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political-us · 1 month ago
Would you vote for a third term?
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emergingpakistan · 1 year ago
معاملہ صرف معیشت کا نہیں ہے
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1992 کے امریکی صدارتی مقابلے کے دوران بل کلنٹن کی انتخابی ٹیم نے ’یہ معیشت ہے، بےوقوف!‘ کا جملہ تخلیق کیا تاکہ اس بات پر زور دیا جا سکے کہ کسی کو ووٹ دینے کا فیصلہ کرنے میں رائے دہندگان کے لیے معیشت اہم مسئلہ ہے�� یہ یاد رکھنا ضروری ہے کہ یہ ایک جمہوری نظام کے ا��در ہوا تھا، جہاں سیاسی مخالفین کی طرف سے مختلف دیگر امور سمیت متبادل معاشی ترجیحات کا بھی بھرپور مقابلہ کیا گیا۔ حال ہی میں پاکستانی سیاست کی کشمکش میں یہاں کی معیشت بھی مرکزی حیثیت اختیار کر چکی ہے۔ معیشت کی بحالی کو بہت سے ماہرین اور پالیسی ساز قومی سلامتی سمیت ملک کی تمام خرابیوں کے علاج کے طور پر دیکھتے ہیں۔ طاقت کے روایتی مراکز، جو سیاسی حیثیت کو برقرار رکھنے کے خواہاں ہیں اور ساتھ ہی ٹیکنوکریٹ حکومت کے حامی، ’معیشت کا چارٹر،‘ ’قومی سلامتی کی پالیسی،‘ ’خصوصی سرمایہ کاری سہولت کونسل (ایس آئی ایف سی)‘ اور ’جیو اکنامکس‘ جیسے ڈھانچوں کو اپنا کر معاشی معاملات پر اتفاق رائے پیدا کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔ انہیں تبدیلی لانے کے لیے عوامی مینڈیٹ حاصل کرنے کے بظاہر افراتفری والے جمہوری عمل کے متبادل کے طور پر فروغ دیا جاتا ہے۔ ایسا لگتا ہے کہ ان کا مقصد اہم معاشی فیصلوں کو مبینہ طور پر ’گندے‘ سیاسی مباحثے اور عوامی جانچ پڑتال کے دائرے سے باہر رکھنا ہے۔
معیشت بلاشبہ اہم ہے، لیکن نہ صرف یہ کسی قوم کی صحت کا واحد تعین کنندہ نہیں، بلکہ یہ مختلف جہتوں پر بھی منحصر ہے جو معاشی معیارات سے بالاتر ہو کر معاشرے کی زندگی میں حصہ ڈالتے ہیں۔ معاشی اشاریوں پر توجہ مرکوز کرنے کی کوشش، خاص طور پر جب اسے سیاسی گفتگو سے الگ کرنے کی کوشش کی جاتی ہے، ان عوامل کے پیچیدہ تجزیے کو مبہم بنا دیتی ہے، جو اجتماعی طور پر لوگوں کی فلاح و بہبود اور قوموں کی تقدیر بناتے ہیں۔ سب سے پہلے، سماجی ہم آہنگی اور سب کی شمولیت ایک قوم کی تشکیل میں اہم کردار ادا کرتے ہیں۔ ایک معاشرے کی طاقت نہ صرف اس کی معاشی خوشحالی بلکہ اس میں بھی ہے کہ وہ اپنے شہریوں میں کمیونٹی اور وابستگی کے احساس کو کس طرح پروان چڑھاتا ہے۔ کسی قوم کی فلاح و بہبود کا اندازہ سماجی اعتماد کی سطح، باہمی تعلقات کے معیار اور اس کے اداروں کی شمولیت سے لگایا جا سکتا ہے۔ ان پہلوؤں کو نظر انداز کرتے ہوئے صرف معیشت پر توجہ مرکوز کرنے کا نتیجہ ایک منقسم معاشرے کی صورت میں نکل سکتا ہے، جہاں عدم مساوات بڑھتی اور سماجی تعلقات کمزور ہوتے ہیں۔
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مزید برآں، اظہار رائے کی آزادی، اجتماع اور تنقیدی فکر کی پرورش نہ صرف سماجی اور سیاسی ترقی کے اہم اجزا ہیں بلکہ ایک متحرک معیشت کا لازمی جزو بھی ہیں۔ خیالات کا آزادانہ تبادلہ متنوع برادریوں کو پروان چڑھاتا، تخلیقی صلاحیتوں اور جدت طرازی کے لیے موزوں ماحول کو فروغ دیتا ہے۔ اس تناظر میں، جوزف شمپیٹر کا ’تخلیقی تباہی‘ کا تصور خاص طور پر متعلقہ ہو جاتا ہے۔ جمہوری عمل سیاسی میدان سے باہر تک پھیلا ہوا ہے، جس سے مروجہ خیالات اور طریقوں کے مقابلے کی اجازت ملتی ہے۔ وہ مضبوط تجارتی منصوبوں اور قائم شدہ اداروں کو بھی متاثر کرتے ہیں۔ یہ دائمی چیلنج صنعتوں اور وسیع تر معیشت کے اندر موجود اداروں کو مسلسل کارکردگی بڑھانے پر مجبور کرتا ہے۔ جدت طرازی اور ترقی موجودہ ڈھانچوں کے خاتمے اور نئے اور زیادہ متعلقہ ڈھانچوں کے ابھرنے سے ہوتی ہے جو معاشرے کی معاصر ضروریات کو بہتر طریقے سے پورا کرتے ہیں۔ ایک جمہوری نظام میں، لامتناہی مسابقت نئے خیالات اور ڈھانچے کے ابھرنے کے لیے محرک کے طور پر کام کرتی ہے اور اس کے لحاظ سے وسائل کو ان کے سب سے موثر استعمال کے لیے مختص کرنے پر مجبور کرتی ہے۔
اس متحرک ماحول سے نہ صرف متنوع امنگوں کے لیے راہیں کھلتی ہیں بلکہ بہترین قابلیت بھی پیدا ہوتی ہے۔ پالیسی سازوں کو ملک کی تاریخ کا مطالعہ کرنا چاہیے تاکہ یہ سمجھا جاسکے کہ ترقی کی پیمائش کے لیے معاشی اعداد و شمار پر حد سے زیادہ انحصار کتنا دھوکہ ثابت ہوسکتا ہے۔ پاکستان پائیدار جامع ترقی کے حصول کے لیے جدوجہد کر رہا ہے۔ اس کی بڑی وجہ سیاسی استحکام کا فقدان ہے، جسے صرف ایک صحت مند جمہوریت ہی یقینی بنا سکتی ہے۔ پالیسی سازوں کو ملک کی تاریخ کا مطالعہ کرنا چاہیے تاکہ یہ سمجھا جاسکے کہ ترقی کی پیمائش کے لیے معاشی اعدادوشمار پر حد سے زیادہ انحصار کتنا دھوکہ ثابت ہو سکتا ہے۔ 1960 کی دہائی میں ترقی کی دہائی ختم ہو گئی کیونکہ آمریت کا دور سیاسی امنگوں کو پورا کرنے میں ناکام رہا۔ نمائندہ حکومت کے لیے عوام کی خواہش کو دبانے کی کوشش ملک کے مشرقی نصف حصے میں عسکریت پسندی میں اضافے کا سبب بنی۔ بالآخر اس کے نتیجے میں بنگلہ دیش کا قیام عمل میں آیا۔ یہ نہ صرف پاکستان کی تاریخ کے سب سے تکلیف دہ باب میں سے ایک تھا بلکہ یہ بھی ثابت ہوا کہ معیشت کے نام نہاد سنہری دور کی ترقی کے فوائد اگر مضبوط جمہوری بنیادوں پر نہ ہوں تو آسانی سے الٹ سکتے ہیں۔
آج پاکستان جنوبی ایشیا کے ’مردِ بیمار‘ کے طور پر کھڑا ہے، جو حکمرانی اور فلاح و بہبود کے تقریباً ہر معاملے میں اپنے علاقائی ساتھیوں سے پیچھے ہے۔ حکومتی اداروں میں عوامی مینڈیٹ کا فقدان ہے اور اس وجہ سے ضروری اصلاحات کرنے کا اعتماد نہیں ہے۔ پالیسی سازوں کی توجہ بنیادی مسائل سے ہٹ چکی ہے جو ملک کو متاثر کرتے ہیں۔ یہ ایک غلط خیال ہے کہ الٹ کام کر کے معیشت پر توجہ دے کر متعدد بحران حل کیے جا سکتے ہیں۔ جیسا کہ ماہر معاشیات ثاقب شیرانی نے حال ہی میں کہا تھا: ’نہیں، یہ صرف معیشت ہی نہیں ہے، احمق! پاکستان کو درپیش بحرانوں سے نمٹنے اور لوگوں کی زندگیوں کو بہتر بنانے کے لیے بنیادی طور پر معاشی اشاریوں پر توجہ مرکوز کرنے کے بجائے گورننس ماڈل کو آئینی جمہوریت، قانون کی حکمرانی اور ہر پاکستانی کی نمائندگی کو یقینی بنانا ہو گا۔ پھر اس بات کا امکان ہو سکتا ہے کہ ہم معیشت ٹھیک کر لیں گے۔
جاوید حسن
(بشکریہ عرب نیوز) - جاوید حسن انویسٹمنٹ بینکر ہیں جو لندن، ہانگ کانگ اور کراچی میں کام کر چکے ہیں۔  
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dgnotetechnologies · 2 years ago
Dg Note Technology is a leading marine insurance provider company in Mumbai.
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months ago
I don't know what I love more, the fact that as rook you can make a statement in NO uncertain terms that you are NOT responsible one way or the other for the theological implications of the shit you're discovering in the 'regrets of the dread wolf' memories. not my jurisdiction. quite simply none of my business. not my chantry circus not my chantry monkeys. irrelevant to the matter at hand here we'll kill that god if we get to him he can get in line. or if the best thing about it is seeing the lone little 'lucanis approves' that pops up right after choosing it. corvid with a knife about to commit deicide keeping it real and sensibly, pragmatically, wilfully agnostic with me here in this magical lighthouse today
#we do not see it. we cannot read all of a sudden.#rye having war flashbacks to watcher conferences and firmly going 'we are *not* getting derailed by the metaphysics here folks'#rare stern moderator/dad hat moment from ingellvar lol. he's Seen Some Shit in his time (debates that raged over the multiple#and not always concurrent life times of the participants involved. ain't no academic rivalry like watcher academic rivalry#because watcher academic rivalry doesn't stop even when everyone involved is dead. and the rest of us have to live with it)#I. do not think the way I'm getting this quest is how it's meant to be experienced so I'm a bit at a loss as to how to pace it out#I've been an annoying little completionist so I have ALL the statues and could just marathon it out#but that does not feel like the best way for the story and upcoming reveals to work. hm. how to do this#I'm supposed to go fail to save weisshaupt right around now I can't be having study group with all of you rn as much of a delight as it is#rye is nominally an andrastian as mainstream nevarrans generally are but as I gather is the case with many of the watchers#what he *actually* believes in is the grand necropolis itself haha#(and the philosophy of history memory death and relationship (as well as responsibility) between the past and the present#and indeed the future that it represents. we have a duty. to what has been to what is and to what will come after us. good shit)#the nevarran/mortalitasi element just makes their lack of care or respect for chantry orthodoxy *mwha* that extra bit special#the nevarran lack of concern bordering on quiet condescending disdain for official chantry doctrine and policy my beloved#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#dragon age spoilers#poor harding really is living through the most relentless 'if this is the maker testing my faith he sure be testing me' gauntlet of all tim#good news: god might be real! bad news: god might not even be a real thing but more like a magical accident or vibration or something#honestly tho. if we could get full lovecraftian incomprehensible to human conception the maker -- He is a particle and a wave style --#that's the only way I'd be cool with him or them actually answering the question of his existence. that'd be kind of sick#'yes. but no. but maybe. depends on how you define god. and exist. and he. and does.' *ingellvar sets of the METAPHYSICS!! klaxon#that's a time out folks good game but easy on the jargon and navel-gazing definition of terms next round#rye and lucanis have some slightly differing views about at what exact stage of a problem murder becomes a valid solution#('well you just kill them and then I'm the one who has to deal with the next much longer part')#but they're surprisingly kind of vibing on a lot of other stuff lol. good for them <3#oc: Ellaryen Ingellvar
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communist-hatsunemiku · 9 months ago
As someone who's been there, the "identity stuff" is way more confusing than answering what do you want to do. I knew I wanted to get on feminizing HRT 10 years before I accepted I'm a trans woman.
In general I believe that both gender identity and gender expression belong to the "do what you want forever" category. Do you want to try out these specific clothes? Just do. Do you want to get on fem-HRT? Just do. Do you want to present yourself in a specific way on the net? Just do. Surgeries? Just do.
EXACTLY its such an obvious truth to me that we should all do whatever we want with our bodies and identities and the only reason this is a radical idea is because other people(mostly right wingers but even so-called leftists do this shit) think its their fucking life mission to police everybody around them and make sure no one is living their life the 'wrong' way.
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pahorans-letter · 7 months ago
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The Savior’s Abiding Compassion
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tempestaurora · 4 months ago
AI in higher education needs stricter policy. there i said it. not even a brave statement. i know of at least two people in lecturer roles who are using AI to grade assignments. thats unethical as fuck. all AI policy has been focused on students and how they use it and not a thought has been spared for the lecturers and academics in this world who are giant fucking morons and would use it to grade those students
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kabaddi-ifg · 3 months ago
Ok remove.bg is a fucking godsend for sticker making.
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miraculouspaon · 6 months ago
Started reading Powerless but I can’t focus on the budding enemies to lovers romance because all I can think about is how dumb you have to be to have an entire country of the only superpowered people in the world and then to make a regular practice and official royal policy of murdering their loved ones and then exiling them to the neighboring country? And they’ve been doing this for thirty years? Like, do you want an enemy country full of Batmen? Because that’s how you get Batmen.
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political-us · 2 months ago
Candace Owens on the latest news regarding President Trump’s plan for Gaza
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sleepyorchidmonster · 2 years ago
Once upon a time, a couple of assassins sneaked into NRC, but no one knew the targets (they were after all of the princes, so Leona, Kalim and Malleus), so everyone was in high alert.
Silver, Lillia and Sebek were constantly patrolling the grounds, but they coudn't do much during housewarden meetings (even though Malleus always misses those, he made an effort to actually be present so he could protect the others).
So Silver and Sebek asked Riddle to keep an eye on everyone, especially considering how useful "Off With Your Head" is in those types of situations.
A few days later, right before the meeting, the criminals attacked Riddle (he wasn't the main target, they just wanted to keep him and his unique magic out of the way. Imagine you're gearing up to fight The Malleus Draconia and this tiny gremlin with anger issues cancels out your magic and then throws a fireball at your face.)
Riddle came out of the attack mostly unscathed and then rushed to the dormleader meeting (if the assassins didn't want him there, then he was DEFINETELY going, also the rules said so and he was LATE).
When he finally arrived in the Hall of Mirrors, there was already an all out brawl between the dormheads and the criminals, with Leona and Malleus being absolute monsters and Kalim and Azul teaming up.
Needless to say, the enemies didn't last long, even without the redheads interference.
Then everyone went to the infirmary, because the assassins came prepared and threw everything made of iron they could find at Malleus, not to mention a few explosive potions, also Riddle had at least 3 stab wounds.
One minute of silence to mourn Idia's tablet.
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orcelito · 5 months ago
Reading up on the people on my election ballot and there's some combination of "can ANYONE tell me what their policies actually are???" (Specifically with the smaller offices) VS "Oh, so YOU'RE the reason why Indiana has an abortion ban! Duly noted!"
#speculation nation#there are 4 indiana justices with retention up for a vote (on my ballot at least) and 3 of them signed the abortion ban shit.#so guess who im going to vote against retention for :]#i know theyre not policy makers in the same way that the governer or whatever is#technically theyre just there to make judgement calls about what the law actually Is.#but. But. that doesnt change the fact that theyre the ones that signed the abortion ban into place.#So What if they didnt make the policy themselves? they still chose to steamroll opposition and put into place a ban from the early 1800s#indiana is among the 16 worst states for abortion now. thanks to these assholes.#And So. well apparently indiana's never successfully voted against retention for any of its justices#but Why Not Start Now? im fuckin pissed. a lot of people are fuckin pissed. and these 3 justices have got to go.#we dont get to vote for who takes their places but at least they MIGHT be justices that are willing to hear us out.#and regardless. i want to get back at them for it. :] so even if they Technically did their jobs. i want them Out.#anyways i went looking at the representatives and senate seats and the democratic nominees seem fine.#some of the smaller offices dont have democrats running. just republican or libertarian.#dear god help me im gonna be voting for a republican this election. just one.#specifically bc it's an office that doesnt have anything to do with politics. and the guy running against her seems uhhhh#like he really doesnt care for the position?? he just wanted to put libertarians in more view.#so im like. ok for this one we really should have the person who's already got experience with the job and actually Cares about it.#for some of the other ones... god i dont know. these were the ones who were awful about listing their policies.#might just not touch the county school shit at all. theres Nothing on these people online and i have no direct stake in this#man. many things to think about. i still got some time b4 im voting but i wanna be prepared.
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 1 year ago
imma be controversial
the hate on Taylor for being times most influential person is very politically based and in my opinion it’s wrong.
I find it weird as an adult people wait for celebrities and influencers to talk on political topics because? Well they aren’t really qualified and it doesn’t really change anything but please fans.
the people that we should listen to are politicians. Yes Palestine needs help but like? Taylor swift speaking out won’t change what’s happening there because they need a person in POWER to speak up.
in my mind the hate centered on her winning is crazy. Men are saying she should get ra*ed getting THOUSANDS of likes, people slut shaming her wishing she’d die… it’s horrible.
One of my biggest issues with that critique is that the Person of The Year is picked months in advance and parts of the interview for the profile were done prior to October 7. I didn’t see anything about people wanting Palestinian journalists being to be named when the shortlist was released on Monday. It’s like people are asking for the TIME journalists and editor board to time travel and make their decision. Even if they did pick something dealing with Palestine, they’d probably choose the IDF or Netanyahu given how Western media is still primarily supporting Israel even though they’re blatantly committing genocide. The work that Palestinian journalists are doing is brave, courageous and devastating, and unfortunately most of western media is refusing to show their work and bring attention to it when they should be.
I don’t know when or why we decided that we need to hear and know every single celebrity’s stance on every big political issue, especially when they most likely know nothing about it and are making a statement for the sake of optics. I agree with you anon and that the people we should care about knowing their stance is the elected officials who actually make decisions and have influence over these situations. I literally don’t think Taylor Swift making an Instagram story or post is going to change any politician’s minds or actually end any of the conflict; it won’t have any actual effect beside being a statement. Have the statements from any of the other hundreds of celebrities done anything to change the minds of politicians or impact policy?
People getting annoyed or mad at Taylor for something that isn’t in her control is seemingly becoming common place. I’m not sure there would be as much backlash if the title had gone to one of the world leaders on the shortlist, I’m sure there would be different kinds of backlash though. TIME picks the person or group based on the influence, positive or negative, that they had around the world during the year and as I said earlier, the western media only started paying attention to what was happening to the Palestinian people on October 7th and the days following.
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betty-bourgeoisie · 2 years ago
Sometimes I see people suggest bikes as an alternative to cars and I'm like "ah, another person who lives somewhere without hills or mountains"
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goldenstarprincesses · 1 year ago
I know that team work is like the core of what academia is but holy fuck this group I'm in for the end of the semester research paper is horrific
Zero communication from anyone and then they threw a bunch of crap onto the doc the night before it was due. Said they are both done despite everything they did looking terrible lamo swear to God I am this close to sending an email to the professor to ask just to be graded on my portion
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ishq-itar · 10 months ago
imagine being a neet aspirant in this education system
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