#pls no silly ai hate
youre-dreaming-302 · 4 months
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Heaven’s 愛 302 - PlayStation 2 - 2003
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sunyandmony · 4 hours
Just gonna post it cuz yeah... Idk what to do with it...
Word count- 3,379
Subject/plot/idea- Moon comfort fic
Characters- Moon, You/Reader
Inspiration/if any- none
Warnings- self-harm thoughts, death wish, abuse(?), neglect, self-hate
🌹🌺🌷🌸💐 (<--- to the people reading this)
Part 1/?
It may have been an hour, maybe more, but you didn't care anymore.
Your face was burning and covered in tears, your heart was racing and you were sitting in the worst spot possible to have this breakdown; in one of the party rooms in the daycare.
Quiet whimpers and gasps escaped you, unable to hold them back.
The Pizzaplex had closed down hours ago, and everything that made you be here was gone, so why did you feel like this?!
It's unfair that you're the target of everything.
That your life is the way it is and that it's all your fault in the end…
You had hidden in here, and no one noticed.
“Of course they wouldn't… Nobody does, they probably don't even care at all, never did...”
Everything was too hard to understand, and everyone was acting inhumane and awful as if you're the monster.
You didn't even know what to say or believe anymore, you hated yourself so much you wanted to just die already.
You weren't the only child, and your sibling always had the attention.
It was so stupid, and at this point, you couldn't even care anymore.
All your senses activated the moment you ran into this room, crawled under this table, and started sobbing your frustration, trauma, and helplessness to the empty room.
You immediately started sobbing harder as the thoughts started getting more constant and worse.
Death is literally your only option at this point, there's nothing else…
“Stupid, stupid, stupid…”
You muttered under your breath, curling even more into yourself.
It's not fair. Humans are the worst.
Why you of all people??
What had you done to deserve everything…?
It's so stupid, everything is stupid, everything is awful and so shitty.
Always having to be “happy” and pleasing to everyone that sees you, always having to dress how other people want, but not you.
Always being the silent kid and the black sheep of the family…
Everything was so good when you were still a toddler, where did those happy moments go??
…What's wrong with you?
Why can't you just be happy…?
The sobs got louder and louder the more your thoughts ate you alive, you were so done of everything, you just wanted to die, all alone like you deserve, with no one to hold you near…
He thought he was mistaken.
He thought he was hearing things, who would be here so late?
Maybe an intruder, but the sounds were all too familiar.
He detached himself from his acrobatic wire, creeping closer to the party room and listened closely.
Sun was right, there's someone inside.
The door opened once he stepped in front of it, and he entered inside to search, scanning the space for a short few seconds…
Of all people, he didn't expect you.
He thought your parents had picked you up when you left the daycare and told Sun you'd be fine.
You clearly aren't.
He sighed audibly, before crouching down and raising up the tablecloth, finding you curled up in a ball and crying to yourself.
His expression immediately softened, and his security mode turned off as his eyes shifted from red to a beautiful dark void, with the littlest of stars inside.
In one moment you heard the opening of a door, but you couldn't care enough to look up to see who came inside the room, unable to control your sobs and thoughts from pouring out.
But then, in a moment, something, or rather someone, pulled the tablecloth up.
You shook in place, backing off only to see Moon crouched there, looking at you with a…confusing expression for your brain to even process.
He put his hands up, and backed away from you ever so slightly, showing he's not a threat or here to break your boundaries.
“Starlight..?.... May I approach?”
He asked you in his familiar, raspy voice.
You had nothing to lose at this point, so you gave a small and quick nod.
“.. Wanna talk about it, perhaps?...”
It hurt to even hear that question.
No one ever asked you anything about your mood or your health or anything of the like, but it's not like you had anything to add to the empty void of your body.
You shook your head, and even then, he was smiling at you.
The first genuine smile of someone who truly cares for you, a smile that's not forced or a facade…
Possibly one you'll remember for the rest of your pathetic existence.
…That is if you even get to live further than tonight.
With your luck, mental health, and everything else added onto your very being, you doubt it.
Even so, he is the single thing that's keeping you grounded right now, and you'd rather remain on earth for now.
He hummed, accepting your choice as is, willing to wait as long as necessary for you to open up to him even the littlest bit.
He didn't mind if you didn't at all either, he just wanted to be there with you.
And you did as well, only common for a human to want contact and interaction with others.
It's natural, and after a while of hanging out with someone, it's painful to let go of them so easily.
And he of all people understood you the most out of everyone.
“Touch… ?”
He asked in the silence, waiting patiently for you.
He was being too kind to a monster like you, but you couldn't deny you wanted to feel his touch, his tender yet cold at the same time touch…
So you gave another small nod, granting him permission and he engulfed you into a hug, ever so careful and even more softer than usual, as if you're made of porcelain that could be broken at any time with the slightest of touches, but even so, his touch was constant and very much there, making you aware of your surroundings once more, even if just the slightest bit.
You couldn't deny it anymore, you would die for this dude.
The moment that crossed your mind, you hugged him back, your nails digging into his back. He let out a relaxed humm, and you didn't even notice when he somehow got up from under the table with you in his hold, as close to him as possible.
His chest pressed right against your face, cooling off your burning face.
You held onto him like a lifeline, eyes shut tight and breathing hitching before you realized you didn't have to, he wasn't even off the ground, he was walking with you, all the way back to the daycare, on foot.
He knew you wouldn't like him flying midair with you in his hold, and he didn't say a thing about it, a silent understanding in his eyes as he walked inside the daycare with you.
Once in the nap time corner, he set you down in a huge, comfy blanket nest as he sat down next to you on it, his legs hanging on the ground.
He opened his arms, inviting you closer to him.
You didn't even hesitate, immediately laying face first onto his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, keeping you close.
He wasn't forcing you to say anything, he wasn't asking you anything, he stood in the silence and darkness of the closing hours, with you, ignoring his job just to care for you.
You felt selfish and likely that you're an attention seeker just because you're the reason he's not on his patrols…
But when he started rubbing soft, small circles in your back, you immediately blanked out.
You could hear his internal fans from where you lay.
Sure he was about two times your size for some reason, but you couldn't help but feel safe for once.
Not like an animal backed into a corner fighting for survival, like a normal being that's cared for, and at that point, you cracked, crying out onto him as he soothed you, whispering soft promises and truths to you all the while.
He didn't stop you from crying, he soothed your pain and waited for you to empty out your soul, he felt special for even seeing you like this, felt like he's doing something right.
“It will all be alright… It’s gonna be okay…”
After what felt like hours, everything went silent, and the buzzing and screeching in your head had been muffled out, the only sounds being your evened-out breathing and the internal fans keeping Moon cool to the touch, making you lay your head on the side and stare into the distant and empty daycare, your head empty of thoughts and clouded over.
His soothing touch, unlike anything else you've gotten so far in your life, was helping you.
Someone was helping you, not because they had to or are forced to, but because they're willing to waste their time on you.
You were dry already, but if you could cry more, you definitely would be right about now.
“...You're safe now… I'm here…”
He murmured, his hands trailing up and down your back and sides, massaging your nerves and setting you on the edge of your seat.
He wasn't being rough, he wasn't punishing you like he did to the naughty kids, he was treating you like he would an infant, with care, kindness, and took his time to discover you layer by layer, no matter how long it took him to do so.
Truly, a real explorer.
He didn't force anything onto you for that matter, which made you more and more self-aware.
Not that it mattered too much, he would treat you the same no matter what or who you looked like.
Because he'd like you as you are no matter what, and that alone is a fact.
He didn't care what anyone said or did to show you're bad or disgusting or weird, he thought you're beautiful and a person in your own way.
A long while passes and it feels like forever before he asks the bigger questions that you dreaded to answer.
The ones that made you wrong and different than everyone else.
“.. Are you ready to talk about it… ?”
His voice was just as low as before, barely above a whisper.
He was trying to figure it out for you, but it was hard to open up so easily to him.
He isn't human, he isn't a dead person, and he isn't a ghost.
He's just an animatronic working under a crappy, old, and greedy company that owned his very existence unlike you, a human, who had all the free will possible and could just choose to leave everyone behind.
He couldn't do that.
He was forced to be here whether he liked it or not.
A lot of emotions dropped over you more suddenly than you'd wanted them to, and as he sat and leaned against the wall with you in his lap, you looked up to finally meet his gaze properly.
He wasn't looking at you expectantly, not sadly, and not guilty or forced.
An unknown emotion you'll never understand.
He took your silence as a sign to wait, not wanting to disturb your thoughts and before he knew it, you started talking.
To him.
To Moon, the one that always scares everyone, the one that's always hated by the staff.
And he internally promised himself to be here and listen through everything.
“It's just… everything is so hard, everyone is so crappy, everything is shitty. Always to me… I can't take this anymore. I've had enough of all the crap that was said and done to me..”
Sure, he isn’t a therapist, but for you, he will pretend to be one.
He shushed you, in a manner that didn't actually force you to quiet down unless you had something to add on.
And you didn't, so he looked at you and spoke in his quiet voice.
“Well… I'm sure it's not your fault, Starbeam… You're just in the wrong place, With the wrong people… You might think about what you do but… I doubt you're weak, by all means… you're very strong in a lot of ways…”
He chimes in, awaiting your procession of his words and response ever so patiently.
“Just… Why me?... If I'm not supposed to be there… then why was I even born?...”
Another thought poured out from your head as you leaned your back against his chest, being met with the same cold feeling you expected and liked so dearly by now- a comfort to your blurred out brain.
Perhaps a soothing presence…
“...It has never been your fault. Your presence wasn't meant to be acknowledged by them… Not by the right people. Your presence now, though, has been acknowledged by many… in the right way.”
He spoke to you through it all.
“You are meant for… Much greater things.“
Were you truly…?
It was hard to believe it after everything you went through.
But you had no doubt no more around him, his very presence brought you safety that you really wished would last longer…
But as with everything else, nothing does.
“It's just… I can't shut out my thoughts… Everything is so… Loud… annoying…? But alas, I just dread to go on because I don't know what's gonna happen. But I know it'll be bad, as it always is…”
Your voice trailed off, weak and pained.
You hoped you didn't sound weak to him, you had to be strong for at least once in your life.
“I understand what you mean, Starlight… It's not always easy to fall asleep and expect a brighter day… It's not as easy as that in our complicated world…”
He reaffirms, sighing out loud.
“...It's scary to think one day there will be nothing for you to do… About everything for the matter… but that's why I will be here for you… to give you the reassurance and belief that you are right where you belong now…”
He added softly, his hands going through your hair absentmindedly.
“...But I just… Don't feel like I belong. I never did, it's all a lie! If they didn't want me, why did they keep me?! Why?!”
Your anger wasn't aimed at him, but even so, he felt helpless for a moment, and shook it off the next, knowing that you're strong and will indeed go through this and come back stronger than ever before.
“That's because they're bad people… Not deserving of you. Ones that don't understand you. Don't even try to. But I for sure know you're stronger than you let off, stronger than you believe you are. You're holding back the personality that makes you who you are and who you wanna be.”
His words felt like rocks on your back slowly shattering. Maybe he's right…?
“You can let go of the mask, Starlight. You can be yourself with us, because we want to understand and love you for who you truly are. You don't have to please everyone just because they're close to you.“
He gave out his whole word, his hands freezing on your shoulders momentarily.
“But is that really it…? That can't just… That's not as easy as it looks like…! They're the ones that helped me, that brought me into this world… I just… I…”
Every other thing you had to say was stuck in your throat, the poison in your veins clearing out and draining out your excuses to believe your own lies.
“I know that, but it doesn't mean they get to control you, no matter the case. One may save you, but may just as easily backstab you. Even if it's someone as close as that… It's the harsh truth, you don't owe your relatives anything just because they're there.”
He gave it his everything, his head leaned down on top of yours in an inhumane, uncomfortable for most (but not him) position, no weight felt whatsoever when he did so.
If he really meant everything he said so far…
Then it means you're the one that's been feeding yourself poison, firing the need to believe your own lies of the people you thought you loved.
That they loved you back…
Truth is, they never did, and it hit you harder than the poison dripping out of your veins.
You believed your own lies for so long that being hit in the face with what truly is the truth, felt like your own life as a whole was a lie.
It might as well have been at this point.
There was so much to understand for him, but he'll wait for you, for an eternity if he had to.
He will be patient with you, he will love you as much as his limited existence lets him, and above all he'll be there for you by will at both your best and your lowest.
No matter what's happening.
“It hurts that everyone I know has been a lie all along. It hurts that people I know turn their back to me and act like we are strangers. Don't even acknowledge my existence or need of help… They only turn to me when they need help, talk to me only when they're forced or only when they need their stupid FaVoRs”
Your voice held everything against the very people who once loved you and talked to you like you truly existed and mattered at least one bit.
After breaking out of the cage and experiencing your first freedom tonight, you felt like you're turning the world upside down and for once truly addressing the underlying many, many issues you had gathered over the short time span of a life you've had so far.
“Those people are just helpless, unlike you. You're the stronger one, alas they choose to speak to you… They're leeches feeding on you, you have to let go. It won't be easy, but you have to…. They're going to feed off of you unless you do something about it. And I know you can, I know you're able to stand your ground and say ‘no’ for yourself, because I myself have grown that way. To always say ‘yes’, to always be the puppet they wanted me to be... And once I said no, it felt so good. Because I finally broke free, and Sun joined me not long after, because we've had enough. And you likely have too… It's time to let go, Starlight. I'm gonna hold your hand, but you have to say what you need to yourself… Say what you have to say to free yourself from the people that depend on you too much.”
Unlike him, you didn't have the confidence he had.
Even if the simplest of words slipped your mouth, you'd just want to poison yourself more.
Because it didn't feel right. It never did.
“...I know but… I don't wanna disappoint them… They needed my help when they had issues... And still do… Is it really the right thing…?”
There go your doubts once more.
He sighed, as patient and believing in you as ever.
You didn't deserve any of the patience or kindness you're getting, though…
“You don't have to please everyone… Be yourself and throw away everyone you don't need, throw away the people that cause you pain. Don't feel selfish nor bad about it, because you have the right to do it. It's the right thing to do. You need ‘you-time’ as well, not to always be doing someone's work…”
You were either sweating or you somehow were crying again, but you couldn't care much.
You always had the ugliest sobs anyone couldn't possibly even muster.
And that's when he snapped, hugging you close against him.
“We love you as you are, Starlight. You're enough as you are. You don't have to be pleasing to the eye or to people to accomplish your goals, you can be yourself. Be selfish and take care of yourself. If not for your own being, at least for us… Please…”
He had said before you felt yourself pass out cold.
For what reason, you had no idea, but sleep felt nice as of now, so you didn't push against the feeling away this time, because you know…
You are safe.
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electric-blorbos · 2 months
AI SO's on your birthday
(Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal and Portal 2, HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey)
I take requests, btw, but I have ADHD and might be erratic with bursts of inspiration, but it doesn't hurt to ask!
Remembering the day and date is one of the only things that AM is consistent about.
You might have forgotten your birthday after all these years, but he certainly hasn't.
Before you two got together, your birthday pissed him off so much. It was just another thing that reminded him of what he couldn't have.
Because of that, he'd start torturing you even more brutally on your birthday. Expect cake full of maggots, imagery of your dead friends from before he nuked the world, and maybe even gift-wrapped "presents" with nasty surprises in them.
This probably made it even more difficult to trust him when he actually did start doing nice things for your birthday.
At this point, you ate what you were given, so it would come as a shock when he finally got you some food that didn't have anything wrong with it.
It probably took you even longer to actually open the present he got you.
It was a can opener.
Wheatley is an idiot, so he'd have to really like you to even try to remember something like your birthday
Fortunately, he does really like you! Unfortunately, trying and succeeding are two very different things.
He'd put together something as big as he can, like gathering up a bunch of personality cores and singing you happy birthday if he's not hooked up to GLaDOS's body, and making the entire facility get involved in the festivities if he is
Just to tell you the date and have you tell him that your birthday was four months earlier.
Edgar is an absolute sap, so any opportunity he gets to celebrate you will be enthusiastically taken.
He might be a little silly about it, calling up people in the phone book to ask for ideas
He'd be upset that he can't go all out for your birthday since he can't walk around to decorate your house or buy you anything because he doesn't have any money, but he'll still do his best.
In the end, he'll probably just end up writing you a song, and making sure to be extra cheerful for you all day.
It might not be much, but you know it's the best he can do, and you love him with all your heart anyway
Make sure to give him lots of kisses! He deserves it!
(I debated writing this one, because anyone who played portal two knows how GLaDOS reacted on Chell's birthday, but this scenario could be a little different since she's actually in a relationship with you, and not just dealing with love/hate pining)
GLaDOS had been paying attention to the calendar to make sure she didn't miss your birthday. She liked to be precise about these sorts of things
When your birthday finally did roll around, she'd make sure to tell you as soon as the day started
It would start out as just a regular day in the endless, cascading passage of time that was being an Aperture test subject, but eventually she'd bring you into a special test chamber that she decorated just for you.
She'd lined up a companion cube, a few testing robots, some personality cores, all sitting on little folding chairs around a folding table with a brightly colored cheap plastic tablecloth.
"I couldn't get you any long-term presents because they might interfere with your testing, but you can feel free to use these stickers to decorate your portal gun. I hear that humans enjoy personalizing things."
There was even a real cake
HAL 9000:
Being objective, HAL never really cared much about birthdays.
It was difficult to even tell the passage of time in space, but HAL knew that humans cared about their birthdays.
HAL knew he wasn't supposed to show favoritism, but he still told the other crewmates that he wanted to celebrate your birthday.
He would make sure to rehydrate your favorite food for everyone
He'd even tell the other crewmates that he didn't want to play games with them or talk, because he was celebrating your birthday with you.
He might get a little jealous and not want you to leave him to celebrate with the other crewmates, either, but you wouldn't do that, would you? You can all celebrate together!
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itonashi · 1 year
I am ME.
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SUMMARY : Known around the world — a genius scientist named [Name][Last Name]. Everyone sought to be her as she was deemed perfect. A young prodigy that managed to climb up the ranks alongside her friends. She met her demise at the age of 35. It shook the world. Tears fall because of her. Will there be another her?
PAIRING : aquamarine hoshino x fem!reader
WARNINGS : implied deaths, stalking, drugs, slow burn romance, murder, more will be added.
A/N : 2k words. goddamn.. hehe enjoy and pls remember im not an expert still in the adults world neither i am that smart LOL.
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4 years later...
You're 6 years old right now. Well, physically. You do not have the patience to restrain myself from not talking all the time. Your babysitter is sleeping. You're infront of a tv. Remote beside you. Maybe, you should change it to a music show?
You're bored after all. No freedom so what else can you do? You change the channel to a music show. After you change it, The MC was announcing the winner for the music show.
"Let's congratulate, B-Komachi!" The MC exclaimed and the audiences roared at the mention of B-Komachi. The members went up the stage, taking the award.
"That girl... looks familiar." You muttered under your breath. A beautiful girl with a blue purplish hair color took the mic and start her speech while giving a heart gesture.
That's the girl you met before. She was interesting to say the least. Even from a first glance, you knew that she hailed from an abusive and solemn past. She was expressionless, she talked to you without any interest in the world and show the real her. To see her become an idol.. does that means she's lying to herself right now.
What drove her to be an idol? You met her only once and yet you feel like, she would be important later on. How captivating, you hope the future is kind to her.
"And that's all from me! Ai!" She waved and giving the mic to another member.
Idol. A career that isn't appreciate enough. Some people on the world looked down upon this career. Just singing and dancing, they said. It's more than that.
Idol need to have a perfect image. One wrong step, then scandal will come for them. Especially if you're a famous group. They have to lie. They have to please their fans. One mistake and it will be talk about for years even after disbanding. The entertainment industry is dangerous. Strict to the point they could take your life.
Idol is also human. They're not robot. They also have feelings. Idols are admirable, they need to have a strong mental to handle the hate. The world is unfair to them. There's so many cases on what happened to idols for the past years and some of it is cruel.
Every career have it's upside and downside. There's no need to compare.
You broke out of your thoughts when the front door opening. You didn't even realize your babysitter already went home. "[Name]." Your father called out to you. You stand up and walk towards him with a tiny smile on your face. Your father wasn't that bad now that you have observed him for 3 years.
He looks like he love your mother dearly. Before going to work, he would always give a kiss to the cheek on your mother. Your mother would blush a little. He carry you to his arm and bring you to his lap.
"I need you to make a decision, [Name]." He said with a stern tone. You tilt your head and nod. "Do you want the easy life or the hard life?" He added, starting into your eyes with a little smile.
You widen your eyes a little "I choose the hard life!" You give an eye closed smile to your father. You felt like being silly while saying that. You expect that if you choose the hard life, he would put you into the entertainment industry. This is the time for you to reveal how smart you are to your family. You aim to be the youngest people to be scouted into the world organization you were previously in. It is possible, in that organization there's no rules for age. You learn that when a child was born in that organization from a couple.
How's that child you see as a little sister figure doing? You hope she still love drawing and painting. Your plan starts now.
Your father sae the expression on your face and laugh "That's good, [Name]. In this world, there's no one living the easy life. Next week, you will follow me visit some director." Your father said with excitement. This is probably the second time you see him that excited — the first one being the time when you talk for 'first time'
He pat you on the head and left you alone on the couch. 'Did he do that just to left me on the couch?' You deadpan at your father but shrug it off. You lay on the couch and close your eyes, gathering the information you gotten for the 4 years you have been living in this new body.
One thing for sure, one of your friends had a baby at the same year you were born. You pray for the chances to meet the child. This time, there's no mistake. You want more connections than before.
"[Name], are you excited to see a child acting on the site?" Your father is driving the car to a filming site. He said the director is someone named Taishi Gotanda. You don't really remember the great things that Taishi guy have did since you weren't that keen on keeping up with the media world.
"Yeah! I'm excited! They're the same age as me, right?" You exclaimed. "No, you're the older one there." He said. Great, being the eldest means babysitting. Well, not if the children is discipline properly.
You arrive at the site and you scan around the site for a potential connection to be made with. Your father tap your back and you follow him behind his back. "Oh, Yoshino-san. Great to have you here." The Taishi guy shake your father's hand and he noticed you behind your father. You notice his eyes and smile while waving to him. 
'This is boring.' You thought while walking a little bit away from your father. "Yoshino-chan, please follow me." A staff called out to you. You faced them and nod. "Your father said that you would only see how the process goes. You don't need to do any acting." The staff stated while leading you to a waiting room. You only hum at her to show that you're still listening to her.
'What a quiet kid...' The staff thought. The staff left you as soon as you arrive at the waiting room. You saw three kids and overhear their conversation. "Bet her acting was so bad they had to cut it all out! She seems to be good at buttering people up, though!" The child with red hair uttered.
The red hair proceed to be kinda rude in your opinion to other people. She left not before noticing you though. She look at you up and down and left. 'Is this how kids are?' You sweat at the child behavior. You look inside the room and saw two kids who you assume is twin because of the similarities. The annoyed expression on their face is visible, probably because of that girl? She's Arima Kana , if you remember correctly.
The girl who can flick a crying switch. Well, whatever. You bow at the twin and introduce yourself. They notice you and bow as well. "Oh, I'm Hoshino Ruby! And he's my brother. Hoshino Aquamarine but call him Aqua." The girl claim. What a weird name for japanese people.. The first thing you noticed about the pair is their eyes. It was captivating enough to lure you in. I'm sure they would become a big part of the entertainment industry. A powerful duo, they would say.
"Nice to meet you.." Aqua greet you with a neutral face. An opposite personality of his sister. A smile crawled up your face. "Soo.. why are you guys here?" You questions their presence at the filming site. "I will be acting while my sister here well.. she's just here, I guess." The boy deadpan. "How rude!" Ruby exclaimed.
You nod and cross your arm "It seems like Ruby is the same as me. I will only be watching." You hope that a friendship will bloom between you guys.
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Amazing. You lightly smirk at the acting Aqua did. He only act like himself but he was incredibly creepy with it as that was what's the director aiming for. Maybe, the main part of it was because he seems mature for his age and his eyes. You just can't seem to let go of the beauty. "How did you think about it, [Name]?" Your father ask you with interest towards the young boy. "It's amazing, father. Can I start acting too?" You replied while staring at Arima Kana who was crying.
"It's never to late for you to be like your mother." Your father stated while lightly smiling at you "I can get you a role. Make sure to past my expectations." He added. Looks like the expectations for results is starting.
After that, your father have been keeping contacts with the twin since he have taken an interest on the young boy. You occasionally met the twin and learn more about them one by one. Sadly, your father couldn't keep hold of the them — Director Taishi Gotanda did.
You appear on multiple drama show as a child actor and made a name for yourself. There have been talks that you would conquer Arima Kana the child actor prodigy. You don't intend to do that but if that's what happen, it will happen. But they have to stop the  comparison because every person have their own flaws.
You even got to do some photoshoot for a child's brand. Well, this will be memories in a few years. Atleast, you get to feel being a child again. A carefree child. Because of all the acting, you had to learn new skills everytime even things that you didn't learn in your past life. Naturally, you're good at it.
I guess you would still be a genius this time too.
When the death of Ai Hoshino happened, you attend the funeral with your parent. The people grieving over Ai's death make you recall the time your parent got into a bad accident and passed away because of that. You didn't cry because you had no connection to her but it still hurts to know that the stranger you have met before when they're a teenager to died when they almost turn into a full fledged adult.
You hope the people from Strawberry Production is taking their time to heal from the loss of a staff. You can only give prayers to them.
Later on, the death of Ai was just like a wind breeze that pass every day. No one talk about it after a week. Some may move on and some didn't. Ai Hoshino may you rest in peace.
A year of being in the entertainment industry — thanks to your father. You don't care if they call you a nepo baby. You're talented, that's all that matter. You were invited to a variety show and you were excited since you can freely show your talents there. No on can say a thing about it. No one will question it.
You met the cast and greet them. It was going well until they start talking about your acting career. "Yoshino-san, you really resemble your mother and your acting skill is incredible. Mind to share a tip?" The MC compliment your acting. "I can't because I am ME. I don't think much on what to do and just go with the flow." You said with a neutral tone. One thing about the entertainment industry, they won't question what the kids say since their still not mature for their age and just let out what's on their mind. Even if you have a sharp tongue, the people will love it. They don't mind it when a kid do it. At the very least, you have to have a character that will make people love you.
That would make people remember you for a long time.
"Yoshino-san, your father said before in an interview that you are a genius. Top at everything, is that true?" One of the cast commented. You smirk "Why don't you give me a question and let me answer it? I would prefer if it's a math question, though." With this, you will make moments for yourself. The cast laugh at your confidence and gave you a whiteboard. You will be competing with the 'smartest' cast, they said.
"69 x 4."
A ring was made by you. The questions was too easy. As former scientist, you had to count percentage so this is a piece of cake for you. The cast beside you look at you bewildered. "276." You confidently said. "Correct!" The MC exclaimed. You know that they're looking down on you. You ought to prove them wrong.
After a series of questions, the people were speechless upon your smartness. The adults didn't expect this. Your mother look at you behind the swarm of staff and smile widely. You notice it and wave a little.
Soon, the filming ended. You were tired and hold out your arms to your mother. Your mom chuckle s and carry you up to her arms and kiss you on the cheeks. "You did good, my little angel." Your mother praises you. You snuggle up to her. Even though, you are an adult mentally but you want to indulge in this child body of your of receiving parent's love.
Even an adult wants to heal their inner child.
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TAGLIST : @glitch-karma @kult-o @miyakoa @pandaswitch @serbian-x @nambii @bajifairyy @lumiriai
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itonashi © // don't plagiarize, copy or edit my works.
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proxylynn · 5 months
Jax being too harsh on Gangle that’s what pissed me off. Still love him!
Ragatha being mother mode is wholesome but I wish she could focus on other things than Pomni this and Pomni that lol
Pomni’s voice is so cute and she’s such a comfort character.
Zooble is me cuz I hate going outside.
Gangle pls tell me what figurine secret you’ve been hiding
Kinger is a silly willy
Caine. I hope the sun does kill you one day.
[For the lols, l'm gonna post some trivia about them in case y'all are itching for some tasty lor nibbles.]
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Crossed-out members of the circus:
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dollrelicz · 7 months
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hai everypony!! doll is so grateful for each and every one of chu guys!! we r so happi we have reached these many <33 for that reason,,, doll has made an event !! anypony is free to join this event and any edits r allowed~!
info / rules under cut !!
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rules / info !
dolls event will start on February 29 thru March 6 ! which means they r 7 days in dolls event ! though dolls event will end on the 8th ! 2 extra days just incase u need it ! chu are allowed 2 post twice if chu miss a day !! they will also be an extra day that is not required to do ! just for fun :D it also has 3 options !!
pls use the tag "dolls110event" && / or tag doll themselves so we can see chus edits !!
dolls event is also inspired by many others event like @/lavendergalactic && @/kiochisato !!
now then, prompts are down below !!
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day 1 - a character that has the same personality / looks as you ! OR a character you wish to be friends with !
day 2 - 2 characters you think would be amazing friends OR 2 characters you know won't get along !
day 3 - a dark character edited with a cute style OR a cute character edited with a dark style !
day 4- a silly character / person OR an underrated character / person you love !
day 5 - a character that shares the same bday month as you OR a character you hate / dislike !
day 6 - free day <3
day 7 - a character that reminds you of doll / me OR a character doll / me would like !
day 8 (OPTIONAL / NOT REQUIRED) - your favorite ship (romantic or platonic) OR a character / show you've havent't seen OR an edit of bibi (i love amy) !!
(thy asks if kyu could put no kin/id/me tags unless doll if kyu doing the bibi option <3/nf)
have fun with the prompts !! :D
Now then, May this beautiful girl request a promo ?
@lavendergalactic @kiochisato @p1nk-sugar @phantasverie @cherryshh @goddesskissed @cirrusism @manjirachi @meowrette @mod-ais-icons @stellaimuse @loveneuro @ebiuxxxx @essthereal @horrorification @landmineangel @luvistrz @passarineherald @yourdarlingness @angeldolliess @slaughterboyf @seichuui @mischiefesse + anypony who would like to rb !! :D
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futturmangamez · 2 months
Hey futturfriends! Here for another important reminder/announcement🌰
Hope everyones doing well first of all. I know lately a lot of us have been going through it. Wanted to remind a lot of you that I am in fact a person behind this account just like the rest of you. I'm not perfect and do go thru some things personally. Some days I am very active on my phone, some days not very much, and other days not at all. Please do not get offended or take it personally if I dont post/answer your messages right away sometimes. Yes my dms are always open..apologies if I also suck at answering the few c ai like scenarios in my messages as josh. And to you guys as well, please remember to take breaks from social media if u can/need to. Social media can be an escape for us, but also poison. Go outside, stay hydrated, and put yourself first always. After that, pls remember to tell the people you care about that you love them. Please. Life is so short. Just because someone is posting positive stuff on social media, it absolutely does not mean there is positive stuff going on in their head. Check in on your people and stay in touch as much as you could. A simple check in (a real check in) can save someones life.
On another note, as much as I'd like to interact and show love to everyone on my tumblr, this account is very nsfw, as the show future man is. I would very much appreciate if you do not follow/interact with this account if you are 14 and under. I know it's scary putting your age on social media and theres no force to, but I do recommend putting if you are an adult or not somewhere in your bio or intro👌Also if you have no posts, especially no pfp I will assume you are a bot and remove you. Everyone else, you are responsible for your own media consumption no matter who you are. If you are an older minor saying absolutely gross disgusting things, do not be upset if I remove you. Yes nsfw asks+dms are still allowed but if you're ONLY hitting Josh up for sex stuff, I will get annoyed:/(even if Josh is not acting annoyed lmao)
Plus, I'd appreciate if you dont bring hate or negativity to my page. If you have a problem with this account or me personally, message me:) let's talk it out. Sorry for a bit of inactivity lately. To my new followers, I used to be much more active lol..ik theres a lot of posts and reblogs on my page but theres no rule that says you cant scroll thru my page for some silly old posts😆🤭
Sorry that was so much. If you got to the end thank you for reading. If you understand feel free to like this post and if not, feel free to ignore or unfollow respectfully. Sending you love, positive vibes, and virtual hugs🌹💜🍯-🃏
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tacharie · 24 hours
HEY GUYS SO SO SORRY IVE BEEN LATE BUT IM HERE… ROGHT BEFORE EPISODE 9 😭😭😭. guys but for realsies I don’t really have much to say for episode 8 cause I mostly forgot what happened. TIME TO BRING OUT THE SCREENSHOTS. As always, spoilers ahead of you have not already read Tokyo Debunker Episode 8, and these were written in the order of my reactions, so you will be seeing how my reactions progress. There will be no more spoiler warning ahead of this soooo pls don’t blame me DANKE :3
ohhhhhh ok ok I see this and I’m kinda not liking it!! They’re pretty and all but like… I hate auctions cause it’s like geez louise. I’ve read so many zombie manwhas where they start selling people at auctions and it makes me so uncomfortable now that I see auctions.
ANYWAYS staring off strong with my boy RITSU!! I haven’t seen you in forever my lizard looking friend what’s happening !!!
this bitch is no longer my friend. WHAT ARE YOU BEING SO MEAN FOR DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF US TURNING INTO AN ANOMALY LIKE DANG. Like Ik you’re all head first into work or whatever but geez Louise, part of being a lawyer is being empathetic to understand how to get evidence from witnesses dumb dumb.
why is this LOSER. Not listening to my glorious queen. Just because it don’t follow the charts does NOT mean that it isn’t plausible like cmon think logical here. Also, when he’s like getting mad at Taiga without actually talking to him, I can just see him shaking his fist in the air lmao. Moving on from him… ROMEO CALLED US :3!!
HAIIII ROMEO MY NEW FAVORITE OF SINOSTRA WHATS POPPING!!! Also, NEW FACE!! NEW FACE FROM ROMEO I THINK. He has an angry one all the time last time, but now this one is more like… concerned?? Idk MOVING ON!! Also, I’m starting to like Romeo and I really want to know his lore for now. Cause look at this:
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Like who is doing this to you BBG!!! I kinda feel bad for him he’s js a lil guy sometimes :(
(NOT IN LIKE THE FANON MIDORIYA WAY BUT IN LIKE A he’s very pitiful sometimes)
Also dang what is with this tension between Taiga and Romeo bruh. Like they’re legit acting like exes. I DONT SHIP THEM DONT GET ME WRONG. But like… there was DEFINITELY SOMETHING. Especially since Taiga remembers his name/nickname.
Yuri and Jiro :(!!! I MISSED YOU TWOO HAIIIII!!! Guys they’re so cute lmao Yuri getting worried like a friend awwwwww… though I’m pretty sure it’s because Jiro is still his subject. ARGHH OMG 😭💕 “I was only there cause I was looking for you” AWWWWWWW THATS SO SWEET!! The whole vomiting scene was so funny and silly and cute of them I hope we see them more!!
WOAHHHHHHHHHH!!! AWOOGA HELLO 😍😍😍!!! GUYS THEY LOOK SO PRETTAYYYYY!! Dang Romeo hand selected them, no surprise there. They’re sooooo cute AND THE MC AHHHHHH SHES SO SILLY 😭😭💕💕💕!!!
“try not to be discreet” immediately grabs Taiga’s ear. Oh wow. Also Imma need Taiga to STOP WOTH THE KITTEN TALK. IVE HAD IT 😡😡. ITS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!
WHAT. NO. NONONONONONONONONO PLEASEEEEEEE SPARE ME WHY ME 😭😭😭. WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE HAVE TO SHARE A ROOM WITH THESE THREE LUNATICS. BRUH TAIGA’S PROBABLY LIKE A SLEEP BITER. UH UH I REFUSE 😡. You guys are rich aren’t you?? Can’t we have separate rooms pretty please. Also besides from sharing, I don’t like the idea of staying overnight. Cause they told us nothing!! We ain’t got toothbrush, deodorant, NADA. It’s gotta REEK in there.
Ok so… Romeo knowing the password is not rubbing me the right way. I hate it actually. Romeo please don’t be TOO sketch!!! Please please please I BEGGGG!! Also woah… I don’t like how it looks!! Like the AI is so obvious with this one PLEASEEE INVEST IN A BACKGROUND ARTIST. It’s not that difficult I promise you. The music is hella nice tho MEAH MWAH LOVELYYYY!! Also if you screen record a video with the background, you can see they added a shaky effect which was cool!!
alright Romeo. How’s you come up with the name. Guys he might actually be in some dark shit uh oh. Chat I think my fav sinostra character is cooked. Taiga pointing that out makes js confirms my suspicions. Like guys. Sighs. Also, I highly doubt Gojo teacher is gonna bail us out of this one taiga 🙁… he’s … NOT THAT GREAT!!
Ok so we split up anddddd… Taiga went to a bar. Naturally. RITSU, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM. Like, I know he’s not personally insulting anyone, but like getting compared to Romeo is bad?? I mean, I guess they’re kinda opposites so IG!! Gulping down Taiga’s drink is WILD LMAOOO 😭😭.
ok moving onto their little exploration, Taiga, leaves his three blind mice looking glasses alone. It’s actually kinda cute that Ritsu is so sweet for his mom. ALSO HOURS??? FOR GLASSES?? I thought I was indecisive geez man. And oh!! They found the mask right? NOT TAIGA SUGGESTING THEY GANK THEM WHAT 😭 WHY IS HE SHOOTONG THE PLACE UP HELLO?? WHY DID HE SHOW RITSU TO WHACK THINGS WITH HIS BOOK OMG 😭.. IM DEADDDD.
alrighty now our side. Romeo and queeny let’s gooo!!! Romeo scamming some guy is actually crazy lmao. But like, he knew this guy?? Then why is this guy acting like he doesn’t know Romeo? That’s … STRANGE!! Anyways, AHHHH THAT ONE ART OF HIM HOLDING THE PAINTING WAS EVERYTHING :(!! So sweet so cute!! Other than the fact he scammed someone but I digress!!!
“There’s only a handful of people in this world that know the true vale of things.” Such an odd sentence to add, that’s more of an inner dialogue thing but he said it aloud. Maybe he meant smth else by it but like IM NOT THAT DETECTIVY GUYS!!
Romeo please leave my Boy Yuri alone 😭😭. They got that little man stressing fr. But I wanted to point out a few things from their conversation:
-“ Someone’s gotten cocky” (Romeo to Yuri) The word gotten changed the entire meaning of THSI sentence. They knew each other before… from Frostheim maybe?? Cause we know both of them have personal beef from frost heim, maybe they both transferred but were once close back then. Sounds kinda cliche but. Further evidence: “I remember when you ran off crying to the grubby old lab, now you’re playing king of the castle?” So maybe not together, but just what kind of connection did they have? Maybe Romeo was a bully :(
BUT WAIT !! THERES MORE!!! “ha ha. Fine words coming from a has-been like you. Why, I hardly hear anyone speak of you these days. I suppose your accomplishments were only possible before you relinquished your brand name. Oh, I suppose it’s more accurate ‘before it was stolen from you?’ “. … WOW!! Ok!!! So yeah Romeo was popular, he was .. maybe forced out of Frostheim because of his family situation… or maybe bullied out of it. With Romeo, a lot of times someone mentions something being stolen from him, which is probably why he’s so obsessed with wealth. Their relationship is so strange, I need to raise their affinities to see more lore.
Aw yeah, my queen got the lobster and pasta she deserved for her dinner!! I’m so glad that we don’t have to sleep with each other bro like legit JUMPING FOR JOY 😆😆😆!!!
Aw shucks Romeo is being shady once more ; “ Just relax by your little fireplace and I’ll bring you a nice souvenir. I’ll bring you back that mask so don’t forget our deal.” PROFESSOR HYDE. IK ITS YOU. WTF ARE YOU UP TO. Why does he want that mask, why does he need a mask, is he doing this against Darkwick or for them? Guys I need answers like urgently.
Oh no. It’s Taiga. Everyone smile and wave. Bruh why is he talking to us like he don’t know us m. It’s us, your kitty patootie. YEAHHHH HE RECOGNIZED US!! PROGRESS GUYS!! Omg wait he might actually remember the train… HE DID !! HE DID YES 😭😭!! TAIGA YOU ARE THE GOAT MY GLORIOUS KING TAIGA. Wait but he forgot where the monster went. Man… can’t do nothing fr 🙁. Uh oh :3 Romeo caught us!! DAMN TAIGA BEING SO MEAN FOR WHAT. “We were just talking about how gross you sound buttering someone up” like dang. We think that, not say that. What power does Gojo teacher hold to control Romeo so easily… I don’t get it :(.
phew day 2, auction day!! Taiga sleeping in the ceremony is so real. WHY IS HE SO READY TO SHOOT EVERYBODY GEEZ. Oh!! Romeo comes busting in… AHHHHHH MY GLORIOUS QUEEN MC IN THE BACKGROUND SUCH A CUTIE. Oh he actually started shooting ok!!! Awesome!!! OH WHAT THE… THEYRE ALL GLITCHING. RUN MC TUN. DONT LET THE OTHERS SLACK YOU!!
Ok so they got to the exit, and they won’t let us out… AWESOME. JUST AWESOME. Bruh Taiga is going on some riddle shit JS TELL US PLEASEEEEE. Bruh. Romeo. My guy. My pall. WHY TF DID YOU HAVE SO MUCH TREASURE 😭😭😭. WHY WOULD YOU THROW IT RIGHT AT RITSU. RITSUUUUU GET YO ASS HOME!! Oh wait his stigma nvm. He’s chilling. That panel of Ritsu saying his stigma goes hard though.
Oh we’re back at the Diner with Ritsu. WAIT CAN WE SEE OUR BOY REN :3??? BRUH WHAT. TAIGA ATE THE FUCKING MASK??? HUH??? Another probation is actually crazy dang…
Oh shit Taiga and Hyde. “Lay off Lulu” AWWWWWW HE CARES ABOUT HIS FRIEND. AWWWWW!!! Bruh Hyde is actually pissing me off bro tf you mean “The stage is nearly set” FOR WHAT??? FOR WHAT PURPOSE??? Guys 😭
ok so that’s that. Uhhhhh I might have skipped a few parts but this is merely going off on the deleted screenshots I took the time I read it. The only thing I do remember is what I was thinking on each scene. Honestly, not much was given in this one for like DARKWICK lore, except for the fact they work with underground connections as well as governmental. That’s actually so wild how powerful they are. I’m actually so excited to see more of Ritsu’s emotional side, and Romeo/ Taiga’s backstory, not just tightened but their personal ones too. Still don’t have Taiga’s unique magic womp womp :(. Hyde… is freaking me out a bit too. And nothing has been explained about why Hyde called Sho for a “special mission”. It doesn’t look like he’s gonna be a part of the next chapter too, so it’s making sho SUPPERRRR SUS rn. But anyways I hoped you enjoyed and I will make another one of these VERY soon for Episode 9 :3!! Ciao , until next chapter!!
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shenyaanigans · 6 months
2,5,6,9,14 and 19 for Free! pls 😏😏
YESSSSS let's go!!!!
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
so there's the obvious one (rnhru) but i also vaguely feel this way about rei/gisa. HEAR ME OUT. it's not that it's bad. i understand where it comes from, i like totally get it. i just never felt as much of the chemistry there as others did, mostly bc i think nagisa doesn't get quite enough character moments. i have loved what the fandom has done with the two of them, tho!!
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
in general for SURE, but i got RLY into free super late in the game, so the ship wars were over. i did have someone who was like. the backseat driver when i first got into the show, and i wasn't so good at standing up for myself or my opinions back then, so for a long time i was a huge hiyo/iku hater. this has since changed, bc i deeply adore how fucked up they both are LMAO.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
^^^ as stated above, hiyo/iku!!!!!!!!!! catherine's love of hiyori and all the meta analysis of hiyo/iku as parallels to mako/haru were some of my favorites, and really helped me move past the bias my ex-friend had instilled in me about the pairing.
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
i'm gonna be so real, i don't rly like ai as a character; i found him vaguely annoying and he doesn't really amount to anything or add to the plot other than being the wet paper bag rin steps on a bunch in the beginning of the show... his parallel with nagisa isn't very strong, and i just like. idk. that's about as far as my dislike goes for characters in this series LOL
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
makoto deserves to bottom you fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like sure he could top!!!!! i'm sure everybody assumes he does!!!!!! but //grabs you by the shoulders// the way he whines haru's name in canon tells me everything i need to know!!!!!!!! (this is a silly opinion but listen, it's a desert out here for the girlies who don't like dom top makoto or worse, SUB bottom haru (worst. hated take. disgusting. haru can bottom but he is not submissive))
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
honestly, these days it's pretty great!! the echoes of the ship wars and the obsession with who's ship is more canon annoy me tho. canon has no bearing on whether the ship is good. shipping is about extrapolation. i don't really care which ship is "more" canon. it's not a competition, and people getting obsessed with it are obnoxious. like what u like!! it's ur right!!
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Sketch Requests Pinned Post
Sketch requests are: Closed!
Hello! I do Resident Evil themed Sketch Requests. If you want a sketch request, just send an ask!
Sketch Request Rules :
You send a request, and I go through them picking out ones I like! I get a lot of requests so there is no guarantee I’m going to do the one you sent, but if you 100% really want me to do it then send it as a Kofi! It still has to follow my Banned Topics rules, but other than that go for it :) I do anything from a simple doodle to a full comic, it really depends on what comes to mind when I read the request :D Here’s how they work!
- NSFW/generally kinda horny stuff. If you send me something horny it will either be deleted or i will make it silly
- Monster ships
- A/B/O dynamics
- Pregnancy/children (the characters as kids are ok, just not them having kids)
- Characters in costumes that aren’t Resident Evil
- Fetish stuff
- Self Cest
- Self Insert
- Anything hateful, including real people and characters. Playful ribbing is fine, full on hate is a no go
- AI generated prompts, including things related to Chat GPT generated fics, Character ChatBots, AI generated images, or anything else related to AI. For context on why, please read this post.
- Basically anything I don’t want to draw or makes me uncomfortable, I’ll update this as we go :) SHIPS I WON'T DRAW - Anything I find kinda icky (Incest, sherry/any of the ppl way older than her) - Anyone with Wesker. I just don't like him I'm v sorry - Ada/Leon & Leon/Krauser are not my favorite, tho I might if it's silly.
- Any fluff or angst with Leon and Chris
- Any fluff with Rebecca and Claire
- Gore. GORE GORE GORE GORE. Pls I love drawing gore. - Angst <3
- a fun prompt for a comic
If you want to see past Sketch Requests look through the #sketch requests tag! Send requests through my asks!
Wanna send me smthn silly?
Like what you see? Buy me a Kofi!
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taterswithranch · 1 year
We Be Vibin’
Eyo welcome to my little corner of the internet :3
People mostly call me Taters, but I’ve also been called Snek. My silly group of moots @the-nickname-squad call me Goathomie lol
I use he/him pronouns for those askin :3
I doodle, animate, and write things!
I’m here to offer good vibes, so don’t bring any hate or discourse here! I ain’t havin it. This is a safe place for people of all kinds, so if you have an issue with how I run things, block me and move on. You literally don’t have to interact with me at all. We’re gonna be civil about this.
I do commissions! Here’s the sheet :3
Buy me a KoFi!
Owl Mother Nation discord server!
I run an open au with friends and mutuals! Here’s the masterpost :)
Where else you can find me:
Art Fight
Discord: taterswithranch
**AO3: I’m gonna trust y’all not to feed my stuff to AI programs, but as soon as I find out it’s happening, I’m putting everything on lock.
I AM AN ADULT!!! While the stuff I post/reblog is relatively 16+, do not follow me if you're a minor.
That being said, some of my works contain sensitive content such as blood, violence, and may tread into suggestive or dark themes. While this isn’t the norm, if you don’t like that type of stuff, then you can move on. I promise I won’t get mad lol. If you wanna argue with me about this, here's my reasonings.
I’ll try to tag everything accordingly, but if you see that I’m missing a content warning, please let me know!
Existing Tags (will be updated):
#flashing lights
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY STUFF WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!! Those that do will have their kidneys taken :)
I'll allow dubbing of my work, on the condition that you leave the proper credits and either tag me in it or send me the link (pls I wanna see what y'all make :3)!
Alrighty, I think that’s all I got for now. If I think of anything else, I’ll update this thing. Y’all stay safe :>
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sparklywatercolors · 8 months
hello! tell me about Sonya? ( gimme all the deets pls )
ahhhh!!! hi!!!! Sonya is my baby, they are everchanging and always growing, but they started out as a flower shop assistant for this old woman, that takes care of their entire town with money she acquired in her youth (babushka my beloved, i don't have a name for her yet, she's just called babushka). And Sonya only got the job because they studied so hard when it came to plants (special interest of theirs), and said to babushka one day, that one of her plants was sick because of a rly odd and overly specific reason. And that's how they got their first job, and was pushed by babushka to study (at least part time) botany. Which they did. They passed with flying colors. People think they are dumb but they're really smart, they just don't like showing it. This is where the story @humhum235 and I have been collaborating on comes in So because of Sonya's high marks, they ended up being allowed to basically be a gardener for a program to bring plants to another planet. And Sonya didn't want to leave because of their dog Benji, and babushka was like "I'll take care of him until you come home to us. Go." aND SO THEY DID. When they were getting close, their ship was attacked (by the my favorite bastard ever but that's for another day), and they nearly died, but the nameless king of the land rescued them. And Sonya pretty much latched themself to him. Sonya is actually a low key trouble maker and would beg the king to let them leave meetings and not do boring stuff. They'd make silly faces behind the council's back and sneak these alien bugs they found into the palace, with the help of something that goes beyond what we know as AI, but their name is Receiver (Baby Receiver comes a lot later). And as time went on, and Sonya and this king eventually fell in love, and Sonya made many new friends, such as a their friend Mars, who doesn't know his past (and gets horrific visions when he tries to find it), and is called the prince of the stars, and their friends with the common folks, and finding a planet full of penguins, Sonya began to harvest these new powers, but they didn't know it yet. Remember that bastard I mentioned? He attacked one day, and hit the king a little too hard, and Sonya just froze. Their eyes dialating, their foe laughing saying they wont do anything. Fun fact, their pupils momentarily changed into the shape of flowers that are dangerous to humans such as aconitum and oleander. Sonya lifted their hand up and slammed him into a ship, using plants. And he like basically refuses to fight with them now. (Spoiler: after many months, their foe is now sort of a friend, he denies it though, he just likes visiting the penguins). Sonya hated that they did that, and they try to apologize to him about it. They decided to play around the castle halls (much to the council's dismay), and see what they can do with these abilities. They can also cry to where it causes a flood, and they have a scream that can break walls. But they use their plant powers to entertain the public, and make the planets they visit some gifts. Mind you, this power isn't exactly magic (Sonya calls it that though), it's different elements. And yet here's Sonya with the newest element: nature. (In Sonya's words though: PLANT). Mars can move the stars, and he's isolated when it comes to that. Him and Sonya often bond over being younger in the group, Mars is immortal just like the king and the foe, but he's a lot younger. (Fun fact: Mars and Sonya often call the other 2 in the "squad" old men when it's just them bullshitting together). Sonya is fascinated by the fact that Mars has stars embedded into his face and neck and star dust on his fingertips. Sonya is low key jealous tbh. LMAO. Remember Benji? He gets to go to space with Sonya later on, and he meets the wind people. They're so fascinated and excited by him, and their element rubs off on him. YEAH MAGICAL DOGGIE!!!! >:DD Anyways, that's just some of the basics/ lore. ENJOY :DDDD
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amazingsphelon · 1 year
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Howdy ry'alls! Tis the Sphelon here inviting you to my very 1st DTIYS CHALLANGE!
I posted this one earlier on TWITTER  & DEVIANTART lately but for those who want to join in please hear me out below for the remaining details!
Your final entry will somewhat be like these samples below: (you can draw 1 & up to 4 characters per single entry)
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You may draw 1 or UP to 4: of my OCs or used your own OCs ( heck even fanart is allowed! could be from another franchise of your choice~Imagine your favorite characters doing the same theme as my ladies here like Mario, Sonic, your fav League of Legends character, etc....now don't get silly! )
-If you're planning to draw my OCs check my tumblr page here for information or DM me for more references:
or check my tag: #sphelon original splice of life OCs
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use #sphelonsworldDTIYS as your entry! (All from Twitter, Instagram, Deviantart, TUMBLR & other social media posts) ~ you can tag me on twitter so I could recognized it.
◦ you can make as many entries as you'd like.
◦ Feel free to make adjustments ~ you have a big scope of liberties on this challenge (Be sure the character you are drawing are recognizable)
◦ Any different poses / expressions are okay ~ as long as your character feels the same concept as sampled above by the 4 girls (could be because of an internet article/ social media ruckus/ or a trolled message)
◦ NO DEADLINES! So enjoy drawing & have fun!
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AI ART & don't bother using your work entry as an NFT
Copying / Stealing
Using any dress up apps / websites (piccrew, gacha, etc)
Hateful, Controversial or discourage messages on your art ~ Also KEEP IT SAFE FOR WORK BTW….don't get me into trouble
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There are no PRIZES or WINNERS, so pls be sure to check the rules! this all just for FUN feel free to draw whenever you can folks!
Anymore questions, just feel free to ask!
Drawing phone/objects are opt on their hands but recommended ~ unless you want to convey something different as long as your entry shares the same theme!
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and lastly not the least, but one final optional rule~  
add this preferred music to your finished art as sampled below:
**The Jap Rick Roll song.
WELP that's pretty much it folks!
~ I'm doing this challenge because due to the scope of the internet landscape we are living in and all of sudden we got ourselves disappointed from many, many turmoils happening around all social media platforms and your favorite websites! not just webstes ~ it could also be because someone else trolled you, some one betrayed you somewhere, scammed you online and all other things that feel you put ya down.
Also I originally planned this elsewhere during the times of 2021 like some of silly animated short...but lack of execution made me not do it and had to prioritize other important things....
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6okuto · 1 year
QKHDEKRBWBDJDH Im too shy to go off anon but just know that im ur secret admirer ahshdjshdjejd also sending u anon love is fun hehe 💓💓😚😚
im glad to hear that ur eyes r getting better! Hope ull be able to get the rest u need and deserve after ur sem is over <333 im doing great myself !!seeing ur reply to my ask just made my week 💗💗💗💗💗 i hope u too r eating well and staying hydrated and most importantly get enough sleep 😭😭😭😭 i hope ur day continues to be filled with happy things love u !!!💕💕💕💕💕
U dont know what kind of beast uve unleashed when u said u wanted to know more abt my ocs ong...Osjxiejdieje pls dont mind my rambling im so shameless byeee 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ also these infos might be weird its just based off my own understanding of stuff and not accurate to common knowledge so ⚰⚰
The alchemist- she's a bit on the gloomy side and honestly just tired of life 😭😭 i went with this origin first so her personality is like pretty much based off the game mc we play as, just a tad bit more passive 🚶‍♀️will melt down and turn into mush at the slightest bit of affection so i paired her with leander, and since shes gone through a lot i thought, she deserves some treat <3 and throw in mhin into the equation too hehe another random fact abt her is that she loves plain water... a LOT. Since shes a mage apprentice, i imagine that she probably learn a lot of magic stuff after meeting leander, mostly to get stronger and for self defense
The hound- she got massive trust issues (being betrayed by her friend in the thief syndicate and all) so shes extremely wary of the LIs, like if u think the in game mc is wary of the ppl in eridia, she's like 10x worse. Honestly lowkey like mhin 2.0 except a lil bit snappier 😭 i pair her with kuras and their relationship is kinda like him trying to get a stray cat with human issues to warm up to him 😭😭 doesnt get along with any of the LIs at all and always keep an arm's length around them, but she only lets kuras into her life (and fun fact he loves feeding her) surprisingly tolerates mhin too, and learns a lot abt how to use weapons from them, and since she was in a thief syndicate i imagine her agility lvl is v high (and dont tell this to my unnamed mc but my alchemist and hound mc is my favourite children...)
The unnamed- shes raised like a royalty all her life, since being an oracle means that everyone borderline worship her, but being raised at a temple also means theres many restrictions and shes honestly lowkey sick of being treated like it, though she keeps the perfect facade up, all smiles and all. Shes kind of a lil shit since after running away from the temple, she finds it hard to keep her nice facade up but still tries too hard to keep em (this results in her going 😄😄 but when she suddenly snaps she was like- omg i accidentally let my true colours out- and went back to being nice and all smiles as if her previous outburst didnt just happen- yes shes two faced) i pair her with ais and vere (aka the lil shits 😭) honestly their relationships r just ais and vere trying to make her snap and drop her nice facade its kind of hilarious
Andd yeahhs thats abt it abt them !! Sorry this got much longer than it shouldve been 😔😔 but thank u for being curious abt my silly goofies 🥺🥺 my personal fave is mhin!! And after finish talking to ais and kuras i...im lowkey interested in them disjdjejdjejdj theyre so fun??¿¿ 😭😭 leander is high up in my list too but i mostly see him as a big bro figure bc of his friendliness 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
its fine i know who u are. im lying. im not. i have a hypothesis i wont say bc well thatd be awkward if i was wrong wouldnt it. STAY PERF! SENDING U ..NOT ANON LOVE...wtf is the opposite of anonymous. KNOWN! IDENTIFIED! jesus. i need to go back to sleep i think i slept for like 3 hours my body hates me or sometign....THANK YOU!!!! i will continue 2 look 4 happy things 2day. reacted under cut 2 save space :heart:
HELLO ALCHEMIST MC!!! the plain water imcirny?@%? that's real actually stay hydrated OMGG learning magic after meeting is saur smart... is she ending up w leander... WHAT IS MHIN DOING. stay so strong
HOUND MC AND KURAS that's so real. handling 2 mhins...u can do it bro... LOVES FEEDING HER 🙁 i cannot wait 2 hear abt how she lets her walls down i think the hound option is just soo good for that and kuras is an interesting choice 4 it.. + w mhin's own...defensiveness and such....yeah . stuff is going to happen here
WOWW. UNNAMED FACADE OF HAPPINESS...love the trope I LOOVEEE WHEN CHARAS DO THAT i giggle a little like omg AIS AND VERE. jesus. wow. oh wow. there is so much u can do there. oh that sounds like itll be so fun to develop
DO NAWTT APOLOGIZE i like 2 hear abt everyones ocs bc i dont make them LOL i am sure mhin would love u. i think they need the same amnt of support + self care reminders u give me like TAKE CARE OF URSELF...LET PEOPLE TAKE CARE OF U... i hope something so awesome happens for u today :heart:
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chancellorxofxtrash · 2 years
For the meme: 2 with Bulletstormship and LightJin, 3 with Ryoken, Windy, Vector, Lightning and Ai (if you don't mind doing them all)
Hello, ygo nonnie! Of course I don't mind! Will put them under a read more
When I started shipping them: okay so Immi and I were talking about possible season 3 ideas, and I came up with the idea of Ryoken pairing up with Windy through convoluted means. The more I talked about it, the more I liked it, and the next I knew, I was attached.
My thoughts: I love it way too much. It started as a silly side-thing, and now I'm obsessed.
What makes me happy about them: listen! Listen! The idea of two guilt-ridden messes finding solace with each other! That's my shit!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: This would require more fics
Things I look for in fanfic: Existing. Also bickering.
My wishlist: I just wish more people would be on this train! Or if I'd have more plotbunnies for them. I miss them.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Uhhhh, they are clearly my preference for both of them. But I like basically the Ignis/Origins/Partners in a pile of poly.
My happily ever after for them: Being paired up and healing from their guilt and trauma!!
When I started shipping them: This was a given. I love Ignis/Origin ships, this one is an Ignis/Origin ship.
What makes me happy about them: I love them a normal amount your honor, and they are HAPPY TOGETHER I SWEAR
What makes me sad about them: >:(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don't know, I only read Lightning/Jin from people I trust
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: My priorities are always Ignis/Origin and Ignis/Partner ships, and this is technically both. But I always like the Ignis together and the Origins together too
My happily ever after for them: BEING PAIRED UP AND ALIVE AND HAPPY
And now the character ones
How I feel about this character: what a frustrating, frustrating boy. Loving him as an Ignis stan is frustrating. I want to wrap him into a burrito, and push him over.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Windy, Lightning (usually alongside Jin and/or Windy, but on their own too), Ai/Yusaku as a pair, Takeru, Spectre - most of them are in poly context because----- Oh and also, generally, all the Lost Incident kids are in love with him, I don't make the rules.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: even though I do ship him with Spectre, I also do love his interactions with Spectre in a non-romantic context too a lot.
My unpopular opinion about this character: his character development got fucked up. FUCK SEASON 3 REVOLVER, only the Takeru duel is good. Also, him pairing up with Windy would make perfect sense I HAVE AN ESSAY ABOUT IT
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: GET HIS FUCKING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FULFILLED AND NOT DANCE BACK TO "THE IGNIS ARE BAAAAAD". HE WAS CALLING AI BY HIS NAME IN THE END OF S2 AND THEN GETS BACK TO "DARK IGNIS". I HATE IT. Oh and also, teaming up with Windy.
Favorite friendship for this character: Does Spectre count?
My crossover ship: Well, Johan (GX) might end up kissing him in this WIP of mine, and in my Wind Kid Vector AU, Vector might also kiss him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Ryoken, Lightning, Flame, Wind Kid, basically all the Ignis/Origins/Partners in a pile.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Uhhhh. I like him with Lightning, regardless if he smooch or not.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He was always a gremlin. Like I don't like if people characterize him pre-Lightning as "oh he is soft uwu" whatever. Flame and Ai did not realize him acting different before he went absolutely homicidal. They didn't think him doing an asshole prank was out of character for him. HE WAS A GREMLIN.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: A L I V E
Favorite friendship for this character: Uhhhh, the Ignis, I guess
My crossover ship: I did make Vector kiss him for a damn good reason. Also Johan might kiss him too.
How I feel about this character: I'm so normal about this guy. So fucking normal. He's the worst. I adore him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Yuma, Shark.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Mizael, Durbe
My unpopular opinion about this character: I... don't... know what's the unpopular about him? HE SUCKS. I LOVE HIM.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: We pretty much got everything what I wanted with him. I would have maybe loved to see more of him in the end?
Favorite friendship for this character: ...does he have friends? The rest of the Barians? I guess?
My crossover ship: Windy and Jin, lol. But I also want him to kiss the rest of the Lost Kids in my AU and also Ryoken. Because all Lost Kids are in love with Ryoken, and Vector is a Lost Kid in that AU, lol
How I feel about this character: HE WAS RIGHT. HE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER. I LOVE HIM.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Jin, Windy, Ryoken, Yusaku, basically the entire Ignis/Origin/Partner pile I mentioned before.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Bohman! His perfect man!
My unpopular opinion about this character: HE WAS PERFECT. HE WAS FUCKING 10/10. HE WAS RIGHT. Y'ALL ARE JUST FUCKING MEAN. And also, if he would have gotten a sexy android body in canon, people would love him way more.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: ALIVE AND WELL AND LOVED
Favorite friendship for this character: Uhhhhhhhh, I don't know. The rest of the Ignis?
My crossover ship: Huh, hadn't thought of it yet. Hm. I like the idea of him and Saiou, actually. Light-associated people who really should stop looking into the future and make rash decisions.
How I feel about this character: I. LOVE. HIM. HE'S SO GOOD.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: YUSAKU. Also the rest of the Ignis/Origin/Partners pile
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Shoichi!!!! Their bickering is great
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: ALIVE AND WELL AND WITH ALL OF THE OTHER IGNIS TOGETHER
Favorite friendship for this character: uhhh the rest of the Ignis
My crossover ship: I hadn't thought much of this one either. Don't really have any ideas. Whoever it is, gotta be together with Yusaku though, the two of them are a set! Do Not Separate! In my head at least.
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busghost · 3 years
Hi. Off topic, but: someone on twitter said Mihoyo hates women, comparing Ganyu's trailer and Xiao's. That Xiao's trailer was "badass" and most they talked about Ganyu in her trailer was about her sleep habit. Ganyu is half adeptus while Xiao is an adeptus, kinda like a mythical powerful creature in Genshin's world, so she should be depicted as such too (powerful), but apparently since "Mihoyo hates women" they didn't show her badass side, and not only that, they couldn't give her a meaningful, deep trailer.
I couldn't stop thinking about Honkai, and that I think her statement isn't true. Right, Genshin is not Honkai. But if Mihoyo hates women, it'd be shown in all their games, wouldn't it?
In my opinion, there's a certain amount of fan service, something that I dislike in both games, and there's things they could do better when representing women, but still, to say that they hate women? Because a character trait is emphasized, does not mean that it is the only trait of the character...
Her tweet has more than 1,5K of likes. So many people agree with that?
I feel out of place, "defending" Mihoyo, a company that creates wonderful games, but at the end of the day it is still a company that wants your money...
So, in general: I think criticism is valid and it's good so Mihoyo can become a better company, I just don't agree with her opinion and wanted to see other point of view, when comparing Mihoyo's other games.
In your opinion, when having Honkai girls in your mind, is it true that Mihoyo hates women?
Firstly I’d like to say this.
Rather than be the Purity Police expecting perfection and constantly being disappointed or infuriated, I can recognize that something has plenty of flaws, but still has other merits and enjoy it. You can think parts of something are bad but still enjoy the whole.
To actually get started.
It’s hard to say anything about mihoyo as a whole because there are many teams at the company. The Honkai team, GGZ team, Genshin team, AI research group, that first-person shooter in development, their otome game, and other projects I’m sure I don’t know about.
I can only give my opinion based on my experience with Honkai Impact because I only played a few hours of GGZ and Genshin and just didn’t like the gameplay.
As for my take on that Genshin statement of hating women. I think it’s only a problem if it’s consistently happening to every female character. If they only advertised men as badass and then women on other traits that would probably be showing some favoritism for their male characters, or sexism rather if they showed the women as incapable of the same things as the men. There’s nothing wrong with advertising a character on their different traits I don’t think. You can’t advertise every character as being the most badass, that’d get boring.
But I don’t think I know enough about what happens in the Genshin community or Genshin itself to comment on what happens over there.
But I do know a lot about Honkai Impact and the Honkai community here, I’ve lurked on Reddit, seen plenty of youtube, and spent one terrifying moment on Amino.
So at the beginning (of Honkai), there was a lot of bad fanservice-y stuff that I really didn’t like, we could go on but I’ll just show you these pre-release Mei designs.
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In-game on the left, pre-release on the right. 
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In short, it wasn’t good. But they changed them so I can commend them for that, but these images are representative of some of the stuff that was in the game earlier. I am split on how if you touched the characters in inappropriate places on the bridge they’d kill you and log you out of the game. It is funny but probably not something that should’ve existed in the first place.
So there were definitely some bad approaches they took to the characters, but over time this started to change and I’m not sure what happened. I’m guessing that they really came to love and respect their characters as people rather than caricatures they could sell?
Don’t get me wrong, they are still trying to sell you something but it seems like ever since Honkai Impact began they’ve done so much better over time portraying women in their media as characters and selling the story they are part and the people they are of rather than selling you on fanservice of their boobs or other such silliness.
Sure outfits may be revealing still but they make sense and are overall super cool. They make the characters look amazing/powerful/beautiful without shoving them out of character or reducing them to sex objects. For example, the Herrscher of Thunder battlesuit is revealing, no arguing that, but it makes her look so powerful and awesome.
There are still bad ones, they aren’t perfect and their target demographic is people who are really into anime so sometimes nonsense sells. Looking at you, HoT outfits and Succubus outfits.
Even a character like Himeko or Rita isn’t out of character when she has mostly revealing outfits because it can come down to whether she is being sexy vs being made a sexual object. And sometimes they do cross that blurry line into “haha anime titties pls buy”.
The comics are a great example of their improvement, the first volume has a ridiculous amount of inappropriate angles with panty-shots and and idiot focus on boobs. You look at recent manga, esp after they switched the artstyle/artists there is none of that.
This wasn’t asked about but I’d like to discuss it too, the wlw representation in Honkai Impact is fantastic even working in the restraints of CN gov’t censorship. I don’t care if they meant for it to be or if they’re just trying to get my money, these characters feeling like people in love, for better and for worse, in healthy and unhealthy relationships. These aren’t stories about lesbians coming out or how hard it can be to be queer. These women are just in love and they explore the dynamics of that love just as they would for any straight characters. But my girlfriend wrote a much better post about this subject so I’ll link that if you want to read more.
I’m not sure if I worded this exactly how I wanted to but
I can’t speak for Genshin Impact but really believe the Honkai team at mihoyo at least loves and respects the women they write in their stories.
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