#plus i really did enjoy their relationship before the disaster of a wedding lol
seddair · 3 months
My controversial Friends opinion is that Emily is way over-hated and that her most of her demands to Ross (including never seeing Rachel again) were reasonable.
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phoenix-shmoenix · 4 months
so i've gotten back into the sims 4 recently while i'm unemployed and out of grad school for the summer so i thought i'd start posting it here for literally no one except me to see lol anyway. i'm doing the sims in bloom legacy challenge as outlined by @a-sims-garden in this post and i'm already a decent chuck of the way into the first generation but hopefully i'll be posting updates more regularly. anyway here's what we've got so far:
my founder's name is Bellis Perennis, which is the scientific name for a Daisy, which is the first generation. he started out living at The Shipping Views in Evergreen Harbor. i don't have the pack for the "simple living" lot trait (i think it's cottage living) but i thought living off the grid was probably similar. i didn't start taking pictures until like way later into this so sorry i won't have any for a hot second 😭
one day while out for a walk around the neighborhood, he ran into Daisy Hayden and they hit it off right away. she invited him into her apartment and they talked for hours. not long after, she had some kind of disaster and asked to stay over for a few days with Bellis. he, of course, obliged. he did a lot of scavenging to be able to sell things and get enough money to buy a second twin bed for his humble living so Daisy would have her own place to sleep. although the vibe between Bellis and Daisy was certainly flirtatious, he was afraid to ruin their friendship by making a move on her.
while Daisy was staying with him, the two of them worked together on his modest home garden. both of them enjoy gardening and spending time outdoors. things continue to heat up between them, and once Daisy's first stay over runs out, Bellis invites her for another stay over. at this point, the chemistry between them is almost undeniable, but Bellis is still hesitant. finally, the two go on a wild night out together, during which they get drunk and end up hooking up together. for the rest of Daisy's stayover, they continue to screw around. finally, Bellis asks Daisy to be his girlfriend.
it's clear that Bellis and Daisy have something special. Daisy asks Bellis to move in together almost immediately, but Bellis says no. He's focused on his career as a gardener and his lifelong botany passion. Plus, Bellis is a gentleman, and worries about the two of them moving in together before he proposes. He already found the perfect thing to propose with, but he's waiting to get the crystal back as a gem in order to propose to her.
Bellis' rejection of moving in with Daisy almost derails their relationship entirely. She goes home and refuses to speak to him for 24 hours afterwards. Bellis must apologize several times over the course of several days before he can get her to agree to stay the night again. Finally, the relationship is back on steady ground and Bellis has received the gem in the mail so he's ready to propose.
He asks Daisy out on a date to her favorite museum, where he proposes to her in the middle of the garden.
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Daisy is overjoyed to say yes! Now that the two are engaged, they move in together in a small starter house in Brindleton Bay. The wedding is scheduled for the end of that week. Bellis continues to focus on his career as a gardener, while Daisy is less committed to her job as a civil engineer. She would much rather stay home all day and hang out with all the stray cats and dogs that like to hang out in their garden, but she goes to work anyway.
Really, Daisy's dream is to have a big, loving family. Daisy's parents aren't in her life anymore, and as an only child, she has felt lonely for so long. She wants her and Bellis to start getting to work on having kids before the wedding, but Bellis again says no. As a proper gentlemen, he won't get her pregnant on purpose before the wedding.
Finally, the wedding comes. The happy couple wastes no time getting to the alter. It's a small wedding with only two attendees--the best friends of Daisy and Bellis respectively.
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After the ceremony is concluded, the newly weds rush home for a very long night that turns into an early morning of trying for a baby. The next day, a test reveals Daisy is pregnant! During the pregnancy, Daisy develops an attachment to one particular stray cat in the area and adopts her into their home as well.
The morning Daisy goes into labor, Bellis is excited and terrified at the same time. The first baby is a boy, named Anthony Bloom (as the next generation is Buttercup, and another name for that flower has something to do with St. Anthony). But to their surprise, a second baby, a baby girl they name Buttercup Bloom, is born as well!
Bellis opts not to take paternity leave, and Daisy is more than happy to spend the day working from home and tending to her kids.
So yeah that's where I'm at now. Gonna get better at taking pictures and posting more consistently so it's not such a long drawn out post.
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emclarkerps · 6 years
Ship meme for Tally/Cas, Stella/Ryder, Brynn/Abel, Liana/Evan,
How did they they meet? Auradon University, when Tally was assisting in tours for the school.
Who developed romantic feelings first? Probably Caspian. He was just a little shit a first but then realized “aww shit, so this is love.”
Who is their biggest “shipper?” Demi is pretty into it.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? I feel like Caspian kissed her one day just being the little shit that he is, chasing her around and teasing her and he ended up kissing her.
Who confessed their feelings first? Probably Tally. Cas would have goofed around, but it takes a lot for him to actually admit he has feelings.
What was their first official date? I feel like Caspian took her to the beach. He loves the water and probably had a picnic planned. Not some big romantic one, there was probably just PB&J because god forbid he put effort into much, but still.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates? I feel like they’re all for it. Convincing Melody to go along with it though? Pfft. 
What do they do in their down time? Bow chicka wow wow.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? Awkward. Very, very awkward. Captain Hook’s kid, from the isle, meeting Aurora and Prince Phillip? ...rut roah.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? It was probably over Caspian being an asshole to Melody. He doesn’t really know when enough is enough, so he just keeps going and going until he’s gone too far. But I feel like if he truly apologized to Melody, Tally would be okay.
Which one is more easily made jealous? Caspian can get very, very jealous because he’s extremely insecure.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat? Chocolate.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position? Tally probably. It took Caspian a while to be okay with cuddling because he wasn’t one for any physical affection besides making out and being sexual. But he cuddles because Tally enjoys it. He just cuddles her however they end up.
Are they hand holders? He wasn’t at first, but after a while, yes.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances? I feel like it doesn’t take very long. Once they finally admit they have feelings for each other, they’re all over each other.
Who tops? I feel like they fight over it.
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into? I feel like they don’t really fight often and when it is, it’s because Caspian is being an asshole.
Who does the shopping and the cooking? Tally. Caspian is all about the junk food and they would never eat healthy otherwise.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? Tally. Caspian is a disaster.
Who proposes? Caspian, in a rare moment of pure sweetness.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate? Separate. ...mainly because Melody, who would be maid of honor, tries to stay clear of Caspian. She can play nice, but she still isn’t a fan. Plus her working with Kali? HA. Forget about it.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? Melody would be maid of honor (horror in Cas’s words) and Kali as best (wo)man. ...that would be one interesting wedding. And there would be so many bridesmaids and groomsmen.
Big Ceremony or Small? Big. There is no small in Tally and Caspian’s world.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? Yes, somewhere tropical. Probably a cruise, because Cas loves boats. (His dad is a pirate...what do you expect?)
Do they have children? How many? Yes. Yes, yes, yes. So many kids running around everywhere. ...probably like...five. Cas loves kids.
How did they they meet? Stella set the apartment building on fire. Ryder scooped her up fireman style and carried her out.
Who developed romantic feelings first? Stella
Who is their biggest “shipper?” Tayuh, absolutely. And she teases them about it all the time.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? I feel like it was after their first date, and Ryder just wanted to do things the right way.
Who confessed their feelings first? Ryder
What was their first official date? Ryder took her to the pier and the arcade and won her a teddy bear.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates? They’re all for it.
What do they do in their down time? Make good use of the on call room at the hospital, I’m sure.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? Interesting. Ryder’s parents still treat him like a little kid even though he’s a full grown adult, so they don’t really take the relationship seriously at first. Which makes Ryder angry. And they didn’t meet Stella’s parents, but her brother scared the shit out of him.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? Probably Ryder doing something stupid during a fire and getting injured.
Which one is more easily made jealous? Stella
What is their favourite thing to get to eat? Anything besides hospital food.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position? Ryder is a super cuddler. Very touchy feely. His personal favorite is spooning.
Are they hand holders? Yes
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Who tops? Stella
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into? I feel like they don’t fight very often. Ryder is very easy going and doesn’t like arguing so he just goes with the flow. ...except when he’s told what to do, so she probably told him not to do something and he did it anyways, like running into a burning building after Tayuh and almost getting smooshed with her.
Who does the shopping and the cooking? They both do. Ryder isn’t the best cook out there, but he makes do.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? Stella
Who proposes? Ryder
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate? Joined
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? Alec would be best man. He’s his buddy. And Cam for maid of honor. I feel like most of the 9-1-1 bbs would be in each others wedding though.
Big Ceremony or Small? Small-ish. Just the important people there.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? Yes. I can see them going around Europe.
Do they have children? How many? I can see them having two kids, as scared as they would be to be parents.
How did they they meet? Kindergarten. Brynn stole his green crayon and he loved her after that.
Who developed romantic feelings first? Abel, that little puppy dog.
Who is their biggest “shipper?” Liana.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? Under the slide at recess in the third grade, after Brynn pushed him off the slide and said he had cooties, but then she pulled him under there, kissed his boo-boo knees, and then his lips because “shh...I had my cootie shot.”
Who confessed their feelings first? Abel did.
What was their first official date? Eighth grade dance. Abel brought her flowers and everything, even though her parents just glared at him the whole time.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates? Considering you can’t find Brynn without Liana and vice versa, they kind of need to be okay with it.
What do they do in their down time? ...lovenugget, our couples are hornballs.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? Brynn adores Abel’s parents and vice versa. She knows how to charm just about anyone. But when Abel meets Brynn’s parents? Forget about it. It’s a disaster.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? ...but why do they need to fight? Can they just not? They just love each other and Abel is a little puppy and Brynn just falls all over him.
Which one is more easily made jealous? Brynn. She’s an extremely jealous person.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat? Spaghetti.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position? They both equally love to cuddle, and as long as Brynn is in his lap she is happy.
Are they hand holders? Yes, yes, yes.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances? I feel like they were dating a while, but mainly because they started dating so young? Like...they were at least sophomores by the time they finally slept together, and it was really sweet and adorable, and they planned it when Brynn’s parents weren’t going to be home, and he kept asking if she was okay the whole time and she cried, because how did she get so lucky to have such a cutie pie?
Who tops? At first, Abel does because Brynn is shy about her body. But as they get older and more experienced, forget about it. It’s however they land.
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into? NO FIGHT.
Who does the shopping and the cooking? Brynn. She doesn’t allow Abel in the kitchen. Although, if we’re being real, they just go to Liana and Evan’s and let Evan do the cooking.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? Brynn. Abel’s a hurricane.
Who proposes? Abel. And Brynn makes damn sure it’s perfect.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate? Separate.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? Evan is best man and Liana is Maid of Honor, hands down. And there’s so many people in that wedding.
Big Ceremony or Small? lol Brynn would never agree to a small wedding.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? Absolutely, probably to Greece or something. 
Do they have children? How many? Yessss. They have two. ...I think. ...it’s been a while.
How did they they meet? School
Who developed romantic feelings first? Evan, but he keeps quite because fuckin’ Jake.
Who is their biggest “shipper?” Brynn
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? When Evan was wiping her tears away and they were snuggling after Jake was a jackass and Evan told her she was worth so much more than him.
Who confessed their feelings first? Evan
What was their first official date? I feel like Evan brought her to his house and cooked dinner for her and they just snuggled and watched movies after.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates? B and Li are a packaged deal. Double dates are a must.
What do they do in their down time? Evan cooks for Liana and they just relax and snuggle.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? Awkward.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? It was before they were officially together and Evan was trying to tell Liana she was worth so much more than Jake. I feel like eventually they just apologized to each other and got over it.
Which one is more easily made jealous? I feel like its equal.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat? Anything Evan makes
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position? Both love snuggles. Any snuggles.
Are they hand holders? Yes
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances? A while, because a) Liana needed to learn to trust and B) Evan was an awkward virgin. But it was sweet and romantic.
Who tops? Liana.
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into? They don’t fight much. Evan is very reasonable and easy going and tries not to upset her. 
Who does the shopping and the cooking? Liana does the shopping, Evan does the cooking.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? Evan
Who proposes? Evan
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate? Joined
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? Abel is best man, Brynn is maid of honor. I feel like that’s it.
Big Ceremony or Small? Small
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? Yes, I feel like they go to Disney. Evan would have never gone before, and Liana would want him to experience it.
Do they have children? How many? Two I think? Again, it’s been a while.
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miru-p · 6 years
4, 6, 7, 19, 20, 29, 30 for AvKari! (´ᴗ`ʃƪ)♡
Thank you so much for the ask, Mary dear (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc) Sorry for the delay tho
I programmed this reply in the middle of the queue lol so i hope it shows up. Also I hope there aren’t so many mistakes cos I’m tired rn akjsdnjkfa. 
Everything under the cut cos long (◕▿◕✿)
4-Favorite non-sexual activity?
They both like to go for a slowand quiet walk together when they have the time. Especially in parks, cos theycan also enjoy the lovely background while walking. Also, they occasionallylike to bath together, especially after a long day of hard work.Sometimes, they just enjoy relaxing a bit on a sofa while talking about randomstuff. Those times usually end up with Karina sleeping in his lap aftertalking so much and Avdol reading a book while stroking her hair (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
6-What is their favoritefeature of their partner’s?
Avdol always thought thatKarina’s best feature is her energetic character. Karina really loves his calmcharacter because it makes her feel safe although she also loves his mischievouspart even if she tries to deny it >v>b
About physical features, Avdollikes Karina’s smile, and Karina loves Avdol’s eyes ❤
7-What’sthe first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for theother?
Karina tries to be less chattyand be more serious because she wants him to know that she’s a woman and not achild, because she knows that sometimes her bubbly and carefree personality canshock people. Avdol realizes this change in her behavior and actually getsworry, thinking that maybe he did something to make her feel uncomfortable, sohe tries to talk with her about random stuff that ends up with Kari showingagain her true bubbly self and making Avdol smile. After knowing that the feeling they felt was reciprocated, they started towalk closer to each other than before and even sometimes, when they thinknobody is looking, holding hands (◕ᴗ◕✿)
19-Who tells theirfamily/friends about their relationship first?
They told together to their friends, except forKak who knew before anyone since he was in the hospital with Kari when thedoctor told her about her pregnancy. Anyways, they all kind of find out beforethat except Pol lol. About family, Karina had a hard time trying tofigure out how she should tell her parents, so she basically told them like amonth or two months before the wedding she’s a disaster, but at least shedid told them, cos she didn’t tell her grandfather, it was Joseph who fcked up.
20-Whatdo their family/friends think of their relationship?
All of them are reallysupportive about their relationship and are very happy for them, although theywere a bit surprised due to the huge differences on personalities. Esther and Kakyoin are the ones who act the most supportive, Joseph too. Jotaroand Pol too, but they try to hide it more, especially the latter, who likes to tellthem how disgustingly affectionate are and how they should just get a room. Kari’s relatives are very happy too. Atfirst, Caesar felt a bit uneasy, because he just met Kari and she was alreadyin love he just saw her like a baby back then tbh (well she’s like a babylol) but he knew Avdol and knew that he was a good man so he got used to itand loved both of them like family. Something similar happened with Juan atfirst, but he was happy for his daughter. Mina was supportive about theirrelationship since the beginning, telling her daughter how good taste she hadon men lol.
29-one headcanon about thisOTP that breaks your heart.
Well, obviously, that in canon, they promised a happy future with eachother but at the end they couldn’t even say goodbye, plus Karina always willfeel in part guilty about his death because she knew how dangerous theirmission was and she just left them TvTb
30-one headcanon about thisOTP that mends it.      
THE WHOLE NOBODY DIES AU DUDE. They can be together and happy, and havesupportive family and friends, and have their own family and grow old togetherakdfnslanflas SOBS
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Ermanda’s Inner Sanctum: Scorpion 3.14 “The Hole Truth”
Episode 3.14 is another solid “transition” episode that continues to highlight the character lessons for this season.  It is also the last episode where we see Lea Thompson in the role as Veronica Dineen for now.  She played her character well and she will be missed.  This episode extends past the 9-minute mark before the first commercial break, clocking in at around 11 minutes.  Usually, this means that the mission will be one-dimensional, but this episode gives us this with some extra bits in a flashback scenario.  I love flashbacks that reveal new information and place current events into perspective.  Another aspect I enjoy is the amount of suspense created in the scene between Paige and the “debt collector.”  The dialogue and music works well together.  Anyways, let’s hit the big stuff under the cut! 
Sylvester’s Political Woes
Being himself means that Sly doesn’t naturally appeal to the average voter, especially when most public footage of him is cosplay.  Of course, the team believes in him and knows him to be capable of more than his opponent’s mudslinging ad claims.  But an ad like this does not convince the majority.  This is apparent during the mission with the sandhog from West Altadenia who makes it clear he will not cast a vote for Sly as Alderman.  Yet, all of this changes once this man sees Sly in action to save Cabe from drowning.  He is thoroughly convinced that Sly is mentally equipped for the job.  I sense this will become a pattern as we see more of Sly’s political journey where the public will learn more about Sly’s brave work with Scorpion and give him the pull he needs for votes.  I hope Sly succeeds in his endeavors! 
Paige & Veronica: One Last Ride
Veronica is right.  Paige is good at holding down a con!  You can say she’s learned from the best.  
Since Veronica’s secret is out and has been made, she is determined to commission Paige’s help to get her money before she leaves town to escape those who are after her.  Paige is not too thrilled about this because she has been trying very hard to separate herself from her mother’s occupation, but she obliges because Scorpion and Ralph are at risk the longer they wait to address this issue.  This means that Paige has to excuse herself from her usual duties, but she is optimistic that her cumulative work in the past 2.5 years will get the team through this mission in her absence.  She also considers it a chance to exercise her new approach with Walter.
Veronica is thrilled that Paige has decided to help her because she misses the days when they worked together for her numerous business deals.  While this is questionable excitement for a parent whose criminalistic tendencies negatively impacted her relationship with her daughter, it is another opportunity for Veronica to open herself to Paige’s positive influence to do better for herself and try her best to use her gifts for good.  Paige takes control of the situation and secures everything they need to get Veronica’s money. 
This episode really shows Paige’s unique genius.  I see a parallel with Paige in the pilot when she dumps all the chalk on the ground except for one piece which she hands to Sly to get him to task faster.  It’s the same ingenuity she uses when she devises her plan from the radio report.  This ability to think on her feet is what makes her so beneficial to the team.  Their intellectual efficiency has rubbed off on her and she uses it in her own way.
Paige and Veronica also bond over several things in this episode.  Paige shows how much she still cares for her mother since another one of her motivations behind helping her is to get her to stop running.  Yet, Veronica is so committed to her lifestyle that it is hard for her to change.  But this reality also serves as a lesson for Paige.  Veronica exposes Paige’s internal conflict (which has been apparent this entire season) by questioning her feelings for Walter.  While Paige has moved on, we have seen multiple instances where Paige has shown hesitation about her feelings and how she wants to tackle them.  Plus, Paige still has her reservations with Walter over what she last heard from him about Tim (which conflicts the resolution Tim and Walter established).  I ask these questions again for thought: who will reveal to Paige that Tim acknowledges that Walter didn’t push him away and puts things into perspective?  Who will bridge the communication gap?  I am very intrigued by these developments as they factor into the Waige flip this season. 
Walter’s EQ Monitor
Since Paige has chosen to assist her mother, she hands her responsibility to Toby for the mission.  As we have witnessed throughout this series, Toby or Cabe is second in command as behavioral adjuster.  No surprise that Paige defers to Toby since this season has placed more focus on their friendship.  However, Toby says that his relationship with Walter is complicated so his good intentions will backfire.  Toby and Walter still have some kinks to work out in their friendship, which is understandable given everything that has happened between them this year/season.  So Happy is the best choice!  This is not surprising since her friendship with Walter, beyond the scope of the secret marriage, has been highlighted this season too.  But she’s not too thrilled about it because she doesn’t think she has the capability to handle an emotionally-stunted Walter. 
As the mission progresses, Walter’s comments further disintegrate the trust between the chief and him.  He gets punched in the other eye as a result of another instance where he is logically astute but emotionally insensitive.  (Get used to seeing this phrase a lot in my reviews when it comes to Walter and the other geniuses.)  Of course, it is not right for the chief to punch Walter, but emotional breakdowns can bring out the worst in people at times, which is a two-fold lesson in this moment.  
When he expresses his concern of this series of events, Toby propositions Happy for the assist.  This moment shows that Paige’s new approach with Walter has some credence.  Happy never tells Walter what to say to the chief to convince him of the new plan.  She doesn’t even go to the chief and bridge the gap for him.  She already failed at the latter.  Happy reminds him of what Paige has already given him.  His responsibility is to tap into that knowledge and use it for his benefit.  So he bonds with the chief over the loss of someone close - his sister, Megan - in conjunction with the chief’s grief over a fellow co-worker who lost his life on the job six months ago.  This rebuilds trust between Walter and the chief and convinces the chief to believe in Walter’s rescue plan.  Go Walter!  I am so proud of this low EQ genius.  
Then Veronica gives him some key advice right before she leaves.  She reminds him to keep working on himself and remain patient.  Sounds similar to the advice Cabe gave Walter in 3.02 More Civil War.  Of course, Paige picks up on it right away and seems slightly amused in the midst of her sarcastic remark.  So I wonder how Walter will process everything that happened this day and apply it.
This has been a defining principle for Walter this season - learning to properly apply the EQ tools at his disposal for emotional regulation.  There will always be times when intervention on his behalf is necessary.  Yet, it is important for him to establish consistency in this endeavor.  He will sink or swim, but overall he is forward progressing and this will continue to aid him in the future.  
Toby Drama
If you have been following my reviews this season, then you are already aware of multiple points I make about what is next for Toby.  Toby has remained resilient this season despite everything he’s encountered: green card marriage, false pregnancy, “ruined” Christmas, and financial woes that impact his wedding plans.  In this episode, he makes a very poignant remark about the complicated status of his relationship with Walter.  How does this manifest for the remainder of the season?  It is possible that Walter is not the only one who will snap... expectation vs. reality. 
Check out this association surrounding Toby from @scribeshan, which also contributes to this analysis! 
Sink or Swim...
Who’s next in this lesson arc?  It currently goes... Veronica → Paige → Walter → ...
Toby (to Sly): You will be the first politician taken down by a “never-had-sex” tape. 😂😂😂😂😂
Walter: I was assaulted by a contract-breaching yogurt vendor. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 #butforealtho
Quintis’ “death con nuclear disaster” EQ scale for Walter is hilarious! 😂😂😂  The fact they even work on this together is cute. 💚
Toby: Remember if Walter and chief get into it again, you’re Paige.  You have to fix it.  Happy: Is jumping into the sinkhole an option? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Btw, I LOVE Happy’s jacket in this episode!  Green is my favorite color.  Notice her jackets have been open this entire season.  Happy is definitely changing! 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Add Paige’s trench coat to clothing items I clearly need to steal from wardrobe! 😍
Cabe (to Sly and the sandhog): Oh I see, send in the old guy.  😂😂😂😂😂
Oh boy!  Cabe has a unique relationship with water for season 3B so far.  Lol! 😳 
How did they dump that much mortar into that large sinkhole to counteract the amount of liquid entering it?  Oh Scorpion and the concept of time... lol 👀 👀 👀
Ralph is such a cutie!  I mean, when is he not?!  It’s so sweet how he runs to his grandma!  And the id scrambler... GENIUS! 🙌🏾😍
When Walter and Paige talk about the new plan to save her mother, it is hilarious to hear Walter say, “I assume you’ve heard I’ve been misbehaving.”  😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Veronica (to Walter): Keep working at it Pinocchio.  Someday you’ll be a real boy.  I can feel it!  😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Paige: Guys!  I need helping creating an offshore account.  Omgness, Veronica Dineen stays hustlin’. Ha! 
I love that Michael Beach was cast as the chief/foreman.  Love his work! 🙌🏾
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