Honestly I'm still shocked they didn't remold Power of the Primes Orion Pax/ Optimus Prime into Ginrai/Powermaster OP. The Orion Pax part already has the PM OP cab's transformation scheme, and combines with the trailer to make a bigger Optimus Prime. It is an ideal base for a modern Ginrai remold. (Assuming a 100% new mold isn't in the budget, of course.)
it is kinda funny that right after titans return pmop they made a leader-class prime whose trailer turned into a big battle suit for the cab to form the upper torso and head of. i think it is different enough though that i wouldn't want to see them attempt a remold into ginrai; but that fundamental basis being possible in leader class is very... 🤔
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frankenwolf1564 · 1 month
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Just a simple photo shoot this week. I'm not going to review a figure unless I have a lot to say about it, which I (sadly) don't here. Don't get me wrong, I think this is one of the coolest Transformers toys ever made, but I do not have much to actually say about 1988's Powermaster Optimus Prime. Other than that I think it's really, really cool, of course. Most of why I like this guy so much lies in sheer presence and form factor. It's also why I don't like most of the modern updates. I know Fanshobby Powerbaser is a Thing™️, but he's not chunky enough.
Also, the fancy shmancy reproduction labels are courtesy of Toyhax. Because PMOP just isn't himself without a pair of shiny blue tits. Which my copy lacked when I first got him.
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Honduras: sequestrate armi pesanti in un carcere
(ANSA-AFP) – HONDURAS, 28 GIU – Fucili, mitra, 52 pistole e circa 4.000 proiettili sono stati trovati durante una perquisizione nelle celle di un carcere di massima sicurezza in Honduras che ospita membri di una banda.    La Polizia Militare di Ordine Pubblico (PMOP) ha spiegato, attraverso il suo portavoce, José Coello, che solo nel penitenziario di Támara sono stati sequestrati quattro…
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frenchbulletin · 2 years
Honduras : des gangs expulsent des habitants, la police intervient
Honduras : des gangs expulsent des habitants, la police intervient
Plus de 200 policiers ont été déployés mercredi dans un quartier pauvre de l’est de la capitale hondurienne, où des membres des “maras”, les gangs qui sévissent à Tegucigalpa, ont chassé les habitants en les menaçant de prendre leurs maisons, ont annoncé les autorités. Fusils d’assaut à la main, des membres de la Gendarmerie (PMOP) ont patrouillé hier en véhicules 4×4 dans le quartier de Colonia…
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palaciosworks · 5 years
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honduras-kin · 3 years
As the Honduras elections are happening very soon I would like to remind everyone what happened in our last ones.
“In Honduras, the marketing team for conservative President Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH) “openly admitted” to operating hundreds of fake accounts supportive of him. Despite this, it took Zhang over a year to have the profiles removed, only for them to reemerge “within two weeks”; she adds that “the activity is still live and well.” JOH won Honduras’ 2017 elections by a narrow margin, but widespread allegations of electoral fraud led to protests which were met by state violence that resulted in dozens of killings, as well as a ten-day national curfew. In the brief period following this election, research found that a majority of Tweets which tagged JOH were sent from TweetDeck, a type of software used to send Tweets automatically. Despite domestic and international calls for a new election due to the statistical impossibility of the results and clear evidence of manipulation, the US government recognized JOH – a Trump ally – as Honduras’ legitimate leader and pressured other conservative allies in the region to follow suit. He has since been implicated by US prosecutors in drug trafficking activities.”
“The US government recognized JOH – a Trump ally – as Honduras’ legitimate leader” this is what you need to remember, the US government made this, and yet when Honduran people try to find aid, the same damn country that helped put us in this situation refuses to help us.
““Christmas no longer exists for us: not this year, not any year,” said Ramos as he leafed through freshly printed pictures of his oldest son. José Ramos, 22, was killed by military police officers last month, at a protest over alleged fraud in the country’s presidential election.
The contested results triggered the country’s worst political crisis in a decade and have led to the deaths of at least 30 people, according to the Committee for the Families of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (Cofadeh), a human rights group. Most of the victims were opponents of President Juan Orlando Hernández, who they say rigged the vote to beat the opposition candidate, Salvador Nasralla.
According to Cofadeh, at least 21 people were killed by the military police, (PMOP), which was originally created to lead the government’s crackdown on violent street gangs.
Relatives of the dead say they fear that there will be no justice over post-election violence: some say they have been threatened by troops; others point out that human rights prosecutions involving security forces are overseen by the same taskforce that helps coordinate PMOP operations.”
This happened nearly 4 years ago and these families still don't have justice for their loss. I could not even find an actual count on how many people were killed or their names.
It doesn't matter who wins, there is going to be a disaster and we all know it
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Allanamientos en Catacamas #Noticiascatacamas #Locales #Catacamas #Policia Durante inspección canina en allanamiento realizado en el Barrio Santa Cruz,Catacamas Olancho, binomios del Primer Batallón Canino de la #PMOP encontraron 109 puntas de supuesta cocaína, y un revólver calibre 22. Estos allanamientos se llevan a cabo PMOP en apoyo a la @DLCNHN. https://www.instagram.com/p/B2otoNjlsKA/?igshid=lq7pw5m9mgk7
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tropcoolmarentree · 3 years
Pour le cours de PMOP du jeudi 9 septembre ou du 23 septembre. Avec G. LE GUILLERM.
Ne rien acheter d’onéreux pour ce premier cours. Venir avec ce que vous avez dans votre trousse ou acheter du matériel très économique (achat en supermarché). Nous ferons le point sur le matériel à acquérir (pour l’année) en début de séance.
Pour la séance de jeudi,
avoir impérativement :
des outils de dessins (minimum de 8 outils, plus vous avez de crayons mieux ce sera…) : des crayons noirs et des crayons de couleurs. Pour ces 2 types de crayons, il faut avoir des mines fines et des mines larges : des contrastes forts si possible (mines de qq mm > à mines de qq cm), si vous avez des stylos brush ou des stylos-pinceaux avec réservoir… apportez-les (sinon n’achetez pas pour l'instant).
des ciseaux, un cutter éventuellement…
Si possible : du papier A3 pour dessiner (110 à 140 grammes). C’est plus sympa que le papier machine. Vous pouvez acheter un paquet de quelques centaines de feuilles à plusieurs > : c'est super économique (bonnes affaires chez le géant des beaux-arts ou Rougier et Plé en ce moment)
Exemples d’outils qui sont attendus :
Tous les outils qui permettent de dessiner rapidement sans séchage ou fixation. (Ne pas venir avec de l’encre, de la peinture ou du fusain…)
des crayons feutres de couleurs (genre pour dessins pour écoliers - un paquet de 10 feutres coûte quelques euros en supermarché en cette rentrée des classes - regardez les mines, prenez des fines et des larges, plutôt des mines biseautées…).
des crayons de couleurs en bois…
bic, stylos feutres, stylos à bille, stylos “pilot”, stylos “gel”, markers, markers fluos larges… (ce que vous avez dans votre trousse de lycéen).
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alcomics · 7 years
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Primitive Skateboarding and Hasbro for an Optimus Prime Crossover, PM OP with Shreddicus Maximus on ramp! Available At booth #3329 At SDCC, and Hasbro site in limited copies
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airmanisr · 5 years
Desfile Escola de Samba Império do Morro Santana - 6° lugar 2020 by Prefeitura de Ouro Preto Via Flickr: Foto: Ane Souz/PMOP
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Was curious if G1 PMOP’s guns could still be held by modern transformers. The answer was pretty satisfying
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thepmojoe · 5 years
E32 - PMOps with Kim Curtis and Echo Woolf
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speedfreak01 · 6 years
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here’s a sequel piece to the apelinq->primal prime digibash i did a while back for @die4prime, it’s titans return sentinel maximus!
here’s a bonus version using the vanilla pmop mold too
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(if you enjoy the work i do it would be great if you could commission me or buy me a coffee to help me get to tfnation 2018!)
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wemblingfool · 7 years
Transformers: Robots in Disguise Season 2- Rise of the Headmasters
Optimus Prime has taken Galvatron, the Decepticons, and the Predacons back for trial and prison back on Cybertron.
Upon being found guilty, their heads were removed, converted to minicons, and their bodies permanently disposed of.
Cryotek has other plans though. After time, he and his band break Megatron and his crew out of prison, and escape in a transwarp slipstream to Quintessa.
There, using technology stolen from Fortress Maximus, they construct new transtector bodies for Megatron and Scourge, and from there they plot their return to earth, and revenge on the Autobots.
As a reward for their loyalty in the previous conflict, Megatron decides to keep the predacon and combatrons around, but declares they must earn their worth to earn a new body.
Meanwhile on Earth, the Autobots have set up an embassy, and have also reverse engineered Fortress Maximus’ headmaster technology, finding that humans are more open to interacting with the autobots when the two races are the same size.
Fiercely unhappy with his new diplomatic mission, Ultra Magnus and his new Maximals would rather patrol the city, and find adventure.
Megatron- Sixshot, new TM face and helmet
Dreadwind- Shadow/Lord
Cryotek- Twinferno, Galvatron’s TM
Jhiaxus- Triggerhappy, new face
Obsidian- Highbrow
Scourge- Laser Optimus
Bludgeon- Megatron
Titanmasters (new faces where needed):
Slapper- Repugnus
Gas Skunk- Fangry
Dark Scream- Ptero
Mega-Octane- Shuffler
Rollbar- Brawn
Armorhide- Ramhorn
Movor- Terri-Bull
Ro-Tor- Nightbeat
Ultra Magnus- PMOP Cab mashed with CW Ultra Magnus trailer, new helmet and TM faceplate
Emirate Xaaron- Perceptor (earth’s ambassador)
Storm Jet- Topspin
T-AI 2.0- Windblade, new face
Leo Primal- Alpha Trion, Universe Leo Prime colors, new face
Soundwave- Mindwipe, in mutant Soundwave colors
Wolfang- Wolfwire, in Robot Masters Volfang colors
Albitron- Skullsmasher in white.
Cybertron mode:
Sideburn- Hotrod, new face
Prowl- Chromedome, new face, new chest
X-Brawn- Kup, new face, new arms
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