#pobre baby :c
multishipper-baby · 2 years
Also pensando nuevamente en mi AU de DR dónde Owynn es la mente maestra, principalmente en como eso afectaría a Eak y Rayray una vez ambos sean rescatados
#spanish#oc dr au#diría que a ray le dan un poco más el beneficio de la duda#future foundation sigue pensando que quizás no sea tan inocente... pero sus reacciones en el juego eran bastante reales#además de que cuando entren más en el pasado de ray y se enteren que owynn no siempre estuvo presente#probablemente acepten que no tuvo nada que ver con la tragedia#eak tho. básicamente todos desconfían de él#la mayoría de empleados en ff ni siquiera le dicen por su nombre- sólo se refieren a él como el esposo de la mente maestra#apenas lo rescatan del búnker lo ponen en una cárcel y lo ponen en observación para ver que no sea... como owynn#ray odia eso con todo el alma; en parte porqué sabe que si eak es considerado como uno de los ultimate despairs#entonces la ff tiene justificación para poder ejecutarlo en nombre de la esperanza#y ray definitivamente no quiere perder a la única familia que le queda#por suerte me imagino que al final eak se lograra zafar y va a poder estar con su peque <3#pero eso va a ser después de semanas de peleas y cuestionamientos y discusiones y un montón de cosas#durante ese tiempo zachary tuvo que contener mucho a ray para evitar que se cague a piñas con algunos miembros de ff#ray es un dulce que no le gusta pelear but a esa altura del au ya está demasiado al límite como para portarse de manera normal#sólo quiere defender lo poco que le queda de cualquier manera que sea posible#pobre baby :c#al menos tiene una nueva hermanita#myocs
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deepinsideyourbeing · 3 months
La novia de Enzo dado puras indirectas de que quiere un hijo con el (mandandole TikToks de bebitos, mostrándole fotos de el y ella cuando eran chiquitos diciéndole lo perfecto que sería un nene con ambos genes, contándole que cree que va a dejar de tomar la pastilla, etc) y Enzo teniendo que confesarle en un mar de llantos que el es infertil y no se lo quería decir porque sentía mucho dolor de no poder darle lo que mas ansía en la vida 😭
Angst :c
¿En qué momento la habitación comenzó a sentirse más pequeña de lo normal? ¿Fue cuando cubriste la mesa de los viejos álbumes con fotografías arrugadas o cuando comenzaste a hablar de los rasgos que heredarán tus hijos? Enzo no está muy seguro, sólo sabe que le falta al aire y que sus ojos arden.
-¿Cuántos años tenías acá?- preguntás luego de perderte por muchos minutos en una foto suya. No tiene idea de cómo esas fotos llegaron a tus manos pero es muy probable que haya sido obra de su madre-. Lo único que tenés igual son las orejas.
Quiere reírse pero en lugar de eso en su garganta sólo surge un simple sonido de afirmación. Estás muy concentrada como para percibir su inquietud o sus pobres intentos de fingir que te sigue la corriente y él no tiene idea de cuánto tiempo más podrá mantener en secreto lo que le molesta. Unas semanas o meses, con suerte...
Llevás un tiempo libre de los efectos del método anticonceptivo que utilizaste durante años y él disfruta verte radiante, de mejor humor y mucho más sana. En principio fue divertido acostumbrarse a los efectos de tu ovulación y bromear con tu desesperación en esos momentos, pero luego comprendió que lo que denominaste baby fever no era sólo un producto de tus hormonas. Hablabas en serio. Siempre.
Ahora son cada vez más los momentos en que el tema de conversación es cómo serán los hijos que tendrán, preguntás cuántos niños le gustaría tener, querés sostener a todos los bebés durante las reuniones familiares e intentás que él, terriblemente incompetente con los pequeños, también los tenga en brazos.
-¿Vos qué decís?- deslizás dos fotos sobre la mesa-. ¿Se van a parecer a vos o a mí?
Cuando intenta tomar las fotos sus manos temblorosas lo traicionan. Sus dedos débiles no pueden despegar el papel de la madera y comienza a sentirse más que desesperado cuando recuerda que aún no contestó tu pregunta, sabiendo que no tiene una respuesta porque sería deshonesta.
Balbucea nervioso y toma su taza llena para tener con qué entretener su boca. Aún está temblando y es demasiado tarde cuando nota que pierde toda sensación en las extremidades, por lo que el aza de la taza se zafa de su agarre y esta cae sobre su regazo, derramando el líquido en todas las direcciones posibles.
El té estaba ya completamente frío pero puede sentir su piel arder.
Cuando te arrodillás frente a él con intenciones de ayudarlo con su ropa, ignorando por completo cuál era la temperatura de su bebida y sin comprender la falta de reacción de su parte, toma tus muñecas y te detiene sin dar explicaciones.
-No puedo.
-¿Qué no podés?
-Tener hijos.
-No hablo de tenerlos ahora- humedecés tus labios con tu lengua y él sabe que estás incómoda o avergonzada-. Puede ser en unos años o cuando...
-En unos años tampoco se va a poder- lamenta-. Porque no... yo no...
-Sí, oh- y vuelve a sentarse-. No sé por qué no te dije antes.
Acariciás su mejilla y tu pulgar deshace el rastro de sus lágrimas una y otra vez. Permanecés de rodillas entre sus piernas sin fijarte en el té derramado o la porcelana hecha añicos en el suelo, y apretás fuerte su mano para calmarlo.
-No importa- jurás-. Hay muchas formas de...
-Pero vos querés un hijo nuestro.
-Enzo- lo obligás a mirarte-. Si vos también querés entonces cualquier hijo va a ser nuestro.
Elegí el camino de la violencia, ¿no? Pero permítanme compensarlas por mi pésimo comportamiento y decirles que la letra de la canción en combinación con el video se interpreta de cierta manera, pero en realidad es sobre el amor incondicional entre una pareja y yo imagino algo así para este escenario :)
taglist: @chiquititamia @delusionalgirlplace @lastflowrr @madame-fear @creative-heart @llorented @recaltiente ♡
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TOM JOBIM - Triste (Guitar arr. TAB sheet music, partitura)
ANTONIO CARLOS "TOM" JOBIM - TRISTE (Guitar arr. TAB SHEET MUSIC, partitura)Lyrics: Best Sheet Music download from our Library. Antonio Carlos Jobim Please, subscribe to our Library. Thank you!Musical influences Discography and compositions
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Lyrics: Triste é viver na solidão Na dor cruel de uma paixão Triste é saber que ninguém Pode viver de ilusão Que nunca vai ser nunca vai dar O sonhador tem que acordar Tua beleza é um avião Demais p'rum pobre coração Que pára pra te ver passar Só pra me maltratar Triste é viver na solidão 'Triste' (meaning 'Sad' in English) is a bossa nova song composed in 1966 by Antônio Carlos Jobim, who also wrote the lyrics in English and Portuguese. Background Jobim wrote the song in late 1966 while staying at the Sunset Marquis Hotel in Los Angeles, while waiting for Frank Sinatra to return from a vacation in Barbados to begin recording his album Francis Albert Sinatra & Antônio Carlos Jobim (1967). The first recording of the song was an instrumental version by Jobim for his 1967 Wave album. Sinatra recorded it with Jobim two years later in the sessions for his planned second album, SinatraJobim, which was eventually released as Sinatra & Company's Side A (1971). Jobim recorded an English vocal version in 1980 on the album Terra Brasilis.
Antonio Carlos Jobim
Antônio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim (January 25, 1927 – December 8, 1994), also known as Tom Jobim was a Brazilian composer, pianist, composer, arranger, and singer. Considered one of the great exponents of Brazilian music, Jobim internationalized bossa nova and, with the help of leading American artists, fused it with jazz in the 1960s to create a new sound with popular success. As such, he is sometimes referred to as the 'father of bossa nova'. Jobim was a major force behind the creation of the bossa nova style, and his songs have been performed by many singers and instrumentalists internationally. In 1965, the Getz/Gilberto album was the first jazz record to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. It also won for Best Jazz Instrumental Album – Individual or Group and for Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical. The album's single 'Garota de Ipanema' ('The Girl from Ipanema'), one of the most recorded songs of all time, won Record of the Year. Jobim composed many songs that are now included in the standard jazz and pop repertoires. The song 'Garota de Ipanema' has been recorded more than 240 times by other artists. His 1967 album with Frank Sinatra, Francis Albert Sinatra and Antônio Carlos Jobim, was nominated for Album of the Year in 1968. Antônio Carlos Jobim was born in the middle-class district of Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro. His father, Jorge de Oliveira Jobim (São Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul; 1889-1935), was a writer, diplomat, teacher and journalist. He came from a prominent family, being the great-nephew of José Martins da Cruz Jobim, a senator, private councilor, and physician to Emperor Dom Pedro II. While studying medicine in Europe, José Martins added Jobim to his surname, paying homage to the town his family came from in Portugal, the parish of Santa Cruz de Jovim, Porto. His mother, Nilza Brasileiro de Almeida (c. 1910-1989), was of partially indigenous descent from northeastern Brazil. When Antônio was still a baby, his parents separated and his mother moved with her children (Antônio Carlos and his sister Helena Isaura, born February 23, 1931) to Ipanema, the beachside neighborhood that the composer would later would celebrate in their songs. In 1935, when Jobim's elder died, Nilza married Celso da Frota Pessoa (died February 2, 1979), who would encourage the career of her stepson. It was he who gave Jobim his first piano. As a young man of impoverished youth, Jobim made a living playing in nightclubs and bars and later as an arranger for a record label before beginning to achieve success as a songwriter. Musical influences Jobim's musical roots were planted firmly in the work of Pixinguinha, the legendary musician and composer who pioneered modern Brazilian music in the 1930s. His teachers included Lúcia Branco and, beginning in 1941, Hans-Joachim Koellreutter, a German composer who lived in Brazil and introduced atonal and twelve-tone composition in the country. Jobim was also influenced by French composers Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel, and by Brazilian composers Ary Barroso and Heitor Villa-Lobos, who has been described as 'Jobim's most important musical influence'. Among many topics, his lyrics talked about love, self-discovery, betrayal, joy, and especially about birds and the natural wonders of Brazil, such as the 'Mata Atlântica' forest, characters from Brazilian folklore, and his native city of Rio de Janeiro. In the 1940s, Tom Jobim began playing the piano in bars and nightclubs in Rio de Janeiro, and in the early 1950s, he worked as an arranger at the Continental Studio, where he recorded his first composition, in April 1953, when Brazilian singer Mauricy Moura recorded Incerteza, a Tom Jobim composition with lyrics by Newton Mendonça. Jobim rose to prominence in Brazil when he teamed up with poet and diplomat Vinicius de Moraes to write the music for the play Orfeu da Conceição (1956). The most popular song on the show was 'Se Todos Fossem Iguais A Você' ('If Everyone Were Like You'). Later, when the play was adapted into a film, producer Sacha Gordine did not want to use the play's existing music. Gordine asked De Moraes and Jobim for a new score for the film Orfeu Negro, or Black Orpheus (1959). Moraes was at the time in Montevideo, Uruguay, working for the Itamaraty (the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), so Jobim and he were only able to write three songs, mainly by phone ('A felize', 'Frevo' and 'Frevo'). Or nosso love '). This collaboration proved successful, and de Moraes went on to write the lyrics for some of Jobim's most popular songs. In 1958, the Brazilian singer and guitarist João Gilberto recorded his first album with two of Tom Jobim's most famous songs: Desafinado and Chega de Saudade. This album inaugurates the Bossa Nova movement in Brazil. The sophisticated harmonies of his songs caught the attention of jazz musicians in the United States, mainly after Tom Jobim's first performance at Carnegie Hall in 1962. A key event in making Jobim's music known in the English-speaking world was his collaboration with American jazz saxophonist Stan Getz, Brazilian singer João Gilberto, and Gilberto's wife at the time, Astrud Gilberto, resulting in two albums, Getz/Gilberto. (1963) and Getz/Gilberto Vol. 2 (1964). The release of Getz/Gilberto created a bossa nova craze in the United States and later internationally. Getz had previously recorded Jazz Samba with Charlie Byrd (1962) and Jazz Samba Encore! with Luiz Bonfa (1964). Jobim wrote many of the songs on Getz/Gilberto, which became one of the best-selling jazz albums of all time, and turned Astrud Gilberto, who sang on 'Garota de Ipanema' (The Girl from Ipanema) and ' Corcovado', into an international sensation. At the 1965 Grammy Awards, Getz/Gilberto won the Grammy Award for Album of the Year, the Grammy Award for Best Jazz Instrumental Album, Individual or Group, and the Grammy Award for Best Non-Classical Engineered Album. 'The Girl from Ipanema' won the Grammy Award for Record of the Year. Among his later successes is 'Águas de Março' (Waters of March 1972), for which he wrote lyrics in both Portuguese and English, and which was later translated into French by Georges Moustaki (Les Eaux de Mars, 1973 ). In early 1994, after finishing his Antonio Brasileiro album, Jobim complained to his doctor, Roberto Hugo Costa Lima, of urinary problems. He underwent surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City on December 2, 1994. On December 8, while recovering from an operation, he suffered a cardiac arrest caused by a pulmonary embolism and two hours later, another cardiac arrest, from which he died. . He was survived by his children and grandchildren. His last album, Antonio Brasileiro, was released posthumously three days after his death. His body remained in state until he was duly buried on December 20, 1994. He is buried at the Cemitério São João Batista in Rio de Janeiro. Jobim's Legacy Jobim is widely considered to be one of the most important composers of the 20th century. Many of his songs are jazz standards. American jazz singers Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra featured Jobim's songs on their albums Ella Abraça Jobim (1981) and Francis Albert Sinatra & Antônio Carlos Jobim (1967), respectively. The 1996 CD Wave: Antonio Carlos Jobim's Songbook included performances of Jobim themes by Oscar Peterson, Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, and Toots Thielemans. Jobim was an innovator in the use of sophisticated harmonic structures in popular songs. Some of his melodic turns, like the melody that he insists on the major seventh of the chord, became common in jazz after he used them. Brazilian collaborators and performers of Jobim's music include Vinicius de Moraes, João Gilberto (often credited as co-creator or creator of bossa nova), Chico Buarque, Edu Lobo, Gal Costa, Elis Regina, Sérgio Mendes, Astrud Gilberto and Flora Purim, Eumir Deodato and conductor/composer Claus Ogerman arranged many recordings of Jobim's tunes. He won a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 54th Grammy Awards in 2012. As a posthumous tribute, on January 5, 1999, the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro changed the name of Rio's Galeão International Airport, located on Governador Island, to bear the name of the composer. Galeão airport is explicitly mentioned in his composition 'Samba do Avião'. In 2014, Jobim was posthumously inducted into the Latin Songwriters Hall of Fame. In 2015, Billboard named Jobim one of the 30 most influential Latin artists of all time. American contemporary jazz singer Michael Franks dedicated his 1995 album Abandoned Garden to Jobim's memory. English singer-songwriter George Michael frequently acknowledged Jobim's influence. His 1996 album Older was dedicated to Jobim, and he recorded 'Desafinado' on Red Hot + Rio (1996) with Astrud Gilberto. The official mascot of the 2016 Summer Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro, Tom, was named after him.
Discography and compositions
Studio Albums: 1963: El compositor de Desafinado, juega ( Verve )1965: El maravilloso mundo de Antônio Carlos Jobim ( Warner Bros. Records )1966: Amor, cuerdas y Jobim ( Warner Bros. Records )1967: Un cierto señor Jobim ( Warner Bros. Records )1967: Ola ( CTI / A&M )1970: Marea (A&M)1970: Flor de piedra (CTI)1973: Jobim ( MCA )1976: Urubu (Warner Bros.)1980: Terra Brasilis (Warner Bros.)1987: Passarim (Verve)1995: Antônio Brasileiro ( Colombia )1995: Inédito ( Ariola )1997: Minha Alma Canta (Lumiar) Cooperations: - 1954: Sinfonia do Rio de Janeiro (Continental), con Billy Blanco - 1956: Orfeu da Conceição (Odeón), con Vinicius de Moraes - 1957: "O Pequeno Príncipe" (Festa), audiolibro del que Jobim compuso la banda sonora - 1961: Brasilia - Sinfonia Da Alvorada (Colombia), con Vinicius de Moraes - 1964: Getz / Gilberto (Verve) - 1964: Caymmi Visita Tom (Elenco / Polygram / Philips ), con Dorival Caymmi - 1967: Francis Albert Sinatra y Antônio Carlos Jobim (Reprise) - - 1974: Elis & Tom ( Philips ), con Elis Regina - 1977: Miúcha & Antônio Carlos Jobim ( RCA ), con Miúcha - 1979: Miúcha & Tom Jobim ( RCA ), con Miúcha - 1981: Edu & Tom ( Philips ), con Edu Lobo - 1983: Gabriela ( RCA ), banda sonora original de la película "Gabriela, Cravo e Canela" Read the full article
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
(Hey! I'm from South America too! Yayyyy!) What if Jumin got stucked quarantined with MC on her parents house and she got a cold (no covid symptoms) and MC's parents were the overbearing nosy type (you know, latino parents 😂)? Would Jumin side with them and their home remedies? What to do when you can't make use of all your money instead😱? Lol! Thanks! 🤡
I’m a simple girl, I see a request for a latina MC and I write it down <3 So yaaaay! So nice to have you reading my blog~ I had SO MUCH FUN writing these headcanons! I tried to make MC’s parents feel as a couple of VERY latino parents without falling into stereotypes and I think I got it. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
important note: even if this is set in the current pandemic, it’s very light and fun, so have no worries! <3 and there are no mentions of the virus, so nobody feels triggered ~
.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 .❀。• *₊°。
Listen, Jumin is a man of SCIENCE. He may not understand it completely but this man is a very preoccupied caretaker when it comes to MC getting sick. He has a personal doctor that will come at any hour to the penthouse and do a check up even if all she has is the stomach flu.
MC isn’t used to that, but he lets her husband take care of her. It feels nice to see how much Jumin cares about her well-being.
They were visiting her parents in South America, whom they hadn’t seen since the wedding. Jumin hadn’t really been to MC’s hometown before, so he was looking forward doing some sightseeing, tourism and trying new commoner foods he just had to try, as MC said. He didn’t know what the big deal was about this salchipapa, it was just fried sausage and french fries, but MC was really excited about taking him to a food truck and making him have a bite of everything.
But the pandemic started.
At first, MC was sad about they not being able to do any kind of tourism while on her country, as she was looking forward teaching Jumin about her culture. They planned to stay in a hotel, but MC’s parents insisted they both stayed with them to save money and also have their daughter close. Considering it would be a good idea to take care of her folks in that situation, they agreed.
Everyone had agreed to speak English in the house as he didn’t understand Spanish quite well yet and MC’s parents didn’t understand Korean at all.
Jumin didn’t understand latino parents.
And no, he didn’t mean in in a bad way. He knew how much MC loved her parents and it was obvious they loved her too, but the amount of boundaries they had broken and how unphased MC seemed was really confusing.
For starters, her mom would randomly knock their bedroom door and bring them both a warm drink made of oatmeal and apples. It’s sweet, warm and suddenly he’s not feeling cold anymore.
“What’s this called, my love?” “Quaker.” “Yeah, that’s the brand of the oatmeal but what’s the drink called.” “…Quaker” “That’s what you call it?” “…Apple quaker?”
Another day, he was reading on his Kindle in the living room, when MC’s mother approached him, asking him what he wished to have for dinner, as everyone had already had their favourite dish in the week. He was startled and didn’t feel comfortable saying he liked steak or any other dish he actually liked, considering he knew MC’s parents weren’t wealthy enough to eat what he did on a daily basis.
Thankfully, MC saved him and told her mom she should prepare bisteck a lo pobre, and that he would probably like that.
“Bisteck?” “Yeah, beef steak.” “…But you said bisteck.” “It’s steak with fried egg and fried bananas and rice. It’s actually really good, trust me on this.”
Jumin also found out they ate rice with every dish. And he meant it. Every. Single. Dish.
Bisteck a lo pobre was really good though.
After lunch, the four of them would always stay on the table and chat a little. MC’s parents would take that chance to ask him about their lives in Korea, how were you adapting to a married life, if you were planning to have children soon, what funny stories he could them them about C&R etc. (spoiler: he didn’t think there were funny stories happening in C&R) 
They also liked to tell him embarrassing stories about MC’s time in highschool, which made her blush deep red, even though he found those stories endearing.
He liked to see them taking care of you both, but couldn’t help but compare it to his relationship with his own father, who loved him as well but wasn’t as warm and… interested with his relationship as MC’s parents were. It was nice, but really new for him.
Three weeks into the confinement, MC came down with the flu.
Jumin asked MC’s father what was their number of their personal physician. He answered they didn’t have one, they just went to the hospital whenever someone was ill.
Jumin: ????
Since it was only the flu and nothing else to worry about (Jumin had ended up calling a private laboratory to test MC and she was negative), all they had to do was wait for her symptoms to go away. Jumin suggested they call a pharmacy and buy some pills, but MC’s mother called nonsense. There was no need for ingesting so many chemicals.
Jumin: ?????????????????
He was reading to MC in their bedroom, trying to get her to relax, when her mom knocked the door. After MC asked her to come in, she entered the room, smiling softly at the newlyweds. 
“Baby, it's time for your inhalaciones de eucalipto" “Yes mom, let me just grab a towel"
As MC stood up, Jumin looked at her confused.
“A towel? In... all-- what?"
"Oh, steam inhalations. My mom puts some eucalipto leaves on a bowl with boiling water. I sit on the floor and cover myself and the bowl with a towel and breathe deep” she explained, as she took a towel from the closet.
“Like a sauna?”
“Yes! Just like that. Eucalipto helps with breathing”
Jumin never thought he would see her wife grab a bowl of boiling water with leaves, sit on the floor and cover herself with a towel but there she was. Giggling at her confusion, she invited him under the towel, saying there was no harm in him being with you there. He obliged to her request.
Ten seconds later, Jumin stood up, coughing, as he felt ice on his lungs.
“What was that plant?!” he asked in between coughs
“Sorry! I forgot my mom also put Vick Vaporub in it”
The same night, you spiked a low fever. As Jumin changed again the wet cloth on your forehead, he heard your mother knocking on the door again. She showed MC a white bottle with a red cap and immediately he saw his wife’s eyes widening in horror.
“No” “But it’ really good for--” “No, no way” “But MC…” “Mom, I can’t stand thymoline…”
MC explained to Jumin it was usual for people in your country to soak the cloth in thymoline, since it supposedly helped lower the fever, but you couldn’t stand the smell. Seeing you mother insisted it was better than just water, he decided to check if it really had such a bad odor as MC said.
No, it didn’t.
It was worse.
The next day, the fever was gone, but MC still had a runny nose. For breakfast, her mother replaced quaker with a suspiciously good smelling tea. And he was a sucker for new tea.
“What’s in there, dear?” he asked
“Hmmm, what was in it, mom?” MC asked, redirecting the question to her mother.
“Borraja, escorzonera, eucalipto, menta and muña” she explained.
“Ah, Eucalipto. The one you used for the sauna” he remembered.
“Yes, that one. Would you like a cup too? It could help you prevent from getting the flu too” MC’s mom offered.
Jumin looked at MC, doubtful
“It doesn’t have Vaporub, right?”
“It doesn’t” MC giggled. “This one tastes actually good”
“Yes, thank you.”
When MC was about to take a sip, her father cleared his throat, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
“What do we say before taking medicine?” he asked
“En nombre de Dios” MC sighed, and took her first sip. She then looked at Jumin and explained to him. “En nombre de Dios. In the name of God. Dad and mom always told me I should say that so the medicine works”
“Weren’t you an atheist?” Jumin asked. He couldn’t barely finish his question before MC began coughing loudly, gaining her folks attention. Once she regained her breath, she shot him a warning glare.
“Don’t say that in front of them!” she whispered. “They hate it when I say that. They think you made me convert back to christianity so let’s keep it like that”.
The symptoms disappeared in the course of three days with MC’s mom’s herbal remedies. Even if he couldn’t understand how MC could breathe Vick, he really enjoyed the tea her mom made for them both.
Jumin felt at ease chatting with her father or trying out new teas her mother made for him. He found out he didn’t have so hard to get along with them, as they were also welcoming him into their family.
Even if it was still new for him to see parents as invested in their daughter’s life as hers, he could see where did MC learn to be warm and caring as she was with him. Someday, he decided, he would go back again with his wife to do the tourism they couldn’t do this time and bring back as many of her mother’s herbal teas as he could.
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frcncc · 4 years
hola gente como están, por aquí Jops. Les vengo a presentar a mis 5 hijos, si 5, no hay auto control aquí. Tengo personajes de todas las edades posibles, así que les puedo ofrecer la conexión que gusten la verdad :)
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Porfa no me ignoren que estoy muy ilusionada, tengo personajes bien distintos entre si (?) hay para todos los gustos uwu.
Deje su like en este post y me voy a sus im’s para que armemos algo c: los tiré a todos en el mismo post para hacerlo más fácil, porque si no armar conexiones iba a ser un lío la verdad asdfghasd @cc-presentaciones​
Se los voy a tirar por orden de edad (de menor a mayor)
-Alejandro Van Ghoul (Noah Centineo) 21 años, hijo del gobernador, ha vivido toda su vida aquí.
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-El Ale es extrovertido y bien goofy, así que, que no les sorprenda que aparezca de la nada a molestarlos bc el es así. Le gusta la gente y se mete donde no lo llaman always.
-Era el tipico cliche del chico popular en la escuela, jugaba futbol americano, tenia a la novia, etc, todo eso pero nunca se fue de la ciudad porque no sabía que hacerrr.
-Empezó a trabajar hace poquito en el refugio, es bien holgazan así que su papá movió sus influencias y lo metió para que hiciera algo por su vida alfin. oveja negra, así les queda claro todo (?).
-Tiene la mentalidad de un niño de doce años, así que no le pidan mucho. Siempre se anda metiendo en problemas, aveces por tonterías, aveces por cosas serias. 
-Últimamente se ha metido en el tema de las drogas, no así como adicto pero las usa más de lo que debería.
-Benedetta “Benni” Rossi (Margot Robbie) 29 años, enfermera, 1 año en la ciudad.
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-La Benni es italiana, llegó a eeuu porque estuvo comprometida con un gringo y vivían en ny, la cosa no funcionó y pues terminó aquí porque quería un pueblo tranquilo donde estar.
-Es bien amable y tierna, es de esas personas que siempre te va a intentar sacar una sonrisa si te ve triste, es fiel a sus amistad y así.
-Se preocupa mucho por la gente y es bien sensible, así que intentará ayudarte a toda costa :v imaginenla toda sweeheart, no hay otra forma de pensarla asdfgh.
-Ama a los niños y a los animalitos, así que si necesitan baby sitter, aquí la tienen (?
-Los hombres le han hecho mucho daño, pero ella no pierde la esperanza de que el amor existe, es bien hopeless romantic.
-Lo malo es que es media llorona e insegura, le importa demasiado si la gente la juzga, así que siempre querrá dar la mejor impresión posible. Es media tímida al principio pero luego es bien cariñosa y atenta.
-Franco Caswell (Sam Claflin) 30 años, editor del periódico, toda su vida en al ciudad.
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-Franco es bien serio y desconfiado al principio, con el tiempo se suelta y es un poco más chill, es alegre y cariñoso con sus cercanos.
-Es una buena persona, caballerito y todo pero si lo hacen enojar, sálvese quien pueda xd además de que es terco como una mula, hacerlo cambiar de opinión es casi imposible.
-Es el editor del periodico, como jefe es bien jodido, así que pobre de los que tomaron cupo de periodista JAJAJA.
-Tuvo un amor de secundaria y le rompieron un poquito el corazón, querían cosas distintas con la vida, Franco quería casarse y tener hijos assap, pero ella quería tener una carrera y vivir la vida. No se odian, pero el hijo me salió rencoroso.
-Fletcher Burke (Michael B Jordan), 31 años, dueño del stripclub. algunos meses en la ciudad.
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-Es el dueño del stripclub junto a su bff Sunny, ambos tenían la idea, ella tenía la plata y así llegó el stripclub al pueblo.
-El hombre es bien simpático, buena gente y alegre pero aveces se pasa, porque le encanta la fiesta y ser el centro de atención. Como buen militar, es organizado, estricto y puntual, es perfeccionista a más no poder.
-Lo malo es que es cabeza dura, bien terco e impaciente, cuando se enoja ni el mismo se aguanta, por lo que si lo ven haciendo deporte, es porque algo anda mal por su cabeza.
-Se hizo militar para asegurarle cosas buenas a su familia, nunca quiso serlo pero hizo lo que tenía que hacer por su fam.
-Es coqueto y le gusta conseguir lo que quiere, por el momento no busca nada serio pero who knows que pasa, ia lo veremos 8).
-Estuvo casado por mucho tiempo y la cosa no resultó porque querían cosas distintas para sus vidas, nada más eso pero todo cul con la ex wife.
-Theodore Fitzpatrick (Brett Tucker), 48 años. jefe de bomberos. toda su vida en la ciudad.
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-Theo​ es nacido y criado en la ciudad, su familia es super conocida bc son de las familias antiguas fundadoras del lugar. Así que debería conocer a la mayoría de los que son oriundos, ya sea por Sutton o porque Theo conoce a los padres de sus hijos.
-Se casó con su novia de la secundaria, estuvieron juntos treinta años (casados unos pocos menos) hasta que ella se enfermó de cáncer, no se lo detectaron a tiempo y falleció el año pasado uwu.
-Tiene tres hijos, dos niños y una niña, la niña es Sutton, cuando enviudó ella se fue a vivir con él y es la niña de sus ojos, si le hacen daño los mata, que se sepa y con su hermana que también la verán por aquí, es igual.
-He’s a softboy, bien sensible, un caballero, un buen hombre en todo sentido. Es fácil quererlo, es muy cariñoso, leal y atento con la gente, se preocupa por todo el mundo porque así lo criaron, also es su trabajo, es un hombre a la antigua.
-Le gustaría volver a enamorarse cuando encuentre a la persona correcta, esta fuera de práctica porque se caso con su primera novia, así que lo coqueto no le sale xd.
-En lo malo que claramente tiene que tener, es bien terco, sobre protector y bossy, lamentablemente se cree el dueño de la razón aun que no la tenga y le cuesta admitir que se equivoca.
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daechvita · 5 years
El otp meme para Donghae
otp parents meme. / @insomxiav & @bcywithlxv
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Who’s the one to wake up the kids: Minjoon es quien tiene como el sueño menor distorsionado, así que quiero pensar que sería quien despierte a Jinae todas las mañanas uwu
Who makes breakfast: Comúnmente Donghae es quien lo hace y le prepara el almuerzo para la escuela, pero si no está presente, o va tarde al trabajo y no queda otro remedio, Minjoon entrará a la cocina(?)
Who’s the more discipline parent and who’s the more lenient one: Depende mucho de la situación, aunque siento que Donghae es el más relajado en muchos de los casos y se toma el tiempo de ver todo el panorama antes de hacer un escándalo como Minjoon fjkfd
Who helps with the science fair: Donghae es la mente creativa mientras Minjoon ayuda con las cosas materiales y en hacerlas.
Who does baby talk: Minjoon, es canon que le habla así a Salem seguro le habla a Jinae too dfjkld
Who wakes up for midnight feedings: Donghae no duerme como la gente, así que él debió ser quien se encargó de Jinae luego de aceptarla.
Who’s the one who always worries: Minjoon le teme que se le vaya a ir con Ryeowook, así que es él
Who picks up the kids early from school for some fun: Donghae, saca a Jinae de la escuela y la lleva a pasarla bomba en algún lugar solo ellos dos
Who’s the competitive parent: Both, les gusta ser el papá favorito y no dudarán en hacer todo lo que esté en sus manos para destruir al otro(?)
Who kisses the ouches: Minjoon luego de ponerle una bandita bonita :c
Who’s the sucker for the puppy eyes: Donghae, he’s an idiot y cae rendido ante los puppy eyes.
Who makes the “dad jokes”: Minjoon, we just KNOW
Who embarrasses their kid for fun: Veo a los dos viejos siendo terribles con la pobre de Jinae y sus amigos. Seguro los dos son los embarrassing parents, siendo los peores con el contacto físico y haciendo el ridículo 
Who’s the over protective one: Minjoon, Donghae quiere que sea lo más libre posible y sea feliz en general
Who’s the “take a sweater!” parent: Minjoon too! el doctor, siempre atento a esos detalles
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memxriis · 6 years
    Hola, corazones. Vengo descaradamente a hacerle promoción a mis personajes más bonitos digo qué. Mentira, pero bueno, a los que tienen carita de mis amados EXO babies porque ya saben que los quiero mucho y deseo buscarle amiguitos/as porque yeeees. Así que, se los presento por si a alguien le interesa :’) ♥
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Kiyoshi. Japonés. Muchos años (como 200) porque es un yokai, un yosuzume, un pajarito, un bebé. Estoy segura que a él no le podré conseguir  n a d a  pero igual lo quiero presumir.
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Baek Jisoo. Coreano-americano. 26 años. Vive en Estados Unidos. Fotógrafo profesional que ama los paisajes y viaja mucho. Es otro bebé, amable, educado, buena persona, buen cocinero, mom friend. 
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Ueda Yuzuru. Japonés. 24 años. Bailarín de ballet desde que es pequeño, tiene los papeles protagónicos de las obras porque es uno de los principales. Le gusta mucho El Cascanueces (ah qué). También es un bebé, un poco despistado y no se da cuenta de nada, pero agradable persona coff. 
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Song Jae-won. Coreano. 23 años. Arquitecto (en proceso, porque aún estudia), escort (porque es pobre y debe pagarse la universidad). El más lindo, hermoso, bello, precioso, galante, educado, caballeroso, perfecto hombre en esta masterlist, pero obviamente no tengo favoritismos con personajes, no no no. Okay sí, ustedes lo saben, es mi  h i j i t o, mi rayo de luz, lo amo. Por favor, quiéranlo, es mejor de lo que aparenta, un verdadero bebé que siente mucho y le duele la vida :(  Les dejo un icon sensual para que lo noten, saben que quieren, sé que les gusta digo. 
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Moon Si-yong. Coreano. 24 años. Actor. Le encanta su trabajo, en serio, le apasionada como no tienen idea. Ama lo que hace y por ello lo hace muy bien. Cada personaje que interpreta tiene lo mejor de sí mismo, especialmente los de doramas porque adora las novelas. Es tierno, adorable, bellísimo, merece su amor.
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Kwon Min-jun. Coreano. 22 años. Veterinario (en proceso). Tiene dos trabajos a medio tiempo para pagar sus gastos, ayuda en un albergue de perritos porque a m a  a los animalitos. De paso, tiene como cien mascotas y todas están en perfectas condiciones (en especial su perrita, su princesa, el amor de su vida). Es un poco gruñón, no es tan confianzudo de buenas a primeras pero es un niño educado.  
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Jeon Hyung-sik. Coreano. 25 años. Diseñador de modas. Un caballero de pies a cabeza, un hombre de principios y morales, una  c o s i t a. Es muy perfeccionista con su trabajo, pasa noches en vela hasta obtener lo que quiere y cose todo por su cuenta de ser necesario. A veces se inspira y confecciona atuendos muy elegantes, delicados, etéreos. A veces se INSPIRA y todo lo que ven es extravagancia e impacto jeje.
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Hong Ha-joon. Coreano. 19 - 20 años (no sé). Pescador. Vive en un pueblito muy lejos de la capital, es un niño que nunca ha puesto pie en la gran ciudad, pero sueña con estudiar Biología Marina en cualquier lugar, no le importa. Solo ama demasiado el mar y desea estar ahí toda la vida, porque el océano es su razón de vivir uy. 
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Yoo Jong-il. Coreano. 22 años. Cantante y compositor de los barrios bajos. Ama la música con toda el alma, cada canción que escribe es especial para él. Le gustan las melodías suaves, el sonido de los instrumentos de cuerda, su guitarra y las baladas. Es un hombre sencillo, punto. 
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priticali · 3 years
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Smart Meals Day 18
Today is the 3rd day of the new batch of our 1200 calories (no breakfast and snack) and 1800 calories diet (plus extra protein for Hubby). For today's menu, we got the following:
Breakfast: Vigan Longganisa Hash with Garlic Rice Lunch: Garlicky Chicken and Liver Adobo with Veggies
Snack: Spanish Bread with Coffee and Stevia Dinner: Fish a la Pobre with Brown Rice Free: N/A
Lunch: C:39g P:18g F:14g 350 calories
Dinner: C:34g P:15g F:12g 300 calories
1800 LOW CALORIE Breakfast: C: 68g P: 30g F:23g 600 calories Lunch: C62g P:28g F:21g 550 calories Dinner: C:56g P:25g F:19g 500 calories Snack: C:17g P:8g F:6g 150 calories
*Please take note that these are approximate measurements only and may vary per meal. 
My Review:
Breakfast: 10/10
I expected oily little balls will be served for breakfast but this meal went above and beyond my expectations. I'm giving this a 10/10 for being a tasty and healthier version.
Lunch: 8/10
Both me and my fur baby are giving this meal an 8/10 because it's really satisfying and we want to eat more of this creamy chicken goodness. 
Snack: 1/10
As a Spanish bread enthusiast, I find this one totally disappointing. I wanted to be overwhelmed with the buttery taste but instead I was confronted with a dry excuse for a bread when I took my first bite. I'm sorry, but this is a 1/10 in my rating scale.
Dinner: 9/10
This is another fish dish that I will enjoy eating anytime. I love that they used milkfish for this dish instead the typical fish fillet used for most fish dishes. Since I'm a big fan of milkfish, I'm giving this a 9/10.
Powered by Journey Diary.
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multishipper-baby · 2 years
Este es un pensamiento muy pero muy triste, pero... Me preguntó si la edad avanzada y todo eso habrá llevado a qué Ray y Spring hayan perdido un embarazo o dos.
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n-x-n-s-t-x-p · 7 years
recomenda tumblrs?
@suicide-personality @yourqueensz @madkiller @domingo-sombrio @ninfeta-x @killmeangels @abcd-fuckk @ja-nao-doi @the-darkness-will-corrupt-you @angel53jupiter @thegirl-king @marcella335 @fragilegirll1 @lost-girl016 @aboutsuicidal @c-o-l-u-m-b-i-n-e @serial666killer @seriallier @suicide-and-you @suicidalnixi @suicidasvaoaoinferno @suicide-x-dreams @suicide-x-dreams @suicidainlov3 @suicideangel1990 @99s--boys @crystation @crises-existencial @decayr @sadboys-98 @sadxchrist @sadgirloficial @satan-loves-you-baby @satanchilld @satansaysfuckyou @ohsatan @god-killme @depressivamentefeliz @horrifying @higorh @foi-ferido @jogo-frio @depressed75 @depressionisforever123 @nem-sempre-fui-assim @neeithan @suicidal-sheep @club-of-sad-kids @d4rkempir3 @dark-star-in-the-darkness @darkangel65 @ravenousdemonx @m1n4-d0s-c0rt3s @o-u-t-of-m-i-n-d @pobre-infeliz-sem-alma @p-s-y-c-h-o-s-u-i-c-i-d-e @psicoticoferido @son-of-the-hell @sou-um-lixo @sorrymom-lol @sorri-doi  @kaly-kerol @world-class-fuck-up @sos-solitaria @suicidebirdd @great--man @grunge-a @mr-xanax @hell-angels @cheers-hell @just-another-o-n-e @onlysuicidal94 @gio-coro @garot4s4turno @homicidal--fairy @i-suicide-man @trauma-demon @trippyv0dka @diablito666 @killer-killer-kill @kurt--cocaine @4morte4mo @3prinz @666kill-u @65 @everywhereisdark @everybodyhurt @evilboy6666 @devilishspirit @killmebeforeiwillkillmyself @s-u-i-c-i-d-a-o-b-s-c-u-r-a @uma-panda-suicida @suicida75 @rosesuicida
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krisseve · 4 years
Desafio Das Décadas The Sims 2 - Anos 1950
Voltando com mais um período complicado... Por que tantas guerras?
1950 A Guerra Vermelha
·         Os filhos mais velhos (ambos os sexos) são enviados para a guerra.  Homens para lutar, mulheres para serem enfermeiras e cuidar dos feridos.
·         Eles devem ser adultos.
·         O homem pode “tentar ter um bebê” antes de ir servir na guerra.
·         Mesmo esquema das guerras anteriores.
·         Os sobreviventes devem entrar na carreira militar.
·         Sims podem se divorciar por qualquer razão, não apenas por adultério como era antigamente.
·         Adoção é permitida
·         O uso de biquinis tradicionais é permitido
·         Sims podem ter ilimitadas refeições cozidas no fogão.
·         Você pode ter uma babá (além de empregada, mordomo e jardineiro).
·         Essa foi a década dos Baby Boomers, ou seja, a época que teve muitos bebês nascendo, então é aconselhável ter famílias grandes.
Trabalho e Educação
·         Educação: Ensino fundamental e médio são obrigatórios.
·          Notas A, quanto melhor a nota, melhor o casamento. Exemplo: Um filho com nota C deve se casar com uma pessoa pobre. Um filho com nota A deve se casar com uma pessoa rica.
·         Trabalho: disponível para qualquer Sim:
o    Criminal
o    Medicina
o    Entretenimento
o    Jornalismo
o    Militar
o    Política
o    Científica
o    Segurança
o    Show Bussiness
o    Culinária
o    Artista
o    Policial
o    Esportiva
o    Direito
o    Educação
·         Trabalho de meio-período, disponível para qualquer Sim nas mesmas carreiras.
·         Mulheres devem sair do emprego quando engravidarem, estiverem com bebês e/ou crianças. Só podem voltar a trabalhar formalmente quando seus filhos mais jovens se tornarem adolescentes. Elas ainda podem trabalhar de maneira autônoma, mas seu foco é a criação dos filhos.
·          “Dia dos Veteranos” para contar histórias. Junte os sobreviventes da guerra que mais tem intimidade com seu sim e convide-os para um jantar.
·         Sims podem viver em apartamentos
·         Chuveiros são permitidos.
·         Pisos em carpete, estampado e tijolo é permitido.
·         Piscinas particulares são permitidas.
·         Aparelho de televisão é permitido, mas só as que são de tubo, mas seu uso é restrito de 6h da manhã até 21h da noite. Apenas canais de notícias e clássicos.
·         Todos os estilos de pintura são permitidos. Desenhos podem ser pendurados pela casa sem restrições.
·         Requerimento de ouvir rádio é removido.
·         Música pop é permitida.
·         A casa pode ser decorada com qualquer papel de parede.
·         Alarme de incêndio é permitido.
·         Playground é permitido.
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fridays13th · 7 years
songs to base your plots off of:
                             selena quintanilla version  ;
el chico del apartamento 512. // the guy from apartment 512.
( y camino a mi cuarto muy lentamente, con la esperanza de verlo. y cuando sale a caminar me saluda con una sonrisa, que de veras me conquista ) MUSE A and MUSE B live in the same apartment complex. MUSE A usually attracts the attention of every other guy in the complex but her eyes are always on MUSE B— the hot guy who lives in apartment 512. MUSE A usually writes about how MUSE B smiles or interacts with her in a diary. one day MUSE A musters up the courage to talk to MUSE B only to have another female answer the door. this leads MUSE A to believe MUSE B is in a relationship until MUSE A finds out that the female that opened MUSE B’s door is MUSE B’s sister. and so things continue until MUSE A finally declares their crush to MUSE B.
 si una vez. // if i once.
( si una vez dije que te amaba no lo vuelvo a hacer— ese error es cosa de ayer ) MUSE A and MUSE B were in a toxic relationship, one where MUSE A was head over heels in love with MUSE B but MUSE B never actually felt the same. MUSE B would just show enough interest and affection towards MUSE A to keep them happy. until one day MUSE A realized how better of they were without MUSE B, leading to a messy break up. ‘ if i once told you that i love you, i now regret it. ’
la carcacha. // the jalopy.
( aunque sea pobre y tenga un carro viejo, me saca como reina — un hombre de verdad ) MUSE A and MUSE B have been dating for a while, they’re the embodiment of relationship goals. however, MUSE B is not rich at all and MUSE A is. their financial statuses have never been a problem for them but it does have everyone else talking. MUSE A doesn’t care that MUSE B has an old, raggedy car because MUSE B treats MUSE A right. this leads to MUSE B going to a lot of fancy events and not knowing what to do and MUSE A whispering words of encouragement to them the entire time.
no debes jugar. // you shouldn’t play.
( se te hace fácil con mi amor siempre jugar pero muy pronto, yo te pongo en tu lugar ) MUSE A has had enough of MUSE B treating them like they’re just someone to mess around with so MUSE A begins to do the same. they flirt with others and do things that they know MUSE B doesn’t like. ultimately, MUSE A is giving MUSE B a taste of their own medicine.
la llamada. // the call.
( no me vuelves a llamar, no te voy a perdonar, otra oportunidad — no te la doy no vales la pena ) MUSE A catches MUSE B cheating, which leads to them breaking up. however, MUSE B won’t stop calling MUSE A and it turns into constant arguing and MUSE A cussing MUSE B out every time the phone rings.
amor prohibido. // forbidden love.
( amor prohibido nos dice todo el mundo, el dinero no importa en ti y en mí, ni en el corazón oh, oh baby ) MUSE A and MUSE B have been dating in secrecy for a while, neither of their families or friends approving of their relationship for x reason. but the couple is so happy together that they hardly ever let the rumors and gossip about them get to them. but when things do get intense, MUSE A and MUSE B do get into some pretty nasty arguments.
como la flor. // like the flower.
( si en mi no encontraste felicidad, tal vez alguien más te la dará ) MUSE A and MUSE B have been in an on again and off again relationship for a long time. their relationship has never been stable because of the lack of affection that they both don’t share. after their last breakup, MUSE B moved on and began dating MUSE C ( npc ) which sparked MUSE A’s jealousy and feelings towards MUSE B. now, MUSE A is trying to get back with MUSE B, even though MUSE B is in a relationship with MUSE A.
no me queda mas. // i have no more.
( no me queda más que perderme en un abismo de tristeza y lágrimas ) much like the como la flor plot, MUSE A falls into immense sadness after their breakup with MUSE B— not realizing how much they loved MUSE B until they see that MUSE B has moved on to MUSE C. however, MUSE B sees how much pain MUSE A is in and the feelings come rushing back but MUSE B in a tough spot because they’re in a committed relationship with MUSE C.
bidi bidi bom bom.
( cada vez, cada vez que lo veo pasar... mi corazón se enloquece y me empieza a palpitar ) MUSE A is madly in love with MUSE B but MUSE B is completely clueless. even when MUSE A fling themselves at MUSE B, they’re still so oblivious to it all. this means so it’s up to MUSE A to do as much as they can to catch MUSE B’s interest.
i could fall in love.
( so i should keep this to myself and never let you know i could fall in love with you ) unrequited love between MUSE A and MUSE B. MUSE A is a dreamer, head always in the clouds as they have always wanted things they could not have. MUSE B on the other hand is a realist, accepting a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly. after meeting MUSE B, MUSE A falls in love at first sight— intrigued by the way MUSE B handles themselves. but MUSE A is too shy to ever act on her feelings, so they write a book about being in love with MUSE B. bonus points if MUSE B reads the book and finds out it’s about them.
is it the beat?
( i believe, that love doesn't come when you plan. here i am—  caught up in these feelings i don't understand ) MUSE A and MUSE B know each other through mutual friends. every time there’s some sort of get together or party, you can always catch the two there. over time, they start to develop feelings for one another but the gag is that they’ve never told each other their names or any type of personal information because they don’t want to get into a serious relationship. the only time MUSE A and MUSE B see each other is at social events but never outside of the party scene.
dreaming of you.
( and there's nowhere in the world i'd rather be than here in my room dreaming about you and me ) a cute, fluffy plot about MUSE A and MUSE B being so madly in love with each other that they’re always doing intimate couple things. cuddling, napping, passionate kisses and what not. 
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ESTRENOS DE LA SEMANA del 13 al 19 de julio de 2017.
Por Luis Miguel Romero TWITTER: @LuisMiguelR01
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*PAÍS: Estados Unidos *GÉNERO: Drama *CLASIFICACIÓN: B *DIRECTOR: Marc Webb *ELENCO: Chris Evans, McKenna Grace, Octavia Spencer, Lindsay Duncan
Frank es un hombre soltero que crió a su talentosa sobrina Mary en una ciudad costera de Florida. Frank quiere para Mary una vida normal, pero las habilidades matemáticas de la niña llaman la atención de la madre de Frank, Evelyn, cuyos planes amenazan con separar a Frank y a Mary. Roberta, la casera y mejor amiga de Frank y Mary, junto con Bonnie, la maestra de la niña, serán de ayuda crucial en la conexión de Mary y su tío. Aunque la película no alcanza a ser una obra maestra, tiene momentos destacados que la hacen rescatable. Sin duda, una de las mejores actuaciones de Evans, aunque en pantalla se ve opacado por la gran actuación de la niña McKenna Grace.
*ESTRENO: 14 de julio *CALIFICACIÓN: Buena
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*PAÍS: Estados Unidos / Australia *GÉNERO: Suspenso *CLASIFICACIÓN: C *DIRECTOR: Paul Currie *ELENCO: Michiel Huisman, Teresa Palmer, Sam Reid
Dylan, un controlador de tráfico aéreo de Nueva York, se encuentra a la cabeza de su equipo hasta que un día, a las 2:22 pm, una luz cegadora lo paraliza por unos instantes cruciales mientras dos aviones a penas logran evitar una colisión. Dylan es suspendido, pero este evento lo lleva a conocer a Sarah, una mujer con la que su vida parece estar entrelazada desde hace mucho tiempo atrás. Un patrón misterioso se repite a la antes mencionada hora,  todos los días sin explicación aparente... Aunque la película parece tener una muy buena intención, lo cierto es que la idea no logra cuajar. Aunque visualmente es llamativa, el argumento resulta pobre y resulta ser pretenciosa e incluso aburrida en algunos momentos. En el género del terror ya casi todas las posibilidades se han explorado. Un buen thriller de suspenso necesita estar basado en una idea muy brillante, un guión sólido o brillantes actuaciones. Esta cinta carece por completo de estos elementos.
*ESTRENO: 14 de julio *CALIFICACIÓN: Regular
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Wish Upon
*PAÍS: Estados Unidos *GÉNERO: Terror *CLASIFICACIÓN: C *DIRECTOR: John R. Leonetti *ELENCO: Joey King, Ryan Phillippe, Ki Hong Lee
Después de que su padre le regala una misteriosa caja musical, Clare Shannon se sorprende al descubrir que dicho artefacto le permite que cada deseo que se le haga realidad. Su alegría se transforma lentamente en terror cuando comienza a darse cuenta del precio sangriento de cada nuevo deseo. La película es dirigida por John R. Leonetti, responsable del éxito taquillero “Annabelle” (2014). Guarda ciertas semejanzas en cuanto a la manufactura con la ya mencionada cinta de horror. La película cumple con su cometido de causar varios brincos y sobresaltos entre los espectadores. Nada más a destacar de una cinta de horror que nos muestra lo que ya se ha plasmado hasta el cansancio.
*ESTRENO: 14 de julio *CALIFICACIÓN: Regular
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OUTLANDER (Temporada 2)
*PAÍS: Estados Unidos / Reino Unido *GÉNERO: Drama *CLASIFICACIÓN: B *ELENCO: Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, Tobías Menzies
La serie sigue  la vida de Claire Beauchamp, una enfermera del siglo XX que misteriosamente es llevada a través del tiempo hasta 1743, donde se encuentra en un mundo desconocido. Cuando Claire conoce a Jamie Fraser, un joven guerrero escocés, caballeroso y romántico, decide casarse con el para salvarse. Claire empieza a enamorarse de él y se ve atrapada entre dos hombres muy diferentes en dos vidas distintas. En esta nueva temporada Claire, Jamie y Murtagh viajan a París, Francia en un intento por evitar los levantamientos jacobitas deteniendo los fondos que el rey Luis XV está dando al pretendiente al trono británico, el príncipe Carlos Eduardo Estuardo. Ganadora de numerosos premios, esta serie de fantasía histórica ha causado furor entre los televidentes por su ágil mezcla de drama, historia, acción y fantasía. La ambientación y valores de producción son excelentes.
*ESTRENO: 15 de julio *CALIFICACIÓN: Muy buena
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*PAÍS: Estados Unidos *GÉNERO: Drama *CLASIFICACIÓN: B *DIRECTOR: Clint Eastwood *ELENCO: Hillary Swank, Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman
Maggie Fitzgerald es una mesera de 31 años de edad. Diariamente Maggie acude a un gimnasio propiedad de Frankie Dunn a entrenarse en el box. A base de mucho esfuerzo, Maggie consigue que Frankie acepte entrenarla. La relación entre Maggie y Frankie va estrechándose conforme entrenan, formándose un vínculo realmente de amistad muy sólido entre ellos. A base de diversas situaciones, Maggie consigue convertirse en una gran figura y campeona del mundo del pugilismo femenil. Al equipo también se suma Eddie Dupris, un ex boxeador que se convierte en el guía de Maggie. Por desgracia, el destino le juega una jugarreta a Maggie. En una desafortunada e injusta pelea, Maggie sufre una severa lesión en la columna. En ese momento tan determinante su relación con Frankie se vuelve más estrecha. Diversos factores desencadenaran en un final triste, pero con un gran mensaje sobre el valor de la amistad y de la familia. Ganadora de cuatro Premios Oscar de La Academia, incluyendo Mejor Película, Mejor Director, Mejor Actriz y Mejor Actor de Reparto. La cinta despertó cierta polémica e interés en los Estados Unidos sobre el tema de la eutanasia. Es una verdadera joya que no puede faltar en tu lista de películas.
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tortuga-314 · 7 years
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Ayer esterilizamos a mi perrita Uhura y ahora es un megáfono :c Mi pobre bebé 3 ——- We got my puppy Uhura sterilized and now she looks like a megaphone :c My poor baby 3
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vanitas-custodes · 7 years
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Kingdom Hearts cast having fun after working on KH3, Riku ultimately faints due to the endless waiting for his KH3 new design. (Poor baby :’c).
R.I.P Riku...
El cast de Kingdom Hearts teniendo algo de diversión después de trabajar en el KH3, Riku finalmente cae debido a la eterna espera por su nuevo diseño. (Pobre bebe :’c)
Q.D.E.P Riku
キングダム ハーツキャストがKH3仕事が終わり後で楽しいじかんお楽しむ、 陸わ新しいデザインを待っている間最終的に気絶、 かわいそうに(。•́︿•̀。)。
R.I.P 陸
Original Sketch by @my-universe-is-crazy Inking (Lineart Inking) by @nekomakino-artblog
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alaruine · 7 years
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wallpaper cute animals Gif
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mohdamer392Awee so cute ❤😘
mskittyprydeNgomong @risangnb
sulmatapiaKe lindo y tierno
bryce_skokCan we get one ? @lexlykrumbs
irina_edithAmazing cat😻😻😻😻😻
_curiousgeorge14@_liligonzalez es como mauro hablando al oido
danaschurerOmg @yaikaschurer deze is ook scheeeeel😍😍😍
devhardyywe need it @zelbell31 @lucia.danielle
zilcostarQue Linda!! !🐱
cora_ragdollPretty gorgeous ❤️
weirdacka@anetabrtisova vraj real talk..to ešte nepočuli petru
mahendraphrp04Maaan, love that 😻
jenna_yakko@domitille_wakko On dirait qu'il comprend pas et qu'il dit "hein?!" 😂
amandfc_@pvgbernardes vc aguenta???
lukickristianaa@gjes_ikaa omg 😍
mrscarolinebarone@connormcduffie you should get this cat
ochareginaUdah tutul tutul kek macam, taunya suaranya kalem... @deviputrianafi
jenny_mathers_Aaaaahwwww @swdcre
josefinaburgAsí maquillan Nina Kitty y Sofi @lulafelli @lcharly7
yoshi.and.kawaCongrats! @angelbengal 💛💙💛💙🥂🥂
[email protected] you when you're angry
marthehstensby@tombarryy så søt😍😍❤️
wishiwaThis is just like kisses @a_finesse12
maryyy920@mire_1021 want
sikandersukhera@Khadija sukhera
lennonandyoshibeanTHE WAR CRY OF CATS meow mew acccckkk
ruizberganzoAyyyy que chulitooo o chulitaaa
connormcduffie@mrscarolinebarone i think these are more expensive than the one i want
jessica.wiley_@anna_marieeee 😭😭
tombarryy@marthehstensby 😍❤❤
yp_89Ei que ei que @nieperdomo
michaelayork@closecallstudio OMG SOUND ON
lianabrigiola6171Cosa vuoi bel micione?
toriiiileigh@britt_vann LISTEN 😭
luketryhardetWhat a snake.
taberstarnes@_emmastarnes Clyde
monicaseysQ mondiii jopetas❤❤❤ @inesreinosoo
mcneillbeforeme@qiushibeanz dat meow and expression doe 👀😸😻
anetabrtisova@weirdacka kks sak ledva otvára usta🙄
cassou_xoxAwwww @its_justkate
chayceface@datwhitedude I can't wait to o get our kitty back
chloebaird@lillllliannn sounds like a wuners
y.a.n.o.ch.kaI love cat's ♥♡♥
clarisamsaad@gabi_lopezdebon ❤️ regálame unitoooo aunque sea los que andan por los techos
saffaazahramiw bisa ga diajak ngomong gini @firmansyahazhali
brittanyanne23😍😍 @spicnspan6515
shelby_limpertSo adorable omg 😍
johnsondj.massey7Gorgeous kitty
ho_opty@yen1301 cuando te echan un cuento y tú quedas WTF
2ndamendmentnurse@purpmalii its a tooty winer
kelskat315@derekschultz4 😼
tlmcdonalAlmost inaudible! 😸😻
cmotttaMinha delícia de Révstrécks @bidifelipe
dragonfly3637Such a cute squeak! She sounds like my little Athena.
warrlinbo_linda_warrGorgeous ❤️❤️🐾🐾🐾
muskioliveira@anaterra_the hauahauahauaha
leahmaria12Awwwww so cute!! @bleecl
mykaylakatlynne@dj_englot want to drop a grand for me?
mojifoldWoohooo @angelbengal yeah!! Grats baby! 💙💛🥂
azrinihamidWhat a sweetheart
_prxya__Babybaby 😭💗💗
carmencar89Habla!! @adrimoncada @leja_marquez
embibems@beckig13 sounds just like bee!
[email protected] I didn't have the sound on at first so I'm like "wow that Bengal looks mean" then I put the sound on and it reminds me of yours! 😍😍😍so cute
bmiranda82How cute!!
dca1216Jajajaja que tal como maulla 😂😂😂 @yeraldinvasquez13
roxxanneandhervan@karlynoelle96 sound 🔊 on!
mmejv@heureusecelia this was you yesterday.
kylie_mccarthy19@_genserrano this is how bean meows like a bengal
morgan.witte@sherrielwitte sounds like gidget
bren.vs@kellyvalerios uuucccc
vwjouOmfg the cutest meekest meow @magicalfoxtime
2oiee@onebadse_r ❤️
onebadse_rAww baby @2oiee
lexlykrumbsOMG yes! @bryce_skok
kinkykontrol@vegaprisca 💕💕💕
tugcenurirmakHow i feel rn
clarissatiaraSoo kiyutt @khadijahmrs_ @sitiiirobiahh
_jackwhiting@kk_vtie turn ur volume up!!
domitille_wakko@jenna_yakko Trop ! 😂
joeymeadkingfangirlSO CUTE!!! 😭😭😭😭
toommyyyyyyyyyyy@calicarrasco quiero un gato asiiii :c
[email protected] miadinho 😻
unbeatable.bitch_hale.eyi@straycatrenate İni yg kemarin qt Cari2, tampang serem suaranya uhuk... Cc @ivrisefer
eainiguez@bgoswick 😻😻😻
jlurvesSounds like Chester! @lomo.__
duckieduckie1Not much effort there kitty !! Say it like you MEAN it
zifiaaa@amjadzbaig Nina
yeraldinvasquez13Ojalá Emilio maullara así pero es más bulloso @dca1216
effyrobinson2016Oh what a baby!!!! So cute
madisonpambrun@alexandrac____ @shayynna OMG
mademoiselle.matea@suesark vaa nasha da ne e
bivo_2120Cosa bellaaa
astrid_____yeste57😂😂😂pobre cat 😂😂
yancathais@juliomontoya12 olha que lindo
patty9337I love when they talk to you!!
dca1216@yeraldinvasquez13 jaja me encanta como maulla este jaja como que arrulla
chrisarbour@lezettemariee luna is definitely related
dannordisk@edoassuncao 😻
estelleblogmodeso funny ! My cats are also talking cats !!!
omaira_montenegro@yo_soy_colombiaboy 😻🙈
ataanayaЧто ж ты мявчешь? ❤😻❤😍😍😍
mikusmeets@kat_kit_s with sound
zeyneptuncer91@sinemtuncerr sese bak hahahaha 😂
lehilvaMira amor @frangonzalez488
ladanmart😍 😻 ❤
k3nchai@adam_hulse22 listen to his little squeaks omg. Also his eyes are the best
tassiopuertes@saraamalta olha essa caminha
fabiogaracisiHahahah esse não sabe miar que nem o Chai e a Capi @alvesrmaisa
k_gr2015THIS IS SO CUTE!!! There are other cool things for kitty lovers at http://ift.tt/2sth05h
pinkbulbasaurGorgeous 😍😍
denboerheatherI need @natalie_cat_denboer
mazz1234555Ahhh it's little mow 😍😂
adam_hulse22@k3nchai that's so adorable
foreveralways91616Beautiful cat, lovely eyes ♡♡
dammero@dante_steel the last one was like "huh"
pets.wowWhat a cutie
aurorapurrLove this little cutie! 😽💞
jlynnthomasToooo cute!! And hello to you, too, sweet baby!!! 💕😊🙋🏻😻😻
tiffani_santagati@megant_ok @mackmessmer @key_r_a @stassshhhh @amanda_lea_b
joanareis__Own mamain @luana_gcardoso
jennamosley._@sblack98 squeaky my boi
prettyisigoingOze? @kimi_chu1
clovalleMe encanta! @cval81
glsnturcanKuzum niye miyavlıyorsun
[email protected] you need to get figo on here
emma.amme2004Omg that is so adorable and cute!
[email protected] 😍😍😍😍
cval81Jejejej @clovalle 🤗
serifeeek@efiltimehmet tipe bak ya ahdjsg
maikepaupitzSo adorable ...😍😍
moochtnBeautiful! Those eyes!
maryamjavedaniجانان رو ندیدن، بچه ام سخنرانی میکنه @ol.dooz @sepidar.niroomand @mahnaz_thecatwhisperer
robinwithout_thehood@sofialani daily meow
crazyhulusiÇok yakışıklıyım
crazyhulusiDişi kediler ekle
ol.dooz@maryamjavedani عزیزم. سرشم میبره عقب میگه هاع? جانان که منو توبیخ کرد رسما دیروز
tktktktako@martin_cerny99 هاي هيج يجوك اتباع الكاز بالنار
frangonzalez488Guau, parece un leopardo @lehilva
goldhasanЛюбит поговорить красавица
mich.trbl@katiekittyc that's mean
chantal_crd😄😄😄😄trop belle et ce regard craquant
riezkyadiridh@wuriazizah nyautin wkwkwk
demirrcinarrMaşallah kurban olurum sana çok güzel yaratmış rabbim seni
pvgbernardes@amandfc_ aguento nauuuummmm 😍
cats_lover.clubWow! Love it!
kendrawritesWhat a little beauty 😍
mmaandy625Fierce looking cat; little voice
claudialente_arteemarames@rokobrasil veja isso
dolly_punjabi@eudaimonicsoul olle baba <3
kawouthouMON BÉBÉÉÉÉ ❤️❤️
fabissss_@_paololescaa sei tu🐱
j_lawrence134@bassarita 😍
magicalfoxtime@vwjou IT'S ENTIRELY TOO SMOL
havajska_kosulja_@milica_radulovic hehe luce
carell.riBefore I turn the sound on, I was expecting another voice 😂
carell.riAdorable 😍
purrminatorsLove the cute meows
jgulda@soplin 😍😍😍
lethemburn@maquiestevez CON SONIDO
valekestel@melikestel domingo y vos tipo
patrickcatsonCongratulations @angel_bengal!! 💕💕💕
milica_radulovic@havajska_kosulja_ jebo je sinter... devil!😼
maquiestevez@lethemburn Lo amo yaaa. Es re bizcochii jajajaka
karimerodriguesParece uma cobrinha @maracimarta 😂😂😂😂
lilianewolfSo cute!!
arsndybrianJeenn @rkwdn
and_ro_ssaaSo cute ❄️❄️💕
missmalorie@punkinschmunkin do you speak kitteh?
hostile_86@samyanch @walterleznyak
notandreasfinstaI am shook, literally the most beautiful kitty ever
dianaatsTeach me how to speak cats @angelbengal
faty_angel1I'm in Love
veraveizovicThe meow. Plz . @ajsastulanovic
margaretamoi😍😍😍😍😍 @annarosekay
gem.girlieAdorbs! ♡
pami_rodriguezHahaha 😂😂😂😍💗
r_oosa@kristaannn_ tollasia ääniä romeo päästää pihalla
fullyxxxflared@hannahbanana292 @dorianndee
billnyethereallysmartpersonNoooooo lol
tarapashaКак дела? Привет? ))
billnyethereallysmartperson@cec._.il k
angel_mia555@lupitaa_1 😹😹😹
zahrahsed@erinkemper that sound what not what I expected 😂😍
raachel_ro@fcastiglionee 😻
martin_cerny99@tktktktako باوع يدري بنفسه
dianewarriorCute I love cats
bassaritaWhy do u tag me in cat stuff. I hate cats @j_lawrence134
hayleyreayRemind you of any bambino
hayleyreayRemind you of any bambinos @misslmcwhir? 😂
jennaleksandraw@tteemukoljonen 🙈
solmaryhs😻❤️ @ezlopez79
anh_cloud9@lovetru_ get for me
123asild@_jacquelyn @andrea_rudan
angelbengal@cats_of_instagram thank you for the feature 🤗💖💖
isgrett@brigittbo @giovannagonz14 @giulianagonz
don_thedragon😅😊😸🕪 @cheearae @skeeter_wyldstyle @andielynn12 @tigstermama @ledoux1959
nicolexpatro@juliaapanico @nicoopanicoo ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy. @nicoleedossantos
_leechathee2nd@mc_cruhsee how I'm waiting on the couch for u to come homeeeee😍❤️
barbsyevoli1011Carol Burnettes Eunice Cat! The eyes look like that skit!
[email protected] the cutest chirp 😍
linmacmillanThe sweetest little voice😍😍😍
su.scorsiHahahahahaha sweeeeet
carolinabqueiroz@thiago_siqueira1 kkk😍
clauds.swinehartThis cat is so pretttyyyy😍 @teresa_s19
its.blayne_24She looks so fierce 🐱
danidani4fanniMy kitty makes the same sounds
ranadababneh@fadidababnehofficial ramseeesss
caralynn_lucilleChirping!! Like buggy @s3collins
jalisebower@damalosky @maggingham @emilkad
fadidababnehofficial@ranadababneh hahahahahahhahahahah 3al akher
_jacquelyn😻😻😻 @123asild @andrea_rudan
scover21@gingieging look at this cutie
amybenyaminSounds like my cat's voice
sexylexi0404Just like my Sarah
serinabyrd@h_jeffords15 😍😍😍
bree0114This cat looks like a snake 😮
bren.vs@kellyvalerios uuucccc
h_jeffords15😐 @serinabyrd You fixing to get blocked
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