reylocrazyfangirl · 9 months
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Dcéra Edenu - Druhá kapitola (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1409097864-dc%C3%A9ra-edenu-druh%C3%A1-kapitola?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=MeropeMerzmer&wp_originator=p7m980ntPDMZlM%2FyfFcNwaOaIjwFceqtLok5gdNWy82WMScKgHfkYkVoIeDmSBbYNNg34YakgO6tjxWWfakbfCGUrBsKEiZWPCWgp0Xuy7v4jexK3HCqkdvN%2BVdzG%2BS1 Keď do jej života zasiahla smrť, vzala jej všetko, čo najviac milovala a priniesla do jej života novú temnotu. Štrnásť ročná Rebeka sa zotavuje s traumatickej dopravnej nehody. Stratila oboch rodičov. A kvôli zraneniu ruky už viac nedokáže maľovať krásne tak ako predtým. Najviac ju zasiahne to, že jej matka jej po celý čas klamala. Jej otcom nie je muž, za ktorého ho považovala, ale matkin bývalý zamestnávateľ, miliardár Erick Pfeling, vodca Edenu, uzavretej komunity, žijúcej na tajomnom ostrove... Ovládaná strachom sa ocitne uprostred krutého boja o opatrovníctvo. Nepočítala s tým, že jej biologický otec ju bude chcieť vziať od jej rodiny. Predstava, že bude musieť stráviť letné prázdniny s ním a s jeho rodinou, kvôli novému súdnemu nariadeniu, je pre ňu nevítaným kompromisom. A to nie je jediné prekvapenie, ktoré na ňu čaká...
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For OOC season 8 Sam momemts...I feel like Sam should've been obsessed with either saving Kevin (to use some prophet bs storyline to open purgatory and help get Dean back) or Dean (then save Kevin, bc lbr that's more on brand). Either way, if Sam isn't obsessed with doing at least 1 thing per season, then what are the writers even doing?
AGREED. That man is always doing things. He is never sitting around not doing things. He is on at all times. He is going to school and making killer grades, or he is on a war path looking for his father and vengeance, or he is trying to save Dean, or he is trying to save the world, or he is hunting like a machine (even WITHOUT a soul) or he is on the fuckin case... then season 8 happens to him and just what the FUCK.
Also like. LOOK at his face at the end of season 7 when Crowley disappears Kevin right in front of him then go straight to 8.01 it is thee most jarring transition in the world.
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scoobydoodean · 2 years
Season 4 Sam is the most fun Sam tho like he is so angsty I love watching him angst and do cannibal crimes and crush demons with telekinesis and tell dean he’s weak while simultaneously being absolutely tortured by the idea of not being able to save dean from his own self loathing while also drowning in his own self loathing while also making his and dean’s self loathing worse sam season of all time
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archronova · 1 year
Hari ini sudah berhasil ngoprek pake podman, secara garis tipis udah ngertilah gimana kerja aplikasi yang di containerize. Nanti kalau sempat, tak update catatannya disini.
[April 15, 2023]
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Untuk jalan di 2 service secara bersamaan, nginx dan apache2. Mesin terlihat belum mencapai batas maksimal. Next coba untuk membuat simple single page untuk dipasang di kedua webserver environment dan bandingkan kondisinya dengan saat ini.
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linuxtldr · 1 month
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nksistemas · 2 months
Podman 5.2 mira las novedades
Podman 5.2 ha llegado pisando fuerte, introduciendo una serie de mejoras significativas que lo consolidan como una de las alternativas más sólidas a Docker. Esta nueva versión se destaca por su mayor integración con systemd, mejoras en el soporte para macOS y un conjunto de nuevas funcionalidades que agilizan y simplifican la gestión de contenedores. Integración profunda con systemd Una de las…
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virtualizationhowto · 3 months
Docker Desktop Alternative: 5 Container Management Solutions Pros and Cons
Docker Desktop Alternative: 5 Container Management Solutions Pros and Cons - Learn about other solutions to managing containers on a desktop platform #docker #dockercontainers #modernapplications #kubernetes #minikube #podman #rancherdesktop #homelab
If you are like me and using containers for more and more solutions, both self-hosting and DevOps processes, I am always on the lookout for better tools and alternatives. Docker Desktop is a solution that many use to run Docker containers on a desktop environment like Windows clients. Let’s look at 5 container solutions that are Docker Desktop alternatives you should consider. Table of…
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veuhoffblog · 10 months
Portainer unter Podman bereitstellen: Anleitung und Installation
In einem anderen Beitrag habe ich euch bereits von Podman, also der freien Alternative zu Docker, erzählt. Einige Benutzer haben mir Nachrichten mit der Frage zugesandt, ob man Portainer auch unter Podman bereitstellen kann. Wer die Software bisher nicht kennt...[Weiterlesen]
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azilentech · 11 months
Docker vs. Podman: Which One Floats Your Container Boat?
Let us tell you one thing.
This is not just an ordinary comparison between these two robust platforms.
Instead of that, we have analyzed and listed down the most burning questions regarding Docker vs Podman.
But here is a thing – these questions are not only surrounded by a technical perspective.
We’ve also dived into the business context, because we know that it’s not just about the code, it’s about making the right choices for your enterprise.
With this, you’ll be able to understand, evaluate, and execute the right tool for your containerization needs.
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scoobydoodean · 2 years
"This but unironically" it wasn't ironic season 8 Sam does suck that bad.
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linuxtldr · 8 months
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nksistemas · 6 months
Podman 5.0: Avances en la Gestión de Contenedores para Windows y Mac
Podman 5.0 representa la primera actualización mayor en dos años del innovador motor de contenedores, destacándose por una completa reescritura del código y mejoras significativas en el soporte de hipervisores, especialmente para usuarios de Windows y Mac. Características Destacadas de Podman 5.0 Reescritura Completa de los Comandos de Podman Machine: Esta funcionalidad permite lanzar una…
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bilalkalem · 1 year
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ramniwas-sangwan · 1 year
Session 5 Kubernetes 3 Node Cluster and Dashboard Installation and Confi...
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dieterziegler159 · 1 year
Stay ahead of the curve with Podman's advantages and drawbacks. Unlock the true potential of containers and optimize your development and deployment workflows.
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Discover the pros and cons of Podman, the container management tool, and unleash the true power of containerization. Get insights now!
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