#pokemo nranger
ranger-rai · 2 years
Cold Eyes, Warm Food pt.3
The three women stared up in shock as a large, monstrous steel type loomed over them like the mountain that loomed over a majority of the Sinnoh Region.
On instinct the ladies reached to their sides and produced a single Poke ball each, tossing them to the sides, and with three individual beams of light new creatures appeared in the area, each just as powerful looking and intimidating as the last.
A quadruped blue dragconic creature with red wings and a long neck appeared next to Vea, roaring at the metallic beast.
After that, it was a gray reptilian bipedal with scales that resembled armor and a body similar to that of a raptor. It raised its front claws ahead of itself, clashing them together to make a loud crashing noise like many metal plates hitting each other. This creature stood its ground next to Konani.
Finally, a large purple bipedal creature with wings doubled as arms and big ears atop its head that resembled loudspeakers. It released a powerful pulse of sound that caused the area to rumble for just a moment. The bat-like creature stood over Tia in a protective stance.
The large Aggron looked at all of the new Pokemon in the area and staggered back. The women’s faces shifted from aggression to confusion as the large metallic creature's expression faded from serious to a whimper.
This Aggron slowly lifted its hands to reveal a black tray carrying a few distinct drinks, matching the descriptions of the orders they had just made. 
As carefully as it could, the Aggron placed each drink on the table with an incredible display of dexterity and gentleness despite its size.
Once the tray was lowered, the Aggron could be seen clearly adorned with a large bow tie much like a waiter in a restaurant, however, the size of this Pokemon made the adornment look much smaller in comparison, had this been intentional?
The metallic creature slowly backed away, its nerves clearly beginning to get the best of it as it was beginning to shed tears before it turned and scurried off, rather quickly for a Pokemon known to be metallic and tanky.
All three women watched as the Aggron ran off, their eyes trailing down at their drinks in confusion.
“Aww, I feel bad.” Konani sighed, knowing that they had just judged an innocent and clearly sensitive Pokemon without any provocation, something each of them knew a good bit about.
“It’s their own fault. Who sends an Aggron as a Waitr’ without warning?” Vea protested as she grabbed a red drink that matched the description of her order.
“Still, maybe we should apologize.” 
“If he comes back.” Vea mumbled under her breath as she began using her straw to start stirring at her beverage.
The trio each grabbed their own drinks, Vea deciding on something called a “Sinnoh Spice Breeze” while Konani picked an “Eterna Herba Blend” and Tia settled on the “Triple Berry Refresher” that the glitchy Porygon recommended.
With their straws placed firmly in their drinks, they decided to partake in their tropical refreshment finally.
To each of their shock, the drinks were incredible and not at all what was expected. 
Konani’s drink felt incredibly natural as though she was drinking sweet herbs and flowers; however, the sugars didn't feel artificial.
Vea was blown away by how her drink was somehow spicy and sweet. Physically, it was cool to the touch and refreshing, but it left a perfect spicy aftertaste that made her want more.
Finally, Tia was caught in the trifecta of berries in this simple berry blend. A perfectly sweet flavor hits your mouth, followed by a tart flavor that causes your cheeks to tingle and a mild bitter to even it all out and make you ready for seconds. The whole experience left her face a soft red.
“Oi, what's with this stuff?!” Vea exclaimed as she wiped her lips. Not many mundane things would get her as hyped as she was now, but this beverage was anything but mundane.
“It’s blended together so well, I can't tell what flavorings they are using, but it tastes just like real herbs!”
Before they could even take a second sip, Tia halted her friend's progression as she pulled out her phone.
They each had arranged their drinks in a perfect display for a picture, only lasting for a moment before they quickly snatched them back up to consume once more.
As they continued to enjoy their drinks, Tia continued to fiddle with her phone, cleaning up the images, and prepared them for social media.
“Oh, there's Pokemon out here now. That explains the noise.” A male voice was heard around the corner, the same one that had welcomed the trio earlier.
“Um, hello?” The male voice called out.
“Wer’ still out ere’ mate!” 
“Ok cool, I just wanted to let you all know that your orders will be ready soon.” He informed, building a sense of excitement in their stomachs.
“Hope the food’s as good as the drinks.” Vea uttered to her friends with a slight chuckle.
Usually, she might get a chuckle or response to her comment. However, she was met with a somber tone as she gazed at her friends.
“Do you think we’re in over our heads?” Konani questioned as she stirred her drink with her straw. They had been working extremely hard all of this time, and she didn't want to give up now.
“What’s all this talk then? I thought we were past this?”
“I thought I was too, but losing Chuck just makes me wonder if we are actually cut out for this. Maybe it’s not too late for us all to find something else we are good at?”
Konani was known for being the joy of these friends and always being able to put a smile on their faces. However, she was also the most in her feelings, which could prove to be a good thing or a bad thing, and right now was one of those bad times.
“How many times I gotta say it! We ARE good at this! You are good at this! We just gotta find a sponsor. Someone who’s got our back. Someone who knows how to talk to people. Someone-”
As if the unpredictable mood of today couldn't get any more chaotic, a loud crash of silverware and what could only be guessed as a body hitting the grassy floor was heard back from around the corner.
“Whoa! Easy, Easy!” The male voice from before called out in a worried tone followed by the same shrieking of the bat Pokemon that Tia called her partner.
This sound was a cause for alarm as the trio ran around to the side of the building to see a surprising sight.
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