hawkpartys · 6 months
i would be so honored to be an observed creatureTM (hi i love your blog so much asdfjhlk okay sorry)
and i love you to, fellow naturalist
Spotted Tussock Moth! (baby edition)
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poemwithoutahero · 1 month
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
this is an interesting question—and a challenging one for me, admittedly. for the longest time i did everything i could to get out of my home, and when i finally did, i did everything i could to stay out. now that i've been away for a while now, though, i guess i can sort of see why you always find your way back—not how, let me be clear, why. so i suppose, if i had to try and take a gander at this question, i would say home for me is the place, the values, the people and the ideas i always come back to
soft asks
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possumnest · 1 year
5 and 18 for the artist asks !!
5. what's your favorite thing to draw?
birds with featherless heads, praying mantises, lagomorphs, birds in the order pelicaniformes, worms, stamp designs, silly cat pictures, pterosaurs, fur texture
18 answered!
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swear2g-d · 9 months
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9 books i want to read in 2024, tagged by @daylily-mp3 💞💞
surprise surprise, it's mostly historical fiction. i'm extremely loyal to the genre 🫡
no pressure tags: @november-babey @girlboyfriendpdf @datemilk @coffeecardamom @pocketwish and anyone else that wants to do it <3
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sugdenlovesdingle · 5 years
I know i'm greedy, and you're probably busy now, but you're just so good and I want your take on ... being stuck in a lift together ❤️
(thank you darling, flattery will get you everywhere ;) )
Love in an elevator (AO3)
“HOLD THE LIFT PLEASE!” someone yells and Aaron rolls his eyes but sticks his hand out to hold open the doors anyway. The year has just begun, he should at least try to be nicer to people these first few days.
A mess of blond hair and every single item from the gift shop stumbles into the lift.
“Thanks.” the guy says as he tries to catch his breath.
Aaron nods.
“No problem. What floor?”
“Uh… three… I think. Maternity. I’m not sure what floor that is now.”
“Yeah that’s three.” Aaron says and presses the button.
“Do you work here?” the guy asks
“Do I look like a doctor to you?”
The guy shrugs.
“I don’t know. You could be just starting your shift or something.”
Aaron smiles, decides to have a little fun with the guy.
“Yeah that’s it. I’m a neuro surgeon actually.”
“Oh yes. I have surgery in 20 minutes, removing a tumour. It’s a tough one.”
The guy looks at him as if he's trying to decide if Aaron’s telling the truth.
“You’re full of shit.” he says as the doors close and the lift begins to move.
Aaron laughs.
“Yes I am. I’m a mechanic. Though some would say the engine is the brains of the car.”
“More like the heart. You should’ve gone with heart surgeon.”
“I’ll remember that for next time.”
“You do this a lot then?”
Aaron shrugs.
“Only every other Tuesday.”
“It’s Wednesday.”
“I figured I’d make an exception for the guy who just about fell into the lift.”
“I didn’t fall - " the guy starts but doesn’t finish whatever it was he wanted to say when the lift suddenly stops with a shock.
Aaron manages to grab the handrail to stop himself from falling on his face but the guy stumbles and crashes into the wall beside him.
“Are you ok?” Aaron asks as the guy grimaces and pushes himself off the wall. He notices he dropped the bag he’d been holding and picks it up. “I hope there wasn’t anything fragile in there.”
“Uh no, no there wasn’t.” The guy replies as he takes the bag. “Thanks… what just happened? Did it stop?”
“Yeah… I think so. They’ll probably have it sorted out in a minute.” Aaron says, looking at the control panel by the door, looking for some kind of alarm button.
He notices a small button with a bell on it and presses it but nothing seems to happen.
“Did it work? Hello?“ he tries. “Hello? Can anyone hear me? Hello?”
There is no answer.
“Oh this is just great. We’re stuck in a lift and nobody knows because the alarm isn’t working.” the guy says and starts pacing.
“You don’t know that. It might be a silent alarm.” Aaron says and presses the button again while looking around for something else that might help them. “Aren’t they supposed to have some kind of intercom system in these things? What if there was a patient in here that was almost dying?” he says more to himself than to the guy.
“Then by some miracle there is another doctor nearby and they help save the patient with just a pen and a plastic knife from the canteen, while two heroic firemen hold the doors open just far enough to pass through the supplies.” the guy says.
“You what?” Aaron asks, giving him a confused look.
He shrugs.
“I kind of grew up on these medical dramas. My mum and sister loved them… and if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.”
“Right. So what happens then if it’s two random people?” Aaron asks and then suddenly notices the balloon the guy is holding. “Or one random person and one whose wife just had a baby boy?”
“What? Oh this…” the guy looks at the balloon and tugs on the string half heartedly. “No, it’s my sister and her boyfriend. They just had a boy. I was coming to see him… but at this rate he’ll be having kids of his own by the time I get out of here.”
Aaron chuckles.
“Are you always this optimistic?”
The guy grins.
“Only ever other Tuesday.” He says and they both laugh. “I’m sorry, I’m Robert.” He holds out his hand for Aaron to shake. “And I don’t do that well with small spaces. I try to distract myself so I don’t freak out.”
“Got it. I’m Aaron by the way. I came to see my sister as well. She’s on the paediatric ward… even though she’s 17.” Aaron sighs. “There’s no room on a regular ward so she’s surrounded by rainbows and forest animals… and my ex.”
“Oh your ex works here?” Robert asks and Aaron nods.
“Yeah. Paediatrician. My mum and my sister played matchmaker to set us up… So they know each other and everything. They tried to trap us under the mistletoe over the Christmas period.” Aaron says and cringes.
“How long were you two together?”
Aaron scrunches up his face as he thinks.
“About six months… but if I’m honest I was kind of done with it all after six weeks.”
“So what made you last that long? Was she good in bed?”
Aaron laughs.
“No. Well… not bad, but definitely not the best I ever had.” He shrugs. “Alex was… a bit of a disaster and I felt bad for them. They were going through a tough time at work… Lost a patient… I didn’t want to add more misery by ending things.” Aaron says, choosing his words carefully.
Robert nods.
“Isn’t it more unfair to stay with someone out of pity though?”
“Yeah that’s what he said when I finally ended it. That he didn’t want to be my charity case. It wasn’t a friendly break up really.”
“Oh… uh… yeah… he…” Aaron stammers and silently cursing himself for slipping up.
Robert nods again.
“Well at least your family is supportive. My dad caught me with a lad in my room when I was 15 and well… it wasn’t pretty. Let’s just keep it at that.”
“And things haven’t improved since then?”
“Not really.” Robert shakes his head and sits down on the floor with his back against the wall. “My sister is supportive though. She’s always in my corner. So is my mum.” He says with a smile.
“That’s good then.” Aaron offers as he sits down next to Robert who nods.
“Yeah. They all loved my ex… He was sweet. Irish. A chef. And he has a dog. The perfect guy.” 
“But not the perfect guy for you?” Aaron guessed.
“Nope.” Robert replies “And my son’s mother was one of my sister’s best friends. So I do know how to pick them.” He says. “I’m bi.”
Aaron nods now.
“I take it you and her aren’t together anymore either?”
“Never really were. One drunken hook up and 9 months later I was a dad.” Robert explains. “And then three months after that I was a single parent. She was killed by a drunk driver.”
“Oh… I’m sorry…”
Robert shakes his head.
“It’s ok. It’s been almost 3 years.“ He takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry for dumping all of this on you.”
“Don’t worry about it. I quite like knowing I’m not the only one with a messy love life.” Aaron says bumping his shoulder against Robert’s and they both laugh.
“Or lack of one.” Robert says. “My sister talked me into installing this dating app on my phone… it matched me with Mike. My ex.”
Aaron laughs.
“I hooked up with a guy at a party via an app a few weeks ago, and he gave me a lift home after… and then tried to steal my wallet and my phone.”
“Really?” Robert asks laughingly and Aaron nods.
“I kicked him out right as my sister got home. And then he yelled at me that I was the worst shag he’d ever had. So now the neighbours all know that too.”
“Ok. Ok you win.”
They sat in silence for a while until suddenly a voice came from a speaker in the ceiling.
“Hi, this is doctor Patel, we are doing our best to get you out of there. The fire department and lift mechanic are on their way. Sit tight, we’re working as fast as we can.”
“Alright. Thank you for the update!” Aaron says, not sure anyone can actually hear or see him, then turns to Robert. “See? Silent alarm.”
“What’s the point of a silent alarm? Won’t that cause even more panic because you don’t know if it’s working?”
“I never said it made sense.” Aaron grins. “Only that I was right.”
Robert smiles and lowers the zip on his coat and undoes a the top buttons on his shirt.
“It’s warm in here isn’t it?”
“I suppose…” Aaron says “Are you ok?”
Robert nods.
“Yeah… just… they just reminded me we’re stuck in this tiny metal box.”
Aaron takes a good look at the man sitting next to him. He’s pale and his breathing is shallow.
“Are you having a panic attack?”
“Maybe a little?” Robert tries.
Aaron moves and sits in front of Robert and takes his hands in his.
“I used to get them too. Still do sometimes. You have to try get your breathing under control. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Come on, do it with me.”
Robert tries to copy Aaron’s breathing but Aaron can tell it’s not working yet.
“Take off your coat.” Aaron orders as he takes off his own and throws it to the side and helps Robert do the same. “Focus on me. Just me, nothing else.” He puts Robert’s hand on his chest. “Breathe with me.”
After what feels like hours Robert’s breathing starts to return to normal and Aaron lets go of the hand he’d had held against his chest.
“Better?” he asks and Robert nods.
“Sorry about that… Not good with confined spaces…”
“Don’t worry about it.” Aaron waves his apology away. “Let’s just keep talking. We’ve covered bad exes, now tell me what you’re looking for in a guy… or girl.”
“Uhm… I don’t know. Someone who doesn’t mind a guy with a 2 year old kid?”
”Kids are great. I’m sure yours is too. Girls love kids don’t they?”
Robert shrugs.
“I haven’t really tried to be honest. Mike and I got together after my son was born, and he knew about him… but… I don’t know.” he shrugs again ”He never met him and I think that suited him just fine.”
“Why did you split up?” Aaron asks.
“I don’t know. It just didn’t work out. I needed to be there for my son… and he had his career and his life… and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t looking to become a step dad.”
Aaron nods.
“Well I suppose it’s better to be honest about that than staying together for the wrong reasons.”
“Yeah.” Robert agrees and rubs a hand over his face. “I wasn’t exactly heart broken. He was nice, but hardly the love of my life.”
Aaron grins.
“So is that what you’re looking for? The love of your life? The knight in shining armour riding into town on his white horse, coming to sweep you off your feet?”
Robert laughs.
“Aren’t we all?”
“Yeah…” Aaron agrees, noticing the light dusting of freckles on Robert’s nose and the green/blue of his eyes. “What about a mechanic with a silver car?”
Aaron leans forward and kisses Robert. Just a quick brush of lips.
The other man doesn’t respond and just sits there looking like he’s trying to figure out what just happened.
Suddenly the lift starts moving again and before they know it the doors open and three fireman and someone in overalls as well as a few of the medical staff are on the other side.
“Are you ok? Do you need assistance?” One of the nurses asks.
“I’m fine.” Aaron says, gathering his coat and pushing past them out of the lift.
He’s almost at the double doors leading to the paediatrics ward when he hears someone call his name and telling him to wait.
The next thing he knows someone grabs his arm and spins him around, there is a blur of blond hair and freckles pushing him against the wall and kissing him in a way that’s definitely not appropriate for a hospital corridor.
But it’s been a long time since Aaron has been kissed like that and he’ll be damned if he’s not going to enjoy it.
“I’m a little slow sometimes.” Robert admits when they break the kiss.
“It’s ok. You’re a pretty good kisser. You’re forgiven.” Aaron says and pulls Robert back in for another kiss. Completely forgetting about their surroundings until someone clears their throat in passing and they break apart like bashful teenagers.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” Robert says with a grin. “But I should really go see my nephew now… How about we continue this later? My son is with my mum… so… do you want to get a coffee?”
“Yeah. Yeah I’d like that. Meet you downstairs in an hour?”
“It’s a date.”
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shesailsships · 5 years
I was tagged by @pocketwishes to answer 3 random facts about myself and then pass on to 7 others, so here goes (and thanks!)
I’m a twin...and I have a little sister and brother 15 and 20 years younger than me that I love more than anything <3
I listen to all kinds of music (BTS!!), but I grew up on 90′s country so I have a real soft spot for it 
I love breakfast food and could eat it three meals a day XD
I tag: @sy5starplaty, @naturalcolor, @frenchcirce, @abigailmaitland, @karinaisloud, @tayterchips, @hilarybecker
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
Omg I just remembered what I've been meaning to ask you for weeks!! Have you seen the movie Relative Values???????!
Umm no I have not seen it but a quick look at the cast and plot and now I will kjfdhgkfdg :D Thank you for bringing it to my attention, I didn’t even know it existed :P
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susieskinner93 · 5 years
Prompt: How about a comedic little one shot where Robert's ring falls off somewhere at home and he has a mini heart attack and orders the entire village to help him find it before Husband returns home from a hard day (not doing anything but reading a car mag with his feet on his desk) at work. Everyone is ofc less than impressed but under Robert's glare and knowing his penchant for dramatics they all do as he says to spare the headache...
“Liv, LIV!!” - shouted Robert as he frantically threw the pillows in all direction in his and Aaron’s room.
“What? Someone died or something?” - asked Liv glaring at Robert. He looked like a madman.
“I can’t find my ring. It must have slipped off... I need to find it.”
“Okay, then... find it...” - she shrugged. 
“You’re such a big help.” - sighed Robert - “Can you look downstairs?”
“Erm... I have homework to do...”
“You weren’t even in school today!”
‘It’s for tomorrow Robert... I don’t have the luxury to have 2 teachers conference in one week...”
“Just... just help me!” - he said tipping over his bedside table.
“Why are you this jumpy? I’m sure it’s gonna be here somewhere.”
“Maybe I left it at the pub!” - he said to himself completely ignoring Liv as he stormed out to go over to the Woolpack. 
“Chas! Chas! Did you find... something recently?”- he asked looking shifty.
“Like what? We find all kinds of rubbish in here.”
“Nothing... it doesn’t matter.” - he said turning away. 
“Oi, mister! Tell me what’s going on, and does my son know about it?” 
“God no!”- replied Robert, then he shut his mouth - “I can’t find my ring.”
“What do ya mean you can’t find it?” - they heard another voice.
“I think it’s not really our business Nico...” - said Jimmy trying to drag his wife away from the gossip.
“You’ve not been playing away have ya?” - she laughed.
“How dare you! No! It’s just... it fell off and I can’t find it.” 
“And you don’t want Aaron to know.” - said Jimmy. 
“Have you seen it or not?” - he turned back to Chas, who just shook her head, trying to muffle a smile. It was quite funny how nervous Robert was.
“Where were you today? It might help if you retrace your steps.” - offered Jimmy. 
“The cafe!!” - said Robert thinking loudly, then before saying another word he left. 
“Erm... excuse me can I help you?” - asked Bob when he saw Robert, lurking around... glancing over every table. (disturbing the customers)
“No... erm... no.” - he said like he was thinking about telling him. He decided it not to before he turned around and went to the direction of the shop.
An hour later he was really desperate. He pretty much ran around the whole village but his ring was nowhere to be found. It must have been at home then. When he got back to the Mill he started to turn the whole place upside down.... again, while Liv just stood there laughing at him. 
“Don’t laugh! Help me!” - he said - “You don’t think Seb had swallowed it, do you?”
“And how would that happen?”  - asked Liv, at this point Robert made no sense. The house looked like a battlefield, and Robert tried so hard to place back everything to its own place but when Aaron walked through the door after a not so hard day at work, he was presented by a dump, instead of a nice and clean home. 
“Erm... what’s going on?” 
“Robert’s in crisis.” - laughed Liv as she left the house (the further away the better)
“What have you done?” - asked Aaron suspicious. 
“Nothing.” - said Robert way too quick. - “I can’t find my ring.” - he gave up. - “I swear to you I had it this morning.”
“Okay... where were ya?” 
“More specifically?” - he asked calmly.
“Home, the cafe... met you at the scrapyard for lunch... the pub... went shopping.... home again. I looked everywhere! I can’t believe I lost my ring!” - he sighed disappointed. 
“You mean this?” - smiled Aaron pulling it out of his pocket.
“Wha....where? How?” 
“You have a really short memory... I thought it was special for you as well.” - he said barely holding back a laugh. Robert completely forgot how passionate they got when he indeed turned up at the yard to have lunch... but had Aaron instead. 
“You had it all this time?” 
“It was under the table.” - he said handing it back
“I thought I lost it.”
“Oh no, you have lost it.” - he said laughing - “Me mum called... then Liv... then Jimmy... they told me you went crazy.”
“Cheers.” - he scoffed. 
“Come here, you idiot.” - smiled Aaron pulling him into a kiss. 
“We can’t get that carried away... again.” - told him Robert. 
“So... same time tomorrow then?” - asked Aaron with a cheeky grin. The answer was obviously yes. 
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jonny-versace · 4 years
Tagged by the superb @pocketwishes to share my lockscreen and the last song I listened to. Wonder who that mysterious shadowy figure is? 🤔
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I will taaagggggg @damnitiloveyou @soft-husbands @cant-getno-sleep @sugdenlovesdingle and @anidorikiladratalianna
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saras-almanac · 5 years
Thinking about this episode again I started crying. It really hit me hard the shit paddy was saying. It's as bad as losing Robert. It's practically a complete character assassination, and it's awful and unnecessary. What purpose does it serve?! Make it stop!
Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry that you’re still feeling it, but it’s so tough! We can say it’s bad writing all we want but they (unfortunately) still did it and we have to live with the fallout. I really, honestly, do not know what purpose this is serving because all it’s doing is making Aaron want to run from the village and never look back. Especially since this is Aaron’s support system for when Rob (presumably) tells Aaron to stop visiting. (I’m still a hopeful clown that maybe they know Ryan’s considering coming back in the future so they’re not breaking them up for good for good just yet.) 
I feel like it was just utterly tone deaf with how awful his family has been at actually listening to Aaron since Robert got arrested. I was just rewatching Friday’s episode and even the little comments in that episode now have filled me with a burning rage. Locking Aaron in and demanding he do what you say is sort of Chas and Paddy’s MO when it comes to Aaron unfortunately so that, while I was angry, wasn’t as shocking. 
It was Paddy completely laughing off Aaron’s pain and the fact that he has lost his entire world. Robert was the person that kept him going, kept him anchored and safe. That’s a massive, massive loss and no one cares about that. They just keep throwing at Aaron that Robert’s guilty but that’s not helpful in this situation! Aaron’s hurting and I do not understand why they refuse to care about it. 
I can’t make it stop but I have already promised that I’d write a fic that deals with this because I want to explore it. And I’m sure there’s going to be loads more because while Robron fans love our angst, we also are so desperate to give them a happy ending. Hopefully those fics bring some comfort as we slog through the (presumably) awful upcoming scenes with Aaron and his family. 
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swear2g-d · 1 year
tagged by @pocketwish 💕💕 thank you for tagging me!!! <3
last song i listened to: flow with it by st. paul & the broken bones. i only just found this song but it's so good and i've been listening to it on repeat for days
currently watching: i'm rewatching You and i also just started normal people!!
currently reading: nothing :/ i have five books on hold at the library rn that i'm waiting for but they're all like 15 weeks out 😪
current obsession: crochet !!! the amount of trips i've been making to joann's lately is insane but i keep running out of yarn bc i'm starting so many projects 😵‍💫
tagging everyone 🥰
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sugdenlovesdingle · 5 years
Robert gets locked in the portacabin on a below freezing night while aaron is out for the night with Matty and co. xoxo
(Why must you torture my poor boy so?!)
Man vs door (AO3)
“Are you sure you don’t want to come along?” Aaron asks for the tenth time in as many minutes.
Robert sighs and switches the phone to his other ear.
“No, I’m going to stay here and finish the paperwork for that new client, and then I’m going home to take a long, hot shower.” He leans back in his chair and stretches. “This cold is in my bones. We need to buy another space heater for the cabin if we’re going to survive this winter. This thing barely does anything.”
Aaron laughs and Robert hears some yelling in the background.
“I think they’re waiting for you.”
“They can wait a bit longer.”
“Go. Have fun. Tell Matty congrats from me. I’ll be fine.” Robert insists.
“Alright… But next time you’re coming with. I don’t care how much work you’ll have on or how many clients you need to charm…”
“Next time I’ll come with and I’ll even get you to dance with me.”
“Is that a promise or a threat?”
Robert laughs now
“Both. Now go get hammered with Adam and Matty and I’ll be the one making you hangover food in the morning.”
“Best boyfriend ever.”
“I try.” Robert says, still feeling his heart skip a beat whenever Aaron calls him his boyfriend. “Now go. Don’t keep them waiting.”
“Ok, ok, I’m going…” Aaron says but Robert knows he’s making no move to end the call.
He hears someone (Adam maybe?) yell Aaron’s name and telling him to get a move on.
“Alright! I’m coming!” Aaron replies then turns back to the phonecall. “I won’t be back too late, I promise.”
“Don’t think about that. Just have fun.” Robert stresses.
“Next weekend we’re spending the entire weekend in bed.”
“Sounds good to me. Now go. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah alright. See you tomorrow. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Robert says and they end the call. He stretches again and gets up to make himself some tea. He stares out the window waiting for the kettle to boil and shivers. The weather has been horrendous for days, with talks of snow getting stronger every hour.
Even though he’s not really a clubbing kind of guy, he would’ve liked to have gone with Aaron and the rest. Just to spend some time with his boyfriend. He’s been working a lot lately, just to make Home James the success he knows it can be… and to save up enough money to leave cold and damp Yorkshire behind for a week or two and enjoy some sea, sand, sun, and most of all Aaron.
They have their own flat in the village but between the Dingles and Robert’s own family, they rarely get some peace and quiet. And some things, you just don’t want an audience for.
Things like asking your boyfriend to marry you.
Robert allows himself to daydream for a bit about getting down on one knee in the warm sand of a tropical beach, and giving Aaron the ring that’s been hidden at the back of his desk drawer for weeks. And the two of them celebrating by sipping fruity cocktails while the sun sets over the ocean.
He laughs to himself. Like Aaron will ever drink anything other than his usual lager.
The kettle finishes boiling and he makes himself a cuppa, warming his hands on the warm mug rather than drinking it.
“Alright. Focus.” he tells himself “Just another hour and it’s done.”
Only one hour turns into two and a half. Then three. Then three and a half. Robert’s eyes are stinging and he presses the heels of his hands into them. He glances at the time on his computer and notices it’s almost 1am.
He’s cold. He put on Aaron’s big winter coat, that he left in the cabin, about an hour ago, and moved the space heater to right beside his desk, but neither of those things are really helping anymore. And also his bladder is protesting at the many cups of tea he’s had to try stay warm.
He decides to call it a night and hopes Aaron will be home soon so he can snuggle up to him. That long hot shower can wait until morning.
He saves his work and shuts down his computer, and takes a minute to gather the rest of his things as well as make sure everything is unplugged and switched off.
He grabs his keys and bag, zips Aaron’s coat up a little higher and braces himself for the cold night air. Only the door doesn’t open.
“What the hell?” Robert mutters under his breath as he’s pushing and pulling on the handle. “Is it locked? It can’t be, can it? Did I lock it?”
He puts his key in the lock and tries to turn it but it doesn’t move. He checks and re-checks that he has the right key, but no matter what he tries, the door doesn’t open.
“What the fuck?” He says to himself and tries to look out the window to see if something might be blocking the door. He doesn’t have a clear view of the other side of the door, but the part he can see is clear.
“What’s going on?” he tries yanking on the door again to no avail and tries breaking it down like he’s seen people on TV do.
The door doesn’t open and he’s left with a sore shoulder.
He sits down at his desk again and pulls his phone out, happy to see it’s still on 32%.
He scrolls through his contacts, looking for someone to call to help him. The most logical choice would be Aaron but he doesn’t want to pull him away from his celebrations. And it would take ages for him to get there anyway.
Vic is his next option but he doesn’t want to give his sister a heart attack by calling her in the middle of the night.
Diane is out of the question too and so are the Kings. He doesn’t want to risk waking up their kids.
Just as he’s about to dial 999 and go through the embarrassment of having the fire department free him, his phone rings. Aaron.
“Hey.” he answers, trying to sound as normal as possible. “How’s your night going?”
“‘Salright. We went to bar west. For a bit. Adam’s idea.” Aaron says and Robert can tell he’s had a few too many.
“Really? I didn’t know Adam liked gay bars.”
“It’s the only place he can pull and doesn’t have to pay for his drinks! The barman has low standards.” Aaron says and laughs at his own joke, then turns serious. “I kissed someone. Someone… not you.”
“You what? Why?”
“Wait. No. He kissed me.” Aaron corrects himself. “He was a prat.”
“Right. And he kissed you?”
“Yes. We were just having a drink and then he just went for it.” Aaron explains and Robert lets him ramble for a minute while his heart rate returns to normal.
“Where are you now?” he interrupts.
“Uh… Wait. I’ll find out.” Aaron says and Robert hears some rustling and what he thinks is Matty asking someone where they are.
“About ten minutes from Emmerdale, mate. You’re not going to be sick are you? If you’re sick in my taxi, you’re cleaning it up yourself.”
“We’re fine!” Matty says a little too loudly. “Aaron just wants to get home to his loverrrr.” He says, rolling the r and giggling.
“We’re ten minutes from Emmerdale.” Aaron tells Robert, like he hasn’t just heard every word. “Are you home? I missed you. I miss your smile. And your eyes. And your voice. And your lips. And your hands. And your fingers. And your arse. And your d- ”
“WHOAH! I DON’T WANT TO HEAR THAT!” Robert hears Adam yell and for once he’s grateful for him. As much as he loves Aaron telling him those things, he doesn’t want it to be when he’s locked in at work and can’t do anything about it.
“I miss you too.” Robert settles on eventually. “I’m uh… I’m actually still at the scrapyard. Fancy coming to pick me up? We can walk home together.”
“Good idea!” Aaron exclaims like Robert just told him he discovered the next world wonder. He seems to forget about the conversation then and Robert hears him directing the taxi to the scrapyard.
“Are you sure, mate? I don’t want to leave you in the middle of nowhere to freeze to death trying to find your house.” the taxi driver says to Aaron.
“No. My boyfriend is there. He’s going to walk me home. He’s been working all night.”
“Right. And you’re sure it’s here? It says private property on the sign.”
“Yes!” Aaron says happily. “That’s my sign! I’m private! I mean… uh… this is mine. Look!” he jangles his keys.
“Right. Well… it’s your funeral.”
Robert ends the call when he sees a pair of headlights turning onto the scrapyard and Aaron, Adam, and Matty all but falling out of the car, minutes later.
“Hey! Robert!” Adam yells when he spots Robert standing in front of the window next to the door and walks up to him.
“Hey…” He replies and tries to get Aaron’s attention, who seems to be in the middle of a discussion with the taxi driver.
“Aren’t you coming out, mate?” Adam asks. “Again.” he says and giggles. “Because you’re bi, aren’t you? So you’ve already come out.”
“Yeah, yeah… Get Aaron for me please?”
“Aaron!” Adam bellows, probably waking up half the village in the process. “Your man wants you!”
Aaron looks up and smiles happily when he sees Robert.
“Rob! You’re still here!”
“Yeah. I told you I was, didn’t I?” Robert says, secretly amused by his drunk boyfriend. “Listen, I’ve got a bit of a problem and I need you to help me.”
Aaron frowns and comes closer to the portacabin.
“The door won’t open. I’m locked in.”
“What? How?”
“I don’t know. But I’ve tried everything and it won’t open. Maybe it’s frozen shut?”
Aaron examines the door.
“There’s no ice on it.”
“Right. Well it’s still stuck somehow.”
“You could climb through the window.” Matty suggests.
“I’ll never fit through this tiny window Matty.” Robert snaps and Matty puffs and rolls his eyes at him.
“Maybe you should leave him in there, Aaron.”
Aaron ignores him and tries to put his key in the lock.
“You know what, I’ll just call 999.” Robert says and gets his phone out.
“Wait!” Aaron says and punches the air in triumph when he gets the key in the lock. He turns the key without any trouble, wiggles it a bit, pulls on the door a bit, and the door opens and he steps inside. “Problem solved!” He announces happily.
“What? How is that possible?” Robert asks, grabbing Aaron’s keys and comparing them to his own. “They’re the same.”
“Of course they are.” Aaron says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world and steps closer to Robert. “So now you’re free…” He trails off. “Wanna get out of here?” He wraps his arms around him. “You’re all cold.”
“Yeah this place is freezing at night. That heater you bought won’t even keep our kitchen cabinet warm.”
Aaron frowns.
“Why would we need a warm kitchen cabinet?”
Robert sighs, shakes his head, and can’t help himself and presses a kiss to Aaron’s lips.
“Never mind. Let’s go home.”
He grabs his bag and his and Aaron’s keys and pulls the door shut behind him.
“We’re getting those locks replaced first thing.” He says as he wraps an arm around Aaron’s shoulders, while Aaron’s comes up around his waist almost automatically.
Aaron nods.
“But you’re still making me breakfast.”
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 years
Since everything's a little weird right now & most seem to be bored I thought we could play a quarantine game 💘 answer the following! 1. how has your day been? 2. what is the last thing that made you smile? 3. what's keeping you entertained these days? 4. if you are in some kind of quarantine/self isolation: is there anything you'd like to achieve in this time? 5. post a selfie! (if you're comfortable with that) 6. last but not least: send this to some mutuals to keep the game going 💜
Cute! Thank you, love!
My day has just started, I woke up at 10am it’s 11:21 now lol But I guess it’s been good since I slept nicely :)
A meme my friend sent me :’)
I’ve been coloring by numbers on my phone lol Watching House and rewatching ABOFAL and making a list of all the gifs I want to make when I get the motivation to actually do them lol
Tbh my goal right now is getting over art block and maybe land some commissions? but that’s not really up to me :P
No selfie but have a pic of my pup wearing a backpack to brighten up your day! :D
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susieskinner93 · 5 years
I laughed so loudly at your "he must have spoken to diane if he's calling him Richard" lmaoooooo x So happy to rewatch it with you xxx
hahha thanks... well I mean it makes sense right? 
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ineffablecolors · 5 years
Very happy birthday xoxo
Thank you veey much, dear!! ❤️❤️
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