#plus i have saffron to use up
six-of-ravens · 1 year
anyway on a non-work-related note, today at lunch i finally washed out the BBQ so it's HOT DOG TIIIIIME
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cheswirls · 1 year
AAAAAAAAAAAAA i didnt realize this frlg rom reset gym leader lvls to gen 1′s which means they are absolutely stacked compared to the rest of the game and i am not flying thru this so quick anymore
#i think ive logged 24 hrs now n i JUST beat koga#at least half of that time is after lavender so like leading up to and then fuchsia city#i was underleveled for surge but still overleveled for everything else#managed to beat him so i thought i was fine#beat erika by PURE CHANCE so underleveled my golbat i had been grinding happiness was the last one standing#thank god bc i didnt save and fainting drops friendship a ton and i needed a crobat#beating erika was the last luck i had in the game everything has been downhill since#i reset and challenged koga soooooooo many times#impossible to beat his muk that sets up evasiveness w minimize and high def w acid armor#CANNOT hit the thing n when you do it does nothing#finally managed by getting two shots w marowaks ground type move and making koga use both potions to restore#and then fucking went thru 3 pkmn who each know one move that is never miss and spammed them#was NOT going to deal w high evasiveness this time around#it took so many to chip away bc 2 of those pkmn have terrible stats for the move type#plus this rom has split special/physical stats but moves that raise or lower atk/def arent split#so acid armor raised def and special def and decimated me#plus uhhh the only good tms are at the game corner so ive been saving money since lavender to buy coins meaning i have none for antidote#orrrrr potions or healing items at all meaning i kinda did koga on hard mode#(this was after my first attempt where i used max revive + full restore bc i had them at the time. did NOT work)#anyway uhhh rom hard i wanted to be at cinnabar today but i think saffron comes before n yea theres no way i can get thru all of that rn
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melbatron5000 · 3 months
Two Crowleys
A while ago, the wonderful mind of @noneorother posted this meta about the puppets in the magic shop.
The observation that there appear to be two Crowleys in the shot of the puppet arrangement had me absolutely scratching my head and thinking they must be mistaken somehow.
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(pic from @noneorother)
But then I got my hands on some of the Amazon X-ray extras, and discovered these little gems from the album covers in Maggie's record shop:
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Now, going back to our color-coding for a moment, we may not know what all the colors in Good Omens mean, and we may not have all the colors down. But we do know a few, and we know that color-coding in Good Omens does exist, and that it matters.
Auburn and vavoom yellow are Crowley's colors. They are the colors of his hair and eyes. Black and scarlet red are the colors he wears. So those four colors are Crowley-coded colors. Okay.
Thus, these two record albums from Maggie's shop are Crowley-colored. Now, notice something important? Well, two things. The first -- Raga Koboj has TWO little sharp-clawed critters peering out at us from behind blinds. I daresay they are meant to be little cartoon demons, yes? And CT Bazz: Dank Balaclava features a face in a red ski mask. People usually wear ski masks if A. it's cold as tits outside, or B. if they're trying to hide their identity. So both albums feature Crowley colors AND images of hiding -- plus one features an image of twinsies.
The other important thing takes us back to color-coding. What other color do we see here besides our well-known Crowley colors? On Raga Koboj, the auburn and vavoom yellow blend into each other -- creating orange between them. And Dank Balaclava features a cigarette being lit -- with a little flair of orange fire.
(Edit to add: The name of that first album is Raga Koboj, which is a style of Indian music. A very famous tale in India is of the Warrior Goddess Kahli fighting demons who kept replicating themselves. Every time a drop of blood would hit the ground, a new demon would spring up. She went on a rampage trying to destroy them all, and her husband had to throw himself in her path to stop her. Hmm . . .)
This leads me to believe two things: Yes, TWO Crowleys. One Crowley in hiding, the other a twin. And that orange is Crowley's secret color.
Where else do we see orange?
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Yep, the pillars in Aziraphale's shop. Which we also know is painted Crowley Auburn on the outside and Vavoom Yellow on the inside. With accents of this nice saffron orange on the pillars.
Want more proof? Okay.
Several people have noted that Aziraphale and Crowley keep to each other's right and left, respectively. Aziraphale on the right, Crowley on the left. In season 1, whenever they are on the opposite sides of each other, something's up. Not wrong, necessarily, but not in proper order. As in the image-swap/body-swap. Several people have also noted that Crowley is on Aziraphale's right far more frequently in season 2. And look here:
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Aziraphale looks instinctively to his left when Crowley approaches -- only this Crowley, the twin, is not approaching on Aziraphale's left. This happens in more than one scene.
And when Aziraphale introduces Crowley to Nina in the coffee shop in episode one, he says, "This is, um, Crowley." As if he's quickly deciding how to name this individual who looks like his demon but approached on his right. Aziraphale "ums" and hesitates a lot this season, but he's also lying a lot. Hesitation and "um" is one of his tells.
I believe Aziraphale knows this isn't Crowley 1.0. But he acts and talks to this Crowley as if it's Crowley 1.0, so I don't think it's an imposter or someone pretending to be Crowley who isn't. I think Crowley's split himself in two. Am I sure about that? No. But it's where I'm leaning at this moment.
But Crowley 1.0 isn't missing entirely. Look here:
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Aziraphale is looking over his left shoulder for his demon, and Crowley's right there, where he should be.
So yeah, TWO Crowleys.
Now where the heck is Crowley while his twin is out walking around on Aziraphale's right side? I really don't know what he might be up to, but I think he's in contact. Reachable, at least.
Let's look at this one again. Who's this?
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No, not the guy in the foreground. The guy in the back. No, not the dude wearing tartan, the other guy. The guy in front of the ORANGE pillar, the guy on Crowley-twin's LEFT shoulder.
Is that Crowley 1.0? Or at least, a way for Crowley to be in touch while he's off doing whatever the heck he's doing? I think it is.
Would you like some more proof?
Okay. How about another record album from Maggie's shop?
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Back to color-coding again. That baby-blue/red combo seems to indicate Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship together. The baby-blue is the color of Aziraphale's shirt, while the red is one that Crowley wears, mostly around his neck, although it also appears elsewhere in his costuming.
Au Revoir, Fingers! Crowley's just a head now. But a head has ears and eyes, so Aziraphale can communicate with it. As I suspect he tries to here, before Jim interrupts:
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But wait. Back to Au Revoir Fingers for a moment. Red Eye Smile?
And red eyes? Fuck me.
A very few people have pointed out that there are lots of dual red taillights in multiple shots, frequently framed rather carefully. I had dismissed it, as I usually do when something turns out to be freaking important.
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Someone's watching. I think it might be Crowley 1.0.
Then there's that bit where he's driving back to Whickber street, after coming back from Hell, and he first zooms around a bus with red taillights and says, "There's only room for one of us in this lane and it's not you," then he changes a pair of red stop lights to green and says "Don't you even think about it. There, that's better." Is he arguing with himself?? Telling the Other Crowley that it's his turn right now, not his? Of course I can't find a GIF or picture of that right now, but you know what I mean, right? Neil had to cut a bunch of material out of the finished show to fit Amazon's time limit requirements. That scene would seem to be an easy cut to make -- unless the scene matters to the overall plot too much to cut.
I also suspect that Crowley might be talking to himself in the book shop at the end of season 2. You know, when he turns Aziraphale's chair around to face the right way, but when Maggie and Nina come in it's facing the center of the room again? I suspect Crowley 1.0 and 2.0 had a chat. I do not know about what. Just sharing information?
I also wonder if Crowley 2.0 might have his own POV scenes -- thus confusing the already complicated POV situation even more. The white head statue sure gets several shots where it's in center frame, as if it is the POV character in that scene.
That's what I got, my fellow brain rotters. There's my evidence.
In conclusion: Two Crowleys. Yeah, I think so. Now, for the big question:
What is Crowley doing that there needs to be two of him? And is it just twinsies, or is that someone else pretending to be Crowley and I'm wrong? Aziraphale definitely seems to know that's NOT his original Crowley, but tells the demon important information without hesitation, so I'm still suspecting Crowley twinned himself. But what if I'm wrong? Who is it then? And why are they pretending to be Crowley? And why does Aziraphale seem to know it's not Crowley, but still talk to him like it is?
I have no answers.
Thanks for crackpotting and going nuts with me, yet again. I hope this keeps you up at night like it's done me.
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noctivague · 10 months
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Incense for the Gods: Hermes 🪙
This in an ongoing series of making incense blends for the Greek Gods. The idea is that scents are pleasant to humans but also to Gods and they make for ana amzing offering you can just make once, put in a jar and use for many months with no issue.
At first I just kind of imagined what would be cool, this is actually making the incense blend (you can find everything in my pinned post).
So here is Hermes! ✈️ God of all trades, be it travelers, communication, movement, thieves, bringer of Joy and guide of Souls.
What I used:
Saffron: unfortunately only had powder form, would be better to have the higher quality twigs-like things, but that's all i had. So saffron is actually made from crocus flowers and is sacred to Hermes. It looks red but is actually a powerful way to dye things in a yellow reminiscent of gold and all things precious and joyful.
Cinnamon: associated with heat and abundance, I like associating it with him although it seems to be more of a recent association. Nevertheless, it is a very stimulating spice that symbolically works extremely well for the God that never stops moving.
Lavender: this is strangely a more calming herb that I associate with his role of Guide of Souls and warden of Sleep and Dreams. Plus it seems to come often as an UPG for many people. It smells lovely, even when burnt.
Golden Benzoin: This specific type of benzoin has a very sweet scent and a yellow color, both things that I personally associate with Hermes. I also pretty much always add one of the ''classical'' incense such as myrrh, olibanum and benzoin in my blends because they feel very ritualistic and grounding for some reason.
The results:
I ended up taking out a whole cinnamon stick and only grinding two because it smelled just so strongly i was afraid it was going to overpower everything else.
When I burnt it OMG it smells awesome. Very warm and cozy but the lavender adds a touch of freshness. Even the blend itself without being burnt smells delicious.
So yeah 5/5 might be my favorite one as of yet :)
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golden-bk · 3 months
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Demigod/KIU Béla ref
Before becoming queen, Bélalune was more like a socialite than a royal/political figure(even tho she was next in line). She was getting into mass shenanigans, and made a lot of friends and enemies during this time. Current day/KI:R Bélalune has been doing her best to sanitize her image as queen because of this phase.
Info dumping about this design and my references for it lalalalala🧙‍♂️⚡💥💥⚡💥⚡💥⚡💥⚡💥💥⚡
So when I went about this design I wanted to set it apart from her queen look. That one had cuteness, but was still formal. Extremely symmetrical, mostly muted colors, squared silhouette and all that jazz. It's the outfit equivalent of holding shit in.
So when I started on this I knew I wanted more asymmetry, looseness, bright colors, plus her old wings and tail from before ascending to a goddess.
While I was researching hairstyles I came across some tang dynasty and prior traditions about how girls would wear their hair before they were adults. Usually they'd wear some form of double buns/hair loops. Below is some of the examples via figures from the tang dynasty, which is also the style I used as reference for Béla's hairstyle here. I just made them a little longer to tie into her kingdom being inspired by the jade rabbit.
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She also has a lil saffron on her hair, which has strong roots in Persian culture as a seasoning, a healing ointment and an offering to royals or gods(both of which apply to her). Nowadays it's a really good seasoning for zereshk pollo(🤤) and other Iranian foods, but it's still known to be a little pricey. Either way it screams wealth and luxury, considering her background. Also I snatched the colors of the flower for the colors in this outfit, with some minor tweaks like making the red stems a hot pink.
Her dress is a mix between the 1760s Brunswick dress and han dynasty quju (with the rounded long sleeves inspired by this tang dynasty figurine and the undershirt inspired by dudou, a type of undergarment)
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And the ribbons all around her outfit are inspired by both the ones on that Brunswick dress, as well as the Yongle Palace murals in China and rock carvings in Assyrian era Persia(the pic I have is a sketch from a book scan unfortunately not the actual carving :( ). They're a little more simplified here to show that she's still young and inexperienced, and has yet to obtain that level of divinity
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I hope this was a little informative and a passage through my twisted fuckt up evil mind :3
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doberbutts · 8 months
can you tell us about the clinic cat please? also you look so delighted in the pictures with her, it's so nice to see!!
Lanky's a boy, actually 😌
He's supposed to be an f5 or f6 Savannah, so 5 or 6 generations from the Serval parent. I don't believe he came from a good breeder because his owners were letting him outside and most pedigree cat breeders aren't thrilled with that idea. He was hit by a car and broke his leg and his owners couldn't afford proper care or surgical repair so they had it casted at a local ER and it um. Well the leg died so it started to rot. So he needed it amputated and they couldn't afford that either so they brought him to us to euthanize and our previous clinic cat had passed away the year prior so we were kind of looking anyway.
It's not too uncommon for animals to be brought in for euthanasia not due to life-threatening conditions but due to the owners just not being able to afford continued care. In most cases if the animal is reasonably saveable many clinics will offer a surrender option, where the owners sign over the ownership of said animal and it's adopted out to someone for the cost of whatever procedure they needed. So he was signed over to us and now he lives in the manager office building, where I get to visit him whenever I have to access the safe or cash box.
He's about 2, gets around just fine on three legs, literally bounces off the walls and makes a general nuisance of himself. He likes to bite my practice manager if he's ignored for too long and regularly harasses my financial manager during her phone calls. We're currently working on getting him a cat wheel, he has roughly a billion toys, and according to the kennel staff that feed him on days the hospital is closed he really likes divebombing them from the top of the stairs.
Anyway he's decided I'm his best friend so when I go in there he bothers me until I pick him up and carry him like a baby and let him rub his face all over my face and chest. I appear to not be allergic to him which isn't too unheard of with the wildcat hybrids. He's like. Scary smart, there's a lot of deliberate thought and intention in his movements and the way he interacts with the world. And he's also super cute and very nice, quite friendly and pleasant. A bit of a nightmare for vet care but I don't really blame him, I'm sure his leg hurt for a long time. Just imagine the pain of breaking your leg and then have it die and begin to rot while still attached to you and then a bunch of strangers keep messing with it in a high stress environment- I'd have medical ptsd from that for sure. Plus most wildcats to my knowledge are sensitive to medical stress and stress from handling and restraint, so I'm sure that doesn't help.
I love cats but I'm very allergic to them, so when my last cat Saffron died I sort of resigned myself to not having a cat again. I'm supposed to be trialing oriental shorthairs whenever the breeder I spoke to has kittens again, since they're supposed to be low-allergen, but I also don't really have time or money to add an animal to my household right now so I'm not too concerned about it currently. I don't like hybrids as a general rule (but I will never be mean to an animal even if I don't think it should exist) so despite the discovery that apparently I could have a Savannah they're not really on my list.
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song analysis of michael caine by madness in relation to siffrin!!
[plain text of title: song analysis of michael caine by madness in relation to siffrin!!]
having recently gotten into ISAT and spent considerable time with my qpp discussing songs that fit siffrin, I've come to the conclusion that it is SUCH a sif song. PLEASE hear me out on this (ive no idea if theres an overlap between isat fans and random british ska band fans but if there is then hi!)
putting this under a read more both because its gonna be long and contain spoilers for pretty much the whole deal with ISAT. also apologies if I fail to pick up my autocorrect making me type 'saffron'
okay so. chronologically through the song theres just a Lot that makes me think of him. this may entirely be a reach but im too big a fan of this song to mind :]
'he's walking where I'm afraid I don't know/I see the firemen jumping from the windows/there's panic and I hear somebody scream'-- immediately the sense of disorientation and confusion that goes throughout both the song and siffrin. also the lack of subjects in the last line (who's panicking/screaming?) further gives this sort of like. unanswered questions that I think really fits sif and their whole. deal
'he picks up useless paper and puts it in my pocket'-- this is sif in the sense of how throughout the loops they become far more disillusioned with how much anything really matters. it all starts to pale in comparison to escaping the loop, and this especially resonates with the complete tunnel vision in the final loop. ALSO the inconsistencies in the entire song between first and third person remind me of the recurring ideas of like. identity and losing touch with yourself throughout the game. idk. im not sure if that's the case with the actual meaning of the song but yknow
'he can't remember tell me what's his name'-- themes of identity and memory and losing yourself. yeah.
AND THE CHORUS ITSELF IDK. 'and all I wanted was a word or photograph to keep at home'-- obviously the photograph thing but that's very literal, plus the idea of 'home' both in the song and in ISAT. also the 'all I wanted' alluding to regretting whatever caused the loop? which obviously creates the sense of his wish only being to have some stability and not. Yknow. a massive time loop. but hey ho
'the sun is laughing, it's another broken morning'-- loop. sun/star comparisons to be drawn, and the connotations of 'broken morning' in the context of being forced back to the same morning (or should I say, afternoon? [: ) repeatedly. also the connotations of 'another' as something trapping you/repeating ad infinitum AGH its so siffrin
'I see a shadow and call out to try and warn him, he didn't seem to hear just turned away'-- this reminds me of the whole like. futility of sif not being able to meaningfully help the others and just,,,,, agh,,,
'he had to sacrifice his pride, yes, throw it all away'-- further themes of a loss of an integral part of identity. I see this through the lens of siffrin's attempts to leave the loop becoming more and more desperate to the point of willing to compromise anything (of himself) for escape. fun!!
'his days are numbered, he walks round and round in circles'-- Oh You Know. repetition and never finding escape. siffrin..... aside from the whole time loop deal this line is fun to me in this interpretation of 'his days are numbered' but as the different iterations of the loop growing in frequency as opposed to the traditional use of 'days being numbered'. idk I just love flipping idioms
'there is no place he can ever call his own'-- again the themes of identity and home (or lack thereof). sif having nowhere to return to is suchhh an inciting theme of the whole game and this just completely summarises that. I also especially note the 'very' and how it finalises the whole thing; his country is gone, his memories are gone, and unless Something stops it, his family will be gone as well. I need to lie down.
'staring out the window there's nothing he can do now/all he wanted was to remain sane/he can't remember his own name'-- final verse before the last choruses and dear lord. siffrin. again with just the whole,,, memory and desperation and resignation. one very very reaching bit of analysis here is the shift in pronouns/person between the 'I can't remember tell me what's his name' and 'he can't remember his own name'; the forgetting of the name switches from an external thing that almost doesn't hold much weight to something symbolising a complete loss in self. if I'm then applying this to sif's character arc, I think this really just shows how their relationship with memory becomes more fraught and more of a source of stress throughout the game.
SO!!! I absolutely adore both in stars and time and this song, and just think it fits him so well. do you see my vision
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medea10 · 8 months
Medea Played Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, The DLC’s (Part III)
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Just because the main story is over, doesn't mean you have to stop playing the game.
Once you get back from your adventure in Area Zero, Briar has quickly written a book about the ordeal.
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An apology for doing absolutely fuck-all when Terapagos was kicking all of our asses and for not controlling Kieran. Fuck no and fuck you.
Actually, you don't have to keep it for long. In Kitakami, go to the Crystal Pond, have Terapagos, and watch as things make no sense.
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That's right. A mist comes through and you meet with the professor. You have an in-depth chat about things and in the end, you exchange Briar's book for the Scarlet Book. Everything comes back around full-circle. Back at the school...
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Go to Amarys and she'll feed Koraidon/Miraidon a supplement that'll make him fly now.
No, she still doesn't call them by their actual name.
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Outside the school, you can meet Mr. Snacksworth. A man who has apparently met nearly every legendary (except Dialga and Palkia) and has crafted snacks for each one.
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Once you capture 200 pokemon for your Blueberry pokedex, go to Perrin for a special quest in Area Zero. However, after you complete the request Perrin only gives you a Park ball. You know, the balls you use at the National Park in Johto.
In the clubroom, you can spend those BP's on the item printer, throwing styles, or changing the music.
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Cute choices and all, but might I suggest some better songs?
*Mt. Pyre
*Route 27
*Route 44
*The three lakes in Sinnoh
*Lavender Town
Just to name a few.
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And of course, you can invite coaches to the club room. Invite two certain coaches at the same time and they might strike up a conversation and you might learn something. Here are some of the things I learned.
*Katy was the one who gave Kofu the Venonat wallet
*Grusha was a fan of Iono's back when she first started streaming
*Nemona knows Lacey from a party a few years prior and gave us confirmation by saying her father Clay's name
*Poppy is nine-years old
*Hassel knows Drayton and his granddad
*Clavell thinks Mr. Jacq-strap is a total slob
*Drayton is a total dick to Kieran long-after the incident
*A lot of the gym leaders are a bit resentful towards Geeta
Let's not forget the gifts and trades! After you battle the coaches, you get a gift. The first time, you might get cool stuff like phone cases, Drayden's black tracksuit, and...
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Clive's wig? I look so dead inside.
Invite everyone on the list at least 3 times and trade with all of them will allow you to invite the mystery person named Saffron. That person of course is Cyrano, the director of Blueberry Academy. Defeat him in battle and he'll trade you his Shiny Blitzle.
Let's return to Uva academy and help Team Star.
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I got major whiplash seeing Eri here.
Giacomo and Eri ask you for help in tutoring the other Team Star members and hide it from Penny too. It didn't go as planned, but there was a happy conclusion. Plus, you get some new outfits in the process.
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This leads to Atticus being grateful for the help that he makes his own garment knock-offs to be bidded on.
Many of these items you might recognize from past games like shoes from Aether, helmets from ORAS, and another reminder of Ball Guy's existence from Sword/Shield. Getting all the items are very costly with most auctions costing as much as 365,000 wing-wangs.
And now, let's get to the Mochi Mayhem.
First of all, you must get this mythical pecha berry from the mystery gift. Once you get it, go to Peachy's store in Kitakami. You notice a certain pink object move and then Arven calls asking to stop by your home. Next thing you know, the object is gone.
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Back home, Nemona and Penny joined Arven. There, you also get a letter from Kieran asking for you and your friends to come to Kitakami. He's using snail-mail due to not having a smart-Rotom phone. Before we leave, we learn something about Penny.
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Her father used the word "Adven-tour". So it's a good chance that her father is Peony. Which means her sister is Peonia. Which means her uncle is Chairman Rose. I have so many questions and this is the only time we hear about Penny's papa. Once we're in Kitakami, we're greeted with a familiar face.
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Kieran is a meek cinnamon roll again. I guess the answer all along was to have him battle with Nemona. Nemona beat the pants off this boy but also had him enjoy himself.
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Unfortunately, there is something wonky going on in Kitakami. Carmine has been acting weird. And...um, how do I go about this?
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She flaps like a chicken and says the word "Mochi" over and over.
With Carmine acting strangely, there's only one thing to do.
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I am...just wow.
After this idiocy, we step outside and it turns into a cliche horror film trope.
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Everyone in the town is slowly turning into these flapping, mochi-munchers.
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Even Kieran's grandparents get hit with this mochi-demic.
Also, not helping in my suspicions on these two being Jessie and James. I know that's not their names, but Gramps battles you with Arbok and Weezing.
Back at Peachy's, we find the mystery pokemon causing this trouble. But it winds up shooting mochi at us.
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Penny and Arven eat up. I avoided it. And Kieran got conked on the head with it. And before you can say, "Mochi, Mochi"...
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They were under the mochi spell.
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Before you know it, the entire place is surrounded by moch-ombies.
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It's just that Nemona is too hard to possess fully.
Once you beat Nemona, you have to fight Peacharunt and catch it.
And those are the DLC's.
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The Teal Mask was just okay. I think the only thing I really liked was just Ogerpon and the ability to catch some of my favorite pokemon.
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The Indigo Disk, I was actually surprised by. The fact that you couldn't play that one until you've finished Teal Mask and the main game in total meant some major stuff was going to go down. Plus, the battles are a lot harder than normal.
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Mochi Mayhem was cute. It reminded me of some of those events for legendaries like the ones in R/S/E or the Victini one in B/W. I'm glad that we got an event pokemon through mystery gift. Something I wish we could have had with Zarude back in gen 8 instead of that bullshit joining a newsletter or something stupid.
So...I suppose this is the end of Scarlet and Violet. Unless we get more mystery gift surprises, this is probably it. I am a little upset that there isn't a battle tower like in previous games. And more important, Pokemon Horizons is going to go off and do it's own thing, not attaching it to the game whatsoever. We'll see what happens at the end of February as Pokemon Day always arrives with huge news in the games department.
And that was Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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lunarthing159 · 23 days
Wynncraft Rambles:
Just Recently Explored A Ton Of New Areas Including A New Warp-able Town Called Almuj Which Is In Desert. All This Exploring And Doing Random Stuff Has Inspired Me To Actually Explain My Little Archer OC For This World! It's Fairly Vauge In Backstory Due To Me Still Being In Early-Game And Not Knowing Abt Possible Late-Game Lore Info.
It's Under The Read More For Length Purposes... And Slight Spoilers For Some Early Game Stuff, That Too ^v^"
Castor Is My Sharpshooter Archetype & Fire Mastery Archer OC I Created For Wynn! His Main Role In The Team Of Him, Aledar, & Tasim Is The Heart Of The Team. Basically Being The Lovable Goofball/Comic Relief Who's Never Held A Braincell In His Life.
My Little Idiot /aff
He Hoards All The Himbo Energy.
"Knowing What's Happening & Understanding What's Happening Are Very Different Things And Oh Boy Am I Doing Neither!"
Here's Castor's Refrence Sheet & A Random Doodle I Did Of Him Recently!
Yes, I Know, There's Probably A Couple Questions Y'all Have,,, So I'm Gonna Answer A Couple Simple Ones Here! If You Have Any More, Leave 'em In The Replies/Comments & I'll Add Them To The List ^v^
What Are Those Lines On His Chest?
Castor Is Trans Female To Male! I Gave Him A Variety Of Surgery Scarring That Would Fade Back More To A Normal Skin State, But Knowing His Personality (He Uses The Power Of Being A Man To Not Wear Shirts), I Also Gave Him Tattoos In The Area To Make Sure It Draws The Eye. "HEY!! LOOK AT ME!! I A MAN!! LOOK!!"
Why Does He Have All These Eye Markings? Does He Have Extra Eyes?
To Put It Simply, He Likes It! It's A Play On Watchtowers And The Term 'Watchtower'. Watchtowers, Even Shown In Wynn, Are Very Associated With Archers And Archery Sodiers. That Combined With His Head-Empy Zero-Thoughts Stare & The Fact He Towers Over The Rest Of His Group In Height (Headcannon Aledar As 6', Tasim As 5'7, & Castor As 6'6), It Made The Parallels And Refrences An Obvious Choice. So, Ye! Eye Imagery For The Tall Archer Lad!
Why Is He Shirtless?
No Really It's A Play On The Fact That Fire Needs Oxygen To Burn And, If You're Layered In Too Many Clothes, A Common Exclamation You Might Hear Is "I Can't Breathe In This!". He Also Just Prefers It That Way, It's Freeing To Him. Besides, It Allows The Bright Cloth He Carries To Pop In His Attire (It's Supposed To Be A Waist Sash, But He Doesn't Wear It That Way). Bonus, If It Gets Too Cold, He Can Wear It Lika Da Scarf!
Is His Hair On Fire!?
Yes! Yes It Is! ^v^
My Idea On How That Came To Happen Is (When He Got To Detlas) I'd Just Recently Unlocked The Fire Mastery Trait For Him. So My Idea Was That His Hair Would Spark On Occasion Ever Since That Got Unlocked, More Frequently In Times Of Adrenaline. So, After Helping Detlas From The Corruption Hoard And Taking Down The Commander, His Hair Would Be Sparking Like Crazy,,, Which Would Catch The Attention Of Ragon, Detlas's Official Elemental Expert.
My Headcannon Is That Various Degrees Of Elemental Mastery Appear Different On Those That Wield Them, Especially Innate Ones Would Become Apart Of A Person's Being. In Castor's Case, He Was So Practically Destined To Wield Fire That He Ended Up An Innate-Case. Ragon Would See The Embers And Realize The Knowledge Castor Needs To Be Given, About The Way His Fire Is Making Itself Physical On His Body,,, The External Force Just Happens To Be From His Head,,, Specifically His Hair.
So Ye, Funky Fire Hair! He Got TangoTek-ified- Ahem What Anyways-
What's His Current Level & Weapon?
LV 34 with 27/262 Quests Completed
And Saffron Arch (Neutral-Dmg 35-52, Fire-Dmg 14-30, Thunder-Dmg 10-34) Average-DPS 131
Plus Warp Scrolls To Ragni, Detlas, Nemract, & Almuj!
That's Info On My Fella So Far, But I Have No Doubt There'll Be More To Add As My Journey Progresses!
Thanks For Reading! ^v^
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hypnolordx · 1 year
Secret Screening at PokéStar Studios
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Well, what do you think?” asked Sabrina, the Psychic-Type Gym Leader of Saffron City. Erika, the Grass-Type Gym Leader from Celadon City, looked up in amazement at the movie theater’s marquee which read “Psychics In Space, Starring Sabrina” in big lights. It was quite the sight to behold.
“Wow, I never thought I’d see it, but there it is.” Erika softly chuckled a bit. She had always known Sabrina to be more quiet and reserved. Still, when she heard she was going to be in a movie from the renowned PokéStar Studios she was somewhat surprised, even more so much later after being invited to a private screening of her latest big-screen appearance at that very illustrious studio. Seems as though Sabrina has come out of her shell quite a bit.
“Is it really that surprising, Erika?” Sabrina said in a hushed tone.
“Well, a little. I just never thought you’d want to be an actress, is all.” Erika tried to reassure her fellow Gym Leader, she didn’t mean to laugh at her new side job. “I sort of thought it would be a one-off, what made you want to do more?”
“Well after my debut as Belleba in the Mystery Doors of the Magical Land movies, the studio thought I would do well as the star of my own movie. Plus, the project sounded interesting to me, so I took them up on their offer.”
“I suppose a movie about psychics would pique your interest.” Erika smiled. At the end of the day, she was just happy that this made Sabrina happy. 
Curiously, Erika looked around her. She had heard that Sabrina had invited the other Kanto Gym Leaders to the Kalos Region to see the screening, but it would seem she was the only one here.
“So I guess it’s just us then?”
“Seems that way, I suppose the others were too busy to join us today. What a shame…I rented out the studio’s theater for the occasion too…” Sabrina shrugged, calm and seemingly unbothered by the lack of audience. “Oh well, they’ll just have to see it when it premieres…care to come inside?”
“Sure!” Erika smiled brightly and soon followed Sabrina inside, where they walked through the empty PokéStar theater. Sabrina wasn’t kidding when she said she rented the place out, as there wasn’t a soul in sight, not even a stray Pidove or Patrat that may have gotten in by mistake. It was so quiet Erika could hear the sound of her and Sabrina’s footsteps echoing down the halls.
They soon arrived at the auditorium where Sabrina’s movie was going to be screened, it was large and filled with rows and rows of empty, though comfortable-looking, plush seats. Erika sat down, square in the middle of the middle, just far enough away to see the whole screen but just close enough where it still feels huge. She practically sank in her chair from how soft it was.
“Wow, never had a movie theater all to myself before. Feels pretty special!” Erika said, taking it all in and seeing the bright side despite the theater’s emptiness.
“Glad you think so…” Sabrina subtly smiles back. “...I’ll get the movie started. I’ll be back soon.” With that, Sabrina quietly left the room.
Soon the lights were turned down and the movie projector began to play the film. Erika became excited as the movie’s score played, though she noticed that Sabrina was weirdly still missing despite the screening being in full swing, she brushed that off to pay attention to the film. Perhaps she was just getting some refreshments.
The movie was a sci-fi feature, taking place in the far-off distant future, one where humans and Pokémon have begun to travel the stars in search of new planets, civilizations, and bold new discoveries! The cast includes a veritable crew of scientists and explorers, including Sabrina herself playing the role of the captain with psychic abilities.
Eventually, Sabrina’s crew comes across what appears to be a group of Beeheeyem out in space, though much larger and more powerful than the ones seen on Earth. Deciding that only a psychic could communicate with these psychic Pokémon from space, Sabrina’s character puts on a suit and decides to make contact with them as her crew watches from inside the ship.
“Greetings…” said Sabrina’s character, using her telepathic abilities to communicate directly into their minds “...My crew, and I mean you noble Beeheeyem no harm, we only wish to understand you. We come in peace.”
“You speak to us with your thoughts, how intriguing…” One of the Beeheeyem replies, with a mental voice that sounds almost robotic. “...You and your crew may seek peace with our kind, but we seek something else. We seek domination!”
Sabrina’s character is taken aback by the Beeheeyem’s declaration but holds true to her ideals. “We won’t let you do that, this galaxy and all its beings deserve to live in peace!”
“Unfortunately, Captain… that is not up to you to decide!”
Sabrina’s character attempts to return to the ship but finds herself unable to move, caught in the telekinetic force of two of the Beeheeyems. Next, she tries to communicate with the ship but the signal is jammed by the Beeheeyems too! Struggling to break free and out of options, she attempts to connect with her crew with telepathy, only to feel her thoughts being blocked.
“Your abilities will be useful to our cause…” The lead Beeheeyem tells her. “You will help us turn this into a universe fit for Beeheeyem!” 
The lead Beeheeyem then puts up its arms, to show off the red, yellow, and green orbs on its palms that could be seen as its “fingers”. They began to glow in sequence, first red, then yellow, and finally green. The light kept going around and around like that for quite a while, the colors practically swirling around the eyes. It was a bit monotonous, and yet soothing in its own way, making it so easy to fix your gaze on it.
Sabrina’s character eyes widened with shock, but as she watched the glow of the light her senses and her mind drifted off. Not even her abilities could make her resist the Beeheeyem’s will, it was so powerful, intoxicating even. There was just no way to fight it, all she could do was stare and submit.
“Your crew will join us next!”
“Yes…they will join us…” Unable to deny the Beeheeyem’s wishes, Sabrina’s character connected to every crewmember of her own ship, projecting the image of the Beeheeyem’s hypnotic light into their minds. Soon every man, woman, and even Pokémon was under the Beeheeyem’s control. “All hail our Beeheeyem overlords…” everyone said in mindless unison.
Erika watched the events of the movie, on the edge of her seat wondering just how Sabrina’s space captain would get out of this one. While a bit cheesy in spots, she had to admit that this was an entertaining watch.
“Surrender to us, surrender and obey!” With that, the camera focused solely on the lead Beeheeyem, who held up its arms and began to shine its hypnotic sequence light until it was the only thing onscreen.
Erika wasn’t sure what to make of it at first, this scene had been going on quite a bit, but the longer she watched the more drawn into it she was. She leaned back in her seat, her body going limp and her eyes glazing over as she stared into the light. Everything that wasn’t the relaxing red, yellow, and green faded away, nothing else mattered to her now except to surrender herself to it, just like it said.
Suddenly the movie stopped and the lights came back on, but Erika didn’t react. She had fallen so far under that she just sat there, staring off into blank space. Soon Sabrina reentered the auditorium and looked upon the state her friend was in, a slight grin formed across her face.
“Looks like you enjoyed the movie, Erika…I knew you would.” She whispered, wiping the thin line of drool running down Erika’s face. “The Beeheeyem’s light was no special effect, I tried to resist it for a time too, but soon I realized that my compliance was what the studio wanted and the studio must be obeyed…”
“...” Erika sat there completely mindless and motionless, she was too far gone now.
“You will see that being an actress of Pokéstar Studios will be all that you could want, just like I did…” Sabrina puts one hand on the temples of her head and the other on Erika’s to establish a psychic connection. “You want to be an actress of Pokéstar Studios…”
“...I want…to be…an actress of Pokéstar Studios…” Erika just barely mumbles in a tired and emotionless voice.
“You will obey the studio’s demands…”
“Yes…I will obey the studio’s demands…the studio must be obeyed…”
“Good…” Sabrina takes her hand off Erika’s head, letting her brainwashing sink in. “..come with me now, Erika. The studio has a few ideas for movies you can star in, we might even be in one together.” “Yes…” Erika is still groggy, but she can feel Sabrina take her hand, as she starts leading her out of the auditorium. 
They were off to talk to the execs for Erika’s debut premiere as an actress of Pokéstar. Whatever plans for her they had she would follow, because that’s just show business after all…
THE END ----------
This is my first-ever writing commission (anonymous user), featuring Erika, Sabrina, and a hypnotic movie at PokéStar Studios. I figured to give Beeheeyem a shot as the catalyst here, as part of a sci-fi film. Enjoy!
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today's mix:
Global Underground 016: Cape Town by Dave Seaman 2000 Progressive House / Progressive Trance
Back on my Global Underground grind this week to check out this turn-of-the-millennium double-disc mix from the one and only Dave Seaman, the guy who, among other things, managed to transform UK publication Mixmag from a DJ newsletter into a biblical monthly electronic music magazine, while also becoming one of the world's most revered DJs. Simply put, you can credit a significant portion of electronic dance music's growth and spread to him.
But, just like with Seaman's Buenos Aires set, I think that I might have an unpopular opinion about this one too, which represents Global Underground's first ever dispatch from Africa. See, something that I seem to keep running into with these showcases of super popular DJs (which is a corny concept on its face, to be honest 🙄) is overall inconsistency. One disc will range from pretty great to excellent, and the other will be pretty lackluster, in comparison. But to me, Seaman's discs serve as exceptions; they are neither pretty great, nor are they lackluster; they're just steadily good. And most of the reviews I've read for both this Cape Town release and the Buenos Aires one don't happen to express that opinion; the majority of them seem to think that Buenos Aires is fantastic, and this one is a tick or two below it.
Now, while, overall, I think the darker disc 1 is the stronger affair here, this release's greatest moments still seem to come in the second disc, with a totally sublime three-song run on its back half, starting with short-lived trio Nerva's "Modo VII (Santo Nerva de Mercia Mix)," followed by back-to-back tracks from duo Way Out West, of which the great Nick Warren—who himself put out the most spellbinding GU disc I've ever heard: the second one from his Brazil installment—is a member. First, Way Out West deliver "The Fall," which, personally, hit me *really* hard, because it samples the vocals that were used in one of my most favorite ambient tunes of all time, Mixmaster Morris' pretty legendary remix of Coldcut's "Autumn Leaves;" and then Seaman follows that up with a terrific Way Out West remix of James Holden's "Horizons." I'm basically an enormous sucker for a trance tune that incorporates rich and classy piano stabs, and a song like that one serves as a prime example of it (Max Graham's "Bar None" is another one that immediately comes to mind too, by the way, although it's not on this mix 😌).
And there's some great songs on the first disc too, but none of them really beat Bill Hamel's "Quadrant Dub" remix of Inertia's "Vellum." That one makes for a pretty transcendent, densely-packed climber in its first half. Plus, the "Futureshock Instrumental" of Moby's "Porcelain" is really cool too, as the duo takes the original's iconic strings and chops off their ends in order to meld them with a chugging mid-90s-type of house drumbeat 😎.
So, not fully bowled over by either of these discs, but definitely not disappointed with them either. Not the best GU mix I've ever come across, but also definitely not the worst. Just a steady-Eddie stream of good dance tunes, pretty much the whole way through.
Listen to CD1 here. Listen to CD2 here.
Rui Da Silva Presents The Four Elements - "Earth" Moby - "Porcelain (Futureshock Instrumental)" Ian Wilkie - "Guten Morgen" The Ananda Project - "Cascades of Colour (Saffron Mix)" Inertia - "Vellum (Hamel's Quadrant Dub)" Gloat - "Wuarp" Above - "New Day Dawning (Above's Dub)" Breeder - "Tyrantanic (Slacker's Kingdom Come Mix)"
Nerva - "Modo VII (Santo Nerva de Mercia Mix)" Way Out West - "The Fall" James Holden - "Horizons (Way Out West Remix)"
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
Personal: The New Meds Turn On Me
The new meds side effect wave hit hard and dangerous Thursday, but I'm not sure it didn't start a lot earlier.  
Okay, so I had a viscous headache last Friday night for about three hours, which didn't particularly shock me, as my body just does stuff like that.  Same Saturday.  Normal.  Sunday.  Monday.  I made a note to mention it to the doctor Tuesday morning, but forgot.  I noticed Tuesday's headache at the same time was absolutely crushing for three hours, then shut off like a faucett as if it had never been.  Which is creepy and wrong.  So I'm now weighing if the new meds improvement is worth creepy three hour debilitating headache every day, and if I should call it in the next day.
So Wednesday I wake up to one of my body is very, very bad days.  which is a thing that happens sometimes, especially if my body's been to far which between the uncleaner and the extreme heat and this being the worse time of year for my allergies and assorted RL commitments including the doctor is not weird.  Plus I'm... I forget how many days in on struggling to type on Klaus Laptop because its hard to lift my arm the extra nine and a half inches, and i'm mostly having to drink with a straw because i go half my wake cycle not being ably to lift a full glass of water that high and I'm dropping things because my arms are fucked.  which happens.  All of it really stresses out my body though, you follow?  
So sometimes the alarm goes off because I have to go somewhere and my body nopes out of it, or tries to.  So I'm exhausted.  I have the shakes.  I end up way late to pick up Goth Millennial because it's just that hard to move.  So I drive Goth Millennial around and wait in the car while they do errands.  Goth Millennial goes outside to putter in the garden.  I lung, then take a nap, all with Tavy glued to my chest, because it's sometimes better after a nap.  Resets everything to a more acceptable level of crappy.  
I make it all the way up to minimally functional by the time the other Millennials arrive for dinner.  One of them had brought pre-marrinated and cooked tofu.  Me: I think we should make rice for it.  With coconut milk and saffron and Turmeric.  New Millennial: Oooo!  That sounds delicious!  Me: It's possible I'm edging up towards Indonesian happy rice except I don't have any lemon grass.  But I do have Bay leaves....  So it ends up with New Millennial Making Rice and the two of us keep consulting on spices until i have to lie down again.  The results we excellent.
Tavy is still clearly traumatized from the Uncleaner.  He loves techie Millennial.  Techie Millennial was the first visitor he let pet and play with him.  He hid from the Millennials when they arrived after nap time.  He did eventually come out and watch them for a bit and even rubbed against Techies legs, but ran if it even looked like someone might tough her.  I'm still so angry about the uncleaner traumatizing him like this.
Really, I just wanted to go to bed after they left, but I needed to stay up for the morning allergy treatment.  My body was really not moving well, but I dragged myself there and back, which nearly did me in.  I did manage to prep for bed and climb in, which really fucking hurt, at which point the first wave of hallucinations and fast heartbeat and arrhythmia hit.  So that was fun.  Me: Guess that's it for new Meds.  They were amazing while they lasted.
They must have been really busy at the doctor because they didn't get back to me until afternoon.  I left a message for my doctor's nurse, conveying that I was having severe side effects and needed to know if I should go to the ER.  No one ever got back to me.  The heart stuff got really bad for four or five hours, always with visual hallucinations.  I thought about calling for help, but my right arm wasn't working and my left wasn't great either, and it's usually eight hours minimum to get seen at the ER and they yell at you if you bring in chest pains that turn out not to be a heart attack, and the pain only happened when I moved so it was likely just torso muscles screaming about my arms.  
But the supper high irregular heart beat for hours can't be good.  I wrote this waiting for receptionist call back Friday morning.  I was 36 minutes in on the wait as I typed this sentence.  I really think they should check my heart, but if they are this busy... Yeah.  I'm assuming if it was really dangerous, they'd return my call from yesterday instead of continuing to ignore my message.
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Irish Handgunners
Hi again!
Another update, and back to Ireland again
This time I wanted to do a bit of experimenting, with both multi-basing figures, and with some different ways of painting the léine, so I decided to use a possibly slightly anachronistic unit of handgunners as test subjects!
Given how much yellow I've been painting with the Irish, I wanted to give the new yellow Games Workshop Contrast paints a spin, to see how those worked! They were very easy to apply, but I would say in this particular case I did need to use a few washes to bring down the yellow a bit, where it was approaching a very bright banana yellow rather than the warm saffron I was going for! I also wanted to try and experiment a bit with conversions of the kern figures themselves. Seeing as the unit is fairly small I wanted to avoid obvious doubles, so I've included a few kern from other sets with weapon and hand swaps to diversify the bunch This base is entirely unmodified Perry Irish handgunners
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This base on the other hand is entirely weapon-swaps and conversions from the other Perry and Antediluvian kern sets
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And the other two bases are a mix of the two
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Historically speaking, handguns were adopted fairly quickly and enthusiastically in Ireland, with many earls wasting no time in adopting gunpowder warfare towards the start of the 16th century. Although, despite this, we don't have any record for gunpowder weapons being used by the Irish contingent at Stoke, and not much to go on for Warbeck's insurrection with the earl of Desmond (although Cork was reported as using gunpowder weapons against Warbeck's forces!). For this project, the handgunners represent more of a 'late' (insofar as the first half of the 16th century can be called late!) period force, or a dip into alternate history, where France, Burgundy or the Empire decide to back up their investment in a Yorkist pretender by providing weaponry to the Irish forces as a pretty substantial force multiplier against the more conservatively equipped English. Plus the idea of an early Irish pike-and-shotte formation is a fun project, if nothing else!
And finally, here’s a few pictures of the whole bunch grouped together
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I'm quite happy with how they've turned out! Although, I'll probably be a little more sparing with the Contrast paints in future, just where there's so much pigment that some of the kern here ended up almost too yellow!
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Sort your muses into the different Hunger Games categories and show your followers who you think would win. REPOST, don't REBLOG.
TAGGED BY: snatched from dash bc I thought it was awesome xD TAGGING: @x-brokencrowns @lilxmcrtes @skyler-bane @kingdom-of-vanity @brokenblondeprincess @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable @myriadxofxmuses @lxvefrxmthextherside @daisyxmuses @ghostsxagain && everyone who wants to do this
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                                             ✧・゚   𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄.
★  ⸻   VICTOR
TALIESIN - let's face it, he does that for a living. He isn't only physically strong, but can also use some magic tricks and is pretty cunning.
★  ⸻   CAREERS
JOE - honestly, at first I wanted to put him on top, but he'd get in his own way. Plus, I am sure Tal would have an idea to nullify his resurrection cycle.
PENELOPE - her and Joe are very even, but I'd say Penelope has a moral issue. So that would be her downfall, if she ran into Joe or Tal.
ALEXANDRA - not only would she get many sponsors, she's also very strong and regenerates. But she can die. And since Penelope's a hunter, I am sure she'd get her in the end.
ABEL - hella charismatic, would win over a ton of sponsors and allies. Smart, knows how to survive. But something tells me he'd try to bond with Alexandra, another intellectual person in the game, and that would be his downfall.
RAFE - He would be in the game for a very long time, simply bc he's physically strong. Also used to be a soldier. That makes up for his disadvantages, but he's a hothead and would be outwitted.
LUCIFERO - okay, we know he's got rich people who'd provide him stuff and he's also not a nice person, fights nasty to get what he wants. He has many magic tricks up his sleeves and could probably make his necromancy skills useful. But Rafe would crush him bc he's weak physically.
SAFFRON - she's physically strong with the demon, but way too impulsive. Luce would totally get her with a spell, probably targeted at the entity and then she'd be gone.
I have the feeling all of them would group up, tbh xD
DAVEY - he's already dead. That's his only advantage. He'd want to befriend others, find allies, but I'm sure Saffron's demon would chew and spit him out.
OLIVER - he knows how to kill and survive in the wilds bc he's a wolf. But let's be honest, he wouldn't kill any of them, not if he has a choice. Davey wouldn't kill him either, I think he'd just try to save Davey and get killed in the process bc he's such a good boy.
ZELDA - well, her mutant powers are a thing, but she doesn't know how to use them. She'd probably kill Rachel on accident and Oli would get her ass bc of something random. Like another accident and only he'd get out of it alive.
RACHEL - he'd bee too stressed and panicky to think straight. Honestly. He'd be good for a small amount of time, but just not very attentive.
EMRY - just like Rachel, he'd be too freaked out by the whole thing, but compared to him he just wouldn't do anything smart.
CASPER - he'd freeze on the spot. Boy's already traumatized enough, there would neither be a fight or flight response.
FELIX - he'd be toast so. quickly. It's not even funny. And you could be sure he'd complain about being blind, right before he'd die.
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ - Desert-Compatible Crops for Gerudo Desert
This is a list of crops that could be grown in the desert as per Google search.
An * indicates an item of my own creation.
Cactus = Voltfruit (Electro), *Prickly Peaches (Chilly & Hydrating), *Desert Aloe (Chilly & Recovery), *Boltshield Houseleek (Lightningproof) & *Sàbaar Fruit (Recovery), Mother of Millions (Erogenous 3) - Sàbaar Fruit grow from Sàbaar, which are essentially Agave Cacti.
Date Palm = N/A.
Tomatoes = Hylian Tomatoes (Hydrating).
Corn = *Zonai Corn (Mighty).
Eggplants = N/A.
Sweet Potatoes = *Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding). - A sweet potato that likes dark spaces such as caves & wells. Originates from the Surface, but grows well in the Depths too.
Cucumbers = *Freshwater Cucumber (Rapid & Hydrating). - Has to be grown in water.
Onions = Stambulb (Energizing). - Note that I treat Stambulbs like both onions & garlic.
Pumpkins = Fortified Pumpkins (Tough), Sunkins (Sunny), & *Ordon Pumpkins (Enduring). - In fact, given the fact that Sun Pumpkins seem to thrive by soaking in sunlight, they might just be more suited to the desert than Hateno.
Beans = *Zonai Cocoagranos (Spicy & Amorous), *Zonai Cofégranos (Energizing), *Pyre Beans (Scorching), *Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), *Kakariko Adzuki, Leaping Limas (Puissant), & *Càrïtàn Beans (Toxic). - Càrïtàn Beans are essentially Hyrulean Castor Beans. Not for consumption. Used more for bathing products while the leaves are fed to Everlost Silkworks (Glow) to produce silk. Sheikah Edadaizu act as both regular soybeans & edamame beans. Though, whether or not Sheikah Edadaizu or Kakariko Adzuki will be allowed to grow there is up for debate.
Carrots = Swift Carrots (Hasty) & Endura Carrots (Enduring). - While the Swift Carrot description says that they are exclusively a Kakariko crop, the Endura Carrot has no such distinction &, in fact, there is a Satori Tree in the Gerudo Canyon, meaning that they have ready access to a source of Endura Carrots as you can always find one growing beneath said trees. It'd be fairly easy to transfer one into the desert & attempt to grow it there. Though it likely would have very high yields.
Radishes = Hearty Radishes (Hearty) & Big Hearty Radishes (Hearty). - Obviously not easy to find, but could be worth the investment.
Lettuce = N/A.
Cabbages = *Water Cabbage (Gills & Hydrating). - Has to be grown in water.
Wheat = Tabantha Wheat. - In my hc, Highland Gerudo already grow Tabantha Wheat, so the Desert Gerudo should have ready access to it.
Squash = N/A.
Figs = *Amorous Figs (Amorous).
Spinach = N/A.
Sweet Peppers = *Bayou Bellpepper. - Has to be grown in fresh water.
Grapes = *Bloodberry Grapes (Chilly/Icy).
Watermelons = Hydromelon (Hydrating).
Pomegranates = Stamegranate (Vitality & Amorous). - Inspired by the Stamina Fruit of SS.
Spices/Herbs = *Wave Saffron (Gills), *Hoy Mustard Greens & Seeds (Spicy), *Sand Cistanche (Vitality & Amorous 3), Gleam Ginger (Sunny).
Flowers = *Starlight Rosemary (Glow), *Rainfall Pansy (Hydrating), *Jànnùlitza flowers (Aerodynamic), *Frostbane Blossoms (Spicy), *Moonblooming Argus (Dawning/Dusky). - Frostbane Blossoms grow from the same bush as Wildberries. And Moonblooming Arguses grow from Voltfruit Cacti at night.
Then, add to that the other crops & plants that canonically grow there such as Palm Fruit, Warm & Electric Safflinas (Spicy/Electro), Zapshrooms (Electro), Spicy Peppers (Spicy), Wildberries, Dazzlefruit, & Shock Fruit (Charged/Stormy), & Sundelion (Sunny).
And while these ones don't grow in the desert itself, they do grow in the Gerudo Canyon, thus they are a nearby enough resource to be exploited.
Fire Fruit (Scorching), Ice Fruit (Biting), Splash Fruit (Rapid & Hydrating), Sunshroom (Spicy), Swift Violet (Hasty), Endura Carrot (Enduring), ect.
Plus these other ones of my own creation.
Berry = *Brushberry (Sanddrift & Hydrating). - An evolution of the Wildberry having adapted to the desert.
Mangosteen = *Desert Queen (Chilly).
Pineapple = *Faron Pineapple (Spicy & Hydrating). - Originally from the Faron Jungle, but grows exceptionally well in oases.
Sorrel = *Cavern Sorrel (Dark/Warding). - Grows well in caves & wells, so as long as it has ready access to water, there should be no issue.
Cave Mushrooms = Brightcaps (Glow), Hearty Truffle (Hearty), & Big Hearty Truffle (Hearty). - Same as the Cavern Sorrel.
Farrow = *Arrōyorice (Sanddrift).
Keep in mind that the Gerudo of BotW & TotK seem to have ready access to what appears to be an infinite supply of running water.
Then, add to that, the discovery of the straw grid planting method & you have a recipe for de-desertification.
And for all the non-canon ingredients, go to New Ingredient Ideas: Flora & Fungi.
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yourqueenb · 2 years
So last night my bf and I tried to make this dish from Slow Burn
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So I thought I’d share how it came out with you guys 😅 Pics/videos, a couple of recipes, and some notes from me under the cut!
In hindsight, I probably should’ve taken more pics and videos throughout the process, but this is a really involved dish. And since it was my first time making it, I was more concerned with getting everything right. But here are the apricots plumping in a mixture of honey, water, and cinnamon and the almonds browning in olive oil on my stovetop. The apricots especially smelled delicious 😋
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And here’s a video of all of the ingredients simmering together so that the flavors could really meld! (Excuse the noise in the background. My bf started playing 2k as we got closer to finishing 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄😂)
Now we didn’t have couscous or chickpeas as some of the recipes I looked at suggested because we couldn’t find them at our local grocery store. So we ended up eating this with plain white rice. And with that in mind, plus the fact that I’m not an actual chef, I didn’t know how to plate this nicely. So it kind of just looks like a pile of mush 😭 (The chicken was super tender though so imma just chalk it up to that 👌🏾) But if anyone actually wants to see it plated, here you go…
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I promise it tastes way more delicious than it looks 💀 If it didn’t take like an hour and a half to 2 hours to cook, I’d make it again in a heartbeat. So overall, not a bad suggestion from the Choices cookbook. I just wish they would’ve provided actual recipes for everything instead of just general descriptions.
But if anyone’s curious, here are the links to the two recipes I used as guidelines while making this. (Fair warning: You need a lot of seasonings. We have a whole cabinet full and still had to buy a couple — namely, saffron and coriander powder).
You don’t have to follow them to a T. For example, I didn’t use exact measurements for all of the seasonings. I just eyeballed it and worked mainly off of the way everything smelled. Also, I saw a few other recipes that mentioned other ingredients like onions or peppers, so I took from those. (We chose to add sweet onion). I didn’t make the chicken on my stove top because I find it hard to get the chicken to cook evenly that way. So I air fried it. And lastly, the order in which I did everything was a bit different as well. But aside from all of that, the recipes were still really great for helping me figure out how to make this. So I hope I did it justice 🙏🏾
Let me know what y’all think or if you’ve made anything from Slow Burn 😌
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