#pokemon retrospective
ifbench · 2 months
Pokemon Firered Retrospective, from the perspective of someone whose primary experience with Kanto was Pokespe
To preface this, I have never seen Kanto outside of Pokespe, and brief clips from stuff like "Beating Pokemon without getting hit" or Pikasprey's softlock videos. I knew the general story of it, but I didn't know the details.
If you'd like to read my other mainline Pokemon retrospectives, you can read Emerald here, and X here.
Pokemon Firered was one of the most mixed quality gaming experiences I've had in recent memory.
It was mostly fun, sure, but I had to take extensive measures in order to make it not unbearable.
I chose Charmander as my starter, named him Burhalla, and caught a Pidgey and Ratatta on Route 1. I named them Linne and Jifa respectively. Jifa would become my HM buddy.
First few routes weren't too bad...until I made it to Brock.
Then everything went downhill.
Brock was brutal. His Onix was 3 levels higher than any I had encountered thus far, including his gym trainer. With both my main Pokemon weak to rock, and all of my attacks NFE against rock, it seemed like my only choice was to grind.
So I activated an infinite rare candy cheat instead, and leveled up Burhalla until he learned Metal Claw.
Even then, that wasn't quite enough. I had to level up him even further until he evolved into a Charmeleon, and then I finally beat Brock.
At this point, I was rather miffed, but I decided to press on. Maybe things would get better soon?
Mount Moon was fine. Not bad, not good, just...fine.
Then was Cerulean City, and Misty, who was my biggest roadblock in the entire run.
Burhalla was right out, leaving only Linne the Pidgey to battle her.
And it took so, so many tries. Even more than Brock.
But eventually, with the right luck, and the right timing of usage of healing items, Linne the Pidgeotto defeated Misty.
That battle tanked my enjoyment of Firered severely. It was frustrating, hard, and I began to start disliking Firered.
But I pressed onwards, up through Nugget Bridge (Which, I gotta say, I did not expect the nugget guy to be a Rocket grunt), to Bill's house.
It was cool seeing stuff from Pokespe in-game, like the stuff with Bill, but backtracking back across Route 25 was annoying.
Then there was the SS Anne.
It was a maze to navigate without a guide, and it got really frustrating.
But I continued pressing onwards, even as much as I was getting tired of Firered.
Surge was thankfully much easier than Misty or Brock, and I pressed onwards through Route 11.
Then I arrived at the sleeping Snorlax, realized I had no idea where to go or what to do from here, and gave up.
For over a month, I didn't touch FIrered again. I played some X, some Sun, some Shield, and some Violet, but Firered was on hold.
After growing a bit bored with my Violet replaythrough, though, I decided to return to Firered. Maybe, with a month's break, it'd be less painful than I remembered.
First order of business was where to go next.
I asked for advice, and apparently I had to backtrack to Cerulean City to get to my next destination.
I made my way through Diglett's Cave to get back there, and caught my third team member: Dirir the Diglett.
And after taking the long way around, I finally went into the house at the top-right corner, and made my way across the northern edge of Kanto, Route 9.
Then was Rock Tunnel.
See, I hadn't gotten Flash. And I had no idea where it was.
So like with Emerald's Victory Road, I had to navigate through Rock Tunnel with extremely limited visibility. And I was going Repel-less as an additional challenge, since I was imagining that my protagonist was a Zorua.
Not an experience I wish to repeat. But eventually, I made it to Lavender Town.
Lavender Town was both unlike and yet exactly like the stories I've heard of it. It was spooky, creepy, and eeire, but I felt safe, and the music felt calming instead of terrifying.
Perhaps it was simply that I had simply outgrown creepypastas? Or maybe it was just that my interests had shifted, or my standards had changed. I did attempt writing a PMD creepypasta once, after all.
Whatever the case was, I didn't spend too much time in Lavender Town. I remembered from a small clip I saw years ago, that I needed a Silph Scope in order to make it up the Pokemon Tower.
So I set out west, towards Celadon City, in search of the Silph Scope, and perhaps a new friend or two.
After passing through yet another underground tunnel that bypassed Saffron City, I was beginning to suspect that perhaps something similar to the manga was happening: A psychic bubble that enveloped Saffron City, preventing anyone from entering.
But soon I made it to Celadon City, the home of Kanto's Game Corner.
I had learned my lesson from Emerald: These places were rigged.
So I decided to cheat a little in turn.
You know how I had a ton of rare candies from the infinite rare candy cheat? I decided to sell about a hundred, so I could get one of the Game Corner prizes: A Dratini.
I had read a wonderful fic a long time ago called Dragon Dance, detailing Lance's rise to champion, and I decided to take inspiration from Lance freeing a Dratini from the Game Corner. I named them Darnod.
In flavor, I imagined this as busting up the Game Corner, freeing all the Pokemon, and a Dratini and Eevee follow my protagonist into the Rocket Hideout, becoming part of xyr team.
Yes, an Eevee too. I got the Eevee from the Celadon Department Store, and named them Voivick. I also acquired a water stone, and evolved Voivick into a Vaporeon.
Burhalla, Linne, Dirir, Voivick, Darnod, and Jifa would comprise my final Kanto team.
But before we get there, I had to infiltrate the Team Rocket Hideout.
I had heard of spin tiles before, from reading an Undertale AU sprite comic called Inverted Fate, but actually experiencing them was a fun puzzle! It was also silly watching my character spin around and around and around.
Eventually, I made it through the hideout, to Giovanni.
He was no slouch, and I had a pretty tough time with him! But thanks to my new team members, I pulled through, and acquired the Silph Scope.
After a quick detour to defeat Erika, who was a relatively easy opponent, I made my way back to Lavender Town.
Pokemon Tower was a bit more spooky than Lavender Town itself. It wasn't quite as terrifying as its manga incarnation, but still pretty eerie, especially with the possessed trainers, and the spell tag circle.
Soon, I made it to Marowak's ghost, and put the restless spirit to rest.
And after defeating a few Rocket grunts and rescuing Mr. Fuji, I obtained the pokeflute. Finally, I could bypass the Snorlax that had frustrated me into giving up for a month.
I went south from Lavender Town, across the docks, and battled the Snorlax there. It was a tricky battle, but I eventually won.
The long walk to Fuchsia City was arduous, but before too long, I made it to the home of the Safari Zone.
I originally wasn't planning on going in, until I heard from a friend that I needed to go there to get an HM.
And so I went in, trying to find my way to the fabled house at the end of the Safari Zone.
It was tricky, but I found it, and someone's gold teeth while I was at it!
With my new HM in hand, I challenged Koga for my next badge. It was another tricky battle, but thankfully, none of my team were weak to poison.
Next...I went to Cycling Road, having no idea that I was going the complete wrong way.
Cycling Road, as far as I can tell, is meant to be ridden downhill. I went uphill.
I was very confused at first, but kept making my way up the now-tedious Cycling Road, and eventually came out the other side, now with HM Fly. No more backtracking for me, I could now quickly return to any Pokemon Center I've been to.
Then, finally, with nowhere else to go, it was time to enter Saffron City.
While there was no psychic bubble around the city like in the manga, the city was certainly overrun by Team Rocket.
And so, like Red, Blue, and Green did in the manga, it was finally time for me to storm Silph Co.
Silph Co was a maze. Over 10 different floors, each connected by warp tiles, with no indication of which ones led to the path forward.
It was brutally confusing, and filled to the brim with trainers itching for a battle.
But I eventually found the keycard, and navigated my way to the hidden side of the top floor. It was time to face Giovanni again.
He was just as tough as when I encountered him in the Rocket Hideout, but Voivick pulled through, and I acquired the master ball.
Compared to Giovanni, Sabrina was relatively easy, though still pretty difficult. I had to work for that win, but I got my sixth badge.
Then it was time for me to go Surfing, along the southern edge of Kanto.
The Seafoam Islands were a tricky puzzle to figure out. It took me a few rounds of falling through holes and climbing up ladders to realize that I had to use Strength to push boulders down the holes, and change the flow of the water.
Soon, though, I made it to Cinnabar Island...and was immediately taken from there to Firered and Leafgreen's exclusive sub-region, the reason I decided to play this before Let's Go: the Sevii Islands.
For the Sevii Islands, I had absolutely no idea what the game version was like. I hadn't even seen any snippets of footage about them. My only experience with them was the Firered and Leafgreen arc of Pokemon Adventures.
But this time, there were no repossessed pokedexes, or "three Team Rocket beasts". Instead, I simply had to go on a variety of fetch quests.
It wasn't anything too special, but I'm glad it was there. It was fun! And I look forward to returning here in the postgame someday, once I find the drive to catch enough Pokemon for the Rainbow Pass.
But that's for later. For now, having defeated a biker gang, I returned to Cinnabar Island. Before I could face the gym, though, I had to traverse through the decrepit Pokemon Mansion.
Pokemon Mansion was like Silph Co, only much smaller, but the random encounters, statue puzzles, and eerie atmosphere made it feel just as long.
This was where Team Rocket conducted many of their experiments. It was where Mewtwo was created. And it lived up to that atmosphere.
Although some of the journal entries clearly had some of the dubiously canon stuff from Pokemon's very early days, such as references to real-life locations.
Still very neat, though.
Blaine wasn't as difficult as Misty, but was much more difficult than Erika. He specialized in the same type as my starter: Fire.
But with help from Voivick, I defeated him, and got my seventh badge.
I had just one stop left before Victory Road: The very first gym I encountered, whose gym leader was absent for so long.
Viridian City's gym leader had finally returned, and I was going to take him on.
The gym puzzle was my favorite yet of Kanto's, with the combination of spin tiles and trainers creating a genuinely neat maze.
And then I made it to Giovanni, for our final battle...until Soulsilver, Ultra Moon, and Let's Go Eevee, at least.
This battle with him was the trickiest against him yet. It took several tries for me to win.
But win I did, and Team Rocket, supposedly, was no more.
With all eight Kanto badges under my belt, it was time to go to Victory Road.
Before that, though, another battle with Blue. It was another tough one, but then again, all the major battles at this point were tough.
The badge check gates were really cool! The only comparable one I had seen so far was in Kalos, as Hoenn didn't have any. And Kalos' was more just inscriptions of the badges on the walls. Still cool, but not like Kanto's.
And then it was time for Kanto's Victory Road, my third Victory Road.
It was tricky, but in a different way from Hoenn and Kalos'.
Hoenn's was a test of navigation. How well could I navigate this maze in near-complete darkness?
Kalos' was a test of strength. So many powerful trainers, with nowhere in between to heal besides usage of items.
Kanto's was much shorter than both, fully lit, and its trainers weren't as tough as Kalos', but what it lacked in navigation and strength, it made up for in puzzles and endurance.
There were boulders scattered around, and I had to maneuver them sokoban-style onto switches in order to progress.
Oh, and the entire thing was filled with random encounters. At this point, I gave up on the "no repels" rule, and bought a bunch of max repels for this.
It was tough. It was confusing. It was my final test before the Indigo Plateau.
And eventually, I passed the test, making it out.
All that was left, was five battles. The Elite Four, and the Champion. The toughest the Kanto region had to offer.
At this point, all my Pokemon were fully evolved, save for my HM buddy Jifa. I was functionally going into this gauntlet with five Pokemon.
But I had conquered Hoenn in a similar way. Five battlers, and an HM buddy. I had hope that I could do this.
Healing up, and stocking up on healing items, I proceeded towards my first of my final battles, against Lorelei.
It's been a while, so I don't quite remember how these battles went. I do remember, though, that even Burhalla's fire wasn't enough to melt her ice. Linne, Dirir, and especially Darnod were weak to ice, so it was tricky.
But I pulled through, and next up was Bruno, fighting-type master.
Linne was vital here. Her Fly was invaluable in avoiding moves while still dealing damage. But a Hitmonlee knocked her out, leaving Voivick, Darnod, Dirir, and Burhalla to take on the rest.
Next was Agatha, and her ghost-types were no joke...even if she was more of a poison specialist. All my normal-type moves were out of the question. But with patience and strategy, I did it.
And last of Kanto's Elite Four was Lance, who had influenced this journey in his own way, back at the Celadon Game Corner. Darnod helped me a lot here. It was dragon vs dragons, and Darnod's Dragon Claw took many of them down. But the same went in reverse, and Darnod fell, leaving Voivick to finish things off with their Aurora Beam.
One battle left. Healing up my team, I progressed into the champion's chamber, to face Blue one final time.
This was by far the most difficult late-game battle I had. All the others had specialized in one or two types. But Blue was like me, with a rounded team.
It was tough. It was arduous. It took every member of my team, even Jifa, to win.
But win I did, and I had become champion of Kanto.
I had completed Pokemon Firered.
While my thoughts on this one are more mixed than Emerald or X, I did truly enjoy it, especially once it hit its stride around Lavender Town.
It has its flaws. Extreme difficulty in the earlygame, lots of grinding necessary, and much confusion on where to go next.
But I had fun, despite it all. I cherish this victory all the same.
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emm-gracia · 2 months
Pokémon Black & White is Peak Fiction
Pokémon Black & White is another set of mainline games I grew up playing alongside Pokémon Platinum. The last set of the 2D games, often considered the peak of Pokémon, was this really the best there is? After 13 years, that’s what I’m here to figure out as we jump back to Unova for another grand revisit! Also, N. Enough said.
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crab-san · 1 year
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What if Luka Megurine was a water-type trainer
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nekoanything · 4 months
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skki 💎🐚
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mimikyufriend · 1 year
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[Image ID: A pixel drawing of mega evolved absol from pokemon over a patterned, brown background. It's shown from its shoulders up with one wing raised high and the other folded down. End ID]
absol for @ankhisms ^__^ decided to go with its mega evolution bc I love the wings
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joyejoyu · 10 months
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Con Man Gale challenges you to a battle!
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doodlejoltik · 2 hours
Guys I have a confession to make. In spite of all my PLA posting and especially Reiposting... I have not actually played PLA.
Until now!!!
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Armed with my new Switch Lite I now possess infinite power and will be able to Reipost to a degree heretofore unfathomable
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There he is!
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Objectively the best starter Rowlet /lh
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So far I have been having a blast catching 'mons, dodge-roll climbing my way up unreasonably tall places, and not doing the plot. I have been assured this is part of the experience.
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I forgot to take a screenshot so I had to yoink this from someone's YouTube playthrough but darn. Kamado. Did you really have to say it like that
(Haha isn't it funny that Rei does do that and yet he's not fully accepted and trusted in the end. Haha. Maybe he didn't work hard enough...)
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This line stuck out to me. On one hand it's cautionary - in context, it's meant to warn Rei that he should be careful in how he behaves around the Diamond and Pearl clans, since the Galaxy Team is in a tenuous position here in Hisui. But from another view, it sort of suggests that "we are all equally outsiders here. You belong" which is more explicitly stated in lines like this one:
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And so I see this narrative that's building up of "Rei can earn a place for himself where he is trusted and accepted if he works hard enough", which is reinforced time and time again as he gets more star ranks, and takes more requests from the villagers, who gradually become friendlier towards him, at varying rates. (I've been making a point to talk to all the NPCs every time I return to Jubilife Village.)
Which I'm sure you all know already, and which I also knew, to a point, but it hits different actually seeing its gradual progression in game.
Anyway. Next episode, we fight a Noble Pokemon and I'll see if all my dodge-rolling experience to climb tall heights will translate to being good at dodge-rolling away from murderously angry super-powered Pokemon. Wish Rei luck, he's being piloted by me and my decidedly lacking gamer reflexes XDD
I'll tag all my PLA posting "// tik plays PLA"
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peccaberry · 1 month
After the events of Pokemon Legends of Arceus the last person to see Volo before he disappeared was Professor Laventon. In my opinion, he ate him.
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insecateur · 2 years
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post-canon anniversary comic from 2017
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For some reason, Rescue Dungeon DX uses a sort of spacing limit instead of a character limit, so while I couldn't bring back Autism Gang for this game, I was fully able to go with Autism Club. So, introducing Rescue Team Autism Club!
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ifbench · 6 days
Pokemon Soulsilver Retrospective, from the perspective of someone who had it as their first Pokemon game but never finished it (until now)
To preface this, this is not my first time playing Pokemon Soulsilver. I played some of it back in 2012 or so, but didn't get very far. And my memories of that playthrough are almost nonexistant, so this is essentially still a first playthrough.
If you'd like to read my other mainline Pokemon retrospectives, you can read Emerald here, X here, Firered here, and Black here.
Pokemon Soulsilver has a strange sort of anti-nostalgia to it to me.
It was technically my very first Pokemon game, yet I have more memories of the 25 minutes I played of Explorers of Time back in 2012, than I do of the several hours I played of Soulsilver in that year.
I don't even remember how far I truly got. It might have only been up to the first gym, it might have been up to Pryce, I don't know.
What I do know, though, is that like with Black, people keep bringing up Soulsilver and Heartgold to be the "golden age" of Pokemon. That it was when the series was good. (Though I personally disagree. I love Violet, and I also love what I've played of Shield so far.)
Nonetheless, the idea of trying Soulsilver again kept popping up in my head after I got into PMD. I briefly entertained the idea of playing it again in 2021, then again in 2022, but I never went through with it until I started this marathon.
But in September of 2023, I decided to do it. I deleted my old save file, and started anew. While I had chosen a Cyndaquil during my first playthrough, this time, I chose a Chikorita as my starter. I named him Acacia, after my PMD Rescue Team DX partner.
However, soon after entering Cherrygrove City, I very quickly got sidetracked with Emerald and put Soulsilver on hold. I didn't get back to it until July of 2024, after I had finished Emerald, X, Firered, and Black.
And after I figured out how to implement the infinite rare candy cheat, since I remember a lot of people talking about how grindy the Johto games are.
But after all that, my second playthrough of Soulsilver had truly begun.
I went to go meet Professor Oak, and as I was on my way to return to New Bark Town, I had my first encounter with this game's rival, Silver.
I very nearly lost that first battle, but through sheer luck, Acacia managed to win.
After meeting with Professor Elm again and hearing about the theft, I caught a Sentret, and named him Niko, after the Sentret on my friend's blog @fated-furret.
I continued on the way to Violet City, collecting a few apricorns along the way. It was cool seeing them again after Legends Arceus, even if they did originate here. I also briefly peeked into Dark Cave.
Violet City was neat to see! I enjoyed how the Pokemon Center and Pokemart had different colors than normal.
I decided to head to the Sprout Tower first, with Niko at the front of my party.
Side note, I love how your Pokemon follow you around in this game, and you can interact with them! Reminds me of the "Let's go together" feature from Violet.
The Sprout Tower was...not very fun. It was a bunch of extremely samey trainer battles, all the way up to the top floor. Though seeing the central pillar shake and wobble was pretty neat.
I also caught a Ratatta here, who would be my HM buddy. I named her Jifa, after my HM buddy from my Firered playthrough.
But with Niko leveled up quite a bit, I decided to take on Falkner. He was pretty tough, but Acacia felled his Pidgey, and Niko felled his Pidgeotto (after 5 Roosts).
Then I decided to take a short detour to explore the Ruins of Alph. It was cool to look around for what possible secrets the ruins held, and the sliding puzzle was fun, though I didn't spend much time there.
As I was traveling down Route 32, I caught a Mareep that I named Marla, and subsequently found someone trying to sell me a Slowpoke tail for an obscene amount of money. I knew from fandom osmosis that there was something related to Slowpoke tails coming up soon.
But before that, I had to traverse Union Cave. It was a bit tricky due to all the firebreather trainers around, but I made it out the other side, into Azalea Town, where Team Rocket awaited me.
After talking to Kurt, I went into the Slowpoke well, and had my first encounter with one of the Team Rocket executives, Proton. Thanks to Marla, he wasn't very difficult to defeat.
Apparently, in the original Johto games, GSC, the Rocket executives are all nameless? I guess that makes sense with how different they were in the GSC arc of the Adventures manga, but I'm glad they were given names and personalities in the remakes.
But after defeating Proton, it was time to face my second Johto gym leader, Bugsy. He was quite tricky, especially with how powerful that Scyther of his was. But he had a Metapod with only Tackle, allowing me to have Niko spam Defense Curls to maximize his defense. After that, taking care of the Scyther was easy, and I won.
My next task was to look for Farfetch'd in the Ilex Forest. I enjoyed the little puzzle here on how to sneak up on them, it was pretty neat!
Then, with Cut taught to Jifa, I pressed onwards, and helped out one of the Kimono Girls along the way.
Soon, I made it to Goldenrod City, the hometown of my character Gen.
It was one thing to research Goldenrod City, but another thing entirely to experience it myself. It was massive and sprawling, and took me quite a while to explore it fully.
I feel like now's a good time to talk about nostalgia.
See, I remember nothing of Goldenrod City from my 2012 playthrough. I'm not sure I even ever got there. Yet you might be wondering, why choose it to be Gen's hometown? Why not Saffron City, or Castelia City, or another city from the mainline Pokemon games?
It has less to do with Goldenrod City itself, and more with Johto as a region. My memories of Soulsilver from 2012, foggy and faint as they may be, did influence me to have Gen be from a Johto town. From there, I just chose what looked like the biggest city, and made that his hometown.
Johto does hold some nostalgia for me, and so I cannot truly say that this retrospective is untainted by nostalgia. I do, however, believe that nostalgia to be faint enough to be negligible. I hope that is satisfactory.
Back to Goldenrod City, I completed the quiz to get a radio card, and went to the gym to challenge Whitney.
The rumors weren't lying, that Miltank was tough. I had to have Acacia use stall strats in order to pull off a win.
Next up, I headed towards Ecruteak City, and was starting to understand the jokes about Youngster Joey, after receiving my 11th call about his "top percentage Ratatta".
Speaking of the Pokegear, it's really neat! It has so many little functions, such as the radio and calling people you've met along your journey. Though I do wish the map was a key item instead of being inside the Pokegear. I always assigned the town map to the quickselect button.
But soon, I made it to Ecruteak City, after catching a Pidgey and naming him Bagoli. After fending off a Rocket grunt inside the Dance Theater, I went inside the Burned Tower, to find Morty, Eusine, and Silver.
Eusine is definitely an odd character. All I knew of him before this playthrough was from Pokespe, and that he was a prominent character in Crystal. I think he's neat, though.
After a battle with Silver, I went downstairs, causing Entei, Raikou, and Suicune to flee. Though I'm not sure why they only fled then, and not during the commotion upstairs.
For the gym battle against Morty, I actually only used my Furret, Niko. I had kept Foresight on him, and this allowed him to sweep through the ghosts with Headbutt, while being immune to all the ghost moves.
Afterwards, I headed east, and got the Strength HM. But not wanting to go through a cave at the moment, I headed west towards Olivine...and immediately encountered Entei.
I had no idea what to do here. Entei was far beyond the levels of any of my Pokemon, and I had no idea what triggered the encounter.
So, since Niko was still in the front of my party, I used his Run Away ability to flee the battle.
It wasn't until I told my friends about this that I learned about Roaming Pokemon.
Apparently, Entei and Raikou randomly teleport around the map, and if you end up on a route with one of them, you have a chance of encountering them. You only have a single turn to do anything against them, but damage stays between battles with them.
I don't understand the reason for all this in the slightest.
I was rather baffled by this, but I continued onwards, to Olivine City. I caught a Pidgey somewhere around
I like the Olivine lighthouse's music. It reminds me a bit of Pokemon Tower from Firered. Somber, but catchy.
Eventually, I made it to the top of the lighthouse, and was told to go to Cianwood to get medicine for Amphy.
Side note, I love how the lighthouse Ampharos has a nickname.
Surfing to Cianwood was simple, and so was getting the medicine. And there was also Suicune, in plain sight. I was expecting Suicune to be a Roaming Pokemon like Entei and Raikou, but here they were.
Of course, they fled shortly afterwards, but it was nice seeing Eusine again afterwards, and getting to battle him!
The gym battle with Chuck was actually easier than his gym trainers. After winning, and with the medicine and Fly HM in hand, I flew back to the Olivine lighthouse, to give the medicine to Amphy.
Jasmine was a rather difficult battle, as I had nothing super-effective against Steel. It took several tries, and me mixing up my strategy a bit, but I managed to win.
I flew back to Ecruteak City, surfed around Mount Mortar, encountered Suicune and Eusine again, and arrived in Mahogany Town.
The gym was blocked off, I couldn't go further west, and the strange souvenir shop didn't hold much interest for now. So my only path forward was north, towards the Lake of Rage.
And I got mugged by Team Rocket along the way.
But I managed to catch the red Gyarados, my first shiny I've encountered during my entire mainline Pokemon marathon. I named them Splind.
After arriving back on shore, I encountered Lance for the first time since my Firered playthrough. It was cool seeing him outside the Pokemon League.
And after making my way back to Mahogany Town, I got to see the oft-memed scene of Lance having his Dragonite Hyper Beam someone. Then, it was time for the Johto Rocket Hideout.
I'll be honest, it kinda felt like a disjointed mess.
They had something cool starting out, with the Persian security statues. But after the first one, you can immediately turn them off, and they don't appear on any other floors. I'd have liked to see some stuff about remaining out of their lines of sight. There was also the explosive floor, which I still have no idea what was up with.
Then there was the two passwords, for which I had to battle Rocket grunts willy-nilly until I found both of the ones with passwords. I feel like a hint as to which grunts had the passwords would make this better.
The battle with Petrel wasn't much to speak of, though it was funny seeing him speaking the password aloud backfiring on him, thanks to his Murkrow.
Then there was a battle with another Rocket executive, Ariana. I feel like she and Petrel deserved their own separate encounters, instead of being immediately one after another.
And even after defeating her, it still wasn't over. I still had to defeat the Electrodes powering the radio transmission.
The entire hideout was all over the place, and I felt like it's a bit indicative of one of my main problems with this game.
But before that, it was time to take on Pryce.
He wasn't too tricky, but he was no pushover either. It was also interesting to see how he differed from his Pokespe incarnation.
But I won, and immediately afterwards, Team Rocket sends their second radio transmission.
I feel like now is the best time for me to talk about the pacing with Team Rocket in this game.
In short, I really feel like it'd have benefited from another major encounter with them before Mahogany Town. Maybe around Olivine or Cianwood.
Because before Mahognay Town, there was only two noteworthy encounters with them. The Slowpoke Well, and the single grunt in the Ecruteak Dance Theater. That's it.
Petrel and Ariana should have had their own bases, instead of being shoved into one together. I also feel like it'd help make Team Rocket feel like more of a threat, rather than something that happens almost entirely just before and just after the gym battle with Pryce.
Sorry for the negativity there, but I needed to get that off my chest.
Anyways, I flew back to Goldenrod City, to take on Team Rocket one final time...at least until Ultra Moon and Let's Go Eevee.
It was neat seeing the Rocket disguise from the first visit to Goldenrod coming into play here...at least until Silver unmasked me immediately after I entered the Radio Tower.
Still, it was fun fighting all the Rocket executives again. Petrel, Proton, and Ariana. It was a Rocket marathon, and I was having far more fun here than in the Rocket Hideout. Helped that the door puzzle in the underground storage area was pretty fun!
But soon enough, I was at the observation deck of the Radio Tower, ready to face off against Archer.
Like with Petrel and Ariana, I wish we had gotten to see more of Archer. But his battle didn't disappoint. It was quite tricky! But I won, and defeated this iteration of Team Rocket for good.
Again, though, mainline Pokemon games don't end when the plot ends. I still had quite a ways to go before the credits.
Next up was the Ice Path. It felt like sorta an extension of the Mahogany Town gym, with more ice puzzles. This time with an added echo of the Seafoam Islands puzzle, of using Strength to push boulders down holes. It was a fun challenge!
Soon, though, I made it through, to Blackthorn City, ready to face the final Johto gym leader, Clair. She was a tough opponent, but I won the battle.
Not the badge, though, not yet. For the second time this game, a gym leader refused to hand me the badge after I won the battle. But unlike Whitney, Clair wasn't content to just give me it anyways after a few seconds.
No, I had to go into the Dragon's Den, and pass one more test in order to prove myself worthy of the Rising Badge.
I really like this part of Soulsilver! It's so interesting to see some of the gym badges have a bit more to them than usual.
I passed the test, and received my final Johto badge, only to receive a call from Professor Elm, telling me to meet him at his lab.
I decided to go the long way, instead of simply flying there. So I set foot onto Route 45, and immediately encountered the last of the Legendary Beasts, Raikou.
Sure enough, after a single Petal Dance from Acacia, it fled. But I had now seen Entei, Raikou, and Suicune all at least once, and so I was satisfied.
After receiving the master ball from Professor Elm, it was now time for me to face the toughest trainers yet, the Kimono Girls.
Silver wasn't kidding, they were very tricky opponents. They may only have had one Pokemon each, but as I couldn't heal between, it was essentially like fighting one trainer with five Eeveelutions.
But I pulled through, and won, receiving the Tidal Bell. And then, it was time for me to go to the Whirl Islands.
Which were completely dark.
Oh no.
I was not looking forward to stumbling blindly in the dark again like I did with Rock Tunnel in Firered, and Emerald's Victory Road. And due to my single rule for this marathon, I could not look at a guide for help.
Not helping was that the only members of my team who could learn Flash already had four moves that I wanted to keep on them.
Luckily, I was still able to ask friends for advice, and one of them gave me a very useful tip. To go in the top-right island entrance, and not take any stairs.
And so, I navigated through the Whirl Islands with that advice in mind, eventually coming to Lugia's hiding place beneath the waves.
The scenee to summon Lugia was really cool! I love how the bells stated getting added to the track as each one began to ring.
And then, it was time to face off against the box legendary, Lugia.
I wanted to catch Lugia. Not only that, I wanted to catch Lugia in anything but the master ball. I wanted to prove that I was worthy of being Lugia's trainer.
They weren't kidding, the catch rate for Johto's legendaries is very small. Even after having Marla paralyze Lugia and then knock it down to a tiny sliver of health, I went through all my ultra balls and great balls without a catch.
I tried again, having Marla knock Lugia down to an even tinier sliver of health, plus paralysis. Still, it took nearly my entire ultra ball stock again to catch Lugia.
But I did catch Lugia. It was time to say goodbye for Jifa, at least for now, as I had Lugia take the sixth spot on my team. I needed every advantage I could get for what was to come.
My first steps as part of that, would be my first steps in this game into Kanto.
You see, I had thought that the entirety of Kanto was post-game only. That you wouldn't even step foot there until after the credits roll. So imagine my surprise when the first person I meet after surfing east from New Bark Town tells me that I'm in Kanto now!
It was so cool seeing the map be updated to show this section of Kanto, and it made me determined to keep going.
The trainer battles on Route 27 and Route 26 were some of the toughest yet, but I kept going, unstoppable on my way to the Pokemon League.
But before I got there, I had one final challenge, Victory Road.
It wasn't nearly as tricky as the other Victory Roads I had faced so far. The puzzles were pretty simple, and here weren't any trainers there.
Well, except for one, who had driven off all the other trainers on Victory Road.
The final fight here with Silver reminded me of the battle with Wally from Emerald. A final battle with one of your rivals, inside Victory Road. Only this time, it was at the end of Victory Road, rather than the start.
It was fun to see Silver realizing what he had to do to become a truly strong trainer: be better friends with his Pokemon.
Silver is probably my favorite of the "jerk rivals" (though what I've heard of Bede makes him a very close contender). He's a very interesting character, and this final battle with him was great!
After saying goodbye to Silver for the final time, it was time to enter the Pokemon League.
Healing up my team, and purchasing some final supplies, I headed beyond the doorway at the top, to start my Elite Four challenge.
Will was quite tough! But Psychic's weakness to Bug would be my key here, with Marla's Signal Beam decimating many of his Pokemon. While I won this battle handily, it would only get more difficult from here.
Koga was no joke. I had no counter to Poison, and his hyper-evasive Pokemon badly poisoned several members of my team. But Niko's Foresight would once again prove useful, and be key in taking down Koga's Pokemon.
Next was another familiar face, Bruno. Bagoli and Lugia were key here, but a tricky switch-out from Bruno during a Fly from Bagoli had him get taken out by a Rock Slide from Bruno's Onix. Thankfully, Acacia was able to take care of the Onix, and Lugia took care of the rest.
Finally, there was Karen. True to her advice, I was going to try to win with my favorites. I tried to have Niko pull the Foresight trick against her Gengar, but it surprised me with a Focus Blast, taking Niko out. But with the help of Marla, Acacia, and Splind, Karen's team was defeated.
All that remained now was Champion Lance.
I healed up my team, but forgot to use an Ether on Marla, whose Discharge was running low on PP. This would soon come back to bite me.
Lance was my toughest opponent in this game by far. Sure, Marla easily took out his Gyarados with a Discharge, and Splind took out his most powerful Dragonite with an Ice Fang, but then the tides turned in Lance's favor. Splind got knocked out by a Thunder, and Marla ran out of PP for Discharge. I had to scramble to figure out a strategy, and it took all of my remaining Hyper Potions.
But eventually, I won. I became champion of Johto, and finally finished Soulsilver. I had done what my 2012 self couldn't, and beaten this game for the very first time.
I had completed Pokemon Soulsilver, and that fact means so much to me.
I will be doing the postgame for Soulsilver eventually. But that'll probably be its own retrospective.
I had a lot of fun with Soulsilver! Sure, its pacing could have been a lot better, but it was a really nice experience overall! Though I feel like it'd have been a lot trickier and more frustrating without the infinite rare candy cheat.
I am so happy to have finally completed this game, 12 years later.
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 3 months
Ok so I know I haven't talked Enough about legendkeepers for this to make total sense, but recently I talked about them to a friend about there being a group chat post-games, namely for the sake of keeping people in the loop for potential legendary incidents. Then I joked about how the missing/fallen ex-champion of Unova, Lena, could get rediscovered if you had Kimmie (Unova's stand-in champ) and Maciel (ex-member of Team Snagem and orre trainer) talking long enough, and this whole chatlog wrote itself!
Full disclaimer, even as I wrote this I anticipated it's ooc/incorrect for the stories, but I had too much fun not to share - even did a couple hasty scribbles to accompany it! Hope you enjoy the chaos! Optional author's 'notes' in tags
Rex, Ritsu, Maciel, Aspen, Kimmie, Xavier, Satsuki
-(xxx) xxx-xxxx has been added to the chat-
Kimmie: ok so she's been missing for 2 years now, but I'm including Lena's phone number in this group chat because she's Technically the one in charge of our guys 
Kimmie: so like if her phone ever works again she'll get these messages
Rex: smashing, absolutely not how to handle missing persons but sure why not
Maciel: Wait
Maciel: Lena Who
Kimmie: [img attachment] The missing champion of Unova???
Maciel: Wait
Maciel: [img attachment] 
Maciel: This Lena???
Kimmie: Get out
Kimmie: GET OUT?????
Maciel: I took it just now
Maciel: she is sitting in my sidecar
Maciel: like she always does
Maciel: she doesn't know what's going on but says hi btw
Rex: I Have Been Corrected, evidently this somehow IS how you handle a missings persons case 
Rex: just include their phone number in a group chat and all problems will be solved
Rex: why didn't Xavier and I think of that???? 
Kimmie: Rex hush Maciel and I gotta work this out
Kimmie: Maciel istg if you're telling me that girl you hang with all the time is our missing champion I'm gonna heckin LOSE IT
Maciel: YOU'RE gonna lose it
Maciel: I'M the one being informed my amnesiac friend of 5+ years is evidently the missing champ of 2 years ongoing now
Maciel: which. Not to pretend I went to school
Maciel: but I'm decently sure that's not how math works last I checked??
Ritsu: I didn't go to school either
Rex: ???????
Ritsu: if that helps
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Aspen: I have and still go to school and can confirm that's not how math works 
Satsuki: guys I am trying to sleep over here in Hoenn several timezones away from all of you
Satsuki: why are you blowing up my phone???
Maciel: Evidently my friend Lena's the missing champ?
Maciel: wait WHAT
Maciel: I AM NOT
Satsuki: Kimmie quit accusing people of kidnapping it's 3AM
Satsuki: well for me anyways
Kimmie: But he kinda is!
Kimmie: He's had Lena all this time and not said anything about it 
Kimmie: even though the unova champ going missing was big international news??
Kimmie: kinda sus he didn't say something sooner don't you think? 
Rex: Again, not how missing persons cases work
Satsuki: I'm muting this chat so I can sleep. Ritsu can you lmk what everyone agrees on here?
Ritsu: sure thing, night Satsuki! Sorry we woke you ^^;
Aspen: so uh
Aspen: it sounds like she's safe and sound 
Aspen: right Maciel?
Maciel: [img attachment]
Maciel: I bought her ice cream. She's FINE.
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Aspen: so
Aspen: why not just
Aspen: have her go back?
Aspen: or have Kimmie meet with her maybe
Aspen: wait that sounds dumb doesn't it
Ritsu: It's not dumb but
Ritsu: Like Maciel said, she HAS forgotten everything from before Orre
Ritsu: she's always sounded kind of like me, just 
Ritsu: dropped elsewhere on the map
Ritsu: and also not turned into a pokemon
Ritsu: so idk if she'll be much help as a Unova champ rn...?
Rex: The young Ritsu has a good point. This Lena individual may have suffered the same sort of temporal displacement as Ritsu himself
Rex: One sodding moment. Ritsu we're having rabbit stew with brussels tonight
Ritsu: ^^;
Kimmie: guuuuys
Kimmie: who cares about that?
Kimmie: that’s Champion Lena! Eating ice cream! With an ex-convict!!
Maciel: FU I was never convicted of anything
Kimmie: Arceus knows what you did
Ritsu: Actually I think that’s just a myth!
Ritsu: Arceus tends to know very little of what goes on with humans
Ritsu: Actually it has little power over us period when it comes down to it
Ritsu: I mean
Ritsu: why else ask an uncoordinated newly human to do an Arceus’s work you know? Lol
Kimmie: 8/
Kimmie: ooooook
Kimmie: look just
Kimmie: Lena’s got people who have been looking for her for AGES
Rex: two years is not “ages” Kimmie
Kimmie: Rex omgggggggg 
Kimmie: what I MEAN is
Kimmie: The league’s been looking
Kimmie: Looker’s. Uh. Looking.
Kimmie: Cheren and Bianca and N have been looking
Kimmie: I’VE been looking
Kimmie: can we please just have her come back?
Kimmie: just like
Kimmie: so we know she’s safe?
Maciel: Fine. I’ll ask
Maciel: she says she’s cool with it
Maciel: she’s always wanted to visit Unova anyways 
Maciel: she does want me to reiterate she doesn’t remember anything though. She appreciates people have been looking but doesn’t want anyone to get let down here
Kimmie: I’ll let everyone know!
Kimmie: about the amnesia too
Kimmie: how soon will you guys get here?
Maciel: uhhhh
Maciel: dunno. Haven’t had a chance to work that out
Maciel: we like. Just decided
Maciel: don’t exactly have money for plane tickets just lying around here
Kimmie: huh
Kimmie: oooooh wait ok I get it
Kimmie: you probably have the money but can’t use it all at once right?
Kimmie: draws attention and all that ;)
Maciel: can you quit accusing me of crimes every two seconds??
Maciel: I’m trying to work with you here and you keep insulting me at every turn
Kimmie: wait wait wait wait
Kimmie: bad joke
Kimmie: sorry :(
Kimmie: I have the money, I can pay
Kimmie: yours too
Kimmie: does that sound fair?
Maciel: yeah ok
Maciel: whatever
Maciel: Lena says she's flexible and so am I 
Maciel: you can just text me whatever flight works for you guys and we'll meet up with you
Kimmie: thanks
Kimmie: sorry again
Maciel: whatever
Aspen: glad everything
Aspen: uh
Aspen: worked out?
Kimmie: yeah!
Xavier: what
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shininglynxie · 25 days
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The splatfest I'm covering today is Grass vs. Fire vs. Water. It was a bit of a dream come true theme for me, honestly. It used Splatoon 3's splatfest format to ask the age-old pokemon question of: "Which starter will you choose?", which is something I was absolutely thrilled about.
When it comes to my choice for this fest - team Fire - I kinda regret it. While my starters of choice in the three most recent generations have been fire types, which includes Scarlet and Violet, the games that this splatfest was a tie-in for, as a whole I like more water starters than I do fire ones, with my favourite pokemon being a water starter even. Besides that, my decision was also driven by a desire to be on each of the idols' teams back to back. I know that it's easy to say that you would've chosen the winning team in hindsight, but my slight feelings of regret are quite genuine nonetheless.
Well, unlike me, Ceph is someone who wouldn't regret this choice, as he does actually like fire starters the most. His favourite one being Cinderace, as Ceph quite enjoys and relates to its energetic and sporty personality. The fire type in general matches Ceph's personality quite well.
Ceph's outfit for this splatfest is pretty straightforward - it is a cosplay of Mela - the paldean fire type specialist. This outfit works quite well retroactively, actually, as Mela was one of the characters revealed during Scarlet and Violet's pre-release promotional campaign. This cosplay is generally quite faithful, with the only difference being the fact that the team Star symbol on the boots is replaced with the team Fire icon. Ceph's weapon of choice for this fest is the obvious choice - Range Blaster. It was literally depicted in promotional art for this splatfest it's that obvious! It also manages to tie back into team Star even. The Range Blaster is made up of motorcycle parts, which is a vehicle just like the starmobiles. Not to mention that I just really like the updated design they gave this weapon in Splatoon 3, and I wanted to draw Ceph using it.
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soundofseclusion · 1 month
37. Pokemon X
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Release: 2013, 3DS Beaten: August 19th, 3DS Playtime: 28h 12m
The story is really weak, and the game doesn't always perform very well, but it can be really striking as well as quite poignant at times. The core experience is pretty fun, though they probably should have given you more mega stones to play around with during the main game. Overall, I had a pretty good time returning to Kalos.
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I fucking LOVE video essays and other long audio dominant videos. Did I care about even a quarter of the things before seeing these? No. Do I now have a wealth of knowledge on these now? Absolutely. All the Warhammer lore I know? Podcasts and similar stuff. Hell, they got me into the Elden ring lore and I didn't even play the game. Shout out to Jenny Nicholson, didn't know theme park stuff was so damn interesting.
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despairs-memorial · 2 months
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"I-it's no use... Maybe I should just get a program to do it..."
They were mumbling to themself as they stare at the computer. Puzzle games were never their forte, but after being stuck on it for over an hour, they were less than thrilled to keep seeing the beginning screen. They're already starting to work on the beginnings of the code as they hear someone come in, making them pause to see if they needed help with anything.
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