#plus i can't decide if that show is actually funny yet
locustonabench · 1 year
sometimes i want to give a show a shot so i walk in halfway thru a random episode of it on tv and am just left there frickin confused feeling like i walked into a fistfight
and then i end up watching the entire show to get the context
0 notes
respectthepetty · 13 days
Peaceful Property - Wild Ass Theories
First and foremost, is nobody questioning the cage that was on the stage when Home was a kid? Because that is a cage, right? Right?
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Theory #1 - Grandpa is the last ghost
Home inherited twelve properties, and we have twelve episodes, so we get a property an episode. His grandfather wanted a traditional 100-day grieving period before his ashes would be scattered at the little house, so the Scooby Doo Gang has 100 days to wrap this up since I think the grandpa will be the last ghost.
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Theory # 2 - Home and Kan are related
I can't win prizes if I don't play games, and I think these two are related because 1) it would be funny that Home was trying to hit on Kan to begin with but also because 2) the grandpa's first wife had a three-year old daughter when he married her, then when his first wife passed away, he remarried and had two kids, one who is Home's parent, and the other is Home's uncle. There are a lot of gaps here because where is Home's other parent?
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Plus the colors are coloring, especially for Kan, who is neutral color-coded up until now.
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I've stated it every week, but Kan is not who she appears to be, because, Thai folks, correct me if I'm wrong, but all the names tie into the person. Home needs to find a home. Peach (food) needs to start cooking again. Ride needed to finish his last ride. Rak (beautiful) wanted to feel beautiful again. Pangpang (amazing) needs to be awesome. Even Best, if going off Pangpang's comments, needs to be the best. Which is why I don't think Kan is who she is because what does her name gotta do with anything? She is after something, and is it finding her parents? Her sibling? WHAT?!
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She is always off doing something else when the ghost starts ghosting, so she has other plans, and I want to know what they are!
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Theory #3 - Kan's ghost is from her childhood
Everyone has a ghost. Home's is his grandpa and Peach's is whoever is in this picture with him and Best.
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And Kan is being haunted by . . . a parent? A sibling? Someone from her childhood? Which is why she doesn't believe in ghosts because if they existed, she thinks her ghost would have already visited her, but they didn't. Not yet at least.
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We know Kan has a sweet tooth because she eats sugar at the table during dinner and pours more into her meal.
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She sits in the car with her sucker in episode three.
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In episode two, she couldn't decide which sucker to get in the store.
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And in the trailer, a ghost seems to be handing her a sucker, but she seems younger here. If Kan had seen a ghost when she was younger, she wouldn't be skeptical now, so this is Kan seeing her ghost and reliving her childhood.
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Which would make my Kan and Home are related theory better if Kan believed her parent went missing due to Home's family which is why she is investigating them, but both of them actually lost a parent in childhood because they had the same parent!
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Girl also knows how to lay a wig, so I think she had to work from an early age since she didn't have a parent.
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Don't ask too many questions or the theory falls apart. Just go with it!
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Theory #4 - This is a BL without being a BL for a reason
Heteronormativity was the issue this week. The Scooby Doo Gang almost missed Thansai being the recipient of Ride's gift because she is trans, and they were overlooking that. And what Ride was gifting her was a home.
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Then, Peach popped this banger out of his mouth without hesitation that even if Ride and Thansai weren't able to be together romantically, they were still each other's family.
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And of course Pangpang gave us this golden nugget of saying Peach and Home were the mom and dad of the family.
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But also, Rak had a husband that the gang didn't even consider, and when the husband shared his story, he said he had done what he could to help her move on, but their love wasn't the focus.
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So what happens when red + blue combine?
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They make purple.
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I'm giving the show too much credit only three episodes in, but is the love less meaningful because it isn't explicitly stated? Is the relationship overlooked because it doesn't fit the standard of what we expect? The story doesn't need to state it's a BL for us to know they are in love, which is why the show isn't a BL.
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This show is giving us VISUALS! Like Rak with the wig.
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The uncle and the past that is haunting him.
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And Ride's head cut off in the mirror, but also being told his face is too serious, so he finally smiles in the end when he delivers his gift.
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Kan doesn't believe in ghosts because she hasn't seen one, but she is ignoring everything in front of her. We are being told every episode to believe what we see by the visuals.
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We need to believe what is right in front of us and quit overlooking it simply because it doesn't fit the norm or isn't the sole focus.
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They are in love.
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Yet another average day in Family Video:
"Hey. Remember when you said that you'd totally fuck Jonathan."
"When...? Oh, yeah. What the fuck that was literally a month ago why are you mentioning that now?"
"Because that was the same conversation we decided to get the matching tramp stamps. And trying to hide those from my parents is a literal pain in the ass. Pun fully intended. I can't even sit straight and-"
"I'd say you can't do anything straight"
"Not like I can do anything str- fuck you"
Steve swaggers to the back and takes out the whiteboard they purchased together - on ROBIN'S SUGGESTION may he add.
"Can't believe you're losing in your own game. About bad jokes. And being gay. Which are basically your two only personality traits."
Robin's side is embarrassingly empty. He sees it as cosmic karma for her you-suck-game during their scoops ahoy era.
"Alright mister little bitch"
"And yet, this little bitch is beating you in your own game"
Robin shows him the finger. Steve bites the finger because he is a little shit and things like boundaries and personal space have already lost all meaning between the two of them.
In this moment the front doors open. The elderly man takes one look at the scene before him and leaves without a word.
"Where did the Jonathan thing come from?"
"Dunno. I was bored. Thought it'd be funny to see you go through a gay crisis."
"Not much of a crisis if I already admitted to it."
"You're no fun."
"Really? That was not what my dad said three months ago. According to him I am a fucking joke."
"Coming from Harrington Senior that's honestly a compliment"
"Please remind me of that the next time I radio you at 3 am. Who is on tape duty?"
"I did it last time."
"Alright" Steve nods towards the small pile of romcoms they have pointedly not been reshelving for the last half an hour. "Enjoy your alone time in the romance section."
"Do you think it would be an invasion of privacy if we checked who returned all that? It was either an epic girls night of an awful breakup." Her voice gets fainter as she moves to the back of the store.
"Nah. We're in the land of the free or whatever. Wait, let me do it"
"You're only saying that so you can procrastinate asshole"
"Does that mean you don't want to know who took them? Because I promise you, you really really do."
"Don't ask if you already know the answer dingus"
"Ummm....power bottom."
"Like with Jonathan. Would you rather he call the shots or the other way around?"
She makes a series of incomprehensible movements that are probably supposed to represent intercourse between two men.
"This is the reason god made you a lesbian"
"And thank him for that. Amen."
"Why are you so obsessed with Jonathan anyway."
"You're deflecting"
"Yeah sure, I am deflecting. C'mon, Buckley. Resume or later?"
"Who was the one who took all the romcoms?"
"If I tell you, will you tell me what's really going on?"
"Depends on your answer."
"I thought you weren't interested in my sex life? Every time-"
In this moment the door opens again. Two girls come in, arm in arm. One is wearing a look that can only be described as disgust, the other is clearly trying to hold in laughter with moderate success.
Over the course of many painful months of customer service (plus surviving an interrogation by the actual Russian secret service) Steve and Robin have developed the ability to hold entire conversations without speaking a single word. It is a very neat talent to have when they want to make fun of someone right in front of them. It is less neat when he is the target.
Robin raises her brows. C'mon dingus, tell these random ass girls about your sex life since you're so proud of it.
Steve frowns in response. Yeah, sure Mrs. Never Even Had A First Kiss.
Robin narrows her eyes. I did have a first kiss. Even if it was absolutely horrible.
Steve puts on his most insufferable expression. You yourself said that it doesn't count. No need to be so jealous Buckley.
Robin rolls her eyes. Alright, I want to see you trying to find a-
"Do you have ET?", Robin doesn't say because, oh yeah, they've got actual customers.
Steve solemnly informs them that ET is current out of stock, but that it should be returned in two days. Robin somehow manages to force her last two movies upon them. They leave with a dazed look on their face that Steve can relate to. Sometimes Robin will start talking and the next thing you know you have a tramp stamp.
"Tommy Hagan"
Robin looks absolutely disgusted. "Tommy Hagan?! You would kiss Tommy Hagan? And then you have the audacity to make fun of my taste in women?!"
"First of all: me and Hagan? Been there done that." Robin looks as if her entire worldview was just flipped upside down. "Second: probably not, he uses a bit too much tongue for my liking. I mean that Tommy Hagan was the one who rented all the romcoms"
Robin takes a moment to process this information. Then she dramatically falls to the floor and squirms around in laughter like a bug on its back trying to get up again. Truly a drama kid through and through.
"And thirdly: for your information, I super could make out with Jonathan Byers. Unlike you, I've got game"
"You don't mean gay-me?"
Steve rolls his eyes and takes out the whiteboard again. He is still in the lead.
"And also, excuse you, I totally could make out with Nancy if I wanted to, okay?! I'm just not a homewrecker unlike some other people"
"Excuse me? I was the one who was cheated on?!"
"I'm insulting your taste, dingus"
"Rich coming from you, since we apparently share the same one"
For a moment she looks confused. Then she thinks back to what she said. Steve can pinpoint the exact moment she realizes it.
"Is this the reason you want me to be into Jonathan so bad? Because you're into Nancy?" Steve feels like a smug cat when her entire upper body grows red.
"Shut up she's just pretty okay?!"
"And badass. Don't forget badass."
"Oh my god I know. Ever since I saw her shooting I haven't been able to get her out of my mind."
"Right?! And as if that isn't enough, she has to go and be smart too! Like, c'mon, she has to have some faults. Some downsides. Nobody is that prefect!"
"Oh my god I know! And-"
They continue like that for a while. Time runs away from them and suddenly Hellfire Club is over and Steve's kids (minus Max, he notes with a heavy heart) are barging into the place as if they own it, for no reason other than to be absolute menaces.
"And like. Robin. She was so hot in that moment. I swear to-"
"Who are you talking about?". Steve is used to Dustin being a rude little shit and automatically answers without even thinking about it. "Nancy."
He realizes his mistake too late. He looks up. Mike's eyes are wide in horror. "I hate you so fucking much" he says before turning around and leaving.
Robin sighs. "I guess that is the downside."
-> the tramp stamp conversation
-> gatekeeping 101
-> breaking out of a heteronormative mindset
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odditycircus-2002 · 1 year
Shang Tsung x Medusa!Reader Part III: Aftermath
For some reference, this takes place around MK11: Aftermath Story Mode. What happened between that and the last post is up to you to decide. Oh and in this scenario, Sindel isn't a villain (Let's be honest that ret-con did her dirty), rather she'll be aware of what she's doing BUT, you, the reader basically are controlling her like a puppet. While perhaps unnecessary, I suggest reading my other posts to understand what's happening here. Now, on with the show!
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You were tossed in the Void similarly to Shang Tsung, Fujin, and Night Wolf because you, too, refused to take Kronika up on her offer. That and you were taken first before them as Kronika's Insurance so that your husband would complete her Crown of Souls. In fact, your entire existence was made and written so that you were essentially a carrot on a stick for Shang Tsung.
Understandably, you're more than a little bitter about this being true. Still, whether or not your love for Shang Tsung changes(Though, let's be honest, you were bemused and absolutely jubilant when you found your DEAD husband not dead and alive), that doesn't stop you from conspiring with one another to bring Kronika to her knees. A fact that Fujin and Night Wolf suspected while trapped within the Void, without knowing you two are married.
Then again, how would anyone really know? The demigod brothers were used to your glamor and mask that made you look more human rather than your gorgon form.
Plus, it helped that while Shang Tsung still wore his wedding ring, you kept yours on a cord around your neck, hidden beneath your clothing.
In front of the others, such as Lui Kang's allies, you two also acted formally with one another, with brief and curt exchanges if you needed to interact. Leaving others to believe you both used to be in Shao Khan's court.
Shang would be adamant about not needing your medicine or help whenever he gets injured in any battles you face. Yet, you wouldn't have any of it, you just got back your husband, and you are sure as FUCK not gonna lose him again.
"Shang, you old fool, you're useless to anyone if you can barely walk or see straight!"
Although, you didn't let any of your actual concerned sentiment seep out from you; instead, you just assure Shang that he can "pay" you back later. This works in both your favor as Shang Tsung openly healing you can also be seen as chipping away his tab with you.
While neither Night Wolf nor Fujin suspected your marriage to Shang Tsung, they still were wary of both of you. So they would try and keep you physically separated. Shang Tsung's honesty track record is abysmal at best, and you're already known to be a notorious dealmaker that lives in a cave.
Still, when both of you can slip by their watchful gaze, you'd both would exchange hushed, tender, and encouraging words to one another. Yet, words aren't enough for you to express just how much you've missed his presence. His company has always been far more entertaining and fulfilling than any souls you've bargained with or stone slaves you kept in your cave as security.
Shang Tsung can only use many words to express his pride in you. He would make many promises and vows to you to give all you desire in his new Era, to make up for all the years he's lost with you.
Despite a few hiccups regarding restoring Sindel to life, mainly in the form of you turning one Tarkatan to stone and shattering another, the process was successful thanks to you, Shang, and Fujin. Or so it seemed.
You took the liberty of briefly snatching the Jinsei Fujin collected to add just a few drops of venom you specially made to those that can't hold up their end of the bargain into the bottle. So whether Sindel realized it or not, you pulled the strings.
Funny, some of you almost felt bad for what you'll put Sindel through. Here's a loving and heroic woman who lost her husband and realm to Shao Khan, then her life to ensure Earthrealm's protection. Only for that sacrifice to be reduced to meaningless when Quan-Chi resurrected her to force her to act on Shao Khan's will, including brutally murdering the very people she tried to protect. Only for her leash to be passed to Shinnok and Quan-chi after her second death at the hands of Night Wolf. Finally, after years as a pretty little puppet, she has restored memories and body. Now reunited with her daughter and able to apologize for leaving her alone with Shao Khan as a young child. Well, almost being a keyword here.
You first had her free the man she hated the most, her "husband" Shao Khan, from his imprisonment. You can imagine her horror when her body started moving beneath the Kolosseum, without being prompted. When she tried to open her mouth to shout for help, you made sure no words could escape her. The next time she opened it again, well it was to let out her banshee scream, peeling back the flesh of his Shokan guards. You give her some reprieve by letting her kick Shao Khan in the face, hard. Enough to break his nose and a few spikes of his.
You laughed through your enchanted crystal when Queen Sheeva saw the gruesome scene before her, with horror and disbelief in her eyes. Sindel could only get a few words out, insisting that she was not in control of herself, before you had her let out another scream and put the Shokan Queen out of commission before quickly using Sindel as your mouthpiece to spin a tale to convince the rest of the Shokan that Kitana Khan was to blame and to swear loyalty to her to avenge Sheeva. Sindel could only watch the scene unfold from her eyes in horror.
You have to give it to the former Queen. She fought hard against your control, thrashing against her invisible strings harder than anyone before her to the point it seemed physically painful. Even managing to snap out of your control briefly to rectify her actions before you ultimately took back her strings. You chalk that one up to her willpower and the fact she made no soul-binding contracts with you.
The pieces began to fall into place after using Sindel to explain to Shao Khan the plan you and Shang Tsung had concocted to restore them both to their rightful place. With Sindel as your puppet, Shao Khan was slowly able to take back Outworld's armies. And because you were in a good mood, you allowed her some control over her voice again, enough so she may speak her true thoughts and motives. Apologizing in tears for all she's done and wishing she was stronger, letting her daughter know she loves her more than she'll ever know. There were still tears in Sindel's eyes when you retook her voice to command Kitana to be put in chains. Nobody on the other side knew it was you except for Shang Tsung, not when you were fighting alongside Raiden and Fujin against the Netherrealm's army.
When Shang Tsung tricked Fujin into finally giving him the crown, his first move after putting it on was to embrace you in his arms and unabashedly passionately kiss you. He ran his fingers through your snakes that affectionately curled into his touch with your arms wrapped around his neck.
"Fujin, Raiden, I believe you're familiar with my wife?"
Saying you had a diabolical grin on your face, made more evil-looking by your boar-like tusks jutting from your upper lip, would be an understatement.
After feasting on Fujin and Raiden's souls, you turned them into stone to preserve them for later. However, that's when Sindel finally broke free of your control, first to briefly brawl with Shao Khan for harming her daughter before you pulled her into combating you. In the end, you not only beat Sindel in combat but, to ensure she can't do anything further, have her look into your gaze and turn to stone.
"Do not worry, your Excellency. I can reverse the spell later and make it so she's devoted to you for all eternity. "
Not surprisingly, both you and your husband betrayed Shao Khan and drained him of his life force until he was nothing but a barely breathing husk of what he once was.
When Shang Tsung defeats Kronika, and before he starts working on the Hourglass, he takes your wedding off from the cord around your neck to lovingly put the jade and nephrite ring in its rightful place on your hand. You both share a loving kiss before he starts getting to work, well before Fire God Lui Kang arrives.
If your husband wins, he makes good on all those promises he made you earlier, including making you a throne of your own right beside him. Because you had such fun with Sindel and Shao Khan, they, too, become your personal servants, similar to Shang Tsung with Raiden and Fujin. While Kronika is long gone, Shang Tsung is forever grateful that she made you. You are his Empress, his equal in power and mind, his beloved wife. Now, there'll be no one in all of existence that can ever separate you two.
If Lui Kang wins, you can only fall to your knees amongst the dust that once was Shang Tsung. Lui Kang would look upon you with pity as tears start pouring from your eyes, a first for you in eons. You touch your damp cheeks before closing your eyes, taking a breath, and looking toward the Fire God with a strained smile.
"Can I please join my husband too?"
"Are you sure, Y/N?"
"I'm certain, he was my life after all. Whether or not I wanted him to be."
Lui Kang acquises to your request. You whisper "thank you" as you turn into dust and join your husband.
In the Fire God's new Era, he will ensure you turn out differently and, hopefully, kinder. And to keep you and Shang Tsung as separate as possible. However, even if you manage to meet through oceans of time, then at least it'll be your choice whether or not you fall for the Sorcerer.
Playlist while writing this:
"Poor Unfortunate Souls" by Pat Carrol
"Judas" by Lady Gaga
"Momento Mori" by Fish in a Birdcage
"Mary on a Cross" by Ghost
"Queen of White Lies" by The Orion Experience
"Look what you made me do" by Taylor Swift
"I'm the Bad Guy" by Andy Bean and Noel Wells
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Can you do Alastor please 🥺
Send me a character and I’ll list:
Favourite thing about them: The radio filter on his voice! I'm a sucker for characters with artificial voice filters like that. And his disdain for "frivolous television technology" is amusing.
I recently rewatched the first episode of Hazbin Hotel with my dad, and he liked Alastor's radio filter too. (Yes, my dad watched some of Hazbin Hotel. And he decided it was "a bit too out there" for him.)
Least favourite thing about them: His design, I think. Yes, the creepy smile that never leaves his face is a nice touch, but that bob? It does nothing for me.
Favourite line: It's a close tie between, "Do you like blood, violence, and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do! That's why you're in Hell!" and, "Well, my dear, I haven't been active in Hell for some time, and everyone remembers me from my radio show! The proper medium to express oneself! But you insisted on this ... noisy picture box advertisement. So I had a little fun with it."
brOTP: I like his friendships with Mimzy and Rosie. The fact that he and Mimzy knew each other when they were alive is really interesting. And I can see how he and Rosie would bond over their shared fondness for cannibalism.
Plus, I just think it's funny that Alastor has been building this platonic girl gang around him. He's asexual, but also a chick magnet.
OTP: I don't really have one for Alastor. He's definitely ace, and he might be aro too, and I have yet to see a character that's made me go, "Ooh, I'd love to see what would happen if they were in a romantic relationship with Alastor."
But if I had to pick an OTP ... maybe RadioRose? Two cannibalistic Overlords causing chaos together? That would be pretty neat.
Actually, what about RadioStatic? The fact that the normally cool and collected Vox can be made to completely malfunction because of Alastor has piqued my interest. Maybe they were dating years ago, and then something went wrong. Or maybe they had a business partnership, and Vox wanted it to become something more, and Alastor just wasn't feeling it. Yes, Vox has Valentino now, but maybe there's a part of him that still pines for Alastor - which would be ironic, considering that Alastor has little to no interest in him.
nOTP: Charlastor. I prefer them having a "twisted mentor and innocent mentee" relationship, rather than a romantic one. Given that Alastor has positioned himself as a father figure to Charlie (albeit just to annoy Lucifer), it would be weird to think of them dating.
Random headcanon: Alastor has zero artistic ability. He once tried to paint portraits of the Hazbin Hotel staff and residents as part of an art therapy exercise, but they all look cursed. Or like cats. Or like cursed cats.
Unpopular opinion: Sorry, Alastor stans, I can't get on the hype train with this guy. Not yet, anyway.
I like characters that have a mixture of the known and the mysterious - that is, you know enough about them from the canon material that there are traits you can identify and latch onto, but there are also some things left up to interpretation for you to muse over.
Right now, Alastor's just a bit too mysterious for me. Is he going to be an ally? Is he going to be an enemy? I can't decide whether I like him because I don't know enough about him.
By contrast, I already know lots about Angel Dust, and I like what I've seen so far. And there are still things I don't know about him, such as how he met Valentino, that I can speculate on, which I find fun. That's why Angel is my blorbo and Alastor isn't.
Song I associate with them: "Love ka?" (a.k.a. "Rabuka") by Hiiragi Kirai and Ado. Particularly this Yokune Ruko cover. I see it as a RadioStatic song, because the lyrics are about sharks (Vox likes sharks, doesn't he?) and about bugs (which would fit with Vox glitching out).
The ending lyrics translate as, "These putrid 'love you,' 'love you,' 'love yous' have already fallen to the ground and died out. If you don't like what you found within your reach, maybe you should stop looking." That sounds like something Alastor would say to Vox.
Favourite picture of them:
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kdramaxoxo · 8 months
Can you recommend like a fun, silly, summery drama? I'm looking for similar vibes as Cheer Up or Age of Youth (female friendships are a plus). It's hard to find something without melodrama.
First off, I LOVE your user icon! (- ‿◦ )
And I definitely want to help you find something silly and easy to watch, especially as we enter the depths of winter! Some of these are a little less slice of life but still fun. Also I know you already watched/mentioned a couple of these but I'm adding them to the list for everyone else who might be game!
Light Hearted Fun K-dramas (little or no melo)
Soundtrack #1 (slice of life/romance) Best friends for almost 20 years, the two leads start having feelings for one another while working on a project. This drama only has a few episodes which is a shame because it's really cute! As a Park Hyung Sik Stan (sorry but Happiness broke me), he's great in this one and he hasn't lost all of his military weight yet which I LOVE :D
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Fanletter Please! (slice of life/ romance) A sick child writes fan letters to her favorite star, an actress who for kdrama reasons is afraid of fan letters. This was a super sweet, short drama - I really liked it so much!
Into The Ring (workplace/romcom): The perfect slice-of-life rom com! Goo Se Ra has trouble holding down a job due to her passionate personality so after she loses her latest job working for the ML, she decides to run for a small government office position because it pays a salary. Literally she does it for the money which is just *chef’s kiss.* The show is about her dealing with local politics and it’s SO FUNNY and smart and the OTP is the best! 
King The Land (rom/com): A cold chaebol hotel owner meets his match (literally and figuratively) who is a top notch employee. There's a lot of push pull and the ML (MY BIAS!) Lee Junho's character falls hard and fast. It does have slow moments but if you literally want to watch a happy couple be happy (plus the skinship is chef's kiss and there is so much of it) you'll enjoy this one.
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Melo Is My Nature (slice of life): This drama is by far my favorite slice-of-life drama of 2019. Found family, strong and complex characters, I laughed, I cried. Plus a gay character that’s an actual character, with the gay as a casual side note (classy k-drama!!) It was just a perfect show for me. There’s romance, but all of the stories are super interesting.
Top Management (slice of life) I know this show is mainly on Youtube Premium BUT I just got an email from Youtube basically saying “hey we know you never want to pay to watch our shows so we’re just going to let you ok?” so that’s something… Adorable mini drama about a girl who can see the future and becomes the rookie manager for a kpop band. Fun and easy.
Business Proposal (rom/com) Seriously this drama is almost the exact same plot as The Secret Life of My Secretary. It's really fun and cute (just like the latter) and if you like one, you'll like the other ;-)
True To Love / Bo Rah Deborah (rom/com) Bo Rah is a relationship expert publishing her book. She works with a man who is her total opposite making it a cute enemies to lovers. Yoo in Ah is literally so adorable I love watching her! (If I'm honest I can't remember a TON about this drama but I do remember it being an easy watch).
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Her Private Life (romcom): Park Min Young really knows how to pick dramas. I loved this one about a museum curator who is secretly a fangirl obsessed with an idol. It’s fun and fluffy but does have a very mild childhood trauma thing with his mother but I mean, 99% of dramas like this do? If you like this one, Touch Your Heart and Why Secretary Kim are by the same person and have similar vibes.
Touch Your Heart (rom/com) A sweet, silly and very mild rom com about a serious boss and his hallyu star secretary. This show was an obvious response to the chemistry that Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Na had in Goblin so it was nice to see them together again. Yoo In Na is such a fun person to watch!
Fight for My Way (slice of life/romcom): I love this drama! Always a fave for me, this drama is funny and heartwarming! The leading lady is a strong female which I LOVE, and Park Seo Joon plays her really cute down to earth best friend. It’s a childhood friends to lovers trope with a group of regular people (no rich heirs in this show!) and has a happy ending and a lot of cute flirting, cuddling and kissing. Argh I love these two!
Age of Youth 1 (slice of life): Age of Youth/ Hello My Twenties is one of the best k-dramas that centers around strong female friendships. A group of wildly different girls find themselves rooming together in an apartment. Lots of romance too, but the girl’s lives and friendships are the primary focus.
Shopping King Louie (romcom): Ridiculously fun and lighthearted romp following a spoiled and useless chaebol with amnesia who is being taken care of by a country bumpkin in the city. Very low stakes, super adorable couple, and as many tropes as you can fit in your bag, this one is one of my favorites to recommend.
Eulachacha Waikiki / Laughter In Waikiki (slice of life comedy, romance) I hope you’re ready for a crazy amount of unlikely situations and nutty hijinks because this show is probably one the most silly ones I’ve ever watched. It follows a group of friends who own a hostel so it’s a slice of life drama. At certain points I was like “this is TOO silly” but I’m glad I stuck with it cause it was so hilarious. Plus, the baby is a star!
Wok of Love (rom/com) Despite the fact that the show was shortened by two episodes because of sports, this drama is a funny and quirky show worth watching. Many people dropped it because it was SO crazy for the first couple of episodes (it has a talking horse people!), but it does settle into a really sweet and fun story about a chef, a gangster and a rich girl and her family. If you love food, this show is for YOU!
And finally, if you don't mind a bit of melo, I highly recommend Run On!
Enjoy <3
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frommybookbook · 2 months
The Grass is Greener (1960)
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I watched The Grass is Greener (1960) over the weekend and I can't stop thinking about it.
For starters, I watched it purely for the cast. I didn't even bother to read the description, I saw Robert Mitchum and Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr and Jean Simmons and I was in. In hindsight, I'm actually really glad I didn't read the plot ahead of time, going it without an agenda was perfect for this one. And for that reason, I'm going to put the rest of this under the cut because I'm going to completely spoil the plot.
The general plot of the movie is: Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr are a married, titled British couple who have begun allowing tours of their family estate to keep the lights on; Robert Mitchum is an American oil millionaire who gets nosy on the regular tour and decides to barge into the family's private quarters, where he meets Kerr. Over the course of about 10 minutes, they get to chatting, he's very flirty, and they share a pretty passionate kiss. Grant then arrives and the afternoon is over...until Kerr decides to go to London to "get her hair done" and ends up staying for a week having an affair with Mitchum. Simmons plays Kerr's best friend, whom she stays with in London and who decamps to the family home to see how Grant is holding up.
That last part is important: everyone in this movie knows exactly what's happening with Mitchum and Kerr from the very beginning. Grant can see the moment he walks into the room that this stranger is into his wife and that his wife is intrigued. Simmons knows that Kerr isn't spending any time at her apartment, she's spending it with Mitchum.
Everything comes to a head when Grant, in a display of passive aggression that would make generations of Midwestern church ladies proud, calls Mitchum and invites him to come back out to the house for the weekend. Oh, and while he's at it, would he mind giving his wife a ride home, she's been in London all week too, you see.
From there we have the world's most awkward dinner party, a legitimate duel at midnight in the estate's long hallway, and a genuinely keeps-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat questioning of who Deborah Kerr is going to choose.
And it's this denouement that makes this such a wonderful movie and has it rattling around in my brain days later. Weirdly, and wonderfully, no one in this movie is treated as a villain! This is a story about love and adultery and passion and complacency and everyone just gets to be human.
It would be so easy for Deborah Kerr's character to be treated as a harlot and a whore and a loose woman for seeking out an affair with another man. It would be so easy for Robert Mitchum's character to be simply made a homewrecker and an aggressive American jackass and a playboy for showing clear interest and affection for a married woman. Cary Grant's character could have so easily been made out to be the cold, distant, unloving husband who drove his wife away. And yet none of that happens.
All of these characters are treated sympathetically and respectfully. I spent the whole time rooting for all of them and feeling conflicted every way about who I wanted Kerr to choose. It felt real and honest and like something that wouldn't be told in 2024.
Plus it was absolutely hilarious. Because as poignant as this was, it was also so damn funny. Cary Grant still had so many opportunities to break out the slapstick and prat falls and quippy one liners. Deborah Kerr and Robert Mitchum got to trade dry repartee, and don't get me started on Jean Simmons. Jean Simmons absolutely stole the show as the somewhat flighty, airheaded, divorced best friend and I couldn't stop laughing every time she was on the screen. I'd never seen her do comedy before and it was just incredible.
So, yeah, go watch The Grass is Greener.
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pizacat72 · 2 months
Why I love TLK 1.5
Okay so one thing I've noticed about TLK 1.5 is that it's not discussed a whole lot, at least not the tumblr side of the TLK fandom. It seems to be one of those "either you love it or you hate it" sort of things. I fall solidly into the love it camp and here's why!
It's funny, without being disrespectful to the original movie. The opening scene features Timon singing over the original intro and possibly poking gentle fun at the misheard lyrics of the intro. Every scene that takes place during a plot point of TLK adds essential comedy to it without taking away from it. Case in point, I Just Can't Wait to Be King.
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In the first movie, the tower of animals collapses and we see that Zazu was holding up the whole thing somehow. In TLK 1.5, the reason for that is actually shown to be Timon, having been awoken by their singing. It shows him and Pumbaa walking out into the middle of the vibrant musical number as if the TLK movie found them somehow.
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When Timon decides to knock over the tower of animals, we're given the reason as to why they fell over and it's honestly pretty funny. Not to mention it matches the lighthearted tone of that scene in TLK without taking anything away from it. Many people have frequently compared this movie to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, and for good reason. This is another reason why TLK 1.5 works so well.
Another reason why I love TLK 1.5 is that it's probably the best example of Plot Mandated Friendship failure in my mind. As the movie progresses and as Timon grows more attached to Simba, he fears losing everything he worked so hard to find and is desperate to stop it from happening. However, Pumbaa wants to go help their son (yes, they're gay get over it) and Timon, at first, disagrees. After Pumbaa and Simba leave, Timon starts to recognize the familiar feeling of loneliness he had when he first lived in the tunnels with his colony. It's much more difficult for him to sit with that feeling, now that he's tasted the bountiful fruits of true companionship and family. When Timon realizes his mistake, he immediately goes to find Simba and apologizes. Pumbaa, to his credit, does not hold it against him and the third act misunderstanding is resolved with no extra fuss or drama.
The heartwarming moments are yet another reason why this movie works so well. When Pumbaa admits that he's all alone, Timon comforts him while realizing he actually has a genuine friend for the first time in his life. Then Simba comes along, adding to the feeling of comfort and relaxation that companionship has brought to their lives. Each scene of Simba goofing off in the jungle with his dads is precious and perfectly illustrates the true feeling of Hakuna Matata. The lesson that I think this movie teaches really well, is that Hakuna Matata is not a place, but a state of mind. When one spends time with their chosen friends and/or family, their worries and cares become much more bearable and feel less worrisome.
This movie is so friggin special to me, honestly. When I first watched it as a kid, I didn't like it all that much, but now I'm really glad I decided to rewatch it. It's probably one of the most relaxing and comforting movies for me. Also we get a little bit more of Teen Simba in this movie, so that's also a plus. This is a highly underrated sequel imo and I very much recommend it to anybody.
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thousand-winters · 2 months
I hope YOU'RE doing well pal! 💖💖💖 I'd love to hear your Laios and Hooty thoughts
Actually now I'm thinking about them interacting and how cursed it'd be haha
I am today!!! It has been a good day for once haha. I hope you're having a good day today, and that your cats are doing good!!!
Oh, my gods, I can't decide if they would get along like a house on fire or if somebody would end up dead ahahaha. Or if Laios would consider Hooty looks stupid considering his reaction to Marcille's sky fish lmao 😭 I'm sorry, Hooty, you technically ARE a worm.
Okay, getting into it now, starting with Laios:
How I feel about this character
I love him!!! He ended up not being my favorite because I adore Marcille with my whole heart but he's such a good main character, honestly. I wasn't thinking too much about it when I started watching, I was just having fun and I think it showed already that he wasn't just a silly character or anything, but man... the moments he got the most serious, he had me in shambles haha.
I enjoy him very much, it's really cool to see the ripples in his relationship with both monsters and humans. There's so much to him that I'm yet to see too and I'm looking forward to it, he's definitely not the kind of main character you're kinda sick of and want to leave already haha.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I have been swayed to the Labru side, finally, haha. I think they have a fascinating dynamic and while I certainly haven't seen everything they have to offer, the push and pull there makes it very compelling. Plus I'm not immune to cool fanart and funny posts, not gonna lie, but the main reason is that they seem to have a very compelling dynamic, not exactly direct or straightforward in its development and that really has me dying to see more.
I have been seeing Lashuro recently too and ngl, I've been going 👀 at that too. I remember I had talked with my friend Isis about how it was sort of funny that the Toudens do have very similar traits when it comes to how they view the world sometimes and yet Toshiro finds one annoying and the other charming. Probably in part a mix of attitude and gender, I'm not sure. Although in all fairness they seemed to be pretty at peace at the end so... I think it can be fun.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Marcille!!! Oh, they have so many good scenes with one another, they have such a fun dynamic, I love how much Laios trusts Marcille despite also knowing she can do shit like pour boiling water on an Undyne lmao.
In general they're very fun, the mix of them bickering but very obviously valuing each other's opinions and caring about one another is really good. Also I think it was you who said once they had siblings in lae energy and I can't unsee it ever since, they really do haha.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I haven't seen this much around tumblr or such, and I know the Dunmeshi Spanish fandom has the worst takes known to mankind but man, he's not dumb, come on now.
I doubt this is really unpopular and I especially need to actually read the full manga to understand his character more, probably, so I don't have too many complex opinions about him but... I feel like it's somewhat common to see him depicted as stupid but he's such a smart character, actually? He doesn't have to be the tropey nerd character to be smart, he has been shown to be very perceptive, even if he might be lacking on that department when it comes to social matters.
I just think writing him off as just being clueless and dumb is doing a big disservice to his character. He does have his struggles when it comes to general awareness and specific types of it but he's far from dumb.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I truly cannot speak on this one since I'm not done with the manga, haha. I have been spoiled a bit by some really cool fanart and animatics, I'm not gonna lie, so I have the gist of some big things that are coming but since I have the idea and not the actual development of it, I don't feel like I can speak on any of it, nor do I have any concrete ideas there anyway.
So far I'm pretty content with everything I have seen, both anime and manga wise.
And now onto Hooty:
How I feel about this character
I love him. I get why he annoys a lot of people in and out of universe, he's one of those silly cartoon characters that's not supposed to be super deep (although what's up with Papa Titan having a Hooty in his eye? I still need answers about that), but I like that he's always sweet and loves his people even if they're mean to him. I'm so happy Lilith came along and started appreciating him, it's what he deserves!
I think he's fun in general. I definitely would love to think more about the deeper implications about his existence, how did he even meet Eda and all about that, but I have to admit I don't think enough about him most of the time to even have ideas in that department. He's just silly and I appreciate that.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
None, this is how you get the cursed image of Hootlets. Does anybody wants Hootlets? This is how we get them.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
LILITH!!! Their friendship makes me SO happy, they're adorable. I definitely didn't see that one coming but I like how they ended lowkey balancing each other with Hooty reminding Lilith to care for herself and that she should depend on others and Lilith remarking upon Hooty's own worth to the point he's not seeking attention desperately anymore after they become friends because he's far more content with his friendship. It might have been more about how the writing around him changed too, but I liked to think the fact they became friends also helped the rest of the Owl Fam to soften around him and appreciate him more.
I love that in the end Hooty is living his best life just going around with Lilith.
My unpopular opinion about this character
He's not THAT annoying except in the Spanish dub. And I'm saying this as a chronic "obnoxious cartoon mascot hater" haha. Hooty is obviously supposed to be a little much but I don't think it ever goes to the point in which you actually want to strangle him or wish he wasn't even in the show in the first place.
At least that's what the experience was for me, I'm aware opinions differ but I think Hooty is pretty fine as he is, honestly.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Going back to that thing with Papa Titan and the Hooty eye... hey, what was that? Can we go back to that real quick? I really wish we had found out what was the connection between titans and... whatever Hooty is. I know Dana said at some point a specific youtuber had made the right theory but I could never figure out who was it and what did they say haha.
Anyway, yeah, I wish they had gotten into that. It would be Hooty AND titan lore all in one.
Thank you for the ask!!! From this ask game
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
When Trent asks about writing the book and everyone is frantically getting Ted to say no literally behind Trent's back, do you think Trent knew what they were doing?
I do! On both a textual and a "realistic" level.
Meaning, if this were an irl scenario their reactions would be pretty hard to miss. Not only are Rebecca, Higgins, and Keeley saying 'No' with gestures grand enough to draw any eye, but Ted keeps shooting them very obvious "I'm uncomfortable with what they're doing over there" looks. As much as the Tedependent lizard part of my brain likes to read Trent's stare in this moment as heart eyes and heart eyes alone—why would he want to look at anything other than Ted??—I think, under the circumstances, it reads more like him deliberately staring to give Ted as much agency as he can in the moment. If Trent catches the others in their lies + insulting "Get him out of here" display, that puts him in the position of the victim, for lack of a better word. Ted then feels super guilty and he says "Yes" to Trent as a way to try and smooth things over. Trent doesn't want that. He wants to be here because Ted wants him here and though he can't control the others potentially influencing him, he can control his own reaction to the events: keep calm, open expression, non-judgmental, don't beg for it... just let Ted decide on his own.
However, to get back to the point about realistic scenarios, this is a comedy-drama where the characters often don't engage in realistic reactions. Emotions and responses are often deliberately exaggerated for the sake of comedic effect, so they definitely could have made Trent an Oblivious™ character who somehow misses the three people losing their minds right beside him and isn't that funny to watch? But I personally don't think Trent is that character. The show has never shied away from acknowledging what an ass he's been (see: his entire relationship with Roy) and Trent is more than aware of that reputation. He's cultivated it. There's really no version of these circumstances in which a very intelligent, emotionally aware Trent Crimm goes, "Hmm. I'm going to try and write a book about Richmond, the team made up of footballers who have avoided and cursed me out for years, a gaffer I threw to the proverbial wolves, and an owner who once hired me BECAUSE she knew I tear people to shreds in print. Besides, everyone loves having the press dog their steps for a season and then judge them in a permanent medium! Everyone's gonna be thrilled about this offer." Uh huh. Trent knows. He's not stupid. He's actually lucky that Rebecca went the polite route and passed the responsibility onto Ted Forgiveness Lasso. Ted's superhuman optimism was the very opening Trent needed.
Plus, I think Trent's knowledge of how he's really being received is shown throughout his first few weeks there. It's telling that Trent engages in a reversal of what's just been done to him, wherein he calls Rebecca out on why she really wants Zava: he can tell when she's lying and he knows when others in the room—this time Keeley, Higgins, and Ted—are trying to sway someone. Trent is already nervous when he walks into the changing room (you can see his fingers fluttering in his pocket) and he's a little shocked, but not surprised when Roy puts a ban on anyone speaking to him. We have that running joke of people going, "Don't put that in the book," the first instance of which is in Rebecca's office right after he's hired, yet again, there's no surprise along the lines of, "You're concerned about what I'm including? This is making you nervous, Rebecca? Why? I thought you wanted me here and the only thing keeping you from saying yes on the spot was respect for Ted and a belief that he should have the final call? 🤔" This girl was under NO delusions about how everyone was really receiving him. This is the face of a man who is very deliberately NOT looking behind him.
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okay for the character ask game I couldn’t decide on characters or numbers, so I just threw some random characters and numbers together, and you can decide which apply the most to what character. Whatever you like!
SQ, Jeffers, Garrison, Nicholas, Kate, and Rhonda
1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20
What do you like or dislike about this character?
SQ - in the show, I like his introspection and that they fleshed him out to not just be Curtain's adopted son who loves art and is under his control (in both a good and bad way). My only issue is that he's not in season 2, we were robbed!! As for the books, I like that what starts out as comic relief ends up being a horrifying realization that this poor teenager is brainswept so much that he can't remember what he's saying. What I dislike is that we never get to see him grow beyond that. Yes, we see him choose kindness (which is great btw) over Curtain, but I wish we had actually gotten to see him in Riddle of Ages besides a quick mention.
Jeffers - I love that he gets to be goofy. Sure the Ten Men in the books were scary, but they let him just be whacky! And why not? I love characters that get to goof around and be silly, especially if they're not supposed to. Plus, you can tell the actor playing him is having a blast and that's how you know a character is well-done. I just wish he had been in season 1, but I'm glad you put him in S.O.S. so I can enjoy him there, Bods!
Garrison - I like that this character exists, first of all. I know book Curtain is the type to want to keep the science secrets to himself, but show Curtain needs a science person to delegate Whisperer stuff to. After all, when would he have time to do this?
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(did I want an excuse to put this GIF in again? Yes, yes I did. It was too funny to resist.)
But seriously, I also love that while she does bend to Curtain, she does try to stand up to him in her own way. There's a complicated dynamic there (made more complicated by reading @nobodysdaydreams S.O.S. AU fanfic, which you should read if you haven't yet because OH BOY does it change things about Garrison for you) and it's so interesting to analyze. Also, she's just a little bit quirky and I love her for that.
Nicholas - in the show, I love that they gave him issues!!!! They made him anxious and the way Tony Hale makes his posture more stooped is *chef's kiss* lovely. His "excuse me - *cut to loud screaming montage*" is TOO RELATABLE. I think they were so right for that. Also, making him more directly responsible for Curtain's downfall was a great choice (though I don't actually blame him because he was a literal child it wasn't his fault; if anything, I blame the adoptive parents for separating twins and just not coming back for the other that's so messed up??? Who does that?????). The only thing I dislike was that they basically cut down his narcoleptic attacks to nearly nothing by the second season, almost like they didn't exist. Like, y'all, come on, don't do that!
As for the books, I love his wisdom, compassion and how he always makes time for the children. He always seems to know what they're thinking and is able to encourage them in their darkest hour. Although, I have a love/hate relationship with how they cured his narcolepsy in TPD because on one hand, I hate the "curing disability narrative", but on the other he actively hated it and wanted it gone (plus he had to suppress his emotions so much because of it) that I can't really blame him for wanting it gone...hard to know how to feel on that one!
Kate - KATE MY BELOVED!!! Again, I love everything about her. For show Kate, I love how fast-paced she is. It always makes me laugh when she says something like, "Tower. Scale it. Now!!!" It's so funny to me. Emmy did an amazing job bringing that aspect to life. Show Kate is also rougher around the edges -- I don't hate it because it's more realistic...it's just sad. :(
As for book Kate, I like that she brute forces her way to solutions. Oh she doesn't understand this maze? Guess she's running through the vents. I always admired her agility (and wished I could be that cool!!). I also like that she had to grapple with the dark urge of violence because it makes sense, she's the muscle of the team, why shouldn't she end the bad guys once and for all? A dark theme, sure, but I'm glad TLS didn't hold back on it.
Rhonda - Show Rhonda is so cool because she's so good at mediating within the group and I love that she also tries to fight in her own way against Curtain outside of their work with the society. We love to see some small acts of activism!!! No notes, amazing character.
For book Rhonda, I love how caring she is. She just always finds a way to show the group in big and small ways that she cares about them. I feel like if anyone is neurotypical in that group, it's her, and for once I mean that in a good way (let's be real, someone probably needs to be to remember things and help with social cues) /j. I wish we got to see more of her!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Nicholas - in the books, that he learned ASL for Violet in his prequel book! I took 3 ASL classes and while it shouldn't be a big deal for a hearing person to learn sign language for a Deaf person, many times they won't. I love that he automatically accommodated her needs, rather than trying to make her accommodate him. As for the show, the screaming scene comes to mind, but I like that he reads aloud to his friends, I think it's sweet :)
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Garrison - Giants by Imagine Dragons
Soooo again I had to manually pick this song since I don't really think of MBS characters + music together (which is weird of my brain to do, but whatever!). The reason I picked this song is because it's about addiction and someone reflecting on what they've become because of it. I think it especially applies to your S.O.S headcanon of Garrison and how she is in season 2. Wish I had a happier answer. :(
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Jeffers - that y'all gaslit me into thinking his name was Jeepers (s/o to @mvshortcut for reassuring me I was right) and that we have Secure the Perimeter Saturday. I think it's beautiful. 😍 ❤️
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Rhonda - I haven't seen anything I truly despise, but it definitely irks me when she gets forgotten (or whitewashed, I was worried the show was going to do that). She's such an interesting character and deserves to be included as much as possible!!!!!! Again, it's nothing I've actually seen, but if I had to pick.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Rhonda - yes, I think so! She'd get the worst end of the bargain dealing with my eccentricities, but I honestly think we could make it work. I'd do my best to try to make things easier for her living with me lol.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
Kate - 🪣 ...sorry, I had to!
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Kate x Reynie - Sorry not sorry, I've always been a Kaynie girlie!!!! I enjoy that TMBS didn't dive into romance at all because it's good to get a break from that. Unfortunately, I'm a hopeless romantic and, at least in the books, I saw potential for something to grow when they got older (like when Reynie gets electrocuted by Curtain in TPD and Kate holds his hand while crying...that scene BROKE ME 😭 😭 😭 ).
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Garrison x Curtain - idk if anyone actually ships this (I haven't seen it, I'm just adding it to the mix for consideration), but the thought of this makes me want to barf. Just....nah.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Nicholas - I've always admired his relationship with Milligan. If you're able to gain the loyalty and friendship of someone who's lost all of their memories, you're doing something right. :) I know Nicholas is always going to feel responsible for Curtain's misdeeds, and by extension, Milligan's memory loss (in both the books and show since Curtain is his brother and Nicholas is too much of an empath to not feel some kind of guilt), but I truly admire how he treats Milligan as someone to be taken seriously and who he wants to help.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Jeffers - I don't know if this crossover is allowed, but can you imagine if Moocho Brazos and Jeffers became friends outside of Curtain's influence? I don't know, I just feel like they would be besties and potentially great together in a fight. Moocho would totally break out some cool helicopter fighting moves and Jeffers would do...something?
I hope you enjoy these answers. This was super fun, Bods!!
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Hey, M! Hope you're doing well! I'm one of the excited ones for Jikook's travel show. I knew it was going to be chaotic (both good and bad) when the time came, especially after seeing how certain groups of people reacted after the announcement of these two enlisting together.
I still can't believe the amount of hate, of erasures, of negating and spreading false narratives, do everything just to say that JK/JM are using each other or forced to do this and that. If it was JK or JM with another member, I would bet that there wouldn't be this kind of backlash and dissertations written against these two.
Honestly, after everything that's happened, Jimin and Jungkook don't give a flying fuck about these negativities. I just feel sorry for these people who say "they love x member" and yet can't respect their own decisions. So sorry for the rant. It's just a pity that they can never know the joy and excitement that we're feeling, of seeing these two travel and bond, do the most mundane and thrilling activities outside of their "celebrity life". Plus, we seem to be getting 3 seasons in those 8 episodes! Which location are you most excited about? Thank you!
The type of answers the announcement received were to be expected. Those who like Jikook as a duo were obviously happy, army tried to cope with it by doing mental gymnastics and turning it into an ot7 fantasy (gotta give it to them for using their imagination in the stupidest ways) and then the fuckers who clearly hate that Jikook not only traveled together, but they made a show out of it.
But let's set that aside for now because I think our excitement is able to tune out the bullshit. And it will get worse anyway once the episodes air, so 🤷‍♀️
Going back to the actual show, before we got any more details, I sort of expected 6 episodes in total, with 2 in each location. But I'm more than happy with the current schedule.
I'm excited about everything, although it's a bit more difficult to think of their Jeju and Sapporo activities since we know close to nothing about their activities there. As opposed to Connecticut for which they not only released a few teaser photos, we also have some information from those who had seen them. Inevitably I get more excited about that because I have a vague idea of what to expect. But you know what's always funny/nice with jikook? They always do things none of us expects and then we are in disbelief for two days as if it's not something to be expected from them. I learned my lessons from watching behind the scenes content of them for years now.
But I still have many questions. When do we get the other posters and teasers? Are we bound to wait for 12 am kst everyday for a month, except for the days in which something related to Jimin's album gets a release?
Will we see them talk about it for a bit? Did they do their minimal planning an evening before when they had dinner at Antoya? Or they decided to go on a trip without a clear itinerary but to film it as well and they talked about it briefly before Jungkook left for the US?
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maleyanderecafe · 5 months
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LadyHawke (Movie)
Created by: Richard Donner
Genre: Historical/Drama
LadyHawke is a pretty fun movie, but the yandere in it is the main bad guy and he doesn't get a ton of screen time. Nevertheless, I do think he makes a fun villain for the setting and it's just fun seeing the old effects of people turning into birds and animals and whatnot. It's also = pretty funny seeing the main character pretty much be a third wheel the entire movie.
The story starts with Phillipe Gaston escaping from prison as a bunch of guard run after him. Having been the only person who has ever escaped this place, the Bishop of Aquila sends out knights to go and kill him. Phillipe is able to run away to a town nearby but is ambushed by the knights. While fighting them off, he is helped by Navarre and his hawke and the three of them run away. Navarre's hawk is shot down by one of the knights and he tasks Phillipe to bring her to the Marquet. There at night, the hawk turns into a lady called Isabeau. The Marquet tells Phillipe that both Isabeau and Navarre were cursed by the Bishop after Isabeau refused his love. Enraged, he cursed both of them so that they would turn into different animals during the times of day: Isabeau turning into a hawke in the day and human at night while Navarre turns into a wolf during the night and a human during the day, making it so that they will never be truly together. The Marquet also reveals that he was the one who accidentally told the Bishop about Isabeau's love for Navarre while drunk, leading to the curse, and has been working for them since to atone for his guilt. Navarre eventually gets fed up with running away from the Bishop and decides to go kill him, though not without the Marquet warning him that there must be a specific time for him to break the spell. Here, Navarre and Phillip storm the town, fighting off knights and sneaking in to the church until they meet with the Bishop. There, Navarre is able to knock him down in battle, but chooses not to kill him. Isabeau appears as well, telling off the Bishop about she doesn't love him and that he loves Navarre instead. In a fit of rage, the Bishop attempts to kill Isabeau but is killed by Navarre instead, having been stabbed through his throne. Everyone rejoices and Isabeau and Navarre's spell is broken.
So as I said, it's a fun movie, has fight scenes, some traveling, romance, some dumb but funny dialogue and taking down the church. What's not to love? I still kind of find it funny that Phillip really just becomes a third wheel to Isabeau and Navarre as soon as Navarre saves him, having to go and bring Isabeau to the Marquet and just going back to help him kill the bishop. I also don't know if I really buy that he's the only person that's escaped Aquila as while it's well guarded, it doesn't really seem like an impenetrable fortress. Probably could have made him more of an important character than a criminal that suddenly was able to escape. Still fun, I just think I expected that he had a bigger role in the story, though I guess in the end his role is fine for what it was.
Navarre and Isabeau are the real main characters of the story. Star crossed lovers who take care of each other when they transform but never actually really being able to be together, since they are never human at the same time. It's kind of sad and bittersweet in a way since they can never really communicate with each other when they are animals, much less do anything more. Plus they are still running away from the Bishop and his army because the Bishop is just that in love with Isabeau. It's a nice idea I think, though I can't help but laugh when you see the effects of the two turning back from human to animals since it's of its time and the special effects were just...not there yet, so it ends up looking a little goofy.
But anyways, going onto the actual yandere of the series, the Bishop of Aquila. He unfortunately doesn't really show up too much in the movie, but he is always looming over the plot as he's the main reason Navarre and Isabeau are animals depending on the time of day. I do find it kind of funny that instead of just killing Navarre or making his life more miserable, or just kidnap Isabeau, he took a super convoluted method of making it so that they could never really be together. Which on one hand is a jumping through a LOT of hoops but the other hand really does make it a huge problem that the two of them could never overcome, making it suffering on both ends. And this is pretty much all because she didn't love her back. I guess it could work, but it seems very convoluted. It's too bad we don't actually see too much of the Bishop and Isabeau on screen since he is supposed to be the main villain, but I think it would be really nice to have given her and him some scenes together so we can see if there really was anything going on with them before hand. I think in the end, it's not a huge determent, but it would be an excuse to have the Bishop on the screen more than he actually is. Unfortunately, he just doesn't have a whole ton of yandere moments, though again, the fact that Isabeau rejected him and he caused the curse (which I still don't know how he did, it's never explained) so that she can never be with her lover is probably enough to justify that he is a yandere.
Overall, a fun movie to watch, especially if you like a bit more light hearted comedy with a bit of action. Still a good story, but I don't think I would really watch it for the yandere himself, because as I said, he's barely in there to begin with.
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loveislandthegame · 5 months
thoughts on today's volume ! sienna is annoying, and it's even worse because she'll continue to harass you regardless of whether you're pursuing your OG LI or not . i'm not trying to get back with jin (unless claud's somehow still unavailable at the next recoupling)
MC needs a "leave me alone, bride of chucky" option. moving on
next up is snog marry pie. once again, theo is flirting with me despite MC showing no interest in him ? i'll talk more about this later. for now i had to let him know that i'm Mx. Steal Your Girl
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my wife !! i'll be wearing a wedding suit though, don't get it twistedddd 😏
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i snogged kyle, married claudia, pied liam, then used the bonus pie on sienna. hazel pied off jin for some vague reason, "you know what you did," type stuff. and i mean ... sorry to the loyal girlies, but i actually hope OG LI did something major. it'd be sad & frustrating among other things if FB decided to set up yet another black woman islander as a petty, jealous villain
i can't lie, this argument was funny af. bonus points for this actually being unique dialogue (i think they should kiss...👀)
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and what is this black swan (2010) halloween costume from shein-looking ass dress ???!!!! i think this rivals the season 7 suggested prom monstrosity as the fastest "see other options" selection i've ever made. this outfit is not the one, two, three, or four
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next challenge is "couple goals 2.0," a bit lazy there😖
for the most part i've glossed over liam's dialogue cus he genuinely has nothing of value to say, but what ?? i've never gotten steamy with theo . in fact, i barely see the dude because (outside of casa amor) him and claudia share the same "slot" for private chats and alone time. not to mention the only person in this entire villa who's ever done anything with MC outside of a challenge is claudia (my MC didn't even go in the hideaway)
once we came back from casa theo began having a really obvious crush on my MC (don't get me wrong, i think he's gorgeous. i just avoid him specifically because the overlap of his & claudia's routes) and i know some people have complained about claudia flirting with them in casa amor on a straight theo route. i don't know if this is intentional, or if this is just the game falling apart. knowing FB it's probably the latter
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venus girl you're so messy ... (acting like i didn't choose these options😭)
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speaking of mess, i did expose sienna for hooking up with oakley . (mainly because she had the nerve and audacity to insinuate that i did bits with kyle in casa when we didn't even sleep in the same bed) i didn't reveal that it was theo who caught them, tho people should put two & two together based on him trying to get MC to stop talking lol . i kinda regret it, because oakley is trying to spin it as MC being the one that's somehow "out of control," but i'll just see how the next volume goes before i decide to do a replay. if they're exposed during movie night i'll go back and keep it a secret 🤷
enough of that though, we got a steamy scene with claudia 👀 plus some more confirmation that she's 100% focused on us ... i don't know when the next recoupling is but hopefully within the next couple of episodes, i'm tired of being forced to lead people on 😩
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next volume is movie night ! i pray for some branching here, but i wouldn't be surprised if it was some ridiculous clip that can make everyone, even the loyal girlies, look "bad." throwback to vicky getting pissed at my movie night clip of giving bonnie a hug 🙄
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fantomette22 · 6 months
Hey!!! 3, 13, 20, 49 for Dores and Caryll in your interpretation!
Thank you Faree! :D Ask game here
First I tried to draw this morning but failed so thanks for the ask i got inspired to draw a lil something!
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(And then they got lost. They do have weird shenanigans with eldritch stuff. So they will be fine. Actually their friendship is quite funny i love it)
3. What first drew you to this character?
Hm well for Caryll they seems like quite a very important character we know nothing about! In lore I mean. Runes are so op I'm glad they exist 🙏 everyone used them and it seems quite important! Caryll didn't make/translate all the runes but the first one to do so while a students at Byrgenwerth! It's so impressive so it made me wonder who they were... and we don't know what happened to them too ;-;
As for Dores I guess I got interest thanks to the fans actually giving a damn and drawing Dores ! Also ""her"" link with Willem, gatekeeper and probably Gehrman by extension made me think and wonder about their missions in the pthumerians labyrinth. Plus idk Dores seems to have quite a wild personality! that's very cool. And the set descriptions and the 2 hunters is very interesting
13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character?
Caryll : Hm... lots go things lol. Caryll do have a huge role in my Bloodborne stories and is very present so I have lots of ideas XD but would be difficult to draw... hm maybe caryll with tons of hunters around them and explaining smt. Or Caryll staring at water (sea/lake), or caryll fate... or idk smt with lot of runes to draw something esoteric when they ear great ones! Caryll & friends too. But I would also like to illustrated Caryll getting very scared and encountering a sick man who's at the early stage of beasthood. At Byrgenwerth. During prom night. Yeah can't wait to write that XD
Dores : hmm either Dores' childhood (with almost everyone treating her as a weirdo creepy kid 💀 and featuring Gehrman) or well badass fighting against pthumerians. That also make me think I need to draw Dores being task to watch the kids (Rom & Laurence when they were younger) by Willem while he's out and she panicked and ask if they wanna see organs in jars or smt. Or maybe draw her withe the twins. Yeah I haven't decided yet if the Madaras twins are her kids or long lost brothers I am hesitating because there's the 2 guys with the graveguard set too. OR ALSO (sorry last one) Dores doing artisanal liquor and almost accidentally killing people. (I mean Laurence is the only one who almost died but he was fine after few days. Her other attempts where better)
20. Do you feel affectionate towards this character?
Caryll is my lil guy (gender neutral) 🥺 I love them so so much they remind me of one of my friend too. I really like Caryll I am so mean for all the tragic scenarios I imagined toward the end of their life 😔 but I swear the 3 decades before that are very wholesome if we forgot some lil details. But yeah must protect and deserve the world. So yeah.
Hm idk if it's "affection" but yeah I do like my versions of Dores yeah! I really like to develop her backstory and personality and I can empathise with lot of things she went through that weren't easy.
49. What’s your favorite personality trait in this character?
Well it's purely headcanons but I like their soft sides? I think.
So Caryll kindness and everything would be ok attitude.
As for Dores her more harsh and scary traits are very cool but with her very close friends she can show a way more carrying side <3 she still a bit of a brute XD but I like this too. Everyone is always surprised of it at first.
Hope it answer! Thank you a lot Faree I really like to wrote about it!
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
Hello, 'tis I, SecretIdentity!Alastor Anon once more:
I didn't realize wendigo weren't closed culture, I was under the impression that they were, my bad, sorry; thanks for telling me. Anyways I agree that interpretations w/ them as spoopy monsters is pretty blargh & that my Secret-ID-AU!Alastor, even canon!Alastor, are as far from wendigo as can be lol.
And yes! I really like Peryton!Alastor as a concept (plus, bird AND deer behaviors! It's got the flavors built in! Either the SecretIdentity!Alastor's wings are too small to fly, or they were injured & rendered flightless some time ago (broken funny? Nerve damage? Amputee? haven't decided). He's been a lot of fights over the years, there's a toll taken there.
And I just had a thought, what if, Alastor's plan to ally with Charlie & support her hotel idea, was a survival-brain, seat of his pants idea? The most recent Cleanse had all of Hell in a huge serious of brawls, duels and turf wars right (tbh I have... issues with Sinners and the Cleanse itself only being confined to the Pride Ring but I haven't decided yet)? Set 'Day in the Life' Alastor comic but a little to the left slightly before the Cleanse, Alastor and Sheep Lady get caught outside during the Cleanse. Eventually leads to Alastor getting into a marathon of close calls both with Exterminator Angels AND Sinners afterwards, he's won in the sense that he's alive, and the Radio Demon's identity is still a mystery as well as his mythos uplifted further. By the start of the AU Pilot time post-Cleanse, all his usual hideyholes (Rosie? Who actually is an Overlord apparently?) are either too far or partially compromised (Vox bothering him, Alastor, as himself, a 'known associate' of the Radio Demon?), so he needs to buy himself some breathing room to recover and figure out his next moves. (Sheep Lady is alive somewhere but nowhere to be seen for now).
Alastor uses some magic he's got to make himself look unruffled/unhurt, can't show weakness after all, wounded prey animals get targeted first. He ends up ducking into the News Studio just in time to see Charlie's broadcast interview live.
Idk I just thought it would be kinda interesting if Alastor allied with Charlie because he was flying by the seat of his pants and too allergic to showing weakness (legitimate concern considering Hell's society) to try coming as a guest, because not only is that an affront to his pride but the lack of control would be scary probably, so he needs to pitch himself (and his true identity, but separately and somehow a reason to also be there bc that's the point but he can't let them know it's the point) as a valuable asset without looking weak. So he calls in a couple of those few ongoing contracts/favors that he's been holding onto for a while, Niffty and Husk, they're the... Safest choices, to contribute something to this allyship support deal he just pantsed himself into. He had a plan the whole time (no he didn't).
Instead of the pilot/ep1 ending with Sir Pentious just showing up, he doesn't, no big powerwank scene, just quiet scenes for each of what is probably going to be (most of?) the main cast ending their day, settling into the hotel. Also I feel that there was some missed opportunity in the pilot canon where Angel mentions that there's no food at the hotel, and Alastor offering to cook jambalaya for everybody (later if he has a more pressing injury to bother with in secret? Could even be a tidbit of Vaggie talking to Charlie about how Alastor [Radio Demon's ambassador] smells like blood, and if Alastor hears he wouldn't correct her) dialogue at the end can stay though, or it get picked up later.
Anyways, thanks for listening to my Alastor blether, I know he's just Viv's edgy karen-hair wasted potential OC but, man I enjoy redesign/rewriting him.
Thank you for sending in your ideas -- it's some truly excellent blether! Characters that are exceedingly powerful but also in survival mode always make for an interesting time.
(Incidentally, you've also got me really invested in the idea of Alastor with stubs of what used to be wings hidden under his clothes.)
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