#pluto in 6H
elysiansparadise · 1 year
Can you talk about pluto in the 6th house
Pluto in the 6th house
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These natives have perfectionist tendencies, it is likely that in their past they have been judged for having made a mistake or not having done something well enough. They are demanding of themselves, and their keen eye for detail is often used more often on themselves. They put all their energy and attention into the task at hand and always try to do an outstanding job. They can be high-strung and lack optimism, so they feel like they always have to be alert or ready for whatever comes their way. Thinking about the future causes them great anxiety but they never allow themselves to be nervous or insecure in front of other people. They like to have total control of their actions, which is why they often clash with people who are demanding, possessive, or who limit their personal and creative freedom. They have an excellent mind for strategy and have unmatched organisational skills, they have an excellent work ethic that stands out for loyalty, efficiency and responsibility. Many of them fear making mistakes or failure in any of its forms. Many of these natives feel tormented by uncertainty or not knowing what is going to happen. If the Sun, Moon or Mercury is badly aspected, it is likely that the native gives the impression of wanting to have everything under control.
They are very careful about their personal hygiene, they can be very neat and demanding when it comes to cleaning the place where they spend the most time. Change, especially one that is very abrupt, can cause them some discomfort, since many of them find it difficult to adapt to new things [especially if they lack Mutable placements]. They are people who have wounds related to trust and feeling intimate with someone, surprisingly they tend to help others to heal these same wounds, since they have a stable personality, understanding and above all, very loyal. These people are very devoted in all areas of their lives, but particularly at work. Some of these natives may work as psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, in the business sector, in any position of power, accountants or a job that requires researching, obtaining or organising information. Something that usually occurs with this placement is that the native can quickly climb in their work environment, becoming highly respected, admired or even feared for their position and abilities. They tend to attract envious people in the work area or people with whom there may be a certain power struggle / excessive competitiveness.
These people may have problems accepting their body image and losing weight may be something extreme, or they lose it very easily or it is very difficult for them. They do not usually have a large appetite and may frequently skip meals. These people tend to work a lot or push themselves a lot, some can border on workaholic [enhanced if it's making hard aspects with Saturn, Mars or MC ruler], rone to stress and are likely to have multiple burnouts due to the enormous amount of overexertion. They do not like to ask for help or it can be very difficult for them. They can deeply dislike criticism. These people are very interested in self-knowledge, they know themselves very precisely and, just like with themselves, they seek to really and deeply know the people who mean the most to them. They are not superficial, nor false in any way, they always like to be authentic and firm before what they consider correct or true. In case of having pets, they always try to take good care of them, so that they do not lack anything and many of them can be very attached to them. With Pluto here, it is likely that they experience a phobia of a specific animal [arachnophobia, musophobia, cynophobia, entomophobia, apiphobia, etc.], this may be something they experience as children or something from a bad experience. These people are very protective of pets and may have a dream or desire to help as many animals as they can. They do not tolerate any kind of negligence.
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ms-taurusvenus · 3 months
Astro Notes 2
2H Plutos have the universe with them financially. Even when they reach a low point financially, the universe always catches them. Ei, a 2H Pluto naive has $20 in their bank account, a few days later they get an additional $150. Then a few days later, they get an additional $300.
Don’t mess with someone with a Cancer Moon with an Aries Mars. They know express and feel their emotions and how to translate them and aren’t going to hesitate when needing to express themselves. Especially when they’re yelling at someone. You can see and feel the impact and how they’re feeling and their anger is very intimidating. NGL, they’re kinda scary when they’re mad.
Moon in 8H, 12H, 6H or weakened Moons can indicate insomnia. 
Although Pisces may be good in the 5H, navies with this placement may feel self-doubt or have a god complex if they choose to indulge into the arts, creativity, & possibly even when it comes to how they view children. 
Complimenting others strengthens your Venus.
6H transits -> potential stomach issues/pain. 6H = Virgo and rules the stomach
3H & Gemini placements may have a tendency to unintentionally talk about themselves.
5H transits may indicate connecting with your inner child, no it doesn’t only mean your love life will get better.
Libra, Cancer and Taurus Mars should do Pilates and yoga when it comes to working out  and fitness.
Saturn-Venus/Moon aspects should study somewhere that they won’t get comfortable (bedroom, house, etc) and go outside (cafes, libraries, etc) to get work done.
Debilitated 11H tend to struggle with friend groups and having them and it often results to them having a lot of online friends and hanging out with people individually/one-on-one.
Thank you for reading until the end! Hope you enjoyed, my inbox are OPEN!
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jupitervapor · 2 years
Astrology Observations #2
disclaimer: these are just my opinions and observations <3
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composite scorpio moon signals an intense relationship with a lot of plutonic/martian qualities (jealousy, anger, seduction)
1H saturn/ harsh moon-saturn aspects feel uncomfortable with just existing
profection years ruled by libra/taurus make you feel sexy hot because you attract a lot of suitors 🔥
virgo/sag/ pisces risings are attracted to partners that look like them (mercury influence on 1H/7H)
8H moons are deeply intuitive. they have a gut feeling when something significant is going to happen (there’s been so many times in my life where i’ve felt a gut feeling before going through a major transition)
capricorn moons/saturn-moon aspects would 100% live off grid. being in solitude is appealing to them.
aries/scorpio ruled 6H or 6H mars/pluto are prone to self-sabotaging habits when they are angry
taurus/libra moons do not like picking sides (my friend has a taurus moon and refuse to have a definitive stance about people)
personal planets at 18° experience a lot of anxiety
whatever sign you have a stellium in could point to where you experience injuries/illness (virgo stellium could experience stomach problems)
4H plutos could experience a lot hardships in their early childhood (ages 1-5)
capricorn mars tends to work in government and policy (capricorn rules civilization and social order)
the sagittarius pluto transit was the reason celebrities were perceived as “larger than life” (jupiter’s influnce), unattainable and put on pedestals
however the capricorn pluto transit we see celebrities starting to show their struggles that they face and the rise of cancel culture
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ninelivesastrology · 7 days
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Asking the important questions, I see
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neptunianmars · 2 years
planets in the 6H and how they influence your routine
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the 6H in astrology represents healing- physically and mentally. a part of our mental health is dependent on our routine and structure in our day-to-day lives. we can look to the 6H and what’s in it to help determine the best type of routine we should be following to support us:
Sun in the 6H: routine is where you excel! Sun in the 6H people are usually very organized and tidy in their mind, and in turn in their routine. you might not realize that a lot of your self worth can rely on your ability to be productive. having an efficient, structured routine and greatly boost your confidence in yourself and give you a healthy amount of control. it’s easy for Sun in the 6H natives to get burned out in their routine, so finding one that doesn’t require any over-exertion but is still efficient for you is important. it’s also important not to be hard on yourself when you can’t keep up with it like when you’re sick or just some rest days; we are not made to be productive 24/7 :) you might do well with a monthly based routine, and a good day for you to be productive is Sunday.
Moon in the 6H: how easy your routine comes to you will be a little more dependent on what sign the Moon falls in. your natal Moon sign will be a huge part of it, but also what sign the Moon is traveling in. the Moon changes signs every 2-3 days, and knowing these changes and planning accordingly will help you tremendously in your routine. your mood is a direct effect of your productivity. for example, if you try to “go with the flow” and go through your day with no plans while the Moon is in Capricorn, you might notice your attitude will suffer because of it. this doesn’t mean you have to be go go go all the time, it just means you should be mindful of your routine and efficiency and remember that even checking one or two tasks a day can mean a lot. a good day for you to take care of things is Monday.
Mercury in the 6H: planning planning planning. i literally just imagine planners and sticky notes everywhere. you are extremely organized and love to know every little part of your day. you are the person who looks up the menu before you go to a restaurant so you know exactly what to expect and to maximize time efficiency in trying to pick out something to eat. any organized routine will be very beneficial for you, but it’s important for you to be mentally stimulated. if your mind goes by on these tasks unchallenged, you very well could become bored and then burned out from the mindlessness. it’s also important to note that any unexpected changes in your routine can cause nervousness or stress, so finding a healthy way to handle what life throws at you is important or your mental health can suffer. a good day for you to handle things is Wednesday.
Venus in the 6H: no matter what your preferred routine is, you do it beautifully! the best way for you to get through your day is to romanticize it with the prettiest planner filled with color coded notes and tabs and your best matching work out set. as long as you bring in an element of beauty to your schedule, you’re set. pleasure is a big element too; you’re not going to be happy performing tasks you don’t care about, so it’s important to set aside lots of time to take care of tasks you’re excited for. for example, make sure in between your bank run and your post office trip that you stop by your favorite coffee shop to get your favorite beverage. or when you go to the grocery store, make sure you pick up your favorite dessert or bottle of wine. adding little glances of pleasure throughout your day will greatly improve your experience. self care should also be a big priority for Venus in 6H natives. a good day to take care of things for you is Friday.
Mars in the 6H: this placement can make you extremely motivated when it comes to productivity. you are full of energy and love to get things done! when circumstances cause you to be less than efficient, it might manifest as frustration, anger, or stress in the mind or body. it will be important for you to learn a healthy way to deal with these frustrations as life gets in the way of plans, but also to remember you have more energy than most and can prioritize most of it onto your schedule. you might find that you are assertive and independent when it comes to your routine, and so other’s advice or insertion can anger you as well. just remember to stick to what works for you and you only. a good way for Mars in the 6H natives to work out energy is to make a competition with yourself. try to push yourself to get things done with a reward. this can make day to day stuff fun but also more efficient! a good day for you to push yourself is Tuesday.
Jupiter in the 6H: while a lot of other people might experience a lot of stress when it comes to their routines and to-do lists, you might rarely experience this because Jupiter in the 6H natives can take on a lot more than others. time management comes easy to you and it always seems like you get everything done with time to spare. this can actually lead to some procrastination because you always feel like you have more time, so noting this is important so as to avoid procrastinating important tasks. also, just because you can take on more than most doesn’t mean you should. you might become burned out earlier than others and though it may not manifest in the most obvious way, it can affect your health if you don’t take it seriously. that being said, take advantage of your great productiveness by helping others when you can and it will bring you good karma. Thursday is a good day for you to be productive. 
Saturn in the 6H: being productive for you means mountains of errands and tasks that seem to run on forever. you might find stuff on your to-do list, even the fun stuff, is a chore and the absolutely last thing you want to do. life itself feels like a never ending routine that you can’t get out of. you might think everyone feels like this, but this is not true! lots of people find ways or naturally enjoy their trivial tasks and you can find a way too. the important thing is to recognize that a schedule is naturally very draining to you and hard for you to enjoy. rest days are going to be extremely important, and with that comes not being hard on yourself when you do rest. Saturn in the 6H natives are actually really productive but it’s because they feel like they need to be, and you don’t. you are allowed to rest and to do things the non-traditional way in order to find joy in it. Saturday is a good errand day for you.
Uranus in the 6H: in order for Uranus in the 6H natives to stay productive, you need constant variation in your day to day life. you need spontaneity from somewhere in your schedule or you will end up resenting the process. you might benefit from just putting aside a few hours of your day to do whatever you feel like doing that day, or planning for different things every day. i recommend following the days of the week according to astrology. each day of the week is ruled by a different planet and thus, you can follow the themes for that day so your doing something new every day. another thing to keep in mind is your routine is going to be different from everyone else’s. Uranus loves to go off the beaten path, and so you will be the most successful when you come up with your own specific, unique schedule that suits your needs the best. don’t try to copy others or do “what you’re supposed to do,” do what feels right to you
Neptune in the 6H: the hard truth is that is going to be a lot harder for you to stick to a routine than most others. you might find that you’re very go-with-the-flow in your day to day life, and don’t really plan anything. you go to work when you’re scheduled, eat when you get hungry, and just deal with things as they come. there’s nothing wrong with this, but it can be frustrating to some who want to maximize their efficiency or have more control over their lives. and then when you do start a schedule, it’s very hard for you to stick with it. the best way for Neptune in the 6H natives to stay productive is to tap into your determined placements and find something that motivates you long term. one suggestion is if your own life isn’t enough motivation to be productive, then do it for others. like Uranus in the 6H people, you might benefit from following the days of the week according to astrology. each day of the week is ruled by a different planet and so thus, you can follow the themes for that day so you always know what’s coming. whatever you find that interests and motivates, schedule around that and stick to it. 
Pluto in the 6H: no one is more committed to the routine than you are. like Saturn, it becomes your entire life but unlike Saturn who dreads it, you maintain it with a sense of efficiency that most others will never reach. you have incredible focus that allows you to not waver from your responsibilities. the way you handle your day to day life inspires and motivates others, and they will likely try to follow your lead. it’s important for you to stick to this leader archetype, because following yourself is the best course of action for you. sticking to your schedule is a transformative experience and will give you a great surge of personal power. if you fail to stick with it, you might feel as if you’ve lost control over your whole life and it can quickly send you downhill. it’s going to be important for you to find a healthy balance of staying strong in your routine and going the extra mile, but also not letting it completely take over your life and give you bad habits. overall, Pluto in the 6H natives are extremely persistent and motivated and can go very far. 
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8hsaturn · 1 year
I saw your post about free readings.. I would like a natal reading
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Natal Chart Reading:
many of the negative interpretations of specific placements and aspects could not manifest if the native grows up in an environment where the tensions are well-managed and used as opportunities for growth, the potential of the clash is there but like everything in astrology, it can be handled both positively or negatively.
a birth chart is extremely complex, so there are always more things to say, so please keep in mind that as detailed of a reading as this could be, there will always be more things to learn.
BIG 3:
6h Scorpio Sun ruled by 6h Pluto and 7h Mars, square 4h Moon in a scorpio degree and 9h Saturn in an Aquarius degree, conjunct Jupiter, in a cancer degree:
you seek depth and substance in every aspect of your life, the type of person to focus on every detail and not be too fund of the mundane. You might have heard jabs here and there about how you look way too deep into things, but you just happen to see deeper than the superficial side of things.
you seek to hold control in the workplace and have enough authority to self determinate in your job. You could prefer to own your business or to have an arrangement that allows you full control on most aspects of your job. You might be scared of losing control over your routine and daily life.
you could be prone to headaches or STDs. Make sure your partners are clean and safe.
You could be one thought away from spiraling everyday, prone to anxiety as well as overthinking daily social interactions which could manifest in social anxiety, or self-esteem issues. Be careful of letting your relationships control your mental stability, or attempting to micromanage other people.
you could find that your ultimate desires in life, worldly ones specially (recognition, wealth, fame, popularity…) clash with what brings you emotional satiation. You could crave being surrounded by a group of loved ones, building your own family and dedicating your time to your safe space and family -including the one you choose. However, you could also crave autonomy and being recognized by most of the people you interact with daily and not simply your family.
Alternatively, the conflict could be between your desire to be of service to people, to help them overcome emotional hurdles and their dark moments, regardless of whether they appreciate or even recognize your efforts that cost a lot of your energy VS only focusing and what brings YOU satisfaction and only truly helping those who were here for you as much as you were there for them.
you could’ve also grown up in a household charged with tension, or ego clashes between your parents: on one side, a more family-focused but critical mother, who might’ve been either very self-deprecating and unconsciously ingrained you with self doubt and anxiety, or could’ve been straight up obsessed with molding you to her expectations of perfection. and on the other side, a father who might’ve either travelled very often or was very busy with his higher education and aspirations and was relatively absent, might also have been as strict as the mother but more on the matters of education and discipline. Nevertheless, the father could’ve been irresponsible towards the native and undisciplined. A father who might’ve been disciplined when it comes to their own aspirations but not so much towards the native. He could also overindulge at times, and might’ve been very lucky with business deals and partnerships.
You could’ve struggles with spirituality a lot growing up: might have had some form of religious trauma or simply felt put-off by religion, this however could’ve changed as you grew older especially after your first Saturn return. You could also find blockages were very frequent when it comes to traveling or pursuing higher education.
Despite all these limitations, you tend to be very determinate when it comes to overcoming the obstacles and limitations you encounter, and the latter end up making you grow into a stronger, more mature person.
you could’ve always had a deep curiosity about the world and a desire to acquire wisdom through studying its. This could’ve led you to either finding it an interpretation of the world through religion or coming up with your own ideologies. you could also have a pretty skeptic view that refuses to accept beliefs based on faith only.
you could be extremely generous and a big dreamer. You don’t like to limit your aspirations. You have this incredible presence that’s noticed by people around you, like a superstar, and you just look like you were born to be on the spotlight. you’re very magnetic and might find yourself inspiring happiness in people and helping them take big leaps that might’ve otherwise though to be overly-risky.
Gemini rising with Lilith on the ascendant, ruled by 7h Sagittarius mercury in an Aquarius degree:
your chart ruler is in fall, which could push you to have a hard time relating to any of the Gemini rising traits. you might not be as malleable or flexible in your opinions as a Gemini would be but might find yourself with a “preacher” sort of attitude, you might be very hard to sway out of a conviction and might influence people surrounding you to believe the same, however, you’re still plenty open-minded and like to expose yourself to new information constantly. The upside though is that you’re very influential especially when it comes to one-on-one interaction. Nevertheless, you might still relate to the “chameleon” traits of Gemini risings as Sagittarius is mutable too, you could also be very curious and constantly crave to learn new things
with the Virgo moon Scorpio sun combo, your close circle may see you as the person to talk to when they feel down and need a pep talk.
7th house stellium: righteous type of individual, the social justice warrior of your circle. You learn about yourself through others, so relationships are an important focus of your purpose in this lifetime. Pay attention to what relationships make you happiest, which ones make you learn more, and which ones stunt your growth.
random aspects:
Neptune conjunct Venus: be careful of idealizing your partners, rose-colored glasses,
Uranus in the 8th house: you might realize that uncomfortable changes come to you extremely suddenly shocking you in the process. you might be uncomfortable with emotion but you’re one with the collective and your social network, as well as aware of trends.
Pluto trine MC: coupled with the 7h stellium, you know how to instantly read a room.
hope you find this accurate <3
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thewanderingstars · 2 years
My dad is an Aries rising with Mars, Moon, Uranus, and Pluto in Virgo in the 6H. I cannot think of a more intense combination of planets to have as a stellium.
And this shows up in his personality so much because he is always cleaning and organizing and cannot rest until he’s done, but he does it in the most obnoxious, disruptive, Arien/Martian way possible. It’s actually kind of funny knowing that’s how he is and then seeing this in his chart.
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harmoonix · 20 days
🪼⨍ꫀׁׅܻ᥎꫶ׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ ժׁׅ݊ꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻɑׁׅ֮ ꩇׁׅ🪼
🕊 By Harmoonix 🕊
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~ my heart goes la di da ~
🪼 - Scorpio Risings/Scorpio Mars/Scoprio Sun are more possessive than the rest of Scoprio placements in my opinion,Scoprio Moon or Scoprio Venus will act more obsessed than posseisve
🪼 - Taurus Placements can focus on lot of finances and wealth, some things with gaining and getting from others (money)
🪼 - Where Neptune sits in your chart can indicate where you get addicted:
In the 7H, to your relationships
In your 10H, to your status, public image
In the 1H, becoming addicted to your appearance/the way you look
In the 2H, becoming addicted to money and finances
In the 3rd H, becoming addicted to communicating more, expressing yourself, addicted to creativity
In the 12H, becoming addicted to isolating yourself, hiding yourself from the world
🪼 - Mars in Virgo/6H or at 6° or 18° their charm is insane. Their body can stand out to these natives, beautiful mind and body is the definition for them
🪼 - Mars in Pisces and Sagittarius natives have irresistible charms since Jupiter rules both of these signs, the person is very liked with Mars in this position
🪼 - 12H Sun can have lots of Neptunian energy, therefore the Sun will act in "shadow", not seen so easy by others
🪼 - Lilith h12 in the 4H/9H and 12H have deep ancestral wounds, it can be generational pain as well
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🪼- When you have Neptune/Venus or Sun/Jupiter in the 2H, you can become addicted to buying things that light up your mood and make you happy instead of simply buying them because you want them
🪼- Taurus/Libra or Pisces Risings/Moons are like a piece of art, ready to be set up in a museum
🪼- Capricorns can be night owls. If you don't know, the meaning of night owl is when a person is more productive at night instead of being productive during the day
🪼- When you have Neptune in the 1H/Neptune aspecting the ascendant, you can have doubts about yourself, like you can think youre not beautiful or that youre not liked because soemtimes Neptune makes illuions and fake scenarios about things that may actually not be real. You are very beautiful and sometimes you cannot see it
🪼- Uranus in the 7H can bring an awkward situation when you'll meet with your partner/spouse
🪼- Lilith in the 4H/10H can actually indicate being judged by the family or feeling like the black sheep. Especially from the father side of the family (Mother side can be too)
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🪼 - Mars in the 8H i think is one of the most sensual houses to have Mars in. Everything is so sexual right there
🪼 - Taurus/Venus in the 3rd house gives you a very harmonious relationship with your siblings (in case you have)
🪼 - Lilith in Aquarius is the place where Lilith doesn't want to be like others and it can sound corny but she is just feeling different than the rest of the world
🪼 - Venus in Capricorn may actually need a lot patience in their relationship, you're waiting but for a reaosn, to find something better
🪼 - Sun in the 9H can be the person to change their spiritual or belief system a lot in their lives, they wanna try and experience different things
🪼 - Asteroid Ishtar (7088) is said to be equivalent to Asteroid Aphrodite so aspecting the ASC/MC can indicate surrounding yourself with beauty
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🪼 - Having the ruler/lord of the 6H in the 12H can indicate that the pets you have in this life time can be family members from a past life
🪼 - Pluto aspecting the Asc/Sun or Moon gives you the "detective" aura, you can find yourself being interested in crime series or crime novels
🪼 - Cancer Guys especially Cancer Sun/Rising Guys can be momma boys,so when you date them make sure their momma won't come between u 2
🪼 - Venus in Cancer/Venus in the 4H are the best placements to have if you want to raise a family or an entire generation
🪼 - Asteroid Bless [92891] and what you were blessed with:
In the 3rd - with great siblings/brotherhood comfort
In the 10H - with a good career or job/public image
In the 11H - blessed with finding the community you belong to
In the 2H - finances/money/security
In the 9H - with a great background/ancestral background/with a good learning skill
In the 1H - blessed with your appearance/the way you look
🪼 - Asteroid Aura 1488 aspecting Sun gives the aura of a young soul, someone very kind and light hearted
🪼 - Aura 1488 aspecting Mars gives the aura of an ambitious/brave/bold person, influential aura
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🪼- Aura 1488 aspecting Jupiter gives the aura of a four-leaf clover, very wise, spiritual, intuitive is giving shaman/wizard vibes
🪼 - The rising you have in your D9 chart (vedic astrology) is the energy you'll embody a lot in this life, for example I have Cancer Rising in my D9 chart and I have to focus on things that make me more comfortable and secure just like a Cancer 👁👄👁
🪼 - Virgo + Aquarius combo in your chart can tell about a very intelligent native, clear mind, good personality and charming
🪼 - Gemini + Leo combo in your chart can tell about a person who is always thinking at others more than anything, caring, generous, and social/popular
🪼 - Jupiter in your 4H/9H can indicate leaving your home country and flying to another maybe for a better life or whatever reasons, it indicates some moving when you were a kid
🪼 - Taurus Saturn/Saturn in the 2H are rarely talked about, I think Saturn here wants to teach the native to spend their money carefully on things so they can be 100% fulfilled of their purchases
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🪼 - Saturn in the 6th/12th Saturn at 6° 18°,12°,24° degrees, this is a very healing placement, but one tool to use to heal yourself is literally the sleep, trustttttt me, if you feel sad try to sleep, if you had a bad day try to sleep it will make you feel much better! The sleep can actually heal you.
🪼 - Saturn in Gemini/Saturn in the 3rd house will give you "freedom of speech", your voice is very powerful and you can help people with it
🪼 - Pluto/Lilith in the 11th house can talk about being different from your group of friends, you can have something not everyone will accept in their friend group
🪼 - When you have Jupiter harshly aspecting your Sun you can often think of bad luck happening to you
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🪼 - When you have Saturn in Sagittarius or in the 9H school can sometimes drain you the most, especially some teachers as well
🪼 - Mars in the 9H can actually tell of tense situations with teachers and in school generally (Mars in Sag and Mars in 9° and 21° can as well)
🪼 - Chiron in the 1st/2nd houses can not always the best relation with their bodies, is a slow journey but with good results, if you want that of course
🪼 - Venus in the 10th/Capricorn can sometimes put work before relationships, especially after a breakup omg, they gonna focus much more on work than ever
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🦋 Connecting Yourselves to the source 🦋
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mellowtaurus · 5 months
Astro obvs✨
people with scorpio in 5H usually could have strained or half way relationships even very turbulent
Venus-Neptune people can be very idealistic and have high , ideal standards in love or unhealthy ones
Water ruled 5H or Venus-moon people could like sad/low energy songs
Scorpio risings have a very this very serious , devoted approach about them
Most Aries risings imo have that “oh really😳” type of look
Cancer risings can have very soft , sensitive skin
Libra moons need alone time when dealing with emotions or they’ll talk them out
Venus-Pluto people depending the aspect can have toxic , unhealthy tendencies or obsessions when it comes to relationships or overall crushes even
Leo and Virgo energy makes some really conscious , laid back but also creative people and these people like observing first
Virgo Venus values sharing/receiving and giving maybe in a relationship if they’re really interested in you lol
Mars/Fire ruled 6H people may do a lot of moving around and exercise before starting a tasks/chore
Aquarius moon people may feel like no one will understand their point of view or how they feel so they just keep quiet
Virgo moons may expect you to know how their feeling instead of just them telling you
Cardinal signs forgive and forget
12H mercury can be prone to lying or manipulation because they know how people and their subconscious works also have an understanding of the mind and how if works
Water 6h people LOVE pets and may think of them as their child🫶
Sagittarius Venus people can contemplate on hours if they’re actually able or ready to being a full time relationship
Virgo MC people can do careers that involve helping others or relating to others (podcasts , daily journaling, music etc.)
Saturn-moon may have grown up fast or had to deal with adult situations/emotions or take on responsibilities from such a young age🫂
Pisces 2H people may spend a lot of their money on vinyls , metaphysical things , artwork or even alot of jewelry that means something to them
Aquarius risings can come off as “aloof” or awkward maybe even a bit “mean”
Libra 10H can be very good at attracting attention because of their beautiful/handsome and appealing personality, features or even their work
Cancer 5H may have started a certain hobby when they where young or in their hometown and they still use that as value
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venus111 · 1 month
Astrology observations
👣 virgos get married to Leos they are soulmates
👣 Ophiuchus Sign is a unique sign for whom stoppage, inactivity, conservatism are absolutely contra-indicated
👣 Neptune in the 8th house/pisces 8H natives may meet death by drowning, drugs, poisoning, coma, while asleep, suicide
👣 Pluto in the 6H/scorpio 6H natives like to masturbate regularly
👣 Gemini Mars and Scorpio Mars is the scariest Mars sign to have
👣 cancer in the 3rd house and Neptune in the 9th house don’t like to go to places/areas they don’t know they are afraid of getting lost
👣 cancer and taurus placements study history,business,accounting
👣 Sagittarius/Pisces in the 7H( Gemini rising, Virgo rising) natives are often called unintelligent, people make fun of your education
👣 Aries Venus men are fuck boys they are horny 24/7
👣 people born on 2,11,20 are very good planners but on the other hand they are lazy also. They can easily go in depression as they have a mood swing problem often
👣 Pisces placements have prophetic/intuitive dreams , they normally act and present themselves as mentally gullible and physically weak that’s why people are protective of them Earth is not a nice place for pisceans
👣 Venus dominant native can be chameleon-like in their behaviour they can become whatever the other person wants them to become
👣 mercury conjunction venus person want to have the prettiest and most expensive cars
👣 many astrologers say sun-Pluto native have bad relationship with their father (daddy issues) i don’t resonate I have sun square Pluto my father is my best friend I adore him he’s super chill
👣 Sagittarius in the 4th house love drinking milk
👣 Aries placements have moles/Beauty marks
👣 Libra sun/moon/rising splurge their money on clothes and shoes
👣 Aries Saturn makes a person aware of their deeds and actions
👣 Lilith in Leo/degree/5H don’t want to have children
👣 Pisces rising native look and sound sleepy they have a tired look
👣 Mars-Neptune people get sexual dreams
👣 Pisces and Gemini placements have poor memory they can’t remember things
👣 I have Lilith in Leo 26° people always ask me for money and want me to share everything with them, i find out that people are jealous because of how beautiful we are or all of the things we have, i had friends who hacked my bank account
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numerologica · 7 days
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
This post is based on Whole Signs System.
• Congratulations for Gemini Risings born in the Pluto in Sagittarius Generation... carrying Pluto in the 7H isn't for the weak. How are your romantic relationships going?
• Congratulations for Sagittarius Risings born in the Pluto in Sagittarius Generation... carrying Pluto in the 1H isn't for the weak. How's your relationship with your own image going? How many changes to your appearance have you done?
• Congratulations for Virgo Risings born in the Pluto in Sagittarius Generation... carrying Pluto in the 4H isn't for the weak. How's your family doing? How's your relationship with them?
• Congratulations for Pisces Risings born in the Pluto in Sagittarius Generation... carrying Pluto in the 10H isn't for the weak. How's your career's going?
• Congratulations for Libra and Aquarius Risings born in the Pluto in Sagittarius Generation (Pluto in the 3H and 11H respectively). How are your friendships going? How many friends have you changed in your life?
• Congratulations for Aries Risings born in the Pluto in Sagittarius Generation, carrying Pluto in the 9H isn't for the weak. How's your higher education going?
• Congratulations for Taurus Risings born in the Pluto in Sagittarius Generation, carrying Pluto in the 8H isn't for the weak. How's your mental health and sexual life going? How many times have you felt your depth scare you?
• Congratulations for Cancer Risings born in the Pluto in Sagittarius Generation, carrying Pluto in the 6H isn't for the weak. How's your daily routine going? How's your relationship with your colleagues?
• Congratulations for Leo Risings born in the Pluto in Sagittarius Generation, carrying Pluto in the 5H isn't for the weak. How's your romantic life going? And your sexual one?
• Congratulations for Scorpio Risings born in the Pluto in Sagittarius Generation, carrying Pluto in the 2H isn't for the weak. How's your self worth going? And what about your finances?
• Congratulations for Capricorn Risings born in the Pluto in Sagittarius Generation, carrying Pluto in the 12H isn't for the weak. How's your mental health going?
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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whitlovealways8 · 13 days
Astro Observations Pt 3
I am not a professional astrologer but I have been studying for some years and have made some accurate world predictions; as well as, predictions for myself and loved ones.
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Having 12H synastry with someone is like being tethered no matter the distance or time.
Having South Node synastry with someone represents past life connections. I dislike the term karmic for not all past life connections are bad. My son & I have SN synastry.
My 5h is pisces and my son's rising sign is Pisces. 5h definitely does indicate a placement of the big 3 of your first child.
Jupiter transiting the 5h or 5h profection year can bring about children. Speaking from experience.
9H placements would do well in mentorship or educating professions. Sometimes I think I should refocus my career path.
Uranus transits to your personal planets is a great time to learn astrology.
4h synastry feels like a sense of obligation but not in a way that it feels burdensome. U feel you must have that person's back. Like a mother who loves her child even after disappointment.
Cancer moons are very intuitive. They reject people with nasty auras. This is especially true in the children.
I have seen some post about signs of an absent father and I can confirm three. Myself, sun in the 8h. My son, has Saturn in the 12H and SN in the 9H. The 9h too represents the father. I also read the SN in 9h represents the child carrying on the karma from the father, however, generational karam/trauma breakers are born everyday :)
Moon-Saturn harsh aspects & 8h moon endure so much emotional turmoil. I want to hug them all.
I have observed this in a couple people, but I do believe Virgo moons carry a lot of shame. Especially if they had less than an ideal living circumstances as a child.
Capricorn placements are so independent! I wish they would ease up off the hyperindependence.
Pisces rising people have the most beautiful eyes. My son has bright, doe eyes.
Libra & Taurus placements are effortlessly attractive!
Pluto on an angle, esp 1H gives a lot of major life transformations than the average.
The irony of Scorpio risings with a Leo MC, when scorpio wants to be mysterious and leo energy wants to be seen.
I don't like the gossipy trash talk that follows gemini placements/3housers. Like Penelope Bridgerton said, "Gossip is merely information". I do believe these placements, esp geminis tell truthful information. Though I will not discredit that some gossip on a whole can be false.
Libra is to be all about justice but I often find that libra suns (esp the men) lie sooo much. Idk if its because the sun is in detriment.
Mars transiting the 6h is a great time to develop a exercise routine that will stick. Mars in the 6h however, is also a great time to stay away from knives. I cut my finger in the worst way possible when I had a mars cazimi in my 6h.
Use ur lunar return to track your monthly themes for 3 months and see what observations u get
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scorpihoe1111 · 3 months
Synastry Observations: Part 2💞
Your Moon/Mercury falling in someone’s 3H can open the house person up to bigger ideas of logic and emotion. A person who can be closed minded, ignorant or emotionally immature can possibly become more open minded and emotionally mature and considerate when they have 3H synastry with someone as the house person learns through the planet person.
Neptune synastry, esp when in the 1H/7H can project on the planet individual a lot. The house person can see the planet person as someone better or worse than they actually are. They refuse to see the person for who and what they are, whether in a good or bad sense and have rose colored glasses.
I noticed those with 9H synastry usually have issues with one another’s in laws. It can be that the in laws might not approve of a relationship or marriage between the two, seemingly because one of the partners might be completely different from what the others parents expected their son/daughter to be in a romantic relationship with.
Ladies, if your 1H falls in a man’s Venus sign or is sextile/conjuct his Mars/Venus/ASC, he may just be obsessed with you 🫢
Same can be said if your moon falls in his 8H/12H. They can obsessed with trying to know how you feel about them and wanting to own you basically
Pluto square/opp Moon in synastry indicate an emotionally abusive relationship sometimes.
10H synastry can indicate the friendship/relationship being a publicity stunt or something that’s very much in the public eye. Many people may know of you two being together.
Unfortunately, 10H synastry can also include a lot of your beef/fights with the person to be publicized or all over social media a lot esp if 11H synastry is involved too.
Your personal planets falling in someone’s 6H or aspecting Saturn/Neptune (esp harsh aspects) can indicate someone who is consistently trying to change or “fix” you.
6H synastry can also be indicative of someone making you do physical labor for them as well.
Jupiter opp Saturn can make the Jupiter person feel like they’re being held back or tied down in a relationship with the Saturn person but usually the Saturn person is just trying to give Jupiter some responsibility.
Uranus aspecting ASC in synastry is a sign of the ASC person feeling oddly vulnerable and comfortable around the Uranus person. They usually feel like they can be themselves.
Not sure when I’ll be doing a part 3, but thanks for all the support 👏🏻
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venusgroove · 9 months
solar return observations
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this post is quite short, sorry!!!
chiron in 7h - expect to get rejected, romantic relationships will fail A LOT.
libra or leo rising - glow up!
8h placements - a lot of people will have crushes on you, but these people may have toxic motives. this could also cause someone to be obsessive towards other people.
12h neptune - veryyy weird/vivid dreams!
9h mars - new motivation in school or just gaining knowledge. you might pick up a new, non-physical hobby.
pluto opposite venus - a relationship could be on and off, not consistent at all, causing confusion and negative emotions.
2h uranus - money coming and going, not a financially stable year.
10h placements - gaining popularity, check planets to see how it manifests.
5h saturn - a very mature year, you’ll learn to take things very seriously.
6h venus - romanticizing life, you might find joy in small things.
scorpio 11h - making new friends that are fake. this might not be discovered immediately but you will eventually find the truth about them.
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livinahey · 8 months
📝 astr°O°
Warning : mentioning 🔞 stuff herE
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-not my pic :)
🔗 earth sun/moon LOVES to eat. They turned off by ppl who doesnt seem care to eat
🔗 water moon that have venus & bm lilith in same sign gets soooo many hate & ppl mocking them. ie ive wonyoung (moon in pisces, venus & bm lilith in cancer), ice spice (moon in scorpio, venus & bm lilith in sag), kylie jenner (moon in scorpio, venus & bm lilith in virgo) ; to their fans, pls don't attack me 👣 another example is one minister in the country where i currently live; she has moon in cancer with venus & bm lilith in libra and yeah many do not like her
🔗 asteroid juno (3) in fixed sign are powerful
🔗 prominent pluto (aspecting big 3/multiple aspects to pluto) are not for the weak
🔗 mutable venus are underrated fame indicator!!!! They also make the cool parents 😎
🔗 libra in big 6 women have the best s3xual appeal
🔗 speaking ab the best seggs appeal, in men, its the scorpio in big 6
🔗 i think our saturn sign are what others see ab us that seems not make sense/not good ab the traits of the sign that can even be our downfall. ie gemini saturn can have others do not like ab what they say/the way they talk. You can be seen as not a good person to talk to
🔗 water sun are calculating
🔗 jupiter in angles (1h/4h/7h/10h) give massive/worldwide fame
🔗 aqua stellium have good work ethic
🔗 actor/actress often found have ascendant at air degree. air degrees are 3°/15°/27° (gemini), 7°/19° (libra), 11°/23° (aqu)
🔗 are you really a sagittarius sun if you dont like to go out?
🔗 leo moon often get their privacy invaded. ugh. so easy for them to attract attention and so do gossips... i'm so sorry for you
🔗 yk those with weird/funny pic as their social media pfp? yeah probably theyre a moon in mutable house (3h/6h/9h/12h)
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 month
Astro Observations #30
• I find that, most charming people tend to have their sun and rising in the same modality except squaring one another. E.g. Aries sun-Cap/Cancer rising, Pisces sun-Sag/Gem rising, Taurus sun-Leo/Aqua rising, etc..
• I've noticed some Aqua/Cap risings tend to start working from an early age. E.g. Luis Miguel (Cap rising), his career started when he was around 11 and Selena Quintanilla (Aqua rising), became the lead singer of Selena y Los Dinos when she was just 9! Michael Jackson (Sidereal Aqua rising), became the lead singer of the Jackson 5 at age 5.
• The house your moon is in, can be the things you find comfort in. E.x. A 2H moon might have a comfort food or like staying in bed, a 9H moon might like playfulness and words of reassurance, a 7H moon might like creative outlets, etc...
• 5H stelliums that include Venus/Mars, like big, dramatic, romantic gestures! The sign it's in gives more insight too. E.g. If it's in Taurus, they'll like spoiling their partners with expensive gifts and being really romantic.
• Earth/2H/6H/10H placements need constant reassurance when they're antsy/nervous!
• You know what's cute? Two people who's sun signs have the same ruler, can be born in the same hour but different times of the day and have the same rising! E.g. If a Pisces is born around 11 AM and a Sagittarius is born around 11 PM, they're both Gemini risings. If a Aries is born around 10 AM and a Scorpio is born around 10 PM, they're both Cancer risings. Etc...
• Having Pisces mars in composite can be so sweet! However, when it's platonic it could mean matters of the planet are hidden so, it could be that you both don't talk about sex, you can get frustrated/angry but don't want to talk about it. You could also know how to calm down/soothe the other when they're angry or you could be passive/dismissive when the other's angry.
• Libra/7H Jupiter in Composite could mean being very romantic together! Holding hands, soft kisses, going on dates, spoiling each other, being head over heels for each other, including each other in things, wanting to be together and shower each other with love and affection. Making it known to others that you're together and in love!!
• Pisces venus-Cap mars should open businesses related to vanity. I've noticed people with this combo often work in venusian fields, such as opening their own clothing boutiques, hair/nail salons, etc..
• Question for Capricorn mars people, are we all born with diplomas from business school? 😂 Because I swear business comes natural to Cap mars, wether having studied it or not.
• Virgo placements and Pisces placements can be very similar, especially venus. Because the amount of times I've seen Virgo Venuses stay with toxic men just because they love them.😭 But Pisces Venuses do that too! We just get the "delusional" rep which is so ridiculous.🤡
• Please don't lie to 8H mars, they're the paranoid types.
• Every time I have Chiron in Aries in my SR chart, I have to deal with controlling my anger and having to find calmer outlets to express angression.😭
• This might be a reach, but, have you guys noticed how when you have planets that are close, it can tell you things?? E.g. I know a celebrity who has their Uranus, Moon and Pluto close to each other and their mom (Moon) disappeared under weird circumstances (Uranus) and her whereabouts remain a mystery till this day (Pluto). I tested this theory on myself and it worked too.
• The house your Sun is in, can tell you so many things too! Say, if you have a 10H sun, your father could've been restrictive/controlling workaholic, so you may try to run away from responsibility. If your Sun is in the 4H, your father could've been emotionally manipulative and might've not been nurturing to you, so you might try to run away from family members or from having kids.
• 7H rising in synastry has the same, if not a slightly stronger effect than the Sun-Venus aspect. House person literally sees Rising person as the most gorgeous human being ever! They just seem so perfect, from theirs looks down to their personality!!
• 6H rising in synastry, for the house person, feels like the rising person is well composed/reserved. But there's something alluring about the rising person. Maybe their mannerisms or looks. Either way, the rising person is very physically attractive to the house person.
• You ever meet someone with your rising and mars signs as theirs but switched?? E.x. Gemini rising-Cap mars, meets Cap rising-Gemini mars, or Libra rising-Aqua mars meets Aqua rising-Libra mars, etc.. I swear we're inverted versions of each other.😭
• On the flip side, have you met someone with your Sun as their Mercury and your Mercury as their sun? E.x. Cancer Sun-Leo Mercury meets Leo sun-Cancer Mercury, etc.. That also feels inverted but you both get each other well.
• I love Leo women with Taurus/Libra/Virgo venus/mars, they're usually the sweetest!
• Virgo suns with Taurus moons are also very sweet!
• Men with Aries suns, Virgo moons, Taurus Venuses and an Air mars are my favvv!! They're usually very attractive, energetic, funny, loyal and have great taste in music!
• Virgo/6H Moons/Venuses can be health nuts. 😂 But that's a great thing, because they usually looks out for the health and wellbeing of those around them!
• They're the types to watch videos about foods with the most nutrition, what not to eat, diets and stuff like that.
• Aries Venuses with Gemini Mars would do great at aerobics or workout/dance classes given their energetic nature! (Bonus points if the chart ruler is in Aries)
• If you have a stellium in your chart ruler's persona chart, you'll most likely act it out. E.x. If your chart Ruler's in Aries, you'll search for the persona chart and you'll have Aries sun obviously, but say you have Aries mercury and Venus in that persona chart, you'll most likely exude that energy. The house it's in, also counts! Say it's in the 5H, you could get called dramatic a lot.😭
• Fire Mercuries and Venuses loveee teasing, taunting and chasing!
• Pisces suns with Libra moons are really fun to hangout with!! They're also very kind and nurturing!
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