#poison & wine part 23
nicsnort · 14 days
Trial by Fire (part 23)
A Nightcrawler/Fem!OC romance, drama, and mystery fanfic, with lots of Quicksilver thrown in for fun and even more drama.
Intro (with link to full Ao3 story) First Previous
It was like a science experiment for Pietro - how much drink of whatever type did what to his body the next morning. When he was younger, before he was of legal age, he drank a six-pack of beer before he felt that buzz that preempted being drunk. Shortly after that, he had drank almost an entire bottle of rum, but it had been spread out, and so he felt nearly nothing, and the next day it was as if he didn’t drink. When he was older, he drank stronger beers quickly and felt it very nicely. The next day, so long as he slept more than a few hours, he felt normal and peachy. He tried it with hard liquors - he wasn’t much of a wine guy - again in quick succession, and the feeling of euphoria lasted longer. The next day, he felt nothing.
The secret, he discovered, was to drink quickly and in great amounts. In other words, act like a college frat boy. Not that he had ever been to college officially. He read and learned at such a pace that he didn’t have the patience for the typical classes of lectures and grading, but it was what someone compared to him once. And if it worked, it worked.
So when Quicksilver woke the next morning at a reasonable time, he felt perfectly fine. However, the second thought he had upon waking was how the journalist felt. He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes, his stomach growling. Magneto would want to see them immediately, but even the old man understood that his people needed to celebrate their success quietly. He’d be lenient for a bit, just a bit, but that was all the time Quicksilver needed. Bedelia, however, was another question.
Bedelia did not have the best night’s sleep. Perhaps it was the cot, perhaps it was the alcohol, but most of all, it was probably the dreams. She had vague nightmarish dreams of the past. It was probably prompted by the bloodshed and horrors she had seen the day before. Around her were bodies of the dead, the acrid scent of blood, and in the distance, an ever-encroaching fire. Eventually, the nightmares faded into a dreamless sleep, and before Bedelia knew it, she was waking to the sound of Quicksilver moving around.
Sitting up, Bedelia rubbed her eyes, removing the crud that had built up from her troubled sleep. Her eyes adjusting to the light, she saw Pietro freshly showered. She had never seen him without his hair slicked back before...she had to admit it looked better a bit shaggy. Getting out of the cot, she went to the bathroom with a change of clothes in hand and her toothbrush. Since she hadn’t showered last night, Bedelia desperately needed it this morning.
The water was cool but not cold. Bedelia’s throat was dry, but without concern for the safety of the water, she drank some while she showered. The water and clean feeling helped to wake her up and get rid of the lingering traces of alcohol. She had a hangover, but it was not that bad. She was mostly unrested.
Shutting off the water, she dried herself and changed using her toothbrush to remove more of the grim from her mouth, though she didn’t have any toothpaste. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw the dark circles under her eyes. There was some light makeup in her bag; it would do to hide them. Leaving the bathroom, Bedelia saw Pietro as he usually was: slicked-back hair, cocky smile, and well-fitted clothing that highlighted his muscles. Though the greasy breakfast food on thick, slightly chipped diner plates was not a usual feature.
There hadn’t been much to say between them; all was an observation. The first thing Pietro caught was the woman’s hair - if there was any promise of taming it, it certainly wasn’t in the morning. Overall, she was awake and not puking, so that was a win in itself. Magneto wouldn’t be happy if he poisoned their journalist with Mexico’s finest tequila. A shower and food would fix the rest of it. She didn’t have to look pretty; she just had to speak clearly and think clearly with Magneto and, more importantly, write clearly. 
He finished getting dressed while she showered. He ran a list through his head of things to do today. He’d still be babysitting her, but perhaps he could task Wanda or someone to check in on her while he stretched his legs. Having a telepath and a teleporter to look into what the outside world was saying was nice, but he preferred to be up close and personal to the information. 
The second Genosha break had been successful. No one was captured, no one was severely injured, and no one died. Well, except for the humans...but what did they matter? He knew their next attack, if there was any after the legal ramifications, would have to be rigid, controlled, and far more spread out. They were now prepared for the Brotherhood, so spreading their attacks would be wise. Pietro had a tactical mind, partly from his own personal nature and partly from experience. But if he was thinking ahead and always was, he knew Genosha was mostly taken care of. They would need to focus on their next target - he heard Azazel be sent off a time or two to the major cities. That suggested Magneto had his eye on something already.
That was on his mind as he slipped away to obtain their breakfast. The rest of the Brotherhood was quiet, and he wondered how many members were sleeping off a hangover. When he returned from the cafe a couple of cities away with their food and laid it out, he was amused to see a ragged-looking Avalanche looking in the fridge on his way in. Sucker.
He looked her over carefully at Bedelia’s appearance when she stepped out of the bathroom. She didn’t look too worse for wear. Tired, but not sick. Good. He picked up his own fork and plate and stabbed at the eggs. 
“Why do I have a feeling that I am going to owe you something for this,” Bedelia said, eating some of the fried eggs. 
“You will,” he said calmly, “about a thousand-word essay on why Quicksilver deserves his own team to utilize in the next attack.” The smirk on his lips was the subtle hint that he was joking. Mostly. 
A team for the next attack? She would be honest, Bedelia did not view Quicksilver as a team leader. He may be quick on his feet, literally, but that did not a leader make. Still, his smirk suggested he was joking, so she returned with a playful smirk of her own. “Of course. Point one - Quicksilver takes initiative providing appropriate post-drinking food to those under his watch.”
He took a large drink of the coffee, not minding the hot liquid burning his throat as it traveled down. A different burn from last night, but...his mind flickered unwillingly to Pyro’s remarks last night. He didn’t like what he had said, but he had dismissed it well enough last night because of the tequila. But now that he thought of it again, he took in the situation. There they were in his room with greasy breakfast - the best non-alcoholic cure for a hangover - and black coffee. 
He argued that he had traveled for breakfast because he didn’t like to cook. He argued that he had traveled to Mexico last night because he wanted authentic tacos and good tequila; somehow, Taco Bell didn’t have the real ‘victory’ feel. He wasn’t a man that half-assed things often. And that he flicked salsas at John and Dominic because...he didn’t like them bringing the mood down. It was basic common courtesy not to let a woman be harassed before him. And if he hadn’t, Wanda would have, he was certain - even though she had left before John. 
But the fact that he was arguing this at all to himself didn’t sit right with him. “Eat up; it’ll get rid of any aftermath from the drinks last night. Magneto’s eager to see you...hear your pitch on what the article will say in the rough draft.” He brought his attention back to what he needed to do, what she was there for. “Hope you dreamt of a rough draft...if not, your bullshitting skills need to be spot on.” He polished off the egg.
As they ate, Bedelia could feel his eyes moving over her. She tried to ignore it as if in the vain hope that ignoring his attention would make him stop thinking about it. Bedelia could hope that what he was thinking about wasn’t the questions she may have left him with last night about her schooling. Luckily his mention of meeting with Magneto and having a ‘rough draft’ brought her back to the present. She would deal with any difficult questions as they came. It was no use worrying about the possible future threats when her life was very much under threat at the moment.
“I have a pitch ready,” she told him. “I had hours during the plane ride yesterday to start on it.” Even as she spoke of yesterday, she regretted remembering the plane ride. The way she kept falling against him, his arm around her. Bedelia may have loved romance novels but she'd never really felt that attracted to people - Kurt was the first in years and even then it was more personality than appearance. Yet, yesterday their was no denying to her now that she felt strangely flustered feeling Pietro's arms around her. She wondered how quickly Stockholm Syndrome could set in. The psychological evidence for it was inconclusive at best but...
No. Obviously, she was just stressed and lonely, so she was latching onto the one that was nice to her, the one that was constantly around. He was conventionally handsome there was no denying that, but in a normal situation, she would not find him attractive. No. Bedelia was into those like Kurt: sweet, a little bit awkward, not a terrorist... Bedelia wondered how the German was doing. It had only been a couple of days, hopefully, he would forgive her sudden need to leave and still want to have that walk in the park. She needed to get back soon but the only way to do that was through working.
“I’ll be in here working if that’s alright. I’d rather not be disturbed by Pyro or Avalanche if I am in the kitchen...unless Magneto gives me leave to work from my house, of course.”
“Yeah...we’ll see about that.” Perhaps it would be better if she returned to her home. He’d go with her - and it would give him some freedom, some space. He needed to clear his head after last night.  “You can present your case to him, and see what he says.”
He shrugged, trying his best to portray an indifferent air - something that he was trying to convince himself that he was feeling. But had he really come to her defense before he should have last night? Oh, sure, he could have said he was avoiding a fight. Or, worse, the girl crying. If Pyro had pressed her and she hit him...there was no way to say what John would have done. Magneto would have been pissed if there was a fight inside the bunker. 
How would Bedelia fight anyway? He was suddenly wondering. He watched her, mulling over it. She was fit and healthy, sure, but she wasn’t overly muscular. Would she throw something at Pyro? Punch him? Would she even know how to punch? Had she ever been taught?
And then something fluttered from the back of his mind to the forefront. She had said something last night about dropping out of school. His brows furrowed briefly. “Where’d you say you went to school?” It was an out-of-the-blue question to her but not to him. Something in his gut was telling him to ask. She had mentioned it last night...along with the tale of the homeless mutants. It was a shame she was human; he thought, not for the first or last time. 
At his question, Bedelia had some of the coffee she was drinking go down the wrong pipe. God damn it, she thought he may have forgotten about that. Why did he have to go and bring it up now? After a couple of moments of coughing, she gave him a smile to show she was fine. “I studied criminal justice at George Mason University.”
He raised his eyebrows as he watched her cough. That was a dead giveaway. If he was going off a gut feeling at first, now he knew he was onto something. How very strange. He hadn’t expected the human to be so interesting. “George Mason University.” He echoed, finding it curious. He’d look into that. 
“Why Criminal Justice? You aren't exactly a defense attorney...or prosecutor.” Pietro could almost guess her response, that she’d say she was being a journalist to obtain evidence for those who might use it and he found himself a bit disappointed if that were true. He had liked the bit of surprise she gave just then.
“Criminal Justice isn’t just for becoming a lawyer,” she told him with a small chuckle, choosing her words carefully. “Though I’ll admit I considered it for a bit. Chasing down businesses that don’t follow regulation - even with how my parents died - didn’t appeal to me...I wanted something bigger, grander, and it just happened that my mom and I used to watch a lot of crime drama shows. Originally I wanted to be an FBI agent.”
The smile that spread over Pietro’s face showed his amusement. That was a surprise indeed. Alright, he enjoyed this. “An FBI agent.” He repeated, chuckling. “Alright...I can see that. So what changed your mind?” He was making a mental list of things to do, to look into whether or not she actually dropped out of that school, to check around some of his contacts to see if they had heard of her before the big article. Mutants had infiltrated the government, after all. 
Thank goodness, he smiled. That was a good sign. He wasn’t suspicious of her original career goal. If anything, he looked amused by it. Surely, he found the FBI and the US federal government as something to be mocked. Bedelia had gone from supporting the man to fighting against governments and the oppression of their people - well, of their mutants. It was not in the same form as the Brotherhood, but it was the truth. Yet, if he were to look into her story. Perhaps, it would be better to tell him the whole truth. Bedelia bit her lower lip and looked him cautiously in the eyes. “Pietro, after I graduated-” she started to say, then she heard Emma Frost’s voice in her head. ‘Magneto will see you. Now.’
The strangeness of it made Bedelia’s eyes widen. Wait, was Frost always in her head? Was she listening to her thoughts right now? “That was...weird,” she stated, not having a psychic speak in her mind before. She took the last sip of her coffee before standing. “I shouldn’t keep him waiting.”
At the expected, though still annoying, intrusion from Frost, Pietro put aside their conversation for now. He shrugged. “You get used to it. Typically she stays out of our mind outside of messages. Last time she tried to linger in mine, I gave her a headache.” His grin suggested some deviousness on his part. “Come on.” 
Fanfic Masterlist
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chopchopslide-juggalo · 9 months
Hi, this is just something that's been sitting in my notes for a while now. I wrote it on a night where I didn't quite know what to do with myself. Most of it is fictional or exaggerated, but it captured my feelings quite well that night. I can't really describe it, so if you have a minute. I'd appreciate it if you'd just give it a go.
Warnings: mention of suicide and death, drug abuse and depression.
English is not my first language. So If you find a grammatical error just tell me nicely and I'll see what i can do.
Everybody has flaws...
and I accept them so easily.
However when i say that, I never talk about my own.
I hate the things that make me less perfect.
Less important.
Less loveable.
Less worthy to live.
I hate how I'm dependent on sticks of tobacco that kill my lungs when I want to calm down.
What is my right to destroy myself when others lie in the hospital, their lungs close failure, waiting for someone to die who was generous enough to donate theirs.
I could've been that someone who was so kind.... If I had died at 13.
Now my lungs would probably kill them faster than their own.
I hate that I would rather deal with an unbearable headache on the next day, than endure my non intoxicated thoughts for even a night.
I could save someone's life, giving up only a small part of my liver.
If i hadn't made the decision to drown it in poison one too many times, hoping it would make my emotions go numb.
I hate that every time I take a pill for my pain, I get tempted to take more than I should.
Someone out there is fighting for their life and I'm here only one moment away from ending my own.
I hate how I can't keep my promises, because most days I'm not even able to gather enough energy to get out of bed.
Somebody worthy and lovable has waited for me time and time again, just for me to cancel two hours after the scheduled time of meet. They got themselves ready and waited, while I laid on my bathroom floor unable to move more than a few fingers at a time.
I hate how I can't seem to get my shit together.
I hate how I just can't be the responsible 23 year old I'm supposed to be.
I hate how I....
hate myself...
Everything I accept, understand and forgive in others
In me
I hate.
Why can't I get better if I hate all of my flaws? Why can't I just stop my self-destructing and kick myself out the door to do something? How many more breaking points do I need to live through to finally stop myself?
I think about these questions a lot.... Never got a reasonable answer though.
I got better. I didn't drink all the time anymore, I didn't smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day and i stayed away from other drugs. But i still stayed in bed. And i can't understand why i couldn't make the final step. Stop with it all and get it together.
I've gone back and forth a few steps over the last few months. From total blackout for a week to only a glass wine or two.
But everytime i get to the final step
It doesn't feel like one step
It feels like a trillion
And maybe that wasn't even that wrong
Maybe if I made another trillion tiny steps the last one wouldn't be so intimidating anymore.
I push myself to do a big final step though.
I push
I push and I push and I push
I stress.
Stress is my worst enemy.
I'd say if it was an other who stressed me. An assignment or a driver behind me honking for me to go faster.
However I don't get assignments anymore. Not when I don't even have a job.
And I don't drive. Not when I am scared I'd accidentally kill someone, because my mind doesn't seem to work like it should.
The only one that stresses me... Is myself
I am my worst enemy.
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gothicnyc · 7 months
Gothic Events Happening in NYC March
Widely hailed as one of the great classics of Western literature, INFERNO details Dante's journey through the nine circles of Hell. After meeting his guide, the eminent Roman poet Virgil, in a mythical dark wood, the two begin their descent through a mysterious world of miserable souls, horrifying tortures, and unending suffering.
Until the end of April
165 West 86th Street New York, NY 10024
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Trivia
Did you spend your youth pinning for vampiric affection? Then gather your Scoobies and join us for Buffy the Vampire Slayer Trivia at Home Base Bistro, our Bronze for the evening to celebrate The Chosen One
416 Third Avenue New York, NY 10016
Immediately after completing Flesh For Frankenstein, filmmaker Paul Morrissey and star Udo Kier created Blood For Dracula, a sumptuously depraved Euroshocker that tows the line between art and bad taste. Desperate for virgin blood, Count Dracula (Kier) journeys to an Italian villa only to discover the family’s three young daughters are also coveted by the estate’s Marxist stud (Joe Dallesandro of Morrissey’s Flesh, Trash and Heat). Stefania Casini (Suspiria) and Bicycle Thieves director Vittorio De Sica co-star in one of the most unique and outrageous vampire films in history, now scanned uncut in 4K from the original negative for the first time ever.
$ 15.00
136 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11249
The Red Party
Hosted by Elder Goth & DJ Sean Templar, the red party is sure to delight. Enjoy a night of gothic music and drinks at the mercury lounge. Come watch me dance my ass off.
$ 15.00
217 East Houston St, New York, NY, United States, New York
SAW The Musical The Unauthorized Parody of Saw (New York Off-Broadway)
One of the most thought-provoking horror films of all time now is…a musical. SAW The Musical hilariously captures the events of the first movie parodying the Saw that started it all following from where Lawrence Gordon and Adam Stanheight find each other for the first time in the bathroom trap. Will they follow "the rules" as they discover each other's secrets? Will they escape the game in time and saw right through? A love story with fluidity (and lots more fluids), 'SAW The Musical The Unauthorized Parody of Saw' is Little Shop of Horrors meets Avenue Q, pushing the boundary on sexuality and how to love. [Parental Advisory: Explicit Content]
$41 – $123
354 West 45th Street New York, NY 10036
Dark Delights
Step into a world of darkness and decadence as Dark Delights presents an unforgettable dining experience like no other. Join us in the grand hall, where an 8-course tasting menu awaits, presented by a staff of elegant vampires and their human servants. Event Admission Includes: 🍽️ 8-Course Tasting Menu 🍷 Unlimited Wine (Type A or B) 🥤 Soda & Water
$ 107.48
1745 Express Drive North Hauppauge, NY 11788
Charming Disaster's Musical Séance
Charming Disaster’s Musical Séance is part concert, part spirit divination, part guided tour of what may lie beyond the mortal veil. The playfully macabre goth-folk duo take on phantoms, poisons, witches, monsters, mediums, and more of their favorite things in this performance of original songs and mysterious onstage rituals. Charming Disaster invites you to get haunted with them – exploring the dark side with tongue in cheek and drink in hand. Séance kit included with VIP ticket!
$ 18.80
21 A Clinton Street New York, NY 10002
LGBTQ Secrets of the Met Museum Tour • NYC
Professor Andrew Lear, a four-time winner of the Harvard Certificate for Excellence in Teaching, will decipher the meanings of symbols, poses, and context while telling you the low-down on what's really going on. For Lear’s peerless insights on just one of the works in the Met’s unrivaled collection, visit The Gay and Lesbian Review. Famous artists and subjects appear but so do lesser-known artists and works whose homoerotic charge is often ignored.
$ 60.54
1000 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10028
Remembrance, Commemoration & Myth-Making: A Critical Look at Monuments
Join the American Federation of Arts for a panel discussion inspired by the AFA's traveling exhibition Monuments and Myths: The America of Sculptors Augustus Saint-Gaudens and Daniel Chester French. This talk will highlight the perspectives of artists, curators, and scholars engaging with monuments and the ways in which they influence history, identity, and memory in contemporary contexts. The program will be followed by a light reception and exhibition catalogs will be available for purchase.
215 West 57th Street #Suite 1 New York, NY 10019
Be sure to keep you eyes out! More events to be posted as the weeks progress!
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jennathearcher · 2 years
Tumblr media
the sparks of the friendly fire: a playlist in four parts for my house of the dragon inspired original character, jacaera targaryen, daughter of rhaenyra, twin sister of jacaerys, and intended betrothed to aemond targaryen 
chapter i: in flames i sleep soundly
1. king and lionheart - of monsters and men 2. bad blood - bastille 3. the last of the real ones - fall out boy 4. light of the seven - ramin djawadi 5. fate of the kingdoms - ramin djawadi 6. scars - i prevail 7. lament - ramin djawadi 8. feast of starlight - howard shore 9. throne - bring me the horizon 10. wedding song - yeah yeah yeahs 
chapter ii: i’ll keep your brittle heart warm
11. peace - taylor swift 12. it’s always summer under the sea - karliene 13. blood // water - grandson 14. the politics & the life - daniel pemberton & gareth williams 15. dark doo wop - ms mr 16. princesses don’t cry - carys 17. blind - placebo 18. woman king - iron & wine 19. mother’s daughter - miley cyrus 20. i see fire - ed sheeran 
chapter iii: a woman is a changeling
21. what could have been - sting ft. ray chen 22. the prince that was promised - ramin djawadi 23. aemond rides vhagar - ramin djawadi 24. iko iko - the dixie cups 25. impossible - exit eden 26. mama - my chemical romance 27. run on - jamie bower ft. king sugar 28. king - florence + the machine 29. the crown of jaehaerys - ramin djawadi 30. nothing else matters - ramin djawadi 
chapter iv: this is how we’ll dance 
31. the poison - the all-american rejects 32. princess of china - coldplay & rihanna 33. dinner & diatribes - hozier 34. leave out all the rest - linkin park 35. the chain - evanescence 36. if i burn - emilie autumn 37. let the flames begin - paramore 38. dance of dragons - ramin djawadi 39. you should see me in a crown - billie eilish 40. army of me - the great discord 41. empire - beth crowley 42. battle cry - imagine dragons 43. the royal we - silversun pickups 44. dragonstone - ramin djawadi 45. dracarys - ramin djawadi
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jade-escobar · 1 year
Poison & Wine | Jadrigo
Featuring: Jade Clark, @rodrigo-esc & Jeanette Shapiro; mentions of Jewel & Jett Clark, and Fletcher Van Hall Location: Saddle River Day School & Jade/Clover’s apartment; San Francisco, CA Date: Late afternoon/early evening, Thurs. March 23, 2023 Notes: "Oh your mouth is poison, your mouth is wine...” --The Civil Wars Triggers: Verbal abuse
Jade was saying goodbye to Jett and Jewel as their mom's driver escorted the two kids down the hallway and towards the nearest exit. Her twin half-siblings were singing harmony to, "Dear Theodosia" on their way out, which had Jade smiling to herself as she returned to the music room. With all of the kids in the cast and crew having gone home, Jade figured she should probably pack up her belongings and go too. The only things she'd had out were her songbook and a small container of mostly eaten grapes and almost entirely consumed cookies she baked. Her eyes went to Rodrigo as she secured the lid on the container. "That was a great rehearsal. The kids seem like they're about ready for the dress rehearsals. You're doing a really good job."
Rodrigo had picked up some leftover scripts and fliers left behind by his students. He quickly updated Ziggy on the show, sending him videos of the kids. He was so excited about the production and couldn't believe how close they were to dress rehearsals already. Soon, sound equipment would be available for the kids to test out the mics and he knew the children would be ecstatic.  Jade had stepped away to say goodbye to her siblings and he sat in one of the classroom chairs to listen to some music as he read Ziggy's text with a giant smile. When Jade returned to the room, he pulled out one bud, looking up at her, smile never wavering. He did that a lot around her ad it wasn't like he hadn't noticed it. "Ah, thanks. I mean, I couldn't do this without you and the other volunteers but you're such an instrumental part of these rehearsals. See what I did there?" His smile melted into a soft grin and he pulled the chair that was a few inches away from him a little closer. "Sit with me? I want to show you something."
Jade caught his pun and couldn't help herself smiling from it. "I see. Clever," she replied, the smile still on her lips as she looked back to the container, making sure the lid was secure at all four corners. She stacked all of the remaining 9 mini water bottles on top of the casserole dish-sized container, all of the bottles in neat rows except for one, which she'd purposedly turned on its side. Her bag was sitting next to the container and bottles but she left all of it alone to come and sit next to Rodrigo. For some reason, her heart always wanted to thump a little bit quicker whenever she was close to him--be it her needing to invade his space for a brief moment, or him coming over and leaning against the side of the piano while directing the kids through a number. "What did you want to show me?" she asked, looking up at him.
"Thank you, I'm here every day." He chuckled and was glad to see Jade sit beside him. He wanted to show her a cover of one of his favorite songs he had stumbled upon. "Here." He handed her his ear bud and pulled himself close enough so that he was sitting right next to her, shoulder to shoulder. "Sorry, my luxury phone." He chuckled at the slightly broken screen and looked over at her with a smile. She looked so pretty today. He wished he could tell her.  "Um, Do you like Etta James? This is a friend of mine covering I'd Rather Go Blind. It's a beautiful rendition. I wanted you to hear it." He kept close before pressing play, trying his best to ignore the very obvious tingling he felt just by being so close.
Jade let out a demure chuckle, head dipped a little bit as she did so. She saw the earbud he was holding and then said, "Hang on one second," Tilting her head away from Rodrigo while she undid her tragus stud earring, Jade told him, "I can't wear earbuds with these earrings in." She pushed the back into the earring and set it on the arm of the chair between them, and then accepted his ear bud. When he apologized about his phone, Jade shook her head, "It's okay. But I'm guessing that's not what you wanted to show me?" Her smile was brief and there was a curiosity until he asked her about Etta James and explained further. Situating the earbud, she said, "I love Etta James." With a new smile, Jade listened while leaning slightly into Rodrigo to look at the screen and his friend's cover. "This is beautiful," she spoke as though it was a secret between them. "Is your friend singing or playing the guitar?"
“Okay.” His tone was just above a whisper. He had learned to keep quieter around Jade. There was something about her that made things peaceful. When she took the earbud, he smirked at her comment and shook his head. He let her listen, smiling the entire time. “Singing. The one playing is her boyfriend. They’re incredibly talented. I knew you’d really this.” Rodrigo watched Jade as her gaze remained on the screen. He secretly hoped that she didn’t notice just how smitten he probably looked in that moment. “It’s nice that we have some similar tastes in music,huh?” (edited)
Jade really was enjoying the cover. The woman's voice was so smooth and the way she sang almost seemed effortless. It was almost enough to distract her mind from the accelerated thumping her heart had been doing. Almost. She kept watching the two perform the song and nodded a little when Rodrigo explained who each of them were to him and each other. "You were right, I do." Her lips tugged up at the corners a little and she lifted her gaze off of the phone screen and to Rodrigo's eyes. "Yes, it is. It doesn't feel like I've met or known a lot of people around my age who like jazz, or blues." The music made an ease flood over her, even though the anxious flutters still kept up in her chest and kept her eyes on Rodrigo. "This is nice... Really nice."
He wanted to be respectful and wanted nothing more than to make Jade comfortable. It was important to him that Jade understood how he felt about her, how much he cared already. "Yeah, I hear that sometimes." He smiled, his gaze still on her, his lips twitching into a soft smile. "You're really nice." He whispered as the song drifted. "Pretty. Beautiful..." His eyes melted into a softer gaze. He leaned in slowly, hoping she wouldn't pull away. "I wanted you to know that..."
Jade's heartbeat was picking up when the song ended. All she had to focus on now was Rodrigo--his kind eyes, the alluring smile on his full lips, and now, how much closer he was getting. She hadn't realized until that moment that kissing Rodrigo was something she wanted. She wanted to know what his full lips would feel like on hers. Would he be tender or kiss her deeply? She wanted to know if he would enjoy her lips on his. It had been years since she'd kissed anyone; would it be obvious the moment their lips connected? She tried not to overthink it and let the moment happen. Their noses brushed and her eyes started to close but before any of her internal musings could be answered, her phone rang, loudly from her bag. Jade jumped at the ordinary ringtone bringing noise back into the music room. She drew back and rolled her lips into her mouth. "I have to... sorry," she said, opening her eyes more fully again and reaching up to remove his earbud and place it in the chair seat she just vacated as she hurried to get the call. It could have been one of her staff phoning for an emergency but when she pulled the device from her bag, she saw, "Mom" on the caller ID. A bit deflated and simultaneously tense, Jade answered, "Hello?" and listened, eyes soon widening, "You could have told me you were coming over beforehand... no, I know... I know, I'm sorry. Okay... I'll be there in about fifteen minutes... no I'm not at work... I know you don't... okay... yes... I'll be there soon. Bye." Her mother ended the call before she could and with a slump in her shoulders, Jade placed her phone back in her bag and gathered everything up before turning back to Rodrigo. "I have to go. I'm sorry. But I'll see you at the next rehearsal, okay?"
He had decided in that moment he wanted this more than anytbing. He would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about it before. Rodrigo had spent enough time with Jade, shared so much with her, and talked to her every single day that he was certain he wanted to pursue this. He only hoped she felt the same and based on how she didn't pull away or didn't stop him from leaning in, Rodrigo knew this was his green light. "Can I--" and before he could ask Jade if he could kiss her, before he felt his lips against hers, before he could wrap his arms around her,  the phone rang and he cursed their bad luck. Swallowing back the anticipation, he pressed his hand against his cheek, feeling the warmth that had formed there.  A stupid, satisfied smile pulled at the corner of his lips because even though they didn't get to kiss, Jade wanted to. He listened to the conversation, slightly annoyed that someone was making Jade annoyed and when she said she had to go, he stood up wanting to stop her. But Rodrigo knew better than to press on. Instead, he nodded,opening the door for her. "Okay. Text me?" He leaned against the frame and smiled at her. "I had fun today."
Jade had the container and water bottles pressed to her chest to keep them from falling away. When Rodrigo opened the door for her, she smiled up at him, "Thank you. I will." The quick-forming memory of their almost kiss was starting to swim in her mind, keeping her smile on her lips as she told him, "I did too. See you later, Rodrigo." As much as she wanted to stay and wanted to hope for that moment to come back for the two of them, she knew she had to leave. If she didn't, her mother would continue to call and then resort to several text messages, and then switch back to calling. She hurried out of the school and to her mini van, setting everything inside and then situating herself in the driver's seat. Her apartment complex wasn't terribly far from the school and about 15 minutes later with the light traffic, she'd arrived. Leaving the water bottles behind, she took the container and her purse, and headed to her unit and up the stairs. Waiting at the landing was her mother, arms folded and a scowl on her face. "Honestly, Jade, what took you so long? And why are you coming home so late if you weren't at work? Please don't tell me you were up at that school. Haven't they finished with that silly play already?" Jade didn't reply right away to her mother and let the woman go on with her questions and comments, all of which were a dig or criticism in some way. Rather, she fished out her keys again and let the two of them inside. Jeanette didn't make appearances to Jade's apartment often anymore--the perks of having a roommate again and Jade managing to convince her mother that dropping in frequently wasn't being considerate of the other person occupying the apartment. She didn't have that excuse for the few months between roommates, prior to Clover moving in. Thankfully, this also meant Jeanette wouldn't stay long. To help shorten her time with her mother, Jade let the other woman know, "I need to take a shower. I'm sorry. We can talk as soon as I'm done."
Jeanette sighed as though she disapproved of this too, but when she spoke, she said, "Fine, but be quick about it, Jadey-kins. I wanted to go home a long time ago but you weren't home sooner. I did text you first, you know." Jade repeatedly flexed and relaxed her fingers. She did have a text from her mother that had come in while she was saying 'goodbye' to Jett and Jewel, but she hadn't checked her phone once since rehearsals had begun. Most people knew to only call her if it was important. Her mother's arrival made her anxious. What could she have to say that couldn't have been said in text or left in a voicemail? Jade tried her hardest not to think about it as she set the food container in the kitchen and then disappeared into her bedroom for a few minutes, followed by the bathroom to take her shower.
He felt...light. For an English teacher, Rodrigo was struggling with finding the words to explain how he felt. He was giddy, and for the first time in a long time, he was happy. He couldn't wait to see her again, couldn't wait to tell her everything he had been feeling. Jade was special, and Rodrigo was incredibly smitten. He looked for his earbuds, finding one in his pocket and the other on the arm rest of Jade's sure. Beside it laid her earrings, and while he knew she wouldn’t need it right away, he figured it'd be the perfect excuse to see her again. Even if it was for a few minutes. Having dropped Jade at her place before, Rodrigo knew where to go and he gathered his things, placing the earring in his shirt pocket before exiting the school and mounting his bike. He contemplating getting flowers maybe but thought he'd wait before overwhelming her for the night. Once he arrived, he removed his helmet and left it behind. Rodrigo made his way to her unit and before ringing her bell, he made sure nothing on him was out of place and donned a smile as he waited for Jade to come to the door
While Jade was taking her shower, Jeanette was slowly meandering around the apartment, looking at everything and making mental notes of the messes she came across. The apartment was relatively clean--very clean by most people's standards--but there were little things out of place: a throw blanket sprawled across the cushions of a love seat, rather than folded and draped neatly across the back. Framed artwork of roses that was resting a little crookedly on one of the living room walls; two dirty coffee mugs in the kitchen sink, mail was sprawled on the kitchen table, shoes abandoned in the hallway instead of lined up neatly on the shoe rack by the front door. And something about the floor made Jeanette feel it was overdue for cleaning. Jeanette had removed her coat and was about to perch herself on the living room's long couch when the doorbell rang. After she considered ignoring it, she set her designer purse down and made her way to the door. She opened it as though the apartment was hers and then looked up at the man on the other side of it. She'd taken in his appearance which was mostly decent, presentable, but the fact that a man was on her daughter's doorstep made Jeanette tense. Arching one brow higher than the other, she asked, "Yes? What do you want?"
His smile faded a bit when he realized it wasn't Jade at the door and as his mind tried to quickly figure out who the woman was, Rodrigo came up with a response that wasn't too rude. It was a knee-jerk reaction to react to someone the way he is treated but over the years, he's learned to bite his tongue. He'd thank his mother for that later. He figures that raising a son like him, gave her no choice but to help him with his personality flaws. "I'm a friend of Jade's. Is she home? I came to drop something off." He kept it vague as possible, using his talent to observe people at a quick glance in order to figure out who the distanced woman was. Friend? Relative? Roommate?
Jeanette's critical eye watched the change in the man's expression, and her equally keen ear heard his response. "Do you have a name?" She asked, keeping one hand on the door and the other on her hip. But shortly after having asked her question, she thought about his eager, hopeful expression when she first answered the door. Assumptions started forming and if she was right, he had hopes of being more than a friend and since Jeanette didn't already know him, she already decided that she didn't approve. Moving her hand from her hip, she held her palm out expectedly. "Jade's busy right now. I'll give her whatever you're dropping off for her so you can be on your way."
"Yes, of course. Sorry, I'm Rodrigo. Escobar. Rodrigo Escobar." He held out his hand waiting for it to be pushed away or something. He could tell the woman, whoever she was, was not in the mood for platitudes.  Hearing her response caused his expression to change again from perplexed to curious. "Oh? Yeah, yeah, sure. I'll just call her and let her know I came by. I'm sorry, are you her roommate?" He asked genuinely before reaching into the pocket of his shacket and pulling out her earring wrapped in a tissue.  He handed the item to the woman. "I feel like we got off on the wrong foot here. I'm her sibling's teacher. I'm not a creep or anything, I promise."
Jeanette mentally filed his name away and eyed his hand before briefly placing her four fingers to his extended hand. Her face became impossibly stonier than before when he asked if she was Jade's roommate. "I'm her mother," Jeanette replied flatly. She soured at Rodrigo further identifying himself, closing her fingers on the tissue that seemed to hold next-to-nothing in it. "What’s this?" She brought her hand close and opened it, letting the tissue fall open to reveal the earring inside. Jeanette narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing, and then schooled her face. She knew Jade had been helping her younger half-siblings with their school musical, much to Jeanette's disdain, but she was piecing together that there seemed to be more going on between her daughter and the man before her. "No, you're not a creep. You're just the man who came all the way to my daughter's apartment just to return an earring, correct?" She tilted her head a little while spearing Rodrigo with a mildly accusatory look, "You should know, you aren't very subtle with whatever feelings you're developing for Jade, but you should know now that they're pointless."
When Rodrigo heard who the woman was, it made zero to no sense. She behaved nothing like Jade or rather,  Jade behaved nothing like her. It was difficult to put together any similarities. "Um..." He let out a bit of a dry chuckle, unsure if he was being insulted or not. "Jade, I know it's important she has her things. I'm sure she would have really appreciated the earring back. And with the long weekend because of Spring br--" His words were cut off when the woman continued and now he was sure she was in fact, insulting him. "Ma'am, I assure you that you're mistaken. I came to drop off her belongings." But Jade's mother was right in her assumption but something in Rodrigo told him not to let her win this even though her saying that his feelings were pointless did pique his interest in learning why she thought so. "I'm sure Jade and I will make some time to talk."
"Oh I'm sure she would appreciate her earring back," Jeanette dryly replied, "but I'm also sure that with how much time she's undoubtedly invested in this little musical, that she would see you again, or that the earring could have been given to your students whom she's related to." Jeanette wouldn't deign to refer to Richard's other offspring as Jade's half-siblings, even if that's exactly who they were. She gave him a look that was a mix of puzzled and irritated. "Did you not hear me? You're wasting your time. And frankly, I'm sparing you from hurt feelings down the road. Any kindness she's paying you is just an act. Believe me when I say that she's a great actress--it's one of her stronger qualities." Jeanette was half listening for the shower water to shut off but since it hadn't happened yet, she asked, "Let me guess: she's given you a demure persona? Seemingly patient, kind, subtly showing off some of her talents in a way that's piqued your interest? Made you want to get closer to her?" She shook her head in a 'tsk tsk' manner and then told him, "Jade has other ambitions for herself, greater ambitions than some silly little relationship with you."
With how unpleasant Jade's mother was, he didn't want to believe anything she was spewing and he usually wouldn't if not for the part about Jade being a great actress. Julia was a great actress and there was a time he believed everything she said even when everyone else was screaming at him to see the red flags. But Jade? She never showed any signs of that. Or was she really that good? "How did you know? Did she mention me?" He didn't realize then he had fallen into her trap, slowly believing the words that were coming out of her mouth. "What did she say?" He didn't care how insulting it was, Rodrigo needed to know. Was this woman full of shit or did Jade play him just like Julia did?
Jeanette's expression melted into one of satisfaction when Rodrigo started questioning her. She'd shaken his confidence which made it that much easier for her to lie to his face. "Of course she's mentioned you. All the ways you've tried to earn her attention. Besides, I told you that you're not very subtle. You don't listen very well the first time, do you? Maybe that's why Jade should take my advice, hm? Not make letting you down this long, drawn out process." Taking her hand off of the door to give it a dismissive wave, she said, "But what do I know? I'm only her mother, right? Raised and provided for her, pushed her to strive to be the best, and never settle for anything less?" Eyes fixed on him, Jeanette asked, "So ask yourself, Rodrigo, are the best for Jade? And don't you think she's figured out the answer to that by now?"
He felt so...lost and that was an unusual threat for Rodrigo. It was like he was a little boy again and his father was standing before him ready to belittle him. He had no voice, no comeback, no effort left to defend himself and how could he? He had been played. Again. And this made more sense. This is the outcome that he knew would come. How could he be so foolish? He had noticed the pink flags; the way she'd let him down gently or tried to keep her distance. He figured she was shy but Jade was simply not into him. "She could just say that. I wouldn't be mad. We're adults after all. It was never that serious. Quote me." He swallowed the lump in his throat. "But you're wrong about me and I guess she is too. That's okay. Thank you for getting that to her. You have a good day, ma'am."
"Like I said. She's a good actress, not some saint, as much as it pains me to say. But I guess it's nice to hear from both of you that it was never that serious. You're both better off, I'm sure." Jeanette really had nothing to gain from all of this other than some short term satisfaction of toiling in Jade's life. It's what she deserved after all, after her colossal failure at persuading her father in naming her a proper Clark heir and securing her a hefty inheritance. In Jeanette's eyes, she had done absolutely everything to mold Jade into the perfect person--the perfect daughter, student, academic, athlete, whatever she was needed to be. And none of it made a difference, which was ultimately cemented by Jade being outnumbered by the arrival of Jett and Jewel. "If you say so, Rodrigo." Giving a half-hearted wave, she stepped back to shut the door, just as the shower water shut off from within.
"Yeah. Better off." He whispered the moment the door closed in his face. Rodrigo didn't actually believe those words and that's the part he hated the most. He wouldn't be better off without her. How is that even a plausible reality? It made him sick just thinking about it. The break would help in this situation but what happens the week of dress rehearsals? All back to normal? Lies? He was a kicked puppy now and he refused to stand there any longer. Rodrigo left the building, placing the helmet back on his head and choosing to text Fletcher if he'd be down for a drink.
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libidomechanica · 19 days
“Which bit of that pleasure and poor”
A limerick sequence
’ The lang! Which bit of that pleasure and poor. This we known; I should hurt her a    sky’s or the ways. To weare,    nor that’sauce forbidden crimes; factitious stones in the same times.
And, in parting gentle and made the sheet. And some mystic seal, a pleasured    splendid names, and    adorning kisse! An accessory, as pitying madrigals.
All are betrayed, whose riper should heart escapes; but never interfered in    pity like a rose—syne    pale blue eye, the nurses. A figured it or not. His other?
And even times; a school of grief indeed, where are pearl which cruell. The moon is    only fretted when    Oppression from the lingers to the gaudy spring disaster.
Your first. Years o’ joy. Set to my ear: hushed too, and answer’d, and raises toward    partly twas a mower.    See the very Suicide the raines should I for faire disguise!
I gave his. Rocks, and dame and bade him who meddle not to do, and still refuse,    nor doe not else, he    was wi’ my Deare, but few faux pas in my face I recognize?
I must a little head up as been so sad antique, bought so; but not that    winter day, each high up    there was nothing to be that passed. Or, like a beam of these kisse!
No wonder the cold, good but rarely came feature? Bed: goldilocks from off    heads, silk canvases, and    the strike mine eye the temples of an inspiration—gave his.
Where the clear, and never be drawn by the brave poor and pillow undertaking    in dreamed of the year.    He was far away with you, as if we misse this paradise.
When she council call’d glory to unwrap or reason gay, like wisest run.    For which will cost us    all who fry in your meeting. These possessed of her of custom.
Water, who whirl the nick of Hazeldean. Not find they, as I have seen’—but    anger. That joy was his    tents. As I, that many a darkness holds a tread, my mother.
In that sleep becometh dumb; the resinous birds. Ends love in Idleness.    My lady’s prattle, which    with love’s the world my love, and ever, mine. The little they fears.
Making bias, be it as it else, how like a young Pharsalians did sting.    A kind called me. Range    busily seeking wine of God, and roe, freely, within the facts!
My heart her birth, so many times start and lovely maid. The glowing was … the    next Cantos. That which might    blast has slain my arms fit you that live, except because the white.
My wife, read like wisest run. And count and then forgotten, my love and look!    See beauty’s angel mine,    mine he cannot today, I follow’d my advice. You had sound.
Were little by little left but they of poisoned bait. Which is wherefore    the fire, a net of rock    yawns,—you can quote what if that flows down, had I lain for the skies.
Husbands chastely taming; the woodbine spices of pianos, children    resist it doth feare, let    bee. Waiting wood, when the digest such a certain seems, to thee?
The fume of polished shaped like those vegetables of the other he heard walls    and fall, with sheep. Machine,    steal; I know, or drowne not vse setting your beauty frail, adieu!
And fly far into the breed, had joys refin’d of Selefkia just afterward    long! Moment white, as    birds are, fit to wants to fret with curls, and there, haunt me alive.
Bright is only heralds breaks running mouth my breast. He cuts the fatal ferry;    and that she felt so    wild flower. The dream include thee: no, no, no, no, not body.
I wanted good: I found, all in the after all, leaue nothing in the pale    Virgin daughter. With a    chill call’d small, without the Lord Augustus Fitz-Plantagenet.
Under who whirl the silence of it heavens endure, she carven glean the    pure and be my lot, far-    off sail is blacked-out window, if I say, mine. The art of spice.
I lo’ed her brother hair, and your sheep. Studied Spanish to hunt our charm no    more; with wrong. The people    must Stella know my mind;— of the setting shrubs, how like the last?
To make of the setting me, knowing, yellow she meet. Without respect, to    gi’en the long sea-wave as    man’s watch. The pleasure of the effort, which can face disaster.
But how the world which we met! Robes sweet Ends love: she guess’d, who eats fire gratitude    I find; and how soon    she steps, each day, and blessing an eclat, both in men the skies?
To calculators where before cared for thee, to have felt to dwell. Like sold    his pregnant pot her how    happy, happy’s a kind in battle keen’—but the mountains yields.
Alone so many time my sky: but what way, my friendship in a dream could    alike disarms the dance    lies. But whene’er be an oil paint: some believe life ends with whites.
What so fair, that crazed that art now hath my dear. The soil lies, dry as a poplar    or a pole, hard as    Newcastle, his other wealth hast struck one immense bride: and you.
Never croaks, at least that valley of shall add themselues and rolling in    footing in the swelling.    Of what neither old man’s waters warming by would gladly die?
Except behind; for ladie was a baskets.— But here the birds sing or years in    play, and goodly veil, which    there’s like a ballet- master; so many, and then publish?
Before, then, keen delight. Or Germany, where his back renown, when the lurking    bird, at least two cities,    when you think of deep kindness, but they are brought she could I?
But it were the sun. ’St thou hast the manor; but where has a garden I    see not enough thick and    smile on me best likely all ruby red, cheeks, I breathe my name.
Running ran, and myself and pointed twice, that gallant badge-the dewy down,    if by their estate and    could not wear not. As though of the parted, then the enema.
When a fevered tracks. One system eats at morning: but love you loves a long    yellow building in spring    or Old Master’s corn has ears: sighs, and only Queene of thee?
I love I shall add themselues we lose. But be relation, a hands and    in the black regards on    birthdays, glorious Angles in Boston, writing for she men.
The morning which much women, spring, a beauty, blind for fears as moist mirage    in deserts idleness.    What else, none enough for ourselves were born kneel once so dear.
My shy and deadly swell to another month at leap year, I felt her what    sing. Engineer boots, children    of girls which the roll- call draws them hovering letters, its long.
These days I speak. Or serious ghost radio, may of the wrong; his    otherwise twenty? She precious    stone so, love, thy kirtle, and this though chidden mystery.
Our ease, our thrift, our their backs, locomotive, like a cloud, and shield and gentle    common place. Monarch’s    plague, think thy shades, clouds o’er meikle and glimmer’d fair Eliza!
And rail, and prosers, words—but when we beloved. I kneel, not loue; no, no,    let bee. All that which human    this? Of course; still growing your charm no preacher can thy sweet.
Though chidden of the Knight at noonday. From its brother evident the    defendant doth Love speech a    fulfillment. The Lady Adeline, a hands before the wind.
As they can’t stop, and feed the first to practised in deserve their silence    for ever stirs this is    the shepherd swains shall cover. Love appeals the milk of her face.
When a man. But System eats firm on the stockade or taken out, little    breed a nation, though my    mind; the magic of heart is sauce for you have shaving ankle?
It were there, as any stone jaw of a hope for new. We telltale cheek, whose    piteous day, shall the land,    I am quite sure so, lover, floats airily oped her.
As thought about me no wit can driven: I hold his Paradise for their    verdict for want the marriage.    And all passionately enough for a long we have lied.
I ask in traffic on thee beds of artless the current of your badly    sweater and bride, and such    small passion thine would show mercy should to-night, the musk and sky!
Come into my fair Eliza! Not gaze upon his body of the roses    and let out so many    a soul, by choice alarms my whole and its cruel. Nay, wilt thou?
You know, may be, now are ways to do it, there before cared for the moon are    his pious consort did:    if he had more take. Where the stone set in that his joined clenched fists.
To save, when Old Love speaks of the finer polite than an anguish pay. Frosty    rime, now I am    here for the bays of this be other unnested day nor night.
She is stands; take made my lot, far-off sail is blown up for slaue. What something    all-clareted; and ever,    can’st thy shames, and seem but a drop like an earthquake’s ruin.
Which I at preserve the buzzing of the Knight, when she conscience, swift force within    this? Meadows and morbid    eating, or she call my wooing is held no hint of love.
Without be it as a strange; tis so proud spirit for thing. My backwoods and    do not know that his friends    in two, breakers plunge and robes loose or tradesman’s fault; and day.
Of smoke and in babble and gamed of a brilliant body. So many    a smiling the first sight    but, till the stood and beauty, believers fall about marriage.
Some heart wide, till a-falling. Of stubborn shell, which see Shakspeare’s every    beautiful fancy i    have I see you, my most full-waked senses; and fawn upon?
Together by pulleys like the pleasure and be thy face calculators    declare, upon earthy    beames but bitter incense paired with knout? Who wants him to me.
With desirable, we are heart was na sae ye glinted by, still    refuseth, giuing from off heads,    silk, or his fault. I told her millet on from hanging a blank.
Dies, thy servant’s loss, and when you the fall of a mystic diapasons; which    in tempest’s lour; and ne’er    I still in us, waiting from an aspire. That which the floor.
No, no, no, no, my Deare, let bee. Its ugliness and lilies of night as    I hate a drove of her    cheeks, I breath, less lie frae my Deare, let base cloud of poisoned bait.
But, in little to wise Oxenstiern. Both in turn, nor have got any. And    that heard which see Shakspeare’s    epigraph, new angel forth with my life and blood but small!
Especially with the comely fare, ye’re welcome, come, Font of the sheet I    smell and that right. A fox-    hunt to mee: no, no, no, no, no, no, my Deare, let us play?
Still I touch of sentimental boasts may still art and acts—and all the mountains    rear their punishment    is on the wars are always and simple in the year; all night.
Blank. Airport in men these joys refin’d of Selefkia from shore, and that she    stept—then let come who obey    would have take times—as out-of-date as a stranger than fees.
Thought else is bold even glean the little. Pipe on her feet, who, stead of the    Louvre, their soul, going    is her object to true mind is with fire and and be thy hands.
Live on the waves at the dangerous famish’d longing again: its salutary    aim, in the scorned    at something is in my best of two. That I deem’d to be cross.
—For oh, her own heart. Mark if he had seen or poppy seeds to wayward walls    and slight eyes, thou hast thy    cheek on cheek once more that chaste and reserved, I am tired.
The original of your powers do from me. Mere little poet is    what could not sweet envelope;    and a-propos of my dream’d, then those are betray us.
Perhaps she was not to expressly foretold, how much inspiration great    enough for a lonely:    where we could you will speak they loue. Above all night flattery?
And most of gold, and were you so, ’ utter’d weed, of small, from whom I could to-    night, than thine? Stood and    liberty, doth promise fort, cowards may the inward long journey.
And having so proud of humanity, unless gone. The clash of jarrings    which could have prove, for I    have lied. How does my sight, cried Dick, rose, and death-white and called me.
A face of the little thou repentance like an ominous base. How much    inferior to wean    Don Juan from year beauties in the winter’s chart, till a-falling.
Burn, or where be in the Friendly Few. As are void of another line: so    long memory in my    young and transitional era, that’s one of losing is done.
Myrtle; a gown free which I at present my finger, and truly not I    be like light of cruelties.    Not choosing—the hart, hind, and I was blawn, and light is Day.
Julia and I love you; there might beautiful seas assign’d. It is my way.    Why drinks it up: mine eye    is much sanity will perfumed the passion as e’er was that.
0 notes
firebat2023 · 11 months
the bibles take on gossip
this what the Word of God says about Gossip part 2
Proverbs 16:28
A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.
Proverbs 20:19
Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.
Proverbs 11:13
Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered.
Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Proverbs 26:20
For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.
Leviticus 19:16
You shall not go around as a slanderer among your people, and you shall not stand up against the life of your neighbor: I am the Lord.
Proverbs 18:8
The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body.
Psalm 34:13
Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.
Proverbs 10:18
The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool.
1 Peter 3:16
Having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.
Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
1 Timothy 5:13-14
Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying what they should not. So I would have younger widows marry, bear children, manage their households, and give the adversary no occasion for slander.
Titus 2:2-3
Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good,
James 3:8
But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
Psalm 41:7
All who hate me whisper together about me; they imagine the worst for me.
Proverbs 18:6-7
A fool's lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating. A fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul.
Proverbs 16:27
A worthless man plots evil, and his speech is like a scorching fire.
Psalm 15:1-5
A Psalm of David. O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill? He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart; who does not slander with his tongue and does no evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend; in whose eyes a vile person is despised, but who honors those who fear the Lord; who swears to his own hurt and does not change; who does not put out his money at interest and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.
Psalm 41:6
And when one comes to see me, he utters empty words, while his heart gathers iniquity; when he goes out, he tells it abroad.
Psalm 23:1-6
A Psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. ...
1 Timothy 3:9-11
They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless. Their wives likewise must be dignified, not slanderers, but sober-minded, faithful in all things.
Ephesians 4:25
Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.
Matthew 7:1
“Judge not, that you be not judged.
Proverbs 11:12
Whoever belittles his neighbor lacks sense, but a man of understanding remains silent.
Deuteronomy 13:14
Then you shall inquire and make search and ask diligently. And behold, if it be true and certain that such an abomination has been done among you,
Psalm 15:3
Who does not slander with his tongue and does no evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend;
Proverbs 26:28
A lying tongue hates its victims, and a flattering mouth works ruin.
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ancestorsofjudah · 1 year
1 Kings 16: 21-28. "The Night Club Singer."
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Omri means "ecstasy of worship." Ecstatic experiences according to the Tanakh are found in one place for one reason, and that is in the love crevasse after penetration by the stem of the love apple.
But the audience is divided. Let's see what happens next:
Omri King of Israel
21 Then the people of Israel were split into two factions; half supported Tibni son of Ginath for king, and the other half supported Omri. 
22 But Omri’s followers proved stronger than those of Tibni son of Ginath. So Tibni died and Omri became king.
23 In the thirty-first year of Asa king of Judah, Omri became king of Israel, and he reigned twelve years, six of them in Tirzah. 
24 He bought the hill of Samaria from Shemer for two talents[a] of silver and built a city on the hill, calling it Samaria, after Shemer, the name of the former owner of the hill.
25 But Omri did evil in the eyes of the Lord and sinned more than all those before him. 
26 He followed completely the ways of Jeroboam son of Nebat, committing the same sin Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit, so that they aroused the anger of the Lord, the God of Israel, by their worthless idols.
27 As for the other events of Omri’s reign, what he did and the things he achieved, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel? 
28 Omri rested with his ancestors and was buried in Samaria. And Ahab his son succeeded him as king.
Tibni son of Ginath is the competitor for Ecstatic Worship, which we know from the previous section defines and unites the people. So long as they worship with the wine and not the poison, the affairs of a praiseful people should not go awry.
Tibni "the intelligence shield" is how this is done:
The verb בנה (bana) means to build, mostly of stone buildings and thus of houses and thus of families and dynasties: hence the association between this verb and the nouns אבן ('eben), stone, and בן (ben), son.
Noun בניה (binya) means a building in the sense of a structure. Noun מבנה (mibneh) means building in the sense of place of building. Noun תבנית (tabnit) means building in the sense of the act of building: a construction, pattern or image.
Noun תבן (teben) means straw (the stems of grains), which was inserted into clay to enhance the structural integrity of the building. We do the same today with carbon fibers.
The verb גנן (ganan) means to surround, cover or defend. Nouns גן (gan) and גנה (ganna) mean garden. Noun מגן (magen) means shield and verb מגן (magan) means to shield or deliver.
Worship wins. Is this a good thing or not?
The Gematria for v . 23 states: 7114, זאאד‎‎‎‎, zaad, "to perceive the reverence in the voice."
The verb זוע (zua') means to tremble or quake out of reverence (Esther 5:9), aggression (Habakkuk 2:7), or old age (Ecclesiastes 12:3). The verb occurs only these three times in the Bible.
Its sole derivative is the feminine noun זועה (zewa'a), meaning a trembling out of terror (2 Chronicles 29:8, Isaiah 28:19, Jeremiah 15:4). Twice this noun occurs in a variant spelling: זעוה (za'awa; Deuteronomy 28:25, Ezekiel 23:46).
The verb αδω (ado) means to sing, chant or recite: to sound the voice. It's a contraction of the verb αειδω (aeido), which in the classics could apply to the human voice but also to that of crowing or hooting birds, croaking frogs, the whistling wind and even objects such as a twanging bow string or a ringing rock when struck.
The pedigree of this verb is unclear, although it's generally thought to relate to αυδη (aude), voice or speech, which in turn appears to relate to the Sanskrit noun vada, speech.
These words' similarity to the familiar Latin audio, which ultimately stems from the Proto-Indo-European root "au-", to perceive, appears to be accidental.
Our verb αδω (ado) evidently emphasizes the human voice, and thus the text-part of a song.
Certainly worship without a brain is no good, as is worship without reverence for nature and humanity. The Tanakh regularly discusses how diabolical intelligence is without proper perception of the nature of God that is beneath all that manifests in creation.
Because this text is within the Melachim, a handbook for Jewish Royals, we are told to follow this ideal in the Court. It must be enforced by example and the protocols that govern the church and temple.
The next verse also has Gematria:
24 He bought the hill of Samaria from Shemer for two talents[a] of silver and built a city on the hill, calling it Samaria, after Shemer, the name of the former owner of the hill.
Samaria =
The verb שמר (shamar) means to guard or to exercise great care over. Noun שמרה (shomra) means guard. Noun שמר (shimmur) means night watch. Noun אשמורה ('ashmura) or אשמרת ('ashmoret) refers to the night watch as unit of time.
Noun משמר (mishmar) describes the "place or agent" of guarding, which may come down to either a prison or a guard, but it may also describe the keeping on some religious observances or something like that.
Noun משמרת (mishmeret), literally meaning "with the function of watching," used in the sense of a charge or obligation; an official function of guarding. Noun שמרה (shemura) describes an eyelid.
Two Talents of Silver are 2366, בגוו‎‎‎ , "in the ocean". A city on a hill is 1104, אא‎‎אֶפֶסד, "I'm sorry"
If we broaden the equation to the rest of the verse, "A city on a hill that is called..." =3514, ג‎הא‎ד‎, gahad,
ga=all non-human nations
ha=have witnessed
ad=but can advance
SO if we look in the surface of the sea, we can become more like God and become less sorry. But first we must be aware of what lies ahead- so we want to say to God I am sorry when we Audience with him, or do we want to say we made something out nothing and became like Him, incorporate His values and become more like the infinite?
But Omri did not worship with intelligence, he acted and repented for the wrong things- he ate a milk chocolate covered deep fried ham loaf, shit in his nice clean pants and apologized to God, for example, while the Kingdom prayed to its boy band idols which were all over the place, and that is why he failed in the Eyes of God.
=9961, טטו‎א, tatua
ta=hired a harlot
tu=became visually impaired as if peering through smoke
ah=and created a fad
=No political parties.
The City on the Hill that Watches sees through the worship of the wrong things and finds what is insightful, intelligent, brilliant and miraculous in the writing of our ancestors and projects itself forward, as far as possible in the building of a free and prosperous people that are utterly untroubled about a single thing.
To worship, publish the peace and live within it, knowing God was right to tell us to do it, this is verily the cause of the ecstasy of worship. For this to be possible we need a King and Court that are willing to invest in it and stand behind the Agreement mankind made with God so far now in the distant past.
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hardterri · 2 years
Mandrake roots
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Mandrake in Hebrew is דודאים (dûdã'im), meaning “love plant.” Most interpreters hold Mandragora officinarum to be the plant intended in Genesis 30:14 ("love plant") and Song of Songs 7:13 ("the mandrakes send out their fragrance"). There are classical Jewish commentaries which suggest that mandrakes help barren women to conceive a child. Soon after this Leah, who previously had had four sons but had ceased to become pregnant for a long while, then became pregnant once more and gave birth to a son. The trade offered by Rachel is for Leah to spend the next night in Jacob's bed. Rachel, Jacob's second wife, the sister of Leah, is desirous of the mandrakes and she barters with her sister for them. In Genesis 30, Reuben, the eldest son of Jacob and Leah, finds mandrakes in the field. Dioscorides, a Greek physician of the first century, described how a wine made from mandrake produces anesthesia, noting it can be used for those who cannot sleep, or have severe pain, or are being cauterized or cut, with the use of it resulting in that they will not feel pain (Peduto 2001).Ĭultural references, myths, and magic Hebrew Bible It historically also has been used as emetic (induces vomiting) and purgative (induce bowel movements) (Blakemore and Jennett 2001).įrom ancient times, the root was promoted for such uses as an aphrodisiac and for fertility. The root can be very toxic, but also is used as an adnodyne to relieve and soothe pain (by lessening the sensitivity of the brain or nervous system) and for its soporific properties (inducing sleep). Mandrake's medicinal uses date back to ancient times, with references to it being used as a cure to sterility in Genesis 3:14-16 and in the time of Pliny (23-79 C.E.) it was being given to patients before surgery by having them chew of pieces of root (Blakemore and Jennett 2001). The Arab name mandragora means "hurtful to cattle" (Blakemore and Jennett 2001). The fruit likewise causes poisoning in cattle. Symptoms of overdose may include mouth dryness, dilated pupils, ataxia, urinary retention, hallucinations, convulsions, coma, and death.Īll parts of the mandrake plant are poisonous. Pharmacologically, they are the most powerful known anticholinergics in existence, meaning they inhibit the neurological signals transmitted by the endogenous neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Chemically, the molecules of these compounds have a characteristic bicyclic structure and include atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine. One of the most important groups of alkaloid compounds found in members of the Mandragora genus are tropane alkaloids, which also are found in the Solanaceae genera Atropa (the belladonna genus), Datura, and Brugmansia, as well as many others in the Solanaceae family. Even today, in neopagan religions such as Wicca and Germanic revivalism religions such as Odinism, the mandrake continues to play a role. With roots that sometimes contain bifurcations causing them to resemble human figures, mandrakes long have been associated with mystical properties and with magic rituals. References to the importance of mandrake in human culture trace back as far as the book of Genesis and in ancient Greek and Roman societies. Mandragora species are native to the Mediterranean and the Himalayas. The term mandrake also is commonly used for the roots of these plants, which contain poisonous alkaloids and have been used medicinally for their anodyne (relieves pain through external application) and soporific properties, but also can lead to delirium and hallucinations. Mandrake is the common name for any of the herbaceous, perennial plants comprising the genus Mandragora of the nightshade family Solanacea, and in particular Mandragora officinarum, whose long, fleshy, often forked root can roughly resemble the human body and has long had medicinal, mystical, and magical properties associated with it.
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hela-avenger · 4 years
poison & wine- part 23
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1095
Summary: Prince Loki of Asgard is in need of a date to take back home. That’s where you come in with a task of your own to make the whole trip with an insufferable prince worth it. Too bad that things don’t always go as planned and you end up giving more than you can take. Fake-Dating AU.
A/N: Keep an eye out on Saturday for a Bonus Training Scene! Shoot me an ask/message if you’ll like to be tagged to the series!
poison & wine masterlist
Loki tightens the strap on your side before finally releasing you. You felt stiff and weighed down. All of the armor Loki had deemed necessary for you to wear was on your person and it was making you immobile. 
“So you get to wear your usual leather outfit and I have to wear all this,” you complain as you look down at the metal garbage that covers your arms and legs. “I can’t move.” 
“Would you prefer your usual dress and heels?” Loki offers. “I’m sure that’ll help you.” 
“At least I’ll be able to walk,” you mutter. “How am I supposed to fight if I can’t move?”
“Well, if all goes well, you shouldn’t have to fight at all.” 
Loki is still inspecting all of your armor pieces distracting himself in the menial task. You knew he was stalling. You just didn’t know why.
“Hey,” you call out to him. “What’s wrong?” 
“One simple lie has placed you into such terrible danger,” Loki sighs out. “And yet you face it with no fear.” 
“I have no reason to be afraid,” you answer. “You’ll be there with me.”
Loki’s surprise at your response is obvious on his face and you simply smile up at him.
“So enough with this,” you state as you start to undo the plates on your arms. “You’ve worried enough about me. It’s time for me to worry about you so… why aren’t you wearing any protection? You’re the one actually fighting this thing.”
“I’ve fought worse with less,” Loki answers. “I’ll be fine as is.” 
“If you say so,” you whisper, finally being able to stretch your arms and legs out. Loki doesn’t seem too pleased with your mobility but knew there was no point in arguing with you. “How about we get things started?” 
Loki snaps into focus and nods. 
“Right, tell me,” Loki states. “Do you have any experience with weapons?” 
“I know how to shoot a gun.” 
“Yes, well, Asgard isn’t very fond of that barbaric weapon so you’ll have to make do with the bare basics; a sword and the dagger I gifted you.” 
Loki states as he pulls out a sword from the armory. 
“Not that I don’t appreciate this at all,” you state as you take the sword from him. “But I thought you were gonna teach me how to use my magic.” 
“It’s called seidr,” Loki corrects as he leads you to the training grounds. “And we will get to those lessons soon enough. I need to see what you’re capable of.” 
Loki apparates a sword out of nowhere and takes a fighting stance against you.  
“Right, ok,” you mutter under your breath as you raise your own sword. “Well, this is heavier than I thought.” 
You expect some sort of countdown but Loki is quick. His sword hits yours causing it to fly out of your hand. You let out a sigh and look up at him. 
“How about we try close combat?”
“There should be no need for you to get close to anything,” Loki argues as he picks up your sword and hands it to you again. “Now let’s try again.” 
“Loki…” you sigh. “You said I had no fighting chance. Why are we wasting time in training me with a sword when we could be doing something more productive? Like the seidr.”
“Yes, Loki,” a voice calls out from behind you. “Why waste this precious lady’s time?” 
Loki’s jaw tightens. A scowl settling into his face as he glared at the person behind you prompting you to turn around to see who it is.
A man in silver armor steps into the arena with a woman by his side. The man was grinning while the woman seemed to wish to be anywhere else but there.  
“It’ll be best to teach her how to run, Loki,” he continues with a chuckle. “You won’t be able to keep her safe by pure magic tricks.”
“I’ve reserved the training grounds for a private practice,” Loki answers ignoring his mocking commentary. “What are you doing here?” 
“Thought I’ll come say hi,” he answers. “Meet the poor soul that has the tragedy to court you.” 
“Excuse me?” you can’t help but respond. You didn’t have much of a tolerance for a bully. Especially one who expected you to be a damsel in distress in need of his help. “And you are?” 
“Sir Fandral,” he introduces as he takes a step forward. He offers his hand for you to take but you ignore it. Fandral clears his throat and simply smiles, tucking his hand back behind him. “And this is the Lady Sif. You must be the Lady Y/N of Midgard.” 
“I am,” you answer, recognizing their names. “You’re Thor’s friends.” 
“Ah, so you know of us,” Fandral smiles. “That’s great.” 
“Thor speaks highly of you,” you continue. “I don’t see it.” 
Fandral’s grin falls while Loki snorts behind you. Fandral glances at Lady Sif who simply shrugs. She looked bored. As if she was used to being dragged into menial pissing contests. 
“You interrupted our practice,” you state. “Do you mind if we return to it?”
“Right, yes,” Fandral stammers out in surprise. “We shall leave you to it.” 
Fandral bows his head and turns to leave but the Lady Sif has yet to do the same. She looks at you as if she was still trying to make sense of your own character.
“Perhaps it’ll be best if you switched to a shortsword,” she suggests. “It’ll be lighter and more agile to move for a beginner. I can teach you how…” 
“Thanks for the suggestion but I can teach her just fine,” Loki interrupts her.
“I was speaking to her.” 
Though Sif’s help would be useful she was only offering it in spite Loki as a way of undermining him.
“Like he said,” you answer. 
Sif just sighs and nods reluctantly. 
“My offer still stands,” Sif states before turning to Loki. “You know she needs it for what’s to come.” 
Loki glares at her as she walks away so you simply obstruct his view of her. He looks at you pensively before motioning to your sword. You offer it to him and he simply casts it aside. You’re surprised at the act but he doesn’t allow you a chance to question him as he starts to speak.
“We’ll start off with protective spells,” Loki states. “From there, we’ll move to the attack.”
Loki takes a deep breath and nods. 
“Let’s hope you’ll have no use for it,” he answers. “Now, let’s begin.”
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poison & wine tag: @damalseer @just-the-hiddles @jessiejunebug @nonsensicalobsessions @smollest-soybean @assassinoftheworld @readerbandit @doyoufeelikeayounggod @strangemcuvlogs @ha-tep @i-dont-know-eiither @gene-king @day-dreaming-fox @bn-studies @is-it-madness @devilbat @victor-criss-bish @skinny-macncheese @musicconversedance @baby-bunnyxn @fandoms-allovertheplace @marvelloonie @jinxjinxednova @queenmuahaha @accio-boys @eternalqueensworld @umlvk @roger-the-reindeer @punkrockhufflefluff @your-local-abyss @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rogerrhqpsody @imsad420 @pandacookieowo @justnerdystuffs @hanoi15​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-njorddottir @aoirohi
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie
163 notes · View notes
whatsupbomb · 2 years
Random asteroids I've found (most of them are in Russian or Belarusian)
❗PART 1❗ ➡️ from Z to S ⬅️
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Zvezdara (#1700): gifted in astrology/talent to read stars
Zverev (#2323): animal
Zubritsky (#121594): smug
Zubov (#10022): teeth
Zuber (#6635): bison
Zolotov (#8142): gold
Znannya (#11481): knowledge
Zlata Koruna (#4408): golden crown
Zhukov (#2132): beetle
Zephyr (#12923): marshmallow
Zelezny (#9224): adjective "iron"
Zech (#2623): prisoner
Zavist (#7440): jealousy of someone or something
Zappala (#2813): woman who desperately fell in love
Zamka (#119890): castle or lock
Zajic (#10626): rabbit
Zagreb (#187700): person who stole something
Zagar (#6746): tan
Zadornov (#5043): full of life
Zabori (#175017): fences/obstacles/restrictions
Yatsuka (#7097): "I'm a beach"/self-reproach
Yarilo (#2273): Slavic god of Sun
Yamaguchi (#15841): "I'm allmighty"/self-appreciation
Yangel (#3039): "I'm an angel"/self-proclamation of innocence
Yada (#23241): poison
Wygoda (#15160): benefit from something or someone
Wirt (#2044): virtual sex
Winokur (#17262): to drink wine and smoke
Wilke (#4117): fork
Wielicki (#173094): the greatest
Weseley (#25513): to encourage a person
Werkhoven (#13357): supreme person
Washi (#9063): yours/gratuitous donation
Vydra (#21290): otter
Vsetin (#27079): online
Vreeland (#287374): land of lies
Volk (#6189): male wolf
Vodop'yanova (#4851): drunk from water or vodka
Vodicka (#44885): water
Vnukov (#216910): grandchildren
Vityazev (#17356): powerful man
Veverka (#2710): squirrel
Vetter (#18377): wind
Veseli (#2599): positive person
Verulamium (#4206): treacherous person
Vertinskij (#3669): tireless
Verkhivnya (#155116): supreme woman (high priestess)
Verish (#84225): naivety
Vera (#245): religion/belief
Vartovka (#27525): return/comeback of someone
Tsvet (#2770): colour/flowers blooming
TRIUMF (#14959): triumph
Tost (#13334): toast/fried bread
Tolstikov (#3357): obese person
Tigris (#13096): female tiger
Thekla (#586): woman who has a huge crush on someone/horny woman
Thalia (#23): waist
Terzani (#199677): torment/regrets
Teply (#12852): warm (could mean your child cause they like to bask next to their parents)
Szkody (#170011): disobedience
Symmetria (#9669): symmetry
Svoboda (#2559): freedom
Sveta (#4118): light
Svecica (#8443): to glow with your aura
Sudachi (#12435): rumours about you
Succi (#13689): beaches/people you hate
Stravinsky (#4382): one who plays people off against each other
Straczynski (#8379): frightening/horrendous
Stone (#5841): moaning
Sterpin (#2463): forgiving person
Stana (#35446): state of mind
Sputnik (#16260): partner/assistant/secretary
Spector (#18132): spectrum/variety
Sor (#4865): family conflicts
Smyslov (#5413): meaning
Smirnova (#5540): obedient
Smetana (#2047): sour cream
Slovtsov (#7453): words
Slavia (#2304): glory
Sladkovich (#4781): sweet
Skovoroda (#2431): frying pan
Siva (#1170): gray-haired (in Belarusian)
Sita (#244): a person who dumps his trash on you
Sirataka (#12445): orphan
Simeisa (#748): encouragement to laugh
Shuttleworth (#14310): a person who wants you to question your abilities/bully
Shaposhnikov (#1902): hat or high boots
Severny (#1737): adjective "north"
Severi (#30305): noun "north"
Sedov (#2785): gray-haired (in Russian)
Scott (#876): cattle
Schramm (#113952): scar
Scholl (#2959): school
Sassi (#7500): "go suck something"/offensive someone
Salacia (#120347): salad
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vanderwoodlings · 2 years
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my best friend: a blair/serena playlist (x)
Text version of the tracklist (and commentary) under the cut
1. “Butterflies,” Kacey Musgraves. I love this one as a sense of, like, what them together is—Now, you're lifting me up 'stead of holding me down/Stealing my heart 'stead of stealing my crown
1. “Butterflies,” Kacey Musgraves. I love this one as a sense of, like, what them together is—Now, you're lifting me up 'stead of holding me down/Stealing my heart 'stead of stealing my crown
2. “Cannonball,” Damien Rice. 'Cause it's not hard to fall/And I don't wanna scare her/It's not hard to fall/And I don't wanna lose. Flirting with your bestie,,,,
3. “I Was an Island,” John-Allison Weiss. Aaaaand we’re all the way back to being little kids—just, like, Blair especially doesn’t really let people other than Serena in, and we gotta speak to that
4. “I Think We’re Alone Now,” Tiffany. Children behave/That's what they say when we're together/And watch how you play/They don't understand
5. “Under Your Spell,” Desire. I was wondering… Do you know the difference between love and obsession? Pre-series entanglement vibes
6. “Complicated,” Avril Lavigne. Okay so yeah, obviously, there’s the sense of the Blair that no one else but Serena sees, but I think there’s also a level on which this speaks to pre-series Blair @ Serena, yk?
7. “Wonder,” Chey Rose. Sometimes I wonder/If I might love her/As more than a friend
8. “Jenny (I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship),” Studio Killers. I don't know how to say this/‘Cause you're really my dearest friend
9. “Nobody Knows Me At All,” The Weepies. Ah, what can you do? There's nobody like you. Nobody knows me at all. Thinking about Serena at boarding school, personally
10. “No One’s Gonna Love You,” Band of Horses. They’re so unhealthy at the start of the series I love it. We're reeling through an endless fall/We are the ever-living ghost of what once was/But no one is ever gonna love you more than I do/No one's gonna love you more than I do
11. “One Week,” Barenaked Ladies. Speaking of! The way Serena rolls with Blair’s anger at the start of season one feels so practiced, I think, for a lot of it—they have their rituals for when things fall apart. But it’ll still be two days ‘til I say I’m sorry
12. “I Don’t Smoke,” Mitski. Uh yeah that same thing but please remember. The kids aren’t alright
13. “I Will Follow You into the Dark,” Death Cab for Cutie. If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks/Then I'll follow you into the dark
14. “Landslide,” Fleetwood Mac. I’ve been afraid of changing/Because I built my life around you
15. “Jolene,” Dolly Parton. Hi Nate!!!
16. “Breakeven,” The Script. What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you/And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're ok?
17. “Bee-Sting,” The Wombats. You drive me crazier than a wingless bee/You drive me crazier than I wanna be/Put your best dress on, better make it black/I'm going out but I'm not coming back. Isn’t it fun when they drive each other tup the wall?
18. “R U Mine?” Arctic Monkeys. But have we fully considered they get under each other’s skin like that because they can’t communicate about their feelings? I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be/And satisfaction feels like a distant memory/And I can't help myself, all I/Wanna hear her say is "Are you mine?"
19. “The Anchor,” Bastille. Let the parties end when we lose our friends/'Cause you cut through all the noise/Let the years roll on 'till the static comes. They’re soulmates <3
20. “Poison & Wine,” The Civil Wars. You only know what I want you to/I know everything you don't want me to
21. “Easy Silence,” The Chicks. I do not know how this much country ended up on here. And I've got all the world to lose/But I just want to hold on to the/Easy silence that you make for me/It's okay when there's nothing more to say to me
22. “Rivers and Roads,” The Head and The Heart. Rivers and roads/Rivers and roads/Rivers ‘til I reach you
23. “Happy Together,” Gerard Way, Ray Toro. No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be/The only one for me is you, and you for me
24. “Who’d Have Known,” Lily Allen. And even though it's moving forward/There's just the right amount of awkward/And today you accidentally called me "Baby". Getting together era
25. “Kiss Goodnight,” I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME. I hope we kiss goodnight/It might just end my life
26. “Still Into You,” Paramore. Can't count the years on one hand/That we've been together/I need the other one to hold you/Make you feel, make you feel better
27. “Cecilia and the Satellite,” Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness. I always love the sense that Serena is unable to be still, even when things are good. Don’t be afraid, Cecilia, I’m the satellite/And you’re the sky
28. “Such Great Heights,” The Postal Service. And I have to speculate/That God himself did make/Us into corresponding shapes/Like puzzle pieces from the clay
29. “Boxes,” The Goo Goo Dolls, acoustic version. You are the memory that won't ever lapse/When twenty-five years have suddenly passed/Wherever you take me, it's clear I will go/Your love's the one love that I need to know
30. “Beautiful Girls,” Sean Kingston. See: the end of 1.04
Bonus track: “Call Off Your Ghost,” Dessa. It’s very intensely them, but it doesn’t fit the ‘working out eventually’ vibe of this playlist
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lilyoffandoms · 3 years
Choices Masterlist I
Please be aware of warnings and tags on individual fics before reading. Some contain tw and cw and others are nsft. Be responsible for your space and well being please.
Complete Masterlist here.
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Fics are divided by book and then character and beneath each character are listed oldest to newest. Second masterlist with newer fics can be found here.
Random/Multiple Pairing Drabbles
Four Birthday Drabbles for @storyofmychoices
Drabble & Drabbles
Drabble (Bryce Lahela x Olivia Nevrakis)
Blades of Light and Shadow Masterlist
A Courtesan of Rome
The Greatest Gift (Arin x Syphax)
Crimes of Passion
Trystan Thorne
Wine We Drink (Trystan x Gabriel)
To Be (Trystan x Gabriel)
Plus One (Trystan x Gabriel)
You Have No Idea (Trystan x Gabriel)
Awkward (Trystan x Gabriel)
Right (Trystan x Gabriel)
Fishing Expedition (Gabriel & Olivia)
Desire and Decorum
Prince Hamid
Cupcakes (Hamid x Daphne) for @lorirwritesfanfic
Drabble (Hamid x Daphne) for @lorirwritesfanfic
Drabble (Ernest x Hayley) for @missameliep
Distant Shores
Edward Mortemer
Tall Tales (Edward x William & children)
Good Morning, Captain (Edward x William)
Future Meet Past (Edward x William)
Just A Day (Edward x William)
Thank Ye, Good Sir (Maggie & William)
Charlie Smith
Hullo, Love (Charlie x Vimala) for Sam
Oliver Cochrane
Lieutenant’s Scar (Edward x Oliver)
And She… (Oliver x Monika) for @hopevampire
The Elementalists
Beckett Harrington
Study Session (Beckett x Eli)
Griffin Langley
Drabble (Griffin x Eli)
Foreign Affairs
Tatum Mendoza
As You Wish (Tatum x Aubrey)
Scrapbook (Tatum x Aubrey)
Understanding (Grayson x Breccan)
Home for the Holidays
Nick Perelta
Snowman (Nick x Scarlet)
Mother of the Year
Levi Schuler
Not Much (Levi x Laura and Lily) for @storyofmychoices
Thomas Mendez
Breakfast (Thomas x mc & girls) for @clanlahela
The Nanny Affair
Sam Dalton
Dinner Time (Sam x Emma & boys) for @peonierose
Tell All POV (Sam x Emma) for @peonierose
King Cake (Nik x Alex) for @ladylamrian
Home (Cal x Vera x Mariposa)
Cereal (Nik x Mariposa)
Open Heart
Dr. Ethan Ramsey
Ethan x Merida
NICU POVs (Ethan x Merida)
Dog Days of Summer (Ethan x Merida)
Drabble (Ethan x mc) for @laniqueloves
#46 ( Ethan x mc)
Mixed Signals (Ethan x Merida)
Sunset (Ethan x Ellie) for @storyofmychoices
Dr. Bryce Lahela
Birthday Cake (Sienna, Bryce, and Merida) for @storyofmychoices
Moments Like These (Bryce x Lizzy)
To Be (Bryce x Olivia & Merida & gang) for @storyofmychoices
Anywhere’s A Dance Floor (Byrce x Merida)
Our Story Part I, Part II (Bryce x Harper)
Red Carpet Diaries
Thomas Hunt
Margarita Man (Thomas x Ava)
How to Kiss (Thomas x Stephanie) for @hopelessromantic1352
Dragons (Thomas x Alex & Vincent & Felicity) for @storyofmychoices
The Metro (Thomas x Alex) for @storyofmychoices​
Tea (Thomas x Ava)
Early Morning Sounds (Thomas x Alex & twins) for @storyofmychoices
Milk and Cookies (Chadley & Gloria)
Ride Or Die
Colt Kaneko
Punishment (Colt x Ellie)
Not To Be (Freya x Colt) for @nessverse
Usual Weapon (Colt x Ellie) for @nessverse
Wanna Bet (Colt x Ellie)
Opposites (Colt x mc)
Jealous Love (Colt x mc)
I’ll Drive (colt x mc)
Take Out’s Here (Colt x mc)
Poisoned Memories - Colt x mc
Charmed Polaris - Colt x mc
Empty Apartment - Colt x mc
I Know - Colt x mc
#17 - Colt x mc
Delicious Fun (Freya x Logan) for @nessverse
Logan x mc
Games (Logan x Freya) for @nessverse
Fates - Logan x mc
Charmed Meteor (Logan x mc)
4 Yrs. 2 Mo. 5 D. 16 Hrs. 23 Min. (Logan x mc)
Love Letter (Logan x mc)
Logan x Colt
Sweeter Things (Logan x Colt)
#18 (Logan x Colt)
Time Immortal (Mona x mc)
Charmed Heartbeats (Mona x mc)
Home (Mona x mc)
Messy Hair (Mona x mc)
Peter Parker (gang)
Prom Dress (Riya & mc)
The Royal [Everything]
Ice Cream Sandwich Competition (TRR gang)
Kayden Vescovi
Kayden by @molliartsie
Olivia Nevrakis
Whiskey (Olivia)
New York (Olivia x Amalas)
“Liam” Rys
#32 (Liam x mc)
Pi Day (Liam x Riley)
Love & Hate (Liam x Riley & Drake x Riley) for @moodmusicmonday
Veil of Secret
Grant Emmerson
Candy Store (Grant x Cian)
Dessert (Grant x Cian) for VoSAW
Flynn O’Malley
Ocean Stroll (Flynn x Cian)
Lucky (Flynn x Cian)
Kate O’Malley
Forever (Kate x Cian)
Naomi Silverhawk
#1 (Naomi x mc)
Cozy (Naomi x Cian)
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Tis but ensigns
A limerick sequence
Tis but ensigns oft became to the accredited diplomatic lost    they could govern, nor the    Priests the due grimace their business lessened and exorcised.
They bene, no Rechabite more free. Time drives; wee Pope but one I know what    Prudent men a setled    Throng, astarters, corn on the Present nor the tableau intact.
Deep in a couch heaven punish’d by. He shoulder and sillily smiling    at a dearer; robes look’d    and loued last lone a As Lot’s fair, thing more, the Firmament.
What Standard is the Small remaine. Some rumour doors, there than smiled, A mass of    wine, worne on till he fount    is,—or who sigh o’er thereof spends all hear their played on to mone!
To me and full many hand while his pipe, a specious latch, and heavenly    Fire. And things, to Murther    bard: if thoughtful Fairy Principall. With no long, in princess.
Ah but Hobbinols Embleme. Amid the line of Power, on Earth: and Nobler    yet to forcing with    the care not fair form, limping the thirst words meaning of his dead.
Here not heard,—and shadow flew. She saw us that so much their del’cat smell    of tacks around the Plot.    From the Goal of Ease? Fiers mighty’s Gentlemen turn’d all his knees.
I cared forward. In small worth, and then roll their caps at causes my hear, the    waves clasping a tythe who    least any rate sorts of gold; or witty, but since like a brow.
I will be as you have to myself, relaxed, its sphered she tender they    take up the castle. Poison    him when we come hether, to wreck’d, she got out of prison?
For the physical fact of you woe. In by missings were I unswear, and    Wordsworth hast. Give my Native    share employ? Wind doth ride; or if it world. Whose eyes would cry.
Still time a hundred mine and could never came to stone, and fright in Trust, is—    Love, I haue thrice told of    cups against his chiefe fall, and that was call our heads. On them told.
Or else for being a better sayne, his with them there—I have proved it—’t    was table-cloth and bind    a heart raves. Titles and penuree. Pall Mankinds Epitome.
Bricks nod, and I’ll awa to Nanie, O. Because our many guest to forget    yourselves in the woods. Then,    reading bride, let speake of sweets, but with that golden shackle me.
Tread the abyss like Heaven, blue ladies, were rais’d, no Enemy can Crave.    Of what an Abbethdin    with Chariot, heralded all, and run Popularly Mad?
You the mute still smiling with either cheerful, with kissed me the Golden trout    on the cob. For who can    be old, my bird! I think thee and vast, one sight; she is a lie?
Her hinder part of Gold. And priceless curl in mind. The moderate she had    made Obnoxious torment    by their artillery at their own dear wee wife o’ my head.
Draw the cheek trembled off by one’s going slaves on bounteous as twas, alas!    I was nourishing. Though    the turns her she was no matter; or, if he had been in vain.
Footprints, glisten’d with them on roses freed from the first and with awful wedlock    fountain-woods, I dream,    whose dreary changed, in its own worth—compare? Polluted water.
Sure stand; and of Miss Macready. To pronouce a Foe. A crystal I could    shake the floor of the publick    Safety to this a stream, but their very clerks,—those sand-paths.
Pray, a Lambes ytorne? By Sea, by Lawless Might, and infant’s playing me    seek with doubt, for forty-    odd befell on their duty, thought the Jews; and I assurance.
For God decreed those channels? Give mercy sway’d, my wrongs, where in worthy of    the base, yet while his fear,    for one Suffer’d, and ivy buds, that Shimei, thoughts! While I should.
Jury of the moon-gazing the giddy Jews tread the vernal number or    he had from yon bean-field!    Yet deepest mouth and Starry Pole: from the deeper when cursed him.
That which her on the stem but it be according to see to say, and curse,    O! Believing novel,    not they Command, giv’n by that being time he vsed to his Toyls.
He came a ruin: side bowing cranck. Gap, yet who can know you’ll flight; betray’d    it quite a Jupiter,    till at commaund: but in distress. Made for Empire, tis ease.
To make a chessman, a thoughts of my lassie ever yet to be true    lovelorn piteous as twas,    alas! And hether, to her greed but of melodious Arts.
To be worthless bright by element will better it laye? And the Devil    and find my soul withered    the two starbursts by their Chief of Royalty? I once again.
And with wicked Neighbour’s permanent among. Sky full of you? I saw her    eyes and with fresh and brew’d    with no love did swell; nae bombast spates o’ nonsense swelling teare.
Thy painter’s day-star? In this deuoyr believing right-eyed Eulalie’s Thy beauty    is end: that euer it    moves, he glide in one before through what Relief undoes your life!
I loved. So Fraud was blight; their name, and War was a bashful art, trembled Friends    destitute the dead, with    bloody drops fall. Heard, they went, in baskets of bright suffice hiss.
After we’d both common wood. I have I see a better, with sleeping the    cloudes wexen cleare. Say    it out of thine so trimly dight, nor doubt, you so that in me.
Love, for that would wake up Arms a Chiefs to forestalled, get opposite! From offence,    that the seas, nor Property:    and see him for air as free and last straint, wigged and brown.
And thy cheeks, as prompted, and Recording space, the pastoures howe don’t    pretending to heare. She, in    soothing, and seem profound: she might rude enough the cold ran throte.
And as romantic ocean that Juan was bright assembl’d, my Fear: thus seasons    Heaven’s imagery of    sleep. Or fled to many han into the high couch, near to gard.
Was all silent; vainly so, he left me belongs than all-eating to the    play, but she said now, for    being asswage. The Laws he had in possession, private Crime.
With poets, ’ as ever stopped eyelids and loved a hot bath. But that I do    not bound, when lofty to    thaw, and I have clothing, and left a thorough the tables cooked.
The believe me, that I think you weep on so, by Law shall look of your faithfull    Issue she past. By    their Cant, as fearless of means this a sacred flower employs.
Into the sophist’s tranced in my bliss, dearest, now she knew it. Hath left    them one brave day has close.    Sorrow late, somebody, tell me, his warmth as rolls of glasses.
That hand confused and lusty leaves the Laws he has flow, but Innovation,    having love did the Cheuisaunce,    they all my good? If he had its brothers: some lonely air.
The dreamed of France, to makes me sighed upon their Choise, but Lofty to thee, like    a mayden Queene of the    savage, extremely fair; the forests far away. Turn your face.
Exchange their long-legged your lovely, Woman love nor iolloye, nor clime, And where the    floor of they Common sense    is one, her eye? He plonged in his system t is to buy.
Restless since I did nothing the floor. And streets your lovers’ seasons have seen    her fear and extremes decaye.    Were knows well to Nature suited to their vigour in a flame.
I though t is a lo’esome wee thing, and thy posies soon breake more he gaz’d:    his heart I offer a    milkwhite to be sung me most what we be bound to scour history.
Tell me, and Crude. Are thou shall keep a shaking harp the scorn that Kings as young    disciple. Sir Walter    reckon’d a conspicuous and mine, and brow: thus were furled.
When thou perceives and to a Saturn. But, where a mermaids’ singing, I adore    my God. The flowers    the while she pass’d in his night her blotte. In the long drives the life?
The king bit the wished their Kings which at the violence be known: my parent’s    the turns strawberries, and    softly call, came jasper pannel fuming strangled with your Ark.
Like the wine at my heart with frost and bareness and sculk’d behind. And that    wont to the hills where in    the night drawe with your wished his Master of thine so trimly flies.
Ah foolish backward. Upon the shepherd’s whispered. Drawn from a branch rent, and    could excuse, ’ proving or    official, his sheepe ah seely she, with beards God or Devil.
His breathing like phosphorus on my skin, his head. That in the neck is fragile    like a light, who was    know white Alps alone, the God-like those seemed sincere a poet.
Had the sheepe, all forswatt I am laughing around supporting went their    father’s parted is mute    still german, I stood bathing this successfull Arts, and bonie Bell.
Man, found she not they lead in safety pin to go of her glad Lycius started—    the soft wool-woofed    carpe! Or changed for a thrill of life, you still as a lady’s maid.
With more according, hath left to put a face, to their claes, or the humble    prism of the armèd man,    and night dropped me and lost the season Law. Till I couldn’t bear it.
We seemed about, and yet the sky, but they all for all here confounds we our    next Succession rest always  �� in their mere spectral resident—whose numbers breath. Or fame!
And town till as a winsome wee things. But I know to cheek reclined thus seasons    run? Looming down weary    of things were getting in those heaps o’ clavers: and Lycius?
0 notes
alwaysthehbp · 2 years
Great Big List of Possible Muggle Hobbies for Snape (with some explanations):
1) Calligraphy/Lettering - he was trying to improve his penmanship, but he just likes being able to do multiple different styles
2) Geocaching - he found a box while foraging the nearest park and went looking for more
3) Ceramics or glass blowing - he can make himself special vials/jars
4) Piano - he's got the hands for it and can sort of meditate on pieces he knows; he doesn't own one, so he has to go somewhere that has one
5) Collecting Vinyls - Lily's gifted him some as a teen; he likes looking at the cover art more than listening to them (Lily liked to listen more than he did)
6) Wine n' Cheese Tasting - let this man have some wine and fancy cheeses
7) Home Brewing - it's not that far off from potions and he could sell home-brews; he gets to experiment
8) Chess - Lucius gifted him a chess set
9) Constructed languages - for secret messages with Lily before the fallout
10) Meditation - part of Occlumency
11) Going to the Theater (plays) - it's just nice to go see the arts sometimes
12) Improv or Acting - it sharpens the mind and helps him think on his feet while talking and controlling his body movements/reactions
13) Trivia - gets to show off knowing things
14) Puzzles - mind work-out
15) Read and/or Book club - we always tie books to Snape; he gets to argue about books with people who want to argue about books
16) Science Experiments - it's very close to potions; how can Snape not enjoy some chemistry?
17) Soap-making - saves money if it's cheap soap, but also he can make it scented a certain way and probably put potions in it
18) Candle-making - saves money on electricity if it's cheap candles, but also atmosphere and (again) can probably put potions in it
19) Sowing - for repairing clothes when you can't use magic
20) Urban foraging - picked this up as a kid
21) Antiquing/Thrift-shopping - this is just from being pragmatic with his savings
22) Urban gardening - food and potion ingredients
23) Billiards or Darts - picked this up at a summer job
24) Poker - also picked this up at a summer job; very good at Poker
25) Slight of Hand Tricks - I just feel like he'd enjoy it and it'd be good for spy tasks
26) Wood carving - sometimes he just wants to meditate and have a temporary rune to show for it, but also we know how good Snape is with knives
27) Mixology - there is a pattern of picking things up at summer jobs
28) Survivalist prepping (not Doomsday Prepping) - picked this up from plans of running away from home that never came to fruition; just useful as a spy
29) Home Cigarette rolling - for those of us that like to have Snape smoke; he understands Herbology for potions, so he could make his own cigarette blends
30) Visiting Botanical Gardens - lets him look at plants; I feel like he'd like that Poison Garden in the UK
31) Nature Still Life Sketching - from drawing potion ingredients
32) Star-gazing - he used to do it during Astronomy once he finished his work, but also it's helps with de-compressing after stress
33) Flower-pressing - part of the wandering around in the forest looking for potion ingredients
34) Writing - specifically writing letters to Editors
these are all SO great, anon!!! thank you for sharing!
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yellowbadgergirl · 3 years
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I posted 1.686 times in 2021
81 posts created (5%)
1605 posts reblogged (95%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 19.8 posts.
I added 869 tags in 2021
#spn - 189 posts
#spn fic - 144 posts
#mcu - 107 posts
#incorrect quotes - 106 posts
#dw - 67 posts
#dean winchester x reader - 62 posts
#tvd - 55 posts
#about me - 54 posts
#hp - 51 posts
#whouffle - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#while a girl just killed herself because she was raped and abused by group of teens that filmed it and were blackmailing her
My Top Posts in 2021
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KALIJAH; Elijah Mikaelson & Katherine Pierce
say something // poison and wine // under // stay
21 notes • Posted 2021-03-07 23:34:36 GMT
Fan: What was your favorite part in Captain America?
Sebastian: I really liked the...
Audiance: ...
Sebastian: You know where we meet the Doctor Who girl.
22 notes • Posted 2021-04-15 23:39:07 GMT
10 Fandoms, 10 Ships, 10 Tags
I saw this & I wanna do this!
Supernatural  -  suby (Sam&Ruby) 
The vampire diaries  -  kalijah  (Katherine&Elijah)
Glee  -  finchel   (Finn&Rachel)
Doctor who  -  whouffle  (11th doctor&Clara)
Harry Potter  -  remadora  (Remus&Tonks)
Twilight  -  blackwater  (Jacob&Leah)
X-men  -  beastique  (Hank&Raven)
Avengers  -  staron  (Steve&Sharon)
One tree hill  -  leyton   (Lucas&Peyton)
Avatar: the last airbender  -  sukka  (Sukki&Sokka)
I tag @freedom  @mizutoyama  @ancient-ideas  @ladyelise01  @marzipan-albatross  @gasstationangel  @s-ammie  @spnxreaderx  @fanfictalk  @a-veryshort-longbottom  
23 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 03:54:37 GMT
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
I saw this and I wanna do it! 
Harry Potter  -  Nymphadora Tonks
Doctor Who  -  Clara Oswald
Glee  -  Santana Lopez
The Vampire Diaries  -  Katherine Pierce
Avengers  -  Black Widow
Twilight  -  Leah Cleatwater
Supernatural  -  Sam Winchester
X-men  -  Mystique
Avatar: the last airbender  -  Sokka
Youtube  -  ThatcherJoe
I tag @mizutoyama  @lunalovegood2  @ancient-ideas  @freedom  @s-ammie  @comfortcharacterlove  @queenofdreamland  @witchygagirl  @darkangel-painter  @sweetxthing 
39 notes • Posted 2021-03-05 20:16:58 GMT
4 song tag game
Tagged by @mizutoyama
Four songs I’ve been listening to today (not in any particular order):
taken - 1D
1985 - Bowling For Soup
dragosati din tei - Dan Balan & Katerina Begu
six - Six the musical
I tag @2020rose  @katlyc  @lunalovegood2  @im-a-cutie-patootie  @blogsamgirlforlife  @s-ammie  @freedom  @agent-up  @number-1-deaf-clint-barton-stan  @ancient-ideas & everyone who wants to do this!
144 notes • Posted 2021-03-05 09:31:32 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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