#poc sanders sides
golden-songbird · 2 years
hey!! i was wondering if u had any filipino roman hcs for us?? if u dont mind sharing
boy do i have headcanons for filipino roman!! here’s a few:
1) he tears it down at karaoke. he puts on the most extra songs and absolutely sings them out of the water every time. whenever he gets complimented, he’s all like “thanks 😌🇵🇭”
2) his favorite filipino food of all time is halo-halo, especially the custard and the ube ice cream on top! he also loves pansit and sisig.
3) people often mistake him for other races (hispanic/latino, indian, etc) and it makes him very upset. especially when stereotypes are involved.
4) being filipino, roman is naturally quite short and slender. he struggles to gain muscle due to genetics and it frustrates him and makes him a bit insecure, but he does love his islander features for the most part. he loves his big brown eyes and his flat nose.
5) roman doesn’t know a lot of tagolog, but he knows a few basic phrases. he still can’t understand what the aunties are saying at the family reunion, though!
6) overall roman is very proud of his heritage and he loves teaching his friends about filipino culture and being a part of something so beautiful.
if y’all want more roman headcanons, anything roman related, send me an ask!! i always love it!!!
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badkatart · 1 year
Silly Jam Guys - Roman
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Such A Silly Guy!!!
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beepmeowiskarkat · 7 months
A note to the Sanders Sides fandom
Hey so like if you're a fander who supports Israel, no the fuck you are not <3 I have been in this fandom for six goddamn years and I am revoking your fander license. You lost the privilege of enjoying this show the second you decided to support actual fucking genocide :3
Thomas is pro Palestine! Most of the fandom is pro Palestine! The characters are very obviously NOT PRO GENOCIDE!
I am a fandom veteran and I have seen some absolutely insane shit come out of this fandom, but this is the final fucking straw :)
I could handle the out of character fan fiction of 2018, the absolutely abysmal shipping wars, the lowkey blatent trans phobia and queer fetishisation which we have mostly gotten past (thank fuck) but good fucking Lord, if you support Israel then you are not a fander. Plain and simple. Get the fuck out. I refuse to deal with you.
If i could I would revoke your internet privileges all together. Touch some fucking grass. Think for two seconds about what the hell Israel is doing and reconsider how you fit into this fandom. You are surrounded by an entire fandom made up of minorities. We are a community of disabled, queer, and POC individuals. The Sanders fandom has ALWAYS been that. We have ALWAYS tried our best to be an open minded and inclusive fandom, even in our rough patches. And you have the fucking AUDACITY to call yourself a fander when you support genocide?
Not only that, but a genocide which is so well documented, that if you spend even a second looking for them you'll find pictures of malnourished and dead children, excessive gore, torture, rape, and other tragedies?
You look at the death or Aaron Bushnell and you think Israel is in the right? That Hamas is "just as bad"?
It was never about the hostages and you should fucking know that by now.
How are you in this fandom. You do not follow our values, you do not follow our code, you do not follow our morals. How can you find love and comfort in this series when you so obviously go against what it stands for.
Leave and don't come back until you've re educated yourself. Or die. Either works.
From the hatred in my heart,
Nikki </3
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Only the Knowingly Ignorant and the Privileged decide to sit out Voting
As a black women that has not only engaged in both online and offline canvassing but have engaged in tons of arguments and debates on Reddit, Tumblr, Tik Tok (not twitter because Nepo Baby Elmo Muskrat will never get my patronage), I've talked to many of people, Gay, Enby, Straight, Black, White, Rich, Poor, Young, and Old. I've been talking so much, I hate the sound of my voice. And I've noticed a trend. There have been so many people who need to vote refuses to do.
Whether its from a defeatist mindset that their vote means nothing, the "Enlightened Centrists" (That always tend to have more complaints about democratic party than the GQP) that like to preach that BoTh SiDeS bAd who will often invoke George Carlin (one of my faves) while not understanding that he was a staunch liberal and would actively shit on them had he lived to this point, voting Third/Green Party, or the Palestine-Israel conflict, and those that need the US to fall to bring a new, left leaning country from its ashes.
The truth is that those that live in privilege or willfully ignorant will often cite these excuses. Now, I'm not talking about the uninformed. That group are sincerely not in the know and just need a gentle push to get them on the right path of understanding. They legit only vote like every four years and need to be caught up because live is tough out there and they don't have enough time to be this deep into politics.
I mean the ones that purposely ignore any sort of information given to them and will choose not to vote for any of the reasons above. They will refuse reason to a near insane degree to keep themselves willingly ignorant and the privileged that believe "Oh, it can never happen in the good US of A!" or "I'm Rich as fuck, this won't touch me!" or even "I will make YOU burn for Palestine, even if they won't feel YOUR warmth because YOU have to suffer with them!"
You can lead those horses to water but they will refuse to drink.
They know about women rights being stripped away, they know that LGBTQ people are being seen as something they are not, they KNOW that predominately black and other POC will suffer the most from Trump's Agenda 47/Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, and they know that if America, being the leader of the free world (Whether they want to admit it or not) falls to Trump again, many other countries will follow suit.
And yet they will still say "Well, my vote won't matter/still voting Stein/MAGA 2024!/It won't happen here/Both sides still bad/Palestine needs to be saved, so nyeh!"
So, I want to go point-by-point to debunk all of this.
Both Sides Bad: Now, this one should be easy to debunk. While many of us is aware that both the Democratic Party and the GQP, much like us Poors, live by Wu Tang's C.R.E.A.M, there are a lot of fucking differences.
When one side is actively trying to strip rights away, burn books, call those in the LGBTQ family groomers, threaten teachers and librarians for teaching their students, make Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion an outright slur, and other heinous shit in the name of their version of GOD aka while the other side is dragging them kicking and screaming toward progress, both sides are definitely not the same.
Hell, the GQP seem to not even life by C.R.E.A.M because the reality is that they are constantly making horrible decisions that are costing the country money. (But then again, if Black people and other "Undesirables" gain from it, they will do all they can to fuck everyone over but that's a discussion for another day.)
Green Party/Third Party Voting: When was the last time a third party won anything? I'll answer that. NONE. The only one who was close was Teddy Roosevelt and even he couldn't do it. Even Bernie Sanders, someone who ran as independent, realized that it was better to work with the Democratic Party to get anything done.
Until Ranked Voting becomes a thing, the Third/Green Party will never win anything. And even outside of that, let's look at our choices. Jill Stein, a known Putin Shill, Cornell West, a known tap-dancer for those sweet, sweet MAGA dollars, and RF-Oh wait! RFK JR is on Trump's side because he was always a stooge that was there to try to take votes from Biden, only to take votes from Trump with his dog-eating, sexual assaulting, bear killing, whale killing, self.
Hm, I see how that could happen.
So with a Tap Dancer and a Putin Shill as the leaders of the Third/Green Party, they are just shades of red.
Voting doesn't matter: Now this is just objectively false as the GQP have been trying to restrict voting in many ways from gerrymandering to outright purging voters (as seen in Texas) and if we look at history, so many elections (not only nationally but statewide) have been narrow as fuck with only a handful deciding it all.
It won't Happen Here: This one is also objectively false. People have often said that Project 2025/Trump's Agenda 47 is a "Leftist Boogeyman" while not understanding that a lot of what is in there is happening in many states already such as Florida, Texas, Georgia, Louisiana for example with voters rights being hindered, women's rights being ripped apart and climate change causing plenty of damage, and CRT being under constant attack.
Look at how many doctors have fled from these states since RvW (Which was all thanks to Trump's two SC picks and surprise, also in P2025) was struck down, causing women to be in grave danger down there. Look at how Trans people can't even change their names and are being put on some kind of watchlist. and do I need to talk about the million of voters that were just purged and that Latino woman's house being raided for legally helping people register to vote?
Palestine: I've railed against the performers about this subject plenty and I'm honestly sick of it. This entire conflict has been going on for 78 years versus one year that people realized it was the next protest trend after their love of Ukraine died. All that Palestinians wanted was for us to make things known and donate to their causes and that turned into "We all have to die to make sure they live" which actually means "YOU have to lose all your rights and die so THEY can lose and die" because we all know that if Trump wins, his bestest buddy Netanyahu can destroy Palestine without impunity and without Harris calling for that pesky Ceasefire. Also with the help of Jared Kushner, Trump can make that beachfront property that would look oh so good.
Palestine already told us what they need to do to help and that is to make sure Trump doesn't win and many seem to not know that because they are doing what they THINK they want them to do. And if proof is needed, look at my Tumblr page as I have proof of all the points that I have made and tons of reblogs with FURTHER proof.
And finally...
Anarchists and Accelerationism: This one just pisses me off. A lot of people who have railed against people voting and voting for third parties and Trump believe that if Trump wins, a revolution will come and they will achieve their perfect leftist paradise from the ashes.
Do you understand that with any revolution comes death and a loser? The first group of people that will suffer is not the rich fucks that rule, it will be you, your family, your friends and that's later on down the line.
The first group that will suffer immediately would be Black people and only minorities. We would be the first ones dying for this so-called revolution before anyone else would feel it. And not only that, you all act like you would win when the GQP would be the ones with the army and the hightech weapons while you have what? WHAT? You're just talking out of your ass.
It is very, very rare that the underdogs win and on the sliiiim chance the revolution wins, what will be left? Look at other countries who did the revolution and then look at the immediate destruction and destabilization that happened, which then gave way to more atrocities which put the "Winners" in an even worse state they were in at the start.
And those that want this don't even realize that they won't be the leader of the resistance. They will either be dead or an underling.
Wake up from that dream.
So if any of you see anyone saying "Don't vote" and they AREN'T Palestinians (because I will not hold them to this), don't even entertain their bullshit because they are in
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tss-whumper · 10 months
my whump intro!
hey, gang!! i'm annie, you might know me from my main blog (@prodigal-explorer). this is my side blog, and it's a place for all things sanders sides whump! whump isn't a very big thing in this fandom, but i really love it and i think this fandom has so much whump potential.
to clear things up for anyone confused, whump is basically a genre of fanfic/headcanons/content where characters (they are called whumpees) are being hurt either by other characters (they are called whumpers) or by natural elements such as sickness and weather. sometimes, there are characters who help whumpees feel better, or protect them from whumpers (they are called caretakers). whump is sort of like hurt/comfort, but there's not always the guarantee of comfort. whether or not there's comfort is up to personal preference! when it comes to whump, pretty much any kind of pain/injury/hurt is on the table, so when engaging with it, it's important to read tags carefully, just for your own safety!
with this blog, the characters from sanders sides will be playing whumpees, whumpers, and caretakers in an assortment of ways! characters will not always be named. sometimes it will just be (side a) or (side b), or it will just be labeled as "whumper" or "whumpee" if i don't really have a sanders sides character in mind for the scenario.
more info about my page and what i will and won't write below! (warning: i don't censor any of my words, so proceed with caution if that bothers you. some of the content i mention is very sensitive.)
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i LOVE writing:
emotional/verbal abuse
physical abuse
familial abuse
religious trauma
pet whump
whumpee turned caretaker
caretaker turned whumpee
caretaker turned whumper
small whumper and large whumpee
medieval whump
canonverse whump
non-canonverse whump
stress positions
inhumane punishments (especially when they have significant meanings in the story)
sunshine character who is secretly the whumper
whumpers who genuinely think they're doing the right thing
whumpees who are bad people
caretakers who don't know how to be a caretaker/bad caretaker
unreliable narrator
eating disorders
age gaps (as long as they're painted in a bad light)
whumpees of marginalized communities (poc, lgbtq+ besides gay cis white men, disabled, fat, jewish, etc.) because there is NOT ENOUGH OF THAT IN THE WHUMP COMMUNITY. i get it's tricky territory and you have to be careful with it, but why are little white guys the only ones getting rescued and taken care of?
descriptive fics
multi-chapter fics
bullet fics
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL write:
whumpee turned whumper
whumper turned whumpee
suicidal thoughts/ideation
boxboy (though i don't have much experience, so i will be learning as i go!)
lady whump (it's not my favorite but i'll do it)
sick whump
wilderness whump
child whump
children whumping children
whump with remy/sleep, c!thomas, and emile picani (i'll write them as any role, whumpee/whumper/caretaker)
whumpee x caretaker (as long as it's not codependent)
toxic whumpee x whumper (where it's clear that the relationship is not a good one)
whumpee x whumpee
courtroom scenes
major character death
unhappy endings
happy endings
bittersweet endings
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL NOT write:
tiny whump (just not my thing)
fem side x masc side (especially when the whumpee is the fem side)
any whump involving thomas sanders (like the real person) or any of his friends.
anything relating to bodily waste
detailed descriptions of needles (it just freaks me out lol)
feel free to send in an ask requesting anything you want me to write or react to, as long as it's not in the "will not write" category. if you don't see what you want listed anywhere, just assume that i will write it! there isn't a lot that i don't do, but i will not negotiate with the boundaries i have, so please don't try to convince me!
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sanders-whump · 2 years
welcome to my blog!
this is a blog that specializes in sanders sides whump, and how those two things come together. here is some information about me!
my name is ezreal, i use he/star pronouns, and i'm 18 years old.
i like a lot of fandoms (undertale, hunger games, south park, dance moms, broadway, and many more), but sanders sides is my main focus on here!
here are my main character specialties:
here are character placements that i won't write:
here are whump tropes that i like to write:
-human whump
-nonhuman whump
-pet whump
-hurt no comfort
-whumper turned whumpee
-whumpee turned caretaker
-caretaker turned whumpee
-overworked whump
-self sacrifice
-forced to watch
-exposed to elements
-big whumpees (because not all whumpees are tiny pathetic little noodles, big people can be vulnerable too!)
-poc whumpees (because not all poc characters are whumpers and caretakers!! let poc characters get comforted and saved and rescued!)
-and many, many more!
here are whump tropes that i will not write:
-explicit nsfw
-shrunken/tiny whump (it just doesn't interest me)
-and that's pretty much it. i'm not really picky or easily triggered.
feel free to send me an ask if you want me to write something specific! my favorite characters to write about are roman and logan, but i can do it all! i also have multiple aus which will be in my masterlist!
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✮ CALL ME LITTLE SUNSHINE (Multifandom x Reader one shot book) ✮
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rhS0LNs
by CallMeTangerine
✮ A reader insert & multi fandom one shot book
✮ Requests are currently open!
✮ Fandoms and Rules are inside!
✮ Reader is poc bc author is a poc .-.
Words: 200, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Eddsworld - All Media Types, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Dangan Ronpa Series, Creepypasta - Fandom, LEGO Monkie Kid, Sanders Sides (Web Series), The Mandela Catalogue (Web Series), Chainsaw Man (Manga), Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010), Be More Chill - Iconis/Tracz, Cuphead (Video Game), The Cuphead Show! (Cartoon), キミガシネ | Kimi ga Shine | Your Turn To Die (Visual Novel), Hazbin Hotel (Web Series), Helluva Boss (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Reader
Relationships: Everyone/Everyone, Everyone/You, Reader/Other(s), Reader/Everyone
Additional Tags: One Shot, Reader-Insert, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Action/Adventure, How Do I Tag, My First AO3 Post, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rhS0LNs
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prodigal-explorer · 4 months
asks are officially open for my new sanders sides au askblog for my run baby run au!! please send asks of any kind if you feel so inclined, i cannot wait to share this story with you guys!!!
(also if you like brotherly/familial logince, dad virgil, poc/disability representation, and just kid fics in general, you will really enjoy this au!!)
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ao3feed-loceit · 1 year
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seandarling · 4 years
So I know I told myself I wouldn't do any work until my face stopped aching from surgery, but I saw the whole thing where @bleepblopbloop56 's amazing art was rewarded with hate, and pure spite had me doing art while on painkillers, and I finished these at like 1:30 AM.
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Did this today, I only accept offers to colour it because I can't do that without ruining it
Remus said FUCK to racism
He also belongs to @thatsthat24
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badkatart · 2 years
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Happy Logan Appreciation Day!! :D
Love this nerd :)
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thechildoflightning · 5 years
Fic Master List
Fandom: Sanders Sides
just keep stumbling forward (baby im waiting for you)
College AU that has since expanded.
Patton is ready to bloom as a person. 
Logan is ready to increase his knowledge of the world. 
Virgil is ready to start another insignificant chapter in life.
Roman is ready to live his life to the fullest.
Four very different people collide, and ultimately, they're all the better for it.
Stand-Alone Stories:
Corporeal Essence- IN PROGRESS- Daemon AU ft. slowburn enemies to friends to lovers Prinxiety with side Logicality and platonic Analogical.
and fireworks flash between us- Teacher AU ft. Logan and Patton being a school legend due to loathing one anther, when in reality they’re married and totally gay for one another.
Peppermint Tea- In universe story following directly after DWIT. Virgil thinks Thomas hates him after he admits he was a Dark Side. Logan feels bad after almost calling Virgil Paranoia. They talk it out over tea and tears. Can be read as platonic or romantic Analogical.
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thealphabetmurders · 4 years
Some tips on writing Latino OCs/characters
Avoid the stereotype of the sex-siren “fiesty” Latino tropes: This stereotype does more harm than good, as almost all classic TV representation for Latinos is shown as the big hypersexualized character. By boiling down a Latino character to simply their sexual appeal, it denies them of their cultural identification if they do not fit what non-Latinos imagine all of them look like. 
Not all Latinos speak Spanish: In fact, many Latinos do not speak Spanish that often or at all. Many times, non-bilingual/Spanish speaking individuals will write Latino characters “slipping” into speaking Spanish. This, obviously, does not happen in real life. If a Latino says something in Spanish then they meant to say it in Spanish. Here are some realistic reasons why a Latino character could say something in Spanish/Spanglish:
They are speaking to their grandparents or other people who only speak that language
For emphasis. I would sometimes speak to my partner in Spanish because I felt as though I could express myself better and more naturally (also ‘te amo’ feels more impactful than ‘I love you’, but that just may be a personal thing), but this did not occur often. 
They are short phrases that any non-Spanish speaker could pick up on. Hola, gracias, de nada, mucho mejor, qué onda, madre/parde, casa, por qué are all ones I use around my friends sometimes. Again, sometimes.
There are others I am sure, but please be careful when writing a Latino character speaking Spanish. As a Latino living in America, if I am be honest, unless speaking with other Spanish speaking individuals, I do not use the language all too often (just like any other language, weird how that happens). 
Do your research naming Latino characters: Please do not simply look up “Hispanic names” and choose the ones you like off of a list. If all your names look something like “Diego Rodriguez” then you are doing a bad job. Here are some tips: 
69% of South America is Catholic and 19% is Protestant. Using that information, you are bound to have a lot of religious names. All of my siblings are named after biblical figures. Some examples I see a lot are: Rebecca, Isaiah, Claudia, Gabriela, Marcus, Elizabeth etc.
In Latino culture, many times children take both their parents last names so their names would be hyphenated. For example: Father’s last name could be Perez-ABC and Mother’s could be Ramirez-XYZ so the child’s name would be Perez-Ramirez. 
This isn’t a hard and fast rule. If only one of the parents is Latino than most often they will simply do what most of Western culture does and take the father’s last name as the family name.
Represent many aspects of Latino culture: I far too often only see Mexican Latinos, which is great, but also there are many other countries/places to represent (Cuba, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Peru, Chile, Honduras and more)
Latinos have a variety of hair colors and skin tones and body types, make them: Afro-Latino people exist, write them. White passing Latinos exist, write them (though if you are only ever writing Latinos with pale olive skin and eurocentric features, you’re doing it badly). Latino people with thick curly hair and bold features exist. Talk about it. Latinas are not just your vessel to write about “thicc” or curvy women. Petite Latinos and especially plus sized latinos need representation. Represent them. 
Latinos do not just eat ‘Mexican’ food: Stop associating all your characters with tacos and burritos. 
If you do have Latino characters don’t be afraid to make them queer or disabled or anything else under-represented. 
Avoid stereotypes altogether: The maid, the drug dealer, the sex symbol, the immigrant, we get it. That’s all we see in the media. Look up stereotypes, avoid them. It’s not “making a statement”, it’s racist, stop it. 
If you describe any Latino person as “spicy” or “exotic”..................... :) you know
Make sure the connection to their cultural background makes sense: Some Latinos have a strong connection to their country and culture, some do not. Make sure it makes sense for their family history, background, etc.
This is all I can sort of think of off the top of my head. Latino people, please feel free to add on with anything else (my experiences are a bit limited as a Puerto Rican living in America, so the more perspectives the merrier). White people and non-Latino POC’s can comment questions but please don’t clown (no “I am not latino but also...!)
Please reblog, this is important for non-Latino creators!
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trash-mammall · 4 years
i will literally steal kneecaps if ppl don’t stop using the b/l/m tags in fandom posts. i’m gonna lose my shit. stop clogging up those Very Important Tags with fandom stuff. listen to the POC in your fandoms bc i’ve seen them telling y’all to stop. jesus christ
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iggyalfi2319 · 3 years
A dandelion wish
Pairings: established Logicality, Prinxiety, variable!Dukeceit
Other tags/warnings: poc!Sides, Genderfluid!Roman, Nonbinary!Janus, Demiboy!Remus, prosthetic!Logan, long haired Sides, size differences, small!Patton, giant!Patton.
(if there is any triggers I forgot, please kindly ask me to add it or correct any mistakes I made. English isn't my birth language.)
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Chapter 1: Make a wish and blow a dandelion
Characters physical description:
Patton Morahearty: he/him, 19 years old, 5'3, fair skin, light freckles, fluffy chocolate brown hair with light blue streaks and equally brown eyes.
Janus Mendax: they/them, 21 years old, 5'7, tan skin with vitiligo on the half of their body, a long scar from their mouth, long light cool brown hair with golden reflections, amber eyes.
Logan Gemynd: he/him, 20 years old, 6', has prosthetics on his face, left arm and right leg, fair skin (slightly lighter than Patton’s), jet black hair with blue dyed streaks, shaved sides and a long braid, one eye is brown, the other is cerulean blue with black sclera, being a part of the prosthetic.
Virgil Andersen: he/him 19 years old, 6'7, fair skin (same complexion as Logan), hair dyed in a mix of indigo and grape, buzz cut sides, long bangs hiding the half of his face and his green eye, the other one being brown.
Roman LaValiente: he/she/they (wears a color coded friendship bracelet) 19 years old, 5'6, tan skin, medium auburn hair tied in a low ponytail, emerald eyes.
Remus Octavio: he/they 20 years old, 5'9, dark skin, perfectly trimmed moustache, medium ash brown hair with a birth silver lock and dyed green end, dreadlocks tied up in a high ponytail, emerald eyes, slightly darker than Roman.
Note: Roman and Remus are not blood related. When Roman’s father met Remus’s father, they raised them like twins, and the boys kept it up, to the point of saying “we’re twins with one year apart.”
====== ADW ======
As far as he could remember, Patton had quite always been on the short side.
The fact everyone teased him about it didn't really help. At 19 years old, most people took him for a small kid, especially with his quite youthful face. That didn't mean he looked like a poor fragile little thing though, he was a big person, mind you. It was just… being on the short end of the stick came with a lot of inconvenience.
Seriously, standing next to Virgil, who was a solid 6'7, made him look so tiny with his 5'3.
Patton had to tiptoe or pull Logan's tie if he wanted to kiss him, as he was twenty centimeter taller.
Logan not being the most expressive person of the group (most of the time), Patton couldn't tell if it was annoying him…
He could be wearing heels like the twins or occasionally Janus, but last time he tried, even with Roman’s coaching, he badly sprained his ankle.
And so, after an excruciating day at school where some students found it very funny to tie up his bag on the ceiling lamp (taken down by Virgil), Patton was finally heading home, alongside his boyfriend and the group.
The shorter male sighed softly.
“Patton, are you okay?”
The latter jumped up in surprise.
“O-oh! I-I’m fine, don’t worry…” he laughed nervously.
Logan stared at him, clearly dubious. Patton shifted under his gaze, especially his cybernetic eye.
“A-Are you using your lie detector on me? We already have Janus for that.” Patton tried to joke
“Hey!” Janus said in indignation.
Virgil looked at Patton in horror and quickly waved his hand in front of his throat to tell him to cut it out. The chocolate brune’s eyes widened, realizing what he just did. Logan wasn’t especially self-conscious about his mechanical parts, but he didn’t really like the jokes about it, thanks to the jerks at school.
“O-oh my God, Logan! I-I’m so sorry! I-”
“It’s okay Patton.” Logan stopped him. “I know you had a rough day and my prosthetic eye can be unsettling.”
“That’s not an excuse!” the brunette shook his head vehemently. “As you boyfriend, I should know it’s your pet peeve-”
Logan put his human hand on Patton’s head.
“As much as I find your concern really endearing, worry not. I’m fine.” he said.
“Huh?” the latter blinked.
Before Logan patted him on the head.
“And…why are you patting me?...” Patton raised an eyebrow.
“Because -” Logan pulled out a flash card, before patting Patton and reading said card. “- it gives us a cute Giant/Tiny dynamic.”
“T-tiny?...” the shorter man’s cheek flushed bright red in embarrassment.
“You don’t like it?” Logan frowned slightly. “Roman and Remus told me it would be, I quote, ‘totes adorable’.”
Roman muffled out his laughter while Remus cackled, which caused them to earn a disapproving glare from Virgil for the first, and a good back head slap from Janus for the other.
“Do you want me to stop?” the raven-blue haired man asked, still patting his smaller partner.
*Gosh that’s so embarrassing, but it feels so nice at the same time…* Patton thought.
“Keep going…” he muttered. “it’s...nice…”
“HA!” Remus guwaffed, earning another back head slap from Janus, causing the mustached man to snicker.
Logan pulled Patton against his broad chest, gently patting his head.
“There, there.”
*Logan’s tiddies! I-I-I just can’t…* Patton blushed furiously, his face buried between them.
“Hum, I think you’re choking him, Robocop.” Roman chuckled, taking a picture.
Logan was used to Roman’s nicknames, knowing it wasn’t malicious.
“Oh, apologies, Patton.” he pulled away, causing Patton to whine softly.
“Nuh-uh, you know how she gets when she’s worried.” the purple man shook his head.
“Look guys, the stars are already out, can’t you, like, cuddle tomorrow?” Virgil said. “I promised Cara I won’t get home too late…”
“Virgil, you’re 19, can’t your mom cut you some slack?” Remus nudged him.
The wind blew softly in this fine sky clear night.
Patton shuddered, when he saw floaty white little things in the moonlight.
“Oh guys! Look!” He ran to the sideroad. “Dandelions!”
“You know what they say.” Roman flipped his hair, grinning. “Make a wish and blow a dandelion!”
Virgil rolled his eyes with a groan while Logan raised an eyebrow.
“That won't likely happen…”
Patton sighed softly
“You’ll never know if you don’t try it, Lo…”
He went to pick up one of the fluffy looking weeds before blowing it, thinking very hard of his wish. He watched the little seeds getting carried by the wind, disappearing into the night sky.
“What did you wish for?” Logan asked, walking next to him.
“Silly, if I tell you, it won’t work.” Patton giggled softly.
He tiptoed and kissed his cheek, before going home for the night.
The next day...
At the sound of his name being called, Logan’s eye fluttered open while his prosthetic one activated and adjusted to the light.
“Patton?...” the raven-blue haired male frowned at his lover’s distressed voice and put on his glasses…
Only to see a big chocolate brown eye through the window.
====== ADW ======
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@gilby-the-geek-girl (thank you for helping me <3 )
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