#pls pls don’t tag as ship
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Y’all I am so so sorry it’s so late! I can explain! And I promise I won’t post all of these so late! I just had to stay at work an extra hour tonight and didn’t have as much time to finish this as I thought.
That being said, I’m not sure if I really like how it came out, but my writing skills are a bit rusty. I especially haven’t written much fanfiction over these last couple years. It’s mostly been snippets(that I haven’t posted), which was what I had planned this to be, but things happened. Anyway, I hope you guys like it!
Number 3, here we go!
Five Times Calyan Fell Alseep on His Family and One Time He…
1. Alberu Crossman
He would do anything to get out of this mind numbing meeting.
Crown Prince he may be, but even he is just about five seconds from pulling out Taerang to just lightly threaten some of these imbeciles in the room with him. Seriously, they’re in the middle of a war. Why are these idiots so invested in his relationship with the Dark Elves? Sure, it would be bad if someone makes the connection between them at this point in time, but what are they going to do with that information? He planned to reveal it at his coronation anyway, who’s going to try and get him off the throne when he’s already been announced as the current leader of the Roan Kingdom? As if Robbit or that coward third prince would be able to lead them to victory. Then again, he himself would not be nearly as confident without his headache of a dongseang/commander at his side.
Ah, at least there is one other person with a functioning brain in this meeting. However, his resident headache producer has been awfully quiet these past two hours…
Sneaking a look to his right as some central faction nobles prattle on about the churches and not enough healers, (pfft. As if the sun god has ever contributed to the welfare of this kingdom), he finds himself momentarily perplexed at the expression on Calyan’s face.
Glazed reddish brown eyes squint beneath slightly furrowed eyebrows. A curtain of deep red falls across his eyes as he continues to stare at a certain spot on the ovular table. Usually his dongsaeng would do his absolute best to zone out during these meetings, leaving all the discussions to his overworked Hyung-nim, the brat. But it’s almost as if he is actually trying to pay attention? Or perhaps stay awake would be the better term. Come to think of it, what was Calyan doing before the impromptu meeting?
Alberu had received word that the central faction’s nobles had a very important matter to discuss pertaining to the Kingdom’s current state of affairs. Of course, he doubted whether it was truly so important to interrupt their plans of smacking the White Star from behind, but nonetheless, he agreed to see them, as it wouldn’t do for the Crown Prince to disregard the “state of his Kingdom” in a time of crisis.
What had surprised him though, was their insistence on the inclusion of the former Commander, Calyan Henituse.
He had been rightfully annoyed at the audacity of these nobles that would demand his dongsaeng’s presence at such an insignificant meeting when he was finally able to rest for a few days. However, upon discussing it with the person in question’s older twin, Cale, neither he, nor the redhead could convince their troublesome little brother to stay away. For Calyan apparently has eyes and ears everywhere and Alberu’s Instructor-nim is still incapable of lying to his liege. Darn sensitive swordsman.
So when Calyan walked into the meeting room, Alberu had expected a lot of things. His usually stoic face with a hint of annoyance about being interrupted from his “slacking”; a blank face with barely visible exhaustion from the constant overworking, or perhaps cold eyes, ready to stare down any who even consider offending those he considers his people.
But what he didn’t expect to see was the redhead almost dragging his body through the doors and looking like he’d gone several years without a wink of sleep; his meticulously styled hair and unwrinkled clothing doing little to hide how utterly worn out he looked. Either these disrespectful nobles didn’t notice how exhausted his dongsaeng looked, or they just didn’t care, as they finally started the meeting once the Commander was present.
Which brings them to their current predicament. Alberu is beyond tired, which goes to show how tired the man at his side must be. Evident by the fact that he is actually trying to pay attention to whatever nonsense the other occupants of the meeting hall are spewing. Subtly shifting closer to his sworn brother, Alberu lets his hand just barely brush the against where he knows younger’s to be under the table. Seeing those hazy eyes focus on his faux blue ones, he conveys a silent message.
‘Are you tired?’
The blank look he gets tells everything.
‘Why are you asking such an obvious question?’
He should have seen that coming. He conveys something else.
‘I can bail you out. It’s not like you need to hear this obvious buffoonery.’
That gets a barely noticeable smile from the redhead. But Calyan imperceptibly shakes his head.
‘I’m fine.’
What blatant lies.
He knows there’s no use in trying to reason with his stubborn dongseang, so he instead tunes back into the discussion when he hears his title being called by a no-name Count.
It is a mind numbing fifteen minutes before he feels a weight on his shoulder, and all at once, the hall falls silent. Looking down, he sees a head of long red hair slumped against him. Luckily the chairs were situated in a way that Calyan’s chair was at his side instead of further down; a sort of intimidation move on Alberu’s part, so the Commander had blessedly not fallen to the floor when he evidently succumbed to sleep.
“Is there anything else that requires the Crown’s immediate attention, Count Rodden?” Said man nervously shifts, clearly having more to say, but relents upon witnessing the Crown Prince aiming his blinding smile directly at him.
“Ahem.. I suppose we should finish our discussion at the next meeting then, your highness.“ Count Rodden avoids his eyes as he says that, clearly not wanting to end the meeting there, but unwilling to propose waking the sleeping Commander on the Crown Prince’s shoulder, and most likely earning the ire of the swormaster and highest grade expert he knows are on the other side of the doors.
As the nobles finally filter out of the room, Alberu makes a mental note to thank Cale and Choi Han for being so intimidating. Say what you will about the eldest Young Master of the Henituse County and the scary Swormaster, but they sure know how to get those idiotic high classes to submit.
Sighing in relief that finally, finally, he is out of that horrible meeting, he once again looks down at the young man slumbering away on his shoulder. Hah…really, his dongsaeng is just too adorable.
Steeling himself, he reaches his unoccupied arm to gently rouse his adorable headache.
“Dongsaeng, Calyan. It’s time to wake up.”
His only reply is slow breathing. This won’t do. Any moment now, the chaos incarnate and his vicious instructor-nim will kick open the doors. He’s got to wake Calyan up. For the sake of his ever-growing damage repair bills.
“Donsaeng. Wakey wakey. If you don’t wake up your brother is going to permanently scar some poor nobles..” Still no response but heavy breathing. He swears it’s like this man wants to make his life harder. Oh wait, he does, doesn’t he?
Hearing the chatter outside growing faint, Alberu finally resolves himself to having to carry around this lazy little brother of his. Propping Calyan’s head up with the hand currently attached to his imprisoned limb, the Crown Prince is forced to pause when he feels that something is off here.
Since when has Calyan ever been so still?
Sure, he loves to sleep and will grumble when anyone tries to wake him, but ultimately he still answers whoever it is, even with only a tired groan. Even the few times Alberu is forced to wake up him up after an all-nighter forces them to crash on the couch in his study(while the company is quite appreciated, he’d rather skip the never ending paperwork altogether thank you), he would usually burrow deeper into whatever he’s laying on(Alberu, in this case) in an attempt to not get up. If this was an attempt to get out of the meeting, he would’ve stopped it as soon as the rest of the room’s occupants were on the other side of the doors.
Which makes this situation all the more strange. And worrying.
Well, that and the obvious fever. With Alberu’s hand on Calyan’s head, he can clearly feel the unnaturally high temperature. Why didn’t he feel it before? And the unusually loud breathing; it’s no wonder the redhead is down for the count. When was the last time he slept?
He has precious little time to think about that though. Moving his right arm to Calyan’s back, he reaches down to place the other under his dongsaeng’s knees for a much more comfortable position in which to carry him. He lifts them both off the chairs with ease(which is just a tad bit concerning), and mentally prepares himself for the hour-long lecture he’s sure to receive from the redhead’s equally red-haired, overprotective twin.
In the time it takes him to get them both out of that awkward semi-hugging position they started with, the heavy doors of the meeting hall are pushed open and he can practically feel the satisfaction radiating off the two hooligans. Where he would normally feel an incoming headache, along with a small amount of pride, he only feels growing concern for the young man in his arms……And maybe a bit of trepidation for the hurricane of nagging soon to come.
This is going to be a long, long night…
Calyan Henituse, formerly Kim Rok Soo, has experienced a lot of sleepless nights in the last twenty years for someone whose dream is to do nothing but roll around on his bed. For the record, he blames that stupid Radish for his lack of a slacker life. If that White Thing would have just minded his own business and left Roan alone, Calyan wouldn’t have to lose sleep(and brain cells) trying to find a way to get rid of him. So yeah, he is unfortunately familiar with going several days without sleep during his plans to smack the White Star in the back and meeting up with various allies across the two continents. Though his frequent use of record in order to speed things up does nothing to soothe what is most likely one of his many stress headaches. It’s a bit annoying having to deal with them after being a spoiled young master of the rich Henituse family in this life, but he dealt with them for years as Kim Rok Soo, he can deal with them for a few weeks now. Just until he can find a moment to rest.
Or so he thought. Because the very first thing he registers after his impromptu nap at the latest and most probably annoying nobles meeting is a headache at least five times worse than the ones he frequently got as Kim Rok Soo. That’s not even mentioning how his whole body feels as if he just experienced what it’s like to be on the receiving end of one of Choi Han’s brutal training sessions.
He stifles a pained groan as he attempts to slowly open his eyes in order to better adjust to the light in his room.
It appears it was not needed though, as the mana-powered lamps in what is most definitely not his bedroom are set at the lowest setting. The room is just barely bright enough to distinguish the sleeping silhouette of its only other occupant.
Alberu Crossman sits on a chair beside his own bed, in his own bedroom, that is being occupied by Calyan. His head is at an awkward angle(ouch) and he has his arms crossed even in his sleep. All in all, he looks like he fell asleep waiting for Calyan to wake up.
He…doesn’t know how to feel about that. There’s definitely a certain warmth at the actions of his self-proclaimed Hyung-nim, but he would still rather Alberu not waste his time and energy staying with him when the Crown Prince is surely even more exhausted than him. If anyone deserves to rest during such a chaotic time, it’s this quarter Dark Elf.
That said, this is not exactly an ideal position for the future Sun of Roan to sleep in, so Calyan will just have to wake him up and force him into his own(currently occupied) bed to get some real rest.
As if sensing his thoughts, the pseudo-blond shifts slightly before slowly opening his eyes. Blinking the sleep away, his not-blue irises lock onto sharp, and thankfully no longer hazy, reddish brown ones.
“Hah. Took you long enough. Well isn’t that convenient how you woke up only after your brother left the room.” He scoffs at the man who stayed asleep throughout Cale’s entire over-an-hour long lecture about making sure his troublesome brother rested. Who knew that the so-called “Trash” Cale Henituse, who was known for yelling at everyone and throwing around wine bottles, would tell off the Crown Prince of Roan for letting his twin attend a meeting in his condition. And that he would do it all without raising his voice above a whisper.
“My sincerest apologies your highness, the star of our kingdom. You have my most heartfelt gratitude for courageously bearing the full might of-“
Alberus heaves a deep sigh into his hands before brushing back his disheveled hair. He can now finally allow himself to relax. He is not going to lie, he’s happy to hear his dongsaeng’s voice again. Even if the first thing the person in question says is complete, nonsensical flattery. Alberu was a bit unnerved at how absolutely still Calyan was during the meeting, and that feeling evolved to concern and anxiety when Calyan eventually collapsed in the middle. Suffice to say, Alberu will now be thoroughly observing his dongsaeng for any discomfort at a formal event in the future. Forget about any consequences, Calyan will always come first.
Sigh. He reaches out a hand and places it gently on his troublesome brother’s forehead. Good, his temperature seems to have gone down a bit.
“Hyung-nim?” Calyan says with a small bit of confusion.
Alberu sighs for a third time. “What am I going to do with this troublesome dongsaeng of mine?” He says with exasperated affection.
Calyan attempts to sit up. But is swiftly stopped by hands firmly keeping him from moving. Too tired to protest, he resigns himself and simply mutters one word.
“Why are you apologizing?” What are you sorry for? He wants to ask. For getting sick? For going to the meeting without any regard for your own health? For worrying your family?
“I put you in an awkward situation.” Oh. Calyan avoids his eyes, running his hand over a particularly interesting strand of red hair. His face remains stoic, but his voice and actions speak of his sincerity. Truly, Alberu doesn’t understand the thoughts going through that brilliant but dumb head. Is he really thinking about Alberu’s reputation at a time like this?
“Do you really think I care about what those imbeciles with no tact think of me?” Calyan stops fidgeting, but is clearly still troubled. “Dongsaeng, you did me a favor. If I had to be in the same room as them for two more minutes, I might have considered calling your brother.”
The redhead lets out a small huff at the mental image of Cale getting full reign to say whatever he wanted to those insufferable suck ups. He’d send them packing, that’s for sure. Finally lifting his head to face the prince, he is slightly stunned to find a fond sort of amusement reflected in the quarter Dark Elf’s eyes.
He knows Alberu truly doesn’t care about what anyone, let alone those who hold hostility for his family, thinks; and yet he couldn’t help but feel guilty for the position he’d unwillingly put the other in. He may be weak, but he doesn’t like to be a burden on his colleagues. Least of all, someone he considers family. He knows it is okay to need others, he is only able to survive thanks to them, but he also knows when they need him to be strong. If it were anyone else, he might have done considerable harm to their image. It is only thanks to Alberu’s own wit and status that Calyan’s act of falling asleep in an important meeting was set aside so smoothly.
Regardless, he allows himself to let it go just this once. After all, who’s going to fault the Crown Prince for the actions of his sworn brother? Alberu holds all the cards. He’s got loads he can use against those central faction idiots; and if he needs more, Calyan will happily contribute to their humiliation.
“Move over.” He is snapped out of his musings by a short remark from the man to his left. Confused, he makes space for Alberu to join him on the rather large bed. What was all that forcing him to stay still earlier if he was just going to be forced to move?
He complies as the young man situates them so that they are both covered in the plush comforter and Calyan’s head is resting in his lap.
“Your highness…?”
“Hyung-nim…what are you doing?”
“You keep wincing as if you have a headache. I wouldn’t be surprised. Just let your Hyung-nim deal with everything.”
His protests get stuck in his throat when he feels gentle hands carding through his hair. Embarrassment aside, the repetitive motion does somewhat comfort him, though it does little for a headache as severe as this one. Of course, he’s not going to tell Alberu to stop. Why waste the opportunity to sleep on the Crown Prince’s lap? And just where does he manufacture his blankets? Calyan will have to mention it to Ron.
Alberu scoffs softly. “You’re probably the first person to make a royal into a bed. “
He continues carding his fingers through the long hair, untangling the silky wine-like strands. “Just sleep, Calyan. You’ll feel better tomorrow. Don’t worry, I won’t tell the children just yet. I’ll tell them it’s a sleepover.”
A sleepover in the Crown Prince’s bedroom? It was almost funny to imagine. But the assurance that the children would remain ignorant of his condition(at least for the time being) allowed him to finally relax and give into the lull and warmth. Even after his unplanned nap, he feels the exhaustion creeping up on him. However, unlike the last few weeks, he welcomes it. The White Star can wait to be smacked just as Calyan can wait a bit longer for his life of doing absolutely nothing. For now, he’ll sleep for a few (maybe a few dozen?) hours and dream of retiring in his late twenties.
Calyan falls asleep to the quiet murmurs of his Hyung-nim’s plans for dealing with lousy citizens and the feeling of complete safety only few can give him even in this life.
Yes, he is close to his long-awaited slacker life. Maybe in a few more months, there can be more nights like this with his family. Preferably without the sickness and embarrassing positions though.
Also, just wanted to make a note here in case people don’t read the tags. Please do not tag as ship. All relationships in my countdown, unless stated otherwise, are purely platonic.
#tcf#lcf#lcf aus#og cale henituse#cale henituse#kim rok soo#alberu crossman#lout of count’s family#trash of the count's family#tcf aus#rraes lcf countdown2024#can you tell I can’t write fluff?#dang perfectionism#still a min till 12!#tcf fanfic#pls pls don’t tag as ship#I really don’t ship them any of them#including Choi Han and OG Cale#I really like their platonic relationship#they can be best friends and brothers#at least in my aus#twin au#5 + 1 fic
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Nightwing & Red Hood By Jordan Gibson
#Jordan Gibson#dc comics#nightwing#dick grayson#red hood#jason todd#batman#art#pls don’t tag as ship
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Sometimes you just gotta draw a guy standing there, what can I say
Also post-fire outfits cause I thought It’d be fun :))
Sona gets added too since this is actually more of a sneak peek of a larger project I’m working on 🤫🤫
#shaking while typing this cause I had too much caffeine#even though I’m trying to quit#pls don’t tell moon#my art#my sona#fnaf sun#dca sun#sun#sundrop#fnaf moon#dca moon#moon#moondrop#daycare attendant#dca fandom#also tagging this with the ship tags#since this is for my lil self insert au#sun x self insert#sun x y/n#moon x self insert#moon x y/n#dca x self insert#dca x y/n#meteor shower#faulty by design
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see ya later alligator
#They don’t like each other. I will keep this hc To my grave AoekfkRJFKE#ATLEAst in my au they don’t#Monty’s really gonna hate moon later when he gets his own body cause he’s gonna be glam rock sized :)#This does not mean Sun relies on moon to kick people. He would have gladly done it if the lights didn’t go down but moon was itching#”LEMME AT HIM LEMME-“#PFNGN#art#my art#fnaf art#fnaf security breach#fnaf monty#fnaf sun#fnaf moon#fnaf daycare attendant#fanart#fnaf au#fnaf override#Don’t tag as ship! I don’t ship Monty and DCA pls ^^;#Fnaf
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guitar lessons
[id: It’s a drawing of Hobie teaching Pavitr how to play the guitar. Pavitr sits criss-cross with Hobie’s guitar in his lap with his tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration and Hobie sits behind him with his hands also on the guitar and a smile on his face. They are both drawn as they are depicted in the movie, Hobie having dark brown skin, wicks, and numerous piercings, and Pavitr with brown skin and wavy hair. Their outfits are also the same as in the movie, Hobie with a leather jacket, plaid and patched pants, a blue shirt, and spiked bracelets, and Pavitr in a red and blue Spider-Man suit adorned with gold. The only difference is Hobie is without his boots, simply wearing blue socks instead. He is outlined in a paper-y texture and the guitar is outlined in yellow. /end id]
#agh I love them#pls don’t tag as ship 👍🏽#I don’t mind the ship but I just don’t want my art 2 be considered ship art lmao#hobie brown#pavitr prabhakar#spider punk#across the spiderverse#atsv#nibeul art
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The devil on his shoulder
#we are so kuro BACK#green witch AND manga return…#ciel phantomhive#sebastian michaelis#black butler#kuroshitsuji#fanart#art#digital art#black butler fanart#real ones know this is second time redrawing this#my art#don’t tag as ship for the love of god pls
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Hmgrgsnmghhsgr …. ruksa……. uikass……. ruikasa….
#ruikasa#tsukasa tenma#rui kamishiro#project sekai#pjsk#pjsk fanart#fanart#my art#FINE TUMBLR HAVE UR MLM SHIP#IGNORE THE SAPPHICS#ITS FINE#I DONT CARE#emunene#because i love them and im so mad they don’t get enough attention as ruikasa#ily ruikasa but let my queens have some recognition pls#I will forever be pissed how in the game with a major of female characters the male characters/ships are the most popular#I’m a hypocrite because Tsukasa is my favorite BUT CMON#THIS ISNT FAIR#GIVE MY GIRLS THE ATTENTION THEY DESERVE#All the female characters are soooo well written and beautiful and I love them all and that’s why I can’t choose a favorite girl#i love them all so much#But with the guys…#Easy pick imo#Anyways#sorry for rant in the tags lmao
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lord we’re ready
#platonic! pls don’t tag as ship#me and the bestie transcending this mortal realm#rui kamishiro#tsukasa tenma#wonderlands x showtime#project sekai#mis art tag
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Childish Statement (1/3)
Sorrow it gives, your deep blue eyes
#fma#I’m very excited to finish the next two#don’t tag as ship#alfons heiderich#fullmetal alchemist#fma cos#conqueror of shamballa#fma fanart#fanart#animation#gif#character art#vermiixart#fma 2003#quality pls be good I’m begging
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the only valid straight relationships are a girlboss and the guy that is down atrocious for her
#jae’s thoughts#including but not limited to:#percabeth#twiyor#loiyor#sorry i’m not that familiar with their ship name#hiccup x astrid#astrid x hiccup#hiccstrid#pls why is that their ship name lmao#gomez x morticia#morticia x gomez#lowkey pei ming and yushi huang but i don’t respect pei ming to officially add him#kataang#cleuce#peraltiago#i usually also add the fandom tags for all the ships i tag but there are too many and it’s very late#so i will just go to sleep instead
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cera number 1 third life fan strikes again
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you’re a dog & i’m your man
i just... think…. that sofia falcone gigante and jason todd would be an insane mentor/student type of relationship. i think the parallels are wild and the paternal issues and hating oz and batman alike would be insanely funny.
#jason todd#red hood#sofia falcone#sofia gigante#the penguin dc#dc jason todd#haven art#pls don’t tag as ship#birdie and i going for the jugular with our ideas in the DMs on the daily over these two im so!!!!#normal!!!!
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“dipper and ford bonding” this “ford and dipper science buddies” that what about the fact that ford spent the few weeks he was there during summer isolating dipper and using him as a backbone. what about the inherent loyalty dipper still feels to ford what about the envy seeing mabel being able to be a kid around him what about the hatred he may harbor years after when it’s not acknowledged what about dipper internalizing the fact he was considered ‘special’ what about dipper lying awake at night wondering what would’ve happened if he took that apprenticeship what about deeply rooted idolization turning to disgust. i don’t want bonding i want to see complex familial relationships (still love the bonding tho) show me codependency show me the messy details show me the raw anger show me the effects on dipper being treated as if he’s the only person that was there for a ford even though there were multiple adults present at the time show me how that loyalty killed him from the inside out. the children yearn for more fanfiction w complicated relations w ford and dipper (esp when it’s post canon)
#gravity falls#dipper pines#ford pines#gravity falls dipper#stanford pines#ford and dipper#grunkle ford#fanfiction#dipper and ford#pls don’t tag as ship ew#gf#gravity falls ford
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renheng silly i also forgot to post
this was my first time drawing them 💀💀 honkai designs make me so upset
#blade hsr#hsr blade#yingxing#xingyue#yingxing hsr#honkai star rail fanart#fanart#honkai fanart#honkai sr#honkai star rail#renheng#dan heng x blade#yinyue jun#yinyue x yingxing#ship art#comic art#goofy#wtf am i tagging#babygirl dan heng 💀#my brainrot for them is so bad but i don’t know what poses to use n stuff#if ur reading this pls request sketches of them i need inspo#ugh gay ppl#dan heng#imbibitor lunae#dan heng hsr#honkai dan heng#my art#hsr
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the toxic-est yaoi of all. you can’t outdo the do-ers
#pls don’t tag as ship#the nuance of. i don’t ship them bcs i don’t like them together#but i DO think that midori took advantage of shin’s feelings to get leverage over him#kimi ga shine fanart#shin tsukimi#your turn to die#yttd#yttd fanart#kimi ga shine#yttd shin#your turn to die fanart#sou hiyori#midori yttd#my art <3
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drinks and heart-aching woes
#hetalia#aph america#hws america#aph england#hws england#digital art#fan art#pls don’t tag as ship art#they’re familial to me alas
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