#pollo facil
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Pollo a las cinco especias chinas
Pollo a las cinco especias chinas Ingredientes: Ajo, 4 dientes picados finos. Cebolletas, 3 picadas bien finas. Cinco especias chinas, 1 cucharada. Azúcar moreno, 1 cucharada. Aceite de sésamo, 1 cucharadita. Sriracha salsa, 2 cucharadas. Salsa de pescado, 2 cucharadas. Salsa de soja, 2 cucharadas. Pollo, 16 trozos. Cilantro, ¼ taza finamente picado. Sésamo, Lima, cortada en cuñas. Elaboración…
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#CINCO ESPECIAS#Cinco especias chinas#cocina#crujiente#facil#Marinar#plato asiático#Pollo#receta#receta asiática#receta facil#sin gluten#sin lácteos
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Pollo crocante
¿Te encanta el pollo?, Entonces la receta de hoy te fascinará. Se trata de una deliciosa receta de pollo crocante, con la que en pocas horas podrás deleitar a tus invitados en cualquier reunión informal...Leer Más
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Pollo asado: mi adobo favorito
El pollo asado se puede condimentar de mil maneras, pero hoy te presento la que más me gusta y suelo preparar más veces en casa. Continue reading Untitled
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Receta de pollo a la mandarina, queda súper jugoso y delicioso
Por: Eduardo Reyes Foto: Receta de pollo a la mandarina, queda súper jugoso y delicioso | iStock Aprende a preparar un delicioso o jugoso pollo a la mandarina, es una receta muy sencilla de preparar, te encantará Tiempo: 45 min. aprox. Porciones: 6 aprox. Ingredientes 6 piezas de pollo con piel 2 tazas de jugo de mandarina Sal al gusto Pimienta al gusto Aceite (cantidad suficiente) 3 cebollas…
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Recetas de cocina “Coucous con verdura y pollo”
¡Delicioso y saludable! Disfruta la receta con verdura y pollo en Rincón de Oscar Iglesias, ¡Te encantará el sabor de Marruecos en tu plato! #Recetas #ComidaSaludable #Coucous #Pollo #CocinaMediterránea #ComidaCasera #blogger
Hoy comparto una receta típica marroquí, el plato típico más popular de este país y que seguro os chupareis los dedos, hoy preparamos Coucous con verduras y pollo. Ingredientes: 1 taza de couscous 1 taza de caldo de pollo 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva 1 pechuga de pollo sin hueso, cortada en cubos pequeños 1 cebolla picada 2 zanahorias peladas y cortadas en cubos pequeños 1 pimiento…
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“Papà, ti ho mandato sulla mail la rata del mutuo che dovrei pagare ma non ho soldi" - “che bello, non aspettavo altro, guardo subito!”
Ho ingoiato un po' di saliva e ho aperto l'allegato.
Chiamo mia figlia: “Giu', ma si deve pagare subito o abbiamo un po' di tempo?” - “Pa', ieri già era tardi! Perché c'è qualche problema?” - “nooooo, quale problema, figurati...”. Pero', cavolo, per pagare sempre tutto uno si dovrebbe mettere a far rapine.
Rapine? Ho detto rapine? Mumble mumble..La banca si trova a due chilometri e ho la schiena che mi duole senza tralasciare l'uomo nerboluto che sta all' ingresso. Penso di optare per il negozio di cibo per animali sotto casa. C'è sempre una vecchietta da sola e le crocchette per cani vanno a ruba. Sicuramente gli incassi non mancano, sembra il posto perfetto da rapinare..
Il piano è da preparare con cura. Avrò bisogno di qualche complice. Chi meglio del mio cagnolino?
Gli racconto un po' la strategia: “Ascolta Dandy, le crocchette non ti sono mai mancate, anche le scatolette di manzo, pollo e cinghiale di quella marca che tu preferisci. I croccantini, quelli che a te fanno schifo, ma costano poco, non te l'ho mai imposti, quindi, se vuoi continuare a fare la vita da nababbo come un parlamentare mi devi essere complice. Ascoltami bene: stasera verrai con me, indosserai questo marsupietto colorato, anche se il disegno di Pluto non ti piace, non ho altro, quindi zitto! Andremo nel negozio di cibo per animali. La signora ama i cani e di sicuro quando ti vedrà sarà un gioco facile. Ti prenderà in braccio, tu, in un primo momento, sarai dolce, occhi mielosi e strusciamenti continui: “Ma quanto è bello..., come si chiama..., ma che carino...”, dopo qualche minuto tu, con uno scatto gli scivolerai via dalle braccia e ti nasconderai nel retro bottega. Naturalmente la signora ti vorrà seguire e ti cercherà, bada che non ci vede bene, quindi perderà del tempo: "Cagnolino, dove sei?" E in quel tempo io mi pappo la cassa..., intesi?”
Il piano è fallito vergognosamente, io me lo sentivo, Dandy non è affidabile. In quel caxxo di negozio, proprio mentre tentavo il furto è entrato un tizio con un Rottweiler bavoso e anche un po' scontroso. Ha trovato Dandy che si era nascosto in due secondi.... quel bastardo!
Dandy è scappato come un vigliacco!
Oltre al mutuo ci sono le bollette da pagare..., forse opterò per la banca, almeno lì i cani non li fanno entrare!
Il complice..😱
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El comienzo de un tc4, Haeun
Hola me llamo Haeun tengo casi 15 años y suelo no comer, vomitar lo que como, contar kcal y cortarme como castigo por comer o subir de peso ¿te recuerda a algo?, bueno así es un tca, más o menos como algo que tienes tú también y estoy muy segura de que te preguntas cómo se siente tener un tca, como lo desarrolle y estoy muy pero muy segura que estas aqui por que lo tienes también, les platicare de como empezó mi lucha contra la comida y como me convertí en lo que soy ahora, hace algunos años en primero de secundaria era normal, era una chica que comía lo que sea sin saber de las calorías y comia bastantes papas de las que venden en el oxxo como, takis o chips fuego, esas eran mis favoritas sin embargo despues de bastante tiempo las cosas cambiaron me empeze a meter mas en el mundo del kpop y normalmente mi madre me decia que me veia mas gordita, que tenia que cuidar lo que como y siempre hacia comentarios como “mira que delgadita esta tu amiga Yuri” (una de mis amigas), de verdad era desesperante, en segundo de secundaria hubo un momento donde decidi hace una dieta, esta dieta era exrtricta pero hecha por el nutriologo, cuando rompi la dieta y comi normal senti algo que jamas habia sentido, culpa…demasiada culpa, desde ahi dije que iba a comer menos y empeze a ver los cuerpos de lisa, wonyoung y jennie (idols de kpop) mi mamá me empezo a decir que me veia mas llenita, que no me cerraban los pantalones y incluso me llego a decir que si queria adelgazar, cerrara la boca y dejara de comer. Y eso fue lo que hice.
Constantemente me sentía como una gorda por lo que deje de comer poco a poco cada vez menos, me empeze a obsesionar con las calorías demasiado, al punto que más de 300 ya era demasiado, contaba la mínima cosa que comía y empeze a bajar, lamentablemente mi madre me obligaba a comer los días martes, jueves y viernes porque esos eran los días que iba a mi casa ya que los lunes y miércoles me quedaba a clases de baile, al principio realmente me daba miedo vomitar la comida, muchas veces pensaba en hacerlo me pero me daba mucho miedo, el primer dia que lo hice sorprendentemente lo pude hacer bien ya que ese dia habia comido pollo con champiñones a la crema (algo facil de vomitar), despues de ese dia no pude parar, se me complicaba a veces pero hubo un momento donde ya no me costaba porque en si la comida ya me daba asco, mi madre jamas se entero y pase de pesar 46 a pesar 43 en pocas semanas, yo pense que hasta ahi iba a llegar pense que no iba a ser muy grave pero me di cuenta que una vez que empiezas no paras, empeze a vomitar todos los dias, tomar muchos laxantes, fumar vape, contar todas las kcal y comer mucho menos, incluso llegue a cortarme los muslos como castigo por comr algo muy calorico basicamente me hice mierda las piernas, pero baje, logre bajar y mi madre nunca se entero, ahora cada que como me siento culpable, me veo al espejo y me veo como una gorda, con grasa, solo siento asco al verme y ya es normal compararme con todas mis amigas, porque asi empezo mi tca y probablemente el tuyo empezo casi igual, solo recuerda.
#quiero ser flaca#ed disorder#tw ed diet#anorexcya#th1nsp1ration#tw ed descussion#tw restrictive ed#low cal restriction#tc4#an0r3c1a#hasta los huesos
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Rejected Bad: Kung-Fu
The following is a rejected script from an early season of Breaking Bad.
Walter White, a middle-aged high methamphetamine manufacturer turned crowbar wielding cannibal, and Jesse Pinkman, his only true friend, are working in their bustling meth lab. They exchange worried glances as they receive a disturbing phone call.
JESSE: (voice trembling) Hey, Mr. White, we got a problem, man. There's this rival dude who knows freakin' Kung-Fu or something, talkin' about messin' with us.
Walter carefully considers this information, his mind racing with possible solutions.
Walter and Jesse sit across a table from Gus Fring, the impeccably dressed, polite, owner of the fast-food chain Los Pollos Hermanos.
GUS: (rubbing his chin) A rival with martial arts skills is indeed a threat to our operation. But there may be a way to counter.
Walter and Jesse exchange confused expressions, not expecting this response.
WALTER: (excitedly) What- what are you thinking, Gus?
Gus leans in, his eyes filled with resolve.
GUS: Chicken fighting. An ancient art that we shall master. It not only requires precision and bravery but also temperance and strategy. I will teach you. Train you to fight like a chicken.
Walter and Jesse share a bewildered glance, unsure if Gus is serious or if he's testing them.
Walter, Jesse, and Gus stand in a hidden training facility filled with elaborate obstacle courses, chicken noises, and feathers. Gus, dressed in a chicken-themed robe, demonstrates a series of chicken-like moves.
Gus clucks and pecks at the air mockingly.
GUS: (repeating) The chicken does not fear its opponent; it studies, bides its time, and strikes when the moment is right.
Walter and Jesse reluctantly attempt to mimic Gus's chicken-inspired moves, their faces filled with a mix of determination and absurdity.
Walter and Jesse stand across from a masked figure, intimidating, known to them as their Kung-Fu rival. They have finally accepted the challenge, their chicken-like training on display.
Jesse clucks under his breath, trying to keep a straight face.
WALTER: (with confidence) Alright, let's do this.
The rival lunges forward, displaying a semblance of Kung-Fu skill. Suddenly, Walter smirks, holding up a crowbar hidden behind his back.
WALTER: (teasingly) You know, all this chicken stuff was never our style.
In one swift motion, Walter strikes the rival square in the face with the crowbar, sending him crashing down. The rival's mask falls off, revealing a whimpering individual, far from what they expected.
JESSE: (grinning) Guess he was all cluck and no chicken.
Walter and Jesse exchange high-fives, victorious and relieved that their unexpected training wasn't necessary after all.
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Por alguna razon siento que mi día termino siendo muy gringo respecto a la comida, por alguna razón hoy termine haciendo pancakes para desayunar (receta facil), y ahora estoy haciendo alitas de pollo tipo kfc al horno porque frito no me gusta porque la primera vez que las hice me salieron mal y quería una revancha. Literal ni siquiera pensaba que mi día termino tan gringo sin siquiera proponérmelo. Siento que mañana tengo que cocinar algo bien argentino para expiar.
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E' stato facile.
Sarà il periodo, il momento, la mia voglia di completare un percorso iniziato anni fa (4 per essere precisi, dal lockdown, diciamo) e che poteva essere meno dispendioso in termini di tempo, ma che andava comunque fatto. Forse anche questo viaggio che mi sembra inutile alla fine fa parte di questo percorso di innovazione, rinascita e di crescita interiore. Ma il tutto era comunque bloccato e reso quasi difficile da molti fattori che erano al di fuori di me, e che in qualche modo mi trattenevano, ma adesso non ci sono più li ho lasciati andare e quindi ho smesso di fumare, eh si, lunedì ho fumato le ultime sigarette, 4 per la precisione di cui l'ultima ad un compleanno, appena spenta mi sono reso conto che non avrei più fumato e così è stato. Si lo so, sono solo due giorni ed è poco per cantar vittoria, ma messo in pratica un paio di accorgimenti che sembrano funzionare, il primo è niente caffè, si hai letto bene, la mattina non mi faccio il caffè e non mi metto assonnato da davanti (al pc) a leggere o a scrollare fino a quando il caffè fa effetto e poi mi chiama la sigaretta (tabacco non quelle normali), la mattina mi bevo due bicchieri di acqua, mi lavo la faccia energicamente e inizio la routine degli esercizi, anche solo la mobilitazione va bene. Il secondo ho iniziato a correre, certo non facendo la maratona, anzi, ci sto andando piano piano per evitare di farmi male. Pensavo peggio, Spock mi ha detto che è una mia fissa che sono un relitto, visto che da giovane giocavo a calcio e che ho fatto lavori dove bisogna muoversi tanto, tranne negli ultimi 4 anni ma questo è un dettaglio. Devo dire che mi sento già meglio anche se è poco. Era una cosa che volevo fare da anni e avevo il desiderio di prendere lezioni di canto per ampliare il mio spettro musicale e di resa dal vivo e nelle registrazioni, beh magari quando sono a casa vedo di trovarmi qualcuno che mi spieghi un pò come funziona.
Oggi quando mi sono svegliato dal riposino mi è balenata una cosa in testa, questo è perché sto leggendo Bauman, il mondo sta andando verso una catastrofe tra guerre e disastri ambientali causati dal fatto che si deve produrre per consumatori sempre più che in passato, ok, ma mi sono fatto delle domande visto che io non sono il consumatore classico compulsivo, non ho l'automobile e vado in bici o a piedi, non bevo, non fumo (questo da poco), non compro gadget e cazzate varie, mangio carne una volta massimo due al mese e non carne rossa (pollo o tacchino), il pesce non l'ho mai mangiato sono allergico eh oh gli scherzi della natura, non prendo farmaci dal 1996, forse mi dimentico qualcosa ma più o meno queste sono le cose che in qualche modo non faccio oppure non ho. Ho pensato ma se un giorno le cose che vengono vendute costassero troppo e la massa dei consumatori non potrebbe permettersele, cadrebbe tutto il sistema, oppure se le persone iniziassero a fare come me si potrebbe dare un forte colpo a questo sistema malato di denaro, no? Era così, giusto perché nel libro Sigismondo parla di consumismo e cose simili. Mentre scrivevo ho ascoltato sto tizio, più che altro per la curiosità di sentire cosa fa con tutto sto muro di roba, interessante.
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Contramuslos de pollo asado
¡Hoy hemos comido de lujo y todo gracias a las especias! No te puedes perder estos contramuslos de pollo asado… ¡toma nota! Continue reading Untitled
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Pechuga de pollo glaseada con miel y mostaza, paso a paso
Una buena pechuga de pollo glaseada con miel es lo que necesitas para degustar de un buen plato. Es rica y fácil de hacer. Disfruta de esta exquisita pechuga de pollo glaseada con miel y mostaza, un rico platillo para tus comensales. El paso a paso de esta receta de pollo te lo dejamos en esta receta de Comedera. En el menú de nuestras casas siempre hay una opción con pollo y la receta que te…
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The Home Stretch: Lima to Cusco
The Cusco airport was more of what I’d been expecting - run down and dated without any useful or well-maintained facilities. I was at least able to get myself a map of the area and then headed out to be ripped off by a taxi like a lamb to the slaughter. I had not slept at all in over 24 hours, and there was no free wifi in the airport so I was willing to pay anything for a ride to the hostel so I could lie down and shower. I’d seen articles online saying it should be about 15 soles but he said 40 - in the grand scheme of things $12 for my own taxi in my current state of mind was not bad! There were a lot of stray dogs that I noticed during the drive, and the houses built small and close together with fences topped with bits of broken glass to deter intruders. I had a bit of a wait to get to my room so I sat in the lobby area to plan my afternoon and then a group arrived that I’m convinced are an Intrepid group like the one I’d done in Central America - mostly British, and including a guy who ended up breathing oxygen from a tank since he couldn’t handle the altitude. I showered as soon as I was able, and just in time because they shut off the water to work on some pipes in the courtyard. I laid down for a little bit and then once I was sufficiently hungry I went out for an early dinner of a 1/4 chicken and chips at Super Pollo which was good but super greasy so I needed to burn some of it off with a walk around the San Pedro Central Market and nearby streets. The market was only about half open with a lot of stalls closed for the day already. It was different to other markets I’ve been to too in the sense that people did not harass me to look at their wares, rather I was able to browse openly. It was the perfect temperature to be walking around in a tshirt while I admired all the trinkets and things for sale. I didn’t end up buying anything right away, since whatever I buy I will have to carry around for a month but I have some ideas of what to pick up at similar markets in Lima before I head home. I carried on walking around the small Cusco city centre to see some of the plazas, there was one with a huge crowd of people standing in a circle and some street performers in the middle. There were about six vendors selling popcorn just behind them, and numerous street dogs running around everywhere. One of the dogs peed on one of the popcorn stands which immediately put me off buying any street food! I was totally exhausted by this point so I headed back to the hostel to get some internet and plan out a few things to visit when I have my free days to explore Cusco. The tour ended up calling me ahead of schedule to explain everything important for me to know for my upcoming Machu Picchu tour tomorrow. While I was talking to him a girl sitting nearby had apparently been listening and trying to pick my accent. Her name was Jordyn, she ended up being from Steamboat Springs - very close to where I live in Colorado. Our plans were a little different for the week but after talking for two hours like old friends we arranged to meet up on Thursday for dinner after my day tour of the Rainbow Mountain. At last it was time to sleep at about 7pm after preparing all of my things for the tour and a quick shower in the morning.
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Mi ricordo quando ero piccola e mi facevi viaggiare con tutte le favole che ti inventavi sul momento, hai sempre avuto una fantasia meravigliosa. Mi hai fatto vivere migliaia di avventure impossibili con la magia delle tue parole. Hai sempre letto tantissimo, spesso leggevi più libri contemporaneamente, hai la saggezza di chi sembra aver vissuto centinaia di vite diverse e tutta quella saggezza finiva nelle poesie che scrivevi. Poesie che mi rimarranno impresse nel cuore a vita. Mi hai sempre accompagnato per mano, nella luce e nel buio, anche ora che vivo nella casa che tu e la nonna mi avete lasciato e lavoro sempre e non ho mai tempo per venire a trovarvi, tu sei sempre con me insieme alla nonna. Mi ricordo quando ogni martedì in estate mangiavamo insieme il pollo e la frittura del mercato, con la radio accesa sopra al frigo e la nonna che lavava i piatti in quella che ora è la mia cucina. Oppure quando mi portavi in bicicletta nel lungo mare sotto casa e cantavamo “nel blu dipinto di blu”, quando mi svegliavo la domenica mattina con le canzoni di Mina sparate al massimo e poi al pomeriggio facevamo la settimana enigmistica insieme, ma io guardavo sempre le soluzioni. E in montagna mi portavi al minigolf e mi facevi sempre vincere. Mi ricordo che mi portavi le rose ogni 25 aprile e le mimose ogni 8 marzo e attraverso i tuoi occhi mi hai insegnato ad apprezzare le piccole cose come il suono delle rondini i primi giorni di primavera, i fiori meravigliosi che fioriscono anche nei posti più improbabili, mi hai insegnato ad amare anche la pioggia... con te anche nelle giornate più noiose era facile trovare spunto per iniziare una delle nostre avventure segrete, come il parco dietro casa che era diventato "il bosco dei cento acri" o i viaggi nei mezzi pubblici dove per passare il tempo ti inventavi delle storie utilizzando come personaggi le dita colorate dei miei guanti. Poi io sono cresciuta, ma tu sei sempre l'uomo che mi ha insegnato cos'è l'amore, se sono così sognatrice e romantica è merito tuo che mi hai insegnato a volare mentre tutti gli altri imparavano a camminare. Tu che mi saluti sempre con un bacio sulla fronte e mi dici che mi vuoi bene, mentre io non lo dico mai abbastanza. Io che solo ora mi accorgo di tutto quello che hai fatto, tutti i sacrifici, tutto quello che hai voluto tenere da parte per me, per il mio futuro... tutto l'amore che mi hai dato e continui a darmi.
E oggi che ti tengo la mano in questo maledetto letto d'ospedale, l'unica cosa che vorrei è poter tornare indietro. Ma non si può. Ora tocca a me accompagnarti per mano nel buio e darti la forza per andare avanti, sperando che tu voglia farlo ancora una volta.
A te nonno, con l'amore di sempre...
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¡Sí! - La Trinidad del Amor: Chapter eight
In life, nothing is sure… but you always count on one thing. True Love, the ones who have it are the luckiest people in the world. Not everyone does… but the people in our story do. They fought through Fire, They fought through an ocean, They fought through the sun and the moon. There are six of them, and they form a trinity, the trinity of true love
Il viaggio potrebbe non essere sempre così facile, i colpi di scena possono portarti ovunque
“So, tell us all about what you did in Europe?” Monica asked as she laid the Pozole de Pollo o Guajolote on the table and sat down next to Miquel, opposite where Luna and Matteo were sitting.
“Well, we started in England and spent three days there, then two in Spain, two in France, three in Italy, one day in Switzerland, and one in the Netherlands and we finished at Cancun,” Matteo explained.
“You went to Cancun as well?” Miquel asked, “I don’t think you mentioned that before.”
“Well, nothing special happened there anyways, Dad.” Luna interrupted hastily, and Matteo really had to work hiding his smile.
They had come from the Europe trip a week ago, and Luna and Matteo had been invited to dinner with Luna’s parents. They hadn’t yet told about their engagement to anyone outside of the people who had been there, so their Maid of Honor and Best Man, Gastón and Nina, as well as Ambar and Simon. They had agreed that they’d tell Monica and Miquel first and then Matteo's family, so this dinner had come at a spectacular time.
Luna though seemed to have no actual plan in place for how they actually reveal the news, but Matteo was still giving her control.
What Luna on the other hand did not know was that, Monica and Miquel actually already knew. They had been the two people who had known even before Matteo had proposed, alongside Gastón.
Luna had been adamant about not just wearing the ring to the dinner, and waiting to her parents to notice it. She was right now wearing it on a long chain under her shirt.
“Well, guess what we got on the mail today?” Monica said after they had finished eating. She took a pearlescent envelope that had some red text on it from the side table. Matteo recognized it to be the save-the-date card for Nina and Gastón’s wedding. “I am assuming you two knew about this.”
“Of course, we knew about it Mom,” Luna laughed enthusiastically, “We are the Maid of Honor and Best Man.”
“I didn’t know they had sent those out already,” Matteo spoke out loud, “That really was fast. We have only been back from Europe a week.”
“I think the only reason Nina agreed to go on that trip was that they’d go full-on wedding mode afterward.” Luna answered, “The date was decided way before the trip.”
“Very nice of them to invite us,” Miquel said.
“I agree, it is really amazing that there is another wedding to look forward to. Simon and Ambar’s was so beautiful.” Monica smiled back, “Love really is in the air, who knows maybe there will even be more weddings in the future. Don’t you agree Luna?”
“Uhm, no, I don’t see anything on the air…” Luna started stumbling over her words again. Matteo knew that Luna had a habit of not telling her parents anything, even when the purpose of this was to REVEAL the engagement, Luna could do nothing to her natural instincts. Plus she was a hopeless liar, so that was a good addition to the equation.
“Hmmmm, Monica, don’t you think it is time to let Luna out of her misery,” Miquel had clearly noticed Luna’s odd behavior, and guessed the reason for it, “Don’t you agree Matteo?”
Matteo just nodded as Miquel turned his gaze to him. This seemed like a better route since Luna was never gonna get the information out at this rate. Matteo leaned back on his chair to enjoy the show.
“Wait what?” Luna looked flabbergasted.
“Luna, we know why you really went to Cancun.”
“You do?” Luna really did not seem like she was following.
“So when are we gonna see the ring?” Monica asked and Luna finally seemed to understand what was happening.
“Wait… but… How do they know?”
“Matteo told us the day before you left for Europe.”
“You did?” Luna head turned rapidly towards Matteo.
“Well, Chica Delivery,” Matteo raised his arms in surrender, “I am a gentleman. I had to make sure I had permission to have the hand of the princess. You can put the ring on now Luna”
Luna smiled and got the chain off her neck and slid the ring on her left ring finger before showing it off to her parents.
“We have not done any planning yet, since we have some duties to another wedding, but you better believe Luna has already started the playlist.”
“We are so happy for you two and since we were warned beforehand I came prepared,” Monica disappeared into the kitchen, and came back soon with a cake.
“I made Tres leches cake just for the occasion…” All of a sudden the Mansion doorbell rang. Over the years, Monica and Miguel had renovated and remodeled a lot of the mansion and nowadays ran a successful catering and event business there. What used to be the staff door was nowadays used as the main door most of the time.
“Hello Valentes!” An excited voice of an older man could be heard from the door, “I was at my house and just I wanted something sweet, so I thought, why not just pay a visit to the best chef in the world.”
“Grandpa?!!” Luna jumped up from the table.
“Well, looks like I came at the perfect occasion.” Luna and Alfredo soon came to the dining room, “I didn’t know you’d be here today. And you have my favorite cake here, don’t tell me there is a celebration going on?”
“Well, kind off,” Luna nodded towards Matteo who froze for a moment. So this would really turn into telling all the family the news, when it was supposed to be just Monica and Miquel who already knew. He didn’t even know they’d tell his dad and Sofia, not to mention all of their other friends, but it seemed to be time to get it out to Luna’s grandfather.
“So what are you celebrating?”
“Well, we…” Matteo started clearing his throat.
“WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!” Luna exclaimed suddenly.
“Well, that is a cause for a celebration!” Alfredo pulled Matteo and Luna into a hug. “My boy, welcome to the family. Good to get some Italian blood here. Tell me, where were your parents from again.”
“Uhm, Dad’s from Rome and Mom was from Basilicata, but she is dead,” Matteo explained hastily, “Dad’s wife Sofia is originally from Sicily.”
“Can you already tell us something about your wedding dress?” Jazmin asked Nina as all the girls were sitting in the living room of Nina and Gastón’s house. Nina called a meeting of all of her bridesmaids, well all that were in the country, to discuss some of the first details.
“Mora has shown me the sketch and she took my measurements last week. She’ll start working on it soon.”
“Can we see the scetch?” Yam piped up excitedly.
“I’m sorry but I don’t have it. Mora doesn’t give copies of it out because she said that it was a custom piece and the drawing will be valuable. I think she might be planning making my dress part of some future collection of hers.”
Little did anyone, who was not Nina, Ambar or Luna, know that this meeting was huge facade and actually had nothing to do with Nina and Gastón’s wedding.
“You have wedding colors yet?” Delfi asked Nina on her turn.
“Yes, they will be red, silver and ivory.”
“When are we getting the dresses?”
“Mora is making them as well, and she actually wants to get everyone’s measurements next Friday, so mark your calendars: Next Friday at 5 pm at her studio.”
Okay, the bridesmaids dress fitting was a real thing that Nina needed to get done for her wedding, but she could have just informed about it through a text. It had been a month since the Europe trip and the planning for their wedding was now in full swing. On the other hand, none of their friends still knew about Luna and Matteo’s engagement, and Luna had been agonizing about how to tell them.
It had been Ambar who had come up with the plan they were now executing.
“Mora has not yet done any design for them, but we talked about it and they will be red and have lace on them.”
“I can’t wait!” Jim jumped on the couch. “I love weddings!”
“Ah, and there is one more thing for a wedding.” Nina glanced slightly toward Luna and she nodded. Ambar fished a plastic bag from behind the couch and gave it to Delfi. “Take one everyone.”
The girls passed the bag to each other until everyone was holding a light-washed denim jacket embroidered with pearls and “Bridesmaid” written on the back above a golden moon and a strawberry.
“This is very cute,” Delfi was the first to speak as everyone had their jackets. “But, if I am truly honest… I don’t get it, Nina. You asked us to be your bridesmaids over a month ago, and why is there a strawberry and a moon here?”
Luna tried to hide her grin, and took note that no one had yet noticed that neither she nor Ambar had a jacket yet.
“Well, that’s because these are not from me,” Nina answered as Ambar pulled another bag to view and pulled out two pink denim jackets, handing Nina the other one. They simultaneously raised them up to show what was written on their back. Ambar’s said Chief Bridesmaid, while Nina’s said Maid of Honor.
“Wait, what is going on here?” Jazmin asked as all the five girls were staring straight ahead, no one seemed to get what this all meant.
Luna saw Ambar nod to her as a cue and pulled her own jacket from a bag. Hers was white and had sequins all over it. On the back Bride was written on pink letters. Luna pulled the jacket on, got up from the chair and tuned her back to the others so they could read what was written on it.
“What?” The question came pretty much in unison from the others.
“Yes, Matteo and I are getting married!” Luna joined in on the yelling and it soon escalated into a hige group hug.
“Wait, when?” Yam got the question out among the happy screams.
“At Cancun, months ago.”
“Is it some kind of thing nowadays that everyone hides their engagement for a month now?” Delfi rolled her eyes.
“We don’t have any plans yet or anything, or even a date, we agreed that we should get and besties’ wedding out of the way first and then focus on it.” Luna explained as everyone had had a round looking at the ring and they had finally settled back down sitting on the couches.
“This meeting was just a ploy to get you all in the same room for the announcement.” Nina continued, “We’ll have another one later when there is more to discuss, but the fitting for the measurements was real, so don’t forget that. Anyways, the guys should be here soon.”
“The guys?”
“If everything has gone according to plan, Matteo should be telling the guys as we speak.” Ambar said and they all heard the key turn in the lock. “Perfect timing.”
“To Luna and Matteo!” Everyone raised their glasses. Matteo had his arm around Luna. Good thing was the Nina and Gastón’s living room was big enough to fit all of them.
“These engagements really seem to come with no warning,” Ramiro joked, “I mean whose next?”
“Well there is only one option,” Jazmin sai and everyone turned their eyes to Pedro.
“Way to put man on the spot,” Pedro responded while Delfi just laughed. “Who can truly even know. Who knows maybe Ramiro is the next one, or Jim and Yam, or Jazmin.”
“Anyways, we wish you all the happiness,” Simon continued, “And may we all be happy, wether we already have, or will soon or even if we don’t know yet will we ever tie the knot. We have home long way, siempre juntos.”
“When will we be there?” Luna whined from the backseat of Ambar’s car.
“The boutique is not at the central so the drive will be taking bit longer.”
They were clocking in soon eight months pre Luna and Matteo’s wedding and now they were full-on focused on the upcoming nuptials as all of their friends' weddings had been held.
Thie engagement had ended up being a bit of a long-term one since once they finally had sat down to decide the date, it had ended up landing on almost two years after Matteo had proposed. This happened due to a lot of things, with them having hectic work schedules, wanting a summer/late spring wedding and being part of two wedding parties during the year 2024 as Delfi and Pedro had gotten engaged not long after Luna and Matteo and had wanted to get married in the frames of 2024.
Luna did not mind this, as they had had a bunch of time to plan everything, and as long as she would get her dream wedding with Matteo waiting for her at the end of the aisle.
They had gone shopping for her wedding dress a couple of weeks ago and Luna had found her absolute dream dress. It was a big ballgown with a V-neckline and poofy sleeves. The dress also had silver waistband and a bunch of embroidery with holographic silver sequins and silver gemstones.
But as the dress was so big, it Luna had been quite afraid that she would trip on it, actually she was sure that she would trip on it or run over someone on the dancefloor, so she had made the decision that she would need a shorter dress for the reception.
Before Ambar had gotten her custom made dress for her wedding, she had pretty much gone through every wedding dress shop in Buenos Aires and according to her, this one where they were driving right now, had had some extremely beautiful short dresses.
“How am I supposed to pick?” Ambar had been right, unfortunately… Luna's eyes had caught at least ten different dresses that she was dying to try on as she walked into the store with Ambar and Nina. Picking the ceremony dress had not been easy, they had been at the bridal salon the whole day… how was she supposed to do it again?
“Well, we need to start out from somewhere,” Nina said eyeing the dresses.
Luna was ushered to the dressing room by the consultant after a while, Nina and Ambar still looking through the racks. Luna really did trust their judgment on dresses, since both Nina and Ambar, as married women now knew a thing or two about bridal gowns.
As Luna started trying on dresses, her nerves did not really ease up. Every dress she tried on was so beautiful. There was a reason why she had not gone with a custom-made dress as Ambar and Nina had. Ambar always knew what she wanted when it came to clothing and Mora had miraculously seen inside Nina’s mind. Luna on the other hand did not know at all what she wanted, before she saw it.
“This is definitely not it,” Ambar said as Luna was on her third dress. “Way too old-fashioned for you.”
“I agree,” Nina nodded her head, “this looks like something I would wear.”
“Try the next one on, I am gonna go back for some more shopping,” Ambar said before disappearing into the sea of dresses.
Luna returned back to the dressing room with the consultant who helped the next dress on her. That one had really similar sleeves to her ceremony dress, and was very sparkly. As soon as the dress was on Luna knew it was an absolute “no”. This had been one of her own picks, but now that it was on, it just was not right.
“Lets just take it off.”
“What do you not like about it?” The consultant asked her as she started unbuttoning the back.
“I don’t know… it just isn’t right… I don’t know maybe it is the color.” Luna did not wear white very often, more like ever, and had to admit that it was really boring color. Her wedding dress was ivory and she adored it, but it had so many embellishments and the sequins reflected rainbows that it was not boring. “Wearing two white dresses just feels so boring.”
“Well, let's try this on then.” The consultant pulled one of the dresses she had lines up on the rack out of the bag.
“This is so beautiful,” Luna twirled on front of the mirror. She had come out of the dressing room wearing a knee-length dress made of cream-colored lace. The dress had a nude underlayer that shone through just a little bit from under the lace, layered skirt and bell sleeves.
“This feels a lot more like you,” Nina agreed and Luna turned towards her. And Luna was doing her tenth twirl, Ambar emerged back from the dress racks.
“Ambar, Ambar!! Look at this!” Luna jumped up and down in the dress, “I think this is the one.”
“Hmmmm, your sure?” Ambar didn’t look that convinced, “I mean it is beautiful, and I get why you like it, but look what I found. I just thought you have been looking like a ghost with all of these white dresses.”
Ambar showed Luna a dress she had been carrying on her arm. Luna gasped, it was probably the most beautiful dress she had seen in her life. It was white, with one golden spaghetti strap and gold piping on the neckline. When Luna put it on, two ribbons on the other side were wrapped around her arm, and above everything else, the dress was full of purple gems. It had the color Luna had been graving in the other dresses.
But now she had a problem.
“Argh! I hate this! I love this dress too. How am I supposed to pick now?”
“Well, if you want my opinion, I think you should go with this one. It has enough color that you can really style it with one additional colored accessories. Plus this has gold, while your other one has silver detailing, it really works with the whole sun and moon thing. But if of course, it is your decision.”
“You are right,” Luna sighed. She really loved this dress, she could already see herself dancing in it with Matteo at the mansion’s garden. “But, I just feel like I am betraying that other dress.”
“Luna, they are dresses,” Nina noted, “they don’t have feelings.”
“I know.”
“I think I have an idea,” Ambar piped up. “Weren’t Matteo’s parents throwing you that engagement party or pre-wedding party or whatever it was since the engagement was over a year ago?”
“Yes, what about it.”
“Wear the other dress there,” Nina had caught up to what Ambar was implying.
“That's an amazing idea,” Luna jumped into the air and threw herself to hug Ambar and Nina.
“So it is decided?” Ambar said after Luna had released them.
“Yes, this is the second dress for my wedding.”
“There we go.” Jazmin finished pinning a sunflower to a half up half down hairdo in one of Matteo’s parents’ numerous guestrooms. She was getting ready for the dinner party Alexander and Sofia were holding for her and Matteo to celebrate their upcoming wedding… bridal shower in a way.
The time had really flown and the wedding would already be in two months. Luna was not fully sure how she had gotten all the wedding planning done… there had been so much to do, which a huge guest list, since when you were marrying into the Balsanos, things were going to be done in style. The guest list was like three miles long as basically everyone from Buenos Aires’s Italian embassy had been invited, Matteo had a lot of family over at Italy, a lot of her parents’ relatives were coming over from Mexico, Matteo had music associates, and friends he had made at the music industry just like Luna had at the skating world.
Well, the mansion basically functioned as a catering venue and nowadays hosted wedding receptions, so everyone was going to fit. Nina and Ambar had been really Luna’s saving grace with the wedding planning. They had the level-headedness and the experience from having planned their own.
Nina and Gastón had also done a miraculous job as the maid of honor and the best man, having been able to navigate every one of Luna and Matteo’s thousands of fights over the wedding arrangements. Luna always joked that they should have become couple’s counselors, but they were way too fixed on their own fields, with Gastón already having received a promotion in his first year being on the job.
The bottom line was that it had been hectic and Luna was glad that tonight she would be able to take a break from all that and relax and celebrate the future… even if she was a bit nervous over being presented to all of Matteo’s parents’ important friends as his bride.
“Hey.” Luna turned to the door and saw Nina coming into the room, wearing a mint blue dress.
“You are already here? Matteo said that no one would be let in before six, for some security reason I didn’t get.”
“We came in from the side door,” Nina said walking toward Luna, while Jazmin was still trying to tame the last wild strands of Luna’s hair, “Matteo keeps Gastón updated on the security codes. I came to see how you were doing?”
“Nervous.” Luna simply stated as she was putting her jewerly on, earrings and necklace that Matteo had commissioned from the diamond from his mother’s engagement ring. Matteo had given her that set as present last Christmas. “I mean there will be bunch of rich important people here soon, and you know I am not the most graceful person. I am probably just going to walk down the stairs and face plant straight onto the floor.”
“Luna, that won’t happen,” Nina laughed as she sat down on an armchair in the room. “Alexander and Sofia love you, and want everyone they know to get to know you.” Sometimes it still surprised Luna how familiar Nina was with Matteo’s parents, but it made sense since Matteo and Gastón’s families were so close and Nina had met them while she had dated Gastón when they had still been at Blake and had technically known them longer. “Aren’t most of these people coming to the wedding?”
“Yes, they are.”
“This also takes the pressure from the wedding, as you have met them now.” Nina was making a good point, and Luna absolutely believed her.
“I am just excited to spend the night with all of my friends.”
There was a knock on the door and Gastón came in.
“We should probably head down,” He said to Nina as she walked up to him. “Matteo wanted to know if Luna was ready.”
Luna had been getting ready in the separate room from Matteo —almost like it already was their wedding day… okay not really— because Matteo’s room didn’t have a good enough mirror for Jazmin’s, who had done her hair, liking.
“She is!” Jazmin had finally finished touching up Luna’s makeup.
“Don’t be nervous,” Gastón turned to Luna, “Most of these people are old friends of Sofia and Alexander, so they also are friends of my parents. They have known Matteo and me longer than we have known each other. They are actually really nice people. There are no standards to who we marry, for as long we love them. And I think we both have fully succeeded at the front.” Gastón briefly looked over to his wife. “So, good luck.”
“You ready Chica Delivery?” Matteo came through the door almost soon as Gastón and Nina had left. “Most of the guests have arrived.”
“Ready, as I’ll ever be, Chico Fresa.” Luna laughed as she stood up and took Matteo’s arm and they walked out of the room and descended the stairs.
“Well, welcome everyone. As you all know, within two months we have the joy to celebrate the marriage of my son Matteo and this lovely young woman Luna Valente. Me and my wife and honored to welcome Luna into our family, and are so happy that she and Matteo have found each other. I am very proud of him and I know Lucia would be as well. Matteo, this is what your mother would have wanted for you.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Matteo after everyone had raised their glasses. He was kind of half surprised by his father’s sentimentality, but he had always known he had it in him. Matteo and his father’s relationship had gotten leagues better over the years than it had been when he had been a teenager. “And we with Luna also wanna thank you all. I mean many know that our journey has not always been smooth sailing, but we have always made it in the end… well there is still two months to the wedding so we hope that anyways.”
#Soy Luna fanfiction#The Holy Trinity of ships#Lutteo#Gastina#Simbar#Soy Luna#Proposal#True love#La Trinidad del Amor SL#weddings
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Questa ricetta di pollo mongolo combina pollo fritto croccante, cipolle e scalogno in una salsa allo zenzero dolce e salata facile da preparare. Ci vogliono meno di 30 minuti per prepararlo e ha un sapore molto migliore di quello da asporto.
This Mongolian Chicken Recipe combines crispy stir fried chicken, onions and scallions in an easy to make sweet and salty garlic ginger sauce. It takes less than 30 minutes to make and it tastes so much better than takeout.
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