wouldn’t. “Go on, get yourself home. Just know I ain’t gonna forget about any of ya. If there’s trouble in the night, I’ll look out for ya.” 
Of course, he would. She sighed, stroking his face one more time, her tears flowing as she turned and with the weight of reluctance and sadness weighing her down, left him there in their special place.  
If only fate could be fought against. Then again, if it could have been, it would have meant that two weeks from then, she’d have lost a drunken Arthur to being jumped by a gang of Sabini’s men, her wide eyed, wild nephew coming back into the house worse for wear, but alive. 
“I dunno, Pol. They was all there, fuckin’ laying into me with lead pipes and batons, giving me a right kicking. Fuckin’ fought ‘em back, though, I did! But then, gone. One by one, they just... vanished!” he boomed, scratching his chin. “I tell ya, someone was watching over me tonight.” 
Yes. Someone was. Polly smiled as she stared into the fire, thanking John silently. 
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toms-cherry-trees · 2 years ago
Hi Mars, congratulations again on 1.5K, what a milestone :D Here with a gif blurb request for Polly, thought this gif could possibly be an interesting combo with angst. Excited to see what it'll inspire in you :)
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This one was a challenge! So welcome to my first Polly writing ever! I did not know if you wanted it romantic or platonic or filial so I went for a motherxdaughter relationship. Hope this fills up the expectations!
And a most MASSIVE thank you to @runnning-outof-time aka lovely K for proofreading my first ever Polly writing!! ILYSM
Mars 1.5K Celebration
Smoke || Polly Gray x Adoptive Daughter! Reader
Warnings; Angst, some brief description of injuries, minor and major character death
The smacking of the bill stacks against the wooden table feels like a smack directly to your face; the two neatly piled wads before you hold more money than you’ve ever owned before and probably will ever own. But the money does not feel like tickets to freedom and peace; they feel like bricks tied to your ankles, dragging you to the bottom of an unknown darkness. 
Before you, sitting across the battered desk, Polly’s piercing eyes are fixed upon your wavering expression. She still dons mourning attire, even though it’s been long weeks since John and Michael went up in flames and smoke on an open field, each laid to the final rest in vardos and surrounded by every terrenal possession they ever held dear, plus a few lead bullets the coroners could not be bothered to remove. You had personally sewn each bullet wound up with needle and thread, wanting them to go onto the next life as whole persons and not just fleshy colanders. 
The minutes tick by loudly in the clock hanging behind her. While each second clocked in perfect sync, your heart hammers in erratic mess, blood rushing to your head and abandoning your legs, making your stand weak and shaky and threatening to send you to your knees. You have to grip onto the edge of the desk for support, your eyes closing as you focus on your breathing to stop the dizzying spinning of your head.
You exhale slowly to regain your composure enough to speak, but only one word leaves your lips “Why?”
“There is 2500 pounds in there. It is more than enough for you to buy a ticket far away from here, rent a place and get yourself a job” She speaks with the same certainty and professional tone she occupies during company meetings. As if you are nothing more than another employee in their payroll, and not a member of the family for the best part of your life.
“Polly, why?” You plead again, coming to sit across from her, staring straight into those stern eyes of hers through the smoke of her cigarette. With the white swirls around her, the Black Madonna around her neck and that black lace veil over her hair, she looks ready to start a seance. An aura of mysticism and ominousness that always drew you to her as a child, making you follow her wherever she went, hoping in your infantile mind to see her cast spells or speak to animals. 
“If you are ever in need of more, write to me at the office’s address and I will see that help comes to you, but you are not to set foot near any of us or into Birmingham. My driver will take you to your home to pack and then to London, but from then on you are on your own”
Oh, the Shelbys innate ability to ignore whatever others are speaking when it is not convenient for their agenda. But some of that ability had rubbed on you over the years; the key stood in being the loudest and angriest in the room.
“Polly!” You smack your fist against the table, rattling the glass ashtray and the neatly laid pens by the inkpot. Her eyes widen, but the bewilderment lasts only a fleeting second; she soon composes her carefully crafted cold facade again, the same one she has been wearing ever since the bullets rained like hellfire on her son and nephew. 
“Polly, why?” The hurt and desperation laced in your words do little to sway her unwavering indifference “Why are you pushing me away from my family” Your tremulous hands clasp hers tightly, your soul feeling like a boat facing the storm and clinging onto its last mooring for survival.
“We are not your family” Somehow, her retreating her hand from your loving grasp stings more than the words themselves, recoiling from your touch like she were retreating from a thankful beggar to whom she spared a few loose coins “What I did back then was charity, but it is time you find your own way. I cannot keep you under my wing forever”
Charity. Charity. Is that all she saw you as? A ward she took out of pity, and had now grown into a pesky burden?
The full story tangled and fogged in your mind, the fine details having been lost over time and life, but the bulk of it remained clear in your memory. Your parents succumbed to hunger and disease roughly around the same time Polly had her own children snatched away, taken away by the parish and the inherent cruelty they possessed for the poor and helpless. A mother who found herself with her arms empty, and a child who had no one to hold her; the turns of life brought you two together to fill in the gnawing gaps left within your hearts. Polly raised you under her guarding veil, surrounded by her candles and her saints and her prayers, and the quiet cries she often hid in her pillow whenever one of her kids’ birthdays passed. The smell of smoke and sandalwood evoked her memory in your brain. Her tender hands had braided your hair and wiped your tears in the same beat they had fired guns and threatened men and women alike.
The same hands that now pushed you away like a puppy abandoned on the side of the road. 
“I am not stupid Polly” It takes all your strength to not let your voice quiver “This is because of the Italians, isn’t it? Cause of what happened to John and Michael. You think they will come after me too” This has to be it, no? This has to be the reason. You cannot see it otherwise, why would your mother in all but blood reject you so abruptly? The logic feels so solid and obvious it soothes you in a way, and you cling onto that hope desperately. 
Her head falls back, a cruel, cold burst of laughter emerging from her lips “Don’t be stupid, they are after our family, not our employees” Another jab at your heart; Polly Gray is hellbent on picking at every soft spot you possess. And what could be a more sensible topic than your parentage? Taken in, raised as one of them, fed from the same table and dressed from the same clothes. But nothing changed your true status; an outsider. Never a true Shelby nor Gray; you were not her daughter, even if you had filled in during her absence for nearly twenty years
“Polly, you don’t have to do this” Your pleading words and your tearful eyes could barely show the true turmoil you feel inside “I don’t want to leave. I cannot leave you, not now! I can defend myself, you taught me how! Please don’t push me away” You never thought you’d feel pain like this; you had been too young back in the day to understand the grief of losing your parents, but now? You are thankful, for you are sure if you had felt such pain at that tender age, you would have died of a broken heart.
Polly remains silent as she methodically lights another cigarette, taking her time to inhale a long drag. The smoke swirls around her face and stings her eyes it seems; the corners have reddened and they seem watery. But she fans the smoke away with a harsh wave of her hand and picks up her purse “Enough of this. I have to go and so do you. My driver will take you where you need” She stood and slipped on her coat; a coat you had gifted her for her birthday, back when money remained tight. You had personally purchased the materials and tailored the piece yourself to fit her perfectly. 
As she makes an attempt to walk past you, you grab her sleeve, a vice grip around her wrist. But she keeps her back turned to you, one foot set forward and ready to exit the office. She tugs on your grasp, but you are not relenting. She is sand between your fingers and you are futilely clinging to the last grains
“Mother, please” Your voice is small, evoking the same tone you used as a small child, newly come under her care, still clinging onto the dream that someday your parents would return for you. The same vulnerability and innocence, and the maddening desire to not be abandoned again.
But your tears and your pleas do not move her heart. She yanks from your hold with such ferocity the seams of the sleeve snag
“If I see you back into the city, I will chase you out myself”
And those are the last words Polly Gray has for the daughter she no longer has
The whistling of the train urges the travellers to climb, steam filling in the platform as the train employees parade down the long row of carriages, slamming doors closed and helping late comers to haul their bags up. You sit alone in a compartment, your suitcases packed in the overhead shelves and a small pile of notes resting at your side. You have left home in such a hurry you did not have time to warn your landlady, nor your friends nor the woman for whom you babysit every Wednesday. You write letters for them offering sincere apologies and vague explanations, citing urgent work matters, blaming your health, and even adding the appearance of a long lost family member to excuse such a hasty departure. You do not include your new address, for you don’t have one yet; all that awaits for you at the end of the journey is uncertainty.
The whistle blows one last time, another plume of steam shrouding the platform. Amongst the mist you think you see her; black coat and black veil, and shoes brought from Paris, with the delicate heel and the golden crossbar over the foot. You stand so abruptly the letters spill on the floor, the pen shattering and spilling ink all over your hard work. Your hands and cheeks are pressed to the cold glass, but the crystal is fogged and you can barely make out any form outside in the cold winter afternoon. You see the black shadow moving away, and you smash your gloved fists against the glass, chanting her name like a prayer. But it is too late; the engine starts and the station is left behind, alongside your last hope of reconciliation and your home.
You are not sure you saw her, but she saw you. She saw you bent over something in your lap, brows furrowed in concentration and shoulders slouched. It takes a lot of effort to restrain her from calling you out and remind you to keep the shoulders tight, like she did so many times as you grew up from awkward childhood into comely adolescence. Polly wonders if you had time to pack food for the journey, and makes note to comb your flat later to make sure you have not forgotten anything; you are always so lackadaisical, one ought to give thanks your head is glue to your body. In the train travels a trusted aide of hers; he will tail you, wherever you go, to ensure you find a safe home and proper job. Every step you take he will report to her, and every person who crosses your path he will check to keep any wandering enemies away. That much she can do to keep you safe. That, and keep you as far away from herself as she can; the Shelbys are cursed, all of them, and they bring nothing but pain and death to those they love the most.
As the train at last begins to move, she rolls down her veil and walks away from your window. Amidst the steam and under the black gauze and lace, it is easier to hide the tears.
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hb-writes · 2 years ago
Polly Gray & Clara Shelby
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✵ The Walk-In Appointment: May 1909. Clara learns to walk a bit later than her twin, but once she does there’s no stopping her from following her big brother around wherever he goes. 
✵ The Horsewoman: 1913. Clara and Finn are ready to start school, but Clara is a bit hesitant. Thankfully, her older brother Tommy knows how to negotiate.
✵ For Old and Young Alike: Set in 1913 and 1922. All Clara Shelby wants for Christmas is a little quality time with her favorite people. 
✵ The Road that Leads to Trouble: 1914. The Shelby dinner table is rarely a thing one would call quiet or calm, and it’s no different on the night the family learns their youngest has been kissing boys out on the lane.
✵ Wishes in the Tea Leaves: 1914. After Clara’s brothers leave for France, she is seeking answers to questions she’d rather keep to herself so she asks Aunt Polly to read her tea leaves. 
✵ Easier to Bear: 1916. It was an accident, Clara and Finn didn’t mean to knock over Aunt Polly’s picture. They didn’t mean to shatter the picture frame on the hardwood, but accidents happen. And they happen at inopportune times. Left to sort her feelings on her own, Clara decides she’s disappointed her aunt too much and it’s almost too much for the little girl to bear.
✵ The Shelby Inheritance: 1918. When Clara and Finn are being teased at school, Tommy helps them get things sorted.
✵ Little Lady Blinder Series: 1919. Clara Shelby is a kind girl, a smart girl, a well-behaved little sister in a town full of gangsters and ruffians. With the girl’s raising thus far being such a simple task, the Shelby family is left unprepared for all that accompanies a perfectly respectable little girl growing up and becoming a lady among Peaky Blinders.
✵ Something: 1922. Tommy has sensed a change in the way his youngest sister relates to the boys of Small Heath.
✵ A Little Reflection: 1923. When Aunt Polly summons Clara to church, she knows it’s rarely for good reason and never about religion.
✵ The Small Acts: 1924. When Clara rows with her brother late at night, she runs to Aunt Polly’s door.
✵ I don’t want to be alone: Christmas Eve 1924. For the past six months Clara has wished for nothing more than to have her family back home, to have them free from Winson Green and the threat of the noose, but as with most wishes, she now knows she should have been more specific with her request.
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corrupte3d-mindz · 9 months ago
Sleepless Nights
Thomas Shelby x Pregnant Wife Reader
Summary: Thomas cares for his wife.
Wordcount: 2.3k
soft Thomas!, kissing, soft talk, lovely husband things.
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Thomas prowls the grand corridors of Arrow House with a mixture of determination and unease. The mansion is a labyrinth of opulence, each corner dripping with the wealth he’s fought tooth and nail to secure. Yet, tonight, none of that matters. His mind is solely focused on one thing—finding his pregnant wife.
The house, with its vast rooms and endless hallways, feels both protective and suffocating. The heavy silence is broken only by the distant ticking of an antique clock, a stark reminder of time slipping away. Thomas’s polished shoes echo on the marble floors as he moves through the dimly lit spaces, his keen eyes scanning every shadow and crevice. The opulent decor, a testament to his success, now seems to mock him with its cold grandeur. He enters the library, where shelves upon shelves of leather-bound books line the walls, their spines gleaming in the faint light. The room smells of old paper and cigarette a sanctuary for his restless mind on many nights. But tonight, it offers no solace. He moves on, his pace quickening, his heartbeat mirroring his urgency.
As he strides through the dining hall, the long table stands like an island in the middle of the room, set for a feast that never seems to be eaten. The chandelier above it sparkles, casting prismatic reflections around the room, but Thomas’s eyes are unseeing. He is a man on a mission, driven by an anxiety he rarely allows himself to feel.
Finally, he reaches the living room, a vast space dominated by an enormous fireplace. The flames within flicker and dance, casting a warm, golden glow over the room. And there she is. His wife, his beacon in the storm of his life, sitting on the couch in an awkward yet somehow comfortable position. The sight of her instantly softens his stern expression, though worry still shadows his features. She’s nestled into the corner of the couch, her swollen belly making her position look ungainly to anyone else, but Thomas knows better. He sees the way her hand rests protectively over her stomach, the way her eyes are half-closed in a state of meditative calm. She’s wearing a loose, flowing nightgown that accentuates her maternal glow, the fabric cascading around her like a gentle waterfall.
“Love,” Thomas says softly, his voice a gravelly whisper that cuts through the silence. “Y’alright there?” His thick Birmingham accent adds a rough edge to the tender words, a contrast that defines him so well.
She looks up, her eyes meeting his with a tired but loving gaze. “Tommy,” she replies, a small smile curving her lips. “Just needed a moment. The baby’s been restless tonight.”
Thomas nods, understanding immediately. He crosses the room in a few strides, his presence a mix of power and protectiveness. He sits beside her, the couch dipping slightly under his weight. Gently, he places a hand over hers, feeling the life within her. It’s a moment of connection, grounding him in a way few things can.
“Been lookin’ for you,” he murmurs, his eyes scanning her face for any signs of discomfort. “Worried me, y’know.”
She chuckles softly, the sound like music to his ears. “I’m fine, Tommy. Just... needed to be alone for a bit.”
Thomas’s eyes soften further, the hard lines of his face easing as he takes in her serene expression. “Y’should rest more, love. Don’t want you overexertin’ y’self.” His voice is firm yet gentle, the protective husband surfacing through the tough gangster exterior.
She nods, leaning her head back against the couch and closing her eyes. “I know. It’s just... there’s so much to do. So much to prepare for.”
Thomas sighs, his hand moving to gently caress her cheek. “Leave it to me. I’ll handle everythin’. You just focus on our little one, yeah?”
He could see the strain in her eyes, the toll the pregnancy was taking on her. His heart ached for her, wishing he could take away her discomfort. "I wish I could do more," he said softly, his voice tinged with regret.
She smiled again, squeezing his hand. "You're here, Tommy. That's enough."
But it wasn't enough for him. He wanted to do more, to alleviate her pain in any way he could. His mind raced, trying to think of something, anything, that might help. Then she spoke again, her voice hesitant.
“Tommy, Ada said if it gets too heavy, you can lift my belly a bit with your hands. It might help.”
Tommy's brow furrowed as he processed her words. It was a simple gesture, yet one that could provide her with some relief. He looked into her eyes, seeing the vulnerability there, and he knew he had to try. "Alright, love," he said, his voice firm with determination. "Let's give it a go."
He moved closer, positioning himself in front of her. His hands, rough and calloused from years of hard work, gently interlaced under her belly. He could feel the warmth of her skin through the fabric of her dress, the gentle rise and fall of her breath. Slowly, he lifted, supporting the weight of their child. She let out a sigh of relief, her body relaxing into his touch.
"Better?" he asked, his voice soft.
She nodded, her eyes closing once more. "So much better. Thank you, Tommy."
He held her there, his strong arms supporting her, providing the comfort she so desperately needed. In that moment, all the worries and burdens of their world faded away, leaving only the two of them. For the first time in a long while, he allowed himself to simply be present, to cherish the moment.
"You're incredible, you know that?" he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Strongest woman I know."
She smiled, a soft blush creeping into her cheeks. "I have to be, married to you."
He chuckled, the sound low and rough. "Yeah, I suppose you do." His gaze softened as he looked at her, his eyes reflecting the depth of his feelings. "But I wouldn't change a thing. Not a bloody thing."
They stayed like that for a while, the silence between them comfortable and reassuring. Tommy's thoughts drifted to their future, to the life they were building together. It was a life filled with uncertainty and danger, but it was theirs. And as long as they had each other, he knew they could face anything. Eventually, he shifted, carefully lowering his hands and easing her back into a more comfortable position. He smiles, before cupping her face; his hands calloused from years of work, are surprisingly gentle as they cup her cheeks. He brushes a few stray strands of hair away from her face, tucking them behind her ear with a care that belies his hardened exterior. The feel of her skin under his fingertips is a reminder of all that he has fought for, and all that he stands to lose.
“Love,” he murmurs, his voice a low rumble, thick with his Birmingham accent. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” The words are simple, but they carry a weight of sincerity that is unmistakable.
She looks up at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of love and fatigue. Pregnancy has been both a blessing and a challenge, but in this moment, with Thomas so close, she feels a sense of peace. He leans in, closing the small distance between them, and presses his lips to hers. The kiss is intense, filled with a passion that speaks volumes of his devotion. It’s not just a kiss; it’s a promise, a silent vow that he will always be there for her.
His hands move from her face to her shoulders, sliding down her arms and resting on her swollen belly. He can feel the life growing inside her, their child, the future of the Shelby legacy. The thought fills him with a fierce protectiveness, a determination to shield them both from the dangers of his world. He pulls back slightly, resting his forehead against hers, his breath mingling with hers in the quiet intimacy of the moment.
“You’ve got to know,” he whispers, his voice husky with emotion, “I’d do anything for you. Anythin’ to keep you safe.” His words are punctuated by the gentle movement of his hands, caressing her belly as if to reassure both her and their child of his unwavering commitment.
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Thomas stirred from sleep, his body instantly alert despite the lingering remnants of exhaustion. The warmth of the morning sun filtered through the heavy drapes, casting faint, golden lines across the bed where he lay. His hand reached instinctively to the other side, expecting to feel the familiar form of his wife beside him. The cool, empty sheets met his touch instead, sending a wave of unease through him. He sat up abruptly, the fine sheen of cold sweat on his forehead catching the light. He ran a hand through his dark hair, pushing it back from his face as his sharp blue eyes scanned the room.
The clock on the mantel ticked softly, marking the time as just past nine in the morning. Thomas swung his legs over the edge of the bed, the chill of the wooden floor against his bare feet grounding him. He rose to his full height, stretching out the tension in his muscles. He was dressed only in his boxers, the morning air cool against his skin. The bedroom was silent, save for the sounds that nature produced in the waking hours of the morning.
His mind raced through possibilities as he left the bedroom, each step measured and deliberate. The house was vast, and his wife could be anywhere, but his instinct told him to check the usual places first. The corridor outside their bedroom was dimly lit, the heavy curtains drawn against the morning light. Thomas moved with purpose, his eyes darting to each doorway as he passed. He checked the nursery, but it was empty save for the soft glow of the morning sun filtering through the window. The sitting room was similarly deserted, the furniture untouched and the air still.
Thomas’s worry deepened with each empty room. He descended the grand staircase, his hand trailing along the polished banister. The ground floor was no different – the study, the drawing room, all empty. He paused at the doorway to the dining room, listening intently. The faintest clink of cutlery reached his ears, a sound so subtle it could easily have been missed. Relief washed over him, but he kept his composure as he moved toward the kitchen, the source of the noise.
The kitchen was a contrast to the rest of the house – warm, filled with the rich aroma of freshly baked bread and other culinary delights. The sight that greeted Thomas made him pause in the doorway. His wife was at the counter, her back to him, completely absorbed in her task. She was preparing her favorite pregnancy craving, a look of contentment on her face as she worked. Her hair was loosely tied back, and she had her loose, flowing nightgown, made of soft, breathable fabric, was adorned with delicate lace and ribbon trims. He had it made especially for her.
A soft chuckle escaped Thomas’s lips, the tension in his shoulders easing. "Hungry, eh? For whatever you're eatin' at what... nine in the mornin'..." His voice was low, the thick Birmingham accent adding a familiar roughness to his words.
She turns to him, a small smile playing on her lips. Her eyes are bright, despite the early hour, and there's a certain glow about her that he finds both endearing and reassuring. "Well... I originally woke up because I had to throw up... but then it wore off and I just sat there for a bit before I actually did throw up..." she explains, her voice trailing off as she takes another bite.
He crosses the room to her, his worry giving way to a tender affection. He reaches out, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face, his touch gentle and careful. "You alright now?" he asks, his voice softening. "You and the little one?"
She nods, placing the bowl on the counter. "Yes, we're fine. Just one of those mornings."
Thomas wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her close. He can feel the slight swell of her belly against his skin, a constant reminder of the new life growing inside her. "You should've woken me," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
She laughs softly, resting her head against his chest. "You need your rest too, Tommy. Besides, it’s nothing I can’t handle."
He holds her for a moment longer, savoring the quiet intimacy of the moment. The kitchen, with its warm morning light and the comforting presence of his wife, feels like a sanctuary. A stark contrast to the chaos and violence that often defines his life outside these walls. He pulls back slightly, looking down at her with a mixture of love and concern. "If you need anythin', you come get me. Don’t try to be too strong on your own."
She nods, understanding the depth of his worry. "I will, I promise."
They both stood there looking at each other.
"Any plans for today?" he asks, breaking the comfortable silence.
She looks up at him, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I was thinking of organizing the nursery a bit more. And maybe take a walk in the garden if the weather holds."
He nods, appreciating her simple plans. "Sounds good. I’ve got a meeting later, but I’ll be back by lunch. We can go for that walk together."
She smiles, the idea pleasing her. "I’d like that."
Author’s Notes:
Credit for the smol sparkle divider: CafeKitsune
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mydear-corinthian · 1 year ago
A Peaky Blinder || Shelby Family x reader
Synopsis: You encountering an assaulter while drinking on the Garrison pub. Pairing: Shelby Family x sister! reader (except for Finn & Ada) Warnings: sexual assault, gun violence, mentions of blood, and swearing Notes: Not proofread, there are some grammatical errors Click here to find the main masterlist. Click here to find the PEAKY BLINDERS masterlist.
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This week feels like hell.
Loads of men barging in the shop, betting and betting like there was no tomorrow. As the accountant of the family and the business, it felt like hell.
A drink would help you stress down after a week of non-stop working. The trip to the family's tavern, the Garrison, was simple-- taking a short route there instead of the long way.
You opened the doors of the Garrison, immediately sitting down on the counter. You sat down, taking a deep sigh.
"Hello, (y/n). What drink do you want?" Harry, the bartender, asked you as soon as he saw you sitting down.
"It's alright, Harry. I'll get it," you replied, grabbing the big glass of bottle filled with your family's most famous drink, Gin, behind the counter's cupboard in front of you.
You opened the lid, tossing it at the side of the table, chugging the drink down.
"Rough week, innit?" Harry asked, wiping the unused glasses.
"Very rough week, Harry," you replied, taking a deep sigh.
"Why would people risk betting their money for a what? A race? It's funny but hey, who am I to judge? At least they're helping us work the business out."
The talk with you and Harry kept on going until both of your heads turned, looking at the doors after hearing them open harshly.
Three men entered the tavern. Dirty suits, hats on, and cigarettes designing their lips.
They walked up to the counter just beside you as they started to state their order.
"3 glasses of whiskey for us," you heard one of them order.
You just went on with your drink, Harry muttering an 'excuse me' to you before he was out of your sight, giving the 3 gentlemen their order.
"Slow down, love," you heard one of them.
You turned your head to them and tilted. "Sorry?"
"I said slow down drinking. You're too pretty to drink this whole bottle of yours to yourself.. and too pretty to be a whore either," he commented, looking up and down at you, licking his lips slowly.
He just called you a whore.
"What did you just call me, sir?" you asked in disbelief. You got up slowly, crossing your arms together, looking up at him.
"Ah, I get it. You're a feisty one, eh? A feisty whore.. I like it." he chuckled, his finger tracing your cheeks and then your curves.
"Fuck off, prick,"
Encounters like this in the Garrison were unfortunately normal. Weird, uncomfortable men doing this to women every day.
It was indeed normal but you can't help but be disappointed and sad for the women. Getting treated like this by men.
"Don't you fucking touch me," you shouted, slapping his hand off you.
You felt a hand gripping your jaw, your body pressed up on the counter. "How about I fuck you on this counter? Let these men watch us?" he whispered in your ear, his hand grabbing your hips harshly.
Mentally, you want to grab your gun and shoot him, on his groin, specifically.
and why not do it?
You turned your body, now facing him. A smile formed on your face. Your hands roam around his face and down there. Your hand cupped his manhood earning him a soft moan.
"Sir, I want to do something here.." you innocently said, your eyes meeting his and licking your lips slowly.
"Go on, love. Do it," he replied, and his two other friends laughed.
Your other hand was free, you used this opportunity to grab the small gun on your small bag and immediately fired his groin.
You let go of your hands on his right away. Blood is painted on your palm. You laughed, laughed at the sight in front of you.
The feeling of victory sprawled all over you. Finally putting men like him into their proper places and what they deserve.
He screamed in pain, cussing you out with all the swear words he knows.
Your brothers, except Finn and your older sister, Ada, rushed out of their small compartment just near the counter, guns in their hands.
You heard your older brother shout, "What the fuck is going on here!?"
Polly was with them, she looked at you and the man, she immediately knew what happened and she couldn't help but paint her face with a smirk.
"This whore shot my dick!" the man replied angrily, pressing his manhood, giving it pressure to avoid more blood coming out of it while his free hand was on your dress, gripping it near your neck.
Your brother's facial expression changed into disbelief when they heard the man calling you, their sister, a whore. Tommy inspected the man by looking at him up and down, mentally planning on how to take him down.
John scoffed in disbelief too, he grabbed his gun from his breast pocket immediately and pointed it directly at the man who assaulted you. He, then, harshly asked him, "Are you calling my sister a whore?"
Hearing John's question made your assaulter's eye widen in fear and appalled. He knew he fucked up. He knew he was going to get harshly beaten up-- or worse, die.
"Sister? I-I didn't know she was your sister, Mr. S-Shelby." he stammered. His head shaking violently, begging for forgiveness for what he did to you.
Rolling your eyes, you slapped his face. "Great. Now you respect me because I'm a Shelby and not because I'm a woman, and put the gun down, John. I'll handle this, it's my issue."
"We're here for backup, (y/n), alright?" Arthur commented.
You sighed, your gun still in your hand.
"Look, mister. What you did pissed me off and did not help me calm down after an exhausting fucking week but since I want to show mercy, you are lucky. You are free to go."
The 2 men ran away straightly to the tavern's doors, exiting the bar in no time. Your injured assaulter bowed his head many times and muttered a 'thank you' while limply running to the exit.
"Get out of my bar now, my mercy expires in 10 seconds," you said, massaging your temples out of stressfulness.
The man was still inside the Garrison after 10 seconds but he was already close to the exit, still limping.
You shot the floor, just near his legs. He ran faster until he was finally outside of the bar.
You laughed again at the sight. You turned the safety lock of your gun again before bringing it back inside of your black purse.
You heard slow claps coming from your brothers and your aunt. They walked toward you while clapping.
"Handled it like a true Peaky Blinder. I'm proud of 'ya, sis." your oldest brother congratulated you. Put his arm over the back of your shoulders and gave you a side hug.
Polly cupped both of your cheeks, caressing it with her finger slowly. "I'm proud of you, (y/n). Your mother would be so proud of you." She smiled lovingly. She cannot contain her happiness after what you did.
"Wait- you said you had a stressful week? Is it because of the overtime at the betting shop?" John interrupted, recalling what you said earlier and made him ask you about it.
You nodded in response, "Yeah. There were a lot of customers and being an accountant isn't easy, y'know?"
Tommy inhaled his half-full cigarette while listening to the conversation. He doesn't want to see his sister being stressed because of work so he planned on giving you a paid leave. "If it's like that then you can leave for a while and be back once you're good. Michael can be our accountant until you come back."
You shook your head, rejecting his offer. "It's alright, Tommy. I can handle it but is it okay if I'll just work on half-days instead of full days?"
"If that's want you want then it's fine with me," Tommy answered.
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brummiereader · 1 year ago
Aw thank you so much Alex ❤️😊! She was honestly so much fun to write, and a nice breather from writing Tommy (even no he managed to worm his way in at the end 🙄). She's definitely off her rocker in this one, I would not want to be in a closed room with dark!polly 😬. 😂, he likes to reminisce out on the patio when he's drinking a cuppa in the morning, planning where he's gonna put the next one 😳😅.
He didn't wait around did he? Think he quite likes the process of obtaining a wife, maybe not so much having one 🤭.
Thank you so much hun and for this lovely reblog ❤️😘!
Third Time Lucky (ONE SHOT)
Summary: Having had enough of Tommy's family's hostility towards you throughout the party he had planned for your return from your honeymoon in Paris, you make your way up to the last floor of Arrow house when a glimmer of light from under a door at the end of the corridor catches your eye. What does the Shelby matriarch have to say when you curiously enter the room? Is she playing a game or is there truth behind her words? All is answered when she leaves the room and things quickly take a turn.
Warnings: Language, angst, mentions of blood, Dark!Polly, Dark!Tommy ( This is a dark fic. Please read the warnings before continuing)
Authors note: In celebration of @zablife 2K follower milestone I wrote this little Dark!Polly one shot to add to her evening at Arrow House event. Congratulations again Lee! You deserve every single one of them ❤️. Here's to many many more 🥂! The song playing on the gramophone is "And the waltz goes on" by the incredible Sir Anthony Hopkins.
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Fuck them, fuck their stares, fuck their judgement and fuck this party you thought to yourself as you stormed up to the very last floor of Arrow House having had enough of the blatant hostility Tommy's family had been showing you. You tried, you really had, but for reasons unbeknownst to you the Shelby's had made it very clear you was not welcome and would never be a part of their family, even if you did bare the Shelby name.
Taking a sip of champagne you wandered aimlessly through the dark corridors as the party Tommy had organised continued downstairs. A sudden roar of laughter from your husband and his brothers had you nearly stumbling over, spilling half the glass of champagne clasped between your fingers. Now this is a disaster, you thought to yourself as you wiped your thumb down the edge of the crystal not wanting to waste another single drop, the sweet fizz the only thing getting you through the evenings festivities.
Gazing at the various paintings adorning the walls as you walked along the dimly lit corridor you suddenly stopped when a small flicker of light coming from under the door at the end of the hallway caught your eye. Is that music? You thought to yourself as you moved closer, curious as to what was going on behind the door that was seemingly always shut. "We can't find the key Mam", "There's nothing in there love" were the words you would always hear whenever you asked the maids or Tommy to open the door for you. Determined and slightly annoyed that the room was clearly accessible to anyone but you, you strode forward, throwing the door open in one swift movement.
"Polly...?" You said stunned as you entered the room to see the eldest of the Shelby family laying on a dark blue velvet lounge chair, a large fur shawl resting on her shoulders with a cigarette in one hand and a glass of red wine in the other. "What are you doing in here?" You questioned furrowing your brow as your eyes darted around the room at all the clothes scattered on the floor and furniture, clothes you had never seen before.
" Shut the door dear, you're letting a draft in" she said as she flicked the ash off her burning cigarette on the floor beside her. " I guess congratulations are in order" she said with a tight smile as she stood up walking over to you, enwrapping herself further into the the shawl glamorously draped against her porcelain skin. "Real fur, touch it. Feel how soft it is" she said as her eyes widened and a smile etched on the corner of her mouth. As your fingers brushed along the soft hairs Polly grabbed your wrist. "Beautiful" she said as she lifted your hand up to her face, your engagement ring glistening against the warm light illuminating the room." Number one, number two and number three" she said pointing to each diamond on your ring then pointing to you." Strange array of diamonds clustered together, don't you think? Looks like they belong to three separate rings" she said dropping your hand as a smirk danced on her red stained lips.
" It's custom-made. Tommy oversaw the design himself " you quickly replied as you looked down at your ring, turning it around your finger as a sudden surge of self-doubt and nerves in response to her words rose within you. What what she trying to insinuate? You thought to yourself as you clasped your hands together, your eyes looking up through your lashes to see Polly staring you down.
" Oh I don't doubt that love" she said cocking a brow as she walked over to the gramophone to turn the volume up.
" Polly what, what are you doing in here?" you asked as you watched her move her arms graciously in the air, the glass of red wine in her hand spilling over onto the garments below her as she swayed her body to the music in a trance like state, humming contently to the waltz playing from the record player.
" Just borrowing some clothes, you don't mind do you?" She said as she spun around, picking up a green feathered dress in front of her.
" Polly, these aren't mine" you replied as you crossed your arms, a frustrated sigh leaving your lips at her flippant demeanour. Was she playing with you?
" Oh but they are love now you're married to my dear nephew. Aren't you a lucky girl" she said as she walked into the middle of the room placing her now half empty glass of wine on the table beside her. " There's wife number ones clothes" she said as she took the fur shawl off her shoulders, discarding it on the floor with disgust on her face like a piece of rag used for the most meaninglessness of tasks." Tragic" she said as walked over the shawl to a silk dress laying over the lounge chair. " Did Tommy tell you how she died?" She asked as she leaned on the plush velvet, her head quickly snapping to you.
" She was killed, she took a bullet meant for Tommy" you said as you shifted in place, your eyes looking down nervously at the floor below you at the fateful night Tommy had recounted to you.
" Hmm. However did they miss?" she said stubbing her cigarette out on the dress, smirking at how quickly your eyes darted up in disbelief at her veiled remark. A remark that had your pupils widen in shock at the outlandish suggestion Tommy had let his first wife take the bullet intended for him. "Then there's the lovely Lizzie" she said as she picked up a pair of diamond earrings, placing them to her ears as she looked at her reflection in the mirror on the wall. " How do they look?" She said turning around to face you as she held them up against her cheek waiting for your reaction. Nodding your head you looked back to the door desperate to leave, the atmosphere in the room had become increasingly unnerving all due to Polly's strange manner. " She hasn't been seen in almost a year, right around the time Tommy installed a new patio in the garden. Beautiful work. He had red roses planted all around it. Looks like a sea of blood from the distance" she chuckled as she picked up her glass of wine observing you other the rim of the crystal as her lips pursed into a thin smile.
" Lizzie is with family" you said firmly as you crossed your arms when the expression on Polly's face suddenly dropped and she came striding over to you, now inches from your face.
" Did he tell you that too?" She said holding the earrings up to your face as you flinched at the feeling of her silk gloved hands on the side of your cheek. " Oh, your ears are not pierced, let's fix that for you" she said without giving you a chance to reply as she placed her glass down before pushing the end of the earring into your soft unbroken skin.
" Polly...wait, stop!" You said as you pushed her hand away from you, catching a flash of darkness in her eye for the brief second she let it unveil itself. Stepping back you brought your hand up to the burning sting now throbbing against your skin as blood dripped onto your gown.
"Salt" she said pointing at your blood stained dress. " I've cleaned up so much of it over the years, pools of it from my Nephew's little outbursts. Those naughty boys do get themselves into a spot of bother now and then. Just like their father, an unpredictable temper that just...snaps" she said as she clicked her fingers in front of your face, her eyes widening with a menacing glint that bore into you." In the end they all come looking for Aunt Pol to clean up their mess" she chuckled as she brought her hand up to your hair, brushing her fingers through your soft locks. "So pretty, so sweet. I see why he picked you" she smiled stepping back. " Maybe you'll last a little longer than the other two" she said as she pulled one of the diamonds off the earring, shoving it in the cleavage of her dress as she threw the rest on the floor when the door opened and Tommy walked in.
" There you are love" he said as you and Polly stared eachother down. " Everything alright?" Tommy questioned looking between you both then then back at the chaos in the room around him.
" Just getting to know your bride" Polly said as she stepped to the side, glaring at you from head to toe.
" Now now Aunt Pol, give the new Mrs Shelby time to settle in before you bombard her with questions" Tommy chuckled as his hand came around to your lower back.
" To your nuptials, may they last longer than the others" she said grabbing the glass of champagne in your hand, downing it in one go. " Red suits you love" she whispered in your ear as she rubbed her thumb over your stained gown before leaving the room.
" You ok?" Your husband asked, now standing in front of you as he rubbed his hand down your cheek. " You're bleeding he said brushing his thumb over your earlobe collecting the blood between his fingers, rubbing it together as he looked at you through hooded eyes " Y/N love, all this..." he said as he gestured his hand back at the array of items scattered behind him. " It's the past, I just haven't gotten around to going through it. You understand don't you?...Sweetheart?" He said as he looked at the uncertainty in your eyes, knowing all questions you had burning within you.
" Tommy, Polly...she made some horrible illusions that..."
"Shhh" he said cutting you off sensing the panic rising inside you. "Polly's been telling tall tales again, eh? " he laughed as he placed his hand on your waist giving it a gentle rub. " Her heads away with the fairies darling, she hasn't been right up there in a long time" he said cupping your cheeks placing a kiss to your forehead in a reassuring gesture. As you rested your head on his chest your eyes suddenly widened in horror as you caught your husband's reflection in the gramophone. A reflection filled with malice and darkness. Had you seen too much? Been told too much? Staring straight back at you, Tommy sent you a wink as you helplessly tried to shift away, your efforts futile as his strong arms brought you closer into his side keeping you firmly against his body. Looking around the room at the clothes and belongings of his previous wives Tommy let out a small sigh as you squirmed beneath him, desperately trying to free yourself from his grip as screams and cries for help left your lips. Reaching forward Tommy turned the music up, hushing you as he held you tightly within his arms. It hadn't even been a full month since your nuptials, he thought to himself as he muffled your cries with his hand. Maybe he would have better luck with wife number four...
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moonlight-rider25 · 13 days ago
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Tell me, is this an endeavor I dive into?
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saintsir4n · 2 months ago
where eden shelby learns that she cannot have everything
TOMMY Shelby had done a lot with his life. He had won, he had lost, he had killed and he had saved lives. All with the knowledge that he would have his family to turn to. Over the last few months; he had finally married the love of his life, she had been shot, he had an aneurysm, his eldest daughter had been kidnapped, Michael had taken a life and more turmoil and pain had erupted through the family.
And now he had to make more decisions, more consequential choices that would rupture more than just the family, but him. What he had to do wasn’t easy, it never fucking was.
He thought of it and tried drowning the growing guilt with whiskey. Even his brothers attempted to steer him away from the bottle but they couldn’t.
It was breaking their brother.
And more importantly, it would break his wife.
Eden Shelby.
The very woman who rushed into the room, with a stack of papers in her grip and an excited smile on her face. Lizzie was behind her, as was Polly.
“Sorry love for bursting in,” She rushed out, “but Tommy look. It’s done. Thank fuck. Look love, two years and it’s done. I was just telling…” she rambled when she settled down the pages in front of him, shooting smiles to her in-laws who couldn’t look at her. She tilted her head to the side when she noticed her husband’s vacant stare and hand his hand gripping onto his glass, “what’s wrong?”
“Pol shut the door,” Tommy instructed.
The woman made no effort to do so.
Eden’s brow arched, “Thomas?”
“Shut the door, Aunt Pol.” John begrudgingly urged.
Eden huffed, “What’s the matter? I know two years is quite some time but I was busy. We all are all the fuckin’ time —“
“Two years, Tom,” John stated, heatedly staring at his brother.
Tommy shot him a glare, “Shut up John.”
“That’s great Edie. Really great.” Arthur weakly praised his sister in law.
Polly stood, arms folded as she looked between her nephews, all appeared to be concealing something. But what, she didn’t know. But boy was she determined to find out.
Eden’s excitement faltered, “Thank you Arthur, at least one of you appreciates it.” She paused, “Thomas?”
Tommy’s gaze snapped toward her, he swallowed more of his drink as he did. Eden had already been shot because of the Italians. In the arm which affected her being unable to type let alone pick up a pen. And she caught an infection briefly. Which caused her mind to play tricks on her, yet writing brought her back. It made everything make sense to her. Especially her role in the family, as mother two pretty girls. They’re pretty girls. His wife.
His fucking wife.
Tommy’s eyes darted over to his aunt, “I said shut the door, Pol. And Lizzie get out.”
The women were startled.
“Thomas,” Eden said warningly.
“It’s alright,” Lizzie let the door shut behind her.
Tommy cleared his throat, and stood from his seat, “I need to talk to my wife.”
“Then talk.” Eden stiffly motioned. “Why do you look like that? What’s wrong? Is it those coppers again? We sorted things with the Russians, why does everyone look like someone shot a horse?”
Tommy leaned over the table, his eyes didn’t leave hers, “Listen Edie, it was out my hands.”
His brothers shifted in their seats, earning a sceptical look from their aunt.
“What was?” Eden asked.
Tommy continued, “I couldn’t get out of it.”
“Couldn’t get out of what Thomas?” Eden’s tone was more impatient.
He repeated, “It was out of my hands.”
“What fucking was?!” She raised her voice.
Arthur fumbled his hands and muttered, “She might need a drink.”
“So what, she can smash it over his face?” John sounded almost excited about the prospect. "I know I fuckin' wood."
“Will someone just tell me what’s wrong?!” Eden snapped, glancing between the men.
Polly moved forward, “Yes, just spit it out.”
“I made a deal.” Tommy declared, his palms grew sweaty on the table.
So he pulled them back. He stood, not tall, only stiff under his wife’s uncertain gaze.
Eden shrugged, “So?”
“You and your fucking deals Thomas. More Russian’s?” Polly had to ask.
Tommy answered, “Nor the Russians. The Calvary.”
“Coppers? What deal did you make with the coppers.” Eden felt a wave of nausea wash over her. “What fucking deal?”
“I need to protect my family. I need to protect you but I had to make a choice and I chose.” Tommy said, rounding the table. “To protect you because I swore to always protect you. To protect Inara and little Ines. I had to do what I did or I’d lose you. And I can’t lose you.” Not like I almost did.
Eden’s desperate gaze darted over his nearly stoic face. He was breaking down. The truth was peeking through the cracks and it drove her a few steps backwards.
“What… what did you do? Just say it.” Her voice pleaded. “Please you’re scaring me.”
Tommy averted his eyes, they trailed away from her confusion and his aunt’s dread. They landed on the piles of paper stacking on the corner of his desk. The piles and piles of paper. All the stories and metaphors between the words, the sentences that told more than they should. They spoke too much and had to go.
It had to go… to protect the family.
“It was you or your book and I chose you.” He uttered, confusing her further.
Eden was unsure if she misheard, “What? My book. What does that have to do with anything?”
“Words have power Edie, you know that. You even taught me that.” Tommy murmured, not daring to look at her.
“Holy Jesus,” Polly whispered to herself when she realised what had to happen.
He continued, “They know your pseudonym, they know who you are. And they know they can’t have a black woman have the reach you have. They can’t let your light shine through this fuckin’ fog.”
Eden blinked rapidly, “What are you saying, Tommy?”
“I’m sorry.” Only then did he stare at her, eyes softening and face tightening.
She shook her head in disbelief, “You’re what?”
“That book needs to go,” Tommy said, more firmly.
She scoffed. “No, it doesn’t.”
Eden stumbled forward.
Guilt settled on Arthur and John’s faces, when they rose to their feet, blocking the path of the book and ceasing the arguments from Eden’s mouth. Polly stood to the side, with her hand covering her mouth, as she watched on.
Tears stung in Eden’s eyes.
Writing was her passion. It was her voice, her power. Outside of this family, she had something that was for her. A sense of agency regardless of the name she had to use to gain traction. It was hers.
It was her voice.
Tommy knew that.
But their enemies knew that too.
And so her voice got lodged in her throat when her husband picked up her book. Her mouth opened but screams couldn’t be heard when John and Arthur gently yet firmly tugged her back.
Tugged her so she could reach out, not when Tommy scrambled to pick up her pages and pages of work. Not even in when his feet stomped over to the mantle piece where the fire simmered. Not when she clawed at their arms when her husband allowed two years were of passion being burnt to a crisp.
Polly stood in shock, frozen she was. She couldn’t have predicted this. She knew from the beginning Tommy could potentially hurt Eden. But there would be ways back from his discrepancies. But this… he had truly fucked up.
Her eyes briefly shut at the wail ripping through Eden’s mouth.
And with her remaining strength, Eden tugged out of the men’s grip and fell to the floor, eyes filled with pain and tears as they watched each piece of paper curl and turn to ashes.
“Two years Tom.” John accused his brother who turned away and picked up another glass of whiskey. “Look what you’ve done!” He screamed as if to relieve himself of the guilt he felt.
Arthur conflicted on whether to help Eden up but Polly’s scolding gaze forced him to back away. His aunt attempted to aid Eden but she couldn’t move.
There was no helping her. Not like this.
“Look at her!” John’s yell drew Tommy’s attention. “Writing was all she knew, all she had and look what you’ve done!”
“I think that’s enough,” it was far from it, Polly knew, sending Tommy a withering glare when Eden’s throat grew hoarse and hallow. “I need to get her out of here. Away from the three of you and your foolish deals and callousness.”
“It was her or the book,” Tommy whispered.
Polly scoffed, “Sod off Thomas.”
“It was her or the book!” He screamed, watching as his aunt forced his wife off of the floor.
“C’mon love.” Polly ushered her toward the door.
“It was you or the book Edie, I know what I’m picking every time.” Tommy stumbled forward.
Eden didn’t turn to look at him, she could hardly process everything around her. She could just recall the stench of burnt paper.
Polly pulled open the door and called out.
“Francis, take her back to her room.”
“Yes Mrs Grey,” the maid quickly complied, keeping a from yet gentle grip on the fragile woman.
Tommy called out “Edie, love.”
Polly forced the office door shut and fiercely turned to her nephew.
Johnny humourless laughed, “You’ve really lost the plot.”
“Fuck off.” Tommy lunged at him.
“You fuckin’ what?!”
Arthur targeted to break them up. “Enough, enough.”
“She was comin’ in her to tell you more than just about that fuckin’ book.” Polly’s voice pierced through their angst. “You may have one way to salvage this. You’ve taken her livelihood but given her somethin’ else. Another Shelby.”
And just like the brother’s, lost it all of again.
guys this took place before the big arrest, at least a few hours before.
yes, this led to the deterioration of eden’s mind.
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zablife · 1 year ago
The Black Madonna
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Polly Gray x granddaughter reader
A/N: Written for @look-at-the-soul The Grandma Series.
"I-I want y-you to have this," your gran struggled as she attempted to retrieve the necklace from round her neck.
You attempted to stop her, but she shook you free with an unusual show of strength. "No!" she cried out, her stubborn nature on full display as she worked the black beads from her head and placed them into your hand. She closed your fingers into a fist and squeezed gently as she nodded slowly.
Tears welled along your lash line as she explained, "As a Shelby, you need protection now more than I, my darling."
The lump in your throat grew, unable to protest her wishes. It would have been futile to do so anyway. When Polly Gray made up her mind about something, you didn't fight her. However, as your opposite hand came to stroke the paper soft skin of her hand, you realized the vulnerability that lie beneath her confident exterior.
"Don't leave me," you begged, voice pathetically thin and weak.
"I'll always be with you," she promised, rich brown eyes warming you as only she could. "But you must be strong now."
The tears flowed freely now though you bit your tongue to prevent them. You didn't want her to see the hole she left with her departure. "I...I promise," you finally whispered to her.
"That's my girl," she smiled back at you.
When you eventually relinquished her hand, you hesitantly looped the necklace over your head and looked down at the black Madonna that lay over your heart. Rubbing your thumb over the precious medallion your felt your strength growing. Polly willed it to be.
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staiyn · 7 months ago
Peaky memes
more sillies!
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Small note from ya girl!
Probably in the future make more memes of cillian murphy characters! Love em, so just warning yall
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tommyshelbyswh0re · 1 year ago
the forgotten daughter- Tommy Shelby
summary- tommy sent his daughter away because she was a burden he wasn’t ready for. she went 12 years without seeing him once, what happens when she gets an invitation to his wedding?
trigger warning- talks of abuse, neglect, rape, violence, illness.
dad!tommy shelby x daughter!reader
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you were 6 when you were sent away to a girls school in manchester. your father, thomas shelby, had told you that ‘he couldn’t be a father’ and that he was ‘too busy to be burdened with a child’. you were now 18 and hadn’t seen your family since. the last time you had received a letter from your father was when you were 17 and it was to inform you about the birth of his son, charles shelby.
you were enraged. it was unfair that he saw charles as a blessing and you as a burden. that he could step up to be a father then but not 17 years ago. you had practically raised yourself for the last 12 years. every birthday you stole a cupcake from the canteen at the school and sung yourself happy birthday. every christmas you receive pitying looks from the nuns because you were one of the only children to stay in the four walls of your dormitory whilst all the other girls spent time with their families.
you had just finished your last year and was lucky enough to get a job straight out of straight out of school which allowed you to buy yourself a small flat. you sent a letter to your father to let him know that you were safe and you gave him your address although you never knew whether he received the letter because he never wrote back. until a week ago when he sent you a wedding invitation.
deciding to attend was the easiest decision. you knew you wanted to see him one last time before you ultimately cut all communication and moved on, knowing that there was no point in hoping he would acknowledge you as his daughter. you were however grateful that he paid for your education, even if he did abandon you for 12 years.
you used your savings to buy a new dress before getting the train to birmingham and paying for a taxi to the church. as you stood outside the venue you pondered on whether this was a good idea, but you knew you had to do this in order to accept that you were alone in this world. you sat at the back with your head down for the entirety of the ceremony. you didn’t even put your head up to see the bride. as selfish as it sounded, you didn’t care for the wedding and you did not care about their happiness.
when the ceremony was finished, you stood outside of the church with a cigarette in your hand whilst your ‘family’ took photos. next to you, a gentleman was doing the same thing. he was also glaring at the family and you wondered what his issue was.
“what did they do to you?” you scoffed.
“huh?” he raised his brow
“if looks could kill, they’d be slaughtered by now” you joked.
“i just don’t like the groom” he shrugged.
“me neither” you agreed. “y/n” you reached your hand out to shake his.
“alfie” he reciprocated. “so why don’t you like him?” he asked.
“im his daughter” you nonchalantly replied.
“never new tom had a daughter”
“yeah he seems to forget aswell” you shrugged.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.
“it means he shipped me away for 12 years whilst he fucked off and had a family” you smiled. “fancy giving me a lift to this reception?” you linked his arm.
“absolutely. i think we will get along just fine” he grunted. and you smiled at him.
you both walked to his car and he held the door open for you. “didn’t take you for a gentleman” you bantered.
“is it the cockney accent that gave you that impression?” he wondered. which made you laugh.
“i suppose so” you climbed into the passenger seat and he climbed into the drivers. he started the car and drove towards what you were guessing was your fathers house, not that you’d ever been there.
“so tell me about the relationship with your father y/n” he delved straight in.
“wow you waste no time” you scoffed. “well he impregnated my mother, she died during childbirth, he lazily raised me for 6 years before telling me he couldn’t be a father and shipped me off to boarding school in manchester for 12 years and didn’t visit me once” you shrugged. it didn’t bother you anymore. you have accepted that even though he’s your dad, he’s never really been your father. he never tucked you into bed and read you a bedtime story, he never looked after you when you were ill, he never threatened your first date when he came to the door, he never took you for your first alcoholic drink and he will never walk you down the aisle at your wedding. and even though sometimes you just really need your father to tell you everything is going to be ok, you have been alone for 12 years and managed. you can go the rest of your life.
“oh. daddy issues then?” he tried to banter which made you laugh.
“you could say so yes” you replied.
“so if he’s such a shit dad why did you come to the wedding?” he pondered.
“i need closure. after this we will never ever speak again. all form of communication will be cut off.” you said with confidence.
“fair enough” alfie replied. he felt bad for the girl. she had never had a parent in her life. she had been neglected. and he could tell that even though she gave off the impression that she wasn’t bothered by it, he knew she was hurt deep down. so he left it at that.
for the rest of the drive you spoke about all sorts. your job, where you live, his job and where he lives. it was nice. and when your ‘fathers’ house came into view, you were in shock.
“are you fucking kidding me?” you whispered under your breathe. you don’t know why it was the house that made your heart drop, but it was a reminder that you were unwanted. that your father had abandoned you and started a new family that he lived with and looked after in the ridiculously large fucking house. and then came the lump in your throat.
“you ok?” alfie asked. he could tell that she was not.
you took a deep breath. “yes” you nodded and got out of the car. all the guests started showing up at the same time. you waited for alfie to get out of the car before you went in. he linked arms with you and you both walked in.
the first thing you saw was a stair case with large portraits of the family of three. it made you laugh.
“arrogant arseholes” you whispered to alfie which made him laugh. and it was then that you really looked at them. there was a portrait of what you’re guessing is your father, his new wife and his child. that was the first time you saw mrs grace shelby and charles shelby. and as bad as it sounds, you resented them. you resented grace for not encouraging your father to get to know you which sounds stupid and irrational but you couldn’t help it. you knew logically that it’s not your fault that the relationship between you and your father was none existent. it was his. and you resented charles for having the father you needed and wanted. that was supposed to be you. and again it’s irrational because he’s a child and it’s not his fault but you just felt so angry. so you looked away.
a waiter passed by with a tray of champagne and took a flute and chugged it. this concerned alfie. he didn’t want you to get drunk and say something to your ‘family’ that you would later regret.
“go easy” he sternly told you.
you glared at him.
from the other side of the room, john and arthur had noticed you.
“who is that linking arms with alfie?” arthur asked john.
“i think it might be y/n” john squinted.
“y/n y/n, as in tommy daughter y/n?” arthur responded.
“yeah, kind of looks like ‘er” john smiled.
“well why the fuck has she got her arm around alfie soloman’s” arthur said angrily.
“i don’t know, he’s like 15 years older than her” john looked confused. before tommy came up behind them. “need you in the kitchen now” tommy demanded.
“did you know y/n is here?” john asked him.
“who?” tommy asked
“your daughter, y/n” said arthur.
“what? where?” tommy looked around before he saw you.
“why the fuck is she linking alfie, and why is she downing champagne? she’s a child” tommy asked.
“that’s what we were wondering. and tommy she’s not a child, she’s like 18 now isn’t she?” john asked.
just as tommy hummed, he made eye contact with you and it was you who looked away as soon as it happened. he truly saw you for the first time in 12 years. you were a woman now. he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you were. you looked like the spitting image of your mother with your y/e/c coloured eyes and your soft y/h/c coloured hair. and all of a sudden he had a wave of guilt come over him. he knew he’d been a shitty father towards you, but he never really thought about it until that moment. he felt like shit and so he did what he does best and walked away.
on the other side of the room, you had just made eye contact with your father for the first time in 12 years. you had seen him in the papers so you knew he hadn’t really changed. but making eye contact felt so awkward for you. this was the man whose dna you shared and yet you felt no father-daughter connection with him. you just felt hurt. and so you chugged another flute of champagne. to which alfie’s concern grew even more.
the announcement was made that there was food in the other room as they asked everyone to move there.
you and alfie made your way to the table. you sat next to eachother. you looked around and saw your great aunt pol sat opposite you.
“is that you y/n?” she smiled.
“hello” you suddenly felt shy.
“hello darling” she replied. sat next to her was ada.
“how have you been y/n?” she asked.
“good, i graduated school”
“oh brilliant, do you work?” pol asked
“yes, i have a secretary job working at a factory and i’m a barmaid on the weekends”
“why two jobs?” ada asked
“moneys tight, have to be able to pay the bills on my flat”
“tom doesn’t give you money?” she responded
“why would he?” you asked.
“because you’re his daughter” ada said to which you shrugged. this conversation made pol and ada sad. they realised they truly knew nothing about you and your life. they also knew that tommy hadn’t been the best to you, but again, it didn’t dawn on them how neglectful they had also been.
“you recently turned 18 didn’t you?” pol asked.
“did you do anything for your birthday?” she asked.
“not really. just went to work, went to the bakery on the way back home and bought a cupcake and went to bed” you shrugged. that was your routine of 12 years.
“you didn’t celebrate with friends?” they asked
“don’t have any” your shrugged.
“what about school friends?”
“well they all knew eachother because their parents were friends so they would see eachother outside of school” and this made pol and ada feel even worse, you truly were alone.
“well i’m sorry we didn’t come and see you, we were just so busy preparing the wedding” ada smiled.
“it’s ok, i didn’t expect anyone to”
arthur got up from his seat to do the best man speech.
“hello everyone, before you eat i just want to say a few words as best man. my brother tommy met grace in 1919, obviously at that point we didn’t know she was a spy from the parish” at this, you looked up to the top of the table for the first time to see arthur and john for the first time, and then you looked towards your dad. he had an uncomfortable face on him, obviously not expected arthur to bring such a thing up in his speech.
you chugged another flute of champagne. and now, alfie, pol and ada all grew concern for you.
“-anyway, enough about that. these two were destined for eachother. if tom can forgive her for it then it shows how much he loves her. tom doesn’t really love anyone besides grace and charles” and at this, your father looked in your direction to see you chugging another flute of champagne. your 4th in the space of an hour. his eyebrow raised.
“-they are the perfect family. tommy, grace and charles. when grace was pregnant with charles you should have seen tommy. constantly talking about how this is all he’s ever wanted. he was bouncing of the walls” a lump formed in your throat. because he already had a child. you.
ada and pol looked in your direction to see your head facing down and you picking at your nails. a nervous habit you have.
“when charles was born, you couldn’t get the smile off tommys face for weeks. it’s obvious he loves his little family. it didn’t take long for tommy to finally start taking days off work for once to take grace and charles on days out. i remember the first time tommy took a week off to take charles away in the caravan.”
you could feel your heart beat speeding up and tears forming in your eyes. and you sneakily tried to wipe them away. but alfie noticed. and he placed his hand on your shoulder and squeezed it.
“i remember the dark circles under his eyes when charles had a cold and wouldn’t settle and tommy had been up with him all night”
your dad looked in your direction to see you wiping a tear off you face and put your head up. and he saw the disappointment in your eyes. and he was disappointed in himself. he knew then that he hadn’t been a father towards you. he can’t remember a single night where he stayed up with you as a child and helped settle you. it was mostly ada and pol who raised you for them 6 years.
“grace. we love you, you came into tommys life and made it better. you gave him something to live for, a child” at this you stood up and walked out of the room. at this it dawned on all the family what had happened. arthur hadn’t realised how big he was fucking up until your shoes clacked against the floor as you speed walked out of the room. “shit” tom whispered. grace looked very confused as to what was happening. alfie stood up and went after you.
he found you sat on a step with your head in your hands. he quietly sat next to you and out his hand on your back and rubbed it. neither of you said anything and you just sat there and cried for the first time in 4 years.
a minute later, tommy came out. alfie glared at him. “go away mate” he whispered gesturing to you crying.
“i want to speak to my daughter privately” tommy demanded.
“haven’t you done enough. why now?” alfie asked him as he got up of the step.
“please” tommy pleaded. he looked desperate.
“don’t say anything stupid” alfie warned as he walked back into the other room. tommy sat next to you. you still had your face in your hands and he could just hear you sniffling. it broke his heart.
“im sorry y/n i know i haven’t been the best father” you scoffed.
“you’ve not been a father at all” you muffled from behind your hands.
“i know” he nodded.
“i haven’t been there for you at all. especially in the last 12 years. but i want to start” he tried to put his hand on your shoulder but you shrugged it off. and pulled your face away from you hands.
“it’s too late. i’ve managed on my own for 12 years i can do it for the rest of my life” you turned to him.
“everyone needs someone y/n, trust me. i didn’t know it until i met grace” he sincerely said.
“maybe. but i’m fine without you in my life.”
“you don’t mean that” tommy shook his head.
“i really do. i have my own flat, a job and food in my cupboards. i don’t need you. i will never forgive you. you abandoned me for years. you neglected me. i spent twelve years in the same institute. christmas’s and half terms included. i was stuck in a building with people who would hit, kick and spit on me whenever i did the slightest thing wrong. i spent my 18th birthday being brutally raped by 3 men on my way home from the fucking bakery. i had to nurse myself back to health whenever i was ill. you weren’t there. you don’t need to be here now.” you shouted.
“y/n i- i don’t even know what to say. i overheard you talking to pol and you never mentioned that that’s what happened” you shook your head.
“its not really dinner talk is it.”
“i swear i will hunt those men down and make them hurt” he had a determined look on his face.
“too late. it’s already happened. they’ve already told me that if i tell anyone they’ll come after me” you shrugged.
“they won’t touch you, i’ll protect you”
“for how long? two weeks before you decide i’m too much of a burden again” you shook your head.
“you remember that?” he asked
“what? you telling me that i’m a burden? you don’t just forget your parent telling you that. sticks with you”
“i am so sorry y/n”
“yeah well i’ll get over it. coming to this wedding was a fucking mistake.” you sighed
“why did you come?” he asked.
“i wanted to see my family one last time before i cut all communication. not that any of yous care”
“come with me y/n” he got up and gestured for me to follow.
“why?” you questioned
“just come with me” he started walking so you followed.
you came to a stop infront of a door. he opened it and gestured for you to come inside.
you entered and quickly realised this was his office. “why are we in here?”
he walked towards his desk and grabbed a picture that was stood on it and held it out to you. it was a picture taken on your graduation. you looked up at him confused
“i had your school send a copy to me. i always asked for updates on how you were doing at school. i have every school report in my draw. i always cared about you. i was just terrible at showing it. and i always thought it was too late to try and be your father so i avoided you. which was wrong. but seeing you today reminded me that i don’t want to have regrets in life. i don’t want to be an old man on my death bed and wondering where my own daughter is. i know i cant expect you to just accepted me as your father. but i would really like you to come over for dinner one day. and meet grace and charles properly?” he asked.
“i don’t know. i don’t feel like they would want me here” you shook your head. with tears still rolling down your face.
“trust me, they do. grace has wanted to meet you for years. she was the one who encouraged me to invite you to the wedding. she really wanted family here. and you are family y/n. i know you feel wronged by all of us, and i understand why. but i want to make it better. please, give me a chance” he pleaded.
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call-sign-shark · 2 years ago
Heaven In Your Eyes || Masterlist
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Pairing: Arthur Shelby x Reader!OC (Heaven Lavey Shelby)
Additional content/Info: CLICK HERE
Fic Summary: He meets her at church one dreary night, guided by her singing. Her name? Heaven Lavey. White ivory hair, fair porcelain skin, and petite shape, this almost ethereal creature is Arthur's strict opposite. Yet, all it took was one dive into her heavenly eyes for him to be convinced God has sent His sweetest angel to save his bastard soul. The two lovebirds, obsessed with each other, are determined to live their love no matter people's judgments and no matter the dangers of a Peaky Blinder's life. They are together through the best and through the worst.
But behind her holy appearance and sweet facade, Heaven Lavey is dangerous. With rumors of witchcraft and murder, her shady past weighs on her shoulders. And if she is a blessing for Arthur Shelby, she will soon prove to be a curse for those who dare to stand in her and her husband's way. Even Thomas Shelby himself.
She is Arthur’s Angel, but don't get fooled by her doe eyes: for the rest of us, she is the White Devil.
And by extend, you are too.
Why? Because Heaven Lavey… It’s you.
TW: Major character death, explicit sexual content, canonical violence, graphic description of violence, blasphemy, witch trials and burning of innocent women, dependent relationship (if Arthur and Heaven are happy in their relationship, they are obsessed and possessive, which leads to bursts of violence and deifying from Arthur. By no means I am claiming their relationship is healthy, but it is what works for them)
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♢ Ch. 1 || Heaven in Your Eyes
♢ Ch. 2 || Never Did, Never Dared
♢ Ch. 3 || Something Wicked This Way Comes 🔞
♢ Ch. 4 || Dead Bird at Witchin Hour
♢ Ch. 5 || The Hell in His Eyes
♢ Ch. 6 || The One They Should Have Burned
♢ Ch. 7 || Of Matches and Gasoline 🔞
♢ Ch. 8 || Tango on Broken Dreams
♢ Ch. 9 || For Whom the Bells Toll
♢ Ch. 10 || Closer to Heaven or Closer to Hell? 🔞
♢ Ch. 11 || When The Bridges Burn
♢ Ch. 12 || As They Always Did
♢ Ch. 13 || Cross My Heart and Hope to Die
♢ Ch. 14 || Pure As a Lamb 🔞
♢ Ch. 15 || Women Like Me in a Men's World
♢ Ch. 16 || Après Moi le Déluge
♢ Ch. 17 || Our Old Friend Death
♢ Ch. 18 || Il Diàvulu Biancu
♢ Ch. 19 || Empire of Lies
♢ Ch. 20 || The Fog of Silent Hills
♢ Ch. 21 ||
♢ Ch. 22 ||
♢ Ch. 23 ||
♢ Ch. 24 ||
♢ Ch. 25 ||
♢ Ch. 26 ||
♢ Ch. 27 ||
♢ Ch. 28 ||
♢ The series can be longer.
Some events from the show are taken and obviously reworked. Yet, except for a few quotes and scenes, everything else is imagined by the author.
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Related works - in chronological order-
♢ From Blood We Will Grow
♢ To Bark and Bite
♢ Kaiser Meeting Cyril (requested)
♢ A Bone to Pick With It (requested)
♢ Perfect Lines
♢ Savage Daughter
♢ A Slice of Us (Modern!HYE)
♢ Love Ritual (@zablife's celebration)
♢ The Woods Whisper 1, 2 (Halloween Horror)
♢Little Lamb 1, 2, 3 (Yandere!AU)
Moodboards and other content
♢ Playlist
♢ Moodboard Aesthetic
♢ Moodboard Chapter 6
♢Heaven In your Eyes Act II trailer
♢ Moodboard Chapter 12
♢ Heaven in your Eyes chapter 16 trailer
Looking for more? Check out Heaven's masterlist I and II
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corrupte3d-mindz · 9 months ago
Forever a Shelby
Thomas Shelby x Wife Reader
Summary: Thomas and you get married.
Wordcount: 4.2k
protective! Thomas, cocky! Thomas if you squint, kissing, lap sitting,
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Thomas Shelby stood at the altar, the weight of his suit jacket pressing down on his broad shoulders. The church was grand, decorated with white lilies and gold ribbons, a stark contrast to the gritty streets of Birmingham that he knew so well.
Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the stone floor. The pews were filled with both Shelbys and Changrettas, two families whose histories were steeped in blood and rivalry. Today, however, was meant to be a day of unity, a truce symbolized by the marriage of Thomas Shelby and the daughter of his fiercest enemy, Luca Changretta. Arthur stood beside him, a rare softness in his eyes as he glanced back at the congregation. He reached out, patting Thomas on the shoulder, his grip firm but comforting. "Nervous, Tommy?"
Thomas turned his head slightly, the corner of his mouth twitching in what could almost be considered a smile. "No, Arthur," he replied, his voice low and steady. "Nervous ain't in my nature." His accent, thick and rich, rolled off his tongue, a constant reminder of his roots.
Polly Gray sat in the front row, her dark eyes fixed on her nephew. There was a mixture of pride and apprehension in her gaze, a silent prayer for the future. Beside her, Michael leaned back, arms crossed, a smirk playing on his lips as he observed the gathering. Arthur's wife, Linda, looked on with a serene expression, her hand resting in her lap. John sat a few rows behind, bouncing his baby on his knee, his wife Esme smiling warmly at the scene. Ada, dressed in a striking blue dress, chatted animatedly with Finn, while Johnny Dogs and Isaiah exchanged hushed whispers, their eyes darting around the room. The tension in the air was palpable, a heady mix of anticipation and unease. Thomas felt it in his bones, the weight of expectations and the ghosts of the past pressing down on him. Marrying into the Changretta family was a strategic move, but it wasn’t a strategic move on his part, it was love. Yes, Thomas Shelby had fallen in love with a Changretta but the same could be said for her.
“Now, hush Arthur. She’ll be walking down that aisle any minute now,” Thomas murmured, his voice a low growl that carried an edge of authority. He straightened his posture, his gaze fixed on the ornate doors at the end of the aisle
Arthur looked at him again; “You sure you’re not nervous?” Thomas could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on him, waiting for his reaction. He turned his head slightly, his gaze locking onto Arthur’s for a moment before he replied.
“I said I’m not fucking nervous, Arthur,” he said, his voice low and steady, laced with a thick Birmingham accent that carried an edge of impatience. To emphasize his point, he kicked Arthur in the back of his left knee, causing his brother to stumble briefly. Thomas chuckled, a rare, genuine sound that broke the tension momentarily. He could always count on Arthur to lighten the mood, even if unintentionally.
The sound of the organ began to fill the room, a deep, resonant melody that signaled the start of the ceremony. The guests fell silent, their attention shifting to the doors that were slowly opening. Thomas took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it, the moment that would seal their fate, for better or worse; who was he kidding? It was for better! As the doors opened fully, revealing her figure, Thomas felt a rush of emotions. She stood there, framed by the golden light that spilled in from the hallway, her silhouette ethereal and almost otherworldly. Her dress, a delicate creation of black lace and satin, hugged her form gracefully, the long train trailing behind her like a whisper. A veil covered her face, but even through the sheer fabric, Thomas could see the outline of her features, delicate and serene.
Her father, Luka Changretta, stood beside her, his expression a mask of pride and caution. The tension between the two men was palpable, a silent reminder of the bloody history that lay between their families. Thomas’s eyes never left her as she began her slow walk down the aisle. Each step she took seemed to echo in his mind, a steady rhythm that matched the beating of his heart. He could see the slight tremble in her hands, the way she clutched her bouquet of white roses a little too tightly. Despite the nerves, she moved with a grace and determination that he found both admirable and endearing.
Arthur leaned in slightly, his voice a whisper in Thomas’s ear. “She looks beautiful, Tommy.”
Thomas nodded, unable to tear his eyes away from her. “Aye, she does,” he replied, his voice softer now, filled with an emotion he rarely allowed himself to feel. In that moment, he felt a connection to her that went beyond their shared history, beyond the political and familial implications of their marriage. It was something deeper, a bond that he hoped would grow stronger with time. The sound of the organ began to fill the room, a deep, resonant melody that signaled the start of the ceremony. The guests fell silent, their attention shifting to the doors that were slowly opening. Thomas took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it, the moment that would seal their fate, for better or worse. But it was never worse, it saw always for better. As she reached the front of the aisle, Luka placed her hand in Thomas’s, a gesture heavy with significance. Their eyes met, while under the veil; a silent understanding passing between them, He lifted the delicate veil that covered her face, their eyes meeting in a silent understanding. This was not just a marriage of convenience or strategy; it was a commitment to each other, to the future they would build together.
Jeremiah stood before them, the priest's presence both comforting and solemn. His voice, deep and resonant, filled the chapel, echoing off the ancient walls. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join together in holy matrimony Thomas Michael Shelby and _______ LaPaglia Changretta." His words carried the weight of history and expectation, binding not just two people, but two families with a fraught past.
Thomas's eyes flickered to the woman beside him. _______ LaPaglia Changretta. She was beautiful, her dark hair cascading in soft waves over her shoulders, her eyes a deep, enigmatic brown. Her dress was elegant, simple yet stunning, the black fabric contrasting sharply with her olive skin. She stood with a quiet grace, her expression serene, yet there was a fire in her eyes that spoke of strength and determination.
Jeremiah's voice cut through the silence. "Do you, Thomas Michael Shelby, take _______ LaPaglia Changretta to be your lawful wedded wife?" Thomas felt the weight of the moment pressing down on him. Every decision, every move he made was calculated, and this was no different. "I do," he said, his voice steady, firm. It was a commitment not just to her, but to the path he had chosen, the alliances he was forging.
He turned to her. "Do you, _______ LaPaglia Changretta, solemnly swear to love, honor, and obey till death do you part?" Her response was immediate, her voice clear and unwavering. "I do." There was a finality in those words, a binding promise that echoed through the chapel, sealing their fates together.
Jeremiah's proclamation was met with a collective breath, as if the entire room had been holding it in anticipation. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." The words hung in the air, a declaration that felt both momentous and surreal. Thomas turned to his new wife, his expression unreadable. He leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a kiss that sealed their union. It was a kiss that spoke of duty and obligation, but beneath it all, there was a spark, a glimmer of something more. As they turned to face their families, the applause was polite, restrained. This was no ordinary wedding, and the people gathered here understood the gravity of the situation. Arthur left the alter and walk to the pew to join his family. Their expression a mix of approval and caution. Polly Gray, ever the matriarch, watched with a keen eye, her sharp mind assessing every nuance, every subtle shift in the room.
The Changrettas were less expressive, their faces a mask of formality. Luca Changretta's presence was a dark cloud, a reminder of the delicate balance they were trying to achieve. His eyes bore into Thomas, a silent challenge that promised future confrontation. Thomas took her hand as they walked down the aisle, the weight of expectation heavy on his shoulders. Every step was a reminder of the path he had chosen, he wouldn’t ever regret it; the future he was forging. The guests rose as they passed, their eyes following the couple, whispers of speculation and curiosity filling the air. This was a union that would be talked about for years to come, a merging of two powerful families with a history of bloodshed and betrayal.
Outside the chapel, the sun shone brightly, a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere within. The reception awaited, a lavish affair that promised to be both a celebration and a test of the new alliance. As they stepped into the sunlight, Thomas felt the warmth on his face, a brief respite from the shadows that seemed to follow him wherever he went. He glanced at her, her smile a beacon of hope in the uncertainty that lay ahead.
"Welcome to the family," Thomas said, his voice low, the Birmingham accent thick and unmistakable.
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The kitchen was a stark contrast to the rest of Arrow House, filled with the smell of freshly baked bread and the earthy scent of the wood burning in the hearth. Thomas stood at the head of the room, his piercing blue eyes scanning the room, ensuring he had the attention of every man present. The weight of the day was palpable; this was his wedding day, a day that marked a significant turning point in his life and the Shelby family. His dark suit was meticulously tailored, each stitch a testament to his attention to detail, and his peaked cap sat jauntily on his head, casting a shadow over his face that made his intense expression even more formidable.
"Right, boys, you're all here," he began, his voice carrying the authoritative edge that had come to define him. The men around the kitchen, his brothers Arthur, John, and Finn, along with Michael and a few trusted others, like Charlie and Johnny Dogs turned their attention to him. Each face was a study in respect and a touch of fear, for they knew Thomas was not a man to be crossed, especially not today.
"Today, this is my fucking wedding day," Thomas continued, his tone brooking no argument. His words hung in the air, heavy with the unspoken understanding that this day was sacred, not just for him, but for the entire Shelby clan. It was a rare occasion of vulnerability, where the hard-edged leader allowed a glimpse of the man beneath the armor.
John, ever the irreverent one, couldn't help but interject. "Yeah, and you said there'd be no bloody uniforms," he said, his voice tinged with a mixture of defiance and humor. The tension in the room crackled for a moment, a testament to the volatile nature of their relationships. Thomas fixed John with a steely gaze, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Nevertheless... Nevertheless, John..." he began, his voice a low growl that seemed to reverberate off the walls. He took a step closer, his presence dominating the room. "Despite the bad blood, I'll have none of it on my carpet." His words were a command, not a request, and the message was clear: today was about unity, not division.
His gaze swept around the circle, making eye contact with each man, ensuring they understood the gravity of his words. "Now for my wife's sake, nothing will go wrong," he declared, his voice firm and unyielding. His love for his bride was a rare softness in his otherwise hardened demeanor, and he was determined to protect her from the chaos that often surrounded the Shelbys. Thomas pointed outside the kitchen, towards the bustling preparations for the wedding. "Those bastards out there are her family," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of disdain. He had little patience for those who might threaten the harmony of his wedding day, and he would go to great lengths to ensure everything went smoothly.
His hand traveled around the circle, pointing at each man in turn as he spoke. "And if you fuckers do anything to embarrass her, your kin, your cousins, your horses, your fucking kids, you do anything..." His voice trailed off as he fixed his gaze on Arthur, the eldest and most unpredictable of the brothers. There was a pause, a moment where the weight of his words seemed to settle over the room like a heavy fog.
Isaiah, leaning casually against the counter, broke the uneasy silence. "Tom..?" Thomas's gaze snapped to Isaiah, a flicker of impatience crossing his features. "To... WHAT!?" he barked, his voice low but commanding.
He hesitated, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "What about snow," he ventured, his tone cautious. John eyes narrowed, the muscles in his jaw tightening. "Yeah, their women are sports, I’ll say that.."
"No. No. No." Thomas cut him off sharply, striding towards Isaiah with purpose. He stopped inches from his face, his breath hot and laced with the smell of tobacco. "No cocaine," he said, jabbing a finger towards Isaiah's face for emphasis. "No cocaine."
The room fell silent, the tension palpable as Thomas turned his attention to John, who stood to Isaiah's right. "No sport," Thomas said, waving his hand dismissively. "No telling fortunes."
He began to pace, the soles of his polished shoes tapping rhythmically against the tiled floor. Each step seemed to echo with unspoken threats, a reminder of the consequences of disobedience. He approached Arthur, his oldest and most volatile brother, stopping just short of him. "No racing," Thomas ordered, his voice a low growl. Arthur met his gaze with a slight nod, the fire in his eyes dimmed by his brother's authority. Breaking from the circle, Thomas crossed to Finn, the youngest of the Shelby brothers. Grabbing Finn's face with his left hand, he forced him to look into his eyes. "No fucking sucking petrol," he snarled, his grip tightening. He delivered a light slap to Finn's cheek, a reminder of the discipline he expected. "Out of their fucking cars."
Satisfied, Thomas released Finn and turned to Charlie, who had been lingering on the edge of the group. "And, you, Charlie," he said, his voice softer but no less intense. "Stop spinning yards about me, eh?" Charlie, taken aback, spoke up as Thomas turned his back. "I'm just trying to sell you to them, Tom," he defended.
Thomas took a deep drag from his cigarette, the smoke curling around his face as he exhaled. He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, a rare sign of the stress he carried. Returning to the center of the circle, he spun slowly, addressing them all. "But the main thing is, you bunch of fuckers," he began, his voice rising with intensity. "Despite the provocation from her family, no fighting."
He turned his head slightly, locking eyes with Isaiah. The room seemed to hold its breath as Thomas slowly made his way toward him, the echo of his footsteps on the wooden floor punctuating the silence. As he reached Isaiah, Thomas lifted his chin with a firm but controlled hand, forcing Isaiah to meet his gaze. His eyes were cold, yet there was a flicker of something deeper—an unspoken understanding, perhaps. “Oi,” Thomas began, his voice a low growl that resonated with authority. He pointed a finger at Isaiah, his expression unwavering. “No fighting.”
With a swift, deliberate movement, Thomas shifted to his right, positioning himself in front of John. He didn’t waste a moment, his finger darting out to point at John with the same intensity. “No fucking fighting,” he repeated, his tone leaving no room for argument. John's smirk faltered under Thomas's glare, replaced by a nod of compliance.
Thomas moved again, this time to Arthur. Their eyes met, and an unspoken tension filled the air. Arthur, ever the wild card, was the one Thomas needed to keep in check the most. Pointing at his older brother, Thomas's voice was a commandment. “No fighting.” Arthur, his usual bravado momentarily subdued, nodded with a grunt, understanding the gravity of the order. Next, Thomas’s eyes fell on Michael, who was leaning against the wall with a nonchalant air. Without a word, Thomas pointed at him. Michael straightened up, his casual demeanor replaced by a look of acknowledgement. The silent exchange spoke volumes—Michael knew exactly what was expected of him.
Finally, Thomas turned towards Finn’s direction, his youngest brother, “No,” he said, his voice slicing through the tension. He then swung his gaze back to Arthur’s direction. “Fucking.” And finally, his eyes landed on Charlie's direction. “Fighting.”
The room fell silent once more, the weight of Thomas’s words hanging heavily in the air. Each man understood the simplicity of the command. In this room, defying Thomas Shelby was not an option. Thomas took a drag from his cigarette, the ember glowing brightly in the dim light, and exhaled a plume of smoke. He walked towards his coat, which was draped over a chair between Michael and Arthur. “Good,” he muttered, his satisfaction evident in the single word. With his back turned slightly, Thomas didn’t see the butler approaching. The man, new to the household and unfamiliar with the Shelby way, hesitated for a moment too long. The collision was inevitable. The impact was sudden, and Thomas spun around, his face a mask of fury. “Get the fuck off me!” he snarled, shoving the butler to the ground. The bottle of wine the butler had been holding shattered on the floor, red liquid spreading like blood across the wood.
Arthur, ever the enforcer, hurled his glass at the butler, the sound of shattering glass echoing through the room. The butler scrambled to his feet, fear written all over his face as he hurried out of the kitchen, leaving behind a mess of broken glass and spilled wine. Thomas exhaled one last plume of smoke before stubbing out his cigarette in the ashtray. He adjusted his coat, smoothing out the fabric as he straightened up. “Right,” he said, his voice breaking the silence. “Let’s get this done.” He turned on his heel and strode out of the kitchen, his family and comrades falling into step behind him. The sound of their footsteps echoed through the hallway as they made their way towards the main event. Thomas’s mind was already racing ahead, planning, strategizing, ensuring that everything would go smoothly. But the words he had spoken in the kitchen lingered in the air, a solemn vow that no matter what happened, there would be no fighting. Not today.
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As Thomas Shelby sat at the head of the table during his wedding dinner, the room was alive with the clinking of cutlery and the murmur of conversation. He raised the crystal glass to his lips, savoring the last drops of whiskey that burned pleasantly down his throat. Setting the glass down with a soft clink, his eyes swept across the room, taking in the faces of his family and the guests. His gaze lingered for a moment on his wife her beauty striking even in the dim candlelight. She was radiant, her smile lighting up the room. But as his eyes drifted to her father, he noticed the man's steely gaze fixed upon him. Thomas arched an eyebrow, a faint smirk playing at the corner of his lips.
"You look absolutely stunning today, luv," Thomas remarked, his voice low and tinged with admiration. "Hard to keep me eyes off of you." He reached out to gently squeeze her hand, a small, affectionate gesture amidst the formality of the occasion.
"I can say the same for you, Mr. Shelby," she replied, her smile radiant as she returned his gaze, her eyes sparkling with happiness.
Thomas smiled, a rare, genuine expression that softened his features. His attention then shifted to her father, a man of stature and presence, seated a bit farther down to her. "Well, you're not the only one whose eyes are on me, eh?" he quipped, a hint of playful charm in his voice.
"Luv," he murmured, leaning towards his wife, "would you mind telling your father to stop staring me down, eh?" His tone was light, teasing, but there was a hint of challenge in his eyes.
His bride glanced nervously at her father, then back at Thomas. "Tommy, I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice tinged with apprehension, "but that's just how he is."
Thomas nodded slowly, his gaze unwavering. "I see," he replied, his voice low and measured. He leaned back in his chair, his mind working quickly. He was used to dealing with difficult situations, but this was his wedding day, a day that should have been free of such tensions.
There was a moment of hesitation, a flicker of doubt in Thomas's eyes as he considered the weight of his actions. But then, with a determined glint in his eye, he reached out and gently cupped her face in his hand. She looked at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears, and he knew that this was where he belonged. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to hers in a kiss that was both tender and passionate, a silent declaration of his love and commitment. The room erupted into applause and cheers, the sound echoing off the walls as Thomas and Luka's families celebrated their union.
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Hours had slipped by like fleeting ghosts since Thomas had exchanged vows, and now, in the quiet intimacy of their bedroom, he sat with his new wife perched gently on his lap. The flickering light from the bedside lamp cast a warm glow, accentuating the soft features of her face and the delicate curves of her figure. He gazed at her, his eyes tracing every line, every contour, as if committing her beauty to memory.
"You're absolutely gorgeous, Mrs. Shelby," he murmured, his voice a low, husky rasp that betrayed a hint of awe. His hands, calloused yet gentle, cradled her waist, fingers tracing idle patterns on the fabric of her dress. The weight of her presence on his lap was a comfort, grounding him in the reality of this new chapter of his life.
"I like when you call me Mrs. Shelby," she said softly, her voice a soothing melody in the quiet room. Her words were like a balm to his weary soul, a reminder of the new life they were beginning together.
Thomas wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. He rested his chin on her shoulder, breathing in the scent of her hair. It was a moment of peace amidst the chaos that always seemed to follow him.
"I like it too," he replied, his voice low and gravelly. "It suits you, Mrs. Shelby."
"You're fuckin' perfect for me... y'know that?" Thomas's voice was low, almost a whisper, but filled with sincerity. His hand reached up to cup her face, his thumb brushing gently against her cheek. There was a gentleness in his touch, a rare vulnerability that he showed only to her.
Their lips met in a tender kiss, a silent affirmation of their love and commitment to each other. It was a moment of pure intimacy, a shared connection that transcended words. Her hands roamed freely, exploring his body with a familiarity that spoke of countless nights spent together. Thomas pulled her closer, his other hand wrapping around her waist, holding her as if afraid she might slip away. Their kiss deepened, a silent communication of their love and desire for each other. It was a dance they knew well, a rhythm that was uniquely theirs. Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss even further. His hair, usually so meticulously styled, was now a tousled mess, a testament to the passion between them. She loved the way his hair felt between her fingers, the way it seemed to have a life of its own.
They broke the kiss, but remained intertwined, her head resting against his chest, his chin on her shoulder. They sat in comfortable silence, the weight of the day's events slowly settling on their shoulders. The gravity of their new union was not lost on Thomas; he knew the responsibilities that came with it, the need to protect and provide for his new family. His mind drifted to the future, a future now entwined with hers. He thought of the challenges they would face, the dangers that lurked in the shadows of their world. But he also thought of the moments of joy, the simple pleasures they would share.
Author’s Notes:
Y’all, I fucking love this oneshot..it’s so cute I finally did my own rendition of the wedding scene..ahhhhhhhh I feel like I got it just right y’all..ahh it’s fucking cute!!!
Deadass I should have written smut but nah, I don’t feel like it
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kpopgirlbtssvt · 4 months ago
(Someone please write this!!)
This is an idea where Y/n is Thomas Shelby’s daughter AND Luca Changretta’s niece AND is in love with Bonnie Gold:
Omg imagine Tommy Shelby met an American woman before the war and they fell in love and then when Tommy went to the war, her parents took her back to America and she gave birth to their daughter, Y/n. Tommy thought that the both of them had died, but they hadn’t. When Y/n was a teenager, her uncle, who happens to be plot twist… Luca, takes her in after her Mom died. Now she’s in her 20s (she’s not involved in any crime and doesn’t know about any of her families criminal activities, on either side) and she really wants to know who her dad is so she sneaks out and travels to England where she meets her Dad, Thomas Shelby! Tommy did not know that the woman he fell in love with so long ago was Luca’s younger sister. Y/n and Tommy get really close and he loves his daughter more than anything and is super protective. And all of the Shelby’s absolute love and protect her! And imagine she falls in love with Bonnie!! And when Tommy finds out she’s Luca’s niece he’d be shook, and he’d be shook to walk in on Bonnie kissing his daughter (he’d lose his mind lmao), so basically Y/n United 3 crime families, Shelby, Gold, and Changretta lol, so no wars between them!! Y/n doesn’t like violence and is really sweet and innocent and everyone just really loves her🥹
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sl-newsie · 26 days ago
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 67: A Chosen Target
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Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/sl-newsie/739551758747090944/american-woman-thomas-shelby-x-american-oc?source=share
In the next few days I ease my mind by getting some things squared away. Abel and Franz’s contracts are cleared so now it’s a matter of shipping out their textile products. I also wish to inform Thomas about Zipporah’s case but each meeting is called short before I can. So I decide to drive to Arrow House after this luncheon.
Right now Polly and Ada made me take a mandatory break and join them for an early bite to eat. It seems a bit out of place now that most people don’t have much loose change to spend. I’m taking this as an occasion to distribute some of my own good fortune to the bar we’re meeting in. Something else I notice is Ada’s growing belly.
“So Verena, how was Germany?” Polly asks as she sips her tea.
I twirl a spoon in my hand. “The country was a nice change of scenery. I met friends. Some old, some new.”
This gets Ada’s attention. “Oh?”
“Zipporah, a girl I met back home a few years ago, has to move just because her family’s Jewish. I’m going to ask Thomas if there’s something we can do to send aid. Not just to her but to other traveling Jews.”
This information leads the two Shelby women to exchange worried glances. For good reason, too. Their Romani ties won’t go unnoticed by those bastards either.
“That sounds like a perfect idea,” Polly compliments and takes a bite of her meal.
“Did you meet anyone else?” Ada questions, changing the topic.
“One comes to mind. A sailor. His name is Nathaniel Winston. He claims to have met my uncle before.”
There it is. The wheels are spinning in her head again, just like Thomas. Only instead of business ploys she thinks of more personal matters.
“So… This Nathaniel Winston… Is he single?”
I set the spoon down and grab my coat, placing my end of the bill on the table. No. I am not discussing this again. Meanwhile poor Polly looks confused at my sudden movement.
“I knew it,” I mutter, not bothering to face Ada as I throw on my coat. “I knew you’d ask.”
She scoffs. “I’m just saying-”
“God, Ada!” I blurt, throwing my arms up. “Must every man I meet be a love interest?”
Her eyes flash. “You are too stubborn to move on!”
“We have more important things to worry about!” I bark, earning some odd looks from the people seated around us.
Polly keeps calm and folds her hands together. “You still love Tommy.”
Something in me bursts. “Yes! I still love that handsome bastard and for whatever God-damn reason I cannot move on! So let’s drop it, shall we?”
I grip my purse and storm to the door. First moeder, then Uncle Colon, now this? Is there anywhere I can go without being judged?
“Verena,” Polly calls softly.
I cringe with guilt and contained rage, turning to face the older woman. “I’m sorry, Polly. I’ll see you later. Komm, Dílis.”
The canine jumps up and trots behind me. I’m sure Ada’s watching with disapproval. No, I cannot replace human companionship with a pet. But for now that’s all I have!
Keep walking. Keep walking. Get in the car. Start driving. I put my Bentley in drive and all but floor it out of Birmingham, heading straight to Arrow House. Maybe there my personal life won’t be poked and prodded.
By the time I get to Arrow House it’s mid afternoon. Today’s weather has stayed clear and still, adding assistance to my traveling. I park off to the side and march up the front steps, straight to the door. After a few moments of knocking the door opens and Frances lets me inside.
“I apologize for showing up unannounced but I have some matters to discuss with Mr. Shelby.”
“He is in his study,” the housekeeper informs me after giving Dílis a doubtful look . “Please wait here.”
She leaves me in the parlor and in no less than a minute later Charlie scampers down the stairs. He notices us and his jaw drops.
“You got a dog?” Charlie marvels and holds his hand out for the pup to sniff.
“His name is Dílis. Go on, you can pet him.”
The Shelby boy doesn’t hesitate and starts giggling when Dílis starts licking his face. 
“Peng.” The dog flops down and understands to play dead, causing Charlie to clap appraisingly. “Braver hund.”
Ruff! His high-pitched puppy bark echoes throughout the house.
“Ruhig, Dílis.” He stops barking but still whines anxiously. This past week’s lessons have been adding up.
Thomas’ voice draws me to the hallway where he’s waiting. “Dílis, platz. Zit. ” The dog stops and plops down on the floor. “Can you watch him, Charlie? I need to speak to your dad.”
Charlie nods eagerly and I follow Thomas into the library. He doesn’t seem fazed by leaving his son with Dílis. In fact he seems to still be calm and collected as he’s been all week. I’d almost say he looks tired. As I take a seat across from him I keep expecting Lizzie to slink out. I imagine she still wonders why I’m useful. I'd say it’s because I offer overseas connections and a peace of mind. But all because I simply try to hold Thomas’ hand I’m a deceitful witch to her.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Thomas asks as he sits at his desk. "Was it just to please Charlie with your new canine associate?”
“Not entirely,” I remark. “I’ve been meaning to request resources to distribute to immigrants.”
Thomas shows surprise. “Immigrants?”
“Ask any stationed officer or transport official. Any cab driver or port sailor,” I reply sternly. “There are more and more immigrants leaving Europe to avoid the Nazis. One of my friends is leaving for Boston just because her family is Jewish. I am requesting to send supplies to these travelers.”
Just like Polly and Ada, his face grows dark at the mention of the monstrous group. Instead of answering he reaches into his desk and pulls out a clean sheet of paper.
“Which setup locations are you suggesting?” He asks, pen at the ready.
“Oh! Um, I thought of London, obviously, and maybe some other ports heading out of Europe. Maybe some on the East Coast for incoming travelers.”
Thomas jots down some notes and slips the paper next to the phone. “It will be done. I’ll make the call later.”
Under his breath I hear him mutter something like “Mosley can go to Hell” but I don’t press further. Thomas still looks tired. No wonder he’s postponing the call. He probably needs to rest. Maybe… Oh, what the Hell. Why not?
“Would you like me to watch Charlie for the afternoon?”
Thomas, half hunched over on his desk, looks up with worn eyes. “You’d do that?”
I push aside my grudge for him and smile. “Of course. It’ll be just like old times. And you look exhausted.”
The man sighs and calls for his son. Charlie’s footsteps get closer and both him and Dílis walk in. The boy has an uneasy grimace as if he’s about to be scolded.
“Hey, Charlie. You’re going to spend the day with Veena, alright?”
Thomas’ son looks between me and his vader. “Am I in trouble?”
“No, Charlie,” Thomas assures. “You’re not in trouble.”
“Your dad needs to take a nap,” I explain and rub Thomas’ shoulder.
“Daddy’s tired?”
“Yes. So you have to deal with- me!”
I kneel down and start tickling the boy’s sides, causing him to stiffen and let out spasms of giggling. Dílis gets agitated too and starts barking.
“Ah! St-Stop!” Charlie titters and I raise him up.
“There’s that smile.” I poke his cheek. “Whaddya say to a walk in the woods?”
He shrugs. “I’ve never gone past the stream.”
“Then let’s go exploring!” I encourage and start leading him out.
“Not too far,” Thomas warns. “It's still dangerous to let you two go without protection.”
“Fine. We’ll be careful. We’ve got Dílis. Just make sure to at least try to sleep,” I implore and usher Charlie into the hallway.
Dílis runs ahead and Charlie hurries upstairs to grab a jacket. I set down my purse and request an outdoors jacket of my own. Ten minutes later we’re bundled up and marching through the thick grass in the pasture. Dílis wanders in front but keeps close by. Charlie picks out a sturdy walking stick and keeps walking on and off the stone walls.
“This is it,” he points out when we get to a frozen stream. I dunno what’s past it.”
“It’s still on the property so we can keep going. How about we check out those trees?” I point to where the stream leads to a thicket of ash trees in the distance.
We jump over the short wall and walk alongside the water. Dílis disappointedly tries lapping the ice and has to keep walking. Charlie helps distract him by finding a small stick for them to play fetch with. When we reach the thicket we all take a seat on some boulders next to the stream.
“This is pretty,” Charlie observes, looking out at the clearing behind us.
“Yes it is,” I agree. “God has provided a beautiful early winter. I’m sure this place is lovely in the spring.”
“Veena… Is daddy okay?”
That catches me off guard. What kind of question is that? Has Thomas really been so distant as to allow his son to be concerned for him? Charlie is still so young to be thinking this way.
I put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Your vader loves you very much, Charlie. He’s just been really busy.”
He looks down and runs his fingers over the coarse rock. “Are you going to leave again?”
He is growing up. And I can’t let him see how sad it makes me. “Someday.” Time to change things up. “Have you ever seen a tulip?”
Charlie perks up with interest. “No. What’s that?”
“It’s a flower. A popular flower in the Netherlands. Next spring I’ll bring some bulbs for you to plant.”
“My classmate David is Dutch,” Charlie reports. “I told him I’m part Irish.”
“And a Gypsy, don’t forget.” I point a finger at him. “I see you’ve begun to observe more. Just like your vader.”
Charlie smiles proudly but something makes him hesitate again. “When will you leave?”
I frown. “Why all this talk of me leaving, Charlie?”
He looks down again. “Daddy’s happier when you’re here.”
Happier. There have been few times in the past years when I have seen Thomas look anything remotely close to happy. How can Charlie figure out how me being around makes him happy? I know that in the past I felt glad to be wanted by Thomas but now there is no reason for him to want me around.
“Your vader is a busy man. He needs help to get things done and that’s when I come to visit.”
Charlie nods but still doesn’t fully agree. He must live a very cold domestic life if my small visits offer highlighted excitement. I guess Lizzie can’t do everything.
“Dílis, what is it?”
The canine’s ears perk up and he stands alert, facing the edge of the thick tree line.
Grrr. His high-pitched yip turns into a low snarl. Something’s here. Maybe a deer or- Someone. Two men. Two men step out and quietly approach. Both are wearing brown jackets and caps. They’re trespassing. I’m unarmed! Do they know I’ve spotted them yet? They’re not carrying visible guns but I’m not waiting around to find out.
I grab Charlie and sink behind the boulder. “Gib Laut!”
Rr-raw-raw-ruh! Dílis follows orders and speaks a fierce, gruff bark. Maybe that will caution them to keep away.
“What’s wrong with Dílis?” Charlie asks, trying to squirm away.
“Charlie. Listen to me very carefully.” I hold his face still so he can pay attention. “You need to go behind the trees and run home. Find your vader. Tell him to come here. Run. Run as fast as you can and don’t stop until you find him. Can you do that?”
Charlie spots something behind me and his eyes widen. “Who is that?”
“Charlie, go! Run- Ah!”
Someone grips my hair and yanks me onto my back. Charlie jumps away and all I can see are the treetops above me. My pulse jumps and adrenaline rushes through as one of the men tightly grabs my arm and pulls out a hunting knife.
“Maybe Shelby will finally come to his senses when we scruff up another one of their employees- A woman. Get the message across that Thomas Shelby’s time in the world is running low.”
I hear the other one let out a small groan. “This feels wrong.”
The clutch on my arm tightens. “She’s still with the Peaky Blinders.”
“Dílis!” I gasp. “Fass! Attack!”
The canine lets out a deep growl and I feel the man behind me jump back, pulling me with him. The other one lets out a cry and sounds to be running away.
“Mangy mutt!”
“Get this fucking beast off me!” 
I tug away and crawl to a nearby tree, trying to get a grip on the situation. One man is running scared but the other one with the knife is still trying to escape Dílis’ attack.
“Leave her alone!”
My stomach drops. Charlie is still here. He runs over and pitches a rock at brute’s head. It doesn’t do much except make him drop the knife.
“Ch-Charlie- Run!” I order. “Dílis! Lauf!”
The dog jumps back and takes off after Charlie towards the house. Go! Go! He needs to protect Charlie. Now if I can just grab the knife-!
“Damn mutt ripped a hole in my leg!” The man roars and punches me square in the chest, knocking the wind out of me. “Time to finish the job.”
“Let go of me, you bastard!” I wheeze.
“Wo-hoa!” The man taunts, smiling like a madman. “Listen to that accent! She’s American!”
He sticks the blade in my side and my scream rings out through the forest, sending birds flying. Warm blood spills down me and soaks my brown coat. In a fit of adrenaline I use my remaining strength to punch the bloke right in the crotch, sending him doubling over. 
The man gasps and tries crawling away from the sound of Dílis’ bark. “It’s back!”
From the frozen ground I look up and see Charlie run over, and behind him is Thomas running at a full sprint. He sees the man on the ground and pulls out his gun.
“Charlie!” I heave and pull him out of the way. “Duck your head. Close your eyes-!”
The bullet flies straight into the man's head, forming a perfect hole in his forehead. Charlie recognizes the loud noise and clings tighter.
“Don’t look. Keep your head tucked in. It’s alright.” With a blurring vision I see Dílis hovering over me and sense him prodding my face with his nose. “Braver hund. Good dog, Dílis.”
“Charles!” Thomas’ voice gets closer and I feel his wide frame kneel down next to us. “Verena- Are you hurt?”
“Take Charlie-” I wince and gently push Charlie away so he doesn’t get blood on him. “There’s another one…”
Thomas immediately sees the red and inspects the source. “You’re cut.”
“‘S fine… He went that way…” I try to point but my hand is starting to shake. So tired…
“Verena! Stay with me!” Thomas orders and begins grabbing me up to carry me.
It’s not a fatal wound but it’s not a light scratch either. Hm. How could one stab make someone so tired? My mind weaves in and out of consciousness, flashing images of being taken to a bed and getting stitched up by a blank face in a mask. So tired…
“You’re awake!” Charlie’s voice cheers.
I am? Why hadn’t I been before? My eyes open slowly and I take in my surroundings. We’re back at Arrow House in a spare bedroom. There’s a fire burning. Dílis is perched next to one side of the bed while Charlie is on the other. There’s light seeping in from the drapes. How much time has passed?
“You slept all day. Daddy brought you here and had a doctor fix you last night.”
Fix me. I reach down and pull back the dense cotton covers, revealing a large amount of gauze wrapped around me. So it was not a hallucination.
“You were very fearless yesterday, Charlie,” I praise and reach for his hand. “But please promise me that next time you will run when I tell you.”
His brown eyes drop and he looks disappointed. “I was just trying to be brave.”
I stroke a piece of hair away from his face.  “I know, I know. You’re just like your vader. But being brave doesn’t mean you need to fight. Courage stems in many forms.” I pat his cheek. “Don’t grow up too fast, Charlie.”
Arf! Dílis puts his two front paws on the bed and licks my face.
“Yes, yes! You were very brave too, Dílis. Braver hund.”
A noise catches my attention and I look over at the door. Thomas is here. From the look on his face I can tell he’s weary of seeing this scene again. Someone being injured and lying helpless in a bed. He quietly walks in and puts a hand on Charlie’s shoulder.
“Is the party in here, eh?”
I offer his son one last grateful smile. “Just saying goodnight.”
The young Shelby’s face tenses for a second. “Goed- Goedenacht, Verena.”
My eyes light up at his use of Dutch. “Goedenacht, Charlie.”
Thomas lifts him off the bed and sends him off. When Charlie is gone he kneels down and faces me with soft eyes.
“I can’t thank you enough-”
“Stop, Thomas. I did what anyone would do. It’s your son who should be praised. He stood up for me. He has your spirit.”
“You still saved him,” Thomas implies.
“He saved me.” I give a small chuckle. “Of all the times to leave my gun in my purse.” Thomas doesn’t laugh along so I look him up and down. “How are you feeling?”
His eyebrows rise and he cracks a small grin. “Me? You just got stabbed. You’re lucky your lung wasn’t punctured.”
I show him an exaggerated look of my own. “When you walked in here you look like you'd just seen a ghost.” 
Ghost is a different word to him. It makes him hesitate. I don’t want him overthinking again so I ask the big question.
“Who the Hell were they?”
“Billy Boys. They disobeyed our truce. They’re both dead now, and I’m going to have a word with Jimmy fucking McCavern.” Thomas’ darkened face looks up. “I am so sorry.”
People can probably count on their hand how many times Thomas Shelby has apologized. I told him once before that he owes me a multitude of apologies. This one, however, is not engraved with his fault. Anyone can attack me at any time. 
“I should have known to expect this,” I admit softly.
He runs a hand over his forehead. “Yeah but you don’t deserve this, love.”
“There’s nothing you can do to change it. I agreed to a contract to be a Shelby employee, and in doing so I chose to paint a target on my forehead. What’s important is that Charlie is alright.”
Thomas sighs again and glances at an old Bible placed on the side table. “Does the Lord almighty have an answer for this?”
“God is not afraid of your questions,” I murmur, my eyes growing heavy again. “If you would like to know something you need only ask Him yourself.”
Thomas stands up and I feel his calloused hand on mine. “You’re tired. Get lots of rest, love.” Dílis jumps up and curls up near my feet. Before I drift off I hear Thomas say one final praise. “Braver hund.”
General POV
How could he have let this happen? How did this happen? This truce is getting worse by the week. The sooner McCavern and Mosley are dead the better. If they think they are free to rough up his men, his employees, of all people Verena, they are damn wrong.
Verena’s dog lets out a small whine before Thomas leaves the room. He takes one last glance at her, cursing himself for ever offering her a contract. Colon was right. He did make Verena think she owed him and now she’s addicted to this lifestyle, same as he is. He really is a bastard for making her his employee, and now it's turned her into a target. As it pains him to think of her leaving, the idea of Verena's dismissal begins to form in his head.
Seeing red drip from her clothes is a sight Thomas wants to forget entirely. The light threatened to leave her eyes last night. He shutters at the thought as he closes the door.
The tired gangster treads down the hall to Charlie’s room, where he finds his son hunched over on the bed.
“‘Ello, Charlie. Ready to sleep, eh? You’ve had a long day.”
“God helped us.”
Thomas’ thoughts freeze. “What did you say?”
“God helped us stop the bad guys yesterday,” the child babbles and crawls into the sheets.
The comment makes Thomas chuckle. “Verena’s told you about God, eh?”
“Yeah. Like how Uncle Arthur talks of Him. Verena’s told me about how mummy and Uncle John are with Him now too.”
Right there Thomas sees his son growing up. Maybe he never did have a suitable mother after Grace died, but he’s been taught in faith to remember her. It makes Thomas wonder. Is it possible to teach faith? Or are we born with an inner sense to it? Either way, there are spirits that guided them in these recent hours.
@sherbitdibdab @meadows5
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