#pointed cabbage
healthyskillz · 9 months
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cookedresolve · 9 months
Quinoa salad with hummus and cabbage (aka. did somebody say plant protein)
Ingredients for 4 portions:
1 dl white quinoa
2 dl black quinoa
1 dl green lentils
6 dl water
1 red pointed cabbage (or regular, i doubt it matters)
2 avocados
4 tsp olive oil
2 tsp apple vinegar
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp honey
Hummus with sun-dried tomatoes:
240g boiled chickpeas (can be canned)
1 dl olive oil
3-4 cloves of garlic
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon tahini
3-4 sun-dried tomatoes
1 teaspoon ground cumin
0,5 teaspoons cayenne pepper
0,5 teaspoons ground cilantro
Cold water
Salt & pepper
Boil quinoa as per the instructions on the packet. I boiled my quinoa and lentils in the same pot and it turned out fine.
Chop your pointed cabbage into appropriate bite sizes. In a glass or bowl, mix olive oil, apple vinegar, mustard and honey into an even consistency vignarette. Taste test with salt and pepper, and then mix it well with your cabbage.
Cut avocado into slices.
Blend all ingredients together. I use one of those food chopping things you have to pull like a lawnmower, which... does the job, lol.
Add cold water until your hummus is the desired consistency. I've heard that adding this water in the form of crushed ice actually makes the hummus more creamy, but I haven't tried that out yet. Cold water works just fine.
Taste test with ground cumin, salt and freshly ground black pepper.
For serving, arrange the salad in layers in your bowls, starting with hummus at the bottom, then quinoa and lentils, then avocado slices, and then topping off with a healthy layer of cabbage.
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we are not getting out of the plant blog allegations with this one
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hesbianyaoi · 10 months
these guys are so cool to me. gummy bear style. take your vitamins 👇
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dont even worry about dazai he's a survivor he could get spitroasted by 2 trucks on a busy highway and somehow manage to frolic away with maybe slight injuries
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my-cabbages-gorl · 5 months
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matching set
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nostalgia-tblr · 5 days
okay but no this is is bothering me now
I hold this wild fandom position that the little rant in Thor 1: No Subtitle, Just Thor where Loki goes on about how Odin hates him and must have a sinister plan in mind should not be taken as the literal truth because it's the paranoid fears of someone shaken and scared, but this does not seem to convince anyone else for some reason.
However! There is one line in it that's definitely, demonstrably wrong, isn't there? The bit about "you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard", because JUST IN CASE any of us have forgotten what happens later in the film:
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This is not like when he pretended to be Odin between films, this tells me that there is no legal impediment to Loki being king of Asgard. And you might say "well, duh" but saying that means accepting that A Frost Giant On The Throne Of Asgard was always a real possibility. By raising the foundling as his own legitimate biological son Odin has placed him second in the line of succession after Thor, made no move to exclude this new son, and the lack of any younger siblings suggests no real concern over the fact that Loki is not just the spare he is the only spare.
Odin could simply have admitted that this new prince was adopted (without necessarily saying from where), or claimed he was his own but illegitimate, or some other explanation I can't be bothered to think up right now. The point is, this was not an inevitable flaw in whatever shit plan Odin may or may not have had, it's an intended or at least accepted outcome.
And no, Thor can't just be safely immortal, because then Odin's immortal and Thor isn't needed in the first place.
"Oh but Frigga -" DELETED scene, doesn't count... BUT if it did then Frigga is willing to place a Frost Giant on etc etc even if it's only as a regent and she isn't worried about Odin reacting negatively to that decision when he gets out of his convenient coma.
What I'm getting at, of course, is that at least one part of 'Loki Odinson Reacts To Adoption News (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)' was clearly bollocks, yet people still quote it as fact and as well as the rest of it which might also be - to use a clever literary term - bollocks.
edit: i used the same screencap again which is Bad but look the meme says the same as this post but in less words:
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 6 months
“tamlin IS abusive because his behavior is triggering!” and that’s so completely valid, but have you considered that, mayhaps, perchance if you will, rhysand also triggers people, and your dismissive responses to such information means your triggers won’t be taken seriously?
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aangarchy · 2 years
So we've established that Zuko doesn't actually know shit about the gaang and instead of asking questions like a normal person he just lets them drop clues about how terrifyingly powerful they all are, and at this point he probably assumes Sokka is the least threatening one of them all. until they start reminiscing about old battles and Aang just casually mentions the fact that Sokka intentionally dropped an engine on a cliffside with flammable gas and took out more than half of an army, and Zuko slowly but surely starts to believe all of these kids are batshit insane
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hanzajesthanza · 7 months
the scene i find most relatable in all of the witcher saga is ciri in the korath desert, and idk what that says about me, but… probably nothing good 😅🙃
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I realised I’m very obsessed with ruining clothes in smut but there’s nothing a pretty man deserves more than to be covered in cum/squirt/piss/whatever is going to make him whimper most, or possibly a combination of all. I want his desire and neediness to be painted in bold, wet strokes, all over his face and hair and body. And if those clothes are also torn apart, destroyed by a desperate lover who just has to take him right now? Even better.
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bragganhyl · 3 months
Can you do kana for the character thing please? And Eder if you want 😘
I sure could, thank you :D
How I feel about this character: Sweet angel boy, too good for the world, I learned so much about different chanter builds just so I can keep him around along with my chanter Watcher lmao but also his arc hits harder with every replay
All the people I ship romantically with this character: As I recall, he only ever shows interest in Maneha and well she's obviously not interested. So... idk at most the Watcher, I bet a romance would have been very cute and very - for the lack of better word - romantic with him.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Hiravias, I'm probably repeating myself but I do very much like how Kana brings out his more scholarly side. Hell, I'm pretty sure Kana is one of the very few people if not the only one (aside from the Watcher potentially I mean) who sees and treats him as an intellectual. So yeah I like their nerd dynamic a lot.
But also Maia, ofc, just... give me all the Rua family interactions, it's fun, it's tense but the love between them is undeniable still.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I feel very ambivalent about his post-Crookspur cameo in Deafire, because on the one hand I'm always very happy about more Kana but why did he have to join the navy 😭😭😭 That's not what I meant when I told him that Rauatai should seek common cultural links with other nations, babyboy nooo 😭😭😭
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: This might be obvious but he should've been in Deadfire more. Tbh I think the faction companions could've worked better if we had 2/faction and we could see their different attitudes and maybe see them play off one another but that may be just me I definitely would have liked if I had both the Rua siblings on board and see their friction more. And ofc see how the last 5 years changed Kana - aside from him joining the navy I mean
I'm putting Edér under the cut bc it's getting long
How I feel about this character: Do you need to ask, Anon? I love himst, I love him so much it's not even funny at this point 😭
All the people I ship romantically with this character: The Watcher, like... a lot. His devotion for them is through the roof, the Watcher is in some ways the light of his life who pulls him out of the dark and apathetic mental space where the Saint's War and its aftermath placed him. Like how am I supposed to be normal about them? Especially if you throw in lines like "I wish [the gods] knew you like I did" or the personal +5 to deflection line seriously who's idea was that and why does it sound like that
also if you've been around this household then you might know that I also like the Team Gilded Vale throuple but like a) i'm not ready to submit that 5 page long essay rn and b) I kinda can't separate the dynamic from my Watcher in specific rn so yeah ask me about that some other time I'm very sorry my brain is a mush
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Tbh he's got good chemistry with like most of the companions in either games, but ngl I do like the idea of him befriending Grieving Mother a lot. They only interact once but even then Edér calls her a "nice, stranger lady" - despite GM's aura of unpleasantness - and GM seems really heartbroken over being unable to help him during his personal quest. And they both end up in Dyrford potentially, I'd like to think they end up bonding between games.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He's not a himbo, he's not dumb enough for that tho deadfire does dumb him down ngl and he can be very mean at times too so... yeah.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Elafa should not have died. It does her dirty because obviously. It does Edér dirty because he ends his story still holding onto a version of Elafa that hasn't existed since the Saint's War. In some ways it even does Bearn dirty because the only way to establish a substantial link between him and Edér is to navigate the boat scenario in a very specific way that most players won't even think to aim for (you need to run out of convo options with Bearn while he's still undecided to push Edér to talk him down himself)
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so fucking upset. i looked up what's considered concerning weight loss and got a statistic. i looked up the same question but specified teens and i got a bunch of articles about how to lose weight. what the fuck
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alliluyevas · 6 months
they hated her because she spoke the truth (german food is good actually)
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Mmm, yes, the Phineas and Ferb Marvel crossover episodes were better than Infinity War and Endgame.
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randomaj · 3 months
the overwhelming urge to catalogue everything I know about the people in my life
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frenchgremlim1808 · 1 year
Hello. In the Homestuck YTTD art collection you have posted you added "(EW)" after Gashu's name. Could you please explain why you dislike him? I like Gashu a lot, and I genuinely don't get why people dislike him, as I find him really cool and a very interesting character.
Hello !
Thanks for the ask. I will try to explain why I put EW after gashu name and also the gashu hate in a few point. First off, I think you are completely right gashu is a very interesting character that deserve more analysis made of him. I think he's oddly realistic and very well written for a character that we do not see that much of. So yeah I like gashu character..... And that's the problem, I like the character but hate the person. But I think the fandom misterpret the character a lot so I will go on a gashu analysis on why first he's great character but an imunforgivable man.
Also for any gashu liker who wants to understand the perspective of the fandom her it is.
His actions are unforgivable and caused major trauma and pain to multiple people
Gashu is a terrible dad, no need to fight over this. But even before milfdori went to tell him to sacrifice his son he still sucked ass. He created to both Kai and sei major inferiority complex and fear of being forgetten. Kai was always fearful that his dad would be disappointed of him and Sei oh god sei suffered my guy, after his dad died he was brought into a family just to be a rival to Kai , to make Kai better and then disposed like trash . He acted big and wanted to win so that he be loved but in the end he knew that he was just a pawn to asunaro. Even though gashu took a liking to Sei and strated being "nicer" to Kai that does not escuse the rest. I mean Kai was raised as a weapon his entire life, he never got to have a normal life. Also like the fact that he was so happy for cake means clearly that he doesn't get any compassion or love from his dad. Gashu is emotionally distant to Kai from his very young childhood. That put irreparable damage on Kai Psyche. Someone might have the argument that he tried to do "the best" for his children, but no, he tried to do "the best" for him. If he truly loved Kai and Sei more than asunaro he would have tried anything to save his son's, but he didn't, he accepted it and continued on. Even if it failed a true loving father would've done anything to save his kids, even if it mean fighting against asunaro his whole life. Also that's not talking about the death game like what he did to ranger is even more cruel because of Sei and also he fucking caused nao death so like I'm pretty sure that's the reason the fandom hate his guts hard ☠️But I have a theory that I'm almost certain of, on why gashu is hated too
he's realistic which hits closer to home.
Gashu is realistic and that's the thing, forgetting about the dolls and asunaro, who hasn't met a emotionally negligent father who puts immense pressure on his children which cause extreme difficulty for the child to create fulfilling relationship with anyone in the future. Like if you twist it around this story works for alot of us. A emotionally closed off dad who prefer to be cold and not show his emotions, who focus more on work than you, who work seems to prioritise you. And that's the point that's why I think gashu gets such hate, the relatability !Because let's compare him to like sue and Midori. They have way more fans why, because first sue Miley is hot af and Midori is..... I don't know how people find him attractive but people do. But also because sue and Midori are over the top, especially sue Miley. She's just an evil crazy lady who mean, and Midori is literal incarnation of the devil so like what do you want. But even a character like Midori is like in way relatable sadly to lot of people experience with narcissist like him, one day if I have the time i'll go over Midori and shin relationship metaphor in real life. But back to gashu, sue and Midori have less chance to be relatable to the general audience than gashu, in the world their must be like 10 Midori ( yeah I'm sure people like him exist) but a million gashu . The point of the mini episode for me was to nuance gashu character, because even with all the bad action he did we see that he's destroyed after Sei death. It... Feal real. He an horrible man but still a man after all. While Midori is Satan you know. Also there is a also a clear difference. Gashu does the things he does due to his loyalty to asunaro, and by the way it's presented it's very much some kind of cult enterprise. The only time he betrayed the rules was for sending the sacrifice to nao to make sure she doesn't survive, which in his head he did for the organisation. He killed himself for the organisation. He sacrificed his son for the organisation. Everything he did because of his immense loyalty to the organisation even when he didn't want to do it. His loyalty came first and his feelings second. While let's say Midori really isn't that loyal and just wishes to have what he wants whatever the cost. So gashu feels more Real more human for his actions. He really seems like a man who could die at any point in time and was truly trapped. But after all it's his fault right? He was the one that became apart of the organisation after all. His suffering was in the end caused by his loyalty.But like why did he join the organisation, or better why did any of them join I have so many questions about asunaro it's insane.
It also became kinda of a meme in-between me and my friend
"Like oh it's GASHU fuck that guy" you know. I should have maybe started with that.
Anyway closing point fuck milfdori she's such a dick.
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