#pointing at it with a big giant arrow
ieatbugs4lunch · 2 years
can you guys give me hermit drawing requests i have art block again, ON MY KNEES BEGGING
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frudoo · 2 months
A non Zombie apocalypse 141 poly
They find another survivor looking for supplies and decide to make her their wife.
I went a lil crazy on this one ngl
Warnings: Non-con/dub-con but nothing sexual. Fem!Reader.
It was that colossal motherfucker you saw first—the one you almost wasted an arrow on because of that creepy skull mask he wore. The big bastard was raiding your shelter, a little storage room in what used to be a department store. Believe it or not, the mannequins you placed outside of your hideout were enough to deter the zombies away, so you had a pretty good thing going. That was before this dumb brute decided to ruin all your hard work and steal your canned goods.
     Your plan was to shoo him away and tell him to piss off, but he wasn’t having it. No, instead, he made you carry your own supplies back to his shelter, where there were three other men to feed. Fuck, you had enough food to last yourself about three months, but now, with these giant men who no doubt have massive appetites? You’re lucky if it’ll last a week. 
     You’re sitting on a raggedy couch between the pretty man with the ball cap and another with a stupid overgrown mohawk now, arms crossed with a foul look on your face. Across from you sits the fucker with the skull mask, and beside him in an ancient recliner is a bearded man wearing a weird hat. Every now and then you let out an annoyed huff, earning yourself a pointed stare from each of them.
     “Are ye gonna eat summat, or jus’ pout like a wee baby?” Mohawk Man asks you through a mouthful of lukewarm spaghetti hoops. 
     You flip him off without even looking at him, earning a few snickers from the other men. If you weren’t so pissed off at all of them, you might have allowed yourself a little smirk. In fact, you feel the beginning of one curling at the corner of your mouth, until Ball Cap™ pulls you into his lap and traps you there with his strong arms. You yelp and try to shimmy out of his grasp to no avail. You go to bite him, but the second your mouth opens, a spoonful of beans gets plopped inside.
     “Swallow,” Skull Guy commands, covering your mouth with one wide palm in case you decide to try and spit it out.
     You glare at him the entire time, but still obey his explicit order because you truly are hungry. You give up on trying to escape the pretty man’s grasp, letting your body go limp. It’s probably wise to save your energy, anyway.
     “Good bird,” he praises mockingly. “Now, since you’re through bein’ a brat, I’ll introduce everyone. 
     “M’Simon. Tha’ there,” he points at the one with the mutton chops, “is John, or Cap’n, dependin’ on his mood. Beside you’s Johnny, but we call him Soap. The one you’re sittin’ on is Kyle. We call him Gaz when he’s bein’ a dick, though.” 
     You nod like you’re paying attention, using his distraction as an opportunity to steal the can of beans from his hand. It’s a weird group, for sure, but aside from the fact that they’re thieving bastards, it might be nice to have more humans to help protect you from the hoards of the undead. It’s a step up from mannequins, anyway. Perhaps it also helps that they’re all insanely attractive.
     “Wha’ aboot ye, hen? Go’ a name?” Mohawk Man—or, Johnny, apparently—asks with a cheeky grin. 
     Before you get the chance to tell him your name, the one with the mutton chops, John, interrupts you. 
     “No matter, is it? We’ll call her our wife soon enough.”
     You nearly drop the can of beans when you process the words that just came out of his mouth, choking on the bite you just took. Kyle pats your back until your little coughing fit ceases, and Simon wipes the sticky residue from your mouth with the sleeve of his hoodie. None of them, you observe, are as baffled by John’s statement as you are. It makes a weird feeling churn in your gut.
     “A-all… all of you?” You stammer nervously, then start again with a lilt of confusion in your voice. “Wife?!”
     “Yes, dove, all of us,” Kyle confirms, confiscating the can of beans from you and setting it on the ground. 
     “Aw, don’t look so scared, sweetheart,” John stands from his place in the old recliner, stepping in front of you and lifting your head up to look at him with his pointer finger hooked beneath your chin.
     “I take good care o’my men. We’ll take good care o’you, too.”
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sachiko1309 · 6 months
Make me your wife
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Summary: Y/N and her sister got attacked by giant spiders. Luckily Thranduil and his men were near enough to come to their rescue. What Y/N didnt think would ever happen, would be the elven king falling for her sassy and sarcastic character...
Word count: 6606
Warnings: spider attack in the beginning, sass, smut in the end, Minors DNI, this contains adult content!
This was written on request for: @mitsurisu I hope you like it. Sorry for the long wait, but I had much to do at my work. 😅
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I was riding through the forest of the Woodland realm with my sister Leonor. We had set of from Rivendell on the request of Legolas. We had met him after he had helped the dwarves to take back their mountain. He was a very nice fellow, flirtatious and easy going, to the point where my sister had poked me and made fun of me for maybe pursuing him as a potential partner. She had been married to her husband for the last 300 years and was still utterly convinced that I would be happy in a marriage as well.
Nothing I said was driving her from that path and I had given up convincing her otherwise, deciding that letting her talk and ignore it would be the best option. She was once again on a rampage on married life, while I rode besides her, letting my thoughts and gaze wander. A crack deeper in the woods made me listen up. I knew that in those woods there were living many giant spiders, so I silenced my sister. She wasn’t a fighter like I was and if we were in trouble I needed her to listen to me.
“Shut it, Leonor. I think I heard something!” I whispered, but she waved it off. “Oh, come on Y/N. You always see and hear danger everywhere.”
“Its my job. I am a soldier after all. Be quiet, there are many spiders in these woods. I need to figure out if we are in danger.” I growled, my hands already gripping my two swords.
“Relax. There is nothing out there. You know how thoroughly Legolas and the guards clear those woods. He has told us on many occasions.” She sighed, not taking the threat seriously.
Another crack made me draw my swords, telling my horse to speed up. Leonor was quick to follow me and we were now thundering through the forest. I really hoped that it was just the forest doing foresty things and not some giant spiders, but my hope was being denied.
With a loud thud, a dark green giant spider dropped right in front of us. Leonor was just quick enough to steer her horse around it, while I was cut of by the spiders body. My horse shrieked, nearly throwing me off, but I was just able to keep me on its back. “RUN!” I yelled at my sister, making myself ready to face the big monster.
“Y/N!” She screamed, drawing the attention of the beast to her. It got up high enough for me to ride under his stomach, grabbing the reigns of my sisters horse who seemed frozen in place.
Dragging her behind me, I rushed my horse through the woods, hoping that we would be faster than that spider. Leonor took a while to come out of her frozen state, but when she was able to steer her horse again, I gave her back the reigns, now drawing my bow, turning around on my horse to shoot at the giant spider. But it didn’t seem like my arrows really seemed to bother the creature that was chasing us. And to my dismay, I hear the clicking sounds of several more coming through the woods.
They started to catch up to us, our horses slowly but surely loosing speed. And then it happened. We got circled by two smaller spiders dropping in front of us. Our horses freaked again, this time throwing us off their backs and making a run, only to be killed by spiders stomping onto them. Immediately they started to drag them away, probably into their net. I reached for another arrow, realizing, that I had shot every single one of them, without taking down one single spider.
“Fuck.” I let out, throwing my bow to the ground and dragging my swords.
“What do you mean fuck?” Leonor asked and I just gritted out: “Fuck as in we are fucked. I am out of arrows.”
“You shot all of them?” She asked and I wanted to smack her: “No, I threw them away. Of course I did!”
“No need to be so snappy.” She lashed back and I just looked at her with a deadly glare. “Oh yes, we are just about to die and I should play happy fun time with you? Forgive me for feeling a little stressed.”
“Its not my fault, that it happened.” Leonore seemed hurt and I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. “I never said it was. I am sorry for snapping at you. Its just… Ah forget it. Try to stay close to me, without getting in my way. If we are getting separated, I cant protect you and if you are in my way, I will probably hurt you. Just…” I tried to make it understandable for her. “…think of it as a dance.”
“A dance?” She asked and I could hear she was raising her brows. “Why would I think of this as a dance?” Shrugging my shoulders I swung my sword at the first spider stepping close: “I don’t know. You are the minstrel of us. I was just trying to make it logical for you.”
I didn’t hear what she answered, because my sword collided with the heavy foot of a spider, drawing an ugly screeching sound from it, as I cut through the hard material. Letting my second sword swing higher, I managed to stab it into the thicker part of the leg. Ripping out my first sword, I swung my body around and through the air, landing on top of the spider. I forced both my swords into its head, managing to down it. Jumping off, I faced the next one, but my fight seemed to have no end, as I saw that the ranks were quickly closed again.
A horn being blown and horses thundering through the woods made me catch a new wave of hope and I started to fight back harder, always making sure to cover my sister from any attacks. I heard yelling and arrows whirring through the air and I realized, that the spiders slowly but surely were thinned out. Facing another one, I was just quick enough to jump aside, as it launched for me. Rolling around, I found myself underneath its big body. Not hesitating a second, I stabbed my blades into its stomach drawing it along, as I ran to get out of there.
A mixture of spider blood, gushy intestines and a sort of dark slime covered me, as I stumbled out beneath the tumbling and falling creature. Catching my breath, I stood there for several seconds, trying to regain some strength and to get rid of the slippery mixture that covered me. When I was able to look back up, the rest of the spiders had either been slain or forced away, leaving us and the elves that came to our rescue behind. “Y/N! Leonor!” I heard Legolas yell, turning to look at him.
A sarcastic smile on my lips, I greeted him: “You seem to lack in your mission to clear the woods, my prince.” He gritted his teeth, hugging Leonor, but refraining to do the same to me: “You are as friendly as always, Y/N.” I shrugged, shoving my swords back into their sheaths. “What can I say. I was raised to be a sunshine.” But when I saw his father approaching us, I stopped talking, bowing to greet the king. “My king. I apologize for causing trouble in your lands.”
“No need to apologize. You were right. It seems as if my son isn’t particularly thorough with his task. I am the one in need to apologize as this has clearly endangered you and your…”
“Sister, my king.” I helped him out, still looking down on the ground.
“…your sister. Am I correct with the assumption you came to visit my kingdom?” He asked.
“Yes, my king. We came to visit your son, prince Legolas. He has invited us.” I answered stiffly, looking at Legolas for help. The blond elf just smiled at me and I dared to look at his father the first time. And what I saw knocked the breath out of my lungs. He was gorgeous to say the least.
Tall, strong, handsome. The similarities to Legolas unmistakable. And his blue eyes. Staring at me as if he was reading directly into my soul. I was totally caught of guard by his appearance, not realizing he was talking to me again: “I am sorry. What did you say, my king?” I barely remembered to address him by his title, but he didn’t seem to mind. Smiling at me, he repeated his words: “I was welcoming you to my kingdom. As it seems, something must have caught your attention, my Lady.”
“Y/N. Just Y/N, my king. I am no lady. Just a common soldier of Rivendell.” I corrected him, trying my best to hide my breathless voice. Thranduil looked behind me, the smile on his lips widening. “A very good one, as it seems. You took out two spiders on your own.”
“And I shot all my arrows without them having any effect.” I reduced his praise, not feeling comfortable with the king saying such high words about me. He clicked his tongue. “Ah, arrows barely have any effect on the spiders. Their shells are far to thick for them to penetrate deep enough.”
“I didn’t know, my king. The next time I will come prepared.” I said, bowing deeply again.
“The next time?” He asked with a smirk to his lips and I furrowed my brows: “Yes? Did I do something wrong, my king? If I have insulted you in any form, I apologize.” But Thranduil just grinned at me with a knowing look on his lips, before he turned around: “The next time you visit us, let me know beforehand, so that I can ensure your save journey. A lady like you must not face such beasts under my watch.”
“I can fend for myself!” I yelled after him, this time leaving out his title, as his assumption angered me. He looked over his shoulder, taking in my angry form for a moment, before he answered: “I know. But I would feel better if you were protected by my guards.” Then he turned around, looking at a light brown haired man: “Feren, ensure that Leonor and Lady Y/N have a horse to ride on and have a bath prepared for them.” The man bowed his head slightly. “Yes, my Lord.”
And that’s how I had met Thranduil. That was nearly 100 years ago. 87 to be exact. He had started to court me soon after that incident, sending letter over letter to Rivendell, to the point where even Lord Elrond heard of what was happening. In the beginning I didn’t think much of it, reading his letters as nothing more as friendly correspondence. Until one day he literally showed up in Rivendell, demanding to speak with Lord Elrond himself.
Later on, I was told, that Thranduil had demanded to know if I was forced to work too much, since I didn’t answer every single one of his letters. From then on, our letters turned into a frequent thing, until one day I asked Lord Rivendell to free me from my duties and to allow me to live in Mirkwood. Lord Elrond let me go with a warm and knowing smile, something I didn’t exactly know how to read back then.
But soon, Thranduil and my friendship turned into him making advances until I finally gave in to courting him. Thranduil had pulled every string he had, to get me to fall for him. He made sure that I was taken care off, that I had everything I ever wished for to the point where I literally had to fight him on lessening his extensive gifts, but there was nothing I could do to talk sense into that man.
And now here I was, sitting at the big banquet next to him. We had gotten married. Well technically we weren’t truly married yet, since for elves the marriage was only completed when the marriage was conceived. And to be honest, I couldn’t wait much longer. My friends and family had come to Mirkwood and wished me the very best. Even Lord Elrond had managed to fit in time to spare my marriage a visit, congratulating me.
I looked at my now husband, only to find him staring at me already. “You are so beautiful, my little starlight.” He whispered, reaching his hand for mine. I squeezed his hand, leaning in to his shoulder. “How long do we have to keep up this thing, until we can retreat?” I asked, the alcohol in my blood probably pushing me to speak this openly. Thranduil chuckled at my words: “So desperate already?” I smacked him on the chest. “Don’t tell me you aren’t.”
“At least I don’t show it so openly.” He teased me, kissing my hand softly. “Dance with me, meleth.”
Letting him pull me to my feet, he guided us to the dancefloor, pulling me close to his body and I could feel that he was longing for me the same way I did for him. His head sank down to my level as he whispered: “This one last dance should appease our guests. I think they already know what is about to happen, but it is much easier to vanish between dancing couples than from the high table.” I smirked at his words, leaning my head onto his chest. “Is that so, my king?”  I felt him shrug: “At least I suspect it would make things easier for Feren. He always seems to be so stressed.”
“That’s because you stress him, herven.” I answered and the way he stiffened at me calling him husband for the first time, made me smile. “Herven.” He repeated. “Say it again. It sounds so beautiful from your lips.”
“What? Herven?” I asked, putting a soft moan to my words. Thranduils breathing became rigid, as he clearly had trouble keeping the rhythm of the dance. He took a deep breath, before he simply ended the dance pulling me through the other couples. “You know what? Fuck it. I am done waiting.” Once we were far enough away from the others to hear or see us, he threw me over his shoulder, causing me to shriek out loud. “Thranduil!”
“Oh yes. That’s even better.” He grinned, carrying me through the halls and back to his chambers. “I am going to make sure that the only things that are leaving your mouth will be my name, my title and those sweet little moans or yours.”
Thranduil stopped in front of his door, looking at me with what I believed to be fear in his eyes. “Are you ready?” He asked me and I nodded: “Yes.” Taking his hand, I followed him inside. As soon as the door fell shut behind us, he pressed me against a wall, a sly smirk on his lips. “You have no idea, how much I waited to do this.” I didn’t react to his tease, just pulling him in by his collar, desperate to kiss him. His hands wandered to my waist, gripping the fabric of my dress.
I held onto him, still letting his hands wander over my body. “Are you sure, you want to do this?” He asked, his breath fanning down my neck, before he bit down on my sweet spot. Moaning at the sensation that rushed through my body, I tried my best to keep the conversation going: “Yes, I am. I haven’t been so sure about anything in my life, ever.”
“Good. Because I doubt, I would be able to endure the wait any longer.” His husked voice sent shivers down my spine and I had to hold on to his shoulders, to not faint. “You know what this perfume does to me, darling? The whole evening, I could not focus on anything else than you sweet smell. Do you even know, how hard I was all evening?” He picked me up, pressing me against the wall, looking at me with an angry hunger in his eyes. “I should not be commanded by a woman like that, especially not one that does it so easily like you do. It is endangering my reputation.”
“I think your reputation as the King is hardly attacked with you desiring your wife.” Trying my best to fight back against his administrations, I rolled back my head when his free hand opened the lacing of my dress, desperate to feel more of him. “What reputation, darling? Go on. Make your point.”
“The… fuck…” I cursed, earning a chuckle: “That’s very unladylike, darling. I should knock that word out of your brain.”
“You wouldn’t dare to do that. You love my dirty mouth.” I sassed back. He hummed at my words, just holding me tight to his body. “I do. And I want to make sure you are taken care off.” His words made me open my eyes again, leaning back to look at him.
He let me down slowly, still trying to hide his face from me, but I held his head, looking at him, when he let go of me: “No, please tell me. What are you afraid of?” I asked, stepping closer to him, but he just dodged backwards. Tilting my head, I followed him into the living area, effectively backing him into the sofa. When he sat down on it, I straddled his lap. “Are you afraid to be close to me?”
“No…” He breathed heavily. “Yes… I don’t know. I… I want to be close to you, but I don’t want you to feel forced. You know how it is… Wifely duties and all and I don’t want to pressure you into anything, but at the same time I want to feel you, hold you, smell you, taste you. Everything. I am in no place to expect anything from you, so I refrain from giving in to those thoughts too much, because I don’t want to make it too obvious to you, that my needs are currently overruling my consciousness. And now that I am close and… and alone with you, I realize that its much harder than I have thought it would be... I want this to be special to you. I want to be the loving husband you deserve, to let you know that you are my most priced treasure… That I would do anything for you.”
I just looked at him: “Are you… are you rambling? The elven king and man of precise language is rambling and stuttering?”
“Yes.” Was all he said. “And you currently sitting on my lap, dressed like that, doesn’t help my case either.”
“What's stopping you?” Letting my voice drop lower, I leaned forward, rolling my hips shamelessly over his lap. He groaned out, gripping my tighter. “Y/N… You don’t have to do this. I can live with it, if you aren’t ready.”
“Do I look forced, meleth?” I whispered close to his ear, nibbling on it. “Show me what it feels like. Please, meleth. Touch me. Please… be my husband.”
Thranduil let his head fall back, his eyes were closed, as he was definitely on his last straw of mindfulness. “How much do I need to push you, until you give in?” I giggled at his neck, making my way up to his chin and then hovering over his lips. “Would it help, if I lose my wedding dress?”
“You sound like a prostitute…” He gritted out and I just grinned wider. “And? Is it working?”
“Yes. And I don’t know if I like that thought.”
“Which thought? Me as a prostitute, or that I am succeeding to win you over that easily?” I kept on teasing him. Leaning back, I opened up the strings of my dress, pulling it over my head.
He balled his fists at my waist, his eyes forcefully trained on my face. “Both. But I would never let you become a prostitute.”
“Scared to share me?” Still keeping up my teasing way, I just sat on top of him, waiting for him to react. “No.” He gritted out.
“What's it then? Afraid another man might do me better?” Wetting my fingers with my tongue, I let them slide between my legs, stabilizing myself with my free hand on his knee. And when my fingers found my clit, I hummed in pleasure, still watching his face intently. Not reacting to my administrations, he spoke in a very forced tone: “You are my wife. There is no other man. Ever.”
“Hmmm. I like that, meleth.” I sighed, feeling how I grew wetter, so I dipped one finger inside my core, only to then put it to my mouth to lick it clean. “I like it, when you get possessive and confrontive towards other men. The difference of how you treat them and how you treat me, makes me feel special.”
“Does it now?” He sassed and I sighed internally. I finally had him broken out of his restrictive shell. I had my husband back: “Always has.”
“You really want to do this?” He inquired further and I nodded. “Yes. Please. I think I am ready.” Taking one last breath, he gripped my thighs. “Hold on.” Without giving me much time to react, he got up, walking towards the bedroom. “If you want me to do this, I am going to do this properly.”
“I know. Everything else wouldn’t be like you.” I grinned, hiding my face in his neck. He sat me down slowly on the edge of the bed. Then he stepped back, taking off his clothes one piece after the other: “If you are already naked, I shall be too. I don’t want to make you feel insecure.” His words made me blush and I stuttered out a quiet “Thank you.”  
Thranduil came back to me sinking further to his knees. When he was eyelevel with my stomach, he softly kissed it, then down my thigh until he reached my knee. “Lean back and relax.” His voice was rough, his warm breath sending goosebumps over my inner thigh.
“I want to watch you. I need to see you.” I whispered, stroking through his hair. His jaw clenched at my words, but he didn’t say anything, taking my hand and pressing a kiss to it. “If you wish so.” His fingers ghosted over my skin, leaving trails of goosebumps behind. “I will take my time today. I want to take care of you as good as I can.” He whispered roughly, kissing the insides of my thighs up to my core. I was too mesmerized with his softness, his blue eyes burning with love and passion, that I was incapable of answering him.
Then I felt his first finger touch my core and I stiffened up, digging my nails in his shoulders. He immediately stopped, looking up at me, waiting for me to relax. We stared into each others eyes, Thranduil kissing and nibbling on my thighs. “You are safe, meleth. Relax. There is nothing you have to fear.” Taking a deep breath, I focused on his eyes, relaxing as much as I could. And when he felt me giving up my barrier, he kept on pushing his finger inside of me. “See? You are doing great.”
I closed my eyes, the faint sound of his name on my lips and I could feel the familiar feeling starting to grow between my legs. Carefully he added another finger, scissoring them apart, creating a steady rhythm. “Let go, love. You are doing so good. Taking my fingers so well.” He praised me, his voice low and soft like silk. I could feel my blood rush to my face, painting it a light pink shade, my heartbeat thrumming in my ears, that I nearly missed his sweet little murmurs. His mouth wandered all over my thighs, my stomach, and hip bones, until he hovered over my core. “May I?”
“Yes…” I breathed out, moaning, when I felt his lips kiss my sensitive spot. Instinctively I spread my legs further, letting myself fall back onto the bed, one hand still clasping his free arm. “Thranduil…” I moaned, unable to focus on anything else than the man between my legs, lulled in by his sweet touches and soft little praises. “Please don’t stop.” I cried out, not really caring, that it was still the early evening, our windows hanging open, still a hurried humming coming from the big ball room.
“Never.” Was all he answered, slowly finger fucking me. It was ridiculous, how fast he was able to find the sweet spot deep inside of me. I heaved myself onto my elbows, wanting to see him, rather than just feeling him. And the expression that he had on his faze was breathtaking. Full of confidence and arrogance, a slight smirk forming on his lips, when he realized I was watching him again. “You taste so fucking good.” He groaned, raising his head to properly look at me. The shamelessness of him made me gasp out in embarrassment. His face was covered in my slick, eyes wild and hungry.
His gaze flickered between soft love and hungry possession as he was clearly fighting his urges to claim me. And I was absolutely turned on by it.
Thranduils smile grew wicked, when he saw how much I was affected by him. Wiping my slick of his chin, he licked his fingers clean, making a show out of it, simultaneously not stopping his fingers working my core. “You like that do you?” I wasn’t able to answer, just staring him in the eyes. “Answer me, my love, or I will stop.” He teased, some of his usual possessive self breaking through.
“Yes.” I pressed out, his name quickly following, when he curled his fingers perfectly against my sweet spot. Dipping down again, his fingers and tongue kept pushing me further down the road of my orgasm. The knot in my lower stomach starting to grow tighter, my legs wrapping around his shoulders, to keep him in place. I could feel my walls starting to flutter around his digits, another sign that I was close. The strength left my upper body and I fell back onto the bed, pulling his free arm close to my chest, nails digging into his skin. My eyes rolled back into my head as his name rang through the room, when my orgasm suddenly washed over me.
I felt him carefully pull out his fingers, his hands gently covering my cunt, as I just dwelled in the feeling. Tears started to form in my eyes and I tugged on his arm. “Meleth…” I mewled, desperate to feel him. He reacted instantly, getting up from his position climbing onto the bed and pulling me higher into the pillows. I turned around, crawling to the headboard falling to my stomach. “Feel you!” I pressed out, hugging a pillow tight to my chest.
Seconds later, I could feel his warm body hovering over me. I reached out for his hand that was holding his weight, clamping my fingers around his wrists. Sinking down on his elbows, he pressed me down, taking my hands in his bigger ones. The new intimate position making me feel hot and safe at the same time. His strong chest forced me down, chest hair tickling on my back, his thighs caging me in, as he buried me underneath him. “Thranduil…” I whimpered desperately, bucking my ass against his crotch.
He growled into my ear, his lips smothering me roughly, leaving a trail of wet kisses behind. “Please… I need you… Meleth…” I tried again, pressing up against his body, only to be met with him pressing me down further. “By Valar, please… I cant bare it anymore…” Begging for more, I cried out for him the tension in my body so high, that I was sure I would snap any moment.
His hands were roaming over my body, when he suddenly grabbed my arm, twisting me around. I shrieked and he instantly pulled back, skidding back to the edge of the bed, hands raised. “I am sorry, darling. I let myself go. Forgive me.”
“Its alright, Meleth. I trust you. I just didn’t expect this.” I smiled at him, reaching out for him. “Come back. Please.”
“What if I hurt you?” He stayed at the end of the bed.
“You wont hurt me.”
“You don’t know that!” He nearly yelled; the stress clear in his eyes. I gulped hard, seeing him irritated like that send a shiver down my spine. Taking a deep breath, I forced the unwanted thoughts out of my head.
“I know that you would never willingly do something that would harm me in any way. And that is all you can do. I trust you with all my life and I want this, meleth. I need this. Please. What can I do to make you believe me? To help you to trust yourself with me?”
“Promise to tell me, when its too much, or when I hurt you.” He rasped, slowly coming back to me, leaning his face into my hand.
“I promise.”
“Thank you.” He whispered, kissing my palm, before he sat back on his ankles, opening his breeches and I couldn’t help but stare at him.
His cock sprung free, hard, and tinted in a light pink shade, a drop of precum already crowning on his tip. “Fuck yes…” I breathed, staring at his manhood, not realizing, that he moved again, ridding himself from his breeches, crawling towards me again. He forced me to lay back down on my back and I just wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him flush against my core. That caused him to grind his hips against mine, eliciting a soft moan from my lips. I just clung to his body, squirming against his touch. “So needy.” He mused, kissing his way down to my breasts, taking one nipple between his lips.
Him sucking so delicately on my nipple, let me jolt in pleasure. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my thigh, twitching in anticipation. Supporting all his weight on one hand, he looked at me one last time, waiting for me to give him my consent. Nodding I bit my lip, bracing myself for what was about to come. He guided his hard member into me, very carefully easing his way in. I was still incredible wet from my previous orgasm, but I wasn’t prepared to take him, my body tensing up at the intrusion, making him stop mid movement. “Are you alright, darling? We don’t have to…” But I shook my head. “Go on. I want this.” 
Once he bottomed out, he stayed sheathed like that, distracting any thought I had with kissing me, until my head spun. It didn’t take long for me to grow accustomed to him, my hips starting to roll against him. I held onto his shoulders, looking him deep into the eyes. “I love you.” Thranduil nearly crumbled at my words, closing his eyes and groaning lowly. “Fuck me… That’s the hottest ‘I love you’, you have ever said.” Giggling I blushed. “I doubt that.”
“Not that it isn’t incredible to hear you say it in any other situation, but this… this just hits different. You trusting me like this... This memory will forever be my heaven.”
“You old romantic.” I groaned, but my smile betrayed me, him bending down for a kiss. “Always for you.”
Slowly he started to move, setting a slow and steady pace, fully set on pleasuring me as much and long as he could. My walls started to accommodate him more, relaxing around him. I hummed at the sweet feeling that started to spread through my body, my head sinking deeper into the pillows. “Yes…” I sighed, closing my eyes, just holding onto his upper arms.
“I love you, darling. Just relax and enjoy.” His words were water on a hot stone, instantly fogging up my mind, a light veil covering us.
He bent down to my neck, kissing it, nibbling onto my shoulder and a short worry of being marked up by him shot through me, but when he managed to hit my sweet spot, that worry got kicked out of my mind again. “Thranduil!” I yelped, digging my nails into his arms even more. “Do it again.” He growled against my skin, his teeth nipping on the sweet spot right under my ear. “Let me hear how much this pleasures you.” I complied to his demand, babbling before I even managed to filter anything that left my mouth: “Please… Give me more… I need more. Make me your wife, please… This feels so good. You feel so good. Claim me, please… meleth.”
“God, Y/N.” He moaned. “You are going to be the death of me…” The way he was so affected by it, only fed the tingly feeling in my body, spreading it to my limps. The tension in my lower stomach now growing bigger with every second, causing me to produce a guttural moan. I clasped my hand in front of my mouth, my gaze wandering towards the open balcony door, but Thranduil didn’t seem to mind one bit. Quite the opposite. He let out a growl, taking my hand away again. “Let them hear. Let the whole kingdom know, that you are my wife.”
Shifting his weight, he leaned back on his ankles, raising my hips, while fucking me deeper into the mattress. The new position caused him to hit a particular deep spot inside of me, pushing all the air out of me in a loud cry of his name.
“Say it again, little one. Let everyone know who you belong to.” He darkly smiled at me, his thrust not faltering one second. “So beautiful. So perfect for me. Taking my cock so well.” Praising me, he didn’t let go of my eyes. “Keep your eyes on me, bereth. I want to see you, when you come.”
I couldn’t help but stare at him, mesmerized by him, not able to resist the drawl he put into calling me his wife. His wife. That title alone did things to my mind, I wasn’t prepared for. The knot in my stomach was about to pop, threatening to pull me under. And by the way he was grinning, he knew. Knew from the way I shivered, the way my walls fluttered around his length. “Go on, my starlight. Let go for me. I wanna see those beautiful eyes roll back in your head. Wanna feel how you twitch around me and make a mess on my cock.” He spurred me on. And on cue I came.
My back arched from the bed, eyes rolling back inside my head. I shivered in his hands in pure bliss of my orgasm, his name ringing through the room loud enough, that I was sure even the soldiers standing guard on the southern entrance were able to hear me. This orgasm was hard and fast, crushing into me like a rogue wave. Thranduil still kept his pace, thrusting into me, roughly praising me: “That’s it, darling. Ride it out. You are doing so good. Looking so fucking beautiful.” And I could feel my cum leak on his lap, drawing lush sounds from my core.
“Meleth!” I cried out, now completely kicked out of reality.” Crying out in desperation I reached out for him. Thranduil gave into my pleading, leaning forward again, pressing me down with his full body, effectively caging me in between his hot chest and soft mattress. “Yes…” I mewled, wrapping my legs around his waist, feeling him thrust much deeper into me. I was again babbling absolutely unfiltered: “Don’t stop, meleth. Makes me feel safe. So good. Thank you.”
“Of course, darling. Everything for you.” His voice sounded strained and I realized that he was close as well. “Its okey. You can let go.” I tried to get the words out straight, but another moan rippled through me, him groaning, desperately gripping a pillow. “No. I am not finished with you. I want you to come with me.” The pure determination and love in his words, striking me deeply, so that I couldn’t help but, whimper again. I earned a soft bite on my shoulder, followed by more praises: “Fuck yes… I love it when you do that. Taking me so well, moaning for me in such beautiful tones.”
Sneaking a hand between us, he pressed two fingers on my clit, sloppily rubbing circles over it. I clenched around his cock as an answer, goosebumps spreading over my skin, as he forced the fire to burn up in my body once again. A shiver ran down my spine, my walls fluttering around his cock, my legs wrapping around him even tighter. It spurred him on to fuck me even harder, his fingers moving faster, the sloppy kisses on my neck now closer to love bites than anything else. I started to shake uncontrollably, my body overwhelmed by the desire and stimulation that he had and still was administrating.
“I got you.” He rasped out and it was all I needed to hear. I came again, succumbing to a shivering mess underneath him, clamping down on his cock. “Fuck, Y/N.” He groaned and I could feel him twitch inside of me. The feeling of his hot seed shooting up my core made me whimper desperately and I couldn’t help myself but to think about what it would feel like to carry his child. Slowing down his pace, he rode out our orgasms, smothering every bit of skin with wet kisses. He was breathing hard, trying his best to catch his stance again.
Pressing me close to himself, he rolled onto his back and I was now lying on top of him. “You did so good, meleth nin. Took me so well. I promise I will always love and protect you. You are everything to me, the only thing I would give away everything I own for without batting an eye.” Listening to his sweet ramblings, I let the tears roll from my cheeks, cherishing his love and the sweet intimate moment between us.
To my dismay, it was interrupted far too quickly, when I felt the mixture of my slick and his seed trickling out of me. Wriggling in his arms, I tried to find a comfortable spot, but the stickiness just got worse. He was quick to realize what was the problem. Pressing a kiss to my head, he rolled around again, getting up from the bed. “Stay there. I will get something to get you cleaned up.”
I just watched him scramble through the room and come back with a bowl of water and a wash cloth. He looked so incredible hot like this. His hair messy and disheveled. Eyes still glowing with desire. And when he saw his cum seeping out of me, I believed to see his gaze grow even darker. I sighed loudly, catching his look with mine: “How was I ever able to deny me such pleasures…?” He laughed at my words, slowly sinking to the bed and cleaning me up with soft little touches. “From now on you will never have to. Whenever you need me, feel free to come and get me.”
“Even when you are in a meeting?” I asked and he smirked at me: “Especially then.”
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whateversawesome · 10 months
Let's Talk About Yor
Something is going on with Yor lately. Have you noticed it too?
Even though she wasn't in every chapter of the latest big arc (Wheeler-Yuri-Twilight confrontation), the arc started with her and ended with her and I think there's a reason for that.
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As I mentioned before, Yor is a very emotionally intelligent character. She surpasses Twilight on this, who struggles with his own emotions and the emotions of others too.
So the way Yor works is by becoming aware of an emotion or a change within herself and then she reflects on that. Then, things happen to her and she reflects some more about that issue or emotion, which is usually connected to the things that are happening around her.
Example: Look at the chapters leading to the cruise arc. Fiona showed up and Yor started questioning her place in the Forger family. Everything seemed to be cleared out during that same visit, but then Loid went to a tennis tournament with Fiona and Yor kept thinking about this. When the tennis challenge happened, even though Yor won, this didn't make her feel better, quite the opposite. Finally, Loid reassured her during that date in the bar, right after he got kicked on the chin.
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That should have been it, right? Wrong. More things kept happening to Yor and she kept thinking about her place in the world, whether or not she should keep her assassin job until we finally get to that moment when she realizes her reason to keep on living and protecting is her family.
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I get the feeling we're now at a similar point in the manga. Somehow everything keeps pointing to Yor, specifically to Yor and her relationship with Loid. Look at what's happening to Yor and tell me what you think is coming:
1.That chat with her office friends about gripes, marriage and welcome home kisses.
2.The welcome home kiss that never happened when she got home.
3."The fight" she had with Loid, or more specifically: thinking about her husband while he was shot by Yuri. (Those sad eyes said a lot!).
4.That honest talk she had with Twilight where she tells him she wants to take care of him.
5.Her chat with Yuri, where her brother asked her if she loves Loid.
6.Meeting the Authens, a real marriage, and seeing them kiss. (The Authens' Theory here.)
See what I mean? If we take into consideration the way Yor grows as a character and the way she realizes things, then where is this heading?
It's clear Yor is about to realize she has feelings for Loid!
The way the story keeps pointing at a kiss with giant arrows is not a coincidence. For Yor, who is inexperienced, a kiss would mean true love and a real marriage (which is what she wants). If the almost kiss didn't happen at the beginning of the story (when Yuri visited) is because back then, the marriage wasn't real. Maybe they liked each other and a little more, but they had just met.
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Now about the first twiyor kiss...we'll you can read my theory on that here. And I'd like to add a little more...
I know I said I wanted it to happen in the movie, but I admit I was being waaaay too optimistic about it. Sadly, I don't think it'll happen in the movie. Like some of you mentioned, that moment belongs to the manga and I agree.
However, all that is happening with Yor is leading to that kiss. I still believe she'll be the one who takes that step and will be the one who kisses Twilight. I insist; it's part of her character arc, which is about gaining confidence in herself, becoming a woman, and feeling worthy of love.
At this point, she's on the verge of figuring out her own feelings and after that happens, she needs to accept them and then figure out how she wants to proceed. I believe it won't be an easy task for her. Knowing Yor, she won't want to inconvenience Loid and impose her feelings on him. She also won't want to risk what she already has: her family. So it will take a while and maybe a little encouragement (maybe from the Authens?) to get to the point of actually want to act on these feelings.
But it's coming.
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dontgofarfromme · 2 years
I do think the funniest thing about Kinnporsche is the part where Big tries to shock Porsche with the fact that Kinn is gay because when u watch it at first you're like ok yeah heteronormativity I see how that could work but then u watch the rest of the show and it's like. Kinn is gay his little brother is gay his older brother is gay his cousin is gay and evil. He has 2 gay best friends who come over and hang all over each other gayly while at shooting practice. Being gay isn't a choice it's a virus and everyone within 1 meter of this household gets infected with it automatically. Pete says to Porsche "yeah everyone knows about that" and in his head is wondering how the hell Porsche missed the massive flashing neon sign on top of the mansion that reads "GAY" with a giant arrow pointing down.
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Mr Bonzo’s on his way
(description under cut)
image one description: two depictions of Mr Bonzo from The Magnus Protocol. the first is child friendly and brightly coloured: he has a pink hat with a yellow flower sticking out the top, a puffy white shirt with ruffles on the neck and cuffs, pink and blue striped overalls, giant yellow gloves and big black clown shoes. he has a long, toothy grin with bright red lips and cheeks, oval eyes with red triangles on the top of sides of his eyes, pale pink skin, and a big red nose. he is very round, with a small head and no neck, which leads into a large belly and short legs. underneath him, with an arrow pointing to him, is a note that reads 'canonically a Mr Blobby recolour but fuck it, we ball.' next to him is a scarier version. the outfit is the same but desaturated, baggier and ill-fitting. his large hands drag on the ground behind him and knobbly knees bow under his weight. his grin is longer with wrinkles around where it stretches his face. his eye holes are still ovals, but round eyeballs sit in the middle, with dark space above and below. above the main drawings, three doodles fill the empty space: a cuter, laughing Mr Bonzo, a crude drawing of Mr Blobby with the words 'gross, disgusting, ew' around him, and a nervous and sweating Gwen asking if Mr Bonzo can read, with a note underneath her reading 'woman with PRIORITIES!!'
image two description: two close ups of the scarier Mr Bonzo's face. the first is unchanged, but a halftone is layered over his toothy grin. a label on his left reads 'costume has a mesh mouth for actor to see out of.' the second close up has real teeth, each one long and blunt and textured like wood chips. The teeth are evenly spaced apart from each other, but not touching. the inside of his mouth is a dark, brownish red, getting darker towards the back of his throat. a label on his right reads 'mesh falls away to reveal teeth (not soft)'
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notebookqueenofnarnia · 8 months
Okay Demigods
now that Season 2 has been confirmed (!!!!!!!!!!) I am here to make my official appeal that you ALL read the books. and yes...i mean ALL the books. Because here is what you are missing if you don't:
(mostly spoiler free. mostly vibes and chaotic no context)
Percy's INCREDIBLE sarcasm
Lots of chaotic Mr. D moments
Percy's unending absolute obliviousness when it comes to: his own abilities/powers, his own feelings towards a certain daughter of Athena, and EVERYONE'S feelings towards him
the full list of Percy's felonies (it's longer than you think!)
how much Percy thinks about Annabeth, especially in the third book
The Hunters of Artemis (everyone's like 'which godly parent would you have?' but im like ??? who cares??? I'm running off with the girls to immortal to hunt men i mean monsters)
soooooooooo much Sally Jackson is the Best Mom (to everyone who walks through her door) content
Rachel. Elizabeth. Dare. (this is how the audiobook says her name every single time)
Paul Blofis
Sally Jackson, author
Poseidon: Blowfish?
If you don't read these books you are missing out on some of the coolest female characters Rick has created: PIPER (an iconic), HAZEL (unintentionally hilarious), REYNA (beautiful character arc), and ANNABETH's point of view will have you loving her on a whole other level, trust me
All The Ladies Love Leo
the audiobooks are INSANE. It felt like a full cast read the book, but no. it was just one insanely talented narrator.
Personally, I spent a lot of time reading the OG 5 wondering about how Roman mythology plays into Percy's world. Uncle Rick answered my questions and answered them SO WELL
Hazel the horse girl
Frank the horsebirddolphinman
Frank, gentle himbo, my beloved son
Forced Proximity for 7 teenagers and one chaotically violent satyr (that's Coach Hedge)
Eros/Cupid being one the most genius things Rick's ever written
Percy's hate of Ares transcending god magic
(also his love of Annabeth, but that's like obvious)
weird barely gnome things
this one giant whose name is definitely not pronounced like female anatomy
everyone thinking Percy and Annabeth are constantly getting up to the hanky panky
a statue made me cry
Gay Grumpy/Sunshine (or should that be Death/Sunshine) origins!!
Apollo, vain himbo of godly proportions is forced to live as Lester Papadopoulos
Percy: why
a very chaotic twelve year old daughter of Demeter
she commands Apollo around
plant magic
terrible great haikus at the start of every chapter
Sally Jackson being the best mom to everyone who comes to her door
magic shoes
a sassy magic prophetic arrow that talks in Shakespearean English
so much gay grumpydeath/sunshine content
also yes sunshine's dad is Apollo
Apollo sings
Grover! Piper! Reyna! Hazel! All the friends! Everyone
Jason! (also im sorry)
what if there were some trees who were an elite squad of warriors who also answer to the chaotic twelve year old
gay moms of the midwest
in the last book, chiron takes the campers on a 'field trip' to help take down the big baddie and he shows up dressed as a warrior soccer mom with granola bars, water bottles, and extra swords attached to his fanny pack
a different chaotic twelve year old while fighting to the death in a building that's on fire: "CAN WE GO ON FIELD TRIPS EVERY WEEK?"
okay im not going to spoil it but in the last book there is also this extremely horrifyingly violent moment that Uncle Rick somehow turns into one of the most hilarious things i've ever read
Piper in the epilogue
more insanely funny percy first person narration
Grover, Percy, Annabeth reunite ("the gang is back together!" "The three musketeers!" "Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey!" "Excuse me?")
have you met the god of himbos? (Percy has)
for Season one. you can totally see how Uncle Rick worked on the script and chalice together
if you liked Annabeth shoving Percy into the water....this one is for you
Percy, supreme god of snakes
the cutest cutest cutest cutest Percabeth content you will ever read
hippie gods (yes more than one)
Percy is literally obsessed with Annabeth
Annabeth already being the Jackson daughter in law
Sally Jackson and Paul and
For the record: You CAN read Chalice of the Gods without reading the other series, but please please please read all these books. The audiobooks are phenomenal.
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bagerfluff · 8 months
I Won't Say (I'm In Love)
Nico di Angelo x Son of Eros Reader
Inspiration - I Won't Say (I'm In Love) By Alan Menken and David Zippel
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
AN - If you have any ideas for a story with this reader then ask and you shall receive
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Nico stood by his cabin as he watched you talk with some Aphrodite girls. It had been months since you had first came to camp and since Hazel had introduced you two and you were still the gossip of Camp Half-Blood and Nico could see why.
You were found a couple months ago and you hadn’t been claimed yet which was shocking since you had told everyone that you were fifteen. The Gods had said that they would claim any Half-Blood before they turned thirteen.
Chiron had asked you if you had been claimed but after he told you how half-bloods get claimed you sarcastically said “I think I would notice if a giant thing appeared above my head”, which Leo thought was funny.
So you were placed into Hermes cabin for about a week before you were claimed, but everyone was more shocked at that. You were claimed by Eros, or better known as Cupid.
That was a shock.
No one, not even Chiron had heard of this. And that guy was old, really old. It had been months since that happened but people still talked about you. You were in the Hermes cabin since there wasn’t a cabin for you but that only lasted for a month or two because it was getting quite crowded, so they placed you in a cabin that was almost empty.
Hades cabin, Nico’s cabin. This made Nico quite mad. But not for the reasons you think. Nico had nothing against you. You were nice, charming, funny, good looking.
That’s why Nico hated you.
You had tried to befriend him, with lots of flirting that Nico decided to ignore. Although Nico didn’t spend a lot of time at Camp Half-Blood, you still tried to be friends with him. But he never really talked to you, or hung out with you.
He mostly ignored you.
After a couple of weeks you had gotten the message and left him alone. But now Nico had wished that he didn’t act so cold to you. Watching you talk and laugh with other people made Nico feel weird. He didn’t know why he felt this way.
He did not like you.
Nico didn’t not have a crush on you. He had bad experiences with love, especially with Cupid. It never worked out well. So why did he feel his heart flutter when he was near you or when you smiled at him. No, Nico did not have a crush on you. He had too much to worry about in his life.
He was a child of The Big Three, his life was hard. He had to focus on keeping himself alive. But then why did he long to be next to you. You are like that stupid girl with her arms around your shoulder. Nico shook his head and looked away from you.
He should leave, he’s spent too much time at Camp Half-Blood anyway. “Hey Neeks”, Nico looked up to see Hazel running towards him. Nico smiled slightly and waved at her. “What are you doing?” Hazel asked, taking a place next to Nico.
“I was just about to leave, I have stuff to do”. Hazel laughed which confused Nico. “So you weren’t just looking at Y/n?” Hazel asked though it wasn’t a question. Nico blushed and looked away from Hazel but the damage had been done.
Hazel had her answer though Nico suspected that she already knew it. “Why don’t you just tell Y/n that you love him. He’s said he’s pansexual”, Hazel pointed out. Nico knew that, you had told him that when you first tried to talk to him.
Nico never knew why to tell him that, it wasn’t important. “I’m not going to confess to him because I don’t like him”, Nico told Hazel, looking back at her though he couldn’t meet her eyes. Hazel let out another laugh before looking at you.
Nico followed her gaze and he blushed again when he saw you. You weren’t doing anything special, which just made Nico more mad. You were just leaning on the railing for a cabin and talking to an Apollo kid.
Since your father struck people with arrows you were really good with a bow, which made you friends with almost all of the Apollo kids. But the way that the sun was shining on you made your eyes like gems and every once and a while you ran your hands through your hair, which was not helping Nico with his blush.
Hazel let out another laugh and that brought his attention back to her. “Yeah Nico, sure you don’t have a crush on him”, Hazel spoke before placing a kiss on Nico’s cheek and walking away. Nico grunting and muttered some things in Greek before looking back at you.
This time you caught his gaze and you smiled and waved at him. Nico turned away and walked away. Why did you have to look so good? Nico assumed it was because of your father, he was the son of Aphrodite.
But you didn’t change when people looked at you.
Normally the Aphrodite kids changed slightly depending on who looked at them. But you didn’t, which was weird since your father did that. You just looked good no matter what.
Though Nico didn’t know if this was true, this was just what he’s heard. Nico shook his head and looked back. He could see you entering the Hades Cabin and saying goodbye to your friend. You looked amazing.
Nico wished he was your friend, but he was too scared. Too scared of you, and his love for you. So maybe Nico did have a crush on you.
But he would never say that out loud.
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wmarximoff · 1 year
𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 | 𝐰. 𝐦𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
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summary: because Wanda is unlucky enough to understands as much as you do about the responsibility of those with great power — and the losses that come with it.
warnings (18+): smut, angst, handjob, gender neutral reader has a penis, major character death. MINORS DNI.
pairing: emo!Wanda x spider!gn!reader
word count: 4k
(please, don't flag the work)
There was something gratifying you could point to in the idea that, propelling yourself into the air, climbing in that arachnid-like acrobatics with your own body to the zephyrs of frigid wind in furrows at that high enraptured speed, the world around you could well be so tiny and contained that it would even be deprived of external evils and annoyances when seen from above.
And you always watched it from above, from above, from the corners, in swaying webs, flight towards the urban labyrinth of a city marked by its own life, in a majestic and vigorous existence – a giant that shines even when the dusk of night falls, warm even in the face of a shroud of icy snow in the middle of that October winter.
Admittedly, the cosmopolitanly avant-garde structures that made up the metropolis of New York were sprawling, treacherous, and indeed even fragile, but the charm of the Big Apple was passed right over everyone else's heads, on the surface, when you didn't peer deep into the alley violence in that capitalist machine that encompassed you as much as it did any other New York passer-by.
Your distinguishing factor, however, your peculiarity, was that for many of those people you were a protector, a masked safeguard of their integrity in the face of the everyday hostility that the system so poorly failed to sustain. You were responsible for protecting the helpless, the underprivileged, the underserved, the mainstay of the marginalized and the forgotten. You were, in accordance with your moral duties, the friend of the neighborhood.
Swinging from one building to the next was part of the job at that point. Aerial locomotion became more practical and utilitarian when dealing with moving from one point to another between the skyscrapers that rose to the dark immensity of the night, like arrows shot to the top of the borough of Queens, where a kind of human spider like you moved upwards, climbing and shooting webs, leaving behind trampled footprints in the accumulated snow on the corners of the parapets and on the lightning rod antennas.
You propelling yourself into the dark sky, your muscle cords contracting, pumping blood, gusts of icy air sliding through the fabric of your dark mask, inflating the white eight-legged spider etching emblazoned on your torso. Feeling fucking alive.
In front of panes of glass, pale lights and hums, there was the frenzy of a city that never sleeps – in an intense rustling buzz, active and dynamic amid the white snow and the thousands of lighted lamps, with people carrying briefcases, with suits and ties and sheltered in heavy clothes, with children and with animals, alone or in packs, cars mottled on the white streets, advertisements flashing everywhere. Conversations meandering through the most disparate topics possible to parrot about, a veritable array of options.
Life was happening right below you, as you swung in a black and white suit over the tops of pylons and tall buildings, beads of icy sweat pouring down the length of your back, delirious ecstasy pulsing through your veins added to your warm, radioactive blood.
But, away from the noise of the night's bustle, your web swings that night were heading towards a final stop on an otherwise quiet round – a small apartment complex with thin walls, raised in stone and red brick and in poor plumbing, rather weather-beaten, with a rent worthy of the salary of a pizza delivery person (and part-time barista) like you in Northwest Queens. A place where you've resided since you found yourself being on your own, a little over a year ago, because you weren't exactly the lucky kind of kid.
However, no longer so far from the popular residence, huddled in an arachnid position right on top of the snowy tiles of a corner market, behind the acrylic lenses in the shape of tears, both your eyes compressed their lids in a comically expression, confused in a furrow of brows, since out of the glass of that window situated on the eighth floor were beams of a white lamp luminescence – and, as far as you held a knowledge in your memory, you had left your dwelling still by the end of that partially sunny afternoon, therefore, never having even turned on the lamps that day.
“Shit,” beneath the fabric of the mask you held your frigid breath, sharpening your senses into a state of alert.
It only took a single jump propelled by your lower limbs and an accurate web shot ejected from the shooter attached to your right wrist, aimed right at the edge of the building's terrace, for you to maneuver cautiously in the air, between the light poles, like an elusive feline to then crawling up the emergency stairs outside your living room window, peering in for a glimpse of who the intruder might be that would have crept into your residence while you were away, merging with the shadows that shrouded that cold night.
But the ice in your lungs soon softened into puddles of itself, and at what lay there, laid out for your view from within those four withered walls that encompassed the narrow cubicle you called home. Your heart pumped in liquid explosion inside your ribcage that spread to the pit of your stomach, taking everything in its path in a dizzying hot drag. And that's why a tiny silly smile allowed itself to be enjoyed by the commission of your lips, against the thin fabric of your mask – it was just a natural act for you, to smile foolishly at the splendorous vision of Wanda Maximoff.
The far view alone was enough for you to find yourself smiling and truly content at your core – Wanda lying on your own bed, between thick blankets and poorly stacked piles of pillows, so oblivious to the fact that she was being watched; the pale expanses of her ring-lined fingers so subtly being nibbled on by her teeth, her nails varnished by a black nail polish chipped at the tips, one opalescent knee crossed over the other next to her chest, her dark miniskirt exposing her firm thighs in a way just as appealing to your desiring gaze.
And you loved the fact that her brown hair modulated coffee-colored tones when arranged in the dead of night, only in the pale light of a lamp placed near the right end of the bed – how even though it seemed so dark in the confines of that room, Wanda glowed in her own light sweeping a strand of profuse chestnut hair behind the shell of her right ear, her ringlet gleaming silver, her gaze so intent on the little television set in front of her.
How her irises seemed to adhere to traces of a mossy hue so bleak out of the sun, yet almost bordering on the innocence of someone who was only enjoying a television program displayed on the squalid screen of the small television set that was placed in front of the opposite wall to the bed, just above a small second-hand wooden table.
Over her torso she wore an old dark sweatshirt of yours, made of thick, warm material, bought at a Hot Topic store a few years ago, when you were still in your high school years. And Wanda was beautiful – the owner of a casual beauty, a simple natural and simple neatness, the kind in which there is no effort to pretend to be pretty. A beauty that begins and ends with itself, just because she was beautiful. The most beautiful sight anyone's eyes could be graced with. The kind that made you feel lucky, lucky to have her for yourself.
But it was then that the cold came to haunt you in a gust of stiff wind, the frozen hand of winter tracing the vertebrae of your spine in a chilling contact on your epidermis, which gelled the blood flowing in your veins and turned your bones to ice. Only then did you realize the reality where you were hanging on the snowy emergency stairs outside your apartment, away from the warm weather and away from Wanda.
And so, with your gloved right hand, you managed to lift the window and head your way into the small room, stepping on the floorboards inside with your left foot.
“Hey little witch, are you breaking and entering now? And here I thought you were one of the good guys...”
“Y/n!” Wanda got pleased immediately and, from the bed, she turned with her chin towards your voice that came from the window, a smile emerging in the outline of those pink lips she had, then getting up to receive you properly.
“It's cold outside, get in quick! You're going to catch a cold!”
And her southeastern European accent, still bathed by the Adriatic Sea, made itself present in her low-toned speech, hardening the enunciation of that soft voice. That's why you smiled – the tone of Wanda's voice always warmed your loving chest.
“Fine, fine, I'm fine,” you muttered in an enthusiastic tone, bringing your left hand behind you down on the windowpane that prevented any more gusts of icy wind from piercing the blister of heat that had become infatuated through the walls of that small room.
“I'm in one piece, see? Healthy as a,” you smiled to yourself, “Well, as a spider.”
And a chaste smile flickered back between Wanda's lips, a hint of skin being scrunched across the bridge of her nose in an adorable way, “You're such a goof, web-head.”
So it was that the young woman came walking towards you, warm, smiling, with open arms to welcome you into her affections.
And you took her for yourself, pulling Wanda's body close to yours, whereupon clever fingers dressed in silver rings hooked on the seam cut of your mask right in the middle of your neck, slowly then hoisting it so that in front of the Wanda's gaze revealed the skin of your chin, and then the pulp of your lips; the jadish irises aimed at your mouth and, morosely, the young woman bent down to take a kiss from you herself.
You held her, groping your fingers around her waist, when it was that, in a dizzying, crimson electric shock, soaked in a jubilation of fiery delight, your lips touched in a prudish, measured way. It was a kiss of a simple nature, yet lingering on her lips and imbued with impetuous feelings – the need joined to longing, the happiness of a jovial and healthy love. Something in you just yearned to return to her arms every day, as if your soul fit hers like a jigsaw puzzle by your lips united in a single tune.
“Hi,” you lisped in the tiniest tone against her mouth.
“Hey, детка,” was Wanda's reply, who still had the hem of your mask pressed between her rings, before she hoisted her forearms up to her chin and completely removed the piece of cloth that covered your face expression as smiling as hers.
“I really love your eyes, Y/n.”
“I can say the same for you, my little witch.”
After a little simpler caress of love exchanged, more kisses and hugs and little oaths of longing, you two separated then in reluctance so that you would undress your cold spider suit, choosing to wear more casual clothes and comfortable on your body – a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of snug, vaguely baggy sweatpants. And while you were doing that, Wanda, sitting right on the edge of your bed, watched you in front of the tiny closet door nearby, where a small door opened onto a narrow, dark room with clothes hanging on hangers and a small yellow light dripping from the ceiling.
“I was looking over your crime board earlier, before you arrived, and...” as she talked, her chin was supplanted by the elbow resting on the right knee of her crossed legs.
Wanda looked at you for half a second, her face creasing in curiosity, “Who's Wilson Fisk?”
“Kingpin,” your voice was somewhat muffled by the dark shirt you were halfway pulling on over your head.
“He's one of the crime bosses around here, he's involved in some pretty serious shit around town,” at last, you tucked the shirt over your torso.
“And I've been on his tail for a few months now, but I need to get on with my work if I'm going to gather enough evidence to expose him to the public legally. It's going to be difficult since he has pretty much the entire political underworld in the palm of his hand and other stuff too, of course, but... but I think I'm getting somewhere with this, yeah.”
“Mmm,” she hummed, “That sounds… kinda dangerous, Y/n,” Wanda sniffed with her nose to the side, speaking more to herself than to you per se.
“Maybe if you talked to Clint or Nat they could help you with that. Steve too, even. I know they are all willing to help you if you ask. Steve… you know, he’d really like you to take a chance and be on the team for a while. He thinks you'd make a good Avenger.”
"Yeah, I don't know about that, Wands," you muttered back, raising your right eyebrow at the idea.
“I don't think it's in the Avengers' niche to worry about that kind of thing, you know? I mean, you guys kind of exist to deal with out-of-the-galaxy threats and crazed AIs and evil government organizations and all that shit, don't you? And, well, Fisk is a pretty big fish in his own way, that's true... but he's just a stupid old bald guy who blackmails the local politicians and has created a criminal empire out of bribery and corruption – which is not it's very different from the billionaires we know out there. The difference is that Fisk is not a threat on a global scale.”
At the not-so-indirect burn to Stark Industries that couldn't be ignored, Wanda couldn't help but giggle infinitesimally under her breath, an act that elicited a goofy little smile from you, swaying your shoulders into your baggy blouse.
“Well,” she smiled a little too, in a kind of assent to your words, “You're not wrong.”
“Yeah, I guess,” you turned your head toward her, as your right foot tucked into the seam of thick gray cotton sweatpants.
“Plus, I have this certain, umm, responsibility to the people of this town, I guess. It was a promise I made after all, I... I'm here for them, both to keep all that crazy shit from spilling over on them, and just to look out for them when no one else does. That's my job around here, my function. It's just what I do. I'm not a super spy, or a super soldier, a genius billionaire or a giant green strong guy, Wands. I’m, I’m only...”
“The friendly neighborhood web-head?”
At your roll of eyes, Wanda smirked, like a small rabbit with moderately larger front teeth than the rest.
“That's just mean, witchy. I really prefer Spidey, you know? Spidey.”
“Spidey,” the young enchantress reiterated to you, “Well, anything sounds better than the Witch anyway. That's so fucking pejorative, like, burn the witch or something, what the fuck. I’m not a fucking witch.”
“You aren’t?”
“Shut up,” she rolled her eyes out of their sockets comically.
“The Witch, huh…” you looked at her, almost laughing when you did, “People really aren't good at coming up with superhero names, are they? Because this one is really bad. Really bad.”
“No,” Wanda chuckled in agreement, shaking her head, “They're not, not at all. And I’m not a superhero.”
“I see,” you droned, “And what are you then?”
For a second, Wanda looked at you, “A unlucky person who has made a lot of bad choices in her life.”
The television, which was flashing some old episode of a sitcom that made up Wanda's favorite series collection, was the only thing that filled the room with any kind of light or sound some time later, since, after stuffing yourself with the chicken paprikash that your beloved had prepared for you and then packed and stored in your fridge, the two of you snuggled in each other's arms, away from the cold and the chill, under a thatched hut with thick blankets on your bed during that bitter winter night.
 But it was when you turned in search of a comfortable position to lean back against the pillows and your left elbow brushed Wanda's right, that you two looked at each other curiously as if only then had you realized how close you encompassed each other – two dark gazes in the middle of the room lit only by the artificial lighting of a meaningless program, together, alone.
And you craved the comforting body heat that Wanda radiated when as close to her as you were – the scent of red that wafted from her silky ebony hair and her smooth, pale skin. You felt, however, a gaze peering into you from the line of your jaw and cheekbones, and looking back, Wanda was staring at you with a voluptuous fixation on the darkened green corners of her irises. She looked at you like she could completely consume you, like something about her was going to swallow you up and eat you down, digest you to the bones.
And then, from beneath the cocoon of blankets, a subtle touch spread across your left crotch, still above the thick material of your sweatpants. Your gaze sailed from the heap of blankets placed in the region of your lap to the emerald gaze, so dimmed, of the young woman sitting next to your left elbow.
“Mm?” she hummed back, as innocent as could be, as if her fingers weren't so close to groping an area of your body that was already beginning to throb with signs of life.
“Wanda,” you lisped softly, again, so needy, pupils popping and blood bristling through your veins, “What are you…?”
“I missed you, детка,” her fingers dipped deeper and deeper into your crotch, her eyes still screwed into your field of vision as she did so, “I missed you so, so much… I get so lonely in my room in the compound, you know? And all I can think about in those moments is you... how much I miss you.”
She locked her upper teeth against the flesh of her lower lip, stifling a lusty, immoral smile when she realized something – already petrified in a flash of desire, beneath the fabric of your pants, was your semi-erection, a noticeable bulge that made Wanda's mouth throb with desire.
"And I bet you miss me too, don't you?"
“Of course I do,” you huffed out a breath of warm air, “Fuck Wanda, every goddamn night… every goddamn night I miss you.”
The bright, lively hand, with thin fingers wrapped in rings and well-cut black nails, couldn't help but travel through the dazzling skin of your abdomen, exposed by the lifting of your long-sleeved blouse, starting from the south, from your navel, into your hips, into the hem of your pants. Wanda captured your thick member and gave your shaft an alluring squeeze – her face then hidden in the contour of your neck, in the joint of your shoulder, to nibble, there, a piece of skin.
“Uh-f-fuck, Wanda...” you squirmed out of your nostrils like steam released from your bruised lungs, in a hoarse wail, somewhat drunk with the acute excitement present in your system.
Wanda smiled against your skin, her thumb lethargic caressing the strained head of your cock inside your pants and, in performed innocence, she placed a chaste kiss on the bone at the tip of your jaw.
“Just enjoy it, malышка,” was whispered in her low voice right next to your ear, in an accent hard and robust, but so dizzying when it came out of the crack of Wanda's lips, “Let me show you how much I missed you.”
And again, followed this time by a shameless tone of voice, leaking the red color from her pores, Wanda pressed the plump shaft between her slender fingers, causing a softness on your part. Following your moan, she placed a warm kiss behind your left ear.
“Allow me to make you feel good, Y/n.”
Wanda's right hand began its harassed, pleasurable work, up and down the length of your nervous member, raised to the intimate of your burning thighs – and you, wrapped in an embarrassed tremor, were exasperated as Wanda kissed your corner of the half-open mouth and the fluttering earlobe, threading your fingers through her brown locks as if it were a need between your hands, just in search of something to support yourself during that very intimate moment, shared by a couple of lovers as young and needy as you two were.
“Y/n,” she called against your cheekbone, “I… I'm sorry, but I want you inside. Now."
“Fine,” was your airy reply, “Fine.”
And without delay, Wanda passed her thighs over your knees, linking the folds of her elbows to your neck, then sitting on your lap so that a pink and expert tongue could slide inside your mouth as the damp, warm walls from her cunt slid around your erection. And then, one hefty, powerful touch, palms wide open and pressed to the flesh of her ass beneath her skirt, you screeched out of the outline of Wanda's lips a savory moan that squirmed from the very core of your lungs to pulsate against her lips during the carnal act of penetration.
“Бля, детка… тобі так добре, Y/n…” she gasped against the shell of your ear in a drawling semi-moan, “Y/n…”
"Do you like it?" was your question against her skin, to which, girding your cock with her velvety walls, Wanda nodded, bobbing her head up and down.
“I love it,” and, drunk on a wave of scarlet ledice, Wanda smiled, “I love you.”
You fell silent for a measly second, in fact barely realizing what had happened. Television still featured some sitcom that no longer mattered to you or even her, who was most attracted to the thing between you two – not being as close as you were in that primitive, carnal or even lewd way; skin with skin, flesh with flesh. Raw, visceral, passionate. It was cold outside, but your chest had never felt as warm as it did during that moment. She loved you. She loved you.
“You love me?”
Pulling her face away from your neck, Wanda looked at you with bright eyes from under thick, heavy lashes. She looked at you like no one else but her ever had before.
“I love you, детка,” was a whisper, a promise, “I love you, Y/n.”
When she started to go down everything became hazy, pulsing, hot, red. Wanda was moving up and down your body and you felt her backs arch convulsively, still continuing, creeping towards her cervix, rubbing her from the inside with the head of your cock.
And she rode you with such firmness, moaning and crying out, doing the penetration herself while your eyes converged in a single vision; Wanda moving up and down, over and over, seeking with her hips, until you both came in a delirium of dizzying pleasure; you pouring yourself inside her walls, into her flesh, and her thighs pale, wet, at the meeting with your hips. When she sighed wearily against the hollow of your neck, you smiled into a lock of her hair.
“I love you, little witch.”
It was perfect, you and her. So perfect that you pledged your love two or three more times that night, loving each other in the flesh, in the core, in the heart. Making you cling to the luck of having that miserable moment reserved for you and her, wanting to multiply it, make it last as long as possible.
It was as if, about a month or two after the event, already at the end of that winter suffered on a late December afternoon, Natasha Romanoff had not found herself leaving the corridors of the compound, walking stiff towards Wanda’s room, the soles of her boots full of soot and snow.
As if, among the strands of that short fire-colored hair, the residue of shards of sparkling glass did not shimmer after a painful fall – as if the Black Widow's lower lip were not found bloody and swollen after an arduous fight, as if she had not left a child to fight alone until it was too late for her interposition to mean anything decisive. As if Natasha hadn't been advised by Captain America to let Wanda, still as young, as damaged as she was, digest what happened, still so recent in the popular imagination, on her own.
“She's going to need some time, Nat,” pleaded Steve in a disgustingly grim tone, when they, he and she, were still sharing the elevator space just after returning from the big city with blood on their hands.
“Give Wanda a break, she's been through a lot. She doesn't need it right now. She’s… she’s just a kid. An unfortunate kid.”
But Natasha walked into Wanda's room in that snowy early evening, the emissary of news so atrocious that it had just left the streets, with blood and glass and corpses everywhere, a body count so tragic it could have had more, much lower if you hadn't intervened. Of course, you. But you weren't the one there to tell Wanda what the result of that fight with Wilson Fisk that Christmas Eve night had been. Natasha was the figure standing there, clutching the remains of your mask between the fingers of her right hand. It felt so pointless. As pointless as telling a young girl her lover was dead could be. Your mask felt meaningless.
“Wanda, I…I…”
But Wanda was nowhere to be found in her spacious bed after the Black Widow entered the room filled with posters on the walls and ceiling, stuffed animals arranged next to the pillows and the books piled orderly on the shelves. That was a young person's room, Natasha thought. Wanda was young. The television bolted to the wall adjacent to the window followed the live narration that portrayed a hideous explosion in Hell's Kitchen, where the fire department was still in the process of fully assessing the high and enigmatic number of lives claimed that night.
Wanda was in the bathroom, after all, when Natasha walked over — sitting on the floor, hugging her knees, threading her fingers through her long hair, scratching the scalp as she squinted at her burning eyes where tears were streaming from; sadness that marked her cheeks. She looked as small and as young as could be. And then it was that Natasha remembered. She realized, indeed, what had happened.
Carrying your spidery mask with her, Natasha remembered that both you and Wanda were really just a pair of unfortunate children, as she herself had once been too – children who carried greater responsibilities than you could even handle, with a maturity as mechanical and precocious as what the world demanded of you two. Children like her. Unlucky children.
“What… what– what am I going to do Nat…?” Wanda sobbed, still not lifting her eyes to the open crack in the door, where the older woman was standing, still bloody, still injured, “What the fuck am I supposed to do now?!”
And Natasha wanted to answer her. She wanted to, she opened her bruised lips to do so and then utter that speech she had already had in mind since she had held your body in her arms, still tucked inside that spider suit, in the snow and in the dark. But she immediately contained herself, refraining herself even before doing so, because that was when she saw it – prepared eyes spotted beside Wanda's so small and curved body a plastic rod with two lines marked in a baby pink color.
“Wanda… is... is that…?”
“I don’t know what to do,” she cried, “I don’t know, I don’t know…”
A pregnancy test of the kind one can buy at any local pharmacy, and the result was positive. And your mask was in her hands because you were gone. She was supposed to give it to Wanda as a reminder of your memory, but Wanda would have more to remember you by than a simple torn and bloody piece of cloth. She was pregnant after all. And you – you were dead. You were nothing but an unlucky dead bastard.
“I… I don't know,” Natasha's fingers tightened on the damn tattered fabric, “I'm so sorry, Wanda. I don't know… I don’t know.”
Wanda's tears, wide and warm, dripped between her bare feet on the pale bathroom floor tile. She had never felt so unlucky as she did at that moment.
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adoreeenina · 1 year
I wanna be yours - Ch. 2
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Relationships: Recom! Miles Quaritch x Sully! Reader x Recom! Lyle Wainfleet
WC: 3.4k
Series Summary: ~~~ 𝗜𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕓𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕗𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕗 𝕁𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕊𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕪.
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“Tarsem, I’m fine” Y/n slaps Tarsem’s hands away for the 3rd time.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I did not know it was Lo’ak that I handed the gun to” Tarsem apologizes. Y/n sighs, visibly irritated. Tarsem hasn’t left her alone all morning, she hates being crowed all the time. She doesn’t need to be cradled to.
“Forgive me, Yawne” Tarsem grabs Y/n’s hand to pull her closer to him. His chest bumping into her’s. Y/n mentally cringed, not liking the close proximity between them. Y/n gently pushes Tarsem away from her.
“Tarsem I-“ movement is what caught Y/n’s attention, she looks over Tarsem shoulder seeing Jake, Neytiri, and Neteyam, looking like they’re preparing to fly.
“Excuse me, Tarsem” Y/n abruptly leaves, leaving him behind.
“Dad, what the hell? You didn’t tell me anything about scouting” Y/n stops in front of Jake. Jake only gave her a glance before checking his comms.
“That’s because I didn’t” Y/n’s jaw clench.
“Y/n” Neytiri softly calls, Y/n turns her head to face her.
“You are hurt, you need rest”
“I’m fine” Y/n snaps. She hates being treated like this.
“No, you’re not” Jake growls, finally looking at his eldest child. “You’re testing my patience, girl. Listen to your mother and rest. Do you understand?”
Y/n shakes her head as she pokes her cheek with the tip of her tongue, trying to fight back any insults she wants to throw at his way.
“I said “do you understand”” Jake demands as he takes a threatening step closer.
Y/n meets his gaze and mockingly salutes.
“Lima Charlie, sir”
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“I don’t understand why am I being punished for this, dad grounded you, not me” Y/n angerly shoves her bow and arrow onto Rawm’s saddle.
“Easy sister” Lo’ak throws his hands up in surrender. Y/n breathes out a sigh to calm herself, she knows she can’t blame Lo’ak. Y/n wraps the comm around her neck and the earpiece on her ear.
“Why not come with us?” Spider pipes up with a giant grin.
“To one of your stupid adventures? What are you? A “wilderness explorer”” Y/n mocks with her arms cross over her chest.
“Hey! Adventure is out there!” Spider dramatically points, both quoting one their favorite movies, making Lo’ak and Y/n laugh.
“Thanks guys, but I’m going to head out to grab some herbs for grandmother” Y/n bends a knee, placing her foot on Rawm’s harness and pulls herself up, making Tsaheylu as she does.
“Tryna avoid Tarsem again I see” Lo’ak tease.
“Maybe” Y/n smirks.
“Oh can you bring back-“
“Yes Spider, I will bring back Yursyulang for you” Y/n smiles down at Spider. Spider fist bumps the air excitedly.
Yursyulang is a flower that the Na’vi uses to bathe themselves. It’s cleaner and makes your body soft not like what the humans use. Spiders loves the stuff, always ask for it when Y/n leaves to gather herbs for Mo’at.
“I’ll be back, both of you behave. And please for the love of Eywa, stay out of trouble” Y/n practically begs.
“We promise” both boys say sync, making Y/n shake her head with a sigh.
“I wish I could believe you. Radio me if you get into trouble” with that, Rawm flaps his wing as he jumps off the ledge.
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“What is it?” Kiri curiously ask as she watches Lo’ak and Spider crouch down on the floor.
“We’re always supposed to be home by eclipse” Tuk ushers her siblings and Spider. Tuk doesn’t want get into trouble for staying out longer than they should have, and it doesn’t help that they shouldn’t even be near The Shack.
Lo’ak ignores Tuk as he touches a footprint from most likely a boot, the footprint doesn’t look human. Avatar maybe? But no one isn’t allowed near The Shack not even the science guys back in the lab.
“It’s way too big for a human” Lo’ak frowns.
“Avatars?” Spider ask.
“Maybe, but they’re for sure not ours.” Lo’ak stands to follow the footprints, Spider follows close behind.
“What are you doing?” Kiri hisses as she follows her idiot brother and friend.
“Shh, I’m tracking”
The four of them follows the tracks and leads them right into the old battlefield took place.
They crouch down, blending in behind the tall grass, from afar they see Avatars in military gear.
“We are never supposed to come here. Dad is going to ground you…” Kiri warns.
“Shh. Can you stop?” Lo’ak groans quietly, interrupting her
“…For life” Kiri finishes.
“Bro, we have got to check this out” Lo’ak tells Spider with a mischievous glint in his eye. Spider hesitates, he promised Y/n he wouldn’t get into any trouble, but they’ll watch from afar, if things get bad, they could just leave.
“Let’s go” Spider agrees, he gestures his head towards the Shack.
They stall closer in between the trees and hid behind a log, watching as the Avatar explores the campsite. Spider frown recognizing the place.
“Bro, that’s where your dad and my dad…fought” Spider points out quietly.
“That’s your dads actual suit” Lo’ak whispers to Spider enthusiastically.
“Holy shit” Spider chuckles in disbelief.
“Lyle, see if you can pull some data off that dash cam” Quaritch instructs Weinfleet. Weinfleet raises an eyebrow.
“That things deader than shit Colonel” Weinfleet scoffs but none the less listens to his superior and moves to the Ampsuit.
“So were we”
“All right” Lyle shrugs
“I gotta call this in” Lo’ak gulps, he really wishes Y/n had tag along. Lo’ak knew how much trouble he’s going to be in but he knows the avatars aren’t here for the view.
“No, bro, we’re gonna get in trouble” Spider insist. He wasn’t worried about Jake or Neytiri, in all honesty, he was more worried about how Y/n is going to react to his stupidity of going to the Shack.
“Let’s go” Lo’ak motions for Spider to follow him to go back with the two girls they had left behind.
“Devil Dog, Devil Dog, this is Eagle Eye, over” Lo’ak hesitantly press the comm around throat. His heart beat rapidly, already fearing the wrath that his father will throw his way.
“Eagle Eye. Send your traffic.”
“I got eyes on some guys. They look like Avatars, but they’re in full cam and carrying ARs. There’s six of them. Over.” Lo’ak explains, not taking his eyes off the unknown avatars.
“What’s your pos? Over” Lo’ak gulps as he makes eye contact with Kiri, hearing his father irritated voice through his ear piece.
“Oh…” Lo’ak hesitates. “We’re at the old shack” Lo’ak admits. Spider sighs next to him.
“Who’s we?”
“Me, Spider, Kiri, and… and Tuk” Lo’ak turns to look at his sister, Kiri hugs Tuk closer to her to comfort her.
“Where’s your sister?”
“She’s not with us” Lo’ak makes eye contact with Spider, worriedly. Should they call you? Would you come for them? What would you do if they told you they were at the shack? Probably beat the shit out of them, most likely.
“Son, you listen very carefully. You pull back right now. Do not make a sound. You get the hell out of there. Move! You copy?”
“Yes, sir, moving out” Lo’ak replies as he stands up, motioning the others to follow.
“See, I told you!” Lo’ak rolls his eyes at his sister. “Go, go.”
The four of them makes a get away, to get far away from the shack as possible.
“You’re going to be in so much trouble” Kiri reminds, she mentally curses herself for even coming along and bringing Tuk with her. Tuk running ahead of them.
“Shh! Kiri, stop” Lo’ak replies, already feeling irritated. He didn’t need to be remind of how bad he fucked up this time.
“Guys, come on” Spider calls from in front them.
“It’s almost eclipse, come on” Tuk jogs ahead of them, looking behind her, before shrieking as a female avatar grabs her.
“Tuk” Kiri screams, new avatars that they haven’t seen back in the shack surrounds them as they aim their guns.
“Put it down! Down! Put it down or I shoot you!” one of them yell.
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Y/n grabs the last of what her grandmother needs. She walks closer to the stream and grab many Yursyulang for Spider. Once she was satisfied, she imitates a bird call, to call for Rawm.
Rawm flaps his wings with a screech as he lands close by. Y/n smiles as she tosses a fish towards him, Rawm catches it with ease, gratefully swallowing it. Y/n adjust Rawm’s harness and fixes her saddle.
“Black Mamba, this is Devil Dog. Come in Black Mamba. Over.” Y/n hears her fathers voice through her ear piece. She sighs annoyed. What could he possibly want? She wraps her hand around the communication band around her neck and press the button.
“Go for Black Mamba. Over.” Y/n responds before pulling herself up onto Rawm, making Tsaheylu
“What’s your 20? Over.” Y/n frowns, confused by the question, she looks around before replying.
“100 miles out of the Hallelujah Mountains. Over.”
“Listen very carefully. Your brother notified us about avatar soldier”
“The old battle ground, at the shack” Y/n jaw clench. What was the first thing she said? Not to get into trouble, that was the first thing she said. Those idiots promised her.
“Do you copy?”
“Loud and clear. I’m on my way” with that Y/n mentally tells Rawm to fly near the old shack.
“These aren’t normal avatars. They’re trained soldiers. Fall back” Jake demands.
“Negative. I ain’t going to stand by and let my siblings get hurt”
“Y/n-“ Y/n takes out the earpiece and shoved in her bag, not wanting to listen to whatever her father had to say.
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“Kiri!” Tuk cries, feeling frighten, being held in uncomfortable hold, its hurting her.
“Get over here! Come on! Get down! Stop fighting” One of them roughly grabs Kiri, kicking the back of her legs, forcing her on her knees.
“Don’t move!” Spider snarls being manhandled by another Avatar.
“Kiri” Tuk whimpers.
“Tuk, Mawey” (Tuk, be calm) Kiri softly try’s to comfort her little sister.
“Shut up. Don’t move” pulling Kiri back as she tries to reach for Tuk.
“What have we here?” Quaritch and Lyle appears. Quaritch looks between all the children that his squad caught.
Lyle being the nearest to Kiri, glance down at her, noticing her hands. He crouches down and grabs her wrist, forcing her to stand up.
“Hey Colonel” Lyle holds Kiri’s hand out for him to see. “Check it out. four fingers. we’ve got a halfbreed”
“Shit” Spider quietly cursed under his breath.
Kiri grunts being pulled by her braid by Lyle. Quaritch looks at Kiri with a look of familiarity before turning to Lo’ak.
“Show me your fingers” being a smartass, Lo’ak shows his hands by flipping him off, making Quaritch chuckle. “You’re his, aren’t you?” He ask amusingly. Lo’ak snarls at him. “You’re his, all right” he drawled out, before roughly grabbing Lo’ak by his queue and pulling him up, making Lo’ak groan.
“Where is he?” Lo’ak doesn’t respond, making Quaritch tug on his queue.
“ngaytxoa” (Sorry) Lo’ak speaks in Na’vi “oe rä'ä plltxe ìnglìsì… ne vonvä” (I don’t speak English… to buttholes)
Quaritch ears pins flat against his head as he snarls far less fluently,”tsengpe ngeyä sempul?” (where is your father?), he once again grips Lo’ak queue harder, making Lo’ak groan louder as he glaring daggers at him.
“Really? You wanna play it this way?” Quaritch says as he pulls out a huge combat knife from behind him. Quaritch forcefully throws Lo’ak to the ground and walks toward Kiri.
“Kiri! No!” Lo’ak yells for his sister as Quaritch gets closer to her “Stop!”
“Hey! Hey, don’t touch her!” Spider tries to break himself free, trying to get the avatar that’s holding him to let go.
“Hey!” Quaritch tilts his head as he looks at the only human in the group, in curiosity.
“What’s your name, kid?” Quaritch narrows his eyes. Intrigue.
“Spider” Spider huffs out as he glared daggers at the the tall avatar. “Socorro”
A look of realization passes Quaritch face before glancing at Lyle who looks away from Quaritch with a grim look.
Quaritch waves off the solider that’s been holding Spider, a signal to let him go, he slowly kneels in front of Spider.
“Miles?” Spider jaw clench, finally knowing who this man is. The man he hated being compared to. The man who he despise.
“Nobody calls me that”Spider scowls.
“Well, I’ll be damned…” Quaritch mumbles to himself. “Well, I figured they sent you back to Earth” not being able to take his eyes off of predecessor.
“They can’t put babies in cryo, dipshit” Spider snaps back. Spending too much time with Y/n made him a bit of a smartass.
Not taking his eyes off Spider, he flips the combat knife inwards as he stands up, letting the soldier grab Spider once again.
“What are we doin’, boss?” Lyle ask. Not responding to Lyle, Quaritch reach for the comm around his neck.
“Iron Sky, Blue One, Actual. We are standing by for extract, over. Be advised we are bringing’ in high value prisoners”
“Let us go”
“Shut up”
They lead the kids back over near the amp suit. Quaritch stands near his predecessor amp suit, with a datapad in his hand.
“Lyle, get me some audio on this” Lyle walks closer as he leans his chest close to Quaritch shoulder, Quaritch glance at Lyle in the corner of his eye, but Lyle doesn’t pay him any mind.
On the screen, they see Neytiri.
“That’s Sully’s woman”
“She’s an animal”
With the 4 children, Kiri holds Tuk close to her trying to comfort her.
“Kiri, I want Y/n” Tuk whimpers, Kiri whispers comforting words into her ear.
“I know, Tuk, I know. I want her too” Kiri prays to the Great Mother to be saved.
“Yeah, there’s nothing after that,” Lyle murmured as the last of dash cam footage from Quaritch’s old AMP cut out. Footage of his death.
Spider watches the footage of his fathers death, so Neytiri was the one who killed him. He never knew the story of how his father died, all he knew was he died during the battle.
Lyle takes the datapad as he takes a worried glance at Quaritch, noticing Quaritch’s stoic visage faltered for only a moment before he reached in and plucked the skull, holding it in his massive four fingered hand.
Lyle reaches in to grab his dog tags before pocketing them.“You want us to recover these remains?”
Lyle watches as he grimaced and crushed the skull of his human counterpart. He takes that as a ‘no’.
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Y/n growls seeing her younger sibling and Spider being held at gun point. She’s been waiting for her mother and father to arrive for 15 minutes, she can’t wait any longer. Y/n jaw clench as she pulled her drawstring taut until it stretched to her ear.
Y/n froze, hearing her mother calls getting closer. Movement caught her attention. She glance over seeing her mother looking at her.
Not breaking contact with her daughter, Neytiri yips. Y/n yips right behind her, letting specifically Spider know she’s right here. Y/n knows Neytiri would protect her younger siblings with no doubt, it’s Spider that’s she’s worried about.
Hearing Y/n calls, Spider turns to glance over his shoulder at Lo’ak who only nods.
Neytiri signals her to lower her bow before she raises hers to aim at the one holding Kiri and Spider.
Hearing Kiri praying and the soldier tugging on her queue, Neytiri takes a deep breath, firing her arrow snugly between the eyes of the man who held Kiri and Spider at gunpoint.
“Contact rear” Bellowed Quaritch. He shoved Spider and Kiri behind him, opening fire upon Neytiri who narrowly dodged his downpour of bullets as she ducked away.
“Lo’ak!” Neytiri shouts. Lo’ak pulls on the pin of a smoke bomb on Lyle vest, the smoke blinding the soldiers closest to him. Lo’ak sinks his teeth into a man, being let go, Lo’ak reaches for his sister and runs.
“Shit.” Y/N cussed. Y/n throws herself head first from the tree, she lets her body flip forward as she aims her arrow to an avatar with a bandana around his head.
“Ahh” Y/n gasp falling forward, feeling a scorching pain on her left side. She glances down seeing blood, she looks up seeing a bald avatar, making eye contact. He aims at her against, pulling the trigger.
Pushing her legs out from under her, she ducks away to avoid the bullets, scrambling to get out of there. Y/n calls out in pain as a stray bullet graze her left thigh.
“Spider” Y/n calls, seeing him and Kiri run.
“Grab ‘em”
A woman grabs Kiri by her queue. With all her might Y/n kicks the woman away, using her bow, she swings with all her might hitting her straight in the face. The woman calls out in pain, letting go of Kiri’s queue. Y/n goes for another attack before an arrow is shot at the woman’s chest, recognizing the arrow, Y/n turns to grab Kiri and Spider.
“Come on” Y/n pushes them forward. Spider looks over his shoulder, a feeling of relief washes over him.
“Y/n. you’re bleeding” Kiri softly whimpers, worried seeing so much blood on her older sister.
“I’m fine. I don’t even feel it. Adrenaline” Y/n answer when she sees both Kiri and Spider look at her. They continue to run up a tree to get up to high ground.
“What the hell were you thinking” Y/n hisses down at Spider. “What happened to staying out of trouble, huh”
Spider flinch being scolded by Y/n. Kiri runs ahead of them, Spider in the middle and Y/n behind them, keeping them in her sight.
“Go, go, go” Y/n hurries them, hearing projectiles bombs close behind her.
An ear-shattering explosion behind her completely knocked her off her balance. It sent both her and Spider tumbling down.
“Spider” Y/n grabs Spider as they fell, wrapping her body around his as best as she can, to avoid him getting hurt. Y/n grunts feeling her body getting hit in multiple places, she groans feeling her wounds being graze against the rough ground. A hard hit against her head before slamming against the floor, knocking her out. Spider body rolls, seeing Y/n unconscious.
“No” Spider scrambles himself to crawl closer to Y/n, grabbing her jaw to face him.
“Y/n, wake up. Please, we gotta get outta here” Spider desperate please falls on deaf ears. Hearing footsteps coming closer, he snaps his head seeing many of the avatars coming closers, including the clone of his dead father.
“No, get back” Spider hisses. Spider goes for a punch, Quaritch easily dodge before grabbing him and hoisting him over his shoulder, with him kicking and screaming.
“Grab her” Quaritch orders Lyle. Lyle nods as he lets his gun drop to his side before kneeling down, to pick her up as he slung her over his shoulder.
“C’mon buttercup” Lyle lowly chuckles.
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Jake watches as the avatars leave, seeing Neytiri and Kiri run up to them, he breathes a sigh of relief.
“Mom” Tuk whimpers as she hugs her mother.
“That’s it. It’s okay. It’s okay. We’re okay” Jake hugs his two sons
“Oh, thank you, great mother. Thank you” Neytiri praises. Lo’ak looks around noticing they’re missing two people.
“Where’s Spider? Where’s Y/n?” Kiri turn with watery eyes.
“They took them. They took them”
Jake felt his heart stop beating. This is what he was afraid of, if only Y/n listened to him and not to disengage, she wouldn’t have been captured. He knew Y/n acts on impulse to protect the people she adores. He almost lost her once and now he truly did lose her. Now his fear has come true, he lost his oldest daughter. His baby girl. Jake knows his daughter is a fighter, he knows she can protect herself, including Spider, she’d done this before, sha can do it again. He prays to the Great Mother to protect his eldest daughter from the dangers that’s heading her way.
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“Hey! Don’t touch her!”
Quaritch ignores Spider as he cuffs him.
“Make sure she’s sedated, don’t want her to cause chaos on the way there”
“Yes, sir” Ja nods to his superior as he takes out a needle and inject it into Y/n’s neck, despite Spider’s protest.
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neteyamssyulang · 11 months
⌖ Lustful Vengeance ⌖
⌖ Part 1 ⌖
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⌖ Pairing: So’lek x Fem human soldier reader ⌖
⌖ Based on this request ⌖
⌖ Part 2 here ⌖
⌖ Background: Once the RDA returned So’lek celebrated. Finally able to take revenge he killed your fellow soldiers and was going to do the same to you but a different idea played in his mind.
⌖ Warnings: Dom So’lek, Sub reader, Dark, P in V, Mentions of death, Marking, Breeding kink, Creampie, Choking, Spanking.
⌖ Total word count: 1557 ⌖
⌖Translation(s): Muntxate -> Female spouse, yawntutsyìp -> darling/little one, Tawtute -> Human
⌖ A/N: I hope this turned out the way you wanted anony
⌖ Tagging: @ikeyniofthetayrangi
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It was just a normal day, the colonel had tasked you and a few other soldiers to fly up to site 46 and stay there while also scouring the area.
The pilot took off towards the site, you couldn't help but look out the window of the helicopter. Pandora is beautiful it really is, it would make the perfect home for humanity once the natives were no longer a threat.
As the helicopter landed you all got out and headed inside the portable, taking off your exomask you made it to where your room would be at the back of the place and began unpacking all your belongings.
Eclipse soon covered the pandora sky, 2 loaded up their guns while 2 more got into their AMP's and began scouring the area. The rest of you just stayed inside talking about how this would be a peace of cake.
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Once eclipse fell he went into action, tonight he would finally take his revenge on these sky demons for what they've done to him and his clan.
He saw two of the humans just walking with guns while the other ones looked to be in some type of metal suit.
Pulling an arrow from the cylinder on his bow he drew it back till finally releasing it into one of the humans in the machine, the arrow making a clean shot flying through the glass and into the persons head.
Gunshots rang out pointed in his direction, So'lek sprinted while taking another arrow out, quickly turning he released it into the other one in the machine.
Two down two to go.
The last two were easy to take down and eywa did it feel good watching the life drain from their eyes, now for the rest of them.
He stalked back to the site and lit one of his arrows on fire, holding it steady he took a deep breath pointing it at the window where he could see the rest of you.
Finally he released the arrow watching it go through the window shattering it and landing on the floor inside. The entire portable was going up in flames, you didn't want to leave your fellow soldiers but you had no choice.
Quickly putting on an exomask you run to the emergency exit and dash through the thick pandoran forest.
Back at the site So'lek had slashed every one of the soldiers throats before running after you. Eywa be damned if he let you escape.
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Your heart was thumping loudly in your chest as your legs threatened to give out, you could hear footsteps behind you getting closer but saw no one as you glanced back.
Somehow you managed to run into a giant clearing, thinking your safe you stop to catch your breath.
Lord was that a big mistake.
He was on you within second, his knife pressed against your jugular while his other hand held your wrists above your head.
"Foolish human, did you really think you could get away from me?" He taunts staring down at you. "P-please don't kill me! I'll do anything!"
The na'vi chuckles in amusement, "Kill you? Whereas I was planning on it I don't think your cut out for that." Confusion settles on your face "What do you mean?-"
Removing his knife he places it back in his sheath before taking off his metal chest piece littered with dog tags he took after killing RDA members and placed it on the ground.
"Instead of killing you I'll just make you my darling little mate." Panic starts settling in and you scramble to get away from the na'vi, he pulls you back by your legs immediately tearing off the blouse you wore along with your shorts and panties.
Tears prick your eyes threatening to fall "Please don't do this.. i'm begging you" , "Don't worry little one, you'll be begging for me to take you soon enough."
Untying the knots of his tewng he lets it drop, his cock springs up hitting his stomach. Beautiful patterns of tanhi cover it not to mentioning how big and girthy he is.
"That will never fit, you'll break me!" Your tone raising slightly, the na'vi leaned over you teasingly swiping his cockhead through your folds.
So'lek smirked looking down "Look at you, already so wet for me, it will fit I'll make sure of it."
Without warning he pushed past your entrance with a pop making you cry out in pain, he inched his cock inside you little by little. When you thought he was done you sighed in relief till he rolled his hips finally bottoming out.
"Such a good tawtute taking me" he coos, giving you only a mere minute to adjust he pulls out till only the tip remains and slams back inside knocking the air out of your lungs.
His pace is brutal, one hand holding him up from crushing you while the other holds onto your hip. Your hands find their way to his shoulders holding tightly onto him.
Your moans fill his ears as he angels himself so now he's repeatedly hitting your sweet spot. "Be a good girl and cum for me" he whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine.
Not being able to hold back anymore the coil in your stomach finally snaps and you cum leaving a white creamy ring at the base of his cock.
"P-please I..I can't anymore.. your too big.." you whined beneath him, the na'vi only chuckled speeding up his movements, his cock bullying your insides and threatening to pierce through your cervix.
"You will take it, my little mate will look so pretty walking around with a bump" So'lek murmures moving the hand that was on the ground to your stomach pressing down on it.
Your backed arched as you came again squirting your juices on him, he could feel your walls convulsing around his cock. "Oh great mother.." So'lek groans.
So'lek moved his left hand to wrap around your delicate little neck while his right now now held onto your hip. He drove his cock deeper into your pussy, his mushroomy tip kissing your cervix each time.
If you would've known that signing up with the RDA would lead you to this you would've never done it. His cock was stretching you out ruining you for anyone else, shit you didn't even know the males name and now he expects you to be his mate?
What would the colonel think? His #1 soldier getting fucked by the natives they wanted to drive out to make pandora the new earth for humanity.
So'leks teeth grazing along your neck pulled you out of your thoughts, before you have a chance to say anything he suddenly pulled out flipping you onto your hands and knees.
Wasting no time he slams his cock back inside your aching pussy hitting a new angle this time making you see stars "Hold it for me little one..I'm almost there" he pants from behind you.
Your whimpers and moans only drive him closer to that sweet release he's been trying to reach, feeling your walls clench around him he grit his teeth.
His hand came down harshy onto your ass making you yelp and shift forwards a bit, "What did I say? You will cum when I say you can" each sentence was delivered with a smack across your ass.
Tears are now falling down your face and onto the mossy ground below you. "P-please let me cum.." you plead with him.
Another smack comes down on your ass "No, when you cum you will scream my name, understand?"
"I don't know your name!" You manage to shout at the male behind you but it only earns you another slap on your already reddened ass.
Pulling out once more he flips you onto your back again before plunging his length back inside "It's So'lek yawntutsyìp" he sends a cheeky wink down at you.
His hands move across your chest groping at your tits, his fingers pinch and roll your sensitive peaks between the pads of his index finger and thumb instantly hardening them.
Leaning down he sucks and bites you all over your neck leaving his marks for everyone to see. "Fuck! Cum now!" He moans in your ear as he thrusts one final time before stilling his hips.
His seed spills into your empty womb triggering your own climax, your arms wrap around his neck as you scream his name.
Your both still panting as he leans up taking in your flushed state. Your hairs all messy from being tossed and turned like a rag doll, your face holds a bright pink hue.
So'lek leans back down placing his face into the crook of your neck, deciding on the perfect spot he sinks his fangs into you finally marking you as his mate.
Instead of fighting it you give in finally accepting your fate, your fellow soldiers that you once thought of as friends are dead by the same person who is now your mate.
He unlatches from your neck licking the small droplets of blood off before trailing his kisses up your neck, to your jaw, to your lips. He captures them in a slow passionate kiss before placing his forehead against yours.
"Your mine now, my little muntxate."
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Head Over Heels (Law X TomBoyF!Reader)
(A little dabble I thought while taking a piss 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 like 3 minutes ago)
Warnings⚠: None
[Part 1/?]
Law meets Luffys older (by like a year) sister who honestly the type of girl he’d imagine being the big sister to the Straw Hat and BOY is she just fiiiiiiiine!
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3 brothers!
Imagine growing up with 3 idiot brothers with only one of them being less stupid. Fist fights, rolling around in mud and dirt, covered in blood from hunting, needing a bath every night to not get sick. Haha God I love those idiots!
Law doesn’t know why he’s here, walking down a random street on a random island with the idiot Straw Hat Luffy. As the two walk, Luffy lets out a loud yell as he sees a familiar older girl walking down the street. “HEEEEEEY! (YYYYY/NNN)!”. He calls way too loudly, drawing the attention of everyone including the girl. She turns in confusion, the gasps as she looks over with wide eyes and a bright smile.
Luffy jolts off over to the girl, the Captain of the Heart Pirates groaning as he slowly walks to catch up. He sees her wearing baggy long pants and a bikini, saddles and a small pack bag through the belt parts of her pants. Luffy jumps and hugs her, who hugs him back. “No way! It’s so good to see you again little dude!”. She greets him. “I’ve missed you so much!”. Luffy cries. (Y/n) pulls off the younger kid, putting him in a headlock as she ruffles his hair with his knuckles.
“You little fuck! I thought your ass was dead you little shit! Scared me half to death! I swore I saw the light!”. She snaps at him angrily, tightening her hold as he starts to choke. “I-I’m sorry! Please don’t kill me!”. Luffy breathes out, spazzing in her hold.
The Heart Pirate Captain finally catches up, looking at the two with a raised eyebrow. “The hell are you?”. (Y/n) asks the taller man, looking up at him. A thump goes through his whole body, strange. “Th-this is my friend!”. Luffy chokes out, now trying to pull her arm away. “No shit! Can’t believing you made a friend that isn’t some 30 year old guy!”. She says happily.
Law looks at his now turning blue friend, his cheeks reddening at the sign of his face so squished against her boob. “Hope this little turd hasn’t been too much of a pain in the ass”. She tells him, finally letting go of Luffy to let him fall to the ground. ‘Yes, he has been a giant pain in my fucking ass’. “No, not at all”. He responds. ‘Damn it!’.
She then hums, getting on her tippy toes and leans right up into his face. “Holy crap! You’re that Law guy! I heard about you! Your bounty is like crazy high at like 3,000,000,000 berries!”. She points out in shock. “Yeah! Isn’t he awesome!”. Luffy cheers, now back on his feet. “It is quite impressive, I must say”. She hums, holding her chin with her hand as she nods.
“Uh…th-thanks”. He mutters, gripping the brim of his hat to lower it to hide his slowly growing blush. ‘What’s with this woman? Why am I like this? Damn it!’. “So, whatchu up to these days?”. Luffy asks his older sister, the two turning to each other. “Oh ya know, just traveling around looking for anything to do! Probably doing the least to piss off the old man out of us kids”. She answers, leaning with her hand on her hip.
“How bout you? I’ve seen that your bounty has only been goin up so ya still trying to be King of the Pirates?”. She asks. “Yep! And it’s only gonna go up and I’m gonna be king!”. He responds happily. She chuckles at her little brother. “I believe it! Remember I’ve been your number one supporter since day one”. She reminds him, nudging his arms with her elbow.
She then turns back to the other captain, feeling an arrow go through his heart when her eyes meet his. “Mind if I hang with you guys for a while? Just for a bit, I wanna catch up with my baby brother”. She asks him oh so kindly. Law felt as if his heart stopped, chocking and spitting out his own spit. Luffy laughs at his reaction while his sister just stares.
She reaches into her bag and pulls out a handkerchief, holding it out to him. “Do you…need this?”. She asks nervously, never really seeing a guy act like this before in her life. “Uh…”. He takes the handkerchief from her, feeling the soft fabric on his fingers. “Thanks”. He thanks, raising it to clean his face. “Oh man! You should have seen your face!”. Luffy laughs at his older friend.
He holds the handkerchief back to her, her hand grazing his as she takes it back. Her finger tips are as soft as silk, her fingers smoothly sliding off his. Laws nose suddenly bursts, blood gushing out his nose like a hose. “Holy crap!”. The girl yelps, jumping back while Luffy bursts out laughing again. “Hahaha! Now you’re like Sanji!”. He laughs, holding his stomach from all his laughing.
(Y/n) looks at her brother with a concerned expression. “Is he uh…usually like this?”. She asks him. “Hehehe, nope!”. He simply answers. All Law can do it turn away from the two, his face a dark beet red. Never in his life has he been this embarrassed just because of some girl. (Y/n) leans over so she can whisper in Luffys ear. “Should I leave and we catch up a different time?”. She whisper asks him, causing the younger boy to turn and look at her.
“No no it’s fiiiine! Just give him a minute”. He reassures her. She hums as she leans away from her baby brother, then just to lean back over. “He said he acts like a friend of yours, what’s he like?”. She asks him. “Oh you mean Sanji? He usually acts like that around girls, he really likes girls”. Luffy answer. Oh…OH!!! Oh~. “Oh I see~”. She coos, leaning away from her little brother again.
“Huh? Get what?”. Luffy questions. (Y/n) then grabs Laws hand, gaining his attention and causing him to freeze in place. “So Law, are you here for long? Perhaps we can meet up and you can tell me some stories of dumb shit my baby brother has done?”. She asks him, sending him a little wink. His nose starts to bleed again, but he’s able to muster out a nod. “Cool! Now why don’t we go somewhere nice and chat!?”. She says happily, linking arms with her brother and dragging the two down the street.
Trafalgar Law, Died Age 26
Death By Blood Loss & Heart Attack Caused By Luffys Hot Older Sister
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conchiferrous · 1 year
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two doodle page commissions from recently
[IMAGE ID, IMAGE 1: Doodle page featuring Rolf and Kevin from Ed, Edd n' Eddy. Drawing 1: Kevin hands Rolf a valentine card, but he's looking away shyly. Kevin says: "I felt bad that I didn't get you anything last year so.. Happy valentine's day... Dude." Rolf looks at the card, dumbfounded with big eyes and question marks over his head. There's an arrow pointing to Rolf's head labelled "meaningless gesture." Drawing 2: Rolf is screaming at Kevin and pointing at him while Kevin looks off into the distance, exasperated. Rolf is yelling: "Rolf has had enough of your tomfoolery! I challenge you to a duel!" The drawing is captioned: "Third time this week". Drawing 3: Rolf is riding on Victor's back and Kevin is riding on Wilfred's back. Both of them are holding a lance and a shield, but Rolf's lance and shield look a little nicer while Kevin's lance has scotch tape showing and his shield looks scuffed. Victor is walking forward and Rolf is looking over at Kevin, eager, mouth open like he's talking to him but no dialogue is written. Kevin looks annoyed, and Wilfred just stands in place, wall eyed. Drawing 4: Small drawing of Rolf and Kevin walking and talking together while Rolf plays with a yo-yo. They're both smiling. Drawing 5: Chest up drawing of Rolf and Kevin looking at something to the left off screen. They both look bewildered.
IMAGE 2: Doodle page featuring Kevin and Ed from Ed, Edd n' Eddy. Drawing 1: Ed stands behind Kevin while Kevin stands in front of his bike protectively. The front tire on his bike is deflated and Ed tells him: "I saw on TV how to fix a bike once." Kevin, panicked, responds: "NO, THAT'S OKAY!" Drawing 2: Ed and Kevin look at something curiously off screen. They're drawn from the side and Kevin has to peek out from behind Ed. Drawing 3: Kevin stands inside his house and is holding a VHS box for a movie. He looks annoyed, his free hand on his hip, and says : "Aw man! I rented Attack of 100 Giant Squids & Nazz didn't want to watch it with me." In the window behind him, Ed is sprinting towards him. Drawing 4: Ed holds up a comic book called "Killer Pig" smiling, and says: "Wanna read the new comic I got?" Kevin responds: "Are there girls in it?" Drawing 5: Ed sits on his armchair, and points to something to the left off screen while kicking his legs. He says: "This is when the needle man shows up!" Kevin is hiding behind the chair, panicked, and peeking out from behind it. His back is pressed up against the chair. He responds: "Wow, that's great..." Drawing 6: Ed and Kevin are sitting on the floor, and Ed is holding a large bowl in his lap. Ed says: "I make my own popcorn sauce!" and text behind him reads (it's gravy). The gravy is covering the popcorn entirely, and Kevin looks over at it, disgusted. Drawing 7: Kevin and Ed are sitting on the floor watching TV. Only the top of the TV can be seen. Ed points at the screen and says: "This is the funniest part!". Text above it reads (most gore ever in a movie). Kevin looks disturbed. Drawing 8: Kevin and Ed are sitting on the floor, with their backs pressed up against each others'. They're both reading comics. Kevin's is called "mutant lymph node" and Ed's shows an advertisement for a yo-yo in the back. Kevin looks at Ed, looking aloof, and says: Pretty cool, I guess..." Ed looks back at Kevin, positively giddy. END ID]
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oneatlatime · 9 months
Appa's Lost Days
Dare I hope?
You know, if ten year old me had turned on my TV to watch my weekly dose of Avatar and been greeted with a nearly two minute long uninterrupted sequence of a frightened and distressed animal being mistreated, that TV would have turned right back off again.
I don't buy that a ten tonne bison who has the leverage of his own weight as well as his airbending abilities would succumb to so few people.
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Name one other character that Avatar has presented as so thoroughly without any redeeming characteristics. Even Zhao was at least kind of funny. Everything about the chucklehead on the left is rotten to the core. "What's your dad going to do when he finds out we broke his stuff while doing crime?" "Nothing. It's not his stuff; it's previous crime."
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I thought beetle-headed was a commentary on their intelligence, but it's actually a description.
I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that I should have waited to get my hopes up until I came to an episode called Appa's Found Days. Is this whole thing going to be a series of near misses with the Gaang?
You know, if I had a nickel for every time an animal companion on this show has been threatened with a trip to the butcher's, I'd have two nickels. In the space of two episodes.
This is not fun to watch guys.
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Not if I break you first asshole.
The way this Nurse Ratched type circus guy says "earn it" is chilling.
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Of course the Fire Nation would find a way to turn bending into animal abuse. Of course.
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a) that cage is way too small b) who knew cabbage suction could be so cute?
Completely unsubtle parallel with the boy here, right down to the complete disregard they show to the threats thrown their way.
Stubborn and wilful are not adjectives I would use to describe Appa this episode, or ever.
Wind buffalo. Wind Buffalo. Really? Was Fart Cow taken?
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That's a very relatable facial expression.
That makeup and costume is awful.
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Now that's satisfying.
Is the Fire Nation kid voiced by Aang's voice actor?
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Nevermind. THAT'S satisfying.
I was right - this episode is Appa always being a step behind the Gaang.
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Baby Appas! This almost makes this episode worth it!
It's funny how a single feature can contribute so much to a character's design. Arrowless Aang is just some kid. Let me rephrase that, since such a big part of Aang's character is the fact that he's just some goofy kid. Arrowless Aang is indistinguishable from other kids for the first time this series, because every other time we've seen him on screen he's either the only child airbender with his arrows, or the only airbender left.
Lady monks. Nuns? I don't think I've seen those before.
Appa and Aang share a dreamscape? That could be useful.
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There's dumb, there's really dumb, and then there's 'wake a completely asleep and therefore harmless unknown creature with threats of violence' dumb.
Close call for Iroh. Do you think he's suspected that Appa (and presumably the Avatar) haven been in Ba Sing Se this whole time?
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Bipedal Appa is strange. A very effective fighter, but strange to look at.
I'm amazed that giant boar thing walked away from that.
And now they're hitting me with an 'Appa's given Up' montage. Someone who works on this show hates me.
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*Heroically refrains from ranting about the impracticality of using white fabric for an active warrior's glove.*
"This could be our most important mission yet." Foreshadowing?
Did Suki and Appa actually meet at any point in the Warriors of Kyoshi episode?
Turns out 'Aang' is a magic word.
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Appa kisses!
Appa is apparently legally banned from having anything good for more than five minutes. Although it's good writing that they're using a previously established weakness - Appa's shedding - to bring the danger ladies back in.
I guess they have Azula drop the line about her brother to remind the audience of who she is, but surely Suki's like "Who are you? Who's your brother? Why should I care?"
Azula going after the Kyoshi warriors is completely unnecessary right? The Avatar isn't there. Neither are Zuko and Iroh. It doesn't even net her Appa. She's just looking for someone to beat up.
WOW this is bad writing. Like really bad. My Immortal levels of bad.
Would it be too much to ask for the Kyoshi warriors to do even slightly ok against the Azula ladies? Couldn't they at least get a couple of hits in?
Kudos to Suki for essentially sacrificing herself and her warriors to save Appa. 'Most important mission yet' was a bit on the nose.
Out of options, Appa goes home. Ouch.
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Someone explain this to me. Air Bison teething ring?
My what a human sounding cough you have buddy.
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This is why you don't use Air Bison as guard dogs.
I like what this Guru is saying. Fear displacing trust but not love feels more accurate than how I usually see the consequences of trauma discussed.
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The music playing throughout this sequence fits so well. I think it's some sort of metal thing you hit - I want to say a variation on tubular bells, and maybe something Glockenspiel adjacent? It's unlike anything I've heard in this show before and it fits so well that I'm nerding out a bit.
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Disney princess Guru. Aang has Disney princess moments too. Maybe it's an Air Nomad thing?
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No wonder the monks built a temple here. Even destroyed, it's gorgeous.
And Appa decides to trust again. I love it when an animal visibly comes to a decision about your trustworthiness.
This energy reading stuff makes sense given that Aang and Appa already share a dreamscape.
He IS a great beast. The best!
Someone whip up a wanted poster for Long Feng: Cattle Rustler. It had also never occurred to me that he was an earthbender.
That flip move with the earthbending platform must have caused Appa to land on his back. I bet that hurt.
One of the times I am very grateful that the closing credits music is so upbeat.
Final Thoughts
@aboutiroh I see why you recommended I save my chocolate for this episode.
The Tale of Momo was really just a preparatory taste of things to come, huh? Almost a microcosm of this episode.
This is the first episode where I had to take breaks while watching. Especially the circus sequence, I think I got up twice to do things like get a cup of tea and stare randomly out windows at squirrels. I didn't even have to do that with Zuko Alone, despite freaking out a lot about it, because at least that episode took breaks from the child abuse to check in with Aang being miserable. This episode was unrelenting.
If I had seen this episode when I was the age of the target audience, this may well have turned me off the show for good. If my Mom had seen this episode, I would have been banned from watching the show entirely. Not a decision I'd agree with, but my Mom is the type of person who banned her kids from watching Bambi.
To watch through all of that unrelenting animal (at best) unhappiness, and still not get Appa back at the end of the episode? That's a bit much. It's not often that this show ends its episodes without at least a little bit of something positive.
Once again, the music did a lot of heavy lifting this episode. The animal noises weren't quite as emotive as the ones in Momo's Tale, but Appa's face is more expressive, and more was shown through his expression than through Momo's, so I feel like this episode had just as much non-verbal animal communication as Momo's Tale.
I think I'm renaming season 2 "the Suki redemption arc." I really didn't like the Warriors of Kyoshi episode, and I didn't like what her character did in that episode. But every time Suki appears in season 2? She absolutely nails it.
The show since losing Appa has taken to wallowing. Even with bright spots like the poetry bouncer, the overall tone since Appa's appanapping has been ever more dark. If this keeps up for many more episodes, it will no longer be fun to watch.
Somehow I don't think this one is going on my rewatch list.
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swordheld · 1 year
i believe we all are unspectacular, though
this feeling - it's yours, through and through. your experience is yours and you have earned every emotion you hold on to. in writing this, i don't mean to try to explain away how you're feeling; i only want to attempt to show you the inverse, the hidden light that shadows beyond every darkness.
sometimes there are moments where it all becomes too much and we fall into it, that long dark, and it takes us from ourselves, from some part of us that lives close to whatever we hold to the light of things. the hard part of this was never finding that awe, that spectacular beauty, but keeping it close enough to guide us out of the dark. it slips so easy through our fingers.
when that becomes so big it swallows all else: what if you think of the softest thing? of similarity, and kindness, and how it seems to be rooted down to the marrow of us.
we have existed for so long, so little. we are like giants, on our pebble of a celestial grain of sand. our lives are short and memories far shorter. and yet look at all that we do with it: look at how far it goes - each shining piece.
how could it be just unspectacular? couldn't it always, always have the possibility for more? i implore you to read through ada limón's full piece that this is pulled from, titled dead stars:
Out here, there’s a bowing even the trees are doing.                  Winter’s icy hand at the back of all of us. Black bark, slick yellow leaves, a kind of stillness that feels so mute it’s almost in another year. I am a hearth of spiders these days: a nest of trying. We point out the stars that make Orion as we take out        the trash, the rolling containers a song of suburban         thunder. It’s almost romantic as we adjust the waxy blue        recycling bin until you say, Man, we should really learn some new constellations. And it’s true. We keep forgetting about Antlia, Centaurus,        Draco, Lacerta, Hydra, Lyra, Lynx. But mostly we’re forgetting we’re dead stars too, my mouth        is full        of dust and I wish to reclaim the rising— to lean in the spotlight of streetlight with you, toward        what’s larger within us, toward how we were born. Look, we are not unspectacular things.        We’ve come this far, survived this much. What would happen if we decided to survive more? To love         harder? What if we stood up with our synapses and flesh and said,         No.      No, to the rising tides. Stood for the many mute mouths of the sea, of the land? What would happen if we used our bodies to bargain for the safety of others, for earth,                  if we declared a clean night, if we stopped being         terrified, if we launched our demands into the sky, made ourselves so         big people could point to us with the arrows they make in their         minds, rolling their trash bins out, after all of this is over?
poetry is lovely for so many reasons, but a personal favourite is that it can mean different things to different readers. this one, to me, means there is more here. as in: you are not the first, you are not alone in this ache, this heavy weight of life. the ground has shook with dance since before our feet, the wind has carried stories beyond our voice. it says there has been more here.
and that, in turn, says everything without so many words, doesn't it?
we try, and try, and give everything we have. we have been doing it since before language, since before breath. it is a history that says i need you to know that i tried. that i made it out, into the light of things.
nothing lasts forever. there is no such thing as permanence. everything washes away. there is rot and things collapse, forests fall, seasons change, and time moves on. but the same time  –  there is no such thing as separation. we are not exempt. we all share this changing. 
yes, loving the world is difficult. finding pieces of living, of being alive, that make it worth living is one of the most difficult of searches, but it's one of the most rewarding, as well as the only things truly worth anything. you need to find things to keep going for. you need to recognize your own spectacular things specific to you, because who else is going to do it? 
there is something strong in teaching yourself to hone that perspective. to hold everything else in rays of scattered sunlight through canopies - momentary joys so profound: a violin melody, art that breaks you alive, poetry you want to hold behind your teeth, the smell of cinnamon bread in the oven, because at the end of it: wouldn’t you want hope? wouldn’t you choose hope?
and poems like this, they ask: if you could, even just once more, dare to dream, dream anything, dream it all, each and every piece of light that could await you - wouldn't you?
and wouldn't you? wouldn't you.
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tparker48 · 9 months
(Got a lengthy one for ya. This one took a lot longer than expected, but wanted to make it extra special for you all. I hope you all enjoy ^w^)
It's been almost a year since James was freed from the bonds of graduating from his community college. After walking upon the stage with his diploma in hand, he thought that would be the end of his educating adventures. But he couldn't be more wrong, finding himself sidelined by his dream job due to lack of experience. A college degree in arts was one thing he had under his belt, and to get more he needed funds to keep him afloat for the upcoming year in the fall. He scoured the web for scholarships, eyeballing the postal pillars for opportunities to award money. But everywhere he turned there was none in sight, stress beginning to boil within himself. That until he took to his phone.
He scrolled to the top of the screen, pausing when he looked at the title. 'The Big Game' it said, printed in bold red letters. "Come one, come all to the greatest game show of your life.." He read its description. "Participate in our games and win the grand prize!"
A grand prize? This may be the chance he was looking for. If he won those games, he'd be set for the rest of the rest of the fall, maybe even the school year. He scrolled down the screen to the images, a prompt showing itself above. Those who dared to receive riches were offered the chance to choose their side. Become a Giant, and get paid by the forefront of participation, or be a tiny, who's task will be more challenging but will bring higher reward.
He pondered at the thought. Being giant showed promise, being bigger than the competition, they'd be mere stepping stones for his victory to a better education. He hovered over the giant Icon, his finger itching to take his ticket to fortune. But he paused when he looked at the Micro icon, a thought lingering in his mind. Was taking the route the best idea? It would be easier, but he couldn't help but think it'd be pitty change compared to them. He wasn't going to settle for less. No, he was going to go all the way.
He pressed at the Micro Icon, a loading sign encircling around it. A bright flash came from his phone, a small window opening with a prompt. "Thank you for participating. Please follow these coordinates."
His Gps turned on, an address typing in the screen as the location marked zoomed to the corner of the map. The structure looked familiar to him, but couldn't tell how exactly. but if that was his destination, he best get cracking at it. He wasn't gonna be a winner just standing here, he had a competition to get to.
He followed the coordinates to an alleyway downtown, following the sewer lines to the end of the street where cars waited at the stoplight. The night was still young, the moon casting its glow upon the black streets as he opened into a clearing. He eased his way to the end of the block, his gps pointing to the right as he turned the corner.
A university rested ahead, pearly gates surrounding its perimeter as they stretched to the far street. He gazed upon a symbol castingover the gateway, A Sabertooth lunging in place. That symbol, he remembered seeing that all too well. He looked to a football field behind trees in the distance, a mathematics wing hiding behind a restaurant building. It was all the confirmation he needed, before he knew where he was. His old university, in the flesh.
His phone pinged, a text message appearing ahead. "Move forward." It simply said, his gps updating as an arrow hovered above.
He followed the arrow to the science wing, turning to the dormitories resting along the side. All those memories, he recalled them as if it were yesterday. The booming music upstairs, the chatting with his roommates moving through the halls, and the obnoxious laughter of his bully, Rich. He shuttered at all the wedgies he endured, let alone his meatheaded antiques. But that was a year ago, if at all, he'd be off making a living as a dumpster diver. Heh, even a burger maker.
He traversed toward the gym, the arrow transforming as a circle resided in the middle. He looked through the clear glass to the lighting around the lobby, not a person in sight as the lights cast to the far hallway. "Where is everyone? This better not be a wild goose chase." He tapped at his phone.
A bright flash erupted from the ceiling, blinding him as others showered into the mix. A silhouette soon formed, a woman dressed in black as she held a pamphlet in hand. "Greeting participant, we have been expecting you."
"I can see that.." He shielded his eyes. "Am I the only one who's here"
"There are more inside, they are gathered in the lockers. Come," she stepped to the side. "We must not delay, the games begin momentarily."
He wiped the tears leaking from his eyes, following her through the entrance. They moved deeper into the gym, moving through the stretching hallway to paneled doors. He peeked through the windows to dark rooms staring back, but the woman tapped at his shoulder, holding one of the doors. "This way.." She said. James followed her as they entered the lockers, chattering slowly resonating. They came into a larger space, players nearly piling over each other for the chance to let their shoulders breathe.
"Geez, it's like a chicken farm in here, there’s so many of them."
"Yes, many from across the city have heard word of the Giant and tiny competition." She slapped a sticky note upon his chest, its force nearly knocking him over. "Your nametag, you'll find it easier to find your group."
"A little warning next time, why don't ya?" He rubbed at his chest, moving further into the crowd. the participants filled the room like a giant pond, many of varying in size as he maneuvered over them. He ushered behind the broad shoulder of one participant, moving the head of the another's to a seat along the wall, grabbing one of the pamphlets resting on a table. He's been in this gym far too many times than he could count, the gym had limits to how many people they had at a time. This crowd far exceeded that, how do they even think they're going to participate when they're all butting heads.
"Move it..out of my way!" A deeper voice pierced the rowdy crowd, heads tumbling further in the distance. Grunts ensued beyond the participants in front of him, players tumbling sideways like trees being cut down. A hand split between two ahead of him, forced from their feet to the others resting upon the floor before a mass stepped out from the toppled players. "Ah that's much better, all these wimps were starting to make me cramped."
James knew that raspy voice from anywhere, gazing upon the nametag, that jiggled along his pectorals. It was there he read it, the cursed name of the bully that brought nothing but chaos, Rich.
"What's a guy gotta do to get a soda around here.." He scratched at his neck, looking to the crowd swimming past his lower torso. He eyed a bottle hanging from one of the participants' backpack, yanking it from they're chain and between his fingers. "Ah, that's the stuff."
"Hey! That's my drink, you bastard!" they shouted, raising their arms to retrieve their beverage, but were held back by a hand. They fanned at the air as he popped the metal lid with a squeeze, sending the fluid into mouth like a waterfall. He took it all in one gulp, belching before tossing the husk of the bottle toward them.
"Ugh, sugar free. Give me a break." He scoffed at the bland taste. He looked up and toward the bleachers off to the wall, he and James locking eyes before he held his pamphlet over his face. A crooked smile ran on his face, stepping toward him. "Is that who I think it is?"
The player behind him blocked his path. "Hold it! You can't just drink my drink and-"
He shoved a meaty palm into his face, thrusting him to the crowd. "Cram it, guppy, I'm busy." He marched over to the bleachers, his smile growing wider as his shadow toppled the bleachers. "Is that termite I’m gawking at?" He said in a playful tone.
God not now. He raised his pamphlet higher, hoping for it to shield him from his senseless antiques. The crowd sitting next to him scooted away, fingers snatching the paper away to Rich's grinning face. "Ah..Rich."
"Ahah! I thought that was you! I know that scrawny body from anywhere!"
"Likewise..” he got to his feet. “If you don't mind, I was just getting ready-" a palm crashed at his shoulder, thrusting him back to the bleachers.
"Aww don't be off in such a hurry, this a reunion of my favorite cushion afterall. Still keeping those lungs strong? I've been aching to let loose a bomb i got cooking up." He reached a finger for him, but he dodged as they collided against the glass window.
He slip between his thighs, stumbling to the space behind him. "Hell no! I'm not enduring any of your gassing."
"Don't be like that, I promise I-"
"Participants please stand in your designated lanes. We shall begin the process for your roles in the events." a voice came on the intercom.
"Thank god." He sighed. "Unfortunately, Rich, we won't be seeing each other, good luck finding a partner." He stormed off, the brutes banters falling on deaf ears as he vanished into the crowd.
He flocked to the participants towards the two slanters, one going through the left as the others went toward the right. He spotted those to the left of him had the same marking name tag, huddling into the line as he followed them through a slim corridor. The marble floor turned to plastic, shades blocking the window. The gym was known to have a lot of corridors, but never one like this, he thought. He eyed the other contenders, each of them chatting amongst themselves along the lime.
"Wonder what kind of partner I'll get, I bet it'll be someone quick for the event." One said.
"What good is quick when you have class. Brains is where it's at." One tapped at their forehead.
"You're kidding, what good is thinking if you don't have the speed to perform."
"The same way your mouth does at a blubbering speed."
James eyed the two as they bickered further up the line, rolling his eyes to the ceiling. They're talking nonsense when it comes to which is better, but there was one thing that did get his head spinning, who to partner with. He never thought a competition of being on top would come with baggage. If he was going to succeed, he had to receive one like-minded as him. If not more coordinated.
They entered into an open area, the group spreading out to tiled lines. He floated around the player's to a checkered tally mark, looking around for anything going on. Was this where the games were going to be? It's too crowded to do any activities. A speaker screeched through the room, a female voice presenting themselves.
"All players, please hold still while the process is proceeding."
Odd, they hardly started with the events yet, he thought to himself. Maybe they were playing, Simon says. Yeah..yeah that has to be it. Keep to the tiled lines and he’d be good for the next round.
A static hum pierced the room, the ceiling shifting as rods lowered toward them. A spark ran through the tiled floor, his feet locking in place. "This is one weird game of Simon says!" He struggled to free himself.
"What the hell is this?!" A shout came from a player, Jmaes looking towards the front row. They bucked at their legs, his socks dragging to their ankles, but still remained stuck.. The knob above illuminated an orange glow, a bolt striking them as they vanished into a pile of clothes..
James' eyes widened, the other players sharing the same gaze. "What the hell?"
A barrage of bolts erupted from the ceiling, clothes flying in waves as player's vanished from sight. He looked to the players tugging at their shoes, himself doing the same as the bolts grew closer. Scowls and yells filled his ears, orange flashes drawing closer with each blink he'd take. He looked to the ceiling, the knob above glowing brighter before a bright flash engulfed him. Electricity erupted through his body, his limbs shriveling as if gravity itself was squeezing upon him.
The room, the very players around him expanded with the ceiling, clumps of his own tank top toppling over him as he struggled to get free. "What the hell is going on?!” he struggled from the net of his own clothes, floundering in efforts to escape from beneath.
Yells continued from behind him, growing more faint as the flashing bolts above drowned them out. As if on cue, the last bolt struck the back of the room, an eerie quietness filling the air. James managed to find an opening in the fabric shoving it away to gaze at the hills of clothes resting around him, the knobs still simmering as smoke flowed over them..
"What the..why's the room so big?" He asked, looking at the clumps of clothes around him. Movement stirred from the pile before him, grunts and moans resonating.
Players rose from their clothes like zombies coming back to life, their body not even the size of a tac compared to their full size. Commotion stirred around them, wondering what had happened, and why it happened. But they fell short, when an alarm rung from the end of the room, a metal door opening.
"Process complete, please proceed to the other room." The announcer spoke, players still confused as they looked amongst each other. With little choice, they moved through the door to the dark hallway, James included as they moved to another room.
There was another line next to them, the other players who traversed through the other door. Their forms were like titans compared to them, casting shadows over their smaller counterparts. Chatting ensued amongst the groups, but were interrupted when staff moved to the two doors off to the wall.
"You will be assigned based on two capsules, you will be assigned based on the syllables you chose for your name." One of them said.
The floors glew as it flashed toward the doors, the staff escorting the lines inside as they capsules took them individually through the walls. Their partners were chosen by their syllables, he ran through his mind. Easy enough, he just had to pick one. When his turn arrived, the capsule opened before him as a screen lit up along the side. He sat down as the capsule closed, gears turning around him as he looked towards the screen.
Two syllables popped up before him. 'RK' rested along the left side of the screen, flashy with a gold lighting. "That better not be who I think it is.." He groaned, tapping the screen for more info. Not a profile picture to be found, only a description of their hobbies. Football? Wrestling? Definitely sounds like Rich to him. That meathead always did like sports that dominated others. He wasn't going to make that mistake.
He moved over to the syllables on the other side, 'SC'. This one was competitive, does whatever it takes to win. He could use that to his advantage. Having a mind like that would give him just the boost he needs to get that prize. Without haste, he clicked at the syllables, the capsule moving as he rocked in place. After moments of shifting, it opened to two rooms resting along the walls. A staff member waiting for them.
"Welcome contender, your assigned partner will be arriving momentarily." They said.
They haven't came yet?, must've taken longer to choose than he did.
He walked over to one of the benches along the door, waiting with the staff as they watched the door. Moments later, two panels arrived from the walls, the smaller capsule opening first as a tiny stepped out. They shared greetings with one another, before waiting at their assigned doors. The second capsule opened, a slender giant walking out as he made his way to the staff.
"Is this the rooms?" He asked, the staff nodding in confirmation.
This must be his partner. Average build, tall, he fits the description perfectly. "Hello there!” he approached the giant,extending a hand toward him. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you!”
The giant looked below, smiling as he bent a knee. “Hello there, little guy, it's a pleasure to meet you too.” He extended a finger, James shaking it by the finger nail. I take it you’re part in these rooms too?”
“Definitely! And it’s even better now that you're here.”I’m James, and I tell you and I are going to be great partners.” "James huh? I can tell you got some motivation in you." he said. "But I don't think we're partners in these games."
"You're not? But your syllables are 'SC' right?"
He tapped at his nametag, tilting it from his sticker. RC was under the name. "No, I’m Ryan Corcher. RC for short."
His heart sunk into his stomach, knocking into the chair. "No way..If your syllables are that, then that means…"
Another capsule came from the wall, bangs lingering inside as the hinges creaked to support its weight. It hissed open, a meaty foot stepping from the steam before the rest came out. It was Rich, his body glistening as if it was bathed in oil. "Finally out of this stupid thing."
“Ah, you must be Skull Crusher.” the staff member said.
“Might as well be after sitting in your soup can," he replied. “Damn thing’s worse than the lobby.”
James widened his eyes at the sight of his bully "Rich?"
"Hmm?..Well, if it isn't Termite." He stomped over. "This is certainly a surprise."
"Now that the contenders are here, you are free to explore your assigned rooms." The staff said, the doors opening behind them. Bowing, they took their leave to doors beside the walls.
James tugged their cloak. "Switch me! I refuse to be paired with the likes of him!"
"There will be no switches, once partners are selected, they will continue to be. All who do not have a partner, will be eliminated." They yanked their cloak from his grasp, disappearing behind the door.
"But..but.." The ground shook beneath him, toes peering into his peripheral. He turned around the brute’s beaming face, hands wiggling from his waist as he plucked him into the air.
“So you’re my partner? Hah, this must be my lucky day.”
“No!..I didn’t mean.. I-”
"Guess you're seeing me again after all, Termite. In fact, you're going to be a lot of me from now on." He shoved the door open, taking the two of them inside. His hand swung through the air, thrashing James like a ragdoll as he made his way to a bed resting against the wall. "Nice digs, could do without all the flowers though." he stepped along the side of the bed, noticing a smaller one next to the wall. “Oh, and it comes with a bed for little squirts.” He loomed closer to it, flattening the mattress underfoot. ”You won’t be needing that. You’re going to be sleeping with me.”
He tossed James to the pillow, his legs stumbling against its soft form before he tumbled to the rest of the bed. "Easy will ya, I'm not exactly.." The space grew dark as the giant's backside hurtled toward him, jumping to the foot of the bed as he bounced onto one of his thighs. "Squishy.."
Rich chuckled as he got himself comfortable, peeling the flattened mattress off his foot. "Okay Termite, here's how things are going to go. Rule number one, what I say goes, no exceptions. Two, your space is my space. Follow those, and I'll make sure you at least keep a pint of your share. Got it?
And here it goes, taking over the place like he always does. He wanted to high tail and just forget about the prize, but then he'd be back to square one. There's no telling wherelese he could go for the money, let alone a stable income. He had to sit this through, at least until the games were done.
The brute’s sausage fingers snapped together. "Oi! You listenin'!"
He took a breath, standing atop of his thick thigh. "Yes, I heard you."
"Good, now that that's out of the way" he rocked his thigh, sending James between his legs. He scooped his scrotum in one hand, lifting them to the air as the moist bag of skin dropped to the bed. Any inches further and it would've flattened. "Being cooped up in that capsule made me all itchy. Make yourself useful and give my balls a good scratch."
"Oh for the love of-" a palm reached behind him, scooping him into the bulk of the brutes testicles. Its skin was as worse than it looked, slime secreting into his as if the very skin itself was melting. He shuddered at the moist sensation, flailing against Rich's grasp.
"No point in being shy, termite, take in all of it."
"Alright alright!" He pushed himself off, sticky strands of the substance peeling from him. He looked to the greasy genitals that flexed in front of him, holding his breath as he massaged over the clammed skin. He winced as his palm glided over its surface, like watered down dough as it secreted more sweat into his palms.
His moans reverberated through his body, his legs spreading wider as his cock drooled over James. "Yeah that's it, both hands now. I don't want no slack."
"Ugh, why does it have to feel so soggy.."
"Hah, if you think that's soggy just what til I blow my-"
"Not the information I want to hear!"
It had only been a night since he stayed with Rich, and it was already proving to be a living nightmare. The amount of sweat the man brewed and phenomenal, no amount of soap he applied would wash away the ever lingering stench soaking his hands. Throughout, Rich’s demands grew worse. Teeth cleaning, foot massages, It was maddening. It was only when midnight arrived that the brute grew drowsy, James slipping away to the outskirts of the kitchen. The pantry worked for a few hours, but was ineffective when it came to the brute's hungering stomach. his heart nearly skipped a beat as gorilla arms raided the cans stacked inside, almost taking him with it if not for the safety provided by the staff.
He thought he’d have time to make an escape to the other side of the room, but barely hit the carpet of the living room before he was wrapped by a fist, his world blinded by frowsty flesh as the world went dark. The rest of the night was a blur, by the time he knew it was morning, the bells of the speaker ringing through the room..
"Mmm..wha?" He groggily rubbed at his eyes, a stinging sensation lingering in them. He reached off to the side for a blanket, his palm meeting warm damp skin as he yanked it back. He squinted an eye to scan his environment, a valley of flesh spreading to a dimmed lighting above. And behind him, puckered flesh as it winked in place. "Ah…right."
The bell grew louder, its blares now riveling a tornado siren. He stumbled along the flesh bed, struggling to flip himself to crawl himself out. "Of all the places to put me, it just had to be here." He pressed his foot into a meat pocket, its flesh plonking as he kicked against it, snores echoing through the chamber. "Hey! Wake up!"
"Mmm.." A groan replied, the muscle around squeezing into him. His face reached his knees, his back aching as he shoved the tender muscle away. Spreading a gap for himself, bubbling lingered beneath him, the star of muscle quivering in place.
a smaug of gas heated his body, pressurized air dragging him forward before it bursted into the opening of the flesh. "Ah gross!" He cursed, squirming from the fowl smell. Another blast erupted, the walls squeezing him to his belly. He crawled against the damp flesh, climbing to the dimming lighting as he fanned at the bushes of hair shielding it. Gas hissed from below, the hairs absorbing its heat as his nostrils flared..
He punched a patch of the bushed hairs, sticking his head out from as he gasped at the open air. The ceiling welcomed his sight, the hills of hairy muscle climbing to the horizon of Rich’s back.. He scoffed at the sight, the bastard’s still sleeping, typical. He wrestled the strands of hair wrapping his neck, shaking himself around. "Hey! Wake up already! Hello?"
The snores became disgruntled, the mass of flesh moving in a wave. "Wha?..Who turned on the alarm?" Rich rubbed the slobber from his lips, the massive backside tilting to the bed sheets.
"No no, wait don't-!" it crashed on top of him, wedging him back between into the mounds embrace.
"Morning already? I thought the events weren't til later." He questioned, bubbling lingering in his stomach. "Nah, all this gas is getting me irritated. Where the hell did I place that termite?" He squeezed in on himself, the sheets beneath him warming as carbon met his nose. Wiggling soon caught him attention, resonating within his crack before it climbed to his balls. A small lump appeared between his testicles, Jame's small head popping out from beneath its weight. "Oh heh, Right, that's where I put you."
"Would it kill you to lay off the fibers?"
"Fibers is what separates the alphas from the betas." He lowered a hand to one of the orbs, squishing James between them. "You know, you don't look so bad from up here. Like a third testicle."
The bell rung from the speaker, a microphone blaring through it. "Attention contenders, we will begin our games shortly. Our first game will be a foot race. Please head to your doors, your equipment shall be awaiting for you.
"Equipment huh? This should be good." He got from the bed, walking through the living space toward the door.
"Hey-grh! I'm not looking to be tenderized here."
"Quit, your complainin', I’m barely squishing you!" He opened the door to a box sitting along the front, bringing it inside.
James wheezed as the giant stood in place, wiggling between the furry taint as he tumbled to the floor behind him. "Finally.."
"Wonder what's in it." He shook the box, a light shuffle answering inside. Opening the box, he became puzzled. A single string would reside inside, tape resting along with it. "What is this art and crafts? This barely counts as equipment."
"Leave it to you to judge things by their size."
"What you say?" He growled.
The speaker rung once more. "By now you've seen what's inside the box. For today’s challenge, you are tasked with racing with your little partners. You are free to place th wherever, once ready, report to the track."
"A foot race? with a piece of string? What idiot would decide to go along with.." Giggling lingered from above, Rick plucking the string from the box. "Rich?"
"Anywhere we want huh? Oh that's an opportunity I just can't pass up."
"Rich? Don't even think about it."
"You heard the announcer, we gotta get you ready." He ringed the string between his fingers, straightening its thread. "Come here."
"Wait a sec! Can't we talk about-ah! Hey!.Grh!..easy!"
Along the outskirts of the campus, participants waited for the staff to prepare the event for the day. talking amongst themselves, cheering came from the bleachers behind them, Rich marching toward the crowd. "Alright! Let's get this win streak on the road!"
He approached the crowd, marching his way toward the of the line. Swinging between his legs, his balls tossed around, crashing into his thighs with each stride he'd take. And tied to them, would be James, his feet bound to the bulky sack as his hands wrapped around the head of the cock. "This is so embarrassing.."
"Hey, you should be thankful for getting the honor of being this close to me." Rich fondled at the string. "Most wimps would drool at being a cock ornament for yours truly.
James groaned at the response, swaying from one thigh to the other as Rich looked to the groups around him. As he looked at the surrounding competition, James looked to to tines secured to their bodies. He spotted a few wrapped the giant’s arm, wrapped around their necks like a bracelet. He was somewhat jealous of their position, He’d take being a necklace than being strapped to the source of Rich's jewels.
A whistle blew from one of the staff members. Meanwhile, others herded the other players and gathered them to the starting line.. "Welcome contestants to the foot race. You will be tasked to finish one lap around the track. Those who cross the finish line will move onto the next rounds." The announcer said. " However, if you lose your partner along the way, you will be eliminated, and sent home."
The crowd looked amongst each, chatting as some tugged at the restraints of their tiny partners. James looked to Rich, who eyed the other contestants. He could almost sense the fire burning inside from his wide stare, his smile growing wider by the second. No doubt fantasizing how he can decimate his competitors. At the most, at least he had the muscle to carry the two of them. And the sooner he could get away from his cock the better.
The contenders aligned at the starting line, readying themselves for the race ahead. He watched as the thighs bulged up, Rich's toes pressing into the rubbery track.
"Remember, our goal is to reach that finish line with both of us intact." He spoke to Rich.
"Yeah yeah, Termite I got it. This competition is as good as mine."
"That's what I said."
James rolled his eyes, looking to the corner of the track as a staff member held up a white flag. They raised it to the air, the other giant's responding as most took a track star's stance. Whipping the flag, the players were off.
Richrushed with a burst of strength, knocking into the shoulders of other players as he advanced through the crowd. Gravity yanked against the restraints, forcing James to cling against the clammy as the sack thrashed around. It was like riding an aggressive bull, sending the world into a blender as the ground and sky tossed around. The crowd turned around the end of the track, Rich turning with them as they ran to the opposite side.
Tinies tumbled from the side of giant's next to him, rolling like tumbleweeds to the back of the crowd as their partners slowed down. He looked to the cock above, a greasy substance drenching his back. Sweat secreted from Rich’s skin, eroding the thin fabric holding James up. "Rich, you might want to slow down, the string’s starting to slip!"
"Slow down?! Fat chance, this competition is all mine." He increased his speed, bulldozing his way through two racers in front of him. They grinded shoulders, the tinies secured to the arms smothered by their biceps.
"Get your own lane!" The racer to the left of him yelled, shoving into Rich's body.
"Nah, I like this one better." Rich replied.
James couldn't see their faces from the cockhead cushioning his head, their rocks thrashing more aggressive than the very thighs grinding together. The sweat at his back grew thicker, the tangy taste of salt meeting his lips. his left arm came undone, his feet shaken off from his balls as they swayed. With another thrash, he was dropped from the cock, clinging to the string tied to the head of the cock as he flew behind the brute like a flag carried by a plane.
"Rich! A little hand here!" He shouted, twirling in the wind.
He and the other player continued to bicker, palms clutching at the other in efforts to gain the advantage. Rich managed to land a palm to the racer's face, clipping the string of his partner's restraints. "Looks like you got important things to worry about." He shoved his arm away, the tiny smothered between them cast to the wind.
The racer stopped in a panic, bumping into the racers behind. "You bastard!"
"Sucker!" He responded, trucking through the rest of the crowd. He came neck and neck with the one next to him, crossing the finish as he pranced around the props. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about baby!"
His cock flung forward, James yelping as he splatted against his pecs. "Are you out of your mind?! I could've fell!"
"Oh yeah, forgot you were down there."
"What part of intact did not understand?"
"Oh don't get pissy, you're still tied to me aren't you?"
The speaker rung, the announcer speaking through it. "Congratulations to the winners of the event, those that managed to cross the line, shall move to the next rounds."
James sighed in relief. Thank goodness, he still had a shot in all of this.
"This concludes the first event, please return to your cabins and await for the next rounds." The crowd dispersed into their own separate pathways, taking to the doors entering the east wing of campus. Rich followed them back to his cabin, other players scolding the two of them as he paraded his victory. "That's right, wimps. Hang those tears high and dry."
"Speaking of hang, would you mind putting me down?" James interrupted, clinging to the chest hairs. "Oh..I feel like I'm gonna hurl."
"Ugh, well don't do it on me." He flicked James from his chest, watching the tiny fly through the air before he swung between his legs. "Ah, that's better."
"This is completely worse!"
"More complaining, why don't you swing for a while. Catch some air" he snorted.
The aftermath of the first game dragged on for the two of them, Rich returning to the cabin. A prize waited for them along the table, a dish of ice cream with sweets toppled along the frosted dessert. It was a token for their efforts, but to Rich, it was just his light snack. James watched as he wolfed down the ice cream in the blink of an eye, only receiving tiny droplets of the vanilla that managed to evade his lips. Its sugar dosing over his taste buds was enough to satisfy him, anything to get the sour taste of sweat from his mouth. But it proved short lived, when Rich demanded his tribute from his partner.
The following was more active compared to the first event, the staff ushering the members around the campus like a herd of sheep for the public to catch a glimpse of their wondrous contenders.Throughout most of the week, the staff had them do Q&As with fans, but the games soon commenced once more, as they were gathered a spot on campus.
Find the flag, was Thursday's game. The giants had to stash a tiny flag in a spot where their opponents couldn't find them. The tinies of the group, himself included, were tasked with finding the flag somewhere along the other giant’s body. It was a simpler task than what they prescribed, most of the giants hid them in common spots behind their ear or in their hair. At least that’s what it was for the giant he was assigned to search. He felt sorry for the ones paired with Rich, each of them searching from toe to ear lobe for the flags. But they weren’t finding those, less they want a wrestling match with his asshole. He could still feel the slime on the corners of his fingered, he prayed no one would have to endure that kind of stress. By the time the game was up, 40 contestants were left after the game, he and Rich included as they returned back to the cabin.
Battleship. He winced at the very thought of it as he saw through the campus's swimming pool. Giants were assigned inflatable tubes, tasked with knocking tinies off of their floaties. It was a shark’s game, that much he could tell. Rich was over the moon for it, bulldozing the sides of his own float as the contestants were tossed or flipped over. The brute nearly took him with it if he stayed near the edge. By that time it ended, 20 were left in the pool, soggy and tired as they floated to the stairs. But not Rich, he barely had his fill during the match, and wanted some quality time with his partner. The little guy would never look at cannon balls the same after dodging his attempts to land on him.
The remaining rounds of that week were trivial, guessing games to say the least aside from your basic jeopardy. It was a strong suit that Jqameses held so highly, his education in the arts of science were mere cake walks compared to his fellow contestants. At least to those except Rich. He got an earful of his protests in him taking up the spotlight. Leave it to him to heckle over using your brain rather than muscle.
Before the two of them knew it, the final week was upon them, four contestants including themselves were left to participate. It's been hours since they played the last games, let alone announced anything. What were they planning?
A loud scoff pierced the air, Rich slouching over the couch. "All this sitting around is so lame. Come on, I want to smash some heads!"
"They said to be patient, Rich. They're probably preparing."
"Preparing my boredom more like it. Those pinheads are lucky they weren't stomped on like those losers in the rounds." He tossed his weight along the sides of the arm, his feet lifting off the edge to the counters. "Speaking of, rubs. Now!"
He rolled his eyes at the demand, stumbling toward the massive stompers. He rubbed his hands into the center, its meaty flesh squishing beneath his palms. They flexed eagerly, their weight almost spilling on top of him. "Ooo, that's better. All this running around has got me beat. The big prize better be worth it."
That makes two of us, James thought silently. He continued to massage against the tender feet, adjusting to its weight as he shoved them back to the air. But he stopped when a knock came from the door, drawing their attention.
"Huh, who's that?" Rich moved to his feet off the edge, sweeping James along with it as he stamped him into a foggy footprint on the tiled floor. He answered the door to one of the staff members waiting for them. "About time, I was about to trash this place. What's the next round, wrestling? Tackling?" He rubbed his hands together.
"Not yet, preparations are currently underway. But I bring news of your current arrangement."
"Oh really?" James said from the floor, cracking his back. "And what might that be?"
They pulled a document from their cloak. "For the final game, you two shall face off for the prize. Only one of you can succeed."
There was a moment of silence, James and Rich looking at each other. Not a moment later, a smile creeped along Rich's mouth, cackling out loud at the news. "Wait! Wait!..you want me..t..to compete with him? Like this? Ahah! What is he going to wrestle my pinky or something."
"The details will be discussed when the time comes. For now, you have been assigned for a separate room while we prepare." They ushered a hand toward the hallway.
He snickered before marching behind him. "And here I thought this day couldn't get any better. So long, termite, I enjoyed the pampering while it lasted." he and the staff member vanished into the hallway, leaving James alone at the front door of his room.
He was on his own, just as he was before he joined the event. his heart raced at the thought of it all, facing off Rich in this small form? it was suicide. How do they expect him to even pull it off? He fanned at the air, his body heat rising by the second. he had to head outside, he couldn't think straight in the conditions he was currently in. He ran to the outside crosswalk, Rich's words ringing through his mind. He gasped in the cool air, hyperventilating at the very thought of what It would mean if he'd lost, what it'd mean for his future.
He followed along the crosswalk to a bench resting beneath a tree, sitting on a used cup resting at its leg. He stared at the moon in the night sky, hoping its beauty would wisp him away from this unfortunate predicament. "What am I gonna do now?" he muttered into the air.
"Hey there." a louder voice came from the side, it was Ryan, a water bottle in hand as he sipped at its straw. "What are you doing out here so late?"
He wiped the sweat from his brow, turning to the buildings behind him. "Oh uh..nothing. Just needed some fresh air."
He nodded softly, lowering the straw from his mouth. "I see, so you're in the slumps too."
"Is it that easy to tell?"
"I know that phrase anywhere, it's one I often find using myself." he moved toward the bench. "Mind if I join you?"
he paused at the thought, looking to the cement before looking to the sky. With a light sigh, he nodded softly, Ryan sitting along the bench as the two of them stared into the sky. Silence lingered between the two of them, the giant’s gaze shifting from the sky to the little guy.
"So what's on your mind."
"It's..a long story."
"I'm all ears, we've got plenty of time before we go anywhere. Most of my time is usually with my..: he paused for a moment, tapping at his shoulder. "Partner."
"So you're separated from your partner too. I'm in the same boat." James rolled onto the cup. "MIne left me the second they announced it." he looked to the sky, letting out a deep sigh. "How am I gonna get through the final challenge when I'm barely bigger than his toe? I might as well forget about the funds for my degree."
"Don’t say that" a palm brushed against the side of the cup. "You may not have the muscle compared to giants, But you don't seem to see how strong you are.
He wiggled a finger for James to hop on. Puzzled, he obliged as he moved to the middle of his palm, watching it hover him toward the smooth chest, walking along the crosswalk back to the dorms. "I am?"
Ryan simply smiled. "I think so, just look around you. you managed to get this far without the use of muscle. your wits, your determination, I saw it all when it came to the last few rounds. "
James looked to his palms, reminiscing on the games he participated in. Rich's brute force filled most of his thoughts, but the more he listened to Ryan, he highlighted the moments he shined best. Trivia, find the flag, it was all on him to pull it through. "Yeah but..what if this next round I fail? what will happen then?"
"I don't know, we'll just have to see." he arrived at his dorm room, lowering James to the opposite door. "Afterall, if we're both gonna have a shot at getting into careers, we might as well endure to the end right?" he held a fist to the air, lowering it in front of James.
he was looking for a higher education too, he thought to himself. He looked to his palm, balling his fist as he tapped it against his. "Right."
Ryan nodded, getting back to his feet before he moved to his door. "Good. then whatever lies ahead, just know we'll give it our all." he pumped his arm, heading into his room as the door shut.
James returned to his room, his mind still processing the conversation. Ryan was right, he managed to get this far because of his endurance to persevere. Being Rich's plaything blinded him of that realization. He let him walk all over him in the past, but no more. He was going to win this thing, or go down swinging.
It took hours before the finals were prepared, lights shining from the gym as staff members worked along the pillars. After a night's work, they were finally ready as they fetched the final contenders. James followed the members to the entrance of the stadium, crowds of people lined up for their tickets, cameras flashing from photographers as he moved inside. It reminded him of their old basketball games. The booming music from the speakers, the heckles from people in the background, it was refreshing to the least.
He made his way backstage, peeking from the curtains to the wave of people in the stands.. "There's so many here? "How many people were watching us?"
"Don't be so surprised, these mooks eat up these things for breakfast." the tiny next to him said. "they can watch for all I care, it'll make it all the sweeter when I win the prize."
"I wouldn't get too confident, pal. it's all about endurance."
"Whatever, I’ll dish out whatever those chumps throw out. I didn't come this far just to go home with nothing."
Chattering came from one of the staff member’s earpiece, music beginning to play as they ushered James and the other tiny toward the curtain.. "We've got a special show for you all tonight!” the announcer said. ‘You’ve seen the many hardships of our valiant contenders. Each have given it their all this past week, but now, only four remain. Are you ready to see who shall come out on top?!" Roars came from the crowd, sending a force toward the announcer. “That’s what I like to hear! Then without a further ado, let’s give it for our contenders!”
the curtains drawed, James and the other tiny following the red strip that connected to a boxed dome in the center of the stadium. From the other side, another set of curtains drawed, Ryan walking through them as he waved to the crowd. And the other, Rich, roaring to the surrounding as he basked in their cheers. The way they eat up his praises, it was beyond excruciating with how much they fed his ego. But he wasn't going to let him bask in it for long.They made their way into the ring, the two of them coming to their feet.
"Well well, surprised you haven't chickened out yet.” Rich said. “ I bet those little legs of yours are just shaking to run away."
"Oh they're shaking alright, shaking to leave you in the dust."
"Oh ho, you got some balls thinking you can play with the big boys."
the announcer road toward them, a pamphlet in hand. "Save the banter for the crowd gentlemen, the games are about to start!" he took a lap around the stadium, gathering cheers from the surrounding crowd. making his way to the other side, he rode onto a stage set near the exit doors. "Hold onto your butts folks, we’re venturing into treacherous waters. For our final game, it will be..truth or dare!"
Truth or dare? how is that a competition? the stage dimmed around the four of them, a panel opening from the top of the dome. it's colorful flashes illuminated the area like a disco ball, symbols dancing along its squares as it lowered half way.
"We got a special one for you ,contenders, our fans love watching you face off in the games, that they've come up with a few games of their own." the panels of the box lowered to the four of them, a pocket of letters handed down to them. James looked inside his own, tossing the papers flipping through the paper.. He recognized a few of the writings from his old classmates, this could give him something to use, but most of them were based on truths rather than dares. giggling came from Rich, his face digging into his bag like a kid with a sack of candy.
"What's got you all giddy?" James asked him.
"Oh you'll see."
the announcer took to the console, the light dimming as the spotlight danced around them. "let's kick things off, you are to eliminate the other players. they either have to give up, or not meet the requirements of the chosen tasks. With this, we shall receive a selection from.." the spotlight slowed down landing one of the giant’s. "Ryan!"
He nodded as he dug into his box, pulling a slip from inside. "Okay then. I have a truth for you all. 'Have you ever said something nice without hesitation?"
"Definitely yes."
Rich rolled his eyes at the thought. "Oh please, of course I did."
The lighting turned red, a tally marking on the scoreboard beneath Rich's name. "Ooo, sorry Rich, but it seems that was false." the announcer said.
"What? you're kidding me!"
Not surprised at the slightest, James thought to himself, he wouldn't know a kind word if it bit him in the ass. The lighting swirled once more, flashing overhead. it slowed down its speed, hovering over Rich. He grinned from ear to ear, marching toward his box. He plucked one into his palm, his gaze never leaving James.
"I've got just the dare you, termite. I recognize this handwriting from the boys. I dare you, to be a fart tester!"
damn it, not that one, he and his goons were relentless in the after meals back in the day. He barely had time to before he snapped a fingers, a staff member pushing a tray of balloons into the arena. He looked to Ryan who winced at the sight of them, before moving toward the table.
"A peculiar choice folks. What will the contender do with this, ‘termite’?"
"I’m glad you ask." he grabbed James from the floor, plucking a balloon in the other as he took to one of the chairs.
He wrestled between the meaty fingers, rolled into a ball before he was jammed through the rubbery opening. Rich guided the struggling tiny down the balloon’s neck, watching bounce as he flailed against the rubber walls. He presented his struggles to the crowd, before lowering it beneath him. "I owe my boys a thank you, all that cheese last night was just about to make its exit."
He pulled open his crack, jamming the rubbery end inside as the ring clamped upon it. The crowd grew silent as microphone hovered against his abdomen, bubbles filling the void as his stomach jiggled. the hole busted open, the balloon swelling as they eyed the dark spot beyond its red walls. The camera panned to shadow's dancing along the surfacing, a silhouette of James banging against the wall..
"Ah! it's egregious!" He yelled, coughing on its sulfuric scent.
"Don't let that nose burn out just yet. Dessert was about to say hello." the speaker shook as his stomach roared, widening his stance before pitching at the stem. Its exit sent droplets along the corners of the balloon, its form shaking as the inside became visible. It reverberated through the speakers as the crowd themselves winced at the sound, Ryan included as he looked away. The balloon expanded to its max, exploding as James catapulted to the other side of the dome. Rich arched proudly, tossing the torn balloon to the side. "tsk, can't even handle my own farts. might as well give up while you can."
James pawed at the floor, stumbling onto his knees before standing back up. "I'm not..giving up that easily Rich!" The chime rung through the arena, the tally mark updating as a point aligned beneath his name.
Rich balled his fist. "You're gonna wish you did."
The two were called back to the center of the ring, the light spinning around for the next contenders. This cycle went of for hours, each of them upping the stakes the longer it drawed on. James was managing by a few points, Rich closing behind him as the rounds went on. His arsenal were riddles with dares, all pointed toward him specifically before targeting the others. He looked to the clock as it ticked over the basketball hoop. 20 minutes, 20 minutes to get one of us to cave. It was a number’s game from here on out, he just needed to endure long enough to have the lead. A few minutes passed as another tally mark was added to the board, a shout coming from the other tiny..
"Nah! I can't take anymore of this crap!" The tiny said. "The hell are these fans even sending me? Secret hobbies? Dating life? This isn't a sim!"
"You are to use the fans' truth or dares, nothing more." the announcer said.
"To hell with that, these choices are almost worse than there's"
James placed a hand along his shoulder. “We’re all trying our best with the options we have, but we-” a hand swatted his away, the tiny facing toward him.
“Don’t try and be buddy buddy, you’re already up in the talley. If all else, I should try eliminating you!”
The light flashed as the tallies were updated, skipping over the tiny before landing on the other players circled. This time, it landed on Rich, who grinned at the opportunity. "God I hate it when shrimps bark up the wrong tree. But I’ll be damned if I let a punk like you rob me of the chance to crush him." He plucked a note from his box. “I’m taking a chapter out of the book boys, I’m taking this lint ball to the trenches.."
The trenches?! He won't survive a minute! He wanted to jump in to derail the brute’s path, but he brushed against his heel as he marched toward the tiny, Plucked from the ground, and toward his chest. “No Rich, not that!”
He only smiled. “Oh yes, that.”
He raised his arm as steam escaped from beneath, the bushes of hair ripe with sweat as they glistened like wet grass. With an assured wink, he jammed the tiny inside, slammed his arm back down with a messy squelch. The very sound made James shutter, a sense of remorse drawing for the tiny trapped inside those musky meats Rich called arms.
He grinded his shoulder against his side, muffled yells escaping from beneath as his arm squished on top of him. It was like he was being chewed upon, sweat oozing from the loose gaps like drool as it feasted upon its play. The bell soon rung for the timer, Rich giving the one last clench to feel the struggles before flexing his arm.
The tiny was spat to the floor, green fluid coating them as they gagged at the scent. "Please, you don't know the first thing of worse." Rich stood over them, watching as the little guy stumbled to his feet.
"I'm done." the tiny said. "This game is too crazy for me. You can keep the money, I'm out of here!" he flicked the sweat from their body, taking from the dome. The crowd booed, throwing cups at their small form as they climbed the ramp to the entrance.
"Folks, folks, there's no need to be in outrage, " the announcer rode around the stadium. "We still got plenty of action with three of our contenders. Let's turn those boos into cheers, and let's get on with the show!"
James watched as the tiny disappeared behind the curtain, before salty droplets trickled over him. “One nuisance down, and one more to go.”
The stage lights dimmed down, the lights flickering before to it's next chooser. it paused as it light shined upon the ring, casting its glow upon Ryan. James watched as he took a soft breath, taking to his box. Thanks to Rich's dare, he was at equal points to him. What was he going to choose to topple that brute's? He took his hand out from the box, turning toward Rich.
"I have a dare for you, Rich" he said.
"Oh, and just what might that be?"
"you're so keen on being top dog, let's see how you feel about being the underdog for once. I dare you to follow Jame's command."
James blinked at the thought, looking at Ryan in confusion. He shared a wink towards the little, before looking to Rich who's face twisted in place.
“You’ve gotta be shittin’ me, listen to the beckon call of a termite.”
He clenched his fist. “Not termite! My name is james! And you will follow my command, or say goodbye to your ‘prize’.”
He was caught aback, his fist raising to smash the little guy for his insolence. But he looked to the scoreboard, shaking his fist to his side before taking a knee. "You've got some nerve putting me in this situation."
James rubbed his hands together at the giant's submission. "I beg to differ, I think it's time for a get back for the little guy you forced to quit. Rich, I want you to jam your fingers into your ass."
the giant scoffed at the command, but obliged as he pulled the meaty cheeks apart. "Is that it? I've fingered my own hole before, termite."
"I wasn't finished. you are to shove your finger in your ass, and shove it up your nose."
his eyes widened before squinting. "Oh you've got some-"
"ah-ah, my command."
Rich growled at the response, a fire of rage lighting through his eyes. He removed his fingers from his cheeks, and brought them to his nose. to see his face scrunch at his own scent was a sight to behold, and it only grew better. He shoved his fingers into both nostrils, scoffing at the deed.
"good boy." James mocked the display. "Now give those a little twist."
he grunted in protest, but did as he said. His face scrunched, twisted his fingers deeper into his nostrils. Laughter from the crowd, watching as his legs quaked in place, his body swaying from side to side. interesting, it was like he was sniffing an ether rag, guess he wasn't as used to sniffing his own stink as he thought. The giant became drunk upon his smell, stumbling around the ring in a daze. James crossed his arms as Rich leaned on his back leg, tapping at the foot in the air as he crashed to the ground.
"Aww, I didn't say lie down, not a very good boy after all." he looked at the score as two points added to his name, a minute left along the clock.
"that was an interesting choice, way to handle it" Ryan lowered a fist to James.
He smiled as he tapped his own fist against his. "Wasn't expecting for him to fall over at the smell of himself, but I suppose that's a bonus. and we're tied too, if we play our cards right we can-"
chuckling came from the toppled brute. "So that's how it is, huh? You two are working together." he got up from the ground, his nostrils still flared from his backside. "That's just peachy, then I got just the dare for you Ryan.." the light shined upon him as he made his way toward his box, jamming his fist inside as the machine's arm jolted down. He took out a note, green stains marking it. "I dare you to join me in a good old fashion foot play, against James.”
the round began, the machine moving from between them to the air. James was taken aback by the response, he and Ryan sharing glances at the thought. The floor shook upon Rich's approach, two pairs of feet coming to either side of him.
"Don’t get cold feet now, teddy bear, aren't you going to team up with me in a stompfest?" he smirked toward him.. Ryan's gaze shifted from him to James, before laying his gaze to the floor. He took a step back, the light flashing red as his points depleted and were added to Rich's name. "hah, I knew it! you'd be way too soft to pummel such a defenseless tiny. unfortunately I don't share that sentiment."
his foot peeled from the floor, its skin glistening with sweat and grime as it hovered over James. he shared a glance towards the little guy, bloodlust filling his eyes before the foot came down. James turned the opposite direction, but he didn't get far before he was stamped into the ground. Rich lifted his foot to his heel, the camera panning to his stuck predicament against the pallet of his foot."Still think I'm a good boy now, Termite?"
He groaned as he peeled his face from the skin. "Among..other things."
"Still huh? then how's we go for a little walkie."
He placed his foot back on the ground, adding a little twist before he marched around the dome. stomp after stomp, he left footprints along the floor, Jame's muffled grunts lingering beneath every step. The crowd watched silently as he raised his arms toward them, the camera's lowering to catch a glimpse at the display. But the frames couldn’t pick up the slightest hint of his presence, tucked beneath the toes before they were covered by the floor. After moments of walking, Rich moved back to the chair where the balloons still rested, relaxing upon it as if he were at home.
he tilted his foot sideways to get a glimpse of James, smirking as he leaned on a knee. "How about now?" he wiggled his toes.
"Oh come on, you were so talkative a few minutes ago," he clasped his feet together, rolling him around like jam between his toes. "Come on, show the crowd just how much of a 'good boy' I really am." he listened to his feet rubbing together, focusing on the soft whimpers vibrating between them. After a moments of rubbing, he relented as James tumbled to the space between them, dropping to his knees. "Well?" he learned in closer.
James couldn't muster the words, choking upon them in efforts to balance himself, his head spun as the very crowd became blurred. Taking a step forward, he fell to the ground, the bell ringing around the dome. He looked to the scoreboard, the zeros replacing the time.”No, it can’t..end like this.”
Toes stepped into his vision, a heavy chuckle ringing in his mind. “Aww, and you were so strong. I guess once a loser, always a loser.”
The crowd cheered as the game came to its conclusion, the announcer cheering them on as they circled around the room. “What a game ay folks?! Our valiant contenders gave their all to the bitter end. But now, only one remains. And now, it is time to announce the grand prize!” flashing lights came from the stage set, a panel opening from the floor as a metal box stood from it. “Come on down, champion of the game show!”
“It feels so good to be a winner.” He stepped over James, dandriff flaking upon him as he left the dome. James turned weakly as Rich climbed to the stage, crawling along the floor to follow behind.
A palm reached for him, picking him up from the floor and close to their chest. He looked up to see Ryan’s, concern and anger lingering on his face. “You did your best.” he said.
“Yeag, but enough.” James said, wincing at the thought. “ I guess we both aren’t getting that achievement.”
Music played from the speakers, the lights dimming to the stage as Rich approached the box. His grin grew wider the closer he got toward it, his fingers wiggling with anticipation as he grabbed the box. He pulled the lid apart, a golden glow shining from within. “Oh it’s glorious, it’s phenomenal! It’s..It’s!..” the light dimmed down, the inside of the box coming to view. The camera panned upon it, two slips of paper resting inside. “Paper?!”
James and Ryan stared at each other, before looking back to the screen. All this time, all this work, was for two slips of paper? Were they checks? A money orders?
“Not just any slips," the announcer assured. “These slips are endorsements for your efforts. They’re honorary scholarship tags for-”
“What kind of bull crap is that?! These things aren’t worth to get me a good blowjob! Where’s the mula! The cash!” he started to puff, looking at the box holding the said prize. His muscles tightened before he shoved it to the ground. “Can’t believe I wasted my time with this stupid thing! I'm going somewhere that has real cash.” he stormed off the stage toward the exit, the crowd booing at him from the stands. “Oh boo yourselves!”
“What just happened?” James asked.
“I have no idea.” Ryan said.
The announcer approached the fallen box, wiping his forehead with a tissue. “Well folks, that was an interesting turn.” they laughed, their palms still shaking. “But since first place didn’t accept the award, then it goes to second place. Give it up for…James!” the lights flashed upon the two of them, the two still confused about the whole debacle.
“Well, it looks like you won after all, little bud.”Ryan said, carrying him to the stage. He got to the steps, placing him upon the top. “I uh..I should probably get out of here.”
He made his way off the steps, but James clinged to his finger. “Where do you think you're going?”
“I.. well I-”
“I couldn’t have gotten this far without your encouragement. And I owe ya i bunch for that get back during the game. Come on, let’s get this prize together. winner”
Ryan paused for a moment, smiling as he walked along the steps. He guided the two of them upon the stage, the crowd cheering them as they approached the announcer.
“Let’s give it up for our winners!” the announcer said, holding the slips in hand as cameras flashed from the stands.
That following Monday, The event of the game had ceased as everyone returned back to their normal lives. It was good to finally have his size back again, being ground to earth was starting to get tedious in the long run. But he couldn't help but think of the merits that came along with it. He managed to scavenge enough money for an orientation at a university, to think they'd be a fan of the event, thank goodness he added that into his profile. He heard Ryan found a spot for himself somewhere up south, an academy where he could train for being on night patrol. He’ll have to give him a call to see how things are going sometime. With Rich, well, he wasn't so keen on getting biffed on the grand prize, but he's still prospering at his own job, or at least so he’s been barking about on social media . Nonetheless, the journey he went through was a rocky one, but in the end, it was surely worth it.
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