#political upheavals
Strengthening protecting of refugees and migrants with disabilities (COSP17 Side Event).
Wars and armed conflicts, political upheavals, violence, economic insecurity, and climate change are driving record numbers of people from their homes.
Watch Strengthening protecting of refugees and migrants with disabilities (COSP17 Side Event)!
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
Sudan’s struggle is obscured by political upheavals, displacements, and hunger after the fall of President Omar al-Bashir and the 2021 coup, but why has the world turned a blind eye to the ‘forgotten war’?
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sleepy-bear-tm · 11 months
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We don't talk about quite how big of an impact Cornelia had in this game I think.
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
Theories about what the "G" in the Conventionary G--'s name actually stands for:
Georg (Conventionary Georg, like Spiders Georg but for revolution)
Grantaire (it's a "resurrection AU" thing)
Gregoire after the Abbe Gregoire, a real-life person who likely inspired the character
Gean (Jean but with a G)
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expendablemudge · 5 months
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I mean, I know why, but why, oh why is the most effective method of sharing current events on Tumblr the God forsaken Destiel meme?
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werepires · 2 years
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Balanced, as all things should be
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heavywithplot · 1 year
Do you ever devise plots around the children your characters have? What their family life is like? How they raise these kids?
I'm just curious to know as I love your plots and they are so fun and intriguing.
it depends! for stuff like john and the harvester, there are no children involved, so there's nothing there to explore, but for things like the knock off ancient world narratives: absolutely! there's nothing messier than high stakes inheritance claims, and for stuff like that, you need to world build the family life otherwise it's. boring.
I have this one ancient-rome-but-I-filed-the-serial-numbers-off-it story where this one guy hooks up with general of his father (the emperor) (everyone's above 20 here btw), and a week later the emperor is assassinated, and the guy realizes he's pregnant. the general is making a play at assuming power, even though the main character is technically listed in the will as successor, and he hates the idea of the general taking advantage of the pregnancy to legitimize his take over for power, so his best friend comes up with an idea to get married and pass the baby off as his, and there's like. another 20 years of story I've built up in my head after that. there's parricide and everything!
also tysm!! 💞💗💖
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
#roman history#overly sarcastic productions#Augustus Caesar#octavian caesar#octavius caesar#original#like is he as crazy as nero? no. but the thing about emperors like nero and caligula is that while a lot of us know their names because#they were so unhinged - they were too violent and volatile to actually have very effective reigns as rulers.#their effect on history is limited in some ways because a mad king will go down in history for madness but little else#but Augustus Caesar was the most ruthless ambitious terrifying motherfucker to ever meddle in the Mediterranean#he makes Julius Caesar look chill. he was so GOOD at political ruthlessness during a time of upheaval that he made himself into a GOD#we still have months named after him and his adoptive father and i live in North America just about 2000 years after he died!#he re shaped a huge part of the world and i have been studying greco roman culture for so much of my life and HOW is it i JUST#found out that this bitch SACRIFICED OTHER ROMANS TO THE GODS. WHICH WAS NOT. A. THING. PEOPLE. DID. EVER. IN. ROME.#and then AFTER THAT he becomes a GOD EMPEROR. how????#did the sacrifices... WORK?!#like i cannot emphasize enough that I have learned specifically about Roman culture for years#and this is the first I have ever heard of an instance of human sacrifice. it wasn't a thing! it was wicked not a part of their religion!!#and he just did it as a political move. because he was fucking crazy.#and I'm just going to go ahead and use that language because I am a person with severe mental illness and you can bite me.#octavius caesar was fucking crazy. not in the mental illness sense tho - in the HOLY SHIT THAT SHIT IS FUCKING CRAZY sense#although All Things Considered he probably did at least have some kind of trauma regarding all the murder and war and stuff#I once saw a gender swapped production of Julius Caesar and it was really good#and I remember being terrified of my friend lucette playing Octavius. it was great#HUMAN SACRIFICES. IN FUCKING ROME. WHAT. FUCKING WHAT. I AM LOSING MY MIND#how the FUCK did this man manage to remain politically successful after this????? I guess it helped that there was no internet#it's not that I'm surprised about brutality in Rome it was their whole brand it's that this particular form of violence is extremelY#not something that romans DID. like it just wasn't part of the culture this wasn't a thing
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xxxjarchiexxx · 5 months
im hesitant to wholeheartedly identify with anarchocommunism bcuz even if it describes my agreement with both anarchist and communist principles and ideology, it usually implies some I'm Not Like Other Commies type mindset or looking down on Tankies whatever that means.
for me it means i agree with transitioning to a communist state but see the eventual dissolution of government and hierarchy as the like. Endgame for a humane existence as a positive basically. the existence of any group of people that are by definition above others and in control of their livelihood just does not mesh with my morals at all, but im not brainwashed by propaganda anymore to believe communist states are Worse or even As Bad as capitalist ones, in fact generally they are BETTER by a whole lot just speaking on the material conditions of the people, and achieving communism on a more universal level is the immediate goal for me.
none of that is at odds with my belief in anarchy or anarchist practices in my eyes though, because anarchist action at least as ive seen it is focused on what makes the here and now better and less under control of the government with a goal of flattening out hierarchy while improving conditions of the people, with the eventual goal of a community that is organized via at-will engagement and decentralization of the things typically gatekept for power with democratic committees. and that can be my end goal and/or smallscale goal without forcing me against/at odds with other schools of communist thought and the immediate goal of a communist state.
this is similarly why i don't feel at odds inherently with demsocs right out the gate unless they prove themselves to not be 'comrades', because i do find trying to get some immediate relief and comfort to be a worthy goal that can help people and not necessarily distract from direct action or organization
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ladyfenring · 5 months
i'm almost finished with the armor of light and i don't want to give a final-final opinion yet but i've not been a huge fan of this book. it feels...i shan't say lazy, but it has definitely been my least favorite of the kingsbridge books so far.
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navree · 1 year
went to dinner with my mother where we babbled about french history for like half the meal so now i wanna talk about things no one i know would understand
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solvicrafts · 8 months
Between COVID, US politics, and Gaza, I've sure lost a lot of friends, acquaintances, and family members in such a short amount of time.
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turiyatitta · 11 months
The Unburned Heart of Thích Quảng Đức
A Testament to Unyielding CompassionIn the vast annals of human history, few images stand as starkly haunting as that of Thích Quảng Đức, a Vietnamese monk who, in a profound act of protest, set himself ablaze on a Saigon street in 1963. While the flames consumed his physical form, Quảng Đức remained motionless, embodying the epitome of tranquillity and peace. As if this act was not profound…
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theoscarsproject · 9 months
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When Father was Away on Business (1985). A family is deeply affected by the father's extramarital affairs and the turbulent consequences of the Tito-Stalin split.
Coming of age stories set against political upheavals are generally my jam, but I found it a little hard to get into this one. I'm not sure if it's just because I was a bit unwell when I watched it, but there were a few times where it felt to not entirely know who's story it was telling. Still, it had some pretty affecting sequences and good performances from the adult cast. Might be one I need to watch again to figure out my feelings on. 7/10.
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couslande · 2 years
like i do think its very possible to take a watsonian reading and say loghain going on about alistair threatening cailan’s inheritance and reducing rowan to a concubine is him lashing out emotionally and jumping to the weirdest possible conclusion because he needs to justify how he feels. but even though i know its the fandom’s favourite hobby you cant ignore the doylist reason of the writers most likely did not think at all about how marriage works, particularly medieval political marriages, and just assumed that yeah a bastard would immediately destroy rowans status somehow
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