pmfccomic · 2 years
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A bonechilling throwback
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mizulabs · 1 year
Kangkong PMFC Day #01
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I finally transferred three of the kangkong plants I grew over the summer into a Plant Microbial Fuel Cell setup with carbon fiber as the electrode material. One sheet of carbon fiber was put right above the plants' roots under the soil, while the other was just put on top (as seen in the image).
I didn't expect there to be any voltage reading today, so this was a nice surprise. The readings were as follows:
@ 05/28, 08:06
High: 2.5 mV
Low: 0.6 mV
I'm glad there's that at least a little bit of energy was generated! Sure, it isn't even close to being enough for actual use, but the fact that this thing actually works is mind-blowing to me. For this research, as long as something happens (even if small), we'll be okay.
Log 13:32
I tried measuring the voltage of the PMFC again to compare how the time of day affects power output.
@ 05/25, 13:20
High: 2.7 mV
Low: 1.9 mV
I also tried experimenting with different measuring configurations (specifically, locations where the red/black probes of the multimeter are situated) which will be listed below:
Red directly on the top carbon fiber, black as usual — reading was relatively the same
Red direct, black on soil of original pot — ~50-80 mV (+)
Red direct, black on soil without plants — no reading
Red direct, black direct (inserted in the side hole) — slightly higher readings; ~3-4 mV
Red direct, black on soil of PMFC pot — same as previous bullet
Red anywhere else, black as usual — negative readings of varying magnitude (proportion is the same as aforementioned, just in the negatives)
Red and black swap places — negative reading
I just thought these were worth noting, particularly the increase of mV when the black pin was on the soil of the original pot. I don't know if it was sorta connected in series or something, but clearly it isn't just soil since the soil without plants didn't create any readings.
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whereamericashops · 1 year
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27 Latest Gadgets You Can Buy On Amazon And Aliexpress 2023
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cocobeanzies · 1 year
Avatar of Wrath + Ocean Obyn 🌧️
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Experimental merge where the dominant emotion of AoW isn't anger. My PMFC + Energizer merge yesterday was way too depressing, so I wanted to convey the feeling of sadness in a more visual way, rather than conceptual.
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szabadpecsofficial · 3 years
Természetesen nem Orbánék okolhatók a PMFC-stadion leállításával, hanem a pécsiek és az ellenzék – mármint a Fidesz szerint
Természetesen nem Orbánék okolhatók a PMFC-stadion leállításával, hanem a pécsiek és az ellenzék – mármint a Fidesz szerint
Elkezdték magyarázni a bizonyítványt a Fidesz oldaláról a lefújt pécsi stadionberuházás miatt. A hétvégén országossá lett hírt elsőként Orbán Viktor kedvenc lapjában is “körbejárták”, de megszólalt Hargitai János KDNP-s országgyűlési képviselő is. Gondoljon mindenki bele abba egy kicsit komolyabban, legalább egy percet szánjon rá, hogy kb. az elmúlt tíz évben Orbán Viktor és a Fidesz (ideértve a…
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The Best Upcoming NFT project Based on Features: The Plain Face Millionaires Club
The NFT space has been thriving and doesn’t seem to pause yet. With NFTs dropping at a high velocity has left behind other domains in the crypto space.
There are several NFT projects launching at an impressive rate, bringing tons of features to the table. But we bring you the best NFT project in 2022.
However, the Plain Face Millionaires Club takes a leap over the NFT projects out in the market to become the best NFT project in 2022. With truckloads of utility and features in the decentralized digital assets, the PMFC does justice to all the holders of the Plain Face NFT.
We claim to be the best NFT project in 2022, We’re not just JPEGs in this booming space, but we are much more than that! We bring variety of utility and features to our Plain Face NFTs, making them one of the most valuable best NFT project in 2022.
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We’d collaborate with the best NFT projects in 2022 and enterprises, resulting in a wider range of use-cases and a higher value for our native coin. Be the first to hear about partnerships and collaborations by owning our incomparable Plain Face NFTs.
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Because we believe in the Metaverse of the PFMC, the best NFT project in 2022, we will make sure that PFMC makes its mark on this next horizon. Every Plain Face digital artwork is a 3D file that may be used as a player in a play to earn game, a method to explore the metaverse, and more in the same space. You will also earn Orbit token from airdrops, boosting your chances of being whitelisted for forthcoming Metaverse sales of real estate, automobiles, spaceships, gadgets, and other products.
Comic Book
Plain Face NFT holders will get a special Plain Face Millionaire Club comic book, which is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.
If you manage to obtain any of our Plain Face NFTs, you will undoubtedly be in a lucky situation, as it is going to be one of the best NFT project in 2022.
As we get closer to the launch of one of the best NFT projects in 2022, you surely would want to complete this year with a valuable Plain Face NFT on your side.
Stay tuned for more exciting news regarding the Plain Face Millionaire Club, as well as details about our upcoming sale, which you won’t want to miss!
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manfrommars2049 · 3 years
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Vehicle Powered by a Plant Microbial Fuel Cell (PMFC) - by Asher Ben via ImaginaryTechnology
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ultimi-ribelli · 5 years
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pmfc vs. cibalia
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myserendipities · 5 years
If you disagree with someone, it might not make any difference how certain they say they are, as during disagreement your brain's sensitivity to the strength of people's beliefs is reduced, finds a study led by UCL and City, University of London. The brain scanning study, published in Nature Neuroscience, reveals a new type of confirmation bias that can make it very difficult to alter people's opinions. "We found that when people disagree, their brains fail to encode the quality of the other person's opinion, giving them less reason to change their mind," said the study's senior author, Professor Tali Sharot (UCL Psychology & Language Sciences). The researchers found that one brain area, the posterior medial prefrontal cortex (pMFC), was involved in incorporating another person's beliefs into one's own. Brain activity differed depending on the strength of the partner's wager, but only when they were already in agreement. When the partners disagreed, there was no relationship between the partner's wager and brain activity in the pMFC region. The pMFC is known to be involved in decision-making, and helps to signal when a decision should be changed. The researchers say that the tendency to ignore the strength of opposing beliefs may generate polarisation and facilitate the maintenance of false beliefs. First author Dr. Andreas Kappes (City, University of London) said: "Our findings could help make sense of some puzzling observations in domains including science and politics." Professor Sharot added: "Opinions of others are especially susceptible to the confirmation bias, perhaps because they are relatively easy to dismiss as subjective. Because humans make the vast majority of decisions—including professional, personal, political and purchase decisions—based on information received from others, the identified bias in using the strength of others' opinions is likely to have a profound effect on human behaviour."
Strength of conviction won't help to persuade when people disagree
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patakyt · 8 years
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Ma megnéztük az FTC II. - PMFC meccset is. http://adatbank.mlsz.hu/match/15/0/14969/23/1145577.html #football #foci #nb3 #youthfootball #ftc #pmfc #cmg
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pmfccomic · 2 years
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Who else puts their tree up right after Thanksgiving? 😅
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gumistoplis · 6 years
Domi ma 9 éves. Azt kérte tegnap, hogy kezdjem újra ezt a blogot, végignéztük a régi posztokat a fiúkkal, röhögtünk sokat a képeken, szövegeken. Megnőttek, nem olyan kisfiúk már, sok minden megváltozott, de a foci maradt. Szóval akkor szülinapi ajándékként belevágok megint, úgy másfél-két év kihagyás után. A képen Domi a PMFC U9-es csapatának kapitányaként Szigetváron, egy megnyert teremtorna után a dobogó tetején. Két éve ugyenezen a tornán Bazsi állt ugyanott, ugyanígy.
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spincount · 2 years
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🏆 2023 CFMAs - LAST CALL! DERNIER APPEL - PMFC 2023 ! - https://ift.tt/lWwB6YD https://ift.tt/pISUW5N
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szabadpecsofficial · 5 years
Kampányrendezvénynek nyilvánítottak egy kampányrendezvényt Vasason, a pécsi NER-média felhorgadt
Kampányrendezvénynek nyilvánítottak egy kampányrendezvényt Vasason, a pécsi NER-média felhorgadt
Szolgálatba helyezte magát több Fidesz-pajtás lap, mert Vári Attila, a Fidesz polgármesterjelöltje nem végezhet el egy kezdőrúgást.
A Vasasi Szent Borbála Egyesület Retró Bányásznapot rendez, amelynek egyik programjaként a PMFC öregfiúk játszott volna focimeccset a helyi öregfiúkkal szombaton. Ez azonban elmarad, mivel a helyi sportegyesület politikai rendezvénynek minősítette a mérkőzést, és…
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morningflakeduo · 3 years
This my ending with PMFC
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Best NFT to buy in 2022 for Passive Income
Plain Face Millionaires Club is expected to outperform all other NFT projects upcoming in 2022. The PMFC does right to all Plain Face crypto NFT holders with a boatload of usefulness and functionality in the decentralized sector. For more information visit our website.
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