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pmak2002 · 2 months ago
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Just so everyone is Aware! Tumblr could also be a part of the apps banned not just TikTok!
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pmak2002 · 10 months ago
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Without Morris Frank and Buddy there would be no Harper. Service animals would not exist today if Morris Frank never reached out to Dorothy Euthis of Switzerland
This Day In History April 25 1928 Buddy, a German Shepherd, becomes 1st guide dog for a US citizen Morris Frank
Morris Frank became the first American to benefit from the help of a Seeing Eye dog. Frank lost the use of one eye in a childhood accident and the other in a boxing match as a teen and before his soon to be companion Buddy came into his life, Frank received assistance from a human guide.
Morris Frank was a blind man from Nashville. His father read him an article by Dorothy Eustis, a woman living in Switzerland who had seen shepherds training dogs to lead blind people get around. Excited by the idea, Frank wrote a letter to Eustis and received a response letter 30 days later inviting him to come see for himself. Frank then took a ship to Europe and trained extensively with a dog that had been bred specifically to lead a blind person. The training was hard, but after weeks with the dog, Frank could get around the nearby Swiss village holding tightly to a harness to which Buddy was strapped.
Morris Frank returned to America. From the day he got off the ship, he was successful. At one point, in front of a group of dumbfounded reporters, Buddy led Frank safely across a busy New York street. “I shall never forget the next three minutes, Ten-ton trucks rocketing past, cabs blowing their horns in our ears, drivers shouting at us . . . When we finally got to the other side and I realized what a really magnificent job she had done” Frank later wrote.
When Frank returned to Nashville, people were amazed at the sight of the blind man and his dog successfully navigating busy sidewalks and couldn’t believe that it was the same blind boy they had so recently taken pity on. What amazed people the most was that Buddy had an ability best known as “intelligent disobedience,” which meant that he would obey Morris except when executing that command would result in harm to his master. If there was a low hanging branch ahead on the sidewalk, for instance, Buddy knew how to navigate around it to the point where Morris wouldn’t hurt his head on it.
About this time, Frank, Eustis and several others cofounded The Seeing Eye, an institution set up to train guide dogs and their blind masters. Today, the organization reports that it has, in its 80 year history, trained 14,000 dogs. Buddy is considered the first. In 1978, on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the school, the U.S. issued a commemorative stamp in honor of The Seeing Eye.
Frank worked with Buddy until her death on May 23, 1938; he named her replacement Buddy, as he would all his subsequent guide dogs.
Thanks to Buddy service dogs in the US became a possibility!
The Seeing Eye is located in Morristown NJ
Morris continued to fight for Guide dogs rights in public places until his death in 1980 way before the ADA was finally passed July 26th 1990 by George H.W Bush. (Who later benefited from this Act in his older age)
Thank you Morris
Thank you Dorothy
Thank you Buddy
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pmak2002 · 1 month ago
Can someone please explain to me how I lost my service dog’s tags then found them then bought some mini orange juices and brought them inside my house then they disappeared? In the same week? And it’s only Wednesday
Seriously WTH is going on with me? Am I getting old too fast or something?
If I don’t find my Orange Juice I’ll have to buy it again which is fine but like? How does one lose a small box of 4 orange juice bottles?
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pmak2002 · 1 month ago
Guys I swear I’m writing stuff life is just all sorts of chaos right now
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pmak2002 · 2 months ago
Giesss who got a bad cold and my period for Christmas?
My immune system sucks this time of year. I thought the cold was gone but it came back full force and I’m miserable ☹️
Merry Christmas to me
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pmak2002 · 3 months ago
How come I can write a 200 word plus fanfic easily without blinking but as soon as I have to write an essay my ability to write practically goes out the window?!
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pmak2002 · 1 month ago
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hey I finally decided to do a master list! Not all fics will be here but most of them will be.
There are some I chose not to include for personal reasons.
Article writngs
Real Person Fiction
Timothee Chalamet
Overheated on Dune Set
Food poisoning
As sick as the Dog
Late night stomach bug
Thanksgiving Woes
Just being here is enough
Just a bite 1, 2
A cold 🤧
Worst Birthday Ever!
Think I’m gonna be sick 🤢
Song Fic- Messed up As Me
Golden globes or bust soon 🔜
Bob Dylan/ACU
Sick at Sylvie’s
Sick on set-raspy vocals TC
Sinus infection
Shelter from the storms of life- Joan Baez
Travel and the things it brings. Pete and Toshi Seeger- Soon 🔜
The Ride 1966- John Lennon- Soon 🔜
The Beatles/ Beatles offspring
Baby julian Lennon
Baby George Harrison
When they lose their Voice HC
Mclennon- John fever
Starrison- George Allergies
AHDN injured Paul
George- cold 🤧
Dhani reunited
Dhani/Newno2 Tour Disaster
Baby Dhani with George
Dhani cold 🤧at Get back premiere
John- fever/upset stomach
Dhani- stomach bug
Mclennon- Paul Portsmouth Day by Day 1963
Dhani Harrison sick during interview
Dhani- sick at School
Dhani-sick on tour with Mereki
Dhani- concert for George
Dhani- home sick from school
Dhani-sick from travel
Dhani-food poisoning
Paul-Motion sick
Mclennon- Paul Ear ache/infection
Dhani- unlikely caregiver Jeff Lynne
Dhani- Ginger ale and crackers
All Beatle members Sneaky temp check
Dhani- Aches and pain
Dhani- bedrest
Ringo- Appendicitis
Dhani- comfort item
Keith urban/KU
The Engagement party
Missing out
Sneezing 🤧
On the couch
I’m not sick
Upset stomach
Other people/Misc
Dave Grohl food poisoning at 10,000 feet
Vocal Media-Article writings
Fictional Characters
Paul Atredias/Dune
Spice Poisoning- Coming Soon 🔜
Desert Fever
Yule Don’t look up
You need to keep this Tylenol Down 💊
First Snow ⛄️
Not going Anywhere
The slop
Chocolate won’t help a sick stomach
Another Bonk on the head
The Chocolatier’s Apprentice
Fever Nightmare
OC Maggie Howard
Faking it
Hot water bottle
Sore throat
Scatcember- Physical Activity
Scatcember- Public Bathroom
Scatcember- outside
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pmak2002 · 9 months ago
I hope
That someday
My life will matter to someone who isn’t just family
I hope that my existence will have meaning
And that I will find my place
Somewhere in the universe
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pmak2002 · 8 months ago
Well I was going to try to be more active with writing on vacation.
But my best friend got into a bad car accident and I’m a complete wreck she’s fine but broke her pelvis and both hips. Driver T boned the car so it’s done for.
Idk when I’ll get a new fic up at this point this was supposed to be a nice summer and a good vacation but life has a way of getting in the way and wrecking not just your friends but you too.
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pmak2002 · 1 year ago
Living has become tiresome
Dad has moved
Mom’s boyfriend is an alcoholic 
I’m trying but I’m tired.
Grandpa is dead
I’m making enough money only to have to waste it on getting to work
The dog will get spayed so she can finally come to school with me but of course I worry and panic for no reason other than she is my lifeline and one of my few reasons to stay alive in the midst of my life being tossed around.
I’m tired
Oh so tired
Work on yourself so you can care for others they say
I can’t
I don’t know how
I do.
But I also don’t
I want to
But I don’t
I have to be strong and get over it
Cuz I’m an adult and life has changes
But why must they come all at once?
I’m tired
I kble what I want my future to be as a disabled young woman but my parents say it’s not possible
I’m trying
I’m tired
I do my best
I stay quiet
I work hard
When will it be enough
It won’t be
But I wish
I wish
I wish
I’m tired
Life has become tiring
I wish I could enjoy my existence
But once again life is throwing me around like a ragdoll
What have I become
I’m numb
I’m trying
I’m tired
I exist in a world built around men normal non disabled white men
The world isn’t built for women, POC or anyone different from a white man
I’m tired 
I exist in a world not built for disabled people
I’m trying
I’m tired
Mentally and physically exhausted
I’m trying
I’m tired
I’m strong yet weak
I’m smart yet dumb
I’m tired
I try
But I’m tired
Oh so tired
Take care of yourself to take care of others
How can I find the time when my life’s in shambles?
I’m tired
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