#plus girlboss/guy bosses too hard
Literally Tang and Misako in college
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I’m sorry but can you write more stuff about Vox being a gaslighter? I’m actually obsessed with your analysis
Thaaanks I'm obsessed about them too~ 🩵❤️
So, Vox is like the ultimate gaslighter. Manipulation and brainwashing? That's his whole freaking business plan. I mean, come on, the Voxtek slogan is "Trust Us," and somehow, people actually do.
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Oh, let's talk about Voxtek - he's the worst, most manipulative boss ever. He's always pulling stuff like withholding essential information for a task someone's supposed to do, then publicly blaming them for screwing up. And he's sneaky about it too, acting all concerned and disappointed instead of just yelling. It makes people feel useless and insecure, so they bust their butts trying to please him and win back their colleagues' respect, never daring to stand up for themselves. Plus, he's a pro at keeping relationships between higher-up managers tense and distrustful by spreading rumors and creating a competitive vibe. And don't get me started on how he's a total hypocrite - Voxtek, like every other company, preaches its values and missions to create this fake sense of safety and purpose, but then he goes and acts against them or lets someone else do so. It leaves people feeling confused and helpless because they can't play the game when the rules keep changing. Let me tell you, Satan might work hard, but Voxtek's HR department works even harder.
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And manipulating people on a personal level? Way too easy for him. People who don't know him well enough think he's some kind of genius (bless their hearts), so they give him way too much credibility. It's crucial for him to be seen as competent because that's how he stays in control. That's why he loves to question the competence of his business partners (Not to be that guy, but those numbers don't look great. Are you sure you can handle this? I don't want to waste my money.) or Valentino (Babe, I've got this. We both know you're not great with financial planning.). Thought hardly ever works on Velvette because she's got zero bullshit tolerance.
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Now, when it comes to Valentino, Vox has zero remorse about gaslighting him. To him, gaslighting isn't even violence; it's just a way of handling things, all neat and effective. Why bother yelling and arguing when he can just manipulate Val into agreeing with him? It's like what we saw in episode 2. And even when Val has every right to be angry because Vox acted like a jerk, Vox tends to devaluate his emotions (I don't have time to deal with another temper tantrum, Val; You're always so pissy, why can't you just chill?) or tries to make him doubt his own reality (Maybe you'd remember it better if you weren't high all the time.). He hates arguing with Val, but also is unable to admit that he's wrong, so in his mind, undermining Val's ability to call him out on his bad behavior is a way of keeping their relationship healthy. But it's risky because sometimes Val sees through his manipulations, especially when they're about his feelings, and then things get even messier.
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I like to think they trust each other when it comes to serious stuff, like protecting each other from outside dangers, but at the same time, it's like Mr. Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss is married to Mr. Manipulate Mansplain Manwhore - you never know if he's being genuinely nice or if he's trying to get you to do something.
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iridescentdove · 8 months
can you do a continuation of full power Lumine with Fyodor, Sigma, and Ranpo. I feel like Fyodor would interested because of how complicated she is and how he would have a hard time understanding something for the for the first time I’m assuming. Same goes for Ranpo. I think he would be exiting too because the traveler is always willing to help and his type is someone that spoils him. For Sigma I feel like he would understand her in a way because he is a supernatural being that came into existence under interesting circumstances. And he would have someone to help him because we all know how the Decay Of Angels is I would also feel unsafe 24/7 😭
feel free to take your time if you have a lot of requests! (this was longer than I anticipated)
Fyodor, Sigma & Ranpo x Lumine! Reader
Hi! ♡ I'm quickly zooming through requests to make up for the time lost in my absence lol. Lumine is skeptical but shares the same curiosity her twin has for everything, she's rational and courageous, along with being generous and helpful towards others that need assistance. And most especially, rather beautiful and somewhat quiet, yet considered rather expressive.
As if a primordial being – Lumine holds power able to destroy worlds and travel through them with ease, and yet, most of it having been sealed away by the Unknown God's own bidding. What happens when she regains her full power and travels through the world of BSD?
Soukoku, Jouno & Atsushi Ver.
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You're a strange new specimen, and he actually finds interest in you. Plus – Fyodor actually likes pretty people, so seeing you for the first time is actually surprising.
Who knew someone so beautiful in this world existed 🗿
But honestly, although this man can read you like book if he wanted to, that's not happening.
You're rather complicated. Like no fr. You're pretty and small as hell, but you're so fucking strong hello? And you're not very talkative yet so expressionable it's alluring
He has no idea what to think, but all he knows is that he wants to keep you around.
The fact you're helpful draws him to you more. He learns to trust you overtime, and you have no ulterior motives when you go warm him up and make him feel comfortable.
Whenever he needs help or basically just you spoiling him and comforting from his anemia, that's cloud 9 ok idfc
He's starting to really ... really like you and I don't
You're basically everything he'd want tbh. Since you're from a different world, his ability probably don't work on you.
And just be glad it doesn't honestly. You're like God level strong and rather smart yourself, so he isn't bored and actually finds you worthy of being with him.
Well even if you weren't, you'd be an interesting playtoy on it's own. Please let me punch him already.
He'll have you run errands and do different things to go according to his plans, but he doesn't tire you out or anything because he still pretty much cares.
BRO this guy reminds me of the Fatui idk 💀
Dude is fuckin unhinged, commits warcrimes, hot and is very strong. You can't tell me he's literally the emobidiment of the harbingers in an alternate world lmfao
Even though he's a red flag you don't really care 'cause you can kill him whenever you want. Slayyy girlboss.
One of the rare times he'd take his ushanka off, and put it on your head because you're just too adorable to resist. The innocent, curious look on your face afterwards sends him.
You're a cute, complicated being he's just addicted to.
He's rather amused himself – so whenever you're like beating up Dazai or something (much to his satisfaction), he's watching in the back with his popcorn or sumn.
Probably smirking the entire time. He loves you more now
Imagine Dazai being Childe and that weekly boss you always fucking destroy every week? Peak comedy.
He probably won't even bother trying to fight against you, man knows his place so he gets humbled. But that probably won't stop him from testing you a few times.
He'll purposely get you in a tricky situation so he can observe more of you, and you'll never fail to surpass his expectations every time.
P.S. expect yourself to beat up Nikolai often. His orders lol
Rat king's actually found his match <3 fuck you
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You probably crash landed in the agency or smth. How would I know that?
I'm the writer, bitch /hjq
Now let's say both of you were just acquaintances at first, you'd help around the agency a lot though. And that also includes him.
So here we are! At this point, you're basically just spoiling him from all the help that you give.
He doesn't even mind he fucking loves it I bet
Other than Atsushi, he now drags you with him to go and buy candy, or just makes you go out and do it yourself. Either way the candy is bought so 🤷🏻
Dw babe he shares it with you <3
Must I say you're pretty once more? It's not even annoying bro I am SPEAKING FACTS stan lumine
Ranpo is very interested in you and your specie, if he ever got bored he'd probably take breaks away from doing some cases and listens to your talking.
Will get extremely invested in the world of Teyvat, learning more about it.
"Hehe! Number one detective you say? Even more so than I am~? After all, I am the greatest detective in the world!"
We get it babe.
Like if you ever honestly tried to put them both together in Poe's book it is very obvious who will come out first. Bro will legit rub it in your face too, not even cap
Oh, speaking of which – he'd probably invite you into one of them too. It would be a fun hangout ... maybe.
You're the bodyguard that fucks up any murderer tryna get to him while he deals with the shit and puts his glasses on then DAMN BITCH we boutta go usain bolt on this shit.
It doesn't even take that long. You guys did it in a heartbeat.
Ranpo honestly adores you, that much you can tell. He likes mostly everything about you and finds you so entertaining.
Especially your expressions which are peak comedy.
Definitely the type to do something real smart and show off his skills so he could see your reaction.
And maybe even get a bit of praise. You know this guy loves it when you compliment him and agree with things that he says. That's already fulfilling his heart.
I'd say you'd help him out a lot honestly, the ADA is basically the adventurers guild 💀
You'd be relaxing and having a chill time until Ranpo or some other member comes up and tells you to fucking beat up Mori or something
Yeah. They entrust it all to your capable hands.
But of course, Ranpo wouldn't leave you alone with that. You both make great teamwork in all cases.
Right after each remotely easy to borderline difficult case, Ranpo will be a sweetheart and take you out somewhere nice to relax. His treat.
kisses in the ferris wheel pls
It's already easy enough to tell, but you can see all the affection in his eyes as the night comes to an end once more. More than that, even.
It's such a cute sight. But honestly, who could even say no to this guy? It's literally Ranpo.
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So here you've already been in the world of bsd for a while and you're just doing random bullshit the agency adventurers guild gives you.
Mersault arc timeskip. Dazai off sucking and teaming up with some Nakahara toes, Nikolai being a material gworl
Fyodor is mimicking Odasaku's ashes
And obviously you're here in the back forced to do everything yourself because shit goes down 🔥
You have a pretty good knowledge on yourself in this world you're stuck in again, and it's necessary to use that info to your disposal because wow, the situation is complicated.
Especially during this arc now, but it's less difficult when you're only focusing on the DOA.
We'll say you only be familiar with the different organizations because you often go around a lot and travel.
Then meet various people and ... fight over half of them 😐
By this time, you and Sigma have been well acquainted. Due to his ability, he managed to get info about you easily. And boy does he use that to advantage.
Asked begged you to help him out in the DOA.
Look man he's suffering, don't leave babygworl all alone with all these gay men who're too broke to afford proper therapy sessions
Don't worry Sigma, we're here for you <3
By now you had no idea what was happening, just getting random info from everyone around you
Moving place to place (teleport waypoints are real handy right about now), collecting random shit and beating up enemies along the way
Classic genshin ripoff moment :/
Although you don't actually do a lot of stuff for the DOA, it's mostly personal mishaps coming from Sigma. Because no we don't want to be a wanted terrorist tf
So you soon arrived at mersault and saw poor Sigma either dead or unconscious.
Bro is in need of tevyat fried eggs
Anyways, you of course could not LEAVE him out of your sight after that. The one time you thought it was okay to stay out of business ... that happened 🤡
Sigma was indeed alive, but at the same time it wasn't okay to leave him since he was barely clinging on.
By the time he awoke, he thought he saw heaven. He frantically sits up from bed.
Oh wait, it was just you <3
You brought him back to the sky casino, as he was resting at a safe distance away from the three psychopaths in jail
You guys do end up having to go back much to his dismay, although this time it felt more safer because you were around. He's down deep and he can't return.
Sigma really likes you. Not because you're helpful and quite beautiful, but strong and empathetic in a sense both of you relate to various things.
He's seriously lucky to have you, his little shooting star ❤️
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sleepymarmot · 9 months
Sanctuary (2022/2023)
[Watched on September 10th]
Okay so my new year’s goal for 2023 has been to watch more weird horny movies and by god I am doing it!
Letterboxd: “thriller”, “drama”; Wikipedia: “erotic thriller”, “psychological thriller” Me: uhh what?? This is obviously a romcom
For real, the tone of this movie was so weird I couldn’t tell if it was humorous on purpose or overly cheesy by accident, but I laughed at least as much as I do during actual comedies, maybe more. Funniest title drop of the decade?
The session at the beginning was kind of silly and dragged a bit too much; I was very impatient to get to the real deal. Plus, I wasn’t feeling any power or charisma from Rebecca when she was just going off the script. I mean, what do I know, but she was honestly giving the energy of that one old Tumblr gif of a guy ineffectively whipping his bed; and she looked so young and fragile (does her mother know that she’s out?). It’s only when she became genuinely unhinged I started buying it. Her actress also overacted, imo, and combined with the contrived script and the kind of cheap music and camera work that made it hard to take the movie seriously. On the other hand, I don’t think I was supposed to.
More about the opening scene – I felt frustrated by the revelation that Rebecca was just acting out what he wrote the entire time, and assumed that frustration was shared by the character herself, that she couldn’t wait to stop being an actress and start improvising her own lines. So I was surprised by her confession at the end that she wanted to keep the status quo. It’s so clearly unbalanced – he got to act out his fantasies down to the tiniest detail but she was supposed to be satisfied catering to him? I guess she was just reaching for whatever was available, and getting a different job where she’d get to be mean and bossy on her own terms as an actual boss was the real fulfillment that she could not even imagine at the beginning of the story.
Rebecca’s occupation provides only an illusion of power or stability (is it even legal in the US?), and her happy ending is a promotion to one of the most powerful and prestigious jobs one can think of. But that “happy ending” is also the epitome of capitalist selfishness: the literal elevator pitch is that she can and should be as mean and as self-serving as she wants, “and it doesn’t matter if you're right or wrong”, with no thought given to the great responsibility this great power entails. As a woman, I’m cheering for Rebecca’s empowerment; as someone tired of overpaid and shortsighted CEOs, I’m disturbed.
It’s interesting that Rebecca gives herself credit for teaching Hal how to ask for what he wants – but fails to do the same until the last act of the film. Was this intentional? On a similar note, the seductive threat that Rebecca makes to Hal in the middle of the film is that she will leave the confidential confines of the hotel room and take over his real life. He denied that the sex they’d been having had any real impact on him – now it would have unavoidable consequences. She had been his dirty secret – now she would be the father of his child. He’d been a self-hating son living in the shadow of his father, it had been a defining part of his identity — now he would not be allowed to be that anymore, because it would be his turn to be a responsible father taking care of his own son, to be a role model to him. In the middle of the story, all of this is merely a taboo fantasy. At the end, it’s reality: Hal declares he “was meant for” the job of being Rebecca’s full-time “slave” (direct quotes), and is about to give his business to her and to introduce her to his family as his romantic partner. What both of them wanted all along was for their relationship to become real.
The two leads felt pretty balanced in terms of being fucked up / being the one to root for (unlike, say, Phantom Thread). While I was duly sympathetic to the mortifying ordeal of the enormous trust and privacy breach, overall this is the closest a recent movie viewing had me to being on the team “eat the rich”.
The plot feels so classic – a clever and vicious lower class woman refusing to let go of a rich heir both for pragmatic and romantic reasons… Or, to put it another way, a sex worker falling for her client and proceeding to do the same stuff as before but for free — which has got to be an ancient wish-fulfillment trope. I’m sure there are tons of centuries old stories with this kind of premise out there. Especially stage plays. Surely I’m not alone in feeling this was a stage play slightly adapted for the screen?
Speaking of the stage, another aspect of this movie that feels very familiar is an actor whose role bleeds into their real life and personality, and the power struggle between an actor and the demands that the director makes towards them. And here’s where the connection with the film I saw before this one comes in! (This time it’s entirely accidental, unlike my usual attempts to set up a slow marathon of thematically overlapping movies.) Both in Vertigo and in Sanctuary, the man in a traditional position of power enters a relationship with a woman who operates on the border of polite society, and the man idolizes the woman, but only within a specific fetishized role tailored to his taste. The approaches of the two films to the same premise are of course entirely different, so there’s not much point in comparing them, but the coincidence is fun. I have an idea what to watch next to keep the daisy chain going: apparently I need to look up the genre of screwball comedy, I don’t think I’ve seen a single one of those.
Anyway, the material here would benefit from an approach that explored gender, class, labor, and the border between performance and reality more seriously — but it’s unfair to blame a film for not doing what it never aimed to do. I like 90 minutes films, I like characters balancing on the border between performance and sincerity, I like low budget stories about two people stuck in a room together and driving each other insane, I like power struggles and elaborate mind games, and I was definitely entertained.
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coeursetcolores · 1 year
Olberic, the Warrior: Chapter 2
WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Chapter 2 of Olberic’s story in Octopath Traveler!
TOURNAMENT ARC! Let’s get that championship belt, baby!
Oh, and find out about Erhardt too, I guess?
We made it to Victor’s Hollow, got scouted, entered a tournament, and learned some hard truths about the country we supported. Standard day in a JRPG.
We arrive in the town and semi-illegally enter the big tournament that already finished it’s qualifiers, invalidating the process.
So of course, we get pitted against almost everyone that got namedropped at the beginning that was a shoo-in to win.
And as a protagonist, it’s our solemn duty to win to further our agenda regardless of how long the other fighters have been training and really wanted to win.
Wait...public dueling’s illegal? ...Eh. I’ve robbed so many people at this point, I don’t really care about breaking the law anymore. Plus, no one’s tried to arrest me yet, (probably because that’s evidence that I could beat them up) so we’re okay!
I’m just gonna say it, I loved Cecily. Now, there’s a girlboss! Smart, straightforward and fair. Knows how to get things done and can see an opportunity when it comes. 
Kinda wish we could have fought Ned; he seemed interesting.
Victor’s Hollow lives up to it’s name: big city, big arena filled with bloodthirsty citizens itching to watch a fight. You can tell the city’s pretty well-off compared to some of the others: fully paved roads, statues, huge arena, not too stuffy but still nice. Pretty standard stadium, but it’s well-shaded and you actually see texture in the ground. And I like the flags bringing bursts of color to break up the monotony. Though I think having the preparation hall be so dimly lit was an odd choice; be pretty easy to assassinate a rival in there...
I like how every one of the sub-bosses had their own identity, it’s a nice touch when so many other video games would leave your opponents as generic as possible. And they were all so cordial, a very fair competition. And the fact that they all know what they fight for makes them interesting foils to Olberic. It all helps him think and drives forward that he’s on a quest for identity.
And I appreciate getting a break from dungeons; just go to one spot and they’ll send the next guy to you! But...
...If this a tournament for one-on-one duels...
You have completed missed the point of dueling!
I get it was to be fair since you’d probably have a full party at this point, but it completely ruins the immersion! We could have just had Olberic go solo!
Gah! Rant over!
But honestly, the best part of this chapter...was Gustav.
Oh man, he is pretty much my favorite chapter boss so far. He has Olberic’s attacks, but that just makes it feel like it really is a fight between two people trained in the same style. And his personality...they could have easily just made him a tool for exposition, but he’s pretty layered for a one-off character. You can tell he’s been fighting for a long time and has a weariness about him, while still amicable to those he talks to. He accepts that what Erhardt did was wrong but can understand why he did it and still saw who he was outside of that one deed. Even then he tells Olberic where he is, knowing there’s a chance Olberic will kill him the man he admires. It’s their way of life, and he accepts it.
I had a feeling Erhardt was after revenge. I mean, he didn’t really seem malicious in the flashback, more like someone resolved to do what he did. And he wasn’t really gloating, so that seemed pretty off for someone supposed to be evil. Also, kings always get me suspicious.
This really complicates things...
How did everyone else like the tournament?
Cyrus: That story makes sense, plenty of sports have a messed-up history. And this is an interesting debate with two people who both have a point: arena fights are still just there to entertain people with violence, and a way to test one’s abilities. Kinda wish the discussion went on longer.
Primrose: Okay, Prim doesn’t trust men or women. Equality! ...And a bit hypocritical, seduction’s kind of 50% of her job.
Tressa: Oddly poetic, but I get it. I’ve seen coastal towns and she’s right, the sea has a way of just washing away your troubles. I can tell Tressa had a hard time not laughing at the end, the bird had perfect timing.
H’aanit: Oh, Z’aanta...really? My poor girl.
Ophilia: Oh, Phili! That was just what he needed to hear. And she’s right. Plenty of people use power to be cruel, but not Olberic. He’s a good soul, fighting to help. And I’m glad she reminded him. Team Mom! 
Alfyn: Olberic! If you’re hurt, tell someone! You have a free doctor at your disposal! I don’t care how tough you are, get injuries treated!
Therion: Okay, still sniping there, Theri. He has a point though, and I’m glad Olberic acknowledged it: there’s a chance he won’t like what he learns, and that he’s only going for himself. That’s just life.
I guess we find Erhardt now (thought they were going to wat until Chapter 4, but oh well).
But what’s going to happen when we find him?
Is Olberic going to be ready, knowing the situation may not have been as black and white as he thought?
Is he even going to find his answer? Or will he be more lost than ever?
We can only go forward.
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ascel-vibes · 3 years
3, 4, 13, 14?
(from this ask game)
inscryption spoilers below the cut!
3. Favorite Act? Why? (Mechanics, aesthetic, story, specific moments, etc.)
OOOUGH... hm!!! if I’d have to choose maybe uhh Act 3 hdjskhdjk..!!
the other acts were really cool too tho sfhjkd- i think Act 3 stood out to me cause of the overall funni beep boops and meta themes? (plus the refs to the past two acts in act 3 were super neat!!)
the boss themes were rlly catchy and i liked the gimmicks of the uberbots- oh and also beating up my friends on steam. while said friends were watching live on discord and helping me beat them up fhjkdsf <3 /lh /lh /lh
4. Favorite Scrybe? 
if i have been asked this just after beating the game i would’ve had a hard time deciding dhsjkddf but alas...
p. p03 jdskffgh </3 (/lh)
even tho its the rudest bastard (/lh) in the entire game ghdkfg- i think it was really fun to follow it as a character from act 1 as the stoat > seeing its plan get hinted at in act 2 > then seeing it become the new antagonist in act 3 etc..!
ALSO the implication that g0lly is a part of p03 that it suppresses hurts me :’]
o also also- grimora is a girlboss i respect, leshy is funni plant grampa, and uhh *points at magnificus* bush.....
13. If you got a Leshy Assigned Fursona, what would it be? 
HMM... uhh uh- *glances at discord pfp*
axolotl probably hdskjdk? just a funni lil guy :]
14. Would you try Leshy’s suspicious meat pile? 
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*not pictured, ascel instantly disintegrating upon touching the forbidden meat*
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plr33 · 7 years
Meet Rahmieneh, my Personal Jewelry Concierge. She’s FABULOUS, and so is the Jewelry she designs!
  About Rahmieneh:
Rahmieneh Ortiz was born in 1980 in Bradford, England. Both of her parents were born in Tehran, Iran. They moved to the United States in 1982, first living in California, then off to New Hampshire, New York, and Delaware.
In 1998, Rahmieneh began her studies at Penn State University, and several years later graduated with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Business from the Smeal College of Business. Penn State is where she would also meet her husband (who she married in Mexico in 2008).
After graduating, she decided to forego her medical degree, and along with her soon-to-be husband Carlos, they embarked on entrepreneurship. Their first major venture together was a men’s and women’s boutique named Velvet. They experienced the rise and fall of the economy between 2005-2008, and after closing the doors on all four Velvet locations, Rahmieneh gave birth to their first child, their daughter Zara, in 2009. She also wrote two books during that year, “Destination Weddings: The Fine Print”, and “Work From Home: How to Sell Clothes for Cash”, both of which can be found on Amazon.
Shortly after, her next venture in fashion was born, an online consignment website, which sells gently used/new/vintage clothing, shoes and accessories on eBay. In 2014, her son Sebastian was born, and in 2016, her jewelry website was unveiled, which can be found at http://www.rahmieneh.com. Her passion for entrepreneurship, coupled with an extensive career in fashion, and a love for connecting with people of all walks of life, led her to diversifying her career online from clothing to jewelry and everything in between.
Rahmieneh currently resides in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania with her two children, beloved husband, and their dog Oscar.
Personal Jewelry Concierge:
Rahmieneh and I first met on Instagram. I don’t know who followed who, or who commented on a post first, but I do know this: we’re soul sisters. You know that feeling when you just connect with someone almost instantly? That’s us! She is a kick-ass Girlboss, a Wife, Mom, and a truly wonderful human being. I count myself lucky to call her my friend!
After we met, I ordered a couple of pieces of her jewelry. A risky proposition if you think about it…ordering something you’ve only seen in a photo on social media. When the earrings arrived, I was not disappointed!! They were beautifully packaged, complete with a handwritten note from the woman herself (such a delightful unexpected touch). The Earrings themselves were incredible! I immediately took out the earrings I was wearing and put them on. They are extraordinarily well made, you can see the care in the craftsmanship. Not just that, they’re freaking GORGEOUS!
Here I am in my first pair. I must love them, because I absolutely detest taking selfies!!
    I ordered more right away (That day. Seriously.) and again I was thoroughly impressed. After a few orders, I joked that she was my Personal Jewelry Concierge, and she had truly become that. She has an incredible ability to match the piece with the person, which makes her new venture all the more exciting (more on that below). She messages me when she has a piece she thinks I’ll like. She’s NEVER pushy (I’ve said no before). Her pieces are made in small runs, so I love that she knows what I like. Plus, I know there aren’t 10,000 other people with the same jewelry. I like that.
Here are just a few of her lovely pieces:
  Over the last few months, we’ve developed a genuine friendship. She was 100% there for me when my dad died, checking on me almost daily. She’s caring and genuine and hilarious. I’m so very happy she’s part of my life.
So, when she announced her newest venture, I asked if I could do a post announcing it. Guess what, guys??? Now you too can have Rahmieneh as your own Jewelry Concierge! She’s started a subscription box service!!!
    Rahmbox: YOUR Personal Jewelry Concierge Service
RAHMBOX is the monthly jewelry subscription of your dreams! Let this jewelry concierge service style you with jewelry from the uber popular accessories site, RAHMIENEH. With plans starting at only $39/ month, each RahmBox is shipped right to your doorstep each month and filled with high quality, statement jewelry unique to your style and taste.
GLAM your wardrobe in minutes – here’s how:
Every month, enjoy hand-selected jewelry exclusively for fabulous women like YOU!
EXTRA Free Jewelry With Your First Two Boxes! Fun, Trending Fashion Accessories Bonus Freebies and Coupons in Every Box FREE SHIPPING! Special discount on everything at http://www.rahmieneh.com Exclusive items not sold in the online store – just for RahmBox members Yes, You Get to Keep it ALL!! TIME – don’t spend another minute shopping – they do it all for you! Don’t waste another second trying to style yourself, take just 5 minutes and choose the plan that will revolutionize how you get dressed every day!
You can find all the information by clicking here
  Q&A with Rahmieneh
I thought it would be fun to do a little Q and A, and Rahmieneh was up for it:
1. What is the best thing about owning your own business?
The best part about having my own business is the feeling that whatever I put in, I’ll get out. If I decide to stay up later each night, work longer hours, try harder, be more creative, etc – I directly reep the benefits of my efforts. Working for someone else or another corporation can many times mean that no matter how hard I try, no matter how much extra effort I put into my job, it’s up to some “month reviews” for anyone to take notice of my talents, how hard I try, and/or my interest in making the company better to the best of my abilities. This company that I own right now has my name on it, and so it’s even more personal to me to make sure each and every customer is blown away by my products and my service. I’ve worked for other people in the past and I have always given 110% at each and every job I had, all for the benefit of that business. With this, I call the shots, I work extra and see the results almost instantly. It’s deeply gratifying!
2.  Who has inspired you?
I have been most inspired by my parents. They moved to this country when I was about 2 years old, without any family or friends around them. A new country, a new language, working jobs perhaps they may not otherwise have worked, all the while raising me (and then my brother who was born when I was 8) and showing us the best life that we could live. I learned to persevere, be passionate, be humble, and accept each and every person that comes my way as my equal. These qualities have served me well as a person in my community, a mother, a wife, and a boss lady!
3. What are your 4 all-time favorite Books?
My favorite 4 books of all time – ahhhh there are just so many! Sorry not sorry that some of these are kids books lol, I just can’t help myself…. they are, 1. Joe Biden, Promise Me Dad, 2. You are a badass, 3. Wuthering Heights, 4. The Witches by Roald Dahl, 5. Where the sidewalk ends + The Light in the Attic (sorry but these 2 are tied for #5!!)
4. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
ONE song?! Ok ok…one song for the REST of my life…my favorite song ever is Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
5. What do you always have with you?
One thing I always carry with me: HOPE
  I’m sure you can see why I think Rahmieneh is incredible. Do yourself a favor…pick up one of her pieces, you will LOVE it!
  You can find Rahmieneh online at www.Rahmieneh.com, box.rahmieneh.com,
and on Instagram: www.instagram.com/Rahmieneh
        Rahmieneh: Your Personal Jewelry Concierge Meet Rahmieneh, my Personal Jewelry Concierge. She’s FABULOUS, and so is the Jewelry she designs! About Rahmieneh:
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