#plus andrews sugar addiction
rspaos · 26 days
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And here my little brain rot after I got stuck on one sudoku
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tarzinnia · 11 months
Positivity Night Shout Out
This is for @withahappyrefrain 's Positivity Night. What a great idea! I hope I did this correctly Abby.
I follow a number of creators and some of them even follow me back! It's been a great experience and so here is some appreciation and good vibes...thanks Abby for doing this!
In no particular order and some with a lil blurb lagniappe as I've gotten to know them. This is long but ya know, I'm not at the Oscars on a time limit so read it or keep scrolling past. Your choice.
@blooming-violets aka @eatbrainsfordinner gave me some great advice when I first joined on how not to get blocked due to blog appearance and has an amazing library of fics that sent me down a rabbit hole. Plus in possession of a side-holding you will fall out of your chair sense of humor. Laughter can give us hope and I know that some of her comment/replies just put me in a better frame of mind.
@liz-allyn whose mob!peter fic Sugar and Vice (all of her work really) just blows me away. If you haven't got Honey, life just isn't sweet at all at all. All her content just radiates emotion. Depth. It's all there.
@webslingingslasher such a talent and so very very kind to everyone. Am enthralled with nerd!peter/frat!peter. I have no clue where the late night sleepover energy comes from though. I am in awe.
@sincericida no one tops her blog for Andrew Garfield content. No one. I check it more frequently than I do the daily news. Could get lost for days with the top tier content. A real sweetheart, too. Always answers asks.
@luvablehand a winsome writer with great imagination. Absolutely love that there is an updated list of WIPs on the blog so I know what is coming.
@periprose Nice blogger and her Peter Parker is adorable. Completed chapter fic Florence is great.
@theradioactivespidergwen aka @she-likesorchids great writer across multiple fandoms and great wit. We share a love of various sandwiches, know that dressing is superior to stuffing, and think sweater weather is amazing. It's glorious.
@reidslovely haunting haunting writing that stays with me. Love our interactions when I have questions about a story/plot/character. Has been writing more mob!peter and I am a member of the mob!peter fan club for life.
@loveroftoomanyfandoms I came for the Peter Parker fics and somehow acquired a Matt Murdock on the hot guy keyfob. Personality shines through on her blog and is such a joy. ((HUGS)) Always love interacting and living vicariously through the 'where is Charlie this week' adventures. (Couple more months and he's going to be eating some mighty fine food in NOLA) Our food chats have been awesome and when food found it's way as the theme in a story, well I cannot say enough about how enjoyable that's been.
@p3mybeloved another great Spider-man fandom creator. Read on here and AO3.
@ficthots writes for the fandom that is number one in my heart (TASM) and LIghtning Bugs makes me cry but it's that good kind of tears.
@delicate-dorothea sweet sweet writing that is addictive to read. Really looking forward to continuing to read and follow.
@backtothefanfiction someone I just started following but wow, am currently enthralled with a multi chapter mob!peter fic (The Angel In The Garden Of Evil) that has blown me away. Been a lot of fun to follow the character arcs and the twists and turns. Love writing essays for this creator when I reblog because the back and forth has been wonderful and enriching. I know the longer series can be so hard to write and maintain but they are a feast when you can find them. I've had a front row seat and am looking forward to more works in the future.
@helloheyhihowdyheya Love her works. Reading Rose Thorn Blues right now, and if asked to pick a fave out of the masterlist of Spider-man fics I'm not sure I could because they're all my babies.
@thursdaygxrls so much imagination in her writing, love it and love all the fics. Am currently following two: Thin Ice and Infrunami.
@withahappyrefrain Abby, whose Peter Parker won me over from the get go and then wrote TGM fics that added more hot male characters to the keyfob. Perfect sense of humor, never afraid to call out haters, and you just glow with sunshine and flowers right when I need it most. Big hugs and a shout out.
Other bloggers reblogging content is how I ran across many of you listed above so readers and content creators: reblog whatever you enjoy because it's really what keeps Tumblr active and engaging. When I'm not writing, I'm enjoying what others create and the inspiration and encouragement and words you share is wonderful and thank you for the effort you put into what you do!
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sadboyayeron · 4 years
@criswisstuff “I may be projecting a little bit the guy being scared of women old enough to be his mother is really possible. Also the "I haven't sleep or eaten in four days because I don't deserve it " during a depressive episode” asks from this post
Hope you like this :)
(TW/mental illness/ed/etc.)
Aaron always struggled with food.  I mean it wasn’t his fault.  He would go days without eating, especially during the summer when there wasn't any school lunch to be provided.  His Mom would either forget to go grocery shopping that week or she was to high to care.  Eventually she would remember, or just give him the money to get it himself.  He picked up learning how to cook his own food.  On the good days she would teach him some recipes she knew. 
It wasn’t that he disliked food, he just didn’t care much for it.  It wasn’t a “priority”.  He deffiently didn't care while he was still on drugs.  They hit harder on a empty stomach anyways.  Now that he was sober he only eats because he needs to.  Maybe some extra protein because he lifted or had a hard practice that day.  Some sweets because of Andrew’s sugar addiction.  Whatever Nicky decided to order, or what smoothie Kevin decided to put in front of him.  He tended to drink a lot of caffeine, in the morning, while studying.  His appetite was often curved. 
Another issue was that he tended to eat everything and anything put in front of him.  He remembers the beatings he’d gotten from disliking his food, or the days he should have finished because he didn't know when the next meal would come.  He ate till he was completely full, a lot of the times to fast.
With all this his weight has never been a real problem, he eats enough.  He never felt it really effected his daily activities.  He barely noticed it himself.
That was until he had overflowing school work, plus Kevin being up everyones ass about the up coming game that Friday.  He had a project that was due, and three different test.  Aaron liked to take lots of notes and then study for hours to prepare himself for a test.  Starting Monday the only thing he consumed was caffeine.  He didn't have time to think about what he was eating.  Matt knew not to bother him and he wasn’t around the monsters much to be handed something to eat.  He was harsh to Nicky on Tuesday which caused the older cousin to keep his distance.  He didn't say much during his session with Bee and Andrew.  He just told them about the shit ton of work he needed to do.  Andrew didn't comment much, he really wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, to wrapped up in biology vocabulary. 
Before the game Kevin made them drink some shakes.  It was disgusting and he was the only one besides Kevin that actually finished it.  He drank some coffee too.  Only till the second half of the game did Aaron start to feel the headache he was commonly getting during practice.  He got pushed hard into the glass by one of the other team strikers and then got subbed off.  
When he was walking off he felt like his head was about to fall off.  Abby came to him quickly which made him flinch.  He had to make a double take, luckily enough she was to worried to notices.  Aaron told her he felt dizzy so she handed him some gatorade and a cold clothe to rest around his neck.  He started to feel normal again once the game came to an end with a last shot from Josten.  
After the game the group got ready to go to Columbia.  While changing he noticed he looked like shit.  Well he always looks sleep deprived but now it just looked more shitty.  He decided to steal some of Nicky’s eye liner.  He never wore it often but he felt like it would be best to do it now.  Nicky’s eyes lit up of course.
The ice cream at sweeties was harder to eat then usual.  He actually liked sweets, much like his brother.  But now his throat and chest felt like they were closing up.  He tried to eat as slow as possible, so Andrew can start stealing some.  When they got to Eden’s he felt himself start to slow down a bit.  It was weird.  He felt pretty wired all week almost, weather it was the caffeine or the drive to get his shit done.  This feeling wasn’t unknown to him, but doesn't make it any less unexpected.  
He kept to himself mostly, his mouth felt clench shut anyways at the moment.  He ignore Andrew and Neil’s weird way of flirting and Kevin trying to not over drink.  He just spited on his glass, that turned into four more.  He started to feel the buzz, it almost felt like it wasn't there.  Maybe he wasn’t entirely there either.
He stared out the window on the drive to the house.  He liked driving in the dark.  Seeing all the nights go by, nothing in between.  Nicky and Kevin were seated next to him.  They all been toning it down since Neil’s first seasons drama.
When they got to the house he went straight to him room.  He wanted to shower but couldn’t find the effort to do so.  He stuck to taking off his pants and shirt, throwing on a new top and leaving his boxers on.  He turned off the lights then climbed into bed.
The next morning Aaron stayed in bed, he listen to some music on his phone.  During the afternoon he decided to start watching the office.  He didn't move.  Everything felt heavy and started to blend together, time blended together.  He faintly heard Nicky knocking on his door telling him something about ordering food.  Food.  He just kept staring at his phone screen.
Before he knew it, it was Sunday.  He forgot they had no school on Monday or practice.  So they would be leaving Monday afternoon.
Aaron thought he heard Andrew, or what sounded like his foot steps stopping in front of his door, but he stopped paying attention to that to know if he knocked or not.  It wasn’t like he did this before.  Of course he left his room to get food or use the bathroom.  He probably should use the bathroom.  He smelled, and needs to urinate.  Getting up seemed more like a death sentence right now then the smell of sweat and the cramp in his lower stomach.
It wasn't until he heard his door open that he started to register that it was dark outside.  Judging by the silence it was most likely his twin.  He didn't turn around to check though.  Just like he didn't bother to pause the show.
“It smells like shit in here.”  Yeah he knew that, just didn't care.  Aaron wanted to be left alone right now.  His voice isn't working so he chose to continue to ignore Andrews presence.  Not to be petty but it was a good taste of his own medicine.  “I have food.”  Aaron choose to look over at the door then.  His brother holding a bowl of something, most likely cereal.  Just sitting up was a chore.  Andrew handed him the bowl.  He looked towards Aaron’s phone, stuffed and walked out.  He seemed like he wanted to say something, Aaron waited, then he heard the foot steps pause.  But he then heard the door close.  He stared at his bowl and picked up the spoon.  The first bite was ash and sugar.  The rest tasted like nothing as he scuffed it down.  He sat it on the floor not to gently and turned back over to continue the show, not caring that it was probably a new episode by now.
Aaron was awoken by the need to piss.  The cramp caused him to curl up with his knees to his chest.  The sweat dripped down his forehead and his breathing came out ragged.  He tried to crawl out of bed but fell on the floor in the process.  He laid there instead, he felt one tear go down his face.  He was not about to piss himself.  He tried to get up again but then light shown in his face.  Realizing the door opened he flinched back in surprise.  Looking up he saw Neil standing there still holding the door handle.  They watched each other closely before Neil came in and ask Aaron if it was okay to help him.  He nodded a yes.
Neil got him to his feet and let Aaron hold on to his shoulder.  When they got out the door he saw Andrew standing in the hallways.  He saw emotion on his brothers face that he didn't want to see again.  Once in the bathroom he relieved himself.  
After he just sat on the bathroom floor and drifted off.  Andrew woke him up when he heard the tub then shower start.  His brother sat him on the toilet and told him to wash himself.  When he left and shot the door Aaron got in fully clothed.  He sat in the tub and let the water it him.  He heard Andrew come back in.
“Hand me your clothes.”  He slowly took off his shirt and had to stand up using the wall to take off his boxers.  He handed them to Andrew around the curtain.  When he felt more aware he grabbed his bar of soap and wash clothe and washed his body.  He turned off the water and asked for a Towel.  When his Brother handed it to him he left to let Aaron get out.  He then changed into the clean clothes Andrew left on the toilet.  
When he got out the bathroom he notice the sun was already starting to come up.  It was still dark though.  He went to the kitchen where he saw Nicky, who gave him a teary smile.  He didn't understand way.  Nicky handed him a sandwich and gave him a bigger smile.  He whispered a thank you and slowly ate.  If tears came to his eyes as he ate they didn't say anything. 
When Kevin woke up he made Aaron a smoothie, one he actually thought wasn't disgusting.
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aftgficrec · 4 years
first of love you amazing people, your blog is the best💛 second, do you have some boyfriend!kevin fics? I don't really care with who (thea, jean, etc) any pair is good, just some cute kevin feels to help me get by :) thank you!!!
Thank you, anon. I’ve sifted through some previous recs looking for the most Kevin feels for you, plus found some things new to our blog. Hope you enjoy. 💛 - A
From previous recs
‘the life and times of kevin day’ (kevmatt) here 
everything in fluffiest kandreil, including previous recs
the kandriel fics here
‘all that glitters is gold...’ (kevaaron) and ‘Let’s pretend, pretend, pretend’ (kevjean) here
kevaaron with happy ending
‘It’s easier to remain heterosexual,’ ‘The only Heaven I'll be sent to..,’ and ‘Kevaaron - the collection,’ from kevaaron <5k
‘favs kevaaron’ and ‘A little Kevin falling for skater boy Aaron’ here
‘Valentine's Treat’ (kevaaron) here
‘Life is full of surprises…’ (kevaaron) here
‘Breaking in the car’ (kevaaron) here
‘Us’ and ‘Orange’ (kevaaron) here
‘smile for the camera…’ (kandrew) here
‘Lullaby’ (kevineil) here
‘Just Kevin’ (kevineil) here 
these kevin/allison fics are a lot of fun
We Should Just Kiss Like Real People Do by Starkidiot [Rated T, 4161 Words, Complete, 2020]
Kevin Day finds comfort and friendship in Jeremy Knox, who shows him that he is worth more than just his ability to play exy.
tw: canonical character death, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: homophobia, tw: violence
just beginning by rooftopkisses [Rated G (we say T) 1515 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange 2020]
Aaron realizes he doesn't hate Neil.
Andrew notices Kevin has feelings for his brother.
Realizations come to a head after a night out at Eden's Twilight.
tw: alcohol
someone needs to talk to me about Thea Muldani and Kevin Day hc by @broship-addict​ [Tumblr, 2016]
- no one was surprised when Kevin showed up late to his own wedding
- no one knows why they were surprised that Thea ended up just as late and just as sweaty- (it’s a matter of debate on whether it was because of Exy or sex)
- (it was both)
- Kevin and Thea constantly bring their dog with them onto court during practices and nobody bothers to stop them anymore
- they get the dog to fetch balls that went to the other end of the court so they have more time to scrimmage- Exy efficiency + exercise for the dog
Zen's Tumblr Prompts by zen_fox [Rated G/T/E, Collection, Updated 2018]
Chapter 2: KANDREW — hands [G, 498 Words]
Touching was a big deal for Andrew, something Kevin had learned both the easy way and the hard way.
tw: alcohol
Chapter 10: KANDREW — hair stroking [G, 497 Words]
Andrew, Kevin privately thinks, is a lot like the cats: standoffish at times and affectionate at others with no way to discern which mood he's in until it becomes  obvious through either distance, or the lack thereof. 
Christmas Cookies by BakaDoll [Rated T, 1543 Words, Complete, 2018] Matt and Kevin try to bake some christmas cookies (with little sugar, because, you know, dietary plans) but things kind of go awry. Not that Kevin is complaining.
Kevin of the Day Kerejean art by @kitkatartstuff-moved
kandrew kiss art by @gthechangeling​
Kevin/Thea I wanna be with you art by @mochawlw​
the duality of kevin and neil art by @helenspiralgf
Kevaaron - They’re study boyfriends art by dickclams (Twitter) 
Kandreil sleeping art by @magickkart
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indiacater · 4 years
I'm back at it. Working on the next chapter of Addicted, plus a couple of new stories plus and original project. With the chaos going on I was able to give you something to satisfy your imaginative palate.
Tagging: @bebepac @cordonianroyalty @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @bobasheebaby @sashatrr @dcbbw @texaskitten30 @emceesynonymroll @elles-choices @kingliam2019 @kimmiedoo5 @isporticus1234 @nikkisha16 @jovialyouthmusic @mfackenthal @hopefulmoonobject @desireepow-1986 @blackcatkita @blackcoffee85 @jessiembruno
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Dr. Sugar arrived a short time before his meeting with Andrew, as he set up his notes for the day he asked the palace staff of Liam and Naima’s whereabouts. Most advised him to steer clear of them, unless you walked in on them. Eventually he learned that they were in the adjacent library on the bottom floor as he approached he overheard an already strained conversation going on.
“Why do you need to head back today?” Said a man’s voice between breathlessly. “Come on just stay one more day. Let me convince you again.”
“I don’t need to be convinced anymore. I really do need to head back to the Valtoria estate.” A female voice responded. “Besides there some guy hovering outside the door.”
Upon hearing that James kept his head low as he walked in. Trying to keep his composure he addressed them.
“Good afternoon your highness, your grace. I’m Dr-"
“Who are you speaking too? Us or that floor?” Naima interrupted. “We’re fully dressed now.
Feeling slightly more embarrassed James lifted his head and continued. “Apologies. I'm Dr. James Sugar. Your fathers had hired my services to help you both. I’m meeting with some friends of yours to get a better idea of what I’m being brought in for.” James began to feel that meeting them at this point was a regrettable choice as he assess the looks of both Liam and Naima. With Liam he looked irritated by him being there, where Naima was more of a curious indifference. Feeling he already done this much he might as well finish. “I was hoping to meet the both of you beforehand and just introduce myself and plan ahead on when we can meet. Preferably I would to meet with you individually--" noticing Liam hard stare, immediately corrected himself. “Or if you’re more comfortable meeting together, I’m okay with that as well.” James finished.
A brief intense silence followed. Eventually Naima got up and pulled out a card from her bag and handed it to James as she got up and walked halfway out the door. “My personal estate number is on the bottom. Try to schedule something with me before the end of the week.” Naima spoke in a serious yet nonchalant tone. “A pleasure Dr. Sugar.” And with that she walked out.
Liam rushed to follow her but got halfway out the door before James called out to him. “Your Highness?!” Liam stopped abruptly and turned to James with subtle annoyance. “I still have time before my sessions begin. Why don’t we chat for a bit and schedule our session in the meantime?” James continued as he sat down. Liam hesitated at the door, then throws up his arm and grabs a chair.
“Seeing that you’re on our father’s payroll and determined to be in our business.” Liam scolds as he sits down. “Sure let’s chat.”
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[[ Disclaimer] ] The following dialogue is just part of a standup routine my MC, Vanessa does. I'm trying out some comedy and trying to see what works.
“Good evening and thank you for sticking around to the end. Yeah that is exactly what people want after seeing wildly erotic burlesque, a wild erotic burlesque performer, nearly naked, telling jokes.
So a bit about me. I’m half Afro-Greek on my father’s side and half Brooklyn Sicilian on my mother’s. Meaning I've got great hair, great tits, an amazing ass, and I can drop a motherfucker with no effort.
That’s right you all heard me. I’m half European and half American, so basically I’m better than all of you here tonight. Now you’re thinking what makes you think you’re better than me? Well I’m up here nearly naked aerial dancing and telling jokes, you on the other hand paid to watch me do this.
Don’t get it wrong though. I do have a life outside of the nightlife. And that life is why my nightlife has come to an end. Yeah this is actually my last show. This is what happens when your other life consists of having whores for parents.
I have to take you to the beginning. My dad and my mom were high class whores, meaning two things. They both worked in politics and they slept around a lot, but they had standards.
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nightquills · 7 years
For @aasimarr for the @aftgexchange! Happy holidays, and I hope that you like it!
Neil is sitting in the car in the cell phone lot of the airport, refreshing and refreshing the page for Andrew’s flight on his phone. The illumination of his phone casts light over his face, revealing the inside of the car far more completely than the weak lamp a couple parking spots over. Rationally Neil knows that this won’t make the plane land any faster, but he can’t seem to help himself. It’s been weeks since he saw Andrew last, and he can’t wait to finally see him in person, have him near, hear his voice without the tinny echo of a phone call between them.
He taps along to the song on the radio with the hand he has on the steering wheel, the other hand still devoted to his pointless refreshing. It’s quite some time before the status of the flight changes to landed—long enough that the radio has cycled through far too many of whatever top hits are on repeat this month—but after that it takes just a minute to get a text from Andrew saying what carousel his luggage is in. Neil smiles, puts the car out of park and starts making his way to the terminal; he’s been in and out of this airport more than enough to know which exit will be closest to the number Andrew texted him.
It takes him a couple minutes to curve around to the terminal—Andrew’s flight has come in amidst a slew of other late night flights, and the traffic shows it. Neil manages to grab a parking spot just a few meters down from the door, and then he’s free to cast his eyes towards the exit and wait for that familiar crop of blonde hair to show itself.
It isn’t long until Neil catches sight of Andrew making his way through the doors, a tense set to his shoulders that Neil has trained himself to notice. He sees the moment that Andrew spots the car by the way his shoulders relax just slightly, the way he moves with purpose to meet Neil.
It’s so good to see Andrew again after weeks of being apart; Neil is content to simply let his eyes run over Andrew’s form, taking in the slight changes to him from their time apart. Andrew’s hair is longer, now—Neil knows that a haircut must not be far off, because Andrew doesn’t like it when it’s long enough to annoy him by brushing against his neck.
Neil doesn’t bother to get out of the car. He knows that Andrew isn’t a fan of PDA, for one thing, but he’s also familiar enough with Andrew and planes to know that Andrew is probably too stressed at the moment for any more physical contact than what he had trying to shove his way through the airport. Instead, he presses the button to open the back of the car so that Andrew won’t have to.
Andrew pitches his duffel bag into the trunk before getting into the passenger side of the car, dropping into the seat with a huff. He promptly accuses Neil of “Staring” and leans forward to change the radio station.
Neil doesn’t even try to stop the smile he can feel curling on his lips, but he obediently looks away to begin the task of driving them back home. He tells Andrew about his day as they make their way away from the airport, more than happy to just be around Andrew and hear the deadpan one-liners he drops when he thinks that Neil or his teammates were being particularly stupid.
It isn’t that long before they reach Neil’s apartment—it’s past rush hour, so traffic isn’t as terrible it normally is.
(Neil is glad that traffic is now one of his biggest day to day concerns. His worries are more mundane nowadays than he ever thought to hope for, his life better than even his wildest dreams while he was on the run. And now that Andrew is by his side again—even though it’s only for the long weekend—it’s even better.)
From there, the two of them make their way to the elevator, taking it up to the 13th floor. Neil unlocks the door and pushes it open for Andrew to make his way through, duffle in hand, before letting himself in and shutting and locking the door behind him.
He walks further into the apartment to see that Andrew has discovered the cinnabons sitting on the counter that Neil had picked up for him on his way back from practice. He’s impaled one of the pecan ones on a fork, seemingly to transfer it to a plate, when he looks up to face Neil.  “Have you gotten a new addiction while I was away, junkie? I thought your vice of choice was stickball, not sugar.” “Nothing’s changed—they’re not for me. If you want some icecream to go along with that one,” he tilts his head towards the pastry dangling from Andrew’s fork, “there are a couple fresh pints for you in the freezer.”
“Oh, if Kevin were here he might just die,” Andrew says as he drops the cinnamon roll on a plate and sticks it in the microwave.
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
“Who said I wouldn’t like to hurt him? If he has an aneurysm, at least he won’t be my problem anymore. In fact, that’s a great idea. I’ll send him a picture right now.”
Neil laughs for a moment, clear and bright, at the thought of Kevin’s face at receiving a photo like that. But he knows that Kevin will try to include Neil in his reprimands, try to convince Neil to do something about Andrew’s diet. It’s a battle Neil doesn’t want to fight, however, and one he knows to be more than pointless. Trying to convince Andrew to give up sweets would probably be a good way to make him switch to a diet consisting solely of sugar just out of spite.
(And plus, Neil he has so little time together with Andrew that he doesn’t feel like letting Kevin try to distract either of them.)
Instead of saying that, however, he instead says, “It would be awfully inconvenient to have to fly out for the funeral, though.”
Andrew shrugs. “The momentary discomfort would be worth the lifelong payoff.”
“Maybe some other time. If you don't pull out your cinnamon roll soon, it’s going to be too hot.”
Andrew rolls his eyes but grabs it from the microwave and leads the way to the balcony connected to Neil’s living room, opening the door one-handed and sitting himself down on the bench that looks out over the city.
Neil follows after, sliding the door most of the way shut. He sits next to Andrew on the bench, leaving a slight distance between them but close enough that he can feel the warmth radiating from Andrew’s form. It takes Neil back to their years at Palmetto and their near-nightly ritual of sitting on the roof together, carving out time alone with each other away from the rest of the team when they could.
All they’re missing is the smell of cigarettes in the air, and Neil is sure that’ll be the next thing Andrew wants once he’s done eating.
Sure enough, Andrew makes short work out of the pastry, soon leaning to the side to set the plate on the floor. Then he’s digging in his back pocket for his pack of cigarettes, opening it and pulling out the lighter inside before shaking out two. He lights them both with a deft flick of his fingers, holding one out to Neil and raising the other to his lips.
Neil takes it gently from Andrew, but he doesn’t raise his own to his mouth. He instead lets the cigarette dangle from his fingers, content to simply breathe in the smell and let it soak into his hair, his clothes. (He still hasn’t taken off his jacket yet, so he knows that the smell of Andrew’s favorite brand—the smell of Andrew—will stick with him for weeks after the other man has to leave again.)
“Andrew, can I lean on your shoulder? Yes or no?” Neil asks, just wanting to be closer, closer, for as long as he can.
“Yes,” Andrew says after a moment. He’s tense for the first few moments after Neil scoots closer and leans his head on his shoulder, but he soon relaxes and even leans his own head to rest against Neil’s.
They stay that way for a long while, long after the cherries of both of their cigarettes have died out into darkness. Neil focuses on the feel of Andrew’s muscled arm beneath his cheek and the brush of Andrew’s hair against his skin, the smell of stale air from the plane and a faint trace of the cheap shampoo that Andrew continues to buy even though he can definitely afford better now. He trains his eyes on Andrew’s profile, trying to recommit every feature of his face to memory: the faint freckles over the bridge of his nose, the cut of his jaw, the dark and beautiful brown of his eyes. He doesn’t have Andrew’s perfect photographic memory to fall back upon, so practice—and repetition—makes perfect.
“Staring,” Andrew says again when he notices Neil’s gaze. He doesn’t tell Neil to stop or push his face away, though, and there are moments when Neil catches him staring right back, so Neil figures he’s fine to continue.
Soon enough, Andrew catches Neil in a yawn and scoffs, pushing the redhead away so that he can grab his plate and get up. “Come on, Neil,” he says, heading inside.
Neil does. He watches Andrew place his plate in the sink and follows after him when he walks into the bedroom—their bedroom. Andrew stops in the doorway, looking at the bed and saying, “The fuck?”
Neil looks in the direction of Andrew’s gaze and remembers. Oh.
He’d tried to clean up before Andrew’s arrival, and that included changing the sheets. But Neil is still not used to the size of the bed, and he’s never been that good with housework. The result is that he was unable to get the fitted sheet on the bed properly—one corner just wouldn’t stretch far enough to fit, and Neil had given up.
“What happened here?” Andrew questions.
“The sheets didn’t want to play nice earlier.”
“And what, you weren’t able to trash talk them into submission? That normally works so well for you.” “Not this time, it seems,” Neil says with a sigh.
Andrew turns away but Neil catches the slight quirk of his lips just before he does so. ”Useless,” he says. “Why do I keep you around again?”
“Beats me,” Neil says, a smile tugging at his own lips.
Together Andrew and Neil fix the bed until the sheets are on properly, even tucked under the mattress like they’re supposed to be. Neil normally doesn’t bother with that part.
Then both of them are changing into their pajamas, discarding the knives from their armbands on the bedside tables and heading to the bathroom together to brush their teeth. Neil almost laughs at the way the toothpaste pools at the corners of Andrew’s mouth, making his normally severe expression nothing short of comical. He gets a glare for his efforts, which only makes him want to laugh even more.
“Yes or no?” Andrew asks when they’re standing over the end of the bed again.
“Yes. Of course yes,” Neil says, stepping just slightly closer. Andrew closes the rest of the distance between them and pulls Neil down, sliding their lips together in a slow kiss, heated but free of consuming need or a desire to go further—not tonight.
Tonight is for languid kisses, a reacquainting of their mouths and re-accustoming of their bodies to casual physical contact.
They slip under the clean smelling sheets together, close but not touching except for a gentle press of their hands in the space between their bodies—easy enough for either of them to pull away from if they wanted to, but neither of them does.
Neil is so happy to be near Andrew, to look across the bed and see him there. It feels warmer with him there in it—it feels like home.
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thebakeclubla · 7 years
THE CRAFT: Cookie Butter Magic Cake
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THE CRAFT has solidified its place as a cult classic… or really just a classic at this point. Andrew Fleming’s 1996 film is filled with your typical high school angst that is craft-fully (see what I did there?) anchored with some serious girl power and a heavy dose of witchcraft. Led by incredibly fun and badass performances by Robin Tunney and Neve Campbell, this movie is a testament to the clout of female driven stories. Plus, it’s such a great watch with a highly entertaining twist on the typical coming of age high school films of the 80s and 90s. Forget everything you know from John Hughes’ movies and lose yourself in the fantasy of having real power and control as a teenager – be that good or bad.
This film felt like the right time to finally make one of these magic cakes that has taken over the internet in recent months. This cake may be the closest I ever come to having any real magical powers, but with such a delicious outcome I’ll take it. I adapted this recipe from one of the originals on Jo Cooks, switching it up with the ever-addicting Cookie Butter that I wish I could buy in bulk from Trader Joes. It uses all the basic ingredients in your kitchen and somehow transforms into a decadent custard style cake.  My witches would be proud.
Enjoy with your girls and a midnight screening of this classic. (Other appropriate subs: PRACTICAL MAGIC, HOCUS POCUS). 
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Cookie Butter Magic Cake:
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½ Cup (1 Stick) Unsalted Butter, melted but cold
4 Large Eggs, *room temp* and separated
¾ Cup Granulated Sugar
1 Cup Smooth Cookie Butter (Speculoos)
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
Pinch of Salt
¾ Cup All Purpose Flour
2 Cups Whole Milk, lukewarm
Powdered Sugar for dusting
1. Preheat oven to 325°. Grease an 8x8 pan and line with parchment or wax paper.
2. In a small bowl, melt your butter in the microwave in 30 second bursts until smooth. Refrigerate butter, stirring every so often in between the next few steps, until butter is cold, but still melted.
3. In a stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Transfer to a small bowl and set aside. Switching to the paddle attachment, beat the egg yolks with the sugar until mixture is creamy and a pale yellow color. Beat in the cookie butter, vanilla, and salt until well blended and smooth.
4. Turn mixer on low and gradually add the flour, one Tbsp. at a time until all the flour is incorporated. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as necessary. Microwave the milk in 20-second bursts until just lukewarm, not hot. (I did a total of 1 minute). With mixer still on low, gradually pour in the milk. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and beat again until smooth and thin.
5. One third at a time, use a spatula to slowly fold the egg whites into the batter. Do not over mix. Pour batter into the prepared baking pan and bake in center rack for 50-60 minutes, until lightly browned and firm (not jiggly). Let cool completely and then transfer to refrigerator for at least two hours before cutting and serving.
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vincentpennington · 4 years
Healthy Snack Ideas (Paleo, Gluten Free)
Looking for some fantastic gluten-free, grain-free, and paleo homemade snacks for your kids? I have a bunch of healthy snack ideas that are kid- and parent-approved! 
One of the most frequently asked questions I get from Nomsters like you is how to feed kids—especially at snack time. My children occasionally eat junk food, but I make it a priority to stock our pantry and fridge with tasty nibbles made with wholesome ingredients. Over the years, I’ve created many savory and sweet paleo snacks that my kids (and their friends) eagerly gobble up.
No time to make your own healthy snacks? No problem! I’ve listed some of our favorite paleo and gluten-free snacks that I buy online and at the grocery store, too. So let’s get snacking!
Savory Paleo Snacks
Who doesn’t love a great dip paired with raw veggies or some salty and crispy chips? Here are some of our family’s favorite healthy savory snacks that you can make at home!
Tonnato Sauce
This creamy and tangy sauce made with anchovies, capers, and canned tuna tastes waaaaay better than it sounds. It’s a Whole30- and keto-friendly sauce that pairs fantastically with grain-free crackers or crudités.
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Beet Hummus
This pretty pink dip is a great way to get kids to eat more veggies. Plus, this beet hummus just so happens to be paleo, vegan, and Whole30-friendly!
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Sweet Potato and Cashew Dip
Warning: this creamy curry-infused dip is crazy addictive—our family devours it as soon as I blitz a batch!
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Brussels Sprout Chips
Love the crispy bits when you roast Brussels sprouts? Then make a whole tray of Brussels Sprouts Chips!
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Baked Kale Chips
Get ready to bake more kale chips than you anticipate because your kids will demolish the whole bowl as soon as you put it in front of them!
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Crispy Mushroom Chips
If you love umami as much as my family, you’ll love these crispy mushroom chips made with King Trumpet mushrooms. They’re divine!
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Porkitos (Crispy Prosciutto Chips)
Did you know that you can turn prosciutto into Porkitos? These salty and crunchy prosciutto chips are a revelation!
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Chicken Cracklings
If your favorite part of Ollie’s Cracklin’ Chicken, you can bake or air fry a platter of Chicken Cracklings to snack on!
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Sweet Paleo Snacks
These grab-and-go snacks are gluten-free, refined sugar-free, and nomstastic! They’re just sweet enough to satisfy any cravings.
Cherry Chocolate Granola
My family loves this granola and I gift it to all my pals during the holidays. This paleo and vegan granola is super simple to make and customizable to delight even your pickiest pals.
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Tropical Granola
This grain-free Paleo granola is crunchy, not too sweet, and infused with tropical flavors that remind me of my favorite fruity beachside drinks. Just a handful of this stuff delivers a mildly-sweet, nutty, tropical crunch like nothing else.
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PB&J Energy Balls
Miss PB&J sandwiches? You can eat them in energy ball form and you won’t miss the peanuts or bread.
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Pumpkin Muffins
My simple and delicious almond flour pumpkin muffin recipe has a moist crumb and calls for just a few easy-to-find ingredients.
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The World’s Easiest Cookies
Yes, these delicious crunchy almond flour cookies are the world’s easiest cookies to make—and they’re paleo, too!
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Chocolate Cherry Scones
Feel like a morning scone with your coffee? These paleo chocolate cherry scones are truly delightful.
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Matcha Coconut Gummies
Just look at ’em—these Matcha Coconut Gummies are the jade-colored jigglers you need in your life.
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Berry Snack Cake
This snack cake has a tender crumb dotted with tangy berries and just the right amount of sweetness from maple or coconut sugar. Also, it passed the test with my picky gluten-eating in-laws, so you know this snacking cake is a winner!
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Store-Bought Healthy Snacks
These days you can buy tons of paleo-friendly snacks at the store or online. Thank goodness, because I don’t have time to make all our snacks from scratch!
Our family’s favorite store-bought snacks:
Potato chips fried in avocado oil, coconut oil, or olive oil
Grain-free Siete tortilla chips
Plantain chips
SeaSnax seaweed snacks
Simple Mills grain-free crackers and cookies
Organic applesauce
Variety of nuts and seeds
Turkey and beef sticks
Psst! I buy almost all of the snacks listed above online at Thrive Market because I save money and the items get shipped to my doorstep in a jiffy.
Need healthy school lunch ideas? Check out this post and this epic paleo school lunch roundup!
Looking for more recipe ideas? Head on over to my Recipe Index. You’ll also find exclusive recipes on my iPhone and iPad app, and in my cookbooks, Nom Nom Paleo: Food for Humans (Andrews McMeel Publishing 2013) and Ready or Not! (Andrews McMeel Publishing 2017)!
The post Healthy Snack Ideas (Paleo, Gluten Free) appeared first on Nom Nom Paleo®.
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beeautifulbeeb · 4 years
Just A Water To Go
Halo! I did a thing.
Inspired by the cute ass head cannon by @incorrectzukka which you can see here!!
I wrote this in a very smol time as I got excited so apologies for any mistakes but enjoy <3
Read below or on AO3 here!
Title: Just A Water To Go
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 2385
Summary: They were bored and warm and Suki had this silly idea that they should go and order water from a drive-through but Sokka had never meant to make him cry.
Sokka is enamoured by the drive-through server who is having a meltdown.
Sokka never meant to make him cry. Not at all. That was the last thing he wanted. Spirits, this boy is too gorgeous to be crying. Was he the only one who noticed those bright enrapturing tawny eyes? Apparently so. He never meant to make them brim with tears. They were bored and warm. It was something crazy like 35°C outside and Sokka's ass was practically melting onto the fake leather lining of the seats in his car. His thighs were literally stuck as his shorts weren't long enough to protect his legs from the sweat leaking onto the seat and gluing him there. They were bored and warm and Suki had this silly idea that they should go and order water from a drive-through. They were bored and warm and water seemed like the solution. Sokka was all for it and Toph thought it was the most hilarious thing that had happened all day as she wheezed out between laughs at the notion, "Imagine!" She laughed again, "you've been working all day, ha, and some fucking guy orders a single water. A single water. Spirits. Sokka do it. I dare you." Sokka decided not to mention that he was already going to do exactly that, too distracted by the sweat plastering him to the back of his seat. And that's how Sokka ended up here, at the drive-through of Tui and La's with a picture-perfect boy tearing up in the drive-through window. Well he's not entirely sure how he'd ended up causing the tears exactly. He honestly though it would be a harmless joke. "Just a water to go, please." He had said a moment ago and as the words fell out of his lips, he had watched the guys expression flick from the customer service smile to, confusion, to frustration, to exhaustion and now his eyes were leaking salty water and Sokka was panicking because this was not intended. This was not the plan. He turned around to look at Suki and Toph, almost pleading with a stare that said 'a gorgeous boy is breaking down in front of me, help' or at least he thought it did. Sokka looked back at the boy who is clearly not having a good day and is trying to think of any way to stop those shining eyes from dropping tears down his soft cheeks. Spirits Sokka, not the time to be ogling the man. Sokka had obviously paused for too long as the server started shaking his head and looked up at Sokka again, his eyes glistening with the dampness and a face full of utter confusion. The guy opened his mouth, closed it, and then opened it again before shaking the hair out from his eyes and asking, "Did- did you want fries with that?" he all but squeaked and Sokka couldn't help but burst out in laughter followed by Suki and Toph and even the guy himself. He gave Sokka a tiny smile that was nothing but adorable. "Uh," Sokka began before he'd eve decided what he was going to say, "What time's your shift end?" He asked and started to question what that even meant. Did he look like he was trying to flirt with this emotional wreck of the softest drive-through server he's ever seen in his life. Scrap that. Softest person has ever seen in his life. Sokka thought that then would have been the perfect time to drive away and leave this poor guy alone but before he got the chance, he answered quietly, "In fifteen minutes." And spirits above, could this boy get any more attractive. The soft hair and stunning scar were already breath-taking enough and then he just had to have this rough voice that made him swoon; Sokka could barely breathe at this point. He nodded and tried to give an encouraging smile before he heard a loud beep from behind him. Sokka jumped in his seat and pulled away from the drive-through. Fifteen minutes, he thought, that should be enough time. "Sokka, what's your plan?" Suki asked, laughing slightly as she did but happy to follow along with his shenanigans. "Sugar." He said and Suki just laughed harder at the absurdity of it all. Sokka had a the bare scraps of a plan but it was enough to spur him onwards as he dragged Toph and Suki to the nearest supermarket with one thing on his mind. He had just under 15 minutes to get the supplies. Supplies being ice cream, sweets and anything that piqued his fancy as they walked the aisles. They spent a little too long in the freezer section, basking in the refreshing chill of the air before dragging themselves to the counter with a basket of ice lollies, sour sweets and some twizzlers. Plus a few bottles of coke and juice for his friends as an apology for the random detour in their day. "Eh, not like we had anything planned!" Toph remarked as they made their way back to the car and set of in the direction of Tui and La's again. Not pulling into the drive-through this time, no. Sokka parked in the small carpark that sat behind the building and just as he pulled the handbrake, he saw the dark haired boy, that he'd stupidly asked for water from, exit from the staff door at the back. Sokka fumbled at the bag of items at his feet and picked out the ice lollies - which miraculously hadn't melted yet - and the sweets before making his way over to the boy. The server looked up at him, stared blankly for a moment and then scrunched his eyebrows together in slight disbelief. Sokka just held out a raspberry ice lolly in front of the boy, who took it hesitantly, and said, "Come on," before walking over to the curb by the car - which was conveniently placed under the shade of the tree at the side. Sokka sat down next to Toph, and Suki leaned against the car, both talking brightly about some film that Sokka hadn't seen. He glanced over to the guy and gave him his brightest smile with a tilt of his head to suggest that he come and sit down. He came closer and carefully sat down next to Sokka. The guy - Zuko, he had read off his name tag - sat close enough that Sokka could feel the heat radiating off his body, as if Sokka wasn't hot enough already. "I still haven't seen it yet," Sokka said absently, he thought they were talking about some Spiderman film and he enjoys watching them bicker about it he wasn't particularly interested. "Of course you haven't Snoozles, I'm not sure you've seen any Spiderman film." Toph remarked and Sokka barked a laugh before realising that he hadn't introduced himself to the boy that he'd kidnapped after work, "Sokka, by the way, I'm Sokka. Not Snoozles." Sokka said and offered a hand out to Zuko who hesitantly shook it. Oh La, his hands felt as soft as his face looked and he almost didn't want to pull away but that would me mildly creepy and his hands were sweaty anyway so he reluctantly let go. "Uh. Zuko here." He replied quietly, but Sokka was closer now so he could he that glorious roughness clearer. They sat quietly whilst the Suki and Toph continued talking about the latest Spiderman, which Sokka still had yet to learn about despite it being the sole topic for the last 5 minutes. "But at least Tom Holland is hot." Suki joked with Toph and to Sokka's surprise Zuko added, "Andrew Garfield is hot." Sokka choked on twizzler hanging from his mouth and tried quickly to cover it with a cough. He gave an apologetic smile to Zuko at his coughing fit as looked over to see a light blush rising to his cheeks and found himself reaffirming his earlier thoughts of adorable. Absolutely adorable. "Excuse me but A) I can't see them and B) I'm gay. Not really helping your argument here!" Toph smirked and flipped the middle finger, on both hands, in the general directions of Suki and Zuko. "Oh, that's Toph, and that's Suki." Sokka whispered to Zuko whilst pointing at them respectively. Once they'd finished their ice lollies and sweets - Sokka making sure to keep the memory of the pout Zuko pulled at the sour sweets stored for safe keeping - they relocated to a near buy park where they laid in the park staring at the sky. Luckily, for Sokka, the conversation moved on from Spiderman and he was able to contribute a little more, mostly adding dad jokes where possible. "Because I'm a fungi!" Sokka beamed. "Sokka, enough." Suki said but he could hear the affection in her voice. Zuko had laughed at the first joke he had made and Sokka had decided that his cheer up mission had gone successfully. But then he'd become addicted to that half-laugh that Zuko would huff out and found himself adding more jokes than usual, just to hear it again. They laid in the grass, the cool green blades giving some relief to the heat, which was thankfully beginning to wane, watching the skies gradually change from blues to pinks and oranges as the evening settled. Sokka could feel the wind start to pick up and the light begin to dim but the cool breeze was refreshing, and he was finding himself reluctant to leave. The warmth of Zuko's shoulder pressed against his and their hands brushing now and then had nothing to do with it at all, what are you talking about? Despite putting up as much resistance as he could, they eventually had to leave because they couldn't, as much as Sokka wanted to, stay there all night. "We're going." Suki had said, looking down at Sokka as he moped on the ground. "You can't, it's my car." "Then I'll drag you there." Toph argued and did quite literally drag him off the ground until he began to walk by himself. Sokka was continually impressed by the strength of the small girl. The car was quiet except for the music that played on the radio. The shadows formed by the arching trees created flickering light through the car and the road seemed to glow a gentle purple in the evening hues. Sokka almost felt like he was in a classic film scene. He dropped Suki and Toph off first, maybe because he knew where they lived, but maybe because he didn't want to say goodbye to the gorgeous coincidence that was Zuko. "Hey give us your phone, dozy." Suki asked. As she said that, Sokka looked over to the passenger seat to see Zuko resting his head against the window, looking ready to fall asleep as his eyes flickered, attempting to stay open. Sokka brought his eyes back to the road, reminding himself to focus. "Uh, sure." Zuko had said quietly and Suki took his phone and plastered in both hers and Toph’s number as Sokka pulled up to her house. "See you later." She said as she passed Zuko back his phone and bounced out of the car to her house. Sokka waited for her to get inside before doing the same for Toph. Then it was just him and Zuko. Zuko, the dark-haired boy with soft skin and tawny eyes. Zuko, the adorable emotional wreck whose laugh doesn't make a sound but is still the most beautiful laugh he's ever heard. Spirits. This is not some romance film, Sokka thought, trying to not get carried away. But his heart was telling him otherwise. "So, where to?" Sokka asked as he pulled out from Toph's drive. Sokka quietly followed the directions he was given whilst noticing the clouds quickly forming overhead. The grey slowly blocking off the beautiful colours of the sunset. "Looks like a storm’s coming." Sokka said absently. Zuko hummed in response. As the light shifted in the car, Sokka heard the inconsistent drops of rain on the metal roof as he drove along. The windscreen slowly being painted with small circles of water. He pulled up where Zuko pointed and smiled gently at him, "We have arrived." He said softly. Not wanting to break the quiet atmosphere that had settled. Sokka decided that he would follow Suki's lead, "Phone." Sokka said, holding put his hand palm up. Zuko looked puzzled at the hand for a moment before passing it over. Sokka quickly added his contact details and passed the phone back. Definitely not almost dropping it as his fingers touched Zuko's. "Uh," Zuko started hesitantly, looking at the floor, "thank you for today." He looked up at Sokka and gave him a small smile that almost felt personal, like it was his. "Anytime." He replied, as if he'd known Zuko for years. Zuko went to open the door before turning around, lunging over the gear stick and hugging Sokka. Sokka felt his chest constrict in surprise but then returned the hug, holding him tightly. For spirits sake, even his hair smelt amazing. Like sun touched grass and jasmine flowers. He didn't believe in love at first sight, but he thought that this must be pretty damned close. "It really meant a lot to me, thank you." Zuko whispered into his should and Sokka just hugged him tighter. As they held each other, for what felt like years but must have only been minutes, the pattering of rain sped up, building up to a full downpour that drowned any sound in the car. Zuko pulled away and looked at Sokka, "Message me." Sokka said quickly before he could go. Zuko nodded and then opened the door, jumped out, and slammed it shut behind him, legging it to the front door to get out of the heavy rain. Sokka watched, waiting for the door to close behind him. Sokka sat in the car, rain washing out any semblance of noise there was. The scent of damp grass and fresh air filtering through the air conditioning. Sokka took a deep breathe before driving home, grinning to himself. --- Unknown Number: Hey, it's Zuko. Sokka: Hey, did you get drenched? Zuko: Just a little. Sokka: Better than a lottle. Zuko: I'm rolling my eyes at you rn. Sokka: You better be.
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ohmygodsun · 6 years
Diabetes Destroyer Review
Diabetes Destroyer Review
If you've got heard about the Diabetes Destroyer by David Andrews and considering whether to go for this program or not, then you'll be able to read my in-depth product review below. Given that just about three out of five Americans are overweight (in step with the Center for Disease Control), it's no surprise that Sort II diabetes is a BIG problem. The Diabetes Destroyer system by David Andrews claims to reverse diabetes while not meds, eating strange foods and exhausting exercise. But, will it live up to its claims? Let’s find it out in my detailed review. Who is David Andrews? The author of the Diabetes Destroyer System is David Andrews – a 51 year previous family man from Washington DC. He works at a 5 star restaurant at intervals the same space. David had been suffering with Kind a pair of Diabetes for over ten years of his life and was spending over $2000 per month who is david andrewson insulin, plus alternative diabetes medicines like Metformin, Amaryl and Actos. While at work in his restaurant, he went into ‘diabetic coma’ and fainted. He was rushed to the hospital and was told that his blood glucose level was at 1,174 and he required to possess his legs amputated as a result of his diabetes was thus much advanced. Understandably, it absolutely was terribly upsetting for both David and his family. He couldn’t imagine, what it would need to live like this and addicted to others for rest of his life . Fortunately, his wife talked the doctor out of immediate surgery and was told he had ninety days before the surgery had to be done. By probability, one of David’s friends shared a Facebook post regarding a Newcastle University analysis study on Diabetes by a researcher named ‘Dr. Roy Taylor’. This study found a manner to eliminate Diabetes in diabetics nearly immediately. It was through reading this research study that David began to create the idea of what would later become the Diabetes Destroyer system. What is this Newcastle University Study and how Does it Destroy Diabetes? Dr. Roy Taylor found that when gastric bypass surgery, diabetes patients had their blood sugar and insulin levels come back to traditional levels. This was uncommon, since gastric bypass surgery had nothing to do with blood sugar or diabetes. This result in the invention that the removal of fatty deposits around the pancreas would allow it to properly regulate insulin levels in the body. (This is vital for controlling your blood sugar levels). The reason that these patients had fatty deposits removed was as a result of of a temporary meal set up they were placed on when the surgery. This meal plan contained the correct proportions of sugars, fats, carbs and vitamins that will help to remove these fatty deposits round the pancreas. By using this meal arrange, Dr Taylor performed a study on Kind 2 diabetes sufferers of all ages and types. Every single person, who completed the meal set up was able to have their type two diabetes reversed. They were all ready to prevent using their medication in addition. Encouraged by these results, David Andrews used this meal set up as the basis for his Diabetes Destroyer program. The Diabetes Destroyer Diabetes Destroyer Book Download Official Website The Diabetes Destroyer aims to combat diabetes with a 3 step method. The system is a natural approach to reverse your diabetes as it doesn’t require any meds, eat unusual foods, use expensive gadgets or do exhausting workouts. The three main steps are:     Temporary Meal Plan     Steps to Increase Your Metabolism     Correct timing of your meals An overview of the 4 main modules within the Diabetes Destroyer system are:     “Why your Doctor doesn’t need you to understand regarding your type II diabetes and pre-diabetes”     Temporary meal arrange “Jumpstart your Insulin Factory”     Metabolism boosting tricks in “the natural trick to amp up your metabolism”     Meal timing tips with “Time Your Meals to Finish off your Diabetes” For a more detailed observe what are the topics in this course:     The root reason behind diabetes and what you'll be able to do to fix it     Why anti-diabetes medication are literally creating your condition worse     Two “Glucose Glitches” that are affecting your blood glucose levels and what you'll be able to do to prevent them     A meal that you can use within the short-term that will deliver the proper nutrients to your pancreas and have it become re-energized     Detailed steps on the way to use the meal arrange to start the reversal of your type two diabetes     3 berries that will boost your metabolism     How to spice up your metabolism for the full day with simply a thirty second workout     Learn how to control your blood sugar levels to a traditional level without using anti-diabetes meds or insulin shots     The exact timing of your meals to stay your blood sugar levels at traditional levels     When you must stop eating before you head to bed and the way long you must wait in-between meals     three snacks that can facilitate combat diabetes     One vital aspect of your breakfast that you should embrace daily As you'll be able to see the data provided within the Diabetes Destroyer eBook is kind of comprehensive and helpful. In reality, there's much a lot of to the system than what we have mentioned, which you'll be ready to determine if you opt to buy the system.
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trashcoyote-remade · 6 years
Diabetes Destroyer Review
Diabetes Destroyer Review
If you have got heard about the Diabetes Destroyer by David Andrews and considering whether to choose this program or not, then you'll browse my in-depth product review below. Given that almost three out of 5 Americans are overweight (in line with the Center for Disease Control), it is no wonder that Type II diabetes is a BIG drawback. The Diabetes Destroyer system by David Andrews claims to reverse diabetes while not meds, eating strange foods and exhausting exercise. But, does it live up to its claims? Let’s notice it out in my detailed review. Who is David Andrews? The author of the Diabetes Destroyer System is David Andrews – a fifty one year recent family man from Washington DC. He works at a five star restaurant among the same area. David had been suffering with Kind a pair of Diabetes for over 10 years of his life and was spending over $2000 per month who is david andrewson insulin, plus alternative diabetes medicines such as Metformin, Amaryl and Actos. While at work in his restaurant, he went into ‘diabetic coma’ and fainted. He was rushed to the hospital and was told that his blood glucose level was at 1,174 and he required to possess his legs amputated as a result of his diabetes was thus much advanced. Understandably, it absolutely was terribly upsetting for both David and his family. He couldn’t imagine, what it would have to live like this and addicted to others for remainder of his life . Fortunately, his wife talked the doctor out of immediate surgery and was told he had ninety days before the surgery needed to be done. By likelihood, one in all David’s friends shared a Facebook post regarding a Newcastle University research study on Diabetes by a researcher named ‘Dr. Roy Taylor’. This study found a method to eliminate Diabetes in diabetics almost immediately. It had been through reading this research study that David began to make the idea of what would later become the Diabetes Destroyer system. What is this Newcastle University Study and how Does it Destroy Diabetes? Dr. Roy Taylor found that once gastric bypass surgery, diabetes patients had their blood sugar and insulin levels come to traditional levels. This was unusual, since gastric bypass surgery had nothing to try and do with blood sugar or diabetes. This lead to the invention that the removal of fatty deposits around the pancreas would enable it to properly regulate insulin levels in the body. (This is vital for controlling your blood sugar levels). The reason that these patients had fatty deposits removed was as a result of of a temporary meal arrange they were placed on once the surgery. This meal set up contained the correct proportions of sugars, fats, carbs and vitamins that would help to remove these fatty deposits around the pancreas. By using this meal arrange, Dr Taylor performed a study on Sort two diabetes sufferers of all ages and sorts. Every single person, who completed the meal arrange was able to possess their type two diabetes reversed. They were all ready to prevent using their medication yet. Encouraged by these results, David Andrews used this meal set up as the premise for his Diabetes Destroyer program. The Diabetes Destroyer Diabetes Destroyer Book Download Official Website The Diabetes Destroyer aims to combat diabetes with a three step methodology. The system is a natural approach to reverse your diabetes because it doesn’t require any meds, eat uncommon foods, use expensive gadgets or do exhausting workouts. The 3 main steps are:     Temporary Meal Plan     Steps to Increase Your Metabolism     Correct timing of your meals An overview of the four main modules within the Diabetes Destroyer system are:     “Why your Doctor doesn’t need you to know about your sort II diabetes and pre-diabetes”     Temporary meal arrange “Jumpstart your Insulin Factory”     Metabolism boosting tricks in “the natural trick to amp up your metabolism”     Meal timing tips with “Time Your Meals to Finish off your Diabetes” For a a lot of detailed take a look at what are the topics during this course:     The root cause of diabetes and what you'll do to repair it     Why anti-diabetes medication are literally making your condition worse     Two “Glucose Glitches” that are affecting your blood glucose levels and what you'll do to prevent them     A meal that you can use within the short-term that can deliver the right nutrients to your pancreas and have it become re-energized     Detailed steps on the way to use the meal plan to start the reversal of your type two diabetes     three berries that will boost your metabolism     How to spice up your metabolism for the full day with just a 30 second workout     Learn how to regulate your blood sugar levels to a traditional level without using anti-diabetes meds or insulin shots     The precise timing of your meals to stay your blood sugar levels at normal levels     When you ought to stop eating before you go to bed and the way long you should wait in-between meals     3 snacks that will facilitate combat diabetes     One important facet of your breakfast that you must embrace daily As you'll see the knowledge provided in the Diabetes Destroyer eBook is sort of comprehensive and helpful. In truth, there's abundant additional to the system than what we tend to have discussed, which you'll be able to see if you opt to get the system.
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Diabetes Destroyer Review
Diabetes Destroyer Review
If you have got heard regarding the Diabetes Destroyer by David Andrews and considering whether or not to choose this program or not, then you'll be able to scan my in-depth product review below. Given that nearly three out of 5 Americans are overweight (consistent with the Center for Disease Control), it is no marvel that Type II diabetes is a BIG downside. The Diabetes Destroyer system by David Andrews claims to reverse diabetes without meds, eating strange foods and exhausting exercise. But, does it live up to its claims? Let’s realize it out in my detailed review. Who is David Andrews? The author of the Diabetes Destroyer System is David Andrews – a fifty one year recent family man from Washington DC. He works at a 5 star restaurant at intervals the same space. David had been suffering with Sort 2 Diabetes for over 10 years of his life and was spending over $200zero per month who is david andrewson insulin, plus alternative diabetes medicines such as Metformin, Amaryl and Actos. While at work in his restaurant, he went into ‘diabetic coma’ and fainted. He was rushed to the hospital and was told that his blood glucose level was at one,174 and he required to possess his legs amputated as a result of his diabetes was therefore a lot of advanced. Understandably, it absolutely was terribly upsetting for both David and his family. He couldn’t imagine, what it would need to live like this and addicted to others for rest of his life . Fortunately, his wife talked the doctor out of immediate surgery and was told he had 90 days before the surgery had to be done. By probability, one amongst David’s friends shared a Facebook post about a Newcastle University research study on Diabetes by a researcher named ‘Dr. Roy Taylor’. This study found a manner to eliminate Diabetes in diabetics almost immediately. It had been through reading this research study that David began to make the basis of what would later become the Diabetes Destroyer system. What is this Newcastle University Study and the way Will it Destroy Diabetes? Dr. Roy Taylor found that after gastric bypass surgery, diabetes patients had their blood sugar and insulin levels come back to normal levels. This was uncommon, since gastric bypass surgery had nothing to do with blood sugar or diabetes. This lead to the invention that the removal of fatty deposits around the pancreas would permit it to properly regulate insulin levels within the body. (This is important for controlling your blood sugar levels). The reason that these patients had fatty deposits removed was as a result of of a brief meal plan they were placed on once the surgery. This meal arrange contained the proper proportions of sugars, fats, carbs and vitamins that might facilitate to remove these fatty deposits around the pancreas. By using this meal arrange, Dr Taylor performed a study on Sort two diabetes sufferers of all ages and sorts. Every single person, who completed the meal set up was ready to own their sort two diabetes reversed. They were all ready to stop using their medication additionally. Encouraged by these results, David Andrews used this meal plan as the premise for his Diabetes Destroyer program. The Diabetes Destroyer Diabetes Destroyer Book Download Official Website The Diabetes Destroyer aims to combat diabetes with a three step technique. The system is a natural approach to reverse your diabetes because it doesn’t need any meds, eat uncommon foods, use expensive gadgets or do exhausting workouts. The three main steps are:     Temporary Meal Arrange     Steps to Increase Your Metabolism     Correct timing of your meals An overview of the four main modules within the Diabetes Destroyer system are:     “Why your Doctor doesn’t wish you to understand about your type II diabetes and pre-diabetes”     Temporary meal plan “Jumpstart your Insulin Factory”     Metabolism boosting tricks in “the natural trick to amp up your metabolism”     Meal timing tips with “Time Your Meals to Finish off your Diabetes” For a additional detailed observe what are the topics in this course:     The root reason for diabetes and what you can do to repair it     Why anti-diabetes medication are literally making your condition worse     Two “Glucose Glitches” that are affecting your blood glucose levels and what you'll do to forestall them     A meal that you'll use in the short-term that will deliver the proper nutrients to your pancreas and have it become re-energized     Detailed steps on the way to use the meal set up to begin the reversal of your sort a pair of diabetes     three berries that will boost your metabolism     How to boost your metabolism for the whole day with just a 30 second workout     Learn how to regulate your blood sugar levels to a normal level while not using anti-diabetes meds or insulin shots     The actual timing of your meals to stay your blood sugar levels at traditional levels     When you ought to stop eating before you move to bed and how long you should wait in-between meals     three snacks that will help combat diabetes     One necessary facet of your breakfast that you must include daily As you'll be able to see the information provided within the Diabetes Destroyer eBook is quite comprehensive and helpful. In reality, there's abundant more to the system than what we tend to have mentioned, which you may be ready to see if you choose to purchase the system.
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New Post has been published on Healthy Food and Remedies
New Post has been published on http://healthyfoodandremedies.com/2017/01/23/6-nutritionist-approved-snacks/
If your daily snack regimen is suffering from handful-of-almonds fatigue, take hope: Health-conscious companies are upping the ante with what you can eat on the fly, from kale doused in chili-laced cacao to parsnips seasoned with a chef’s hand.
“A diet of whole foods is best, but these snacks show the beauty of what you can do with health-minded minimal processing. Plus it’s probably not a bad thing to find ways to eat more unusual veggies even if they’re dehydrated and come in a bag,” says Ryan Andrews, R.D., a fitness and nutrition coach with Precision Nutrition.
This gluten-free, soy-free, mostly organic group may even help you finally throw over your potato chip habit if you haven’t already.
What it is: Hot-air popped organic corn seasoned with spirulina, nutritional yeast, cayenne pepper, sea salt, and spices like turmeric. How it tastes: Cheesy, spicy, and addictive. The salty, hot, sweet kick keeps you reaching for all 3 servings in the small bag. The nutritionist’s take: “The corn is organic, which is good, and turmeric is a great anti-inflammatory,” says Andrews. “The sodium is a little high at 720 mg if you eat the whole bag. Spirulina is an algae that’s being added to a lot of protein powders too, it’s rich in iron and protein but can sometimes contain toxins depending on where it’s grown.”
What it is: A cracker that can stand alone or up to dips. Organic carrots, flax and sunflower seeds, dates, curry, coconut sugar, cayenne, and more. How it tastes: Nice combo of sweet and spice, the carrot and curry blends well and isn’t overpowering. Broken up over a salad, it makes a great crouton. The nutritionist’s take: “Carrots are a great source of Vitamin A, the flax seeds provide some omega-3 fatty acids and the sunflower seeds offer protein and antioxidants like Vitamin E. The dates are more sugary than some other fruits but it’s not an isolated sugar and they contain essential minerals. The coconut sugar seems unnecessary, but they’re using minimal amounts, so it’s a non-issue,” says Andrews.
What it is: Brussel sprouts shaved into pieces and dregged in a blend of raw cashew, apple cider vinegar, apples, tamarind, ginger, and more. How it tastes: If you’re not already a BP fan you will be after trying these. This veggie’s taste is always distinct but it blends perfectly with the tamarind, apple, ginger, and cilantro flavors. The nutritionist’s take: “Brussel sprouts are linked to numerous health benefits, including a lowered risk of cancer. They’re rich in vitamins and minerals and the apple cider vinegar here can aid absorption. Overall you’re getting a good balance of protein, fiber, and healthy fat,” Andrews says.
What it is: Parsnips, unsweetened coconut, red bell peppers, nutritional yeast, rosemary, truffle oil, and more. How it tastes: Each chip is substantial thanks to the parsnip-coconut blend but they’re more sweet than cheesy. The truffle oil makes them satisfyingly rich but it’s subtle so you won’t be put off if it’s not your favorite. What the nutritionist says: “I love that the first ingredient is a root veggie like parsnips–they pack Vitamin C and E, are high in potassium and fiber and have no added sugar, all of which is great,” says Andrews. “The nutritional yeast is a good source of vitamins like B12 as well.”
What it is: Jerky meets bar for a handy kind of protein. Made from 100% grass-fed beef without antiobiotics or added hormones plus parmesan cheese and a mix of organic red bell pepper, apricots, basil, kale, tomato, and more. How it tastes: Sweet and savory. The parmesan, basil, and tomato make it like a gourmet meatloaf you can eat on the run. The nutritionist’s take: “I favor a highly plant-based diet, but something like this might be able to fit in smaller amounts,” says Andrews. “I like that it’s minimally processed, grass-fed beef because grass is a more natural diet for cows than grains. It’s a protein-dense snack, you get 9 grams in the serving and it’s low sugar at 4 grams.”
What it is: Crudité that’s dehydrated and already dipped. A mix of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and raw cashews seasoned with tamari, cilantro, lemongrass, and more. How it tastes: Earthy, cheesy and interesting with a “meaty” bite and enough of a smoky/lemony kick of chipotle and lemongrass that one serving satisfies. The nutritionist’s take: “This sounds fantastic, I love that the primary ingredients are vegetables. It has no added sugars or refined grains, and you’re getting some protein and healthy fat from the nuts. And I’m a fan of anything that’s certified organic—it’s good for you, the soil, the farmers, the whole environment,” says Andrews.
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