#plus a poster i didnt want to finish but still like
casteliacityramen · 11 months
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(in an alternate timeline of events...)
Sorry to break the excommunicado period with a request, but this is urgent.
The word is that there's a Gala with a variety of Gods from different dimensions in Sinnoh. It's a breach of dimensions we haven't had to deal with, before. We need you to attend this event with the intent of finding out if they'll give us any... problems in the future.
I bet you're probably wondering why The Council decided to send you. Well, it's because I recommended you; this is definitely your territory of expertise. The Council sounds pretty desperate since they approved of it. You're still on probation, after all.
Steward Kon's definitely not happy with it, but I convinced him to stay away from you before, during, and after the event. You won't even have to debrief him. (Serves him right, that punk-ass needs to chill)
It looks like The Council is willing to overlook any breaches of your Oath in order for you to complete your task. Discreetly, of course. Try not to go too wild with it.
If things go well, I'll see if I can reduce your probationary sentence. No promises, though.
- Warden Scribe and Artificer J
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
No because you need ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT THERE IS!!!!
Im so happy my comment made you happy!!!!im usually nervous about leaving comments cause i feel like im bothering the author but I JUST NEEDED TO TELL YOU HOW AMAZING YOU ARE!!!!
The way you described his annoyed ass,his sweet self and everything about it!
And wanna know something?
Im a HUGE GEEK about greek mythology!!!!like I've been into it since i was 12 or so (im 20 now)
And i never knew one cold combine the things i love so much!!!!!i never even THOUGHT gojo as Hades!!!!
(the part you said he was lonely made me SOB 😭)
Your idea was just brilliant!!!YOU are brilliant my dear!!!!
And im fangirling over YOU now!!!
And im happy it was so long 😭😭😭😭 by the end of it i was wishing it was even longer!!didnt want it to finish!
Thank you for writing such masterpiece for gojo 🥺 he totally deserved it
ANON PLS YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE DELIGHT!!! Thank you for more wonderful words I’m truly so?? 🥺
I was so bummed a few minutes ago and now this message was like sweet treat ice cream you get to brighten your spirits and you’ve definitely made my entire day more than you know 💕
Omg me too!! I was such a big mythology geek and still am we need to unionize soon LOL I even had a project in my last year of middle school where we had to do a full poster board presentation about a specific god/goddess and when I tell you anon I about cried having to just pick one?? I really did get so upset having to just pick one (im still such a nerd getting upset over that lmaooo)
I appreciate you and your kind words so much oh my goodness YOU are the brilliant one!!!!!
I blame Gojo himself for not letting my mind rest because I just thought of this fic idea casually and then he just WOULDNT SHUT UP!!!
But now I’m really grateful for his annoying ass because here I am getting to fangirl with you and share this sweet moment together!!! 🩵🫶🏼
And plus…I can say with absolute horror he still hasn’t left me because like…between us mythology nerd to mythology nerd-
There’s still so much I wanna write with him!? Like him with the Orpheus and Eurydice myth? Or the myth of those two guys who try to sneak in and steal Persephone and Hades punishes them?? Can you imagine our Hades Gojo??
Okay wow I’m rambling I’m so sorry but dear Anon you truly are such a gift and I thank you so much for dropping by to squeal and fangirl with me again, I appreciate you and am so grateful for your bright presence here!!!
I’m wishing you a magical rest of your day take care!!!!! 💖🦋✨
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sportsnet · 3 months
get to know me (tyler if you didn't know)
thanks @nicohischier for the tag...i guess...
do you make your bed
Like. when i clean my room yeah but i do that maybe once every few weeks so i guess no i do not make my bed. reason? lazy and also why im going to get right back into it the moment im home favourite number?
7 just like every other person bc im boring apparently but also its bc when i was a kid i needed to make a password for a device and my mom told me to do 7 bc her bday is on the 7th so my password was 7777 for YEARS (it is not anymore) and it just stuck what’s your job?
graduating hs in approx...6 days apparently so ig student(which isnt a job but shhh) but only for 6 more days but THEN once august hits im going to be a student once again (college...yay) if you could go back to school, would you?
this really wasnt meant for graduating hs students was it. can you parallel park?
i cant drive :( do you think aliens are real?
yes. and unlike rayleene it IS because i believe that there's a whole civilized society hanging out a few billion light years away. mostly bc i just think that the universe is so big (to put it lightly) that i just refuse to believe that there aren't other sentient lifeforms out there. plus the world is so big and scary and if we are the only ones out in that world then it gives the existence of humans more meaning than i think we need/deserve and then i start freaking out
can you drive a manual car?
still cant drive :( guilty pleasure?
honestly probably fanfiction at this point. multiple times ive considered the idea of seriously stopping consuming it bc i just feel that it takes up so much of my time. time that i could be using to do other stuff that are actually useful to me like sometimes people ask me if i have hobbies and i find that the answer is no? because i spend so much time reading fanfiction so in a way ig it IS my hobby because reading is a hobby its just that people usually mean books but unfortunately telling people my hobby is reading fanfiction violates the social norms of our society so i end up feeling guilty about it tattoos?
dont have any (underage. not that its stopped multiple of my friends lmao) and honestly dont plan on getting any for multiple reasons 1. on a surface level its bc im very very scared of needles 2. on a deeper level its bc im pretty scared of commitment and making irreversible choices and i dont think i genuinely have anything meaningful in my life that i would want to get put on my skin if i want to showcase my interest and love for something id rather just get a poster for it idk favourite colour? purple!! not bc of bts (preview for my answer to the next question) but bc i just think its neat :] favourite type of music? im a kpop fan i will admit ;-; but also i do listen to a lot of pop, rap, and hiphop in general do you like puzzles?
lowkey no bc i get really frustrated if it takes me too long to do something any phobias?
needles and blood. like one time (a few months ago) my school held a blood drive and i decided to do it bc if i did id get a cord for my graduation and also my friend was doing it. when i went i was a little anxious but it wasnt horrible. however, by the time they started checking my iron i was a little more stressed and by the time they finished checking my iron (which involved pricking my finger and getting my blood which i watched and this was my mistake) and told me i was good to go to the donation area i was feeling very anxious and stressed and this is all a long winded backstory to me saying that i fainted the moment i stood up after getting my iron checked before i could even start donating blood
fun fact: still ended up getting the cord because apparently i "tried" favourite childhood sport? i guess at some point i loved tennis as a kid since i begged my mom to play it as a kid. this didnt turn out well as i ended up hating it after a few years but was forced to continue by my mom to the point that i would get like stress stomach aches bc of how much i didnt want to do it and when i was finally allowed to stop i ended up hating tennis so much that to this day i refuse to watch it do you talk to yourself?
only in my sleep apparently lol tea or coffee? iced coffee >>>>> first thing you wanted to be when growing up?
when i was in middle school they asked my health class this question and my response was "something that would let me stay at home and do what i want with my time." obviously my 11 year old classmates took this as a sign that i wanted to be a stay at home parent (do not want kids but thats another story) and started teasing me for it however, now as im older i still think baby tyler was so fucking valid and lowkey i think a lot of those once upon a time 11 year olds would also agree with me now what movies do you adore?
How to train your dragon and Ferris Bueller's Day Off are two that i think of right away
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO Chanyeol: Oppa?
First Chanyeol Scenario! And have you heard his ‘Without You’ ? Damn it got me stunned when i listened, i didnt know it was going to be the one by Mariah Carey. I mean ofc chanyeol doesn’t speak perfect English but what can get more attractive than him playing the electric guitar😭 His film’s gna be released globally soon, wish him the best! 
Also I took so long to write this, that by the time i’m done, he has enlisted:,) Sigh, Chanyeol, see you the 27th of every month!
Characters: Chanyeol x reader
You caught Chanyeol’s attention, but… You’re not so into rowdy guys. How will it turn out?
Ding Dong!
You were outside EXO’s dorm with a bottle of Cola. You didn’t really know EXO, in fact you only actually knew Jongin. The story goes where one night you saw a really sick man swaying side to side along the streets. Being the nice and kind soul you were, you went up to help. And that person turns out to be jongin, which at that point you didn’t know was an EXO member until much later when your friend showed you an EXO poster.
You helped him to the apartment building and you left your number with him out of worry because he insisted he head up alone. After that you guys somewhat became friends. And ever since you knew he was a celebrity, you occasionally ran errands for him just to save him some trouble.
‘Annyeong y/n! Thanks for buying the cola!’
‘Sure Jongin oppa! I’ll be leaving then !’
Just as you were about to leave, a shout came from inside the house 
‘Annyeong Jongin Chingu! Are you free? Wanna join us? I wanted to play a 2v2 switch game but we are short of 1 person. THERE’S PIZZA HERE TOO, ARE YOU INTERESTED?!’
Honestly, you haven’t even spoken once with chanyeol but here he is, trying to aggressively convince you to play games together. Not exactly an extrovert yourself, that overpowering energy was quite a turn off for you. You raised a brow at Jongin, trying to ask him to get you out of this situation
‘Erm.. Actually, i...’ In your mind ran a 1000 different thoughts on what’s the best way to politely reject this but you just couldn’t think of any, just then jongin finally cut in, only to say
‘Yeh come join us! It’s going to be fun, plus I’m sure you haven’t eaten dinner too’
Although you were a still a little reluctant, you relented for the sake of Jongin and entered the house. Seeing Sehun was also in the house, you both greeted each other politely and you proceed to sit quietly by the dining table. 
‘LET’S EAT QUICK CANT WAIT TO TRY THE NEW GAME’ Chanyeol just sounded overly excited about this. 
Over dinner, Chanyeol in particular was really friendly with you, probably just trying to make you feel comfortable as he tried to get to know you. But after a while, the conversation floats back to him talking about himself. You weren’t complaining though.
‘Okay so that day..’ Chanyeol begun his 5th or 6th anecdote during the dinner but couldn’t stop laughing before he could even get started on it.
He was laughing so hard he started hitting jongin beside him and his exaggerated movements actually hit the table so hard it toppled your coke glass over onto you
‘oh my gawd!’ you reacted in reflex and got up immediately from your chair.
‘HYUNG! SERIOUSLY?!’ Jongin reacted with shock then laughter. He quickly passed you some tissue 
‘Let’s just clean up right now and start the games’ Sehun added calmly 
You could tell Chanyeol was really feeling sorry when you saw that panic in his eyes when the coke spilled. Though it’s really weird to be wearing some other guy’s clothes when you just knew him for hours, you couldn’t be possibly telling him you would only wear jongin’s and not his... So you followed him to grab something to change into 
Stepping into his room you can’t help but get abit wide eyed. His room was almost like what you would imagine a musician’s to be. Guitar, piano, bass, iMac, subwoofer etc. You were so amazed you couldn’t stop glancing around as he tries to uncover some clothes from the depths of his cabinet.
Finally finding it, chanyeol turned around and caught how your face literally wrote ‘amazement’,  he couldn’t help but laughed beneath his breath before handing a sweater to you.
‘Why do you look so amazed? Your expression made it look like you just walked into a museum.’ Chanyeol asked
You felt embarrassed from his question and was absolutely tongue tied. Looking towards the corner of the room you caught sight of a basketball and a miniature basketball hoop. You quickly switched the topic
‘um you play basketball too?’
‘Yes I do! Like in my free time, once in a while. Outdoor activities keep me sane when I feel like I need a break, apart from jamming of course, as you can see. Why, do u play too?’
‘Oh I see, haha. And yes I play basketball too.’
‘I wasn’t expecting that! You really dont look like it though! What’s...’ before he could finish his sentence, jongin came into the room to check on you.
Breaking off that small talk with chanyeol, you changed out of your dirty top into the sweater. Sigh, the game hasn’t even started but you were almost already drained. 
2 hours into the game, you were getting really really sucked out of energy. Looking at chanyeol still so engrossed in the game, you wonder how could he still remain so fired up.
Just then the bell rang and the boys looked at each other, 
‘Who’s that? Any of you got delivery ?’ Sehun asked as he walked towards the door. Looking through the peek hole before opening the door.
‘Ah Suho Hyung, why did you not open the door on your own’ Sehun asked
‘I left them in the car, too lazy to grab it. Oh, hi y/n, what you doing here?’
Feeling really tired now, your honesty got the better of you and you replied without thinking 
‘Hi Suho-ssi, I got called to play some games, but now i’m stuck here’
‘Ya, you punks , it’s really late now you know. It’s way past 1030, Y/N still needs to walk home. Just shut off the game right now.
And Chanyeol didn’t you say you were meeting your high school friends tonight?’
At this Chanyeol loudly cursed then exclaimed
Phew, Suho surely is a life savior. More than happy to be out of this situation, you quickly packed your stuff and thanked the boys
‘I’ll be leaving, thanks for having me today and the free pizza.I had fun. Jong-in oppa please tell Chanyeol ssi i’ll wash his sweater before returning to him.’
At the same time chanyeol came out from his room hastily,
‘Y/N wait for me! Let’s leave together!’
You would have preferred having some quiet time by yourself right now, but you didn’t want to make things awkward by saying no. Seeing how Chanyeol got comfortable with people so quickly was beyond your understanding.
You were always took really long to warm up to new people unless you could really click with them, just like jongin.
‘Ah thanks for waiting, let’s go! Where do you stay? Is it near?’
Trying your best at a comfortable and casual tone, you replied ‘Uh yes it’s just about 5 to 10 minutes away if I walk. Where you going to?’
‘Oh just meeting my friends for supper. Let me walk you home since it’s not too far, anyway my friends are still on the way
So you were saying you play basketball do u watch nba or something ? What position do you play’ Chanyeol naturally strike a conversation with you
‘I DONT really follow, but yeh I check out the highlights and stuff. I play the Center position’
‘SERIOUS?! YOU’RE NOT VERY BUILT FOR A CENTER!’ You must be really good then!’ Chanyeol seemed to genuinely be amazed 
Chuckling a little, you just shrugged and said
‘Erm yeh but the coach just thinks I’m pretty tough I guess.’
‘Oh and i heard from jong-in you didn’t know EXO until recently, so what music do you like ?’
Feeling a little self conscious about the fact that a musician is here asking you bout your music taste, you answered hesitantly
‘ R&B, acoustics, ballads , those sort? Ed Sheeren , AKMU and some other English oldies’
‘Then do you know ‘Without you’ by Mariah Cary? I’ve been listening to it lately and it’s been stuck in my head!’
Laughing at how random that was, you softly started singing along with him as he started. 
At this hour of the day, at about 11 pm your mind isn’t too functional to overthink, you felt like you were loosening up towards him. Though he was a little too over enthusiastic and animated, you somehow liked that he seemed to have this innocence to him.
Just as your short jam ended, you have also reached your apartment
‘I’ve reached! Thanks for walking me back. Bye, drive safely later!’
You flashed a smile, bowed politely and was ready to head in, but chanyeol actually called out before you could head off
‘y/n! Wanna exchange numbers? We could go shoot some hoops at arcade someday or just ball.’
You were not too keen actually, wanting to just keep your relationship with him as simply acquaintances.  Thinking bout how to put the rejection across nicely , you said
‘Oh, thanks for offering. But I’m really not a night person . And you know, you guys being EXO and got to be stealthy , everything goes on at night. Really not my thing though, I don’t think we can ever match a time.’
But turns out he was more insistent than you thought
‘Oh then I could invite you for games or a jam session ! I wouldn’t say we have exactly similar tastes in music but I do like the music you listen to and you sound great singing!’
That made you blush a little , partly embarrassment partly being shy at his straightforward words.
‘It’s fine chanyeol-ssi, I’ll just see you at your dorm when I pass by to see Jongin oppa and return your sweater. Bye’
For the next 2 weeks, you somehow got more frequent calls from Jongin to run errands for him. But when you turned up at their dorms and Chanyeol was in, he would either be the one to get the door or be inviting you in for whatever they were doing. 
Today afternoon, you were over at their dorms again, but just with jongin and chanyeol. You had bought tteokbokki and corndog for yourself and decided to buy some for EXO too, but turns out it was just the 2 that were in. 
‘ah, y/n thanks for the food. i’m going to change and leave for dance practice soon’ 
‘you’re welcome jongin oppa, i’ll leave soon too’
just as jongin headed to the room, chanyeol took the chance to ask
‘y/n are you free? Do you want to hangout together instead? Since i’m free today and you’re already here.’ Chanyeol asked expectantly. 
You were already much more comfortable with him, but together in the house? You wouldn’t even with Jongin.
‘Erm, Chanyeol-ssi, it’s okay. I’m not too comfortable staying in the house with another guy ..’ you said it hesitantly, feeling a little bad for rejecting him. 
‘Oh actually, I meant to head out, there’s this place which I thought both of us will like’
oh shucks, that was embarrassing. In an attempt to cover up your embarrassment, you laughed abit harder than you should and agreed more enthusiastic than you would normally
‘OH ! HAHA! Ok, sure then let’s go!’
Almost instantly, you saw Chanyeol’s eyes brighten up. He got up immediately got changed and you both headed out.
In the car ride, you finally calmed your senses down and became sane enough to realise
‘Chanyeol-ssi it’s still pretty early right? Wouldn’t you heading out with me like this be really dangerous?’
Stopping his incessant rap and singing ever since you got in his car, he replied
‘There’s this arcade I used to go to when I was a student. It’s really old now and no one really goes there anymore. It closes around 5pm everyday , but I know the boss! I’m gonna ask him to just let us use the place for a short while’
With one hand on the steering wheel, he looked at you and was bubbling with excitement as he explained. You laughed seeing how excited he was, somehow also making you look forward to the fun to come.
Being really chatty as usual, he spoke the whole ride about anything and everything, slowly without even knowing, you dozed off.
The next moment you woke up, the sun was already starting to set and you’ve both reached the arcade, which was on the second floor along a shophouse street.
It looked so rundown and shady from the outside. The signboard was unlit and had completely yellowed. The window panes were blue tainted and so dusty you could see the dust from the streets.
‘Chanyeol Ssi are you sure about this? Please don’t bring me to a haunted house’
‘Ya, trust me, you’ll be surprised’
Together you headed towards the dark staircase that led you guys to the arcade. You struggled to catch up with his pace as he went up the stairs. The narrow and unlit staircase made you so jumpy that when the lights suddenly came on, you quickly latched your hand onto chanyeol’s sleeves without thinking.
Laughing at how scared you were, chanyeol slowed down his pace, walking side by side with you instead.
‘Why you so scared! We’re reaching soon, don’t worry, it’s hella cool place!’
Not really having the capacity to respond now, you continued holding on to his sleeves until you reached the end of the stairs.
Letting go, you awkwardly said thanks and entered the arcade, finding that it was certainly better than you thought but not fantastic.
‘Lee Soo Hyung! I brought my friend here today , could you let us use for about an hour + after you close?’
‘Chanyeol ah! It’s been a while! After all these years I finally see you with a girl. Hello Agassi, why did you come here with him? Be careful he doesn’t slaughter you like how he does when he plays games with his friends’
Not knowing to whether tears of joy or sadness would fit this situation, you raised your brows at chanyeol.
‘Alright I’ll leave this place to you guys, I’ll be back in about 2 hours after I eat and run my errands’
2 hours passed by in a flash. And you sure had lots of fun, shooting hoops, playing Daytona, Mario kart , and even challenging him to dance on pump it up. All of which u lost rather miserably cause you were just horrendous at games.
As you both left the arcade, you thought back in realisation that you didn’t see that annoying over competitiveness today in him today. Instead it felt Chanyeol wanted to make it fun for the both of you rather than winning you.
Internally feeling a little touched about this, you thought to subtly show your gratitude by treating him later.
Walking out of the stairs to the streets, you saw Baskin Robbins just right across, below a dancing school.
‘Chanyeol ssi! Let me buy you ice cream ok! Let’s cross the road to Baskin Robbins’
‘Haha, y/n why the sudden treat? I’m not complaining though, I want Choco mint in a cone’
You went into the shop and placed the order for the ice cream. But when you came out, there was a commotion right outside the shop and realised chanyeol was in ‘trouble’. 
You panicked internally , where did the fangirls come from? They all surrounded chanyeol and were squealing and asking for pictures.
You headed back into baskin Robbins, not too sure what you should do. It’s not going to turn out well if he is seen with you.. Should you head off first? Or should you help him?
With one hand holding on nervously to the ice cream you looked intently at the situation outside, with a total mind blank.
Only about 15minutes later, you saw chanyeol managed to escape back to his car as the crowd in this secluded area eventually died down.
You didn’t head out to find him, worried that if any Fangirls were left, you would land him in trouble.
You stayed at in the shop, looking at the melted ice cream you bought for him, should you just dump this away? Do you head off yourself soon?
Just then a call came in
‘Y/N! Where are you? I’m so sorry I got caught by those dance school girls. Are you alright ? Where did you go ? In case you’re wondering, i got your number from jongin to contact you’
‘Chanyeol -ssi...? Are u ok? I’m just waiting at baskin robbins .. just head home without me, I’ll just find my way back..’ feeling still at loss about the situation, you replied with a heavy heart
‘Ah, no, just head down to the alley behind I’ll pick you up from there. This place is too secluded , I’m not going to leave you here alone’
‘But ..’
‘Just meet me there’
Feeling down and guilty that this was kind of your fault. You walked mindlessly to the alley with the half melted ice cream. If it were not for you, chanyeol wouldn’t even be heading out in the afternoon right?
As you entered the car, you kept quiet not really knowing what to say. But Chanyeol started apologising repeatedly, and telling you about the whole situation earlier
But all that ran through your mind was how risky the situation was and how bad you felt. You were still quite in shock as you processed that just happened
‘Chanyeol ssi, why did you bring me out today? Seeing that made me realise the severity of how dangerous it could have been for you if you were caught together with me.. and I can’t help but feel it’s my fault you got surrounded by those fan girls..’
Pausing before continuing, you added
‘Let’s never do this again. I’m really sorry’
‘Don’t be sorry, i am not even blaming you or anything! Plus i was the one who wanted us to hang outside together. I knew this might happen, but i still wanted to have fun with you’
‘Why Chanyeol-ssi?’
Without thinking, he answered almost immediately 
‘Because i just find you cute’ 
You blanked out completely as those words, you could feel blood rushing through your cheeks. 
You started externally processing your thoughts out of nervousness and panic
‘i know this sounds ridiculous but are you like interested in me? i know i am blushing like mad right now but im not really into loud guys. and though i had lots of fun with you just now i think you should just give up if you are even thinking of anything’ you went on rambling not even knowing what in the world you just said
He looked at you seeming to have something to say. But then looked at the messy ice cream and decided to reached for it instead.
‘thank you for this ice cream, and y/n whatever you said…honestly, can i just have 1 thing from you?’
‘uh what is it?’
‘can you just call me Chanyeol Oppa instead?’
Your heart skipped a beat at what he said and you could feel his gaze was still on you.
After a few moments of silence that hung heavy in the air, you shyly and softly asked
‘Chanyeol oppa shall we go back now?’
Still feeling shy to look at him, you stole a glance at the rear view mirror and saw Chanyeol smile the widest smile you have ever seen since you guys met. 
Finishing off the ice cream, he started the engine, ready to drive off. But before stepping the accelerator, he looked up at the rear view mirror and you both caught each other’s eyes and both looked away almost immediately smiling shyly when your eyes met briefly. 
As the car speeded off, you kept your eyes on the side view mirror, and you were glad you weren’t the only one smiling like an idiot the whole ride back. 
Was this a little boring? I read through it multiple times and can’t really tell anymore. i hope it was fun for you guys who read it for the first time~ though i must admit if i read a fanfic with such an ending i might feel lowkey unsatisfied :p
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icharchivist · 3 years
hello icha!! i finally got around to finishing the stranger haha,, by which i mean i just watched it today. was veryyyy excited for it as i really like the poster design for this one. anyways. this event starting w/ the sort of portrait format or whatever / that narration is like. god. threw me right back to autumn troupe. I kind of love that the storytelling format itself is so distinct for autumn! the moment I realized it was omi I started getting teary… like oh man oh man… omi…. And the connection with him taking photos! ahh!! now that I think about it… omi kind of seems a bit like early version tsumugi, huh? also I keep forgetting this man is a college student lol. suspension of disbelief I suppose. onto the play i think like. mankai should invest in a fainting courch for tsuzuru. i also went to watch the play and 1) im betting yuki had a hell of a time costume design wise like the vines on the body? such fun costuming wise and 2) the ethical implications of whatever this play has,,, fun fun. tsuzuru was clearly having some kind of thoughts. i love zeros design and am always up for a3 characters crossdressing bc 1) i think its fun and 2) the costume design. i also dearly wish this whole thing was animated bc I feel like it’d be o fun to see taichi act as zero. or at least I hope this event gets full voiced one day... moving on to the scene where omi adds soy sauce to the paella I know it’s just like haha homare funny so lets five him a lil bit but like everyone in autumn troupe making their comments on the paella and like homare just jumping in. homare autumn troupe besties. just thinking. also the way they just r like. no no no omi it’s fine if u made a mistake!! it’s ok! we like it (you) anyways <3 it’s got it’s own special taste. something something omi’s perfectly pleasant as he is now but even if he weren’t on his a-game and was dealing with all of the biker gang stuff they would love him just as hard. another thing that got me was omi telling banri that he’ll give him something sweet so juza will stop grinding his teeth in his sleep… guys… guys you’ll give him cavities…. mb omi is a college student after all lol.
anyways when i saw the actual costumes. appreciative of them, i like the lil circuit-esque detailing on banri’s outfit, and that sakyo and taichi (nine and zero) both share that like collar detail? its very symbolic and probably also literal but its a nice way to sort of signify their relation to each other visually! also sakyo just looks nice. seeing him without glasses is so great. whoever thought up the like two mole detail for him was doing gods work.
something that confused me was ryo mistaking juza for nachi for a split second? like. does juza… look similar to nachi? or was it just that ryo only heard juzas voice and made that mistake. if it’s appearance wise too. kumon nachi confirmed. I’m joking lol bc I feel like I would’ve heard at least something abt it in one of the like small conversation comments, plus that doesnt seem like itd fit summer troupes style and kumon is for sure the wrong age… but still.
i really like how for this event, the roles for taichi and omi were kinda reversed. and taichis just so like. idk. smiley. rly lifts ur spirits. its kind of nice how this event contrasts to that cg where taichi is crying on omi. I also think like. idk. considering the story of the stranger. wolf gives zero a sense of purpose and life and I think that zero helps wolf lose his apathy. it’s about “the stranger” and the ending makes him like… not a stranger, right? because he’s got a companion. in the same way, taichi brings omi out of his emotional isolation. the picture taking! also the stickers coming back… thats such a good setup! the found family of it all!!
when he was trying to work out zeros character as soon as taichi mentioned a sharp speaking style I KNEW it was Yuki… yuki would never be as honest as zero is though lol… to me i imagine she’s got a sort of juza internal monologue feel? anyways. the taichi yuki dynamic intrigues me. havent yet decided how I feel abt it but when I do… yes. sorry that I make literally no sense. I think it’s very obvious that yuki is my fav chara kind of? I’m just. hmmm it makes me think! I’ve been monologuing to myself abt the yuki and juza dynamic lately which, to my a3 knowledge so far, doesn’t exist, but its ok bc I’ll make it exist! uhhh anyways this event was very good i liked the pacing. i think it didnt drag too hard and it really properly honed in on just omi and taichi, which was quite nice. they really did a lot for just an event!
time to listen to the event song,,, ok so. ah. i rly enjoyed just for myself it was very much to my taste so. out of curiousity i was like ok lemme look up the composer / producer AND IT WAS YUYOYUPPE....... that guy is like!!!! one of my FAV producers ever!!!!!! i know him from like. his vocaloid days and god leia is still one of my fav songs to this day...! this knowledge gives me so much joy omg!!! like wow!! wowwww!!! like i knew yuyoyuppe was out there doing other stuff (i know he worked on a lot of babymetal music which is cool) but like idk. to suddenly encounter it like this. heheh.... its so nice! made me soooo happy. going to relisten to leia now haha
WAIT ONE MORE THING. i was like "haha let me look at other songs i remember liking a lot" which. for me was rakuen oasis and don't cry. anyways. rakuen oasis is ALSO by yuyoyuppe???? oh my god!!! oh my god... sigh. feel like im in heaven.
OH HI FRIEND!! so good to see you with an a3 update!! :D
godd yeah The Stranger started so strongly and the idea to still incorporate portraits in his story was really something to make us cry!
And linking Omi and Tsumugi like this is pretty interesting :O <hat is your reasoning exactly? :O
For the fainting couch for Tsuzuru LMAO and i'm letting you know there's a webcomics that addresses it in Act 2 (hough there's no spoilers aside from the fact Chikage is here)
Im glad you liked the costume and the play!!! yeah i love the designs and it is always a blast to see them this into it, and yeaaah Tsuzuru has thoughts huh. It'll get voiced sooner than later hopefully and there we'll see more in details :3c but also that's what made the seiyuu live so fun bc they perform the songs in play cosplay and replay a bit of the play everytime and it's *chief kiss*
And yeah the scene itself was so cute TwT they all want to reassure Omi and be there for him it's so sweet :( but yeah i love how you say it all, Omiimi TwT
and dLKFJDFLKJFDFD Giving Juza cavities is the price to pay for sleep i guess??
yeah agreed on the costume they all look so cool! and nice catch on how those three seem linked like that with their costumes, Yuki (and the designers) does such a good job! and god yeah for Sakyo.. yeah. He has sucha good design dLKJFDF
aND DLKFJD yeah no Juza is supposed to look like Nachi physically, but mostly his face? like i think Nachi was had green hair? we see a sprite of him in a future story, and yeah, everything is in the eyebrows. so Kumon should be safe? Omi mentions he sees a lot of Nachi in Juza, and while it is mostly due to their passions i think, the fact they're also rough looking guy with a heart of gold must play a part as well. but yeah, he does look like Nachi a bit.
and i love your deeper analysis of the event yeah!!
I feel like Taichi is really an emotional core of the troupe in the sense that is, he tends to catch on what others are feelings easily. And he uses it in the early chapters to ease off the tensions and stuff, but he was being held back by knowing he was deceiving them. So now that he's more free, he can be more of himself. but yeah i also love the contrast with how Omi was the one to help Taichi through his breakdown and guilt, and now it's the other way around, it's Taichi helping him through it. and the parallelism between the play and their dynamic is spot on imo! well said!!
and god yeah the sticker things made me cry sO HARD, and the pictures! and everything!! sobs it's such a sweet found family i'm going to cry :(
And! i love what you say about Yuki, Taichi and Juza on this one. I love that Taichi keeps bringing it back to "that childhood friend" and it's always like. so obvious who it is for us rip. But it can make you wonder if Yuki was more honest as a kiddo when Taichi knew him, though now he's clearly not. I love the mention of how Zero is more like Juza's internal speech (which, if anything is another argument about why you should let Juza wear a dress, cOWARD)
but also your mention of the Yuki and Juza thing, while i can't think of them having a dynamic per se yet, but i actually wrote a post during my reread about how i was baffled at the fact they treated Muku the same way?? like both of them tried to push Muku away because they were scared of how people would react if they say pure, sweet Muku was associated to them. And i find it fascinating because i guess those two are pretty aware of how the world see them, and it used to stop them from fully allowing them to be themselves.
I also find it relevant with the fact Yuki says in his personal song that while all of this way people judge him weight on him, he rather be himself, and "I want to love myself". Meanwhile we have Juza who's also aware of the way people judge him and it weight on him, and he wants to change himself from this person he hates, this self loathing - and in a way, he can grow in a way to be "someone" he may not hate, even on stage. I feel like those two have quite a bit in common in this way of being rejected by their peers in some sort of way.
I really want them to share some stuff at some point because there's really a groundwork on it all :(
But i'm really glad you liked that event!! agreed on the pacing and i do love what it brings to the characters! it really fleshes them out and have them move forward a little and it's pretty sweet.
AND OMG THAT'S SO COOL FOR THE SONG!! i'm so glad you liked it, but that's incredible it turned out to be from one of your fav producer!!! ahah sometimes life is like that where you end up finding the stuff you loved back into new stuff! and the fact Rakuen Oasis was from him as well... that's so cool!!! just, so so cool!
im pretty sure he has more songs going forward so i hope you'll enjoy the ride even more!!
thank you once again for sharing your thoughts about a3 :3c it always makes me so happy to see them!!!
Thank youu <3 have a good day :3c
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A family: Larry x Fem! Reader Part 1.
A/n Small warning of mentions of sex and a couple sexual scenes will take place but I don't know if I'll do full lemons or not, they're won't be a dull lemon in this. As always theres definitely cussing. Takes place in high school. An au where the apartments have ghosts and the cult exists but the red eyed demon doesn't. Anyways enjoy this little story hope it's good.
I woke up with the weight of someone's arm around bare waist. Looking down I see everything was still bare from the night before. The arm wrapped around me belongs to none other than my very best friend Larry. Yep you read that right best friend not boyfriend. Considering how lonely and well horny we had both been lately we decided a friends with benefits relationship would be a good idea.
With a small stretch I carefully pulled Larry's arm off of my body and pulled myself from the bed. I let out a small giggle as Larry readjusted to where he was cuddling a pillow. "Goofball." I scoffed grabbing my underwear and sliding them on as well one of Larry's many Sanitys Fall shirts. I made my way out into his bathroom brushing my teeth and making my hair look like I hadn't just spent the night having sex.
I also made sure to slip on my skinny jeans from last night. I frowned feeling the way I struggled to get them on. "Damn it. How the hell did I shrink my jeans?!" I huffed looking into the mirror. I lifted the shirt that was way too big on me. I had noticed my stomach was sticking out a tiny bit more but not a lot. On the plus size it looked like my tits had also gotten bigger.
When I exited the bathroom Larry's mom Lisa was leaning against the counter sipping coffee. "Morning (y/n). I didn't know you were staying last night." She said flashing me her warm smile. "Morning Lisa. I wasn't planning on it but by the time we finished with our art project it was so late I didn't want to wake you or my parents so I just stayed." I shrugged. I felt kind of guilty lying to Lisa since she was more like a mom to me than my own mother. I also didn't want to risk her finding out and not letting me sleep over anymore.
She finished her coffee and set the cup in the sink. "Well you know you're always welcome here. Will I see you for family dinner tonight?" She asked collecting her things for work. She seemed to pause reaching around her pockets while looking around the room. I grabbed her keys from couch and handed them to her making her smile. "Wouldn't miss it!" I beamed. "See you kids tonight then. Give Larry a kiss goodbye for me." She joked hugging me goodbye.
Once she left I went ahead and poured two cups of coffee. As I was making two plates of the eggs and toast Lisa had prepared I heard the bedroom door creak open. Larry stumbled out still tired. "Morning sleepy head." I smirked. "Morning." He yawned making his way over to the table. I placed a kiss on his cheek handing him his coffee. "What was that for?"
"Its from your mom."
"I don't get one from you?"
"No way you have morning breath."
He grabbed my arm pulling me into his lap so I was straddling him. One of hands moved to my hips the other to the back of my neck. He pulled me into a heated kiss sliding his tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss and pulled me closer. We stayed like that until we had to pull away for air. "Hurry up and get ready Johnson." I breathed getting up and eating my breakfast.
Once the two of us had eaten and he had gotten dressed we grabbed our bags and headed out to meet up with Sal. "You look good in my shirt by the way." He whispered as you approached your friends door. I smirked quickly tapping the door. Soon after Sal exited the apartment and the three of us left for school.
Sal and Larry had their first period together but I had it with our friend Ashley. The two of us were in the gym locker room changing into our Knockfell High uniforms.
"So then I told my mom i had important plans tonight and she actually told me that my brother was more important and to cancel. Can you believe that? So I told her you and I were studying for some exam."
I was laughing at Ashley's excuse when one of the other girls sprayed on her perfume and even though she didn't spray much it was like the smell surrounded me. My stomach bubbled and suddenly I could feel the eggs from that morning in the back of my throat. Nausea overcame me I couldn't help it so I ran into the biggest stall and collapsed onto my knees puking immediately into the bowl.
Ashley came over and knocked on the stall door. "You ok babes?" She asked concern lacing her voice. I finished puking and flushed the toilet. "Yeah I think so." I said confused. "Are you sure? You got sick this time yesterday too." She pointed out. I thought for a moment realizing she was right. Eveyday about this time I got sick. What the hell was wrong with me? I shakily stood up to leave the bathroom when a health poster taped to the door caught my attention. It was one of the new Planned Parenthood posters with information on pregnancy and STDs. My eyes grew at a sudden theory popped into my head.
"H-hey Ashes what's the date today?" I asked exiting the bathroom. "Its the fifteenth. Ohh Is it that time of the month that's bothering you?" She asked placing a comforting hand on my bag. I thought for a moment doing the math in my head. "I-I Ha-have to go." I stuttered grabbing my bag and running from the room. As I ran to town I silently prayed I was wrong that I had miscounted.
I ran straight to the store probably looking like a crazy person that passed by. But I got to the pharmacy quickly not even remembering most of my way there from how quickly I was going. The bell jingles as I make my way inside abruptly causing several shoppers and a couple employees to stop and stare. Ignoring their looks I made my way to the isle and started searching. I never knew how many types of tests there could be. I grabbed one I thought would work and made my way to the counter. The cashier was an older woman who started at me with a judging look on her face the whole time. I did my best to ignore her shoving the money onto the counter. The minute she handed me the bag I took off heading to the apartments.
I could feel warm tears falling down my cheeks and was breathing rapidly as I ran home. I ran straight into the building and into the elevator pressing my back up against the wall as it moved. Luckily my parents wouldn't be home at least I'd have privacy for my whole world ending. The second the doors open I bolted right into my apartment dropping my bag on the couch before running to my room. I went into the bathroom taking the test before sitting on the floor.
2 long minutes later the test read positive. I felt my whole world come crashing down around me when those little lines appeared. "How could this happen?" I mumble out loud. I was completely shocked, Larry and I were careful plus I had birth control. That's when a light bulb went off in my head. Struggling to pull myself off the floor I ran into my room. I didnt find what I was looking for in my bags or in my bathroom. I fished around in my dresser still not finding what I was searching for. That's when I remembered were I was last night and most nights.
"Shit shit shit!" I mumbled grabbingmy purse and my keys as well as hiding the test in my pocket before exiting my apartment. I made my way down to the basement hoping that Lisa wasn't home. Unfortunately as I opened the door she was in the kitchen making a fried balogna sandwich. As soon as I walked through that door the smell filled my nose and the nausea returned. I tried to swallow down walking farther into the apartment.
"(Y/n) dear why are you not in school what happened? Are you sick? You don't look like you're feeling too well?" She asked in her motherly voice. "Li-lisa I-" before I could finish my sentence I felt what was left of my food coming back up. I ran straight into the bathroom not bothering to close the door. As I threw up I could feel Lisa pulling my hair back. She held my hair back in one hand and soothed my back with the other.
When I finished throwing up I flushed the toilet and Lisa put my hair up into a ponytail. I learned up against the bathroom wall feeling tears spill down my cheeks again. Silent tears cascaded to the floor. Lisa filled up a dixie cup with water and dampened a wash cloth handing the cup to me and wiping my face with the cloth. "There there dear its alright. Why don't you and I go sit on the sofa and talk?" She suggested as I swallowed a majority of the water.
The two of us made our way into the living room sitting on the couch. Lisa left a comforting hand on my back as I struggled to breath. I let it all come out spilling every detail like more vomit coming out as words. Lisa continued to comfort me with a shocked expression on her face. "Are you sure did you take a test?" She asked handing me a tissue. I handed her the test before wiping my nose.
"Does Larry know yet?" She asked. I shook my head in response. "I just figured it out and got the test today." Lisa nodded her head for a moment clearly in thought. "Wait right here." She said grabbing her phone from the coffee table. She came back in probably ten minutes later purse in hand and changed into casual clothes. "Come on were gonna meet a friend of mine at planned parenthood. Just to double check. And they'll give you information on your choices." She informed me. The two of us made our way out to Lisa's pickup truck silently.
"Are you mad?" I asked breaking the silence as we turned off the road. She sighed stopping at a red light and putting her hand on my shoulder. "A little disappointed maybe but never mad." She smiled. It didn't take very long for us to get there. There was a handful of protesters outside the building as well as a few people passing by who stared at me with the same look as the cashier earlier. Lisa wrapped her arm around me glaring at the others.
About an hour later I was exiting the clinic with a handful of pamphlets and brochures and my head spinning. "Do you have any thoughts on what to do?" Lisa asked me as we climbed into the car. "I think I should talk to Larry before I make any decision." I sighed leaning back into the seat. Lisa nodded and we drove back home.
"You should call your parents over for family dinner tonight. Once the other kids leave we can all sit down and talk." Lisa suggested. She was always so smart and caring. I knew she would be mentally freaking out so it meant a lot that she was being comforting. "I just hope they're as nice as you're being. Thank you so much Lisa." I said with a small smile. She smiled back as we pulled back to the apartments.
Once we got back to her apartment I hid the test and pamphlets in my bag. "Larry should be home any minute now if you wanna wait in the treehouse to talk to him. Just promise me you'll be careful climbing up there." She said softly. I nodded giving her a hug which she returned tightly. When we pulled apart she handed me a water bottle. "Drink this while you're waiting. After throwing up you need to make sure you stay hydrated. Especially with my grandbaby in your tummy." She smiled winking. I smiled grabbing the water before making my way out to the treehouse to wait for Larry.
I walked around the small treehouse admiring some of the polaroids and pictures that Larry painted. I smiled seeing one of Larry and I. Sal had taken just a month ago. Larry had his arms around me as we painted something. He was trying to teach me how he paints but really it came out as a mess on the canvas. "That's a good picture of us." A voice said from behind me. I turned to see Larry standing there smiling at me. "Sure is. Look Larry I need to talk to you about something serious. Can we sit down?" I asked gesturing towards two beanbag seats he kept up here. He looked confused but nodded.
The two of us took a seat and I was suddenly nervous. We were only 16 we couldn't be parents. "Hey what's wrong (nickname)?" He asked grabbing my hand. I took a deep breath squeezing his hand before grabbing the test from my pocket. "I'm pregnant." I said simply despite the fear in my chest. Larry's eyes got wide and he grabbed the test from my hands. "Dude if this is a joke it's not funny." He said jumping up. By now the tears were starting to fall. "Its not a joke Larry." I sniffed standing up with him. "B-but how?" He asked running his hand through his messy long hair.
"I must've missed a pill or something."
"You missed a pill? How could you have missed a pill and not tell me!" He asked upset. "It happens Larry I don't know. But this isn't just my fault we did this."
"You're right sorry. What do you want to do have you made a decision on keeping it?"
"I don't know I wanted to talk to you."
"We're sixteen (Y/n) were too young."
"I know I know. But I don't think I want to abort it, it just sounds wrong. I believe women should have the right to choose but I don't want to abort our baby."
"Of course you don't I mean I wouldnt either if I was you. I don't know how I feel about adoption. I mean I love my mom and she did a great job but not knowing my dad and not knowing that part of myself was hard. I don't think I could do that to my kid. I always told myself I'd be there for my kid unlike him."
"That only leaves one option Larry."
He sighed looking at me for a moment before coming over and wrapping his arms around me. "Looks like we're gonna have this baby. If you're sure that is." He whispered holding me close. "I'm sure I want us to keep our baby." I replied. Larry pulled away a bit wiping away my tears. "Your mom went with me to the clinic and everything but we should go tell her we're keeping it." I told him looking up to meet his eyes. He honestly looked kind of happy. "Guess so much for strings attached huh." He joked laughing his melodic laugh. I laughed and we made our way out and back to the treehouse.
Ok that was it for the first chapter let me know what you think if you'd like but I'm definitely making it a series.
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titsthedamnseason · 6 years
If you haven't done it already can you do headcanons about Julian's birthday?
bitch you know it asdfghj and by some miracle ive actually gotten these done before the two weeks that could potentially be his birthday are over so happy birthday julian!!
julian has never really had a big birthday celebration before
of course emma and the kids and diana always got him gifts and spoiled him
you know, doing chores for him, letting him relax for a day, stuff like that
but poor julian is a worrier so he’d always end up insisting to help anyway, saying that he wanted to
he even would always make the cake since no one else could
it wasnt until later that everyone realized that every time they had tried to spoil julian on his birthday, he turned it around on them, and he wound up doing most of the work
they are determined to make his 18th birthday different
helen and aline are more than capable of holding down the fort now
plus julian and emma take a break from their travel year for the holidays and are in the institute for julian’s birthday
which could be anytime from jan 1-15 but my personal hc is that it’s on new years day (wink wink)
so anyway julian and emma will be in la for his bday and julian is a lot more carefree this year so everyone is highkey determined to give him the best birthday this year
nobody wakes him up early, and after staying up so late the night before his normal internal clock doesnt wake him up as usual
at 12am everyone else shouted “happy new year!” and emma shouted “happy birthday julian!”
anyway when julian does wake up, later than usual, his first instinct is to shoot out of bed and get the kids breakfast but he takes a moment to himself to revel in the fact that this is his first birthday spent waking up next to emma as her boyfriend
emma seizes her moment and convinces him to stay for just a while longer, im sure the kids are fine, helen and aline have been taking care of them for months
julian gives her like five minutes of kisses and cuddles before beelining for the kitchen
he finds that everyone else has already been up for an hour or so and has already eaten breakfast
the second he enters the kitchen everyone yells “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and he is bombarded with hugs and drawings and cards and stupid gag gifts from the kids that he accepts with a smile cristina and mark both hug him as well and he’s pleasantly surprised to see them
(if you read my tda holiday hcs i made them leave before this point but awsxdcfvgyh they come back to surprise him)
he grabs a plate for himself reluctantly, wont stop apologizing to helen and aline that he overslept
they keep telling him they dont care but, surprise surprise, he’s not listening
when julian goes back to his room to get dressed he finds emma already ready with his favorite blue dress of her’s on and holding a present for him
his reaction is “oh that reminds me” and he pulls out another gift from under the dresser
emma is like ????? and julian is like “…for you” and emma is still like ????? so then julian explains “i got you a new year’s gift too”
emma is like fuck that shit this is a birthday gift asdfgyhu “who the fuck buys new year’s presents” “i dont know i love you” “i love you too but what the fuck julian now i look bad” “you couldnt look bad if you were trying”
anyway after emma gets it through julian’s head that he does deserve a birthday gift and no, she refuses to open up his gift to her on his birthday, nice try, julian, he opens it up
it’s a new blue shirt that almost exactly matches emma’s dress which is “an unfortunate coincidence”
he cant stop telling her it’s too much, you shouldnt have, and emma is like hoe you think im done??? think again
but actually she doesnt say that, she just says youre welcome asdfghyuj
they go meet everyone in their matching outfits and they all just hang around a bit, there isnt much else julian could ask for than to be with his family
but at lunch emma surprises julian with a picnic for the two of them at the beach
she promises that she didnt touch the food, she had aline make it all asdfrghy
once they finish emma gives julian more presents(“this is a prank right?” “am i laughing? actually i am but not because this is a prank, please just open the presents” ) 
the first is a whole set of paints and brushes and other art supplies i know nothing about, all custom made, the brushes with inscriptions on the handles( “jb” “as long as you exist and i exist i will love you” “i love you more than starlight”)
julian: where did you get that last quote from?
emma: i thought of it
julian: *melts*
he asks how she knew what supplies to get him and she told him how she saw him looking at all this stuff back in that shop in london and went back to get it for him
he’s so touched
he is already certifiably not okay™️ because the whole day has been against everything he’s ever known and he feels weird, he just wants to give something to someone, literally anyone
julian is so happy and when emma pulls out an envelope he has to bite his tongue to keep from saying “oh no not again”
emma just gives him a look when she sees him holding back asdfgbhgt
he’s preparing himself for some sort of long sentimental card from her that will probably make him cry but what he gets is worse
it’s just a piece of paper that says “im having so much fun on our date right now, but id love it even more if you came with me to the louvre to our next one”
julian is shooketh to a level beyond all levels
he cant imagine why emma looks so worried he wont like it
they laugh and hug and then proceed to kiss a lot before going back to the institute 
julian is ready to just chill now 
he comes in and there are decorations filling the entryway
a million balloons, streamers, banners
he looks at emma who just shrugs but she’s smiling so big and has a knowing look on her face 
there’s a beautifully decorated poster next to the staircase that says “TAKE ONE” and there’s a party hat for emma and a ridiculous crown for julian that says “it’s my birthday!” under it
they follow a trail of posters with arrows on them to the living room(im pretty sure they dont call it that but the room with the computer in it is where they always hang out so that’s what i mean awsedfvgbh)
everyone yells “SURPRISE” when they walk in and julian is sure he’s in a permanent state of shock
like yes he just followed an entire trail of arrows to get here but it’s still so much more than he expected
they eat pizza and play music and all just hang out and it’s a fun time
at one point julian goes to adjust his crown but everyone thought he was taking it off and yelled at him aesdxcfvgbh
they play stupid party games like pin the tail on the donkey(which theyre all good at since theyre shadowhunters asdfghjui) and charades and stuff like that
everyone gives julian more presents and he thinks he might combust
they sing to him and have cake
they give him one more gift after they sing and it’s a photo album of julian and his siblings and emma through the years
there are ones of baby emma and jules playing to 12 year old julian intently speaking to ty and livvy to 14 year old julian reading with tavvy to 17 year old julian laughing with dru to ones with helen, mark, aline, and cristina in them and ones from the travel year and julian is amazed
he’s so touched and he’s proud that he only cries a little
a little after that everyone starts getting tired since they stayed up until midnight the night before
diana goes home, tavvy goes to bed, followed by dru and ty shortly after
when julian hugs ty on his way out he almost feels like livvy is there too, and he doesnt understand why ty goes pale when julian tells him, julian worries he shouldnt have said anything before ty just smiles and says “good” before walking out
everyone else goes to bed shortly after
julian and emma are laying in julian’s bed when she pulls out a card for him, but tells him it’s nothing special
he opens it and begs to differ
the front of the card says “so many ways to say i love you” and she has filled the inside with ways she said it over the years
“protecting you in fights”
“i’ll put the kids to bed tonight”
“i would do anything for you, jules”
“we’re parabatai, we can do this”(julian doesnt like this one)
“take a break”
“please stay”
“i need you”
“your hair is a mess”(“really emma? “shut up”)
the list goes on until it ends with “i love you. love, emma”
they are both crying at the end
“i love you so much, emma”
“i love you, t––”
she doesnt get to finish
they have more important things to get to and, needless to say, they dont get much sleep that night either
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crue6xx · 5 years
Type:Heavy Smut
Y/n=your name
"Hey, starry eyes" Nikki hollared and squinted his eyes at you and smirked at you from the doorway he was leaned up on with his arms crossed and a leather vest that revealed his abs and pecs with tats all over them. Once again you were starring at Nikki, god was he immaculate and muscular.
"Huh, oh hey Nikki" you shook your head coming back from your dream world
"Heh. I know something now" Nikki chuckled and headed into his room but before closing the door all the way "you really need to work on that ya know cuz its really obvious" Nikki then shut the door.
Tommy came up behind you from coming out of the studio "wow, guess its true huh?" You looked at Tommy confused "what? What's true what are you talking about?" Tommy patted your back and walked to his room shaking his head.
Mick came out of the studio humming "what are you humming?"
Mick stopped "a new song, I call it 'You are Falling for Nikki sixx' "
"What me? Come on really I'm only here to help out we are only friends"
"Eh heh, anyways you honestly should work on it, its obivous like Nikki said" Mick walked away with his hands in his pockets.
You spent the night thinking 'Nikki, really just friends nothing more plus I dont stare at him cuz he's hit its cuz his tattoos, shit I called him got, do I like him?.....' You looked over at your Poster of Nikki and the guys 'Fuck I fell for Nikki Sixx, he is fuckjng hot..shit'.
You now knew you like him, but dose he like you? I mean he is a flirty guy even with you but dose he really like you.
"Nikki?" You slowly open his door.
"Yeah y/n" Nikki was opening a new pack of gum, which once opened the room filled with the minty smell
"What did you mean earlier?"
".....nothing...just a..a joke ya know"
"You sure you didn't mean anything"
"Course not"
Nikki popped a peace of gum in his mouth
"Oh shit I should have told you earlier, your heater in your room doesn't work so you'll be crashing in my room, that cool?"
"Um...yeah do you have a air mattress?"
"Yeah its over there".
You settled down for the night. Nikki was so fucking adorable sleeping you honestly couldnt resist squealing goddddddd.
In the morning you woke up to a shirtless, pantsless Nikki on the bed asleep his hand was touching the air mattress which was touching your hand.
"Shit sorry y/n" Nikki woke up and put on some shorts and a tank top.
"No issue, Nikki" you rubbed your forehead as you woke up.
You followed the guys everywhere this day, to the shops, the meals, the studio.
But of all the things the studio was the last thing until the guys and you head back to the house they all stayed in for the time being, not a sketchy apartment. Which there are two studios the recording studio and the studio in the shated house just to jam in.
Things got juicy during this day. First of all at on of the shops Nikki was looking a dress up and down as he slightly srood back holding the side of it feeling the fabric with his shades down a bit "hey y/n you should wear this sometime, it looks nice"
You kept starring at his mouth as he chewed his gum, it was so attractive the way he chewed his gum, he always had either his sunglasses, his fingers or something in his mouth and with gum you melted at the sight of him in general and he became 10× hotter.
And to be honest about that dress you actually bought it. Then at some restaurant Nikki would spill water on him and you immediately grabbed a napkin and wiped his chest and leather pants down his thigh very close to the inner thigh, you could see the goosebumps on his arm rise as you wiped him down. And as he slouched in his chair slightly he had his four fingers spread across his crotch and inner thigh with hus thumb on his front lower stomach area then he would look over and wink st you.
"Thanks y/n, almost ruined my pants there" Nikki winked as he put the fork in his mouth and chewed his food with a smirk.
Something about his mouth just made you want to fucking die or want to fuck him either way there was something about his mouth that was just so attractive to you.
Finally at the studio for jamming in the shared housr Nikki sat in a rolly chair with his leather pointed shoes and "bad boys hollywood, .ca" tank top and leather pants, had his shoes on the desk area and had his arms crossed with one arm propped up holding a pen to his mouth before he moved it away he popped another peace of him in his mouth.
He chewed loosely in a way slacking his mouth a bit sleazy but with a sort of smirk and not smacking his gum but enough to hear a little bit.
"Sounds great Vince, lets head home now" Nikki got up and hugged you from behind and wrapped his leathet jacket around you "your gonna need this if your riding my motorcycle, unless you like it raw" Nikki had his hands running down your hips.
He walked into the hall looking back for a second. You stood there thinking and took off the jacket.
You walked out in the hall and sae Nikkis room door cracked open, you walked in and sae Nikki on the wall waiting for you.
Nikki grabbed your hips and pinned you to the wall as you wrapped your arms around him kissing him and thrusting your bodies until Nikki picked you up off your feet, still with your back on the wall Nikki had his forhead touching yours "so look is like you like to ride raw then" you pressed your lips on Nikki, he continued to kiss your neck cheekd and lips all while carrying you to the bed.
"I'll leave you shaking, you wont be able to walk for hours after this" he grinned Nikki kisses you.
You stake Nikkis shirt off and throw it to the side while his hands ravish your body heaf to toe, he toys with your breasts and holds your hips, grips your ass and pushes his crotch onto you as you both kiss.
He starts to remove his pants while you despose of your clothes. He lightly bites your ear before leaving a trail of hickies anf kisses down your neck and licking down to your underwear, Nikki hooks the a sides of your underwear with his tgumbs and.slides them down while looking at you submisivly.
Nikki licks your clit making you jolt and quiver as you grab a fist full of his hair and loudly moan. Nikki rotates back and forth right before you feel anything coming soon he switches and insets his tongue without any clue to what he was going to d and not telling you, suprising you every now and then.
Nikki licked and sucked your inner thigh and rubbed your legs as moans slipped from your mouth.
You were so close until Nikki got up and waited a second before he plunged into you without any warning, your lips opened and no sound came out but a small moan and peep.
"Just gonna say this now, get fucking ready"
Nikki was in and out slowly at first through every thrust and.push amping up the speed until your legs shivered and shook from the feeling.
Nikki would edge his tip at the end of every time he came close to pulling out and rubbed your clit mercicly and fast. Your body almost couldnt take all the pleasure your body was receiving.
Nikki was fast and hard you kept getting so close then Nikki would slow down and the pleasure that was building up and about to over-flow would go down and he would mame you wait. You couldnt hold it in so long but he made you and no matter how many times you thought he was gonna let you finish he didn't.
He was waiting for you to fully break. "Nikki Fuck oh god I'm gonna cum".
"Not yet, hold it in" he made you wait to long you were going to break sokn enough. Nikki made the hardest thrust then slowed down so slow and rubbed your clit with the edge of his duck slowly until you released more that have with any other guy.
Nikki had a evil grin on his face and chuckled "what about me? I'm not finsihed" Nikki didnt even let you finsih all the way through your high and plunged right back to it.
"Your gonna cum again no matter what" Nikki whispered into your ear grasling your ass as he fucked you hard.
"Fuck y/n your so fucking hot, fuck im gonna cum" Nikkis warm breath chilled your neck with goosebumps as you felt the pressure almost over boil in your stomach. "I want to hear how I make you feel, I want you to br as loud as you need to be" Nikki was on the verge about to break, ad you were to.
"Ahhh shit y/n fuck im gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna fucking fill you" Nikki moaned and groaned loudly as you felt your body explode with pleasure.
"Want some Gum?" Nikki offered kissing you and giving you a peace.
"Did you like that? Cuz i think you fucking loved it"
"I love you Nikki"
"I guess we think alike" Nikki smiled with his arm underneath your neck draping over your sholder lying doen besides eschother in bed.
You still loved watching Nikki chew his gum lying in bed.
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halalhyungwon · 5 years
Hopefully you get the rest you need Tawa💕! Do you have any fun or interesting concert stories🎫? Cos I have a few that I can share. And if not concert then maybe some travel stories🚉? - EXO-L anon
I hope so too, but knowing me I'm gonna go to sleep at like 3 am LMAO
ooh um I could talk about my first kpop concert!! and i guess it's lowkey also a travel story lol bc it was my first time driving to a different state
((I'm gonna attempt to put a read-more here but knowing tumblr it probably wont work whoops))
i went to see vav last august (nearly a year ago omg!) and it being my first concert I didnt know what to expect but I wanted to go all out!! i ordered a bunch of fanmade banners and a fan, and got VIP tickets so I could get the hi-touch + group picture.
my friend and I probably got to the line about 3 hours before the doors were supposed to open to the venue? there wasnt a super long line but there was still plenty of people there (I get so proud/happy when I compare it to their more recent concert because there was SO many people the line was much longer and the venue was so much more packed) I think it was really my first time being around so many people who avidly liked kpop?? I was so excited to be able to gush about my biases to other people and people were blasting vav and other groups' songs and we were all singing and dancing along. the energy was just!! really good I loved it, and loved seeing all the different types of people coming? I saw people who were around my age and people who were like. kids lmao. and also parents just coming along with their kids, but then parents who legit stanned vav along with their kids lol
since we were early and we had time before the doors opened, my friend and I walked around to find something to eat (we hadn't really eaten since that morning before we left for new jersey) and stumbled upon this little Italy festival? or something like that. there was tons of food and it was pretty cool. had we not had to go to the concert we probably wouldve wanted to check out more of it, but we really only got food, ate, then walked back to the venue.
i dont remember how long we stood in line but it wasnt terribly long? and at one point one of vav's staff came around to record the line and had us saying stuff like "vav saranghae" or "fighting" or something idr. (theres a vav behind episode where they showed it and you can see me :') but I dont remember which episode off the top of my head lmao)
the venue staff was a bit disorganized and we waited a bit longer than we were supposed to and I'm pretty sure it was lightly raining at one point? but once we got in all those inconveniences were forgotten bc omg I was about to see vav!! and tbh the fact that I was going to see them still didnt seem real to me until I saw them walk onto that stage!! like it was such a weird experience of having people that you've only ever seen behind a screen, suddenly are actually right there in front of you..
the concert was absolutely amazing and I screamed my heart out, and I lowkey feel bad for the girl who was standing next to me bc I really didnt shut up lmaoo being able to experience so many if my favorite songs was so incredible and gave me a new appreciation for the songs that werent always my faves. I know they had little parts where they talked and goofed around but I dont remember much other than screaming any time jacob did anything 💀💀💀 they did a couple special stages where they performed things for the first time, and at the time señorita hadn't come out yet but they performed it for us!! and I just felt so special bc we were their first US stop and we were some of the first fans to get to hear that song 😭😭 they also did a couple covers and they are just really fun group on stage omg I love them
after the concert they had VIP & VVIP people get lined up for the group photos. when I was in line I was talking to this girl and her friend and they were really nice I kinda miss them pdgsksh i ended up giving one of the girls my st. van banner bc hes her bias and she had issues with getting her banner. since I had a banner for each member (and most importantly, my biases lol) I didnt mind giving it to her! plus she just looked so happy when I gave it to her 😭
the hi-touch went by way too quickly and I'm sad bc I barely remember my experience with seeing ace & jacob and they're my whole biases,, I just remember that ziu legit grabbed onto my hand and that geumhyuks smile is the most mesmerizing thing you will ever see and I think about it everyday like I still cant get over the fact that he smiled at ME, eye contact and everything 😭😭😭😭
I think one of the best things about the concert was that after the show and group pics, they let you take individual, Polaroid pictures with any member(s) (at a price of course but,, it was only 10 dollars per pic!!) the first person I went to was Jacob which was kinda nervewracking bc i mean he was my main vav bias and I was still trying to get my head around the fact that he was real!! for the pics there were poses you could choose from, and the one I chose was with us holding hands 😭😭 and then I awkwardly asked for a hug and he obliged ;;-;;
I went to take pics with geumhyuk and,, idek know what to say without just repeating myself but I'm telling you he has the most beautiful smile ever. after we took the pic he said thank you but in my mind I was like,, no,, thank YOU 😭
next I went to take pictures with ace and omg i really dont know what it is about his eyes but to me they are absolutely STUNNING like you can literally get lost in them omg hes so gorgeous okay anyway moving on-- it was almost his birthday so I wished him a happy birthday and!! we hugged!! we're practically best friends now right? (I'm kidding..or am i?)
after ace I took pics with my baby ziu!! hes so funny which I mean I bin knew but it was fun goofing around with him. i was wearing a pin with his face on it so when i walked up to him he was like "that's me!" hes so precious 😂😂🤧😭😭
after this I realized that my Polaroid with Jacob didnt develop well, so I asked a staff member if I could retake and they were like sure! so I went back in line to get my snapshot with Jacob. since I had a second chance I was thinking of changing up my pose with him, but he I guess he remember the pose I did before and once I walked up to him he just immediately took my hand and i just gdjfgdkg?? 😭😭😭 my heart melted... and of course as I walked away I dropped like all my stuff and everyone in a 7 foot radius was like oh no!! 💀💀💀 but I scrambled and picked my stuff up, thanked Jacob and scurried out of there skdgdkh
(oh and I shared my pics here)
since I was in VIP I got to take my pics before the general admission people. my friend was in GA so I had to wait for her outside bc the staff werent letting people wait inside the building. and then it started raining. like really hard 😭😭😭 I'm blessed I didnt get too sick bc I think I was outside for like half an hour. but at one point a kind soul did hover their umbrella over me which I really appreciated :((
after my friend finished up we went to 7-eleven to grab some snacks and then we got an uber back to our hotel, where we showered and ate our ramen and did face masks
the next day since we were close to New York we drove down to the city and walked around some cute shops. we went to the saem shop and they had a bunch of seventeen posters and standees up so I was geeked the whole time 😂😂
honestly it was a really great experience to have as my first kpop concert, and just first concert in a long time. I'm really grateful I got to have the experience ☺️
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ainatravelsto · 7 years
South Korea Trip 2k16; Day 2 (Seoul)
Congrats, you made it to day 2! (LONG OVERDUE SORZ ITS THE 4TH WEEK OF MY SUMMER SEM IM DYING) (update: nah didnt finish it on my 4th week.... i finished this during my sem break... heh)
Instead of visiting historical places there’s one thing I’ve been wanting way before we arrived in Seoul..... Visit K-pop entertainment companies/buildings.
Yes. I’m actually a K-pop fan, probably one of the main reasons why we went there for a holiday djskhdjkhkdhsajkdkhsda. I told my parents that I at least need a day where I can visit as many companies as I can since one day is not enough tbh. My parents agreed that my bro can follow me to while hunting down these buildings while both my mom and dad went to visit other places around Seoul.
I initially wanted to wake up a lil early but as usual, we suck at waking up early so we were kind of behind schedule. We got ready asap and then had breakfast at the Italian restaurant in our hotel called 3 Birds. I would recommend this restaurant but I won’t because of their RUDE staff. They looked like they were forced to be there y’know? They also take away food tooooo quick right on the dot when the buffet is over.... When there are still people picking out food. I get that it’s over but it would be rude to take away all the food while someone’s still picking out their food? No?
Ok after we’re done with breakfast both of us separate. We bought our T-Money card to use for the subway stations a day before so we just went to one of the nearest stations and went to the first place on our list. Before we arrived at our first destination, we stopped by stations halfway to find advertisements of one of my favorite idols. I’m a huge fan of a group called BTS especially one of the vocalists, named Taehyung, stage name V (let’s just call him Taehyung plox). It was his birthday month so many of his fans (or just fansites) put up advertisements for his birthday at selected subway stations around Seoul. We found like 2 that day and wow I didn’t imagine myself seeing it with my own eyes instead of being behind the screen. I’ve always seen pics of Korean fans posting pics of them posing for the ads. It’s just surreal I’m there y’know,,,,, as a fan. As you can see in the photos, I was REALLY happy.
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So after the mini photo shoot, we continued on to our first destination. The first destination is actually, Big Hit Entertainment, aka BTS’ company. I felt that I should visit the office at least once in my life since I’m a huge fan. I have realized that many fans are confused on where the hell is the building because it’s very low-key not like YG or SM so to those who need help, I can help y’all with this. However, it’s not very detailed and apparently, Big Hit already moved to a bigger office at Apgugeong??? If I’m not mistaken? But if you’re curious then:
The nearest metro station to the building was Line 3 Sinsa Station so that’s where we stopped.
1. You walk out of Exit 1 of Sinsa station and just walk straight and take a right after 5 blocks. There should be blocks of buildings on your right anyway with small roads going on a small hill.
2. Take the 2nd street on your left and on the 3rd block, you should be able to see Big Hit on your right. 
3. If you’re lost with all these instructions (LIKE I WAS PREVIOUSLY) Google Maps does wonders. I also used Waze but it is based on you using a car. So stick with Google Maps since you’re walking and search ‘Big Hit Entertainment’. Some of the locations they give MIGHT be false so prepare yourself for that.
*It might look lowkey scary going on your own so pls bring someone with you.
Tbh, we almost got lost a few times but eventually, we found our way. We walked a few places and later we found it. Shout out to Google Maps for saving our asses. I’m amazed how we didn’t need to ask anyone to find our way. Bles technology!
OH STORY TIME: I coincidentally bumped into BTS’ manager right in front of us when we were finding Big Hit. 
Yep, that’s right. He’s probably the reason why I could find Big Hit because he was heading that way dsjgdkhjsagydsgkdskks. When we were almost got to Big Hit there was a man with takeaway coffee on his hand. It was still the morning btw so I thought oh some random man going to work. But, I had a good look on his face and I freaked out. Once I saw his face my face just went blank because I recognize his face from somewhere and I straight away knew he was the manager. As an avid fan, I’ve seen HQs & press photos of BTS with their manager so I’m used to seeing his face time to time. So once I saw his face, I almost froze and stopped my bro. My bro was confused and later I explained to him quietly who he was. I kinda took a pic lmao:
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So the smartest thing I’ve done after that is to go the other way, completely going to the opposite direction of Big Hit. I didn’t want to make him think of us as some international stalkers or sasaengs. Later when I thought it felt safe, we went to the direction where he went which leads to Big Hit. Surprise surprise, he was gone. He probably went in already so... 
ANYWAYS, as typical tourists we took photos.
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What makes it more interesting, some Big Hit staff told us to go away when we didn’t even go in the building or anything.... We just taking photos.... But at the same time... I highkey feel like someone was inside... Possibly BTS? Whatever it is, wow.... I got shooed away by Big Hit staff LMAO.
Moving on, we went back to the train station and arrived at Samseong Station to visit SMTOWN! I feel that almost every kpop fan goes there when they visit Seoul lmao. Wow, I was shocked at how I was actually there and not from photos. Saw cool standees from Baekhyun (exo bias HI), Krystal, and lots more! I too took one of the photo booth photos!!!! leeet
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One thing most stans go for is basically.... THE MERCH. I mean other than going for the live concert thingies (which I didn’t bother to go), official merchandise is the best next thing... So obviously if anyone wants to get their fave SM artists’ merch, going to SMTOWN itself is fine, more specifically, their albums. Their albums are reasonably priced so you don’t have to buy it outside in my opinion. Their official merchandise from posters, photobooks, phone cases, even the food are one of a kind. I feel if going to SMTOWN, and you’re an avid fan of EXO, Red Velvet or any other SM artist, just buy them. 
After looking around, we found a halal Indian restaurant called Luna Asia. Ngl, the food was alright. For Muslims, y’all could go for this!
We then took Samseong station again and arrived at Apgujeongrodeo station to go to The Mins! Some might not know, but this cafe is famous for treating some kpop idols, including BTS! (don’t @ me let me live i am an avid fan) So we took exit () and walked all the way down. The Mins was inside so you have to get into the neighborhood to find it. (Better descriptions are in the link I added @ The Mins)
The place was really cute from the outside and inside. OH, I forgot to mention, 2AM’s Changmin owns this cafe! Pretty legit. I also think I might’ve met his parents there too, because I heard that his parents do work there. I only noticed that once I got out of the cafe.... rip.
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ANYWAYS, I ordered the Four Berry drink..... aka what BTS usually orders (yes shut up). It was really good anyway.
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In the plus side, cool stuff on their walls! BTS posters, and signed albums from many other celebs like SISTAR, Gfriend and lots more! (you can also get to sit where BTS have sat before hehehehhehehe)
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Later, we went to K-Star Road to visit all the big figures??? dolls??? idk what to call them. But yeah, we went and obviously had to find BTS’ one.
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We were tired af and basically done all we wanted to do (except visiting JYP or YG Entertainment :(((() so we went back to our hotel.
After a few hours of rest in the hotel, we still had energy so we thought of not wasting time by going N Seoul Tower by using the Namsan Cable Car. It was a nice view from the hill but I feel it would be better during daylight?? Since it was winter I think it’ll look prettier during daylight. SORZ FOR NO PHOTO I WAS HALF DEAD THAT NIGHT KSKFKSHFJKSF
Anyways, we found this halal restaurant at this close knit neighborhood in Seoul called Yang Good (Yangguk) and boy...... they had GR8 meat. 11/10 recommended.
OKKKK IM SORRY FOR THIS VERY LONG OVERDUE POST but yes here’s day 2. I’ll try my best to do the other days asap (at least before my new sem starts sigh) BYE GIRLIES ANF GUYLIES!!!!
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animmania · 7 years
Bendy and the ink machine sorta review.
bendy and the ink machine. alot of people have props been seeing its name going around lately and might not know what it is. sum up. its a horror indie game about a cartoon chacater coming alive though ink and you the player have to find out why everything thats happening is happening. thats the basic sum up.
i very much like this game alot and im really happy  to see it getting so much love. but alot of people dont like it and seem confused on why its getting so much praise . and i think thats an intersting point. one day it just showed up and got populaor. but why is that?? well i think its for a few reasons but ill get to them. ive been wanting to make this for a bit so im bascally going to cover as much about the game as i can. from story to game play. so lets start with a better look at the story. note the game is in chapters and i will be spoiling most things in the game so just a heads up to stop reading now if you dont want to be spoiled
CHAPTER 1 MOVIING PICTURES your name is henry a cartoonist who is coming back to his old animation studio after getting a letter from an old friend saying he wants to show you something you look around and find an ink machine. not knowing what it dos or what its for you of course decied you need to turn it on and see what it dos. after finding some iteams to "sacrafice to the gods". once you get them and turn on the machine the place starts to flood with ink and bendy appears. an old cartoon character that used to be famous. think mickey mouse and such. but someone trying to bring him to life made him into a inky black monster.. you run away and make it to the exist but you fall for the floor. after finding an axe you break some boards then reach a demonic circle and pass out after seeing some images.
CHAPTER 2 THE OLD SONG After passing out you wake up and and pick back up your axe. after some more wood chopping you find your way to the music department of the animation studio.here you find another exit but since the ink machine is going the exit is flooded and you cant get in. afetr some exploring and puzzle solving you eventually find out about sammy. the head of the music department and how the exit flooding was something that happened alot becuase of the ink machine. so they installed a ink pump in the exit that would get rid of the ink in the exit. you go to his office press the switch and as your about to leave your hit on the head and knocked out. turns out its good ol sammy. after being locked down there for so long and trapped by the ink machine he has gone mad. he wishs to be free and he thinks giving you as a saccrafice to bendy will do it. he ties you up and is about to sick bendy at you when suddenly bendy turns on him and off screen kills him. you get loose and grab your axe and start running until you run into the ol fool him self BENDY. he gives chase and you outrun him locking him the door. so now your safe but just as things get calm you hear a noise around a conor and behold. its boris another cartoon character that was made for bendy but he is more finished and not as monsterish looking as bendy thos in the game. then it cuts to black and it ends
and thats it for now. no other chapters are out.
now the story isnt anything ground breaking yes but its also not horrible. its a basic plot and it gets the job done. there are a few more characters i could have mentioned but they really dont matter all that much to whats going on. they are mainly for lore and to make it seem like this place used to be well run. ill let you guys find out about them if you decied to get the game your self
ok with the story done lets talk about the look of the game which i think is the best part about bendy and the ink machine.
given its about cartoons and such every thing has a very old cartoony look to them. from the walls to projectors every thing screams classic cartoons and its great they did a great job mixing the cartoony style  with 3d objects making it all seem natural. the lighting is also very good. using alot of yellows i noticed and using it to highlight things like doors or places that you might want to check out. the game also has a bunch of posters every were of bendy the main character and other cartoon characters. now there isnt alot of them so your most likly going to see alot of the same ones alot which isnt the best but it dos have a plus side ill get to later . the only thing id say is an issue with the look of everything is. stuff like the floors while do look good are pretty flat. most of the ground is made out of floor boards and it all looks flat. i think having some stick up from the ground slitghy would have been a bit better but its only a nit pick
but now what would a good looking game be without good looking characters to such as bendy. a small lil demon cartoon character. he was the face of the whole animation studio and boy it shows. his desgin is really simple yet really nice to look at and from an artist stand point very fun and easy to draw. he also has all the classic cartoon things. the big cloves. the dot eyes with the cut in them and  a bow tie. something else to note is he has no neck. not really sure why that is but its honestly nice. makes him stand out honestly which is good for a main character
the next character is boris. very goofy like being a doog person...thing. hes very cute and you see him from time to time in the game in full 3d. his model is very nice and he fits very well into the look of everything else.
finally we have the new cartoon character that was added in chapter 2 alice angle. her disney is meant to be a sorta oppiste of bendys i think. being an angle instead of a devil she has a slightly different look and is actually a human instead of a cartoon animal . her disgn seems very betty boob and minny mouse inspired. having some boob but still maintaining her cartoon look.with bendy arms and gloves and all. its worth to note she has a hole in her hand which i dont really understand but sure it looks nice
every other character in the game dosnt have a look besides from sammy. sammy being a person covered in ink wearing a bendy mask. there isnt alot to say about him other then i think he needs a bath.
now were onto game play. this is where i think most people start to spilt into the two groups of loving this game or hating the game. each with good points
the game is first person with the basic controls walk and look around. its worth to note that in chapter 2 they added a jump button and a sprint button. dont know why they didnt have them in chapter one but what ever. also on a short note the jump in this game dosnt really do much but it dosnt have alot of sound which makes it seem off. you dont need to jump so its not a big deal but its something that bothered me . you also have a attack button which is for swinging your axe at things in your way and enemys which is where issues start to come in. swinging the axe is fine but hitting things is another story. when ever i swing it i can never tell when im going to hit something. ive been right next to objects and swinging and it would not break and id have to start aiming at them in different angles till i found the hit box. i havent played chapter 2 but after watching a few people play it it seems the same goes for the enemys but not as much. now the enemys i think are the weakest part about the game so far. for 1 they arent really scary and dont really fit in with the world. they are just geniric looking sludge monsters  with no real features. and fighting them seems really unsatisfying. they go down with one hit and the sound effect sounds like your stepping in a puddle. also they arent really something you have to worry about. it takes like 12 of them to be able to kill you and even still as long as you dont run head first into them they will never kill you. but do be careful becuase if they do kill you you gotta start the chapter all over again . that is pretty bullshit.
then we have the other part of the game play which is looking for iteams and solving some puzzles. now alot of people hate these and i do understand. looking for iteams isnt that fun  but i dont think its all that bad. you get to look at all the details and find some secerts along the way. plus the areas you have to look in arent even that big so it wont take very long to find what you need.
now thats pretty much all the game play but theres another thing i want to talk about which is the music. now for as much as id love to say buy the soundtrack i really cant. besides from one track which i liked called *Hellfire Follies* all the songs seem like genirc horror music youd find anywhere. Hellfire Follies is the best mainly becuase its so different from the rest of the songs and also fits really well into the cartoon aesthic thats going on. the only other song id say is really good is the one that plays when your next to the projector playing a small animation of bendy in chapter 1. but its not in the soundtrack for some reason and i cant find its name any where.
so thats bendy and the ink machine. so what after all that is said and done those bendy desver to get all the praise it gets?? or is it just a over hyped game that isnt that good. me persnoally i really like. despite all its issues i still had fun playing chapter one and looking at all the detail and watching all the play thoughs of chapter 2 just made me love it more. if you came into the game with high expctaions thinking your going to shit your pants in fear your going to be dissapointed. a common issue ive seen come up with the game from people is that theres no real looming fear . no monster constally chaseing you or enemys that really make you scared. and those are fair complaints. but i think thats not all that bad of a thing. bendy and the ink machine is more of a game that wants you to get sucked into its world and wants to scare you with its tone and setting rather then with monsters or the fear of dying. i think the best way of looking at bendy and the ink machine is. dont think of it as a action horror game. but more as a puzzle horror game.
also despite it not being that scary its such a unique horror game. a game with such a cute cartoony style clearly taking insipation from old school disney. not alot of horror games like that out there which is way i think people like it so much. its just so nice and new. plus it not being that scary i think opens it up for alot of people.
its sorta like a lite horror game. something i think which could be a good start for people that want to get into horror games or horror genra as a whole but cant handle big things like lets say outlast or something.
but i think the best part about the game and what made me so in love with it is the commmuinty. the meatly the maker of the game trys so hard to be active in the community and dos so much for people who enjoy his game. even to the point in letting them chip in with art contest for the chance of getting thier art in the game with posters or so many things. and even reaching out to youtubers who have taken the time to write whole songs for the game and added them into the game as easters eggs which is just so cool. taking part in it is honestly is nice and seeing all the nice cool people in it makes it such a joy to be apart of . if i played the game and never even looked at fan art or all the community events id  honestly not be that intersted in this game and would have worte it off.
if you dont really care about that kinda stuff then it wont really matter and the game might not leave that much of an impact but for me it makes me want to get more into it because its just fun.
so thats my kinda review of bendy. hope i made some sense haha. and meatly if this some how finds your way. thanks for making such awesome games. keep up the work man
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angry-healers · 7 years
Saw someone talking about 'is it that hard to farm alex' dont wear pvp gear
First of all, calm down its not that deep second;
Wow its suprising theres some people who dont raid isnt it? Some people whos computers or internet cant handle the high tier speed you need to raid right? Gear is gear my dude. Not everyones gonna be a top geared player. Some people dont even know how to unlock raids. Some dont have friends to go with and dont wanna put up a party finder since not alot of people want to help you even progress through raids that arent the ones they need drops from. hell alot of them dont even want people who dont know the fight period
Honestly idc much about someones il as long as were doing the content fairly well.
As a healer Ive had my fair share of undergeared tanks, they were in level 60 gear though.
Im not a raider, and I hate farming. So my il is? decent in my opinion. My White Mage/ Ast is a solid il 240. Dark Knight is 238.
flashback to lost city of ampador. Tank looks like an il of maybe 210 or so, monk with around 250 something. the monk has more hp, and is ripping aggro from this poor little paladin whos trying so hard.
someone tries to vote kick the tank, but i insist on telling them that “were fine. I can heal you guys, let us just finish this”
monk gets into an arguement with me about how people need to have the best gear its not that hard. monk then refused to do mechanics, causing a couple wipes. black mage didnt say anything but slapped me a couple times.
we ended up clearing anyway and the paladin hugged me and said “thank you heals (:”
monk and black mage left without saying anything
damn about the best day of my life?
Tldr; farming lore and scripture is hard as is, only good way is palace and with as many assholes you meet in therw i dont blame anyone for not wanting to. (plus you can waste 30+ minutes just to wipe) raiding takes alot of dedication and a good setup. Plus you get nasty eletists who get upset if youre “not doing enough damage” calm down dude as long as it gets done i dont think it matters?
( submitted by  hellboundknight )
Every time someone says something is so easy and everyone can do it, I literally want to smack them. There are people who play this game and don’t have the time to commit to capping their points every week, let alone remember to do a raid. Some people might be having a bad week and just don’t want to play. Some people might not consider FFXIV their main game but they still want to do level 60 content.
Minimum item level for a dungeon is exactly what it is: a minimum item level. The level at which to start tackling that dungeon. There is nothing in the TOS that says a person has to be hugely above the item level of the dungeon to participate. Also, everyone starts somewhere. Not everyone goes and just farms farms farms to get gear before going into dungeons. A lot just go do them because they want to and there’s nothing wrong with that.
If you want to get something done fast and instant and your way, learn to get your own friends and do it in a pre-made. Do not ever invalidate a player in DF because they’re “undergeared” to you. There’s no such thing as “undergeared” if they can solo queue into the content with their current item level.
Like god just let people play at their own pace. Not everyone lacks a life.
[[ As for the raid bit, I think that poster was talking about the “easy” version of Alex but even then, not everyone does it. I know people who’ve never touched the place, opting to just do 24-mans once a week and make a relic or focus on crafting/gathering. There are players like that. And a lot of them aren’t bad players either. ]]
-- Mod Mhi
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jamesodell2 · 6 years
Print developments inspired from iconic events
In this blog post I will be walking you through my first set of developments behind my concept of recent and iconic events. I will be talking about the concept I was working from plus the aims I set myself for this practical development time; this post will be finsihed off by me question if I have meet my aims and if my work is successful and why.
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Battle For Sryia Aleppo Bloody Battle
The context I was basing my development around was the conflict happening in Sryia, I wanted to begin my practical exploration here because of its powerful photos gathered from the conflict; plus there is a lot I can explore behind this event. I want to show a clear relationship behind text and image in my pieces which will be composed as a series of posters. To stem inspiration I will be refering back to the designers Saul Bass, David Carson but also looking at a new artist who explores a wide range of poster compostions called Ace.
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Saul Bass Anatomy Of A Murder
What I aim to do in this practical time is produce a range of posters exploring tradional methods such as print ( screen ) and cut out. After these are finished I want to scan them in so I could edit them through digtal techniques within Photoshop; this will give me the oppitunitty to compare these practical experiments but also combine these two methods to see what impact it shows towards the audience. I also want to challenge the relationship between text and image and see how I can impact this through layout, meduims and colour schemes.
Why im looking at these designers for inspiration is because of their each individual style behind their works. Saul Bass has always been one of my favourite designers; this is because of the simpicity he carryies throughout his work and this is something I want to explore throughout these experiments by taking his use of negitive space and adding my own unique style. David Carson is being looked at because of his use of abstract text which is composed in a choitic way to challenge the audiences undertsanding behind his work. What I want to show is headlines relating to the conflict and wish to lay this out in a similar style to to give my posters some appeal and power.
> Secondary Images
> Scalpel
> Cutting Matt
> Screen
> Ink
> Squeegee
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First Stencil
To begin this idea I needed to gather two copies of the image I was working from; this was the iconic image of the kid standing infront of the tank. I chose this image because I feel it already posses power towards the audience which I can work with. After these images were gathered I needed to start planning out my stencils, I wanted to work in a simple style to relate towards Saul Bass so began to highlight the shapes I was going to cut out. As shown in the image I went towards working with geometric shapes which gave the image a simple and subtle affect which shows connection to Saul Bass. When creating this stencil I didnt want to over complicate this so kept it simple and minimum; I can then add the details and text through digital techniques when the prints are dried.
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Finished Two Stencils For Prints
The second stencil I was creating was to mainly focus on the boy in the image; I wanted to show this boy in a different colour to raise awareness to the audince of the danger happening in this conflict towards cizillians. The colour scheme I was adopting was red and black which Saul Bass implements towards his outcomes, I chose this because I feel it clearly shows the themes and emotions im trying to portray towards the audience. The red shows danger and violence which will be the colour of the tank and decided to create the kid as a silhouette so it adds tension to my posters. It also gets the audience to ask, who is the kid and why is he there.
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Me Showing The Printing Process
After these stencils were created and I decided what colours to use I could start to produce my first set of prints. The first stencil I wanted to print was the tank; this was because its the main focal point in my poster and much bigger than the silhouette which will be easier to place when the tank is already printed. The method of printing I was going to use is screen printing, this is because I have done this in the past and it creates a nice clean and 2D image which fits the outcome I want to produce.
Once I make sure my screen was clean and dry I was ready to print; if the screen is wet or dirty it will affect the quality of my print and make the ink come out patchy. Once my stencil was set I layed out marker for my paper so that my print stayed in the same place. Next I evenly spread my ink at the top of the screen and gathered my sqeegy ready to print my stencil. I pulled my sqeegy towards me going down the screen at a 45 degree angle so the ink goes through the screen evenly; this produced a nice clean print which will be repeated many times to gain the best print. This was repeated over the next stencil which was layered ontop of the first prints to form the basis for my poster.
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Print Outcome With Border Plus My Solution To Prevent This 
When doing my prints I came across some problems which affected some of my prints. This was due to my stencil not covering all the screen which led to my prints having a boarder. This is somthing I ddint want so dicided to cover the gaps up with used paper to creat a clean print to use for my digital experiments. The image above shows my technique in how I tackled this problem.
After having finsihed my prints I gathered all my outcomes and scanned them in using the photcopier; this was because of the scale I chose to print them which didnt fit under the usual scanner in the MAC room. Once these were scanned in I opened the best prints in Photoshop and instantly adjusted the levels of the image, this was because the photocopier didnt produce the best scan and this technique makes the colours bolder and more aggressive. Once this was done I needed to gather my secondary headlines I was going to use within my poster; I gathered these from online newspapers and cropped the words I wanted to use. Then I started to think about what compostions to use relating to David Carson so began explore the layer filters which pushed the text to the back which was what I wanted.This was so my print didnt get lost in the text and still had a bold effect in the poster. Once this digital poster was done I began to explore it through a monochramtic lens which I instantly prefered to the original, this made my poster more powerful and created more emotions towards the audience.
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Digital Outcome 
What went well and have I met my aims I set myself?
Overall when looking back at this session I feel as it was a success, this was because of the work created at the end of the session and what development I can make by working from these traditional and digital posters. I feel as my prints came out reaaly well because of the process I decided to will. Although some prints came out alongside a boarder I liked this unexpected outcome which showed a clear resemblance towards the work of Saul Bass. I feel as these traditional outcomes relate strongly to Saul Bass’s pice called Bunning Lake Is Missing, because of the silhouette resembling hope which attaches straight towards the audience.
I feel as I have met my aims by creating a range of traditional and digital posters which show a range of exploration in meduim, processes and compostions. I think some of posters have relation to the artist I have looked at previuosly which shows what im personally intrested in aswell as what makes a good poster. I think I have explored the relationship between text and image through my digital outcomes in which I added my typography; these outcomes were a combination of the to processes which I set myself to explore at the start of this session.
> Explore how I can display these digital posters relating to Ace and Dface who were shown on the grafitti tour, torn and layered across other pieces of work
> Explore primary text in my sketchbook to give my posters a hand-rendered feel\affect
> Research Dface and Ace so I can start think about my political mash up posters
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