#politician bellamy
kacievvbbbb · 2 months
I feel like the main reason this evil shanks theory is so prevalent (besides the private meeting the the gorsei which up even I can’t explain) is that his general cheeriness and lackadaisical disposition is more of a presented front, a mask to be slipped on and off at will which would be fine if he weren’t often put in the same boat as Roger and Luffy two people ( for as much as we know about roger) who have no masks at all.
Don’t get me wrong I’m pretty sure that Shanks is a naturally happy, good natured dude but he’s also the most politically minded pirate we have seen on the show (and some of these pirates were actual politicians) like I’m pretty sure Roger is more mature and secretive than Luffy ( makes sense he’s older and has seen more of the world) but with both of them you never get the sense that their silliness is something they are putting on for the direct purpose of making themselves less of a threat. They both can get serious when the situation calls for it but that feels more of an extension of their already established personality more than a hidden personality.
While with shanks it’s undeniable that something changed within him and his goals the day Roger died I don’t know if Roger actually told him something or if he just wasn’t dealing with the abandonment well it was probably a mix of both honestly. But yeah Shanks comes off as a guy with his ear to the ground someone who has schemes on schemes on schemes. he’s someone playing in the long run, kind of like crocodile but not nefarious. And when compared with a straight forward head first always kinda guy like Luffy, like he often is, he can come off a little suspicious.
There’s something that’s a little fake about his cheer, something a little too performative about his optimism and foolishness. I think it’s a mix of; he’s housing a deep sadness, he’s more of a realist that an optimist and also dudes just a pacifist unlike like luffy who loves to brawl ( like luffy knows when it’s better not to fight but he also loves a good fight) and he would rather deescalate a situation than fight it out and sometimes the easiest way to do that is with an air of cluelessness and making yourself seem less of a threat which makes it so much more jarring but effective when he reveals just how big a threat he is. but I can see why people think it’s suspicious.
(Interestingly even when luffy tries to emulate this behavior like when he first encountered Bellamy at the pub his plan is to just not react which while in the same vain is very different than Shanks actively playing the drunken good natured take it on the chin role for the bandits Luffy was still essentially himself he just refused to react while Shanks played a role which made it more terrifying and effective when he stopped)
Also it doesn’t help that until recently he’s largely been missing from the narrative with just a man echoing or a whisper here or there of how powerful he is.
But I think we should remember that Shank’s goal is essentially world peace. and peace, a true lasting peace, is just a little more of a precarious balancing act, than utmost freedom. For freedom you have to destroy the old game, for peace you have to learn to play a new one, hopefully with a bit more kindness injected into the foundation.
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What Would They Name Their Children? (Headcanons)
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A/N: More names!💚 And for some reason, I decided to use gifs that made me laugh lol.
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Warnings: None💚
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Big brother Raph might very much want some more “traditional” names for his children. Names that might be a little bit more common, but still very beautiful. Of course, Raph would very much want to hear what his future partner thinks of these names, before settling on any of them.
For Boys:
Edward, meaning “rich guard”.
Arthur, meaning “strong as a bear”.
Adam, the name of the first human man in the Bible.
For Girls:
Beatrice, from French, Italian and Latin origin meaning “voyager” or “traveler”.
Eleanor, meaning “one who is as bright as sun rays”.
Alice, meaning “of the nobility”.
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Would it surprise anyone that Neon Leon would want to give his children a Spanish name? Not really. Most people would have seen that coming from a mile away. A very avid Spanish speaker himself, it just feels natural for Leo. And if his future partner is up for it, then he already has a few ideas.
For Boys:
Marco, most likely derived from Mars, the god of war.
Joaquín, the Spanish version of the name Joachim.
Alejandro, the Spanish variant of the name Alexander.
For Girls:
Gabriela, meaning “God is my strength.
Esmeralda, meaning “emerald”.
Lucia, meaning “light”.
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Donnie’s partner wouldn’t even have to ask - Donnie would name his children after some of the greatest scientists there have ever been. However, with Donald being the way that he is, he would want to be extravagant with those names. He would want them to have old and long names, thinking that they sound not just nice, but beautiful.
For Boys:
Archimedes, after the Greek mathematician.
Pythagoras, after the Greek philosopher, mathematician and music theorist.
Avicenna, after the Persian doctor, philosopher and politician.
For Girls:
Mercuriade, after the 14th century Italian female physician and surgeon. One of the few of her time.
Aglaonice, after the Greek astronomer.
Guillemette, after Guillemette du Luys, the royal French surgeon of king Louis XI of France.
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Mikey would want to decide on a name, before the birth of his child. A name he can use to reference the child, in a way that feels more natural to him. But he would do this very early on, seeing that as one of the many reasons why Angelo would only want to give his children gender neutral names. A name he would be able to use early on, while giving his child a chance to explore their own identity, with a name that wouldn’t upstruct that.
Phoenix, after the mythological creature.
Peyton, from the Old English language, with an unknown meaning.
Lennox, meaning “place of elms” in Gaelic.
Madhu, from Sanskrit meaning “sweet”.
Presley, meaning “priest” or “clearing” in Old English.
Bellamy, meaning “beautiful friend” in Old French.
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vacantgodling · 26 days
holds microphone up to u
may i hear about tmc
gimme your thoughts
WELL <3 since you asked so nicely <3 (jkjk but thank you eeeee)
so-- surprisingly atm i'm trying to figure out The Plot. i wasn't sure if i was ever going to make ?? a proper plot for tmc just because like. i love tmc and the kiddos so much but bc i know i want it to be a webcomic style thing that's just scared me off from working on it. basically bc art hard. But i should do it because i want to have fun and i had a few like. lingering dream-thoughts about some things so i thought i'd try and push it more.
rn i'm toying with the idea of expanding what's going on with society. because right now basically, there's the "city thing" that chidori and co live in which is dominated by trains. but i don't think anyone knows the kinda Back Drop for tmc?? cuz i never talk about it?? but basically this is a futuristic wip where humanity had to adapt to earth's sea levels rising WAAAAY up (in a way that is totally improbable but like i'm not hard worldbuilding this world at all bc this is supposed to feel shonen anime like PFFFF. basically anything goes cuz i said so energy). so they use train rails and special train types to get around. tm.
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this is old art from an old ask but this is the gist basically LMAO im sorry its so shit PFF
i was originally thinking of making wholly different societies that have something different instead of train masters BUT TBH, i think everywhere has train masters like its a global thing but chidori's city is just a big ass city and governments are still different like how bangkok, nyc, and paris all have different currency pff. basically my scope of the world is just expanding.
anyway tho, chidori's city has the largest population and by virtue of that its the one most prone to diseases, struggling, and economic stagnation. rich people gotta rich so they hate this.
my thought for the plot is actually around the strength of the sturgeon dollar. tl;dr the money in chidori's city is called "sturgeons" like the fish (and is colored similarly) but its actually got a poor exchange rate with the other cities. this is something that is concerning to the herme family who bellamy is the youngest child of. (bellamy below--the diamond prince and one of the s-rank train masters tm)
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bellamy is technically the "odd one out" of the herme family and is treated very poorly behind closed doorsaside from his illustrious and beloved image by the public. his family is full of law makers and politicians, but they also have heavy ties with crime (which is what i'm kinda developing now) and they have links to crime various other syndicates across the flooded world. the problem is, because the sturgeon dollar is so weak it puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to negotiations with other politicians and syndicates. so with the under-the-table go ahead from the government, they have begun operations to start working towards destabilizing pretty much every city society (at the expense of civilians obvs) to try and either make the sturgeon dollar stronger, or to introduce an entirely new method of currency only for the elites.
me playing with the idea of yagmur being a double agent has to do with the fact that yagmur is a secret train master branch basically akin to the fbi or z-rank. they're covert ops. he's technically been assigned to work for the government of chidori's city to help with whatever tf this plan is but at the same time, he and bellamy are in a not-so-secret secret relationship and despite coming from money, bellamy hates his family. so yagmur is loyal to bellamy before anything else. but at the same time, bellamy isn't necessarily concerned with citizens--he's concerned with revenge and tearing down his family. so if i were to classify things as they currently are:
chidori and his main friend group (amehana, solange, bev, folami, and markis) are on the side of their city and protecting it from like everything.
bellamy and yagmur on their own side trying to take down the herme family.
the herme family and government (and some other entities) are on their own side trying to sabotage other cities to strengthen thier own dollar and since yagmur works for the government he's also kind of involved in this too.
so that'sssss currently where i'm at. i still need to figure out how the train academy works, what's up with these semi-magical weapons, redesigning folami (AGAIN but thankfully i think i have a good idea this time) and just other stuff to uhhhh make this make sense. maybe figure out the city situations as well?? just a lot tbh LOL
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thewritingcoroner · 4 months
Heavily caffeinated and reaching the point of exhausted delirium from work, BUT I'm thinking about making a minor (MAJOR) change in character for Bellamy... I want her to be secretly a poet.
But the problem? I am not a poet. And writing poets means sometimes writing poetry and I am NOT A POET
But also the raw dialogue potential of a street thief reciting poetry to a QUEEN?? Can you IMAGINE????
Alessandra tries very hard not to fall in love, you see. Bellamy is so far below her station, is actually a criminal. And yes, she's handsome and funny, she's moody and tries to brood but really she's got this starry eyed love for the world Alessandra was never allowed to see, but Alessandra cannot fall in love with her.
And that street thief with the scar over her eyebrow and a mischievous smirk likes to get in trouble and tease and tease and tease. But then she spouts poetry as easily as her lungs fill with air and it's so earnest in a way Bellamy refuses to admit. She is only ever vulnerable in brief moments of reprieve, far away from the prying eyes of the world she loves so much. But Alessandra is a well educated woman, a politician. She can read between the lines.
And the lines she reads!
Bellamy is filled with so much joy and unhindered love that she hides behind a thin veneer of bravado and mischief. And so it is really so, so easy for Alessandra to listen to her spin verses that float along, only seen when the light shines just right through the windows. It is so easy to hear the beauty that Bellamy sees in every aspect of this cruel world Alessandra has fallen into, and it is hard to look through Bellamys eyes, listen to her words, and not fall in love.
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dougielombax · 5 months
Also leaving a few more links here I couldn’t fit in the previous post.
Feel free to reblog.
Reblog the shit out of this.
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frecklesandfanfics · 2 years
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Clarke extends a hand, but Echo pointedly ignores it.. “You must be Echo. I’m Clarke–”
“Griffin,” Echo finishes, “I know.”
“Oh, have we met?” Clarke looks slightly puzzled, blue eyes wide open, mouth pursed.
Echo forces a smile to her lips–Bellamy knows that look.
Clarke reminds him of a politician, but Echo reminds him of a politician’s wife.
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
January 23: Lavender Viper Pt. 2 (Tempo)
Continuation of The Lavender Viper, possibly in the same verse as Bootlegger and Recluse. See the tag #lavender viper for part 1.
Princess Mechanic, background Bellarke
~580 words
There's something slithery and low about the Viper, something grimy and it sits deep in the pit of Raven’s stomach, vibrates just beneath her skin. Maybe it's the purple leather of the booths or maybe it's the shade of the light, variants of sickly green and yellow, thin overlapping halos, or maybe it's how the only windows stare glassy-eyed and dark from the front vestibule, and back here there's not a trace of the outside world, and there isn't any time of day or any time of night. Maybe it's a turn in the music, wafting like smoke, curling around and through low murmurous tones: the low notes of a saxophone, the light tap of the drums. But Raven thinks that it must be the deep chords of the upright bass. How they define the tempo of the night for her, better than the drums. How she can hear them keeping time together with her heart.
She holds Clarke's gaze for a long time. Steady and unflinching. She sees the way Clarke's thumb slides along her glass and she feels it slipping across her skin.
"You're going to get yourself thrown out of here," Jasper mumbles, looking up at her from under his lashes. The jerky movement of his hand as he takes a drink rattles the ice cubes one more time.
"Bellamy's not here," she mutters back. Never looks away.
"Bellamy's got sets of eyes in every bar in Arkadia. You think he's not watching you?" Jasper scoffs. "Watching goddamn everyone."
Clarke finishes her drink and sets it on the bar behind her, for that moment breaks Raven's gaze and then after, slips off her stool and straightens the thin black straps of her dress.
"She's dangerous," Jasper warns once more, in a sing-song voice, still under his breath.
Raven just hums. She slides herself to the edge of the booth.
"So am I," she reminds him, and stands.
By the time she reaches the bar, Clarke is already holding out her hand.
They slip away onto the dance floor, Clarke's arms around her neck and Raven's taking the span of her hips. She should be blinded and forced to learn this body by touch. She should be on her knees—hot ghost of breath for a moment against her ear, as Clarke presses closer, a secret not yet told but hinted there—and she wonders if Bellamy ever is. Back there in whatever hole he hides out in, letting his woman in past all the gates, watching from the shadows as she breezes by the guards, and all that mystery and subterfuge and the open secret of the two of them, the legend of them, and all of that is just so he can fall down to his knees.
Clarke lets her lead, subtly, a press of Raven's palm against her back.
"You want something?" Clarke asks her, quiet. The words a jagged interruption of the beat and the undulating coil of dusky brass. Her eyes narrow for just a moment. The gaze of a politician, where one wasn't before.
Raven shakes her head. She pulls Clarke a half-step closer, and with the tips of her fingers, reaches up to pass a few strands of hair behind her ear. “Just this,” she breathes.
From every corner of the room, Bellamy's eyes watch them from a half dozen different faces. Raven feels every iteration, sharp as the reflections in a new-cut diamond as it's raised to catch the light.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Birthdays 4.7
Beer Birthdays
Charles Duff (1894)
Leo Van Munching Jr. (1926)
Alex Puchner (1961)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Jack Black; actor, singer (1969)
Francis Ford Coppola; film director (1939)
Billie Holiday; singer (1915)
Wayne Rogers; actor (1933)
William Wordsworth; English poet, writer (1770)
Famous Birthdays
Bill Bellamy; actor, comedian (1965)
Jerry Brown; politician (1938)
Irene Castle; dancer (1893)
Jackie Chan; actor, martial artist (1954)
Russell Crowe; actor (1964)
Tony Dorsett; Dallas Cowboys RB (1954)
Allan Dulles; diplomat (1893)
Daniel Ellsberg; "Pentagon Papers" (1931)
Percy Faith; bandleader (1908)
David Frost; television host (1939)
James Garner; actor (1928)
Freddie Hubbard; jazz trumpeter (1938)
Janis Ian; pop singer (1951)
Will Kellogg; cereal maker (1860)
David Low; English cartoonist (1891)
Jennifer Lynch; film director (1968)
John McGraw; New York Giants Mgr (1873)
John Oates; pop singer (1949)
Alan J. Pakula; film director (1928)
Mongo Santamaria; bandleader (1917)
Ravi Shankar; sitarist (1920)
Walter Winchell; journalist (1897)
Stan Winston; special effects artist (1946)
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therealcrimediary · 6 months
The Society of Editors and the Magistrates' Association are calling for reform of the Single Justice Procedure (SJP) in order to restore public confidence in the justice system. The SJP, which is used to prosecute low-level, non-imprisonable offenses in private based on written evidence alone, has come under intense scrutiny for its lack of transparency and potential injustices. The Magistrates' Association has concluded that the system needs a radical overhaul to protect against these issues, and the Society of Editors has backed this stance, insisting that open SJP hearings must be introduced to ensure fairness and transparency. Politicians from both Labour and the Conservatives have also called for SJP reform in response to the Evening Standard's investigation into the secretive court system. Shocking cases have been uncovered, such as individuals with dementia facing criminal conviction after being moved to care homes, and elderly and frail pensioners being prosecuted while battling serious health conditions. The system has faced criticism for its fast-tracked nature, leading to rushed convictions and fines by magistrates. The Magistrates' Association has outlined a 12-point plan for reform, including better training, allowing journalists to observe hearings, written sentencing reasons, and a "public interest" check by prosecutors in cases where mitigation letters are submitted. Despite calls for reform, Justice Minister Lord Bellamy has stated that there are currently no plans to amend the SJP system. However, the Ministry of Justice has acknowledged the Magistrates' Association's report and has committed to carefully considering its recommendations. The Association emphasizes that while the SJP serves as an efficient way to handle minor offenses and spare defendants from the ordeal of attending court, changes are needed to address flaws in the system and ensure adequate protections for vulnerable individuals. The SJP process has raised concerns particularly around cases involving sick, vulnerable, and elderly individuals, with a significant number of defendants suffering from mental or physical health conditions. The lack of transparency and accountability in the system has also been highlighted, with prosecuting bodies not always seeing letters submitted by defendants that could potentially stop a case from proceeding. In light of these issues, the calls for reform are aimed at restoring public confidence in the justice system and ensuring that the SJP operates fairly and transparently. The need for reform of the Single Justice Procedure is underscored by the Magistrates' Association's survey findings, which indicate that some magistrates feel pressured to issue convictions and fines due to the system's current operations. By implementing the proposed reforms, such as allowing journalists to observe hearings and conducting public interest checks by prosecutors, the SJP could ensure that justice is served effectively and fairly for all individuals involved. The government now faces mounting pressure to address the shortcomings of the SJP system and implement changes that will strengthen its accountability and transparency.
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naturecoaster · 9 months
Why I Love Florida’s Nature Coast
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I look ahead and there is a curving blacktop taking me through stands of pine, oak, and sugar maple trees with occasional citrus trees popping up here and there. I feel safe and nurtured by the natural surroundings. In the winter, the sugar maples turn colors like orange and red. Some of the bushes turn yellow. It is our version of the northern fall colors and it is beautiful. I keep an eye open for traveling deer, tortoises, squirrels, and other fauna that may want to cross the roads I travel, both to keep from hitting them and to appreciate their graceful presence. I am on my way to a Chamber of Commerce luncheon, where I will meet and eat with fellow small business owners, politicians, committed nonprofit directors, resort directors, and other community leaders. We will chat about families, upcoming events, business, responsibilities, and opportunities, then we will unanimously stand and pledge our allegiance to our country and say a prayer for God’s wisdom, guidance, and blessings. I may be given 5 minutes to pitch my business to attendees. I always feel unity and hope when I attend these luncheons. Some have resulted in new business. Some have resulted in new friends, and some have resulted in new responsibilities, but they all remind me of how fortunate I am to live in a place that still promotes solid values and community partnerships. Florida's Nature Coast Florida’s Nature Coast ranges from Pasco County north to Wachulla County along the Big Bend coast. It is an informally designated area originally proposed by Florida’s Governor Lawton Chiles. NatureCoaster only covers Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus Counties because that is the area we know best. Read about the history of the Nature Coast here. This 1,000+ square miles of Florida’s Gulf Coast has a history that is echoed from small town to small town. The east side of the Suncoast Parkway is still heavily forested as part of the Withlacoochee State Forest. This is a true gem of natural preservation that helps to shape the character of the eastern portion of the area. There are several ranches, farms, and large cow/calf operations, including the Bellamy Brothers Ranch, the Barthle Brothers Ranch, Campton Ranch, and Fenco Farms. The cows moved to high ground for the storm and made it through just fine with a roll or two of hay. Image by Diane Bedard The west side of each county has been developed to enjoy water-based recreation such as fishing and boating and swimming with manatees. This coast does not feature traditional beaches but instead boasts ecologically-friendly saltwater marshes and tidal grasses along its shores. In fact, we have the Nature Coast Aquatic Preserve and the north end of the Tampa Bay Aquatic Preserve protecting our natural shorelines. Protected Springs and Rivers are Part of the Magic The hydrology is amazing! First-magnitude freshwater springs abound throughout Florida’s Nature Coast, with Weeki Wachee Springs probably being the most famous thanks to Newt Perry and his original Weeki Wachee Park. Today Weeki Wachee Springs is a State Park, protecting the headwaters of the Weeki Wachee River. Next is Homosassa Springs, with its 1960s attraction and resort having been converted into a State Park, protecting the headwaters of the Homosassa River. The torpedo-shaped manatee glides through the waters at Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park, one of the places you can find manatees year-round on the NautreCoast. Photo by Sally White Old Homosassa is a fishing village that is still a working waterfront, with fishermen and shrimpers plying its waters to make a living. There are also resorts and charters for vacationers and visitors, as well as the Yulee Sugar Mill Ruins, which is what remains of a huge plantation that was located in Homosassa, but was burned out by the union armies. Read about it here. Tampa Bay Pushes Northward, but Can't Overrun Our Small-Town Culture As Tampa Bay pushes northward into this region, many ranches have been converted to subdivisions and planned communities, but the small-town culture remains in the cities that populate the region, including Zephyrhills, Dade City, Brooksville, Inverness, and Crystal River. Some are feeling the transition more, like New Port Richey with its historic downtown, riverfront, and small business culture inching toward a more urban feel with its public recreation center and city services. Port Richey is a city just north of New Port Richey. Its lack of a downtown area is replaced by an active waterfront district. There are many census-designated places like Aripeka, Hernando Beach, Spring Hill, Bayport, Hudson, Homosassa, Land O’Lakes, Beverly Hills, Ridge Manor, Elfers, Lecanto, Holiday, and Floral City. While Spring Hill and Land O'Lakes have become popular residential areas, they have no downtown or city services. Lecanto is growing like wildfire with residential and commercial growth. It is in central Citrus County and the county’s government services are located there. Wesley Chapel is another census-designated area that is booming! Starting with Saddlebrook Resort, a nationally recognized golf and tennis resort, Wesley Chapel began its growth in the 1980s and has become a powerhouse in the east Pasco region. To drive State Road 54 from I-75 to Zephyrhills is an exercise in growth through residential development. Still, when you get to Zephyrhills, the pace slows down and the small businesses abound. You never know where you will find the roaming manatee at the Florida Manatee Festival in Crystal River. Image courtesy of Citrus County Chamber of Commerce. Did I mention the Festivals? This area has so many fun festivals! The Manatee Festival, the Kumquat Festival, BBQ & Blues, the Stone Crab Festival, the Seafood and Arts Festival, Art in the Park, Camping with the Blues, Blues Bash at the Ranch, Brooksville Blueberry Festival, Holistic Health Festival, Multicultural Festival, Chasco Fiesta, and... I cannot name them all! AND PARADES! Keep up with it all on our Events Page. I am so grateful that natural areas have been preserved throughout the Nature Coast region. And I am grateful for the people that make up this area, including you. Below you will find lists of parks and preserves that help keep our nature coast natural. Whenever you have the opportunity to just pull into one of them and take a short break, I encourage you to do so. Parks and Recreation Areas to Enjoy on the Nature Coast Citrus County Parks Leisure: - Boat Ramps & Fishing Piers - Skate Parks Trails: - Citrus County Cycling - Friends of the Withlacoochee State Trail - Withlacoochee Bay Trail - Withlacoochee State Trail Other Parks: - City of Crystal River Parks - City of Inverness Parks - Florida State Parks - State Parks & Preserves Hernando County Parks - Hernando County Parks - City of Brooksville Parks - Hernando County Preserves - Boat Ramps and Fishing Piers Pasco County Parks - Pasco County Parks - Pasco County Aquatic Parks Read the full article
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bellarkefanfictions · 7 years
Fic where Bellamy is running for office of some sort and hires Clarke and her firm to cover some sort of Scandal? Maybe based on the show scandal? Thanks!
Pistols at Dawn
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clemsfilmdiary · 3 years
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Sunrise at Campobello (1960, Vincent J. Donehue)
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
Honestly i’ve yet to read a fic where Lexa suddenly shows up alive all these years and giving that brat octavia a taste of her own medicine. Like full on beating her up and humiliating her ass coz that would be so therapeutic
Ok I'm gonna mini rant 😤
The thing is,,, she wouldn't have even needed to do much to beat Octavia's ass! No one would! She went through like 2 months of training under Indra and that's👏fucking👏it👏. That's it! That girl was entirely unequipped to handle life among the skairats much less the societal complexities and hierarchies of the Grounders. Just because she was doing the horizontal hustle with Lincoln for a few months and learned how to hold a sword from Indra doesn't mean they taught her everything, much less even a fraction of what it takes to be a leader.
The idea that she would've survived the conclave is asinine. "Ooo she hid" so fucking what? You're gonna tell me a chick who hid beneath like 7 square feet of floorboards in a fixed area out maneuvered warriors who had been trained in tracking and stealth through miles and miles of wilderness since childhood?
But let's say she did. Let's suspend reality and say she did. Lexa was constantly dealing with people breathing down her neck and making plays for power, trying to usurp her at every turn, and constantly playing political strategy against her. And Lexa was a top tier warrior, politician, and strategist. And still she was always fighting for her damn life through the reality of grounder dynamics. Ones she grew up in. But Octavia, someone with basically no life experience or training outside of her mom and brother, suddenly is able to grasp power and sustain it?
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Even if she had gained power, she would've fallen to a coup or mutiny so fast in that bunker, Bellamy wouldn't have had time to express his man pain through poorly acted crying before he was strung up too
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adelitaflores · 2 years
Closed starter @thebellamybarnes
Where: Town Hall
When: Around 9:30pm
That months Citizen's Association meeting had not gone smoothly. Residents were scared. Recent events in the town had not gone unnoticed of course, and residents attending the meeting were very vocal in their concerns and frustrations. Even in the build up to that months meeting, every resident of even minute authority had been being heavily scrutinised, people wanted to know what they knew, what they intended to do about the escalating situations. That scrutinization had extended to the Citizen's Association. Though they were a voluntary organisation whose main task was gathering information and passing it onto the town council, residents were demanding answers that were simply not available. 
For the first time during her long history with the association, Adelita was feeling the strain. While the dark haired witch maintained a calm demeanour that exuded authority, when it was her turn to speak and answer questions, she was sure the most observant members of the citizens association would see the cracks in her façade. The woman who always had all the answers had none to give.
As such, Adelita's responses were smooth yet evasive, reassuring while promising nothing. It sounded good on the surface, but there was little content. She was answering like a politician, a skill the witch knew how to employ, but rarely had to. Adelita knew that although she had appeased some residents that evening, it was only temporary. By the time most had returned home that evening they would soon realise they had been fobbed off. Adelita had been curious to see how the other associates would handle their answers. Would they follow her lead or go in a different direction?
"Goodbye, thank you so much for coming" The witch was saying in her deeply low and warm voice, while shaking hands with various residents on their way out. She wished them all a safe journey home, as sincerely as any maternal figure would, as though she genuinely cared about each individual she spoke to. Occasionally, she would share a passing glance with other council members who were either saying goodbye to residents or discussing amongst themselves. They would share a silent, blank faced acknowledgement of solidarity. After a meeting like this one, many associates were weary but smiling. Always smiling. Smiles were often a go to defence against torches and pitch forks. 
Adelita knew appearances were everything. It wasn't just what she said and did that helped to reassure the community and maintain order within her coven, it was how she looked doing it. That particular evening, the witches long chocolate curls were neatly secured in a bun at the base of her neck. She wore only a very basic layer of make up, and she was dressed in a white pant suit with 3 inch slits at the fronts of the billowing legs, exposing the open toed stilettoes. Her aesthetic was always simple, elegant, appropriate, and flawless, never a wrinkle on her blouse or a stain on her cuffs. Though she was an attractive woman, Adelita never looked like she tried to look anything but smart. It was just a happy accident that she also looked expensive. Or, so she would have people believe
When between well wishers, the witches dark eyes caught Bellamy’s from across the room, and she murmured under her breath, her lips barely moiving - knowing the blonde would hear her despite their considerable distance in the hall.
"Drinks? My place or yours?" 
The witch of course meant which of the two women's' establishments they should walk to for drinks. They had visited each others homes on occasion, but it was a rarity, preferring to socialise at either Erzseberts or Sabor de Flores. They both had good taste when it came to liquor and food, and at least for Adelita she just enjoyed the décor and vibe of their respective business venues.
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thewritingcoroner · 1 year
Heads up 7 up Tag
Thanks to @late-to-the-fandom for tagging me in a last line tag!
I'm going to mess with the rules a little and just use this as an excuse to share a little snippet from At The Moon's Whim, so I'll switch over and start a 7Up chain :P
"Yeah, I'm sure." Bellamy rolled her shoulders, shifting to lean back against her palms and watch Alessandra with a tilted head. "How much are you willing to part with?" Alessandra eyed the purse Bellamy had thrown aside. "Ten times, at least, what is in that purse." Bellamy leaned forward, though she'd played enough poker games to know she should remain stoic, the sheer number brightened her mood considerably. "Anything else?" To her surprise, Alessandra stood her ground. "You don't need anything else. You've agreed already." She tilted her head, the ghost of a smirk across her face. "You see a spoiled princess, but I am a politician first, thief. You can take the offer that has so piqued your interest, or I can walk away, and you receive nothing." Bellamy jumped to her feet, approaching the queen quickly enough to intimidate most. Alessandra hardly flinched. Nose to nose, Bellamy looked down upon her with a frown. "Bellamy." "I don't understand-" "My name is Bellamy. Stop calling me a thief." Alessandra shook her head, this time something had sparked within her. "You are a thief." Bellamy leaned back. "Yes, but you'll need to know my name if we are to travel together."
tagging with no pressure: @tisiphonewolfe @dontjudgemeimawriter @blind-the-winds @oh-no-another-idea and anyone else who would like to participate!
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myhauntedsalem · 2 years
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The Ghost of Bellamy Bridge
Marianna, Florida
Local legend holds that Elizabeth Jane Bellamy is not the only ghost associated with Bellamy Bridge. Believers say there are three more restless spirits roaming the woods around the historic bridge.
In the 1830s, Elizabeth Jane Croom Bellamy married local politician, Dr. Samuel C. Bellamy. On their wedding night, her dress accidentally caught on fire, which covered the young bride in horrible burns. She initially survived, but eventually passed away. Elizabeth was buried along the banks of the Chipola River, and it was said that her love for her husband was so strong, she couldn’t rest.
The deceased newlywed, dressed in white, can allegedly be seen wandering the banks from the vantage point of the bridge in which was built after she died. It’s said that she appears on fire either walking through the swamps or diving straight into the river, as if to douse the flames, or somberly walking along the side of the river.
The legend seems to perpetuate the memory of an incident that happened in the vicinity during the early 1900s. A father who was involved in a bitter domestic dispute with his wife brought his young daughter down Bellamy Bridge Road to the Chipola River and decapitated her with an ax. He then used the blade of the same weapon to cut his own throat and commit suicide.
Occasionally, strange lights can be seen and photographed in pairs around Bellamy Bridge. Some believe these are the ghosts of the man and his unfortunate daughter. Others say that his wagon can be heard and sometimes even seen as it slowly creaks its way up and down the old road.
A 1914 murder of Sylvester Hart. A moonshiner, Hart was embroiled in an argument with two other moonshiners about some missing liquor when his own cousin allegedly shot him in the back of the head with a pistol. His body fell over into a campfire and was found the next day by the mail carrier.
According to legend, Sylvester’s ghost lingers in the Bellamy Bridge vicinity and accounts for some of the mysterious lights and other phenomenon reported there.
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