#but ill also probably not?? post actually serious posts on Tumblr
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creatorbiaze · 1 year ago
sometimes i forget that other people have higher sympathy than me & a lot of my jokes don't look like jokes
wdym you're concerned about me after I seem somewhat concerning
my pain is funny, laugh. please
like genuinely, i process things using humor, plz indulge</3
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randomrandy · 1 year ago
Sometimes ocd is like having a really anxious dog who you have to constantly reassure that no, i will not die if step outside, that’s not a threat against our life that’s just the mailman please get out from under the couch.
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utilitycaster · 2 months ago
Inspired actually by me nonstop thinking about the Young Witch Solving The Disappearance Of Her Neighbor's Cat In The Alps tweet since last night and a number of other unrelated posts I have been thinking about the concept of maturity in media, because I think there's a lot of different dimensions to that. It's a series of spectra, rather than a binary, and if you use the terms "mature" or "immature" you can quickly realize that a lot of our societal metrics for what's adult-appropriate vs. child appropriate are very skewed in specific and in my opinion untrue and unhelpful directions. This could honestly be a 10 page essay and I may very well write that when I'm on break but just to give you my outline here:
Stimulation - is it grabbing your attention with bright lights and loud sounds and fast action, or do you have to actively focus? Action films can be just as "jangly keys" as children's animation despite being an "adult" work, whereas something like Mad Men can have vivid colors but would bore a child to tears in terms of pace and action. However, and this will be an ongoing theme, you can have a very choppy, fast-paced narrative that is complex and a very slow and dull one that is incredibly simple and childish.
"Ratings" Subject Matter: Sex/Violence/Profanity. This is the one I think is most misleading, because you can have an incredibly puerile R-rated film, and you can have an immensely complex narrative without any of the above. [note: I have zero patience for people who act like sex and violence are inherently unnecessary wastes of time; they are merely things within a narrative that can be executed well or poorly, but it is true that something can have a simple plot and constant bright lights and stimulation and essentially be big old jingling mobile for infants but there's a sex scene in it so it's Adult Now. Unfortunately a lot of people are like "and this is why YA is inherently better" which we shall see is not the case.]
Other Difficult Subject Matter (I don't have a good name for it, but to give examples, death, racism, genocide, abuse, serious or chronic illness, etc). This one is tricky because all of the above are topics present in works for quite young children, because they can experience all the above or have someone close to them experience them, and fiction is a powerful teaching tool. Obviously the nature of how this is presented varies, and later points will cover it, but while in my opinion the simple presence of these topics says nothing about the work's level of maturity on its own I'm including it because you do get people who think that children should be shielded from all the above and would consider the mere inclusion of those topics as inappropriate. They're wrong, but it's definitely an axis of judgement/categorization that exists.
Adult-level processing of information (probably a misnomer in that teens can do this but like, teens read adult books all the time, and as Tumblr has shown us, many adults cannot do this): does the narrative require you be able to pick up on subtext? Do you need to understand what is relevant to the story and what isn't? Do you need to be comfortable with or at least able to tolerate not knowing entirely what is going on right away? Do you need to have a sense of irony? Is there an unreliable narrator?
Adult-level processing of moral complexity (in my limited, not a parent or educator experience, I honestly think teens do better with the information processing than this, ie, this is one of the last things to develop; also Tumblr is even worse): does the narrative require you accept that sometimes things are unfair and will never be fair? Do you need to accept a story in which the Quote Unquote Bad Guys walk free without real consequence? Do you need to accept a story in which no one's actions are entirely defensible or in which no choices are easy and clean and harmless? Do you need to attempt to understand an alien perspective? Is there senseless tragedy? This incidentally is how you separate out the children's books from the adult books on topics like illness or catastrophic events; a lot of children's books end with a message of "it's hard and sad, but it will be okay eventually" and focus on very relatable POV characters which is understandable! But, to use an example as someone who went to a Jewish school with a robust Holocaust education, elementary schoolers read Number the Stars in which the (entirely fictional) Jewish family escapes to Sweden; middle schoolers read Night in which Wiesel's (real) father dies painfully in front of him.
None of this is to say that escapism/cozy fiction/whatever you want to call it is bad - I am not interested in a diet entirely made of thorny moral quandaries and no happy endings. I enjoy a stupid turn off your brain action movie, or a fluffy romantasy. But I do think that a demand that every ending be happy and that Justice Be Served in every story is no less immature than saying "ew, there's kissing in this???"
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jules-ln · 30 days ago
Viktor and Jinx as Zaun, Jayce as Piltover, Arcane's use of art movements as a storytelling device
I am once again writing about Arcane because I am mentally ill and I also love Art history
So anyway I've already talk about Viktor being Art nouveau And how Art nouveau's history was similar to Viktor's story, and I wanted to talk about Jayce being Art Deco, because of his fashion choices in the last episode are pretty much art deco
But then I thought, what if it isn't just about Viktor and Jayce, but it's about Zaun and Piltover in general, and how the relationship between these two cities reflects in these two characters
And somehow I ended up writing this because FUCK
Look, I even got subtitles and everything
But anyway, I won't put citations on this because I'm not that crazy so this isn't a serious academic essay, and as anything else you read on the internet, take the parts about Art history with a grain of salt and you should read more about it (yess, this my elaborated plan to get people into Art history)
Jinx and Viktor as the personification of Zaun
Zaun actually has more of a punk on top rather than just art nouveau, a lot of people seem to think it's steampunk, but honestly, I think that's the result of putting punk and art nouveau together rather than it being pure steampunk
The thing that made me connect the characters as the embodiment of the cities was the fact that I've noticed that Zaun actually has a lot of art nouveau elements; is just that this art nouveau elements seem to be old and broken (I would show you but Tumblr's dumb image limit won't let me)
Now, I've actually talked about the story of art nouveau on another post but to make a brief summary, art nouveau started as a way to give common people art, to redistribute it rather than it just being something for rich people, it failed. But the important part is that art nouveau originally was a leftist art movement, like punk. Punk was a response to the social and economic crisis at the time of its origin; but where Art nouveau was a solution (solution that didn't work, mind you) punk was more of a response (again, don't quote me on that lmao)
Similar to this we can see, how both Viktor and Jinx then embody different responses to the same thing. Viktor is proposing a solution for the problems of Zaun (solution that didn't work) meanwhile Jinx is a reaction to everything that has happened to Zaun, she isn't a problem, she's a consequence
But not only are they the responses to Zaun, they ARE different parts of Zaun
We can see this with Jinx in the relationship she has with Vander, Silco and Ekko.
Both Vander and Silco nurture her and Zaun, and she wouldn't be what she is without both of them
That's why neither Silco nor Ekko could leave her. Silco couldn't give her away because that would be equivalent to him giving away Zaun, and Ekko couldn't give up on her because that would be like giving up on Zaun
Meanwhile with Viktor the influence of his style predominantly being art nouveau reflects in the background at different parts of the city,
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And most noticeable is that when Zaun is in a better place, the elements of art nouveau are more prominent, like in episode 7 where punk takes a back seat to the art nouveau. It seems that generally art nouveau signifies a better Zaun, or the potential of it being better
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We also see a lot of elements of art nouveau in Viktor's commune, and I know that the commune is interpreted as a negative thing. But look at it this way, what Viktor is doing, is probably doing more good than whatever the hell Caitlyn had going on during the first act (no hate to Cait btw)
Like, I know there are Caitlyn fans out there that defend her decisions of using the gray to attack the Chem barons, but in reality doing that wouldn't solve anything, just create a power vacuum that later could be filled by someone worse (like Renata Glasc) without solving the addiction to Shimmer (again, No hate to Cait). But what Viktor is doing, offering a safe space to recovering addicts and sick people, is actually solving the shimmer problem by eliminating the demand of it; and it's making Zaun better
(I also want to point out that the decision of framing Viktor's commune as a mind controlling cult is very politically charged, because even if it's not perfect; think about it; they're framing a commune in which money probably isn't used at all, and that accepts both recovering addicts and sick people freely and without judgment as something negative)
Add the fact that Viktor is one of the few characters that didn't talk negatively about Jinx (If I remember correctly); neither when he is disarming her bomb nor when he's in the commune talking directly to her; this could be interpreted as Viktor always seeing the potential within the Zaun of now
Adding to that, I want to make the point that Viktor and Jinx probably would be friends if they got to know each other. And I think this headcanon is so popular because they both are expressions of Zaun, of course they're going to be similar and get along
Art deco
Now, I'm not an expert in art deco (I've always been more interested in art nouveau and impressionism). But I know some things about it
Basically Art Deco comes from from the words art décoratif; and it was an art movement that emphasized the utility of art; it had different influences like Mayan art, Egyptian art, Art Nouveau, Rococo etc etc
Some of its characteristics are: straight lines, geometric patterns; a lot of gold, lots of triangles, more is more ideology and ornaments
But the important thing is that Art deco is supposed to be a very superficial art, merely decorative (hence the name); that signifies wealth. It also became strongly associated with machinery and progress. I would argue that in recent years there has been a new connotation of corruption and darkness to it thanks to media like Bioshock
It's definitely a perfect art movement for Piltover; to show the shallowness and money the city has. But the show not only attaches this art movement to the city, it also gives it different characters
Mel and Art Deco
This is the part where my ramblings got out of control because at first I was going to just point out how Jayce has an art movement too; then I realized that Viktor also uses clothes with an art deco pattern in them: (red lines to make the pattern more clear)
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But that's weird; why does Viktor uses art deco here when later his main style is art nouveau? Then I realized, it's not just about Viktor and Jayce. But as Zaun and Piltover in general
And I realized that because of a character that also uses a lot of art deco without being from Piltover herself
Mel during the series uses different clothes, but most of them have in common the geometric pattern of art deco
But she isn't from Piltover; she isn't part of the city in the same way Jayce is. While she has a very big connection to it; the simple fact is that Mel's story is about finding herself; and she can't do it while in Piltover. In Piltover she's only doing what she's always done, searching for her mother's approval
Then why is she associated with art deco?
But I noticed, she isn't. Not completely
Let's look at what Mel actually does instead of what she's wearing
Here we can see one of Mel's paintings
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Let's not look at what it is, (it's Noxus) let's look at how Mel painted it; it's has more emphasis on colors and ambient, the form is not very defined; it plays with the light, it almost gives you an impression of Noxus
Yes, Mel is an impressionist painter (think Claude Monet (Vincet van Gogh is post impressionsism btw))
And I think this is important for her character because at the end of the season, she goes back to Noxus looking for who she really is; who she is beyond her mother's influence and beyond Piltover. And guess what
If you hate abstract art blame it on Impressionsism. It came to be around the same time of the invention of photography. Photography filled the role painting had of representing reality, and it did it better, faster, and cheaper. So painting had to change to be more abstract instead of simply aiming to represent reality and all of that started (at least within the context of Europe at that time) with impressionsism
What I'm trying to say it's that impressionism was painting as a medium trying to redefine itself again, it was trying to find its own identity apart from photography. Just like Mel is trying to define herself
Now, if Mel is impressionism; it stand to reason that she's using Art deco, not because she's representative of the city, but simply as a way of showing how she adapted to the city, how it influenced her and helped her grow as a person
I was thinking about that before she debuted as a champion, but I think her voice lines kind of confirmed it
So, hers and Viktor's use of art deco signifies how important Piltover is for them; and if you look at it in a certain way, it's could also be a connection to Jayce
Jayce as Art deco
Now, before anything, I want to analyze Jayce's first design, when he's young
Here it is (and Viktor's, for reasons)
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And you know, the first thing it jumped out to me while analyzing it, is that there isn't a lot of art deco elements; more than that, it's too simple for art deco, and he looks almost childish; like if you told me the guy was 18 here. I would believe it
But it also applies with Viktor, the clothes make him look so young and are too simple for art deco
So let's see how both of them look after the timejump
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Now, Jayce here has his white blazer (is that the right word?) but again, where are my patterns? My ornaments? My geometric shapes and straight lines? There are some on the blazer; not enough that I would call it art deco
But take it off and boom
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It's almost the same as his academy uniform, just change some things and colors here and there, but other than that, it's the same
Compared it with how different Viktor looks
Now, I know the first thing that stands out with Viktor is his change in health, but let's look beyond that, his clothes are completely different
Sure, he still uses elements that are reminiscent of his academy uniform, but that definitely isn't his uniform. The shape is different, the pattern is different, even the colors are a bit different. Viktor changed, but Jayce didn't?
That's because Viktor grew up, Jayce stayed the same, just add some things on top
Jayce's character design in season 1 reflects his mental state, he stayed innocent, naive
Now, why does all of these matters? Because it wasn't until I was looking at Jayce's design in season 2 that I noticed he's Art deco;
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The straight lines, the geometric patterns, the ornaments. But he only won the art deco elements after he learned about Zaun, after he had to go through what Viktor had gone through. Before that he wasn't ready yet
Now, I think it's important to say that I'm interpreting Jayce as not only related to Piltover, but as the representation of the best of Piltover itself; he's the best side of Piltover in the same way that Viktor is the potential for a better Zaun
A tale of two cities
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times and I'm a nerd
Now, I think that even after the whole magic plot, Arcane is still fundamentally a story about two cities, and that same relationship it's reflected on its characters; more than that. The dumb ending where Zaun and Piltover forget their differences and work together; I think it was the plan all along and as proof of that, I present to you Viktor and Jayce's relationship
I've seen a lot of people say that the dynamic between Piltover and Zaun reflects itself in the dynamic between Vi and Jinx, and honestly; that doesn't makes sense to me
Because, I understand Jinx being Zaun, I've already said it myself; but Vi isn't Piltover, and the relationship Vi has with Jinx isn't even remotely similar to the relationship Piltover has with Zaun (If you want to make the case, I would say it would be more accurate to say that Jinx is Zaun and Cait is Piltover, and Vi is the person trapped between the two, unable to choose)
But if look elsewhere, you know who would be a perfect comparison for Piltover and Zaun? Jayce and Viktor, and you might say "well, Jayce and Viktor's relationship isn't at all like Piltover and Zaun's relationship either"
That's because, like I've already said, Jayce is the better version of Piltover, and Viktor is the potential yet to realize in Zaun. So basically if Caitlyn and Jinx's relationship is meant to reflect the problems the two cities have in the present. Jayce and Viktor's relationship gives the solution, which is "put aside your differences and work together as equals"
And you can see that as well in their design
Side to side, these two designs exemplify the fundamental differences between Art Nouveau and Art Deco
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Art Nouveau looks flowy, soft, feminine, floral patterns, asymmetry. Art Deco is expensive, machinery, modern, sharp angles, symmetry and straight lines, but that's not all
I've already said that Jayce design changed at the end of the season because Jayce finally matured, he's ready to be the best of Piltover, now he has earned the art Deco. But what do my eyes see here?
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A flowy soft pattern on Jayce? A Floral pattern even? That's art nouveau right there
And then you look at Viktor's final form (in this picture is easier to see) and What's that on his chest? Symmetry? Straight lines? Machinery? That's art deco
So are you telling me that Jayce will always have some Viktor in him, while Viktor will always have some Jayce in him?
Are you telling me that the best of Piltover will always have some Zaun in it? While the potential of Zaun will always involve Piltover?
And you might think that is a bit of a stretch, but it makes sense with the ending Arcane has
Think about it; the show says that the best solution for the two cities is for them to put aside their differences and work together as equals; and I can't help but think that's what Jayce and Viktor are already doing
Jayce doesn't care that Viktor is from Zaun, and Viktor trust Jayce even with him being from Piltover; and it's only working together that they can reach their true potential. As in every time-line in which they aren't together, they never invent Hextech
The ending of arcane
Tbh, I'm not saying that the ending of the Piltover and Zaun conflict was good even if it was planned all along; but I also think a lot of people expected a leftist masterpiece, like the moment the most revolutionary character is also a mob boss and the main villain of season 1, you can totally tell that it wasn't going to another disco elysium (funnily enough disco elysium also has the mob boss being the union leader lmao)
I'm just analyzing the things I found, and while some might seem like a reach, I'm a 100% death of the author guy and I believe in making my own meaning
And I want to say this is the first time I've seen art history used in this way for visual storytelling. They could've very well just use generic steampunk visuals; but they decided to do something meaningful. Just for that alone I consider Arcane a masterpiece of animation
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monscrow · 6 months ago
intro post, i guess!!!
askbox open only on weekends (when i remember lol); got too overwhelmed by spam, my apologies.
last updated 10/feb/2025
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⚠️flash warning for blinkies at the bottom⚠️
free gaza, free palestine, stop genocide. you don't agree? block me.
i go by mons, crow and vic/víctor!!
my pronouns are they/them, he/him and any neos/xenos that you think would fit either comedically or off of vibes.
lvl 16, so, a minor !! beware
aroacespec, something like that; qprs are sick asf and all hail relationship anarchy.
art sideblog is @monscrowdraws
audhdcd (asd + adhd + ocd 😻😋) and hEDS. i use tonetags, feel free to ask for clarification!!!
bday is oct 7. 🎉🎉🎉
i'm mexican 🇲🇽!! i speak both spanish and english.
timezone is cst/utc-6.
i say slurs i can reclaim (mainly the f and t queer ones) and swear a lot, though if that makes you uncomfortable please either block me or lmk so i can try to tone it down when around you.
i love interacting!! feel free to tag me in stuff, send some asks (be it on anon or not), or message me! moots can ask for my discord even if we've never actually talked before. though i suck at keeping consistent; nothing personal i promise</3 /gen
i tend to spam-reblog so do with that information what you will.
some tags you might see me use here and there:
#mons rambles ← just my thoughts, ideas, opinions, and whatever i feel like throwing into the tumblr void.
#ask a crow / #anon asks ← askbox replies.
#save / #art save / #fav / #hellsite faves ← these are more for myself, but yeah they're pretty self-descriptive. just in case you get curious or anything.
hyperfixations/interests/things i'm passionate about !!! i guess, kinda
→ mcr (+ most of the members' solo projects)
→ killjoys (california + national anthem, but mainly calif and fanon)
→ demolition lovers lore (i have literally written like at least three different essays about it for school help me i'm so serious)
→ emo/alt/diy culture
→ will wood
→ bandom in general
→ sonic the hedgehog (franchise)
→ graphic design, arts and crafts, illustration, animation (that's right y'all graphic design IS my passion 😔)
→ fnaf (bonnie fnaf they could never make me hate you)
→ cosplay/costume-making
→ d&d
→ crows (no way, crow, really???)
→ australian shepherds
→ the umbrella academy (s4 isn't canon in my heart + currently reading the comics !!! )
→ gravity falls
→ neurodivergencies/psychology/disabilities (this one's pretty meta ngl)
→ lgbtqia+ identities (emphasis on the aroace-spec ones + relationship anarchy)
→ politics/activism
→ linguistics + conlangs
→ fantasy in general (high fantasy, magic, vampires, tieflings, you name it)
→ boardgames
→ the count of monte cristo (book + 2024 movie)
→ webfishing :3
→ uhhhh there's more but i don't remember rn, i'll keep adding as i see fit (probably... maybe..... perhaps....... quizás........ puede ser..........)
trump supporters, terfs, transphobes, anti lgbtqia+/queerphobics, exclusionists, ableists, racists, prolifers/antichoicers, proshippers/anti-antis, irl gore, pro-israel/zionists, pro-ai generated "content", pro-nft, non-critical media consumers, classists, ed blogs, sh blogs.
also, i'm aware that dnis tend to not be effective and i probably will still get shitty ppl in my inbox so i can and will block. though i'm p chill as long as you're chill. this blog is run by a very neurodivergent, mentally ill, mexican, transmasc, aroace faggot, and any kind of bigoted hatred will not be tolerated.
blinkies made with blinkies cafe !!!
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pssst btw, before you go, if you read my intro post i'd heavily encourage you to like it, so i can know!!! :] (/nf though!)
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knific · 1 year ago
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hi im john! or zero. i'm a LEESBO and i draw stuff : also im multifandom and i switch interests almost monthly. if you follow me for one thing you might not get that.
i'm fifteen and from the southeast of asia. i can speak different languages but i only prefer being spoken to in english lol!
also we MIGHT be mutuals. this isn't my main blog and that was actually a mistake because i didn't know how to use tumblr by the time. if you see you're being followed by some user called epicflowpow then I guess we're mutuals :') that's my main blog that im inactive on! lol! it's hard to explain
i have bad memory don't expect me to remember anything personal like ur birthday,
i make sex jokes sometimes ok if ur not comfortable lmk and ill stop,
i post what i want, i might post blood, gore, etc. anything i post may be triggering, if you don't like it block me! the only form of censoring you'll get is the tags so get ready to mute a few (ex: cw blood, cw knife, cw suicide)
my social skills suck.. you can try to talk to me but i get very nervous when talking privately and i might say things i don't mean
i am sometimes rude but it's just for fun lol i don't actually mean it,
i don't reaalyyy use tonetags but ill use them when my wording starts to sound a little serious
uhhh i make homophobic jokes because it's FUNNY. im actually a person of the bacon community though so yeah.
i like to cuss my faves out. i will say very very mean stuff about them and I won't state whether it's positive or negative. if you don't like that then you should probably not read the tags sometimes
i ironically use emojis like 😂🥺🥹😜 etc
dni: i don't have a dni because people are gonna interacr with me anyways. ill block whoever makes me feel uncomfortable and who not (pr/shipp*rs are not exceptions lol ALL will be blocked)
also i do requests! here are like. rules for my requests n stuff:
i think im most likely to do EVERY request you guys give me, so go crazy! i just won't do it quickly. because im not an art machine
i do any reqs, but i will less likely do/will put for last the oc requests lol :)
okay when I said any reqs i lied: just don't request me taco x pickle loll it's for the sake of some of my mutuals :) i can still draw them hanging out but it won't be tagged as ship or implied ship
i also do any fandom but again i will less likely do fandoms im not in lol
uhh. if im uncomfortable with a ship in particular ill just ignore your req don't bother sending it again or im gonna give you a beating
complicated styled characters are ok but if you wanna give me a first good impression don't send them or you're literally breaking my fingers physically
also comics scare me if you request those too you're also breaking my fingers (it's not prohibited though you can send them but ill cry)
0 art: for my art
0 ask: for asks
0 req: art requests!
0 s req: things people draw for me :)
0 reblogs: for reblogs (best muted)
0 txt: me talking
0 talk: me talking w other ppl
0 fave: favourites/saving for later
0 other: other
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nereidprinc3ss · 17 days ago
i’m literally going to throw up and fucking die. u know whats so crazy is i was thinking about your fics today like sometimes i go a while without reading them and then i’ll revisit ur masterlist and its almost like i’m reading them for the first time again and it’s the craziest feeling ever that nothing could even come close to replicating. but anyway i was thinking about how every nereidprinc3ss fic is a certified classic this isn’t even a bit like i’m so dead serious right now so opening to a new post from u literally had me wanting to break out into a fully choreographed cheer routine also something else that’s so crazy is that it was snowing so much today where i’m from like i was literally :o when i read the opener cuz why is this play about me right now …
it was so fucking cute i’m literally going to die i missed your writing nothing compares to seeing something you wrote for the first time my cheeks were hurting from how much i was smiling u always characterize spencer so well and it literally was so disgustingly romantic i actually feel ill spencer reid if you can hear me Please. PLEASE
you outdo yourself every time. and it’s like nobody’s surprised but still like omfg this is crazy. u are a star love u
YESSS my beautiful angel as usual Im so glad you liked it if there was no one left on tumblr just you and me I would still write for you and even if you never said another nice thing about my fics ever again I would still write for you. If you are dead my target audience is dead. Not that you’re dead not that you’re going to die realistically you’re probably going to live forever!
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 5 months ago
update 11/21
update 2/15. half life now. 💙
actual serious pinned because some people dont Understand the other one apparently. i talk about serious things and that does include gore and essentially anything that would need a tw. huge gore draw-er also. serious things basically. most if not all portrayal of mental illnesses is based on my own experiences so do not come here saying you dont like how i show it. that being said my blog is not all entirely about that and its mostly silly and or shitposts actually. also i actually dont usually tw things uhmm. were playing roulette here. basically if you get triggered by anything i wouldnt recommend being here its always a 50/50 on if i post something silly or traumatic. dont vent in my inbox unprompted i do not fucking care i will not respond and you will only make me uncomfortable. dont be weirdly sexual at me!! i am a minor!!! i dont fucking care nor want to hear about your sex life or about your fantasies or your private areas!!!!!!! dont shove weird relationship statuses onto me either. i am not your family i am a stranger on the internet
do Not post my art uncredited unless ur a mutual or i say its fine im serious idgaf if its just a silly doodle
standard dni i guess. racists terfs homophobes proshippers zoophiles. all that. also people that ship Real Life People Instead Of The Characters. youre all fucking weird and i dont want you here ill actively make fun of you and then block
i am pro endo and i have endo friends so if you dont like that its ultimately up to you if you wanna be here or not. most htfasj fans have me blocked but if you are one and you dont ur on thin ice bro. im not forgiving any of you for fucking jumping me for saying i wasnt a fan of it. also please for the love of god if you ship glsneeg with any of the other characters do Not talk to me about it because there is a good chance i will throw up in my mouth and block you. glanboo/hetch shippers on thin ice. guy who came up with that kind of ruined it for me and now it just makes me feel uncomfortable most of the time
i have autism and im gay and i use faggot. i have some other problems that will fuck me up or that ill talk about sometimes but thats all you really need to know so im not going to dox my medical problems here
i have an instagram if ur not on the tumblr grind also
less important stuff under cut heart emoji
nearly everyone i interact with calls me sneegen. idc if new people do its basically my government name atp
this blog is genloss themed but also i talk about my genloss ocs more than the actual thing now 😓 still a huge genloss fan but sneeg and frank are the only guys ill ever talk about in there and i will throw up slash negative if i have to talk about glanboo. do NOT come here asking about glanboo unless ur a mutual im serious. i take sneeg/frank and the horror that comes with it so violently seriously and overall theres a few genloss ships i like so if ur one of those guys that think any shipping is weird you probably wont like it here. also i usually dont use any of the main tags for. anything i post. if you wanna find something youre stuck to manually searching just like everyone else sorry
kind of multifandom i guess. i have moments where i get really fixated on other media and i post about it for a bit. sneegsnag is usually a common factor in this. heavily into marble hornets creepypastas tmnt dantdm jacksepticeye and markiplier. both of their ego content and any of marks projects by extension. not into ethan nestor As Much but he is included and so is blankgameplays. i like qsmp but if i talk about it its only ever abt qsneeg or qcharlie or qdantdm and his family sometimes. osmp enjoyer but again ill only talk about sneeg if i talk about it at all
the biggest music enjoyer in the world guys. not a professional but i will talk about songs i like sometimes. tfb and teenage disaster mostly i think. maybe typhoon and bcnr also. maybe even alot of midwest emo because im a loser. im literally tfbs biggest fan guys
for my dumbass ocs i do talk about and draw them Alot. and theres alot of heavy stuff in their stories so like. if you get badly triggered by gore or murder especially i wouldnt. recommend reading into them too much. but idrk why youd be here if you did thats like my whole thing really. i dont usually talk about the actual triggering stuff in their stories i think at most ill make a vague comment that implies something but thats about it
you are allowed to draw and write and make hcs and aus for my guys i actually actively encourage it and also show me when you do i think its wonderful. ill talk about them forever if you ever wanna know something just ask and theres a 85% chance ill actually answer it
the only things im 100% serious about for my ocs is that theres canon ships for a reason. i do not give a FUCK if you think a different one is better or interesting because its not. if you come into my asks shipping anything that isnt canon im actually going to block you. im very nitpicky about this because they are My creations and every single thing about them is heavily important to me. also if you baby or demonize any of my ocs im allowed to kill you legally btw.
I DONT GIVE A DAMN IF YOU WANT MY OCS CARNALLY!!! there are certain times where i wont mind if you say stuff like that about them just DONT TELL ME ALL THE TIME!!! it is funny sometimes and sometimes i may encourage it but please god dont tell me how you want to fuck them in graphic detail unprompted. also if thats the only thing you talk to me about and you dont actually bother to know them as characters i will probably block you!!!!
if you want my ocs included in your oc lore please just. Talk To Me. about it. please. if youre normal and dont violently misinterpret my ocs ill probably be okay with it just TALK TO ME ABOUT IT
heavy encouragement to use all your braincells to interpret my ocs characters properly. idk how much more mischaracterizing in my inbox i can take
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localmentallyillwriter · 29 days ago
Woaahhh !!! Introoo >.<
(Shhh, if you saw my old last pinned blog you didnt :3)
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(I lob him so much that it hurts 😭😭)
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My names M, but I don't mind any name tbh, just give me a name and I'll use it :3
I LOVE using Kamoji's, so there will be a lot throughout this blog (∩^o^)⊃━☆
I don't really know how to introduce myself, do I make dot points about myself, or sentences ?!?! ╯︿╰
Anyway, I use He/they pronouns (and Neo's, but I'm lowkey so scared people will hate me if I share them, even though it's like ONE set but still ><) Please no feminine pronouns, they just make me uncomfortable and upset :(
Which is weird, because I love dressing in skirts and dresses (IF SOMEONE CALLS ME A FEM BOY ONE MORE TIME IM ACTUALLY GONNA COMBUST >��<)
My main fandoms at the moment are Bungo Stray Dogs and Sonic, I'm in a lot more (I'll list later on probably) so I'll mainly post about them, as well as my OC's.
My favorites are Oda, Kunikida, Atsushi, Chuuya, Sigma, Ango, Mori and Fukazawa. I guess Dazai as well :3 I don't hate him or anything, I just like the others better lmao.
I don't really hate any BSD characters, I think their all cool in their own way :3
I LOVEEEE Shadow and Cream, istg no one knows Cream because they never watched Sonic X, LIKE I GREW UP ON SONIC X AND SONIC BOOM, PLEASE HMU IF YOU FW CREAM !!!!!!
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I also write on this blog, mainly just one shot cause I'm eepy and like to just write quick things. Apart from on my aO3 where I write my longer fics
Did you know I started yapping to my therapist about aO3 and Wattpad (He didn't know what they were so i just HAD to explain. ALSO A BSD FAN GETTING THERAPYY ?!?!?!?!?!)
Lowkey so mentally fuckeeddd, so if there's a weird post, it's probably bc I'm going a bit freaky and I'll most likely delete it in the morning ╯︿╰
I DONT like people reposting my art, ESPECAILLY if it gets more popular or more likes than my original post :( So please don't (I don't mind re-blogging though :3)
As well as not liking people feeding my writing to AI !!!! THAT TAKES AWAY MY TIME AND EFFORT AND MAKES IT SOME EMOTIONLESS SLOP, DO NOT FUCKING DO THAT, OR ISTG YOUR FAMILY IS GOING STRAIGHT TO THE BASEMENT !!!! jokes (maybe) but please, don't be disrespectful to me or really any writer, and use there writing in AI, it's VERY harmful to us, our work and genuinely just creativity :/
I dont know if i'll take requests, i think you can always go ahead and request me to draw something, or write something, and hopefully I'll get around to it, but I'm a student who always gets admitted to hospitals, soooo i might take a while. I dont mind drawing OC's or even characters that are from something i dont know. I also wanna job so bad (for money ( •̀ ω •́ )✧), but I'm not stable enough to get hired apparently.
(boundaries for writing and drawing would definatly just be any kink im uncomfortable with, or anything that is romantisisations of serious shit, rape, ped0philia, abuse, suicide, self harm. Ur js gonna have to guess which kinks I'm uncomfortable with 😼 Man js go ahead and request whatever u want tbh, if i don't do it, oh well, at least u tried :3)
I post regularly, and I love to interact with people >.<
Don't be shy, I won't bite (I will definitely bite, it's my favorite thing to do to people)
Oh also if you couldn't tell i struggle with english so much that its actually not funny, grammar is so haarddd, and all the words look so squigglyyyy. I prefer Russian tbh, the letters are squiggly in a good way >.<
Uhhhh, idk, this was more explaining my blog more than me, but i dont know what else to say about me, i liikeee MUSIC !!! ILL DO SOME SONGS THAT I LOVVEEE AND YOU SHOULD ACTUALLY LISTEN TO RNNN !!!!
SLUT4EVER BY BOY FANTASY, Бог by Grad!ent (Just go listen to all of Grad!ent's songs, I love him so much <333), Monitoring by Deco 27, Pretty Visitors By Arctic Monkeys (I LOVE THE WHOLE HUMBUG ALBUM !!!!), Be Nice To Me by The Front Bottoms, Handjob by Ayesha Erotica, Red Room, Cut Me Down and Take a Pic by 6arelyhuman, ANY REBXYYZ SONG, MY FAV IS BLACKROSES !!!, Horny Club Party by Hoshie Star, Rebxyyz and Xaxanity is also rlly pookie :3 Judas by Abuse, ANY LADY GAGA SONG, WE LOVE HER HERE GUYS !!!!!! Idk, as you can see my music taste is just anything, i guess emo and scene is the genre that comes up the most lmao :3
I have alot of Dazai books, some Fyodor ones, Dracula, 2 H.P Lovecraft, and Ane of Green Gables by Lucy :D
I also love organs >_< (Hearts, livers, anything, I LOVVEEE, I JUST WANNA SQUISSHH AND PLAAYYY !!!!!! er- thats a bit weird)
Anyway, hope you enjoy my blog, ik i yapped SO MUCH, but im literally a certified yapper ^^ Love you all, have a FANTASTIC day/night, and make sure to have a little snack, and a drink of water.
Strawpage !! : https://silly15zaza.straw.page/
Bye bye
(Fandoms I'm in/Interests I have that are shows, books e.c.t
-WOF (not too much these days, but I used to love it as a kid)
-Life Lessons With Uramichi Onisan
-Everything But Your Life
-Death Note
-I have a HUGE obsession with flowers, sooooo if I see them I might start tweaking and want them in my posession (✿◕‿◕✿)
Alright see ya guys <3)
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lunariamv · 1 year ago
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its time, im in my charon era
ive made my first three rpg horror games :DDD
there's three because two of them are parodies and then there's one actual legit one
all three are in authentic charon game format: rpg maker 2000, similar art style, similar horror premise, short story
i did it for the aesthetic OKAY
⚠️ Before venturing into any of my works, please heed my disclaimer/rules;; I don't want obstructive people engaging with me or my works ⚠️
✿ warning: running these games is a gamble because rpg maker 2000 is old software that windows is trying to assassinate (i cant even run it on my computer sometimes, i have to use a virtual machine or the game editor lol) so i apologize if it doesn't work ✿
the readme has troubleshooting solutions, and easyrpg exists to combat this, but it's not perfect. for example, it changes the text a little bit, which ruins the aesthetic
if ur like me and u care about the aesthetic a lot, then use a virtual machine, otherwise if you have a laptop and not a hardcore gaming pc, the game will probably run fine.
(the one time that having low quality graphics is good xD)
windows 11 users beware, im sticking with 10-
when all else fails i have gameplays available on my youtube
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✿ warning: running these games is a gamble because rpg maker 2000 is old software that windows is trying to assassinate (i cant even run it on my computer sometimes, i have to use a virtual machine or the game editor lol) so i apologize if it doesn't work ✿
!! please care and heed my content warnings when playing these games, as they contain dark subject matter; i promise ill make less edgy stuff in the future its just rn i REALLY WANNA MAKE CHARON GAMES FOR FUN !!
the first two (Akeno Delusion and Carousel) are strictly parody games on the genre, and Doom Stones is the authentic 100% serious charon game
looking back akeno delusion sucks to me but thats cuz its my first one and i gotta start somewhere, the quality only goes up from there
eventually ill stop using rpg maker 2000 and make games with the other makers for more versatility but rn im in love with the retro aesthetic im so sorry
*my art isnt that good but im getting there ok!!
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also just a heads up, im not 1 to 1 charon; the aesthetic, artstyle, and story elements are the same, but i dabble in male yanderes instead and i go different places with the story;
🌸 mostly male yans
🌸 protagonist is actually a character
🌸 story goes a little more in depth
🌸 more focus on the horror aspect than sexual
so basically im like a female charon right now heheheh
i plan to make more rpg games, but for sure i want to make at least three more games with similar story beats.
its because i want my own take on the concepts -- doom stones is my take on makoto mobius, but i also wanna make a "scavenger hunt a person's house" type game like makoto nikki and a yanderella equivalent (but the love triangle has more drama)
once im done ill move onto dsp era cuz i wanna make some actual rpgs; like with the cute assets and pixel art
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🌸 please follow and support me if you like these and want me to make more; this is just a small portion in the large list of games i wanna make <3
💮 please feel free to contact me regarding game ratings if you sincerely think they're off, im a noob when it comes to posting stuff;; and im just going off code of conduct, if it has any hint of explicit content its going to be 18+, whereas implicit would be like 17+ idk
im not taking any chances lol
🌸 I'd prefer if people don't contact me about troubleshooting problems, but if they have to, carefully go through my instructions first. even then keep in mind i might not be able to help;;
💮 I'm posting these games on tumblr only because they're short. If I make longer games, I'll crosspost them to itch.io or something.
🌸 I'll also make a website in the future, but for now I'll post the games on here. Thank you for stopping by!!
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months ago
Sunday, December 29th, 2024.
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Do you believe you’ve met your soulmate or one of them?: I don't really believe in the concept of soulmates, but playing along… In a non-romantic sense, I would say my dad is one of them. I have also met people who (either at the time or in hindsight) felt like lessons, tests, or catalysts for change.
When did you last have grape juice?: I have no idea. I'm not a big fan of grape flavored things.
Have you learned anything today?: Not really.
Have you been to any parties here recently?: I guess that fundraising event back in July would count as a party, but no, I haven't been to anything recently. I'm not much of a party person.
Are you good at reading body language?: Honestly, not really. I see what I want to see. Or rather, what my anxiety wants me to see. <- Same. I encounter similar issues when trying to read people in general. It's often through the lens of my own fears, so it's not always accurate.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?: I'm not sure. I had a bit of trouble sleeping during the middle of the night and also woke up earlier than I would have liked.
What were the last 3 emojis you used?: Probably a heart and some Christmas themed emojis.
Is it currently warm where you live?: It's 49*F. So kinda chilly.
Do you use Facebook?:
Do you like the smell of coconut?: Yesss. Speaking of which, Paul made gift bags for everyone at the shelter and mine included some coconut body lotion. Smelled sooo good.
Do you prefer longer or short socks?: Medium?
What size shoe do you wear?: Around an eight.
Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream?: Chocolate.
Do you or anyone you know have sleep apnea?: I don't. I don't think I know anyone who does either.
Where is your favorite place to be?: Either at home in bed or at the Mountain Park.
How many times have you fallen in the past year?: I don't think I've fallen at all, but I almost slipped while getting out of the shower the other day.
Do you like to leave your window open at night or do you use a fan?: I like leaving it open during the warmer months. There comes a point in summer when I basically never close it until the nights start getting cold again.
Is there a celebrity you dislike for no reason other than they annoy you?: Naw. I don't pay enough attention to celebrities to develop a genuine dislike for them.
If you find a spider in your home, do you set it free or kill it?: These days, I tend to just let them do their spidery thing. Whatever that is.
Would you say you’re addicted to social media?: I'm definitely addicted to YouTube, but I don't know whether that counts as social media or not because I just watch videos and read comments; I don't actually post anything or make any comments of my own. When it comes to Instagram and Tumblr, I enjoy sharing photos and taking surveys, but I wouldn't say I'm at the level of an addiction.
How many pets have you had in your lifetime?: Including all the fish we had when I was a child…a lot.
Do you sunburn easy?: Yeah. I got a sunburn on my face the last time I went to the Chili Festival. It was in late September, and we weren't even there all that long.
Of all the houses you’ve lived in, which was your favorite?: Probably this one.
Do you or would you ever use online dating?: I've never tried online dating. I can't see myself doing so either. I'm sure there are some great people on dating apps, but the whole process just seems so overwhelming. Maybe that's just where I'm at right now, though. Idk. Like I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate social situations in general. A romantic relationship feels like a boss level for which I'm woefully ill-equipped.
What do you wish you could get paid for?: Existing? Doing pointless side quests like petting every cat I encounter?
What did you get into trouble for as a kid?: Nothing super serious. Mostly just fighting with my sibling or generally misbehaving.
What’s something good that has happened here recently?: Three kitties at the animal shelter are going to their new homes today. <3
Do you remember the first time you’ve ever driven a car? How did that go?: I think my first time behind the wheel was with my mom in a parking lot. Pretty sure her car was a manual, so I probably struggled with that.
Who did you last say “I love you” to?: My dad.
When did you last feel beautiful?: I guess fairly recently.
Are you currently frustrated over something?: I was frustrated over some fresh coworker nonsense, but now I'm just kind of like…who cares. It's not my problem to solve. I can stay on the fringes and go with the flow and let them do whatever they're gonna do.
Would you ever like to travel to Ireland? Or have you ever been?: I've never been, but sure, I would like to visit.
Have you ever had a yard sale?: No.
Do you enjoy going to yard sales or garage sales?: I did when I was younger.
Do you know someone with a big ego?: No.
What color is your most used blanket?: I have several blankets on my bed and they're all used about equally. They're also a bunch of different colors, so it would be annoying to try to list them all.
Does it annoy you when people type in all caps?: Can't say it annoys me because I always have the option to scroll on by. I understand that some people have vision issues and I wouldn't fault someone I knew if they had to communicate like that, but when it comes to random internet comments I'm not obligated to read…welp. I usually don't.
Do you like gummy bears?: Eh.
Where is your favorite place to grocery shop?: We shop at Walmart.
Have any plans for the day?: Just the animal shelter in the morning. Relaxing and doing nothing much for the rest of the day.
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dullahandyke · 11 months ago
Hang on actually before I hit post limit.pinned post so I can edit this and have my tumblr thoughts even tho I'm post limited
Yup okay hit the post limit <3 new followers please know this is normal
Anonymous asked: did they put bugs in him again
Yknow it's hard to tell but I think they might have. Guys we need to get riku dewormed again, this keeps happening to him :(
Anonymous asked: I forgot I had notifs turned on for your blog . Oopsie daisy
HAHAAAAAAAA ANON I CACKLED.... flattered u have urgent coverage on which large surface I'm thinking abt being slammed into at any given time but ig this is an object lesson in paying too much attention to me or something
Listening to a queer history podcast and it's so funny they're explaining to me what yuri is... I know ❤
on my laptop now bcos i gotta study for this stupid test..d. and then afterwards theres a powerpoint im actually rlly gonna enjoy presenting but i gotta facking put it together, augh
niche complaint but it sucks shit when animanga do the 'character suddenly becomes hot as part of a daydream/joke' gag and they dont go full bishie. give that man a delicate jawline NOW!!!
really happy with this sticker on my laptop. whenever im feeling down i just rememebr that this man got a lobotomy
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[ID: a black frame meme featuring Hajime Hinata from Super Danganronpa 2 at the chapter 1 cabin party, smiling and holding a glass of orange juice. It is captioned, "This man, got a lobotomy.]
whew im a sneezy girl. the sneezing sneasler. wait thats a pokemon. ritalin on friday unless i have a heart murmur
@effervescentleaf asked:
i know im constantly posting abt my beard but its still weird as hell to consider that i have a beard that other people can see. when people look at me they see androgyny. what the fuck. i keep being drawn to people with beards and make-up/long hair/jewelry/whatever the fuck else as my favourite examples of gender non-conformity and like. IM that. im that with my stupid eyeliner. what the shit
also that reminds me im not gonna have time to do my eyeliner before my class test tomorrow :/ now i Could just go without it bcos i'll have a presentation later in the day that i should probably be serious for. but where is the fun in that. i will be wearing a hawaiian shirt instead of a t-shirt and thats all that can be expected of me <3
i probs need to eat a proper meal but the call of pop tarts it is so great.... sighhhh i got the bread out the freezer for soup so ill see if thats defrosted. and if not. squints. cup noodles. kinda want the cup noodles anyway but the soup is gonna expire soon so i gotta be fuckinnn responsible and nutritious or whatever
sidenote i kind of rlly enjoy having just one long ledger of posts all day. kind of fun
Ugh fuck my gay life I gotta make a PowerPoint... I'm tired I'm a bit sick i gotta sleeeep... wanted to make it fancy but ig that's fucked :(
I saw a video of a cat and now I miss bubbles :( bubblesssss... I'm going home tomorrow tho so I'll see her then :)
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malka-lisitsa · 6 months ago
new ask game, send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the hell i want
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a long and loud ooc one for funsies- Mostly bc I woke up angry about shit from my past so you all gotta suffer through my ted talk.
Not telling people about shitty things people do for the sake of avoiding drama is catering to the longevity of that person's shitty actions! Saying "Don't talk about me to X" person is a red flag. You would not believe the amount of shit I dug up once I decided to stop adhering to that rule legitimately vindicating bc i learned I wasn't the only person they treated like shit! Which is why I feel particularly strong about this because feeling like I wasn't allowed to talk about it bc it was drama was so isolating.
The people who are loudest about not wanting drama are usually the first to cause it! <3
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Anyway I will continue to call out the rpc for it's stupid trends and not blink. Just bc you're too 'old/tired for drama' doesn't mean it doesn't still happen and should be talked about as a prevention tactic. I fully get not wanting to get involved but shitty people do not deserve willful blindness to hide behind. This is how abusers get away with abuse bc they're so CHARMING you just cant BELIEVE they'd be capable of that.
Side note I do not mean cause a ruckus and post a huge callout for every little thing. But shitty selfish, narcissistic, gaslighting, isolating behavior should always be brought to someone's attention bc those leave mental scars and have the potential to leave ptsd.
I'm also not just talking about tumblr this is just where I see it happen the most. Most abusive people rely on you not talking about the shitty things they do. This is where the majority of it happened for me. If someone is treating you like shit talk to someone about it. Even if its just for a second opinion on whether or not it's serious. Don't isolate yourself out of fear of drama. You might not be talking about it but I can almost promise you they are bc they need to get ahead of the ball for a defense tactic. I made that mistake 3 times.
I will actually probably lose followers over this bc the reaction to drama is so knee jerk but you know what if one person reads this and feels less isolated then I did what I set out to do.
I hope you all have a wonderful day except the hidden gaslighters I wish you a very trip <3
Oh and dear Anons that stalk me and are itching for a reason to send hate- preemptively go touch grass.
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xavigav · 1 year ago
Making My Own Tumblr Year In Review
So tumblr is not doing the individual years in review for 2023 like they did the last couple of years :(
This is the first year I’ve really been active on Tumblr and used it as my primary social media, so I was really sad to hear that. But then I decided…why not do it myself?
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I posted 1837 times in 2023. That’s 5 times per day.
1748 (95%) of my posts were reblogs, and 89 (5%) of my posts were original.
Blogs I think I reblogged the most? Not in order.
These are just based on me cmd-f'ing my blog using the names of blogs I remember reblogging a lot. It's probably wrong.
My top 15 most used tags (not 5 because i love tagging and want to show more):
#bts - 1045 posts (yeah obviously)
#bts pics - 803 posts (yeah obviously x2)
#queue attack my heart - 691 posts
#memery - 312 posts
#namjoon - 308 posts (i am so mentally ill)
#hoseok - 167 posts
#jungkook - 166 posts
#seokjin - 138 posts
#jimin - 138 posts (i wrote down seokjin's tag first so i put it higher)
#yoongi - 119 posts
#fic & writing - 108 posts
#taehyung - 103 posts
#bts birthdays - 99 posts
#serious posts - 92 posts
#namjoonposting - 59 posts (my favorite tag)
By the way this was so fucking annoying to do. The archive does not show how many posts you have in a certain tag. For every month I counted the amount of rows in a tag, multiplied it by 8, and added in any rows that didn't quite get up to 8. Then I added all those months together. I had to do that for every tag. Tumblr why is there no easy way to see the number of posts in a tag.
My top 5 posts of 2023:
5. Luffy Tab - 20 notes
Still can't believe we just. got a luffy tab. i just woke up and had a luffy tab
4. BTS Post Search - 27 notes
As it turned out. the poster changed their name to something else so that's why i couldn't find the post from tumblr user soupmoths -- they were an entirely different person. oopsie
Also I ended up being able to reblog it! Someone tagged me!
3. 3D Rant - 32 notes
This post got me my first hate reblog <3
In case anyone is wondering. I still agree with everything I said here.
2. Porn - 99 notes
Not doing the big link preview for this one since that on its own is kinda nsfw. Minors don’t click that link.
But yeah. That makes sense.
Even though there’s only 5 reblogs people find it semi-frequently (especially the past few days, no idea why), so I guess it’s spreading somehow? Which makes me happy :)
The Reddit Post - 2.1k notes
Obviously that was going to be it lol, over 20 times the amount of notes than anything else. My notifications were Dying.
Also, this stuff wasn’t in the actual Year in Review(s), but I’m adding them in for fun.
I liked 21k posts in 2023.
I followed 426 blogs in 2023 (not including the accounts I unfollowed).
I gained 69 followers in 2023 (excluding porn bots and regular bots). Nice.
I started 4 blogs on this account, 1 main blog and 3 side blogs.
I gained 15 mutuals in 2023 <3
All this data was as of December 18th, 2023.
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wonderbutch · 2 years ago
Hi ! I read your post about the mischaracterization of batfam members, could you expand more ? And how do you choose which characterization is "the right" ? I feel like comics are so old that first characterizations are too simple or over used.
But maybe, it is just not on board with dc merchandising plan...
Thanks you !
I WOULD LOVE TO EXPAND MORE but please keep in mind i havent read batfam comics in a HOT MINUTE but lets gooo.
for starters, the way i personally choose which characterisation to follow is the one that is most consistent within comics, which can be tricky, ill be the first to admit. but if your character basis is off of a headcanon you saw on tumblr/a thing you saw in one comic, you are bound to be just. holding onto nonsense.
now lets talk about how characters are talked about, characterised, and seen within fandom.
lets use dick grayson, aka nightwing, as an example. in the current comics, and in fandom, he is often depicted as the ray of hope and sunshine always happy in a gritty dark world. while this may be true to an extent to his character now, it certainly wasn’t the case when he was first becoming nightwing, and as robin. so many times i see batfamily fics set during the time where jason has just become robin that depict dick as the happy go lucky guy that loves everyone and is a ray of hope and love all the time. in reality (ha!) he was angry, he had just been fired as robin was constantly fighting with bruce, coming to terms with his emotions and feelings about being a vigilante, and dealing with interpersonal relationships. he was by no means acting all happy and sunshine. he loved jason, yes, but he certainly wasn’t hanging around wayne manor idly cracking jokes with bruce. however, as he grew into the nightwing title, he became more mature and less broody, but was still definitely a bit angsty and angry. definitely not the way hes often portrayed by fandom.
moving on, lets talk about jason. this is where comic characterisation really fucks up today. everyone, including fans and writers alike, love to present the idea that jason todd was “the angry robin”. from his first appearances, we KNOW this isnt true. he was full of love for life and adventure and enjoyed school a great amount. he grew up on the streets and had somewhat of a temper, yes, but this was usually to do with people who did great harm to others (for example, the ring at the beginning of death in the family) not because he was actually full of rage always. he was traumatised, yes. but full of hate and rage? definitely not. 80s comics are in that sweet spot where dialogue and storylines are darker and more serious, so its safe to count on jasons robin run as a pretty good place to reference jasons character as robin.
now, with tim drake, he is often depicted by fans as a coffee addicted technology genius mad scientist type character. i have so many problems with this for so many reasons. firstly, shut up about the coffee for the love of rao it has no basis in canon at all. secondly, although tim is talented and intelligent, a concerning amount of fans (and writers/comics, im looking at you, detective comics 2016) looove to say and depict tim as being “the smartest batfamily member”. this is just. so false that it’d almost be funny if it wasnt rooted in sexism (and perhaps ableism). that title will ALWAYS belong to barbara gordon. id love to go into detail about why people treat barbara gordon as second rate to tim but i think thats gonna be for another post. also, tim is literally a high school dropout!! as for the mad scientist thing, PLEASE read any other comic than red robin for your basis of tim drake characterisation. that depiction of tim is because of a very dark time in his life, he most definitely is not like that all the time 24/7.
cassandra cain’s fanon characterisation is probably one of the things about fandom that pisses me off the most. in fics, shes portrayed as this mute girl that loves batman and all his methods completely and has never disagreed with him ever. truthfully, as shown in her batgirl run during the 2000s (read it its so so good) cassandra cain is an 18 year old who has limited speech due to being raised without any spoken language whatsoever. instead, she was raised as a living weapon designed to kill whoever david cain asks. shortly after she kills her first person she is horrified, fleeing to the streets and eventually coming across barbara gordon who decides to take her in and give her the batgirl mantle. she then encounters a psychic who is able to give cassandra the ability to understand and speak english. her speech is short, often shown as short direct sentences sometimes with ellipses when she cannot think of and/or verbalise a certain word. however, she loves to talk and express herself and read books, even if it is difficult for her. for these reasons, i would consider her to be semi verbal and neurodivergent. as for being portrayed as The Biggest Batman Supporter Ever, in her comic run she is often seen directly disobeying batman, and has said point blank that she isn’t loyal to him, but to the batman mantle and symbol itself, taking the no killing rule extremely seriously. although she is one of the characters to obey the no killing rule the most and in its entirety, she most certainly isn’t bruce wayne’s/batman’s biggest supporter nor does she agree with everything he does or even his methods. that title would probably go to damian wayne, believe it or not (again, for another post) but, for these reasons i also consider cassandra cain to be the best choice for who gets to inherent the batman mantle.
this post is getting way too long but uhh those are my thoughts and feelings on certain batfamily characters and how they are mischaracterised by fandom and sometimes comics! i hope u found this informative lol.
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denjivhs · 1 year ago
match-up for @imjustabeanie
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your match in jjk is... toji fushiguro!
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i think you two would have a really fun dynamic tbh. lots of teasing and bordering a love-hate dynamic, yet somehow a sense of understanding between the two of you that would just draw you close.
he'd appreciate you for being so chill because he honestly cannot stand someone clinging to him and begging him for his attention 24/7 and you being secure in this sense definitely works out perfectly for him.
he personally wouldnt mind you being 'morally questionable' (you are both about to be really chaotic because youre both competitive and do not back down from doing the most questionable shit ever but hey!! yolo!!)
toji can honestly be pretty asshole-y but one thing he'll never be is whiny, or cowardly. it would take a while for you guys to develop a more serious relationship, but that's alright because neither of you were in the rush/looking for one.
i hc he's an early bird because of the training he received growing up. since hes a bit of a shithead he'd probably be super amused by how ill-tempered you are in the mornings and unfortunately will not hold back from poking fun at you until you're really mad. won't apologize for riling you up either since for him it was quite entertaining.
in general, he actually doesnt sleep all that much, so if you wanna get back at him by pulling a prank or two when he's asleep, youre gonna have to wait until he takes that 2-3 hour long rest. sadly, very little fazes him so you will have to wait and observe him to figure out his pet peeves and such.
toji is oddly observant. he may seem like a meathead but even the slightest change in your demeanour doesnt go amiss by him. youre really private about your personal matters though and he picked up on it quite early on so he never says anything. instead, he chooses to show his consideration through actions and gestures. he'll let up on his teasing and taunting, he'll do a bothersome chore on your behalf, take out the time of his day to run your errands, gruffly pat your head and tell you to take some time off.
one thing you'll probably pick up on fairly early on in your friendship/relationship with toji is that he loves it when you challenge him. *loves* it when you debate with him. youre constantly coming up with such interesting stuff and he finds it really amusing how youre so invested in your hobbies yet somehow have a short attention span at the same time. he may come off as borderline condescending sometimes but really, he actually secretly admires you. he loves that youre so sarcastic and humorous,
date ideas: while he'd be up for doing pretty much when youre hanging out together, somehow when it comes to the idea of a 'date' he'd actually want to do something like a dinner in a 'romantic' setting just because that seems proper. either that or something out of pocket and adventurous like bungee jumping if youre up for it.
instead of getting you flowers, he'd actually rather get you a gift (unless you really like flowers or something) and it'd be something surprisingly thoughtful- something that would show just how observant he is. would actually be pretty pleased to learn that you like receiving gifts and would probably say that flowers are dumb because they die so soon, have no functionality and all that.
songs: meddle about by chase atlantic, killshot by magdalena bay, superman by eminem, crybaby by the neighborhood
note: okay so your other two matchups are on my pc which i don't have on me rn so here's the first one!! 😭 tumblr app deleted half my draft like twice but we move 😀 n e wayz, will either edit those in later/post separately, lmk whatever you prefer :))
also i can finally spill the beans— the other character i was considering for you was actually nanami!! i thought i should pair you up w him to even things out/opposites attract type of scene but the more i thought abt it, i felt like it won't work in the long run. i think you'd enjoy being with someone a bit adventurous more than someone with such strong ideals and morals, because while nanami would be able to provide you the stability and nurturing, i think you might end up feeling a little stifled later on.
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