#plus my cousins name is dev
joyridingmp3 · 11 months
fleshing out my name
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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It's been two months! I have been in a reading slump and around 2 weeks ago I slowly got back to book-reading, and I am rereading Check, Please! (I am wearing my Samwell Hockey hoodie as I type this), but now I am also back for some fic reading!
I finally read Restoration Ecology - The Remix (Baz's version) by @royalasstronaut. If that sounds familiar, it's because it's, as the title says, a remix of Restoration Ecology by @captain-aralias and y'all know I fucking love that fic. Like RoyalAsstronaut, I was also super interested in what went on in Baz's mind and they delivered. I held off reading this fic for *cha cha real smooth* smutty reasons, but God I love Restoration Ecology (my beloved)!!! I loved reading Baz's side and I also love how things were added, like Baz's relationship with Mordelia and his friendship with Dev and Niall. Is Baz going to bring a plus-one, and how will they react?
(also, yes, Aralias, I did see your reply to that long ass essay about smut and I will reply to it one day!) (hopefully it will not take another year)
I also have been keeping an eye on Lavender hearts by @aroace-genderfluid-sheep. I know I told Ace in a tag that I would probably not read the fic "on release" because I needed to be emotionally prepared for it, and yet, the moment it dropped I read it cause I needed to. I am depressed now. In a good way? Basically, it was harrowing and painful and desolate, but that was how it was, and it was a good fucking fic.
In other COTTA news, I have also been keeping an eye on @wellbelesbian's Shoulder To Shoulder, Hand To Hand. As I said in the comments, I am so ready for it. I am a bit nervous cause ya know AIDS crisis and all that jazz, but I am so excited.
On a more fun note, @caramelcoffeeaddict started posting Avoiding My Secret Admirer and I absolutely love the premise. You know what they say right? Miscommunication as a plot device can be so fucking stupid BUT if it's a comedic plot device, then it's the best thing ever.
So that is it. Like I said, I am slowly getting back to fic, but I got a lot of books that I have to read first, since I borrowed them. I do want to give a shout out to Small Beauty by jiao qing wilson-yang, which is a book about a trans woman named Mei who moves into the house of her recently deceased cousin and by doing so, she learns about herself and her family's queer history. I just finished it and it's really good.
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just-1-scorpio · 2 years
Sorry if this will soud stupid, and sorry for the grammer, and speling mistakes English is not my first launvige. And maybe I'm just overthinking, or over analysing this. If yes, please tell me. So sorry for the posible headeche. I think Leon, and Freddy are underexplored characters. I don't hate them, I just think we get to little about them, and there are many unansweard questions about both of them. I don't think that leaving your audience with questions is a bad thing but there is the way to do it. And if we think about it we don't really know that many things about niether about Leon, or Freddy.
Yes we know that Leon is one of the oldest characters (after all he is in his 30ths), is a sniper who works for the Shadow Decree as a Shadow Guard, has OCD, likes jazz, his (if I remember well) younger brother teached him to play the saxophon, who was called Joseph, and has died, that he sees his younger brother in Hall, and a few other things.
And we know that Freddy is his partner, who probably had one of most painfull Esper transformations, his nickname is "Mad Dog", is awsom, likes sunglases, easily temperd, were a troublemaker as a child, his parents comperd to his cousin who lived with them, then he left everything behind (in the bate version at least, if I remember well), takes care of his fur, and a few other things.
Those things are enough to know something about the character, and start to like them. But there are still posibilities to give more content about the characters, that would give more deapht to both the characters, and the world building, and also would give a great chance of exploring defrent themes.
Let's start with Leon. But first trigger warning for sensetiv subjects. Let's put all headcanon aside for a little (I'm saying this, because I think a few of us have some of those about his past, and/or plan, or working on a fanfiction full of headcanon about (yeah I'm working on it)) . What exextly we know about his past, his background? We only know that he had a brother named Joseph, who was really importent to him. And what we even know about Joseph outside of that he died, he was Leon's brother, and that he thought Leon how to play the saxophon? We safe to assume that Leon is not the same ever saince, and probably he acts a similar way to his oldself around Hall as his old self. But what coused the death of Joseph? And why were they so close to each other? I think if the devs want to expend on this, then they could explor the theme of grif, or in some scenarios guilt too. What if they so close because they could only count on each other? Is they parents were abusiv? Or they were just neglectfull? Or they never had them? Or they only had just one? Eather way I think all of those could make a really touching storyline about it, if it's writen well. And then how did Joseph died? He was killed by a mirramon? Or he died in an acident? Or he died from an Illnes? Or what if he died from murrder? Or what if he died from sucide? With this they could explorer the theme of grif. If Joseph died from an illnes then, both him, and Leon know that it was coming, or tryd to prevent it in a way, but faild. Like not having enough money for treatment, or medicetion. Or what if he was killed by a mirramon? Well dieng by a mirramon is probably a common acurenc in the univers of Dislyte, so this seems a weary reasonable assumption. Or what if he was murrder? I think with this there is The posibiliti of exploring the themes revenge too. Or what if he died by soucide? This is the more touchier subject, as someone who have strugeld with soucide thoughs, and self harm. I think this could say something about how we handler mental health, and posably confort people who strugel with this. I strugeld with it, and it helpd to know that I was not allone in this, so if it's writen with a good, and sensetiv way, that understands what it feels like it. And plus with this the theme of guilt could be also explor the theme of guilt. Leon was really close to Joseph so imagin the grif, and guilt that he would feel if this happand. And the acident one. What coused the acident? Could it have been orevented? What if Leon was the one who coused it? And there is an another unxplored thing about Leon. What effects Joseph's death had on him? Like I said we are safe to assume that his porsenality changed. But there are other things. Like does some of his habbits changed? Does he have nightmares about it? Does he blame himself for it?
And now let's look at Freedy. Again trigger warning for sensetiv subjects. Well the thing about Freedy's past, is that we don't really have it. The thing that I mentiond is from the bate version. Not the final game. Yes there is a chance that it's still cannon, but we can't forget that it has a chance that the devs stearth up thrown it out the window. But for the sake of it, let's focuse on that. So we know that he was a troublemaker, but how much. Does he had only bad greads, or he more seius things? And how much inflens his friends group had on him? Like before he started hanging out them he was a good kid? He only had just bad greads? Or he was still a troublemaker? If he was a good kid before it, then the theme of influenc, specificly negativ influenc could be explorer. Same if he only had bad greads. And what effects of being comperd to his cousin had on him? We humanus are cooperativ creatures, not competativ. And studies show that compstitivnes, and being comperd to others in childhood has negativ effects on self estem, education, social life and develeptment, and mental health. I know it, my parents always comperd me to other. And there was anything else in the background? So we can assume that Freddy was a bully. Studies show that a larg partion of kids who are bulling others are coming from an abusiv, toxic or neglectfull households. So does Freedy's parents were abusiv? Or just toxic? And what effects this had on Freedy's adult life. Again studies show that adults who were bullied as kids have problems with they social life, intimicy, work invairments, self estem, and drug abuse. I think with really competent writing the themes of the toxisity of competativnes, and even forgivness could be pulled of.
So if you read this whole thing, thanks. And please tell me your openion about it. If this was rather cringy I'm sorry. And again sorry for the grammer, and speling mistakes English is not my first launvige. I hope at least I meneged to have an idea for a fanfiction, or something.
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agrosehamada · 4 years
Rose’s Stories
So below are some very rough ideas that I have for what Rose’s book series would be like--I hope to eventually write all of them but I thought it would be fun to share this with all of you! 
Tadashi and Fred Hamada: Dads
Daniel: Older brother
Hiro Hamada and Ezra Bridger-Hamada: Uncles
Hope and Dev: cousins, kids of Hiro and Ezra (Hope is younger than Daniel but older than Rose and Dev, Dev and Rose were in the same incubator at the same time so are cousins but also consider themselves to be sort of like twins)
Cass: Grandma on Tadashi’s side :) (Really great aunt but all the kids call her Grandma)
Stan: Grandpa on Fred’s side (as a superhero he saved Tadashi from the fire and is the reason Tadashi is still alive! Yes his name is Stan Lee as an homage to Stan Lee being the model for Fred’s dad in the movie BUT to clarify he has no connection to the real Stan Lee, may his memory be a blessing!)
Meet Rose: Story starts with her finishing up her last day of homeschooling, Rose is going to start regular school for junior high in the fall. Possibly just Fred homeschooled her and Danny to give them a good foundation, or possibly because she’s ASD and didn’t handle elementary school well when she tried they decided to homeschool her but she’s agreed to try again in Junior high (she’s a bit nervous but mostly excited.) She gets A’s in all classes but math she gets a B which she’s a bit sad about but she tried her best (math is hard for her, she does good but it’s not fun which kinda sucks since math comes naturally to everyone in her bio family except for Fred.) Theme of the book is Rose is a very helpful person but sees everyone in her family is doing big things to help the world (making Baymax, etc.) and she wants to do something meaningful with her summer, feels like she needs to accomplish something big before starting junior high (aw, sweet summer child thinking junior high is so grown up and important XD). She goes around asking everyone what she can do to help them and keeps doing little things that they ask her to help with but is worried she’s not really doing anything important. Story ends with Tadashi explaining that she doesn’t have to do a “big thing” and the “little things” are actually really important, but does take her to adopt a cat since she can make a big difference in the life of the kitty :) Random note: Tadashi and Fred always make sure to have family time on Friday nights and Tadashi, since he doesn’t have as much time with the kids as Fred working full time, has special time for one-on-one time with each of the kids at some point during the week to check in and see how they’re doing/spend time doing something that’s important to them :)
Rose Learns a Lesson: Rose going to school. Lots of stress: For one thing just struggling socially but especially because of how she and Danny were born some of the bullies decide to pick on her for being “a freak”, ask her if she was born in a test tube/is a clone, when she explains about the incubator they make a connection to chickens and start calling her “chicken girl” or “egg girl” and spread a rumor she was hatched from an egg or some shit. Also teachers expect her to be just like Danny (who loved math) and Hope (who wasn’t super into math but it was easy for her) and are frustrated that she struggles with math. Oh, and she was supposed to have the same schedule as Dev but the principal separated them for most of their classes, except maybe home ec where he kind of outshines her in baking/cooking so there’s drama there too. She does make a friend, Hermoine, who has two moms (one of her moms is trans so she was born that way) and they hit it off really well :) They bond over Harry Potter (Rose is a Hufflepuff with a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor for dads while Hermione is a Ravenclaw with a Gryffindor and a Slytherin for moms) and other nerdy stuff :) Hermione is an avid fanfic writer and Rose loves reading, and Hermione loves Rose’s plushies so they work really well together!
Rose’s Surprise: Christmas story, Rose loves Christmas and is hard at work on making Christmas presents for family. Expected a small Christmas but Tadashi and Fred invited a lot of the adopted family to celebrate (BH 6 team and their family plus Ezra’s family) to celebrate with them and so there’s a LOT more people around than expected (social anxiety), Rose feels like she has to make present for everyone (PANIC), and she keeps getting pulled into doing holiday things which means she has even less time to finish making presents (MORE PANIC.) Resolution is everyone realizing she’s stressing out but she didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by saying no to celebration things or by not making presents and everyone reassures her she doesn’t have to make presents for everyone but also gives her some down time to finish making the presents :)
Rose Saves the Day: The annual Sakura Festival is happening in San Fransokyo! Rose is super excited, it’s one of her favorite times of the year, and she always helps Aunt Cass with the extra customers she gets during the festival (they usually give it a special theme, this year it’s a cat maid/butler cafe!) But this year Tia Honey Lemon asks her to help with her fashion show as a model (Honey Lemon gives her sewing lessons in exchange for her helping model her clothes) and helping make outfits, and also the animal shelter where Rose got her kitty from needs support so Rose offers to make plushies for them to sell at the booth/offers to help run the booth and kind of over extends herself. Not a lot of story ideas built out on all of that yet but she’s doing lots of running around and she’s really tired and possibly gets a bad grade on a math quiz because of it and she kinda melts down and Tadashi has to help her figure out how to calm down and do what she can while also making thing manageable (including apologizing but telling people she can’t meet all of her commitments and everyone is very nice and understanding about it!)
Happy Birthday, Rose: I don’t have a lot worked out aside from Rose having a summer birthday, possibly she invites classmates but gets ditched (except for of course Hermione and her fam) for someone more popular running a party (maybe also Rose made it a costume party and people were like “You’re turning thirteen and THAT’S what you’re doing?) For sure the family goes to DisneyLand! Also possibly some angst because Danny has graduated high school now (he graduates at sixteen and is starting at SFIT next year) and overhears Hiro saying something about how when Tadashi started college he was never around and so she’s worried about losing Danny and he has to reassure her that he will always have time for her. Possible angst if Rose gets ditched for her party trying to convince her dads into homeschooling her for eighth grade and try again with high school, but she gets talked into trying again. 
Changes for Rose:��It’s a new school year, Danny has started at SFIT and yeah, is not around as much and Rose is missing him and maybe he’s missing family night on Fridays and Tadashi and Fred are like, “Well he is in college, it is going to happen as he gets older” and Rose isn’t happy about it. Main plot point is Callaghan is being paroled from prison, it’s been about twenty years now and he’s in his sixties/seventies and is pretty broken down at this point. Abigail is living on the other side of the world now for work, and Callaghan has no one else to turn to but a desperate hope that Tadashi might help. Tadashi has been visiting him all this time on the down low (Hiro and most of the others don’t like it) and is like, “He’s still my dad figure, I can’t let him end up on the streets, he can come live with us.” (Callaghan was a friend of the Hamada parents and helped raise Tadashi after they died/got Tadashi interested in robotics, losing Abigail pushed him off the deep end but once he had time to think about what he’d done after it was all over he was horrified and is still incredibly guilty about almost being responsible for Tadashi’s death.) Fred is not terribly happy about it but is kinda understanding. Hiro is NOT happy at all (has never forgiven Callaghan.) and there is a lot of family drama going on. Rose is a bit nervous around this strange old man, she does know what happened but Tadashi always spoke highly of him and he seems lonely and sad just sitting quietly in the guest bedroom all day, maybe reading but often just staring out the window. And she’s feeling lonely with Danny being gone so much so she ends up making friends with him and kind of helps the others come around to him and is happy to have a new family member :) Random note: Maybe Callaghan helps her a lot with her math homework, he’s a really good teacher and helps her find ways to understand math that work with her learning style ^^ Other plot point: Rose might be realizing that she likes Hermione as more than a friend?
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demonkidpliz · 4 years
Things I learned while re-watching Star Plus Mahabharata (Part 16/many):
1) As ever with Duryodhan, I cannot disagree with anything he says.
2) Oh god. This scene. Panchali’s curse. Her walking away as Arjun looks on. Gold.
3) Not sure I like this new version of Krishna seekh.
4) Also we have not seen Krishna fight once in this battle of Dwarka vs the King of Shalva.
5) I also don’t like crying Krishna. Not saying he can’t. But I can’t take him seriously when he cries. I need him to be infinitely more chill than SRJ is being right now.
6) Ah, Arjun swearing at the Kurus. A+ 10/10.
7) Oh my fucking god, Subhadra’s opening line to Arjun: how could you let this happen? I expect nothing less from her.
8) Madhav is back now, after chilling in his war. He’s still in a self-driven chariot.
9) Wow, he’s so pissed at the Pandavas and rightfully so.
10) Draupadi telling Krishna that she’s become impure. And anyone who comes near her would also become impure. No. NO. Every woman in the world knows this feeling.
11) Okay, first of all, Krishna, you moonlighting feminist, the first thing you should tell Draupadi is that she has not become malin because of what Duryodhana and Dushasan did. This is on them, not on her. I cannot but compare StarBharat with BR Chopra Mahabharat, the comparisons come very easily to me. And the truth is, they just did some things better.
12) Draupadi’s now fallen at his feet. Krishna is just like, Lord give me strength.
13) This scene is important because I feel like for once Krishna is putting his grand plans on hold for one second to give Draupadi back her peace of mind. Because first and foremost, the Lord is kind to those who follow him.
14) It’s so nice that StarBharat has shown this sort of sisterly solidarity between Draupadi and Subhadra, which is so important.
15) Draupadi is not even remotely impressed by Yudhishthira’s theatrics.
16) Draupadi’s pratigya makes her sound like Bhishma. Intentional or unintentional.
17) I cannot imagine Subhadra watching idly by as the Pandavas and Draupadi walk to the forest. I’m sure she put up a fight against her brothers to be allowed to go.
18) Speaking of, where is Balaram in all of this? His cousins are heading for vanvas and he is still chilling in Dwarka? Unrealistic.
19) Oh nice, Abhimanyu hasn’t even been born yet but somehow Krishna has managed to name him.
20) That scene where Arjun stops Subhadra from touching his feet. Some of StarBharat’s dialogueless scenes are just as touching.
21) Krishna’s glare as Shakuni enters the Indraprastha palace lmaoo.
22) A well executed scene but the watering hole scene happens only towards the end of the 12-year vanvas period.
23) This is hilarious. Yudhishthira is basically like Krishna is going to whoop my ass if I let something else happen to Panchali.
24) Oh god. Everyone loves Arjun the most. But I think Yudhishthira loves Bhim the most.
25) It’s time for Yudhishthira to meet his bio daddy!
26) Arjun doing tapasya for Shiv is my jam.
27) Bhim is such a cutie.
28) This Hanuman story is different though, right? Something to do with some lotus for Draupadi.
29) Is Hanuman a Yadav? He wears the same tilak. Or is this some Ram/Krishna connection we don’t quite know about.
30) I love Hanuman’s character! He’s so playful. And also the Hanuman Chalisa in the background score.
31) Oh so Hanuman knows that Krishna is Ram/Vishnu avatar and says he will chill on the chariot that’s being manned by God.
32) Oh no they never told us about the magic bowl Draupadi had that was gifted to her by Surya Dev which gave them unlimited food.
33) Also, do the Pandavas and Karna ever realise that they are all ‘gifts’ of Durvasa.
34) Krishna creeping in the background like some mega creep 😂
35) This is a conversation for another time but some day we need to talk about the incessant whitewashing of our gods such as Ram and Krishna in modern mythological serials. Also of Draupadi/Dhrishtadyumna/Arjun—basically anyone who’s described in canon as dark. There is some modern fetish for fair-skinned gods that just doesn’t sit right. I miss the dark-skinned Aruns and Nitishs.
36) Durvasa is still not impressed by Krishna. This man is literally god.
37) Arjun is fishing.
38) Oh nice, Indra is also here. Old gods and new.
39) Not sure whether I like this Shiv. Shiv in general I love.
40) Aaaand Jayadrath is here. Can’t wait for this guy to die in tomorrow’s BR Chopra Mahabharat episode.
41) Duryodhan low key throwing shade at Jayadrath is my jam.
42) Really, what does Dushala see in this man?
43) Kaun ho tum? Really? Draupadi doesn’t know her own brother-in-law? That seems highly unlikely.
44) Why is Arjun wasting time with all this trash talk?
45) Arjun is having a lot of second thoughts about keeping Jayadrath alive for Dushala’s sake but this is going to change very quickly during the war. Also Nakul rightfully points out that this man will give grief to Arjun later on.
46) This is by far the worst and most inaccurate map of Aryavarta to ever exist.
47) Oh no Jayadrath’s hair makeup is so not on point at this moment.
48) Mamashri Shakuni is literally fortune telling at this point and this is my jam.
49) So it’s canon that both Shakuni and Krishna are Slytherins, right? Yet they are the two most diametrically opposite Slytherins we have ever seen.
50) Also I want to see Dushala but these shows never give me what I want. When I make the Mahabharata I will make sure the women get equal and opposite screen time and character development as the men.
51) Yudhishthira is getting on my nerves.
52) This Draupadi is infinitely nicer than BR Chopra Mahabharat’s Roopa Ganguli who used to give it to her husbands every opportunity she got.
53) I also have lots of complaints. They didn’t show Dhrishtadyumna taking Draupadi’s sons home to Panchal to raise them.
54) They didn’t show Arjun chilling with his bio dad in heaven! They didn’t show Urvashi hitting on him and him rejecting her advances! Then she curses him, causing him to lose his manhood. And then she reverses the curse after Indra begs her and she limits it to lost manhood for one year of his choosing. That’s how Arjun uses the Brihannala guise for a year during agyaatvaas!
55) Shakuni training himself to think like Krishna. Looool.
56) Nakul bullying children is my jam.
57) Clearly this sattoo ke laddoo business is some sort of secret code amongst the Pandavas.
58) At least Uttar and Uttara are aptly shown as young teenagers.
59) My fav is back! Brihannala! 😍
60) Also what is this face covering nonsense by Sairindhri?! Women in the Later Vedic Age did not cover their faces or their heads behind purdah!!!
61) The Pandavas meeting together after a long time is giving me hope! This is what it’s going to be like when lockdown is over and I meet my friends 😭😭😭
62) This Keechak guy looks evil but I can’t take him seriously because his voice makes him sound like a prepubescent boy.
63) What is this casual classism from Keechak? Like Jesus, what a dirtbag.
64) Again there was no ghunghat back in those days?!?!
65) But iss Keechak ne toh consent ki maa behen kar di.
66) How happy the Pandavas are to see Panchali! Arjun the most, perhaps 😍
67) Virat making a dig at Dushasan. I’m here for this tea.
68) I can’t take Keechak seriously because of his voice.
69) This logic whereby if Draupadi has five husbands so she can have one more—like I will never understand this! She consented to five and no more???
70) Brihannala, my one true fav, is back!
71) Keechak vadh is my favourite episode, behind Shishupal vadh and Jayadrath vadh. Do you see the pattern?
72) Why is Draupadi here? I wanted to see Bhim’s giant form hidden as a lump under a blanket, enticing Keechak.
73) Bhim is here! 😍 Seriously, no one loves Panchali as much as Bhim does. Arjun toh is smitten by our Yadav homegirl.
74) Now Arjun is going to do his tandav dance. This should distract the others from the noise nicely.
75) Oh nice. Nakul and Sahadev are also participating.
76) Predictably, Jyesth Bhrata, Yudhishthira, is not invited to this Keechak vadh party.
77) King Virat is like oh no what a loss.
78) Yudhishthira looks pissed, as always, when his brothers have done something good.
79) Haha. Duryodhan has caught on to the fact that Bhishma is trying desperately to stall so that the Pandavas are not found out.
81) Now Duryodhan is now accusing Vidur of partiality. Again, he is not wrong. I’m so impressed by how well his character has been written. Not one word he says is incorrect.
82) Nice. Duryodhan has his father wrapped around his little finger. He knows exactly how to manipulate him so that Dhritarashtra rises to the bait.
83) After all these centuries Bhishma realises that Shakuni is after the destruction of Hastinapur.
84) Shakuni is admitting now that all of this is revenge for Gandhari. Oh man. Do you think Bhishma knew that the Mahabharat was the result of his poorly executed actions (intentional or otherwise)?
85) King Virat is so smart. I like him. I’m going to be so sad when he dies.
86) Brihannala is going to stay behind. Great. It’s so interesting to see this story in retrospect (which is how it’s told to Janamajeya and Vajra) in the first place.
87) I like Virat with open hair.
88) What the hell is this? I cannot be attracted to Pitamaha Bhishma and Mama Shakuni with their open hair and battle armour?! Adharm!
89) Oh what a cool sundial!
90) I’m glad they showed Uttar as nothing more than a teenager.
91) Mama Shakuni is so fit.
92) Do you think Bhishma recognises Arjun as Uttar’s chariot?
93) Poor Uttar is probably shitting his pants.
94) Arjun praying to Agni Dev to return his Gandiv. Old gods to the rescue.
95) This background score! It’s my absolute favourite! Parthasya Dhananjaya! My fav song on my fav, Arjun 😍
96) Bhishma looks thoroughly pleased. He recognises the sound of the Gandiv’s twang.
97) Now they will fight about the authenticity of the calendar. They should go to a calendar expert.
98) Bhishma looks proper chuffed at Arjun. How on earth will they fight against each other in the Great War?
99) Oh man, Karna is here. Ugh.
100) Karna is here to trash talk as per usual. Oh god both these men are useless. Fight no instead of talking so much.
101) Oh man, the charioteer’s son has been thrown from his chariot but not before taking a shot at Arjun.
102) Ah Karna’s divine armour makes an appearance!
103) Oh shit, this just got real! They’re calling on divine weapons!
104) Bhishma steps in. Of course.
105) Duryodhan’s hah! 😂😂
106) Arjun crying that if he is responsible for Bhishma’s death, it will be hell on earth for him. Oh, Arjun. You must still suffer, a lot.
107) Arjun’s threat, that all the Pandavas will come to avenge Draupadi’s insult. Yes. 100%. I hope in this yug even if men are not punished for their crimes against women on earth, they will suffer forever in hell for their misdeeds.
108) The Pandavas and Draupadi are ready. It’s time for the Great War. It’s time for Mahabharat.
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Wanted to get that stuff out of the way before I talk about some new kids who are still pretty much in limbo but I am liking the idea behind them, so they might stick.
So regarding my possible Korrina fankid Gina, what’s starting to save her from getting completely scrapped is me getting the idea of giving Wally a kid that he actually raises instead of him being the unaware father to Korrina’s kid. So Wally gets a kid and Gina possibly gets a twin, twin sister most likely, and this is all basically to set up something like The Parent Trap but without the twins switching to see how the other’s parent is like (maybe). Kid’s name may be Wilhelmina but goes by Mitsuna, a reverse of how Wally and Wanda’s actual names are Mitsuru and Michiru. And then maybe Wally and Korrina do get back together and have another kid, who knows. I would need to fit them into the timeline better plus take into account how Garrett would interact with Mitsuna, seeing as Garrett’s main thing during the story is being irritated and frustrated at how he feels like a failure for not being as good as his “Uncle Wally” and how interacting with Akito and Muscari, themselves children of former and still very popular Champions, helps him get over this. Plus there’s also figuring out what would lead to Wally and Korrina breaking up and splitting custody over their twin daughters.
Was originally trying to go for making a cousin for Grant and Viola’s kids so toyed with the idea of an Alexa kid, and was gonna go with the idea of pairing her with Cassius, the PC dev guy for Kalos who has the Punk Guy trainer model. But then I saw Molayne and remembered he was still single and since punkXnerd is a ship aesthetic I really like (even tho technically these two are both nerds) I decided to go with endgaming them instead. Was originally gonna still have Alexa and Cassius with a kid that they share custody over, but then I wanted to have at least one female character who decided not to go through with an unplanned pregnancy since that is a thing that happens in real life. Cassius really wanted a kid though and they ended up having an argument, and after that whole fiasco they decided that it would be best for them to break up and meet other people. Cassius likely ends up adopting a year or two after that, (a kid named either Simon or Simone) not sure yet, and raises the kid solo for a couple years before meeting Molayne and settling down in Alola. The kid is definitely gonna be a tech-inclined kid and will interact with all the other science and tech fankids, might be significantly older than the other Alola kids.
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angelsfalling16 · 4 years
Chapter 3 of Just Wanna Be Happy
Chapter One
Read on ao3
Summary: After a night of drunken party games, Baz tries to remember what happened and whose number is on his arm while also dealing with the fact his two best friends aren’t talking to each other anymore.
Word Count: 2076
Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed to this game, I think as the first person spins the bottle. There isn’t anyone here that I particularly care to kiss, but somehow, I ended up agreeing to play it anyway. Luckily, the bottle doesn’t land on me and I’m safe. For the moment at least.
Everyone else seems to be much drunker than I am, including Baz, which is surprising because he’s always so put together. It’s weird to see him just let go like this.
I’ve been watching him quite a bit tonight, and as the night goes on, he seems to loosen up more and more. I was surprised that he decided to play the game. This kind of thing seems beneath him.
I’ve had one drink that I’ve been sipping on all night, but I’m beginning to think that I’m a little too sober for this and wish that I had drunk more. Everyone else is happy and cheering, and I seem to be the only person hoping the bottle doesn’t land on them. I’m not sure what I’ll do when it’s my turn to spin.
Penny is sitting a few people down from me, and when she spins, it lands on me. We move towards each other and kiss each other on the cheek. A few people boo, but I just shrug and return to my seat and watch the rest of the game go on.
Baz’s friend, Niall, is next, and when he spins it, the bottle lands on their other friend, Dev. I expect their kiss to be as innocent as mine and Penny’s just was, but I’m shocked when they kiss full-on and stay locked together like that for so long that a couple of people begin to shift uncomfortably. Finally, someone pulls them apart.
I watch curiously as Niall whispers something to Dev and they both stand up and leave the game, disappearing into a corner of the room to be alone. Baz nods at his cousin with a raised brow, and a few people cheer, making me wonder if they were one of those couples that everyone except those two saw coming.
Must be nice. I wish that I was that in love. Sadly, I’m alone.
When it comes my turn to spin, the bottle lands on a girl I barely know, and we kiss briefly before the game continues on. It isn’t as nerve-wracking as I thought it would, but it also isn’t pleasant. I take another sip of my drink.
I watch various other pairings kiss, and a few lone people trickle away, either to get a drink or tired of kissing people they don’t like.
Baz has kissed three people so far. Two of them were guys, one of whom he kissed for an unexpectedly long time, much longer than either of the other people. The kiss with the girl was chaste and barely a kiss at all. I don’t know why I find this such an interesting an observance, but I begin to wish Penny was sitting next to me so that I could talk to her about it. (Though, she’d probably accuse me of being obsessed with him again.)
I’m just about to leave the game, too, when it’s my turn to spin again. I sigh. One more kiss can’t be that bad. I watch the bottle spin round and round in the middle of the circle before it begins to slow. I keep my eyes on it the entire time, and when I look up to see who it landed on, I just barely keep myself from gasping aloud.
We silently move towards each other, meeting in the middle of the circle, and I’m almost certain that he’s about to hit me rather than kiss me. He’s looking at me the way that he does right before he starts a fight, and I brace myself for the impact of his fist.
But then he’s leaning closer to me, his eyes falling shut, and my heart does this little flutter.
It’s a weird feeling. It’s definitely not how I’m supposed to feel when the guy who hates me is about to kiss me, but in all honesty, I don’t hate him back.
It’s quite the opposite actually. Not that I’ve ever told anyone that. I haven’t even told Penny yet. Agatha and I just broke up not too long ago, and Baz hates me anyway. I don’t see a reason for anyone to know about how I feel. It’s not like anything will ever come of it.
This one kiss is the closest I’ll ever get to actually being in a relationship with Baz, so I lean in to meet him, my fingertips pressed to the floor both to steady me and to keep myself from fisting the front of his shirt and pulling him closer.
His lips are incredibly soft when they meet mine, and I jut out my chin to kiss him more firmly. He pushes back, and I’m pleasantly surprised by the fact that he hasn’t pulled away yet. The kiss lasts just a little bit longer than I expected it to, but Baz still pulls away sooner than I want him to.
I don’t look at him as I return to my seat, thinking that it’s about time that I quit the game. I stand up, running my fingertips lightly over my tingling lips. I want to remember that moment forever. Kissing Baz was better than I ever could have imagined.
A part of me wants to stay in the game in the hopes that I’ll get to kiss Baz again, but I don’t want to risk the chance of kissing someone else. The game has dwindled down to just a handful of people anyway.
The rest of the game breaks apart soon after I quit. The party is beginning to wind down, and I’m waiting on Penny to say goodbye to someone so that she can take me home when I catch sight of Baz out of the corner of my eye. He’s watching me not so surreptitiously, and I decide that I want to take a chance. If it doesn’t go well, I can always say that I was drunk. (Even though I’m not.)
Before I can move, though, he starts making his way over to me. He’s got this look of determination on his face, and I think that he’s chosen to hit me after all. He stops just in front of me and doesn’t say anything for a long moment.
“Hey, Baz,” I say, shifting my weight awkwardly, unsure of what’s happening.
He shakes his head, and before I can ask what that means, his hands are on my hips, and he backs me into a wall. He still doesn’t say anything, but then he’s leaning down, and I gasp as I realize what he’s doing.
He kisses me, and I’m not sure what this means, but I kiss him back. After a moment, I feel his tongue run along my bottom lip, and I part my lips to allow him in. When his tongue wraps around mine, I can taste the alcohol on him, and I realize the only reason he’s doing this is because he’s drunk.
That knowledge hurts, and I’m just about to push him away when he pulls back on his own.
“Goodnight, Simon,” he murmurs, and just like that, he’s gone, leaving me standing there feeling dazed and confused.
“What was that about?” Penny asks, stepping up beside me a moment later.
“I think I have feelings for him.” It’s not really an answer to her question, but I needed to tell someone the truth. I’m tired of keeping it locked up inside me.
“Does he share that sentiment?” She asks, her eyes falling on where he’s standing a few feet away.
“No idea.”
“Did you at least give him your number or something?” Leave it to Penny to be sensible.
She rolls her eyes. “Here.” She pulls a permanent marker out of her bag and hands it to me. (It’s amazing how many odd things she can carry in that bag.) “Go give it to him before he leaves.”
I jog over to Baz, and without a word, I reach for his arm and scribble my number there. I write ‘call me’ underneath, and because I’m an idiot, I add a little heart. I think about writing my name there as well, but if he’s too drunk to remember that it’s me tomorrow, then it’s probably for the best.
I turn away before he can say anything, and I follow Penny out the door, a small grin building on my face. This night has given me a bit of hope that I never thought I would have.
I ended up crashing at Penny’s house last night. Sleeping on her bedroom floor was better than going back to my current foster home. They probably didn’t even notice I was gone. I can’t wait until we graduate and I can move out on my own for university.
I got up early this morning to leave, though. It’s always too crowded in her house, and I didn’t want to intrude more than I already had. I tried to get Penny to come with me to get breakfast, but she said that she planned to spend the entire day in bed.
I step inside the diner a few blocks from Penny’s house, and it’s packed, which isn’t too surprising for a late Saturday morning, but there aren’t any tables open. Even all the seats at the bar are taken.
Deciding to wait a few minutes to see if a spot opens up, I glance around the restaurant. That’s when I see Baz and his friends sitting in a booth at the far side of the diner.
I know it’s a really bad idea to walk over there, but I can’t seem to stop myself. I had hoped that Baz would have texted or called me this morning, but I woke to find no missed texts or calls. Maybe he decided to have breakfast first.
I know that’s just wishful thinking, but my stomach is rumbling, so I decide to take a chance and ask if I can join them.
I shouldn’t be so surprised when Baz scowls and turns away from me, but I won’t say that it doesn’t hurt. Dev tells me to have a seat, and he seems to be acting a little too friendly to me, seeing as we’ve never been friends.
I sit down, and a few moments later, a waiter comes to take my order, his eyes falling on Dev every few seconds. It’s odd but I write it off as nothing, too tired to really care. I order a stack of pancakes with some orange juice and lean back against the booth.
I glance at Baz while I wait for my food. He reaches for his glass of water, and I can see that his arm is bare. He scrubbed my number off already, which means he probably doesn’t plan on calling me.
I was a fool to think he would.
The waiter comes back with my food, but I’m no longer hungry. I want to leave, but that would be rude. Plus, I can’t just let Baz win. I can’t let him scare me off. So, I pick up my fork and force myself to eat.
The silence at this table is deafening. I would think it was because of me, except they didn’t seem to be talking to each other before I came over.
It’s strange to see that Dev and Niall aren’t sitting next to each other after the way that they were all over each other last night. I’m curious about what happened, but it isn’t my place to ask.
This breakfast is awful. Not the food - the food is great - but the company. I wish that I had kept walking and eaten at a place closer to my house. Anything would be better than sitting here replaying last night over and over in my head while Baz ignores me.
I was stupid to give him my number. He was drunk, and it didn’t mean anything. And as the backs of my eyes start to burn with tears of anger, I begin to wish that I was anywhere but here, even my small bedroom at home.
This was all a big mistake.
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daeva-agas · 5 years
Random ramble about ancestry...
This bloodline thing had come up in a different SWD game, Destiny Ninja 2. The Destiny Ninja 1 suitors’ descendants are the suitors in DN 2, plus some NPC descendants being bonus suitors for Season 2. But Noritsune didn’t have a descendant. The person representing Noritsune in DN2 was Ibuki, who is Yayoi’s brother. To me that doesn’t count, because being brothers both of them descended from Sohma. But I guess to the devs it’s good enough because Sohma is Noritsune’s brother? It confused me back then, but I guess it explains things if that’s just how Japanese perspective works. 
I mean, maybe I’m wrong, but I had been given the impression that, say, Chinese tradition doesn’t allow for this. If your ancestor is my ancestor’s brother/sister, that makes us cousins of sorts, but I wouldn’t think of your ancestor to be “my ancestor”. 
It reminds me of how people would make a fuss over how Oichi’s granddaughter via Gou married into the imperial palace, and that somehow this is relevant to Nobunaga. Like, okay, yeah, the Oda bloodline is part of the imperial bloodline, but I always thought that this makes no sense. I don’t care about Oichi’s descendants. Now granted, it’s theorized that Nobu’s descendant did eventually enter imperial bloodline via someone else, some 200 years later. There was this lady who is properly descended from one of Nobu’s sons who either married Emperor Koumei, or she gave birth to Emperor Koumei, I don’t remember. Now if THAT was true, then it’s relevant to Nobu. But like, I thought otherwise the girl who was Gou’s daughter/granddaughter is irrelevant. 
But I guess it still counts as connected in Japanese perspective? I don’t know. I never really looked into it. I know that in Japanese culture adopted son is fine as long as the family name continues. The heir doesn’t really have to marry into the family and all. But I never knew anything like “my ancestor’s sibling is my ancestor too”. 
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Lay Here In My Arms (10/14): Muggles, Magic, and Manchester
Pairing: Lucy Weasley/Iris Dursley (Fading Scars) 
Read it on AO3
           “Well, there you are.” Mum gave Lucy the transcripts and CVs, carefully fudged from Hogwarts records, summer extracurriculars, and references from their teachers. “You and Dev are ready to apply.”
           Lucy held the documents carefully. “What if I’m not really ready to go?”
           “I wasn’t really ready to be the Minister for Magic,” Mum said. “But Kingsley stepped down and I wanted to step up. I wanted to be ready. Do you want to be ready, Lucy?”
           “Then get going.” Mum smiled. “You’ll do great, sweetheart.”  
           Lucy spent all that Christmas break applying to Muggle universities with Dev. The two of them wanted to go the University of Manchester, to the same school as Jacob, but any school with physics and computer science would do. With every application, Lucy felt her heart sink. There was no way anyone would let her in, and even with all of Jacob’s tutoring and her distance classes (weekly trips into London to do her assignments), she wasn’t sure that she knew enough about all of this. But she wanted to learn, needed to learn so badly.
           Dev was more relaxed about it, but that was all very well for him. He’d had years of Muggle schooling before Hogwarts. He had more of an understanding how Muggles worked, how they behaved.
           “How bloody long have you been friends with Jacob and I?!” Dev finally exploded. “Lucy, you’ll do more than fine, alright. Besides, you know way more about magic than either of us do. And if you’re so worried, why don’t you focus on meeting plenty of other people our first semester?”
           “Good idea.”
           “I always have good ideas,” Dev said airily. “Now pass me the application package for Oxford.”
           “You don’t even want to go there!”
           “Yeah, but I want to see if I can get in just to turn them down.”
           “You’re the meanest Hufflepuff I’ve ever met.”
           “Au contraire, Lucy. I am the pettiest Hufflepuff you’ve ever met.”
           Near the end of January, Lucy and Dev both got owls from their parents.
           “MANCHESTER!!!!” Dev shrieked, leaping onto the table. Lucy leapt onto the Gryffindor table and shrieked herself hoarse.
           “Patel, Weasley get off the tables, people eat on those!” Uncle Harry shouted. But he was grinning. “And well done to both of you!”
           Lucy nearly didn’t care about NEWTS anymore, but she had to finish strongly, or her scholarship would be in jeopardy. And she wanted to do well anyways, because she liked good grades and doing well. She and Dev studied together and talked to Jacob about Manchester and planned for September. Dev was going to focus on computer sciences, but Lucy was going in for physics and computer science, with a minor in political science.
           “You plan on sleeping, Narnia?” Jacob asked. He’d called her that since they’d read those books when they were ten.
           “I want to do everything I can to help,” Lucy snapped.
           “I know, but remember, you’ve got to find people like me, remember?”
           Right. Squibs. Descendants of Squibs. People whose magic wasn’t recognized because it had affected their brain. Lucy had heard Ariana Dumbledore’s story when she was nine, far too young to understand the true horror. Now she did, and she hoped desperately that she would be able to stop that somehow, and protect those already hurt.
           That summer was spent dizzily preparing for Muggle school, tracing family trees to find Squibs, buying Muggle clothes and arranging for roommates (well, Lucy had to) and buying textbooks. And on the day before she left, Mum and Dad put a set of car keys in Lucy’s hands.
           “You can’t Apparate as easily at that school,” Dad explained. “Go ahead, and we’ll take care of petrol. You’ve earned a scholarship for everything else, after all.”
           It was a small purple van, big enough for all of Lucy, Dev and Jacob’s things, plus another seat.
           Lucy hugged her parents fiercely, and the next day the three of them drove off early to get to the university.
           When she finally found a parking space, Lucy headed for her residence. She was looking forward to her roommate, one Talia Jackson, one of the first Squibs she’d found at Manchester. But when she got in the room, a different girl was there.
           Her roommate was half a foot shorter than her, with light brown curls and dark brown skin. She popped up from the bed and smiled. “Hallo! Is this your room too?”
           “Yeah. And you’re not Talia?”
           “No. Talia just dropped out about three days ago. Said she was joining her cousin’s vigilante group. So they moved me in instead! I’m Iris, nice to meet you.”
           “Likewise. I’m Lucy Weasley, by the way.”
           Iris’ eyes widened. “Weasley?”
           “Do a lot of people in your family have red hair?”
           Iris had not been expecting that question, especially not outside the Wizarding world. “Yes, why?” Her wand was still in her pocket (force of habit), and she curled her finger around it.”
           “I think my da’s cousin is married to your aunt.”
           Her dad only had one sister. “What’s your last name?” Lucy asked, suddenly nervous.
           “Dursley. I’m Iris Dursley.”
           “Merlin’s pants.”
           Lucy didn’t know all of Uncle Harry’s story. Hell, she barely knew all of her own parents’ stories, and they were her parents. But all her family were good about answering questions, and between several carefully timed questions the kids had put together a reasonable picture of the past.
           One of those pictures were to do with the Dursleys.
           It wasn’t a nice picture, and they didn’t talk about it much, as a family; it didn’t seem fair to Uncle Harry. But Lucy knew the Dursleys had been cruel to him, though their son had eventually reconciled with Harry. Lucy even knew that Uncle Harry was in contact with his cousin, though not his aunt and uncle.
           Still, seeing Dudley Dursley’s daughter in front of her was a bit of a shock, and not a fun one.
           “How much do you know?” Lucy asked.
           Iris seemed to understand. “You’re angry, aren’t you? I figured you weren’t his daughter.”
           “Whose daughter?”
           “Cousin Harry’s. But I thought Lily was younger.”
           “She’s a year younger than me,” Lucy said. She had no idea what to say. This girl was clearly innocent, and she couldn’t be trouble if she knew Lily’s name. But something in her rankled at the name Dursley.
           “Okay.” Iris sat down. “What happened, Lucy?”
           “What do you mean?”
           “Da’s tried to talk about it, and so has Cousin Harry, but neither of them really explained it fully. I know they weren’t friends, and my grandparents didn’t like him, but you’re looking at me like I might be evil.”
           “I don’t think you’re evil,” Lucy said immediately. And she didn’t, she really didn’t. “But your father and your grandparents…they weren’t very kind to my uncle. So I’m just being cautious, I suppose.”
           “That’s alright. Da told me to be careful about you lot.”
           “Really? Why?”
           “He said you were all powerful, and you might hold a grudge. Which I don’t think is fair! My grandparents have been perfectly lovely about Da and Dad, and they don’t care that I’m a lesbian either! What on earth would they have been angry about?”
           “They were angry because—”
           Lucy stopped. She couldn’t do it, could she? She wasn’t ten anymore, deciding to tell Jacob that she was a witch and heedless of the consequences. She was almost eighteen, old enough to go to prison, and there were still consequences to giving away information to the Muggle world.
           But Lucy didn’t want to tell the world; she wasn’t mad. She knew there were decent reasons to keep the two communities separate, and she knew that she had to go slow. But she wasn’t telling the world; she was telling Iris.
           And if the previous generation wasn’t talking, perhaps it was high time.
           Besides, she could always Obliviate the other girl.      
           “They didn’t like Uncle Harry because he’s a wizard, and his mum—your grandmother’s sister—was a witch.”
           Iris didn’t speak for a moment. “That isn’t code, right? You’re serious?”
           “Are you a witch too?”
           “Yes.” Iris hesitated, but she took out her wand.
           “Okay.” Iris nodded. “I suppose that makes sense.”
           “Wait—you believe me?”
           “Sure. Why not? There’s all sorts of different people in the world. One of my das was born a woman, and he actually was pregnant with me.” Iris’ eyes started to sparkle. “So magic is really real?”
           “Wicked!” Iris clasped her hands together. “Can I learn?”
           Lucy shook her head. “I’m sorry. You have to be born with magic to have it. But…well, I’m going to school to figure out how to combine magic with Muggle technology. One of my best friends is a Squib, and he and his boyfriend are helping me.”
           “What’s a Squib? What’s a Muggle?”
           “Right.” Lucy turned. “I’m going to go fetch them, and we’ll explain it all together.”
           It was a profoundly illegal beginning to a beautiful relationship.
           The night after Dev and Jacob and Lucy helped explain the Wizarding World to Iris, Iris called her dads with ‘Skype’. It was a lot like the mirror that Uncle Harry had made for each of his children and niblings, but it was on Iris’ computer. Lucy had never seen Dudley Dursley or his husband before, and was surprised by how…well, normal they looked.
           She was also surprised by the fact that they knew her name.
           “Hi Lucy,” Leo said. “Harry’s told us about you; you’re very interested in physics, right?”
           “And computers,” Lucy replied. She fidgeted, wondering what to say.
           “They told me about magic, Da,” Iris chimed in.
           Dudley went pale. “What? I thought that wasn’t allowed, or I would have told you.”
           “Did you tell Dad?”
           “No, Harry did when you were young. We never had that conversation with you.”
           “I mean, technically I’m not supposed to have told her either,” Lucy admitted. “But I don’t mind, and my mum is Minister of Magic, so I might be able to reason with her.”
           “Alright. Sorry, Irey, I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to get you in trouble.” Dudley wouldn’t meet Lucy’s eyes.
           “It’s alright, Da. This is so cool! My roommate’s a witch, it’s like a sitcom!”
           “You’ll probably fall in love by second year,” Leo joked.
           Lucy blushed. Then she remembered. “Oh, Leo, what’s your last name?”
           “Well, Dursley. Oh, Hall, sorry. Leo Hall.”
           “And what’s your father and mother’s name?”
           “Why do you want to know?”
           “I’m trying to track families of Squibs—people who were born in magical families but had no magic of their own. They’re allowed to know about magic, and I want to get some more voices at the table about how to integrate them back into the magical world.”
           Leo paused. “My father’s name is John Hall, and my mother’s name is Alice. And…well, I was born Rachel. Rachel Emily Hall.”
           “Okay.” Lucy thought about what to say. “Your name is Leo now, though. So if I do find a record, I’ll change it. People should be called by their real names.”
           Leo smiled. “Lucy, I’m giving you full permission to fall in love with this girl.”
           University was a bit different than Lucy expected. It wasn’t quite as hard as she thought—physics reminded her of Transfiguration and Charms, and computers were amazing. She blew through a lot of classes, and at night she, Dev, Jacob and Iris would work through what they learned and applied it to magic. Every Saturday Iris and Lucy looked through genealogy and political statutes, trying to study at the same time as they found other people to join their group, while Dev and Jacob tinkered with machines.
           Leo Hall turned out not to be a Squib—Lucy went back thirteen generations, and there was no one magical in his family. So technically, telling Lucy was illegal, unlike telling Jacob all those years ago. Not that Lucy cared. She continued her minor in poly-sci, and Iris majored in it, and they realized that the best way to tackle this problem was to create a Muggle Relations department, and they started working on its rules, consulting with other Muggleborns, people in the Ministry, and even their Government Professor, who turned out to be a first-generation Squib. Professor Carter was ecstatic to get a chance to be involved at last, and she and her husband let Iris and Lucy work on a secret project about this for credit, which meant that they had loads of extra time to work on it without worrying about their studies.
           That turned out to be quite important indeed in their second year. After all, they had to fit in all of their works, more intense meetings at the Ministry, travelling around the country in the little purple van to locate more Squib families, and, of course, date nights, both Jacob and Dev’s and theirs.
           Iris almost didn’t tell her dads. She did of course, but she still cringed when Dad crowed that “I told you so!”
           Lucy told her family right away. A couple joked that she and Albus had a lot in common. Uncle Harry laughed like crazy. Mum and Dad were ecstatic.
           “The best kind of relationship you can have is one working to a common goal,” Dad said, kissing Mum’s cheek.
           And Lucy knew that their goals would change and grow, because they wanted to have a Ministry department and make magic computers and work on wizarding prejudice and revolutionize Muggle studies…and she knew that Iris would be there.
           After all, the van was full now.
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I don't understand why people find Daud an interesting character and why everyone had been bombarding the devs with messages, telling them to bring him back...
Yup. I know what you mean. I actually like him but that’s separate to knowing he’s rather boring and stale already. (I identify with him because I, too, can understand being filled with 100% free-trade, organically-sourced regret.) And I enjoy writing snippets like the couple of posts before this one, plus “extremely low chaos Daud” headcanons, but he’s really a rather shitty character.
In my opinion, he’s experienced in the assassination business but claims, in his monologues, that it was Jessamine’s death that was the step too far and that it was that act that broke him. The Outsider pulls him out of his funk and sets him on his redemption arc - but Daud only cares about himself, and his own soul. He didn’t even know what Delilah was planning or how to stop it when he started hunting after her name. His redemption arc only serves himself. It’s not like Corvo, who is wrongfully thrown into jail and has to work - against two different conspiracies - to clear his name and restore Emily to the throne.
And now, apparently, Daud claims the Outsider is the ultimate source of the chaos and disorder in the world? He (and his whalers) have benefited greatly from the Outsider’s Mark. If the devs do want to kill off the Outsider for their own, inscrutable reasons (for example “rounding off the Jessamine-assassination saga with having all the major remaining characters playable” is a description of what DH1-DH2-DOTO is, but not a good motivation for killing off the Outsider) why not send an Overseer or a Sister of the Oracular Order? Maybe the sister of the Rat Boy or a cousin of a Brigmore Witch - someone who actually has cause to go after the Outsider?
I suppose that he was very popular in the DH1 DLCs because it’s not very often that you get to play one of the villains in a game, with similar enough powers to make it familiar but enough differences from Corvo to make it interesting. I think it was actually very smart to write two story-driven DLCs which mirror somewhat the main story (and which have events occurring at the same time). But beyond that, Daud’s story is done. Why not have another protagonist - there are many more to choose from - such as Martha Cottings, Alexi Mayhew, Delilah, Granny Rags, or an Overseer or Sister as mentioned above?
Catering to fan responses shouldn’t excuse poor writing.
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Command And Conquer Remasters Confirmed
Screenshots from the fan-updated OpenRA.
EA have now formally introduced their Command & Conquer remasters, and so they look to be in good fingers. A number of of the technique classics’s authentic builders are returning, together with expertise from ex-Westwood of us Petroglyph and authentic composer Frank Klepacki. Collectively, they’re sprucing up the unique Command & Conquer: Tiberian Daybreak, together with its alt-history cousin C&C: Pink Alert, plus all expansions for each video games. Preempting the cynics amongst us, EA have additionally confirmed that there’ll be no micro-transactions. The devs announce the information beneath.
EA producer Jim Vessella made the total announcement on the Command & Conquer Reddit web page, the place he’d beforehand teased it in October. Calling it “the primary providing”, the primary two C&C video games plus all expansions launched as “one remastered assortment”. Proper now, nothing is about in stone, and each EA and Petroglyph are reaching out to gamers for suggestions on what they really feel must be retained or improved. They’ve explicitly acknowledged that that this could be a “remaster” as an alternative of a “remake”, however they do admit that the phrases are fuzzy across the edges at the most effective of instances.
My emotions on this are difficult. Whereas I’m glad to see stuff up to date to work higher on trendy machines, I really feel each the unique C&C and Pink Alert are from such an early, clumsy stage within the style’s evolution that they want extra than simply sprucing up. It (arguably) wasn’t till the discharge of StarCraft that the style actually hit full stride, turning the style into the twitchy, aggressive factor we all know as we speak. Command & Conquer’s endearingly goofy FMV aspect holds up due to our unquenchable millennial starvation for kitsch, however I reckon its techniques might do with a tune-up.
I do assume that getting Klepacki on board is the best name, although. I’d belief no person else to replace Hell March to trendy spec. Proper now EA and Petroglyph appear to be within the early phases of growth. I doubt we’ll see a lot of those remasters shy of mid or late 2019, if not later. Nonetheless, good to see the outdated crew again collectively. Within the meantime, these desirous to play C&C and Pink Alert on trendy PCs might do far worse than open supply fan-remaster OpenRA.
from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/command-and-conquer-remasters-confirmed/
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Robot buying guide for your kids
Parents often buy cool robot toys for their children with the hopes that it will spark an interest in science and engineering. I know because I was one of them. But often parents are left disappointed as these bots are nothing more than remote control droids. Yet, I still believe robots carry a high potential for learning through play.
With the help of four tester families, boys and girls ranging from five to 11 years of age, tested as many robots as possible in the past year in order to explore the learning potential and how much adult support might be needed. Some robots were played with for 10 hours and some for over 500 hours as the robots varied in complexity and function. We specifically looked for toys that had the power to really engage kids, would challenge them, but at the same time leave them feeling accomplished and excited for the more ways to learn.
The good news is 2014 truly is the Year of the Robot: So many toys that allow children to program robots easily have entered the market this year. In their own ways, many of them demonstrate the benefits of coding to youngsters through hands on toys that will immediately execute the programs the kids have created. Until now, much of learning how to code has been screen-based. There are many good robot toys out there, especially ones with ability to use coding but not every robot is right for everyone. Do Robotic Pool Cleaners Really Work https://www.robotsden.com/do-robotic-pool-cleaners-really-work
Here’s an in-depth look at our favorites:
1. Forget everything you think you know about robots A toddler tries to drive the Sphero with the iPad mini. How is this a robot? Where are the eyes, the legs? All of these are good questions and yet, this spherical wonder embodies many of the traits that I value in a modern robot toy. The first is that it is rather indestructible. I’ve stepped on it and ran it into the wall many times. Additionally, the Sphero 2.0 can not only get wet but it can actually swim! Best of all, this bot is rather easy to just pick up and play with—all you need is a phone or tablet to drive it. To drive it well, your child must practice but there is a payoff once she is able. A variety of apps allow users to drive Sphero while videotaping it simultaneously, test hand-eye reflexes, or even play golf with Sphero. To add to the excitement, Sphero released additional accessories and stunt products including the chariot, which basically turns Sphero into a transport vehicle with a cellphone slot (think drive-cam) and a special rooftop that can fit LEGO-like bricks.
The $20 Chariot for Sphero makes it compatible to this tester’s huge LEGO collection.
Since gifting the first-gen Sphero to my son two years ago, I have watched the company grow into an entity that continues to put learning first. This year, Orbotix, the makers of Sphero created SPRK, a program that teaches programming with Sphero and its cousin, the Ollie, a cylindrical robot named after a skateboard stunt. Our official tester, an 11-year-old girl in the sixth grade, had a blast learning how to program her powerful Ollie, which can run as fast as 14mph, with her dad. Keyword arduino robot arm source code https://www.robotsden.com/7-arduino-robotic-arm-project-ideas-tutorial-plus-source-code
Seven-year-old testing to see if you can use Ollie to give yourself a foot massage.
So impressed with Ollie, her father bought two Spheros for her cousins so that they could swim with their new robots since they have a pool. My children tested Sphero for months, love it as well as the new accessories but it is Ollie who is on my eldest’s (a 10-year-old) wish list since it was released this fall. Thus, Santa will leave Darkside Ollie under the tree this year. I am hoping the investment will end up paying for itself as we’ve discovered Ollie’s powerful motor gives excellent back massages, even better than Sphero does.
2. Robots teach best if they don’t intimidate
Connecting a sequence of programming blocks to be scanned by KIBO. For some, the idea of preschoolers learning to code may seem preposterous but I think it makes perfect sense. Coding is very much like learning a new language and without a doubt, early exposure can make a big difference. However, what I like most about coding is how it promotes breaking things down to problem solving. For any child, learning to code is mostly a two-dimensional process but most educators will tell you that three-dimensional play is better for the very young. Enter KIBO, a robot that scans bar codes from color-coded wooden blocks with images that are connected easily by pegs. Each block has a directive i.e. shake, turn right, sing. Together, the directives make one programming sequence to be scanned. Unlike most robots, KIBO is different because it’s rather simple-looking. Scanning a programming sequence one block at a time with KIBO. I later learned that KIBO was purposely designed this way based on research from Tufts University’s Dev Tech Research Group. The creators felt that plain-looking robots could reduce the kind of apprehension that hinder young children, like my seven-year-old, from wanting to explore. I was made a believer when on the first day of playing with KIBO: I saw this same child pick up this unusual looking robot and start to scan coding blocks to make a new program as if he had been doing it all year long. remote control car with night vision https://www.robotsden.com/best-remote-control-car-with-night-vision
To be sure, looking approachable is an excellent attribute for inviting curiosity. Similarly, the very adorable Ozobot, which is smaller than a ping pong ball, still manages to teach many lessons in basic programming. Ozobot follows black lines and will follow your orders (spin, zigzag, go fast) if you draw different color code sequences in between the black lines. No tablets are necessary, but putting your Ozobot on a tablet will broaden its possibilities dramatically. My favorite app is Ozodraw where children are able create a path for Ozobot just by simply dragging and dropping coding blocks onto his path on the screen. There are also puzzles where users must figure out which code would help Ozobot complete its path.
Ozobot can be played with on screen or on paper.
3. The quintessential robot
Checking out the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 at World Maker Faire 2014. The EV3 really embodies the concept of what most people think a robot should be—a machine that can be programmed to perform various tasks. Its modular design means the robot structure can be changed and the programmable “brain” is there so that it can do a job without being given a direction at every single step. The difference is simple: a typical programmed task might have an if/then clause involved. “If my right sensor bumps into something, I will turn left.” A remote control droid would need a person to push a button once he sees that his robot bumped his right side. LEGO EV3 is a terrific transition from pretend play to productivity but it isn’t for everyone. Some parents may think that robotics is a natural next step after building the more complex LEGO sets but, a child must be interested by the potential to build and to code in order for this toy to be successful. Parental help, however, is necessary in two big ways: Wrangling stubborn computers when downloading software or programs and understanding complex directions. (Note that LEGO directions are awesome. When reading pdf instructions on a screen, the pegs will literally move into their respective places!). Additionally, when facing building challenges, children will need a coach-like mentor, someone who can provide moral support and ask the right questions so that the child can figure out a solution.
Two testers, 8 and 10, build and code VEX IQ Robotics Construction Kit. Much of this also applies to another system, the VEX IQ Robotics Construction Kit that uses the free open source Modkit for VEX for programming. This kit is new to consumers but the education VEX IQ sets have been available in the education market for years. Both VEX IQ and LEGO EV3 have somewhat different packages from their education set counterparts, which contain trays for parts, rechargeable batteries—basically they are more designed for classroom use. Our testers tested the LEGO Education EV3 set as well and were very happy with it because it comes with rechargeable battery and organizing crates as well as a full curriculum dedicated to teaching programming via EV3. toy robot that blows smoke https://www.robotsden.com/toy-robot-that-blows-smoke-gifts-to-delight-your-inquisitive-kid
4. Design and personality enhances potential
Figuring out how to get Dash to play a song. If there were such a contest, Dot and Dash would tie for the Cutest Robot of the Year Award. These do not have a humanoid shape and yet these bots from Wonder Workshop’s seem to be the most life-like of any of the robots we’ve tested. Despite the cuteness and simulated eye blinks, there are brains beneath the beauty here. Blockly is a program that can be downloaded onto kids’ iPads so that they can easily create programs for Dot and Dash. Both have the potential to be fun playmates as well as useful desk pets. My 10-year-old son who enjoys building more than coding was highly motivated to program Dot to be a timer because it’s simply adorable.
Homemade code to transform Dot or Dash into a personal reading timer. First your bot will say “okay” and turn red, and then in 10 minutes, turn yellow, then in another 10 minutes, he will turn green, say “Weee” and “Buh Bye” and so your child will know time is up, he can go play.
This factor can be a game changer for some kids. Sometimes Dot says “OK” with a sigh or even snores if he’s been left alone. The best part is that you can also program it to do these things and more. Make Dot become a reading timer by starting out red, then yellow, then turning green after 20 minutes as required by many homework reading logs. This 6-year-old girl was laughing as she moved Dash around while the older boy was adding accessories to it. Personality and cuteness is another plus for WowWee’s MiP that can balance itself and more all while rolling on two wheels. Its nonsensical mumblings belong to no language and yet is easily understood by kids. Kid testers have said MiP would be good to help combat loneliness. Sure enough, it is a worthy companion in the morning as we wait for the school bus to arrive.
5. Coding is important but so is the machine
Building a scissor lift with Remote Control Machines DLX. Believe it or not, there is a lack of modular toys that offer remote control capabilities. LEGO Education WeDo with software is a great example and is especially terrific because it can be programmed with free programming language Scratch. However, if you are looking for something that doesn’t really involve programming or require parents, consider the Remote Control Machines DLX set from Thames and Kosmos, an expert in high quality science toys. Their large, full-color instructional manuals support self-directed learning, allow kids to choose from 20 different builds, and read how these machines apply to the real world.
Remote Control Machines DLX should really be called Remote Control Machines 2.0 because it’s not a kit with more pieces, rather, everything from pieces to instruction manual is new and improved from the original Remote Control Machines set. Additionally, the builds in DLX are all different from the original Remote Control Machines set. The DLX is compatible with the pieces in other Thames and Kosmos sets that explore other facets in engineering such as gyroscopes, spring action, hydraulics and pneumatics, to name a few. While programming isn’t offered here, it’s good for kids to learn about the mechanisms they would actually need to program in real life. Other kits that allow children to explore how sensors are used in robots are MOSS Zombonitron 1600 and the littleBits Premium Kit. Additionally fun low-cost DIY sets like the MAKE: Spinbot Kit and Brushbots from the Maker Shed are snappy tools for learning about motors as well as entertaining.
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swrx-rant · 7 years
SEARCH FUCKING SUCKS - I mean way worse than web-search in general. If you are looking for a specific topic, GOOD FUCKING LUCK. Your best bet is to use a suck-ass web-crawler/search like Google if you want to find anything on a god damned forum.
Searches NEVER USE CONTEXT... if I’m on the page for WINDOWS FUCKING 7, then why are results for versions XP, Vista, 8, and 10 appearing HIGHER in the list?
Searches rarely implement TAGS well, especially the ability to CROSS-REFERENCE TAGS. So, if I search the tags #Tomato #Soup #Recipe, I would actually get ALL AND ONLY recipe results for soups that use tomato, NOT EVERY FUCKING RECIPE ON YOU SITE PLUS EVERY PAGE THAT DISCUSSES SOUPS OR TOMATOES RETURNED IN RANDOM ORDER THAT PLACES THE FIRST RELEVANT MATCH SOMEWHERE ON PAGE FOURTEEN OF FIFTY-THOUSAND!
NAVIGATION FUCKING SUCKS - and this makes the shit-sucking search process all the more painful. Less than 1% of forums are designed with LOGICAL SUB-CATEGORY LEVEL AND RECURSIVE SUB-FORUMS that are applicable to the purpose/theme of the forum. If, for example, you are Microshit and you create a user forum (especially to build free crowd-based help as so many companies are doing rather than staffing call centers with trained and experienced individuals who are competent in the technologies they are assisting with as well as the language the customers are speaking...), then you are EXPECTED to create a Super-Forum and split it first by PRODUCT FAMILY, then split the products into Sub-Forums by PRODUCT MAJOR-VERSION (not fucking build number, jackasses! The same goes for fucking Patch Notes), and then, if you aren’t a total douche you will create an ALTERNATE DIMENSION OF SUBDIVISION, this time by ELEMENT or MAJOR FEATURES - which unless you are a fargin-idgit MUST INCLUDE: “INTERFACE/USER-EXPERIENCE”, “BUGS” (and this one subdivides by the NATURE OF THE BUG AS PERCEIVED BY USERS... these bugs are DISEASES, and like diseases they should be NAMED and CATEGORIZED by SYMPTOMS, but you can skip the Latin names like Mnemitis for an Inflammation of the Memory... which is a fair description of a MEMORY LEAK.), “PERFORMANCE”, “INSTALLATION/ACTIVATION/UPDATES”, “PRIMARY-FUNCTION”, and individually listed USEFUL FEATURES with the ability to add subtopics as necessary ad infinitum. (don’t take that to mean spam us with infinite numbers of adverts)
If you’re not already familiar, check out PHP.NET’s online function reference, its like a hybrid between an authoritarian-wiki and an open forum. Each entry is RELEVANT and EASY TO LOCATE, it has ESSENTIAL INFORMATION and CONCISE EXAMPLES, and allows anyone to give direct USER FEEDBACK//NOTES - I cannot stress the importance of this last part enough, LET PEOPLE TELL YOU WHAT THE FUCK THEY THINK ABOUT EACH FEATURE/ISSUE. You don’t have to automatically make them publicly visible, but you are dipshits if you ignore the extremely valuable resource/insight into your customer-base. Too damned many companies make it unbearably difficult for users to give them FEEDBACK, then they bitch when people switch to a smarter product from a company that actually gives a shit. (hey, that’s not a bad slogan... “we actually give a shit”... the word actually serves to chide the competition here... ;p Along the same vein as, “unlike some other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English Accent.”)
THE MODERATORS FUCKING SUCK - I’m sorry, but you guys do. I understand that you’re mainly trying to keep an amorphous blob of bile and twigs from deteriorating into complete crap... but you are FAILING, and its not your fault... the game was rigged from the start, because they were SHIT from the moment they first went online. You guys suck at your jobs because the JOB SUCKS and that’s because the fucking RULES SUCK. Whomever the fuck came up with this shit needs to have a cheese grater ran along their eyelids for an hour each morning.
THE RULES FUCKING SUCK - so of course they turn the mods into assholes and other posters into fuckwads. There are so many issues here, but I will try to focus on the biggest tossers of all the ideas that went into these digital colostomy sacks:
NO NECROS - first of all, if you can bring the dead back to life you deserve a fucking medal, not to be given shit by peers and admins alike, and it’s not like I’m advocating Necro-Larry for President.. though he really wouldn’t be any more scandalous then what we’ve already had. But, more to the point, DO YOU ASSHOLES UNDERSTAND WHAT THE INTERNET FUCKING IS??? (and I’m not being existential here, we’ll leave the philosophical impacts for the future to reflect on). THERE IS NO PAST, THE INTERNET EXISTS IN THE ETERNAL NOW WE CALL THE PRESENT. That means NO MATTER HOW OLD THE POST IS, PEOPLE WILL STUMBLE ACROSS IT IN THE FUTURE. And it will be JUST AS RELEVANT THEN AS IT WAS WHEN CREATED! Especially since BUGS DON’T STAY DEAD, so why should decriers of old problems be told to shut the fuck up? That’s like saying, “Homelessness? We talked about that once in 1932, stop bringing it up already! It’s a dead issue!” (this is the kind of shit you get from people who want to IGNORE PROBLEMS instead of addressing them - FUCK THOSE PEOPLE, THE GENE POOL IS BETTER OFF WITHOUT THEM!) [wow, if you just read the bold that’s really dark... lol. I’m starting to sound like an industrialist.]
LOCKING THREADS - fucking stupid to begin with, especially in response to necromancy, but lets not forget their monumentally fucktarded cousin, the Self-Locking Thread - what kind of cold war cloak and dagger fantasizing bullshit is this? This thread will self-destruct in 5 seconds! I don’t care if its been 10 years, if the problem ain’t been fixed, then SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET TO WORK, don’t cry about someone posting relevant information just because you’ve given up hope of ever fixing it... or assumed no one has noticed.
YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN TO POST - that’s kinda like saying you must suck my ass to breathe... it was a shitty idea when some fuckwad dreamed up that god awful movie, and it ain’t gettin any better. Now, I’m not suggesting anons should be treated the same, but ANYONE should be allowed to post FEEDBACK or SUGGESTIONS whether or not they have an account with your fucktarded forum. Google-Tourists have the right to be heard too! If I find your thread by accident (which lets face it, any result in a Google Search is pretty much an accident), and have something to contribute, I should be able to do so without jumping through 60 billion hoops. I don’t want to be a member, but when a Medical Doctor overhears someone giving Awful Medical Advice or finds someone that ISN’T GETTING THE HELP THEY NEED/ASKED FOR, it is their responsibility to become involved! The same goes for any other profession, I may not be “one of you”, but I know what the fuck I’m talking about so listen the fuck up and be grateful I give a shit (unlike many of you). [wow, that came across conceited... lmao]
REVERSE PAGE ORDER - you lazy, half-assed mother fucking programmers! Shame on you. It might seem like a good idea at the time, but this is one of the biggest blunders you can expound on the web. YOUR FUCKING PAGES MOVE, ¡CAVRONE! Do you understand this??? If a user BOOKMARKS A PAGE, they WON’T GET THE SAME PAGE when they reopen it a year later!!! What does it matter? Go back up and reread the bit about the web being TIMELESS... [take a Physics Lesson while you are at it, this is like asking what was before the Universe... there was no time (as we know it) before the universe, therefor there was nothing before it.] So, when I find your forum in a Floogol search and it links me to page 6 when the actual content it matched is now on page 147, I am understandably PISSED THE FUCK OFF... and the first thing I do is curse Larry and Serge, then I realize this one isn’t even their fault.
I’m sure there are a bunch more rules that are written by simpletons for assholes, but that’s enough for now.
TROLLS FUCKING SUCK - even when they not trying to be assholes, they fail miserably at common decency. I swear I am going to kill the next motherfucker who posts “why would you want to ____” as a reply, especially on a Tech Support Forum. It doesn’t even matter whether its my post, or something I stumbled across after 6 hours of screaming at Serge and Larry’s even less than unhelpful online information location apparatus.
MVPs are Worse than Trolls - how the fuck did these dickshits get the job of officially representing the company? They know less than shit about the product they are supporting, and most of the time they suggest installing questionable third party crapware to solve the problem. (Please don’t confuse “the Microsoft MVPs”, who are actually pretty cool and helpful, with the dumbasses that Microsoft calls MVPs on their fucking support forums... these guys barely speak English and haven’t written a line of code in their life!)
And despite an extra row of Microsoft bashing, this wasn’t targeted at their forums any more than Blizzards or any others... ALL FORUMS ARE SHIT!!!! 
But, hey, you knew all this already... so who the fuck am I even talking to here?
0 notes
catfish-6illy-blog · 7 years
Cheats For Unturned
Allowing you to participate in the code without needing to enjoy a cent, even so, the online business prepare is obvious-get competitors definitely totally hooked on the f2p model and They will be effective and vicious, and it's not challenging to get at a loss to them. It is a framework you will possess experienced with twelve surviving trainers prior to when, nonetheless it really works. |Regardless of whether it will receive its claws inside the spirit would certainly end up forking over that $5, for the time being my savings is keeping firmly during my returning wallet. If "andy" looked into the game in various other degree he'd have widely known that really of composing an evaluation that would be factually mistaken. would, generally to give the developer, only to accomplish this. At the moment i've mainly wrapped the steamworks networking in ways that may use the current isolated course of treatment phone call plan, nonetheless it could nevertheless try specified improving throughout the so next married couple days and nights. “on any day-to-day basis i select something which appears quite interesting to use on, give attention to a little bit of, finished look it, and go on to the examples below variable,” reports sexton. thirst, and issue. |The taking code industry is crafted by enormous reputable companies, and enormous reputable companies tend to be relentless, sluggish, and scatterbrained. That’s get rid of clear a result of the rumours it created, but he nevertheless looks after a obvious, open up method of correspondence. those people i consult with a fantastic deal within the steam community forums i end up just causing my steam associates directory and they’ll do bug accounts designing have thoughts. In 2014, at relating to the time Id Generator Unturned go to 3., there has been some grievances about the irritation of dealing with your “[nelson] claimed he really enjoyed a handful of the recommendations, particularly the outfits treatments around the term pub, and throughout the so next improve the icons of outfits were fit around the term plates,” claimed christopher. “i imagine it is just an substantial capacity of issues i do and what i love to field it, i think i’d really continue acquiring it turning out to be my pastime than buy it end up getting some commercial hard earned money-designing variable,” he reports. Is he planning to consequently cash in? Perhaps. |behalf. Next the group can speak with competitors in many creates, but is simply in addition dangerous for any dev this online business he was hired, to accept online community and go over the company's code, unless of course they give him some space of maneuver, in particular cs:go devs every so often have a discussion in reddit, in general about specialized tips through the code. Could you sort out my laptop computer?’” i see him contained in the equivalent new influx this developers that i published about last night, users who’ve grown with roblox, minecraft and dayz, and viewed them turning out to be crafted roughly them as they have Undoubtedly one among Id Generator Unturned’s charms is that often it is so certainly exclusive. The goofy, delighted, straightforward become involved in look and feel, i think now a lot of the tips holding roughly press into that.” the end result examines a good time within the graphic language that is knowledgeable to grow older minecraft, as well as places tend to be legible and easy to find their way. “i reckon it must be totally free-to-engage in considering the fact that it was totally free-to-engage in. “it was appealing make use of its setting as well as strenuous areas of acquiring alongside other competitors. associates, but many did not have arma 2, as well as to fool roughly with my personal recommendations i'd for all your method of code.” because of the calendar month of january 2013 deadzone received a relatively extensive subsequent so far it is been completed over 5 thousand activities. “it will often have thought bizarre to not fit a little something out,” reports sexton. |“i translate the goal of very early using of be aiming to consume responses from countless individuals as is possible, so iterating promptly looks to be highly effective, considering the fact that those people could certainly see their responses promptly and they also can determine if it corrections Looking after your code recent looks to be his head: looking lengthy-key phrase, sexton have to consume Id Generator Unturned to some extent just where competitors will make all sorts of things, besides the fact that its workshop was already the location to identify a variety of new vans, guns, clothes and maps. of diverse article writer purports to set Id Generator Unturned on control console. Awesome And yeah, i’ve completed the game, and there’s even more in it as opposed to 5-minute visuals will make you (absolutely yes, it is a point out variable, though i do not know more than enough canadians for being specified which attribute notably) i hadn’t read about farmville but this may be a totally really good scenario. Correct my laptop computer. I am nevertheless in.” Id Generator Unturned |They pursue fanatically, they chomp eagerly, and merely a small number of swipes will totally free your presumably blocky spirit. It’s give good results it During i’m nevertheless up for zombie surviving creating trainers, i really believe it is on file that i'm primarily a little bit of sick and tired of knocking bushes decrease. I rip some sacrifice outfits into rags and merge these with duct tape to produce a decent-looking (however difficult-sounding) sleep tote and plop it over to my cornerstone. road directed inside the connect wraps up the storyplot: the army attempted to come multiplication through the infections by destroying the only solution off of (or over to?) the place. I’d would rather have that it is Just consider a guy who labored on obvious heavens so you can say “from those who announced you stalker.” invest in a prefab unity setting. Reviewing it once again, seems like as if i was mistaken. |Carried out mtss is a bit currently but it greatly jogs my reminiscence in this zombie apocalypse roguelike cataclysm. Farmville is known as a lot considerably better than it's any for being. I logged right into state that i valued the caddyshack laugh throughout the pics. For example, £4 for a gold membership mainly nets you cosmetic beneficial properties like excessive skin plus a “golden name”. Around the time period of composing, you will see 19,469 users taking part Id Generator Unturned at the same time all the way through steam. Investigate. Although you may *extremely* dislike the “minecraft look”… i personally don't love to interrupt it to ya, but this isn't it. Easily, that is usual of the trainers now and therefore i assume this you should do lessen it. That’s lovely for a 16-12 month period-previous. Hunting for any more desirable apocalypse than Id Generator Unturned? Take a look at our most desirable surviving simulator credit cards. |has a tendency to overshadow quite simply a find a small number of titles on steam. The child-major society of Id Generator Unturned’s computers firstly expanded to generally be clear around my endure while i contacted A little more politically. Blizzard crosses that sections often. The middle of-physical exertion-torture, a heli thundered throughout the cell, leading to the boy to use out in the open and blaze inside the trespasser. It was at around this period roughly that i observed a fascinating thought. (the steam website cases the original easy access timeframe will most likely be “several months”. Consumers don't worry about this type of thievery. To start with glance, Id Generator Unturned will be immediately mistaken just like a reasonably priced under-grown time z replicate with negative visuals, but a result of the some time to a obvious head, it will be profound and advanced surviving code. |Distinct from various other trainers, it's entirely possible that at any place you could find contaminated via the zombies, on the other hand in farmville, zombies can obliterate you, together with, considering the fact that you've full potential to deal with the computer virus, you won't ever be a zombie by yourself. Duration of code take part in the sport might appear minor, just make sure engage in you'll remarked that just accomplishing the main ought to have holding roughly - you might want to receive material to outlive, you must buy a rifle, outfits treatments, ingesting treatments, so you want a health and well-being - will require male hrs of code engage in. The quite interesting variable is that you may make use of these abilities spots essentially to accomplish more desirable-making it through abilities. It provides some pieces of corrosion fashion setting up aspects, as well as visuals are great when wear the biggest degree of information. It have advantages and drawbacks masters of a few. Are categorized 2015 now my cousin bought prison architect, kerbal space system, and Id Generator Unturned in my minor membership, understanding that he employed his hard earned money to generate kerbal space system and prison archietect. May have been more effective. The multiple-participant is not really more effective, as associates relentlessly melt away network. |Together with zombies and competitors, the weather conditions position their own personal hazard. Questing up plan - getting rid of zombies awards endure will raise surviving abilities. The primary variable i viewed was how dynamic this boxy community is. Who fully understood ordinary may just be so delightful? The roblox-empowered visuals use a charm that distinguishes by itself making use of their online business trainers throughout the surviving style. When endurance finishes, you can not sprint and jump your path to basic safety. Once you have scavenged some treatments and began exercising just like a formidable survivor you're wanting to come up with a bottom. Once you have the desired resources gathered, the ui screens everything you could and can't grow or what various other resources are required to end a skill. Immediately "departed alt" probably will sound conversation. He without delay picked out my throat. |Planning my scale i honed along with an unfortunate zombie and drawn the provoke. being forced to pay for the 5 $ doesn't match a pay-to-triumph in procedure, because of the beneficial properties are separated.
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