#plz laugh im not funny
bodyimstuckin · 3 days
In honor of 4th of July for all of the Jjk fans!!
i am no editor plz forgive me for this is trash
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vampistol · 5 months
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God made a mistake giving me the power of editing
Og thumbnail LOL
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dimpletheheck · 3 months
Swan OC incoming!🦢
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She's so beautiful frfr
Also made a lil moodboard?? I think?? It's inspired by her.
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Pretty swan lady go HONK
((Plain moodboard⬇️))
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normalabdavidchiem · 10 months
lets name the new fangan people after organs since drdtdev doesnt like number names
ok so
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this is pancreas
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this is urinal gland
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this is heart
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this is intestine
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this is lungs
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this is reproductive system (penis for short)
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this is stomach
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this is brain
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this is spinal cord
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this is urethra
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this is breast tissue
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bullsandthebones · 4 months
she inject on my T til I mansplain
(so the joke here is that I'm trans and on testosterone and men mansplain a lot so I'm injecting testosterone to get more masculine traits which includes mansplaining)
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brokenstar-s · 1 year
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No one is safe
From Call them Brothers by @wutheringmights
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finalsquidmissile · 7 months
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No it's not meta its a self-own
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widdlediddle2 · 1 year
my teacher is so funny sometimes lmfao
we were watching hamlet and since it was old Shakespeare they were talking in like early modern English so the whole time the class did not understand a thing of what they were saying but my teacher was laughing sm at her desk when they made a "joke" 💀💀💀
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 11 months
ok so I just went to my notes app to write down some story ideas & found this note that I apparently wrote at 3:17am several weeks ago
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and like... I vaguely remember having a thought about a dick being able to suck things up like a vacuum cleaner and at the time I found it so hilarious i had to immortalise it in writing but honestly realising I had written it incorrectly has me in sTItchEs now lol
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creatorbiaze · 5 months
sometimes i forget that other people have higher sympathy than me & a lot of my jokes don't look like jokes
wdym you're concerned about me after I seem somewhat concerning
my pain is funny, laugh. please
like genuinely, i process things using humor, plz indulge</3
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beetlesayz · 2 years
Silly Things That Make Me Laugh Like A Bozo
A list for me to look at when feeling sad:
Yard Sard (or any slight misspellings of any common words/phrases)
Gougar memes
Life Before the Accident Lays Chip Bag
None Pizza Left Beef
Minecraft memes which really aren't funny but my standards are lower than diamond level so w/e
Scrimmy Bingus and the Crungy Spingus
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voiddullahan · 2 years
Notice me senpai
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Who told you Im a simp-pie?
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chaos-event-horizon · 2 years
Shsjsks 'the only asshole I interact with is myself' okay, but, y'all, what about your husband?
Eh, since he's a fictive/alter/stalker I generally count him as being a part of me... But you raise an excellent point.
The only asshole that can interact with my asshole is my husband, assholes.
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hunny-mustard104 · 2 months
School is kicking my ass ahhhhhhgggggg
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aguztofwind · 3 months
*wipes steam from glasses*
things heating up jn the water fandom?
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atlasofearth · 3 months
the ao3 author curse is sooo real bc why’d my grandma just die 😐😐
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