#poll best kisser
mewmewgirl101 · 8 months
Ok this one may be easy for you but it’s really hard it is for me to pick just one guy but definitely not Edward maybe Dean maybe 💋💋 I do follow for a follow
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Found this one day and I couldn’t stop laughing it was so funny Castile told her that about the pizza now she’s sad for the baby sitter
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firstkanaphans · 2 months
“only friends is not high heat” is a BOLD claim. that series was one step down from porn
With all due respect, I think you need to watch better porn 😂
But I’m always willing to be proven wrong, so…
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cutielights · 8 months
I think exactly one person voted ‘No’ on The Poll :p <3
100+ followers rottmnt fluff alphabet!
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
He loves going swimming with you, beach, pool, waterparks? They’re all game in his eyes
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
He loves your hands, cuddling and absentmindedly playing with your fingers
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
“Hey, hey I’m here, breathe, it’s me, Leo, remember?” He’s practiced in these things. Guides you through the 5 4 3 2 1 method
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
When it crosses his mind, he pictures it with kids, training them to be ninjas. But that’s in the future, he’s in the now
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
You guys take turns, kind of looks like a competition to the outside eye
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
The thing he does most is sulk for a few days, silent treatment. Depending on who he thinks was truly in the wrong, he’ll confront you or apologise himself.
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He is so insecure about not being enough for you. He is so grateful you put up with him, please comfort him, he needs to know you actually love him and don’t hate him, super aware of everything you do
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
The secrets he keeps are more of, ptsd related things. Doesn’t want you to worry about his nightmares. Can be coaxed into telling the truth, usually with cuddles after said nightmares
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspired? He’s definitely more open with his feelings now, healthier coping mechanisms
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
Possessive Jealousy? No. Insecure Jealousy. Plays it cool on the outside, but nervousness runs rampant in this boy’s skull, what if you think that guy is better than him? What about that yokai? They’re conveniently attractive and oh god they’re making jokes and you’re laughing?! Oh no oh no oh no
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
It was awkward to say the least. You both knew you wanted to kiss, but didn’t know how to express it. Kinda went like; “So-“ “Are we gonna-“ “y’know…”. after some failed attempts, you finally kissed
Love confession- how did they confess?
He confessed in the middle of a Jupiter Jim marathon. It was accidental as he thought you were asleep, after panicking and saying he didn’t mean it, you returned his feelings
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
Scares him half to death. Not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just- he feels he’s not worthy of marriage
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Baby, Honey, Love of my life
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
Zones out just staring at you with simultaneously the most dorky, smug, and lovestruck smile on his face
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
110% he gives you kisses in public, he is holding your hand, either piggybacking you or the other way around, it’s game
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His ability to clock you feeling down the moment it happens is wonderful if not otherworldly
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
He can be cliche, nights at Hueso’s, but also mixes it up a bit with nighttime strolls or Hidden City shenanigans
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Of course he’s helping! Maybe a tad too enthusiastic at times, but he wants the best for you
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
He is doing new things all the time with you, but only new things you want to to ofc, may give you a nudge outside the comfort zone every now and again, just to help things along
Understanding- are they empathetic?
He might not seem it at first glance, but he is empathetic. Helps you through nightmares, injuries and anything that may ail you
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
Holds it above his own mental sanity
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
He is an arms guy, jumping into your arms or picking you up and spinning you around in his
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
He is kissing your cheek to get attention, on the hand when being overly dramatic or romantic, on the forehead when cuddling, so very affectionate
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Quite sulky, whiny about it the whole time, saying things would be so much better if you were simply in each other’s presence. As for coping? He cuddles a pillow at night until you return
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He is ready to do anything. Stay in the prison dimension? If it means you’re safe. Steal a cake? If it makes you happy
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
He loves working out with you. Buuut if that’s not your speed, he won’t complain about getting pizza
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
He can’t pick a favourite! Perhaps your height is his favourite, he likes using you as a teddy
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
He’s bringing you ice cream and a shoulder to cry on after a bad day, maybe even some flowers too
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He gets very anxious about the future, especially the future of your relationship. Sits down to have a very serious talk about it, would you want to get married? Would you want kids? Can we afford kids? How do we acquire children? Takes it seriously and doesn’t marry himself to one particular future
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
You both stand on the same level of equality
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Snaps if he’s particularly stressed about something. Apologises after taking a few deep breaths. It’s extremely rare for an argument to last more than a day
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
Oh my man thinks you’re way out of his league, will forever be eternally grateful for you and everything you do
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
If he has secrets, he wouldn’t be able to keep them for long, they eat away at him. Mind Raph helps him tell the truth before it does some damage to the relationship
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
You’ve definitely inspired him to take more time to himself, and just relax, even just for a bit
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
He refuses to call it jealousy, he just refuses to. He knows you would never do anything with that person, that conveniently attractive person, with a great personality, and you’re laughing at their jokes?! “Haha, yeah we just need to go… somewhere else.”
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s getting better with practice. The first was at a drive in theatre, neither of you were really paying attention to the movie, something about a cafe owner going broke, he blurted out the question so quickly you didn’t even hear the sentence. You had to ask him to repeat himself twice before he had calmed down
Love confession- how did they confess?
With flowers in your favourite colour, he stood on your fire escape and poured his heart out in front of you
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
It crosses his mind often, he’s very concerned about the future, dislikes that he can’t just know what will happen. As for marriage itself? He’ll ask someday, but not now
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
He’s obvious. But in denial with it, even when called out
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
He’s not one for PDA, preferring cuddles in private
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His pure strength and size is good for many things, including amazing cuddles
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
Cliche, he knows it’s cliche, but it’s cliche for a reason right? Flowers, candles, the whole shebang. People wouldn’t keep doing it if it didn’t work!
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
He would! Would help you set realistic goals and work up to the ultimate one
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
He likes his routine, throwing in a surprise here and there
Understanding- are they empathetic?
Yes! Ofc, he is. Doesn’t want you to suffer, cuddles count as therapy right?
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
Important, he is making sure you are safe 100% of the time, he knows what a pain villains are for stealing s/o’s
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
Piggybacks! Or carrying you bridal style, just imagine all the things you can see up there
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
Yes and yes, not so much as PDA, but as general cuddles for movie nights
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Won’t try to outwardly express this to anyone, shows up outside your window, if that’s not possible due to some unspoken reason then he probably just messages you, staying up later than he usually does
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
Man is ready to jump off a building for you
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
Going to conventions, dancing, pure enjoyment of the other’s company
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
Any facial markings or scars, stretch marks included
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
Asks before doing absolutely anything. “Can I come in?” “I’m going to come closer, is that okay?” “May I touch you?” Does his best to calm you down, if not, then he’s finding the root of the issue and eliminating it
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He pictures his future quite often, the vision changes from time to time, but your always next to him in it
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
Says he’s the dominant one, but really likes when you’re the dominant
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Fights actually don’t happen that much with the two of you. If you do fight, he only lets it last a few minutes before cutting contact and giving you the silent treatment. Forgiveness is given in a few days and you guys are on good terms again
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He can forget sometimes, but he spends a day without you and takes it all back, realising how much he relies on you
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
According to the internet, honesty is key to a healthy relationship, so he does his best although honesty is quite difficult sometimes, in general
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspired in the way that you give him new insights he himself hadn’t considered fully yet, set on one path, helping him see the bigger picture on things
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
It’s through the roof, although, he’s in denial about it
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
It didn’t happen until at least six months, awkward at first, but followed your lead after some reassurance
Love confession- how did they confess?
He had a whole plan on how to do it, like a months long plan. You got there first, catching him off guard
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
He’d get married if you really wanted to but, he doesn’t see the point exactly. That doesn’t stop him from being emotional on the day however
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Darling, Significant Other
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
Gets extremely defensive about the fact that he’s definitely not on cloud nine that he forgets to act like it
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
Absolutely not, especially not in the first few months. Hand holding is acceptable, and the occasional hug
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
The ability to force himself to stay up all night, caffeine helps of course. You guys can just talk in the dead of night, as we all know, that is the best bonding time
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
Gets creative with it, but isn’t shying away from flowers. Better yet! Mechanical flowers that bloom in the day! They never die!
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Much like his red older brother, helps you set realistic mini-goals, and then helps achieve them. Not too hands on however, wants you to accomplish it yourself
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
Routine. Routine. Routine. Cannot function without it. If there’s something new he needs to know about it at least a week in advance and that’s being lenient
Understanding- are they empathetic?
He is empathetic, just not the best at expressing it
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
This is so important to him, you would not believe
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
He pulls you onto his lap when working on something, refusing to let you leave
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
After the initial phase he most definitely is, but only in private will you get kisses
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Calls and messages 24/7, if that’s unavailable? Workaholic
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He’s ready to destroy his inventions for you. Yes- he has backups, but that’s beside the point!
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
Let’s go, come on we’re going to paint New York with graffiti. Loves cooking with you and showing you techniques he learned recently
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
Loves your hair/fur/whatever, running hands through it
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
Comfort foods, but never overboard with it, too much is unhealthy. Movie nights and gentle words
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He honestly doesn’t think about it all that much, preferring the moment. But he does picture his future with you in it
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
Passive, prefers standing on equal ground with people
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Dr feelings isn’t letting fights go unresolved, preferring to talk it out and get to the bottom of the issue
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He’s super grateful! Does occasionally let it slip, but just tell him and he’ll remember himself
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
He wouldn’t keep secrets on purpose, likely the only reason he hasn’t told you anything is because it hadn’t come up in conversations yet, or he’s self conscious about it, not wanting to be a bother, but never out of malice
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspiration in the sense that you’re his favourite muse? Yes! Inspiration in the sense that he’s changed? Probably not
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
He tries his best to not get jealous, but sometimes he just can’t hold it back, Dr delicate touch tells the person you’re taken
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Rooftop rambles at night are a must in this relationship, it happened under the moonlight, you could taste the pizza on his breath
Love confession- how did they confess?
He tried making it romantic, he really did, but one disaster after another passed through. He was about to just leave and take it as a sign you guys weren’t supposed to be together until you confessed instead
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
He’s up for it if you’re up for it, but only after a while, when you’re both adults, just to be safe
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Baby, Honey, CutiePie, Angel, Wonder
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
He physically has heart eyes, most obvious in his cloud-nine shenanigans, zoned out whilst staring at you once and added way too much baking soda it was a disaster
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
PDA all day, as long as you’re okay with it ofc, mostly just hand holding and an arm around your shoulder
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His ability to completely clock whenever you’re down avoids most complications
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
He gets creative with it, thinks the traditional things are nice, sure, but overdone
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Oh absolutely he believes in you! Supports your goals and helps out with what you may need
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
New things. Hidden city dates all the time because it’s the most unpredictable, carefully avoiding the law enforcements.
Understanding- are they empathetic?
Absolutely! Have you met this boy? Sureee Dr Delicate touch isn’t empathetic, but that’s not a problem with you guys, he hasn’t met you yet.
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
You’re pinned in his contacts, he adores baking or cooking anything for you, overall one of the most important people in his life
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
Has one of those jars that have the lolly sticks with things to do with a s/o written on them, you made it together! Orange stick for an indoor date, green for outdoor, white for something that can be done anywhere
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
Affection levels at 110% he’s giving you all the attention you deserve and could ever want
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
He spams messages for a while, but if you’re not responding for some reason, listens to music in order to zone out. Takes his mind off of things ya know?
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He would go to the greatest lengths. This man would have taken Leo’s place in the prison dimension if it meant you were safe and alive
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bakawitch · 2 months
I'm not sure why I'm making this poll other than morbid curiosity, but I have a weird question regarding the characters that fall under the yuumei umbrella. This isn't a serious question, but I am genuinely curious about what people think!
I eagerly await the masses' decree with intrigue XD
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User Poll!!! please give us your feedback users!!!!
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freyafukunaga · 5 months
friends. comrades. fictional-character-kissers. it is time to pry open this disc horse. assuming it's all played sincerely in your genre of choice and avoiding any surprise plot developments you wouldn't like (e.g. there's clear trust and thought if you don't like misunderstandings, or no jealous ex plots if those irritate you)
would love if you elaborate in the tags or comments too! purposely kept yandere out of the poll since i'm assuming that would be a clean sweep if only from oversaturation.
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king--of--ducks · 3 months
🍎A while ago I made a post explaining that I like stealing Adam’s partners. People that date Adam are dubbed “Adam-Kissers”, but what would people who like to kiss Adam-Kissers be called. I asked this, and got many lovely suggestions.🍎
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🍎At the end if the day, I liked @shsy7573’s suggestions of “Adam-Cucker” and “Adam-Spouse-Swiper” best. Unfortunately, I cannot pick which I like best…so y’all can do it, a one-day poll.🍎
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whichsandersside · 1 year
poll submitted by @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo
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darkbluekies · 11 months
Edmund has to be the best kisser, this burger man had probably like experiences with 50 other women before he met us 🥶
You gotta create the worst kisser poll, im curious who it is-
I know Edmund is a whore, but kissing wasn't his first priority. Istg call him that again and I'm going to cry. DO YOU WANT ME TO CRY????? HM???
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jrwi-best-villian · 10 months
Heyo everyone! Ive been loving the JRWI brackets and I look forward to them everyday (Its kinda sad) so I decided to make my own! So, welcome to the JRWI best villian bracket! This is a bracket to figure out who the best antagonist is throughout the JRWI campaigns!
[More info under the cut]
1. Be respectful, this mainly applies to cc and me. This includes not crossing any boundries of the JRWI crew. Also respect me in general!
2. You are able to submit multiple characters but do not submit a character twice (all of your characters will probably be picked)
3. Villian is a subjective term. Villian could be an actual villian from PD, or it could be a character from Riptide that has vilianous tendencies.
4. If you have propaganda that contains spoilers please use this format: Campaign spoilers, season episode (EX: PD spoilers S1E4)
5. Make sure info about your character is either accurate or is stated as a hc or something of the sort.
6. I do not know when the subbmissions will close but I will be keeping you posted!!
#best villian vote -- polls for the best villian
#non vote -- anything that isnt a poll
#best villian bracket -- anything I post on this acc will have this tag
#best villian propaganda -- any post for propaganda will have this (also if you post propaganda, please use this tag)
This is not my original idea, this acc is based off of similar brackets. Some of the main ones I like are @jrwi-transgender-swag @kisser-of-jrwi-characters @jrwis-most-pathetic
This acc is run by @gillion-tidestrider-fan (thats me!!) Please be paitent, I have school so post may take some time
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a-driftamongopenstars · 8 months
okay, another bg3 poll!!
feel free to share reasoning in tags 👀
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firefly-sky · 8 months
ur polls about the kissing/cuddling did cartman so dirtyyyy i believe cartman would be the best cuddler but worst kisser and kyle would be the best kisser but worst cuddler (at least at first) ik kenny won the best kisser one but tbh i feel like he’d taste like cigarettes LMAO
agreed 100%
though cartman would dutch oven the person midway through the cuddle session and laugh about it. but he’s soft and warm. kyle doesn’t know what he’s doing. His hands are clammy af 24/7 and he’s a complete mess. kenny gets too handsy (it’s 3AM go to sleep ken-) and stan would probably be a really good hugger (chubby stan >>>>>>>) cartman’s lips are greasy af. I’m calling it. Kenny’s lips are dry as hell. Tastes and smells like weed/cigs. Kyle’s a great kisser, probably uses moisturizer on his lips. Stan would puke in their mouth.
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giuliettacapuleti · 1 year
comparison videos:
Der Schleier fällt kiss comparison videos 1 (shows Uwe, Máté, Oliver, Martin, and Mark + others not listed in the poll), 2 (shows Uwe, Martin, Máté, Mark, and Oliver + others not listed) 3 (shows Szilveszter)
gifset 1 (shows Uwe, Mark, Máté, and Szilveszter) 2 (shows Asaka, Mark, Oliver, and others not listed)
Mayerling kiss comparison video 1 (shows Uwe, Máté, Oliver, Mark, Yu Shirota, and Szilveszter, and others not listed in the poll) 2 (Junsu)
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
I uh... Did not tell you that I'm sipping for one more Firefly clan member. I don't think you'll be able to guess (though I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to as well, as I'm pretty sure he'd be the next most simpable clan member).
Actually, you know what? Go ahead and look away from this ask and spend some time trying to guess who I'm talking about. And if/when you do answer this, I want you to be honest with me on whether or not you got it.
You're back? Ok. The one that I've been fantazing about next to Baby and Mama is....
Rufus 'RJ' Junior.
He- HE IS SO DAMN HUGE HANNAH!!! AND STRONG!!!! HE LIFTED A WHOLE ASS MAN ABOVE HIS HEAD AND THREW HIM IN A COFFIN!! Holy fucking shit that is H O T. And- And- he's a hunter??? Or at least that's what I'm gathering with his hunting rifle, bear skin, and hiding in the bushes. I mean, the Firefly's had to get all those taxidermy animals from somewhere, and I doubt they bought them. So I'm also gonna say he knows how to build a campfire (😏😏😏)
Rufus also has a deep voice?? He barely speaks in the movie (which gives him the 'silent sexy character' point that Patchy Stabbinton has), but when he does, HOLY MOLY it does something to me. Especially when he told Jerry "Get in."!?!? Yes sir, I will climb in your bed- I MEAN that coffin- Unless you'd be willing to put me in there yourself~?
Brooooooo, he barely gets screen time. Tiny got more screen time than he did. But I feel like I'm in love with this behemoth of a man, too. And with your fanfiction, i feel like i was falling in love with Foxy before I even saw the third movie- and I did. Why are all these Firefly's so damn hot, Hannah!?!? 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Omg those 😏😏😏😏 faces at building a campfire!!!! XDDD You know I agree XD Hunters 💕💕😏 XD
AND AH! RUFUS!!! YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT HIM! I didn't guess him 😅 I guessed Foxy 😅😅😅 BUT YES. Do you remember that one poll I made that was, like, 'Best kisser in the Firefly family?' Well I picked Foxy- but it was between him and Rufus XD He just seems very... in control XD He's definitely without sympathy for their victims but I don't think he's as insane as the rest of the family XD
Rufus is absolutely the next most simpable Firefly XDD If I wasn't going to work right now I would get more into it!!!! But I'm begging you- if y o u happen to have thoughts about this hunter- please do share XD !!!!!
All the members of this family are gorgeous no doubt XD Rob Zombie set us up for disaster XDD
(And- side note- in Devils Rejects he's played by TYLER MANE!?? HAVE YOU SEEN THE SIZE OF THAT MAN?? THATS RZ'S MICHAEL MYERS. HOLY MOLY)
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tempted to bring back the best kisser poll now that its been at least a month since mars house release. thinking.
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dreamboundedstar · 1 year
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This is why I made the poll for the pen name. https://www.tumblr.com/dreamboundedstar/714892108056674304/which-sounds-like-the-best-pen-name-for-tina?source=share I'm aware that I chose 2nd place but the poll was never about picking the winner but to help me realize what I really wanted. Shout out to the people that commented on the Reddit post I made that helped me figure out what I really wanted for Tina's pen name as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/BobsBurgers/comments/12p8xdk/imagine_this_tina_has_grown_to_be_a_successful/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Tori Ryder as Tina's pen name is my backup plan in case the show makes its own pen name for Tina or uses her real name. That way I can say it's a completely different person and Tina's just projecting onto the cover as usual. Now that I got credits out of the way onto the piece at hand. Anyway, I've been wanting to do this for a while because I love Greek mythology, Tina loves horses, immediately wanted to do Tina as a centaur. I thought it would be funny to have one of older Tina's published stories be centaur people and a minotaur. I was hesitant to do it for a while though because drawing horse and cow anatomy is intimidating as all get out. Any other option would be expensive though so I eventually put on my big girl pants and did this. I think this piece made me develop carpal tunnel but it was worth it. Serves me right for not remembering to use my whole arm when drawing anyway. XD Originally the idea had Tina as the alicorn centaur and Jimmy Jr. as the sea centaur because Tina would want to be the alpha horse person while it was easy to pun JJ's name as a sea centaur (Swimmy Jr. XD). I switched it when I realized that Tina also had a love for marine life and her being a sea centaur became more fitting. So now onto the name of the characters for this fake story Zeke - Iezekial the minotaur Tina - Princess Tritina the ichthyocentaur
Jimmy Jr. - Prince Iakobos II the Sky Kisser the alicorn centaur Anyway, this is a fake cover I wanted to do because I thought it would be funny to do a trashy romance novel parody. I'm not intending to make a story based on the cover ever. I already have other story ideas that are slowly dying so I don't need to add another one. XD Here's the cover I based my cover's color palette on. https://books.google.com/books/content?id=UHWJkQdCSSwC&pg=PP1&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&bul=1&sig=ACfU3U3w_r4ifjjKvLVPGpz285AX4gHYLw&w=1280 You're free to do a fanfic based on this cover if you want though. I encourage it so I don't have to do it! XD The basic idea is the story is a love triangle story and you're free to decide who wins (though it's Ancient Greece and it's Tina, you read the context clues XD). Anyway, hope you like it! I'm really proud of this piece. :3
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