#point is she has no memory of her original home life or siblings
its-rat-time-babey · 4 months
Thinking about a scenario where, after Hornet is taken to Pharloom, Ghost and Hollow proceed to gear up with whatever equipment they need to keep their memories while travelling through the wasteland and go after her kidnappers.
But by the time they arrive at Pharloom, the events of Silksong are either in the middle of happening or have already concluded, and since Hornet wasn’t given anything to retain her memories when she was captured, she doesn’t remember anything from Hallownest. Hornet doesn’t know who the two Vessels are, or even what a Vessel is, and as far as she knows Hallownest is some ancient ruined kingdom that she heard about maybe once in passing. Hornet just remembers waking up in that cage as she was brought into Pharloom, a couple blurry memories of being brought through the wastes, and whatever she went through in Pharloom.
Cue potential Angst.
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factual-fantasy · 20 days
23 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🐶
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Guys, please read the FAQ in my pinned posed before sending asks, like the ask button says. You don't have to read them all- just a quick check to see if i have answered your question already and especially to see my stance on requests.
I'm not taking drawing requests at the moment. If I hit an art block and start taking requests, I'll make a post about it and update my pinned post.
Again, please just take a quick glance at the FAQ before sending in your asks. It saves both of us a lot of time. Thank you! <:)
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Currently there isn't actually a plot line I'm following- its more of a "day in the life of the neighborhood" kind'a thing.
The main points of interest though is Wally's home being alive and it watches him sleep at night.. this causes Wally to have terrible sleeping problems and anxiety. But no one knows Home is the culprit..
Another point of interest is Julie secretly actually being a huge beast that is simply disguising herself as this pretty little harmless neighbor.. she truly is a nice person and loves her friends, but she has disguised herself to look this way so that people wouldn't be afraid of her. Only Frank knows what she really looks like..
And lastly, Eddie is a real human from our/another world. He was somehow brought here to the neighborhood.. he has no memory of his original life..
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Oh wow!! :000 That blue one is so pretty.... 🥺💞💞
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Octo is intended to kind'a have normal old man problems- he's kind'a far sighted, has a cranky back, gets tired easy, gets winded faster than he used to.. other than that and the natural aches and sores that came after his major injury- (that comic you're referencing) he's relatively ok! :00 (Those dizzy spells that I talked about come from when he overworks himself.. normal old man things! <:D)
Seafoam is intended to be the youngest of his siblings, and his eldest sister was a rotten egg that had kids way too young.. and her kids were ALSO rotten eggs that had THEIR kids way too young. One of those kids being Red. So because of the age gap between him and his sister, and both generations having kids at like 20 years old... Seafoam is 55-65 and Red, his great nephew, is like 4-6...
Spider crab tends to not interact a whole lot with Pinwheel and Tuna, since they are a little too high energy and loud for him. 😅 But Coco and Red are nice company. :)
Spider does worry about the crewmembers that are missing limbs or eyes.. he does his best to offer help without overstepping. Sometimes those things are sensitive to talk about.. Also Spider sure looks old, but I pictured him being somewhere in his late 30s. Stress will add a lot of age to your face... 😅
I can see Spider crab, Louis and Tuna spending the most time in the kitchen just to be around Ellie. Although if one of them comes for a visit and one of the other 2 is already there, they probably wont stick around long. <XD Spider doesn't like Louis or Tuna's noise and Tuna like's to be alone with Ellie to talk peacefully.. As to who cooks when she cant... I can see the crew eating things that don't need to be cooked until she gets better. Pre-baked bread, easy sandwiches, etc- in an emergency though I can see the crew catching fish and Louis cooking them for the crew :))
Red might have nightmares yeah.. although his family were pretty rotten so this new crew is actually rather nice.. also Coco is his favorite playmate :))
AAA THANKYIUU!! :DDD IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE URCHINS DESIGN!! :)))) Unfortunately though, I haven't thought out her backstory too much..
I'm thinking she met Cuttlefish the same time the rest of the crew did. As for what made them friends, I kind'a like the idea that Urchin can see right through Cuttle's facade. She's not used to having someone see through all her lies, see the REAL her.. and still want to be her friend. Its nice.. 🥺
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Honestly? I have absolutely no idea XD 💀💀 All I know is Poppy is the oldest and Sally is the youngest. Sally is probably around 18-20--
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I haven't decided what the neighbors reactions would be since I have no plans for Julie to reveal herself.. though even if she did, I have a feeling she would want to maintain her smaller form. Even if it takes more energy..
To Julie, this body represents who she really is. Who she really wants to be. This is how she want's the world to see her. Even if the truth got out and everyone accepted her. She'd stay in her smaller form anyways..
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So far I don't have intentions for there to have been any tenants before Wally.. or at least no one will ever find out who they were or what happened to them.
As for how old Home is, I haven't decided this and its also a complete mystery to the neighbors. Poppy has lived there ever since she was a child and Home was already there when she moved in..
Now Home could get creative and find different ways to harm or even kill those it doesn't like.. but thankfully Home doesn't have any intentions to hurt anyone, especially not Wally. Home wouldn't even try to significantly hurt Barnaby, despite him getting in the way of Homes plans.. although Home cant resist the occasional stubbed toe or splinter out of frustration...
As for adding stuff to Home's body.. if Wally purposefully slapped a strip of duct tape on the wall, that wouldn't really become a part of Homes body. Things only really attach to Home if they are significant.
Examples being a new shelf. An added wall to split a room, cutting a hole in the wall and installing a window, ripping up carpet and installing hardwood floors, etc. The nail holding up a picture frame or that nail gun plugged into the wall are not apart of Home..
Though that's not to say Home cant control the outlets, it can! But that would only give Home the power to turn the nail gun on and off. Home cant make the gun fire..
As for plants, even if they engulf Home and grow in-between the floorboards, Home cannot control plants.. or if there was moss or some kind of fungus growing on the walls? If it ate away at the wood that plank would just die off and Home couldn't feel/control it anymore..
Lastly, Home being able to move things quickly is kind'a what you would imagine. Home moves them as fast as that object can reasonably move. How fast do you think you could slam a door? How fast do you think the window would slam down shut if you gave it all your might?
I hope I cleared up these questions! :00 And sorry if I accidentally missed one or two! <:D
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No worries! :DD
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On desktop the limit appears to be 100, I'll see what I can do! 😅Also thank you! :))
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AW! :DDD I'm glad they like it! But yeah absolutely keep it to the light stuff-- my Octonauts art has a surprising amount of blood in it for a kids show 💀
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(Referencing this post)
I might just be! XD🪄✨✨✨Also thank you!! :)))
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Oof... welcome back? <:D ... sorry-
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Awe! I'm glad to hear you liked my Gravity Falls stuff!! :DDD Thank you so much!! :))
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Oh no no! :0 reblogging is a feature of Tumblr and is not reposting! :))
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My idea is that Wally only really has sleepovers with Barnaby. He would have sleep overs with Howdy too, but that Pillar's on a pretty tight sleeping schedule/routine <XD
Now Barnaby has noticed that Wally sleeps better when he crashes at his place. Because of this he has started offering his house as a getaway for Wally when ever he notices he seems a little extra tired..
Something to note; neither Barnaby nor Wally think something is wrong with Wally's house because of this- they're just starting to think that Wally's anxiety is worse when he's alone..
Also thank you so much!! :DDDD
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I don't think much would change to be honest.. they'd still be the same old Wally and Barnaby even after a species swap!
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This was sent right after I commented that I'm still open to Welcome Home suggestions. Are these Welcome Home AUs..? <:0 I am unfamiliar with them..
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Oof, went back and fixed it. I tend to type too fast and get slime and smile mixed up. 😅
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It can be a little embarrassing when people point out my typos, mostly because every single typo I make is pointed out every single time without fail.😅💀 But no worries, I know you meant no harm-
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acearcane · 2 months
Help me choose my next project!
Per custom, I have too many ideas and no clue which one to go with. So I'm going to leave it up to the fates. (Aka, you. You're the fates.)
All of these are Umbrella Academy fics, but you don't need to know anything about the show to vote. Just choose whichever title sounds coolest, or feel free to read the summaries beneath the poll.
Most of my fic ideas are Five or Vikor-centric. There's a Klaus one in there though, and an Allison one.
1. time, that fickle temptress
At first, Five assumes it’s a fluke, the trick of a tired mind. Just a lost recollection here or there; nothing too unusual for a man of his age. But when the memories begin disappearing at a faster rate, Five begins to piece together what is truly truly going on.
His mind and body are attempting to realign. He’s becoming thirteen again.
2. i look in a mirror and i see you
Five Hargreeves has been trapped in the apocalypse for almost five years; a bit ironic, isn’t it? His powers are working just fine, but he finds himself faced with a peculiar problem: he can’t seem to find the right timeline.
After another jump goes wrong, Five finds himself in a universe where he and his siblings were never adopted; in fact, they never even had powers. It’s there that he meets a younger version of himself, and sees what life might’ve been like if it weren’t for his father.
3. the voice of god
Allison is tired of losing everyone and everything she loves. Be it the fault of her father, the universe, or the careless actions of her siblings, she’s reached the point where she can’t take it any more. Someone needs to suffer for what has happened, and Allison is more than willing to make them suffer.
In which the author gives Allison a self-indulgent villain arc that does not involve sexual assault.
4. a morbid reflection
The Hargreeves may be broken people, but they have always tried their best to do what is right.
This isn’t the case in every universe.
When Allison reset the timeline with an incomplete equation, it fractured, resulting in dozens of different universes that are shaky reflections of the original. The Hargreeves and their allies have been scattered across these dimensions, trapped in worlds that are not their own with no clear path home.
Lila finds herself alone in one such universe. In this timeline, the members of the Umbrella Academy are not the heroes that are known and loved in other dimensions. Instead, they are the villains of this world, dark and twisted versions of the people Lila has come to love.
Unfortunately for her, if she’s going to get home, she’s going to need their help. She’ll do whatever it takes to convince them--or trick them--into giving her what she wants. But Lila isn’t the only one with ulterior motives; unbeknownst to her, there’s someone else pulling the strings, and they aren’t afraid to let the world burn along the way.
“This is the price of being powerful. Sometimes we step on ants.”
5. oh to be young again
Five tries to reverse the mistake that got him trapped in his 13-year-old body. Something goes wrong, and now his siblings are stuck as kids, too.
6. my brother’s keeper
(An Umbrella Academy/The Hunger Games AU) When Five Hargreeves’ brother is reaped for the 170th Annual Hunger Games, Five volunteers in a desperate ploy to save his life. He doesn’t expect to win, not when he’s so much smaller and younger than the rest of the tributes, but he’s willing to do anything to get back to Viktor. If that means defying the odds and fighting his way through twenty-three tributes to return home, then so be it.
Unbeknownst to Five, rebellion is boiling at the seams of Panem. The flame of revolution that died nearly a hundred years ago with Katniss Everdeen has been rekindled, and it has chosen this year’s tributes as its puppets.
Now Five finds himself faced with two choices: play the Capitol’s game and lose himself in the process, or fan the fires of revolution and risk losing the world instead.
7. the skeleton key
Klaus can’t take it any more; after one too many evenings spent trapped in the house of the dead, the ten-year-old boy decides to call the authorities on his father. Things don’t go quite as planned, and after months of brutal court cases and custody battles, Klaus and his siblings are scattered across the country through the foster care system.
Six years later, and Klaus hasn’t heard from his siblings since the day they were torn apart. As far as he’s aware, they never want to see him again; he did destroy their life, after all. But then a powerful new enemy rears their head, and Klaus starts receiving instructions through the mail. If he wants to save the world, he’ll have to reunite the Umbrella Academy… and just hope that the anonymous tipper feeding him information is friend, not foe.
8. rusty bullets
(Zombie apocalypse/no power AU) Viktor Hargreeves was attending his first semester of college when the world fell apart. Now the undead roam the streets, and Viktor isn’t quite sure how he’s still alive. One thing is certain, though; he needs to make it back to his hometown, back to his girlfriend Sissy. To do that, he’ll need to join forces with a ragtag band of survivors and battle his way across the apocalypse. The odds are not in his favor, so it’s a good thing Viktor has never been one to give up.
9. a trick of the fates
(Self-indulgent OC fic. They aren't a couple tho, just pals against the end of the world.) When Five Hargreeves escapes the apocalypse after six long years of solitude, he’s ecstatic. Now he has plenty of time to stop the apocalypse before it’s even begun. Only problem? He lands in Larkspur, Colorado, hundreds of miles away from home. And that’s not all… his powers don’t seem to be working, either.
Quincy Gray has never understood her powers, nor does she want to. Unfortunately, they’re becoming harder and harder to control. A miracle arrives in the form of a bedraggled boy who falls out of the sky and into her backyard. They quickly strike up a deal; Quincy gets him home to New York City, and Five teaches her how to use her powers along the way.
Nothing could go wrong, right?
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raccoonfallsharder · 9 months
drax && mantis
okay maybe i am behind the curve and everyone else has already processed this but it's my first time i guess
so many people think drax is the "joke" of the guardians (honest question: who is not the joke of the guardians??) and i've definitely rambled and raved about how much i disagree before (the guardians would not have had a chance against ego without drax's relationship with mantis, and he is the first and maybe only person to offer rocket comfort after groot's death)
but since i was thinking about mantis thanks to @hyperjorts ' ask earlier, here is also this:
Drax: Those pools, they remind me of a time… when I took my daughter to the forgotten lakes of my homeworld. She was like you. Mantis: Disgusting? Drax: Innocent. Mantis: Drax? There’s something I must tell you.
for me this originally read as a point of empathy. mantis reaches out to drax and she is overwhelmed by his quiet sorrow and the depth of his loss. she weeps with him. she has been utterly alone for her entire life with only ego as her father, her ruler, her god - but she is moved to betray him because of what she feels in drax, and how much his grief touches her.
and i think this is true. i think i have always believed that sorrow is the place where our ability to empathize with each other has the most potential to be powerful, and i think this happens here between mantis and drax as equals and as friends.
but i think another thing is also happening here. because until now, mantis - stolen from her home planet in her larval state and, as far as she knows, orphaned by her family (though she only knows this because of ego, and i'm not sure he ever tells her how she was orphaned, if ya know what i mean; im just saying that if he killed his river lily he sure as hell isn't wasting scruples on anyone else) - mantis has only seen fatherhood as manifested by ego. she only knows of fathers as those who make and then use you, who discard you when it benefits them to do so, who have no care for the loss of your life beyond their disappointment in their progeny.
she only knows of fathers who create mass unmarked graves of their children.
and here's drax, who has made his entire life into a memorial for his stolen daughter. who mourns her still. who loves her still. whose every breath aches with the loss of her, and the loss of all the things she had yet to do, to see, to experience.
in this moment, mantis doesn't just empathize with drax. she sees everything that fatherhood is supposed to be, and everything ego lacks. she sees her dead siblings not as fodder for their father's plan but as children who were meant to be loved, children who were failed by someone who was meant to cherish them, children who were lost to their own real mothers and fathers throughout the universe.
she touches drax and she knows how a person is meant to love their offspring, meant to love their partner.
and she know that ego has only ever murdered his.
and now, for maybe the first time, she knows that it's wrong.
drax is so important. drax is so important. he always has been. i fucken love both of these precious little babies so much
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angeart · 10 days
...I forget how evil you can be with cliffhangers sometimes D: You can't just leave it like that! What was next?? (yes I could guess but I'd rather have an Ange ramble :3 )
oh wow i really left you hanging on that one, oopsie <3
after the Original Raven died, rei's soul... just... dragged another raven in. because he couldn't bear it. he couldn't, not with that, not like that.
this meant another twin bond had to snap so that our rei's could be patched up. for that, to at least somehow maintain things, a bunch of things needed to be... erased.
the new raven came in as a blank slate. no attachments! no memories.
the memory of original raven's death was also erased.
now this set off a whole different chain of events. rei never experienced that horrible traumatic event of being on that cliffside and seeing crying raven topple. he never had to be haunted by the words i need you being raven's last.
he never got to learn from that, in a way.
this new raven was clueless. didn't recognise anyone! so this started a whole spiral, and a family crisis. the abrupt amnesia was suddenly on the table, without anyone knowing the cause. they started rebuilding raven's foundations, and... raven remained the center of attention.
rei was even more invisible than before.
his pain was not important in any of this. not anymore. not ever raven could pay attention to that at this point.
but here's the thing. this raven didn't belong here. in this reality. in this world.
so the reality rejected him. slowly at first, and then all at once.
it got rid of him.
this means another raven has died.
and rei's bond, frayed and agonised, still couldn't allow raven to go.
so another raven came in!! (cue carousel music)
blank, again. no memory. the family had to deal with another amnesia out of the blue. nobody remembered the deaths. they thought this is still the same person.
and. it kept happening.
at some point, their dad left the picture.
their mom is doing her best. but she's so, so exhausted. working impossibly long hours on top of everything. and so a lot of the pressure was delegated to rei. look after your brother. make sure he's safe. make sure he knows how to get home. make sure he knows who we are.
all of that.
and rei wasn't meant to be the responsible one. he wasn't meant to be trusted with fragile things.
he doesn't know how to reconcile himself with this and still keep a semblance of his own life. it all just boils. he continues hurtling down bad paths.
well, he tried, at first. but eventually, the cycle became fatiguing and, honesly, hopeless. pointless, almost. so he started doing the bare minimum.
rei's current go-to strategy is to just orient raven enough and then promptly tell him to stay away and leave him be, because rei's the bad one between the two of them. he explains to him, in no uncertain terms, that he doesn't care. that raven doesn't want to be near him.
(and he does care. he still cares so damn much.)
(he just can't do this.)
eventually, the reality decided enough's enough. time to change something up, because this clearly isn't working.
this is where our raven enters.
our raven comes from a world where rei doesn't exist. he never had a sibling. there's no bond that needs to be erased for this to go smoothly.
so he's just yanked, and thrown in. all of him intact, including his memories.
which means he's different. he no longer follows the script rei has so meticulously written.
it also means that he's much more acutely aware that he doesn't belong here. he's much more susceptible to those reality glitches and the growing, impeding rejection. the shadows, the voices, the funky mirrors. all of it just building up around him into one big nightmare.
and i do have fun bits about all of this!! let's rewind slightly back and talk about our raven crossing over into this world!
as i said before, when raven first crosses realities, he's in a scary place for a little bit. that's an in-between world of sorts. there's a guide, and he instantly starts rambling off that this is a place for lost souls—and then he cuts off. "oh, it's you, raven."
he knows him.
he knows raven, because he's seen countless iterations of him pass through.
as they walk across this realm, they come across another person. and that person tells raven, who asks what does a world for lost souls even mean, that he isn't lost. which irks our guide! even though he knows it's true in this case.
and they sort of. argue! throwing in fun little foreshadowings like, do you really want to watch the same thing happen again for the hundreth time? and this is how things work and no they DON'T work, that's the whole point!
they also say,
"he's destroying his world!"
"it isn't his."
"goddammit, he's destroying SOMEONE'S world!"
"it's not his fault."
anyway, no, raven doesn't bother paying attention to them, too distracted by an inner pull towards an alleyway with an old, broken mirror.
the world transforms into a maze around him in a blink, and then opens up into an expanse of water that keeps rising. the guide ís back next to him, insisting that raven should be the one to control what's around them. telling raven to change it up. to make it safer.
but then the guide corrects himself, realising that it's not in raven's control. it's in theirs. all the other ravens.
it's all the trauma and misery that seeps in and dictates the shape of this place now.
raven and the guide proceed to have a stressed-out back-and-forth, where the guide doesn't provide any useful answers. he says he's the guide for lost souls, but raven isn't lost, so he can't really guide him. but! he can give him a piece of advice.
the advice is, your other self will show you the way. and to trust him.
of course raven just rolls his eyes because what the fuck.
the back of raven's neck tingles as if he was watched, and when he looks over, there's a mirror labyrinth. and he feels drawn in, as the water keeps incessantly rising, now swallowing up his legs.
before he can go, the guide stops him with a pensive, "he was right, you know." (he, as in, that other person the guide was arguing with before.) and he says, quietly, urgently, uneasily: "what do you think happens to people who succumb to the pull of that part of their soul that never belonged to them in the first place? to people who inadvertently step into an empty space just to fill it?" a short pause, and then a heavy finish: "... to people like you?"
raven doesn't get more than this.
the next thing he knows, the guide is gone, and the mirror maze is here, right around him.
the water never goes away. it keeps rushing in around him.
the mirror images are... disturbing, to say the least. ravens, countless of them, but not him. there's panic, there's blood, there is despair.
he doesn't really want to see it.
he keeps moving—swimming, now, his clothes dragging him down—realising that this maze might not have an end. that there might not be an exit. that he can't get out.
it's once the water rises far enough for him to realise that there is a ceiling that the panic truly sets in. he's swallowed up, caught, and no matter how much he screams, nobody is helping. (the mirror ravens now all watch him, drawn to his desperation like moths to a flame. looking on with sympathy, uncertainty, fear.)
despodently, he remembers the guide's words.
your other self will show you the way.
he's out of options. he takes his last breath and goes under, searching.
there is a mirror right in front of him.
the raven on the other side is water-drenched, but standing on dry land. he stares back with an indecipherable grief. drops trail down his cheeks.
he says, "i know how it feels." and then, quieter: "i'm sorry."
raven's lungs burn. his mind is filled with indescribable panic. darkness swims across his vision.
his mirror self half-whispers, brokenly: "this wasn't meant to happen."
it's at this point that raven blacks out.
there's a fuzzy sense of sinking, deeper and deeper into an endless ocean. the water is calm, heavy, pressing at him from every side. it all feels sleepy, slow motion. it feels like the end.
he's awoken sharply, his head ringing with words without a voice:
this world does not belong to you.
he wakes up in an unfamiliar bed.
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sherlkore · 2 years
Star Wars OC list
Redar Syko
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Name: Redar Syko
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 45
Species: Human
Planet of Origin: Naboo
Occupation: Sith
Redar's hardy, harsh and punctilious. He was born and grew up in a successful family in an average capital, he lived comfortably until he was about 14 years old, but at that point things took a turn for the worst.
He lost his home when it was destroyed after a fight which got out of control and was headed for a life of misery. With no one by his side he had to survive in a cruel world. He was found by a Jedi, who offered his help and promised him to become a great warrior. With his vigor and wits, he managed to overcome all odds and overpower anybody who's a hinderance and become a Jedi.
After the Treaty of Coruscant the Jedi Council began looking for Sith infiltrators within their ranks; an actual infiltrator framed Redar’s master as one, leading to his death. Redar was scheduled to be sent to the AgriCorps but the infiltrator instead arranged for him to be sent to Korriban where he was taken captive and, over the next ten years, retrained as a Sith.
He met Obi-Wan during the battle, the tension between them could cut through a knife, but Obi-Wan recognised him, he was a Jedi once after all, eventually the master Jedi started catching feelings for the Sith and tries to see some good within him. Even though he knows that attachment is forbidden for Jedi, he cannot fight his feelings towards his enemy. Redar makes him question his loyalty and that messes with his mind, makes him scattered. But he knows that Redar only needs to say the word and he'll do everything for him and the Sith definitely knows it and takes advantage of it.
Hela Skywalker
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Name: Hela Skywalker
Age: 25
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Human
Occupation: Jedi
Five years after the Battle of Endor, Hela Skywalker was born. Her mother died in childbirth, so Hela was left with Luke, who did his best to give his daughter a good childhood. When Hela was old enough, Luke decided to train her to become a Jedi. In a few months she was able to use a saber and had great combat skills. And a few more time later Luke taught her how to control the force, being Anakin's granddaughter, her force, just like her father's is strong, but it took her a while to fully be able to control it.
Later on she left to join Leia and The Rebels to fight against The Dark Side of The Galaxy. No one knows that she's a Jedi (except Leia and Luke) until Poe figured it out.
Oh and she also had to fight her own cousin, Kylo Ren, who chose the dark side, she'd be lying if she wasn't devastated by that fact since her and Kylo were inseparable as kids and now she had to fight him so he wouldn't be able to kill everyone :)
Val Felian
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Name: Val Felian
Age: 35
Sexuality: Gay
Species: Human
Planet of Origin: Mandalore
Occupation: Mandalorian/Bounty Hunter
Val is daring, gloomy and quiet. But there's more than meets the eye, not surprising for somebody with his terrible past.
He was born and grew up in a family of Mandalorians, he lived without worry until he was about 10 years old, but at that point life changed.
He lost his siblings and parents during an attack by Separatist battle droids and was headed for a life of misery. He took his father's Mandalorian armour and left his home without looking back. While persued by the authority he had to survive in a vicious world. But with his skills and determination, he managed to overpower anybody who's a hinderance and battle the elements. This has turned him into the man he is today.
While haunted by memories of the past, he now works as a bounty hunter. By doing so, he hopes to support a new, honest life and finally find joy and love for life he has never had.
He met Din and Grogu during a job which, coincidentally, they ended up having together. Din at first was relieved to see another Mandalorian, but his hopes were crushed the second Val took off his helmet, he immediately demanded that Val took off the armour and hand it over to him, since he's not worthy of it. Val of course didn't do any of that, saying that he came from a family of Mandalorians and that the armour belonged to his father. After, what felt like hours, of arguing Val got to keep his armour and decided to join the two, Din wasn't really happy about it but he needed all the help he could get to keep Grogu safe.
His Mandalorian armour:
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Hope y'all like them :3
@jackiequick @msrochelleromanofffelton @drspencereidhotch @meirafireshield @blueboirick
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the-goblin-cat · 5 months
whole hog: henry sinclair
Time for the man, the myth, the legend...
Henry is the protag of my novel, read it here
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
There's nothing behind this name at all. It sounded both bougie and old timey American, which I was going for due to him originally being from New England.
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Henry starts off Dream Quest at 14, and turns 15 at some point during the story. Like Cherise and Neville, he will continue to age as the stories go on and be in his 20s in the final arc
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Henry's primary love interest is Ayane, the dream spirit/tulpa of a popular fictional character he brought home from the Dreamlands. However they aren't going to get together just yet; he'll date a couple other girls before they come to terms with their feelings.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Chicken parmesan for dinner, baklava and black coffee for dessert
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Henry is a student at the current age. His family is too affluent for him to have to work for a living. The trajectory of his life is such that he will likely either join the magic council of San Francisco or be shipped off to Greece to apprentice under his "grandfather," really his immortal ancestor Lelantos. However, most likely, he will not do any of that.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Henry loves to read heavy tomes, usually fantasy novels if they aren't arcane grimoires.
🎯 -What do they do best?
Henry's greatest talent as a practitioner is to alter the shape and properties of earthen materials. He can make stone and metal soft and spongy on contact or shape it with his hands, which he is quite good at.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Henry loves to sing, and will probably lean more into music as an escape after returning him. He is starting to learn that he hates being told what do do and will soon enter his rebellious phase.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
We explore it in the dream quest novel! He remembers going to the beach as a toddler with his mother. This is one of his last memories of her before she died.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Probably what came right after the last one, being told that she had died. I have not fleshed out the details of that incident however.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Like Neville, he underwent a latinization lmao. He was originally a pasty white boy and is now mixed white/afro-latino. I think of this era as the "punished Henry" design since he has grown his hair out long and lost his arm, which were both absent originally.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
the deep lore is that he was based on a big name fan's homestuck fankid. I don't remember either of their names. Just know that someone else made up a black haired child with a big blue coat who was interested in the occult.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Seeing as he was raised among magic with it as his birthright, and is in the process of becoming even more magical, he could only ever be a fantasy character. He would probably do well in one of those political fantasies about warring houses though, mind you.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Henry is cis and bisexual. I know I said he mostly dates girls back there, but he will show interest in at least a couple boys at one point.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
Henry has no siblings. He does however have a younger cousin, Ruby, with whom he has been raised, and they see each other as siblings.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Henry really wishes they were still alive. He instead is being raised by his aunt. She is a cold woman and difficult to please, but can be loving now and then. He is starting to distrust her, however.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
He just has a certain je ne sais quo...
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
There was a period where I didn't talk about him at all because I was unsatisfied with his original introduction and wanted to write a new one. Then when that was done I never shut up about him.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
If Henry dies he will simply hatch out of the corpse like a cicada.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Surprisingly no.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
For nemeses he has his evil genderbent doppelganger from the mirror dimension, Leila. I suppose they could also be construed as rivals due to being in the same age range and having similar abilities. literal foils and such. He is also going to come to hate his grandfather.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
November of 2013. I remember because it was a NaNo project.
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
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thriftstorephoenix · 1 month
LANDON KIRBY has returned to mystic falls! he is a 18 year old PHOENIX and looks like ARIA SHAHGHASEMI. he has been described as being UNDERSTANDING, but also DOUBTFUL. his last memory is being killed by mg and coming back to life.
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did your character survive the legacies finale? if so, what have they been up to in the past year?
Landon was died at the end of legacies, in a way, however he was epically powerful as ferryman of limbo, and after legacies was having a good time in charge of limbo. However it was noted that he had limited emotions after bringing his friends back from the dead.
what is their last memory?
Landon's memories will be canon to 1x13 (which will be hard for me - but i will try), his last memory will be MG killing him after he tries to help him with his family. Landon will also have come back from the dead for the first time and learn he is a phoenix. Landon remembers that he and Hope are dating and that she has asked him to her boyfriend, and he is ecstatic about it. At this point in the time, Landon can not recall meeting his mother - and Hope has lied to him about this. And Landon does not know he is the son of Malivore.
what are your character’s goals?
Landon's goal is just to fit in, find a home, find somewhere he belongs (no kidding that's really it). He also wants to help his friends, as well as find out who his parents are.
any headcanons about your character’s past or present?
(to be confirmed with player) But love the idea that Landon was fostered by Damon and Elena for a short time when he was living in mystic falls the first time (e.g. in the originals) before he was moved somewhere else and was placed with Rafael. also that Rafael and Landon had Stefan's room at the Salvatore Boarding House.
any plots or connections you’d like to have?
Siblings!! More of his Malivore siblings and also Ryan, but i will take foster siblings too. Additional plots of Landon having friends or more, with someone he meets in limbo after legacies. I do like to think as ferryman, Landon wanted to influence more than just Limbo and he would have been looking for a way to send people back to help his friends/the world - think like whitelighter vibe. But he would have been unsure how to do that without it costing him more of his soul.
what do you ship?
I love chemistry and i will ship anything that i feel there is chemistry for. But i do have a love for Hope/Landon, Josie/Landon, Lizzie/Landon and also Lizzie/Hope/Landon. But i will take any ship and so would Landon if the vibe is right.
event one
Landon recalls being in limbo at peace with the life he left behind, running his bar and feeling like he finally has a home and a place where he can help people.
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vancilocs · 3 months
i think i have enough ideas for another lore dump (details subject to change obvi)
so. third kingdom. kinda turmoilic
about 30 years or so ago there was this violent thronestealing plot that happened. there was king, and queen, and the heir to the throne and probably some younger siblings, but in one night some usurper cousin or a more distant relative snuck in and slayed pretty much everyone; except the heir managed to escape with like a handful of servants (and her own porcelain bodyguard). she was like 13-14 at this point. also trans, but not out yet, except to her bodyguard. this is relevant.
(she had a bit of a teenage crush on him, not in any real way, more like youre really cool and nice and oh no puberty got my brain scrambled)
but the escape was really narrow and while trying to get out the servants got picked off and the bodyguard held his own final stand and stayed behind to let the heir escape. so she had to run off all by her lonesome.......
she wandered the countryside for a bit to get as far away as she could and through some avenues she ended up in contact with Skullface whos?? a general nogooder??? has a skull for a face??? (and she/he pronouns. whats her agab? its a secret) who promised that hed help her take the throne back and take revenge on her relatives, if shed in turn make him an advisor/give her another high rank in her court. she agreed bc why not, she was a tormented teenager who wanted revenge in any way
thus began the training. it was p easy to hide away bc the new monarchs goons were looking for a prince, the eejits, so she just went by the name she had already picked for herself (also skullface shaved off the horn over her eye/covered the mark and her dragon eye with bandages to further hide her identity. shes a poor injured girl leave her alone. dyed her red hair probably too, it was quite distinctive) and began training sword and magic both
maybe a decade passes and skullface has molded her into a right meanie, while also working on his own to collect willing people to help her overtake the castle. the new monarch wasnt very liked overall.
(now skullfaces original plan was to basically use her and groom her into being his puppet on the throne BUT he grew to genuinely care for her and now truly wishes the best for her and only wants to be by her side to help. not quite a surrogate parent, more like your parents cool sibling? theyre partners in crime)
so they storm the castle one night. princess stabs people and skullface blasts them with magic (first_4_notes_of_megalovania.mp3) and the peasants and knights theyve rallied help also. princess stabs her cousin/whatever to death and retakes the throne. yahoo
and in the basement they find her porcelain bodyguard. hes basically been there for 10 years (since he was 14 or so) for the castles new occupants to torment - basically chained him down there and gave him a sword and people would go fight him for fun. mans turned semiferal atp. but when princess shows up he recognizes her, knows her real name bc she told him all those years ago, and he does an argos from the odyssey and dies in her arms immediately after.
shes inconsolable obviously, that was the Only Thing remaining of her past happy life, her family is gone, her friends are gone, the usurpers destroyed all the stuff that reminded her of home, paintings burned furniture destroyed history books torn etc. also that was her FRIEND
so she delves a bit into necromancy with skullfaces reluctant help, and drags him back to the land of the living (not super well, but somewhat). hes mangled, needs some prostheses probably or at least joint braces, has nightmares and short-term memory issues. tends to cut off at his death and after that everythings a bit hazy. but he remembers his liege and loves her, appreciates her coming back like he knew she would, is her bodyguard again like the old times.
sometimes she kinda regrets it tho, was it fair to bring him back like that? she didnt ask him, hes been through so much, didnt he deserve to rest? but he seems happy so she guesses its ok. he says its ok. also wonders how long the magic will hold up, will he stick around forever now?
(hes doing ok. most people dont really like him bc hes a zombie but some dont mind. im p sure he even has a kid, but for some reason isnt together with the mom anymore. probably bc her family wont let her marry an undead. but im not entirely sure bc why would her familys opinion matter when she could just live at the castle since he has a very prestigious position anyways)
anyway shes slightly tormented. but she has friends. shes got bodyguard, and skullface as her trusty advisor and support, but also shes got a wife and kids, And shes fairly close with fenrir. him and konoe did offer support for her taking her old home back. konoe is a good help when it comes to political knowledge and aid, but shes had good talks with fenrir abt grief and how daunting it feels to suddenly be a ruler. when fenrir lost his kid she even came to visit to offer her condolences.
other ppl in the castle include a giant snake tail woman. mothman probably also.
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Elite Force Universe Masterlist
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Lab Rats
"Home" Armida Davenport(OC) Drabble
Armida reflects on her strained relationship with her adoptive father, Douglas Davenport. 
"Special" (A Christmas) Donald Davenport Oneshot 
Donald reflects on how circumstances in his life changed his perspective on the holidays. 
Warning: mentions of neglectful/toxic parenting
"Where the Devils Go" Chase Davenport & Armida Davenport(OC) Drabble 
Chase struggles to move past the avalanche incident, and the choices he could’ve made.
Reader Insert
"Explain" Marcus Davenport x Sibling!Reader Drabble 
The Reader returns home to discover Marcus and Douglas may be lying to them.
Relationship: Platonic
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Lab Rats: Bionic Island
"Doubt" Adam Davenport Drabble
Adam reflects on his relationship with his siblings. 
"Allergy" Chase Davenport Drabble 
For: Sicktember 2021 - Day 24 - Sneezing
"Red" Chase Davenport Drabble 
Chase deals with memories.
Warning: blood, injury, traumatic memories
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Mighty Med
"Parade" Bridget Drabble 
Playing the role of a supervillain, though theatrical, came more naturally than Bridget expected.
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Lab Rats: Elite Force
"Justice" Lab Rats: Elite Force Drabble 
The underlying motivations behind the members of the Elite Force. 
"Fractured" Oliver Drabble 
Oliver reaches his breaking point. 
Warning: depression, discussion of a broken home
"Game" Kaz Drabble
Kaz always knew he was destined to be a superhero. 
"All You Were Meant to Be" Chase Davenport Drabble
Burdened with guilt over Douglas’ fate, Chase considers going rogue. 
"Worry" Leo Dooley Drabble
Miles away at the Bionic Academy, Leo worries about his siblings. 
"Fall" Skylar Storm Drabble 
Skylar is conlflicted about her role admist this war. 
Warning: discussions of death
"Admissions" Bree Davenport Drabble 
Bree had admitted she was wrong to think that the Arcturion would fix everything. So why, now that she has new powers, is she pretending like it did?
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 1 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
Leo was the one who heard all of Davenport’s confessions in the elevator. He was the one who sought out Douglas, who had been the one to originally break into his and Marcus’ lab. He’s the one who’s been trapped in and escaped from a freaking parallel universe. 
He knows, better than any of them, that all the secrets surrounding their past will never fully come to light. 
But he needs to save his brother. And if that means chasing a ghost from Douglas’ past, then he will. No matter where it leads him. (Background crossover material: The Dark Tower by C.S. Lewis) 
Warning: violence, minor character death, mentioned drug use, mild horror, moderate blood and gore
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 2 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 3 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
"I Won't Bury You Again" Ch. 4 - Leo Dooley & Chase Davenport 
Character x Character
"Lifeline" Bree Davenport x Oliver Drabble 
In the midst of the escalating war, Bree considers her relationship with Oliver.
"Regret" Skylar Storm x Chase Davenport Drabble 
Skylar reflecting on her relationship with Chase.
"Burn" Skylar Storm x Chase Davenport Drabble
Skylar, again, reflecting on her relationship with Chase.
"Streets" Skylar Storm x Chase Davenport Drabble 
Skylar reflecting on Chase’s disappearance. 
"Balance" Skylar Storm x Leo Dooley Drabble 
Skylar may refuse to acknowledge her crush on Leo, but she knows she can’t stand it when his girlfriend visits.
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sebeth · 7 months
Legion of Super-Heroes #4 (Bendis)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
We open with Triplicate Girl and surprise, surprise, she’s gushing over Superboy. Might as well change the name of the team to “the Legion of Jon’s Cheerleaders” at this point.
Luornu recaps her origin:
“We are Luornu Durgo! Legion code name: Triplicate Girl! Originally from the great planet Cargg. For those of you who do not know, I/we are split but merge into one body. I/we then gain the accumulated memories and knowledge and experiences! It’s a full life. So when you refer to ‘us’ as different people it’s a little insulting. I/we are the same people.”
The specifics of Luornu and Cargg change with each reboot. The “accumulated memories and knowledge and experiences” sounds like Bendis is taking a Madrox-style approach to Luornu.
Jon is doing his best to memorize the Legionnaires code names, real names, and planets of origins. Jon states “My day would make it a point to know everyone’s name by dinner.”
In fairness to Jon, the Legion was much smaller when Clark was introduced to the team.
Lightning Lad makes a reference to his “mothers” so I’m guessing the twins are now the children of a lesbian couple. Is this another diversity “paint job” by Bendis? Instead of going for cheap brownie points of lesbian parents why doesn’t Bendis bring Ayla and Vi back as a couple? Or pair the long-speculated to be a couple Invisible Kid and Chemical King? Or return Power Boy and his partner to the team? Or reunite Element Lad and Shavaughn/Shaun Erin?
The Legion is one team that has a long of history of confirmed LGBTQ couples. Why is Bendis making insignificant minor characters his LGBTQ special when he could instead focus on one of the numerous couples that could impact the story?
Garth and Rokk take Jon to Computo who will give him the Legion orientation presentation.
Computo is now a “mixture of technology and category nine humanoid biology”.
We get glimpses of the founder’s past.
Titan is now a “mind collective” that Imra leaves when she receives an offer from the United Planets.
We switch to Winath where the twins are defending a group of people from the Science Police. Ayla is clearly the more brazen of the twins which is a switch from the reboot where Garth was the hothead.
The twin’s mothers are not happy about their actions. One mother seems to be made of energy. Is this how the twins received their powers? The twins seem to have four younger siblings. No sign of Mekt, their older brother known as Lightning Lord.
Ayla mentions they were born with their powers. Do all the children have lightning powers? She also mentions the mothers have six other children to worry about. Neither are pictured in the scene. One could be Mekt.
The President of the United Planets invites the twins to join the UP Youth Delegation. Garth joins. Ayla does not.
We turn to Braal, home planet of Rokk, where “one percent of the planet’s population has control over magnetic fields”. In all other versions, every native of Braal has magnetic powers.
Rokk is fighting the metal creatures native to Braal in an arena. In previous versions, Rokk was a magno-ball champion, now he battles creatures in an arena.
Rokk refers to his dad as “Prime Father”. Rokk was aiming for the Inter-Galactic Olympics but Prime Father convinces him to join the UP Youth Delegation.
The founding trio meet on a space shuttle.
Imra is different from her fellow Titans as most don’t leave the planet but she couldn’t wait to get out of there.
The trio meet with the President of the United Planets and save her from an attack by the Horraz.
Jon is pulled out of the orientation due to “Justice League-level emergency”. The Trident has been stolen and the Science Police has arrived at the Legion HQ: “By order of Madamhonor President, the Legion of Super-Heroes is locked until further notice.”
Cosmic Boy received some spotlight.
I believe in diversity and representation, but I don’t like cheap “paint jobs” that will be undone in the next reboot. Garth receives the focus of this as he is now of color and has lesbian parents, but I guarantee in the next reboot Garth will be white and no longer have lesbian parents. In the long run, these changes are nothing but “cheap points”. I mentioned the Legion’s LGBTQ couples above and for characters of color: XS, Kid Quantum I. Kid Quantum II, and Tyroc are in limbo waiting to make a comeback.
The pace is glacial. We are four issues in and the story we’ve seen so far would have taken less than one issue in the 1980s.
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frauleinandry · 1 year
okay, so, as i mentioned before, i have a million plus arcana swap au ideas, and since i’m never going to actually write this one, why not post it into the void? (also, people will probably enjoy it since it’s shuake lmao)
so! this particular plot nugget is set in a new game plus arcana swap au... except the reset point isn’t yaldabaoth like most NG+ fics, but the maruki bad end (with some elements of the maruki failed deadline end tossed into it for maximum pain).
in the original timeline, akira cannot choose whether to stay in maruki’s reality or go. maruki’s choice makes him have a complete and utter mental breakdown, and, well, if you’ve seen the failed deadline ending for maruki’s palace, you know how this goes. maruki puts him into an enchanted sleep, erasing his presence from the world and dooming humanity in the process.
this sends akira’s spirit to the velvet room, and lavenza. is. pissed. if he’d chosen to stay in maruki’s reality, that’d be one thing, but by not choosing to act at all, he’s spit on his role as a wildcard (namely, that he should be taking responsibility for his actions and that the choices he makes should be his own). so, at great personal risk, she uses her powers to reset the timeline, in the hope that whoever’s chosen to be the new wildcard will find the strength that he lacked.
cut to the reset timeline. akira is walking home from school when he overhears shido assaulting that woman. he goes to investigate, but the second he does - blam. his memories from the original timeline return, slapping him in the face. once his shock has worn off, much to his horror, he realises shido and his victim have already driven away. no assault charge for you, akira.
by now, he’s absolutely freaking out, and after doing some frantic googling once he gets home, he realises things are very, very different. the detective prince doesn’t exist. people who were once dead are now alive, or vice versa.. also, for some fucking reason his name is now amamiya ren. 
in a full-blown panic, akira runs away from home and goes straight to tokyo. none of his friends or confidants recognises him, and to make things worse, some clearly aren’t the people he once knew anyone. to make matter worse, others are just... gone. when he goes to yogen-jaya and realises there’s no leblanc, akira has a full-blown panic attack. 
suddenly, his phone pings - it’s the metanav. perks of being a former wildcard, and all that.  when akira visits mementos though, his spirit of rebellion doesn’t manifest, and the velvet room is just... gone (he’s not the wildcard anymore, after all). it’s then that he realises that losing all his bonds isn’t the only thing that’s happened - yaldabaoth is now back. akira is extremely, extremely, cognizant of how close he came to losing that battle. now, there’s a very, very real chance that the world is going to end, all because he couldn’t make a decision.
(fun fact: akira’s new arcana in this role swap is the hermit. this boy is having a very, very bad time.)
let’s move to akechi. in this new world, he’s not the justice. his mother survived her suicide attempt or never had one in the first place. money is tight, and he still gets a lot of shit due to his family situation, but his home is loving. sure, he’s not a saint by any means - akechi is still somewhat prickly and has elaborate and violent fantasies about getting revenge on shido, but ultimately he’s a normal teen. he’s the top of his class, a member of the student council, and is already getting scouted by universities. he might even have a stepfather he begrudgingly tolerates and little siblings he loves. 
that all changes however when one night, he remembers the original timeline. normal teenager akechi -  who’s never genuinely considered murdering someone in his life - suddenly has the memories of his past life as a traumatised assassin forcibly injected into his brain. 
suffice to say, akechi absolutely freaks the fuck out. when he looks at his mother, he now sees her corpse. when he spends time with his family, he can’t help but think of the families he’s destroyed with his very own hands. whenever his underclassmen ask him for advice, he hesitates - given how monstrously he’s fucked up, what right does he have to guide anyone? 
(whenever he smells the ocean breeze, he feels sick.)
still, despite having an extremely unique type of mental breakdown, akechi is a person of action. like akira, he has the metanav on his phone, and akechi wants answers. unlike akira, he’s still got enough defiance to manifest a persona, even if robin hood has only a fraction of the power it did before. during a trip to mementos, he encounters akira. he finds out his former rival has run away from home (it’s not like his parents would miss him, after all), and is currently funding himself via a ludicrous amount of part-time jobs.
reunited, they start planning. still, while there are remnants of their old rivalry, their dynamic has fundamentally changed. akira still possesses his inherent kindness and big heart, but he’s far more jaded than the old joker ever was, and the fire that once animated him had been snuffed out. meanwhile, this timeline’s akechi is the opposite - his basic personality is still intact, but he lacks the sharp edges the original akechi did. this akechi knows what it’s like to be loved, after all (not that he feels like he deserves to, given all the blood that he’s never technically spilt that’s staining his hands). these boys are a very different shade of fucked up, and it shows. anger has been replaced with despondency and rivalry with understanding. in every world, they’re two different sides of the same coin, after all - doomed to be the ones who understand each other the best. 
back to the plot, while akira still has no persona, akechi can still fight, which means they can at least attempt to rig things in the phantom thieves’ favour. the second they try to go to the metaverse to interfere with shido/any PT target, however, the app glitches, stopping them from entering. their worst suspicions are confirmed when akechi first meets the new PTs and tries to warn them about yaldabaoth, but he finds that he suddenly can’t speak. they’re just pawns in this new game between gods, after all, and neither of them can break the rules. this is the inciting incident to the formation of akira’s palace, who believes he’s doomed to watch as his loved ones die.
akechi probably fills the high priestess role - he tries shoehorning his way into the phantom thieves and gets them all into trouble, or alternatively, gets caught up in some bad shit while attempting to investigate shido, and the PTs bail him out. who knows! this is sort of where the plot bunny ends - there’s a reason i’m never going to write it in full lmao. still, if you’ve gotten this far, i hope you enjoyed it!
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galaxysharks · 1 year
I need to write these down or they will never get out of my head. Guys I found the bullet points.
Maddox&Jet headcanons:
Jet&Maddox are 1/2 siblings, Maddox is 11 months older.
Maddox's mother died during childbirth, and she's been raised by Jet's mom her whole life.
Their parents are very strict, partially in an effort to help their children with various struggles, but usually come off as cold because of it.
Lots of little rules/'traditions' at their house
Includes: Meal logs, curfews, designated practice times, no dating, top grades, ect.
Most of these are technically just for Maddox's benefit, but you know....siblings.
Not homophobic, but still does not approve of the kids dating.
Their parents are both accountants. (Mostly due to Maddox's tax season comment).
Stopped sending Jet to Shallow Lake to try and use other avenues to curb his behavior, they figured it would bring up too many memories of being pressured to play music.
Maddox kept going to maintain her routine and because she loves it.
Sent Jet this year to try to repair the relationship.
Special interests are basically anything set realated
Woodworking, tech set up, costumes, ect.
Loves camp so much.
Her bed at home has a frame to turn it into her bottom bunk.
Jet uses the top bunk when company is over.
Has a blanket with the forest printed on it hung up on her wall.
Follows her parents regiment to the letter, partially because it never occurred to her to not, and also she recognizes that having a routine helps her in some ways.
She doesn't see a reason for Jet to have to do them too, but gets annoyed at his disregard of their parents.
As far as she's concerned, Jets mother is hers, she has no memory of her own and feels no particular way about her. To Maddox, it was the equivalent of an egg donar.
Gets asked by their parents to help contain Jet.
Gets frustrated because the whole 'Im older' argument stopped working once he realized it was by less than a year, making this a lot higher.
Used to attend various 'socializing exercises' but stopped once her parents saw that they made her outbursts worse and more frequent.
Destroys furniture when overwhelmed. Learned woodworking originally so she could replace things she broke.
Built her bedframe, desk, and a little clubhouse in their backyard.
Can cook several edible but bland foods. She learned this to feed the two of them when their parents are working late.
Does not usually like full-contact hugs. ( From Ej's side hug vs his hug with mutual old friend Val )
Is jealous of the attention their parents pay to Jet despite his lack of respect for their rules.
Is also slightly resentful that Jet can find friends anywhere, despite being sour and aloof, while she tries so hard to be nice and friendly and just says the wrong thing constantly.
Has technically been a 'councilor-in-training' for several years, but isn't old enough to be a full councilor yet.
Helps one of the local colleges teach woodshop classes in order to make pocket money.
Hates his parents rulebook for several reasons.
They're never home to really enforce them, but punish freely.
They rely on Maddox telling them when he doesn't follow them.
Their justification is that they're for Maddox, but most of them don't even help her, they just stress her out more.
Fluctuates between half-assing his and just not doing it.
He thinks their parents treat Maddox as somehow both older and younger than she is. Old enough to be responsible for his actions, but too young to regulate her own meals and relationships.
Hates that his parents have Maddie babysit him, because she's not really any better at existence than he is. He hates that they expect her to know how to do this.
He's the one that told their parents that the social exercises were making Maddie worse.
Learned piano on YouTube.
Has an almost virtuoso talent for music.
Spent the better part of several years going to various competitions before getting burnt out.
Maddie gave him the duck. She also sewed it's foot back on at least three times.
Still occasionally goes to her room when he can't sleep to steal the top bunk.
Is surprisingly personable when not being deliberately obtuse.
Hated Ej from a distance for a while because he can read between the lines of some random jock suddenly being nice to his sister once he sees she has keys to restricted areas.
Settled on neutral feelings once a couple years passed and Maddox kept hanging out with him without incident.
Acts out both to annoy their parents and to keep them occupied so they don't try to get Maddox to do things that would overwhelm her.
Maddox has an unfortunate tendency to say slightly rude things, he has a tendency to accidentally spill his sister's business to people.
Got expelled for changing one of Maddie's grades to passing so she could still go to camp.
All she knows is he broke into the records office, which is like ultimate disrespect for the rules.
Did not get charged because the principal was sympathetic to him, also because they knew what his parents were like.
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shuuenmei · 1 year
Haven’t been posting Twst chapter thoughts in a while and some to future stuff for “black or white” but here we go... (Due to Spoilers from the Japanese launch and some, this is put under the cut.)
Of all the manners Chapter 7 (Diasomnia) can go... I didn’t expect this direction.
And not gonna lie, since I recently finished playing Persona 5 Royal, all the way to the new content in Royal, Chapter 7 and Malleus’s plan gave me serious deja vu’s that it half made me think “Wait, this felt familiar...”
But anyway.
I think if Chapter 6′s theme is about death, then Chapter 7′s theme is potentially meetings and partings, and fickleness of life, or rather, the concept of “Mono no Aware” in Japanese.
“Mono no Aware” in Japanese is a concept that speaks of how life is fickle and nothing last forever, but that just makes life even more beautiful.
At any rate, the chapter starts with parting, as everyone deals with the idea of Lilia potentially leaving their lives and Malleus taking the parting the hardest.
And this is where Malleus eventually contrast with Yuu (Rei) in how they deal with it.
I’ve established in a preview and also in the murder siblings AU that Yuu (Rei) lost her grandmother 8 years ago, but the thing is that Yuu (Rei) didn’t actually deal with that grief well due to some factors.
In the murder siblings AU, Yuu (Rei) got Akechi to help her out, but in the main story, she unfortunately doesn’t have anyone close enough in proximity to help. What with her cousins and people willing to help her being all the way out at Tokyo so having them come to Hokkaido and drop everything for her isn’t realistically viable.
It’s only in Twisted Wonderland that Yuu (Rei) finally could look back and start trying to move forward from it.
And yes, she was being a hypocrite to Grim in hindsight. For as much as she wants Grim to stand up for himself and be independent, Yuu (Rei) herself was dependent on her dead grandma as a guide to help her understand living in a world where people shun her for being abnormal.
At any rate, Yuu (Rei), by the point of Chapter 7, has at least started to deal with her parting with grandma better and was accepting of Lilia leaving since she was aware that nothing last forever. The hardest lesson that grandma’s death gave Yuu (Rei).
Malleus, on the other hand, hasn’t fully grasped it and the idea of losing people he care and grew fond of is... not something he is ready to face.
And there’s another difference:
Yuu (Rei) is already cynical by the time she was brought to Twisted Wonderland and it’s through understanding that reality doesn’t always let things work out that she was okay with saying goodbye to Lilia and wish him a peaceful retirement.
Malleus, despite his upbringing and education as the future king, is still emotionally a teen. A sheltered teen with one of the strongest magic in the world which made him inwardly emotionally immature than what his kingly air would suggest.
Hearing is one thing, but experiencing it all in person is another.
When Malleus first asked Yuu (Rei) and confide in it, Yuu (Rei) provided her two cents that she doesn’t believe what Malleus suggest is realistically viable when he asked if she would stay if there’s an option to stay and return home to her original world without losing the friends and family she found in one world.
Yuu (Rei) has mostly recovered her memories but she still had the same feeling since she remembered her family, that her family would be better off without her, and she’s probably gone for so long that they already moved on from her disappearance and “death”.
I say the quotations because, well, Yuu (Rei) is actually alive alive when she was brought to Twisted Wonderland and was both physically and spiritually brought to Twisted Wonderland.
In an essence, Yuu (Rei) got spirited away in the same way her grandma was once spirited away in her youth.
Now for the dream portion.
The murder siblings AU at least has Yuu (Rei) and Goro being brought to the Velvet Room for safety (And Malleus thankfully doesn’t know about the Velvet Room)
As for the main fic...
Yuu (Rei) was brought to Mickey’s dream in the same way as canon MC but she half was able to escape from Diasomnia with help from Shiro and return to Ramshackle with Grim but by that point, Malleus started to cast his magic before Yuu (Rei) can do anything.
Anyway, that’s it for now!
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nobuverse · 11 months
v; Genshin ( Okita )
Origin: Inazuma
Vision: Anemo
Main Weapon: Sword
Elemental Skill: Okita harnesses the power of Anemo mainly to help her amplify her speed - and she can concentrate that into bursts of furious dashes. She can traverse short distances in the blink of an eye, allowing for both repositioning in the field and the ability to take a few piercing strikes of anemo damage before the other can react.
Elementa Burst: How much control Okita has entering her most powerful state is arguable. It comes not in a technique, but in a fever pitch of emotion or a hardened sense of determination. Sometimes, it come easily, other times, not until things become desperate.
Harnessing all of her energy allows her to push past her normal human limits in performance; making her usual short bursts of movement become a constant state. In comparison, everything around her moves slowly. Her speed and accuracy becomes truly deadly. In a matter of a less than a second, she can hit as many as three points simultaneously.
As for how long this state can last, it goes as far as she can push her body. Entering it will quickly drain her energy and put an extreme strain on her already frail body. It could be a minute, or just a a matter of a few seconds before she collapses in the battlefield.
Content Warning for Death.
She can remember the trembling earth. The loud eruption of stones piercing from the earth like the teeth of an angry monster. Her parents screams. She can still clearly remember the things she wasn't allowed to talk about.
It wasn't a murder. It was an earthquake. Saying anything to the contrary would put her sisters lives in danger. The terrified child did not dare to argue with him; this member of a ruling clan who had come to discuss troop management with her father.
Arrangements were then made to separate the three siblings, each fading into a different aspect of society within Inazuma. For Okita, her home became the dojo.
Training became her life, her only focus to help her move forward. Despite being plagued with ill health throughout her growing years, she rapidly became recognized as one of Inazuma's most promising warriors in training. She became the obvious choice when it came to creating a task force to revoke visions during the decree which declared it outlawed.
Even without a vision herself, Okita was a formidable opponent to face. Used to battling illnesses for most of her life, she did not succumb to pain or fatigue. She had no issue taking the very same powers that had killed her parents away from Inazuma's citizens at first. Tears and pleas of would-be killers did not phase her.
Later, a semblance of guilt starts to build within her. She does not regret taking away such powers, but she does begin to see the effect which it has on people. Losing their memories. Their will to live. Passions and connections formed over a lifetime reduced to dust as she took away pieces of their soul.
One day, she's confronted with a horrid reality: the task of having to take a vision away from a child. Not just one, in fact, but a group of runaway children desperate to escape their fate.
Sword at their leader's throat, she remembers looking into that child's eyes clearly: rebellion and desperation represented in equal measure. While one hand held her katana, while the other wrestled and clawed at with the teenager's right. Insanely, the girl is more desperate to hold onto the vision in palm than keeping her neck away from Okita's sword.
I won't forget him! You won't make me forget my brother!
The enforcer stops struggling. Getting up, letting her go. All her doubts about her mission have risen to the surface in that moment. It's solidified, proven, when the girl looks back at her once again in confusion.
"Go. I'll fend them off."
The freedom of choice. To change. To fight against injustice. This materializes the gem of her vision at her hilt of her sword.
She now lives with both sides as her enemy. She is the prized soldier of the Tenryou commission gone rouge; and one of the most feared enforcers by the common people.
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For the whole history of PETER QUILL please click here.
It’s no secret that the last few years have been hard on Peter. He didn’t cope well with losing Gamora, and he’s still working on learning how to heal. Coming back to Earth to reconnect with his grandfather was a good step, even though it meant he had to leave the Guardians. The separation didn’t last forever, however. With how bad things are on his home planet it was only a matter of time before the Guardians would converge once more. His call to the team was one out of necessity, and it means a lot that they answered. It’s not the same as it was, but it’s good to have his family back by his side.
✗ GAMORA (MCU) died. She loved Peter and then she died. It’s not even that she died. She was murdered by Thanos to further his selfish needs for the Stone even though she had asked Quill to kill her before it got to that point. Losing her made him despondent, and it was made worse by the fact that the her from 2014 didn’t have any of their shared memories. For a long time, he believed he could find a way to win over the heart of that Gamora. Now, he believes that who she is is good, even if she’s not the love he lost. It hurts still, but Quill’s on the path to healing.
✗ ROCKET RACCOON (MCU) is Quill’s best friend, and there was no way he’d let him die. No matter how insufferable Rocket can be, he’s family. Quill knew Rocket would be a better leader of the Guardians than he ever was, and he’s glad to see that’s true. Seeing what Rocket has done with the team really does make him proud. It’s a good way to see their legacy continued, and Quill knows he always has a spot if he wants one.
✗ MANTIS (MCU) and Quill are siblings, but he didn’t learn that until recently. They were both fathered by Ego but she chose to keep it a secret as she thought it might be traumatizing to bring it up. It was the opposite. Peter loves Mantis and he’s grateful to have more family. Finding out they’re related has been great. Even though she was off finding herself recently, it’s been nice to reconnect with her on Earth. They’ve both had the chance to grow some.
✗ THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY RESERVES (MCU) → Quill’s not officially on the team anymore, but he’s on the reserves. Not being on the team officially anymore is definitely weird. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though. It’s a new season of life for Quill and he’s more than content to help out when need be. Not being on the roster is what he needs at this stage of his life.
✗ AGE → 40′s ( born 1980 ) ✗ MULTIVERSE ORIGIN → mcu ✗ SPECIES→ human / celestial hyrbid ✗ ETHNICITY→ up to player ✗ SECRET IDENTITY→ public ✗ RELATIONSHIP STATUS → open ✗ FACECLAIM → jack quaid ✗ AVAILABILITY → taken
his walkman is a blue tps-l2 sony walkman from 1979
considers kevin bacon to be one of his heroes & that’s even more true now
lost his mother at age 8 to cancer
was blipped
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