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scatteredthoughts2 · 13 days ago
The Poem She'll Never Hear
She asked me what my poem was about,
But I said I could not say,
It was either that or tell her lies,
But my thoughts got in my way.
I said it's something special,
And I'll share it with you soon,
And I hid the pages from her eyes,
As the moon lit up our room.
She asked me why not share it now,
Whilst the night is all our own,
For who knows what tomorrow brings,
And maybe I'll be gone.
I said you're talking silly,
We've got our whole life still to live,
And I'm trying to put on paper,
What my lips could never give.
So bear with me a little while,
And trust me when I say,
The poems for someone special,
And I live with her each day.
But she never got to hear her poem,
For tomorrow, she was gone,
And now I read it to myself,
As the lonely nights go on.
@Ambrose Harte
@Scattered Thoughts
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claphandsound · 3 years ago
In this dim cave
under busy city streets
you might follow
the right echo
on its swerving
stretching journey
past grabbing shadows
and sizzling tar pits
so far
into expansive
sunlit meadows
covered with swaying
smiling black eyed susans
and there you might pause
to listen more closely
to the fizzy hum
of honey bees
and the luminous
spread of life.
 Something inside you
begins to glow
like the face of the moon
emerging from the veil –
peering through parting mounds of vapor.
  © Scott Thompson    
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wheretheinkflows · 3 years ago
In the dark crevices of the mind
sits a creature, undescribable
breathing in the scent of every carcass left behind
twisted into a shape, unrecognizable
to be untwisted and made whole again
Every disguise that was never thought to be one
and every wrinkle etching itself, untruthful
distinguished moments eons and a second apart
rising and falling in the depths of a well, unbidden
turned into the sea of ferocious waves sweeping out
The water receding back into infinty with
broken glass reflecting stars, unblinking
as the night sky created patterns, no, provided
to humanity a brush to stroke its simple beauty
remains only that, remains of a life long abandned
A peak of my perspective of Will Graham's mind
Original hardcopy under the cut
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getcareless · 4 years ago
Three Months Since
Three months since we had last held any hands;
we don’t talk anymore and we don’t even glance.
As perchance my vestiges scatter in advance.
We got caught up and mixed up
that it didn’t matter on the stance.
Are we feeling mad or are we trance?
The music still rings from that Saturday’s dance.
Where’d you go -
because none of my past understands.
It’s like a dream where I get laughed at
for not having any pants.
Write my epitaph as if I’ve just about had it with romance.
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writteninjoy2 · 8 years ago
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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goneahead · 4 years ago
@kidgillis adding a few more!
Who did I miss??
Writers and Poets, who are your favorite curators on tumblr? Give them a shout out!
I love you guys! You've introduced me to amazing artist writers and content creators while being the heart of the community by giving everyone a chance to not only be seen but also heard!
@writerscreed 💐
@poetryportal 💐
@writtenconsiderations 💐
@poeticstories 💐
@writeundertheinfluence 💐
@twcpoetry 💐
@brokensoulsreborn 💐
** I know I'm missing someone...I'll add them to the list when I find their official tag! **
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scatteredthoughts2 · 8 months ago
I wonder if you still think of me;
Because I oft times think of you,
But your love for me was not meant to be,
Whilst my love for you was true.
I wonder if you ever call my name,
If something brings my name to mind,
You see, my love for you is still the same;
And of the most enduring kind.
I wonder if you dream of me,
Do you see me in the night,
Because in dreams I'll always be with thee,
Until the early morning light.
I wonder if you are moving on,
Because I'm stuck in the same place,
And though I know your love for me is gone,
Your lips I still can taste.
I wonder if we'll ever meet again,
If our paths will ever cross,
Because without you here, I am gone insane,
Without you here, I'm lost
@Ambrose Harte
@Scattered Thoughts
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claphandsound · 4 years ago
What swims away
Every moment in our lives
slips from our grasp
and swims from sight – most
disappear into open ocean oblivion.
Goodbye to those as we journey on.
But some large shimmering fish
and even certain tiny minnows
slide through aquatic channels
into the chambers of memory
occasionally flashing in and out of sight.
  © Scott Thompson    
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internalearthquake · 5 years ago
Perhaps you weren't my other half and I was indeed half empty because when you walked away, nothing felt missing yet nothing felt whole.
- @internalearthquake
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wheretheinkflows · 4 years ago
Sometimes I feel like a clock, time ahead and time behind
A never-ending journey to travel till a destination I should find
I trace the longest hand of anxiety, racing through the quarter
While the shortest one of legacy, grinds hard in life’s mortar
And the middle one which inspires jealousy, counting every minute for what it is
As we search the caves of existence, to complete our life’s analysis
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scatteredthoughts2 · 4 months ago
The Homecoming.
The train pulls into Mullingar,
And I wipe away a tear,
It's my first time home in many years,
And no one knows I'm here.
The station looks the same,
But it's still a lonesome place:
It brings back a stab of pain,
Of when I last kissed your sweet face.
I walk up to the Green Bridge,
And look up towards Patrick Street,
I see Clarke's Bar on the left,
Where our family used to meet.
I look down on Dominick Street,
Through the blowing, swirling snow,
And though I know the town so well,
I don't know which way to go.
I go into Days Bazaar,
For a coffee and a scone,
It was the book shop that I loved,
The last time I was home.
And from my table by the window,
I watch the crowds go by,
Searching every face,
Hoping some will catch my eye.
But who's that in the Market Square?
With microphone in hand,
Joe Dolan sings out loud,
With his ghostly Drifters Band.
The Greville Arms I enter,
And my heart lifts up with joy,
For the first one there to greet me,
Is my old friend " Nodger Boyle ".
Nodger fills me in on the lost years,
When last I was at home,
We share a laugh and we share some tears,
And, when he leaves , I'm all alone.
All alone with just my thoughts,
All alone; there's only me,
All that's left for me are ghosts;
All my loved ones in the cemetery.
I leave and walk back to the station,
Wondering why I came back home,
Was I dreaming someone would be waiting,
That I would not be on my own.
The train pulls in and I take a seat,
And I leave Mullingar behind,
It was only ghosts that I came to meet;
Only ghosts that I could find.
@Ambrose Harte
@Scattered Thoughts
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scatteredthoughts2 · 3 months ago
It's 3am and all is quiet;
A peaceful, holy, silent night,
All the kids tucked up in their beds,
With dreams of Santa in their little heads.
A star shines bright on our little town,
As wisps of snow come swirling down,
A Christmas scene to make you glad,
And yet your thoughts are a little sad.
You walk the streets, so empty now,
As soft snow melts upon your brow,
You breathe it in, you pause and hear,
A lonely bell ,on the Christmas air.
You think how lucky we really are,
You think of countries destroyed by war,
You pray for children, so hungry and lost,
And for all of those who need it most.
You have walked the town, now it's time to go,
You walk back home in the swirling snow,
It's time for Santa Clause, you see,
To leave the presents beneath your tree.
@Ambrose Harte
@Scattered Thoughts
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scatteredthoughts2 · 7 months ago
I thought I had them locked away;
Safely under lock and key,
Never again to see the light of day,
Never more to torture me.
But somehow, they have broken out,
Somehow, they have all returned
Now inside my head, they scream and shout,
Crossing bridges I thought I'd burned.
I had them buried, oh so deep,
I had them hidden where no light could shine,
But they all escaped whilst I was asleep,
Telling me, they would e'er be mine.
I knew this day was bound to come,
Yet I told myself it would be alright,
It's easy whilst you're in the sun,
To forget about the dark of night.
And now they're here, they are here to stay,
Whispering, screaming, reminding me,
All the memories I had locked away,
My memories have been all set free.
@Ambrose Harte
@Scattered Thoughts
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scatteredthoughts2 · 1 year ago
Silent is the night,
when everyone's asleep,
No one hears my pain,
no one hears me weep.
Everyone's in dreamland,
and no one will ever see,
How lonely is my night,
how I ache to dream with thee.
@Ambrose Harte
@Scattered Thoughts
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scatteredthoughts2 · 4 months ago
Snow is falling on Mullingar,
And the station is so quiet,
I'm almost home, I've come so far;
I have travelled through the night.
There is no one here to meet me,
I told no one I'd be here,
But I know they all will greet me,
And will cry a happy tear.
From the Green Bridge I look down,
And Dominick Street's aglow,
Such a lively, bustling town,
Like a Christmas card with snow.
From the street where I once dwelt,
I hear the music from Clarke's bar,
Where a welcome 's always felt,
For the craic and for a jar.
I look up Mary Street,
To the Church of Christ The King,
And through the snow and sleet,
I can hear the choir sing.
Joe Dolan's in the Market Square,
With his microphone in hand,
And happy families clap and cheer,
For the Mullingar Town Band.
Into the Greville Arms I go,
With its old world charm and style,
And the first one that I see I know,
Is my old friend " Nodger " Boyle .
He fills me in on what's been going on,
In the years I've been away,
On all the people who have gone;
All my friends who've passed away.
Bitter sweet are the memories,
As we relive the old times,
Our discord's and our harmonies,
Our days of summer wines.
So many changes have taken place,
Yet the town still feels like home,
A welcome smile, a warm embrace,
And I need never feel alone.
Now it's time to meet my family,
For Christmas in Mullingar,
I have sailed across the Irish Sea,
To the Midlands brightest star.
I will meet old friends I've missed,
And make new ones whilst I'm here,
Under mistletoe be kissed,
And be blessed by Christmas cheer.
@Ambrose Harte
@Scattered Thoughts
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scatteredthoughts2 · 1 year ago
When you are dancing with a Leprechaun,
The Leprechaun calls the tune,
He will use you as a pawn,
Beneath a blood-red moon.
He will promise you your wildest dreams,
And tell you your the only one,
But beware, all's not as it seems,
And of you he's making fun.
He is charming and beguiling,
He's as slick as oily eels,
He'll bewitch you when he's smiling,
As he dances jigs and reels.
He will fill you up with poteen,
Till you don't know your religion,
He will dress you all in green,
And have you cooing like a pigeon.
And as the moon begins to wane,
The sun rising in the east,
He'll befuddle your poor brain,
For he's a cruel and nasty beast.
You will wake up far from home,
With a sore and aching head,
You'll be cold and all alone,
And far from your nice warm bed.
So never dance with a Leprechaun,
He will trick you and beguil,
He will laugh and call you amadawn,
And at your troubles he will smile.
@Ambrose Harte
@Scattered Thoughts
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