#poke aggron
rainbowdelicsunshine · 7 months
For the pokemon ask game can you do Aggron?
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not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
Honestly have a huge soft spot for this big metal monster and their line as a whole!
Just love how they look like a kaiju as well!
Thank you so much for sending this in, I really like this ask game!
Hope to see you here again soon and have a good evening friend!!
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★This is the elimination round to determine who will compete in the competition! Choose your favorite to move on to the bracket rounds!★
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Fave Pokemon
Steel Type - Aggron (& Aron)
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aimu-baicepsu · 2 years
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Rough sketch of big huggu✨❤️
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
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fashion for : an aggron in a masc style with pastel goth aesthetics requested by 🔧🪨anon
hairclips | mask | choker+bracelet | harness sneakers | pants | jacket | shirt
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
Aggron for the poke req?
Yeaaah!! Funky armored mon!
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pokemonranch · 11 months
Hi Clay! I was wondering if I could get a bit of advice?
So I’m currently a Pokémon trainer, but I would like to settle down somewhere. I’m very used to having my Pokémon outside of their poke balls and wandering around with me (I’m one of those trainers that camps in the woods like a ‘hermit’) but if I want to settle down, some of my Pokémon wouldn’t be able to do that anymore. I can’t have a full grown aggron and farigiraf just free roaming a house. So I was thinking about starting a ranch somewhere. At least then my Pokémon have a lot of area to roam and I can be out there doing things with them. I absolutely adore Pokémon and I would like to think I’ve gotten pretty experienced with handling them. I just don’t know how to go about owning a ranch? Do I need to have a license or proper qualifications? I don’t want to have to keep my Pokémon in their poke balls for most of the day, and I think owning a ranch would be a good way to stay active + interact with pokemon without the constant travelling that comes with doing the gym challenges.
Many thanks for your time!
And if you’re interested I have Almond (Aggron), Pip (Farigiraf), Kyra (Zoroark), Raia (Mismagius), Creampuff (Dragapult) and Cheerio (Weavile)
I'm gonna break this down in what you need legally and what you need personally
First, let's get the "boring" part out of the way. You need to have a permit before starting an official ranch, AKA: You need to be a licensed Rancher before being able to start your own farm! If you are a Trainer, the process shouldn't be an issue for you: Mostly consists of ensuring that you are able to take proper care of different kinds of 'mon long-term (Including working and fully evolved ones!); and then an internship of 3 to 6 months on an already established ranch so you can get the gist of it.
Depending on what you want, you can register your ranch as a Shelter (That means, people and other organizations can send you foster 'mons) or Private-Owned (You take care of your own business and choose which 'mons you want to host, and they have your Trainer ID). Whatever the case, you'll need to talk to your local Rangers and Pokemon Center beforehand, so they know you're in the area and can be in contact if needed!
In my opinion, it's a hard job, but one that's really worth it. You seem to take great care of your team, and choosing what's best for them is what makes a good Rancher! I'm sure you'll do great if you decide to go for it, and your 'mons will help you all the way!
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ask-lu-two-and-mew · 10 months
what happened to lucario's chest spike?
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Yeah, I remember that. The day after you evolved, you accidentally poked yourself in your sleep and woke up with a big gash on your forehead.
…Mewtwo, that was supposed to be PRIVATE, you ASSHOLE-
Like a lot of steel types, the metal in my spikes is completely organic, and it grows back like hair or claws or fingernails. When they start to get too long, I go in to see a specialist to get ‘em shaved down. A lot of other steel-type Pokémon do that, actually! Especially ones like Aggron or Bisharp.
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pwnyta · 3 months
Omi & I have been going through some things.... So we decided to keep drawing Charizard characters based on their parent hybrid species... First to make little differences like Poison hybrids having slight resistances to poison or Dragon hybrids being slightly more sensitive to the cold etc... but then we got silly (making them all characters for no good reason at all).
Omi has a master list on her page (currently incomplete) also I only typed out the stories for the characters I made personally (tho we came up with some of the stories together).
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More under the cut!
Mary Wolfram- Char + Aggron- A single mother with an Aron son. Shes stoic but mostly trains to protect her son. Shes a bit of a loner but wont push people away from her & will even help other Chars train. Still she prefers to be alone or with her son.
Diego Just (DJ)- + Exploud- A laid back artsy kinda guy, he can get very excitable when dance music is involved (you can basically adjust his energy by changing the music he's listening to). Raised by his Exploud mother (after his Char father died) has given him a love for music & loud aesthetics. He likes to decorate his too-tense bestie (his other bestie. He also considers his mom his bestie) Jay-A with jewelry & flowers... it's tolerated.
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Jackson Alexander (Jay-A)- + Blastoise- A very well behaved kinda guy. His Blastoise dad is a military man and has raised him to be such. Hes besties with DJ & has slowly allowed DJ to help him relax a little... but only when theyre at the Valley where his dad cant see. (His dad is mostly the way he is learning about Zippos incident where when Zippo was young he was almost killed by a Squirtle. Hes very anxious now that his own son is a Char, he very much wishes Jackson was a Squirtle but since hes not he'll hammer in survival instincts and military grade defensiveness & toughness. Hes gotta stop being so sensitive.)
Ethan Kohn- + G. Slowbro- A rather timid kinda guy who was dating a Clefable at some point. Unfortunately his boyfriend got into some trouble with some unsavory types & he got roughed up because of it. After that his boyfriend disappeared. Who knows what happened to him (Ethans dear brother Ivan happened to him... by ripping his arm off as payback for Ethans pain & told him to gtfo of Ethans life.)
Gwen Feng- +Dragonair(Dragonite)- As per usual the Dragonite line is questionable. Gwen left her Goodra husband for her bestie(& secret Dragonair lover). Her eldest daughter Molly has some issues with this... her youngest Lulu has no thoughts as her head is completely empty.
Katla Long (shiny)- +Dragalge- Katla is a feisty, adventurous Charizard who mostly battles to look cool. Her passion is more for fashion and her charisma is so high she turned her wannabe-criminal Grimmsnarl boyfriend to completely drop his plans to become a criminal mastermind. She doesnt know this & it probably wont cause any problems. Unrelated but having a Dragalge lineage & an adventurous nature... she sure wants to swim. She cannot cuz if her tail gets wet she'll die. Tragedy.
Elizabeth Reina- +Nidoking(Queen)- Due to her father being a Nido she had some fertility issues by the time she fully evolved(seriously why cant Nidoqueen breed...). This was fine with her, she adopted like a reason person. She and Katla have been besties since they were little girls.
Liza & Kat as kids --v
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Jethro North (shiny)- + Dragapult- Due to his weird & questionable lineage & him being a shiny... Jethro is a little strange as is all Dragapult!Chars. They have the ability to see spirits which not only freaks living Pokes out but even the ghosts are a little freaked out by them. Jethros grandson Jacob is not freaked out by him at all which makes him a great caretaker for any little Dragapult!Char whos family did not keep them.
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Tori Stills- +Bastiodon- (tbd)
Lars Laman- +Swampert- (tbd)
Haley Staal- +Rampardos- Shes very athletic and loves to skate. She worked very hard to evolve asap so she can do more fun tricks while skating. The edges of her wings have been scuffed up from some of her more exciting tricks. Her determined nature makes it impossible for to give up on anything... which includes even talking to people. Even a weirdo like Yuki.
Yuki- +Abomasnow- Was raised by his Abomasnow father on a cold mountain which stunted the strength of his wings & his overall health & left him secluded from other Chars until his father died. He hasnt been to the valley much but the warmth keeps him there now but he has trouble socializing.... Staal is one of the few people who continues to try to talk to him.
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Cera Rovere- +Rhyperior- A based her character in my mind as: Mihoshi from Tenchi Muyo but BUFF (I.E. the ideal woman). Shes a sweet natured doofus who doesnt actually battle. Her body is from all the rock lifting & mountain climbing. She could fly... but then she might miss some cool rocks! She quite like rocks. (WHO DOESNT? I may or may not been watching a grown man cut into agates & giggle when they had cool patterns inside while making her.)
Malek Dera- +Kingdra- Seemingly an aloof dancer/singer. He's one of the few Chars who doesnt really enjoy returning to the valley... but only because he has to leave his Kingdra twin back at home. When he's with his brother (& their little sister) he's actually a lot more playful and fun. When their father is getting ready to head to the valley his siblings also try to help him hide because they also dont like being without him.
His tail actually doesnt curl naturally, but being around his siblings caused a habit. Hes learned the hard way not to curl it so tightly.
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Syla Brand- +Gyarados- A strict and serious woman, she's part of the militia & is absolutely 0 fun. She's one of the few Chars not worth trying to get to lighten up (Haley might bed to differ but she has another project atm.) She's a highly skilled fighter.
Florence Kane- +Sceptile- Basically the complete opposite of Syla. She's very excitable and fun loving. She practices martial arts & dance but doesnt actually fight anyone at any point she does not care enough to even argue with people. She will simply walk away.
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Gil Florentine- +Kommo-o- Due to his mothers ability 'Soundproof' he was born partially deaf. He loves music & chime sounds but can only really hear it well if its very loud which also damages his hearing. Hes pretty quiet himself and although hes not always aware of his surroundings hes never anxious about anything probably due to his higher than normal defenses.
Alma Braeburn- +Appletun- A very shy girl who longs to be a baker like her mum. She doesnt have any close family that are Chars so she can be a bit closed off at the Valley but when shes cooking and passing out food she's very chipper. Fryda is probably her closest friend due to her need to FEED.
James LaFleur- +Turtonator- Have you watched LOST? You gettit. ehehe. (personality-wise... not all the crazy family stuff)
Sara & Rory(shiny) Lito- +Aurorus- Sara is a gentle and quiet lady & Rory is an excitable little girl. Rory used to get a little self conscious about her shiny coloring, but her older sister started wearing lighter shades similar to her coloring to make her feel less different. It worked very well! Rory might not evolve further because she doesnt want to be completely different from her sister.
Kari & Jada Morosite- +Slowking (+ their full-Char father Domenic)- Due to the Slowpoke tail trade Kari & Jada were targeted, Jada had been kidnapped & killed having her tail chopped off. Domenic hired his criminal brother Ivan to find his daughter & Ivan has taken it upon himself to avenge his fallen little sister. Kari used to be a very friendly little girl but after her sisters death she's become anxious and clingy to her father, her father enables that because he doesnt like his surviving daughter being far from him anyways.
Maya Lamina- +Kangaskhan- She takes after her Kangaskhan mother being very nurturing and sweet. She carries around her plushie everywhere and would only ever start throwing hands if someone were to take it from her. That is her baby. Her mother doesnt like being apart from her and tasks her lover with keeping an eye on her 100% of the time & they do as theyre told.
Murphy Black- +Scrafty- Murphy is actually a good boy but his Scrafty sister is a bad influence. When along they cause mischief together but the minute another Char is around he'll get really embarrassed by his sisters shenanigans and try very hard to look like a proper lad. His sister teases him relentlessly over it.
Rika Bell- +Seviper- She has a love for spicy food and fashion (on other people. Not her. She has no desire to wear the silly fashion she likes to see on others... shes very casual with her own fashion. Some might say shes a hypocrite, those people coincidentally have singed eyebrows.). Tho she can be a bit judgy she's otherwise a fun person to be around. She loves a vibrant color palate.
(there are more Chars but their page aint finished & I have limited space on this post...)
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Abari Saraf- +Dragapult- Zippos long lost grandmother. Being a ghost!Char her creepy nature as a child left her ostracized by other kids, but that all changed when Cyrus (Zippos grandpa) made it basically his mission to make sure she had a friend. As they got older Cyrus also trained her since she was too shy to train with anyone else. She got very powerful and really really enjoyed that power. She also really enjoyed Cyrus and became possessive of him, hating when he spent time with his friends especially Graham who she found very irritating due to her teasing. She takes Cyrus showing affection for others as a personal slight. Her and Cyrus eventually tried to start a family but after being pregnant once she realized how much she hated the down time and hated Cyrus feeling the need to take care of her... and she also hated sharing her husband with their son. After an intense fight with Cyrus that left him almost dead (he lost an eye & was permanently scarred by the electric attacks her taught her), she was fully marked (having her face scarred, horns charred, wing tatted black) and banished from the Valley (like Ivan). No one has seen or heard from her since.
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Cyrus & Zippo
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Baby Zippo & Kreetan have some good old FULLY RESTRAINED summer fun. (Kreetan is more sensitive about Zippos tail than Zippo is... mostly because he almost killed him that one time.) The floaty will keep him SO safe.
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Constance/Condor is a villainous Perrserker. By day they go about life as a photographer by the name Constance who is very upbeat and kind. She writes in her journal every night, when she reads back some pages, which she always remembers to do, she remembers her identity as Condor. A serial killer who collects trophys of their victims in a secret room in their house. Before he goes to sleep he writes in their journal about who they are and what to remember for the next night out, then uses Amnesia to forget whatever crimes theyve committed & the pages of their journal where theyve been detailed just in case some psychic sleuth comes sniffing around.
Condor/Constance has effectively turned themselves into two completely different people which Constance is completely unaware of.
Condors calling card is using feathers to hint at their next victim.... its a whole thing.
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(they are not to scale btw... I drew Altin as an extra)
Prince Rissan is the next in line to be king of (handwave) Kingdom. He's been raised for this very purpose by both his parents and the Kings Hand... however he just hates the idea of it. he doesnt want to live a life restricted as a king. he wants to go out and compete in fashion contests and enjoy life. His younger siblings are far more ambitious in their life and want to rule but thats not how things are done.
Though Rissan seems very kingly and put together hes actually far more sensitive and lighthearted. Its a side to himself he only ever really shows Altin who he considers to be far more of a father than his actual father (not that his father is a bad guy but he acts more like a friend than a guardian). Altin is the only one in the world who is allowed to call him Riri.
Altin is a shiny Arbok who was sold to the king by his clan who was entirely put off (& a bit superstitious) about his green & gold scales as a child. Altin is somewhat resentful of this, but still tattooed himself with clans style to pay them homage (I used the RSE game Arbok sprite for their type of marks). That said he was treated well by the King & his family & is completely loyal to them, especially Rissan who hes been transferred to as the King has gotten older and his starting to divest himself as ruler. Altin IS actually very stoic and composed and is who Rissan models his persona off of to look professional.
Rissans younger brother is especially jealous of him & wants more than anything to be king, while his sister would also like to rule, she'd probably have to kill her brothers to do so and she's not THAT unhinged.... well she might kill her Glimmora brother but Rissan has been pretty good to her, if a little distant, and she kinda knows that if their brother wasnt in the way and she asked, Rissan would probably fake his death and leave the kingdom to her anyways.
The King & Queen actually have a pretty good marriage & had a good time ruling. She looks a little devious but is pretty chill & she loves her husband even if she does wish he wasnt so... Dionysussy.... She looks forward to seeing her eldest son rule due to his more regal demeanor and delicate touch with problems but hes also prone to disappearing which is a whole OTHER problem.
The King has been a good ruler and his jovial nature and general power has left him in the good graces of other kingdoms but has made things a little awkward with his family. Rissan is distant & doesnt like being his next in line and his youngest find him embarrassing despite his overall success. But he's never one to let anything get him down. Hes got a comfy home, good wine, a lovely wife, and 3 healthy kids PLUS a shiny Arbok whos been a longtime companion (& is practically like another son. Bonus gold son! HELL YEAH). He is currently dying but hell he's lived a great life & his beloved Kingdom is in good hands.
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kariachi · 2 years
Okay, anosmiac (fight me) characters paired with service pokemon from my anosmiac pokes lists. Plus full proper teams because why the fuck not.
Note: These teams don’t correlate with any au or anything, just shits and giggles.
Marian- Lina the Herdier
Graham the Salamence
Tahlia the Kommo-o
Colin the Dragalgae
Effie the Appletun
Cleena the Tatsugiri
Branwen the Dracozolt
Var- Bluebell the Altaria
Glory the Swellow
Poppy the Archeops
Tulip the Yanmega
Lark the Jumpluff
Sweets the Crobat
Daisy the Squawkabilly
Fandom Headcanons
Manny- Tiny the Swablu
Pebble the Crustle
Chomper the Hydreigon
Gummi the Minior
Twitch the Pachirisu
Chonk the Breloom
Midnight the Houndoom
Kevin- Aen the Alolan Rattata
Buttercup the Galvantula
Reih the Garbodor
Christine the Revavroom
Laezul the Sylveon
Jarimil the Aggron
Lizzie the Azumarill
Cooper- Tuna the Smeargle
Charity the Vikavolt
Frerie the Klinklang
Bagel the Ariados
Mimsy the Aipom
Joe the Crobat
Tunnelvision the Magneton
Martin- Creeper the Wimpod
Adela the Vileplume
Biollante the Scovillain
Finney the Nihilego
Heap the Garbodor
Audrey the Cradily
Dagon the Malamar
Ezekiel- Scarlet the Gossifleur
Cocoa the Haunter
Nip the Thievul
Fawn the Flittle
Sparkler the Porygon Z [shiny]
Rascal the Murkrow
Bandit the Klefki
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May isn't squeamish and neither are most professional trainers. Dealing with Pokemon like she does means having to poke through their shit to make sure that they're free of helminths. She's had to express Mightyena anal glands manually. She's treated Gyarados stomach bugs and Pelipper STDs. Hunting to feed her family ( many of which are omnivores or entirely carnivorous ) involves having to process carcasses on a regular basis whether it's a small Caterpie or an entire Aggron.
It's hard work and it'd honestly gross asf if she every explained it to an outsider. At some point trainers just kinda get used to it... Or leave the pro scene entirely. Not everyone's cut out for the lifestyle.
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ranger-rai · 2 years
Cold Eyes, Warm Food pt.3
The three women stared up in shock as a large, monstrous steel type loomed over them like the mountain that loomed over a majority of the Sinnoh Region.
On instinct the ladies reached to their sides and produced a single Poke ball each, tossing them to the sides, and with three individual beams of light new creatures appeared in the area, each just as powerful looking and intimidating as the last.
A quadruped blue dragconic creature with red wings and a long neck appeared next to Vea, roaring at the metallic beast.
After that, it was a gray reptilian bipedal with scales that resembled armor and a body similar to that of a raptor. It raised its front claws ahead of itself, clashing them together to make a loud crashing noise like many metal plates hitting each other. This creature stood its ground next to Konani.
Finally, a large purple bipedal creature with wings doubled as arms and big ears atop its head that resembled loudspeakers. It released a powerful pulse of sound that caused the area to rumble for just a moment. The bat-like creature stood over Tia in a protective stance.
The large Aggron looked at all of the new Pokemon in the area and staggered back. The women’s faces shifted from aggression to confusion as the large metallic creature's expression faded from serious to a whimper.
This Aggron slowly lifted its hands to reveal a black tray carrying a few distinct drinks, matching the descriptions of the orders they had just made. 
As carefully as it could, the Aggron placed each drink on the table with an incredible display of dexterity and gentleness despite its size.
Once the tray was lowered, the Aggron could be seen clearly adorned with a large bow tie much like a waiter in a restaurant, however, the size of this Pokemon made the adornment look much smaller in comparison, had this been intentional?
The metallic creature slowly backed away, its nerves clearly beginning to get the best of it as it was beginning to shed tears before it turned and scurried off, rather quickly for a Pokemon known to be metallic and tanky.
All three women watched as the Aggron ran off, their eyes trailing down at their drinks in confusion.
“Aww, I feel bad.” Konani sighed, knowing that they had just judged an innocent and clearly sensitive Pokemon without any provocation, something each of them knew a good bit about.
“It’s their own fault. Who sends an Aggron as a Waitr’ without warning?” Vea protested as she grabbed a red drink that matched the description of her order.
“Still, maybe we should apologize.” 
“If he comes back.” Vea mumbled under her breath as she began using her straw to start stirring at her beverage.
The trio each grabbed their own drinks, Vea deciding on something called a “Sinnoh Spice Breeze” while Konani picked an “Eterna Herba Blend” and Tia settled on the “Triple Berry Refresher” that the glitchy Porygon recommended.
With their straws placed firmly in their drinks, they decided to partake in their tropical refreshment finally.
To each of their shock, the drinks were incredible and not at all what was expected. 
Konani’s drink felt incredibly natural as though she was drinking sweet herbs and flowers; however, the sugars didn't feel artificial.
Vea was blown away by how her drink was somehow spicy and sweet. Physically, it was cool to the touch and refreshing, but it left a perfect spicy aftertaste that made her want more.
Finally, Tia was caught in the trifecta of berries in this simple berry blend. A perfectly sweet flavor hits your mouth, followed by a tart flavor that causes your cheeks to tingle and a mild bitter to even it all out and make you ready for seconds. The whole experience left her face a soft red.
“Oi, what's with this stuff?!” Vea exclaimed as she wiped her lips. Not many mundane things would get her as hyped as she was now, but this beverage was anything but mundane.
“It’s blended together so well, I can't tell what flavorings they are using, but it tastes just like real herbs!”
Before they could even take a second sip, Tia halted her friend's progression as she pulled out her phone.
They each had arranged their drinks in a perfect display for a picture, only lasting for a moment before they quickly snatched them back up to consume once more.
As they continued to enjoy their drinks, Tia continued to fiddle with her phone, cleaning up the images, and prepared them for social media.
“Oh, there's Pokemon out here now. That explains the noise.” A male voice was heard around the corner, the same one that had welcomed the trio earlier.
“Um, hello?” The male voice called out.
“Wer’ still out ere’ mate!” 
“Ok cool, I just wanted to let you all know that your orders will be ready soon.” He informed, building a sense of excitement in their stomachs.
“Hope the food’s as good as the drinks.” Vea uttered to her friends with a slight chuckle.
Usually, she might get a chuckle or response to her comment. However, she was met with a somber tone as she gazed at her friends.
“Do you think we’re in over our heads?” Konani questioned as she stirred her drink with her straw. They had been working extremely hard all of this time, and she didn't want to give up now.
“What’s all this talk then? I thought we were past this?”
“I thought I was too, but losing Chuck just makes me wonder if we are actually cut out for this. Maybe it’s not too late for us all to find something else we are good at?”
Konani was known for being the joy of these friends and always being able to put a smile on their faces. However, she was also the most in her feelings, which could prove to be a good thing or a bad thing, and right now was one of those bad times.
“How many times I gotta say it! We ARE good at this! You are good at this! We just gotta find a sponsor. Someone who’s got our back. Someone who knows how to talk to people. Someone-”
As if the unpredictable mood of today couldn't get any more chaotic, a loud crash of silverware and what could only be guessed as a body hitting the grassy floor was heard back from around the corner.
“Whoa! Easy, Easy!” The male voice from before called out in a worried tone followed by the same shrieking of the bat Pokemon that Tia called her partner.
This sound was a cause for alarm as the trio ran around to the side of the building to see a surprising sight.
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eranthiss · 27 days
You look like you'd own a aggron
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"I do? Like- there she is?" She gestures at the front of a Aggron's snout poking out from under a pile of laundry. "I needed a steel type and Gregory wasn't suitable for battle."
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rem-know · 2 months
Some Pokemons that will be in nozel silva poke team
2. Aegislash
3. Metagross
4. Bisharp
5. Corviknight
6. Lucario
7. Scizor
8. Steelix
9. Aggron
10. Excadrill
11. Skarmory
12. Magnezone
His starter was piplup and if I have to add a legendary Pokemon I choose dialga
Not doing the joke about his hair cause that nozel he not gonna choose something ridiculous (talking about that Pokemon)
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steel--fairy · 10 months
Timeline year: 2004
the last one of these profiles.... (besdies hisui and paldea shhh) let's ignore that unova part 1 came out after part 2
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16 / Nuvema Town / straight? / she/her
A former child actress now trying out being a trainer. Loves fashion and has a big heart!
Owned Pokemon: Milotic, Audino, Emolga, Reuniclus, Serperior, Hydreigon, Reshiram
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16 / Nuvema Town / autistic / she/her
A kindhearted but sheltered girl who doesn't know what she wants to do. Very smart, despite what some people say about her.
Owned Pokemon: Samurott, Lilligant, Musharna, Mienshao, Chandelure
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16 / Nuvema Town / trans man / he/him
An incredibly driven young man. Tends to get blinded once he has a goal he wants to reach.
Owned Pokemon: Emboar, Stoutland, Amoongus, Liepard, Carracosta, Haxorus
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18 / ?? / ?? / he/him?
A mysterious young man with strange mannerisms and strong opinions. Refuses to use Poke Balls.
Befriended Pokemon: Purrloin, Pidove, Tympole, Timburr, Sandile, Darumaka, Scraggy, Sigilyph, Zorua, Boldore, Ferroseed, Joltik, Klinklang, Carracosta, Archeops, Vanilluxe, Zoroark, Zekrom
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69 / Flocessy Town / cis straight man / he/him
The champion of the Unova region. He won his championship many, many years ago and only recently come back to the title after being asked to.
Owned Pokemon: Volcarona, Escavalier, Bouffalant, Druddigon, Accelgor, Krookodile, another dead Volcarona
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10 / Opelucid City (Village of Dragons, ??) / she/her
A cheerful prodigy with a love for Dragon types.
Owned Pokemon: Haxorus, Archeops, Aggron, Lapras, Hydreigon, Druddigon
47 / Nuvema Town (Castelia City) / she/her
Ieva's mother. Works at Professor Juniper's lab as a secretary
Owned Pokemon: Dwebble
23 / Nimbasa City (Nuvema Town) / he/him
Ieva's older brother, and Matas' twin. Works as a DJ, but wants to compose movie scores.
Owned Pokemon: N/A
23 / Undella Town (Nuvema Town) / he/him
Ieva's older brother, and Marius' twin. Co-owns a flower shop with his partner
Owned Pokemon: Sunflora, Maractus, two Cottonee
14 / Nuvema Town / he/him
Ieva's younger brother. A computer nerd and hacker who illegally downloaded a Porygon.
Owned Pokemon: Porygon
d.43 / Nuvema Town / he/him
Ieva's deceased father. He used to be an actor, and was Ieva's main caretaker when she was acting.
Owned Pokemon: N/A
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paintedhyenadogs · 11 months
I remember making pokemon teams based on the witcher characters (not all of them, mainly the wolf boys). My boyfriend said that he liked to see how much thought and logic I put into their teams and how I quote "have an intimate knowledge of their pysche"
Interesting words, boyf.
Anyways heres my poke team dump.
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Geralts team is up first. His ponyta (soon to be rapidash) is Roach. I made all the wolf school boys have Lycanroc! All his pokemon are shy and aloof but very affectionate when it's people they've grown close to (Much like the white wolf himself). Ninetails and Toxtricity show off to other pokemon, and are vain. Scolipede is Lycanrocs more emotional bud, Lycanroc acts near identical to Geralt. Excluding Roach, she's outgoing as hell.
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Lamberts team. He's such a bratty, snarky asshole when you meet him (both in Blood of Elves and TW3), I felt it fitting for his pokemon to be the more scary bitey type. Especially his Charizard (a Y mega), who is like him and likes arguing. His Lycanroc is more standoffish to other people than Lambert, they've been together for years now. His Mightyena is a brat like Charizard but less so, more mischievous. Venusaur and Koffing gossip and are mean gorls.
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Eskels Team is kinda composed of ride pokemon. Scorpion is his Rapidash, Mudsdale is like a foal he found who just wouldn't leave him alone, she's usually kept at Kaer Morhen, under the care of Vesemir who likes having a draft pokemon around, makes crate moving faster. Garchomp is his flying mount, he uses her when he needs to see an arial view of things. Arcanine and Aggron were a package deal and are inseparable, they're good battlers so he keeps them with him. His Lycanroc is from the same litter as Geralts, so share the same aloofness. Difference is, that his Lycanroc, while mellow, likes to approach other unknown pokemon on its own and will converse with said pokemon.
I have some for Roche, Ciri and two others. Who I'll post later on.
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