#28mm historicals
Irish Kern with Bows
Hi again! I've got another update and once again, we know 'em, we love 'em, it's more Kern!
This time I've put together block of skirmishers with bows to act in support of the gallowglass and bonnachts, or independently to harass opponents in hit-and-run attacks!
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The kern themselves are the usual mix of Perry and Antediluvian figures. I've included a few more drab léine compared to the bonnachts, given that these would be poorer soldiers, and unlikely to afford the fanciest saffron dye all the time
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And here's the block of skirmishers screening an advance for the charging Bonnachts
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I hope they've come out ok! For a while I was debating whether to have them blocked in a more dense formation, to mirror the bows-and-bills of the other War of the Roses forces, but eventually decided against it in favor of the skirmishers
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awarhammerguy · 8 months
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Hoping to finish two more knights after this
One footsore and one reaper miniature
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marclamhofer · 1 month
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Post dinner sunset walks around Modena
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enkinaru · 6 months
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More Hittites
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crusabre96 · 27 days
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Doing something a little different from my usual miniature photo posting to talk about a series of games that I and my regular opponents have have been playing for a few years now and i'd like to share them with you to hopefully spread the word of they're existence because they have honestly been a niche gems in the wargaming industry.
Opsrey Wargames for a good number of years now have slowly been releasing a series of wargames often referred to as 'Blue Books', these are a series of miniature-agnostic rule books that cover a huge variety of different genres from Sci-fi, fantasy, historical and even a few modern settings all in different styles of play from skirmish, platoon sized and even naval/void combat.
As of writing this post they're are 32 (technically 33) so there is bound to be at least one or two books that cater to someones tastes but out of these 33 rule books I will only be talk about 3.
The first game that I will talk about is the first one that I ever came across which opened my eyes to this amazing series, Zona Alfa.
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Zona Alfa is a modern/sci-fi horror skirmish game based around the Ukrainian game series S.T.A.L.K.E.R which is one of my all time favorite game series so you can imagine how pumped I was when I found out when such a game exists, it was because of this game that I now own a book shelve full of terrain from old Eastern European industrial/village buildings to abandoned vehicles and junk piles.
The game itself is a D10 alternating activation system that has two warbands of S.T.A.L.K.E.R's face off against each other to scavenge for salvage while also avoiding the many hazards of the zone such as zombies, wild dogs and mutants, the game itself can feel very exploitable at times but for what it is it's doing the job of portraying a S.T.A.L.K.E.R table top game and I think its worth checking out by anyone who is a fine of the series, granted you may wanna do some home brewing/rules adjusting.
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In terms of miniature/terrain recommendations I cannot suggest anyone other then Anvil Industrys, over the years they have releasing many new miniature waves through they're Digital Forge Patreon and last year they released the perfect set for this game, Post Apocalypse Set 2, this set along along with almost every other set they have created is modular with they're entire regiment-scale range so you can go all over the place with designs and weapon loadouts.
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For Terrain I went to a few different sources, a large portion of my terrain was 3D printed from a creator known as Deweycat Productions, they make a vast variety of terrain mainly used for World War 2 games like Bolt Action but I find they work perfectly for Zona Alfa, you can often find people selling prints of his work on sites like Ebay and Etsy, if the price is too much for you then you might wanna look at getting some MDF kits, TTCombat has a nice selection of Modern/Historical MDF 28mm kits that work just as well as any 3D printed plastic kit and probably go for half the price, but given the game is miniature agnostic there is nothing stopping you from using any old terrain or minis you have lying around.
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I feel like I have talked about Zona Alfa enough for one post so I'll end it here but next time I will talk about the second game I came across in the Blue Book series which is perhaps the game I have played the most with my friends and the only one that I have ever played a table top wargame campaign with, A Billion Suns.
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dashalbrundezimmer · 2 years
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underground station stephansplatz // hamburg neustadt
architects: distel und grubitz
opening: 1929
the historic entrance building to the stephansplatz underground station at planten un blomen has been much better accentuated since the square was rebuilt. before, it was clearly constricted by part of the dag hammarskjöld bridge. the antiquarian bookshop schaper, which occupies part of the rooms, has been on stephansplatz since 1921.
camera: canon a-1 with canon fd 28mm
film: agfa apx
dev&scan: meinfilmlab
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swedebeast · 1 year
And today the local gamers are going to have the first yearly meeting session for our burgeoning Tabletop Game Hobby Association we are trying to get up and running. It’ll only be five people attending, so far, but I will make my case that I can volunteer to boost some historical war games.
Anything to get away from the looming shadow that is WH40K in the hobby, but it will be an uphill battle. If anyone plays any wargames, it can be summarized as “Oh, I used to play 40k, I am thinking about getting back into it but I don’t know anyone that plays”, and it doesn’t go any further than that.
I am going to bring up Ravenfeast - the skirmish viking game at 28mm scale with a 100% free rule set, and Team Yankee - the 15mm scale Cold War wargame which is getting a Scandinavian release soon.
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radioradio · 1 month
Just another Wednesday morning.
It's an hour's drive into the city, and leaving right after work leaves me some time to kill at my favorite spot with my favorite lens.
So I head to Mount Washington, and the
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Most every postcard view of the city, day or night, is taken from the overlook at the upper station.
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Not shown is the spiked fence, which makes shooting from this spot a bit tricky for a 5'6" dude like me. Next time I'm bringing a stool.
For a change of pace, I got a shot from inside the incline car as it descended. This one is wallpapered for your consideration.
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Again, with a little time to kill, I walked along the sidewalk towards the Fort Pitt Bridge.
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And one "historical" picture of the approach to the bridge in glorious black and white for the archival types.
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These came out much sharper than my first few goes back in May. Not only did I switch out from the relatively cheap 28mm and 50mm primes to the professional grade 28-70 f/2.8D lens (thank you, KEH), but I finally(!) discovered I could set auto ISO to use a minimum shutter speed to offset the old man camera shake. That lens is built like a tank and just as heavy.
So yeah. f/8, minimum 1/125 shutter, and GO!
As for editing, until someone tells me otherwise, it's auto straighten, crop as needs require, aberration correction, lens profile, and... auto.
Boop to @thefrogman. Hope you're feeling better this morning.
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nightbringer24 · 3 months
Wargames Atlantic has partnered up with Pete the Wargamer to make a multi-use spare bits set which they're funding through gamefound.
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Definitely a good variety of bits that would be perfect for Warhammer 40k/Fantasy/Age of Sigmar, Frostgrave, D&D, any sort of fantasy wargaming and even a few historical ones too.
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greatescapegames · 4 months
Discover Our Range of 28mm Miniatures
At Great Escape Games, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse selection of 28mm miniatures UK. Our collection spans various genres, including historical, fantasy, and sci-fi, ensuring that there's something for every taste and preference.
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Mounted Irish Earl
Hi again!
Another Irish update! This time I wanted to attempt some figures to represent some Irish commanders on horseback, particularly with Never Mind the Billhooks' Deluxe edition giving rules for Irish cavalry!
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Unfortunately finding miniatures to represent late-medieval/renaissance Irish cavalry and having them scale properly with the Perry Irish range is pretty difficult! Which meant going in to this would need some thought about converting existing figures to look the part of an Irish Earl and a mailed standard bearer to accompany him Choosing figures as bases to start the conversions was a bit of a task! I'm not hugely confident in my sculpting abilities, so I wanted to try to focus on a few key points to have the figures at least be visually recognisable without necessarily needing me to sculpt on large areas of mail or detailed clothes.
For the Earl, I visually based his appearance on the "Irish Chieftain" depicted in a few of the woodcuts in The Image of Irelande. It is worth pointing out that the book is very much a piece of Tudor English propaganda, intending to demonise the Irish and promote the English forces in Ireland, so it should be taken with a grain of salt! But in the absence of many other sources, it made for a good start
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In the woodcuts, the noble ( has an interesting segmented helmet (with a plume), so that was something I definitely wanted to include. He's also wearing an interesting outfit, initially I thought it was some sort of brigandine or studded jack, but it seems to be more consistent with civilian doublets in other 16th century portraits rather than any kind of armour. Finally, as shown in the first image, the chief has a very impressive cloak (or brat), with a thick fur-like fringe, which was another definite requirement for me to include!
For the Brat, the Gaelic Attire Website (http://gaelicattire.com/brat.htm) provides a very useful explanation of its construction, and some great reproductions (which have made great reference images!). The fringes themselves appear to have been made of wool (occasionally styled to look like fur), and for the wealthy this would have been dyed in a variety of colours
With that in mind as a design direction, I decided to use one of the Perry Sudanese commanders as a base figure, given his pose, and his excellent cloak to make a base for the brat:
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And from there, I gave him a head-swap for one of the Gallowglass figures to try and match the interesting helmet shown in the woodcuts, and added a plume to it. Then, with some filing down of the body and legs, I sculpted on a Tudor doublet and boots, and then added a fringe to the cloak to convert it into an Irish Brat
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In terms of colours, I went with a copy of the Brat in Dürer's depiction of Gallowglass in the early 16th century, with the cloak itself being a deep red/maroon/pink, and the fringe being a bright yellow
The standard bearer was a bit of a simpler conversion, seeing as my design philosophy for him was more straightforward. I wanted him to essentially look like a mounted Gallowglass, so the rider was based on a Victrix Norman, with his head swapped for one of the Perry Gallowglass, and a The Assault Group targe added in place of the Norman shield.
The horse was a little more involved, seeing as the Irish cavalry of the 16th century notably did not use stirrups or saddles, instead opting for what appears to be more of a cushion strapped to the horse. Given that information, I trimmed the saddle off of the horse, and used green stuff to sculpt on the quilted cushion (which helped mask the width difference between the Victrix legs and the Perry horse too!)
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And finally to round off the whole base, I added an Irish wolfhound from Footsore Miniatures
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Currently I only have flags for Kildare and Desmond put together, but the standard bearer's flags are detachable, so they can be easily swapped out for any other Gaelic or Anglo-Irish lords (once I get the flags made!)
And here's the Earl of Kildare riding alongside a band of kern
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awarhammerguy · 8 months
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Painted up two knights real quick
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marclamhofer · 1 year
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shalu34 · 8 months
Global Sleeve Rubber Stopper Market, Market Analysis, Market Demand, Product Types, Consumption ratio and Market Statistics 2020-2027.
The Global SLEEVE RUBBER STOPPER Market is likely to exhibit steady growth over the forecast period, according to the latest report on Qualiket Research. The market’s major drivers and restraints are analyzed in the report, which provides readers with a clear picture of what’s driving and what’s holding back the Sleeve Rubber Stopper market. The historical trajectory is examined in the report in order to provide a basis for predictions associated with the SLEEVE RUBBER STOPPER market’s growth rate over the analysis period. Happenings in the forecast period are examined carefully to explain their connection with the market’s present state and in future growth prospects.
The leading players operating in the Sleeve Rubber Stopper market are also studied in the report to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the competitive landscape in the market. The major strategies used by leading players are studied in the report to provide readers with an idea of what works and what doesn’t, in the Sleeve Rubber Stopper market. Individual key players are analyzed in detail in the report in order to elaborate on their regional analysis and product catalog, providing a clear overview of each major player operating in the Sleeve Rubber Stopper market.
Solid industry-standard analysis tools such as SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis are used the gauge the present condition in the Sleeve Rubber Stopper market. A detailed analysis of the market’s likely growth trajectory and development over the forecast period is presented on the basis of this analysis, which includes historical information. A complete picture of the Sleeve Rubber Stopper market’s movement through the recent past and likely movement in the coming years is provided in the report.
The regional segmentation and detailed regional analysis is also discussed in the report, for the market’s segment in each major region. The key regional markets are profiled to give key players an idea of where each region is soaring and what needs attention in specific markets. Region-specific product formulations and strategies can be based on this detailed analysis, as the factors making the market tick in specific regions are analyzed in the report, leading to a comprehensive understanding of the SLEEVE RUBBER STOPPER market.
Market Segmentation
The Global Sleeve Rubber Stopper Market is segmented into type such as Butyl Rubber Sleeve Stopper, and Natural Rubber Sleeve Stopper, by diameter such as 13 mm, 20 mm, 28mm, and Others, by sterilization technology such as Autoclavable and Gamma Irradiation. Further, market is segmented into distribution channel such as Pharmaceuticals, Hospitals, Laboratories, and Research Centers.
Also, the Global Sleeve Rubber Stopper Market is segmented into five regions such as North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.
Request A Free Sample: https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Sleeve-Rubber-Stopper-Market
 Market Key Players
Various key players are discussed in this report such as VWR International LLC, West Pharmaceutical Services Inc, Widgetco Inc, Sonata Rubber Pvt. Ltd., APG Pharma, Adelphi Group., Samsung Medical Rubber Co. Ltd, etc.
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miniaturelover1 · 9 months
Exploring the Art of Zinnfiguren: A Journey into Miniature Masterpieces
Zinnfiguren, or tin figures are a unique form of art that has been around for centuries. These unique and stunningly designed miniature sculptures, typically made of tin or pewter, depict historical figures, scenes, and events in intricate detail. While they may be small in size, Zinnfiguren are highly prized by collectors and enthusiasts alike. In this article, we will take a closer look at the art of Zinnfiguren and how to shop for a unique collection of Zinnfiguren online in the mesmerizing world of miniature art!
Miniature artistry has a unique way of capturing the essence of beauty within the palm of our hands. One such fascinating realm within the miniature world is that of Zinnfiguren, where tiny masterpieces come to life in the form of flat figures. The unique and stunning design of Zinnfiguren lies not only in its historical significance but also in the exquisite nature of flat figures. These miniature creations, often just a few millimeters thick, manage to convey a wealth of detail and narrative. From battles and landscapes to characters from various genres, Zinnfiguren flat figures bring stories to life on a miniature canvas.
Fernando Enterprises Miniature Commission Painting Service in Sri Lanka:
In the heart of Sri Lanka, Fernando Enterprises stands as a top destination of excellence in the scenario of miniature commission painting services. Specializing in a wide array of miniatures, including 6mm, 15mm, 25mm, 25/28mm, 54mm, and 75mm, the studio caters to the diverse needs of miniature enthusiasts and wargamers.
At Miniature Lovers you will find and order a new range of miniature painting services for various miniature genres, such as fantasy, Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, Battlefield Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic 40,000, and Games Workshop Miniatures. The professional and high skilled artists breathe life into these stunningly designed tiny figures, ensuring that each piece becomes a unique work of art. The real customer centric attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality results make Miniature Lovers a trusted name in the miniature painting industry in Sri Lanka and around the world.
Zinnfiguren have a unique appeal that sets them apart from other forms of art. Their small size allows for intricate details and lifelike poses, making them incredibly realistic and captivating. They also offer a glimpse into history, with many figures depicting famous battles, historical figures, and cultural events. For collectors, Zinnfiguren offers a way to own a piece of history in a tangible and visually stunning form. As with any art form, the future of Zinnfiguren is constantly evolving. While traditional techniques and subjects are still highly valued, there is also a growing interest in modern and abstract interpretations of Zinnfiguren. Enhance your miniature collection experience with a wide range of Zinnfiguren flat figures and other Miniature painting services from Miniature Lovers in Sri Lanka.
In the intricate world of Zinnfiguren and miniature art, Fernando Enterprises emerges as a distinguished player, offering a unique and stunning collection of miniature commission painting services in Sri Lanka. The fusion of historical significance, artistic brilliance, and a commitment to excellence makes Zinnfiguren more than just tiny figures – they become portals to captivating worlds. Embark on your own journey into the world of miniature painting, where every brushstroke tells a story and every figure is a testament to the artistry of Zinnfiguren. Take a step today to shop an extensive collection of Zinnfiguren flat figures and other Miniature painting services online at the best possible price! Explore the Miniature Lovers websiteZinnfigurensection here: https://www.miniaturelovers.com/Zinnfiguren.html or call 0094-714909823 for more details.
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aurora-dioramas · 1 year
Napoleonic Wars French Fusilier Soldiers Set G (3D Printed Resin Model)
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Napoleonic Wars French Fusilier Soldiers Set G (3D Printed Resin Model) Era: The Napoleonic Wars Description: This 3D Printed model represents an historically accurate facsimile at a scale that one can use for diorama making, model train railroad scenery, war gaming terrain, or creative projects. Quality: Before selling a 3D print, we make a series of test prints at different model scales to ensure quality, and print reliability. In addition, we print each 3D model using the same resin or PLA plastic brand every time for consistent and repeatable results. Scale: Available in the following scales: - 15mm figure height (1:107 scale) - 18mm figure height (1:87/HO scale) - 20/22mm figure height (1:76 scale) - 25mm figure height (1:72 scale) - 28mm figure height (1:64 scale) - 54mm figure height 1:32 scale) Type: 3D Printed Models: unpainted 3D Printed models for you to customize and integrate into your wargame tables, model railroad displays or other artistic and creative projects. License: This is a licensed 3D Printed Model designed by Napoleonic STL Files (www.napoleonicstlfiles.com), all rights reserved. Read the full article
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