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tex-was-taken · 2 years ago
I'm randomly thinking that Tex caught Ghost playing with a Tamagotchi he found on the field and now being hunted down throughout the base because Ghost wants no witness.
Angelo desperately needed a smoke break after spending hours on the desk. The numerous amount of paperwork that needed to be sorted was tedious to say at least, there was suppose to be another but whoever it was bailed on him.
"Finally," he exhaled and breathed in the cold night's air as he walked through the door to the back, pulling out a small scrunched up box and a lighter. His mother always told him that smoking was bad but who can blame the shit he has to go through? Anyways, it wasn't like she was here. Setting a cigarette between his lips and raising the lighter close...
He paused for a moment, did he hear... laughter?
He shrugged, flicking the lighter till a small flame appeared from the sparks.
"You're a hungry fellow aren't you..."
Okay, that definitely sounded like him.
Angelo followed the small chittering to the corner of the shed, peeking over the side to see if his hypothesis was correct.
"Ghost?" he said and their eyes met. The Lieutenant was sitting behind the shed with a small device in his hand. In fact, they both stared at each other for a few seconds before Angelo's eyes moves down to where Ghost torch was shining on.
An old toy that his sister used to play on all the time.
A tamagochi.
It was like seeing a whole other side of the stone-cold soldier. Angelo couldn't help but hold a cheeky smile right before he would look up to see a...
Not so friendly expression of Simon Riley.
"Uh oh."
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tex-was-taken · 2 years ago
Price: Meet TeX, he'll be helping with our operations for the next foreseeable future.
TeX: I know your search histories 😀
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tex-was-taken · 2 years ago
So I caved and decided to make an OC for COD. Why? Because why the hell not.
"At a press of a button, I'll be the one laughing here."
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Picrew used (I WISH A COULD DRAW)
Meet 141's target new recruit: Angelo 'TeX' Salvador.
He is Task Force 141's new fillipino cyber expert and excels as a frightening hacker. Unlike the operatives in the team, he is unable to take arms on the field due to missing a leg the frontline.
But that doesn't mean can't put his skill to use!
Short story ahead!
Once a soldier, always a soldier. But in Angelo's case, losing a leg meant he couldn't fight in the frontlines anymore. Nowadays, he is a freelance hacker who takes on contracts from even the shadiest of people, all for the fun and money.
As long as they don't involve the government that is.
"Here's your coffee, Angelo." A waiter approached the table where Angelo sat, holding a cup of hot liquid and offered to the man. "Busy as always, huh?"
"You betcha, salamat." He takes the cup in his hand, the warmth absorbed into his hand as the aroma of freshly brewed java filled his nostrils. "Got tons of report to analyse and send off. Can't waste time, and besides why not enjoy it with the best coffee in town?"
The waiter chuckled, "The best indeed. Anyways, howl if you need me."
Before he said anything, his phone began to let out a buzz. Every second, it vibrates. Angelo frowned to see the name that popped on the screen, 'Annoying', he was hoping it was someone completely different.
He sighs, picking up the phone.
"TeX, have you gotten our information yet?"
Of course.
Straight to the point.
"Their systems are slightly outdated but their security is hardcore." He responded, observing his screen as the loading bar continued to increment.
"So you can't get crack it?" The voice sounded disappointed. "Such a shame, I thought—"
"Now hold on a minute, buddy. I didn't say I gave up, didn't I? Took a couple of days to break their encryption. Had to sacrifice a shit tons of resources to keep them from tracing me."
"Cut the bullshit, TeX. Our deal?"
Angelo rolled his eyes. Quite a persistent fellow. "Yes, I have it here. Will have a drop point ready for you in a few hours." Twirling a USB around his finger.
"Good. You'll have your pay as soon as the exchange is made."
"Pleasure doing business with ya." Angelo smirked, the files finally ready to be transferred. The call ended and he sets the phone done next to the laptop, plugging the drive into the port. "What did this guy want anyways..." he uttered as he browsed through the files.
It didn't take long to realise what he had stolen.
Reports, logs, secrets, and Operative information. A file drew his attention as it was clearly out of the ordinary in a directory full of sub directories.
Read me
A bright red laser appeared on his chest, moving carefully towards the top of his head like. Even if he moved, he wouldn't get away with a leg like his.
He was caught.
"Ah shit."
He clicked his mouse on the text file, reading what was saved as he felt sweat dropping from his temple. He never felt this pressure since he was a soldier.
The fear running down his spine as he is in enemies sight.
Not bad. Your actions haven't gone unnoticed but I'm impressed you made it this far. We had our eyes on you for quite some time now, TeX.
You got two choice.
Angelo read the next lines, it looks like he will have to decide what comes next. Surrender and confess to his crimes or...
He slowly picked up his phone. Dialing the number that was on the screen and waited.
Angelo drew his sight towards the source of the light.
"I'm in."
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